Dungeon Rules General Rules

1. The minimum age for attendance is 19. 2. We encourage all guests to ask questions, especially if they are new to the scene or still learning. Braven Manor organizers and experienced players are very willing to help if you ask at the appropriate time, e.g. after scenes. 3. Equipment and furniture may be moved around, but guests are asked to return items to where they were found. 4. Smoking is allowed outside the basement door in the covered patio area 5. If a door is closed, do not enter the room. Do not knock on the door. Do not interrupt the guests in the closed room. 6. No acts of prostitution are allowed. This is defined by the offer or acceptance of money for sexual acts.


1. All activities must adhere to our Consent Policy [hyperlink]. 2. Anything that is not a clear YES is a NO. If you are unsure whether you have your partner’s , you don’t. 3. Use “No” and your freely. If you hear your partner use their , stop immediately and check in. 4. Do not touch anyone without prior permission. 5. The house safeword is “SAFEWORD”. If Braven Manor organizers hear a guest say “safeword”, and we do not see an appropriate response from the guest’s partner, we will intervene to ensure everyone is safe. 6. Photography is allowed provided everyone in the picture consents. If you are taking pictures or video, it is your responsibility to ensure that no one else is captured in the image. A formal model release is recommended.


1. Guests are responsible for ensuring that is safe for themselves, their partner(s), and all around them. There are no dungeon monitors. While Braven Manor organizers will act in accordance with Rule 5 under “Consent”, we cannot always monitor all spaces. 2. Sex is allowed in any room (except for the hot tub), so long as all parties are consenting. Safer sex is recommended, and supplies are available throughout Braven Manor. 3. Alcohol and cannabis are OK in small quantities but should not be consumed before playing. Inebriation or use of any other mind-altering substances will result in the person being asked to leave whether playing or not. For further details, please see our Substance Use Policy [hyperlink]. 4. Consensual Non-Consent (“CNC”) scenes may be done at Braven Manor, provided that Braven Manor organizers have been made aware of the intended play. Braven Manor organizers must be told: (i) where the scene will take place, (ii) the general plan for the scene, and (iii) what safewords are in place. If Braven Manor organizers are not made aware of a CNC scene in advance of the scene taking place, we reserve the right to interrupt play to ensure everyone’s safety. 5. If a gag is used during a scene, a visual safeword must be established. 6. Firearms, real or replica are NOT permitted on the premises. Stun Guns and Taser Guns are not permitted on the premises. Irritants such as Mace, ‘Bear Spray’ or Pepper spray is not allowed to be used on the premises. 7. If you experience or see anything troubling, talk to a Braven Manor organizer as soon as you feel comfortable doing so. The sooner Braven Manor is informed of concerns, the sooner we can take action.


1. NO body fluids in the hot tub. 2. Clean all equipment and toys after you are done using them.

Room-Restricted Play

1. The following types of play may only be performed in the Medical Room: 1. Medical Play 2. Wax Play

. Drop sheets must be used for wax play 3. Fire Play 4. Blood Play (including needle play)

. Drop sheets must be used for blood play 2. The following types of play may only be performed in the downstairs bathroom, with appropriate cleanup following the scene: 1. Water Sports 2. Scat Play 3. Golden Showers

© Copyright 2016-2021 Braven Manor Revised July 2021