Request for Proposal #20-05-1080 Property and Windstorm Insurance

Policy Effective Date: September 1, 2020 to September 1, 2021


Sealed proposals are invited to furnish pricing for Property and Windstorm Insurance for the Dickinson Independent School District.

Two (2) copies of your proposal should be mailed or delivered to the Tom Mooney, Director of Purchasing, 2218 FM 517 East, Dickinson, TX, 77539. Deadline for submission is 10:00 a.m., June 10, 2020. The proposal will be publicly opened; only names of vendors submitting proposals will be read.

The Owner reserves the right to waive all formalities, to be the sole judge of quality and suitability and may reject any or all items.


All prices are to be effective for one (1) year after award of contract with an option to renew annually for three (3) additional years with mutual consent. Proposals shall include delivery charges and be F.O.B. Dickinson ISD.

Please mark envelopes "Sealed Proposal for Property and Windstorm Insurance for the Dickinson Independent School District. Do Not Open Until 10:00 a.m., June 10, 2020.”




The following subjects comprise Dickinson Independent School District’s (DISD) solicitation for Property and Windstorm Insurance Coverages:

Item Subject Required to be Submitted w/Proposal

1. Table of Contents No

2. Notice of No Submission No

3. Proposal Terms & Conditions No

4. W-9 Yes

5. Conflict of Interest Disclosure Yes

6. Conflict of Interest Questionnaire Yes

7. Felony Conviction Notification Yes

8. Certificate of Residency Yes

9. Vendor Acceptance Form Yes

10. Deviation/Compliance Form Yes

11. Certification Regarding Debarment, etc. Yes

12. References Yes

13. Commercial Insurance Application Information No

14. Specifications Yes a) Property/Windstorm Note All Differences from Specifications and provide answers to questions 15. Exposure Information No a) Property Schedule

16. Loss Information No



Dear Vendor:

Please complete this form and return it prior to Opening Date (check box and complete):

1. Our company cannot provide the products, supplies and/or services listed in this bid. MOVE our company name and address to the following category(ies) so that we may be included in the proper Dickinson ISD list(s): ______

2. We have decided NOT to submit a pricing at this time for the following reason(s) (please be specific). KEEP our name on this list. ______

3. REMOVE our name from all Dickinson ISD vendor’s lists for the reason(s) listed:



REPRESENTATIVE: (Please Print)______





MAIL TO: Purchasing Department – Attn: Tom Mooney "Notice of No Submission" DICKINSON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 2218 FM517 East Dickinson, TX 77539


TITLE: ______DATE: ______

Thank you for your assistance.



ASSIGNMENT – Any award made as a result of this solicitation will not be transferred, assigned, subcontracted or mortgaged by the successful proposer.

AWARD CRITERIA – DISD may accept or reject any RFP (and any part thereof), waive formalities, and may elect to negotiate with the proposer(s) to make an award that is advantageous and beneficial to DISD. DISD will consider the quoted price, reputation of the vendor, quality of the vendor’s goods or services, the extent to which the goods or services meet the needs of DISD, vendor’s past relationship with DISD, long-term cost to DISD and any other relevant factors.

CANCELLATION – DISD reserves the right to cancel this solicitation. (See paragraph entitled “Financial Responsibility”)

CHANGES – Any changes to the requirements specified herein will be communicated to all proposers by the issuance of an addendum. Any addendum(s) issued in response to this proposal shall be complied with.

CONTRACT TERM – The preferred term of the contract will not exceed three (3) years. DISD may elect to renew the contract three (3) additional years in one- (1) year increments.

DISQUALIFICATION – A proposer may be disqualified before or after the proposals are opened, upon evidence of collusion with intent to perform illegal activities for the purpose of obtaining an unfair competitive advantage.

EXCEPTIONS – Proposers are responsible for identifying any exceptions to the requirements specified herein, which should be noted on the proposer’s letterhead and returned with the RFP. RFP’s which are qualified with conditional clauses; alterations or irregularities may be considered non-responsive by DISD.

FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY – DISD assumes no financial responsibility for any costs incurred in developing and submitting a RFP.

FORMAT – All information provided by the proposer shall be typed. Each proposer shall submit one (1) original and one (1) copy of their RFP (bound, and 3-hole punched) with the required documents specified in the Table of Contents page. The required documents must be submitted in the order as they are listed in the Table of Contents. IF YOU ARE PROPOSING EXTENSIONS OF COVERAGE THAT DIFFER FROM WHAT IS REQUESTED, NOTE DIFFERENCES IN SHADED AREA ADJACENT TO THE EXTENSION. FACSIMILE TRANSMITTALS SHALL NOT BE ACCEPTED. MARK ENVELOPE: SEALED PROPOSAL FOR PROPERTY AND WINDSTORM INSURANCE FOR THE DICKINSON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT. DO NOT OPEN UNTIL 10:00 A.M., JUNE 10, 2020. Proposers are responsible for ensuring their RFP’s are received at the time and place specified on the cover page. DISD is not responsible for proposals that arrive late or that do not have all the required information. At the time and place specified for receipt of the RFP’s, DISD will only release the names of the proposers who have submitted a RFP. No other information will be released until DISD has made an award.

INDEMNIFICATION – DISD shall be indemnified and held harmless from all liabilities, costs, expenses, attorney fees, fines, penalties or damages for any or claimed infringement of any patents, trademarks, copyright or other corresponding right(s) which is related to any part of the service(s) the successful proposer is required to provide to DISD.

INTERPRETATION – This solicitation represents the basis for any negotiations between the proposers and DISD, and supersedes all prior offers, negotiations, exceptions and understandings (whether orally or in writing). The information submitted in the RFP should be self- explanatory, and require no follow-up questions from DISD.

MODIFICATIONS – DISD reserves the right to negotiate during the term of the contract to establish mutually acceptable terms and conditions.



NON-APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS – Should funding be withdrawn or not be available, DISD reserves the right to terminate the contract in accordance with paragraph entitled “Termination For Convenience”.

PERFORMANCE – The successful proposer shall use “best efforts” to provide the services identified herein. If DISD’s determines the successful proposer is not meeting their contractual requirements, DISD will send a “cure notice”, which will outline those specific activities the successful proposer needs to undertake in order to remain in compliance with the mutually agreed upon terms and conditions.

POSTPONEMENT – The time and place established for receipt of the RFP’s will not be changed unless otherwise specified in writing by DISD’s Director of Purchasing.

PRICES – All prices quoted shall remain firm for the duration of the contract, or the rates shall be guaranteed for multiple years.

QUESTIONS – DISD will not answer verbal questions regarding the requirements specified in this solicitation. Questions must be e-mailed to Tom Mooney @ [email protected] on the proposer’s letterhead, and signed by an authorized representative of the proposer’s company. Any response(s) to questions will be produced in writing by DISD and provided to all proposers.

RESPONSIBLE PROPOSER – Is a proposer who has adequate financial resources (or the ability to obtain such resources), and is qualified to provide the services described herein.

RESPONSIVE PROPOSAL – Refers to a proposal that complies with all material and administrative aspects of this solicitation.

RETURN OF PROPOSALS – All RFP’s shall become the property of DISD, and will not be returned.

SAMPLE POLICIES – Each Proposal shall include samples of any policies or contracts DISD would have to sign and endorse.

TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE – DISD may elect to terminate the contract for any reason or cause upon the issuance of a sixty (60) day written cancellation notice.




Submit the following information, if applicable. Self-Insurance Pools are required to include responses to the questions listed below. Failure to do so will result in disqualification:

• Is the pool rated by an independent financial rating agency, such as A.M. Best or S & P?

• If so, what is the rating for the pool (Not the Reinsurer)?

• Does the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) conduct financial or operational oversight of the pool?

• Does the State Insurer Insolvency Fund protect pool members from pool insolvency?

• Is your pool reviewed and rated by any independent agency?

• Provide copies of the pool’s excess/reinsurance policy to include clear disclosure of aggregate deductible levels for all members.

• Provide a copy of your last two independent audited financial reports.

• Provide an explanation and details about the pool’s reinsurance program to include names of participating carriers and Shared Loss Fund Attachment points by line of insurance coverage.





The following is issued in accordance with State Law and DISD Board Policy BBFA (LEGAL). Failure to make disclosure shall be grounds for termination of any contract entered into with said vendor or bidder.

1. The undersigned states that he/she nor the company listed herein has never had nor currently has a business relationship with a Board Member, member of the Administration, or a member of the Staff at Dickinson Independent School District, regardless of the nature or amount.

Signed: ______Printed Name: ______


2. The undersigned states that he/she and/or the company listed herein has had or does currently have a business relationship with a Board Member, member of the Administration, or a member of the Staff at Dickinson Independent School District, regardless of the nature or amount.

Singed:______Printed Name:______

3. If you answered “YES” to (2), has that relationship been disclosed in writing as required by Board Policies BBFA (LEGAL) and BBFA (EXHIBIT)? ___Yes ___No

4. If you answered “NO” to (3), please complete the Form CIQ on the next page.




State of Texas Legislative Senate Bill No. 1, Section 44.034, Notification of Criminal History, Subsection (a), states “a person or business entity that enters into a contract with a school district must give advance notice to the district if the person or owner or operator of the business entity has been convicted of a felony.” The notice must include a general description of the conduct resulting in the conviction of a felony. Subsection (b) states “a school district may terminate a contract with a person or business entity if the district determines that the person or business entity failed to give notice as required by Subsection (a) or misrepresented the conduct resulting in the conviction. The district must compensate the person or business entity for services performed before the termination of the contract.”

This notice is not required of a publicly held corporation.

I, the undersigned for the firm named below, certify that the information concerning notification of felony convictions has been by me and the following information furnished is true to the best of my knowledge.

Company: ______Company Official ______(Please type or print) (Please type or print)

A. My firm is a publicly held corporation; therefore, this reporting requirement is not applicable.

Signature of authorized agent:


B. My firm is not owned or operated by anyone who has been convicted of a felony.

Signature of authorized agent:


C. My firm is owned or operated by the following individuals who has/have been convicted of a felony.

Name of individual (s):


Details of conviction (s):


Signature of authorized agent:




The State of Texas has passed a law concerning non-resident contractors. This law can be found in Texas Education Code under Chapter 2252, Subchapter A. This law makes it necessary for DISD to determine the residency of its bidders/proposers for construction related services. In part, this law reads as follows:

“Section: 2252.001 (3) “Non-resident bidder” refers to a person who is not a resident.

(4) “Resident bidder” refers to a person whose principal place of business is in this state, including a contractor whose ultimate parent company or majority owner has its principal place of business in this state.

Section: 2252.002 “A governmental entity may not award a governmental contract to a nonresident bidder unless the nonresident underbids the lowest bid submitted by a responsible resident bidder by an amount that is not less than the amount by which a resident bidder would be required to underbid the nonresident bidder to obtain a comparable contract in the state in which the nonresidents principal place of business is located.”

I certify that______(Name of Company Bidding/Proposing) is, under Section: 2252.001 (3) and (4), a

______Resident Bidder/Proposer ______Non-resident Bidder/Proposer

My or Our principal place of business under Section: 2252.001 (3) and (4), is in the city of

______in the state of ______

______Signature of Authorized Company Representative

______Print Name

______Title Date



I affirm, to the best of my knowledge, this proposal has been arrived at independently and is submitted without collusion with anyone to obtain information that would in any way limit competition in the award of this proposal. I affirm that, to the best of my knowledge the company I represent meets Equal Employment Opportunity Commission standards and American Disability Act standards in employment practices. I affirm, to the best of my knowledge, that the District has been notified in writing of any owner or operator of my business who has a felony conviction.








SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me on this day of

Notary Public

Print Name

My Commission Expires:



Company Name

Address City State

Phone Number Fax Number

If the undersigned bidder intends to deviate from the General Terms and Conditions or Specifications listed in this proposal invitation, all such deviations must be listed on this page, with complete and detailed conditions and information included or attached. The program will consider any deviations in its proposal award decisions, and the program reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal based upon any deviations indicated below or in any attachments or inclusions.

In the absence of any deviation entry on this form, the proposer assures the program of their full compliance with the General Terms and Conditions, items Specifications, and all other information contained in this proposal invitation. No Deviations Yes Deviations List any deviations your company is submitting below:

Signature of Authorized Representative Date



Lower Tier Covered Transactions

This certificate is required by the regulations implementing Executive Order 12549, Debarment and Suspension, 7CFR Part 3017, Section 3017.510, Participants’ responsibilities. The regulations were published as Part IV of the January 30, 1989, Federal Register (pages 4722- 4733). Copies of the regulations may be obtained by contacting the Department of Agriculture agency with which this transaction originated.

(1) The prospective lower tier participant certifies, by submission of this proposal, that neither it nor its principals is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any Federal department or agency.

(2) Where the prospective lower tier participant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such prospective participant shall attach an explanation of this proposal.

Organization Name PR/Award # or Project Name

Printed Name and Title of Authorized Representative

Signature Date



Vendors will submit a list of three references for which the vendor has provided like services or products. References will include contact name and telephone number. Proposals submitted without three references may be disqualified from consideration.

1. Company ______Phone Number (____)______

Contact Name ______Title ______

2. Company ______Phone Number (____)______

Contact Name ______Title______

3. Company ______Phone Number (____)______

Contact Name ______Title ______



INSURED: Dickinson Independent School District 2218 FM 517 Dickinson, TX 77539

PROPOSED EFFECTIVE September 1, 2020 to September 1, 2021 DATE:

INSPECTION / Tom Mooney, Director of Purchasing QUESTIONS CONTACT: phone: 281-229-6160 e-mail: [email protected]

LOCATIONS: See Locations on Attached Property Schedule

NATURE OF BUSINESS: Independent School District

LOSS DATA: See Attached



ATTACHMENT: September 1, 2020 to September 1, 2021

LIMITS: Yes No Differences – If Any $402,404,677 Blanket Building, Personal Property (Total TIV) Included Blanket Computer Hardware, Software & Media $1,000,000 Extra Expense Included Band Equipment, Uniforms & Musical Instruments Included Audio/Visual Equipment Included Flood Lights & Scoreboard


Yes No Differences – If Any $25,000 AOP – Per Occurrence $100,000 Flood – Per Occurrence $250,000 Flood in Moderate Hazard Flood Zones – Per Occurrence $500,000 Flood in High Hazard Flood Building Zones – Per Occurrence $500,000 Contents $25,000 Earthquake $100,000 All Other Wind & Hail – Per Occurrence $100,000 Wind Driven Rain – Per Occurrence $10,000 Computer Equipment and Media $2,500 Band Equipment, Uniforms & Musical Instruments 2% Per Named Storm Wind/Hail/Flood – Building Per Occurrence $100,000 Minimum 48 Hours Waiting Period for Service Interruption



VALUATION: Yes No Differences If Any Replacement Cost Agreed Amount


Yes No Differences – If Any Named Storm Wind / Hail $50,000,000 Flood $25,000,000 Flood – High Hazard Flood $15,000,000 Zones Earthquake $15,000,000 Accounts Receivable $500,000 Arson, Theft & Vandalism $50,000 Rewards Backup of Sewers, Drains, & Included Sumps Building Ordinance or Law – Included Coverage Part A Building Ordinance B&C $2,500,000 (Separate Limits) Computer Virus Extraction $25,000 Consequential Damage $25,000 Damage by Water Other Included Liquid, Powder, or Molten inapplicable Material Building Limit Debris Removal 25% of Loss or $1,000,000 Whichever is Less Employee Dishonesty $25,000 Fine Arts $250,000 Fire Department Service $50,000 Charge Fire Extinguishing Included Equipment Charge Forgery or Alteration $25,000



Yes No Differences – If Any Foundations & Underground $100,000 Pipes Lock & Key Replacement $25,000 Wind Driven Rain $1,000,000 Unscheduled Tracks and $1,000,000 Fields Errors & Omissions $1,000,000 Expediting Costs $100,000 Fungus Clean Up $500,000 Land and Water $50,000 Contamination or Cleanup, Removal and Disposal of Pollutants Miscellaneous Locations $2,500,000 Professional Fees $100,000 Money & Securities - Inside $25,000 Premises Money & Securities - $25,000 Outside the Premises Outdoor Property $100,000 Newly Acquired Real $2,500,000 Property 90 Days Newly Acquired Personal $500,000 Property 90 Days Outdoor Trees, Shrubs and $500,000 Plants / $10,000 – Any One Item Personal Property at $100,000 Unscheduled Locations Preservation of Property Included (180 Days) Spoilage $50,000 Theft Damage to Building Included Transit Coverage $100,000 Underground Water Seepage $25,000



Yes No Differences – If Any Valuable Papers & Records $500,000 Utility Services – Direct $1,000,000 Damage Including Transmission Lines without any distance limitations Ingress / Egress, without any $1,000,000 distance limitation, not to exceed 30 days Civil Authority, without any $1,000,000 distance limitations, not to exceed 30 days



TERMS & CONDITIONS: Yes No Differences If Any Replacement Cost Agreed Amount Endorsement “Risks of Direct Physical Loss” Coverage Blanket Real, Contents, & Extra Expense Blanket Electronic Hardware, Software & Media and Extra Expense Unintentional Errors & Omissions Building Ordinance Regulation or Law - Increased Cost of Construction Amended Notice of Cancellation to 90 Days, Nonpayment Remains 10 Days Revised Notice of Claim Requirement (Knowledge of Occurrence) Flood Coverage for all locations Wind Driven Rain included Pollutant Clean Up and Removal Additional Aggregate Limit of Insurance Broaden EDP Perils – Electrical Injury and Mechanical Breakdown Windstorm Included Terrorism Included If Blanket Coverage is not available, a 25% Margin Clause should be included Flood Zone determination in effect at the 09/01/20 inception date of the policy will apply throughout the entire policy term. If a location does not have a flood zone at the inception date, the flood zone will be determined at time of loss.

EXPOSURE BASIS: Please Refer to the Property Schedule

21 State Is Prop # of # of Orig Personal Property Other Value $ (outdoor Rental Square Loc # Location Name Street Address City Code Zip County within Bldgs Stories Year *Real Property Value ($) Value ($) prop must be sch'd) Income ($) Total TIV Occupancy Footage Bay Colony Elem- 1-1 Bay Colony Elem-Main Bldg 101 Bay Colony Elementary Drive Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1 2001$ 12,500,325 $ 1,100,000 $ - $13,600,325 Main Bldg 92,595 Bay Colony Elem- 1-2 Bay Colony Elem-Portable Bldg 1 101 Bay Colony Elementary Drive Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1 2001$ 90,000 $ 25,000 $ - $115,000 Portable Bldg 1 1,000 Bay Colony Elem- 1-3 Bay Colony Elem-Portable Bldg 5 101 Bay Colony Elementary Drive Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1 $ 90,000 $ 25,000 $ - $115,000 Portable Bldg 5 1,000 Bay Colony Elem- 1-4 Bay Colony Elem-Portable Bldg 6 101 Bay Colony Elementary Drive Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1 $ 90,000 $ 25,000 $ - $115,000 Portable Bldg 6 1,000 Bay Colony Elem- 1-5 Bay Colony Elem-Portable Bldg 11 101 Bay Colony Elementary Drive Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1$ 90,000 $ 25,000 $ - $115,000 Portable Bldg 11 1,000 Bay Colony Elem- 1-6 Bay Colony Elem-Portable Bldg 35 101 Bay Colony Elementary Drive Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1$ 90,000 $ 25,000 $ - $115,000 Portable Bldg 35 1,000 Bay Colony Elem- 1-7 Bay Colony Elem-Portable Bldg 36 101 Bay Colony Elementary Drive Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1$ 90,000 $ 25,000 $115,000 Portable Bldg 36 1,000 Electronic School 1 Electronic School Sign 101 Bay Colony Elementary Drive Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N1 $ 60,000 $60,000 Sign Hughes Rd Elem- 2-1 Hughes Rd Elem-Main Bldg 11901 Hughes Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1 1990$ 11,947,500 $ 700,000 $ - $12,647,500 Main Bldg 88,500 Hughes Rd Elem- 2-2 Hughes Rd Elem-Portable Bldg 2 11901 Hughes Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1 2001 $ - $0 Portable Bldg 2 1,000 Hughes Rd Elem- 2-3 Hughes Rd Elem-Portable Bldg 3 11901 Hughes Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N11 $ - $0 Portable Bldg 3 1,000 Hughes Rd Elem- 2-4 Huges Rd Elem-Portable Bldg 29 11901 Hughes Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N11 $ - $0 Portable Bldg 29 1,000 Hughes Rd Elem- 2-5 Hughes Rd Elem-Portable Bldg 30 11901 Hughes Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N11 $ - $0 Portable Bldg 30 1,000 Electronic School 2 Electronic School Sign 11901 Hughes Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N1 $ 60,000 $60,000 Sign KE Little Elem-new 3-1 KE Little Elem-new bldg 622 Oklahoma Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1 2001$ 11,666,970 $ 1,100,000 $ - $12,766,970 bldg 92,595 KE Little Elem-C- 3-2 KE Little Elem-C-Wing-Café 622 Oklahoma Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1 1968$ 1,208,970 $ 113,986 $ - $1,322,956 Wing-Café 24,071 Electronic School 3 Electronic School Sign 622 Oklahoma Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N1 $ 60,000 $60,000 Sign Silbernagel Elem- 4-1 Silbernagel Elem-Main Bldg 4201 25th Street Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1 1980$ 11,897,550 $ 1,225,448 $ - $13,122,998 Main Bldg 88,130 Silbernagel Elem- 4-2 Silbernagel Elem-Portable Bldg 15 4201 25th Street Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1 2000$ 90,000 $ 25,000 $ - $115,000 Portable Bldg 15 1,000 Silbernagel Elem- 4-3 Silbernagel Elem-Portable Bldg 34 4201 25th Street Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1$ 90,000 $ 25,000 $ - $115,000 Portable Bldg 34 1,000 Silbernagel Elem- 4-4 Silbernagel Elem-Portable Bldg 37 4201 25th Street Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1$ 90,000 $ 25,000 $ - $115,000 Portable Bldg 37 1,000 Silbernagel Elem- 4-5 Silbernagel Elem-Portable Bldg 41 4201 25th Street Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1$ 110,000 $ 25,000 $135,000 Portable Bldg 41 Silbernagel Elem- 4-6 Silbernagel Elem-Portable Bldg 42 4201 25th Street Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1 2009$ 110,000 $ 25,000 $135,000 Portable Bldg 42 1,728 Electronic School 4 Electronic School Sign 4201 25th Street Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N1$ - $ 60,000 $60,000 Sign San Leon 5-1 San Leon Elementary 2655 Broadway San Leon TX 77539 Galveston N 1 2007$ 14,931,000 $ 1,200,000 $ - $16,131,000 Elementary 110,600 Electronic School 5-2 San Leon Electronic School Sign 2655 Broadway San Leon TX 77539 Galveston N1 $ 60,000 $60,000 Sign

5-3 San Leon Covered Play area 2655 Broadway San Leon TX 77539 Galveston N1 $ 300,000 $300,000 Play Area

6-1 Calder Road Elementary 6511 Calder Road League City TX 77573 Galveston N112010 $ 13,868,280 $ 3,000,000 $16,868,280 Main Bldg 102728

6-2 Calder Road Covered Play Area 6511 Calder Road League City TX 77573 Galveston N1 $ 300,000 $300,000 Covered Play Area State Is Prop # of # of Orig Personal Property Other Value $ (outdoor Rental Square Loc # Location Name Street Address City Code Zip County within Bldgs Stories Year *Real Property Value ($) Value ($) prop must be sch'd) Income ($) Total TIV Occupancy Footage

6 Calder Road Electronic Sign 6511 Calder Road League City TX 77573 Galveston N1 $ 60,000 $60,000 Electornic Sign Dunbar Middle 7-1 Dunbar Middle School 2901 23rd Street Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1 2006$ 19,000,000 $ 1,500,000 $ - $20,500,000 School 110,000 Electronic School 7-2 Electronic School Sign 2901 23rd Street Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N1 $ 60,000 $60,000 Sign John & Sharmaion 8-1 John & Sharmaion Barber Middle School 5651 E FM 517 Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 2 2008$ 16,993,125 $ 2,000,000 $ - $18,993,125 Barber Middle 125,875 Play Area Dim 47' x 8 Detached Covered Play Area 5651 E FM 517 Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 2008$ - $ - $ 300,000 $300,000 84' x 24" High

8 Electronic Sign 5651 E FM 517 Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 $ 30,000 $30,000 Electronic Sign

9-1 McAdams Jr High - 11415 Hughes Road Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1 2009$ 29,000,000 $ 3,000,000 $ - $32,000,000 McAdams Jr High - 230,000 Detached Covered 9-2 Detached Covered Play Area 11415 Hughes Road Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N100$ -$ - $ 320,000 $320,000 Play Area 0

9 Electronic Sign 11415 Hughes Road Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 0 0 $ 30,000 $30,000 Electronic Sign 0 Classrooms/Gym/ 10-1 Dickinson HS - Main Bldg 3800 Baker Drive Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 2 1965$ 67,182,075 $ 4,500,000 $71,682,075 Dining/Band Bldg 497,645 Dickinson HS- Athletic Field Dickinson HS- 10-2 House 3300 Baker Drive Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1 1965$ 4,412,400 $ 150,000 $ - $4,562,400 Athletic Field House 26,960 Dickinson HS-Girls 10- Dickinson HS - Girls Press Box & Concessions 3303 Owens Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1 1998$ 204,390 $ 40,000 $ - $244,390 Press 1,514 Dickinson HS - Girls 10-4 Dickinson HS - Girls Softball Light Poles 3303 Owens Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1999$ 120,000 $120,000 Softball Light Poles

Indoor Batting Cages 3303 Owens Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1 1965$ 478,778 $ 25,000 $503,778 Indoor Batting Cage 4,000 Dickinson HS 10-7 Dickinson HS Portables DCC 8 3303 Owens Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1 2000$ 100,000 $ 30,000 $ - $130,000 Portables DCC 8 Dickinson HS 10-8 Dickinson HS Portables DCC 17 3303 Owens Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1 2000$ 100,000 $ 30,000 $ - $130,000 Portables DCC 17 Dickinson HS 10-9 Dickinson HS Portables DCC 18 3303 Owens Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1 2000$ 100,000 $ 30,000 $ - $130,000 Portables DCC 18 Dickinson HS 10-10 Dickinson HS Portables DCC 19 3303 Owens Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1 2000$ 100,000 $ 30,000 $ - $130,000 Portables DCC 19 Dickinson HS 10-11 Dickinson HS Portables 38 3303 Owens Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1 1999$ 100,000 $ 30,000 $ - $130,000 Portables 38 Dickinson HS 10-12 Dickinson HS Portables 39 3303 Owens Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1 1999$ 100,000 $ 30,000 $ - $130,000 Portables 39 Dickinson HS 10-13 Dickinson HS Portables 40 3303 Owens Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1 1999$ 100,000 $ 30,000 $ - $130,000 Portables 40 Electronic School 10-14 Electronic School Sign 3303 Owens Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N1 $ 60,000 $60,000 Sign Alternative Learning 11 Gator Academy 3606 Yupon Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1 1985$ 400,000 $ 100,000 $ - $500,000 Center 4,000 Video Street Site - Gym Building for Community Video Street Site - 13-1 Use 4011 Video Street Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1 1962$ 2,088,940 $ 75,000 $ - $2,163,940 Gym for Community 14,921

13-2 New Trans Bldg 4005 Video Street Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N112010 $ 3,100,847 $ 250,000 $3,350,847 New Transporation 22100 Fuel Distribution - Tanks, Pumps, Awning & Fuel Distribution - 13-13 Plumbing 4006 Vidio Street Dickinson TX 77540 Galveston N1 2011 $ 250,000 $250,000 Tanks, Pumps,

13-4 Child Nutrition Dept 4003 Video Street Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N111962 $ 1,247,400 $ 200,000 $1,447,400 Child Nutrition Dept 9240 PC Repair & 13-5 PC Repair & Transportation Bkrm 4007 Video Street Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N111962 $ 890,460 $ 100,000 $990,460 Transportation Bkrm 6596 State Is Prop # of # of Orig Personal Property Other Value $ (outdoor Rental Square Loc # Location Name Street Address City Code Zip County within Bldgs Stories Year *Real Property Value ($) Value ($) prop must be sch'd) Income ($) Total TIV Occupancy Footage

13-6 DCC Building 2805 Oak Park Street Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N111940 $ 1,984,500 $ 300,000 $2,284,500 DCC Building 14700

13-7 PC Support 2801 Oak Park Street Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N111962 $ 1,214,460 $ 50,000 $1,264,460 Technology Bldg 8996 DISD Cottage Tech 13-8 DISD Cottage Tech & Admin 2801 Oak Park Street Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N111939 $ 301,860 $ 25,000 $326,860 & Admin 2236 Operations & 14-1 Operations & Facilities Dept Office Bldg 3303 Owens Drive Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1 1975$ 1,560,000 $ 300,000 $1,860,000 Facilities Dept 12000 Operations & 14-2 Operations & Facilities Dept/Warehouse 3303 Owens Drive Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1 1998$ 1,332,240 $ 300,000 $ - $1,632,240 Facilities 10,248 Operations & 14-3 Operations & Facilities Shop Building 3303 Owens Drive Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1 1975$ 200,000 $ 50,000 $ - $250,000 Facilities Shop 1,600

14-12 New Warehouse 3303 Owens Drive Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston 1 1 2015$ 1,500,000 $ 100,000 $1,600,000 Warehouse 11,000

14-13 New Storage 3303 Ownes Drivew Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston 1 1 2015$ 1,500,000 $ 100,000 $1,600,000 Storage 7,684

15 Agriculture Bldg 3000 Baker Drive Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1 2009$ 1,690,000 $ 100,000 $ - $1,790,000 Agriculture Bldg 13,000 Baseball Facility - 16-1 Baseball Facility - Press box & Ticket Bldg 1001 Big Al Drive Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1 2009$ 203,320 $ 40,000 $ - $243,320 Press box & Ticket 1,564 Baseball Facility - 16-2 Baseball Facility - Storage Bldg 1001 Big Al Drive Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 1 2009$ 132,000 $ 25,000 $ - $157,000 Storage Bldg 1,100 Baseball Facility 16-3 Baseball Facility Bleachers 1001 Big Al Drive Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 2009$ - $ - $ 370,000 $370,000 Bleachers Baseball Facility - 16-4 Baseball Facility - (2) Dugouts 1001 Big Al Drive Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 2009$ 40,000 $ - $40,000 (2) Dugouts

16-5 Scoreborad 1001 Big Al Drive Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N1 $ 29,000 $29,000 Scoreborad

16-6 Light Poles (8) 1001 Big Al Drive Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N1 $ 352,000 $352,000 Light Poles (8) Sam Vitanza 17-1 Sam Vitanza Studium (All Buildings 3300 Owens Drive Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 2009$ 10,500,000 $ 100,000 $10,600,000 Studium (All

17-2 Press Box 3300 Owens Drive Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1$ 350,000 $ 50,000 $400,000 Press Box

17-3 Bleachers 3300 Owens Drive Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 1 $ 1,700,000 $1,700,000 Bleachers

17-4 Scorebaorad Signs 3300 Owens Drive Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N1 $ 650,000 $650,000 Scorebaorad Signs Light Poles at 17-5 Light Poles at Stadium 3300 Owens Drive Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N1 $ 475,000 $475,000 Stadium

17-6 Artificial Turf Field 3300 Owens Drive Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N 2009$ 1,000,000 $1,000,000 Football Field

18 Central Support Center 2218 East FM 517 Dickinson TX 77539 Galveston N122011 $ 9,550,000 $ 1,500,000 $11,050,000 Admin Bldg 70540

19 Lobit Educational Village 1251 W. FM 517 League City TX 77573 Galveston N122016 $ 40,747,000 $ 2,061,211 $42,808,211 Schools 218,853 Eugene “Gene” Kranz Junior High School 12850 FM 3436 20 Dickinson TX 77573 Galveston N122018 $ 53,475,130 $ 4,000,000 $57,475,130 Schools 248,000

Dickinson HS 9th Grade Center 3850 Baker Drive Dickinson Tx 77539 Galveston N 1 2 2019 $ 13,000,000 $ 500,000 $13,500,000 9th Grade Center 75000

$ 365,279,520 $ 30,585,645 $ 5,336,000 $ - $ 401,201,165

Galveston Musical Instruments N $ 1,203,512 $1,203,512 Musical Instruments

$ 1,203,512 $1,203,512

Grand Totals $365,279,520 $30,585,645 $6,539,512 $0 $402,404,677 Asset Tag Asset Description Asset Type Purchase Date Purchase Cost Manufacturer Model Serial No 28090 CALIFONE MUSIC MAKER LISTENING CENTER A/V-CD Player/Recorder 8/12/2013 $246 CALIFONE 2385AV-03 1411101EJ000762 30000 SONY 700W WIRELESS MUSIC SYSTEM A/V-Misc A/V Equipment 1/25/2016 $276 SONY 700W 8274553 31745 FOX RENARD MUS-Bassoon 9/29/2016 $4,083 FOX RENARD 41 60233 31746 FOX RENARD BASSOON MUS-Bassoon 9/29/2016 $4,083 FOX RENARD 41 59132 31747 FOX RENARD BASSOON MUS-Bassoon 9/29/2016 $4,083 FOX RENARD 41 59247 28875 FOX RENARD BASSOON MUS-Bassoon 4/24/2014 $4,831 FOX RENARD 222 LB56430 28876 FOX RENARD BASSOON MUS-Bassoon 4/24/2014 $4,831 FOX RENARD 222 LB56141 28136 FOX SYMPHONY BORE BASSOON MUS-Bassoon 6/13/2013 $5,541 FOX RENARD PRO III LONG BORE 55392 28137 FOX SYMPHONY BORE BASSOON MUS-Bassoon 6/13/2013 $5,541 FOX RENARD PRO III LONG BORE 55390 25070 FOX SYMPHONY BASSOON MUS-Bassoon 7/20/2011 $5,343 FOX 3 51381 25071 FOX SYMPHONY BASSOON MUS-Bassoon 7/20/2011 $5,343 FOX 3 52462 18862 FOX RENARD BASSOON MUS-Bassoon 2/24/2011 $3,795 FOX RENARD MODEL 41 52055 18863 FOX RENARD BASSOON MUS-Bassoon 2/24/2011 $3,795 FOX RENARD MODEL 41 52039 18864 FOX RENARD BASSOON MUS-Bassoon 2/24/2011 $3,795 FOX RENARD MODEL 41 52044 19581 FOX RENARD BASSOON MUS-Bassoon 4/22/2009 $7,265 FOX RENARD 240 SB48264 17901 FOX RENARD BASSOON MUS-Bassoon 4/1/2009 $4,930 FOX RENARD MODEL 3 LB49223 17902 FOX RENARD BASSOON MUS-Bassoon 4/1/2009 $4,930 FOX RENARD MODEL 3 LB49224 17903 FOX RENARD BASSOON MUS-Bassoon 4/1/2009 $4,930 FOX RENARD MODEL 3 LB49222 17065 FOX RENARD SHORT BORE BASSOON MUS-Bassoon 4/23/2008 $5,500 FOX RENARD 240 42587 101270247 FOX RENARD BASSOON MUS-Bassoon 2/18/1999 $3,439 FOX RENARD MODEL 3 LB28767 101270056 LESCHER BASSOON MUS-Bassoon 1/1/1991 $668 LESCHER 1621 101270100 FOX RENARD BASSOON MUS-Bassoon 1/1/1985 $1,447 FOX RENARD 240 26640 6043 FOX RENARD BASSOON MUS-Bassoon 1/13/1984 $1,275 FOX RENARD 222 11373 101270055 FOX RENARD BASSOON MUS-Bassoon 1/1/1984 $2,388 FOX RENARD 2 12038 101270058 FOX RENARD BASSOON MUS-Bassoon 1/1/1984 $1,049 FOX RENARD RENARD 222 12047 101270061 FOX RENARD BASSOON MUS-Bassoon 1/1/1984 $1,049 FOX RENARD RENARD 222 12055 101270062 FOX RENARD BASSOON MUS-Bassoon 1/1/1978 $1,538 FOX RENARD 2 7534 101270060 FOX RENARD BASSOON MUS-Bassoon 1/1/1970 $1,113 FOX RENARD 2 8688 101270059 FOX RENARD BASSOON MUS-Bassoon 1/1/1969 $873 FOX RENARD 2 2519 32879 YAMAHA SYMPONIC BELLS MUS-Bells 8/11/2016 $1,932 YAMAHA YGS-100 101160 29993 YAMAHA 3.3 OCTAVE BELLS WITH FRAME MUS-Bells 12/17/2015 $3,153 YAMAHA YG-2500C 2033 101270090 MUSSER GLOCKENSPIEL MUS-Bells 1/1/1985 $109 M-645 V6802 101270161 MUSSER GLOCKENSPIEL MUS-Bells 1/1/1985 $109 MUSSER B-15 101270212 LATIN PERCUSSION GRANITE BLOCKS MUS-Blocks 1/1/1985 $109 201270163 LATIN PERCUSSION BONGOS MUS-Bongos 1/1/1985 $109 LATIN PERCUSSION BH-1 18627 TREE WORKS WIND CHIMES MUS-Chimes 5/20/2010 $273 TREE WORKS TRE35DB 10998 LUDWIG MUSSER CLASSIC CHIMES MUS-Chimes 9/27/2006 $2,749 LUDWIG M635C BM1131 5356 DEAGAN CHIMES MUS-Chimes 1/1/1985 $3,384 DEAGAN 32898 YAMAHA BASS MUS-Clarinet 9/7/2016 $1,649 YAMAHA YCL-221II 33690 32899 YAMAHA BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 9/7/2016 $1,649 YAMAHA YCL-221II 33676 32877 LEBLANC CONTRA-ALTO CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 8/11/2016 $2,535 LEBLANC 7181 0283J 29684 LEBLANC CONTRA-ALTO CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 8/19/2015 $2,234 LEBLANC L7181 7918H 29646 BUFFET PRESTIGE BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 8/6/2015 $7,649 BUFFET BC1193 H49251 29647 BUFFET PRESTIGE BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 8/6/2015 $7,649 BUFFET BC1193 H49192 29635 LEBLANC WOOD BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 7/27/2015 $4,249 LEBLANC L60 7901H Asset Tag Asset Description Asset Type Purchase Date Purchase Cost Manufacturer Model Serial No 28885 YAMAHA BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 5/22/2014 $1,650 YAMAHA YCL-221II 28599 28870 YAMAHA BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 5/15/2014 $1,650 YAMAHA YCL-221II 28288 26817 YAMAHA BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 5/9/2013 $1,749 YAMAHA YCL-221 26234 26818 YAMAHA BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 5/9/2013 $1,749 YAMAHA YCL-221 26818 26819 YAMAHA BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 5/9/2013 $1,749 YAMAHA YCL-221 26313 26820 YAMAHA BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 5/9/2013 $1,749 YAMAHA YCL-221 26251 26821 YAMAHA BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 5/9/2013 $1,749 YAMAHA YCL-221 26293 25157 LEBLANC CONTRA ALTO CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 6/7/2012 $2,033 LEBLANC 7181 3722H 25669 YAMAHA BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 4/19/2012 $1,675 YAMAHA YCL-221 II 23785 25670 YAMAHA BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 4/19/2012 $1,675 YAMAHA YCL-221 II 23859 25672 YAMAHA BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 4/19/2012 $1,675 YAMAHA YCL-221 II 23865 25674 YAMAHA BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 4/19/2012 $1,675 YAMAHA YCL-221 II 23786 18412 PRESTIGE LOW C BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 1/5/2010 $7,670 PRESTIGE 1193-2-0 H44677 18427 LEBLANC WOOD CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 8/12/2009 $474 LEBLANC L4KWC A30546 18428 LEBLANC WOOD CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 8/12/2009 $474 LEBLANC L4KWC A36260 18429 LEBLANC WOOD CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 8/12/2009 $474 LEBLANC L4KWC 75659 18430 LEBLANC WOOD CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 8/12/2009 $474 LEBLANC L4KWC D69395 18411 PRESTIGE LOW C BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 7/29/2009 $7,670 PRESTIGE 1193-2-0 H44299 17898 CONTRA BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 4/1/2009 $2,155 P0200218 17904 BUFFET E-FLAT CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 4/1/2009 $3,523 BUFFET R13 597131 17922 SELMER LOW C BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 2/12/2009 $8,880 SELMER 67 Q02498 17923 SELMER LOW C BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 2/12/2009 $8,880 SELMER 67 Q02494 19576 SELMER LOW C BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 8/31/2008 $7,444 SELMER 67 Q01723 19577 SELMER BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 8/31/2008 $7,444 SELMER Q01701 DHS EQ-18 SELMER 37 BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 5/28/2004 $5,676 SELMER 37 PO2961 DHS EQ-11 SELMER 37 LOW C BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 4/26/2000 $5,211 SELMER 37 M0462 6040 LEBLANC ALTO CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 1/27/1999 $500 6475 2101270049 SELMER BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 1/20/1997 $4,100 SELMER LOW C E3803 2101270073 VITO BBB CONTRA BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 1/1/1990 $245 VITO 7182 0333D 2101270034 NOBLET BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 6/13/1986 $1,212 NOBLET 56P 13857 2101270045 NOBLET BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 6/13/1986 $1,212 NOBLET 56-P 13886 2101270048 SELMER BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 3/1/1985 $2,484 SELMER LOW C C7926 2101270068 BOSSEY & HAWKES BB CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 1/1/1985 $217 BOSSEY & HAWKES 114103 2101270041 SELMER LOW C BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 10/25/1984 $2,484 SELMER 33, LOW C C6611 2101270044 NOBLET BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 10/25/1984 $810 NOBLET 56 13293 2101270070 SELMER EB CONTRA BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 1/1/1984 $1,888 SELMER 40 8187 2101270039 NOBLET BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 10/5/1983 $842 NOBLET 56P 13118 2101270040 NOBLET BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 10/5/1983 $842 NOBLET 56P 13096 2101270042 NOBLET BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 10/5/1983 $842 NOBLET 56-P 13132 2101270043 NOBLET BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 10/5/1983 $842 NOBLET 56-P 13068 2101270033 NOBLET BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 9/2/1982 $753 NOBLET 56 12853 2101270035 NOBLET BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 9/2/1982 $753 NOBLET 56 12848 2101270036 NOBLET BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 9/2/1982 $753 NOBLET 56 12851 2101270037 NOBLET BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 9/2/1982 $753 NOBLET 56 12869 2101270038 NOBLET BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 9/2/1982 $753 NOBLET 56 12868 2101270069 BUESCHER CONTRA BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 1/1/1982 $422 BUESCHER 1140 6728 Asset Tag Asset Description Asset Type Purchase Date Purchase Cost Manufacturer Model Serial No 2101270072 BUNDY EB CONTRA BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet 1/1/1980 $452 BUNDY 1440 7251 29636 LEBLANC WOOD BASS CLARINET MUS-Clarinet $4,249 LEBLANC L60 7914H 18915 KING MUS-Cornet 5/19/2011 $540 202602 18916 KING CORNET MUS-Cornet 5/19/2011 $540 202582 18625 ZILDJIAN 17'' CYMBALS MUS-Cymbals 5/20/2010 $465 ZILDJIAN 18626 ZILDJIAN18'' SUSPENDED CYMBAL MUS-Cymbals 5/20/2010 $232 ZILDJIAN 9829 ZILDJIAN HIHAT PAIR 14" HYBRID MUS-Cymbals 5/13/2009 $369 ZILDJIAN 9830 ZILDJIAN 16" ORIENTAL CRASH CYMBAL MUS-Cymbals 5/13/2009 $182 ZILDJIAN 9831 ZILDJIAN 18" SUSPENDED CYMBAL MUS-Cymbals 5/13/2009 $219 ZILDJIAN 9832 ZILDJIAN 20" CLASSIC ORCHESTRAL SUSPENDED CYMMUS-Cymbals 5/13/2009 $239 ZILDJIAN 9833 ZILDJIAN 18" ORIENTAL CRASH CYMBAL MUS-Cymbals 5/13/2009 $208 ZILDJIAN 2101270101 ZILDJIAN CONSTANTINOPLE CRASH CYMBALS - 18" PA MUS-Cymbals 1/1/1985 $90 ZILDJIAN 2101270102 ZILDJIAN STADIUM CRASH CYMBALS - 18" PAIR MUS-Cymbals 1/1/1985 $90 ZILDJIAN 2101270113 ZILDJIAN STADIUM CRASH CYMBALS - 18" PAIR MUS-Cymbals 1/1/1985 $90 ZILDJIAN CC102 2101270114 ZILDJIAN STADIUM CRASH CYMBALS - 18" PAIR MUS-Cymbals 1/1/1985 $90 ZILDJIAN CC87 2101270132 ZILDJIAN CLASSIC ORCHESTRAL CRASH CYMBALS - 19MUS-Cymbals 1/1/1985 $90 ZILDJIAN 2101270182 ZILDJIAN CLASSIC ORCHESTRAL CRASH CYMBALS - 19MUS-Cymbals 1/1/1985 $90 ZILDJIAN CC109 2101270190 ZILDJIAN CUSTOM DARK CRASH CYMBAL - 18"K MUS-Cymbals 1/1/1985 $90 ZILDJIAN TT26 2101270191 ZILDJIAN DARK CRASH CYMBAL - 19"K MUS-Cymbals 1/1/1985 $90 ZILDJIAN CC95 2101270192 ZILDJIAN CUSTOM DARK CRASH CYMBAL - 16"K MUS-Cymbals 1/1/1985 $90 ZILDJIAN CC96 2101270193 ZILDJIAN CUSTOM DARK CRASH CYMBAL - 17"K MUS-Cymbals 1/1/1985 $90 ZILDJIAN CC96 CC101 2101270194 ZILDJIAN LIGHT FLAT RIDE CYMBAL - 20"K MUS-Cymbals 1/1/1985 $90 ZILDJIAN CC96 CC94 2101270195 ZILDJIAN CHINA CYMBAL - 19"K MUS-Cymbals 1/1/1985 $90 ZILDJIAN CC96 CC93 2101270196 ZILDJIAN LIGHT RIDE CYMBAL - 24"K MUS-Cymbals 1/1/1985 $90 ZILDJIAN CC96 CC118 2101270197 ZILDJIAN BEAUTIFUL BABY SIZZLE CYMBAL - 19" MUS-Cymbals 1/1/1985 $90 ZILDJIAN CC96 CC118.1 2101270198 ZILDJIAN SWISH KNOCKER CYMBAL - 22" MUS-Cymbals 1/1/1985 $- ZILDJIAN 107 CC118.1- 2101270207 CYMBALS MUS-Cymbals 1/1/1985 $90 2101270208 CYMBALS MUS-Cymbals 1/1/1985 $90 2101270209 CYMBALS MUS-Cymbals 1/1/1985 $90 2101270272 CYMBALS MUS-Cymbals 1/1/1985 $90 CC108 7301210807 CYMBALS MUS-Cymbals 1/1/1985 $90 7301210808 CYMBALS MUS-Cymbals 1/1/1985 $90 7301210809 CYMBALS MUS-Cymbals 1/1/1985 $90 7301210810 CYMBALS MUS-Cymbals 1/1/1985 $90 7301210811 CYMBALS MUS-Cymbals 1/1/1985 $90 7301210812 CYMBALS MUS-Cymbals 1/1/1985 $90 7301210813 CYMBALS MUS-Cymbals 1/1/1985 $90 7301210814 CYMBALS MUS-Cymbals 1/1/1985 $90 31729 PEARL BASS DRUM MUS-Drums 9/1/2016 $1,075 PEARL PBE321646 31731 PEARL CONCERT TOM SET (10"/12") MUS-Drums 9/1/2016 $328 PEARL PTE1012 31732 PEARL CONCERT TOM SET (13"/14") MUS-Drums 9/1/2016 $351 PEARL PTE1314 31730 PEARL CONCERT SNARE MUS-Drums 7/19/2016 $387 PEARL CRP 1465 29887 PEARL AFRICAN MAHOGANY BASS DRUM MUS-Drums 10/8/2015 $1,423 PEARL PBA-3618 STBD-36 29667 PEARL PHILHARMONIC FIELD SNARE DRUM - 16X16 MUS-Drums 8/13/2015 $740 PEARL PHX166210 400062 29668 YAMAHA GRAND SYMPHONIC ROSEWOOD SNARE MUS-Drums 8/13/2015 $1,170 YAMAHA GSR145 HJJ1950 29669 PEARL PHILHARMONIC SERIES CONCERT BASS DRUMMUS-Drums 8/13/2015 $1,130 PEARL PBA3616 Asset Tag Asset Description Asset Type Purchase Date Purchase Cost Manufacturer Model Serial No 29670 PEARL CONCERT TOM - 10X10 MUS-Drums 8/13/2015 $224 PEARL PTA1010D 29671 PEARL CONCERT TOM - 12X10 MUS-Drums 8/13/2015 $243 PEARL PTA1210D 29672 PEARL CONCERT TOM - 13X11 MUS-Drums 8/13/2015 $285 PEARL PTA1311D 29673 PEARL CONCERT TOM - 14X12 MUS-Drums 8/13/2015 $295 PEARL PTA1412D 29674 PEARL CONCERT TOM - 15X14 MUS-Drums 8/13/2015 $344 PEARL PTA1514D 29675 PEARL CONCERT TOM - 16X14 MUS-Drums 8/13/2015 $365 PEARL PTA1614D 29676 YAMAHA DIGITAL MULTIPAD MUS-Drums 8/13/2015 $478 YAMAHA DTX-M12 UCUP01115 26698 REMO ERGO-SOLOIST DOUMBEK MUS-Drums 3/7/2013 $210 REMO DK-3009-5M-SC017 10-0509-50 26380 PEARL MARCHING SNARE DRUM MUS-Drums 8/23/2012 $470 PEARL MARCHING SNARE DRUM 204296 26381 PEARL MARCHING SNARE DRUM MUS-Drums 8/23/2012 $470 PEARL MARCHING SNARE DRUM 204297 26382 PEARL MARCHING SNARE DRUM MUS-Drums 8/23/2012 $470 PEARL MARCHING SNARE DRUM 204298 26383 PEARL MARCHING SNARE DRUM MUS-Drums 8/23/2012 $470 PEARL MARCHING SNARE DRUM 204299 26384 PEARL MARCHING SNARE DRUM MUS-Drums 8/23/2012 $470 PEARL MARCHING SNARE DRUM 204304 26385 PEARL MARCHING SNARE DRUM MUS-Drums 8/23/2012 $470 PEARL MARCHING SNARE DRUM 204305 26386 PEARL MARCHING SNARE DRUM MUS-Drums 8/23/2012 $470 PEARL MARCHING SNARE DRUM 204367 26387 PEARL MARCHING TENOR DRUM SET MUS-Drums 8/23/2012 $1,070 PEARL 209836 26388 PEARL MARCHING TENOR DRUM SET MUS-Drums 8/23/2012 $1,070 PEARL 209835 26389 PEARL MARCHING TENOR DRUM SET MUS-Drums 8/23/2012 $1,070 PEARL 209834 26390 PEARL MARCHING TENOR DRUM SET MUS-Drums 8/23/2012 $1,070 PEARL 209868 26391 PEARL MARCHING BASS DRUM 14" MUS-Drums 8/23/2012 $403 PEARL 14'" 12130772Q 26392 PEARL MARCHING BASS DRUM 16" MUS-Drums 8/23/2012 $409 PEARL 16" 12130772L 26393 PEARL MARCHING BASS DRUM 18" MUS-Drums 8/23/2012 $436 PEARL 18" 12130772J 26394 PEARL MARCHING BASS DRUM 20" MUS-Drums 8/23/2012 $466 PEARL 20" 12130772A 26395 PEARL MARCHING BASS DRUM 24" MUS-Drums 8/23/2012 $512 PEARL 24" 12130772B 26396 PEARL MARCHING BASS DRUM 28" MUS-Drums 8/23/2012 $576 PEARL 28" 12130772K 18871 FOX RENARD CONCERT TOM 10X10 MUS-Drums 3/24/2011 $167 FOX RENARD PTM1010S 18872 FOX RENARD CONCERT TOM 10X10 MUS-Drums 3/24/2011 $187 FOX RENARD PTM1210S 18873 FOX RENARD CONCERT TOM 10X10 MUS-Drums 3/24/2011 $187 FOX RENARD PTM1311S 18874 FOX RENARD CONCERT TOM 10X10 MUS-Drums 3/24/2011 $187 FOX RENARD PTM1412S 18855 CONCERT SNARE DRUM MUS-Drums 1/27/2011 $159 STE-1450S 100417 18856 CONCERT SNARE DRUM MUS-Drums 1/27/2011 $165 STE-1465S 100298 17861 CONCERT BASS DRUM MUS-Drums 10/15/2008 $568 PBE3216 1068203A 17862 2-CONCERT SNARE DRUM MUS-Drums 10/15/2008 $288 1068203B 17863 CONCERT TOMS 10/12" MUS-Drums 10/15/2008 $294 1068203C 17864 CONCERT TOMS 13/14" MUS-Drums 10/15/2008 $315 1068203D 17828 CONCERT BASS DRUM MUS-Drums 8/30/2008 $505 947813 13985 BLACK SWAMP SNARE DRUM MUS-Drums 3/28/2007 $369 8727A 10186 DRUM SET MUS-Drums 5/4/2005 $3,943 2101270093 YAMAHA CONCERT BASS DRUM - 36" MUS-Drums 1/1/1985 $145 YAMAHA 806 2.09E+06 2101270094 BLACK SWAMP MAPLE SNARE DRUM MUS-Drums 1/1/1985 $109 BLACK SWAMP P62504 2101270095 LUDWIG BRASS SNARE DRUM MUS-Drums 1/1/1985 $109 LUDWIG 700027 2101270096 PEARL CONCERT TOM - 6" (BLACK) MUS-Drums 1/1/1985 $145 PEARL 1.30E+06 2101270097 PEARL CONCERT TOM - 8" (BLACK) MUS-Drums 1/1/1985 $145 PEARL 1.30E+06 2101270098 PEARL CONCERT TOM - 10" (BLACK) MUS-Drums 1/1/1985 $145 PEARL 1.30E+06 2101270099 PEARL CONCERT TOM - 12" (BLACK) MUS-Drums 1/1/1985 $145 PEARL 1.30E+06 2101270183 PEARL BRASS PICCOLO SNARE DRUM MUS-Drums 1/1/1985 $109 PEARL 309716 Asset Tag Asset Description Asset Type Purchase Date Purchase Cost Manufacturer Model Serial No 2101270184 PEARL CONCERT TOM - 13" (BLACK) MUS-Drums 1/1/1985 $145 PEARL 2101270185 PEARL CONCERT TOM - 14" (BLACK) MUS-Drums 1/1/1985 $145 PEARL 2101270206 SONOR DRUM SET - (8",10",12",14",14",20"-green) MUS-Drums 1/1/1985 $434 SONOR 2101270219 LOG DRUMS MUS-Drums 1/1/1985 $202 2101270226 PEARL EFFX MARCHING SNARE DRUM MUS-Drums 1/1/1985 $109 PEARL EFFX 2101270260 PEARL METAL PROFESSIONAL SERIES SNARE DRUM MUS-Drums 1/1/1985 $109 PEARL P62188 7301210815 PEARL CONCERT TOM - 15" (BLACK) MUS-Drums 1/1/1985 $145 PEARL 7301210816 PEARL CONCERT TOM - 16" (BLACK) MUS-Drums 1/1/1985 $145 PEARL 7301210822 LOG DRUMS MUS-Drums 1/1/1985 $202 7301210823 LOG DRUMS MUS-Drums 1/1/1985 $202 7301210824 LOG DRUMS MUS-Drums 1/1/1985 $202 7301210825 PEARL ORANGE MARCHING BASS DRUM - 20" MUS-Drums 1/1/1985 $145 PEARL COMPETITOR SERIES 7301210826 PEARL ORANGE MARCHING BASS DRUM - 22" MUS-Drums 1/1/1985 $145 PEARL COMPETITOR SERIES 7301210827 PEARL ORANGE MARCHING BASS DRUM - 24" MUS-Drums 1/1/1985 $145 PEARL COMPETITOR SERIES 7301210828 PEARL ORANGE MARCHING BASS DRUM - 26" MUS-Drums 1/1/1985 $145 PEARL COMPETITOR SERIES 7301210829 PEARL EFFX MARCHING SNARE DRUM MUS-Drums 1/1/1985 $109 PEARL EFFX 7301210830 PEARL EFFX MARCHING SNARE DRUM MUS-Drums 1/1/1985 $109 PEARL EFFX 7301210831 PEARL EFFX MARCHING SNARE DRUM MUS-Drums 1/1/1985 $109 PEARL EFFX 7301210832 PEARL EFFX MARCHING SNARE DRUM MUS-Drums 1/1/1985 $109 PEARL EFFX 32878 YAMAHA MUS-Euphonium 8/11/2016 $1,653 YAMAHA YEP-321 525849 31738 JUPITER 4-VALVE EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 7/19/2016 $1,231 JUPITER 470L UC06490 31739 JUPITER 4-VALVE EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 7/19/2016 $1,231 JUPITER 470L UC07131 31740 JUPITER 4-VALVE EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 7/19/2016 $1,231 JUPITER 470L UC07063 31741 JUPITER 4-VALVE EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 7/19/2016 $1,231 JUPITER 470L UC07068 28946 YAMAHA EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 9/5/2014 $4,618 YAMAHA YEP-642SII 500496 28160 JUPITER EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 8/28/2013 $1,207 JUPITER JEP-470L RC02527 28161 JUPITER EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 8/28/2013 $1,207 JUPITER JEP-470L RC02511 28162 JUPITER EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 8/28/2013 $1,207 JUPITER JEP-470L RC02515 28163 JUPITER EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 8/28/2013 $1,207 JUPITER JEP-470L RC02522 28164 JUPITER EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 8/28/2013 $1,207 JUPITER JEP-470L RC02666 28165 JUPITER EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 8/28/2013 $1,207 JUPITER JEP-470L RC02669 26847 YAMAHA EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 5/16/2013 $4,440 YAMAHA YEP-642SII 483113 26848 YAMAHA EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 5/16/2013 $4,440 YAMAHA YEP-642SII 482989 25068 BESSON 4-VALVE EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 7/13/2011 $5,489 BESSON BE968-2 10000508 25069 BESSON 4-VALVE EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 7/13/2011 $5,489 BESSON BE968-2 10000510 25075 BESSON 4-VALVE EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 6/30/2011 $5,489 BESSON BE969-2 10000209 18582 BESSON BARITONE EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 4/8/2010 $5,439 BESSON BE967 091822VALVE304 17943 JUPITER EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 1/5/2010 $1,135 JUPITER JEP-470L L04083 18520 JUPITER EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 1/5/2010 $1,135 JUPITER JEP-470L L04511 18540 JUPITER EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 1/5/2010 $1,135 JUPITER JEP-470L L04500 18541 JUPITER EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 1/5/2010 $1,135 JUPITER JEP-470L L03442 17905 YAMAHA EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 3/4/2009 $4,085 YAMAHA YEP642 428316 17906 YAMAHA EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 3/4/2009 $4,085 YAMAHA YEP642 428314 17907 YAMAHA EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 3/4/2009 $4,085 YAMAHA YEP642 428313 17915 YAMAHA EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 2/12/2009 $1,768 YAMAHA YEP321 426834 17916 YAMAHA EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 2/12/2009 $1,768 YAMAHA YEP321 430483 Asset Tag Asset Description Asset Type Purchase Date Purchase Cost Manufacturer Model Serial No 17917 YAMAHA EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 2/12/2009 $1,768 YAMAHA YEP321 426698 17918 YAMAHA EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 2/12/2009 $1,768 YAMAHA YEP321 430498 17919 YAMAHA EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 2/12/2009 $1,768 YAMAHA YEP321 426700 17846 YAMAHA EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 11/12/2008 $1,768 YAMAHA 321 424605 17839 JUPITER EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 7/30/2008 $1,227 4702 K01540 17840 JUPITER EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 7/30/2008 $1,227 4702 K02032 17841 JUPITER EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 7/30/2008 $1,227 4702 K01551 2101270021 BESSON BARITONE EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 1/1/1996 $4,253 BESSON 2900S 967798754 2101270019 YAMAHA BARITONE EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 1/1/1995 $1,523 YAMAHA 321S 116558 2101270020 WILSON BARITONE EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 1/1/1995 $4,253 WILSON 2900S 10914 2101270011 KING BARITONE EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 1/1/1994 $569 KING 2266 43-466384 2101270012 KING BARITONE EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 1/1/1994 $569 KING 2266 43470025 2101270008 KING BARITONE EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 1/1/1989 $698 KING 2266 39-267987 2101270009 KING BARITONE EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 1/1/1989 $698 KING 2266 33-267006 2101270026 KING BARITONE EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 1/1/1986 $525 KING 1124 996347 2101270031 YAMAHA BARITONE EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 1/1/1986 $707 YAMAHA 321S 20339 2101270029 YAMAHA BARITONE EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 1/1/1985 $883 YAMAHA 321S 16003 2101270015 BESSON BARITONE EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 1/1/1984 $1,086 BESSON 767SS 718449 2101270032 KING BARITONE EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 1/1/1984 $490 KING 1124 964086 2101270023 KING BARITONE EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 1/1/1982 $354 KING 1124 910248 2101270016 BESSON BARITONE EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 1/1/1978 $626 BESSON BN76755 620207 2101270018 BESSON BARITONE EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 1/1/1978 $626 BESSON BN76755 620210 2101270027 KING BARITONE EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 1/1/1968 $271 KING 1166 453971 2101270028 KING BARITONE EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 1/1/1968 $271 KING 1166 453959 2101270014 KING BARITONE EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 1/1/1967 $258 KING 1166 434440 2101270007 KING BARITONE EUPHONIUM MUS-Euphonium 1/1/1966 $248 KING 1166 434453 25739 YAMAHA MUS-Flute 5/10/2012 $766 YAMAHA YFL-221 660079P 25740 YAMAHA FLUTE MUS-Flute 5/10/2012 $766 YAMAHA YFL-221 660048P 18423 JUPITER FLUTE MUS-Flute 8/12/2009 $199 ZSP I58274 18424 JUPITER FLUTE MUS-Flute 8/12/2009 $199 ZSP K36999 18425 JUPITER FLUTE MUS-Flute 8/12/2009 $199 ZSP K63654 18426 JUPITER FLUTE MUS-Flute 8/12/2009 $199 ZSP K33905 31748 YAMAHA DOUBLE MUS-French Horn 7/19/2016 $2,217 YAMAHA YHR-567 44282 31749 YAMAHA DOUBLE FRENCH HORN MUS-French Horn 7/19/2016 $2,217 YAMAHA YHR-567 44315 31750 YAMAHA DOUBLE FRENCH HORN MUS-French Horn 7/19/2016 $2,217 YAMAHA YHR-567 44308 31751 YAMAHA DOUBLE FRENCH HORN MUS-French Horn 7/19/2016 $2,217 YAMAHA YHR-567 44319 31752 YAMAHA DOUBLE FRENCH HORN MUS-French Horn 7/19/2016 $2,217 YAMAHA YHR-567 44312 31753 YAMAHA DOUBLE FRENCH HORN MUS-French Horn 7/19/2016 $2,217 YAMAHA YHR-567 44309 29685 CONN FRENCH HORN MUS-French Horn 8/19/2015 $3,251 CONN 8DR 402866 28087 YAMAHA FRENCH HORN MUS-French Horn 7/31/2013 $2,099 YAMAHA YHR567 39378 28088 YAMAHA FRENCH HORN MUS-French Horn 7/31/2013 $2,099 YAMAHA YHR567 39375 28138 CONN DOUBLE FRENCH HORN MUS-French Horn 6/19/2013 $3,034 CONN 8DR 338948 26229 CONN DOUBLE FRENCH HORN MUS-French Horn 6/14/2012 $2,785 CONN 8D 304552 26230 CONN DOUBLE FRENCH HORN MUS-French Horn 6/14/2012 $2,785 CONN 8D 301907 26231 CONN DOUBLE FRENCH HORN MUS-French Horn 6/14/2012 $2,785 CONN 8D 304578 26232 CONN DOUBLE FRENCH HORN MUS-French Horn 6/14/2012 $2,785 CONN 8D 304559 Asset Tag Asset Description Asset Type Purchase Date Purchase Cost Manufacturer Model Serial No 26227 YAMAHA DOUBLE FRENCH HORN MUS-French Horn 6/7/2012 $2,025 YAMAHA YHR567 37934 25066 CONN FRENCH HORN - DOUBLE MUS-French Horn 7/13/2011 $2,976 CONN 8DR 274735 25067 CONN FRENCH HORN - DOUBLE MUS-French Horn 7/13/2011 $2,976 CONN 8DR 274766 25074 CONN DOUBLE FRENCH HORN MUS-French Horn 6/30/2011 $2,976 CONN 8D 278335 18408 CONN DOUBLE FRENCH HORN MUS-French Horn 1/5/2010 $2,770 CONN 8D 243421 18409 CONN DOUBLE FRENCH HORN MUS-French Horn 1/5/2010 $2,770 CONN 8D 243417 18410 CONN DOUBLE FRENCH HORN MUS-French Horn 1/5/2010 $2,770 CONN 8D 218334 17885 CONN FRENCH HORN MUS-French Horn 2/12/2009 $2,860 CONN 8D 225444 17886 CONN FRENCH HORN MUS-French Horn 2/12/2009 $2,860 CONN 8D 225441 17887 CONN FRENCH HORN MUS-French Horn 2/12/2009 $2,860 CONN 8D 225443 17888 CONN FRENCH HORN MUS-French Horn 2/12/2009 $2,860 CONN 8D 225432 19554 CONN DOUBLE FRENCH HORN MUS-French Horn 4/2/2008 $2,697 CONN 8D 196047 19555 CONN DOUBLE FRENCH HORN MUS-French Horn 4/2/2008 $2,697 CONN 8D 202023 19557 CONN DOUBLE FRENCH HORN MUS-French Horn 4/2/2008 $2,697 CONN 8D 196038 12706 CONN FRENCH HORN DOUBLE MUS-French Horn 8/22/2007 $2,697 CONN 8D 153229 10549 CONN DOUBLE FRENCH HORN MUS-French Horn 4/20/2006 $2,378 CONN 8D 997969 10550 CONN DOUBLE FRENCH HORN MUS-French Horn 4/20/2006 $2,378 CONN 8D 105765 10552 CONN DOUBLE FRENCH HORN MUS-French Horn 12/15/2005 $2,378 CONN 8D 100749 0000000041- 28" GONG MUS-Gong 6/2/2004 $650 2101270103 PAISTE LARGE TAM-TAM GONG MUS-Gong 1/1/1985 $217 PAISTE GG1 2101270133 PAISTE SMALL ACCENT GONG MUS-Gong 1/1/1985 $217 PAISTE 28974 YAMAHA BARITONE MARCHING HORN MUS-Horn 5/22/2014 $1,758 YAMAHA YBH-301MS 497944 28975 YAMAHA BARITONE MARCHING HORN MUS-Horn 5/22/2014 $1,758 YAMAHA YBH-301MS 498317 28976 YAMAHA BARITONE MARCHING HORN MUS-Horn 5/22/2014 $1,758 YAMAHA YBH-301MS 498359 26822 YAMAHA MUS-Horn 5/9/2013 $1,673 YAMAHA YBH-301MS 480201 26823 YAMAHA BARITONE HORN MUS-Horn 5/9/2013 $1,673 YAMAHA YBH-301MS 480059 26824 YAMAHA BARITONE HORN MUS-Horn 5/9/2013 $1,673 YAMAHA YBH-301MS 480056 26825 YAMAHA BARITONE HORN MUS-Horn 5/9/2013 $1,673 YAMAHA YBH-301MS 479408 16278 YAMAHA BARITONE MARCHING HORN MUS-Horn 8/1/2007 $1,571 YAMAHA YBH-301MS 400571 16280 YAMAHA BARITONE MARCHING HORN MUS-Horn 8/1/2007 $1,571 YAMAHA YBH-301MS 400567 16281 YAMAHA BARITONE MARCHING HORN MUS-Horn 8/1/2007 $1,571 YAMAHA YBH-301MS 400704 16282 YAMAHA BARITONE MARCHING HORN MUS-Horn 8/1/2007 $1,571 YAMAHA YBH-301MS 400759 16283 YAMAHA BARITONE MARCHING HORN MUS-Horn 8/1/2007 $1,571 YAMAHA YBH-301MS 400845 12342 YAMAHA BARITONE MARCHING HORN MUS-Horn 6/27/2007 $1,571 YAMAHA YBH-301MS 367704 12343 YAMAHA BARITONE MARCHING HORN MUS-Horn 6/27/2007 $1,571 YAMAHA YBH-301MS 367707 17871 VOCOPRO KARAOKE MACHINE MUS-Karaoke System 10/22/2008 $345 VOCOPRO DVD-DUET VP8A89AA52382 31754 YAMAHA HARMONY DIRECTOR KEYBOARD MUS-Keyboard 7/19/2016 $989 YAMAHA HD-200 54397 30765 ROLAND JUNO-DS88 SYNTHESIZER MUS-Keyboard 4/6/2016 $899 ROLAND JUNO-DS88 Z1G3113 29442 YAMAHA HARMONY DIRECTOR KEYBOARD MUS-Keyboard 5/7/2015 $899 YAMAHA HD-200 53518 29443 YAMAHA HARMONY DIRECTOR KEYBOARD MUS-Keyboard 5/7/2015 $899 YAMAHA HD-200 53521 29444 YAMAHA HARMONY DIRECTOR KEYBOARD MUS-Keyboard 5/7/2015 $899 YAMAHA HD-200 53522 29445 YAMAHA HARMONY DIRECTOR KEYBOARD MUS-Keyboard 5/7/2015 $899 YAMAHA HD-200 53526 18639 YAMAHA KEYBOARD MUS-Keyboard 5/13/2010 $95 YAMAHA PSRE223 UBQJ02199 2104 ENSONIQ KEYBOARD MUS-Keyboard 1/1/1994 $1,208 KT-76 KT-11251 2098 LIGHTING CONTROL SYSTEM MUS-Lighting Control 1/1/1996 $838 2101270225 PEARL TENOR MARCHING QUADS MUS-Marching Quads 1/1/1985 $105 PEARL CHAMP SERIES Asset Tag Asset Description Asset Type Purchase Date Purchase Cost Manufacturer Model Serial No 7301210868 PEARL TENOR MARCHING QUADS MUS-Marching Quads 1/1/1985 $105 PEARL CHAMP SERIES 7301210869 PEARL TENOR MARCHING QUADS MUS-Marching Quads 1/1/1985 $105 PEARL CHAMP SERIES 7301210870 PEARL TENOR MARCHING QUADS MUS-Marching Quads 1/1/1985 $105 PEARL CHAMP SERIES 29677 MARIMBA ONE 3100 5.0 OCTAVE MARIMBA MUS-Marimba 8/13/2015 $17,899 MARIMBA ONE 3100 30768 28368 MARIMBA WAREHOUSE PRACTICE MARIMBA MUS-Marimba 12/17/2013 $1,000 MARIMBA WAREHOUSEMPM MW402-058 25716 YAMAHA ACOUSTALON MARIMBA MUS-Marimba 5/3/2012 $7,749 YAMAHA YMRD2900AC 1357 18302 YAMAHA MARIMBA MUS-Marimba 5/20/2009 $12,624 YM6100 1021 2101270107 YAMAHA ACOUSTALON MARIMBA MUS-Marimba 1/1/1985 $1,085 YAMAHA YM2400 1340 2101270228 YAMAHA ACOUSTALON MARIMBA MUS-Marimba 1/1/1985 $1,085 YAMAHA YM-2300 203 7301210836 YAMAHA ACOUSTALON MARIMBA MUS-Marimba 1/1/1985 $1,085 YAMAHA YM-2400 1153 28945 YAMAHA MELLOPHONE MUS-Mellophone 9/5/2014 $1,218 YAMAHA YMP-204MS C83545 28131 YAMAHA MELLOPHONE MUS-Mellophone 6/13/2013 $1,187 YAMAHA YMP-204MS C66140 28133 YAMAHA MELLOPHONE MUS-Mellophone 6/13/2013 $1,187 YAMAHA YMP-204MS C66609 28135 YAMAHA MELLOPHONE MUS-Mellophone 6/13/2013 $1,187 YAMAHA YMP-204MS C67169 25666 YAMAHA MELLOPHONE MUS-Mellophone 4/19/2012 $1,104 YAMAHA YMP-204MS C46035 25667 YAMAHA MELLOPHONE MUS-Mellophone 4/19/2012 $1,104 YAMAHA YMP-204MS C42453 25668 YAMAHA MELLOPHONE MUS-Mellophone 4/19/2012 $1,104 YAMAHA YMP-204MS C45621 25673 YAMAHA MELLOPHONE MUS-Mellophone 4/19/2012 $1,104 YAMAHA YMP-204MS C46221 25065 YAMAHA MELLOPHONE MUS-Mellophone 7/13/2011 $1,130 YAMAHA YMP-204 C33436 25072 YAMAHA MELLOPHONE MUS-Mellophone 6/30/2011 $1,130 YAMAHA YMP-204 C31865 25073 YAMAHA MELLOPHONE MUS-Mellophone 6/30/2011 $1,130 YAMAHA YMP-204 C32747 18431 YAMAHA MELLOPHONE MUS-Mellophone 8/12/2009 $1,076 YAMAHA YMPZ204M 998758 18432 YAMAHA MELLOPHONE MUS-Mellophone 8/12/2009 $1,076 YAMAHA YMPZ204M 999389 18433 YAMAHA MELLOPHONE MUS-Mellophone 8/12/2009 $1,076 YAMAHA YMPZ204M C00645 18434 YAMAHA MELLOPHONE MUS-Mellophone 8/12/2009 $1,076 YAMAHA YMPZ204M 998496 12707 YAMAHA MELLOPHONE MUS-Mellophone 8/22/2007 $1,095 YAMAHA YMP-204MS 924640 16271 YAMAHA MELLOPHONE MUS-Mellophone 8/1/2007 $1,095 YAMAHA YMP-204M 887092 16272 YAMAHA MELLOPHONE MUS-Mellophone 8/1/2007 $1,095 YAMAHA YMP-204M 884536 16273 YAMAHA MELLOPHONE MUS-Mellophone 8/1/2007 $1,095 YAMAHA YMP-204M 883958 16274 YAMAHA MELLOPHONE MUS-Mellophone 8/1/2007 $1,095 YAMAHA YMP-204M 883977 16275 YAMAHA MELLOPHONE MUS-Mellophone 8/1/2007 $1,095 YAMAHA YMP-204M 884539 16276 YAMAHA MELLOPHONE MUS-Mellophone 8/1/2007 $1,095 YAMAHA YMP-204M 886242 16277 YAMAHA MELLOPHONE MUS-Mellophone 8/1/2007 $1,095 YAMAHA YMP-204M 888107 17850 ORFF ALTO METALLOPHONE MUS-Metallophone 10/15/2008 $433 ORRFF PB1311 17852 ORFF SOPRANO METALLOPHONE MUS-Metallophone 10/15/2008 $306 ORRFF PB1301 17870 ORFF SOPRANO METALLOPHONE MUS-Metallophone 10/15/2008 $306 ORRFF PB1301 10250 SOP C METALLOPHONE MUS-Metallophone 8/31/2005 $281 SCH100 N/A 31755 MCADAMS METRONOME W/ REMOTE MUS-Metronome 7/19/2016 $839 MCADAMS 30 12877 31756 MCADAMS METRONOME W/ REMOTE MUS-Metronome 7/19/2016 $839 MCADAMS 30 12878 25146 MCA METRONOME MUS-Metronome 1/27/2012 $583 MCA 20X 10923 25147 MCA METRONOME MUS-Metronome 1/27/2012 $583 MCA 20X 10932 25148 MCA METRONOME MUS-Metronome 1/27/2012 $583 MCA 20X 10927 25141 PETERSON CHROMATIC TUNER 12-WINDOW MUS-Metronome 10/12/2011 $3,400 8001 1009014 25142 DIGIMET II CLASSROOM METRONOME MUS-Metronome 10/6/2011 $551 DIGIMET II 18911 8 OCTAVE AUTO STROBE TUNER MUS-Metronome 5/19/2011 $505 490 18912 MCADAMS METRONOME/TUNER MUS-Metronome 5/19/2011 $505 490 Asset Tag Asset Description Asset Type Purchase Date Purchase Cost Manufacturer Model Serial No 18618 DIGIMET METRONOME W/REMOTE & POWER MUS-Metronome 2/25/2010 $689 DIGIMET DIGIMET II 2267 17911 MCADAMS METRONOME MUS-Metronome 3/4/2009 $959 20X 10079 17912 MCADAMS METRONOME MUS-Metronome 3/4/2009 $959 20X 10078 18203 NODE TUNER MUS-Metronome 3/4/2009 $4,500 NODE 8001 810012 17829 MCADAMS METRONOME/TUNER MUS-Metronome 8/31/2008 $629 MCADAMS INSTRUMENT 20X 9820 17830 MCADAMS METRONOME/TUNER MUS-Metronome 8/31/2008 $629 MCADAMS INSTRUMENT 20X 9817 17831 MCADAMS METRONOME/TUNER MUS-Metronome 8/31/2008 $629 MCADAMS INSTRUMENT 20X 9811 8274 METRONOME MUS-Metronome 8/30/2008 $59 33835 Alto Professional Ts112W Transmitter MUS-Misc Music Equipment 10/10/2016 $379 ALTO Stealth Wireless VV1311110600976 33823 Behringer X Air XR12 12-Input Digital Mixer for iPad/AndroidMUS-Misc Music Equipment 9/19/2016 $239 BEHRINGER XR12 51504185BI6 32902 Impulse 49 MIDI Controller MUS-Misc Music Equipment 9/1/2016 $289 Impulse Impulse 49 BC9601733605 32903 Roland SPD-30 Octopad MUS-Misc Music Equipment 9/1/2016 $649 ROLAND SPD-30 32868 OSCAR SCHMIDT OS21C AUTOHARP MUS-Misc Music Equipment 8/4/2016 $490 OSCAR SCHMIDT OS21C 32869 STUDIO 49 1000 WEST-70X ORFF SET (5 PIECE) MUS-Misc Music Equipment 8/4/2016 $234 STUDIO 49 70X 32870 STUDIO 49 1000 WEST-70X ORFF SET (5 PIECE) MUS-Misc Music Equipment 8/4/2016 $234 STUDIO 49 70X 32871 STUDIO 49 1000 WEST-70X ORFF SET (5 PIECE) MUS-Misc Music Equipment 8/4/2016 $234 STUDIO 49 70X 32872 STUDIO 49 1000 WEST-70X ORFF SET (5 PIECE) MUS-Misc Music Equipment 8/4/2016 $234 STUDIO 49 70X 32873 STUDIO 49 1000 WEST-70X ORFF SET (5 PIECE) MUS-Misc Music Equipment 8/4/2016 $234 STUDIO 49 70X 32874 REMO TU-1114-16 TUBANO MUS-Misc Music Equipment 8/4/2016 $449 REMO TU-1114-16 32875 REMO TU-1114-16 TUBANO MUS-Misc Music Equipment 8/4/2016 $449 REMO TU-1114-16 32750 PAGEANTRY INNOVATIONS EXTENDED DOUBLE MIXERMUS-Misc Music Equipment 6/30/2016 $3,450 AGEANTRY INNOVATIONMC25 32751 PAGEANTRY INNOVATIONS ENCLOSED SYNTHESIZER MUS-Misc Music Equipment 6/30/2016 $3,450 AGEANTRY INNOVATIONKC30 31757 ROLAND CUBE MUS-Misc Music Equipment 6/15/2016 $209 ROLAND 40GX C2G9684 32116 ANCHOR AUDIO LIBERTY PORTABLE SOUND SYSTEM MUS-Misc Music Equipment 6/9/2016 $2,422 ANCHOR AUDIO LIB-8000CU2 D600695 32146 ROLAND SPD-SX SAMPLING PACK MUS-Misc Music Equipment 6/9/2016 $659 ROLAND SPD-SX D8F9305 31727 YAMAHA HD-200 HARMONY DIRECTOR MUS-Misc Music Equipment 6/8/2016 $2,923 YAMAHA HD-200 54390 30950 MOOG THEREMINI MUS-Misc Music Equipment 3/3/2016 $279 MOOG EW-THEREMINI-01 9518 29968 YAMAHA MOTIF XF8 88-KEY SYNTHESIZER MUS-Misc Music Equipment 11/19/2015 $3,238 YAMAHA XF8 UAVL01078 28167 JARVIS SCISSOR-LIFT PODIUM MUS-Misc Music Equipment 8/22/2013 $2,995 JARVIS MODEL 15 25143 KEYRIG MIDI CONTROLLER MUS-Misc Music Equipment 10/6/2011 $99 KEYRIG 49 201A020902254 25730 KEYRIG MIDI CONTROLLER MUS-Misc Music Equipment 10/6/2011 $99 KEYRIG 49 201A020902252 25731 KEYRIG MIDI CONTROLLER MUS-Misc Music Equipment 10/6/2011 $99 KEYRIG 49 201A020902249 25732 KEYRIG MIDI CONTROLLER MUS-Misc Music Equipment 10/6/2011 $99 KEYRIG 49 201A020902253 25733 KEYRIG MIDI CONTROLLER MUS-Misc Music Equipment 10/6/2011 $99 KEYRIG 49 201A020902251 31045 OKLAHOMA SOUND LECTERN W/ AMPLIFIER MUS-Misc Music Equipment 8/13/2010 $896 OKLAHOMA SOUND CORP 18181 QSC GATOR EQUIP RACK MUS-Misc Music Equipment 4/30/2009 $429 QSC RMX1450 110830870 8899 PEARL DRUM RACK MUS-Misc Music Equipment 1/7/2009 $174 16830 YAMAHA ACOUSTALON MARIMBA MUS-Misc Music Equipment 8/29/2007 $- YAMAHA YMRD2900A 1122 7201230135 SCANNER/TUNER MUS-Misc Music Equipment 1/1/1985 $363 31742 FOX RENARD MUS-Oboe 9/29/2016 $2,458 FOX RENARD 333 32746 31743 FOX RENARD OBOE MUS-Oboe 9/29/2016 $2,458 FOX RENARD 333 32770 31744 FOX RENARD OBOE MUS-Oboe 9/29/2016 $2,458 FOX RENARD 333 32769 29259 CABART PROFESSIONAL OBOE MUS-Oboe 12/11/2014 $2,000 CABART 74 95206 25136 FOX RENARD OBOE MUS-Oboe 10/20/2011 $3,057 FOX RENARD 330 29734 25137 FOX RENARD OBOE MUS-Oboe 10/20/2011 $3,057 FOX RENARD 330 29735 18868 FOX RENARD OBOE MUS-Oboe 3/24/2011 $2,448 FOX RENARD 333 29286 Asset Tag Asset Description Asset Type Purchase Date Purchase Cost Manufacturer Model Serial No 18869 FOX RENARD OBOE MUS-Oboe 3/24/2011 $2,448 FOX RENARD 333 29287 18870 FOX RENARD OBOE MUS-Oboe 3/24/2011 $2,448 FOX RENARD 333 29290 18294 CABART OBOE MUS-Oboe 5/20/2009 $5,100 CABART 74 09030- 18295 CABART OBOE MUS-Oboe 5/20/2009 $5,100 CABART 74 09027- 17908 CABART OBOE MUS-Oboe 4/1/2009 $7,450 CABART 74 9027 17909 CABART OBOE MUS-Oboe 4/1/2009 $7,450 CABART 74 9030 17910 LOREE OB33 OBOE MUS-Oboe 4/1/2009 $7,450 LOREE OB33 RK29 17930 LOREE OBOE MUS-Oboe 4/1/2009 $6,350 LOREE OB33 RK01 13672 FOX RENARD OBOE MUS-Oboe 5/2/2007 $3,259 FOX RENARD 330 25316 13673 FOX RENARD OBOE MUS-Oboe 5/2/2007 $3,259 FOX RENARD 330 25315 2101270082 BUFFET OBOE MUS-Oboe 1/1/1994 $1,181 BUFFET 40512K 8852 2101270083 BUFFET OBOE MUS-Oboe 1/1/1994 $1,181 BUFFET 40512K 8855 2101270080 LOREE SYMPHONY OBOE MUS-Oboe 1/1/1991 $2,964 LOREE SYMPHONY JV54 2101270081 LOREE SYMPHONY OBOE MUS-Oboe 1/1/1991 $2,964 LOREE SYMPHONY JW21 2101270079 CABART SYMPHONY OBOE MUS-Oboe 1/1/1989 $1,575 CABART SYMPHONY 8967 2101270088 LOREE SYMPHONY OBOE MUS-Oboe 1/1/1989 $2,756 LOREE SYMPHONY IU97 2101270074 LOREE OBOE MUS-Oboe 1/1/1985 $2,026 LOREE CB67 2101270084 CABART SYMPHONY OBOE MUS-Oboe 1/1/1985 $1,049 CABART SYMPHONY 8506 2101270087 CABART SYMPHONY OBOE MUS-Oboe 1/1/1985 $1,049 CABART SYMPHONY 8551 2101270077 SELMER OBOE MUS-Oboe 1/1/1983 $601 SELMER 101 12351 2101270076 CABART SYMPHONY OBOE MUS-Oboe 1/1/1979 $758 CABART SYMPHONY 7893 2101270075 CABART TOPLINE OBOE MUS-Oboe 1/1/1977 $672 CABART TOPLINE 7612 2101270085 LOREE SYMPHONY OBOE MUS-Oboe 1/1/1969 $752 LOREE SYMPHONY CB66 12051 SONOR BASS PALISO D MUS-Paliso 5/23/2007 $292 SONOR KS100POD 12052 SONOR BASS PALISO E MUS-Paliso 5/23/2007 $292 SONOR KS100POE 12053 SONOR BASS PALISO A MUS-Paliso 5/23/2007 $188 SONOR KS100POA 12054 SONOR BASS PALISO B MUS-Paliso 5/23/2007 $188 SONOR KS100POB 10249 SONOR SUB CONTRA BASS PALISO MUS-Paliso 8/31/2005 $290 KS100PO N/A 32900 Wm. Knabe 45' Studio Piano MUS-Piano 8/25/2016 $3,890 FORSHEY WMV-245 IKNDU1499 32901 Wm. Knabe 45' Studio Piano MUS-Piano 8/25/2016 $3,890 FORSHEY WMV-245 IKOAU 1500 26401 YAMAHA DIGITAL PIANO MUS-Piano 9/12/2012 $1,185 YAMAHA YDP-161 UCRO01355 26402 YAMAHA DIGITAL PIANO MUS-Piano 9/12/2012 $1,185 YAMAHA YDP-161 UCRO01356 26403 YAMAHA DIGITAL PIANO MUS-Piano 9/12/2012 $1,185 YAMAHA YDP-161 UCRO01354 26404 YAMAHA DIGITAL PIANO MUS-Piano 9/12/2012 $1,185 YAMAHA YDP-161 UCRO01357 25144 YAMAHA DIGITAL PIANO MUS-Piano 10/6/2011 $1,099 YAMAHA YDP-161 675567 25145 YAMAHA UPRIGHT PIANO MUS-Piano 10/6/2011 $4,189 YAMAHA P22SW H0124335 31041 ACOUSTIC PIANO UPRIGHT 42'' MUS-Piano 8/13/2010 $4,875 18191 YAMAHA BABY GRAND PIANO MUS-Piano 2/26/2009 $24,999 YAMAHA C5 6246935 18192 YAMAHA UPRIGHT PIANO MUS-Piano 2/26/2009 $3,599 YAMAHA P22SE H0068412 18193 YAMAHA UPRIGHT PIANO MUS-Piano 2/26/2009 $3,599 YAMAHA P22SE H0060529 8884 STORY & CLARK PIANO MUS-Piano 8/29/2008 $4,698 STORY & CLARK 114 IJRBU0589 7467 CE RUPAR ACOUSTIC PIANO MUS-Piano 7/18/2007 $4,826 CE RUPAR MUSIC 114 G02664 10703 ROLAND DIGITAL PIANO MUS-Piano 1/5/2005 $895 ROLAND EP97 ZS49938 14579 BALDWIN HAMILTON STUDIO PIANO MUS-Piano 3/24/2004 $6,580 BALDWIN 485408 2992 BALDWIN HAMILTON STUDIO PIANO MUS-Piano 8/1/2001 $6,580 BALDWIN 4738 BALDWIN HAMILTON STUDIO PIANO MUS-Piano 7/11/2001 $6,580 BALDWIN Asset Tag Asset Description Asset Type Purchase Date Purchase Cost Manufacturer Model Serial No 2101270307 BALDWIN UPRIGHT PIANO MUS-Piano 1/1/1993 $2,282 BALDWIN 243 917 KAWAI UPRIGHT PIANO MUS-Piano 1/1/1988 $1,765 Kawai UST7 31996 2101270299 WURLITZER SPINET PIANO MUS-Piano 1/1/1987 $711 WURLITZER 3083 501564 2102 KAWAI GRAND PIANO MUS-Piano 1/1/1985 $10,853 Kawai 1822572 2101270291 BALDWIN UPRIGHT PIANO MUS-Piano 1/1/1985 $1,849 BALDWIN 243 401024 2101270294 KHOLER & CAMPBELL PIANO MUS-Piano 1/1/1985 $543 KHOLER & CAMPBELL 583444 2101270298 LAGONDA UPRIGHT PIANO MUS-Piano 1/1/1985 $1,881 LAGONDA 3083 732472 2101270300 BALDWIN UPRIGHT PIANO MUS-Piano 1/1/1985 $1,791 BALDWIN 243 397863 2101270301 BALDWIN UPRIGHT PIANO MUS-Piano 1/1/1985 $1,791 BALDWIN 243 397906 7201230130 UPRIGHT PIANO MUS-Piano 1/1/1985 $1,736 2101270295 HOWARD BABY PIANO MUS-Piano 1/1/1983 $4,201 HOWARD BABY C171 40154 2101270304 BALDWIN UPRIGHT PIANO MUS-Piano 1/1/1983 $1,588 BALDWIN 243 371638 31338 BURKART PROFESSIONAL PICCOLO MUS-Piccolo 4/28/2016 $4,107 BURKART PHELAN PRO 7624 26326 BURKART RESONA PICCOLO MUS-Piccolo 7/18/2012 $1,515 BURKART RESONA 13404 17884 BURKHART GLOBAL WOOD PICCOLO MUS-Piccolo 1/28/2009 $1,545 BURKART GLOBAL-W 11304 2101270314 ZENTNER ZE1 PICCOLO MUS-Piccolo 1/1/1996 $285 ZENTNER ZE1 4056 2101270312 HAYNES PROFESSIONAL PICCOLO MUS-Piccolo 1/1/1994 $1,070 HAYNES PROFESSIONAL 47729 2101270313 ZENTNER ZE 1 PICCOLO MUS-Piccolo 1/1/1994 $285 ZENTNER ZE 1 3640 2101270310 GEMEINHARDT PICCOLO MUS-Piccolo 1/1/1985 $485 GEMEINHARDT 4WSSK 2925 12006 JARVIS MODEL 15 SCISSOR-LIFT PODIUM MUS-Riser/Platform 6/10/2015 $3,020 JARVIS 15 7301210805 MARCHING BAND PODIUM MUS-Riser/Platform 6/21/2006 $1,447 PD70 7301210806 JARVIS UTILITY BAND WAGON MUS-Riser/Platform 6/21/2006 $1,295 JARVIS 10243 2 VERSA RISER-PLATFORM MUS-Riser/Platform 10/11/2000 $1,585 10244 VERSA RISER-PLATFORM MUS-Riser/Platform 10/11/2000 $2,056 31728 SELMER BARITONE SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 6/8/2016 $972 SELMER BS-500 SB15091206 29686 SELMER BARITONE SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 8/19/2015 $2,917 SELMER BS-500 SB15010984 29687 SELMER BARITONE SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 8/19/2015 $2,917 SELMER BS-500 SB15010996 29296 JUPITER TENOR SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 2/18/2015 $1,140 JUPITER 787GL TF06294 28129 SELMER BARITONE SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 6/13/2013 $2,616 SELMER BS-500 SB2050154 28130 SELMER BARITONE SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 6/13/2013 $2,616 SELMER BS-500 SB2060199 25738 YAMAHA ALTO SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 5/10/2012 $967 YAMAHA YAS-23 T59787 25154 SELMER BARITONE SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 2/2/2012 $2,449 SELMER BS500 S31054196 25153 YAMAHA BARITONE SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 1/12/2012 $3,549 YAMAHA YBS52 33023 18813 YAMAHA ALTO SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 9/9/2010 $888 YAMAHA YAS-23 T33986 18814 YAMAHA ALTO SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 9/9/2010 $888 YAMAHA YAS-23 T34126 18413 YAMAHA BARITONE SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 8/12/2009 $3,649 YAMAHA YBS52 29414 18414 YAMAHA BARITONE SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 8/12/2009 $3,649 YAMAHA YBS52 29191 18415 YAMAHA TENOR SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 8/12/2009 $1,474 YTS475 C78303 18416 YAMAHA TENOR SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 8/12/2009 $1,474 YTS475 C85398 18417 YAMAHA TENOR SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 8/12/2009 $1,474 YTS475 C78691 18418 YAMAHA TENOR SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 8/12/2009 $1,474 YTS475 C78176 18406 YAMAHA TENOR SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 7/29/2009 $1,990 YAMAHA YTS-6211 C89782 18407 YAMAHA TENOR SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 7/29/2009 $1,990 YAMAHA YTS-6211 C89622 17914 YAMAHA TENOR SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 2/12/2009 $2,032 YAMAHA YTS-6211 C83543 17920 YAMAHA BARITONE SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 2/12/2009 $6,042 YAMAHA YBS-62 28367 17921 YAMAHA TENOR SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 2/12/2009 $2,032 YAMAHA YTS-6211 C80408 Asset Tag Asset Description Asset Type Purchase Date Purchase Cost Manufacturer Model Serial No 19572 SELMER TENOR SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 1/28/2009 $4,084 SELMER 54 675079 19575 SELMER BARITONE SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 8/31/2008 $6,643 SELMER 55AF N710410 12344 YAMAHA BARITONE SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 6/27/2007 $5,704 YAMAHA YBS62 12907 13379 SELMER TENOR SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 11/15/2006 $1,500 SELMER TS200 I307848 10702 SELMER BARITONE SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 7/14/2004 $3,098 SELMER 55A 625313 2101270326 SELMER TENOR SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 1/1/1996 $1,081 SELMER YTS-52 822988 2101270324 YAMAHA TENOR SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 1/1/1994 $1,081 YAMAHA YTS-52 8209A 2101270325 YAMAHA TENOR SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 1/1/1994 $1,081 YAMAHA YTS-52 8217A 2101270005 SELMER BARITONE SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 1/1/1992 $1,290 SELMER 55AF N439587 2101270327 YAMAHA TENOR SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 1/1/1990 $880 YAMAHA YTS52 005700A 2101270328 YAMAHA TENOR SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 1/1/1990 $880 YAMAHA YTS52 5407A 2101270329 BUFFET TENOR SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 1/1/1990 $857 BUFFET S71, HIGH F# 23934 2101270004 YAMAHA BARITONE SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 1/1/1987 $1,206 YAMAHA YBS52 1632 2101270323 BUFFET TENOR SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 1/1/1986 $1,023 BUFFET S71 37007 2101270001 BUNDY ALTO SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 1/1/1985 $506 BUNDY 81896 2101270002 BUNDY ALTO SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 1/1/1985 $506 BUNDY 504100 2101270322 CONN TENOR SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 1/1/1985 $398 CONN 16M 177107 2101270331 SELMER TENOR SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 1/1/1982 $978 SELMER 54, HIGH F# N330724 2101270003 YAMAHA BARITONE SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 1/1/1981 $896 YAMAHA YBS61 7081 2101270006 SELMER BARITONE SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 1/1/1981 $1,123 SELMER 55A 283931 2101270315 YAMAHA SOPRANO SAXOPHONE MUS-Saxophone 1/1/1977 $452 YAMAHA HIGH F# Y55612693 29683 KING SOUSAPHONE MUS-Sousaphone 8/19/2015 $5,680 KING 2350WSB 403474 26849 KING SOUSAPHONE MUS-Sousaphone 5/16/2013 $5,299 KING 2350WSB 331225 26850 KING SOUSAPHONE MUS-Sousaphone 5/16/2013 $5,299 KING 2350WSB 331223 18928 KING SOUSAPHONE MUS-Sousaphone 6/27/2011 $5,198 KING 2350WSB 268627 18919 KING SOUSAPHONE MUS-Sousaphone 5/26/2011 $5,198 KING 2350-WSB 269475 18920 KING SOUSAPHONE MUS-Sousaphone 5/26/2011 $5,198 KING 2350-WSB 268648 18522 KING SOUSAPHONE MUS-Sousaphone 12/15/2009 $5,363 KING 2350WSB 247911 18523 KING SOUSAPHONE MUS-Sousaphone 12/15/2009 $5,363 KING 2350WSB 250004 18524 KING SOUSAPHONE MUS-Sousaphone 12/15/2009 $5,363 KING 2350WSB 249753 18525 KING SOUSAPHONE MUS-Sousaphone 12/15/2009 $5,363 KING 2350WSB 241430 18526 KING SOUSAPHONE MUS-Sousaphone 12/15/2009 $5,363 KING 2350WSB 247914 10196 KING SOUSAPHONE MUS-Sousaphone 5/11/2005 $3,593 KING 2350-SS 354209 2101270316 KING SOUSAPHONE MUS-Sousaphone 1/1/1993 $3,280 KING 23505/K7557 418225 2101270317 KING SOUSAPHONE MUS-Sousaphone 1/1/1993 $3,280 KING 23505/K7557 405851 2101270318 KING SOUSAPHONE MUS-Sousaphone 1/1/1993 $3,280 KING 23505/K7557 410961 2101270319 KING SOUSAPHONE MUS-Sousaphone 1/1/1993 $3,280 KING 23505/K7557 418235 2101270320 KING SOUSAPHONE MUS-Sousaphone 1/1/1993 $3,280 KING 23505/K7557 405855 2101270321 KING SOUSAPHONE MUS-Sousaphone 1/1/1993 $3,280 KING 23505/K7557 405904 33834 Alto Professional Ts115W Speaker MUS-Speaker 10/10/2016 $330 ALTO TS115 (21)UTI14108711106 33824 QSC K12 1000W Active Portable Loudspeaker MUS-Speaker 9/19/2016 $680 QSC K-12 GCG542344 33825 QSC K12 1000W Active Portable Loudspeaker MUS-Speaker 9/19/2016 $680 QSC K-12 GCG542347 10245 COLLAPSIBLE CRADLE MODEL MUS-Stand 5/23/2001 $950 2101270117 LUDWIG TIMPANI - HAMMERED BOWL - 20" MUS-Timpani 1/1/1985 $724 LUDWIG 886 TT8 2101270118 LUDWIG TIMPANI - HAMMERED BOWL - 23" MUS-Timpani 1/1/1985 $724 LUDWIG 795 TT20 2101270119 LUDWIG TIMPANI - HAMMERED BOWL - 26" MUS-Timpani 1/1/1985 $724 LUDWIG D797 TT11 Asset Tag Asset Description Asset Type Purchase Date Purchase Cost Manufacturer Model Serial No 2101270120 LUDWIG TIMPANI - HAMMERED BOWL - 29" MUS-Timpani 1/1/1985 $724 LUDWIG 797 TT21 2101270121 LUDWIG TIMPANI - HAMMERED BOWL - 32" MUS-Timpani 1/1/1985 $724 LUDWIG 797 TT12 29258 YAMAHA ZENO BASS TROMBONE MUS-Trombone 12/11/2014 $1,900 YAMAHA 830G 29258 18194 YAMAHA BASS TROMBONE MUS-Trombone 5/13/2009 $3,112 YAMAHA YBL830 500749 17924 BACH TROMBONE MUS-Trombone 2/12/2009 $2,064 BACH 42B0 50353/187092 17925 BACH TROMBONE MUS-Trombone 2/12/2009 $2,064 BACH 42B0 50183/187091 17926 BACH TROMBONE MUS-Trombone 2/12/2009 $2,064 BACH 42B0 50374/187098 2101270052 GETZEN EDWARDS BASS TROMBONE MUS-Trombone 1/1/1996 $1,235 GETZEN EDWARDS 6907018 2101270053 GETZEN EDWARDS BASS TROMBONE MUS-Trombone 1/1/1996 $1,235 GETZEN EDWARDS 6908054 2101270333 BACH TROMBONE MUS-Trombone 1/1/1996 $296 BACH 42BO 73417/122195 2101270334 BACH TROMBONE MUS-Trombone 1/1/1996 $296 BACH 42BO 71412/122851 2101270050 BACH BASS TROMBONE MUS-Trombone 1/1/1977 $393 BACH 50B2L 961175/2027/7875 2101270354 GETZEN VALVE TROMBONE MUS-Trombone 1/1/1977 $150 GETZEN 398S KN2863 29446 YAMAHA MUS-Trumpet 5/7/2015 $473 YAMAHA YTR-2330 V69942 29447 YAMAHA TRUMPET MUS-Trumpet 5/7/2015 $473 YAMAHA YTR-2330 V70282 18419 BACH TRUMPET MUS-Trumpet 8/12/2009 $368 BACH TR300H G69100 18420 BACH TRUMPET MUS-Trumpet 8/12/2009 $368 BACH TR300H G79217 18421 BACH TRUMPET MUS-Trumpet 8/12/2009 $368 BACH TR300H G80595 18422 BACH TRUMPET MUS-Trumpet 8/12/2009 $368 BACH TR300H G79214 2101270308 YAMAHA PICCOLO TRUMPET MUS-Trumpet 1/1/1994 $1,610 YAMAHA YTR9820 10207 31733 JUPITER 4-VALVE MUS-Tuba 7/19/2016 $3,132 JUPITER 482L VC00686 31734 JUPITER 4-VALVE TUBA MUS-Tuba 7/19/2016 $3,132 JUPITER 482L VC00685 31735 JUPITER 4-VALVE TUBA MUS-Tuba 7/19/2016 $3,132 JUPITER 482L VC00645 31736 JUPITER 4-VALVE TUBA MUS-Tuba 7/19/2016 $3,132 JUPITER 482L VC00684 31737 JUPITER 4-VALVE TUBA MUS-Tuba 7/19/2016 $3,132 JUPITER 482L VC00683 29949 JUPITER 4V TUBA MUS-Tuba 11/5/2015 $3,059 JUPITER 482-L TC00428 28877 MIRAPHONE TUBA MUS-Tuba 5/26/2014 $6,839 MIRAPHONE 186-4U 9113527 28878 MIRAPHONE TUBA MUS-Tuba 5/26/2014 $6,839 MIRAPHONE 186-4U 9113695 28879 MIRAPHONE TUBA MUS-Tuba 5/26/2014 $6,839 MIRAPHONE 186-4U 9113346 26690 JUPITER BBFLAT 4-VALVE TUBA MUS-Tuba 2/7/2013 $2,595 JUPITER 482L P37007 18929 MIRAPHONE TUBA MUS-Tuba 6/27/2011 $6,340 MIRAPHONE S-186WC 9090814 18930 MIRAPHONE TUBA MUS-Tuba 6/27/2011 $6,340 MIRAPHONE S-186WC 9090816 25138 MIRAPHONE TUBA MUS-Tuba 5/19/2011 $6,000 MIRAPHONE S-186WC 9094448 18514 JUPITER TUBA MUS-Tuba 11/4/2009 $2,660 JUPITER JCB-482L L04207 18516 JUPITER TUBA MUS-Tuba 11/4/2009 $2,660 JUPITER JCB-482L L03326 18517 JUPITER TUBA MUS-Tuba 11/4/2009 $2,660 JUPITER JCB-482L L04206 18518 JUPITER TUBA MUS-Tuba 11/4/2009 $2,660 JUPITER JCB-482L L02329 18298 MIRAPHONE TUBA MUS-Tuba 6/10/2009 $6,550 MIRAPHONE 9074634 18299 MIRAPHONE TUBA MUS-Tuba 5/20/2009 $6,550 MIRAPHONE 9074641 18300 MIRAPHONE TUBA MUS-Tuba 5/20/2009 $6,550 MIRAPHONE 9075709 18301 MIRAPHONE TUBA MUS-Tuba 5/20/2009 $6,550 MIRAPHONE 9074029 17856 JUPITER 4-VALVE TUBA MUS-Tuba 10/15/2008 $2,775 482L K01375 17857 JUPITER 4-VALVE TUBA MUS-Tuba 10/15/2008 $2,775 482L K03368 17858 JUPITER 4-VALVE TUBA MUS-Tuba 10/15/2008 $2,775 482L K01822 17859 JUPITER 4-VALVE TUBA MUS-Tuba 10/15/2008 $2,775 482L K10376 17860 JUPITER 4-VALVE TUBA MUS-Tuba 10/15/2008 $2,775 482L K01380 Asset Tag Asset Description Asset Type Purchase Date Purchase Cost Manufacturer Model Serial No 6026 MIRAPHONE BBB TUBA MUS-Tuba 5/12/1999 $4,695 MIRAPHONE MI1864VS 16936 6017 ST PETERSBURG BBB TUBA MUS-Tuba 3/24/1999 $2,995 ST PETERSBURG 201 500 6018 ST PETERSBURG BBB TUBA MUS-Tuba 3/24/1999 $2,995 ST PETERSBURG 201 498 6019 ST PETERSBURG BBB TUBA MUS-Tuba 3/24/1999 $2,995 ST PETERSBURG 201 497 6020 ST PETERSBURG BBB TUBA MUS-Tuba 3/24/1999 $2,995 ST PETERSBURG 201 501 2101270342 CERVANY CONCERT TUBA MUS-Tuba 1/1/1995 $2,845 CERVANY GS4RVW 51139 2101270343 CERVANY CONCERT TUBA MUS-Tuba 1/1/1995 $2,845 CERVANY GS4RVW 5812 2101270353 KING 4 VALVE UPRIGHT BASS TUBA MUS-Tuba 1/1/1985 $724 KING 1241 443341 5355 MIRAPHONE BBB TUBA MUS-Tuba 1/1/1984 $1,687 MIRAPHONE 498 16619 2101270350 MIRAPHONE BBB UPRIGHT TUBA MUS-Tuba 1/1/1984 $2,949 MIRAPHONE 1864U 12822 2101270351 MIRAPHONE UPRIGHT BASS TUBA MUS-Tuba 1/1/1984 $2,252 MIRAPHONE 1864U 8335 2101270341 YAMAHA BBB UPRIGHT TUBA MUS-Tuba 1/1/1982 $1,124 YAMAHA YBB-321S 10424 2101270338 YAMAHA BBB UPRIGHT TUBA MUS-Tuba 1/1/1980 $1,058 YAMAHA YBB-321S 7578 2101270339 YAMAHA BBB UPRIGHT TUBA MUS-Tuba 1/1/1980 $1,058 YAMAHA YBB-201S 7318 101270337 MIRAPHONE UPRIGHT BASS MUS-Upright Bass 1/1/1979 $1,296 MIRAPHONE 1864U 11389 101270345 KING UPRIGHT BASS MUS-Upright Bass 1/1/1968 $497 KING 1241 443339 101270346 KING UPRIGHT BASS MUS-Upright Bass 1/1/1968 $497 KING 1241 443323 101270347 KING UPRIGHT BASS MUS-Upright Bass 1/1/1968 $497 KING 1241 463117 101270348 KING UPRIGHT BASS MUS-Upright Bass 1/1/1968 $497 KING 1241 463110 28177 YAMAHA VIBRAPHONE MUS-Vibraphone 9/30/2013 $3,918 YAMAHA YV-2700C 5955 16284 YAMAHA VIBRAPHONE MUS-Vibraphone 8/1/2007 $4,096 YAMAHA YVRD2700 1308 2101270108 YAMAHA VIBRAPHONE MUS-Vibraphone 1/1/1985 $1,085 YAMAHA YV-2600 1167 2101270126 YAMAHA VIBRAPHONE MUS-Vibraphone 1/1/1985 $1,664 YAMAHA YV2700 2101270227 YAMAHA VIBRAPHONE MUS-Vibraphone 1/1/1985 $1,085 YAMAHA YV-2700 2363 2101270229 YAMAHA VIBRAPHONE MUS-Vibraphone 1/1/1985 $1,085 YAMAHA YV-2700 1053 33274 Yamaha Xylophone MUS-Xylophone 10/13/2016 $881 YAMAHA MXL-32AF 101058 18748 SOP XYLOPHONE MUS-Xylophone 8/15/2010 $722 SKX300 17848 ORFF SOPRANO XYLOPHONE MUS-Xylophone 10/15/2008 $306 ORRFF PB1101 17851 ORFF BASS XYLOPHONE MUS-Xylophone 10/15/2008 $1,186 ORRFF PB1121 17853 ORFF ALTO XYLOPHONE MUS-Xylophone 10/15/2008 $433 ORRFF PB1111 17867 ORFF SOPRANO XYLOPHONE MUS-Xylophone 10/15/2008 $306 ORRFF PB1101 17868 ORFF SOPRANO XYLOPHONE MUS-Xylophone 10/15/2008 $306 ORRFF PB1101 17869 ORFF SOPRANO XYLOPHONE MUS-Xylophone 10/15/2008 $306 ORRFF PB1101 13647 YAMAHA XYLOPHONE MUS-Xylophone 1/10/2007 $1,818 YAMAHA YX-335 3391235A 10225 ORFF DEEP BASS D MAJ XYLOPHONE MUS-Xylophone 7/20/2005 $888 GBKX100 10226 SOP C-MAJ XYLOPHONE MUS-Xylophone 7/20/2005 $272 SKX100 10227 SONOR TN/ALTO C-MAJ XYLOPHONE MUS-Xylophone 7/20/2005 $404 TAKX100 10228 SONOR TN/ALTO C-MAJ XYLOPHONE MUS-Xylophone 7/20/2005 $404 TAKX100 2101270130 DEAGAN XYLOPHONE MUS-Xylophone 1/1/1985 $217 DEAGAN XX1 14133 2101270258 DEAGAN XYLOPHONE MUS-Xylophone 1/1/1985 $217 XX2 932

TOTAL VALUE $1,203,512 Loss Run for NHT909367 - Dickinson Independent School District (xs 50M) / TX Dmbjn!Op; 8141225763!)dpou*

Insured Name: Dickinson Independent School District Policy No: NHT909367 0 Term: 9/1/2019 - 9/1/2020 (xs 50M) / TX Gbmtf

No claims exist for this policy year.

Insured Name: Dickinson Independent School District / Policy No: NHT901557 0 Term: 9/1/2017 - 9/1/2019 Excess Gbmtf

No claims exist for this policy year.

Insured Name: Dickinson Independent School District / Policy No: NHT397737 0 Term: 9/1/2016 - 9/1/2017 Excess Gbmtf Claim No: 7030114652 Status: C Date of Loss: 8/25/2017 Location of Loss: Dickinson, TX Date Reported: 9/1/2017 Loss Description: Property damage from Harvey qpmjdz!ovncfs OIU4:8848!1 Gbmtf dmbjn!ovncfs 8141225763 ++!Ijeefo!Spx!++ Paid Reserve Incurred $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Policy Gross Incurred Paid Reserve Incurred Indemnity $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Expense $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Insured Name: Dickinson Independent School District / Policy No: NHT393817 0 Term: 9/1/2015 - 9/1/2016 Excess Gbmtf

No claims exist for this policy year.

Total Gross Incurred Paid Reserve Incurred Indemnity $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Expense $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Page 1 of 1 RSUI Group, Inc. CLMSRS001E-3; 3/30/2020 1:05 PM Loss Run for NHT393817 - Dickinson Independent School District / Excess Dmbjn!Op; !)dpou*

Insured Name: Dickinson Independent School District / Policy No: NHT393817 0 Term: 9/1/2015 - 9/1/2016 Excess Gbmtf

No claims exist for this policy year.

Total Gross Incurred Paid Reserve Incurred Indemnity $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Expense $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Page 1 of 1 RSUI Group, Inc. CLMSRS001E-3; 3/30/2020 1:07 PM Loss Run for LHT909366 - Dickinson Independent School District (Primary) / TX Dmbjn!Op; 814124:842!)dpou*

Insured Name: Dickinson Independent School District Policy No: LHT909366 0 Term: 9/1/2019 - 9/1/2020 (Primary) / TX Gbmtf

No claims exist for this policy year.

Insured Name: Dickinson Independent School District Policy No: LHT901556 0 Term: 9/1/2017 - 9/1/2019 Gbmtf Claim No: 7030139731 Status: O Date of Loss: 5/9/2019 Location of Loss: DICKINSON, TX Date Reported: 10/25/2019 Loss Description: HAIL DMG ON ROOF qpmjdz!ovncfs MIU:12667!1 Gbmtf dmbjn!ovncfs 814124:842 ++!Ijeefo!Spx!++ Paid Reserve Incurred $208,515.82 $416,484.00 $624,999.82 Policy Gross Incurred Paid Reserve Incurred Indemnity $208,515.82 $386,484.00 $594,999.82 Expense $0.00 $30,000.00 $30,000.00 Total $208,515.82 $416,484.00 $624,999.82

Insured Name: Dickinson Independent School District Policy No: LHT397738 0 Term: 9/1/2016 - 9/1/2017 Gbmtf Claim No: 7030114653 Status: C Date of Loss: 8/25/2017 Location of Loss: Dicksinson, TX Date Reported: 9/1/2017 Loss Description: Damages due to Hurricane Harvey qpmjdz!ovncfs MIU4:8849!1 Gbmtf dmbjn!ovncfs 8141225764 ++!Ijeefo!Spx!++ Paid Reserve Incurred $66,386.08 $0.00 $66,386.08 Policy Gross Incurred Paid Reserve Incurred Indemnity $64,369.23 $0.00 $64,369.23 Expense $2,016.85 $0.00 $2,016.85 Total $66,386.08 $0.00 $66,386.08

Insured Name: Dickinson Independent School District Policy No: LHT393816 0 Term: 9/1/2015 - 9/1/2016 Gbmtf

No claims exist for this policy year.

Insured Name: Dickinson Independent School District Policy No: LHT389065 0 Term: 9/1/2014 - 9/1/2015 Gbmtf

Page 1 of 4 RSUI Group, Inc. CLMSRS001E-3; 3/30/2020 1:07 PM Loss Run for LHT909366 - Dickinson Independent School District (Primary) / TX Dmbjn!Op; 8141154:31!)dpou*

Insured Name: Dickinson Independent School District Policy No: LHT389065 0 Term: 9/1/2014 - 9/1/2015 Gbmtf

No claims exist for this policy year.

Insured Name: Dickinson Independent School District Policy No: LHT383768 0 Term: 9/1/2013 - 9/1/2014 Gbmtf

No claims exist for this policy year.

Insured Name: Dickinson Independent School District Policy No: LHT378095 0 Term: 9/1/2012 - 9/1/2013 Gbmtf

No claims exist for this policy year.

Insured Name: Dickinson Independent School District Policy No: LHT373163 0 Term: 9/1/2011 - 9/1/2012 Gbmtf

No claims exist for this policy year.

Insured Name: Dickinson Independent School District Policy No: LHD368658 0 Term: 9/1/2010 - 9/1/2011 Gbmtf Claim No: 7030043920 Status: C Date of Loss: 2/17/2011 Location of Loss: DICKINSON, TX Date Reported: 2/24/2011 Loss Description: CABINETS BROKE LOOSE FROM THE WALLS CAUSING DMG TO COMPUTERS AND EQUIPMENT qpmjdz!ovncfs MIE479769!1 Gbmtf dmbjn!ovncfs 8141154:31 ++!Ijeefo!Spx!++ Paid Reserve Incurred $5,189.94 $0.00 $5,189.94 Policy Gross Incurred Paid Reserve Incurred Indemnity $4,098.78 $0.00 $4,098.78 Expense $1,091.16 $0.00 $1,091.16 Total $5,189.94 $0.00 $5,189.94

Insured Name: Dickinson Independent School District Policy No: LHT363721 0 Term: 9/1/2009 - 9/1/2010 Gbmtf

No claims exist for this policy year.

Page 2 of 4 RSUI Group, Inc. CLMSRS001E-3; 3/30/2020 1:07 PM Loss Run for LHT909366 - Dickinson Independent School District (Primary) / TX Dmbjn!Op; 8141135484!)dpou*

Insured Name: Dickinson Independent School District Policy No: LHT359203 0 Term: 9/1/2008 - 9/1/2009 Gbmtf Claim No: 7030024373 Status: C Date of Loss: 9/13/2008 Location of Loss: HOUSTON, TX Date Reported: 9/15/2008 Loss Description: NO ACCORD qpmjdz!ovncfs MIU46:314!1 Gbmtf dmbjn!ovncfs 8141135484 ++!Ijeefo!Spx!++ Paid Reserve Incurred $3,142.23 $0.00 $3,142.23 Policy Gross Incurred Paid Reserve Incurred Indemnity $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Expense $3,142.23 $0.00 $3,142.23 Total $3,142.23 $0.00 $3,142.23

Insured Name: Dickinson Independent School District Policy No: LHT354309 0 Term: 9/1/2007 - 9/1/2008 Gbmtf

No claims exist for this policy year.

Insured Name: Dickinson Independent School District Policy No: LHT348589 0 Term: 9/1/2006 - 9/1/2007 Gbmtf

No claims exist for this policy year.

Insured Name: Dickinson Independent School District Policy No: LHT342690 0 Term: 9/1/2005 - 9/1/2006 Gbmtf

No claims exist for this policy year.

Insured Name: Dickinson I S D Policy No: LHT336968 0 Term: 9/1/2004 - 9/1/2005 Gbmtf

No claims exist for this policy year.

Insured Name: Dickinson I S D Policy No: K2HT330522 0 Term: 9/1/2003 - 9/1/2004 Gbmtf

No claims exist for this policy year.

Total Gross Incurred Paid Reserve Incurred

Page 3 of 4 RSUI Group, Inc. CLMSRS001E-3; 3/30/2020 1:07 PM Loss Run for LHT909366 - Dickinson Independent School District (Primary) / TX Dmbjn!Op; !)dpou*

Indemnity $276,983.83 $386,484.00 $663,467.83 Expense $6,250.24 $30,000.00 $36,250.24 Total $283,234.07 $416,484.00 $699,718.07

Page 4 of 4 RSUI Group, Inc. CLMSRS001E-3; 3/30/2020 1:07 PM Print Date : 03/30/2020 Loss Run Dated - 02/29/2020

Dickinson Independent School District Account No: 484329 Policy Term: 09/01/2017 -- 09/01/2018 Policy Numbers: 10T029659-08567-17-00 AMR-60155 USI-21577-00 Broker Company: CRC Group

No Claims found for this policy

Dickinson Independent School District Account No: 583375 Policy Term: 09/01/2018 -- 09/01/2019 Policy Numbers: 10T029659-08567-18-01 AMR-60155-01 USI-21577-01 Broker Company: CRC Group

Date Of Loss Status Loss Paid Expense Paid Loss Reserve Expense Reserve Total Incurred 5/9/2019 OPEN $0.00 $1,470.00 $743,750.00 $16,030.00 $761,250.00 Claim Type: Property Claim Loss Type: Hail

Loss Description: Hail damage on roof of Dunbar Middle School. 2901 - 23rd St., Dickinson, TX 77539

Location: Dunbar Middle School

CLM31169 4166597

Policy Total: $0.00 $1,470.00 $743,750.00 $16,030.00 $761,250.00

This is not to be construed as an absolute statement of claims, but as a history located for this insured with the listed policy numbers. The Amrisc, LLC loss runs do not necessarily reflect all new claims, transactions or changes applicable within the last 30 days. Page 1 of 2 Dickinson Independent School District Account No: 653464 Policy Term: 09/01/2019 -- 09/01/2020 Policy Numbers: 10T029659-08567-19-02 AMP7537016-00 AMR-60155-02 CPP9752053-00 HAN-22947-00 LEX- 014714997-00 MSP-28613 ORAMPR007844-00 SSI-16854-00 USI-21577-02 Broker Company: CRC Group

No Claims found for this policy

Loss Paid Expense Paid Loss Reserve Expense Reserve Total Incurred

Total All Years: $0.00 $1,470.00 $743,750.00 $16,030.00 $761,250.00

This is not to be construed as an absolute statement of claims, but as a history located for this insured with the listed policy numbers. The Amrisc, LLC loss runs do not necessarily reflect all new claims, transactions or changes applicable within the last 30 days. Page 2 of 2 Arch Claims Loss Run Report Insured Name: DICKINSON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Report ran by: JTagulao Policy Number: ESP730245000 Report run date: Mar 30, 2020 3:11:41 PM Policy Period: 09/01/2015 - 09/01/2016

Claim Handler Date Claimant Additional State Date of Date Loss Description External Handler Name Indemnity Expense Medical Closed Insured/ Loss Reported Paid Paid Paid Location $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Claims: 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

The reserves reflected on this loss run represent estimates of exposure and expenses based upon currently available information. Final FILES LISTED ARE THOSE FILES REPORTED TO ARCH PURSUANT TO THE POLICY. THIS POLICY IS AN EXCESS OR UMBRELLA POLICY AND incurred amounts for these claims may be less than, equal to, or greater than currently posted reserves as investigation and/or litigation THIS RUN DOES NOT REFLECT CLAIMS WHICH MAY HAVE BEEN REPORTED BY THE INSURED TO A PRIMARY CARRIER. continues. No representation is therefore made as to their ultimate accuracy. Arch Insurance Group considers these reserve figures to be proprietary information, that should not be disclosed to third parties without the express written consent of Arch. Mar 30, 2020 1 3:11:41 PM Arch Claims Loss Run Report Insured Name: DICKINSON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Report ran by: JTagulao Policy Number: ESP730245001 Report run date: Mar 30, 2020 3:11:41 PM Policy Period: 09/01/2016 - 09/01/2017

Claim Handler Date Claimant Additional State Date of Date Loss Description External Handler Name Indemnity Expense Medical Closed Insured/ Loss Reported Paid Paid Paid Location 000013109350 Cipollo, Michael 03/05/19 DICKINSON INDEPENDENT TX 08/25/17 09/01/17 Galveston County, 77539; Hurricane *Unknown* $64,369.23 $2,016.85 $0.00 SCHOOL DISTRICT Harvey (CAT#1743) Total Claims: 1 $64,369.23 $2,016.85 $0.00

The reserves reflected on this loss run represent estimates of exposure and expenses based upon currently available information. Final FILES LISTED ARE THOSE FILES REPORTED TO ARCH PURSUANT TO THE POLICY. THIS POLICY IS AN EXCESS OR UMBRELLA POLICY AND incurred amounts for these claims may be less than, equal to, or greater than currently posted reserves as investigation and/or litigation THIS RUN DOES NOT REFLECT CLAIMS WHICH MAY HAVE BEEN REPORTED BY THE INSURED TO A PRIMARY CARRIER. continues. No representation is therefore made as to their ultimate accuracy. Arch Insurance Group considers these reserve figures to be proprietary information, that should not be disclosed to third parties without the express written consent of Arch. Mar 30, 2020 2 3:11:41 PM Arch Claims Loss Run Report Insured Name: DICKINSON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Report ran by: JTagulao Policy Number: ESP730245002 Report run date: Mar 30, 2020 3:11:41 PM Policy Period: 09/01/2017 - 09/01/2018

Claim Handler Date Claimant Additional State Date of Date Loss Description External Handler Name Indemnity Expense Medical Closed Insured/ Loss Reported Paid Paid Paid Location $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Claims: 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

The reserves reflected on this loss run represent estimates of exposure and expenses based upon currently available information. Final FILES LISTED ARE THOSE FILES REPORTED TO ARCH PURSUANT TO THE POLICY. THIS POLICY IS AN EXCESS OR UMBRELLA POLICY AND incurred amounts for these claims may be less than, equal to, or greater than currently posted reserves as investigation and/or litigation THIS RUN DOES NOT REFLECT CLAIMS WHICH MAY HAVE BEEN REPORTED BY THE INSURED TO A PRIMARY CARRIER. continues. No representation is therefore made as to their ultimate accuracy. Arch Insurance Group considers these reserve figures to be proprietary information, that should not be disclosed to third parties without the express written consent of Arch. Mar 30, 2020 3 3:11:41 PM Arch Claims Loss Run Report Insured Name: DICKINSON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Report ran by: JTagulao Policy Number: ESP730245003 Report run date: Mar 30, 2020 3:11:41 PM Policy Period: 09/01/2018 - 09/01/2019

Claim Handler Date Claimant Additional State Date of Date Loss Description External Handler Name Indemnity Expense Medical Closed Insured/ Loss Reported Paid Paid Paid Location 000013404890 Walsh, Ed Dickinson Independent School District TX 05/09/19 10/25/19 Arch $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Hail damage to roof at the Dunbar Middle School Total Claims: 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

The reserves reflected on this loss run represent estimates of exposure and expenses based upon currently available information. Final FILES LISTED ARE THOSE FILES REPORTED TO ARCH PURSUANT TO THE POLICY. THIS POLICY IS AN EXCESS OR UMBRELLA POLICY AND incurred amounts for these claims may be less than, equal to, or greater than currently posted reserves as investigation and/or litigation THIS RUN DOES NOT REFLECT CLAIMS WHICH MAY HAVE BEEN REPORTED BY THE INSURED TO A PRIMARY CARRIER. continues. No representation is therefore made as to their ultimate accuracy. Arch Insurance Group considers these reserve figures to be proprietary information, that should not be disclosed to third parties without the express written consent of Arch. Mar 30, 2020 4 3:11:41 PM Arch Claims Loss Run Report Insured Name: Dickinson Independent School District Report ran by: JTagulao Policy Number: ESP730245004 Report run date: Mar 30, 2020 3:11:41 PM Policy Period: 09/01/2019 - 09/01/2020

Claim Handler Date Claimant Additional State Date of Date Loss Description External Handler Name Indemnity Expense Medical Closed Insured/ Loss Reported Paid Paid Paid Location $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Claims: 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

The reserves reflected on this loss run represent estimates of exposure and expenses based upon currently available information. Final FILES LISTED ARE THOSE FILES REPORTED TO ARCH PURSUANT TO THE POLICY. THIS POLICY IS AN EXCESS OR UMBRELLA POLICY AND incurred amounts for these claims may be less than, equal to, or greater than currently posted reserves as investigation and/or litigation THIS RUN DOES NOT REFLECT CLAIMS WHICH MAY HAVE BEEN REPORTED BY THE INSURED TO A PRIMARY CARRIER. continues. No representation is therefore made as to their ultimate accuracy. Arch Insurance Group considers these reserve figures to be proprietary information, that should not be disclosed to third parties without the express written consent of Arch. Mar 30, 2020 5 3:11:41 PM 1 Lincoln Street, 23rd Floor Boston, MA 02111

Loss Value as of 03/30/2020

Insured Name Dickinson Independent School District

Policy Number 42-PRP-301734-01

Policy Period 09/01/2015 - 09/01/2016

Policy Type Primary Property

Loss Loss Line Detail Loss CAT Claim Indemnity/ Indemnity/ Recoveries Claim # Claimant Loss Description D/L D/R Loss Cause Status Closed Date LAE Paid LAE Reserve Total Paid Total Incurred Location State Cause Code Currency Loss Paid Loss Reserve Received No Claims Reported Total

Report Printed on 03/31/2020 1 Lincoln Street, 23rd Floor Boston, MA 02111

Loss Value as of 03/30/2020

Insured Name Dickinson Independent School District

Policy Number 42-PRP-301734-02

Policy Period 09/01/2016 - 09/01/2017

Policy Type Primary Property

Loss Loss Line Detail Loss CAT Claim Indemnity/ Indemnity/ Recoveries Claim # Claimant Loss Description D/L D/R Loss Cause Status Closed Date LAE Paid LAE Reserve Total Paid Total Incurred Location State Cause Code Currency Loss Paid Loss Reserve Received PR1709023069 Dickinson Independent Full extent of damage is Multiple TX 08/25/2017 09/01/2017 Hurricane / Tropical Storm / Flood 1743 Closed 02/26/2019 USD $ 7,610.20 $ 128,738.47 $ - $ - $ - $ 136,348.67 $ 136,348.67 (Property Damage - School District unknown at this time, locations, Cyclone (Major CAT) Building) however we do know that the Port O district has sustained some Connor property damage other than 77982 flood Total $ 7,610.20 $ 128,738.47 $ - $ - $ - $ 136,348.67 $ 136,348.67

Report Printed on 03/31/2020 1 Lincoln Street, 23rd Floor Boston, MA 02111

Loss Value as of 03/30/2020

Insured Name Dickinson Independent School District

Policy Number 42-PRP-301734-03

Policy Period 09/01/2017 - 09/01/2019

Policy Type Primary Property

Loss Loss Line Detail Loss CAT Claim Indemnity/ Indemnity/ Recoveries Claim # Claimant Loss Description D/L D/R Loss Cause Status Closed Date LAE Paid LAE Reserve Total Paid Total Incurred Location State Cause Code Currency Loss Paid Loss Reserve Received PR1910055813 Dickinson Independent Hail damage to roof of 2901 23rd TX 05/09/2019 10/25/2019 AOP (All Other Peril) Other - Not Open USD $ - $ 260,644.78 $ 5,000.00 $ 483,105.22 $ - $ 260,644.78 $ 748,750.00 (Property Damage - School District Dunbar Middle School Street, Otherwise Building) Dickinson Classified 77539 Total $ - $ 260,644.78 $ 5,000.00 $ 483,105.22 $ - $ 260,644.78 $ 748,750.00

Report Printed on 03/31/2020 1 Lincoln Street, 23rd Floor Boston, MA 02111

Loss Value as of 03/30/2020

Insured Name Dickinson Independent School District

Policy Number 42-PRP-301734-04

Policy Period 09/01/2019 - 09/01/2020

Policy Type Primary Property

Loss Loss Line Detail Loss CAT Claim Indemnity/ Indemnity/ Recoveries Claim # Claimant Loss Description D/L D/R Loss Cause Status Closed Date LAE Paid LAE Reserve Total Paid Total Incurred Location State Cause Code Currency Loss Paid Loss Reserve Received No Claims Reported Total

Report Printed on 03/31/2020

LOSS RUN AS OF 04/01/2020


INSURED NAME: Dickinson Independent Sch


POLICY EFFECTIVE DATES: 09/01/2019 - 09/01/2020

Claim # Claim Reference Claimant Status Date Of Date Date Claim Type Type of Loss Claim Loss Reserve Loss Paid Expense Expense Paid Recovered Total Incurred Examiner Loss Reported Closed State Reserve Loss

No Losses Reported


Endurance U.S. Insurance Operations | 725 South Figueroa Street, Suite 2100 | Los Angeles, CA 90017 Telephone 213 270-7000 | Fax 213 270-7020 Printed 04/01/2020 4:48 PM Page 1 of 1 Global Loss Run Note:The establishment of a claim reserve does not constitute an admission of any liability on the part of the insured or the insurer, nor does it guarantee that any payment is or will be due from the insured or from the insurer under the policy. Number of Open Claims:0 Number of Closed Claims:1 Report Run Date:01-Apr-2020

Swiss Re Policy: ESP200155800 Effective: 01-Sep-2015 Expiry: 01-Sep-2016 Insured: Dickinson Independent School District Carrier: First Specialty Insurance Corporation Booking Policy Underwriting Indemnity Expense Indemnity Expense Net Paid + Effective Expiry Claim ID Legacy Claim Number Claim Status Date of Loss Date Received Property Description Loss Location Description Currency Number Year Paid Paid Reserved Reserved Reserved ESP200155800 2015 09-01-2015 09-01-2016 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Swiss Re Policy: ESP200155801 Effective: 01-Sep-2016 Expiry: 01-Sep-2017 Insured: Dickinson Independent School District Carrier: First Specialty Insurance Corporation Booking Policy Underwriting Indemnity Expense Indemnity Expense Net Paid + Effective Expiry Claim ID Legacy Claim Number Claim Status Date of Loss Date Received Property Description Loss Location Description Currency Number Year Paid Paid Reserved Reserved Reserved 00001 : 101 Bay Colony Elementary Driv Dickinson ESP200155801 2016 09-01-2016 09-01-2017 20171126441 Settled / Closed 08-25-2017 09-01-2017 TX 77539 Texas USD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Page 1 of 1 Loss Run Report

Policy Number D42280495 Policy Term 9/1/2019 - 9/1/2020 Insured Name DICKINSON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Division W - Westchester Specialty PAC PMF - Primary Fire Master/Subsidiary Producer 271319 - CRC INSURANCE SERVICESINC MCC 0080200 - Property-Exclud Westchest A&E

BCO Adjuster ***

Claim Supervisor ***

Plant / Div Location Cd *** Sub Proc Event Made Report Close Reopen Gross Paid Gross Gross Occurrence ID State Desc Claimant Sts Gross Paid Loss Ltr AIM Date Date Date Date Date Expense Outstanding Incurred Loss

$0 $0 $0 $0

Subtotal $0 $0 $0 $0

Grand Total $0 $0 $0 $0

Valuation Date: 3/12/2020 Version: BAR - Report Generated: 4/2/2020 11:41:27 AM AXIS INSURANCE LOSS RUN


Loss Run Summary

# of Open Policy Term Policy Type Losses Paid Expenses Paid Recovered Total Incurred Claims Claims Policy #: 789122/01/2015/0000/000 Insured: DICKINSON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 9/1/2015 - 9/1/2016 Property 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Policy #: 789122/01/2016/0000/000 Insured: DICKINSON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 9/1/2016 - 9/1/2017 Property 1 0 $64,369.23 $2,016.85 $0.00 $66,386.08 Policy #: 789122/01/2017/0000/000 Insured: DICKINSON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 9/1/2017 - 9/1/2019 Property 1 1 $104,257.91 $0.00 $0.00 $104,257.91

TOTALS: 2 1 $168,627.14 $2,016.85 $0.00 $170,643.99

IMPORTANT NOTICE The information in this report is the property of AXIS. The information contained herein is provided “as is” and has not been audited or reviewed. AXIS makes no representation as to the accuracy of this information. It is being made available for information purposes only and is not intended to and should not be relied on to comply with any statute, regulation or other legal or regulatory requirement. AXIS reserves the right at its discretion to withhold specific loss information. By receiving this information, recipient acknowledges and agrees that: 1) AXIS is providing this information based on the recipient’s expressed representation that recipient is requesting such information on behalf of and/or with the consent of recipient’s customer; 2) recipient will use this information only for its own internal purposes or for such purposes authorized by recipient’s customer; 3) such information is confidential and proprietary and may be subject to privacy laws, regulations or other legal requirement; and 4) recipient agrees to protect and safeguard the information from unauthorized use or disclosure.

Please contact your AXIS representative/office with any questions regarding the content of this AXIS Loss Run report



Loss Run Detail - Policy Term: 9/1/2015 - 9/1/2016 Policy #: 789122/01/2015/0000/000 Loss State: Loss City: Claim #: Loss State: DOL/DCM*: Reported Date: Claims Closed Date: Claimant(s) Coverage: Loss Description: Status: Loss Paid: Expenses Recovered: Total Incurred: Paid: No losses for this period



Loss Run Detail - Policy Term: 9/1/2016 - 9/1/2017 Policy #: 789122/01/2016/0000/000 Loss State: TEXAS Loss City: DICKINSON Claim #: Loss State: DOL/DCM*: Reported Date: Claims Closed Date: Claimant(s) Coverage: Loss Description: Status: Loss Paid: Expenses Recovered: Total Incurred: Paid: ATL143304 TEXAS 8/25/2017 9/1/2017 CLOSED 02/07/2019 Dickinson Building CAT 1743 - Flood damage due to Independent Hurricane Harvey School District $64,369.23 $2,016.85 $0.00 $66,386.08 *Subject to the coverage trigger.



Loss Run Detail - Policy Term: 9/1/2017 - 9/1/2019 Policy #: 789122/01/2017/0000/000 Loss State: TEXAS Loss City: DICKINSON Claim #: Loss State: DOL/DCM*: Reported Date: Claims Closed Date: Claimant(s) Coverage: Loss Description: Status: Loss Paid: Expenses Recovered: Total Incurred: Paid: ATL173593 TEXAS 5/9/2019 10/25/2019 OPEN Dickinson Building Hail Damage on Roof of Dunbar Middle Independent School School District $104,257.91 $0.00 $0.00 $104,257.91 *Subject to the coverage trigger.

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