MUTES by You Do BESSON That 'DEAL' Better If You with Th·E Deal
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PER AA ANNUAL SU3SCRIPTION REGISTERED FOR LIVERPOOL, FEBRU ARY 1, 1946 PRICE POST�· • No. 773 TRANSMISSION ABROAD 3d. Post Free 4/- QUARTETS POPULAR CORNET SOLOS BESSON FOR BRASS INSTRUMENTS NOW AVAILABLE (With Pianoforte Accompaniment) WILL BU Y YOUR ACCESSORIES s. d. 15 3 SURPLU S INSTRUMENTS Complete with Score and Parts New Standard Cornet Mouthpiece ... ... ... ... of 3 5 3 H. Moss "Mosquito" Trombone Valve Springs for Cornet, " N.V. A." ... per set 2 CORNETS 2 TROMBONES Valve Springs made of phosphor bronze- H. Moss " The Joker " Send particulars to : The Phantom Brigade . .. 2 6 3 6 Trumpets-Cornets-Horns ... ... ... set of I Demande et Reponse .. .. 2 6 Sutton " The Joy Wheel " BESSON, Department 19, West Street Baritone and Euphonium, 3 valve . ... ... 2 3 valve . .. 2 9 Clough "Winning Spurt" Charing 4 CORNETS Euphonium, 4 Cross Road, LONDON, W.C. 2 .. ... .. 2 9 Bal Masque 2 6 Eb and BBb Bass, 3 valves . .. Hartman "Facilita " Cornet . .. .. 3 3 Eb and BBb Bass, 4 valves .. .. TROMBONES 6 6 Percy Code "Lucille " 4 Waterkey Springs for all of above ... ... ... doz. Awake, Aeolian Lyre inside and outside, · · · · · above, complete sets "Zanette" · 2 o Corks for all of Percy Code Band Teachers, Adjudicators and Soloists Comrades in Arms } cork ... ... .. ... ... 2 6 including waterkey "Zelda" The Box of Soldiers ... ... 2 6 ... doz. 2 9 Percy Code Corks for waterkey, shellaced ready for fixing Baby's Sweetheart .. ... ... 2 6 11 "Triple Trumpeter" WILLIAM POLLAR Corks for waterkey, plain ... ... ... ... ... doz. I Grant D ... ... ... ... 10 3 2 CORNETS, HORN and EUPHONIUM Shanks for Cornet, Bb, silver-plated Templeton " Sonia" CORNET SOLOIST, BAND TEACHER, bottle I 6 Valve Oil ... ... ... ... ... ... per AND ADJUDICATOR Bless This House ... ... ... 2 6 This House" ... ,, I 6 May Brahe " Bless Awake, Aeolian Lyre Trombone Oil ... .. .. 11 PARROCK ST., CRAWSHAWBOOTH ··· · .. 2 aluminium sprayed, each 12 0 Sullivan Comrades in Arms } o Folding Music Stands, light weight, "The Lost Chord" ROSSENDALE Mutes, Fibre .. 8 6 Hail, Memory, Hail . .. ··· Cornet . .. · · · 2 0 ... ... ... ... 15 6 J. A. GREENWOOD The Fisherman's Goodnight } Cornet Mutes, Brass, Silver-plated PRICE 2/6 each NET POSTAGE Jd. POST FREE BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR POSTAGE 3d. 19 NORTHWOOD ROAD, PRENTON BIH.KENHEAD _ _____ Telep E_one : BIRKENHEAD 3264 . _ GEO . H . MERCER TRUMPET, CORNET, BAND TEACHER 295 Regent Street, LONDON, W.I AND CONTEST ADJUDICATOR BOOSEY & HAWKES LTD., Address- MONA VILLA, BURNGREAVE STREET SHEFFIELD ������������� TOM EASTWOO D Associated Teacher to the Bandsman's College FINE RE-CONDITIONED of Music H H ("The Easy Way," by oost) � INSTRUMENTS SOLO CORNET, H BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR Eb Soprano, Boosey, silver- ALTON HOUSE, BROUGHAM ROAD e MARSDEN, Near HUDDERSFIELD MUTES plated . .£14 10 0 H NO EL THORPE by Bb Cornet, Besson silver-plated. 17 10 0 H H SOLO CORNET, BAND V Bb Flugel Horn, Besson, silver- V TEACHER' free . Aluminium - all metal - in bright or {? {? AND ADJUDICATOR All post plated . 14 0 0 value c/o. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL from stock. coloured finish. This is the finest mute SLAITHWAITE, Eb Tenor Horn, Besson, silver- near HUDDERSFIELD in the country ! H H V plated . 18 10 0 V GEO. HAWKINS e e TROMBONE Bb Baritone, Besson, silver-plated 20 0 0 BAND TEACHER CORNET BROADDALES HOUSE, NEWMILNS Bb Eu�honium, 4-valves, Hawkes, AYRSHIRE 16/6 H Teacher 11/9 Torpedo H of Theory and Harmony by post Torpedo Ve silver-plated . 25 0 0 0 Wow-Wow II/9 Compactum .14/ e IS/6 JOHN FAU LDS . Hush-Hush.. 1816I Mutrom ... BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR · 9/6 Wow-Wow 19/- ��������� Compactum · /- 23/- � �! 44 KENNEDY CRESCENT, KIRKCALDY Cup .. 14 Cup .. FIFE All-in-one .. 18/6 Hush-Hush .. 26/6 HAROLD LAYCO CK The Famous Trombone Soloist Open for Pupils by post or private TO POST YOUR ORDER WIT HOUT DEL AY DEPARTMENT 19 BAND TEACHER and ADJUDICATOR 'P hone IS WEST ST., CHARING CROSS ROAD, LONDON W.C.2 99 HIGH STREET, ABERTRIDWR Temple Bar 6529 BESSON CAERPHILLY, CLAM. DAVID ASPINALL 1'iusical Director, Ransorne & Marles 'A'orks' Band (Late Conductor, Creswell Colliery and i'.iar.y Brewel')'I l3 u .... ' BAND TEACHER, BAND AND CHORAL. CONTEST ADJUDICATOR "PRIORY VIEW," 14 FRIARY ROAD- NEWARK-ON-TRENT, NOTIS. You do that 'DEAL' better if you deal Tel.: Newark456-7-8-9 FRED MORTIMER (Bandmaster, Foden's Motor Works Band) TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR CLIFTON RD., ELWORTH, SANDBACB with th·e '' O CHESHIRE LD FIRM'' w. WOOD CONDUCTOR AND TEACHER Young Bands a Speciality 6 COLBECK STREET, HANSON LANE HALIFAX, YORKS. H. MU DD IMAN LET US HAVE YOUR ENQUIRIES IN GOOD TIME IN THESE DIFFICULT DAYS BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR " ASHBURN," ALLOA J. B OD D ICE "Tne 0/d Hrnr:' BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR Phone : BLACKFRIARS 5530 13 LAKE ROAD. WOODLANDS ' 43 DONCASTER. HERBERT BENNETT BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR SALFORD 40 LEVEN STREET, POLLOKSHIELDS M C H EST E R GLASGOW, S.l. A'N Tel. : Queens Park 826 STREET - CHAPEL HAROLD BARKER (Conductor, Dannemora Steel Works, and Eckington Band,, BAND TEACHER AND CONTEST -- ADJUDICATOR :!.11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!: " SOMERVILLE," ECKINGTON - - SHEFFIELD - - §I -§ . .. - - - - Lieut. JOHN - - FLETCHER - - - PROFESSIONAL CONDUCTOR AND - • - - NAME OF - ADJ 'f!DICATOR - , - Brass. M1htary. - Orchestra. - - GRIFFIN - - HOTEL' HALIFAX - - Phone : 361011 - - - - - HARRY MILEMAN - - - - - BAND TEACHER AND - - ADJUDICATOR - - - - 5 SYDENHAM - - Rr AD ' - GLASGOW, - - W.2. - - - - - - - HAROLD MOSS - L.R.A.M. - _ , A.R.C.M. (Bandmastership) - - Musical Director, - - Creswell Collierv Band - - TEACHER AND - - ADJUDICATOR - - (Coach for Diploma Exams., etc., b)• post) - - Succe ses in va - � . :1011s Grades of the B.C.J\.f. - Exam1nat1ons 1ncl11ding Bandrnastership - - 5 NEW VILLAGE, - CRESWELL -:: A HALL· MARK OF QUALITY = Near WORKSOP, NOTTS. WILLIAM FARRALL N - BAND TRAINER AND ADJUDICATOR - Y HARRISO Ltd 207-215 T STREE � � MA ERS . G .JACKSON T CHORD PLAYING DEMONSTRATED & Phone: CENTRAL 3639 (2 "CORONA,' MUSICAL INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURERS lines) '. 14 MANOR GROYE, BENTON § MANCHESTER I § NEWCASTLE-ON-1 YNE Phone : BENTON 61114 �111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111� 2 WRIGHT FEBRUARY .. AND RouNn's BRASS BAND NEws. 1, 1946 . Band Teachers, Adjudicators and Soloists WIGAN DISTRICT BANDSMAN'S COLLEGE OF I MUSIC COOPER 20 words CHAS. A. JIINOR151 6d. 6d, for each additional 10 words. Remittances must accompany adver tisement, ADVERTISEMENTS I am ple�sed to report that Haigh Brass Band and reach us by the 24th of the month. For Box address at our Office count six A.Mus.V.C.M. words, and add ld. for forwarding or replies. This rate does not apply to Trade Adverts. have got back in harness; they have a nice com SPRING EXAMINATIONS , BAND TEACHJ;:R, ADJUDICATOR bin?-tion and are having regular meetings under \I COMPOSER AND ARRANGER EH.BERT . BROOKES, the celebrated Cornettist (late ot ANTED-First-class PLAYERS for WORKS BRASS their C,onductor, Mr. Birkett. They are orgams- IONS. These will be Wmgates) 1)0\V DIPLOMA EXAMINAT Life-long experience Brass, Military, Orchestral II . •s open for engagements as Soloist or BAND.-.A.pply BAND SECRETARY, Wchard John Teacher.-The W mg a Solo Contest and I hope they will get good MANCHESTER, LONDON, and EDINBURGH and Choral Library, Parrin Lane, Winton, Manchester. son & Nephe\\I Ltd., Bradford Iron Works, Manchester. held in l) AN support. 6th and 13t Band o� Choral Contests Adjudicated DS�N'S COLLEGE OF MUSIC. Syllabus of all ANTED (or GLASGOW) , on Saturdays, April h, U exammations immediately, RESIDENT CONDUCTOR foT 19 COLUMBIA STREET, HUTHWAITE can be bad from the secretary-Mr. H, the Blackhall Colliery · Lower Ince arc also making good progress, I W. Baud. State age, work re 1946 COLLIER, 13 Montrose A venue, Stretfocd, Nr. Manchester. quired, NOTTS. answer and full particulars to DAWSON, Secretary, 21 Ninth don't know if they are to compete at any Con- E TRIES CLOSE: 23rd February, 1946. who i� willing to all enquiries and advise 1 generally. � Street, Blackball Colliery, nr. West Hartlepool, Co. Durham. tests What about it, Mr. Hooper? These will be DRAKE RIMMER LEXANDER OWEN MEMORIAL : PRELIMINARY GRADES. A FUND. All enquiries R. B. HOLDING, late of Abram Colliery; Baxendale's a11d should be sent to-Mr. J. CLARKSON, Wmgates Temperance are doing very well, s, April 6ih and 13th, in all 3 Breneton Besses (Holder of four B.C.M. Certificates). Brass or held on Saturday BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR Drive, Worsley, M. Manchester. Military BAND TEACHER.-48 Hawthorn Avenue, Radcliffe the. receni broadcast was a success and they are parts of England, Scotland, Wales, Northern "MIRELLA," MILTON ROAD Please send your donat.ian, no matter small. It will e bow nr. Manchester. to arrange b greatly appreciated. broadcast agalil on Saturday, 2nd February, Ireland and Eire, subject to suitable KIRKCALDY - - . · :)ECENT DIPLOMA RESULTS include 3 B.B.C.lvl.'s and Phone : KIRKCALDY 2844 S _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 ! hope that we shall have the pleasure of listen- menis boing possible. M ll'H;-s� ol'o-' C""o_m_et, _Bra_ ss_ = B-a· n- =d T- r-aincr an_d_Ad_j udi- - c- a- tor, :\i. L.G.S.M., all at lst attempt and wfth . :\;) . high marks. One m is open to teach or judge anywhere. Terms: pupil fng to this band regularly the near future. ENTRIES E : 23rd February, 1946. I who pa�sed A.0.:v!.F. Scholarship in 1944, passed B.B.C.M. CLOS ASHPOLE 'Beaumont," Scarborough Road, Muston, Fiky, Yorks. W S ALFRED 1n Dec., 194.11 an outstandi11lT achievernent and a record. To Mr. Gaskell, the Secretary, tells me he is looking SPECIAL A ARD . Diploma Examinations. F.T.C.L., A.R.C.M., L.Mus.T.C.L., B.B.C.M. 'l ONOMARK Service. Permanent London address. Letters B.B.C.M.'s and L.G.S.M.'s: �The A.B.C.�1.