I " " y 'A ■^- • ^.- V :."i-% • . “ j ■■ r 4 »• » e >•* ■•“ ♦ f « . ■"•• * f '•.V 1 ,i , _■ ■V" t b b v ^ t h ^ -------------------------------- FhreoMt by U.' S; Weether Barcaii, NET'PRESS BUN t,,m,^. ^ - y * •<'• - •■■ *b**' ■' " New Haven ' I AVERAGE DAILY diRfitJLATlON eolin. state Library— Costt®. for the Montti of September, 19t 9 Cloudy, pouibly showers, tonight; >>' 5357 Thursday partly cloudy. ' Membera of tke Aadit BoMao ot ClrcnlNtloBB PRICE THREE CBNtS SOUTH MANCH5STER, CONN., WEDNESDAY^ OC^BER 16, 1929. VOL. VU V., NO. 14. (Classified Advertising on Pfigc 12) & LISPING GIRLS MAY NOW Famous Scientist in U. S. FATHERUVING GET JOBS IN TALKIES W1FEAGED70 SUGAR MEN PAID New York, Oct. i6.—Do you MacDONALb W stutter, lisp or drawl? USES AXE TO $'T0,000 A Y E A R AFTER HIS GIRL If you do, don’t reform your speech. Hold it. There may be money in it—in the talkies. KHISPOUSE TRIESMURDit They call them “character voices,” and George Fltzmaurice, FOR PROPAGANDA United Artists director, is au thority for the statement that Couple Married Nearly 50 Great Britain’s Premier Re Rockville Home Scene of At peculiarities in speech have be come as redeemable at the box ceives Enthusiastic Re- Witness at Senate Probe office as peculiarities of appear Years — Husband, Heavy MACDONALD’S VISIT | tempt at Patricide— &rl ance have since the days of Bar- num. ception at the A. F. of L A good lisper in one of the pic Drinker, Made Life for GREAT PEACE m o v e ! Says Father Had Repeat tures Fltzmaurice recently di rected was paid $50 for one day's Convention.
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