EXTENSIONS of REMARKS 16201 for the Commercialized Production of Syn H.R
June 22, 1979 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 16201 for the commercialized production of syn H.R. 13: Mr. BOWEN, Mr. BROYHILL, Mr. AMENDMENTS thetic fossil fuels; jointly, to the Commit CAMPBELL, Mr. CHAPPELL, :Mr. RoBERT W. tees on Banking, Finance and Urban Af DANIEL, JR., Mr. DASCHLE, Mr. DoUGHERTY, Under clause 6 of the rule XXIII, pro fairs and Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Mrs. FENWICK, Mr. FITHIAN, Mr. GUYER, Mr. posed amendments were submitted as By Mr. PEPPER: HINSON, Mr. JEFFORDS, Mr. LEE, Mr. MYERS Of follows: H.R. 4589. A bill to authorize reduced fa.ires Indiana, Mr. NICHOLS, Mr. RINALDO, Mr. H.R. 3930 for the elderly and handicapped on the THOMAS, Mr. TRIBLE, and Mr. WAMPLER. By Mr. HEFTEL: Nation's railroads; to the Committee on In H.R 154: M!l'. BIAGGI. -Page 4, beginning on line 25, strike out terstate and Foreign Commerce. H.R.1979: Mr. ERDAHL, and Mr. RINALDO. "500,000 barrels per day crude oil equivalent H.R. 4590. A bill to remove the coinsur H.R. 3539: Mr. BARNARD. of synthetic fuels and synthetic chemical ance amount which a patient has to pay H.R. 3721: Mr. HYDE, Mr. MITCHELL of New feedstocks not later than five years after under part A of the medic9.l'e program for the effective date of this section." and in inpatient hospital services after such serv York, Mr. RoBINSON, Mr. DouGHERTY, and Mr. DORNAN. sert in lieu thereof "5,000,000 barrels per ices have been furnished to such patient for day crude oil equivalent of synthetic fuels 60 days during a spell of illness; to the H.R.
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