2015-16 CORNELL Wrestlinggame Notes
CornellBigRed.com2015-16 CORNELLCornell Athletics WRESTLING@CornellSports Game Notes CornellAthletics Follow Big Red wRestling EIWAs #18 CoRNELL Big Red (6-5, 5-0 ivy) at 2016 EIWA Championships World Wide Web ............................................www.CornellBigRed.com Facebook ....................................www.Facebook.com/cornellwrestling March 5-6, 2015 • Princeton, n.J. • Jadwin GyMnasiuM (6,854) TWiTTer .......................................... www.Twitter.com/bigredwrestling Live video: FloWresTling.com • Live stats: TrackWresTling.com haMPions YouTube .......................................www.Youtube.com/cornellwrestling EIWA c — 1910, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1922, 1923, 1926, 1930, 1958, 1992, 1993, camps ............................................www.CornellWrestlingCamps.com 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 live video (Home maTcHes) .............www.IvyLeagueDigitalNetwork.com live audio (all maTcHes) .....................................www.ESPNIthaca.com Lineup at the 2016 EIWA Championship CoRnell CoaChing staFF #18 Cornell Big Red ........................Weight....Notes head CoaCh RoB Koll Dalton Macri (12-5) ........................................ ...........Ranked as high as No. 19 in national polls, 8-2 in last 10 matches Cornell head coach Rob Koll is in his 23rd season at Cornell 125 (267-87-5, .751; 106-8-1 Ivy, .926) ... he is the David R. Dunlop ‘59 #1 Nahshon Garrett (28-0) .............................133 ...........3x All-American and EIWA champ, 4th Cornell in career
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