Preferred Name Common Name Taxon Group Site Lissotriton Helveticus

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Preferred Name Common Name Taxon Group Site Lissotriton Helveticus Preferred name Common name Taxon group site Lissotriton helveticus Palmate newt amphibian Ben Lawers Rana temporaria Frog amphibian Ben Lawers Ixodes ricinus Tick arachnid Ben Lawers Acanthis cabaret Lesser redpoll Bird Ben Lawers Acanthis flammea Common redpoll Bird Ben Lawers Actitis hypoleucos Common sandpiper Bird Ben Lawers Aegithalos caudatus Long-tailed tit Bird Ben Lawers Alauda arvensis Skylark Bird Ben Lawers Anthus pratensis Meadow pipit Bird Ben Lawers Apus apus Swift Bird Ben Lawers Buteo buteo Buzzard Bird Ben Lawers Carduelis carduelis Goldfinch Bird Ben Lawers Carduelis flavirostris Twite Bird Ben Lawers Certhia familiaris Treecreeper Bird Ben Lawers Cinclus cinclus Dipper Bird Ben Lawers Columba palumbus Woodpigeon Bird Ben Lawers Corvus corax Raven Bird Ben Lawers Corvus corone Carrion Crow Bird Ben Lawers Corvus frugilegus Rook Bird Ben Lawers Cyanistes caeruleus Blue tit Bird Ben Lawers Delichon urbicum House martin Bird Ben Lawers Emberiza schoeniclus Reed bunting Bird Ben Lawers Falco tinnunculus Kestrel Bird Ben Lawers Fringilla coelebs Chaffinch Bird Ben Lawers Gallinago gallinago Snipe Bird Ben Lawers Lagopus lagopus scotica Red grouse Bird Ben Lawers Lagopus muta Ptarmigan Bird Ben Lawers Larus canus Common gull Bird Ben Lawers Motacilla cinerea Grey wagtail Bird Ben Lawers Oenanthe oenanthe Northern wheater Bird Ben Lawers Pandion haliaetus Osprey Bird Ben Lawers Parus major Great tit Bird Ben Lawers Periparus ater Coal tit Bird Ben Lawers Phylloscopus trochilus Willow warbler Bird Ben Lawers Pyrrhula pyrrhula Bullfinch Bird Ben Lawers Riparia riparia Sand martin Bird Ben Lawers Saxicola rubicola Stonechat Bird Ben Lawers Spinus spinus Siskin Bird Ben Lawers Troglodytes troglodytes Wren Bird Ben Lawers Turdus merula Blackbird Bird Ben Lawers Turdus philomelos Song thrush Bird Ben Lawers Turdus torquatus Ring ouzel Bird Ben Lawers Turdus viscivorus Mistle thrush Bird Ben Lawers Aneura pinguis Bryophyte Ben Lawers Aulacomnium palustre Bryophyte Ben Lawers Blindia acuta Bryophyte Ben Lawers Breutelia chrysocoma Bryophyte Ben Lawers Bryum pseudotriquestrum Bryophyte Ben Lawers Calliergonella cuspidata Bryophyte Ben Lawers Campylium stellatum Bryophyte Ben Lawers Ctenidium molluscum Bryophyte Ben Lawers Dichodontium palustre Bryophyte Ben Lawers Dicranum scoparium Bryophyte Ben Lawers Fissidens taxifolius Bryophyte Ben Lawers Grimmia sp. Bryophyte Ben Lawers Hylocomium splendens Bryophyte Ben Lawers Hypnum cupressiforme Bryophyte Ben Lawers Hypnum jutlandicum Bryophyte Ben Lawers Marchantia polymorpha polymorpha Bryophyte Ben Lawers Mnium hornum Bryophyte Ben Lawers Oligotrichum hercynicum Bryophyte Ben Lawers Palustriella commutata Bryophyte Ben Lawers Palustriella falcata Bryophyte Ben Lawers Philonotis fontana Bryophyte Ben Lawers Pleurozium schreberi Bryophyte Ben Lawers Polyrichastrum alpinum Bryophyte Ben Lawers Polytrichum commune Bryophyte Ben Lawers Polytrichum juniperinum Bryophyte Ben Lawers Polytrichum piliferum Bryophyte Ben Lawers Pseudoscleropodium purum Bryophyte Ben Lawers Racomitrium fasciculare Bryophyte Ben Lawers Racomitrium lanuginosum Bryophyte Ben Lawers Rhizomnium punctatum Bryophyte Ben Lawers Rhytidiadelphus loreus Bryophyte Ben Lawers Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus Bryophyte Ben Lawers Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus Bryophyte Ben Lawers Scapania undulata Bryophyte Ben Lawers Scorpidium cossonii Bryophyte Ben Lawers Scorpidium revolvens Bryophyte Ben Lawers Scorpidium scorpioides Bryophyte Ben Lawers Sphagnum capillifolium Bryophyte Ben Lawers Sphagnum denticulatum Bryophyte Ben Lawers Sphagnum fallax Bryophyte Ben Lawers Sphagnum papillosum Bryophyte Ben Lawers Thuidium tamariscinum Bryophyte Ben Lawers Tortella tortuosa Bryophyte Ben Lawers Anthracoidea pratensis Fungi Ben Lawers Leptosphaeria doliolum Fungi Ben Lawers Carabus violaceus Violet ground beetle insect - beetle Ben Lawers Rhagonycha fulva Red soldier beetle insect - beetle Ben Lawers Argynnis aglaja Dark Green Fritillary insect - butterfly Ben Lawers Pieris napi Green-veined white insect - butterfly Ben Lawers Pieris rapae Small white insect - butterflydragonfly Ben Lawers Aeshna juncea Common hawker dragonfly insect(Odonata) - dragonfly Ben Lawers Enallagma cyathigerum Common Blue Damselfly (Odonata) Ben Lawers insect - dragonfly Pyrrhosoma nymphula Large red damselfly insect(Odonata) - Ben Lawers Bombus lucorum White-tailed Bumblebee insecthymenopteran - Ben Lawers Bombus monticola Blaeberry bumblebee insecthymenopteran - Ben Lawers Bombus sp. Carder bumblebee insecthymenopteran - Ben Lawers Tenthredo notha Sawfly insecthymenopteran - Ben Lawers Vespula vulgaris Common Wasp hymenopteran Ben Lawers Agriphila straminella Straw Grass-veneer insect - moth Ben Lawers Cabera exanthemata Common wave insect - moth Ben Lawers Campaea margaritaria Light emerald insect - moth Ben Lawers Catoptria margaritella Silver-stripe Grass-veneer insect - moth Ben Lawers Cerapteryx graminis Antler moth insect - moth Ben Lawers Colostygia pectinataria Green carpet insect - moth Ben Lawers Diarsia mendica Ingrailed clay insect - moth Ben Lawers Eana osseana Dotted shade insect - moth Ben Lawers Entephria caesiata Grey mountain carpet insect - moth Ben Lawers Epinotia mercuriana Micro moth insect - moth Ben Lawers Eulithis populata Northern spinach insect - moth Ben Lawers Gandaritis pyraliata Barred straw insect - moth Ben Lawers Korscheltellus fusconebulosa Map-winged swift insect - moth Ben Lawers Lasiocampa quercus callunae Northern eggar insect - moth Ben Lawers Mythimna impura Smoky wainscot insect - moth Ben Lawers Notodonta dromedarius Iron prominent insect - moth Ben Lawers Oligia fasciuncula Middle-barred minor insect - moth Ben Lawers Photedes minima Small dotted buff insect - moth Ben Lawers Saturnia pavonia Emperor moth insect - moth Ben Lawers Tineola bisselliella Common clothes moth insect - moth Ben Lawers Udea uliginosalis Mountain pearl insect - moth Ben Lawers Venusia cambrica Welsh wave insect - moth Ben Lawers Xanthorhoe decoloraria Red carpet insect - moth Ben Lawers Xanthorhoe designata Flame carpet insect - moth Ben Lawers Xestia baja Dotted clay insect - mothtrue bug Ben Lawers Gerridae sp. Pond skater insect(Hemiptera) - true fly Ben Lawers Bibio sp. Fly insect(Diptera) - true fly Ben Lawers Calliphora sp. Bluebottle insect(Diptera) - true fly Ben Lawers Culicoides impunctatus Midge insect(Diptera) - true fly Ben Lawers Eristalis horticola Hoverfly insect(Diptera) - true fly Ben Lawers Eristalis nemorum Hoverfly insect(Diptera) - true fly Ben Lawers Haematopota pluvialis Cleg insect(Diptera) - true fly Ben Lawers Lucilia sp. Greenbottle insect(Diptera) - true fly Ben Lawers Scathophaga stercoraria Yellow dung fly (Diptera) Ben Lawers Dytiscus marginalis Great diving beetle insect – beetle Ben Lawers Geotrupes stercorarius Dor beetle insect – beetle Ben Lawers Nicrophorus vespilloides Burying beetle insect – beetle Ben Lawers Boloria selene Small pearl-bordered fritillaryInsect – butterfly Ben Lawers Coenonympha pamphilus Small heath Insect – butterfly Ben Lawers Erebia epiphron Mountain ringlet Insect – butterfly Ben Lawers Lasius niger Common black ant Insecthymenopteran – Ben Lawers Pontania herbacea Willow gall hymenopteran Ben Lawers Stenoptilia bipunctidactyla Twin-spot plume Insect – moth Ben Lawers Syngrapha interrogationis Scarce silver y Insect – moth Ben Lawers Cordulegaster boltonii Golden-ringed dragonfly Invertebrate Ben Lawers Corixidae sp. Water boatman Invertebrate Ben Lawers Ephemera danica Mayfly Invertebrate Ben Lawers Lycosidae Wolf spider Invertebrate Ben Lawers Trichoptera Caddisfly Invertebrate Ben Lawers Cladonia arbuscula Lichen Ben Lawers Cladonia arbuscula subsp. squarrosa Lichen Ben Lawers Cladonia cilata var. tenuis Lichen Ben Lawers Cladonia ciliata var ciliata Lichen Ben Lawers Cladonia fimbriata Lichen Ben Lawers Cladonia floerkeana Lichen Ben Lawers Cladonia pyxidata Lichen Ben Lawers Cladonia rangiferina Lichen Ben Lawers Cladonia squamosa var. squamosa Lichen Ben Lawers Cladonia uncialis biuncialis Lichen Ben Lawers Ochrolechia tartarea Lichen Ben Lawers parmelia omphalodes Lichen Ben Lawers Parmelia saxatilis Lichen Ben Lawers Peltigera sp. Lichen Ben Lawers Pilophorus acicularis Lichen Ben Lawers pseudephebe pubescens Lichen Ben Lawers Rhizocarpon geographicum Lichen Ben Lawers rhizocarpon reductum Lichen Ben Lawers Solorina crocea Lichen Ben Lawers Sphaerophorus globosus Lichen Ben Lawers stereocaulon vesuvianum Lichen Ben Lawers xanthoparmelia mougeottii Lichen Ben Lawers Lecanora chlarotera Lichen Ben Lawers Tuckermanopsis chlorophylla Lichen Ben Lawers Bryoria fuscescens Lichen Ben Lawers Usnea subfloridana Lichen Ben Lawers Arion ater Black slug mollusc Ben Lawers Cepaea hortensis White-lipped snail mollusc Ben Lawers Oxychilus alliarius Garlic snail mollusc Ben Lawers Zootoca vivipara Lizard reptile Ben Lawers Canis familiaris Dog terrestrial mammal Ben Lawers Lepus europaeus Brown hare terrestrial mammal Ben Lawers Lepus timidus Mountain hare terrestrial mammal Ben Lawers Meles meles Badger terrestrial mammal Ben Lawers Microtus agrestis Field vole terrestrial mammal Ben Lawers Ovis aries Sheep terrestrial mammal Ben Lawers Talpa europaea Mole terrestrial mammal Ben Lawers Vulpes vulpes Fox terrestrial mammal Ben Lawers Achillea millefolium Yarrow Vascular plant Ben Lawers Achillea ptarmica Sneezewort Vascular plant Ben Lawers Agrostis capillaris Common Bent Vascular plant Ben Lawers Agrostis capillaris Common Bent Vascular plant Ben Lawers Agrostis capillaris Common
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