Oslikana Zastava Vlahe Bukovca Iz Župne Crkve Sv. Nikole U Cavtatu

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Oslikana Zastava Vlahe Bukovca Iz Župne Crkve Sv. Nikole U Cavtatu Vlaho Bukovac’s Flag from the Parish Church of St. Nicholas in Cavtat Oslikana zastava Vlahe Bukovca iz župne crkve sv. Nikole u Cavtatu The painted flag depicting Saint Nicholas is the work Photo, graphic and written documentation of the Oslikana zastava s prikazom sv. Nikole djelo je Vlahe U prvoj fazi izrađena je fotografska, grafička i pisana of Vlaho Bukovac (Cavtat, 1855 - Prague, 1922), and condition before conservation was made during the Bukovca (Cavtat, 1855. – Prag, 1922.) i dio je inventara dokumentacija zatečenog stanja, pri čemu su doku- part of the inventory of the pinacotheca of the parish first phase, including documentation on all structural pinakoteke župne crkve sv. Nikole u Cavtatu. Nastala je mentirane sve konstrukcijske karakteristike. Utvrđeno church of St. Nicholas in Cavtat. It was created in features. It was determined that the original fabric was 1902. godine, u njegovoj cavtatskoj fazi, te je kuriozitet je da je izvorna tkanina izvedena u petoveznom osno- 1902, during Bukovac’s Cavtat phase, and it is a curi- made using five-end warp-faced weave. Microscopy u autorovu stvaralačkom opusu. vinom atlasnom vezu. Mikroskopijom su identificirana osity in the author’s creative oeuvre. identified textile fibres and found that the original fab- tekstilna vlakna te je utvrđeno da je izvorna tkanina Vlaho Bukovac središnja je ličnost hrvatske likovne mo- načinjena od prirodnog celuloznog vlakna (pamuk). Vlaho Bukovac is a central figure of Croatian modern ric was made out of natural cellulose fibres (cotton). derne umjetnosti. Formirao se u klasi A. Cabanela na Također su rendgenskom fluorescentnom spektro- art. He was educated in the class of A. Cabanel at the X-ray fluorescence and Fourier-transform infrared pariškoj École des Beaux Arts (1877. – 1880.). Nakon skopijom i Fourier transformiranom infracrvenom École des Beaux Arts in Paris (1877-1880). In 1894, spectroscopy were also used to perform stratigraphic afirmacije u Parizu, vratio se u domovinu i nastanio u spektroskopijom provedene stratigrafske analize after his success in Paris, he returned to his homeland analyses of the painted layers and the composition Zagrebu 1894. godine, gdje je postao spiritus movens slojeva oslika te sastava pigmenata i veziva. U drugoj and settled in Zagreb. He became spiritus movens of of pigments and binders. During the second phase, kulturnoga života, inaugurirajući moderne likovne tijeko- fazi predmet je u cijelosti očišćen suhim postupkom. cultural life inaugurating modern artistic trends into the flag was completely cleaned using a dry process. ve u hrvatsko slikarstvo poput plenerizma, divizionizma Izvedeno je djelomično odvajanje dijelova umjetnine, Croatian painting such as plein air painting, divisionism Partial separation of the artwork was performed i pointilizma. Plodonosno razdoblje u kojem je Bukovac pri čemu je podstavna tkanina s dvije strane razdvo- and pointillism. His most active period, during which separating the lining fabric from the original on two u nekoliko godina utemeljio središnje infrastrukturne Bukovac established the central infrastructural compo- jena od izvornika. Uslijedilo je uklanjanje recentnih sides. Also, more recent inadequate interventions were komponente modernoga likovnog života završilo je nents of modern visual life, ended when he moved to nestručnih intervencija koje su trajno oštetile izvornik. removed that had permanently damaged the original, njegovim odlaskom 1898. godine u rodni Cavtat, gdje je his native Cavtat in 1898. After a short stay in Vienna Nakon uklanjanja nestručnih intervencija, provedeno followed by straightening irregular folds and lining živio do 1902. godine. Nakon kratkotrajnog boravka u (1902-1903), he spent the rest of his life in Prague. je ravnanje nepravilnih nabora na izvorniku i podstavi with an ultrasonic vaporizer. During the third phase, Beču (1902. – 1903.), ostatak života proveo je u Pragu. ultrazvučnim raspršivačem pare. U trećoj fazi pripre- The flag from Cavtat (430 x 325 cm) is made out of a a new fabric of the same morphologic properties was Cavtatska zastava (430 x 325 cm) izrađena je od jed- mljena je nova tkanina jednakih morfoloških karakte- monochrome fabric composed of four full-width pieces prepared as lining for the entire flag. The local colour nobojne tkanine sastavljene od četiri pole platna spo- ristika za cjelovito podlaganje izvornika. Lokalni ton sewn together. The edges of the fabric are unpainted, tone of the original was achieved on the new fabric jene šivanjem. Rubovi tkanine su neoslikani, a cijelom obojenja izvornika na novoj tkanini postignut je proce- and a fringe is sewn down the entire length on the right with Solophenyl dyes for cellulose textile fibres. The dužinom desne bočne strane strojno su prišivene rese. som bojadisanja bojilima za celulozna tekstilna vlakna side. The flag is lined with a lining fabric which was same method was used to prepare the cotton thread Zastava je u cijelosti podložena podstavnom tkaninom Solophenyl. Za učvršćivanje nove tkanine na mjestima secured to the original on three sides with a sewing in several colour tones to secure the new fabric where Vlaho Bukovac, Panorama Cavtata, oko 1900. / privatno vlasništvo, Zagreb koja je za izvornik s tri strane učvršćena strojnim šiva- oštećenja na isti je način pripremljen pamučni konac machine. St. Nicholas, the patron saint of children the original was damaged. The controlled process njem. Središnji dio zauzima slikani prikaz sv. Nikole, za- u više tonova obojenja. Tim kontroliranim postupkom and sailors, is in the centre of the flag along with his achieved uniformity and consistency of colour and štitnika djece i pomoraca, s njegovim atributima (lađom postignuta je ujednačenost i postojanost obojenja symbols (a boat in a storm and resurrected children in - reproducibility of results. Sewing with combined res u oluji i oživljenom djecom u bačvi). Svetac je prikazan a barrel). The saint is standing and dressed as a bish- te ponovljivost rezultata. U posljednjoj, četvrtoj fazi toration techniques was used to repair the damaged u stojećem stavu, odjeven u biskupsku odoru. Odlikuje op. He is characterised by exceptional elegance and radova šivanjem su sanirana mjesta oštećenja kombi- areas in the last phase. beauty, and painted in the manner of French academic se iznimnom elegancijom i ljepotom, a izveden je u niranim restauratorskim tehnikama. maniri akademskog slikarstva francuske provenijencije. painting. During conservation, financed by the Ministry of Cul- Tijekom radova, u cijelosti financiranih sredstvima ture of the Republic of Croatia, only reversible meth- Over time, the flag was exposed to direct sunlight, Tijekom vremena zastava je bila izložena izravnom sun- Ministarstva kulture RH, primijenjene su potpuno ods and procedures were used in order to preserve the aerosol dust and other dirt in uncontrolled microcli- čanom svjetlu, aerosolnoj prašini i drugoj prljavštini te reverzibilne metode i postupci u funkciji konzerviranja condition of the original. mate which made the original fabric unclean, fragile nekontroliranim mikroklimatskim uvjetima, zbog čega stanja izvornika. je izvorna tkanina postala nečista, krta i lomljiva te je and brittle, as well as caused the colour to fade in The St. Nicholas flag, painted by Vlaho Bukovac, is a Zastava s prikazom sv. Nikole koju je oslikao Vlaho mjestimično izblijedjela. Promjene izvornika naročito some places. Changes to the original are especially historical textile that attests the history, religious cus- Bukovac povijesni je tekstilni predmet koji svjedoči su vidljive na oslikanom dijelu i rubovima, gdje je tka- evident on the painted portions of the flag and the toms and cultural achievements of the local communi- o povijesti, vjerskim običajima i kulturnim dosezima edges, where the fabric was wrinkled and creased with Izdavač: Hrvatski restauratorski zavod, www.h-r-z.hr / Za izdavača: dr. sc. Tajana Pleše / Stručni tim: Ada Vrtulek Gerić; Stanko Kirić, nina bila naborana i izgužvana, s brojnim mehaničkim ty, but it is also an item of great national significance. Margareta Klofutar, Sandra Lucić Vujičić, dr. sc. Domagoj Mudronja, Petar Nevžala, Dražen Pavetić, Sandra Planko Kos, Tomislav Sikinger, lokalne zajednice, ali bez sumnje ima i nacionalnu važ- extensive mechanical damage and recent inadequate Maja Vrtulek; Štefica Nemec Panić / Tekst: Ada Vrtulek Gerić, Petra Vugrinec / Lektura: Rosanda Tometić / Prijevod: Nataša Đurđević / oštećenjima i recentnim neprimjerenim intervencijama. Conservation of the flag is the result of collaboration nost. Provedeni konzervatorsko-restauratorski radovi interventions. Fotografije: Venija Bobnjarić Vučković, Jovan Kliska, Mara Kolić Pustić, Nikolina Oštarijaš, Dunja Rapaić, Natalija Vasić, Ada Vrtulek Gerić, between an interdisciplinary team of experts who, Maja Vrtulek / Grafičko oblikovanje: Ljubo Gamulin / Tisak: Novi val / Naklada: 400 / Zagreb, studeni 2019. Cjeloviti konzervatorsko-restauratorski radovi prove- rezultat su suradnje interdisciplinarnog tima stručnjaka Conservation was carried out at the Section for Tex- through the use of state-of-the-art research methods, Publisher: Croatian Conservation Institute, www.h-r-z.hr / For the publisher: Tajana Pleše, PhD / Expert team: Ada Vrtulek Gerić; Stanko deni su na Odsjeku za tekstil Restauratorskog odjela koji su primjenom najsuvremenijih istraživačkih meto- tiles of the Ludbreg Department for Conservation restoration techniques and ethical principles, have Kirić, Margareta Klofutar, Sandra Lucić Vujičić, Domagoj Mudronja, PhD, Petar Nevžala, Dražen Pavetić, Sandra Planko Kos, Tomislav Ludbreg Hrvatskog restauratorskog zavoda od 2016. da, restauratorskih tehnika i etičkih načela pridonijeli Sikinger, Maja Vrtulek; Štefica Nemec Panić / Text: Ada Vrtulek Gerić, Petra Vugrinec / Translation: Nataša Đurđević / Photos: Jovan (Croatian Conservation Institute) from 2016 to 2019. contributed to its preservation for future generations. Kliska, Jurica Škudar, Natalija Vasić / Graphic design: Ljubo Gamulin / Printed by: Novi val / Edition: 400 / Zagreb, November 2019 do 2019. godine. njegovu očuvanju za buduće naraštaje. .
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