'A. V Jr.’ y - ]m WEDNESDAY, JUNK Average Daily Net Pnm Ron ' The Wdkllidr' r>Foxni PMeSM* el D. B. Wanthir mm$ CvMtttis Ifrralb -sii' Far the Week Ended. ^ naeMBipmu JSM 4, 1888 MB .'1*1 vCeei, 8gM ndh ar driseU k partBMiR whNe aHttng ae . the ■IgM. Lew nanr ddi. nu»y mm0 lOehaM A . Olaaa. 88 O uabrldcaj BbaM of nreetors. 11,675 tr dandy. eenSnnsd ee*L H ig h 'll* it, and Tboinai B. MOKaiten, Graduating at Bates College Board Votes On* item involves th* state's About Town 188 Henry St, will graduat* ftrnn Member o f tka Audit proposal to mirehese for 812,000 ■arean eC Olrenletion M ariana]^ Prapkratoty School, two pieces of psopeirty on Canter M v^ h e ste r^ A City of ViUage Charm bcuEtTwiU b« Vimyi Tliompaon, Sunday afternoon. toiSrwwBlgKS Set^ W o rk S t and W. Mfakte TVke. in oon- gU atliy p rai^ttly M. S:06. Wln- nectlon wiOi its plans to hnptov* 8gt.l.C. Wilfr**' N. Bouiraa, Rta. 8 and' 4t-A. (Cleasinad AdvertUIng an Fags’ 88) PRICE nVE CENTS BMfs In lu t Thumtey nl(ht'fe tnw- son of Jess* Squires; 6MI Vernon D ir e c t o r i T a k e U p O t h e r LXXIV. NO. 212 (TWBNTY-FOUR rAG E^TW O SECTlOJiS) M/O^CfrESTER. CONN„ THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1955 imaMtit ww«: NnrUi vid Souni, However, giving ig> the lend St., Is undergoing training at Fort 1 wanted by toe State mean* that 0 W IM a t o n «n d WtUtnm ButdMr, ■uatis, Va., in praparation for State>Town . Matters; laoHnuivtinn Doyl* Brolyn the town would be out off from a- Army operationa in tha Artie. A I propoeed sewage pumping station H dm »U. 10614; «M t maaa steward in to* dlTth Trans* I Acf^t Roads Grant ABoe Bekert u td M r^ Pnul Pulver. near Love Lena. , porution 00.. he wUl leave shortly The -BoeH lest night euthoriswd SM; akd Mrs. Fr*nk A iA nnO' and spend the remainder of the} The W ater Oommlasloa lest » « w / ■ttebnnr eechrlat, M . JMei’tln to have an appraisal mad* year in the A rctic area. He entered I euthorlaed General Manager Rich df the land and also to get coat the Army in 1087 and was last] erd Martin to enter into a contract <ni« picnic of UM.Ouiter Church esbrnatss on th* eonatnictlon of a BtsUloned in Germany. with the State Highway Depert* -road to the pumping etetion from Oo>Wm1« acbodulod fo r Friday hak meat that le expected to eev* the bekn canocUod. A mooUns o f the To enahl* flriendi of the Mon* I town a. eoasiderabi* amount of in an^ter matter involving th* old and new executive committee* astery of Our Inidy of Grace and money. State n M ^ y Department the of the club win be held "Tuesday the general {.uMte to slure in the The agreement provide* for the Board atwionMd Martin to enter afght at 8:80 at IM Chestnut Bt graces of the glrsioas .Feast, of, tilting of n contract by th* state Irto'Sh agreeing with th* .State 0>rpua ChristI, th. Solemnity of ] for thik oonetructlon of ajeattltary HtohweyDspWW m t for State aid jUraMB Johanna 81. ilankus, the feast will <« observed Sunday I sewer on Canter St. afU ie same highway fundrr. \ dMi^iUr oM frs. Rosa Hanku*. 30 at 8:80 p.m. at th* monastery in I time it contracts for the reeo Thu means the town' w ill get OoRny S t. has been pe .motad to North OuUfird. StrucUon .o f th* road, which la 840,278 worth of matoriele from State for ■IS the of Airman Second Class state highway, from th* Wilbur th* atai* aa Its stars . .'1 at Orandview A ir Fore* Base. Mo. Family 'night Friday, June 10,1 Croaa Highway .to Walker St. The aid. Th* annual award U •b* bi aaalgrad to this headquar- at Zion Lutheran Church w ill be| town’s share ilf the cost win be th* town’s blgNeray mileag*: tons aa an adminiatrattv* clerk in wonsored by the Men's Club. The about 825,500. Uw adjutant ganaFal soctkin of program at 8 o’clock win include Mia* Splly BBMry B ttar* Was Martla’s Idea jLix f Race with Clock an outstanding sound film entitled, A d e n a u e r base puUlcatkiiis. Mias SaUy Kmeiy, daughter of Mr. and'Mfs. PhiUp U KmSry, 31 Instellatlon of th*. aawer is .a A WONDERWL GIFT FOR TH E JUNE BRIDE! ’’Faith <nof Ourvnir Families." Another I Cambrtdg* St, and Bttore RSccagni, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oiarlea projaet tha town would avsntually Wild Mixup Mitrks StaSSrt SmS Woodbridge St, will receive their bachelor’s degrees have to undartaka. By allowing th* TAMPAX W College. Lewiston. Malw. “O" Sunday. June^^^^^ state to lump th* project with its (ANDFOR YOURSaFTOOl) - Set to See with recorded comments, will be w*. Miss Emery, a biology major, has been a member of to* Journals* own road-recmiatructlon program, . I . lompromiii followed by music, sodabnity aiM' Club, the Women’s, Athletic Association and the Bates Outing Club. rather than waiting until after th* IH3SIZE$ Legislature Windup FOOD iufrsBhiMSitg. P e m t s and . chll* toad is in and then proceeding with LowdA price ever on beautiful beirloom type dren and friends of the congrega­ Raccagnl, an English major, has been a member of th* French R ed Chiefs Club, the Future Teachers of America and the Robinson W^rsrs. the sewef, th* town is saving ■ * tion will be welcome. money, the Commissioners fael. - SALE jLeft Job UnfinisK^ Hartford, June 9 (/F)— ’The Connecticut General A sum bly’s H m idaa of taking, this approach iemblsaitoAly Bonn, Germany, June 9 (/P) Spiaasred by Th* Women’s Mlaslanary Socle* .|i)„ of Cheebire, Conn, The Golden Age Chib Will meet was -credited to Gmeral Manager BEDSPREADS final adjournment came in wild confusion early today and ty of Emanuel Lutherm Church ^ four-day celebration of tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock Martin, aqd Mayor Harold A. peeim UhVWem hancellor. K on rad, Ade< WEST snne caaoug o f will meet ITlday at 7:30 In the re-1 175th anniversary tomorrow. in Orange hall. A social time will naU^ is prepared to meet Gov. Abraham A . Ribicoff promptly called for a special 8efP>-. o o a o n n n n r b a f t i s t Tuiklngton last night, ’’command­ iai*msllf(*eii> cBpUon room of tM parifh houM I oponliiR te^oo will be at the follow with refreshments served state Capitol, Hartford,fLegialature could have completed sion in two weeks. ’ CHUBCH ed’’ him on his ‘‘forasight’’ "STARFIRE" Pattern its work. Russhm leaders, a W est Ger­ for a Uisineas mestoig and TMaott First CongregeU by Mrs. Marion Jacobson and her In another matter last night the \ June 9 (ff)->Th]roughout the “ ^ The Democratic Governor, taking the speaker’s rostrum cal work night A t tna social hour committee, Even with excitement at fever man gflYemment spokesman 7:45 p.m. FWJsy. 2 to 6 p.m. the COmmiadonera set July 5 as the ■ \ • . ^ -jOeneral Assembly’s. 1956 aes- pitch during th* lest hours, rival after the mandatory midnight adjournment, said he was Th arS n J m m % 1 0 « u a . following the Rsv. C. Henry An­ lies of that church will conduct date of a piMie hearing on the laid tonight. But he added derson, proapecUv* pastor of RsvsrsibU HDirioem Typs wHh eion vetetan Capitol observers party leaders treated each other calling the special session for June 23 because the politically- a strawberry feaUval at 6 p.m. 8(*rine Pvt. Henry tlyson, 1 inateUetion ,of a saniUry sewer politely, and that appeared to be that the n)Mtin$ will not JHaia's Dept. Stars Emanuel, and hi* famUy will give Dancing by school children on the ,thet would service the Keeney S t kept eaying that it was so necessarily take place in Mos­ divided Assembly did not appropriate enough money to run greetinga Pastor Anderson will of Mr. and Mr*. Edwin A. Hyeon H s s v y BuRipn Frings cheincteristic o f tb* entire ass- Green la sdisduled for 7 p.m. A of 413 WwxHand S t Is now e School. < - friendly, for a session with sion. cow, ^he state for the next two years. be at kmanuel Church for the conesrt by th* High School Band The town's legislativ* body also Youth banquet In - Luther ball tloned a t Oamp LeJ-nme, N. 0 - “ <1 divided political control, that The relatively calm atmosphem 171* spokesmen told Adenauer Tii the confusion “ia8t“befpre midnight j the Republkan- will follow at 7:45, and an In<han U attsKked to the Said Marin* Di­ had scvetnl items o f buetaieas in­ EXTRA A ^tbey never had seen anjdhing which prevailed unti) last night cohtrolled House, while acting on relatively minor measures, earUer in the evening. pegM nt at 8:30. I t w ill he Home- volving th* S tet* PUghfway De- has insisted there smuld be vision thers. SPECIAL! jik e it. w «ji unusual because Democrats ex^mange o f oplnionsX between neglected to act on two big tax bills which would provide Coming Sunday In all the churches. eontroUsd the Senate and Repub- Loyal Ords, Kingl* Dsughtart, They wUl also be open through­ .
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