The Helminthological Society of Washinqton I
. Volume 46 1979 Number 2 PROCEEDINGS The Helminthological Society %Hi.-s'^ k •''"v-'.'."'/..^Vi-":W-• — • '.'V ' ;>~>: vf-; • ' ' / '••-!' . • '.' -V- o<•' fA • WashinQto" , ' •- V ' ,• -. " ' <- < 'y' : n I •;.T'''-;«-''•••.'/ v''.•'••/••'; •;•-.-•• : ' . -•" 3 •/"-:•-:•-• ..,!>.>>, • >; A semiannual: journal Jof research devoted to Helminthology and a// branches of Paras/fo/ogy ,I ^Supported in part by<the / ^ ^ ;>"' JBrayton H. Ransom^Memorial TrustJiund /^ v ''•',''•'•- '-- ^ I/ •'/"! '' " '''-'• ' • '' * ' •/ -"."'• Subscription $i;iB.OO a Volume; foreign, $1 ?1QO /' rv 'I, > ->\ ., W./JR. Polypocephalus sp. (CeModa; Lecanieephalidae): ADescrip- / ^xtion, of .Tentaculo-PJerocercoids .'from Bay Scallops of the Northeastern Gulf ( ,:. ••-,' X)f Mexico^-— u-':..-., ____ :-i>-.— /— ,-v-— -— ;---- ^i--l-L4^,- _____ —.—.;—— -.u <165 r CAREER, GEORGE^ J.^ANDKENNETI^: C, CORKUM. 'Life jpycle (Studies of Three Di- .:•';' genetic; Trpmatodes, Including /Descriptions of Two New' Species (Digenea: ' r vCryptpgonirnidae) ,^.: _____ --—cr? ..... ______ v-^---^---<lw--t->-7----^--'r-- ___ ~Lf. \8 . ; HAXHA WAY, RONALD P, The Morphology of Crystalline Inclusions in, Primary Qo: ^ - r ',{••' cylesfafiAspidogaJter conchicola von Baer,;1827((Trematoda: A^pidobpthria)— : ' 201 HAYUNGA, EUGENE ,G. (The Structure and Function of the GlaJids1! of .. Three .Carypphyllid T;ape\y,orms_Jr-_-_.--_--.r-_t_:_.l..r ____ ^._ ______ ^..—.^— —....: rJ7l ' KAYT0N , ROBERT J . , PELANE C. I^RITSKY, AND RICHARD C. TbaiAS. Rhabdochona /• ;A ; ycfitostomi sp. n. (Nematoifja: Rhaibdochonidae)"from the-Intestine of Catdstomusi ' 'i -<•'• ' spp.XGatostpmjdae)— ^ilL.^—:-;..-L_y— 1..:^^-_— -L.iv'-- ___ -—- ?~~ -~—:- — -^— '— -,--- X '--224- -: /McLoUGHON, D. K. AND M:JB. CHUTE: \ Chickens:, Resistance to y a Mixture .of Suifadimethoxine and'Ormetpprim (Rofenaid) ,___ _ ... .. ......... ^...j.. , 265 , M, C.-AND RV A;. KHAN. Taxonomy, Biology, and Occurrence of Some " Manhe>Lee^ches in 'Newfoundland Waters-i-^-\---il.^ , R.
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