27, 1948 SEPTEMBER PRICE 25 CENTS 1 Television t WOR TOPS ALL OTHER SÌMTIONS IN NEWS LISTENING Independent New York survey gives advertisers positive proof; WOR has the listeners to buy their products To advertisers contemplating a news program to sell their wares -a fistful of facts is worth a ton of fancy claims. The facts that prove WOR the undisputed favorite for news- listening. In an independent survey, WOR placed first (with a tidy 27.2% of the total); piled up a preference with listeners almost equal to that of the next two major station news audiences combined. Another morsel for advertisers to munch on, that came out of the survey, was this: women listen to newscasts as avidly as men! - 1 >;a ,r &,, . I 1,@'R Y WHO WAS ASKED? 1 2,000 people. 1,000 men and 1,000 women % of Trital in the 10- county metropolitan New York area. WOR 27.2 X 15.7 Y 12.4 QUESTION =1: Z 10.3 "What radio station do you prefer for news A 8.8 broadcasts ?" The rest filtered down from 3.9 and 11.1% had no preference. MORAL: The advertiser who pins down one of WOR's famous news programs for his product reaches a vast audience. For now it has been proved that more people listen to WOR for news than to any other station. Add to this the fact that WOR has the largest single -station audience in America; 36,000,000 people in 18 states. Gentlemen, why let the other fellow get all that business? Phone LOngacre 48000 and ask for Sales today. WOR - heard by the most people where the most people are See Further Details On Page 41 mutual /1 o.+.re a2e.odoe 1//lPwc7lw,are7ó, ... John Vissering, Jr. Department Store Owner Minonk, Illinois THE Vissering Mercantile Company in Minonk, Illinois, 39 miles northeast of Peoria, is the largest retail establishment in Woodford County. Three floors of electrical appliances, home furnishings, textiles, meats and food products attract customers from El Paso, Eureka, Roanoke and all the prosperous little towns surrounding Minonk. Herman Vissering, who with his brother, John, and sister, Mrs. Viola Beckman, operates Vissering Mercantile Company, says, "WLS is espe- cially popular among farm people, and over 60 per cent of our business comes from farm families. I guess WLS is the most popular station in Woodford County." 890 Kilocycles The Visserings know the radio tastes of their customers for they were 50,000 Watts all born and raised in Minonk. Their father founded the store in 1890, ABC Affiliate turned it over to them 14 years ago. John Jr. now heads the meat and grocery section; Herman has charge of the dry goods, appliances and Represented by furnishings; Viola is the chief bookkeeper and runs the office. JOHN BLAIR & CO. Minonk, population 1,897, like many another small Midwest town, knows WLS well; has played host to WLS Barn Dance talent, depends largely on WLS for its news, markets, weather reports, and entertain- ment fare. WLS has the highest BMB in Woodford County : 87 per cent day, 90 per cent night. The county population of 19,124 is entirely rural. Retail sales in 1946 totaled over 12 million dollars ... effective buying income almost 201/2 million dollars! This important market is just one of many in the WLS area where PRAIRIE merchants and their customers listen to and are influenced by the adver- FA RMER STATION tising messages heard on WLS. Intensive coverage of a prosperous mar- ket ... loyal listeners ... programming that serves the community- GLENNx that's why WLS gets results! HICAGO 7 Manag AFFILIATED IN MANAGEMENT WITH THE ARIZONA NETWORK: KOY, PHOENIX... KTUC, TUCSON... KSUN, BIS.EE- IOWEL1.DOU LAS' The e7) The "OLD" "NEW" Look Look March 1, 1946 Sept. 1, 1948 COVERAGE LISTENING As of today' Intermountain Network delivers 406,200 In 1946 advertisers had no data on audience size for the radio homes - twice as many as in the old days of BMB Intermountain West. Study No. 1, 1946. Here's why - Today the Intermountain Network offers you the I. In March 1946 IMN had 12 affiliates. Today complete 58,163 call Hooper coincidental survey giving IMN has 19 strategically located stations -a station ratings for every quarter hour day and night. increase in in two short years! 58% stations Here are the over -all indexes for affiliates of all four KMON Great Falls - Montana's most power- national networks in the Intermountain area: ful station - 5000 W 560 KC. KBMY Billings, Montana - located in state's LISTENING INDEX second most populous county. HOOPER STATION New KEYY Pocatello, Idaho - second largest city 14 Intermountain Network Cities Winter, 1947 Stations in state. Inter- Share of Audience KVMV Twin Falls, Idaho - fourth county in Sets mountain AT' e$ C§ All state. Time and Doy In Use Network Network Network Network Others KRAM Las Vegas, Nevada - second county in 8 a.m. to 1000 920 state - W KC. 12 noon 22.2 36.0 17.1 18.9 25.2 2.8 KSVC Richfield, Utah - Heart of Utah farm Mon. thru Fri. -1000 W 690 KC. KOWB Laramie, Wyoming - railroad center. 12 Noon to 6 p.m. 25.0 40.4 11.6 10.4 31.6 6.0 II. Of the 12 IMN stations March 1, 1946 -six or Mon. thru Fri. 50% have increased in power and improved their frequencies. 6 p.m. to KOVO front 250W 1240 KC to 1000W 960 KC 10 p.m. 37.0 24.5 10.8 23.1 39.0 2.6 Greater KVNU from 250W 1230 KC to 1000W 610 KC Sun. thru Sat. Power KFXD from 250W 1230 KC to 1000W 580 KC Comprised of 14 Intermountain Network cities comprised of the KVRS from 250W 1400 KC to 1000W 1360 KC following: Salt Lake City, Utah; Billings, Montana; Casper, KWYO from 250W 1400 KC to 1000W 1410 KC Wyoming; Idaho Falls, 'Idaho; Logan, Utah; Miles City, Mon. tana; Nampa -Caldwell, Idaho; Ogden, Utah; Powell, Wyoming; KPOW from 250W 1230 KC to 1000W 1260 KC Price, Utah; Provo, Utah; Rock Springs, Wyoming; Sheridan, Wyoming; and Twin Falls, Idaho. Today 85% or 1,633,400 of the total population of Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana and Eastern Nevada receives ¡Comprised of 15 $Comprised of 10 §Comprised of 15 primary merchandiseable coverage from IMN. A network stations. B network stations. C network stations. Have a "new look" in your advertising. Bring your figures up -to -date. THE INTERMOUNTAIN NETWORK Inc. Zinc National Representatives Now York - Chicago - Los Ang.los - Son Francisa - Arlante Published every Monday, 53rd issue ( Year Book Number) published in February by BROADCASTING PUBLICATIONS, INC.. 870 National Press Building, Washington 4, D. C. Entered as second class matter March 14, 1933, at Post Office at Washington, D. C., under act of March 3, 1879. oin 1n y Business Briefly Closed Circuit I uc CBS RENEWALS Chesebrough Mfg Sept. 27 -29: Town Meeting of Radio Tech- Co. (vaseline hair tonic, petroleum jelly), N.Y NBC for first time will sell election returns nicians, Hotel Astor, N. Y. renews Dr. Christian, Wed. 8:30-9 p.m. an Nov. 2, making it unanimous on four networks. Sept. 27 -29: FM Assn. annual convention, Whitehall Pharmacal Co. (Kolynos tooth past Understood three out of six clients Tuesday Hotel Sheraton, Chicago. and powder, Anacin), Mr. Keen, Tracer o night have tentatively agreed to sponsor, that Lost Persons, Thurs., 8:30 -9 p.m., both on CBS Sept. 28: FCC hearing, rates one (Lever Bros.) has rejected and two are for intercity Latter renewal effective Oct. 21. Agencie undecided. If all don't switch, chances are TV facilities, FCC headquarters, Wash- are McCann -Erickson, and Dancer-Fitzgeralc entire evening schedule will go to Time -Life- ington. Sample, N. Y., respectively. or Kaiser-Frazer. Fortune Sept. 28 -29: AWB District 10 meeting, Presi- ABC CO -OP SALES UP ABC co -op sale. OF BROS. may buy dent Hotel, Kansas City. ONE LEVER divisions up 183¢% over a year ago, with 184 nev first half of Kay Kyser daytime half -hour Sept. 30 -Oct. 3: Institute of Radio Engi- co-op sponsors signed since Aug. 1. Networl ABC. show, five-weekly on Pillsbury Flour neers, West Coast Convention, Hotel Bilt- now has 725 advertisers for co -op program five- will sponsor latter quarter-hour weekly. more, Los Angeles. in all parts of nation. WNYC NEW YORK, city- operated station, Oct. 1 -3: AWB District 2 Meeting, Sheraton understood to be planning to launch video Hotel, Rochester, N. Y. TV CAN CARRY SERIES, FM sister station. Since all New York television (Other Upcomings on Page 60) channels are occupied, it would apparently NON -AFFILIATE CAN'T -MBS be run on non -commercial experimental basis. MBS answered "No" to FCC inquiry whether network would permit World Series broadcast: TECHNICAL surprise at FM Assn. meeting Bulletin over non -affiliated Rocky Mount, N. C., Flt in Chicago will be revelation of brand new station [CLOSED CIRCUIT, Sept. 20]. Inquir; transmitter modulation method. Startling HIGHEST sponsor identification and highest was sparked by FM Assn. Robert D. Swezey claims for economy and foolproof operation telerating in New York in C. E. Hooper Inc. Mutual vice president and general manager will be made, judging by advance trickle of September survey scored by Texaco Star said MBS AM and FM affiliates in Wilson information from REL's inner circle. Theatre on WNBT New York, NBC video N. C., adequately serve Rocky Mount. station, Tuesdays 8-9 p.m., sponsored by Mutual and Gillette Safety Razor Co., own NBC and CBS will find themselves in holiday Texas Co.
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