Executive Summary Landmark Designation Work Program HEARING DATE: DECEMBER 15, 2010 Date: December 8, 2010 Case No.: 2010.2776 Staff Contact: Mary Brown – (415) 575‐9074
[email protected] Reviewed By: Tim Frye – (415) 575‐6822
[email protected] REQUESTED COMMISSION ACTION This informational presentation to the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) is intended to inform and guide prioritization of the HPC’s Landmark Designation Work Program (Work Program) for FY2010‐2011. There is no action required at this time. Based on the discussion at the December 15, 2010 hearing, the Planning Department (Department) will return with recommendations at the January 19, 2011 HPC hearing. PROJECT BACKGROUND At its August 4, 2010 hearing the HPC directed Department staff to provide background information on Article 10 Landmark designations to date and identify, if any, trends related to the location, property types, social history, and construction dates of existing Landmarks. While there are no specific Landmark designation criteria outlined in Article 10 of the Planning Code, the HPC was also interested in designations that were made primarily for a property’s association with a significant person, event, or cultural group, rather than solely its architectural qualities. It is the Department’s understanding that the analysis contained in this report will be used to inform and prioritize the HPC’s Landmark Designation Work Program (Work Program) for FY2010‐2011. The budget for this fiscal year allocates one full‐time equivalent (FTE) staff to Landmark designation and other related activities as directed by the HPC. Given the number of eligible resources identified in recent surveys and in past Landmark Preservation Advisory Board work programs, and the workload associated with each designation, staffing for only a limited number of designations is feasible.