^^mfeUOBlSEM :fllEutrl;«sit»)r lEttenlns l|«ralii MONDAY. OCTOBER IS. M" ' ■ , io|8h..( h Temple Chapter, No. S3, OB8, WtafbW T IfRTkraMraU Wtovlrara mwsA A If.. ^1|,«uh&4f ra aarawi.. ----------------- ---------------^ A b o u t T o w n WlU meet Wednesday at I p. m. to Hal* PTA jriU be LMnorrow night Corps League A nxiiiaty -will bold munleation at tha Maaoalo Teams Fogg, (ha Sovlaga Baok of Mao- the Masonic Tem)|il*. An entertain­ There wlU be an opan houaa at 7:15 Its iastellsUoa of new offieeis an tomorrow night at 700. Falloenag Chester. Thm help o f sVsrySn* to ment and social period with re- p.m. when parents may meat the Wednesday, O ct 38, at 8 p. m. at tha huatoera maettog tha fellow- needed to make the driva a auc- SPECIALIZINq IN Meiaorisl Th n i^ Pythton Sis­ freahmsnte wUl follow the bustoem teaohora to the ctowrooms. A the Arm y and N avy Club! Mrs. craft deares w ill be conferred and ters, will m4*t tomorrow at 8 meeting. Membera are requested hnainrae meeting wU| be held at Alice Ansovto, atate department there wiU be a social hour and re­ CUSTOM BUILT HOM^ Maneheiter^A City of VUIumo Charm p. in. In Odd. Fellows Hall. Plaiu to bring articles for tho rummage 8:30 and rafreahmente w ill be president, wiU be tha. {natalling freshments. Tha Divine Spiritual CZrefe wUl WlU be ma(l* a t this Ume fo r the sale, to be held at the Temple, served throughout tho evening. officer, with members from other mrat In the UUnianton Sactal MaU GENERAL CONTRACTING ’ official vialt of the grand chief Thursday a t 9:30 a. nr. unite attending. VOL. u p m L NO. 11 (OlsacIflM iUfertW ttt m Ittg e 1 «) S t Bridget’s icothats Circle wiU on Oolway St. teal|bt stM e’eleok. REMODELING AND REPAIRING MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER IS, 1953 (EIGHTfeEN PAGES) iMxt month. A social Urns with hold a meeting at tbe home of rtfreahAienta wiU foUow the bOai- The HolUater PTA will have Its Tha epeaker wtU ba WlUtom The Manchester Garden Club first meeting ot the eeaaett tomor­ The Holy Family Mothers Circle Mrs. Ruth.Aceto. 365 Parker St., Bralnard of thto town. FREE ESTIMATED ~ MORTGAGES ARRANGED nera sessioa. wUl meet thia eyening at 8 o’clock row night at 8 o’clock. Registra- will meet Wednesday at 0 p. m. to n l^ t * t 6 o’clock. f 1 in the RobUna room of Oenter Uon WiU taka ptoca to the home with Mrs. 'Gena Andrelnt, 60 Tha Uncoln School PTA will The Inunacutots Conception Church House. John McIntyre o f rooms, where the teacher* will W eaver Rd. Mambera are reminded OontribtiUons to the Boy Scout Violence Along Brooklyn Walerfronf Mothers CIrtds w ill meet Wednes­ meet prompUy at 3 o'clock tonight 3FB I Hunts the West Hartford Garden Center hold a brief discussion, after to bring cloUiea for the missions. Drive can stui be mad* by .those tha Nathan Hale School ERNEST A. RITCHIE day at a p. m. with M is. Joseph 'Will- speak oh bulba. A ll persons in­ which a business meeting wUI be who were not home yesterday to Voto; S3 Dclmont 8L auditorium, at which Ume Profes- 15 LIBER TY ST. TEL. MI-S-8173. MANCHESTER terested WlU be welcomed. held. Refreshments wUl be served. Manchester Ledge No. 73, A. F. whan donatloM wera pdeked up •or Virginia McCauley wUI apeak. Lost Share - A .J. Russia Demands * Of Ransom Kansas City, Oct 18 FBI agents today continued to search fo r the missing 00,000 ransom money in the Handle Trieste Issue " by Greenleose kidnaping cose after drug addict Can Austin Hall and his woman HARVEST OF VALUES SALE friend confessed to the pre­ Tito Speaks oi^ Trieste Situation meditated slaying of the 6- West Three Three-point yesr-old boy. Hall, admitted to the FBI yester­ day that ha killed the boy when he Call Parley Resolution Double Green Stamps Given W ith Cash and Mrs. Bonnie Brown Heady were confronted with a mounting pile of evidence. Btlll a mystery la For London the whereabouts of the missing Cites Action $300,000, h a lf o f the $600,000 the pair obtained from the slain bey's Washingioii, Oct 13 (JP)— Sales All Day TUESDAY, October 13 father. Secretary of State Dulles will United Nations, N. Y„ Oct. '■ t ' * • Retureed to Keaeee City meet with the British and 13 (ff)— RuMia demanded ttt- The oonfesaed kidnaper-killers French foreign miniaters in day that tbe U.N. SMuritF ofwie Council try again to set up on \ I today were returned under heavy London F r i^ y for confer­ guard to Kansas City, wli«rs the ences on Trieste, Korea, Rus­ international odminlatratlon abduction of the 6-year-oId boy for the Free Territory of HRST QUALITY PAISLEI BRAND took place Just 10 days ago. sian relatioiM and other world Special For This Sale Only The day after their arrest the problems. Trieste.^ FAMOUS BRAND SHEETS and PILLOW CASES body of Bobby, son of a multimil­ A Joint announcement o f ar- Chief Soviet Delegato Andrei T. $1 GAUGE. 15 DENIER lionaire Kanaaa City automobile rangemente for the conference Vtohinaky OaUed on the council ta TYPE 132 OUR ENnRE STOCK OF dealer, was dug from a shallow wpe made today in Washington, Jump into the explostva TVleata TYPE 144 TYPE 180 qui^on "forthwith." ^ -a s ——^ ■*— e_ grave in the irard of Mrs. Heady's London and Parts. DUPONT NYLON HOSIERY ^M8i WP M m ■HHW nQr WOHefm WGOI WUnWVW MMFinp home at St. JoMph, Mo. Ho Bubmitted a resolution for I GW. SWVGWiyB wBWPRaGII* m Pte/W sGVKe Dulles Leaves Tenwrraw action by tha 11-naUon council xHole's Finespun DRESSES The pairie departure from 8t. Dulles will leave here tomorrow WiUi, S” hema on both enda o f ahMU. Fun faahioned nylon with dark aeama. Reinforced heel and toea whidi would: Lady PepperoH Lady Pepperell Louie Was Kept Bacret."They were night. Two advisors, Douglss Mac- 1. Appoint C!ol. Hermann for axtra wear. Sisea 8>a to 11. brought here by automoibUe in cus­ Arthur II, Rtate Department Fluekiger of Switsertaiid aa gov­ Rag. $^ 8 — 72x1 iO ...... $2.29 tody of- U. 8. Marsbal Omar counselor end Robert Bowie, chief ernor of the disputed region at tlw Rag. $3.98^1x110 ...... $2.49 RE8. SO I VALUE S Ppiice Cleveland's Mayor Schnatmeier. Both were m anacl^ of department policy planning, will head of tha Adriatic Sea. Superfine Muslin Officers placed them in lUh accompany him. 2. Sat up a provisional council Combed Percale RERUDEO TO......^ floor detention cells in the county Dulles expects to remain in Lon­ to help him govern the area. T Y K 130 |C Pair courthouse Jail. don until Sunday. 3. fcetabllah tha complete inde­ Reg. $3.29— 72x108 ...... $2.49 Reg. $3.49— 72x108 ...... $2.89 Officers vriio made the trip here State Department officials told pendence of a Frca Tnrltory a' Dock Violence iFi7/8 Taft Vacancy with them said Hall atUl inalsted this was not an emergency ses­ Trieato—including both Yugoatov- Connpn Fino Muslin FAILLES — MEN'S WEAR — RAYON he doesn’t know what happened to sion, and that there was ao one occtmied Zone B and Zone A which the mieaing $300,000 o f the $600,- overriding problem which made it Rag. $2.98— 72x108 . .x-. $2.29 Reg. $3.49— 81x108 ..... $2.99 Reg. $3.79— 81x108 ..... $3.19 JERSEY AND CREPES OOP ransom paid. haa baea oenteoittd by Britirii and Rag. $3.29— 81x108 .. K $ l4 9 necessary now. American troopa—within thraa BtJboBT SHOP—ALL SALBS PINAL ^ They quoted hbn aa saying he The offlcial announcement said: months after the appointment a t xj thc BMoklvn waterfnwt la etteed fott^m ® DUtyor o f Ohio's largest city, today holds the hoped the Graenleaae family "gets •This meeting is in keeping With a governor. Rag. 69e— 42 6 Casas .. .\ SSc Reg. 69c— 42x36 Cases .... S9e Reg'. 79c<-^2x38'/2 Cases .. 49e HARVEST SALE-HAHDBAQS. ' trucka aa 1,000 policemen ^patrolled Senate Poet vicant aince July 31 by the death of Sen. Robert back all ths money." the practice of the three ministers Rejoetod In 1040 the area to thwart any renewal of A - Toft of Cincinnati, Republican majority leader. Gov. Frank HaU admitted he kUIed Bobby by to consult together at frequent in- ilM t t e l TUgo ateeUitmt et'Vmaeel^eiM^ ^ 4^ Regular SZ.08. New-fall.atylea'ln plaatlc calf and faille. Alao firing a pistm bullet into the right The council rejectod a elmltor tha violence which Sared twice J. Laueche of' Ohio appeintad tbe"]:^ tervala in one of the throe capi­ DlhMtiM tG G tferoar e i t n j m ta Hue fS S S m tei^Ute <5?r Gf L sg- Russian iraolution May 10, 1060, euedene. Many atylea with aipper compartmenta. yeaterday. Cleveland Democrat late ywter-' aide o f hia head after driving him tate.’’ . havMk Ba aihrad Italy a deal that weald ptaea the p ort «4ty a t acroas the Miesouri-Kanaas atate Ruaaia haa already aocuaed tha Mambera of. the AFL dock- day. It wae a aurpriaa announce* I There was a aeation in Wash­ Trieato under Itollan rule while Tugeetovto weald take eeverrigaty United States and Britain of • Childveii*® Dresaes ment by the Democralio governor.' 'line from Kansas City shortly ington last July, attended by •U Mto reed at tha dieputed fne teftltory.
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