(Iowa City, Iowa), 1952-07-23
) J • The Weather Servfng the St. parl17 d Olldy with _' Unlvel'lity _IO~ terecl abowen. vealer nortb ....4 wed Iowa. Campul alld HJch today, 15: low. n . Iowa 'city ;· HI~b Tu_a7. 81: low, owan 75. Eat. 1868 - AP Leaaed Wire Fin Cen.. Iowa City, Iowa, Wednesday, July 23. 1952 Vol. 86. No. 205 • , e . • rlye alns , Interlude with Int.rlandi Reports Say Governor Polio Deaths , I I Climb to 15 -- . Will Accept If Drafted CONVENTION HALL, CHICAGO (If') - The drive to push the presidential nomination Into the hands of Adlai Stevenson roiled on At Sioux City· Tuesday night while party wheelhorses worked toward a grand show SIOUX CITY. IA. (If') - While of harmony at the Democratic' national convention. more than 3,000 children were The campai,n tor Stevenson picked up steam from new evidences being Inoculated Tuesday during II II~ of support in New J ersey in the east, Kansas, North Dakota and Iowa -", In the midwest, New Mexico. Montana, and Wyoming in the far west. the second day of a large scale r. >\ .,- ,\: field test of a possible new wea ~ . * * * Rival candidates Estes Kefauv- pon against infllntlle paralysis, a ~i~' el' and Averell Harriman were in IS- month-old Sio ux City girl died • I J - a two hour huddle that had all the here - the 15th polio victim ot Anti-Truman the year. political trademarks of a stop Deborah Pashan, dauKhter Oi& Stevenson combine. They didn't Virgil Pashan, admitted to a hl:l$ Delegates Win tip off their immediate slrategy pital last Saturday, was the CHICAGO (IP) - The Demo merely reported they will "con cratic convention credentials com tinue the discussion" later on.
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