/ I MONDAY, JU LY 7, 1958 m c i VOURTEEN Avmnc* DflUy N«t Pr«M Rua Th# WaBthor iKatu^fater lornino Iferalb * b r tlw Weak Haded Faraaaal a< U. B. Wantkar Si M y K XOSI dandy. wHk akawon tortght. BM l Graduate New Cars Aid E n g a g e d 10^98 Wednaadny, skowera, sent AbputTown tbnndea akawera. - Pr«ftM B » t* , rtcord citric, of Yt HR ROu/M'J RIB ' ■ ■mar H tba A a « t n OMarUand ttrett. la ctltbraUtiK Blood Program r a n a a r Manche$ter-^A City of Viilc^m Charm hlB 40th yatr with the Electric IIIUIIM R Z ilb t Opmpaay. Marking hla 3Sth Coiwtant Moderniiatim » aiinivareary with Oje Royal Type­ . . . abowa evkkace of. a darim to aarra MANCHESTER. CONN^ TUESDAY, JULY 8, 1952 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE. nvB CEPrii writer U machlalet Wealey Nar- I Local Lincoln - Mercury we& Each famlly'a wtabaa am gtvaa car*- TOL. LXXI* NO. 287 aa Page M) iMik Of 1 Rbatl atreet, RockvUle. Dealer Taking Part in rai attaaMau. 34 Hoor Ambulaaeo Sandee ' Manchaatar Lodge No. 7S, A.F. Firm*s National Drive add AJd., will hold a apactal com- WUUam r . aumlcatlon at the Maaonlc Tern- “Make blood donationa a part of pla tomorrow night. at 7 o’clock I your vacation" la tha theme of •• •• *• y y prior to conducUag a Maaonlc Fu- tha nation-wide blood donor m> [Fui\erall nM«l garvlea for the lata Walter crultmant rampaign being con­ Baymoiid N. King. The aarvice will be held at' ducted by tclavlilon’a Ed Sullivan Watkina Btottera Funeral Home 9 No autier what the item for comptteat, eoartaoB* T. QiiMi , Ike Forces Head into New Battle and tha Uncoln-Mareury dealem. at 7:S0 p. m. M y be, if it i* sometbiog and aod prommprompt service at uai- I Moriarty Brothara, tha Manchas- yon would expect to fnd in formly fair prica*—always, I tar Uncoln-Marcury daeiara, are Mra. JCunica C Hohcnthal of 07 operating wl.ola-naartadly with a good drug *ior*,.tnro con- PrcKriptions? Bring tbam l>a6iorian atraat la praaently at the I tha local b l ^ program of flclala to Mcmly to tbi* dapaodabla hem for aura! T bair coas- Kaaaachuaetta Woman'a Hoapital, make Mancbeatar’a next Bloodmo- aourca. You caa count oo u*. poundinj| ia our spadaltyl 2 2 S MAIN ST. Paricar Hill avenue, Boaton, where bila Day on Thuraday, July 17, a B l aha la being traatad by apaclaltata I auccaaa. from the Lahey ainic. Matt Moriarty, head of tba lo- Over Credentials on 93 Mr. and Mra. Carroll F . McGuire I eal ear agency, ha* placed hla cam 0f M l Sununlt atreet have been I at tha dlapoaal of the Rad Croaa vtaltlng their daughter and aon- for that day. During the hour* Ofoae M Smith f ^ w T Lt. M. and Mra; Bart W. of 13 to 5 p. m. whan tha Blood' Mra. Angela Smith of Church Xaofla of Wauwatoaa, Wlaconain. mobita unit will ha operating m v^ Anv daya each week to 67th commancamant aMiciaai many cam and aa many drlvara a* Chiropractic In Chicago. H* U a ter Uaae, a top affleial of Ibe hower battle for. the GOP presidential nomination eaina UTk e l^ i a Umltad to 3S puplla. Tuaaday, June 10. naeaMry will b* provided, but In mamber of Chi Rho Sigma fra­ Chicago, July 8—(A")— Gen. West Berila F ^ Jurists, was Chiegao, July 8— — ^ crucial point today with rival claimanta to 98 diaputad cob* Sagar, a aergaant In Company order to make' certain that they ternity. TYPE 130 Dwight D. Eisenhower ap- kidaaped this moralag aad Ssnats Rspublican leader vention seata alunring it out toward a final deciaion. Mr. and Mra. Floyd Marahall A of tha Cadet Corpa, attended will be called for at thalr own A Saptambar wadding 1* drtveu * n to the Soviet Zom Styles Bridles told the GOP BMI for three yaam. apeciflad tlm* without unnocaa- ealed totey for Republican By nightfall, thaae contests should bs settlsd and the linos a f UB Woodland atreet were aur- planned. amid a flurry of guasbota. convention today it must priaad at a lawn party In honor Intaraated In publication* work aiury delay, blood donora am urged CANNON FINE MUSLIN Sarmony and for “kicking the The bead of the Eeeaomka drawn more firmly between supporters of Sen. Robert A. o f their Mth wedding anniveraary aa wall aa aporta, Sagar held to make thalr appointment* for I Democrats so far Nov. 4 that Departaseat of the Free Jnrtsta, patch up party quarrels or and Gon. Dwight D. Eisenhowar among the 1JM6 doIagatM Saturday night. Mra. Maiahall'a place oh tha etaffa of both tha July 17 aa aoon aa poaalhl*. The it’ll take them about 20 years Dr. Uaae, was attacked by three 'almost certainly go down to to this 25th Republican convention. Sklrmlahar and tha Sword and Rad Cross phonSj BUI, will b* on Par Yaor laeHvIdiialy SHEETS and PILLOWCASES father, Mr. Nalaon, preaantad the ' to get back.” meu shortly attor be left Ms defeat in November.” Tha scrap ovar thaae M ooupla with a ailvcr cheat, and Sabm aa aporta editor. During 34-hour call fOr making donor ap­ Daelyia A Spiral a home la the Amerteaa sector. The vataran New Hampshire tnvolvtnf dalagatlona from aevan thalr frtaada gave them a allver hla three yaara at BMI ha played pointment*. Very personally REG.42.79 72x108 ...... 42.29 Eiaanbower, a top contender for He waa dragged iato a ear legislator appoarod on tha con- ■taUa, waa hafora th* CoAvantion aedipeta. on tha vanrtty football team and PoBHaatioM GaR tha OOP praaidantlal nomination which drove at Mgh speed late vontion'* ascond-day morning pro­ Cradantlala commltta* In tlw Con- GOP Conventi^" In hi* aanior year aarvad aa man­ Mrs. EMa MMcocci yours REG. 12.98 '81x108...... $2.49 cam* up with tha unity appeal and the Soviet soae. gram along with other party lead­ graaa Hotel In downtown Chicago. Tba Har^tnaka-up man, Petar ager of the haaaball aquad. Baa- tha alug-tha-Damocrata remarks ' Several people who aoUoed ers—San. Jamas Kam of Mlaabuii, Bolaa far TMt F ly u .w ,70 Broad atreat, la on katball alao claimed hla attention, DR. WILLIAM D. Phoa* H37 REG. 69e 42x36 PILLOWCASES ...... E«. 49e at a breakfast with the' 2S-vote the IddaaplBg and pursued the Hop. Marguorito Church.of niinola Ita flrat daolalon waa a unanl- Tally She^t ^ waak’a vacation. and he played on tha vanity taam STWUD Miasourl datagation to. the party's ear were shot at. and Chicago OouncHman Archi­ moua on* In fSvor of aaatlng a In hla junior and aanior yaara. Never ■ lull in your life, national convention. The Iddeapera threw hundred* bald Caray, Jr. pradomlnaatly pro-Taft driagatloa Beap n raaaei e t Ibff 1 . HOoa Company No. X ' of tha 'Sagar will enter Pannaylvania Announces ^ ie Opening thme day*—when you v# Ha mat with tha group after el uallo eut.ef their ear. One af In a prepared addreas. Bridges of la from Florida. ------to South .Manchaatar F Ira . Depart' MHIUry Collaga In tha fall. yaatarday'a dramatic preliminary the punwlng ear* had to give delivered a scathing attack on the Hera In the - oonvontioa hall It- Of An Office . Raimtitf L RtnMi caat off "ralendar” care* victory of hla force* over thoae of mailt will hold Ita monthly meet­ FAMOUS LADY PEPPERELL up the chaee when a tire waa Democratic party. H* called for a ■air, th* dalagataa war* alow to a t tha'I ing tomorrow night at • o'clock. July 10 Agaacy for the smiling comfort Ban. Hobart A. Taft at the open' punctured. united front of Republican*, now aaaamki*. Mora apaaehaa and and far naa' Ingsesslon of the convention. unoottlod by the close race be­ Kotex give*. You’ve found TOO Elsenhower camp, however, little bualnaaa war* on tap. .Mr. aad Mra. M. Klainachmldt On the For The General Adviaary Bstvle* SHEETS and PHXOWCASES (Coatinued on Page TbrSe) tween Oen. Dwight Elsenhower Taft and Blaanhowar thamaaWas (•aa V a g a l) and Mr. and Mm. Waltar CuaUr AU Uaaa af laauraaea ihu soflues* bold* its V. waa tampering alatlon with cau­ and Ohio' Son. Robert A. Taft for wara vlaiting with datafatoa in bawratumad home after apandinj Practice of Medicine ■$ Mala atraat—TaL 0400 tion in continuing to predict an presidential nomination. early baUot nomination of the thalr hotala—atlll trying to her- a iraeatlon at Niagara Falla an< I . A t shape. In fad, free is the cu e* Dtoputeo Toat more aupport M m tnal, Canada. Line At th t Lowest Prieoi In Years Oanaral. "The Ropubllcon party I* bO' a ... word-that best explaint Ttwra wore algna that Tllaan- 883 Center Street DO to ll KNOW7 Blaenhowar hlmaelf left tha vie Vote Count aot," Bridge* *ald, "by stormy, iwar migtit b* chipping away at Mr. aiA Mm. Loula W, Stolten' A LOT e t your monoy la In- the perfect poise now tory claim* to hla campaign man­ bitter wrangling force*. . . . This tha dalcgat* atrangth Taft haa h a lf of MWn atraat, aad children, troatod in property which may Fraaertpaaaa Called For aad TYPE 140 ager, Ban. Henry Cabot Lodge of party can not succeed If thla hit' Dailvarad PraaipUy At Na Bx- very- personally counted oa. M e l^ and Suaan, am apendlng a bo dostroj^ by fira or other to youn. LADY PEPPERELL SUPERFINE MUSLIN Masaachuaetts, who declared the Spurs Riots terneas remains after the convan- Two Naw Tork Oty dalagatoa. faif ridya with Mm. StoTtanberg'a taaCharga. General vrlU be nominated on about tion." .. - who had baan aupportlag Taft, an- disaster. the third ballot The voting may T urned ini pamata Mr. and Mra. c . M. stw - C A U 2-9t14 REG. $3.39 72x108 ...... $2.59 A Rspublican defeat In the pras- nounoad tbay had decided to voto ana of Maat Sumner, Maine. They atari tomorrow night. idantial alactlon then. Bridges for Elaanhowar. will Move Suaan aptandad ' Do you have adequate In- PINE PHARMACY lax af 4t $1.4f . Termed Heartealag said, would spall "th* and of the REG. $3.59 81x108 ...... $2.89 In M exico Chieage's International_____ Amphitheater _ „ je a with aetlvlty m delegataa sad aMtabaaa a t Book Martoa AM vlalt with her grandparanta. ouranee to protect you agalnat SERVICES Elsenhower called the prallmi two party a y ^ m aa w* know It.' Bott aide* wara wooing Gov. iuch a blow? nary triumph ha acored "hearten­ But h* aald hs.doa* not axpact the Bwarm Iato the hall to await the opealag *1 tha lS5t BepobScaa aaUaaal eoavaattoa. Mbwtos aftor That Interpret Hia Wiahei REG. 79e 42x36 PILLOWCASES...... E«. 59e this picture was madele, OOP Mtlonal chairmaa Guy O. Oabrialaaa paaadad hk gavel aM tha Bari Warran and tha 7B-vota Cal Tba vacation church achool of ing nawa” to hUnaaU and mlUiona GOP to loa* in tha fall. Ifornia dalagaUon, now ptadgad to the North Main atraat churchaa of Americana. Mexico City, July 8—) waa officially called to order. (AP WIrepboto.) Don’t guess. Call us for a Of The Family ATTCHTION ■Yesterday’s political riots Baenlhi |SaO Pledge support Warran aa a edndidato la Washington, opaaad thia morning for ita third protection check-up today! Thai triumph cam* when the lUcalllng the "Iron clad pledge” hla own right. , , ‘ and Anal week at tha Second Con- TYPE 180 convention, by a vote of S38 to MS. claimed a fourth life today adopted by th* Republicans' 1880 ^ i U p B. BfItM Taxpaytri More women elioooe Kotex* At Warran'* Invltdtlalt Taft Arguad t*ri gmtatlonal Church. LADY PEPPERaL COMBED PER CALt want along with Btaanhower on as soldiers and police pa' ooavantton to aupport tha nomt and HaroM Btasaan. alao bidding JOHN S. BURKE th* issue of seating contaatad dala- trolled the streets qf Mexico naa—Jamas A. Garfield who was ealMitttbo Many eaah. bayars far' Bsltoa than all other sanitary napkina gationa. Then it adopted by-accla­ electod. this year—Bridges aald, for the praatdantUI nomlaatlca. praparty ladleatea wa caa giva REG. $3.59 72x108 ...... $2.79 mat with thf OaUtoriiia dalagatlon. rasignad todgy aa PUNRAL HOME mation a naw rule which bars SS City. All roads leading to this "Let us laani .from history." MacArthur Rallies yaa11 auick. depaadable aarviM maenhewea"h So talk^witli them Oanaral. . of tha M ^ Ohaaay Library, la *ff. a. it i . •.9.MT. • contaatad delMstaa—moat of them capital city were blocked. Po­ ' He called ‘on Taft, Elatnhowar, aptadliig her vacation In Maine. •1 Bast Oaalar f k TaL OiM la Uthe sale af your real aatata. REG. $3.79 81x108 ...... $3.09 pro-Taft—untn the disputea over Gan. Douglas MacArthur, Harold tomorrow. ParlaHS ia th* lice said the number of per­ Taft and Btaman aaah told toa flala(lAttaJ«Ml«F seating thdm have been settled. sons under arrest hsf Staasen, California Gov. ESrI War­ Mr. and Mra.~7~Herbert Finlay AMBVLANOB SBBVIOB CALL, REG. 89c 42x36 PILLOWCASES ...... E*. 69e On the other tide of the same ren and "all, tha other leader* of CblllcriiianB thay hoped tha partK quit ( m is Bind* Jaawe F« reached 400, compared with Blisters Administration would ramala uaiUd aad that all Granary took ovar aa At< of M Fbalpo road and Mra. Nallla political fence Taft, claiming the our party to stand with ms before Bthdiey, Mm. FlnUy’a moUiar, tupublican presidential nomine 300 yesterday. the bar of American public opin- faaticna would work to oiaet the Oanaral Xtoy 27. bam rotumad after a 10-day atay JARVIS REALTY Three were killed In the riot* Ipn. ildanttal noiatnoo,. whoavor h* Hla resignation w a a __ ThsJWHALCeo; Ghicuigo, Ju ly 8--)-^Tha Ela an bower aaM John Foator eedUnua tha hour* of 3-S:B0, 7-9 stirred by the Taft-Elsenhower Washington, July t —<•)—Th* last night'* riot* were only the horted the convention to sweep —President Truman today victory by Elsenhower forces Dull**, GOP foraign policy txpart, p. m. from Mondaya to Frldaya Edgar Clarke REG. $2.98 TWIN SIZE ...... $2.39 boat of living probably la at an all' the Democrats from office lest the battle for jirealdentlal nomination. brought tha proposed draft Into and wUl change tha houra on Sat curtain-raiser to a larger uprising rejected another plea that he in the Republican convention Inraror time high today. And It could go by supporters of anti-government country plunge Into -socialisation I t unitefl the packed convention him yastarday and that h* (Eistn- Urdaya, to 9 a. m. to noon. For- REG. $3.29 FULL SIZE ...... $2.59 changed his mind and. run for hall In a standing ovation aa It Mt fight over conteated dele­ howar) fait it contained "all ths moHy tha houm at Whlton on Sat- higher. ^ candidates running far behind In and poaalbly dictatorship. N This waa indicated by a sariea the counting of votes from Sun­ Kem. In hit preparled talk, up­ re-election. And once again he sharplw at the Truman adminla- gates today put (Connecticut saaantlala nacaaaary to gulda us Nationab Lead ivday aftamoone have been from tratloiTa policies. of government reporta yesterday day's presidential elections. braided the adminlatratlon for its refused to name his personal delegates in a highly optimis­ . . . from th# standpoint of on- S.td 5:901 TYPE 140 foreign and domestic policies. Call­ 67-minute spacch, - punctu- ll|toUn*d aalf-Intoraat of th# Unlt- which said: Three Big ClMhea choice for the Democratic tic mood. They said so in FlBMr INNING AM m CAM * LADY PEPPERELL SUPERFINE MUSLIN 1. Food prices want up three- Sporadic fighting continued In ing for a Republican victory In atod 73 times by handclapping anfl ^ Btotaa.” ^ nomination for president. roar*, formally plotted a non­ words and with big amilea. Th* general addad that th* draft BlmmonB* walked Dom D|M0F>' tenths of ono per cent In June— the tense capital city until early November, he aald the general gto. Bauer want down so" — ' SNUGFIT SHEETS to a point 14 par cent higher than election's sUke was “the very This information came “ from partisan couriw in tha nomination Gov. John Lodga, chairman of plank oontalaa "toU of varblaga today after three major clashes battle between Oen. Dwight D. tha atata'a 22-voU dalagatlon atltchall also atruek out. Juat before the Korean War— between police and soldiers and stnicture of our government.” Rep, William J. Green, Jr., of raking up th# past, which X rappad sharply to Hamnar w|)a REG. $3.29 TWIN SIZE...... $2.69 mainly because of grocery and “Nevei in our history has ths Penriaylvania, who *poke with re­ Elsenhower and Sen. Robert Taft. pro-Dwight D. Elaanhowar axeapt wouldn’t want." supporters of the chief opposition for on* dalagat* — aald th* out­ toaaad to; J , RoMnaon at aoeead meat prlct Increases. candidate. Constitution been so braaenly de­ porter* after a White House visit. MacArthur, who backs Taft and Ha aald, howavar, that b* navar who has bean mentionad aa a pas­ come of tha rules fight was "vary quarrals about details and Is In- forcing JNJiaggto. REG. $3.49 FULL SIZE ...... $2.99 a. The next overall coit-of-llving The disorders ended the politi­ fied. the law so openly flouted, or Green Is a delegate to the Demo­ No rune, no nlto, no arrors, eia JULY tndax due in about three weeks Is cal, peace which had reigned aince the right! of tha people so defi­ cratic national convention, which sible vice-presidenttsi running encouraging." tarastod only In princtplaa. left. It la raiajag at 8hlb* Pailt, axpaetad to show another climb antly trampled underfoot,” Kem opens in Chicago July 21. mate fo^ the Ohioan, said; "It w aa' parfactly aplandld," Elaanhowar said ha also hnd ra the polling began and which had 1. The Democratic party has Lodge told nawaman. "I had ax- Chicago. TYPE 180 bacaus* rente are riaing. The last led many Mexicans to congratu­ ■aid. He added: Another Democrat, chairman calvad a proposed draft of a plank Index on May 15 was only one- "Our founding fathera never In nobis heritage but haa been cap­ pectad It, but I didn't think It (th* on national aacurtty, and that h* LADY PEPPERELL COMBED PERCALE late themselves on their country’* Prank E. McKinney of the na­ tured by schemers leading the FUWT INNINO HATfONAia tenth of a point below the record flrat modern election without viO' tended to give the Prealdent of vitcory margin) waa going to b* waa "not so certain that 1 agro# tional committee said today "The country toward “tha socialistic ■o big.” Raacbi'a pltohad to LioekmaB for DRESS SALE SNUGFIT SHEETS S. Wholesale prices were un- lence. ’ the UnlUd States the power* of ■ Democratic party will not inject with that.” a soft fly to Rlaauto. regimentation of a totalitarian From other laadara cam* thaa* Not all of th* as contaatad con­ Changed for the week ended July Although there were only three dictator.” racial prejudice nr religious big­ J. Robinson eraekad RaseWa B«pa Tratnaa Fewer state." comment!: vention aaata Involve dlraet oon- REG. $3.39 TWIN SIZ E ...... $2.89 X, Indicating the decline during the known d^ad. official aourccs esti­ otry" into the 1052 political cam­ 2. The Republicans must enlist flrat pitch deep Into the upper left p ak few week* U IcveUlng off. mated the toll might reach 15. Kem aald all dictators hav* State Chairman Clartnee F. taata haiwaan Taft and Elaanhow' paigns. all kinds of Americans, who are Baldwin—"Thla vota makaa our sr supportora. field stand* for a homo run, p ti- REG. $3.59 FULL SIZE...... $3.19 ICeed FrloM May HoM ■ITilrty-two of the Injured were ebaracterixed themsalvea aa "the McKinney made the pledge In tlng th* Nationals ahead, X% A staff report to the Sonate- friend of th# people." Prealdent "desperate for a plan which will pro*p*ct.< of nominating Elsenhow­ Of thaa*. dS from Georgia, 5 6 0 Hated as In aerioua condition. letter to six Protestant, Catho­ revive hope," to win the Novem­ er brighter, and Uwy ware very Sauar struck ouL Houao Economic committoo the- Score* of U. 8. tourist* were Truman, ha aald, has declared the lic and Jewish leaders. ber electlori. . On* run, on* hit, no arrorn, m m day bofera said prieea may climb reported affected by tear gaa President has the power " 'to do bright before." Pag* 1) Appeal la Made MacArthur named neither Taft SlgiUflaaat Victory left. SLIGHT IRREGULARS OF 59e. to an all-time peak in tba next six fired by police aa .Uie fighting what U right for th# people'—In Responding to an appeal from to la montbs—up one to three per swirled near the Del Prado hotel. other word*, he may do what ha, Meade Alcorn, (tonnactlciit Els­ the clergymen, McKinney said the (Centiaoed on Fag* Tlirae) enhower chairman—‘The vote waa eent—due to increases In rants and "Democratic party will not con­ HEAVY CANNON HAND and aarvteaa, ’ a recovery in clothing (Oonttooed on Page Two) (OaattoMd oa Pag* Twa) a significant Victory for the EIS' done any such activity In behalf enhower fdrcea, in all probability Dealer Warns prices, and a alight upturn in con- of any . of Ita candidates" and will FRIGIDAIRE aumar durable good*. The report a fatal blow to tha l ^ t candi­ Bulletins •'vigorously condemn and disavow Reds Protest dacy. I believe that Dwight BIs- face; SIZE TURKISH TOWELS aald food prieas would not chang* any auch activity should It de­ I State on Boost froMtheAPWiTOB much unlaaa crop proapocta ware enhower’a nomination la now #■' velop.” ■iired. AuIm m Hc altered. McKinney** letter wa* »ddre»*ed 3 for 99c However, th* Bureau of Labor Thousands Being Fired Death of Two The dalagataa lined up with th* to Rabbi Simon G. Kramer of New Eisenhower forces 20 to 2 In yaa- In Milk Price LAW IB UPHELD Aqua aad flamingo colon only! Buy plenty whUa they laaU BtatUUcs (BLS). after making York Caty, president of the Syna­ apecial food survey of eight key Hartford, M y 8r- WKha elUea on June 15. said yesterday Hartford, July 8—(F)—Raguln- a After U. S. Budget Cuts Moet Rev. Edwin V. O'Hara of the POWs on.Koje pf«n»* Oaurt today uphaM tba 1 5 0 6 food prices are climbing already. Kansas O ty Catholic Ajchdlocese; tloa of th* OmnacUkut milk msT' Since food repraeents about a eanatitullaaaflty af tba Bridgoi The Rt. Rev. Henry K. Sherrill of Munssn, Korea, July 8—iJTi— ket may bs shlftad from aUto to part Civil florvleo net, which bnff $ 1 0 Down third of the total apendiag of th# Washington, July 8—(ffl—Thou-aaonnel, and plan no Immedlata fir fadarsi control If th* naw hlgl HEAVY QUILTED New York, president of the Na­ The chief Red armistice negoti­ been atthehed by flv* mawbara aP 1 8 0 4 ’ average city family, th* rise la a a n da of government workers Inga. tional Cmmcll of Church** of price of milk la not ravokad, thi Cash Price 8299.75 believed to have helped puah cost ttw Bridgapert PoBeo Papart throughout the country are being Officials of the affected Christ In America; Jacob Blau- ator today protssted that the News Tidbits biggest distributor In eantrsi Con' went nad atban. ' Ibara'i aamuehKfobblnpalslelba* MATTRESS PADS of living to or beyond last win­ tired aa a result of sharp cuts tha Bgencle* are scheduled to meet steln of New York, president of United Nations Cbmmsnd klllsd nacticut warned fltst* Milk Ad ter'* record. 82nd Oongreaa made In appropria­ with Economic Stabiliser Roger L. the American Jewish Committee; Called froai AP WirM mlnistrator D. O. Hnmmarbarg at wMh Uve-Water AcMan. CWbat am THAT WUX. tAuWoER WHITE It aald ineraasas in egg, fruit two Communist prisoners of war BIG 5 REPLY BEAOT tions for federal agencies. Putnam tomorrow and Thursday Dr. Arthur S. Fleming of Dela­ and wounded eight on Koje Island a public pries battle vdilch want Faria, Jady > ■' FKapib 2 for 10?° subaiaraad bi water al lb* Bate, wNb vegatald*. meat and fiah prices to decide how the available funds Into lU second day today. ware, Ohio, president of Ohio Wes­ war* mainly raaponalbla for the Although virtually all depart­ last week. Japaneae police clash with 1,000 Faraiga Sflnlster Rabert 8*M W roWne Mranli at haL sudsy water REG. $3.98 TWIN BED S IZ E ...... $2,79 ments feel the ptpeh, hardest hit will be distributed and how the leyan University, and Dr. George The protest coincided with an told the National AaaawMy toM •akif tbreufh tbaak Tw* fmdi-watar, pcruonnel cut* will be apportioned official UN announcement that rioting Ck>mmunlsts in 3 (4-hour (Cantfanmd an Png* Two) .OASSK (OaattnMd aa Page Thraa) ^ are the six Economic Stabilisation pitched battle In Nagoya, Japan's tba Big Tbraa’a reply t* Iba 80- Uva-Water rinsM Beat al dirt a way. REG. $4.98 F U a BED SIZ E...... $3.79 o ff llc a l* - Price control largest cut* will ^.(OonUaued oa Page Two) two North Korean POWs were Agencies which estimate third largest c ity .. Americana vlet prapaaat fo r » Made by Monument MlUa. famoua for quality. will release more than 0,000—or be m*de In OPS. They said there killed and nine wounded on the conferonee an Germany M to bo FuU aad twin bad aiaaa. spent almost on* half as much an over 50 per cent—of their 17,000 will be some staff cut* among prison camp island last week In ■ Gir Crash Injures sent Ibia week m M prabaMy vdR the 2,500 OPS employes In Wash DemocralB Ballot series of isolated Incident*. ■leohollc beverages last year • s Denmark Delivers employes within SO daya. they did for things they wear, ac­ ba publlabed Tbaraday. These agencies are the Econom­ ington but the effect here will be The complaint was In s latter leas than in field Offices because from North Korean Gen. Nam R, cording to Commerce depart­ Four on Parkway PLATFORM U V U J m ic . SUMUzatlon Agency (ESA), In South Carolina ment. > for 13 Mallenson's Printed Nylon Dresses Tanker to Russia Offlee of Price. 8 1 a b l I la ation they feel a strong central control senior Communist negotiator, to Cbleogo, tU y * 8.00 Each and 9.00 Each Maj. Gen. William K. Harrison, American child dice in outbreak HEAVY QUALITY ,(OP8),"Wage Stabilization Board staff must be maintained. of polio In Beirut, Lebanon. .Post Trumbull, July? 5 —(F)— Four (W 8B), Offlee of Rant flUbllUa- I OPS Affected Columbia. S. C., July S - iJ P t head of the UN truce team. Copenhagen, Denmark. July # South Carolina Democrat* today Office department says Its . pro­ persona wars Injured, two critical­ • Nyidiis • Broadcloths • Sizes 9-15 —(•I—The dlaputed 18,000-ton tion. Salary Stabilization Board, fh e biggest slash will be In 48-Miaute Talk ly, bar* today In a eeiliaion ba- Ita OR—If R Ilk** tfc* wny ^ OPS regional and district offices. will nominate alx U, 8. Represent­ It was delivered by liaison offi­ posed special three-cent stamp to MATTRESS COVERS tanker. Apeheron, built In Den­ and Railroad and Airline Wage com(nemorst* 500th anniversary twaan two automoMloa on th* wrtttan -8a n .SChaaibrsys • Pontongs • Sizes 12-20 mark for the Soviets and turned Board. One ‘official aald It may be nece* atives and more than 100 district cer to Panmunjom Just before the grantcr aRaah. At A Low Price of ^8*®® and local officer# a t a primary delegations held their fifth succes­ of printing nt Outtqpberg BIMn Marritt Parkway. paoce and ta trim "Mg ever yeeterday In »plte of U. 8. AU Are Hit sary to eilminaU regional offices will have |ta first day's sal* in Two of th* vlctlma war* Ilatad aRhaBtiiafs • Organdies • Size* 16t^j-24V^a REG. $4.91 WITH ZIPPERS...... $3.98 Other government departments, altogether. election. sive secret seMion on the truce­ nmat" at kaan sae Ini protasta, left Copenhagen for a A relatively light vote waa fore­ blocking Issue of prisoner ex­ Washington Sapt. 30. ia critical condition on th* danger They are copies of |14.98 dressos that have been successful styles. In sizes Ruealan harbor under the Red their funds not cut aa aharply/isra But In other money matters the French Army headquarters sn- Hat at a t i Vlncant'a Hoapital. a'EoBibtrgs • Crepes • SoUda A Plaids •m • DemenatmHeal REG. $4.69 WITH RUBBER B U H O N S ...... $3.69 not ezpsctod to trim personnel as 82nd C!ongraaa added almost a bit cast with no state-wide races or change. The conference lasted 48 SBABOsf ntTBNlMV 12 to 20, 16Vs to 241/i* See these dresses today and you will want two or flag at noon today. national Issues Involved. minutes. nouncan that S tt Oomnmnist-led Bridgapert. Thay wara Idantiflad Seams all bound, mad* of heavy quality aheatlag that wlU waa* Foreign offlee offldala drafted druticAlly, lion dollar* to an axpanded atom' by th* hoapital aa Ann Hinas, *8, Hartford, Jnly 0 state Department officials, for ■nie only Congressional contest Brig. Gen. William P. Nuckol*. Vletmlnh saidiers wara killed and tkrac aad anc-knlf ■■>•■• • *! three of them. for yaara. a note rejecting the strongly ic weapon* program yasterday 275 captured in clashes In Red of 22 (toncord. atraat, Hamdan, a example, figure they would have and then voted to quit for good. pitted Rep. James P. Richards, of UN Ck>mmsnd spokesman, said Umehem e i tW - wordad V. 8. protaat against the Lancaster, against Wade S. Wea­ the tone of the meeting was "ob­ River delta from June 30 to July school taachar, aad Mra. Roaario KEMP'S ship's delivery. to eliminate about 400 joba here Unless Prealdent Truman call* 8 . . America's new queen of sans, DAngole, 60, of 200 MyaUc atraat, Tows'& Cosntry Auction Sales Sales and Service and another 20 In the American a apecial seasion, the law-making therford. Jr.. 32-year-old Gaffney jective." The delegates will meet jtV T Gremi The American Ambaaaador to again tomorrow. 8. 8. United StsU*. boa flrat Imby Arlington, Maw. ! ' T. AC. OUTLET Denmark, Mrs. Eugenia Ander- mlaaion to the United Nation*. daya of thla Congreaa arc over. lawyer. In the Fifth Diatrlct, Tha hoapital Hatod Mlw Hinaa’ INOOBPOBATBQ 'South Carolina's other repre- A London report that th# UN ia —6'^ pound daughter born to Dr. MILLBTREET GLASTONBURY Stamps Given ■en, ha* already been Informed They estimated cuts could be The next—or 88fd—Congreaa with and Mra. MUton J . AUsn of Madi- 76.tMAINST.. N made by net filling joba vaeatod *■ rogo Thn^T - Cloood Saturdays During July aud^uguat dMJWHALCco. Th«JWHAL€ea (Conttnuad an Pag* Thraa) ■on, N. J . With Cash Sales aa Fsgs Ifeno) through normal t a n o f t r of par- (CaaltoMd *• Pag* Thraa) (Centlnned on Pag* Thraa) •4 TEL. 5«80 (C

■ , ' f ■ *1 ' other to ttat. im tr r y MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY, JULY 8.1952 P A fil TWO IIANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. C0NN« TUESDAY. JULY 8.1952 p A d 4,«7S children, f l M youth* and E a w g — c y D w tsn Vote Count nett, oupervlMir o f th* porhway Soviet dominance over th* free Inatlon and reelectkm next Nov­ Heat Wave Jams l40O adult* awam at OM m Hal- School Funds South Coventry G>st of Living patrol, Mdd the occlfient occurrod Reds Protest MacArthur Blasts peoples of Eastern' Europe." Thi* ember In thi* aplldly Demoerntio Arrest Violator hnr and flalter'* Pond during that GOP Heads Race Entry when th* car being drivan by come about, he eald, by withdraw­ Reds Kidnap state. , week, and that aa additional MOT % Mrs. PMdhM Uttls Dr. A. B. Dtakan. Ul. 1-1881, and Dr. Alfred Sumlqulst, D'Angelo left the aostbound lane At Administration al ' o f troop*, yielding; of control The five or* L, Mendel Rivers, Both Swim Pools peraona attended them a* *p*cta- of the parkway, croaaad the eapta- over atomic materiai* Jeposlts, Of ’Cracker Ban Shift Asked Cwveotrv 7 -« m 6318 are physlciana o f the Spurs Riots Near New Peak, Death of Two Top Aide^ of of CSiorleston; John J. Riley, of R. tore, :/ |md* and crashed head-on into th* dismantling of German Industrial Sumter; W. J. B. Dorn, of'Green­ The report elan showed that Is Rejected Manchester Medical Asooda- With tlM ofwninf nf U u tth tB - W arned to ear being driven by Miss Lough­ (Coatimied from Fags One) plants and allowing spipment* of wood; Joseph R. Bryson, o f Green­ Robert E. Cktbtmi, 88, o f M WB- 4,000 peraona used the athletic Beglewel Planning tlen who will respond tn smsr- rey. Both cars wer* damaged ex­ war good* to th4 Soviet. MKi two •wirtuninc pool* June S3 Martin Wantii Transfer gency coll* tomorrow sftsr- May Co Higher POWson Koje West Jurists ville; and John L. McMillan, of llama street. East HortfWfi. trbn Th* local temporairy re^ongl In M exico tensively. nor Eisehhower. But he hit at the In the Bast, MacArthur oald, Florence, •MdiV l» th* w ta tt of t other 4.a3», mostly children, mad* planning committee will meet noon. (CeaUaned freoa iOm ) failed to appear la Town OMirt ftn t k**t w«T«, over MOO O f Bond Issue Balance By Truman There was no immadlat* expla­ administration's policy of. Com? th* United State* “proceeded with rolls opened at 8 a, m. (e'.d.t.) yeaterdny on n chnign o f iBogall)* u*e of the playground* since June End Scrap Thursday at S p. m. at tha George nation of what cauaad th* east- ' (Oantlmied from Page Oa«) munist containment, which Elsen­ precipitate haatd 'to diveat our- polmnar* flOckod to Ui*ni during 33. the date they wer* epaned, to Hcrscy Robertson School with (« ____ _ food rise between Mhy 36 and (Conturned from Pago Ooe) tnd close at 7 p. m. discharging fireworks on Ju ^ A tJb Iw t wo*k ta June alone, ac- For General Building bound outomobil* to go out of con­ hower supports, and called for oelves of our own military waa orrastod Utar ia the day wftna the end of the Inonth. members a t similar committsos of June 18. Egg prices jumped moat trol. considering an offer by India to more air power, oi Taft objective. atrength." • Thi* policy rauoed fa BimerUitendent o f Rec- (0*ak fruoi Pag* OM) Om ) But.# duty officer at th* U. 8. —4.7 per cent. When Urn cor contalalng Um he reported to the M ttclieM ir II surrounding towns. The group ars lined up against dsaters was embassy sorly today sold b* bod' Bennett said a car being driven help aetUe th* armiatice deadlock Comments on the speech ran to thq I m to Comm’unlsm of China, ngUon ioha K. Hadlund'* monthly General Manager Richard Mar­ will consider population growth, expressed by Charlst Wing, Miller- The special survey was mad* in kldooped official reached Uio Thousands Fired Pollc* atatlon end ■aliad ilm ttins HpMt to General Manager Rich­ Population of the Federation of and be alone, thinks is right for N. Shuster of New Tork, presi­ received no reports of Americans by Walter Moxgala, 38, o f Hol­ was denied by the U. S. State De­ adjectives like "wolnderfur' and North. Korea and the Kurile*, he for the court aiwlen. tin hss‘ recommended the trans­ th* number of children who will ton, N. T., producer selling milk to Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Colum­ partment and th* British embassy border the Oommunist Peoples ard Martla. Malaya has increased 10 per cent tha psople. .1" dent of Hunter College. tnjursd. . yoke, Maas., was about to pass th* •'dramatic” and "thoughtful." They aald. Chlaf Harman O. telundel aMide fer Of fund*, remaining from nn require a high school education, the Connecticut MUk Producers Military roadblocks around the bus, Richmond, San Fronciaco and In Washington. included these: MacArthur'* em0tlon-packeig government, of its constantly "Korea atanda today as the hal­ W e d n * * ^ . of industry and of every phase of strike” for a price of 310 Instead lawyer* which ai tempt* to keep a lot of new feces convene* Jon. Of the tl.SM.OOO that area school. convention "because I am certain armored car# waitiKl in th# cen- • Beats'Bialng Moagola administered first old offer to help. inersasirg expenditures and taxa­ lowed graveyard for countless American .living.’' Th* town* tnvltsd to meet with of tha present |8.83 per 100 tabs on what is going on In east- 6, 19S3. Oobum aaid ha oiMild not a|^ rstaed by a bond taaue in 1S4S for that this group will deslr* to state I .ter of th* city to dash to any now The ooat-of-Uving Index on May to Bom* ot the victima wbll* hla Red TaiA Attack tion, its abuses of power, its dan­ American dead,’’ he said. "We paar in court yaotarday i ' the ccmstrucUon of the two ele­ This trend, she said, gained im th* local group Include Hebron, pounds. 18 stood at 189, one-tenth of a em Germany, portieulariy 'con': • Daylong negotiations on two the position of the' Democratic trouble spot. wife summoned police, Bennett On th* fighting scenes fourteen gerous threats to oil liberty In the must not let It become aa well a money bills which had blocked ad­ bacauas h* was, werkinff, u a mentary arhoola and for archi­ petiia frera theee who planned it, Andover. Columbia, Roltnn, Tol lnt below the 189.1 reached In rerning the le ^ right* of the thoeie who footered-lt os a vote- party ogoiniiP bigotry and preju­ B la w s Bed Stiidsnts aoid. Communist tanks.-*- the heaviest United States. . . . He formulated graveyard for American hope, journment plana Saturday paid off Ing to Ueutonnot Whiter R. land, Wlllington, Ashford, Mans­ K icember and January. The BLS concentration of Red armor in a the affirmative program on which populatioa. tectural and engineering fees for getting means and thoae, even dice In language that will he clear ' Gon. Leandro Sanciws SaUsnr. Th* two teachers wer* driving American faith and American when a compromise was reached aell* who aeid he had told Oeknm field, Chaplin, ScotlarKt and Hamp­ •old the next Index Is due in about month—supported a jprobing at­ cmv Earlier today, the French on- No More two other projects proposed at soAM ftepublicotts, who foil to see to a a " Mexico city police chief, blnaies to Fairfield University where they the Republican party go for­ honor.” and the Senate and then the what time to report ton. If a town, does not have three weeks, and la expected to ward to victory and resume prog- nounerd that the Rasslami had that time. I14S.3TS remalfi*. "the disastrous etid.’* Two candidates for the Demo- th* bloodshed on "Oommunist ara studying for Uiatr maater’s tack lost night by a Chineaa oon|- The speech' leaned heavily to­ House approved the Ineasurm juat Coburn wa* first drrsatod at temporary regional pionnMg com­ News Tidbits climb because rents, a 8ig iUm, pany against United Nations post- rear under liberty and peace.'* nabbed one of their high offl- Martin said that to Insure the "A RepuMIcsA (election) vie- ersUe presidentlsi nomination Btudents" from th* Polytachnic degrees j i summer course*. ward the apjritual approach to the before sundown. Mamorial Field during tbs AaMil- legality o f such • transfer, a bill mittee, repeaentatives of its ore rising. tiona on th* Korean central front. Sen. Leverett Saltonatall ot achievement of national strength. eiala, Jean Bebolr, aa he atrolled toi7 haaod on Republican prin­ board of education hav* been In­ disagreed as to whether corrup­ CalM froBi AP Wiras Institute. He said they refused to aloag the Roviet aonol border The bills would provide: can Legion Flrsworkn StaniMr I will b* introduced In tha state The-BLB wholesal* index for all About 200 ChlncM were thrown Maaaachueetts, an Eisenhower MacArthur said Americana have Saturday night after n fevstandqr ciples,'.’ she said In her prepared vited. tion in government will be on* of disperse and threw stone* at the ood neld him ia captivity for 34 Atomic Expansion : legislature at Its next session re- th e'1883 campaign Issues. commodities stood at 110.7, using Mossadegh Balks back In the one-hour fight which backer—"A thoughtful statement made the CAnstlttlUon work for told pollc* he waa thiwwng Am , speech, "Is vital for our very sur­ Roger Thompson and Paul Col­ police. cloeed to hand-to-hand combat. of the problema the Democrats hour*. 1— $11,783,776,339. to finance quasUng peralaalea. vival." CerrupUnn lee nee Twecity F-S4 Tb— derjeta oL The rioting began Inst night the 1847-48 average aa lOO, Gen­ 178 year*. He concluded: works from hia parked ear Is lier. both of the State Department erally hightr wholaoal* prices Allied troops counted 39 Re) — In­ economic Crimea by the East •a Intoxlcathm cbnign. w«k lary oounded UN positions along Rep. James Fulton of Pennaylvs- lars for river, harbor and flood picked up by police lying aa yatfc with Town Oaunael John D. ta - tration." Its foreign policy,' she Rural Superintendents John C. partisan'.'* atomic-powered submarine Nau turns on the two-thirds o f Sun­ For the month of May, net In­ formed sources said today that Commuaiet regime In defiance control project*. Belle and offlciala of the first come of class' one railroads wer* th* Nam River Valley In the Kum- nis, who is for Eisenhower. Ful­ m the wood* b*tw«*a B iiai annot •old, "invited—y c n, produced— Reilly, Daniel Chubback, Arthur Kefauver’s campaign manager, tilua being built by Navy 'will be day's vote so far reported. Mohammad Mossadegh has refused song'srea with 1,870 shells. Denmark TleTivers *4 German law. ' With most Republicans attend­ - ofeiy'hWyboissfil - National Bank of that city. Mar­ Gael Sullivan, announced that a pug-nosed vessel that leeks like 85 million dollotp compared with to accept h royal dacraa reappoint­ ton said the speech sltould have and th* r*or o f S t Jtm m f d a w - war in Korea." . Bixby, Georg* Graff. Also, Dr. Gen. Henriques claimed “ vic­ UN troope hitting a Cbm- meptiohed th* United Nation*. He The Free Jiirlata group I* ing the OOP national convention tin and LaBelle hod gone to Bos- George R. Chomptin o f Windham, Kefauver campaign headquarters kqsnmer fcrgd aliark. 81 mllUon during the same month ing him premier of this neai^ Ury ofter a youngator toM yelMa Vo-Vo Woe tory" In fuU-pogs newapoper ad- munist-held hill on the central aaid it "coat grave doubts on the Tanker to Russia largely composed of lawyem In Chicago and many DemoernU o f hia prwMnco thar*. t«M to confer with offlciala o f the Kem colled the Korean con­ Principal H. Cheater Nelson of will open In Chicago July IS, eight Supt. Edward 8. Orennsn of vertiaements yeaUrdoy. 'Despite a year ago. Net income for the bankrupt country bacaua* th* Sen­ who fled from th* Baet. The out of town, only n handful o f lag- M* •»» fBM M I S IM M kM |M first five months of 1982 was es­ front were repulsed by 300 Chi­ usefulness of collective security as bank on the floating o f a ll.SSO,- flict n "yo-yo war" and one in Windham High School, Arthur H.- days before the conation. . Concord State Reformatory In a last-minute government ban on ate failed to give him a clear vote nese uaing automatic weapons, group la one ot the principal islator* were on hand when Con- MM.V. R-SAT. srr. 000 bond Issue for the eonatruetion Vice President Barkley told timated by the asaoclation of of confidence. an international policy." ‘ which he sold American soliUcrs Illing, superintendent o f schools Massachusetts says "leosloa Is political meetings, about 1,000 of artillery, mortars and a flame MacArthur, wearing c iv ilia n (Coatianed from Pogn One) torgeto of Communlit propa­ grels adjourned. The House quit of three new School building''pro­ newsmen in Washington yesterday American railroads at 237 million There was no official confirma­ alatlM* atarclMS Hirdtu li S t« IS w«MMn«al fail while "through otir friends in Manchester, Edward Gant of gear" at institution he was named his supporters gathered near bU thrower. clothing, spoke slowly and dell-, ganda. The Rod* allege that the at 6:38 p. m. The Senat* at 6:41 jects, the tS-room V#mon-t.ydall w* arm (theV enemy." He colled Storr*. that It undoubtedly will be an is­ to head yesterday in s*(ift shift headquarters In tha belief they dollars against 208 millions during tion of tha report, which came that Denmark could not halt the creatloa of a “ohoM to kill*; p. m. ATTENTION tim * Use PtfSM Siaidi sere sad yea a c^esponding 1881 period. The U. S. Fifth Air Force said berately. He leaned welt forward eienecntary school and. the addi­ for an iron-clad jaw that would R<^ B. Jones of Storr* will be sue, but he commented; "No party o f prison officials.. Psrfsct score were hailing tha next prentdont. from persona close to Mpiaadegh. nine Communist troop bunkers dellveiY of the Apsheron. . aecttrity belt around Went Berlin During th* final day Democrats wos'i have •» Merck agal* h>« amothti tions to the Bowers and South Into a thicket o f microphones and, prohibit United States aid to In charge of a chicken barbeque bos a monopdy on either virtue on Navy's general clasaiScatlon Mounted pollp* armed With oa- The Senate yesterday postponed were destroyed or damaged by closely following bis prepared text, Foreign Minister Ole Bjoern Is nereosory to protect the Efi*l did not taka advontag* of thair BrHn T a x p ifiii Perm* •hweb b thrifty. Mol Oo* teaefoae scheela. countries which, sell strategic war being sponsored by th* Mr. and or vice." teat (a registerad by 31-y*ar-oId bsra charged them amen they re­ a vole of reappointment until warplanes In close support at­ Kraft sold he ‘‘hoped the Ameri­ Zone from agent* and. pravocn- numerical auperiorlty. Leodara Mtanwhil*. a report from the Mr*. <3ub of North Coventry Au (^r Crash Injures after Mossadegh formed a govern­ leveled hla heaviest blasts at Ui* teure. / bonis dM ike o«rk of I2.M worth of material* to Communists. Barkley qatd he will go to CM- RecdvUla, Va., student fer seeoad fused to disperse. A few shots tacks. Other fighter bombers de­ administration of President Tru- cans would not make good thrtr said all actlona wer* fully agreed Moay eoMi eontrallar'* office showa that all gust 3 on the lawn o f the Second ment and presented hla program. aedlaary Ugeld Merck. Kem said Rspublicons.' If they .cago a day or two before the time. ware fired. Riot and tear gas stroyed 10 supply buildings, nine u , who fired him lost, year oa threat” to cut o ff all economic and on by absent OOP leaders either property In but 1303,731 o f tha total appropri­ win the election, would "halt Uik Congregational Church: Proceeds Democratic national convention Prim# 'Minister Churchill tells aqqads were (wllsd and fighting Four on Parkway But It oavisad Shah Mohammad vehicles and .two supply revet­ military help. In advance or by long diatanoa tel- m qnlek, ation o f $1,0M,400 for the con­ will be used to defray the coot of United Nations commontler in the trend toward a one-man govern­ opens to meet delegates in' hla ac- House o t Commons that "os a became general. Reas Pablevi to continue the aged ments. Far IhMt. He said the vessel hod been built Democrats j^allot ephon* calls. Sthe Mie •C yaar real i struction of tho WoddsU School ment." He sold n. Republican Con- a propooed now heating oyotem tiva campaign for tha nomination, i matter of courtesy" parts of re­ Soldiers were summoned nfter nationalist leodar in office. under a Danish-Ruaalan trade (Coatianed from Pag* Ooe) MacArthur said Truman's claim has hasA axpendad. Ths Brood p esa would balance the budget In th# church. Mr. Jonea la well- He sold he will , iwt make any port oh Korea given to parliament the battle had raged for n half Previously th* Majlis, or lower agreement signed three years be­ In South idaroliiia PURITV EBIBLEN straat* plant - la rapidly nsoriag known. for his expertneas in pre­ of inherent powers—which the Su­ CALL Republicans, he sold, would make ■peeches'ln the interim. last week had been eleored first hour and tha government forces hmise of parliament, voted over­ KILLED BY ELEVATOE preme Court held was unfounded fore the U> R. battle act against *hie tliy, amblem of purity,'la *v.' completion and la expected to be no secret treaties and, in th* gov­ paring' chicken barbeque. Rcaer- The 74-year-oId Kentuckian de­ wtth Oea. Oaaor Bradley, chair­ gradually drove the. rioteri up the injuries as a possible .skull frac­ whelmingly to reappoint Mossa­ shipment of *trats*rlc foods to painted, In slmoot every plotur* of vatloivi are now being token for ture, possible fracture of the pcl- In tha steel Industry selaurs—was ready for occupancy Ih September. ernment, w ould. end any Com- cided over the week-end to become man of th* Joint Chiefs of Staff' street to th* Henriques heodipiar- degh, who had resigned In accord­ Hartford, July 8—(O) — Hiram Russia came Into force. Denmark (OonttniMd Pnge On*) ih* Annunciation and tha Modcui' The controller's office also re­ the event which will be held in' vla, chest Injuries and shock. Mrs. flctlttoua. JM7n reIliy munlst infiltration, waste and cor- an active condidata for the prMl- . Agriculture Dept, reports ters, diagonally kcroas from the ance with tradition when a new Dunn, 71, employed at the Wads­ T h e administration's foreign could not break this contract, no, according to Ui* teteyciopedia ports that |3S,040 has been ex­ etde in case of rain. Theaa or fur­ dentiai nadUnatlon. 38.081,000 acres of cotton were in D’Angelo's injuries were described parliament opened last week. worth Atheneum, was killed yes­ Kraft sold. sentatlva* had no primary oppon­ Britannlco. 6S4CMiter8L M .4 U t Coundlmon Carey sold In hla ther information may ba’bbtolned U. S. emb**ay- policy, he said, "practically Invited ■ ^ " ■ " “ Msoeama^aqmHpqi pended as or July t for engiaeer- He said ha did hot believe his cultivation on July 1. Armored cars and mounted po­ Os a possible fractured skull and The soprees eaid Mossadetfh told terday as he rode on top of on' ent* and were aasurad of renom- tng and nrchltecturnl fees for the prepared addredi that, os a NegrO' from Mra. Donald Haydtn, Willl- chest Injuries. American he ho* been disappoint age would be any handicap in hla Gen. Matthew B. RMgway will llc* closed both end* of th* street. the Shah last night that he would elevator to grease machinery In in*' modamlsatlon of alamontary montic ulophone exchonga, Mrs. meet Queen Bllxabeth and dine Under treatment for lesser in­ * / *d with th* Democratic adminis­ race for the noininatlon. Henriques campaign Isadm final­ not accept the royal charge to th* shaft. Dunn’s head was schools and for the erection of the William Glenncy and Mrs. John with Prim# Minister Churchill juries at the some hospital were form a new government unless he tration's civil rights promises. Prood af Age ly called off th* demonstration to crushed when he struck the grat­ V / proposed high seheoL The Board Schmidt, both in Coventry tele­ when he arrives In London tomor­ Gertrude Loughrey, 48. a school received an uneimivocal "vote of ing at the top of th* shaft. He o f Dtracter* transforred MS.OOO "Tha string of promises dsn- phone exchange. *T am not only proud of my "avoid bloodshed." teacher of 314 Ferry street, New row for a two day vlalt . . . Cor­ The fighting broke out again In tntantions" from m >Ui housaa. The was a veteran workman and had from the account of the Verplanck glsd before my people like a ght- Cblekrn* Barbeque age. I am proud of my health and oner James J. Corrigan rules Ilaven, left arm and nose Injur­ tering necklace,'’ he said, "has the main square in front o f the ruler conferred today with Senate been doing maintenance work on Slid Bower* .*ebool-bulkllnig ac­ The Coventry rrogment So­ my strength, he sold. "If there la drowning s f 18-months-old baby ies, and" Joseph D’Angelq, 83, of leaders on the government crisis th* elevators for years. Deputy count io r thi* purpo**. been fashioned into n tight-fitting ciety o f the Second Oangregntlon- anyone In this country who can tn Wepawaug river at Milford Presidential Palace and the Ca­ the same Arlington ^ d rw , loc'^ thedral. Several volleys o f shots and a closed aeiilon of the upper Labor Commissioner John J. Don- ol Church will hav# their after­ outstrip me In lighting for the iMt April IS was accidental. •ration* of the leg. were fired and police laid down a legislative house was scheduled Isn sold the elavator will be in­ noon auction, sole, eu ppr and Demewratic party and good gov­ Merrta H. Some* loeee court State Police Sgt. Frank Ben­ Uter today. heavy tear gas barrage. spected for ssfety precautions. UalH SM frwM y Mlipl Y« tUs evening of entertainment Wednes­ ernment, let him ttep up and com­ f l ^ t to remain in employment of CAIX day at the Church Community plain of my age and let others OlBstonbury school system. . . . The police and soldiers finally drees has iiaaa sisrcaed with penned the rioter* in a vacant let Parma ( tory tn the election appeared go­ 80 votes from outside the south. ^486,658 Is Left ing overwhelmingly to Oortlnea. Mrs. E. Raymond Jacobs of Pis- Russell stumps in Arkansas to­ Anything, before it’s accompiished, galr Forest, N. C„ arrived Sunday Unofficial and prelnninaiy figures day and in Indiana Wednesday. ive him a lead of 3,008,370 to most be pfauined. to spend a week with her parents Averell Harriman, the Mutual In Town Budget Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brooks at genriques’ 187,818, with one-third Security Administrator, enter­ of the vote atlll to be reported. their home on pepot Road. Soujh tained Indiana delegates at a din­ Let’g talk over your “ Blueprint” Coventry. Saturday the three will With only a little more than a Other unofficial totals given out. ner in Indianapolis last night. He month remaining to the end of the by the president’s offiea were: ideas on home ownership at Man- leave for North Carolina where declined to estimate any progreas Mr. and Mrs. Brooks will spend 1881-83 fiscal year, the town had Rightiat Bfrain Qonsalex Luna, in soliciting votes for hla nomi­ a total unencumbered balance In 83,037, and Leftist Vicente Lom­ ' Chester Savings knd Loan. two waaks. Mr. Joeoba. the son of nation. Harriman was reported to and M rs.E . R. Joeoba, Sr., of its budget o f $486,688.88 aa of bardo Toledano, 133,855. The be returning to Washington to­ July 1, according to the monthly final, official count begins next Winingfon HUl, has been advanced day on government business, Sunday. There la much valuable information to be gained, from such a talk. Manches­ to assistant ranger with the U. S, budget report submitted to Gen­ fore campaigning in Michigan eral Manager Richard Martin. ter’s oldest financial institution ia known for prompt, complete home loan service Forestry Department. Thufaday and Friday. FIVE DAY FORECAST ' Mrs. June K. Jaye will reaurtie The fiscal year ends Aug. 14. —has been for more than 60 years. MItEAdE STORY YET! Sen. Robert Kerr o f Oklahoma, The unencumbered balance in' Boston, July 8— OPl —-The her summer dancing classes Fri­ meeting delegates in Pittsburgh, day at the Nathan Hale Commun­ etudes funds still unexpended from Weather Bureau today issued the Pa., said in an interview yeater' additions amounting to 148,310 following extended five-day fore­ ity Center. Registrations -may be day that he "would not trade my made at that tlrhe or by contact­ that have been made to the budget cast. chances for the nomination wtth during the course of the year, The The temperature in New Ekigr ing Mra. Jaye at her South Coven- anybody." t(y holme. original budget appropriation' was land during the next five days. Votersvoiers will will beno maae made at ac a a i "WVT $3,118,337.78. Wednesday, through Sunday, will special session Saturday, July 36. I laxc||Af* V V afenaa Including 3600,000 tn tax antici­ average 3 to 4 degrees above the pation notes, $278,380.50 for the seasonal normal with no marked Further details will be announced. i * ^ ' ^ ‘ * * ^ * » » Repayments arc adjusted to YOUR budget. Bide Sought I water department, a balance on day to day changes. Sealed bida covering the lnatal-{ hand of $543,088.63 in banks and Precipitation during this period lation of asphalt tile floors in tha State on Boost $383.02 for engineering and archi­ will be on th* average total over Open DoUy: 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. Center School are being sought by tectural feet for new schools, the 3-4 of an Inch occurring oa thun­ the Board of Education. Specifics- total expenditurai so far this year derstorms Wednesday and again Wednesdays: Closed at Noon have amounted to $4,088,821.81. about Saturday or Sunday. tiMis and data may be. obtained In Milk Price Thnrsdays: 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. from L. C. Latimer, chelrm on.of O n e o f the building committee and it was (Oontbraed From Pago One) stressed, that all bids must be sub­ DAV Women Plan ■»r.W iAW tIi)il mitted to the chairman no later Such a change, predlctad than 8 p. m., July 14. Vice Precldent A. C. Yisber Picnic Gathering Dtlc R»bci1i9a MANCHESTER General Ic# Cream Corp., would K. RrMiicK Am flavtcr do away with the office of the 2 0 ■tate administrator, supported by “ About “Ontrasta 1 7 in. Console in. Console• The Auxiliary of the Disabled Of Lodgie Hails feeq paid by dealers and farm' American Veterans, Chapter No. Face" ara. 17, will hold a special meeting to­ Ua Poker F U f SAYINGS & LOAN Phone 3-4888 or 8-4888 ZIHITH, W AS $3A9.fS tiis-s-.lt W AS I319.9S • Cites Cheaper Supply morrow evening at the Albert 1007 Main St. The largest adjacent markets In Beebe cottage. Coventry LokCL Ike Win in New York and Massachusetts are Members are requested to meet WBD.t "OorMao WUIIanu* ; ASSOCIATION M 0»w »0»0»00»0»0000 0t under federal control, where Fish at th* VFW Home, Manchester er and other dealers said' (Reaper Green at 8 p. m. Th* evening's 3 1 9 ' 9 5 milk ia available for sale here. He activities will begin with boating NOW NOW $ Rule Battle warned farmer* at the hearing and bathing and a hot dog rooat (Coattnoad from Pag# One) 8 - ’ that it's a "disastroua aituation'' will follow. for local milk. At a brief buainens meeting terday's test. Lodge said the two Farmers held out for retention delegates and alternates will be SB***; dissenters were National Commit­ of the July 1 raise in the price, on elected, to attend the national teeman William H. Brennan and the grounds that their costa justi­ DAV ^ v en tlb n - ln Boston, Au- State Rep. Ncleon L. Carpenter. fy it. Dcalars agreed with the,cost gust 10-16. BUILDING Of h«r Modtlt and Moktt at Largt Raduefions Brennan has said he will vote argument but warned farmers Bingo ’ will round out ths eve- 4 for Eisenhower. Carpenter Is the they ore in danger of losing their ning and those attending are ra- sole delegate who eaye he will sup­ market to cheaper outside milk. quested to bring two sinall gifts port Taft. Hommerberg ordered a new price for th* games. Mayor Raymond Snyder of to farmers of 18.83 per 100 pounds, Walerbury had voted In caucus a hike of slightly under a cent a VICTIM OF CA vie^ ^ ^ d t g ? u a £ d TV RADIO COMBO TV RADIO COMBO against the rule change propoied quart, for Class 1 Or ''fluid'' sollk. by ' the Elsenhower tide. He Dealers passed on to consumers an Newington, July 8—(ff>—Waltqf MoIib b8 ywir hetMquorfm for swiUhed, however, on the roll increase of a full cent. They have Cedar, 32, of Naw Britain, was coll. already lost some customers be­ fatally injured here yesterday bottor boHdiRg motoriob of PHONOBRAPH PHONOBRAPH Governor Lodge, fighting' be' cause of it. they said. when a sewer trench h* was dlg^ eide his brother. Sen. Hepry Flaher, former general manager ging caved in on him. Fellow ovory doscriptioBf Consult our S SPEEDS Cabot Lodgei»(R-, Mass.), Eisen of Bryant and Chapman Dairy at woromen scraped with their hands S SPEEDS hbwer's . campaign manager, Hartford, which like the New Hav to uncover Cedar’s head and when TOMOBBOW helped win the battle with eh Dairy 1* a division o f General he was extricated h* was taken to “FIXED BATONBTtr oxports wifb ORy building prob> R6A ir speech which brought frequent lo* Cream, said: Hartford Hospital. . H* dtad late “THE BIO TREES” cheers. See* Market Dtoenpted last night. tem. Wo'ro olwoys glad to iiolp. WAS $4tf .f S-NOW “ Fair play demands and com­ "If the Class 1 price continues pels the adoption of this rule," at 38.93 for more than a month, he told , the convention.' the dealers are Srmly * convinced WID., THURS..PRUSAT. "No Loaded INee" that the Connecticut market wUl t OOMPUm SHOWS DAILY be thoroughly diaorgaaised and Americans, he asserted, “want STATE MAT. 3 P. M.. EVE. A T ltlS FOR no loaded dice, no shoddy goods, the result will be a severe lo*a o f no tampered juries and no packed the market for Connecticut pro­ ballot box." ducer*. ■ou)„.iusTim wa.,.iiMiTimr o u rsp o K tM i Gen. Douglas M ac^thur'a key­ "Such a disorganised and dloor Hin Mil S tMttl lutu _ Ron Siding. Beautifies FREE note speech brought mixed reac­ deriy system of marketing Invort' tion from the Connecticut dele- ably leads the way to fedaral moT' and protects. R*tes. keting order,” Flaher declared, U llU A STANinM "He said some interesting and i "Until DOW the producers and ESTIMATES penetrating things, and he sold dealers both felt that a federal o r FAIL nUlAS them weir,'' commented Lodge, der was unwanted and uaneces- "l^e governor sold, however, os aary." the dairy executive who ItlEIT lYAN Combination Storm- CALL did Baldwin, that he did.not agree now stationed In New Tork State with MocArthur’s views'on old to continued. MAIIITN MINIK Screen Doors. Give Europe. "But If price* cannot be con "The Idea o f helping Europe is trolled and orderly marketing Asphalt Shingles. ycar-’round protec­ S144 tracUces followed by competlUva- GET ALLTHE GAS MILEAGE in our own interest, our own en- lightenM self-intere4t,’’ said {y pricing Connecticut milk, it ap­ ClASH BYiNlOHT 1 Finest quality. tion and comforL Lod(t. pears that a federal order may bt Attorney' General Georgs C the only answer." Conway commented: , Oppose Interference • ON THE SAME SHOW • "I liked 'It very much. We Connecticut fanner* and deal- couldn't have had a better man era in the past have oppoeed "gov &ESD3SDSI aa it ia r w ia for the job." ernment interference" by taking i THE MANCHESTER The Connecticut delegates and stand ajgalnst any prapooal for i alternates sat up in pride when federal marketing order her*. C their own Jama* Melton, opera Raymond Brock of Breck-HoU .TEMBOL star, stood befort th* dteventlon Dairy, New Haven, followed Flab YOUR CAR GAN DEUVER er to th* witnes* stand to.aaser LUMBER COMPANY jugU prior to th* keynote speech and sang ap operatic number and that "wa don't wsnt fsdaral con Anrerloi's Largewt Salhr-^At Your Mobllgaa'Doolor*sI a medley - o f American songs. trol." TMgtit At ItU “CABBDfB WILUAMS" Ptaa WHEN IN ROME 2SB CENTEt STREET MANCHESTER Melton Uvea in Weston. The BMwd a t soma form an who m ^ iNCHiiaTi!:B EVENING HEKALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, JULY 8,1962 P A G E fIV JS 10:00—Convention Coverage.' .X gmvM or mcmoriM nood to ko| tha idea of univeraal military mambera of tba Eoator family, da- W O N»~141S 1I:00AI Pearce. catarlsa Oerxiann of tha Panama training. Ha la for voluntary acandanU of William FosUr. WTHT—12M U:13—Film oluwt Germann Funeral Gaual Zone. ^7 ibm rlrnitrr r«>op«Md< WDEO—lase Ili»-Str1ke it Rich. price reductlona and not govern­ About ISO persons attaaded tha Radio and TV WHAT— SIS P. 3L Oermann waa well-known isa a Than why don’t th«y any aoT Connecticut ment price controlB. Ha would event, held at the home of WaUer WOOO—ISM w n o - i M s }|:JO—Ruth t^on'i 30 Club. aem|.q>rofaaalonal baasball ptoyer Btiralitd ^eralb WENB— SU Set Wednesday Why don’t thay anpraaa Oiatr return powera to the atatea, elim­ N. Foster on the street of the DayIgM! WNHO-OB. S 13:10—Love of Life, in Oolumbla aftor hia graduBtton MUidacUon thad tha audit thair inate new deal bureaua, raatrict same name. D O N T PUT YOURSELF 13:80—Search tor-Tomorrow, from Windham High Schoql where n r a Yankee The VacattoB School of the Com* 12:40—Nancy’a KltcbcA public doubta damaadad haa ran* expenditurae, reduce taxea, and i:80-Q arry Moore. Oolumbla, July 7 — (Special) — he played on the varsity tbam. with many ether thinga he would muaity Church - will ‘ eenUnua 4:33—WTHT—MexulM of the .Air, 3:30—Mld-nfternoon Newa, The body of E nll Oermann. 41, darad Oioaa doubU unnaaaaaary? By A. H. 0 . WTH^Repobllcen Convantlon. ■ W3CNR—Bing Croohy Time, 3:43—Mika and Buff. Funeral aarvtcaa will ba held at correct the comipttona that iuive through .Friday. Parents are la- w n c —Down HomerA 3:00—The Big Payoff. son of Julia Ctormann, and tha 2 p. m. Wtdncaday at the Avery Why don’t thay tall tha tax* increaaed In the laat 20 yearn. vltad to the final aeeeione to* ba WDRC—It Hftppena Srary Dev; WONB-Nowa; H. R, BaukhagA i rvMlakm During Uia Rapttbllcaa State Music by AhtonlaL WTHT-VIctqr H. Llndlahr. , 3:30—Summer SeaaloA lats JoMn ' Oermann of West Memorial Funeral Home, 62 North OetafcOT 1, 1 1 payara of Manchaatar that they Them are a few rcaootui why I held that morning. ON T H E - - . - . ® WCCC—Muilc. 4:00—Matinee In-New Tork. etreet, Who was drowned in Lake Convention hare In Connecticut WHAT—Newe; Polfce Hop. U;S1—WONS-Woman'a Page. etreet, WllUmantlc, srith Rev. nra graceful for tha uae of tax* feel the next prealdent of our The St. Francis Church Vaca­ ■3i33—WDRC— Romance ot Helen Michigan in March whila on a Henry O. Wyman of Oolumbla of- thart waa a Mt of baekalaga con* United Btatea ahould be Robert A. tion School began Monday. Pu- T re n t I 5»SZ»s.S5ulS« 5*S ! payara’ money for the purpoae of ,«raatlon In which two Connactl 4:i3—WTIC—Stelle venae, WHAT—LnRoan Program, Ashing trip, was recovered from Sclating. Burial will ba In Waat ____c ifc . Taft. ^ wars picked up by Harry e N ^ b o r e Voice. Police Note Jump clearing up thair own auapldona? | cut coagrcaaman gave, to outaMa WCOC-NevrA the lake July 1 and haa been re­ Streat Ometery; Columbia. a C^T“ tuSTUttar. Julia Poet Crawford. Frink's bus at tba foUowtog route ► Usdar CoastcUeat’s aew Finsacisl Respoaai- 4il3—WDRC — Xen ead Oerolva’s WTHT—Phil Becker, turned to (folumbla for burial. I t may be, of eourae, that tha of the atato newapaperman, two 23 Academy Street achadule: Sullivan avenue to bilitjr I-sw, that’s Just where you’d bn if you are Kitchen. w n c —Republican Convention. In June Arrests goaacMraOM sa tss conflicting viewa aa to the real Pierce road, Elilngton road. Wap- 5 T |0 - T ot^ Wldder .Brown. WKNB—Man on the Street. Tha farally waa noUAed that 4he Year w MSHt...... * Democratic rnmdrlty waa betting without adequate insurance. WTHT—Bob B. U oyd Show. «i«-W DRC-Gur Gal Sunday. body waa one of alx taken from Notice Mentha br content of tha Oonaacticut delega* Nat "mist-Hearted" ping Center, Bllington road. Miller WCCC—NfWi; Music. WCC^Muale for MtUcy. J ■ Meath hr B ll t<>**ia,»«...* I-! on the chance that ItepuMicah tlon to Chicago. road, Sand Hill, Sullivan avenue, Under this new law, bow in effect, yon wouM be Women In My Rouae. WKNB-Th# PatteeA •An increxM lit the number of the lake on July 1, and Adolph InvltstioR to Bid U Oaay cormption would be diecloead by Congreaeman Horace Seely* 3:*3~WPRC—Ncwi; Old Record Shop. WTHT—Wa the Women; arreata for crlminA'I offenaea Ixat Oermann,. brother of the deoesA’^ , The Board of Education, Town tU, hr Carrier ’TO the Editor: Oraham road, SiilUvan avenuA required to pont up to 921,000 security if you are WTIC—Juet Plain Bill. WONS—Crenn Patlenon. , DaUeirad. Oae Tear .. « l.l any aearchlng audit of the booka. Brown. Jr., aaaurad tha viaiUhg Main street. Station S2, Mnin Reaucet Matinee. month waa noted in- the Mxn- travelled to Chicago to identify of Coventry, Conn., ia making tor correapondanta that the Connactl* So Ehrenberg, the Soviet writ- involved in an accident where there in n death, in­ l:33-WDRC-NtwA the bqdy. In poUtIca, that ta a privilege, er. aaya "The Soviet people want street. Station 31, King atrset, Show. WCCC—Maneheater MatlnoA cheater Police Department’s June sealed bide fof the laying of cut delegation waa aolid for Biaan' McOuIre toad, Oovemor’e High­ jury or property dansKe in excem'of 9100. Failure WHAT-atorr-Quron. WKNB-Pattooa. report to the general manager. Mr. Oermann waa bom April 5, Asphalt Tlllt floors In the Osnter ' iT^xSRicfvalr aometiraeo more grialy than bower. "I know,” he aaid, with l>eace, not becauae they are faint- to cem ^y would aiean sutom stic ntmpensiqii o f •ito-W TIC-Front Pegc rerrell. WTHT—Nawa; Wa Iha Women. 1911, on West atreet, Oolumbla, ' loarted or weak but becauae they way, Chapel road, Blliagtmi road, . ' Qunrter. WONS—NewA Motor vehicle violations, however, School. •UN d i IR othara. confidential, but authoritative, and Community Chufeh. Children yoar driver’s license and registnition. •"* Owotex WHAT—Batty Kimball. dropped markedly from the num­ and had'been living with an uncle Specifications may be had from Blit when yoii make auck a bet, finality. Hia ’’knowiadge” had are truly generoua.” will be picked up by tbs atation- WHAT—Bend by Demand. t:l3-WDRC-Ma Perkina. ber reported for May. - In Chicago for aeveral years. He Ironically, be ia exprcMlng the .Beprotected with s ninimBni of 921,000 WON8—Playtime for Childtrn. W ntT—Paul Harvey. Mr, L. C. Latimer, Chairman of « taxpayera’ money to carry Bignificanoe, becauae ha la the wagon on Avery atrset, Kelley W D ^—Memonr Iaua The dejpartment reported SB ar- leaves his wife Mrx Dorothy Lsacoe Building committee. Congreaeman from Baatem Con' ima reaaon that the Am^can an tom obi la UsbfUty insurance. Call us to­ W mS—Tankae Food Show. uut the .wager, and then loaa, the and other democratic pooplea want atreet. Dart Hill road and at the WTHT-.-'Tom Corbett. Speeo Cadet WHAT—Batty KImbalL resta for criminal offenses In June, (Sermann of San Diego, Calif.; hia The Board of Education raaerves neeticut .and becauae there had flrebeusa. day and we’ll arrange the details. WCCC—Newe; MuilA 1:33—WDRC—Toung Dr, Malona. an increaae of lo over the total for mother, Mra. Julia Oermann of idea, even in poUUca, la to IM a baenooma doubt over tha praai peace. Neither ia it becauae we 3 itt—WDRC—Curt Measey. WKNB—Baoeball Matinee; Sporta the right to reject any or ail or i aanlaa allaat a* W. B. A. SI are faint-hearted or weak. Tha South Windsor Alumni WHAT—Newa. Special. May. ' West strset; three aiatera, Mrs. any parts Of auch bids. good loaar. dentlal loyaltiea of hia diatrict’a team defeatod Fsrmingtoa, S.to 3, ■ rt^W O N S^ecll Brown. Arreata for intoxication hbaded Wilhelmtna Oeer of South Port­ F U i l . O F Our grievancea are not With the . Maneheater MatIneA All bids must be rsosivsd by — New two diatrict mambera of the Con' in a Tobacco Valley Alumni WTHT—World Fllxht Reporter. ITie Guiding Light the list, with 16 arrests for this land. Me., Mrs. Helen Robinson o( You aay that, becauae you love Ruailan people but with the ty­ _ WONB--8porta Review. Mr. Latimer not latar than 5;00 M^heater and the taxpayera naCUcut delegation, Nelaon Car. League game. William Chapman Rvenlnt offense. The report also shows Hartford, and Mrs. Mlllia King of P. M. July 14. 1952. pentar and PTank Pariaah. rannical Kremlin gang. We lyell and Leonard Anderson wars tha • :t3-WDRC-Newx 1:33—WONB-Boeton Breve A irDiT stmsAO or moat of ell, you are delighted to realiM that tha "American way of WTIC—Newa. *!*^WpRO—Seeom, Mn. BurtOA that there were single arrests for Lebanon; Ava brothera, Adolph, L. C. Latimar batterlaa for South Windsor. WTHT—Newa; Joa Olrand Show. WHAT—Open Kouae, aasualt and battery and carrying Alexander, Leonard and Atfrad aH Chairman Building COmm. find that nothing detrimental to aen, of S eT inh diatrict. lagged life” cannot be "ahot" upon othera. ' Don Reae, injured tost weak in W CCO-M ualt Furthermore we never thought WKNB—Newa; Sparta; Muaie. WTHT-.jMary Margaret UeBrIdA a gun without permission, and of whom liva In Columbia, and «o. Coventry, Conn. their welfare haa been diacoverad, to differ with Ma eoBeagwe. a game at Windsor, hM been con­ WHAT—Newa. WONS—Connecticut Ballroom. ■even arreata for breach of the s%sssz»% be toM tha vMUag corro* of forcing It upon othera. W0N8—Newx WKNB—Newa; Keyboard Kaperat SAVIMGS even though you might have By the way doea Mr. Eh ran fined to hia bbma with a pulled 3:13—W TIC -B ob Steele. pence. . T a r s a s ^ ita who, being from the ligament. WHAT—Sporta; Supper Serenade. Rendetvoua With Miulc. According to the report, the Svealcc ReralC. Uked to have a campalgn‘"argu* TrUnma, were very glad berg’a meaning, of the "American Tho S t Francis CTO OIrto’ baaa- •WONS—Jim Britt, Sporta. 1:13—WDRC—Perry Maaon. way of life" mean, tha aama aa WDRC—Jack Smith S p i^ **“•>« “ 3i>: number of motor vehicle violations m eat You make at laaat aome to bear II, w m thai there won ball team will oppose members of WDRC—Nora Drake. dropped off from the 83 reported oura? An3Tway, we have not for­ R obert J. S m ith ! tiM-WDRC-Jack tolman. WCCC—N*wa: Ifuaic. D U R IN G OUR kind of Inferential apology to the hidden ’Taft votoa hi the Con* Our Lady of Sorrow toam at St 3:33—WD R C-Tdla 1 BellCTA in May, with 62 violators arrested neettrnt dalegallen. Aahad wha gotten how he propagandized PTanela field tomorrow night nt wnc—Weather. ' « y P NS— 4V3; Conn. Ballroom, reputationa you may have tainted, agalnat our eountry after being INCOBPOBATED ™l in June. Arrests for rules of the they might be, ha adM that he «:15. ' f:3 3 -W T IC -T alk by Oov. Z-odge. 1 WD§C-Htiftop’roSw . V \ ‘SS S & . momentarily, with yoiir public our gueat. WDRC—Ouy Lombardo. rosd. spdedlng and reckless driv­ SUMMER wanMn’t m o m them, alnee to Mora than BO children are ca­ BEAL ESTATE — 1N8UBANCE WONS—Newa: Mualc for America. WHAT—Newa: Open llouae. ing caused more than half the ar- auapiciona. Parhapa you even might mean that Yoiira truly, rolled in the "earn-to-ewim” pro-' WTHT—Sereno OommelR ■ W OIto^M k Downey'a Muaie Shop. J . W. Chaney, t e l e p h o n e S4SS WTHT—Marriage for Two. reals. Sixteen persons were ar­ deny you ever made any in* they wanM bo token off the dal* gram at Spring Pend on Pleasant WCCC—Newa: Muaie. WKNB-Newa; t40 aub. rested for rules of the road viola­ IV. "INSUBANSMITHS SINCE ISM" K 4:43—WTIC—Three dlar Extra. WCCC—lEuflc. RANGE PICNIC . . ferencea. Parhapa you proclaim aehttan. Valley road. Rayburn Smith ia in WDRC—Newa. tions, 12 for speeding and nine for ^ ------— What Congreaamian Patteraon I'krty;' NeWA that you never had any doubta in charge of the claeeee for bogin- WTHT—Stock*—SportA . Marlin, recklesa driving. TSaaday, July S did not Bay In ao many worda, but ners aad intermodlatoa in tho Rod WONS—Mualc for America; SportA 3:33—WCCC—Newa; MubIa the realm of public aervloa iU' 3:33—WONS—Spotlight On SporU. BU Y A what he Implied, waa that there Wapping Crooo-epaanHrod courm. Cortlfl- 7;33-rWDRC—Robert Q'e Waxworka. WHAT-WHAT tegrity, amt were Juat after pro- were Taft aleepere in tha Con- eatea will ba awarded tboaa who WTIC—Beaton Bloeele. m Jordan. ThsW sylsOpM ■ J J>43—WDRC—4>dric Adama. Pre-Fab Lake and crdural recomnundationa. nacticut delagition who were get qualify at tha conclusion of tha WTHT—Weather: Journal of the Air. Aeddeat-rrao Day WONS-rFulton Lewie, j r . - Jockey. LUXURIOUS I t waa Banaeor Tatt'yrho made >. u u» m»h t. Indepandcnce Day here was progranu WKNB—Mualc Tou May Remember., wDRcZcSTsiSiii?.' Shore Cottages notabta .ln lU abaenea o( aarioua tilg-WOWS-Tello-Teat. BUILT BITE laeUea th^firet great add crucial • u a , I»nid,«iu I, • idUiicU K w iT oru u Wood ia nwda up of mllliona of WTHT-ilmdPDavlA WCCC^Mucic. accldant or mishap to mark tha ti33—WTIC-rNewe. OONSTOUenON €X>. laoua a l tn a RapuhHcait National fiahlng expedition to dlapUy, along with atate or convention holiday. Ona occMlon whiah did Sbrous cMla rbatmbUng narrow WTHT—Silver Eagle. w58S““U Bverr D*y. 21 Marble Street OenvantlM. Ha made U c tl^ the whan the expedition la over, tha I aentiment In their own diatricta, gain focal and' other recognition tubas almoat m Sne m human WHAT—Symphonv Hell. wPn b i JJSS.’" ’* NOW TO BE ASSURED OF W'ONS—Oabriel Ilealter. Manchester paMM beeauaa ha wan cauglit^ln heavily barbed hook atill empty. delegaUon by the biennial reunnira for hair. WKNB—Beet on Wax. IncmiM . Without the futteat uae More aerloualy, we hope that • r ^ l " * f o I “ "»Siy 1:13—WDRC—Ed Murrow. WTIC-Ono Man'a Family. Sof Wa agporiaattenal power, alight leaaon haa been taught, to would, when actually at Chicago WONB—Dorla Day. BETTER DRY CLEANING M t hope to win. Unieea eoma of our would*lM public aer- emerge in their true colora. 1:33—WON8—Newa. ^ac^Aems/Kf... We auppoae thla atrategy w m g:3^WDRC—People Are Funny. Television opaae ttw yetStet of regif’ vaata, wboea Seal we genaraUyl WTIC—Cavalcade of AmerlCA A well-desnsd irannent dossa’t Just applaad, by the audit tneMaaL A neeaaaary. if the auppoaad ’Taft WTHT—Conn. Newa Conference. party priaiiaea In aa votm were to get to Chicago m WHAT—Mualc. P. M. ToUtaM ka Midd Mt amaaa the ^btlti aarvice career founded oh delagataa. Thera waan’t much WONS—Jimmy Carrol: Show, 4:00—MaUi:ee in New Tork. happen. It ia th« result of modern drjr WKNB-Ed Swett Show. S:06—Joe DlMsgglo Show,’^ ;>Megate atraagth to nUy within atii^itclon. Inordinate, inoontroU- doubt,' at atate convention, that •:1S—WHAT—Serenene In Blue. 6how. abl«v^ pervaaive, naver-aailoBad ita aantlment, or tha aentiment of CASH •:33-W D R C —Mr. and MrA North, 5; *9—Howdy Doedy. . cleaning equipment, proper detergents and Jpttiking range of tha nomination. HUE! any ccongreaalonal diatrict caucua e "YarvaamPTLYtoeeaiafa wnc—Bariia Craig. Con&dentlal *••00—Adventures. % a made Ma Ttirfi*. which waa to auaplcton la going to polaon ttaalf All M anchester Jewelers Will Be Inveatigator. 6:w—Weithep llorecMt. •9t M«rt •«# tf lilt dry cleaning “know-how.’* That combina­ '^AMERICA'S EASIEST RANGE TO KEEP CLEAN'' that mimlgnt be called, would ba In amplayad mm aad waama . , • ISMeo. . WTHT—Eacape With Me. News Today, ■ !)iiae tha ataaanreOar. mudi a ^ than it potaoM otbera, L .v o r «r Blaealiower. If the Indi ’ WONS—Story of Dr. Kildare. JtnRh haa aehltvtd a triumph in married ar eiagla. *•43—Jn .th e ^ b lle Interest hjarlng olds with tha "Itoyal" and There are auch thinga h honeaC vtduala Involved had tried to go 9345J0 9313J7 WHAT—Morton Oould conducta. Highlights. tion you will find here. It makes good * Than the other horn of hia PbaM far a I-ririt laaa, wtito •:33—WDRC—The Lineup. Supar Royat" Don’t lal Impaired publle omclala and hooeat public to Chicago m Thft delagataa, Uim 349.23 •451.45 Closed All Day W ednesdays During 7:89-Mnaett Time. Ktlamma htfas to appear. ’The feet or cams to. IhtMnaf made aver a WONS—Newe; Official OetoetlvA • *’***• Caravan. iwulng alow yeu down another day. ■enae to nag NEW MODEL regularly. aervica In the world, and In Man- miliiaa loaae tost yaarl WHAT—Newa; Night Watch. •■00—Ptayhouse of StarA , J3day return privtlage aanirei sal. phat ha chin to t^ to wta thia eheaiar ^S^t by letting it be Under* WTHT—Town Meeting. • :*0—Kaep Posted. lafaetlen. y n y becaiM a eosipalling ehmter. It ta not abaolutaly auto>|j|t,Qo^ were for Elaen toam $33 to s/ m WTIC—Bob Hope. J;00—City Hospital. maUc that, becauae ona party hM hower, After all, any Taft lead- Oa i ljaelara July and August, Starting-July 9th. t:S3—WTIC—Republican Convention. • :30—Convention Sesalona, >why he eouM mot be atlowad to WONS—Myaterloua Traveler. ^ jjt' Temerrow been In power for a long time, era who had ahown themaelvea in iSiAj! ’ m ■ mt WfDRC—Louella ParaonA S}wh». The before the < Twr cenaawrirmar uxtf ve savsar rn” 3:33—Steve Allen Show. 7;b0^Today. w ona of party there la corruption preaent which caueucM hhd 3:33—WTHT—Erwin Canhem. 3:00—Teat Pattern and MusIa <9 R a tio n boeai un ha ferrate out to, nd.1. . keen defeated t« thrir home towM lt:33-W DRC-Straw Hat Concert. pwneoty m m than one of tS' fl*klng ^ caucua andoraemenu of Blaen- letMH^riHANCE CO.I WTHT—NewA exsediUon afUr another. - U4 fleer • MRvit wmnan WONS—Frank Edwarda. v HEARING N E W M O D E L lividuala or peraonaliUea. Ih a hower, F.LB R A Y GAUDET MICHAELS Wa know that auch down-to- At Odeago, today, we ahall ha- ssa MAM STUn (Over W aatwenk's/ iMMCHUfU, COMM. 13:13—WONS—Jaek'e WaxworkA ' AIDS j LAUNDRY f t DRY CLEANING nventlon hot M for a tedt on ita •M 343# • fkllla I. Jwihhm VW MANaew I WTHT—Dream Harbor. earth viewa may ba dIaappoinUng | 13:13—WTDRC—Dance Orcheetre. taaue knowing that it had to slaaper voteu emerge, and how. I«M art* It mMailf 'il til amMSM tom WTHT—United Or Not LECLERC ome clean or go down to defeat to tba. Democratic minority, but * ~ 11:33—Newe o n _ ^ l Station A ■MuCeaSuctMa IRV But two of them emerged early- 11:33—WDRC—Tou and the World. f u n e r a l h o m e OtvtoM AnilaMv M November, whoever Ita oandl' wa aay that, toaca this may in* Nelaon Carpantor with hie stata- LW . Y ST MATHER’S SHOORBROS. U:l3-W«rHT—The Late Bob M. U jy d . ’MaawtMiatnOeM dead ba tha aituatiixk the way to niaHt while atUI In Connecticut, 0 WONS—Jsek'l WoxworkA ata might be. And Taft had, by t wno—Newe. give Manchaatar gocNl puUic aarv-j that ha w m "very UkAy" to vote FUNERAL Rua earn chMee, placed himaelf on fvi WHAT—Night Watch.. Ceew le ler M il rioMta aefH^mtav gaf. lea may ba to look forward eoa-| t » Taft at ChIciM — and that 11:33—WDRCC-Publlc Service Program. Keep gam tiw ffeek taegut illie 10 0 10 ^ ^ 0 of tUa moral irmy figure, Btll Brennan, with II ;R ^W T I(V -W bat‘a the Score. SERVICE elaauo. atruetlvely rather than I anual aatlonal emnmittse and WDRC—Symphony Hell; Newe. trata on trying , to dig aamethlng DOlfrSWELIBR. DEWEY-RICHMAH CO. 13:33—W TIC-Newe. Aa he and hia advladra eaw preapectiva convention votes 13:33—WTIC—Tiffany Club Orehee- Walter N. QUINN'S up from the past the Taft side of things on those tra; Slara In JaoA Lecle'rc, at thay wera to loae on tha 13:33—w n c —Palladium OreheatrA ’The plain eltuation la that an- questiona which, if Tart ahould 13 :S3—WTIC—N e w j^ Director they tried to avoid the teat, carry them, might determine the ANOTMERtW! 23 MAIN ST. %udit PHARMACY hay wera, n t the and, aagar to outcome of the conrantlon itaelf. f:33—w n c —Frank Atwood. Manebester Call 2-5869 PH O NE 4136 [Iva up their tB'gotten galna be- been conducted, and hM reportod, | even though Brennan atill actual WHAT—Newa; Rural Roundup. and that, outside of anawerlng ly voted for Btaenhowsr oh the WDRC—Farm Proreram. too tote, they eaw how t:l3 —WDRC—Hymn Time. certain suepiclone, nothing hM firat convention ballot. 3 :3 1 -w n c —NewA atruetiya to tbam the approach- been discovered or bean ■ The fact that the canveation g;33—WONS—Bill Jenklna Show. ^ng defeat on eueb a moral laeue awy be turalag, hot oa the bal­ WDRC—Tawn Patrol, |>oaed that could not have been ar­ w n c —Weather: Frank Atwood. ^ r f ^ d be, let Itaelf, but aa tba vatlag on WCCC—Production NewereeL rived at through the normal ad- procedural mnttoia la tba seat- WHAT—Chapel Time ^ Had their frantic compromiat WTHT—Morntne DevotlonA mlnistrailve aurvey Oenaral Man­ tag and vatlag of eontoatad dale- f;43—WTHT—Breakfaet with Bern ~ dUona of yeatarday been their ager Richard Martin to eartahi to gnttoea, given tha Oaaaectleiit WHAT—Variety Time. atooMra aa early chaaev to vota g;S3—WDRC—Rellgloue Talk. dtlon two weeka ago, had they make of all tha town dapartmanta WONS—NewA hever tried to grab what they to May tha pMimlantion to tba 1:t3-W D R C —NewA coming under his managamant. nmn they are'ofltclally auppoaad WCCC-Oood Morning. Good Mualc. ^ r e wllilng to give up yeatarday, We spent the sum of money in ta Mppart. Md nil wlUiout dl- WKNB—Phil Hale. WMy might have avoided the un- WTHT—Breakfaat with Ben. volvad beenuaa some Seopla ware roat vtatotloB at thair word, too, WONS—Weather; Newa; Bill Jenklna Ravorable teet. But, m it waa, TaBBaa ean lia a pleaeaat gama. Show. suaptetous, and voiced their aua­ If van Btoha aara van gat yaur w n c —Bob Steele. 3M“ lr auppoeedly expert political piciona BO pMototantly that good atBatto Inta the athMr fellow WHAT—Allan Borwn Show. Jbtratagy blundered Into permitting 1:11—WONS—Ncwa public policy and good Republican Brat, 1:»—w n c —Weather. « e firat teet of atren^h in th<* party pelley damandad that they 1:33—WDRC—Old Mualc Box; Newe. in v e n tio n to ba baaed on W nO-Bob Steele—Morning Watch. ba anawtrad by tha facta, m thay WCCC—Newa; Oooo Morning MualA Jinorel ieeue, on which they were WONS—Bin Jenklna Show. would be datarminad by an Inde Open Forum WHAT—Coffee Club. the wrong tldR pendent au A t Thia kind of aus' IVKNB—Newe; ’Phil. Hale Show. ^ Yeeterday, the Republican piclon, tken. Is the type of ux' Ills Oaadldato 1:53—WONS—Weather. •:33—WDRC—Worid Newa Roundup, J . vpMuty caved Itaalf from the pensive luxury, the type of ex To the Iklttor, WCCC—Kiddle Corner. On tha eve of the opening of WKNB—Newa; Sporta Dlgeot tSbiarga of corruption In ita own pensive misuse of public ofBce, the Republican convention in Chi­ WTHT—Newa: Phil Becker. domination proceMaa. It rejected WTIC—Newe. which tha town cxnnot afford. cago, I should like to uae tha col- V WHAT—K-NewA • ^ e methode by which Taft had Wa are sure these suspicions umna of your paper to express the WONS—Newe. '4. S:I5—WDRC—Shoppera SpectalA Mught the nomination. That, were held with high hopca that, faith and confidence of many, w n c —Newa. ^ v ln g done aoi it ahould now ac- many supporters dt Senator Rob­ WKNB-Phll Hale. when and if JuetlHad by facts, ert A. Taft. This faith and eon- WHAT—Jeatlng with Wamp. !^ p t the man who had em' they would stand aa notable in- W'ONS—Bill Jenklna Show. Get Your Winter’s Supply of fktonce goes, to such lengths m to Juel M ug H Ini ■ FW :.. - WTHT—Martin Agroniky. ^oyed theee metbode, retreating stoncea of public service. Ail believe that Bob Taft win ba the t;33—WCCC Newa; Breakfaat Newa- TTom them only when he aeneed Manebester, wa euppose, would ;t President of the United Um s N a W otorl boy. Btotee. Why do tbsM supporters WONS—Btll Jenklna Show. •they i^vould not be approved, it have been grateful for such cm- Medal ARO-SO Shawn W nc-Radlo Baiaar. Arperica’s Finest Coai on the .%nthinkable. (and there are mmw, many more WTHT—Bob Uoyd. aadlng, and the poor Republicana in Manchester than Mr. Editor g:83-WTIlT:r.John Conte. In the vote yeeterday, the would have been hiding in ahama will ever admit) balleva the peo­ WONS—Gabriel Heatter. ple of this nation will choose 'this $33|9o g:to—WDRC—Newa. Ueenhower forcea, enjeodng the and chagrin. But it hasn't turned WCCC—13 Hundred and M HltA man for the Presidency T Because WHAT—Italian Program. aide of Uie moral leaue, out that way because it waan’t his ability, knowledge, training WKNB—Newa; Polonla. Wcored their victory by a mar* th^t way. Bo let’s give up the wild WONS—NewA PAINltSS roiCHASE fUN! and experience makes him tha 1 made the hotel reservations—I bpught my WTHT—Breakfaat Club. • j^n of 110 votes. ’Ihat waa con* dreama about the past, and get most fitted candidate for this WTIC—Theater of Melody. post. Hie many years.nf eervlM in t:l3-W DRC—Thia la Hartforo ^uaive demonstration that the on with the busineas of making WONS—Tello-Teat. It's easy ... it’s painless .,. it’s pur special budget­ T aft machine does, not control thia Manchester a better piece to live the U. S. SObate have won him I:33-WKNB—Italian Hour. * the Utle Of "Mr. Republican." Ha Travelers Cheques . . . mid yet I keep thinking w n c —Newa: Hal Kolb. in v e n tio n . In. did not win thia title in support­ WONS—Crean Pattervon Show. buying plan to help you put in your winter’s supply p ’That fact haying been demon' ing the propoaala of the New Deal WCCC—NEWS: 13 Hundred and M hita. of Old Company’s Lehigh premium anthracite <»al. lytratod, the way Ilea open to i Thank You, Asicricsn Leglan but by formulating aad dlrapting WHAT—Italian Program. J^aranUon action which can rouse the prtnciplaa of the Republican eU easn a' Fve Forgotten Somethingr t:43—WDRC—Blnr Croaby. party. He hM already atated his w n c —Victor ft. Llndlahr. Just pay a little at a time on a budget arranged to ' America in' the only way the Re- Oongratutotiona and gratitude In Frigidolfa yau sat iHa aJJari power WHAT—Famoua TrIalA are in order, to the American La- stand on all major isauea. Hia a Ceek, etoaae. i WKNB—Dick Haymee. publican party can rouae and In- stand hM been clMur, fair and di' Msdad la giva you KMI, cempleto t Did you buy « book of. travelers cheques so that' you will WO.NS—Crean Patteraon, meet your own requirements. Then, when winter’s plra this country—the naming of gion, not only for their tradi­ racL Attar his nomination he will lg:33-WDRC-Arthur Godlrty. comfort even on die wormaet doyt, ' safe end cashable funds on your vacation? WTHT—My True Story, Got — oni ■ modcni Got range — candidate who looks forward tional service to this community, conduct such a campaign m to w n c —Welcome TraveletA heavy expenses come around, your Old Company’s but for the exoaUent quality of | * ^ tm t independenla and Demo- Mfldolfo'e Meter-AAkof mechoaiam Is WKNB-Newa; Sammy KayA ora fkg thriftieit of your kitchen of backward, 'Whoae out- ore te alike to hia forthright 'and Did you rant a safe deposit box to that valuables and securities WHAT—lUllan Program. to poMtlva and Ineplrational the fireworks display presented at tartar, tirensar, amra o«eneaiieel,end a VaoStaMs wSh WONS—Crean Patteraon Show. Lehigh coal will be in the basement, with no fuel progreaaiva program. will be safe while you. are gone? 13:13—WDRC—Arthur OotTrey. sorvonti. Got h thrifty bacouM it*! ethar than negative and carp* Memorial Field Saturday night After Chicago, m Republlcani^ caeMS to yeu wMi a f-Vaor frotoc- fmekair WKNB-Gov. Lodge. bills to worry you. ^®*f — 60 timt onil . money wasted who appeals to our faith The event had been haunted by wo should all unite and help to Boa Mon. Sm Frigldalra today 1 WONB—Paula Stone Show. elect Bob Taft, tha natural leader, Ituu—WTHT—Whlaperlng StreetA ether than to our hates, our be­ wsather trouble and quality acaaaealraSy WONS—NawA Call the number of your nearest Old Company’s heating up or cooling down. Ifg trouble in aeveral previous years. to the Presidency of this nation. ■ OM.II 10;3d-W^CC-Ne7a; U Hundred and efs rather than to our prejudices, Vic Swanson, thorn the momont you wont it, for But Saturday night’s diaplay, in a WHAT—Italian Program. Lehigh dealer for details on this easy plan. You’ll be bat candidaU ia Ikaanhower, Proa. Tatt for President Chib. OPEN SATURDAY MORNING UNTIL NOON WTIO—Double or Nothing. nd wa think tha party and the perfect sky, w m aenaatlonally fine Manchester, Oonn. WONS—Ouy Lombardo. tplit-focond fop burner cooking, for In the variety, number, and ar­ WKNB—Myatery Voice.' on your way to carefree assurance that, no matter ountiy arc going to have him. ood THURSDAY EVENING 4:30 to 8:30 porftef baking, for smektlesi brail- tistic quality of the piecea. We Her OandMato It:33-WTHT-Agalnat the Storm. M m m For ra il Trkill H;g3—WTHT—Lone Jottrnty. think it WM the finest disptoy To the Editor: I CLOSED WEDNESDAYS AT NOON W nC-Strlke It Rich. what happens next winter, you’ll have no fuel prob­ ing, Goi cooking is so easy, foo-^ Robert A. Taft is by far the WKNB-Newa; 840 Oub. 1 fk e Water Department Audit Manchester, and its guests, hai'c bast equipped peiaon for the prea- Find awt - FR K - In yaur hema ar aMca, haw WONS—Ladlea Fair. lems. Your family will be kept warm with the hxvdgfft, yoo may hove ony hoot you with, keen in many years, aad others I d e ^ of these Uniti United Stotes- * in wonderful FrlgUoIra Ream Ak CandWaatog WDRC—Arthur Godfrey. 'I 0 Wa Xm sura that the Demo- WHAT—Italian Program. uxoctiy. And to dopondoUf, to New BASiek Terns (Fatic members of the Board of have said the same thing. * LknowieTbay must consider it good for purpose of oOr foreign policy WCCC—Luncheon ItuaicalA G. E. WILUS and SON, INC. thinga it does for Manchester Ufe. K EM P’S WONS—Curt Maaaey TImA. Dchester to find that there has must be to protect the liberty of INCORPORATED WHAT—Italian Volee. / 2 M AIN STREET ,M ecandal, no Wrongdoing, the people of the United States 7 4 3 M o Ib S t v - S R H O v m b Stomps Ohmo TbL S 4 M WnC-Newa; Weather. MANCHESTER Manchester Office, 687 Main Street, Open Thnraday Evenings aad Nebraska today hM m6re dairy and not privately owned property. W KNB-Newa; Movie TlmA IMUm : of funds, M dhuaa of FURNITURE AND MUSIC — HOMO o r FRIOIDAIBB WTHT—Jock Bereb Show. and haaf cattle than lt had buffalo I In foreign lands. He la for a t;13—WDRC—Aunt Jannle’a StorMA Saturday Mornings For AppManee DemoBatiatioB and Sales trift. and to find th a t no 75 i^ears ago. strong Army nad Navy. Hfoepuma

\ P A G E K E V IN Evgwnw HBRALH. eom r« m s D A T , m r s, tm ■ I" ...... ■' ' "'■■■• MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER; CONN., TUESDAY, JULY 8 ,198S Friday, 7 a. im to 5 p. m.; Batur- < p a g b s i x Haggett was tha central figure rested Sunday night at Hay^ market Square by a local police­ days, 7 a. m. to S m m. Rural la a long, drawn-out trial baM hare Facing High Court nv J. n . WTt .1.1 A Mai OUR r o a r d in o h o u s e wHh MAJOR HOOPI.R DAO.T CROSSWORD P U m .B Rockville HaggeU Gets man. delivery on yBatqrtmys will ba, OUT OUR WAY in which teatlmony waa . taken On 3 MV Charges Authorittea arid that Larara earlier to meet the new aebadulal O tis 1MlH* Sense and Nonsenpe from aevatri ne%hbora aad reai- had taken an automobile owned Sunmwr Campe of mril dtVAteb on that day. fOU AiMwor to ProviouK Punfo IVew Fire Apparatus Ready Year in Jail denta of eurroundlng towns. It ra- by Frank J. Blorie of South Wind- . In conlunctton with the New .' 4-n Short Oonraa • A« tHOSPEfVXm Tha toabrlatad patriot docldad •n»e way to return to Home vrivad around niat ehargea of ■or. The defendant had formerly York Herald Tribune Freeh Air Thi annual State 4-H Bhort! Ad l?A6WEBD/ Sihrtr Scrttii Star SI life la to put niora paint on the atariing and the euatalnad charge Stafford Bprings, July 5—A worked In .the South Windaur program, persons here wlahlng CeNrae will ba in aaaahm a t the* ha would donaU aomo blood to tha RockvlUa raaldant la in Tolland University of Connecticut from; Rod Croaa blood bank, but 1** houae and leaa on the face. For Public Viewing Tonight W arreitville Fanner Is of impairing the morala of a min­ area aa a farm hand. Police re­ to help children by having Uieni or. Thle latter aassrtion was baaed County Jail today awaiting Su vealed that he has a previous rec- In their home during the sumiper July 37 through August 5. This ' tPniM haaU, bo ataggorad Into a bMl^r Sentenced in Tolland’s paricr Court action on what course te for memhara from 14 4Laad pwort ahop by mlataka. Whan tha Irin t^ A feUow dialed hla home tele­ on t)i4 preiieeutkM'e attem pt to ord.of arreata in Suffleld and West Will aesiet In the project of at­ l,7tt«r o( *YIm prove tkat Haggatt taught a ,lS- Judge Italo O. Qnuttl deacribad Hartford. taining *.hu name of "Mendly through 20 yeera of age aad Is! Coatad man came toward him with phone number. Rockvuie. July s —(Bpecirii—^ T o u ^ County 4-H uyeatock Superior Conrt Today aa “tha most aerious motor Buperviead by stata, county aad aa'opon ramor and aald,."Opan your He—HeUo. la that Mra. Brown? The annual meeting of the Ver­ membere are raising 10 baby beef yaar-old boy to staaL Town.^' . Anyone Interested in “S tm to r ■tcera, IS market pigs and approx- TTm teenagir, who had lived vehicle violaUon charges agrinat DROWNED AT SWIM CLASS having children fron^ 'fCaat Har­ local 4-H leaders. | f BMCkooMf collar, plaaaa.” tha patrtcH wea non JTre Dletrict wUl be held RockvUle, July 5—(Special)—A one Individual for a number of NaM d T nuito He—Thia U Jack apeaking. I Imataly 75 market lamba. Tbc with the WarrenvIBe fhnnar foe Cheshire, July t —0^—N i n a- lem Pariah, New York, are re­ f cold-abbar before he waa A block tonight' at alght o'clock at the Warrenvilla fanner, found guilty years.'' quested to contact Rev. Stephen away from the ahop. , aay, dear. wlU It be aU right If I tteera will be arid at auction dur­ aoma time, area alao eallad upon to year-old Ronald Terrell, of Chee- - b bring home a couple of fellowa to new elementary aehool In Dobaon- ing tha Eastern Statea Exposition. of impairing the morala of a mtn- taatlfy and axplaln how vartoua Charlae Larara. 53, of IS Beat hlre, drowned here yesterday white Chamberlain. . ville Prior to the meeting the Main street, waa held after de­ "The Rellgieue Program of Evil" s s x r s . The aatronomy profaaaor waw dinner? TTm piga and lamba' ariU be sold began today to ewva a one- toola and laqdmeata aamo to be taking bla first swimming lesson TRUSS rn n iii 15 Sodal lyfltiu (5k) She-Oertalnly, darling. three new plecaa of fire apparatue at tbe Stata Leunb and Pig Bala y ^ 'Sentence In TViiUnd Coqnfy located In Haggatt's bam. Bobm of fault of 51.500 bond. The action In a Red Cross claaa. The young­ was the toinc of Mr. Chamber- lacturliig. predict tha end of the purchaaad in 1B61 wUl be on ex­ eama sreaterday afternoon when lain'a S«iMay eerribn and tha ICIUllM) dty 10 African rivar OSMaacuUno St Thoroughfare He—Did you bear what I aaid? or slaughterad for homa fteesera. ;riL Sixty-year-old Robert Heg- tha natghbora toM tha eourt of ster waa taking part in ,a. breath­ By AKRON Oradoatad Bspavto n iM i (Fir.) world in ftfty mlUlon yoara." She—Yea—you aaked if you hibit. MarUn Leban is chairman of Many Tolland county 4-H mem­ gatt heard aentence pronounced In Haggetta good charaetar while ha was charged with taking a ear ing eaercise during which pupils hynum were, “Come Thou, Al llF oraat appellation 40 Nobleman “How manyT" cried a frighten­ the Vernon Board of Fire Oommls- vrlthout the oamer'e permtaaion, mighty King," “D Love Divine' Alsa Abdaariaal Bapperta, Hkm» lIParfuiM craatuM 34 Hurry 4 tn d iM u o a could bring home a couple of fel­ bers are plaimlag to, attend tha an­ a moming aeasion of Superior othara Idantlfiad allagadly ataian Immerse their feoaa In the water aoA«« ed voice from tha rear. lowa to dinner. Of courae you can, ilonere with other members for nual 4-H Short couraa fOr rider Court by Judge Edward J. Daly. proparty aa thalia. d riv l^ while under the Influence with their bodies on the bank. Dr. and “Lead ue Heavenly Father.” He HeNary, aad all typed ad U LariH in 35 Capital of 42New atar “Fifty million yearo." the district, Charles Warren, of liquor, and operating a motor Wilbur J. Moore, medleal tu m l- Vacation Church School win be n iM irtw mountain . Norway 45 Cicatrix dear. ’ boys and girls to be held July 27 to Judge Daly mated out the year's Haggatt araa found not guilty on eurgtoal appBaaeaa. JP(Hrato Btb "Oh,“ aaid the voice with a algh He—Sorry, madam, I've got the ^ r g a Clark, WiUiam Smith, August 2 at the Untveraity of COn. term with the proviso that if oon- nine oounta aad guilty of the awr- vehicia while hla license waa un­ nar, said the boy apparently dM open thle week and next. ttag Raaes. •M tU a 15 Crowded 37 Engage 45 Coupla of relief, “I thought you arid fif­ phiUlp Strutter, and. Percy Spicer. der auspanalan. of a laryngeal apasm. He eatdytae Mril Schedule '35 Eatw away 4t Tumult wrong Mra. Brown, necttcut. dltiona warranted Haggett'e pro- ala ebargo on June St. iinri aan- haMtatten 35 Operatic aolo teen miUion. Baaguet Pbumed The aummer library program baUon during the period, he would tancing was raaervad until taday. Larara area a threa-Ume loaer child may have swallowed a Due to a change in the mril 30 Type of wkala 31 Compound 21 Cahlvatad 47 Sea oaglae The annual banquet of Alden AU the beautiful and colorful Bponaored by the Rural Vernon give the matter further oonsidera- Throughout tha tital, Kagfvtt twice. It araa the second offense mouthful of water and .became i trucking ecbedtilc, the local post Qe Ih e’i n U H IM II 500xldatioo otlMra plAnt. 45 rvult drink If aU tha people that, eat at mrintalnad hla innooanos. on all three chargee. He waa at' frightened. offtoa will be open Monday through 51Baetrieal unlt33 Candtaa and 54 Barbary atata 51 Oolfara* grou| tblnga of life—the fiowera, the School Association, wUI he held tion. boarding houaea were put at one blrda, the-green of the treaa and yay°"nJht*^f^MUtart ^letSrantlLt the Vernon BlemenUry School, 55 Ireland paitriaa 57 Bridal patha (ab.) long table, they would reach. 558maUlaland, the velvet of the graaa, and aU tha In Manchester starting at 7 p. m. Thursday from 2 to 4 p.~ m., and 54rb(enooa r 1 I r muaic that glvea reaonance to the Anyone wishing reservations ie each Thursday up to and Includ­ A man called upon a phyaldan Boul’a emotion are of apirltual ori­ ing August 14. Books may ba I* W ^ S j5UB Tragedy In two acta: I-^Worke Plcnlo Slated 5iM aatcut area five doUara and tha preacrip- hard and aaves enough to Uva In The annual Church School pic one which the RockvUle Library Relaxlnfft riv i .aNK I.PONARO tlon two doUara. Tha man had comfort. II—Slgna a note for a Bic of the First Congregational sponeora, U open to children from •HN aiaopir (ab.) only five dollaro. He arid to the friend. Church of Vernon Center will be the third grade and up. was WNoaiMT OMHumnL-moM i04OriMtal ' ^yalclan. held July 12 at Sweetheart Lake done last year books will be Patient—Doe, five doUara la all Eve waa tha unlucUeat woman In Stafford Springe. Cars wlU awarded to the two children read- PCLtSATC I MTAMLAj^lKVM guitar' { WW n r w T « v w e n ' m m i m m i / e t i« M o rttr I have. Lend me two doUara and aUve. She couldn't talk about leave tha church at 1:15 p. m. In Ing and reporUng on the Urgest ktiSaea-m im tM (pcette) V ITl have tha praacrlpUon fiUed. the better men ahe might have the event of sain the.plcnlc will ba number of books, IdONew Orlaana ! p Doctor—(gaxlng at tha man foe married. postponed untU later in the sum- Each week there will be a story la the — e< 1jr a momoit, aaid) I have made a hour, with an adult either read- hie lataat m mtatake In my diagnoala. Your Profeaaor—You may congratu­ Club Activity ing or teUing etories. This week, pteture jr nerve U all right You are affUcted late me. I won ten thouaand The Woman's Republican Club Mrs. Virginia Ruasell wil| read ISO Hand with an enlarged gaU. There la no doUara In a raffle. of Vernon will hold a picnic at the to all interested ehUdreii. July 17 S5Bndar remedy for that Claw—Ten thouaand doUara summer catts«e of Miss Agnes and July 24, Paul Seigel will give SSMiiltittide clear? Woods at Crystal Lake July 17 tha group taUu on nature. AH The world’a beet after-dinner Profeaaor—WeU no, I had to at 6:15 p. m. Those planning to children in rural Vernon are in- apeech; “Writer, glva me both pay twenty-five centa for the attend are asked to bring their | vited to take part In this program, cfaecka'* ticket. own box lunch;' VBBTICAL lastallatloiw IBymbolot RT Paul Preusse will be installed I CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER Sachem of Tankerooean Tribe,] Ellington Improved Order of Red Men at | an 8 p. m. meeting tonight Oth­ ______Thnfn It BY EDGAR MARTIN er offlcen Include Albert Satryb, Feeling Better .a o AAUlittM BUUD1B8 Gordon DimoM of Main street BIDE GLANCES EY GALBRAITH prophet: Jerry AUen, senior Saga- . ^raon i^o cx oi m w XMIR WR. MM* m K > OtRMCWl vwwVeTiTTvvi A mow EmU Gessay, Junior Saga- »>“ T\W.MDI5 BAMSr T m RM flA l mow The appointive o«d«r. “ d^^ratum .^^ V .\^ « r - ^ VVCtVt VOMtBA 'o o n sf le^NROUWO VX

Cm^nltteo to Meet Alden Briley has crili^mw^ J Maple rtreet Ing of the committee Rockville Lodge of Elks who wiU left Sunday for Seattle, Wash. ^ f h . ■»»« will visit her sister and ■■■1st at the next vUlt of the Red famUy for a few months. Chroes Bloodmobile unit July 28. Mr. and Mrs. Linwood R. Camp- The* meeting wUl be tomorrow at heU and Miss Hattie Berr attend­ v W - r i i 8 p. m. a t the saks Home. Mem' ed a Sunday reception given for hersw ’L . of * the V committee include S ' CampbeU'e sister in Agawam, M erto f Mass., hwioring her 90th birthday Butler, Patrick Johnston, Ray- *univirsary. mond E. Hunt. Julius May, Noi^ ] Raymond PelUer and son man Dowding, N at N. Schw^el, have returned from a few days BY V.T. HAMLIN Howard Luffman, Richard Mor. ■pent in Vermont a t their summer ALLEY OPP Tiemonfitratlon ganson, Ftank Zbyk, John AUey, home there. Chester Morgan, Patrick Naugh lAMA ^ The committee for the Safety 7WW15—------W VTOUeWKAOUBPI V ------ton, CTieater Godomeki, Arthur Night program that will be pre- KAObOMJC' XeiWKWMlMlAWOMriilB WMAN T 9 0 Chatterton and Edward J. Con­ UMnTSjHB ] HMVLYM I > tMi»« . aanted at EHIlngton Orange tomor nors. TOW night includes Morton The unit will he stationed at Thompson, chairman of the insur­ M ROVeMMEhlTf the EUu Club from 12:80 to 5:80 ance committee and Milo E. Hayes p. m. with the quota for the day and Lee Ryder. They will being 150 pints of blood. aaaUtad by .Aaron Olmsted, Bar­ Manchester’s Annual 4-H a n b Nowa bara Olmsted, Lcland Sloan, Lou- Albert B. Gray. Oounto 4-H Prica, Charles H. Bancroft, V- Club Agent of the Tolland County Harlow Grant and Albin Peterson. Farm Bureau announces that 4-H MarUn Pomoroy. who has been Town committeea are busy plan­ hoapitrilsed at the' Rockville City ning town fain which wUl give Hospital has recovered and re­ duh members exhibiting experi­ turned to his home on Main itreet. ence prior to the .County 4-H Fairs. Tbe dates of the fairs are SERIOUSLY BURNED TOUand, July 28, church grounds; Vernon, August, date and place to i Danielson, July 8-M/P)—MI ■ s T. M. Rib. «. I aaowaanaea Ospr. IMt by M be announced; Mansfield, Auguri Annie Longo, 61, seriously burned CHRIS WELKIN. PbuMtMT Noisy WcgpMi BY RUSS WINTERBOTHAH eeKWMt.ema.iii.iw, ^ 18, Buchanan School grounds; I vvhen her pajsmas caught fire here “Hml This customer auggesta we put the aspirin closer j Coventry, August 16, North Oov- yeaterdsy, wsa on the danger list, nnj.MiDIUC .fUNBTBK rrib BOMB « o fg r OP A **Tho tftiiM old cHy dudofi como up ovary.yoir tnd hirt ut entry Community Houae; Hebron, at Day-KImbril Hoipltal at Put- to the meat counter!” August 16, 4-H exhibits at Old nam last night. Fire Chief Win BYAIR MOjCAUUM6 NAOIO IN THB LAByCMtlBt iKuldtttotako’oinout! If it w m mo, I’d bo borod stiff wHh, MOM TUB IVBLKIN... I TNBYWI PICKBO UP A B U G S BU N N Y Home Day. , I throp Short said Miss Longo appar- VBNTI1.A7DB. MBBdAGfi TUB . BO m ueh A cqunty demonstraUon oontast ,„oy had let a sleeve of the gar- RED TAG ANP— B A R T H r e wlU ba held Tuesday afternoon^nd | jj,* uan,, on PI'VVV RfTfllNRSS BY HERSHBERGER evening, July 22 a t the North Cov­ a gas stove while she was cooking. entry OommunUy Houae. Demon­ Hospital Buthoritlee said the wom­ stration teams from 4-H clubs in an received second sind third de­ PnCNBP th» county wiU compete for a gree burns on 90 per cent of her NOI«iL chanca to rapnsent Tolland Coun' body. A gas etaUon attendant put CHMM5B wteeNr ty in the state contest to be held out the fire by using a fire extln- r m a m p In September at the University of I k w w a i . ConnecUcut. Everyone interested' • is iDvitod to attend both the coim- Nr. ty and state contests. i T 2 ifis Club agent Gray etates that They'ra Always In Style i S n b t DAYS Land of Peace and Plenty PRISCILLA’S POP In There Pitchinff B Y A L V E R M E E R I < ^N O , Saturday \w o N o tg S', . CATCM XXfJ Evssybody wins during Manchastsr't Annual Mid* During Red Tag Days you'll appraciata again tha r t H e t i y Summtr Valua Evant . . Rad Tag Days! Manchas* many advantages of shopping in Manchester. S •• tar's Marchants hava, ovar tha past yaars, astab* Stores art packed with up-to-tha-minuta mar* lishad a Valua Platform that has mada bargain chandisa. You.hava tha pick of aU tha leading history. You axpact a Landslida of valuas during nationally famous brands. Plenty of easy parking, thus# bargain days . , and that's what Manchas* convaniant te ovary store, whether you choose to tar Marchants hava prepared for you again this uso motarad parking space on Main Street and year. Every Favorite Son . . and Daughter . . of nearby side streets, or ono of tho mart than o doz* T-8 HMtfWeMKh. Manehastar and its vicinity will find valuas galore en public end storerowned perking lots. Monchos* CA'TAIN EASY Yon Name It BY LESUB TURNER '.‘Make It snappy! We only'have four days of vacation . . up and down Main Street . . in every store ter stores are open every Thursday evening, too, 4Nit VIA lu r NO MAN IB THAT BOl \ VOU S<>rMIBTHeitRglKHiKRjPUtt5aiKKl| ItfS—It’a Ukon Em wif# ton days to pack!" BY M, C. BLOSSER displaying Official Rad Tag Day Signs. for your shopping convonibn^e. MUBCMHTNUNO ~ HOWWOOiO ro HM TsniiD SAY WITH / k n o b b m m c ii ih M B fm M N n MOWini^AIOUTARTWA TOONBBVILLE FOLKS BY FONTAINE FOX 14. MAirep-MOOZEKS-' Oo sm a I IT HAB go MAlUf • AND C IL S.rMl*-WN0» J 16 OOKE.A-RDgrSx JU S T AS A, TAX YOU ONLY ON TW J |L ,.M 0 L B L f STINKY** OAVift a CHEaay gw S m s - >1 AS CO»r OP IN I CANVAS M unyk IDHAMSUR6SR. PtUP tO M iM um . DMNES/ COQUNO- Stores open every Thursday evening to 9 OKamar NUT 8855 •4- cooLtsr 34 yra. US 5 5gr V iiX ii A favorite with fashion season Shop these stores displaying Red Tag Days signs TEMPf/ after season is the appealing look- alike atyje. Shown here In a With the naUonri political cam- clever fitted version with crisp a laigns and speech making oom- white collar. Pattern No. 8864 is a sew-rite »■ nenclng, we become more aware Alloson's W. T. Grant Co. Marlow’s V lt FLIN I Right In The Eye BY MICHAEL O’M ALLEY If our country's gr4Rt bleeslnga perforated pattern in sizes 10, 12. 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 12, short sleeve, Michaels ^ AmUD SKUBATSD , Mririi vYE\/g6anA uid natural resources. With these Beck’s Gustafson's NOT BO KaBD BUM T/vaj ^ ’^A WLEMMA.MASTSRSYtNeSTEa/ houghta In mind, you will enjoy 444 yards of 39-lnch. iMMY BB AM 'S)HAhCLB •^o m t h b c o iY Pattern No. 8856 is a sew-rite Montgomery Word C o . ,_CU51DMRSOUnsiOfA» BOBCIria- imbratdering this product map perforated pattern in sizes 3, 4, 5, . Blair's J. W. Hale Corp. P X A N B H l» MMOUU. D eNTtk BUT OUR HOST cusiQMeas lanel for your home. ^ SeUSElb LENA 7146 ice-cuBao 6, 7, 8 year*. Size 4, 244 yards of Hormoc's Man's Shop Paris Curtain Shop Pattern No. 2088 contains hot 39-lnch. Blish Hardware ton transfer for design meseurlng For these patterns, send 30c for C. E. House & Son, Inc. Regal Men's Shops nanta, sUtch iUuatatlons and Each, in Coins, your name, ad­ Burton's Bents, sUtch muatratioiwc and dress, slse desired, and the Pat­ Keith Furniture' Shoor Brothers «lor chart. tern Number to Sue Burnett, (H m Coploy's Send 25c in Coins, your name, Manchester Evening Herald) 1150 Keller's Shorwin*Williamt Co. Jddreaa and the Patt«™ Number Ave. Americas, New York SS, Endieetf*Jehnson Shoo B Anne Cabot, The Manchester N. Y. Kemp's, Inc. Textile Store 9 evening Herald, 1150 Ave. Amer- Send 25 cents today for your First National Bank BSR New York SO. N. Y. copy of Basie Fashion '52. It Lincoln Shop Tots *N Toons Anna Cabot's New Album of ■hows you how to make your FAD Auto Taadtework is chock-full of jprand wardrobe do double duty with Manchester Floor Covering Tweed's ecoBomicri. Ume-savlng styles; " . Gartner's BNgna, plus exciting features and Watkins Brothers ' |f t t t pattern printed In the book. Gift pattara priatad twlda 25 Glonnoy Glothiort Manchoitor Trust Co. f • . cents. V

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY. JULY 8,1952 PAGE NINE PAGE EIGHT IUNCHE8TEB CVENINO HERALD. MANCHESTER. OOim. TUESDAY. JULY 8.1962 GOP Convention Tally Sheet LOCAL to 9 Bees Blank Bankers by 3 to 0 Count SPORT CHATTER Royals Outlast Moodus STATIS a m Af1773 Srerf NUMin Of RabMt Dwight D. Earf HaraM KLfSATCS A Toft Eiiaiibewer Warm Sfottaa ■ f EARLW.YOBT Winners Get Royml Win ALA 14 V Zatkowski Sets^ Ip sil s Ednas Moriariy^s Post 4 to 1 Legion Beats Windsor -(F Challenger Moves In Sports Schedule ARIZ. 14 r tp^m ■ 15 Hits, 10 _ ■^•“ i'iRHPGAK First National ToesSsy, Jaly 8 Win Over Auto Parts ARK. n fO R T Y of the first 48 schedule3 HsmUton vs. Meriden, 6:00— gomsa In ths Little League base-; The train wiU leave Manchester ’4 n i l CAUP. 70 ■ •A • Nebo. ball pgogram in MaiKAester to | statlen at DepQt Square. Boots Afield rkiBfani.S If ; ...... 4 Naltenal Leagoe Staadlugs Batters Down Red Sox.ve. Ysnke, 6:00—^Me'- Surontee. cf. a ...... 4 M a n e h e ■ tor strrfngthoned ItoT ■ daU have been played. Twenty of j — =— Kteasn. rf, » 4 COLO. 16 morial Field. the firat 91 eardad games In the' OOLFERfl wishing to secure the W. U Pci. hold on first pisee In tta first Dis­ First National vs. Nsaslffs, FoIIowlQg a pattern that has; WHlunnra lb ...... 4 One Big Inning Easy Win Staadlaga Ameriesn LesgtM went off on: rulo booklets ot ths series now Guy. 3h ...... 4 iMoriarty Brothers 2 0 l.OOO trict of Ameriesn Lsglon Junior* CONN. 33 6:00—Charter Oak. prevailed here for three previous Blualewtra. rf, rf, p '..4 « Brown, and Beaupre .. .4 1 .800 ■chsdulS'Whlls 20 o( the first 22; appearing in The Herald, "Easy Man. Auto Parte .. 1 1 .800 Mariartr Mrafken <41 baseball last night with ah 8 to 3 do ■ First National Etnnk . .3 3 .400 Wfidseeday, July 9 yean slaoa ths sem’l-pre tounm-j victory over Windsor at Windsor. Itr 4t» : 11 • 2 ■tarts In the National Leimtie w ere: Wsjy to Learn' Golf Rulea,” may TolaU • S American Legton . . 1 1 .600 AB R 11 PO A ■ AS R B IT PO A X Manchester Trust ,. .3 3 .400 St. Cyril’s vs. Aircraft, 6:00 played according to the original i send t « centa and a self addrese- ment was staged for the firat Dalsir. rf ... R. ' Rick Kopplin Ksttered four time, a new champion-Is destined Fairfield Market .. , 0 a .000 Uuvtataon. rf MrOultw. ef HA II Nassiff Arms : ...... 3 8 .400 — Nebo. \ ■Inglss and did not allow an earn­ Balon. 2b ...... North Methodist vs. Emanuels, ■Iste. drawn up by President Ruse ed atjunpad envelope to tta Ns- to be crowned Uila season. Moodus Kurrk. 3b Richard, aa . Paul. Lone postponement In the tionsi G ^f Foundation. 407 9Qj;th ed run. Errors scoounted for all Grlawotd. c GA 17 6:16—Memorial Field. PUtrk. M ... Fifteen men went to tat and Rai'lvasr, 3b Johnann, lb ...... Right-hander Hank Zatkowski nil- failed in its attempt to defend its •Usur. cf .... Karlneky. lb Windsor tallies. Center'Springs vs. Miller's, 6:15 National loop was a twlnblll. : Dearborn Street, Chicago. 6, title, falHng baiore Royal Type­ fifteen men returned to the bench Maaaey. aa ...... IDA 14 continued his mastery of the First . .1. nols. ’ Nrvera. lb ., without hitting tha tall out of thej ni.hinz. if Gene Johnson slammed ■ two- Pareua'Ua. rf ...... National' Bsnk last night at —Charter Otk. writer of Hartford 11 to 9 last Veliev, lb .. Mnrnardt. If ...... U T I I E LEAGUE playoffs are —:------'Rriealf. ... Infield last night. Nine had not ’ AiMkr.-sp . run homer in the firat for the kte- ILL M Charter Oak Field as he pitched Legion vs. Moriarty’s, 6:00— night in tha tourney lld-llfter. sla who new have wen six and lost Mnrtarty, lb ...... Memorial Field. scheduled to start August 18. Reg- TWILIGHT BASBBAUL League Moodus gained the title last Neviaakl. p . even hit a fair tall from the offer-1 * Kopplin. p ...... Brown and Beaupre to a four-hit W. Oolrt. lb Inga of Joe Dyer. Although this; ^ ^ one. Harry Griswold droira In two A. HanessU. aa ... U V 8 A V IND. 33 3 td\0 victory to strengthen their Thiinday, July 16 ulsr season play ends on August < officlala and managers will hold year by knocking off Hamilton in Mesrr, c .... 18. an Important meeting Weiaesday Insul, It .... ■tart was one of the most senes-i TauIi ...... r. 4. LI2 t t runs with two singles. hold bn first place in the Alumni New London vs. Ridges, 6:00— tbs finals, tta ohamploas of I960. Msaehealer Aete FsHr T) I Coach Willy Fortin will take hia &ir^r-''2g*^.'.‘ .:.-; lA 36 Nebo. night at 8:90 at tta West Side The British Americans were elimi­ “ Onlet, rf . tlonsl In all local Little League Little League. The tall righthand­ AB R H ro A R club to Windsor Locks tomorrow ...... 2S I 7 21 M I er helped by the tats oif Nprm Brown A Beaupre .vs. Trust, 6:00 FIV E saUTDUTS have been Rec. nated qulekty the year before. ToUII I a 21 13 history. Dyer was not even around Bharpr, ct .,.. 0 0 e 0 KAN. 33 registered In the Little League to a—flatb aa error Valiev In 7th. for the finish ss hia Morisrty Rolnn. ra ...... a. 0 t 6 night, leaving the Legion Home at Wladaar (2l Hohenthsl and Kenny IrIsh, —Charter Oak. ROYAL tad on Its bitting shoes txinsfrllow. ,7h AB R it PO A B date, three of the whltewaahlniji BRRNIE AUSMANY and Red Royal in «n 6 -11 Brothers’ teammates salvaged a 0 0 10 5:15. KY. 30 notched his second win over the last night. comMng tha offerings Moodua ...... CM 400 A - t Mulararr.' p ,,. 0 0 0 1 The Idesla have copped six of Jnhnaon. I f ...... 3 0 0 2 0 0 ■ .coming iQ the National an'd the Case, Manchester High baseball of Ben Novtnski for 16 safetle*. Rune batted —. In. JrasoM I. Br«4y 2, 4—1 victory over Hanc^ter I’oynr. p ...... 0 0 I 0 RIeeln. r f ...... 4 1 1 1 0 A Bank In as many starts. Jackie ■even previous starts. lb ...... 2 0 0 1 9 0 Hedlund, making his second start, Uther two In the American. All players, took part In the Boston. Including a home run 'by shortstop Pontere. Surawtec 3. Ouy.'Xurtb.' W. Auto Parts, enabling them to gain W rlfhl. rt ..... LA 19 I Met Maser, (f, Golet, Insul 1; two- ■ole poeceaion of the National VIot, rf ...... 1 S I went all the way giving up four I Sports Mirror | {three N. U ManKings were racked Braves’ baaebaU school yesterday Johnny Jepson, a triple, two dou-. ksM bus, rbniara, mnelmelre. Maue. Lovrtt, 2b ..... 0 0 I Asaataala. e . Ml 16 hits, fanned six and walked seven. up by Mbriarty Brothers. Auto ■t Bulkelcy SUdlum In Hartford. bias and 11 singles. Japaon. }-J. while Morisrty’s toppled the Fair- ule, Nsasiff Arms will mqsL !>>• naring 10 hits Ijetween them. Wild­ on balli. Blualewlea 4; atiikeouta. Knaok, e ...... 0 1 4 0 0 arranged a 9500,000 loan from tta tabrewaliwwakVp 2 10 0 1 In the second Inning for one run on mx,: field Market, 7 to 0 to account for South Windsor Alumni team Wed­ ness and errors .forced Royal to Blualevka 4, NovInakI 2; hlU ott. ter and finally hia shutout in the bsnk of St. Louis. DyaraOy, 1 0 0 0 0 0 Five Years Ago— The Amer­ Bluata«tci I tor 4 runa (n 4 Inninsa; ToUli ...... , ____ ..i» 1 . ~T . ii "i 1 MICH. 46 a double to left by Zatkowskt and the other shutout. Both shutouts nesday night St the Charter Oak dig deep Into the pitching staff, sixth Inning. a--Walh»d for Warren In «h . But these sirangsments couldn't Totalf 2 " 4 « l " i Kid Gsvilan, welterweight champion from Havana, Cuba, tacks sway after challenger Gil ican League AU-Stara won their Keenan 4 for S ruM li> 2; tarowloe 1 Steve McAdam and Bruce War­ Norm Hohenthal's > single to left. Turner threw ■ hard right in firat round of Utle fight at Philadelphia's Municipal Stadium. Gavllan tenth victory In 14 starta by edg­ in the were Lots at 8:15 Instead of South using three men. A1 SurpWlee fin­ for 0 runa In t; balk. Novlnabl 2; wild Morlarty* ...... 000 040—4 ta coropistod until Saigh had tlUo Windter MINN. 36 Irish started a two run rally in credited to the Cards and hoth Windsor aa originally carded. ished up, following starter 8tsn pltrNaa Kaonan. Blualewta; winnins ren ruined the perfect game with Auto Parti ...... 000 001*^1 to Uio pwporty. For Interim !!■ Mancbeati , . retained Altle with a 11th round TKO. Turner Is from the Quaker Clt>. ing the Nationala, 2-1. lUcher, Blualawlea; umpirea, Toat, Runt balled ii*. Banivast. Kaelaaky, Ru m ballad In. Oriewald M, Jabaeen the sixth as he was awarded third times the victims were the Dod­ Blusewlecx and T^m Keenan Jo Itaum. . . , wsllis* Twerdy, Alnaky; three-baae hlla, nancihg ths First Nsthmsl Bank MISl » 9 Ten Yeara A go—,, GARY KOBAK then came to 2. Morlaity; borne runa, Joaaaeni ttolen - base no a drive that Hedlund In SL Loula Cardinala , was*' gers by scores o f 8 to 0 and 2 to 0.' ARMY AND N AVY CLUB will the bUI. The three twlrlers gave ®*lsl»i. atoleo baaea, Rlrtard. Banl- 'o f St. u>uls put up thras mUlloB baaea. Balm, Kopplin, Qrltwald 2, Me- the plate. He had only an .067 ta t­ vazS' Twrrij}'; double playa, ‘J'werdy, Owlrai canbla playe, McOuIra, A. fielding lost his glove. Zatkowski sold to the Chicago Oita for the hold s golf tournament for mem­ up eight hits, but walks and errors doillrii; Braadon took two notos MO. 36 ting average, but nevertheleaa hs PontiMll. .RlehardL l•lt ok baaea. for a total of 990OJIO0 and Mark C. Manasstai baaea on halli, Kifpslls S, reached on an error by Bob Hub­ 9.7,500 waiver price. KNIGHTS or OOLVMRUS bers Monday afternoon a t . the had them in troubled four of the Morleiiva 7. Auto Krta 2; baaea on Barieva I, ,Dobrowikl 2; alrlfcenila, the ninth run ragistersd op a fly waa easily able to fill tha rots of SUlnbarg ot St. Louis losnod MONT. 6 - bard allowing Irish ’ to score and Twenty Tears Ago —JUnmy bssetall excursion to Boston Is Manchester Country Club. Ricky seven Innings.'Moodus did all Its to left before two fly balls ware . W " ,*• Kutaner 2; MHkaooU. Kopplin 2, Karleva 3, DobrowiU.2: BIta the vlllsln In Dyer’s Hall of Fame 9100,000. off Karieva 4 for 2 ruae In 2 Inninsa: Hohenthal doubled aharply to cen­ Foxx hit hia 30th home run. scheduled on Sunday. July 20. Jim­ Anderson is tandllng the sffslr. ■coring In two big Innings, scoring gobbled up in csnterfleld to end Nil. II ter to counter Zatkowokl, Gavilan TKO Winner Irid. Hs bunted down the first boss I. hlla oR Dyer 1 lor I runa In i ht- Ths club SOM for 94,060,900 ot DohrowSkl I for ■ runa In 5; ''-wild All club members wishing to play my Hurray reports that the dead­ four in the fourth and five in the the game. oiUJIt' o - * taltara In Hh); pllchaa. Dobrawabl; paatad' belia Grid- The Bank had the carrot-topped SPEARS HAD GOOD MXX>RD line for ticket reservations is are asked to sign up at the club­ seventh. Royal won the game with JEPSON waa the gamefs hitting line with the ball Juat aUylng Twerdy 0 for O' ruM la I. Paynn 0 for that was In cash and that amount woldi laaln^^^her, Karim ; umjltse. NIV. 13 Bees’ huriar on the ropes in the 'nturaday evening. Hcketa which house. The event la open to all five run out-burst In ths sixth tqlf. Dyer fielded the ball but his 0 runa n 1. Mulaantr 7 for 4 rune In was on loan from Manufaetursrs ■tar with two olnglss and his hom­ » "'u",*"* Pllehar. Hrfr; hnlnf nitch- fourth Inning when Giey loaded entitle one to round trip train fare club memben. to add to a 6-4 ihargln at the tiina er. 8urowlec hod a triple and pair throw was' hot In tiros to retire er, Uuleenrr: umpirea, Oay. Bmalll Bank of St. Loula N. H. 14 the sacks with no one out but Morgantown, ' West Vs.-—1^1— Over* Turner in 11th West-Virginia University'a most and admission to Fenway Park for Jepson’s single, stolen base and of singles. Walt Golet hit safely Kossk and save his no-hfltsr. aeorer, Tatro; time, I;il. couldn’t push a run across. In the the game between the Red Sox ROCKETS downed McRsy’s by Brady’s . alngle scored one In the The next tatter hit back to the N.J. 36 * successful football coaching re­ twice for Moodus. fifth the Bank stranded two run­ and Cleveland Indians cost 96 a 3 to 2 score last night In a West second. Jepson homered with Gor Nevers was banished from the..^mound, .. . and .. Dyer fired . . tta _ tall ioo s m OP - ‘ # ners. gime was that of Dr.. Clarence N. M. 14 Pbllsdelphls, July 8—

—Kid W. (Fats) Spears, who later tu­ each.. Reaervatlona may be made Side IntermedUtc League baseball don Guy on base in the aecond to game In the sixth when he hollered I plate. « t ^ e r Ray HEARING-AID EMdie WoJclk had three singles chin as the youngster sagged on Ponticelli. however, mad*, his first (^rds Purchased N^Y. 66 Gavilan still la welterweight chym- Batter StrikeB Out, rubbery legs like Randy Turpin tored at Minnesota and Wisconaln. by phoning either Jim Murray at 1 game at the Oval. make It 8-0. and three runs In the on a decision at eecoad base. Will In three.trips and Hohenthal had third gave the wlnnera a big work Valley flnlehed up. error In 97 chances and the firaV SEAT COVEIS two hits to lead the hitters. plon of the world and Gil Turner Gives Ump Eye Wash before his knockout by Ray Rob­ He coached the Mountaineers from BATTERIES N.C. 31 ■till rookie of the year. inson. .1921 through 1924'during which ing edge. Big biU In the thrae run Each team, roads flvs srtors In run crossed the piste ' for the In Unusual Deal! NAHfHFF ARMS can move Into frame were Walt Fonfara’s dou­ Mechanics. For AB taisriBf *AMs That's the sltustlon today as the Portland, Ore.— (N E A ) — Retreating from Certain diaaa- times hia teams posted a 29-6-3 tta game with aeveii of the boots N. D. 14 second place if they can pin a Cuban Keed. looks for new worlds Favored ble followed by Burowlec’ triple Nick Twerdy replaced the red loss on the First National Bank Del Ballinger .achieved lasting ter. Turner again was'trapped on record. Four of the losses cams In playiiv h pert in tha hsavy scor­ 8L Louis, July 7-groln Injury. Dom DlMaggib- »leo not solve him for a hit. The Noisea ning would have overcome. He This came to light during on ex­ CAMPBELL Club m a t ch m s ker, Imimediately catcher turned on Bill Doran, of the Red Sox, wUI sUrt in cenUr PA 70 tor Ctaeh Dick Cobb’s chargas. Referee ToroSsco atopoed it at IBverythlng points toward a third erupted In the fourth as Tom ■truck out ths next tatter to pre­ change of statements between Sen., A i m t u m v went to work on a future schedule whipped out a water pUtol and 2:47 of the 11th. despite a leg injury. Williams (R-Del) and Sslgh over for the 147-pouud champ. His MrUght National League victory Nevers opened by beating out serve Dyer's second win. ,BTe~«nu iUV R.I. 1 gave the umpire a blast in the Few In the crowd of 39,026 that The American League manager, bounder down the third baae line. Meriden Plays the wsek end. ' m u s s managers art due to talk dates eyes. Ih th4 16th annual All-Star game who baa failed to direct a winning All the Gas Housa scoring took The Senator filed for the Cbn- 87SMaiR8L Bees Sting paid a record welter gate of 1269,- Walt Golet singled with'' one out place In a big fifth Inning on a 1C 6 and opponenu at the- IBC offices . Doran, outraged and taken tbday. The Nationals have the All-Star team in two tries, Indica­ grearional Record Friday a state- In New York tomorrow. 677 disagreed although Turner, 11 and Buccasalve walks to Lou triple by Bobby Daigle and run by surprise, gulped and sput­ pitching, power and a crippled op- ted he planned to follow Raachl Hamilton Nine ment that tbd Internal RovenUc ID. 14 Ilrewe S BMasr* (ll “JOHNNY SAXTON. Billy Gra­ to 5 underdog, tad solid betUng Mager and Gasper Ingul forced producinig ainglea by Danny Banl- AB R H PO A B tered for a moment and then support from his home town. Tur­ penant (8-2) with Bob Lemon (7-7. And home the first run for the losers. Bureau apparently had been lax 8wr*t. cf ...... 2 0 0 0 0 0 ham and. Chuck Davey would' be .nearly fractured an arm glv- ''The only thing Manager (3ssey old Satchel Paige (6-4), the teem vage, Dick Kacinsky, Twerdy, and In checking oa the deal. TINN. 30 good opponents for Gsvilan,’’ said ner even agreed-that the ref was An Infield out rescued the aecond Hamilton Standard, 1950 state Johnny Alosky. Don Muisener Bofsini, 2b .... 2 0 0 0 1 ' 'iBg Ballinger the heave-ho. right. Only hia manager, Gecive S t m ^ of the American League Ingly ageless Negro pitcher of the marker before Jepson errored on . Also, Williams said, Oblin F. Aiutln. rf ...... 2 0 0 0 0 0 Weill. "W e don’t know yet what la pramlsing at the moment is to champions, makes Its first start In who struck out five and walked TlX. 30 ' trlih, u ...... ,2 1 10 2 0 Kats, objected. St. Louis Browns, may be the third Chip Kurek’s grounder and threw sum, (3ilef of Staff for tho Son- to do. But they’d all draw good show Up. He’ll be minus 4wo of his Junior circuit pitcher. ____ the tournament tonight at 6 only two was the victim. ate-Housc Intsrnal Rovonuo Ck>m- Setkowikl. p .. .421240 "GU waa okay when he came wild ■■ two runs scored. Bluae o’clock, facing tta Meriden Barons UTAH M IlohMithal. c ., .2 0 2 2 0 0 money for title bouts in the Gar­ best , his third baseman MANAGER LEO DUROCHER, Gary Pasme finished up the roittse, questioned whether a pen­ Solomon, lb . back to his I comer," said Kats. wiecz weathered the storm only to ht M t. Nebo. The Props lost the 2 0 0 10 1 den In the fall.” olowed hie furious pace. Gavllan, and 2M1 start with an Injured cen­ who also has failed to win with ame by retiring the side In order alty tax, which oould run os high Prevent VT. 13 Folry, 3b ...... 2 0 0 0 2 0 Harry Markson, IBC boxing "W e want to .fight him again in be chssed In the fifth. Danny Maus oTOwn to Moodua last year In the S the sixth stansa. Curry. I( ...... 2 0 0 0 0 0 more sure of himself, was able to September anywhere in the ter fielder. But old Case has two National All-Star teams, ad­ doubled and Nevers drew a pass. 1 os 37H per sent, ehouMn’t have director, agreed with Weill. There proved himself a maativ at licking mits he has one of the best Na­ finale. Meriden is entered for the TONIGHT AT 6 st Memorial VA 33 make the ^lladelphla kid fight world.” Keenan came on to get the side first time. applied to the transfer ot ajurplus I Totili ...... 22 2 4 21 11 0 also is talk of s rematch with Tur­ ■dvsrsity In the past. His under­ tional League dream teams of all Field the Red Sox and the Yan­ 3tb million dollars. rirti NMIesal Beak <0> his fight. The Cuban champ took THE SIMPLE FACTS were that out without a score. Keenan gave ACE LEFT-HANDER George r-'*.. ' ' ner—In a year or so. manned lads Just might apNt the time. . ■ - kees clash In an Amtrican Lesgus Not so, said Sslgh Saturday WASH. M ‘ ■4 AB R H PO A B the lead only to have frantic flur­ Turner waa in over his head with up a Mt In tha sixth and Swan, the strong-armed hurler L. Cyr. 3b ... 2 0 1 2 0 0 "Turner is a tatter fighter than 7 to 6 odda against them. The senior circuit has such tatUa night. ries by Turner force him to bide the ,. experienced 26-year-old routed In the seventh. ' who practically won tha tourna' W.VA 16 Snutlf. cf...... 3 0 0 0 0 0 Graham or Johnny Eirstton,’’ said his time. A CAFAGITY c r o w d ot 32.- pitchers as Robin Roberts (11-6) The InUriial Revsnus Depful' C - llndlund, p ... 2 0 0 1 2 0 champ. The 15-round route waa Seven hits In the sixth brought Gavilan In his pidgson hole dreiu- 786 paying eome 9180.000 into the Gerry Staley (11-8), who probably ment all alona two yaara ago, Is FIGHTS MONDAY NIGHT WoJclk. lb .., 2 0 2 7 In the lOtb, it seemed Gavllan a little too much. I f it had been Royal the victory. Blueswlecs' likely to be nominated by*Ooaoh ment made many obeeks and In Wll 16 • • Cobra, If, rf .. 2 0 0 4 0 0 room after the fight. "And as good nayasbi Fanaleii Fund will be on win hurl the middle three innings. Philadelphia — Wslterwelght vestlgatlons "Into every detail of «■ Bobby Dykes.’’ couldn’t mlas with a left hook. a 10-rounder, Turner might have double to open it was followed by Art Pongrats in the first teat to­ R. Cyr. If .... 2 0 0 0 0 0 Time after time they thudded hMiL to watch the men more than Bob Rush (9-8), the anchor hurler singles off the bats of Jepson. Champion Kid Gavllan, 146, Ha­ the transBction,” Balgb said. WYO. 13 ManassI*. c . 2 0 0 2 3 0 In csss It slips your mind, Gavl- won. But this waa 16 rounds fdr thrae million fahs voted basetall’s night. He will be facing a young, vana, Cubs, stopped Gil Turner, Ilubkard, 2b , 2 0 0 0 0 1 home on Turner’s wide open Jaw. the world's championship, a dis­ Sal Maglle (11-4) and Warren Zuiufro and Brady and two runs aggressive nine from the Silver As for ths surplus fund, which Uartm, aa .... 2 0 0 1 2 0 Isn Just got past Graham on a split sun young GU surged back with outstanding players. The game Spahn (7-9). , 144H. Phllsdclphls, (11—title the late ,8am Breadon had set ALASKA 3 Webb, rf ..... 1 0 0 10 0 decision In his first title defense. tance calculated to separate the dented the plate. FonfaraKlt a fly etty. Backing up Swan tor hurling a round-ending flurry. But the men from the boys. wfll be telecast (N B O from coast Figures indicate the National to left for a run before Burowlec. bout). aside to build a ball pdrk, under the He won the crown from Bratton, t»coast and radio broadcast (Mu­ duty will be Dick Fltzpatejck, New Montreml—Arnisnd Bsvole, 135, D.C 6 Tolala ...... 24 0 4 31 2 1 end was in sight. Weight made no difference. League had the advantage in pow Keenan and Bob Whitmore singled lew In effect at the time It Brown A Beaupra ...... 010 002 0—2 May 18, 1951. Dykes gave him tual). Geme time la 12:30 (eji.t.) Britain Teachers College right Canada, outpointed Johnny Greco, Coming out for the 11th, Tur­ Gavilan at 146 to Turner’s 144 H er with 168 borne runs so far this for two more runa WMtmore was hander, Ed Dennehy, Joe Haberl Ot the raU o t five per cent as ware HAWAII 1 Runa ballad In. Ilohanlhal 3; Iwo- trouble last February at Miami I f the weather man’a prediction season to 183 for the Americans, 145 91, CanadA, (12). baae hlla. Satkowaki, HShenlhal; three- ner shot the works in one last- was In his best condition in trapped going to second. and Red Jacko. Wally Widholm of ■II surplus ftuula passing from ons where The Keed copped another ' of a cloudy, warm, humid day is and 740 runa driven In to 635 for Brooklyn .— Gene Teksch, 197, Gorporatloa to anothsr, Salgb add baae hlla, Irlah; alolen baara, Sweet, split decision. gasp, effort. It failed. Driving months. He had to be to take Moodus made a lost ditch stand UConn will receive Swan's offar- P. RKO 3 Irlah 3. ZaUtowakl 2. Hohenthal. Solo­ home counter hooks, Gavllan COiTMt, Manager Leo Durocher of the underdogs. In the final frame. Two erron put Trenton, N. J., outpointed Ss) Dl ■d. Turner was running about even care of the buxz saw puncher from the Na^nals. will sUrt the flre- Ings, mon, L...Cyr. WoJclk; aacrlScea, Cohen; imothered the rally. Pressing The starting lineups as selected runners on first and second with Guardis, 13S\4, New York, (8), .Salgb'went on- to explain tha fl ( CANALZ. 0 left on baaea. Brown A Beaupre I. Bark with Gsvllsn lost night, when he Philadelphia’s ‘Rtrawberry Man­ bi^ing yw n g Philadelphia Phil- Hamilton will use about the 7; baaea on ^ la . Satkowaki 4, lledlund 'himer against the ropes, he rat­ sion” district who may yet become by the vote of the fans with the none away. Then singles by Walt nancing details which he worked ran Into that furious 11th round Oea’ left hander, CMMEe'- ^lona same club that has carried them A N o l d -t i m e r VIRGIN I. 1 7; atrlkeouia, Tkitkowakt 2, lledlund 2; tled punch after punch off Gil’s champion. tatting order and pltchera selected Golet and Mager, plus Ingul’a along In first place in the Dusty out; wild pitchaa, Batkowaki 2, Hedlund; barrage. Both Judges Charley He’ll be faced by the veteran Vlt by the managers: Louisville (N E A ) -- William When Braadon agreed to s4U to umpirea, Kerr. Olovlno; time, 1:40. Daggert and Lou Trees had it 6-6 double made It 11-8 before 8uro- League all year. ’ITic InfleM Is Baachl (8-2), Stengel’a right hand­ NsIteuI wlec was colled in. The latter gave Woodward's Belsir Stud in Mary­ him, Sslgh arranged in Houston, ______s after 10 rounds and Referee Pete ed mbney pitcher from the Yan- Name Club Pos. H.R BJI Ara composed of Showboat Porter and land Is the nation's oldest exist- LET US STEAM CLEAN YOUR FIRE PREOAU-nON up a hit to Charlie Golet and saw » 1 M NLIQATI VOTIS; NIIMO TO NOMINATI, i Tomsaco had the Cuban out front, Lorkmsn. Giants ]' Zip Durocher alternating at first, lifg stud farm. It was built In Roblneon. Dodzera 9 Dick Vlnlng and Hal Lewis around 6-4. The A P card ahowed Gavilan Slmmons, » seven gsnie winner Mualal. Cardinals i 1760. RADIATOR AND BLOCK WITH Ocesnport, N. J.—<^l— At Mon­ leading 6-4-1 going to the last K. of C. who returned from the Army in Sauer. Cuba the ks)rstone and Ed Kukulka at BftLCH is Your nerup spot of last week. Jackie lost it turning around after the mouth Park, where more than round. April has been beaten only twice. Caropanella.. Dr^zera third while Pat Bojduc, Charlie 1,200 thoroughbreds are bedded Slauzhier. Cardinals, Little League McMeans, Charlie' Jaeicob and Fain,Musial collected only six safstlss in 27 finish of a race. Ooming into his big tesjt as an Raschl is being used only be­ 'Thomson, GlaniX : HYPRESSURE tripe for a 12-polnt drop to .910. He’s An Unlucky Brute: Always doWn for the summer season, tmbesten fighter with 26' knock­ cause Stengers" firat two choices, Hainner. Phllllea i Jackie arj raday for outfield duty. BASEBALL EXCURSION Leaders MERIDEN wlU rest iU hopes The revIvUlsd Baoe Slaughter, good for the superstitious whose every precaution has been taken outs in 31 straight wins. Turner the smaxing mite of Philadelphia, Aarrlesa A a k m m Um g with a 18 point pleknp te AI4, hi ■gainst fire. A t the seaside track paid the penalty of over-eager B o b ^ Stantz. and AlUe Reynolds, DIMazfIn, Red 6bX on Jackie Sundberg, who flipped a • WIVMgMMMr«U Pace Hitters horse has beeh ’shot’ Just before Bauer. Yankees no-hitter past ths Middletown fourth. The St. Loula Gardlnafai’ a race. s complete fire department has youth. In time he may be able to big Yankee right hander, art on UltrJiell. Indiana Amerlehn Little JENNY TO BOSTON Giants one week ago. Veteran Ray otttfMder had 11 base Mts la 28 Got Hurt In the Car Coming been Installed in the backatretch cope with the wiles and iron Jaw Die ihjur^list. Rosen, Indiana . Batfiag - i f ) ■res, with water wagons, s firs- Berra. Yankees Name Club O AB H Avg. Woodtke is also available. The trlee (a A88 paee). Slaughter’s Over: Good when horse displays of Gavilsn, but not yet. Stengel hSa )oet George Kell, Robinson, White Sox Goodman and Atwell in fighting machine, a fire patrol After setting. a biasing early brilliant third sacker of the Boston Avila. Ini.1ana Renn. Red Sox .*,9 28 18 .843 Barons are made up of fine, young teammate. Peanuts Lewiey, out a skinned knee and a puff over SUNDAY, JULY 20 Meriden High stars of recent of the running last week, moved one eye. which tours the tarns every hour, pace, Turner ran Into trouble in Sox, who is sidelined by a Rlxauto. Yar.keaa Fisher, Cards . . 6 34 14 .583 Second Spots; Sauer Abrams, Cards .11 39 15 817 yeara, such os Roger Bacon, who Into fifth plaeo at A M with a 8- N e ^ Another Race: Fits when fire extinguishers,' fire bombs and the fifth when Gavilan hurt him CURKE MOTOR SALES hydrants at each bfuu and a fire with a flurry Inspired by a patent-' BOSTON RED SOX Vs. CLEVELAND INDIANS Gavello, Tanks . 9 30 13 .483 was considered one of the finest BETTER DEAL HR and RBI Leader ler-17 record.' a fat horse fails to win. schoolboy shortstop’s two seasons 301 MOAD 5TKIIT. MANCHISmi Driver Got Dirt In His Bye: bm tbst eutomstlcally eignela ed bolo right. Turner was pensPs- Johnson, New York’s Whitey Lockman TICKETS $4.00 INCLUDE TMAIN FARE Frankie^s Get Only Three Dodgers...... 10 24 9 .375 ago. Bill Boehle, Ed Kaemmer. la sixth with a .907 batting aver­ Good when driver swears he saw the etsble in which fismeu may ed the round by Referee Tomaaeo PONTIfiC DEfllER New York, July S—(APK-Ferrie break out. Adequate spparetus for a low blow but It was only a AND ADMISSION TO TH rO AM E Leyden, Red Sox 10 27 10 .370 Herb Kenney, Eddie Zajac. Bill TILEPHONI 1*2012 ANYTIMI ‘ Fain of the Philadelphia AUileUca, age, followed by Billy Oox, two Judges' stands and couldn’t Heyart, Yanks .. 9 25 9 .380 Pappello, Benny tell which was which. can peach the spot In a matter of fornuUlty. Hs won tbs round from ■howlnx one of the moat ramark- Brooklyn third seeker, ,906, Bos­ here to Hsvanla. TEL 2-9424 or 7152 Hits But Beat Manor^ 5-2 Merrer, Yanks .. 9 26 9 846 Tomassettl. Sundberg pitched for ton's Sid Gordon, .208, and Tad Sulky Broke Down: Fair excuse ■econds, claim tiuck authoritlea. ahla form raveraala In recent AFTER THK FIF TH. Turner Runs Batted In Upeala College this spring and HSAT m a s o m WITH s yean, la back on top In the Kluasewski and WlUard’ Marshall when the driver weighs more than Renn, Red Sox, 17; Tarca, Red Kenny, played with St. Bonaven- of Cincinnati, .297. the horse and both try to ride In STANDINGS ture. Nesting and Pappello played rwip HiATmAny w m a American Leafue batting race, a W Pet. Sox, 11; Abrams, CVirds, 10: Ley­ ■pot he held at the close of the Hank Sauer, whose batting the same seat. 3 Hits, 5 Runs den, Red' Sox 10; Merrer, Yanks, with New Britain Teachers apd P ronb Us T oday for full details 1901 aeaeon. average has slumped off to .200, Number 130, the last In the MUler’s ...... « .857 .760 9: may tat against their ace, Fitz­ on this smssingly economical oil - Going hlUeee In hie Srst >| tripe continues the N L pace-setter In book, goes: Ain't Got No Excuse. Frankie's Drive-In ....6 patrick. burner! Learn about eactusivs Mason's ...... :.....6 .625 Praokle'a Runs te the giate this year, cntreached home runs with 29 and In runs But the book use this at your H® ““ L it AB R .H PO A ■ Renn. Red ' Sox, 17; Abrams. Hamnlton, beaidee drawing a ‘ 'Flsmeflex” Hearth Ring which batted In with 60. own peril. Everybody’s expect­ CARTER CHEVROLET CO., Inc. Deci's Driye-In ...... 4 .500 among the .100 ami hittere j,g S T » .288 Boldur. 2b ...... Guards, 13; Tarca, Red Sox, 12; bead on tha rest of the Dusty gives better' heat for le « money. Sartttg the eariy weeks, anofflelal* ■In the pitching, department. ing an excuse so why not give 'em Center Springs ...... 2 McKenna, cf .. Magnuson, Red Sox 11; Gavello, League .jplubs, is in second place in one t Green Manor ...... 9 .000 M. Prlnzle, lb E z p ^ insUlIstion. Dependable ly traded to the New York Van- Preacher Roe of Brooklyn con­ 311 MAIN STREET J. Prlnzl*. 3b . Yanks, 11;' the Twilight League, only a full service. Call w now .without keei. OeVelaml Imtiaas and De­ tinues as the front runner with Martino, rf ... Doubles game behind the Ridges.^ The obligstioni troit TIgete many tlmee. Fain has seven victories and no defeats Despite the thrae-Mt pitching Cecere: oa ...... Props have played two games less PHONE 6874 - 6292 Braaauakn*. If . Abrams Cards, 5; Renn. Red battled Us way back to hold the while Harry Dorish, veteran of Graham Holmes, Green Hanpr, Sox'4; Smith, Red Sox 4; Tarca, than the Thread City nine and are bowed to Frankie's Drive In 5 to i " No. 1 posltioa with a J M average. righthander, Red Sox 3; ail even in the loss column. Meri­ FOGARTY Ferris, with 12 U U In 28 times is unbeaten in five decisions to 3 last night in a Rec Softball | Triples den la an Independent club that league tilt. Frankie's came from ^ Tntala ,, ...... 22 5 '3 21 10 1 at bat, picked up 19 points during lead the American League. Phila­ GrM* IfftMr U> Cowles, Red Sox. 1; Geer, has won six times w)('lle losing the pre-AU-Star week to wrest the delphia’s Bobby Shants, with a behind to win the contest seor-1 AB R H PO A R Yanks, l;:Kensel, Dodgers 1; Tar­ once. Last > year they Included BROTHERS Ing one run in the third, two in . Bi,,bert. 3b lead from A1 Koeen, Cleveland 14-9 record. Is close behind ».with amaiing ...... ------orlllo. Ib . ca, Red Sox, 1; Gavello, Yanks, 1; two victarica over the Hertford 256 Center Street third baseman. Rosen dropped to Dorish. the fourth two more in the Ilolmn. p H em e Runs Indians while running up an im Telephone 2-4559. third with a .930 average as his By BEANS REARDON rustproof frame as a result of four Mftivler. rf Renn, .Red Sox. - 4; Abrams, premive mark. record for the week showed only 24 Years la Natloaal League Your Best Bet free passes. Se«dFr.. 2b . Cards, 2; Merrer. Yanks, 2: Fish­ nine hits In 20 at bats. Record Question: Who was manager of Second Baseman Lenny Sender B14rk. ss . er. Cards, 1; Tarca, Red Sox, 1; SPARTANS SCORE Even Horses put Green Manor ahead temporar- K'llhgnofr. ir Include games played Sunday, the Browns whan they won their Cm Uhixo. . cfqt ...... 2 Johnson, D^gera, 1; Heyart, East Lansing — (N E A ) —Mich- July 6. first and only pennant In 1944 T Qy 'as' he'bdted a two-run homer ElM*. C a.7...... 2 Tanks, 1; I Igan Rtste and Ohio have met In Although he lost three points to Answer; Luke Sewell. off Mac McGuire In the top of the Have Excuses Carter and Qievrolet ToUl* ...... 2S 3 I IS S 2 Stolen Bases foottall only twice, 1912 and J38, Stan Muslal continues at his Q. Why Is a fourth. Bea Metlvler, who reached Frankly'! ...... 001 302 Reynolds, Dodgera, 5; Renn, Red il95I, the Spartans winning both familiar top rung }n the NaUonal left-handed first On an infield bit. scored ahead of Manor ...... 000 200 0—3 Sox, 4; C3iandler, iW gera, 4. ' games “w e u r » KONOMT CMAMPieir league, nine poinu better than baaemaiv prefer­ SOader to give the Manor Its first Kura bailed In, Braxauaku 2. Braua, Goshen, N. Y., A P Newsfeatures Two naniM that stand for quality and dependability! McGuire. Seader 2; home rum. Seader, Chicago’s Toby Atwell's .824. The red over a right- nm. Brazauakaa; etoien baaea. 3. Pringla; St. LauIs outfielder had a 0-for- —Every sport has ,1U excuses. handed oneT Combine the two in a single, modem service and repair Trailing 3 :to 1, Frankie's Junie Mcriflcea, alcOuire; double playe. M. S9 week whUe Atwell, who moved Years ago In harness racing the A. Everything Only 14c Sq. Ft. Broxauskos put the Drive-In Pringle. Becere; left e.. baaea. Manor old-time trainers ancL drivers base and you know the reason sq many depend upon Car­ 5. Frankte’e 6;'baBea on balii, Holmaa up from fourth, showed an eight else being equal, Prices start ahead once more with a two-run 5. McGuire 1; atrlkeouia, Holmea point Improvement with eight bln- thought up so many ra^d-fire ex­ the southpaw Weal far eve^ usisriee us# ter when their c u a develop engine or body trouble. homer scoring behind John Prin- vlld pitchaa. ICrGuIre 2. Holmea I; gles In 21 triea cuses that a small book was pub­ has an edge, be­ gle in the fourth. loaing pitcher. Hoime.a; umpire, Skiba; Billy Goodman, Boston Red Sox lished listing each exctise by num­ cause after fleld- ★ (BllMliMrkMMl GREEN MANOR'S efforts to acorer. Day. Bialnstay, la trailing Fain by only ber and telling when to use each ng the ball, he Is Yes, since 1941 Carter Chevrolet him been servicing the just a few tie the contest were cast off In one point, at jg s . Goodman one. 4r smr ste* pnttcHvs pMttoil AMESITE DRIVEWAY In a better posl- both the sixth and seventh frame* whacked American League hurl­ A copy of this booklet is the :lon to throw to *nsTiMt,NlS2nm6cl Chevrolets of Manchester and vicinity. Drive the family aa a double play and pick-off at­ ing for U hits in 21 iri baU to property of the HaU of Fame of the other bases. * h * t w 6 R l tempts took rival runners off the STATIONERY SAVE 10% BY CALLING NOW pick up 21 points during the week. the Trotter here. It U caUed car over this week for a aafcty-chcck and Vacation Get- dollars more AIRMAIL - NOTES Q. What la Jim ♦Siiklimdhwd,— k bsss ]>sths'. George Kell, another Bed Seek­ “The TrotUn' Hosa Excuse Book" -Constanty’s real Ready. Holmes, who had pitched very LEADOfO BRANDS • WORK aUARANTEED er. Is tted for f o u ^ with Btiekey and was compiled by Murray Howe _ _ name? AMwUHrnktmtdt effectively, couldn't find t)ie plate MACHINE SPREAD Mantle of the New Terii Yankees and published In 1027 by the now Beaaa Reardoa a . The Phil- “ You Can Depend Upon Carter” than the la the sixth frame, walking four Arthir Drag Storas at .918. KeU, sldsllned with a groin defunct Horse Review of Chicago. ^ ^ lies' f i g h t e r ’s "YourStof««f FfiMMiy fhen in a row. This combined, Injury, dropped down from tUrd Even 26 years later most of the first name is Casimir, but he pre­ with a wild pitch, gave Frankie's FREE 8RADIN8 • TERMS ARRAN8ED ns his average tailed off two excuses still can be heard around fers to be called Jim. Stnrlc*” taro Insurance runs and a final 5 points. Mantle, an even AM bat­ harness tracks ’after a losing Q. what is the origin of Casey lowest-priced to 3 lead. • EXPERIENCE ter last week, taeked 18 polata effort. For instance: Stengel’s nickname? Metlvler. waa the game's big FREE ESTIMATES oato his average with a 18-for-88 Too Highly Touted: Use this A. The New York Yankee man­ ■ticker, belting out three hits In showing. CAU. 5M0 one when you refuse 12,000 for ager derived tbs tag because he tltfee trips to the plsUf. Manor ASH FOR POWER ROUsEO SINCE 1921. ' Washington’s Jackie Jensen and him the day before his race and oomes from Kansas City—KC. PHONE 4148 cars! I Sortstop C^rl Black hammered Gene Wpodling of the New York can't sell him for 1200 the day Q. How did Satchel Paige come < lit two hits while Seader's and Yankees are tied for sixth at .914, after It. by his nickname? ROY KNOFLA fbllowod by Dom DUlagglo of auakas's home runs played ■ Forget It Was Race Day: A pat A. Players gave the ancient St. Boston wrlth .919, Cleveland’s Dale ; g part la the game. IN5URANCE excuse when your boy baits the LauIs Americans’ relief pitcher the Mitchell, AOS, and Chicago out- Off EB v«n v ^ r D P—cftpttowm horse with a pack of carrots, six moniker because his feet aiqiear as SOLIMENE COAST TO COAST flslder Ed Stewart, .894. quarts of oajta and two pails of large as suitcases. ARTHUR Vic Worts, s lu in g outfielder .DTCORFORATED DEMAiO BROS. water Just btfore his race. New York— (NEA) — First A 6 K N C Y o f the , is the A L’s Owner Hangs Around Stable home run leader with 16. Flunk Gifford, new backfield Open IM ly 7 A. M. te 8 P. M. itwork broadcast of a horse race Too Much; When t)^ old gent In­ man for the New York football 434 CMtar StiWf ffaa in 1993. when Graham Me- Jackie Robinson, Brooklyn sec- sists on biting his llngerpaila Giants, made 64 of 79 conversions Inotodlng Wednesday AttetaesM <«2mee de.scribed the internation- CALL ANYTIME 7691 «ud baseman, dropped t o . third ground tbs staQ door. last SMUott for the University of aadSatBiday if match between Zev and Papy- from Ids National League run- Tbrsw a Shoe; Cfpod even It bi^ Soutiknn Califopua. e ]

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN« TUESDAY. JULY 8.1962 PAGE ELEVEN P A G E T E N MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, JULY S, 1052 Hooms for Rent 65 Hd > for Bala 72| Lets for Sale 73 AutoRiobilcs for Sale AatoRioUles for Sale H oascheld WerTltd s Help Waatad—PtBMla IS Htip Wsat8d—Msls M P laM OBdi -W stcliM • Hottwhold Goois II Coventry Man Is Drowned Offend IS-A Jtw c ln r 48 SEVEN ROOM furntrhed house for CAPE COD, Six finished room* TWO ACRES Home site* hard * e Appeals g e n a t o r G a i n s Classifitd SUMMERTIME VALUES DeCORMTER MOTOR WANTIU)—8 yoimg glrie to train PART TIME collector for Man- BENDIX Economat washer, used I rent. Modem conveniences. Phone hot water'heat, two fuU Ule road, electricity, beautiful view. Ride In Comfort SALES, Inc. FLAT FINISH Holland window for preaa work. Apply 284 H art­ cheater and Rockville, nmnUily LEONARD W. TOST. Jewelar, re- one year. Bxoallent condlUoii, 880. K ^ v iU e 9-4881. iMkth* acreena and storm win­ 11 miles from downtown ahadsa mada to meaanre. AO ford Roa* payment aceount* Average about ' mUr* adjuats watehas axpertly. Phone 3-0807. dows,, near schools and stores, Manchester, $500. .Owner, tele­ Before Eyes of Wife^ Son 1892 Plymouth” Cranbrook 4-Dr.— r or i cac0 Tn# *1^. • • Adwrtisefflenb SAYS: "Excellent values at metal venaUan Minds a t a aaw SHIRT PIUB8S operator, lira day 169 per month commiarione for RaaaonaMa price* Open dnUy. bn bus line. Cail 8886 between 2 phone WUllmantle 3-3567. No Radio, heater custom soat eevara. tow price.. Keys mada whlla you •n few houre daily in your epare Thumday avsnlng* 138 Sprues Suburban for Rant 66 and 7 p. m. agents. CLASSinSD ADVT. the best terms — AJl makes weak. Experience not neceaeary. BBNCtAL APARTMENT siaa gaa Kagleville, July 8—(Special) — from sight. The whirlpool formed 1891 Chevrolat Stylellne 4-Dr.— and models.” aralt MarioW** time. For Information photM atraat Phona 8-4887. VENTRY—Apartment and cot­ First Decision DEPT. HOURS: Apply In person. New Model atove. n o n e 9678. .... 3 MANCHESTER --Bentoa street. FOR SALE or exchange, large While his wife end 8-year-old son by the giuhtng waters made res­ InGOPFUe Black, htater. Low mllaage. Laundry 78 Summit street. Hartford 6-8848. tages for rent. Harrington'* 1,000 8:15 A. M. to 4:80 P. M. See These Today Charming six-room dwslling, in shaded building lots at the green. watched In horror, a South Cov­ cue attempts difficult. 1990 Chrysler Windsor Club Coupe B s ild ln f—CoiBtnctlBg 14 APPUCA'nONS BsasciMid Goods 51 fect east of Hayloft. excellent condition. First floor, Wm. Kanehl. Phone 7778. entry man woa swept to bis death Pirsmen from WiUlmantIc and (Oaetlaaad fraaa Fege Om ) j Herbert Hoover tonight in a par- Gray, radio, heater, new tires.' RELIABLE OIRL for checking In Mschinery and Toob 52 last night beneath the raging Baxlaville worked until a late (OoaUnned fram Fage Om ) NEW f o r IMMEDIATE dry cleaning plant; Includes some aceeptad for -Orocery, Meat and three lo\-eIy room* second floor, Loulalana and Texas—Including 901*^^**^^ "J****** COPY CLOSING TIME Pre-Fab houaea, cottagea, ga- Produce Clerka in Hartford and AN oppoRTimmr t h a t FOR SALE—Building lot* busl- waters of a factory raceway. )M>ur lost night before the body 1990 Ford DeluXa V-8 4-Dr.~Ra­ DELIVERY ragas, utility bulldlnga, road stands. counter and clerical work. Oood USED REX Cement mixer, hay- ISumiper Homes for Rent 67 three gt>od-slsed bedrooms and tion la aa good aa hi* geared up Taft nran ware harrad from the Gov. John 8. FOR CLASSIHED ADVT. dio, heatar, dark blue. Low mile­ Maneheatar on full-time beaie, COMES ONCE IN A LIFETIME! tile )>ath. Also nice large front neae and rasidentisi; E. J, Mor­ Arthur Webb, 44, employed by the was recovered. It was finally Laka and short cottages. Summer hours. Apply In person. Maple loader, rakea, aide rakes, mow-. larty, tel. 7395. Starling Shoe Fiber Company hero secured with the aid of grappling hia bandwagoa today for a power­ convention yesterday from voting 1 y*"'"- “ ,’^***?j ol.. •!. age. Two only — one gray — one MANY BENEFITS: FAMILY MOTINO TO era, culSvatora, plows, h^nowa, | f o UR ROOl^ cottage at Stafford- porch and basement garage. Oil house drive aimed at a tecond bal­ on any aeating contesta until their told friends he ^ campa built for year around uea. Dry Claanars, 72 Maple street LOS ANOELE8, CALIFORNIA was t)u» victim of' a freak drown­ Irons. Ajoa a t the scene were . MON. THRU PRI. green. The all new Willys Paid Holldaya, Pension Plan, spreaders, tractor* caterpillar vine Lake. All electric and heat, fireplace, storm window* CHOICE Home aitea, 190’ x 300’ on lot victory. own statue ie decld«l finally. ,» presidential boom ^?r MacAr- 1949 Chrysler Windsor 4-Dr.—Ra­ Built to comply with all local build­ MUST SELL THEIR lam R E privata beach, $90 weekly. Call ing accident. # trno|>ers from State Police bar­ 10:80 A.M. dio, heater, black. Premium tires. Aero Cars. The car of the fu­ ing coda regulations In your town TWO WOMEN for laundry work. Five Day Weak, Hospitalixatloii, 82. Simplicity aqulpmaat. Xarms. screens and awnings. Bntirs black road. Baautiful ohade trees, A company-laeued statement racks at Stafford Springs. The Ohioan argued that the Taft Rulea Comniltlee ‘hur In th i convention. he)M or city. Apply In person. Naw Modal HOME OF FURNITURE. AT A Dublto Tractor Co., North Wind­ 3-9712 8 to 10 p.' m. or 3 to 6 p. house spotless. Nicely landscap­ strength he showed .after iefua- Although Taft waa beaten 698 Pheyrlng for the keynoter, SATURDAY 0 A. M. I94S Chrysler Royal Club Coups— ture here today. Good Starting Wage, LOW PRICE ta-mlle above Route 6 on Wales aald that Webb, with two other Mrs. Winnie (Hsriow) Webb, Laundry, 73 Summit atraat. ham Road, WUllmontlc 8-3217. m. ed lot. Shown by appointment only. Road, east of Manchester, 8900 employe* bad been working on a and her son Arthur, Jr., only mo­ Ing to duck yeslafday'a losing to 548 on that lasua by a coalition The Rapubitcana showed by a DarkDayk green, radio, haater, new USED SELECTED CARS BUILT-RITE Group Inaurance, Sick BenaSt* CAN BE PimCHASED For further information call, fight with Blaenhnwer's shock of Ibaanhowar'a supporters and; ftvc-mlnute ovation at tha atari, tires. CONSTRUCTION CO. CLEANING Woman for offica, ON EASY MONTHLY TERMS ICAPB COD.' Maaa.—Four roome, for July. Owner Mfnehester 8837. water wheal, Tha South Coven­ ments before the accident, had tO VU CNWraRATION WILL 1960 WILLYS STATION VaeaUon With Pay Alice caampet. Realtor; 2-4548, try man had gods down to the teen talking with Webb. The troops over national convention backara of other candidates, he \ that they think the general i* e BB APTREdlATED WAGON 87 MarMa St.. Maneheatar, Conn. Wednesday afternoon* Cell 3- CAN BE STORED UNTIL Wanted—To Buy 58 oil convenlancea, July 13 to 18., or 2-0880. Other liatlnga avail­ delegate contesta, "practloally bounced back to capture control; great man. 1947 Chrysler Windsor Club Coups Evenings 2-0099 3808. Apply on Wedneeday. between n e e d e d i f n e c e s s a r y wheel to free It from atlcka which factory ia located but a short dis­ —Extra nice clean car. -One 4 cyl. Excellent. 8:00 A. M. a ^ 6:00 P. M. At |60. (toll 4843. able. Resort Property For Stle 74 had become Jammed in the device. tance across Pins Lake, where guarantees try nomination." at tha convention's .credentials; Sen. Taft haa aald te would be Office Hours 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. CAN BE PURCHASED WANTED—Used furniture. Uy- David 8. Ingalls, tha Senator's owner, All new tires. Low mils- 1948 WILLYS STATION WHOLE OR PART I COTTAGE For rent at Olant'a Ruskell W. Htnman, aecretary- Webb made hta home at Pina Lake oommlttea. This group named for-{ glad to have MacAiUiur aa hU DIAL 5121 aga, Monday thru Friday APPUCATIONS A A P SUPER MARKET ing room, bedroom, kitchen or NEW HOMES. Two and three ANDOVER LAKBl—"Hideout" 8- campaign manager, Insisted tha mar Rap. Roaa Rislay of Oklaho­ vice presidential running mats. WAGON accepted for Orooarv, Meat and ONLY 8 MONTHS OLD entire households. Lat us moke Neck, six rooms, nlodem, avail- troasurar of the firm, told authorl- Shores. 7n moat caaea bulidinga are com- 176 Weahington Street bedroom* HaUi'n Brother* 2- room cottage. Cobblestone fire­ tlas that a temporary water gate Hie. body was taken to the Taft-men's showing of power In ma, a Taft backer, as its chairman. Sen. Homer Capehart of Indiana 1946 Olds 66 Cli|b Coupe—Radio, Only $796. Only $245 down. Produce aerka in Hartford area Hartford, Conn. GUARANTEED IJKB NEW you an offir, Tha Woodshed. able July 37 'til Septsmbrs. Call 9231. place, screened front porch, rear that opening skirmlah Justified hia Soma Elacnhowtr leaders feared heater, new aeat^ covers.- plated and ready for occupanev In and Manchester, on full-tlma basis. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT 3-2130. broke.open and tons of awlrlihg Avery Memorial Funeral Home in told reporters he thinks the ticket Loot oad Poand DREAM BOAT SPECIAL a weak or ten daya. Phona 2-8727. Phone 2-SlS* terrace. Completely fumlahed. water poured Into the raceway, WUllmantle. Funeral arrangement chlers dacislon to risk tha early the conunltta# would bring back will te Taft and MacArthur. 1941 Plymouth Special Deiuxa 4- MANY BENEFITS: ANT DAY OR EVENING ROCKVILLE— Good Investment. Including electric stove and re test. to tha convention -pouibly today 1947 CADILLAC CONV. Help W anted— PHONE MR. ALBERT •WANTED —Deep well .electric I f o u r r o o m Cottage, all con- engulfing Webb qnd carrying him are not yet complete. Elsenhower and Taft leaders 'LOOT—Man> wriat watch, MIdO' Or. Radio, heater. All good Paid Holidays, Pension Plan. Three-family house, 9-9 and 3. frigerator. Ideal private location. Taft Eases. Pace but more likely tomorrow a re­ were revising their strategy as a • CLUB Roofing—Siding 16 HARTFORD 8-0358 water pump. Chll Glastonbury venienco* at Coventry Lake for Lot 190 X 310. Only 87,900. llultlfort, 0>aded, gorgeous black. GREAT EASTERN COnatructlon Oood su itin g Wage. Lot conaist of— 19th. Phone 4099. thia evening at 7:30 at the funeral bulk Jf the contested delegates. rules change. ward. Your Chryaler-Plymouth Dealar Model 62. Only $1,696. owawaaw *v WB8*«V8^ OF 81,416 per year. First floor occu­ child, Sr., Realtor, 7929 or here, achedullng only the masting Thay promlaad a bristling floor Co., Home remodeling speclallata. Group Insurance, Sick Beneflta, two men or women interacted in Deluxe "Phllco'' Electric Refrig­ 3-0796. home. Burial will hr Thursday Sen. William Knowland of Cali­ COVENTRY LAKE—Four room pancy. Price only 811,900. aflerhoon In Charles Ryans Ceme­ with the Minnesotans and the pro. fight in that event. LOST — PASS BOOK No. 68973. BROWN-BEAUPRE, Inc. 1941 PONTIAC CONV, Residential and commercial roof­ Vacation With Pay learning profitable naw bualneaa. erator. "Bengal',* combination RooniB Witboot Board 69 Schwarts Real Eriate, 8274 Obituary Taft Utah delegation this morn­ fornia said the vote doesn't elimi- ing, aiding, gutters and Itadara, Range, Beautiful Modern Bed­ eottoge. Juat like your own home. tery, Reading. Ps, Tha ' feuding factions forgot nats the possibility of a darklwrte Notice la hereby given that Paaa 30 BUaall Rtieet Phone 7181 COUPE Apply on Wednesday, between Above average earnings. Apply ATTRACTIVE Room for couple. Hartford 9-9188, ing, after the rogular morning their dlfferoncee temporarily last combination aluminum storm win­ in person, 24 Oak street. Great room Suite. Handsome 3 pc. Liv­ Ntcriy furnished, modem conven­ S ab arb u for Sal* 75 nomination, lie is supporting GoY. Book No. 68973, iaaued by The Fully equipped. $396. 8:00 A. M. and 6:00 P. M. At Complete light housekeeping fa­ iences, private sandy beach, Imat. strategy meeting with hia atafif. night to thunder approval of Mac- Savinga Bank ot Vancheater haa 1941 0LD8M0B1LE convertible, dow* "We Make Youa Hoiita A Itoatern Construction Co. ing Room Suite, 9 pc. Nationally 83 VIEW STREET—Immaculate He called off itla usual morning Arthur's call for a GOP crusade Ba^l Warron of OallfornI* . 6 cylinder. Price 1279. Call 2- • TRUCK SPECIAIJt Homa", .24 Oak street. Phones Known Dinette Set, ‘’Mohawk’’ cilities available. Central loca­ Covenetry ’7-6829. FIVE Room house, 20 acres of Deaths 'Tha latest Aenociated Proas been loat and application haa A * P SUPER MARKET tion. Mrs Jerome, 14 Arch street, four room Cape Cod. Two land at Comer ot Carter and Fuss on Note news conference.. . against steering America Into "a 1406. ONE 1946 WILLYS UNIV. 8871 or 8303. Bert Undaay. 176 Washington Street WANTED—Counter Help. Night Axmlnater Ruga, Inlaid Linoleum, years old. Rough flooring _com- RIsewItera at tha convention tabulation of delegates glvaa Taft been made to aald bank for pay­ ■ JEEP "Emerson" Telavialon Set, "Unl- first floor. Volpa Road, Bolton. . aoclaliatic or avtn later a Com­ ment of the amount of depoait. Hartford, Conn. work. 6 p. m. to 2 a. m. No ex­ Wanted to Rent 68 plet:d on second. floor. Hot water Nursery Foreman site Gov. Theodora McKaldin of munistic atata." 534, Elasnhower 429, other candiT- Buy A "One Owner Car” Very solid. WE SPECIALIZB. In rooBng and perience neceaeary. Apply Norm's Deluxer Washer, Lamna, oil heat, recessed radiation, tils COVENTRY---Year 'round flve- Baffles Youth Maryland todav happily tackled • Hoover Talk# Tonight dates )31 and leaves 113 uneom- LOST — PASS BOOK No. SSIOIS. aiding. Highest Quality mS' WANTED—Office clerk. Perma­ Drive-In, 932 Middle Turnpike ST End Tables, CocktaU Table, WANTED—3 or 4 furnished rooms bath, storm windows and screens. key task at the Republican con. Preiealdent mittad. Easy Terms 1948 FORD Vt TON PICKUP tariats. Workmanship guaran. nent poeitkm with pational con­ Picture* FURNISHED Room to rant tor room modem expandable home. They will hear former Notice la hereby given that Paaa Emrt. couple. Phone 6613. by young store exemitive and Nlce_nelghbqrhood, handy to bu* Porch, automatic heat, hot Stricken in Field vention writing tha speech In a ' Book No. SSIOIS, iMued' by The 1990 Chavrolet 2-Dr.-^Radla, hpat- All new tires. taad. A. A. Dion, Ino., 288 Autumn cern. Work coiMlaU of balancing A—L—B—E—R—T—'—8 wife. No children. Excellent ref- which he will offer Elsenhower's atraat *^ns 4860. raporU, Sling and learn bookkeep­ 43 ALLYN ST.. HARTFORD store and new school. Owner water. Lot OO* x 100'. Lake prlvl Local Boy Sayt Letter Savinga Bank of Ifanchaater haa tr, black. Low mileagt, 1946 FORD V, TON PICKUP ATTRACnVB Room for business erencae. Phone Mr. Oddi, 3-4838. '.transferred. Immediate sale legea. Owner. Coventry 7-6883. name for presidential nomination ing machine operation. No tjrping. Sltuatloas Wantod—Msl« 39 Open Any Eve. By Appointment Even aa McKeldIn went to work, been lost and application hea 184S Chevrolet H-Ton Pick-up-.^ Very good, FOR OU.VRANTKBD Roofs that woman. Centrally located. Kitch­ wanted. Exclusive with Elva Peter Tabako of 9 Buckland .AI To Marine* Not Re- been made to eaid bank for pay­ Clean, Low mileago. • H. J. Habix Co.. 870 Tolland en prlvllegea, if desired. Call $50 REWARDl Couple with well- ANDOVER— Immediate occupen' ley, off North School street, a there were rumbitnp from 1 ion stay on In any kind of etorm. and street. East Hartford. Phona Mr. YpUNO MAN with power mow­ COMBINATION behaved 5 year old daughter urg­ Tyl*r. 2-4469. quett to Join Corp* minority in the Maryland dalaga. Weddings I i ment of the amount of depoait. 1891 Mercury Sport Sedan— AS IS SPECIALS gutters, conductors and roof ra­ 4331 after 5 p. m. cy, 4 tv rooms, fully Insulated,'oil foreman at the Vanderbrook Nur­ Lavoie. Hartford 8-6824 for ap­ er deelree to mow lawii* Vlcla- ently need 4 or 9 room unfurnish­ 8JX ROOM Cape Cod, 8% years tion against tha strong hand ba Radio, heater. Only 8,,000 mllaa. palra, Call Coughlin 7707. Ity of Garden street Phona 8892 HEATER - FANS steam heat, garage, large lot. series on- Lydall street for 20 White-Skinner Don't Mlaa This One! 1940 CHEVROLk:T SEDAN pointment. ROOM FOR RENT with kitchen ed apa'tment. Phone 2-9065. old. Aluminum storm windows lake privllegaa, 86,300. Coventry years, became 111 while working A bewildered 19 year old youth haa displayed In Its actions. PWMNialS Full price $06. after 3:30 p. m. privileges. Inquire 188 Majile and screens, \enetlan blinds, lUiuls E. Lamprecht of 112 Spen^ CoAipiaInts against McKaldIn's Turned in 1840 Packard 4-Dr.—Gray, heatar. MANCHESTER — RooSng and RELIABLE Olri for stock room, Were 118.95 — NOW $ ll8 8 YOUNG couple desires 4'or 5 room 7-6800. with a crew in a- field at the north leadership of tha Maryland dale Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. SkinMr, s e d a n Siding Co. Also all types of paint. street. ideally situated. CaU 7932 for ap­ end of Slater, atreet yasterday cer street, son of Mrs. Jessie Lam'' TRB PROSPBCr Hill School for 1847 Dodge 4-Dr. Deluxe S edan- 19.17 PONTIAC Including part time coimtar work, Excellent Selection of 4 unfumlslied apartment or house. BOLTON phecht, waa baffled this morning gatinn came from Ren. John Maf. Sr., of 869 Middle turnpike east, young children wilt reopeh Mon­ Full price $06. Ing and carpentry work. Guaran­ pointment. and disappeared. shall Butler and other memtera announce the marriage of their Radio, heater, green. Clean ear. 9^4 day week. Steady employ­ D ogs—Birds—P e ts 41 PORCH AND LAWN TWO ROOM furnished apartment. No children. Manchester or After about two hours ona of aa to how the U. S. Marine Corps day, Sapt. i. • Traneportatlen teed ^ rk . Phone 2-8938 for free ment. Numerous baneflts. Apply Adults only. Inquire 10 Depot clnlty. Plione Hartford . 8-4131 ALL NEW HOMES favorable to Taft. By Perlman daughter, Laurine Ann,' to Uoi^ 1848 Chavrolet Town Sedan- Ra­ aatl mates. ’ f u r n it u r e AVF.RY .STREET, South Windsor the workmen who was looking for Interpreted a letter ho had written fumlabcd. Mrs. Lela Tybur, direc­ dio, heatar, black. Perfect con- See These Today At In person only. Manchester Coat, Square, Apartment 4. . daya, Mr. Oushing. —Juat over Manchester, town McKeldln'a new rola anda Rusoell White, ion of the late Mr. FOR SALE —Part toy Ootile pupe. . Lakefront—An Ideally situated him, found him unconscious in a that said he was "sick, and tired of and Mre. John White ot Roeheatar, tor, Phone 3-S767. ’ ditlon. DeCORMIER MOTOR Apron. Towel Supply Oo„ 73 Sum­ line. High elevation with good immllltary life," to metA he waa montha-long guessing game In tha (Oontlnned from Fage One) mit atraet. Call 7163 after 9 p. m. LARGE Furnlsiied room with HAN AND WIFE in early flftlea summer home. Priced st 88,750. shack on' the nursery property. Taft-Rlaenhower duel. Once for N. H. BAUUARiyS Driving School. Man SALES, Inc. Rfw niig 16-A CHAMBERS desire 3, 4 room unfurnished view. Owner haa accepted posi­ Four Room Ranch — No base­ He was given first aid by Patrol­ looking for special permission to Taft, he had warmed up to Risen The double-ring ceremony was SOLIMENE, Inc. twin bed* Hot water. Near bus tion out of state and offenr for Join ths corpa. In fact, he doesn't I have come to the conclualon that chastar'a oldaat. ‘niousanda of 24 Maple St. Tel. 8854 SALESLADY wanted part time. FURNITURE line. Gentleman preferred. Five apartment and garage. Write C ment; lot is 100 X 300, tile bath man Joseph Sartor and was rC' hower but never would say flatly Reformed Sundiy, June 1 in Slms- Dodge-Plymoiith Cars ROOFING—Spaclallalng in repair­ IRISH TERRIER, 1 % years old. first time for early occupancy this moved to Manchester Memorial roraemter the exact conteijbs of my eervtce In my preeent office accident free instruction hours. / Manchester ing roofs of all kinds. Also naw Apply in person only. Smart At the Oreen minute# to Depot Squar#. Inquire F. O'Brien. 263 Broadway, Nor­ oil lieat. Readv to move into. Priced which of tha two ha favored for jury Methodtet Church by the oas-- Hundreda of aatiaSed atudenta. Job-Rated. Trucks' Fine watch dog. Call 2-2806. spacious honrvs on half acre beau­ at 19,900 with a good mortgage Hospital but was dead on arrival. his letter which reached the U. S. nomination. ehould come to an end." tor, Rev. F. M. Baas. The bridal at- roofs. Outtar work. Cblmneya Draaa Shop, 1018 Main street. Open 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. 116 North Sehobl #treet, or call wich, Conn. Phone 9-0582, te- Police reported his death due to Tor appointment telephone I- 834 Center Street 8398. t(»-een 6-7 p. m. collect. ^ tifully landackped plot. ThMe available. Marine Headquarters In Washing­ Perlman had served ae acting tsndants were MIee Shirley Hay­ Anto AcccBMiiMb—TIrM f cleaned, repaired. 26 years' ex grounds should capture the atten-* natural cauaea. ton, but assured his mother he wan Attorpey General during the S368. Phone 6101 or 6102 perirnoe. Free eatimatee. Call HIOH SCHOOL girl as mother's Evenings 7:30 to 8:30 Four rooms down, apace for two den of Mancheeter and John Oole< haipar two or three morning.* a Poultry and Supplies 43 FRONT BEDROOM, twin bed#. # tion of Garden Club memterr. Born in Poland about 59 yeara only seeking military pictures for Public Rccorilg period between the time J. Howard man of Simebury. $2 DOWN—$2 W e e k l y Howlay. Manchester 9861. Bnsiness Property Summer house to rear of grounds up. Slab construction. Tile bath, nil ago, Tabako had been a resident RID B. WANTED from vicinity Safe Place To Buy Used Cars tak^s home a Worcester Power weak. Ona who likes children. KENMORB Washing machine. Convenience* Centrally located. heat, large lot. Priced at 810,500. his hobby, a collsctlon of photos McGrath wae oueted from office The bride wore a royal blue suit, Middle Turnpike Bast and Legion Phona 2-8880. YOUNG Roasting chickens, ready Chef gas atove. Reaaon­ Phone 6872. ^ For Sale 70 has loft, concrete floor, and va.'y of this country for many years. that cover the walla of his bed­ April 8 end McGraneiy took over. trimmed with white, white accea- 1848 DODGE Wayfarar two-door for the oven. Also live weight. Five room ranch with full base­ He leaves hia motbar, Mr* Agnas Warrantee Deeds Road to Park and Laurel Strseta, Mower, famous BriggSrStrat- HcatlRt—n«Bibiiig 17 able. Call 2-1827. large stone fireplace. Dwelling hae room. Leas than a month ago. Me- sorlei and white orchid corsage. Hartford Srst shift. Gall 3-lt80. atdan. Oraan. A raal baautiful ton motor. No week-end orders taken after LARGE ROOM for couple or two FOR SALE ' fireplace in llvin.g room and stone ment. Efficiency kitchen. Hie )isth, Tabako in Poland; * slater, Mrs A news rele**« carried on the, Alfred C. Oates and Dorothea M. Granery announced that three of Her maid of honor wore a Bpwder car, with only 20,000 mllaa. 8a«< C. O. LORENTZBN. AlteraUons, R«lp |7mt«6—Malt 36 6 p. m. Friday's. Arnold Nelson, Wfe BUY and aall good uaad fnnil- women, kitchen privilege#. In­ fireplace In flniahed recreation oil heat, oak floors. 812,500 for Konstanty Jakalna of Naw Brit national wire of the Associated Gates to Arthur C. England, Jr blue suit, rad and white acceeeartes TIRE SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY this one. and Victoria M. England, proper hta clx aaaiatant Attorneya Gen­ MAN WITH know how desires In- this ona today at Bob Ollvar'a, Flreatone, U. 8.. Goodyear copper water pljltng New work. 737 Lydall street. Phone 8806. tur* combination rangaa. - gas quire 140 Garden Drive after rooms, attached garage, amesite •in; and a niece and three nyph- Preen early today stated Louis eral had reaigned. They were H. and a apring corsage. Followiiig a voetmeat capital for new enter 461 Main atraat S.00 X 16-810.99 34-hour service. Manchester 3686 EXPERIENCED SET-UP rangaa and heatar* Jonea Fural- 4:80 p. m. or anytime Saturday. with some furniture and fixtures driveway, 250-foot artesian well, Another Five Room Rsneh. Full ews. , wanted to Join the Marines, but ty on South Main street, Graham Moriaon, head of the anti­ motor trip through the White prise. Write Boa Q, Herald. BROAD BREASTED bronxa tur- turs Stars. 86 Oak. Phona 3-1041. nsw 500-gallon septic tank and basement, large porch on rear of Funeral services will be held to­ Arthur C. England, Jr„ and Vie Mountains and othsr parta of Hew 1881 MODEL A Ford convcrtibla. 6.70 X 18—812.86 kaya. Fresh frozen. Ready any­ tor combination of guest house and he denies his written intentions trust division; Harold I. Baynton, Ail Other Slaea At Sale Price# FOR GUARANTEED. Fast Serv­ draina,ge teds, screens, storm house, oil heat Sensibly priced at morrow morning at 8:80 at the were such. As for the letter. Louis torta M. Fkigland to Vincent Cal head of tha alien iwoperty office, Hampeliire, Mr, and Mra. White Excallrnt running condition, 8125. ice. plumbing and baating re LATHE OPERATOR time. 8 to 22 lbs. Schaub’s Tur­ OLBNWOOD Combination Stove ROOM FOR gentleman. Privata Snack Bar, alao very suitable for 813,700. Leclere Funeral Home, 28 Main andra and Loulqe Calandr* prop­ are occupying an apartment at 80 AoteaioMIds f«r Salt Gall 2-3931 morning#. Budget U Daairad, 50c Weekjy windows snd weather stripped said he haa written reveral seek- nnd William A. Underhill, chief of pairs. Altaratlona or naw work, key Farm. 188 Hillatown Road. —Oil and gas. 2>4 years old. home, quiet area. 89 Holl ttre e t ' Antique Shop. Beautifully altu- dooiw; Price 817i500. Henry Es- street, and a solemn high Mass inlg photos, for hin rollectlon, but erty on Deepwood drive. the londe dlvieion. Bellmora drive. West HarUord, COLE MOTORS call Skellay Brothers, 1 Walnut TOOL MAKERS Call 8348 or. 20 Middle turnpike sted on an acre of land on a main colt Agency, 266 High etreet T. J. CROCKETT will follow at 9 a. m. In St. Bridg' Frencis A. Kaslauskes end Mary The 63-year-old Perlman, a n*. and are now at home to their COUNTRY OVERHEAD BEFORE YOU Buy a uaad >iar west. Phone Office 9416 et'a Church. Burial will te in he didn't even receive an answar Kazlauskas to Wesley C. Gryk at# Gorman Motor Balaa. Bulek street Telaphor.e 2-8714. Apartments—Flats— Connecticut highway. The house West. 'Tel. Manchester 3683. from the Marines. tive of Baltimore, Md., had bean friends, calsoservicenter , Are you tired of heavy traffle, Articles for Sale 45 ‘ Residence 3791 St. Bridget's Cemetery. end Anthony J. Gryk, property on In tha Juatice Department for Tha bride attended Maneheatar MEANS BIG SAVINGS Salaa and Sanriea, 888 Mala 91 and 436 Center Street EFFICIENT Plumbing and hast­ parking .problems and long rides to INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER • Tenements 63 haa good old "Cape Cod” lines, 0 MANCHESTER—Ranch home (30’ Friends may call at the funeral His mother says she doesn't Apel place. High School and is smployad by atraat. Pheaa 8-4871. Opan ava- FREEZER. Inquire 2481- Fern BOLTON LAKE- Attractive flve- mow anything about the letter and five years. He waa widely recog­ See Our*Larga Selection Of ing. nuggad drains machine work 7 If you live In Manchaeter, 80% OFF on famous make Bat- rooms with 2 large fire placea of X 38’) wjth cellar and attic, 3 bed­ home until 9 o'clock thia afternoon Louise Rinonds to Pauline ths PhoenU Mutual Life Insuranca nlaga. 2-0980—4164—4165 taria* Written guarantees. $1.00 etreet. ONE-ROOM Furniihed Apart­ room lakefront year 'round dwell­ and from 7 to 9 o'clock this eve­ Le at a loan for an explanation. One nized aa one of the top trial at. New and Uaad Cars Today cleaned. Phone 6487, or vkHnlty. wa can eliminate these ment. Working couple only. Call graceful shape with wide, selected rooms, living room with fireplace, ing with three bedrooms, ftro- Emonds, property on ‘ Joseph torneyd In the country. Company. The bridegroom attend­ problems. Come In and talk It over. down, $1.00 weekly. Ckleo Serv- kitchen, dinette, side porch off liv­ ning. fact remains certain—Loula lan't •treet. ed high ochobl In Rochester, H. M.. We Trade Wild 1890 CHEVROLET Deiuxa club ^otorcycie^BIcy^ 11 leentcr. Tet. 4164, 4169 or 2-0080. THAYER Baby carriage. Good 2-3715 after 6 p. m .. Stone shelves. What a setting for place, hot water oil heat, acreenc, joining the Marines'. He Just wants Argued Steel Case HEATINO From A to Z. Con We have a 90-98 hour week. Paid ' condition, 818, Baby car bed, 88. ing room overlooking brook, hot Stephen D, Pearl to William He arguad many of tha govern and Is presently employed aa a qv# IMS Dodge—Radio and heater, Z aadan. Radio, haatar, 8I|lignal version bumara, bollar-bumar an Antique Shop! storm windows, nicely landscap­ Mr* HaroM W. Klttredge to find a part-time Job to take up driver by the Connecticut Oi)m- lights, aeat covara. Raal elaan e La r g e c h il d 's t r ic y c l e _ Insurance, holidays and vacation. U)AM, Dark rich cultivated Orade M. W. wringer t y ^ washer, 3 Business Locations water baseboard radiation with ed lot. Shown by appointment Hensel, property on Woodland ment’a coses tefore the 'U. S. door duuxa. Low mileago. A Wg Oood condition. 810.00. Phone unit* eomplata hasting a.yatsms. Low price for Unmediate sale. Mrs. Minnie A. Klttredge, 67, of hin apnre time, and add to that fine ear. 8ea "Pata” at Clark# Motors. No. 1. 8.7 cu. yard. Grade No. 8. year# old. Excellent condition. For Rent oil burner,, all copper plumbing, only. Alice Clampet, Realtor. Wildwood road, Slmsburyi wife of street. Supreme Court. But none of p*«y- ______^ ■avlog. 6944. All work guaranteed. Tithe pay- 64 laundiy tubs, hatchway, combina­ collection of his. Jacob Suchansky and Susanna these cases, waa aa aenaational aa menla arranged. Morlarty Broth­ WILCO MACHINE TOOL 88 cu yard. Delivered In truck Set tubs with faucets included, |9,000 cash required. Phone 2-4943, or 2-0880. Harold W. Klttredge, died at the Dodga Coronet Pordor Sedan PETE DANZIOBR’8 Paraonally loa.d lota. Screened sand and all 880. Phone 4807. STORE SPACE available 30’ x 20’. tion aluminum pcreens and storm Suchansky to Raymond E. 8tew- that involving theiBtcet Induatry'a ISSa aelactad uaad car# at Clark# 1845 HARLBY-DAVIDSON motor ers. Tel. 9188. COMPANY Hartford Hospital. Monday night. art and Vera A. Stewart, property Elect Miss Jensen —gyromatio transmlaaion, fully cycle, model "48". Inquliw 38 ■Isae atone delivered. Order now. Oood #ixe parking area. 240 Broad WILLIAM' RUBINOW windows, lot 105 X 150; with shade Wanted—Real Estate 77 She was formerly a resident of this complaint that Truman violated aquippod. An aaceUent buy. New ' Motor Salaa, 301 Broad atraat Sunaet etreet, or phone 8708. PLUMBINO and beating. Furn­ 30 Grandview Street Nuasdorf Construction Co. Phone •treet. tre«i. Price $14,500. Henry Es- town and Hartford. Hospital (Notes on Birch street. the Constitution In seising tha na. ear guarantea. Open aveninga 'til 8. 3408. 1090 ROPER OAS atove. Must sell cott Agency. 3683. WANTED—Your property to sell. Andrew Ansaldl to Peter De Pa- tion'a steal mills. President of Club ace* oil burners and boiler* Earl 843 Main St., Manchester She was a member of the South rolls, property on Wstherell atreet, Van Camp. Tel. 8-8844. Talepkone 8-1266 immediately. Phone 2-2442. Reliable buyers waiting with cash Congregational Church, Hartford, Perlman argued that the Con ISM Dodge Coronet Diplomat F sedan, heater, radio, overdrive. 1937 DeSoto 4-Door. Call Jbnaa Fumitura and Floor good condition. Call 2-0182 after mediata occupancy. For appoint­ thr rreditora wtihin which to brlna in Thursday afternoon. Burial will be Very caan. |i,098 Low down dona on any furniture. Tiamami, FOR ment please call Howard R. Hast' with Schwartz Real Estate. Man­ their rlalma afalnat aalG eatate. and In the Buckingham Congregation­ St. Margaret’s Circle, Daughters ' Covering. 36 Oak. TaL 8-1041. 6 p. m. chester 8274, or Hartford 5-5138. the aald admlnlatratrlx la directed to payment Balance 24 months. 188 South Mala atraat. Pbona Ings. Phone 2-1107. ive public notice to the creditora to al Cemetery In Glastonbury. Five Year I^ase of Isabella, will have a meeting | Cble Motors 4164. BALCH PONTIAC. Inc. 5841. DRY CLEANING ROUTE ’ BATHINETTE, Teeter - Bab* ring In their clalma within aald time Friends may call at the funeral tonight at 8 o'clock at the K. of 1 THREE-FAMILY House. Nice 200 LYDALI^STF^ET NeW 6- gallowed „j, by pubiisnin# publlahing s a copy copy ... of ..... thia home tomorrow evening from 7 Automobile Bonds—-Stocks chair, bassinette, rocker swing, C. home. A card party will follow J 1880 BUICK supe.' Riviera coupe. 155 Center St. — Manchester POWER BURNERS and Range Excellent opportunity for am­ qondMlon. Good Income. Priced room Cape Ood. Compl^ttiy mod- ^ order in »ome newspaper harfnK • cir to 9 o'clock. The Wllrose Dress Shop, Inc., in charge of Mr* Joaephine Jarvis,! Bumara axpartly claanad and . Mortfafos ‘ ' 11 810. Inquire 88 North School ern. Hot water oil heat, fireplace, cuUtlnn in aaid probate diatric!, with has leased the store at 601 Main Radio, heater. Can’t be told from Phone 2-4646 bitious, energetic young man. artreet. reasonable to interaated buyer, In ten daya from th.e date of thia chairman, and her July committee.! naw. Gray llniah low mileage. aarriead. Lat ua aarvtca and ra- FIRST*' AND Second mortgagaa "Slaoe 1807 flan 2-8361. full tile bath, copper plumbing, ore'er, and return make to thia court strest in which It is now locaU-d Open Evenings Until iO P. M palr your waahtng machlna or ra- Apply in person. By EeU front veatibule, ahed dormer. Re­ of the notice given. for a five-year period beginning Douglas Motors, 333 Main atreet; bought for out own account. Fast. It’s Of Coaraei" ■T JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge. Miss Evelyn R. Johnston of . Fully Insured? 1991 CHEVROLET Stylellne de­ frlgarator Metro Sarvtea. 8-0888. conSdential aervtc* Maneheatar AUCTION MANCHESTER duced to $12,750. Phone 5273. Funerals Aug. 1. according to ’ an Instru­ Bigelow street hi spending ten ’ Bunding Materisis 47 Brae-Bum. r ment filed in the town clerk’s of­ luxe, tudor radon... radio, heater, Invaatment Corp., 887 Mi F i s h e r d r y c l e a n s e r s days of her vacation et the Ocean 1887 OLD8MOBILE, $69. Phone TOUR KNAPP shoe counaalor. Alt t FOUR ROOM CAPE COD Real Estate Firm James F. Fogarty fice vesterday. The store Is owned nice condition throughout. Sea alaaa. .Contact W. F. Sullivan, 60 street. Phona 041* No. 1 Red Ceqar B. C. Shinglea AT THE LEGION HALL MANCHESTER. CONN. MANCHESTER House, Watch Hill, R. I. EvoryoR* should ba covortd to eeaform 2-2142. ) Honest Doug., Douglas Motora, 325 Broad Street ■q. 814.89. Largely attended funeral serv­ by the Sheridan Corporation. Mountain atraet RockvlUa. Call Om Leeaard Street, Off Mala, Opposite State Amery ■Two bedrooms, plastered walls, Custom built home on beauti­ ices for James F. Fogarty of 54 The lease shows that the yearly SCHOOL BUSES — Used Ford 333 Main street. Flush Mahogany Door#—all siaa* fully Isndscaped plot. 120 ft. front Is Formed Here The third meeting of the Vernon with tho ROW CooRoetkut nRoneiol Eo- Rockville B-0864, momlnga and Help Wasted—Gentle 35 Wa n t e d —cleaner, for morning o4k floors, full )Msement, one car Walnut street were held this rent for the first year is $2,400; Chevrolet, Dodge, Studebakeri evening!. ea. 110.89. garage, beautiful corner lot with | age with large outdoor flreplsce. 3 morning at 8:30 at the Holloran 4-H Grease Monkeys was held | 1990 CHEVROLETS, deluxe* Two work. Apply Mr. Sanson, SUU for the following two years. |2,- June 30 st the Moran trailer. Right ‘ spoosibHity Low which boeomo offoctivo Diamond-T —%900 and up. Also to choose from, Oliver al­ TELEPHONE OPERATORS Theater. 2-6 x 6-8 Combo Door* aa. 818.8* WED. EVE., JULY 1,1952 AT 8 P. Me •aa. Handy to bus, school and bedrooms, cedar cloaet. living room A certificate of Incorporation Funeral Home at 9 o'coick.ln St. 700; snd for the last two, 83,000. new units 84.400 and up. Call 2- COMPLETE Rapalra by Stuart R. Canadian Lumber, per M 888.80. ores. with fireplace, kitchen and dinette. James' Church. Attorney George C. I-ossner, new members were taken In after ways haa Chevrolet#. For tha HAVE GOOD PAY for-Oilman and Page was filed in the pledge and dues collection. Ttie Jidy Itf. 2987. Wolcott bn waablng machine* Western Fir, per M 8118.00. Priced At 89,900 Rear acreened porch, steam oil Rev. John F. Tierney St. president of the Sheridan Cor- beat in valuna stop at Center vacuum claanart, motora, amall INSPECTION;— AFTER 5 F. M. SALE DAY the town clerk's office today. goal of the club is to teach prorter Motor Sales, 461 Main atraat. FREQUENT RAISES N. C. Roofers, 1 x 8-1 x 8, p tr M heat, screens, storm windows, awn­ According to the instrument, Peter's Church, Hartford, was cel- |rf)ratlon, and William N. Kronlck, 1950 STUDEBAKER applianct* Pick up and dalivary. EXCELLENT WORKING ATTENTION PAINTERS 8108.00. ings, oversized garage, smrsite the new corporation will engage ebraqt. Rev. Edgar Farrell was treasurer of Wilrose Corporation, bicycle riding. Drivors uRdor 2B may qualify. TIhm pay- A-1 repair. Salaa. ISO Main BARBARA WOODS, Agent driveway. Many large shade and deacon. Rev. Robert Carrol was 1948 ENOUSH Ford. Economy CONDITIONS I need one first class mechanic No. 1 Oak Flooring, per M 8188.80. I Phone 3702 in real eatate, dievelopment and signed the Instrument. 2-TON TRUCK plus on this Job Priced to self. Ph—-ParU man (auiumo- ROXBURY Cattaga fBtaltare, cblaa, glam and bric-a-brac (some aatiqae), domblnatlon-storm windows and MANCHF»TER-Six room house. , Walter N. Klag Jarvis road, was reported "resting European heat wave moved Into Motor Salas, 461 Ifain aireat ,bUee). Capable, enesgetic. A-1 plaa other deeeraUve aad acetal etfertog* 9 pleoe medera wal- roens, electric hot water heat- Oil burner, copper plumbing, Rev. Watson Woodruff of comfortably’’ at the hospital early Its nth unrelenting day today 1891 CHEVROLET deiuxa tudor HooschoM Senrices Street, (Jarvis Building), •alary. Real .worker wanted—not hardwood floors, acreena, storm Files Tra«le-Naine with no relief In sight. Deatha, ALLEN Avon, pastor emeritus of Center Powarglida, radio, heater. Poal- aat dialag reem aet aad ether toraltare. Lawa mewy, aew teeb* , laundry in basement. Can be this afternoon after he was ad­ 1847 CHEVROLET Fleatmaatar Offend 13-A Manchester, (Phone 4107) auperviqor or wtU train good man HOMES J windows, freshly painted, 813,200. Congregational CTurch, will con­ mitted with back injuries. totaled about 800. The tempera- ‘ tlvely only 7,200 mllas. Check Off Griswoll' S tm t eaar* plaaee, at* ^rchaaed for about 82,900 down tudor. Blua. IbKtllant condition tween 9 :00 a.m. and 4 :30 p.m., with aome knowledge of auto iayment. Inquire Clurles W, Going back horns. Call 113 — A certificate of registration of duct the funeral'service twlsy at Keaton c ontacted a local physi­ tare hovered at tlie 100-mark at background and former owner. throughout See Bob (Mlver to­ WBAVINa of bum* moth bolea parU bualnea* BrunnerSi, SU In Glastoabury 7-7284. 3 p. m. at the Watkins Funeral cian who had him njshed to the srattrrad points on the contin­ Dwiglae Motors, 888 Main. < and tom clothing, hoalafy tun* Monday through Friday. Mtbrop, Realtor, 100 East Cen­ tradd name has teen filed a t' tha Insurance Agency day, Center Motor Sales,. 461 Baet Center. Aak for Chet Brun­ ter atraet. Phone 2-0384 or 7898. town clerk's office for Hllinskl’s home for Walter Norman King, of hospital by the John B. Burke am­ ent. Main atraat. - handbags rapaliad, alppar re- AVON PRODUCTS hna two proSt- ner. , Ezpsadabis Caps Cod ROBERT M. REID A SON. AUCTIONEERS 72 (Jreatwdod drive, who died sud bulance. 1848 PLYMOUTH Spacial driuxa. placament, ’ umbrallaa rapalrad, Sunoco Service. i PboR* Mooebostor Local ona owner car. Mtut ba able tarritoriea for qualiSed wom­ ROOM colonial, five years According to the instrument, denly Sunday afternoon. The extent of his injuries hsd The Detroit rives sometimes Is 110 Cootor St., 5105. 1846 CHEVROLET 8-4 panal. men'a abirt eollara revaraad and en who wish to earn a good in­ WANTED—Men or boy to care Ubasal Tsnaa 881 MAIN ST., Pbaae 8198—BATMOND B. BBID. Pheaa 7488 Read Herald Adva. called "the DardaneUei of the to ba appraciatad, at Oantar Oood condition. Price 8 W . Pri- Oarage, large lot. Private tha business ia being conducted by Manchester Lodge of Msaona not teen determined at press time replaead. Marlow's Uttls Uandlng come. Writ# Mr* Fmnk Fmw- for lawn. 20

\ ■

I PAGE TWELVE iHanrlf(Bter lEortting l$(raUi y .X > ’ TUESDAY, JULY 8,1952 Manchester's Biggest Shopping Event - Red Tag Days-Thurs., FrL, Sat. About Town Associated Here No Action Yet in Townes General Practitioner Grading Waddell PRE-FAB ATSnt* OMbr Net Prsss Raa UTILITY BUILDING Fkr Mm Wa4k BaiaS Thi W«Btli«r Tall bedara will mtet tonlfhl School Grounds M?n-*r RITE M r 8. IBBB FOMoaol o l U .'a. Waatbar B hnaa I to pay raapceti to the late Walter Suit Against Lombardos - CXINBTRUCTnON CO. N. King at the Watklna Funeral The Highway Department la 37 MarMe Street 10.398 hhawan aad Ihnmler ahaweta Home. Membrrt will aaaemble at completing grading work on oltea Maacheeter the Maaonic Temple. No action has yet been taken In * Dr. Keeney Issued the order Mhar 1 tha AsBK tonight. CBearing Thandi^, Mia- tha town’s suit against Lombardo I June 13 after Lombardo Brothers at the Waddell School to be used N M O tr Edward W. Koaky of 40 Hyde Brothers, the firm that holds tha ! failed to heed a similar order from for parking. areas and aidewalks, Manchestsr^A CUy of VUtags Charm atreet la the brother of Mra. contract to collect and dispose of General Manager Richard MaHin according to tha monthly report Naylor (MOCa MT4, George Potter Birch, who drowned the town's garbage and has ig­ I which was Issued on the recom­ of Town Bhigineer James H. Shetkey, Highway superintendent. | Raturday In Lake Champlain. Her nored a local health departnu>nt mendation of Dr. Keeney and VOL. LXXI. NO. 238 raaFagaSB) MANCHESTER. CONNh WEDNESDAY. JULY 9. 1952 husband and her 4 year old aon order to abolish Its piggery on , Town Engineer JamerTH. Sheekey. Grading of the athletic field at i (THIRTY-TWO PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) PRICE nVB CENTS were alao vlctima of the drowning. Hlliatown road and to atop dump­ the Broad street plant, which la ] ing garbage there. The local health officer said lo­ scheduled for completion Sept. 1, | Mra. Alveinna Farnsworth of Town Court Prosecutor John J. cal and stats health officials had hae been done, and Sheekey aald Retervolf road. Broad Brook, sla­ O'Connor, to.whom the matter was received numerous c.omplaints loam will be deposited there ol ter of Mrs. Daniel Champagne of referred the day after the June 2.3 from residents living In the vl- shortly. PS Foster street, died Sunday In deadline for cAmpllance with the ; clnlty of the piggery since Its es­ The report also shows that work home comfort Preaton. order, said today he had received tablishment two years ago..- Is progressing on the expansion of a copy of the order yesterday from The recommendation of Dr. Kee­ the Municipal Building parking Daughters were born at the Town Counsel John D. I-aBelle but ney and Sheekey to Martin that lot. ^ e proposed addition, which K o e p . s c i k Taft Donates Hartford Hospital last Thursday could not take any action until he the piggery be abolished folioweChairm«n Ross Riticy of tho crt> den completed a rasMeney In ob- police to capture a suspect yester­ of 15 white lilies used In the au­ the Philadelphia General Hospital Nassau for a vacation tour fol­ day within 48 hours of the crime. Of An Office At HALE'S vention delegates last night doRtisIs coRimittst said today “therB b talk of a eoMproaiiaa’* lowing his attendance at the an­ stetrlea and gynecology at Colum­ ditorium. Because of the heat Sun­ In Philadelphia. bia HosplUl for Women, Waah- Frank Fcrnlno, 44, of 31 Clifford day, the potiuck for tha young Stroud, who is now ' married, with a plea to rip away the of tho Taft-Eisonhowor dlsputt over 38 Ttxaa deli^taa to nual convention of the National street, Hartford, was Identified 470 Main Street Democrats’ “plush curtain’’ at tha Republican convention. Ha inada that comment to report- Chiropractic Association which Ington, D.- C. He then began pri­ mlaslonarlea was served Indoors In served two years in the Navy. To Disclose vate Independent practice In ob­ yastarday by Jbseph Brakuskas, Cooper hall of the church. Instead Headquarters home and salvage “lost era during a committee receaa of Ita hearings on tha R^nbli- was held in Miami Beach, Fla. Ha 64, os the'man who beat him and Tel. 2-4242 resumed office hours this week. stetrics and gynecology at Annap­ o^ the lawn os planned. FOR statesmaiilhip’’ abroad. can national committae’a finding that gava 22 votea to. Taft olis, Md., until hie recent offer to robbed him of 387 Sunday at his For The General aad 16 to Eiatnhower. became associated with Dr. Peck- homa In tha rear of his shoemaker Preference Hoover, the only living. ex-Presi- Secret Data Election of officers will be held shop at 357 North Main atreet. Eft Sigi Servlet dent nnd the Inat Republican to at the annual meeting of Hose Co. ham and Dr. Morrison. DR. WILLTAM D. Practice of Medicine hold that office, attacked the Ha began active duty In the U. Brakuskas had oaan Fernino on Convention Hall, Chicago, July 9-~-As tha llftb S t» . Order of Sons of Italy, and the months general surgical residency ed neither of thoae arch-rivals by worded viewpoint on f orc l^ at St. Albans Hospital, New York Brakuskas was able to give le eonstantly being replaced by hCill far Fm DmiinIfitiM * Old Bailey that ha had not given Tba action, giving Blatnhowor a ^ af tha BapnhMron canvan Magllanase Society in honor of An­ police a full description of the Rou^tt, Rufriforaton naroa In his prepared addreaa to policy hewed close to that of ttan enoned tamur delava bMl* thony Innocentl will b e ^ tonight and several stations in Naval hos­ the party's convention. Ohio's Sen. Robert A. Taft and coL any of Britain's aacrate to the Rua- nat gain of U vote#, punchad a pitals In the country bn surgical man. fresh, cooling atr. An even tem­ WoBhon and AR atan and that that he knew noth­ hola in ths thrao-atato Unaup of rotad that b o lla ^ far grssl-; a t 7:30 at the Garden Grove. Hck . Chief Herman O. Schendel said Both Oeh. Dwight Elsenhower lided, roughjy at points, with that This waa the ereite at the OOP cnSeattela committee met te CMeagOf’a Oaagfeee Hatel to begta ite dential nomlHdM may m b T: eta may be purchased from Robert wards. perature Is maintained at all Arnold 0. Arontos and Sen. Taft of Ohio bava been of Gen. Dwight D. Elsenhower. ing of the paper found in hi* Gaorgia, Uiuialana and Taxos eon- Dr. Walden and his wife. Olga this morning he had received a Otfcor Applioncos "A phantom army" was tha tag pocket henringe an delegato eonteats. la the Bret oouteet heard, the cowmtttaa voted iMt to scut the uro- taste that tha ganeral's baokan Mate m tu Ihorodny beeiMmo af^ Oenovesi or at the door, warrant Issued by State Prison times. McmekoBtor 8789 ' wooing Fine and the 70-vote dele- Elsenbower goaup from Georgia. (NBA Telephoto). dlspntoa ava* tha aM ttag af mo- Walden, along with their tWo chll giatlon he largely control* It la Hoover applied to the divlaions a- The proeecutor described Mar­ had plannad to carry to tha con- tested dalegatoa. dren, expect to reside at 103 authorities charging Fernino with THE BARTLETT-BRAINARO COL buildlng in the Allied defense pro­ shall’s taatimony oa "such on Im­ vantlon floor for a showdown vote Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Furay violation of parole.. Fernino was tkt. 'COM now listed 24 for Taft, 37 for and chlldran, Nancy Ruth and Princeton street beginning on WIlUAM F. 103 Woodbino Street—TM. 3-lS8> Biaanhowar and nlna uncommittad. gram launched under Eiaenhower’a probable story." Ha ockad for on dalegato oontasU that might Sept. 10. Mra. Walden saw sarv released 'from prison last August go a long way toward Indicating Robert, of Dallas, Texas, are vis­ after serving seven years of a ,Ona mtmbar predicted it would go Mularahip. Moovar called for a MarabaU’a conviction on flva iting Mr. Furay's I parents. Mr. Ice during World War n as a two-to-18-year sentence for break­ FUNERAL S5 for Etemhower and Fine didn't pow«rful air f « ^ to "raatoro tha charga* of vloiatlng Britain's Oft- Urge Ouster ths nomlnaa. and Mrs. Carl Furay, of 61 Steep Navy nurse, serving over throe ing and entering Imposed in 1944. challenga Uds. advoata^ 'of military Initlativa to cial IBacrata A ct Wesf Pact Lodge. Unit If It wars followad by a furtbar Hollow Liane. Carl Furay's sis- years, a major portion of which ua"—« troquqnt Taft thesis. MgrriialUwaa tha tons dafaasa oompromlos on tha dlaputad Taxaa He was also convicted on a rob­ HOME CtMcaw After TaMt . ' T dh hotphipoaa «b#t w# r*» ^ ^ A n n , of Dayton, Ohio, IB Also wBe apent os nurse In charge of bery oharge in 1937. wttaaaa. HeH4 was on tha atoiM 48 Of Red Deq dalagatkm ^ a « aoma erodentlata oMratlng rooms at a hospital in ttsuam staMttMwaaaNi aasa W aa heiiaveB leaning to Biaan- Ersat Into our abell Ilka a turtla" BdnutaB. committaa aMmbara oasiuad to the New Hebrides, South PaciSc. Fernino was arrested by Lt. howar, said ha would announoa how Hoover aald. "1. da propose tha Walter R. Cassells and Patrolman ORDER YOUR NEW Th4 proesmitlan qulakly wound Deb at ed ibn Behind Ike tbtAk U)My--4b wAiikl idim ■ tke Anderson-Shea Auxiliary, No. ha atanda at a Penneylvania cau­ deadly npriaal strategy of a rat- up lU praaantatlon bahind clooad Mlltpn W. Stratton. Cassells is cus called after hla talk. RyRtlaidbe «aaabowq/rJ»aoWro .Ih • wnUMB- S04B,'wlU mast for a buslneas continuing the Investigation. tleenake.'' doors bafOfe the noon recea*, baa­ ed position to puM their lloor fight. Sion this eveniiw at B o'clock at l^lrs. Freda Duffy MODERN PRE-FAB GARAGE In general, Fine's prtpared Ha accused tha Democrate, In ing ite COM mainly on the piece Tha report of the credentials the Post Home, Manchester Oroen. Opaach attacked the DemocraU' office aince Hoover’s fuUla try for of .pBpar containing aocret infor­ In D ispute committea mutt ha approvod by Protes Only one business moating will bo racord, deplorad what he called re^alection In 1933, of corroding mation poUM aald thay found on Lomloa, Juljr s—(P)—Aa W- tha convantlop bafora bach of tho held durbur the months of July and Leaves Hospital DO YOU KNOW? Manhalf. proeodeatod deawMid for . the ooiftaatod dalagafons dan taka tte August. The next meeting will Freaertptleaa Called For and NOW (Ooattnoed aa Faga Four) (OaattaiMB aa Page BIghteia) Bonn, Germany, July 9— • oMot of Or. newleU J^tawen ,ChicBgo> July 9— (fl») — Mat. take place Tuesday, Aug. 13, Delivered Promptly At No Ex­ Barlow’sTelevision Court AdJanrMg (/P)—-Chancellor Konrad Ade­ aa DeoA *f Coaterbury was pM Htrtford, July 9— (/t) Iftt. Freda Duffy. 44, of 80 Cam­ Judga Sir Fatrick Barry later Coimociicut detegbtoB today PMgaa VToar Fight tra Charge. Now pricos k olltct In two moro wooks. CoE for nauer opened the battle of befora tbo House af Oowiiaaai Ban. Henry Cabot Lodge. Jr„ of fovanunent pUuifi t<) The annual summer festival of bridge atreet. one of two persons adjournad court and aald ha would today aa tke Briftab press Jeta- reemphbfilxod their awport hospitalised after a two-ear col­ C A U 2-fl14 SniHi biBtructing tha Jury tomor­ his political life today with a Massachusetta, Elaanhowar's cam­ build • 110 million Isborttorji the Coventry Fragment Society Sales and Seryice oppdntmoBt 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. 2-i727—4ko- ed la deaoaaclag tbe "Red for ■ Gen, Dwight D. KiBen- paign manager, said the battle on Plum iBland to study footo will taka place tomoirow at the lision Saturday at Autumn and row. ilea in the lower house of the Ashworth atreeU, was discharged PINK PHARMACY Rights Issue Threatens Deoa'a" aUegatloas that tbe hower with s vote to bgck biB would go on deapite the Taft con- and-mouth diaegafi in livet Church Community House, North Hartford nin^f 2-0059. "This documant, do you know est German' parliirliament for Americaaa are wagteg germ I J from Hartford Hospital today. anything about It 7" Manhall waa side in the credehtiaU com­ caotion in Louisiana. Block, and will hold publid Coventry. Features of the affair ADMIRAL-BENDIX-MOTOROU ratification of the military warfare la tbe Far Eaot. mittee fight over 68 dieputed If It takas plaea, the atniggla ara a country auction at 1 p. m. a She waa transferred there after ’ t askad By hla attorney. baarinffB in Coimacticut Rbxt being admitted to Manchester Me­ "Nothing whatsoever," Marshsll and political pacts with the Mlae Oeaeervative membeia R^ublican convention fiestB. would coma to a head on tha seat­ chicken pie supper a t 6:30 to 7, MITCHEU ROOM AIR CONDITIONERS GOP Platform Harmony Wedt. ing of a 17-vote pro-Taft dal^a- wedt w hen proteata against and.two one-act pivs at B p.m. morial Hospital with head coneus 214 SPRUCE STREET, MANCHESTER TEL. 5095 replied. of PaiUameat filed a mothm oak- (fov. John Lodge, dalagaUon slons. "Do jrou know how It came to be The 78-yoar-old Chancellor tMd log Queea BUaabetb-U t» rwolie chairman, announced that an Unn from Oaorgia, approved by a tbo location are •xpected. ’ by ths Coventry Players. iNxxl, STENOGRAPHER Built Rilt Construction Co. Bfi to 31 Vote of ths credantiala ^ ro n s and gift goods will be of­ Frank Hai-dlng, 48, of 1B8 In your wallet?” the Bundeatag West Germany tbe appotatsneat of the 78-yoar- early morning cauclu saw 30 of Plum Island, located sight mlleq; CSilcago, July 9—(87—Republi­•ptialr committee ruling that barred must Join in armed alliance with group yesterday. This lineup fered for sale. Spruce street, was reported by lo­ 37 MARBLE ST. MANCHESTER tome conteated delagatea out Its "No, I'm afraid not" Marshall old deaa. Sueh a parlteaneatery tha ataU'a 33 delegatea line up off tba Connecticut shore,, la tha cal hospital authorities In "much can platform builders gave tenja- repllad .quietly In a high, thin the free world or inevitably "all poMtlea to tbe Orowa hao aever behind a motion to oppose expect­ wma changed today when Pennsyl­ "prafarrad alta" according to lac^ better condition today." He re­ PtnWWBWt pMiHOR — BXpBriMWB iMlpfRl but not tiva approval today to controver- total to 92. voice. Gtrmany wUl become a Soviet bees latrodnoed before. ed pro-Taft committaa raporte on vania shifted ita credantiala com­ rotary of Agriculture Charlaa F, mittee vote to make It 38-33. New Books Added ceived alight head Injuries. aial foreign policy and national de­ John Foster 'Dullea. ,GOP elder What' the document contained satellite.” H m awtloa aald the Deaa "bos tha Gaorgla, Louisiana and Texas Brannan who today announcaq Charles S. Lathrop, 16, of 355 Bocossoty. li^loy wooh. Pfooianf woriiinfi cendL statesman and one-tinrie consult­ was not disclosad by tha govern­ The two-day debate will end In been gulltjr of actloao coalrary contests. With the lioulslana declilon, hearings will be held at 10 a. m., Henry street. Is slated to appear fense planks. But an angry dispute ant in the Democratic administra­ the eredenttala committee, wrork- Septic Tanks Cleaned about civil rights still threatened ment. The public waa barred from a Brat or test vote on the AUied- Carpenter Absent July 14 at BuUcley Junior H l^ At Local Library In Town Court on a recklesa driv­ Hons. PoM vocoHor. Skk kovo, poM holtdoys. tion on foreign affairs, haa been West German ptmee contract end­ (Goatlaued oa Page TWeaty) One delegate. State Rep. Nelson ing In the dowmtoam (^ngress ho- School, New London; and July 18 / to explode, either within the reso­ ing charge Friday. He was the CoR Mtmehesfef's S«wtra9« SpBciolhto lutions committee or later on the working with the group. He has (Ceutiuuad Page Twenty) ing the occupation and the Paris L. Carpenter, waa ahsant. Another, at the same hour In Old Saybm h; Recent new books added to the driver of one of the cars. been ahuttling between Gen. treaty to put 500,000 German sol­ National Commlttoaman William (Contlaaed on Page HUrty-oae) Town Hall, floor of the party's national con- H. Brennan, raoarvad hU daclalon. Mary Cheney Library Include the I vention. Dwight Elsenhower and Ohio San. diers in a six-nation European Connecticut livestock men may following: OM l 4tn FOR BFFOINTMENT Moot of the 90 conrunitteemen Robert Taft,' top contenders for army. The final votaa on ratifica­ Carpenter Is the only delegate protest the naorneoa of tha pro­ Fiction: "The Nelghbora," Mra. Insurance Major SAVE TWO WAYS: got their first peak at the pro­ the prealdeAtlal nomination. Reds Giptiire tion will not come untU fall, after State Postpones who aaya ha will support San. Rob­ posed site to their herds, although J. L. D. Abbott: "Upside Down In' (I) LOW PRICE . the moat modern oqulpmea t aad ma- a *ummar parliamentary recess. ert A. Taft for tha nomination. All Railroad Labor the Agriculture Department ha* posed harmony platform aa they Dullea told Republican Senators the others are for Elsenhower. the Magnolia 'Tree," Mary Ban­ Veteran Business ehlaery la Conaecttent makea poselMa a B!ETl'ER JOB at a assembled at 9 a. m. last night he thought all GOP Asoaila Red Oeaqueats triad to forestall this by assert­ croft; "Beyond the Breakert." S. LOWER PRICE. Brennan voted on Taft's side They worked behind locked and presidential aapiranta could sup­ Key Hill Point Adenauer opened his argument Action on Hike when the disputes Vara heard by ing that "complete control over W. Bassett: "We All Killed Grand­ Girl," Annie Frank; "Glory of Our to a British suggestion that a i American bombing of Communist ing for the hill yesterday 65 Chi­ the country. Many are moving H « the SMBinier heat modt your cooklB^ m amnm MOBHMUT mmi ! power plants in North Korea unification will be delivered to-1 "Is there any appeal from the his ninth marriage, expected to court decision In a fair trade le­ West"; "Windows for the Crown team of political' advisors be nese were killed. morrow. milk admlniitratoixj" take place tomorrow, to Anita only passengere, mall, express and gal fight between Blacy'a and a Prince." E. J. Gray; "Relax and odrud9ory? and moro fcmlllos art named to assist Gen. Mark Clark, • without first notifying the British. Plaaee In Actlou periahables oa the production of AUTMUnCDillVIlT—laveaboth- combuetioaefficioncy.lfobil- The State Department, It was Francis Roddy-Bkien, who has .Queens druggist. Listen," John Hallstrom; "H is for fkd kg Hm obswot Ito this probiBBi of Supreme United Nations Com­ The U. 8. Fifth Air Force said (Continued on Page Tweaty) (Coatiaued oa Page Fourteen) never been married before. . . , durable goods Is curtailed becauae Heroin." David Hulburd; "The Na­ AMESITE er of conatontly checking your heat burna completelyl mander in Korea. , learned, takes the view that ade­ lU planes today destrojred 34 President Truman gives Thomoa of the eteel atrike. quate machinery already exists POSTHUMOUS AWARD tives Are Friendly," J. F. Leem- Gus's. Lot tbo 90Bid ehofs of Gus's oilaupply! WAT-MVHKTVS-halphaatroor The State Department is aald troop and supply bunkers, dam­ C. Bubhanaa a recess appointment Meanwhile, • repreaentatives of Washington, July B—tiP)—Tha Ing; "The Camp at Lockjaw," Da­ I for providing Clark with all the torvo you with o dolkkus pisM or o RMi MEASUK—no "guoaowork"! homo better at laaa cootl to be against creating any formal aged two others, destroyed eight as chairman of Federal Power the Iron ora Industry aay they Defense department nanounaed vid McCord; "So Long to Learn," new advisory group tn the Par 1 political advice he needs. Clark enemy personnel shelters, eight C>mmlssion until Congress recon­ plan to aak the eteelworken |f wboloBonio dinnor of spogbeffi. la reportedly in close contact with today the pocthumoua award af John Masefield; "Daughter of the DRIVES No chance of arrora. COWTEOUS SEMKE - conoidara- Etest theater at this time. buildings, two Red machine gun Reds Told Circle of Bosses venes. plan can be worked out to move the Medal of Honor to Ffc. Da­ Pacific," Yoko Matsuoka; "Rooms QEAN EUEb OIL—to promotu tioo for your pramiaaat But top American officiala told Robert Murphy, American Am­ positions and inflicted 15 troop The Coast Guard rescue plane Iron ore now stockpiled In the up­ vid M. Smith of LIringotoa, By., to Let." Mrs. H. S. Rush and Mary Tbo Biootbol and sousogu grkduts a reporter today they are consid­ bassador to Tokyo. Gen. James casualties. lands beside yacht 90 miles at sea per lakea’ region. All ore ship- Van Fleet, military commander in who amotharod the exploahia Sherkanowski; "Rise of Modem NO MONEY DOWN oruom ust. (A l ordon moy bu put up to ering closer liaison between U. 8. Thunderjete again bombed Pick U. S. Party Candidates last night, takes aboard alllag of aa eheny grenade with his Communism,"'Massimo Salvador!; Clark and the American Ambas­ Korea, la said to be in constant the Mg power plant at New York actreaa Merle McHugh (Conttaued o« Page Foarteen) body' and gave bie life to aava I 'I "Handicraft Hobbies for Profit,” 12-ounce economy site 8 9 c UP TO 34 MONTHS TO PAY toko out). So wky not |ok tbo potods of sadors in Japan and Korea, as a contact with John J. Huccio, despite treacherous seas and fee- five nearby comrndea. Robert Scharff. sotisflod houBowhfOB ood sorvo your du- meanF of preventing military de- American Ambassador to Korea. (OeultaneB'i au Pajm FourtMO) ries her to Salem, Mass., hospi­ The problem as American of­ Washington, July 9—OP)—Mos-- cow radio la running a series of elsions that could result In world­ cow says American presidential, talks by Vladimir Morev, a 8o- tal for treatment . . . Defense U JUMP TO SAFETY Regulor site 4 f^ SAVE BY ORDERING NOW Borvki9 fomEy o ddklous Bind from wide political repercuasiona. ficials see it la to make certain Dept, announces battle casualties Rritish Police Halt Oonialea, Tex., July 9 - (A)— those contacts be utilized more candidates will be elected at the vlet journalist who said he attend­ EFFICIENT. RELIABLE WORK GUARANTEED G u t's . Informed diplomatic officials (Chicago conventions by a "small ed the Philadelphia conventions in Korea now 112,128. An Air Force B-89 ernehed ta MACHINE SPREAD — POWER ROLLED said Britain’s Minister of State, frequently and efficiently. circle of bosses" who hire rootert four: years ago. SIxteen-year-old Walter Mesick AntivRidgway Reds gnmee 19 ndlea eonthwaat of DONT WE HAVE THE PROPER EQUIPMENT Selwya Lloyd, suggested the idea Two U. 8. Objectioae GOP Convention at $20 a head to cheer for their links Iterties, Crimlaals of Middletown, electrocuted wqile beea about • a«a„ Baday. AU 11 PLENTY OF PARKIN^ SPACE of a political guidance team when American officiala object to the candidates so the public will be­ pruning tree limbs in Bloomfield men aboard were reported to Thraw Tbarn Aw«y LBCOm^T AND KNOW HOW! he talked with' Secretary Achesoa idea of a political advisory team "In these talks our listeners will London, July B—UP)—Oen. Mat­ lieve it has a voice In the selec­ hear about the false American July 2 for Mlllone Nurseries of thew B. Rldgway flew Into Lon­ have balled out lafely. Tbe Mlp SiOI plaiity of srear la tt la DON’T DELAY! PHONE TODAY! here aeveral -weeki' ago. becauae in their view TaUv Sheet tions. democracy, about tha close con­ Cromwell, shouldn't have been was from Roadolph Field a t Saa ahaas repaired here. Oltca Tata Bambtaga 1. It might give the Cfonunu- don today for hla firat official vialt SHAMPOO On the baala of Radio Moscow nection which exists In America doing that type of work and as Atlantic Pact (fommander In Aatoala FOR THE BEST IN DRIVEWAY CONSTRUCTION Lloyd reportedly argued such a niats a chanca to point to the broadcasts to Russian llatehera, between the apparatus of the bour­ Deputy State lisbor (fommlssloner group, on which Britain would be move as proof the United States Raop a record af tha RcpuMI- Europe and police quickly CALL eaa dalmto vote for preeldia officiala reportad today that this geois parties and the criminal Ennis says employer vtolatod state squelched a ahort-livsd Commu- Treagnry Balance . SBM VULYES roprsaanted, would maka. sure haa been Ignoring its Allies in the was the Communist party line on world, and about how the con­ emptoymeat law . . . Elevator Shoe Reaalrlag at tha Bet­ Clark and top American inilltary Korean fighting and forcing Its Hal coaM atoa as they ara oude nlat-sponaored protest denrlonatra- at the Chicago eoaveatlea. Clip the way ths candidates are choeen ventions of the Republican and mechanics James D. McGee, 37, tlon at ths general’a airfield ar­ Washington, July 9— (F) —Tha ter KM Daaa While Yea leadars Ip Korea rtallsad the full daclatons upon them. In the "false American damoc- Damocrallc parties ara held," aald of East Hartford, falls two lloors poaiUon of the Treasury July 7: Walt. THOMAS COLLA THE W. G. 6LENNET CO. biternatlMtal Implications of mili­ 2. The new group might jarove- aad eave for ooo whoa tbe bal- rival. m i a r i b letlag otorta. racy." Moscow at the outset. downs elevator abaft whila work­ Seven dfmonstratora were Nat budget receipts, B1B9.967,- U MAPLE STREET GUS’S tary decisions they might moke. too cumbersoma and unwieldy, and To make sure the Ruoelani get A political guidance team, he (Soe Page B4) Morev said delegates were plied ing in Hartford-Onnectlcut Trust rounded up by police and taken 390.61; budget expenditures, BB61.- FIfet Nattooal Stare SCENT SHOP 4M Hortford Rood. Td. 2-S132 334 NORTH MAIN ST.— T EL 414R the Communist, version of w)ut is Building in Hartford this morn- 903,704.04; cash balsnca. le.ldi.- Phridag Let. 861 MAIN ST.—TEL. 5331 A T 2-5224 M t. might have avoldad tha llara- Bight) (( ea Page going on a t CSilcago, tha Mos­ (Oealbwai oa Pago Bight) (C an Psgo BlgM) 284.9TB;38. “

h ' 1 i'jlT»-t:niiii r - ' ■K r.^ T ' ’ 1 1 . r rz: MONDAY, JULY 7,198* iX zz: ' ‘ • -• ■ -J. ' ^ MLOE FOURTEEN »ndayf7~wi^ii -l... , .... . - u'*awn!tioRBglb^i '3>mrT::yaga»snuas3ivi.'i-" ■Avsnsgs O silf Nsi Pnsn R«a ■■Tlto.-Wasthaf'«>.. - ■ Haahfl|«&r Evening ryny >’jw4»^ - F s rllN Wtok'MaSeS ' .... ForereM u( U. S. Wasstbnr Bswrew inly % 1863 ^ rioody. srith showare tonight. BMt Graduate lew Cars Aid Engaged X 10,398 Wrdnrsday, shosren, aeattorud About Town tbnndnr abosrrn, ^ . PTMtoa &«#*• record cicrki of fiOUNl) c o n d i i i o n n ’ rN|taakar M thu AuSH SI OdUrttHid «trMt. is c«l«brsting Blood Program U« CtoWiallaM MmtehetU r^A Cify nfTV^nijh^rm SJ* dWHTTW with the Wectric '■• / * . ■' ^ ^ — u - _ : l i l l i t Ooraiwiiy. Markins hie 28th Constant M bdcniiaii^ ubnoM«m»ea«ieaninmnmw[»nw«sswmmnMSinne»ei«oimwM™«— ~ •luiivereiiry with the Royal Type- , , ehbwe evidence of a genlru to sere* \ (T W E L V B P A G E S ) PRlCis FIVE CENTS -)Ocal Lincoln • Mercury » - 1WANCHE8TER, CONN^. TUESDAY, JUI-Y A. 1952 WTltar U machiniet Wesley Nar- welL Each tomtiy'e winhee a n glvea cuto ▼OL. LXXL NO. 2 ^ (CtaaiUlug ASto^Mtag an Pagu 18 ken o f 1 Riiael atreet, Rockville. , Dealer Taking Fart in tol attention. \ -i-r!------. » l .....■iiiiiiiuy ' 24 Hour A m b o li^ Serrlee .y - ManchasUr Lodge No. 73. A.F, Firm’s National Drive and AJd.. will hold a epeclal com* WlUlam P. -mimlcatlon at the Masonic Tem- ■"Make Mood donations s pert^bf ■ pki tomorrow night at J o'clock SrV Quivh i . A 3 4 0 , your vBcstjon” Is the thems' of John' prtor to conducting a Masonic Fu­ the nstlon-'wide blood donor. re­ neral Service for the. lata W ^tee Henmy cruitment rsmpaign b e i^ con­ Raymond M. K ln g.'^ e service will be held at ducted by teleVlsion'e Bd SulUvsn 'Watkins Srothers Funeral Hoipf v0 N o dUKtm'what the item for competent, courteoes , T. Qnleh into and the LlncOln-'Mercury dealera. I N a t-7:30 p. m: ^ * aisy be, if it ie something/ and p ro n ^ service et uai- Morierty Brothers, the/ Manches­ you would cgpqct to ind in fornly fair prices—always. '■/ ter Llncoln-Mercury >>dealers, ire Mrs. ICunIce C H ohci^al of 67 ‘a gbod drug iiott, turn con- Ptttcriptioot? Bring them cooperating wl*ols-heartedly with here fo r sure! T h eir coat- pWhoeteh street is presdnUy'.at the the-local blboid pfog^rkm offlclale to. SdMily lo jI^sjlepcndaMe^ '^poimdihg'Ia bur' ^ Igapaacluiaetu Women’s Hospital, make Mancheeter's next Bleodmo- 'iMHiTM. You can c o m on os Parker Hill avenue, Boston, where she is being treated by spccialTsts bila Day oti ThtiTeday, July'17, a success. K', from the Lihey cainic. ^ ‘ Matt MorlSrty.'head of,the lo­ * Mr, and ilirs. Caerpil ^'’. McOulre cal car agency, has placrd^hls cars ' jaf t i l ' Siiannlt ydfeet have beeij at the disposal for the Red Cross elalUng their daughter and son* for . that dsy. During tpr hours Uraee 1^ Smith Ili4aw, U .J t . end Mrs. Bari W. of 12 to 8 p. m. wher^ tne Blood- Mrs. Angsla . Smith of Church Xaofta o f 'Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. mobile unit win Jbb operating/at atreet, Wetherefletd, has announc­ Open Sundays — We Deliver \- Reds Kidnap New England States’ Signa at Convent^im Ik a ipeu couple visited the United Woodruff HmWy/Lincoln-Mefcury ed (fr« engagement of Her ,daugh­ Pay Your Electric Billa Here GOP Heads ^ Btatea Wavet-Training Centsr-^et. cars with RedfCrpss Motor Corps ter.-Jol opened today Mr. and Mrs. Sluail G. Ssgar of ipbrtatlon la-for the potential University and Hlllyer College. ' < H ^ Ifollce^ ds Hfeguards 110 Maip street, was one of 47 ea donor to jih p n a 8111 ,,end Mr. Mergan-was .graduated. frum4 data' to i^eive''hfs'Wiplbma Sf ake an' appointment manflbning le End Scrap there began the first of four two- Manchester . High School, and is hi(Uigo» July 8— (/F^—-^ 6 week courses. lassons will be Bordehtown Military Instituta's the daaire for motor aervica. Ae attending the National College of Berlin, July S—OW—Dr. Wal- Convention HalU TBft-Ei8«n> -g l*6it fWir-days each, w eek-to 8Zth;.- commsncsmni , . axartusas many .cam.ao4 as-many drivam ae Ohtrepraetle-ki- Ohieage.- - -He-lea tor'Uaae«- «.tep effloial of the. 4m»w ^ b attle fo fs i GOP -ptMid«ntl8l iram l^iDR- tiffiM - ff- ciasaea limited to 38 pupils. Tuesday, June 10. necessary will bs provided, but in meniber of Chi Rho Sigma fra­ ' Chicago.'July 8-K/P)— G«n. Wret Berlin Free Jurists, w aa Cliicgao, July"'8— (AP) — crucial point .with rivsl (dBimants to 91 disputad eon- Segar, a sergaant re firm ly between supporters o f Sen. Robert A. T i i i o f their 38th wedding anniversary aa well as eports, 'Segar held to make their appolntmenta for Democrats so far Nov. 4 that Department of the Free Jurists, patch up party quarrels or Dwight D. Eisenhower ffmont the 1$06 delegatlb place on the etaffa of both tha July 17 ea soon as posalbit. Tha Saturday night. Mrs. MsrshsU's It’ll Uke them about 20 years Dr. Uilae, waa attacked by three “almost certainly go down to 26th Republican convention. " faUisr, Mr. Nsison; pressntsd ths SkirmUher and the Sword and Red Cross phons, 8111, will be on SHEETS and PILLOWCASES men shortly alter he left his For Your ludivMuaHy to get back.” defeat in November.” , »P thaa* 88 eou^ with a sllvtr ehsst, and Sabre aa sports editor. During 24-hour can for making donor ap- Dosigood Spirola • ^ ’ t home In the Amerieaa sector. Th* veteran New Hampshire yolving delsgationa from aaVan thsir frisnds gavs thsm a stlYsf his three yMre at BMI he played polntmente. Very personally Eiaenhower, a top contender for He waa dngged -into a ear legislator appaarad on th* con­ statas, was bafor* tha. Convantlon bn the'varaity football team and REG. $2-79 72x108 ...... - • - - • $2.29 oedipots. \ Founidkrtioo* -i*- C o l the OOP prealdehtlal nomination, which drove at high speed into vention'* second-day morning pro­ Cradanttala oommittaa in tfi* Con- G O P Converitidift In hU senior year served as man Mrs. EMo Miolcucci - - - - y o u r s REG. $2.98 ’81x108 ...... ------$2 .4 9 came up with the unity appeal and the Soviet none. gram along with other party lead­ grin* Hotal in downtowfi Chicago. Ths H a r ^ ' maks-up man, Peter ager o f the baMbalt squad. Bas the alug-the-Democrats remark* Several people .who notleed er*—Sen. Jamea Kem of Mtaaouri, Buie* foe Vitt FlyM .'cd 78.Broad street) is on a katball also claimed his attention DR. W ILLIAM D. Phono 7737 REG.69C 42x36 PILLOW CASES ...... E « . 4 9 e at- a breakfast with the 26-vote the kidnaping and pursued the Rep. Marguerite Church,of Illtnol* Its A n t daolsloa was a unani- Tally Sheit J t i'-/ ■ /■ w m ’s'vacation. and he played on the varsity teem STROUD Nevw a lull in your lifa, Miseouri delegation to the-party's ear were skot at. and Chicago Oouncitman Archi- moua on* in f#vbr of saaling a In his Junior and senior years. national convention. Thp^lddjapers t h r ^ hundreds ptntbxnlnMUx.VirreT’Bft - Segar- will enter Penneylvania -• three daya—when you ve b^d Carey, J r, ., .K*«||..a.n*Mid.a<.tlM EaanMB: tkaM sm y' M o r - o f tha Announeefl The Opening He mat ■wlth'tha group’ *ff” of niUls'eut of their ear. Gni of liv a prepared address. Bridges of IS from toorida. nan dalegata eat* far i SeutEyMantheater F ire , Depart Military College In the fell. yesterday's dramatic preliminary Of An Office cast oir "calendar” cares the pursuing ears had to give dellyeVed a scathing attack on the Hare In'Vh* convantlon hall It* Iia4 saadMatre aa they a m i ment will hold Its monthly meet Raymoii L B tm i victory of hia forces over those of up the chase when a tire waa Democratic party. He called for a aair, tha dalagalaa ware alow to FAMOUS LADY PEPPERELL Sen. Robert A. Taft at the open- at tha CWcago oauvaiiM lug tomorrow night at 8 o'clock. Jul.v 10 iMuremeo .Agoney for the smiling comfort punctured./ ’ united front of Republicans, now asaembi*. H on spoocho* and and savo far naa whan Ing^iesslon of the conventloii. unsettlad by the close, race be­ littM buslnaa* war* on Up. Kolex gives. You’ve found ^ e Eiaenhower camp, however, latiBf Btarta. . \ " aie .Mr. and Mra M. Klelnschmldt I'or The General laeuraaea Advlanry Servloa SHEETS and PILLOWCASES (ConUnned on Page Three) tween Gen. Dwight Eisenhower T aft and Bisanhowar thanualvas (•*# Pag* and M n and Mra. Walter Custer O n the AU Uaea of Inanraace was tempering . elation with cau­ and Ohio Sen. Robert A. Taft for wan visiting with dalsgstss in Practice of Medicine this softness bolds its havarrmmed heme after Spending sas Mala StTMt—TCL 64a0 tion in continuing to predict an presidential nomination. thalr botals—still trying to har* shape. In fact, free is the early ballot nomination of the a^vtcatlon at Niagara Falla and A t n te * Dlaputea vast more support. Msatraal, Canada. Line. . . At The Lowest Prices In Years General- . "The -Republican . party ia be­ Than war* sign* that Elgan* ! word that best explain* Eisenhower himself left the vic­ 353 Cshtsr Street DO YOU KNOW? Vote> Count i set," Bridges said, "by stormy, .howar might b* chipptpg away At Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Stoltan A L O T o f you r m oney la In- ' the perfect poiae now tory claima to his campaign man, bitter wrangling forcas. . . . Tbia tha dalegat* stnngth Taft has childran. vMitod In proMrty which may FraaeripOons Called For and T Y P E 140 agar, Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge of party can not succeed if this bit- i,~«pe RFMtWffVO' s^WpltJr' Aw fim* ~V) very ptrsmalljr jroun. Maaaawhnaettr,-•wbo-'deciared- - the ferheM remains after the conveh/ ho diiiiiroyMi oy fire or other tea Charge. LADY PEPPERELL SUPERFINE MUSLIN "T ' Spurs Riots Two Maw York City dMaffti*, fo# dnya with Mrs. Stdltsnbsi^ General will be nominated on about tion." who tild bean supportiBg Taft, an* panaUi.Mr. and Mra. c M. ptev diaaater. hO- tha third ballot. The voting may A Republican defeat In the pres- TiFfiied iff C A U 2. f l 14 R E G . $ 3 .3 9 7 2 x 1 0 8 ^ ...... • $2>59 nounoad thay had daoUM to vote ,ana of JBasi Sumner, Mains. They ->/start tonibivbw night. idantlal alactlon than. Bridge* ■ Oa ... wfl) leave Susan for an axtsndsd Do you (isVe adequate in FINE PHARMACY lo g of 4* $1.47 N . Termed Heartening In Mexico said, would spell "the end of the n* B,d iwarehefimarehere of Uw preaa I AM vla^t with har grandporants. aursnee to protect you sgainat SERVICES REG. $3.59 81x108...... 7^. .,...'...... $2 .8 9 ,/ . BlMhhowar caUad the prelimi- two party ayatem as wa know it. " Chicago’* International Amphitheater buMea With I eahvairtlaa. Mtawtaa sftar Both aid** "wav* wooing Gov. aueh s blow? ' nary triumph he Scored "hearten­ But ha saidYia does-not expect th* tnaim Into the hail to await flie openliig of the 1353 I That Interpret The Wishes REG. 7’ e 42x36 PILLOWCASES ...... E«. 59e ing news" to himaeif and million* till* ph-tare waa made. flf)P natlniinl rhalrmaa 0 ^ - 0 . l.'Ato isM■aval l.aaff' aaff Ih* eoavontton Eari WarriuriimlrfiMi- 70*vota Cal* ‘the vacation church school of Mexico City, July 8— GOP to lose in the fall. ifernla dslagaUon, MW pladgad to the North Main street churchea of Americans. > waa officially called to order. . • (A P Wtrephoto.) " Don’t gue^ Call us for O^The Family AHENTION Reealls (SM Pledge / support Warran a* a candidate in Wgahington, July opaned this morning for Its third That triumph came w|>«n the — Yesterday’s political riots Recalling .the "Iron clad pledge" protection check-up today! ■ ■> hi* ovyn* right. , r»4>bUip B. P«vl and final weak at tha Second CMi: \ T Y P E 180 convention, by a vote of658 to 548, claimed a fourth life today adopted by tha Republicana* 1880 More women choose Kotex* . At Warnn'a tnvltgtien, Taff BrffMn." \ ■OflHnM.'YfluMvrelir Hia reefgMtion wa* with Mrs. Tkaodort Maad of Clevs- 654 Center St. TeL 4112 (Continued oa Page Eleven) and' a fourth rioter, not Identl- "Do not tamper with 'the fat* of i Chicago, July 8-^yP)—Uld . hy-^PVaaldaM Truman, wba saMH land Ohio. Mra. Makd spent ..the m sm liTnurncrnfm C o m -, THE NEW LADY PEPPERELL llrtL toO«y, Ot.h^s .injuries. thy, party and _t)i# fa t*,re qur na- [soldier, pouglsB MacArthur,| BUaaanMU.... . Ainyipted.tAt raelgnatioa wUk..!!i ~wttttsr'aaa'’apvtnr m Florida vna Estimates of the number of In- tron.""’he aatd...... t amid " a cannonade ' br/ iip^'] "If it should hiappan that ybur car* r*Bret" and wiahad Peila for atverai weeks w u with her iured varied from 6.5 to 200. Po­ Brtdgei ehafacterised the. Dem- . plauae, bliatertd the Demo- ! goverHor should recaiv* that mafta aueeiaa in' privato life. atater-aad a t ^ l o this town. SNUGFIT FITTED lice decUn^ to report on the ocraty as a party itself divided on ' numbe>='S04-;;^( votaa rsqutraff tor BndtavFlfHi x*ar Cost df Livinj ' crata as a blundering —“w ar! i n dead and'’ Injiired. Issues like civil rights. He'said Is nomination,) I would support him Tha Praiidant mad* pubUe a. I . .Through the months of July and the adminiatoatlon must take re­ j parl.v” and rallied yelling Re­ and ‘I am cbnflflant h* wptfld win in ter from Parthiui Saytiig he pf August the Mery. Cheney U - Bimller o— T h e Elsenhower asid John/ Foster - eeitUnue the Hours of; 3-8:30, 7-8 today. Government sources said Washington. July 8—(F)—The last night's riots were only the horted th* convention ; to sweep . T...... "t'*'''*** ky the Taft-Eisenhower victory by Eisenhower yforceff Dutl**,. (X)P foreign p e ^ . ;(OsmiffiMd on.Paga E ItV M )/", p. lA. front Mondays to Fridays Edgar Clarke REG. $2.98 TW IN SIZE ...... /.. $2 .3 9 cost of living probably is at an si)- the Democrata from office lest the -—President JTlUinan today ; Hattie for presidential nomination, brought thv proposed draft Into, . ahd will change the hours on Sat­ curtain-raiser to a larger uprising in the Republican convention Instiror tim* high today. And it could go by supporter* of xntl.government country plunge into soclalleatlon rejected another plea that hel-u united the packed convention him ysatsrday and that na (Btsan. urdays, to 8 a. m. to nooii. For- REG; $ 0 9 FULL SIZE ...... $2.59 changed his mind and rijn for hall In a standing ovation a* it bit fight over contest^ dele howar) fait it contained "all Mi* mtHy ths hours at Whiton on Sat- higher. candidates running 'fsr behind In and possibly dictatorship. This waa indicated by a aeries the counting of votre/rom Sun­ Kem. in his prepared talk, up­ re-election. And once again he sharplW at - the Triiman sdminls- gates today ' put C/onliecticut aaaantlala nsesaSary to guide ua N a t i o l L e a d -urday aftomoona hava been from tratiows xmlicies. , . . from tha Btandpoint of an' ' J to 8:80. of government reports yesterday day's presidential electi^s. braided the administration for its refused to name his personal delegates in a highly optimis - 140 ^ foreign end domestic policies. Call­ Tb* 67-minute speech, punctu­ llghtansd. **H-lnt*re#t of th# Unit which said: , Three .Big Cl*shew\ tic mood. They said so in FIRST INNINO AMEElOAirpm X. Food prices went up three- ing for a Republican victory in choice for tlie Democratic ated 78 times by handctapping.and ad BUt#*" ' /- \ . , ^ LADY PEPPERELL SUPERFINE Ml/SLIN Sporadic fighting continbvd in Bimmona' walked XkMB tenthe of one per cent,in June™ November, he said the general nomination -for. president.. roars, formslly plotted a non­ words and with big smiles. . Th* ganarai added that tha dtatt the tense capital city until early Gov. John Lodge, chairman of gUk Etutir'w«it~(liM>A BWim m t // SNUGFIT SHEETS ~ to e point 14 per cent higher than today ' after three major clasnt* election , * sUke w »* "the very This information cam* from partisan course in the nomination plank oonUina "Iota of varbtag; iHyiiiiiiiiiHinpniiiiiiiiii, battle between Gen. Dwight D. the state's 22-vota delegation—all rafcliig up tha past, which Mltchair a(ao atrtick ouf. Itbafii Just before the Korean War— between police and soldiers a n ^ structure of our government." Rep. William J. Green, Jr., of rapped to Hamhar who REG. $3,29 TW IN SIZE ...... $2/69 mainly because of . grocery and Nevei in our history he* th* Elsenhower and Sen. Robert Taft. pro-Dwight D. Eiienbower except wouldn't want.” lupporters o: the chief opposition Pennsylvanls, who spoke with re­ toaaad-1» J " r'-at-fsewd-- meat price increases. candidate. stltutlon been »o braaenly de- porters after a White' Houae visit. MacArthur, who backs Taft and for one delegate -:^ *ald the out •He aaid, howav’ar, that ha navar • $ 2 ,9 9 fUd>ihe law openly flovitcd qr who haa been mentioned as a pos­ com* of the rule* fight waa ,','very . quarrala. abqut .detail* at>d:_lt Ja forcing JDiMaggto* REG. $3.49 FULL SIZE , , 2. -The .next overall coat-of-llvink The disorders ended the poliU- *0 Green ta a delegate to the. Demo­ *'-No rtine-el^lR-im-ertdrireii Index due in about three weeks is cal peace which -had reigned sincT cratic national convention,' which sible 'vice-pfesidchtlal f u n "n f h g ebcdurs'glng.” ...... tVreetad only in principlaa. _ mate for the Ohioan, said: . ■ "It wa* perfeetty iqtlandid;' laft. It i*4dtiiliit M expectad to show another climb the polling began and which had antiy trampled underfoot," Kem open* to Chicago July 21. Bleenhower seid he aleo had rm 1. The Democratic party ha* a Lodge told newsman. "I had ex. calved a proposed draft of a plank ChleagOi’ ., ^ T Y P E 180 because rents are rising. The last led many Mexicans to congratu­ ■aid. Headded: Another Democrat, chairman todex-«n-A4*y-45 was only on*, - "O u r founding father* navar- tor. noble heritage but has been cap­ pehted I L blit I didn’t think It (the on national aacurity. and thlt.Jie late^ themaehrea on their country:# Frank E. McKtmiey’ o f th*' na­ FIEbT WHPW HATWmEEft^ -LikOrREPPERELi^OMBED PfR C A tt- tenth of a point below th* record. tended to give, the President of tu re by schemer* leading the vitrory margin) waa go(ng to b* waa "not *0 certain that I agree first modern election without vio­ tional committee said today "Th e rouhtyy toward "the socialistic lUaohi’a pitchad to Lockmaa iar * f 1 S B hW v -. SNUGFIT SHEETS 8. Wholesale prices were un­ lence. the United 8tat*qth* power* of ■ so big." with that." Democratic party will not inject regimentation 'of a totalitarian From other laadera rama thaa* Not ail of th# 88 contaated oon* a soft fly to Riaauto. changed for the'week ended July Although there were only three dictator.” , ‘ \ racial prejudice or religious big­ J, Robinson braekad Rncehyr 1, indicaUng the decline during the - Raps TnnnaA\ Power slate." . comments; , ventlon aaata Involy* direct con- REG. $3.39 TW IN SIZE ...... $2.89 known d«ad, official aoiircea cati- otry” into the .}6!12 political carn- 2. Th* Republicen* ntust anilat first pitch daap into th* upparlilt past few weeks 1* leveillng oil, mated the toll mlght^^reach 18. Kem said *11 dlciatore have State Chairman Clarence F. Uats betwaan Taft and Eiaanhow- palgn*. all kinds of Americans, who are Beldwln—"Thla vote make* our *r supporter*. fl*M stands for a horn* run, pu - REG.' $3.59 FULL SIZE ...... ; $ 3 .19 Food Friere Stoy Hold Thirty-two of the injured were characterized them»elv^a »■ "the McKinney made the pleilge In "desperate for a plan which will ting th* Nationala ahaad. —:A- stall report to th* gsnate. friend of th* people.'— Pceeldent prospect,! of nominating Elsenhow­ Of the**, S* from (Jeorgia, listed as in serious condition. a letter to six Protestant, cifttho- revive hope," to win the Novem­ Baurr struck oul Houae Economic committee the Truman, he said, ha* declared the er blighter, and they wer* very Score* of ,U. S. tourists were lle and Jewish leaders. ber election. (toa nm, M * hit, M a m m m V day before said prices may climb reported affected^ by tear gas President ha* th* power " 'to do bright before." (CtoaUnued oa“ Pago’ Btoven) . Appeal Is Made MacArthur naqi^ neither Taft Mgnlfleant Victory . ^ '• - - ^ - - - - ,( la ft • ■-...V-:' ■■ ■ SLIGHT ir r e g u l a r s OF 59e — to an all-time peak in. the next six fired by ■polk'* ^he fighting wh«t U right tor the p eop le'-^ Responding to an appeal from 4.00 Each to 12 month*—up one to three per swirled near the Del’ Prado hotel. other, wrorde, he may do wh«t he,' Meade Alcorn, Cehfiecticut Eia­ 'the clerg.vmen, McKinney said the ((Dontlnoed on Page Hires) enhower chalrmani-'Th* vole wa* cent—due to increaaea in rent* and ‘■iBfmocratlc party will not con­ (OonMaaed on Page Two) a significant victory for the Eis- HEAVY CANNON HAND and services, a recovery in elptbing (Continued on Page Two) done any such activity .In behalf Dealer Warns '■'•flee*,•'•and'» ' aUght- uptura-w-oon- anttower. torreiE. to.cQbsit>IUty. irumar durable good*. Thb/ toport o f . any of iu:ciw ifiiliea” ''Bn4i'wWf A-toUf WoW Itf fh* IfafL-cahdir FRKIDMRE "vigorously condemn .and disavow P r o t i i l dary. I believe that Dwight Els- FACE Sia: TURKISH T O fE ll said food prieos would-noy change any such activity should it de- on froia the A P Wire* much unlrea crop proap^cta were efihower'a nomination la now as­ altered. . . __ sured- • , . Thotisajids Bginjs; Fired Wkktoney's lettey^a* addresw^ O C R t H o £ „ „ T w O The. dalegatos itoad.up'with toe 3 for ~ HowgyetnlbitButolto of to Rabbi Simond. ifrsm er rtf Wew " ...... -. .ejisr.. - Blatutlc* fBLB). aft*r making a Eiaenhower forces 2<> to '3;to 'y*a- i n lAW-iff-VHDDUI' "T " 5.00 Each A^m and flamingo colors only! Buy plenty vrhlle they lasti York City., president, o f the Syns- Hartford,. M y mh». ^ a j^ a l food survey/of eight key gogiie Council of A m e ric a :T h e I M R r eltlea on June la. said yesterday POWson.Koje (Oontinneff bn P »g « 'jrw*) . Hartford, July S—(S’)— Regula­ nlnionn opinion of the Btnle Bnt'.. After U. S. Most Rev. Edwin V. O'Hara of the prense Court today iqdiill Mw food prices are climbing already. Kansas City Catholic Archdiocese; tion of th* -Oonnecticut milk mar- conatltattansHty o f tho Since food represent* about a ket may be shifted from stoto to $ 1 0 Dow n The Rt. ReV. Henry K. Sherrill of Munsan, Korea, July 8-r of living to or beyond last win­ fired as a result of sharp cuts the agencies are arbeduled to meet iteln of New York, president of United Nations dommand killed necticut warned State Milk Ad- There’s no rowek •crwbbing of dothst., MATTRESS PADS Culled from AP WIrM ter's record.' 82nd OongresB made, in appcoprla- with ^onom ic Stabiliser Roger L. the Ameriesh Jewish Committee; two Communist prisoners of war mlnlstratbr D. O. Hammerbarg at BIO « EEPEV REAOT wiMt tivo-Wolor AcNmv O slbti are THAT WUX. LAUivDER WHITE , It said increases in egg, fruit 1 0 tions tor federal agenclei. Putnam tomorrow and Thursday Dr. Arthur 8., Fleming of Dela­ and wounded eight on Ko'je Island a public price battle which went tot " subnaryd In wator al lha Him , wDh iPorla. M y Ftore* vegataM*. meat, and fiah. prices to decide how the available funds ware, Ohio, president of Ohio Wes­ last week. into ita aecond day today. Foreign Bllnlater Rehert Behnrean roNIng w sn h of 'hat, sudsy wolar were mainly reaponsible for the ' Although virtually »n depart' JapuMSe poUoe claah with 1,0(M REG. $3.98 TWIN BEDJIZE ...... $2.79 menu feel the pinch, hardest hit will be dUtrlbuted and how the leyan Unlveraity, and Dr. George The protest coincided with an teV tlM National Aeoerehly t o M pelng Hwouph Hwm. Twu frsds-wotsr, « . T . I ITM .nno. rioting Communf*t* in S't-hour (Continued en Pnge Tw e) iClASSK are the six Hksonomic Stabilization personnrt cuts wdll be-apportioned.- offlrtsl UN announcement that m the Big Three’* reply t* the 8e- Uvo •Wuls' rimes Hoot ol dirt avrey. RBG. $4.98 FULL BED SIZE ;.... r ...... $J J9 (OMltoMd mm FagPyThreo) price control largeat-.-cuU will (Oontinned on Page Two) two North Korean POW* were pitched battle in Nagoya, Japan’* Agencies which offllcala esUmat* third iargeat c ity ,. American* vtet prepoaal fer a Made by Monument MiUe. femoua for quality. ’ will release more than 9,000—or be made to OPS. They said there' "killed and nine wounded on the, renferaaee - on Oennnny I* t o j * Full and twin bed aisea. spent almoat one half as muah on .over 50 per cent:—of their 17,000 will be some lU ff cuU among prindn camp Island last week In a C a r C r a a K I n ju r e g teat this week and prehnMy M i. tflic 2,500 OPS employes In Wash, D e m o c r a t s B a l l o t eerie* of leOlated Incident*. atoobollc beverages last year aa D enm ark D elivers 'employes within to day*. they did for things they wear, ac­ he puMlahed Thnrsdey. ’These agencies are the Econom­ ington but the effect here will be The complaint wa* In a letter ■JS fS *'"***'-* less than in field offices because In Souliii C arolina from North Korean Gen. Nam R. cording to Commerce depart­ Four on Parkway Tan ker to Ri^ssia ic Stabilization Agency (ESA), ment. p l a t f o r m m u u j » _ 8.00 Each and 9.00 Each Mallensbn's Printed Nylon Dresses Office'Of Price Stabilization they feel a strong central control senior ' Communist negotiator, to CUenge. M y •*;M^OInHWpretr < Amerioau child dies in outbreak HEAVY QUALITY (O PSI,'W age SUblltoaUon' Board staff must be malnUined. Mej, Gen. William K. Harrison, oVilkna party’s xeaewnana e a » r^^***"* Hma Columbia. 8. C., July 8 — of polio to Beirut, I^ebanon.. Poat Trumbull,' July 8—(iR— Four Copenhagen. Denmark, July (W SB), Of flee of Rent SUbiliza- OPS Affected head of the UN truce team. perabos ware injured, twq critical • Canvnnlaef top leedh, South Csrolln* Democrat* today .-:,>4S-Mliiute Talk Office department aaya its pro­ ^■N j^on s • Broadcloths • Sizes 9-15 ’ " __OPi—The disputed 18,000-ton tion. Salary Stabilization Board, The biggest slash wdll be In ly, here today ‘in n eolliaion be­ lU OK—If It Akee the way jffh .JAsdrewmarZh^ OPS regional and district offices. will nominate six U. 8. Reprenent- It was delivered by liaison offi­ posed special three-cent stamp to written—6e a pVtfereiprenMi^K MATTRESS COVERS tanker, Apsheron, buUt In Den and Railroad and Airline Wage commemorat* SOQth anniversary tween two automobilea on tha i .• CluuBbrsys • Pontonga ^ f Sizes. 12-20 Olssributor One official sald'it may.b*' neces­ Stlve* and piofc then 100 district cer to PamnunJom.just before th* At A Low Price of 1 8 .9 6 mark tor the Bovleta and turned Board. of prtattag at Gnttejriierg Ifetrttb-FarMa^-^.- - All Are Hit sary to eliminate- zcgtMal' offices eml local offieere at a i»ritn»ry delegation* held their fifth succeiH' REG. $4.98 WITH ZIPPERS ...$3.98 over yesterday in spite Of U. 8. sive secret sesaion oh the tnica- will have ita flrat day's sal* in Two of the 'Vlctlma were .liated •'Shantuiigs e Organdies • Sizes li'A -U V t pretesU, left Oopenhagen tor a Other government departmenU, altogether. - election. < aMUt" at hen**. Cnme Ini A relatively light vote waa fore­ blocktog Issue of prisoner ex­ Washington Bapt. 80. in critical condition on th* danger Ruasian harlx>r under the Red their funds not cut aa sharply, are But In other money matters the • B em bergs They are copies of |14.98 dresses that have been successful styles. In sizes. REG. $4.69 WITH RUtttRBUTTONS:.T;;:: $3.69 cast with no atate-wide- race* or change. The conference lasted 48 French Army headquarter* an­ Hat at Bt.' Vincant's Hospital, BBASOH BKipBNBHi* • Crepes------e Solids A Plaids Sea ■ Oemenalrnlipn t not expected to trim peraonnel aa 82nd Congress added almost a bil- Bridgeport. They were ideatiflod T ' "^ISr'td 20V l6tg‘tb'24H’. See thiBSe dresses and you will want two or flag at noon today. national Uiue* InvolveiJ. minutes. nounce* that 384 Oomnuulst-M Hartferd. 3nly B .Seama all bound, mada.of: haavy quality aheeting that wlu wair . Foreign office officials drafted drutioftUy. iton dollars to an expanded atom­ VletmlBh soldiers were killed and by the hospital as Ann"Hln*a, 48, three of them. , Slat#' Department offlciali, for ic weapons, program yesterday The, only ■CbngrewUohsl "contest Brig; Sen. William P. Nucfcol*. three aad eae j alf awMie ... ■■■ ^ • for yaara. ; • .- - a noU reJecUng the strongly ■UN Comnoand - apokeaman" aai MyaUc btrant. sea en 11 ahlp'a deUvery. - ' therford,, Jr.. 32-v*ar-ota' Gaffney JectlveT" The'delegatea wilt meet S. .AmeriCk’* new queen of .8f*eu'end Service -• Green ‘ •Ihe American Ambaaaador to and another 20 Jn tljie American a specif aearibn, the law-making Arlington, Maas. . T. ft C. OUTLET, tow'yer. In the Fjflh District. again, tomorrow.' B. 8. United 8UUs. bMs Brst-lMby Denmark, Mr*. Buganl* Ander- ‘mlaaien to the United Katlons. day* of this dongresa are over. —8’,a pound daughter born to Dr. Tha hospital Hstad Mlae Hinaa; mLLBTREET / GLASTONBURY ' INO^BPOEATEIt The next—of 88rd—dongrea* with South Caroline'* olh'i^r , repre- A London report that tha UN Btamps Given ton, baa already been- iitformad T h # ^ estimated cuU could be and Mrs. HUton J. AU*n of M a^‘ 76.1 M AIN ST. made by not filling Joi>s vacated Mi Fagn He6|iy CiBsad Saturdays Dsting July and Augiist (Coattaued a « Paga Thtaa) '#on,'N.^J. •" /I XCm B With Cash Sales aa Page n iee) through normal turnover "of, par- (CanUmMd *■ Faga'Tbree) (Con tin ned on Pag* Three) fv, TEU 8680 « / ,-

, ' 1,

•.'.jrt.w—. wes­ ter Is StSt, w f T"47fi|4 TmW-y , ' Jit,- i“.j. :•■ , IV •■ . ■ V;-

'^MfyCHESTEB E V fe^G HERALD. MANCHESTEB, CONH, TUESDAY. JULY <>19^ ^ r-;rr.' P A fiBSB T W w O O ^ \ ■A ■ m , TOCHEJ!gwirc(5M N..‘ng F a , 1952’ iri|Ml - c ..,'*>ilhat.'e.,amm> ------...... _.e.. 4.«TS children, jwUu tSuS ;f4S>Mrf«ii»munde rtnee Jline Of ffono IMUP »a n c « i Polls opened a t 8 a. m.‘ (e.d.t!) yesterday on a charge of itlagalljs Thuraday pt * p,- m.-at the f>org* ^ (O smIIbM fraaa Pat> nation of -what caused the east- (Contiaued from Page Q*e) munlft-containment,' which Elsen­ precipitate haste to divest out- Heraey Robertaoh Bchool. w ith food riae between llgy -26 and (Conttiiqed from Page Om ) and. close a t 7 p. m. discharging flreworfca on Ju q r^ Uk laat week In. June alone,< ac- **• O'* •>•** ****y •'*'■• *>P*^*^ ' '•** For <*cnrral Iding bound automobile to go out of con­ hower supports, and called .for ulvet. of our own mlUtary waa arrested later In the day «lMn m em b^ Of atmtlar cbmraitteea of June 16. Egg prices ddanped moat mdre air power, a\ Taft objective. oantUir to Bflrpenntendent p# R ec-, O'* end of the montjw (CenMaaad firapi Paca 0»e) ' - '(c^ggaTTiiia Owl i; B ut, a dut.v officer a t th* U. S. trol. / . , conalderiiig an offer b.v India to strength." ' This policy caused When (he car coniainhiig Ike he' reported to the Miartiaotar H euiToundlng towns. H i* group are lined up againat daalara was embMy early today said he had —4.7>r. cent. Bennett said a car being driven help' aettie The 'armistice deadlock Comment* on ‘the speech ran to thq loss to Communism of China, nation John E. Medlund’e monthly .. *T . , General Manager Wchard Mart will coffiVder population growth, gxpreaaed by Charlea-WlngrMlUar- The special survey was made in kldnapoit official reached the TlioitHiiiulb Fired , Police Button otid asked the ttSAs nwort t* General Mana*er Rich-i PopMlaO^-of the F^ration of and ha alone, thlnka la rt|(ht for U. Shuster of New York, prtai- fectlved no report* of American* by W alter Moxgala, 36, of Hol­ was dented by the U. S. State Dcr> adjectives like ’’wonderfur and North Korea and the Kuriles, he for th* court aesejon. a^Mar^. |Maiayi^ha».mcreaae4 *0 per cent tin ha» letommeiwed the-.tirana- the- number Of children who- wWl ton, N. T„ producer "aalllM milk to Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Colum­ partment and tha British embassy "dramatic" and ’’thoughCful;’’ They said. Imnler (he fpinnianlst Peoples tha paople' dent of Hunter College. injured. ■■ yoke, Maas., Was about to pass the Police raised the tiarrter and let Chief Herman O. SdUBdet mad* fer of funda r^aininf from an requite a high' af;hbot education, the Connacllcut Milk Producer# Military roadblocks around the bus, Richmond, San Francisco and Loughrey vehicle when Mosgala in Washington. • included thesei M acArthur'a emnUon-packe.d After Budget Cut ^aiedlund'a report ahowa that in thirlaat year*. approprlartoh jim the coiiatruc- Rep. Church aald Democratie where a population increase ia ei- , McKinney said he la- foreward- Association' at Hartford. He Washington.' llte car pasa. The car hod a the aireat on a -warrant .a* adminlatrat'lona.durinK the ^aat 2D ing the clcrg^en’a appeal for city pravantad tha-'entry. of per­ noted the D’Angelo car mounting "It’s simply not true,” a State Sen. -Tofl-T-i^Gen. Douglas Mac- words lashed particularly at what yesterday by Aaoiatant Pnoeeiitor — lion of the yafplanck and Botrrra. ^ i pected aa part of a study of atatts- wartied that farmtra may turn The food j^ce index on June IS Department spokeAman said. Both Arthur -has ^amattcaliy stated' h* called the lack of the tradition­ tVeet Berlin license plate. prevention of racial and religious son* who might join in natv dis­ the esplanade. Mosgala escaped The West Berlin FreiC-Jurists • (Oontlnund from Page One) W. David Keith. Cobum waa lift- "^iKhoora V tto/the o / the general tical anaiysta being made aa to bigotry to the platform commit­ "radical'’ If they don't-tet a fair order*. Soldiers and polic* guard- . \w fta 281.6, using th* 1935-39 being hit by driving his car pntp the depa'ftment and the emboaay the danger of the phUoaophy 'oX al wlllrto-win In Korea. leaaed In $20 bond for amtgaM M nt bOM^nr- ' ' ■-/,fdnd " li oping drend toward aocvalUatloij needa. .of 'a ' proposed regional ’'return, and may “ organlla and kvarage aa 100. ' U an organization, of democrntlo wa^J Induatry and of .everT phaae o7 tee of. the Denuicrallc natiimal ed all publie bitlldinga A pool the esplanade, Bennett said. aaid India had not made a definite 4>lg government, of lu/'conatantly ’’Korea, stands today a* the hal­ a lot of now faces convene* Jan. Wedneaday. O K 11 .««»,000 that ^ school. strike" for a price of 110 instead Renta TUatag offer to help- ■ Inoaeaslrg/expendltures ahd taxa­ lowed grave.varct for coiinltesa lawyers which atir'mpis to keep ^^kpierlcan living" ■. , The towns invited to meet'with conrentlon "becauae, I am certain armored oar* waited In the cen- Mosgala adihinlatered first aid /labs on what. Is going on In east­ 6 ,1 9 5 3 .- , ' v ^bum saM ^ could not a|^. ral»ed/hy a bond iaatie In IM # for Ihat'.thla group wiil desire to atkte of the present |6.92 per 100 ,ter of ^ e city to daahfto any ihew .The coat-of-living index on May to some of the victims while hi* Red Tank Attack tion, Its/abuses of ^w er, its dan.-, American dead," he said. - ’!We the rwhatrurtion' of the two ete- Thia trend, ahe aaid, gained im- the local grtMip include Hebron. p o u n ^. , . 15 atodd at 189, one-tanth of a ern (lerniany, parllrHiqrly'eon- . Daylong negotiations nn'/'irwo' petua fm u those who pii the position of the Demoe'ralic .trouble spot. wife summoned police, Bennett On the fighting scenes fourteen geroua/threats to all liberty in the must not let It become as well a money bills which had blocked ad­ icBuse.ns waa lanrajng. meegt^ 4nMiUary...achoota ■ and' for■ ua from those who planned >t. Andover. C-ol\imbla. Bolton, Tol- point below the 189.1 reached in Communist tanks.,-?-- the heaviest Unilbd.States. . . . He formulated’ grttveyard -for American hope. rernlng the legal rights Of (he I R ^ Who fdW erW Tr i i a v«5te- -party- agamkP bigotry nwt-prejw*' - BkMnaa Bad said. population. journment plans Snlurdsy ^ i d off ing to Ucutennftt WMBK It, Okm t/etural and etigtneerlng •feaa X"r .land, ^i^llfnglonT'A5hYbr vlct cralfc presidential, . nomination aludenU"' from the Polytechnic climb because rents, a 0ig item, degreea .n summer Min ^ n y against United Nations p<^ ress under liberty and peace." ward the spiritual approach to the before sundown.' • Memorial Field during the Ameri­ i iegality ^pf of auchaoch a ,t.trahaf*r, a' hlH mtt.tee, representirtive* of- ita ''mre rtaing. ’ ■ ...... trons btf the Korean .central fKmt; ' Sen. ’Leverett’ saitonstalt- of achlevenrient. of. national strength, rial*.. Joan Rehotr, aa he'atrollqd' tofy hpsM on Republican ' prin- board of education nave been, ih disagreed as to whe’lhfcr cdirnip- Celled fruin AP Institute, He said they refused to > ■Aloag-the Soviet -aonal'-hOcdet- - .The bUla-viiould provide; .----- can Legion ' girwwertig XXaMKir will he tniroijue^ in lheX*toger Tho^ipaon and. Paul Col the 1962 campaign iaauiia. police. . ;r_. commodities stood a t 110,7, Wing M„o99^egli Balkg 4 made the constitution work for houra.. 1- n$U.793.778,330 lo financetold police he was I q t^ n n g IwrmlaMon. .Comiptian Iasoea'>^ Twenty. Y-64 Tbunderjela of The rioting began last .night the 1947-49 average aa lOO, Gen­ closed to hand-to-han^comliaf.of the problems the Democrats 176 years. He concluded: atomic expansion, foreign 'aid and work* . from his vivaf.” \ I lier.'bothHer,'both of the State fJ^partinentI>hPartin*nt Allied • troops coiint^/ 39 Bed* have built up. He knew what he "Ami. come November ,W* will .Ltliae, 48, Is one of (hr ieoillng vicinity of some cl___ k " ' I /The general manager aaid hia Rep. CTuirch -scored th* adminis­ of Education, with Hulx^ Stone S^n. Estes Kefauver oPYennaa- third fighter-escort wing may taka when police attempted to break up erally higher wholesale prices Ou Reappoiutuieiit anH-f'oqimunist I a w y e r a of military construction throughout decision to request permission of see, campaigning In.x’Minneaota, off tam brrow on another-leg of 64- were reported for llveetdfeg, tex- killed and eallmated 30 others died was talking about as to Aala.’L make. It work again, so help 'us Loula B. Mackey; 44. \ tratis for\what she called In­ of th# Connecticut Public Wxpen a "vlc^ry calabratlori" callad by In the battle. West Berlin. Ho haa been' tn the World.. . the leKtslatiire was iaksn after hIS efficiency and waste, corruption ,'tU not ba ap, plane traiiafer 6tght- from Oaor-. wiptm/ w a-of Oen. Miguel Henri--— ^ tiles and fibers. Grains and na- ' Cites UN Omiaajon G o d ."/ rharge of compiling rcrotda on 2— More than half s'hlUionstreet, dol- wad arrested I rofiference . in Boston Monday ~{urirl Tnbbcr were down. The TAnka and Cowmqnlirtartlt^ OnB~dlsBBiU was I'egjslered by intoxtcdf ■ and ’'deaUuctly# Communist inflb Invited to the meeting Inrtude laaue, b^ua# edmiption ia ' "bl- gla to Tokyo.; ;Radically new quex/ Oort Inga, In unbfftrial -re- -Tehran, Iran, July 6^-0^ — In­ lery pounded uN poaitlona along ecnBomlp Crimea by the Eaat - -tara for river, -harbor and flooft { With Town Counsel ,fo>ui D. La-: partisan'.'’, atomlc-powei^-aubmarlne Nau For the month of May, net in- formed sources aald tpday that Rep. James Fulton of Pennsylva­ tratlon." KS forqlgn policy, she Rural Superintendents John\ C. tuiM on the two-thlrda of Sun­ the Nam RlveC Valley In the Kum- nia, who ia for EiaCnhower. Ful­ f'ommuaist regime In defiance, control jirojpcts. / ' , in the woods between' Ralls and officials of tha Plrat aald, "InvIC*^^ a, produced-^ Reilly, Daniel Chubback, Arthur Kefauvprii campaign manager, tllua being built by Navy will be day's vote so far reported. , contA of class one railroads were Mohammad MoasAdegh/fiaa refused Deiitiiark Deli vers of German Jaw. — With most RepuMIrans attend­ Kational-'Ronk of that city. Mar­ ^ million dollar* .compared with aong area with 1.570 ahells. ton said the speech sliould have and th* rear of BL Jame^ OHM- war in Kor#a."\ • Bix^, George iGraff, Alao, Di Gael SMltivan, announced' th at a pug-nosed vesael th at loolui like / Oen- Henrlque* claimed “vic­ to. accept a-royal deerda j-eappolnt- UN t^pa hitting a Oom- . The Free Jurista group is ing the OOP national convention tin and LaBelle had gone to Boa- Keprtiver campaign headquarters kanimer-head akark. - / .-51 million during the same month ing Mm premier of tM* near- mentioned the Uqited Rations. He tery o fu ra youngaUr ftoMI iMMa Y o-V bW ar GpOrife R. Champlin of tVindhom, tory" In full-page newspaper ad­ muniit^eld MU on the central aaid it "cast grave doubts on the T w iker to Russia largely eompoaed of law^ra in Chicago and many Democrala’ of hia praaenca Uiar*. kii*p6 lon-to-eonfer with.officials of the K4m called the ^ Korean con- Principal H. Cheater Neiaort of 1 open Ip Chicago July IS, eight I Supt. Edward 'B- - Grennan J>f vertisements yesterday. Despitr- a year ago. Net Income for the bankrupt country because the Sen- who fled fVem the Easli'Thc out of town, only a handflil of leg- in » w j bwik .Qw -Ihd. flootkag o f • gl-JlMie- ..'ilrat flv#„aaontka.of 1952-was -e#-. ,£roht^*re^,.repUJ*A»»• ./. 000 bond Issue for th* construction which he aald American soldiers Illlng, auperintendeht of acivs^ls ice'' President 'Barkley told Maaaachusetta aaya “ tenahe^ la political meetings, about 1,000 of tlmated by the aaaociation of of confidence. / (OMtiMued ffdm Page One) targets Communist propa- gfeiia adjourned. The House quit American railroads at 237 million artillery, mortars and a flame MaeArthur, wearing civilian o tJ ju m .x m - .jiro- .Jn - MaoirMalac,..jft^,<^d,-.{9k)$L-<^ . , ., , , .yaatarday 1 tjumT- at ,tnMitwtjipti.JiA.jgwJlAin.gd. .Me-r supporters gatbaradr -neftr bi*. . 'There wea.Wft. official, confirma­ d t i s - Q w m-f- . •• - ri ''-geadar-Slie.*Bde-eye**;.tlnst>U)e-.r a('<6i3b p< Th* SeiHi(*'.Ab6l42' jatta. tha -room 'Vwnnm-Uydan doilars against 208 ritltnoha dtirthg CkMbfhg: ipokS : alowiy 16 wit arm fihe) en am y .V H a'cg ll^ Stort-it'" ' that-\if undoubtedly 'will be an ia-1 to 'head yiwterday in awlft anlfi headquarters In the -belief they tion of the Aeporl, which came The U. S. Fifth Air Force said Tierately. He leaned well foiward that Denmark could not halt (he creation of a "sltom to kill” p, m. IPs frpal Cm PtrsH ItaRli slawitatary school and the a^|4i' .Roy K. Jones of Sldrro will be' sue, S lit he comniMtted:^"No p a rty ! of priaon oSiciala-. P a r ^ t acorft . a corresponding 1951 period. - from persmia close to Moaaadegh. deUvery 'of the Apsheron. aecnrity belt aroimd Went Berlin • During the final day Denfoiern^ •MTI Imv* Ib'tiartk tgala for an troh-'clad law, that would were - hailing the next: president,^: nln* Cbmmunlat troop bunkers into a thicket of microphone* and, tions to the Bowers and 8cWlh prohibit United Biotas aid to in chai3{e of a chicken barbecue haa a \monopoly on either virtue I oh Navy'S general clgaai'flcation Mounted police armed with sa­ The-8egate yesterday postponed were destroyed or damaged by '-Foreign Minister Ole BJoern b neccaaary to protect Iba Koat did not taka sdvant^e of. t^ r jaoboola. being aponsOrwl-'^y the Mr; and -cVossiy -following his prepared tSxl, Bone from agent* and provoca- Pseaw fMMblalfertfty. H .countries w hl^ BeU atrabegic war or victor ^ teat ia registered kby/21-year-old bers charged them When they re­ a vote/of reappointment. Until warplanes In close support ai- leveled hli heaviest Masts at the Kraft aald he "hoped the Ameri­ numerical .aiiperiority, LeMsra booie does tha work ef I Maanwhiic, ft report from the matertata tq.'Communiata. Mrs, Club ofHorth Coventry Au­ B^hleV, said he wi/l go to CW- Reedville, 'Va., atudgnt tor seooad fused to disperse. A few shots Car Crash Injures after Moaaadegh formed a gbvern- tacks. Other fighter bombers de­ cans would not make good .their teurs. aaid all action# vv«re fully agreed Maay cash Inqrnrs tm aediaaty lignM Martb. controiler'a offica Wiowa that all gust n2 o n ^e lawn oTihe Second administration of president Tru­ Kem said Republicans. If they I’cago a day or two before the Ikne. ■ / ' ■' were fired. Riot and tear gas m en/and presented hia ^program. stroyed to supply buildings, nine man, who fired him laat year aa threat", to cut off all economic and on by absent GOP leaderft either properU ladlcataa wa c« \ 1 but $262,721 of tha total approprl-win Qur election, would- "halt the Congregational Church. Proceed* Democratic'', national convention Prime Minister' Churchill tells squads were called and flghting Four on Parkway B u y It advlaed Shah. Mohammed vehicles ahd .two supply revet­ Military hrip. In advance Or by long dlatano* tat you quick, dspaniabla i { atlon'of.. 11,066,440 for the eon- wllUbeuaed to defray'the coat of United Nations commander in th*^ D em ocrats B allot trepd toward, a one-man govem- open# to meet delegatee in hia ac­ House of Commoqa that "ait a became general. Rasa Pahlevi to continue the aged ments ' ■ ' ' F ar East. He M id the vessel had beeq built ephons catls.. la tb* aala ot yanr rial i I atruettOH of the Waddell Rchool mant." He said a Republican Con proposed new heating aystem tive campaign for the nomination. matter of coqrtesy'' parts of r e ­ Soldiers were summoned after tlonalist leader In office. under a Uqnish-Rusalan trade h u .Mn. eapended. The Broad in th# church, Mr.’ Jones Is well- (Continued from Pagq-Oae) MaeArthur aald Truman’s clelm gresa would balance the budg^ He said he will not in^e any port on Kon^ given to parliament the battle’'had raged for a'half Previously Ua .Majlia, or lower of inherent powers-.-wMch the Su­ agreement sighed three years be­ In South C arolina /. ' P U n^ EMBLEM atrtat’ plant ia .rapidly n s v ^ RepubUcana, he said, would known, for hi# expertneaa In pre­ vBpeechea in the interim.^Is / laat week had beenm rleared flrat hour and the government' forces / house of parliaiflant, voted over^ KILLED BY ELEVATOR fore the U. S. battle act against The lily, emblem of - purity," is complation and ia eapected paring chicken barbeque. Reaer- Injuries as a possible skull fr,A- preme Court held was unfounded no secret traatlee and, In Urt gov­ The 74-year-oV ian-de- JtUk-Bea^ Oaiar Jlradleg. chair- gradually drove-the riotera up the whelmlngly to reappblht Moaaar In the steel industry-SeiSiure^waa shipment of stratsMc f'oode to painted,in almoeKevery picture of raady foi^occupancy in SaptOmber’ ernment, would, end any Com­ vatlons. are now being taken for cided over the week-end to become man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff" street,to the Henflqupt headquar­ ture, possible fracture of the {iel- degh, who resigned in accord­ Hartford, July 8—l/f) — Hiram RiMaIa‘"chme Into force. Denmark (CkmUnned I rhii nMpB roud of fny h^lth and bher James J. Corrigan rules ------...... injur­ ruler conferred today with Senate been doing maintenance work on and' Bowtrs achool-buHduiig tartng necklace," he said, "has The Coventry Pragment So­ my atfeogth. he said. "If there la the main square In front" of the been fashioned into a tight-fitting drW nlag of 16-monthaold bab.y Presidential WlSce and the Ca­ ies, and JoSeph.'D’Angelq, M, of leaders on the government Crisis the elevators for years. Deputy count for this purpoae. ciety of tfhe Second Congregation­ anyone/ln, this country wko can ^ . Wepawiwg river at Milfi^d the same Arlmgton addresA, lac- and a closed session of the upper Labor Commissioner John J. Don- .noo^W'* al Church will have their after­ o u t a t ^ rH ^tn ' flghting - for. the last April l^w as accidental. / thedral. Several volleys of shots were fired snd police laid down a eratlons of jeg, leglalaUye house was scheduled lan said the elevator will be in­ noon auction, sale, supper and Democratic party and good .Morria H. Rianea Ioms dourt | State PoK^^ Sgt. Frahk Ben­ later today. ,, spected for safety precautions.. -X; evening of entertainment Wednea-I ei -.ent). let him Stop up and fight to remain tn employment of. heavy tear gas barrage. , l« « lil M l aHagl Yat lU t The police and soldier* ftnatly draaa has haaa surebad with CALL day at the Church Community | pj n of my age'A nd let otKera Glastonbury school aystem. . . • Parwa SeWfhoaly ooct,-.aad than Chwles W . LoHirop House. Mrs. Walter 8. Keller/is eep silent. John 8. LaBatt. brewyr who was] penned th# rioter* in a vacant lot wdbadiilaMawJifcoigra-waitMng! general' chairman. The program Sen, _ W chard B. Rum^H of the victim in Canada*#, meet eele- and allowed them to depart ,ln v . adlf Begin a r t Qedrgia told” repbrtera m Moht- kiwied kUaspiag laiOflL dies fol­ small groups, ...... -...... booths fqalured. The chlck^ gflimery.-.Ala.. last n ig h t th a t he lowing a heart attack at tfta age of Other amall fights swirled' as Drac $itrti police Arrested persons identified Mkf : «Mid Rm I Estot* supper will be served from has abdut 300 d e le g a ^ votes n for 72. ' / V > » f * ■ 166 Baa* CaMisr Bftc ThL » M A 7 p. m. The Coventry -Playi the - Democratic piwsMeitUal nomi­ as nctiVe. In the big clashes. present, two one-act comedies at nation assured. He/fclaimed 50 td piesplte Henriquea* claims, vic­ First, The Mii^rmt'- 6 p. m. < tory Ih the election appeared go­ 60 votes . from outside thg south. Is Left ing overwhelmingly to ’ Oortlne*. Mrs. E. Raymond, Jacote of Pis- Riissell stumps Xn Arkansas to­ Anything, before it's acconij^hed,. gah Eoreat, N. C-, a rr l^ Sunday, Inofficial and preliminary figures day and in Indiana Wednesday. g are Mm a lead/of 9.009,374 to must be phnned. ^ / to spend a week with/ner parents ....Averell Hammaii, the Mutual / In Town Budget Mr. and-M rs. W altw Brooks st Henriquez’ 1$7.615, with one-third Security .^ministrator, enter of the vote still to be reported. their home on pepot Road. South j talned Indlifna delegates at a dln- . With only a little more than a Other tlqofflclal totals- given out Let’s talk over your “Blueprint” Coveniry. S a tu r d ^ the three will „,ij. Indianapolis last night. He month remaining to the end of the by the pcealdent'a office w^re: id w on home ownership at Man- lesve for North /Carolina where rstimate any progress 1961-52 fiscal year, th^ town had Rightist Efraln Gonzales - Inina. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks will spend soliciting, votes for his nfomi- a total unencumbered‘ balance in .63)037, and Leftist V lcenta'n>m - ' cheater Savings and Loan, 'V- two weeks. Mik Javobe, the son of { nation; Harriman was reported to its budget of $486,6&6.89 aa of bardo T<^l«dano>, 123.598; . T h e Mfi niM-MrBj/E, Jiacobe, Sr.’ of returning to W ashington to- July 1, according to thr monthly final, official couitt begins next,/ Wmington MIB. h ^ bren advi^crt I government business, hr. Sunday. \ ,y' There is much valuable information to be gained from such a talk. Manches- ^ to a#8lst*M ranger with the U. S.. campaigning iri Michigan budget report submitted to Gen­ X eral Manager Richard Martin ter’s oldest financial iiutitution ia known for prompt, complete home loan 'service —X j Thursday and Friday.,^______^___ The fiscal year-ends Aug.' 14.. - — FIVE DAI’ EOREOABT . ' —has been for more than 60 years. , • ___ ^ ^ TV. Mra. Jime K, Jaye vdll resume/ Sen. Bdhert Kerr of Oklahoma, The unencumbered balance in­ Boston. July 8—, (/P) / /T h'' her simmer dancing clawes F;rj/! nwetlng delegates in Pittsburgh, cludes funds still unexpended from W eather Bureau today issipM the a.* i interview ye»ter* additions amounting to $49*210 following extended flve-dSy fore- .that.have.been.mada.ta.1ha budget . f S s . t , ______y ... ., i ‘’»'«nfea Tdr the nomlnaUon With ing Mrs. Jaye at her South Coven- anybody;" during the co.iirae; of the -year. "The The temperature in New Eng-X original budget appropriation, was lapd during the' next five days. X home.hi / I ^ ' ’------/ v6tVoters, Will be roada at. * '-ww'/ f" "WSTT $3,118,337.78. ------Wednesday - thnmgh‘,,Bundayr wilt i special session. Saturds/, July 26. j l.lA a I A f « V k Including 1600,004 in tax antici­ average 2 to 4 degrSas above the I aWther details wnil tWannounced:Tre^V*a*a;iA - vT «1A 6 1 0 pation notea, $278,599.54 for the seasonal normal with >o marked water department, a balance on day to day changes., Repayments are adjusted to YOUR budget. i hand 'Of $543,088.63 tn bankir And ■ Precipitation' during this period , Sealed bids covermg the Instal^-1 ^ ts it|k O il K oO C ftf X. _X, latlon of asphalt/le floors in the IAJftJftJOl $252.02 for engineering and aicht- will be o'n the average total over Open Dally: 9 A . M. to 8 P. M. .Cen.tf.r.School are .being s o ^ h t,b y j tectural fee* for new schools, the 3-4 of an inch occurring as thu'n- / Ai'___/:_■ - the ^ a n i of 'M ucation. SiScliSca- total expendltures ao^ far thta year derstwm* 'Wednesday' and" again Wednesdays: t2oaed' a t' Noon- have amounted to $4,066,621.81, 'about Saturday or Sunday. X tiond and da^ may be obtained Thursdays: 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. .X from L. C. Uatlmer, .chairman of ;//5 //3 / \ One of a Kind Bargains th# bulldimr committee and it was (CoBlIaned From Pago Oae) / S / s , : ; 7 ■treaaed, Uiat all bids m utt be nub- DAV W omen Plan ■iT E i iftWiIilil . ■4$*.6864»64»466444444444444»4444666$$$$♦$$♦■. njitted .to the chairman no later Such a change, predicted by than 8/p. ip-. July J4. Vice Prerident A. C. Flaher of Picnic G athering llohRlitOtl MANCHESTER General Ice Cream Corp- would - • 4 K. Hrttrkf« . Aaa do away witjh the office of the ■ ■" y~ 20 in./ ConsQlje state administrator, supported by The Auxiliary of ’'the Diaabled “ A ^ a t 17 in. > ^ Of fee# paid by dealers and farm­ F « ce” iOi American Veteran*/ Chapter No. Poker .Flat" er*. 17, will hold a special meeting to­ \ I la r»Ur) SAVlNGSt LOAN Phone 2-4588 or 2-4589 _ ilHn^W AS $3M.n Cite* Cheaper Hupply morrow evening ‘at -the Albe^ (:|a-f ;$a , — lOOTMoinTHt. . The largest adjacent markets In Beebe cottage, Coventry. Lake. J in K«W- YQrA. And jjlassachusetta are Members- are., .requested. 10. jnaet .WlSDii ,‘:<)*ri»hm WllHame" 664»»4»»»»»6499964»»44» under federal control, where Fiah- at the VFW Homer Maneheeter X / eir and other dealers said'cheaper OreeP At 6 p. -m. The evening^s NOW , 9 5 NOW 1 J5I.9F 1 Rule* Battle milk is available Tor aale here. He aetivitie* will begin with boating ■$ wamAd farmer# a t. the ■ hearing and bathing and aiiot dog roast j- -(CaaWaaaH. f*a»a Paga' Oa«T’ - th a t It’s a ’'d ita stro u r aitualTOh’- dfll follow. ■ for local milk. At a brief business meeting i terdSy’s test. Lodge said the two Farmers held put for retention delegates and alteriiatea will be ! dtaaentera were National Commit­ of the July 1 raise in .the price, on elected to attend th* national .X teeman Wtlllam H. Brennan and th* grounds that their c o ^ justi­ DAV convention in Boston,'Au­ X" Stale Rep. Nelaon L. Carpenter, fy it. Dealers agreed with the coat gust 10-16. OlliSr^odflt^ifd Mok«t Largt Reductions ' Brennan ha# aaid he wTll vole argument but warned farmera Bingo will round out the eve- ■■ \ for Eisenhower; Carpenter i# the they are in danger of losing -their iitng and those attending are. re- sole delegate who say* he wilt sup­ market to cheaper outside milk quested to bring two amall gifts port Taft. ------Hammerberg ordered a new price for the gamea. Mavor Raymond Snyde.r of to farmera of $6.92' per 100 pounds, Walerbury had voted in caucus a hike of slightly under a cent a VICTIM OF CAVE-IN TV RADIO COMBO RADIO COMBO against the rule change propoSed quart, for Class 1 Or “fluid" .milk. tv by the Elsenhower side'. He Dealers passed on to consumers an Newington, July 6-—(iR^W aner MdiB M yM r hBodemMitrs for ■•. ‘-T'" r ,h ^ V.- :osBlfe ■ ' raOINIliRAM " call.' ■' ■ already loit some customers be­ fatally injured. here yesterday bBttBT building motBriols oiF FH0N08RAFH Governor Lodge, fighting be­ cause of it, they said. when. .* sewer trench he was dig­ side M« brother. Sen. Henry Fisher, former general manager ^ _ ging caved in on him. Fellow tv tiy cftfcriptidn! Consult our .. .'llftSFEEDS Bnnwrt aiwl-rhawtiMi: naini;ji$! M— th^ir .ItAada, howeris" '-rtnmjmign '’TRpiAieT H arS oi^ whidt ilk* the New ifgv- th'mi^innr'CemHpw'tieetf^Miwi^ -TBIMOBIWIW -''•5=?T*=5= helped win the battle with. . » an-.Daitr i* a division iW Genenal he woe-extricated he woa. takan to “FIXED BATONETB" '' oxporti~wHb any building probe AMHRAL i r R0i^tr-_iiS Ice Crfsm, aaidi • >-- — - Martford- Hospit*f.“' He diad -late _ _ YWaMr - cheer*. See* 6tiurke€"fllaei^j)tii4 last night; foni, Wo'rtoiways glad toliolp. I ’‘Fair play demand* and rom ‘If the CjMs 1 price continues WAS S519.9S— NOW WAS S4I9.9S-<^0W pels the adoption of this rule,’ a t $6.92-T6r more than a month, he told the chpventlon- the^ealera are firmly ' convinced WED.. THURS.,mHSAT. •' "No Loaded Dice" • -that th# Connecticut market wrill 2 COMPLETE BHOWS DAILY 1-.- t- • ^ .‘-iif. Americans, he assertedl, •’vVant be; thoroughly disorganised and - f o r * 3 7 9 9 5 no loaded dice, no shod^ goods, the result will be a severe loaa of ______STATE_ MAT, 2 P. M„ EVE. AY 7:15 $ 3 9 9 - 9 5 no tampered Juries arjilio packed the market for' Connecticut pro- I , I’' / ' ballot box.’’ ■ duceri. BOW .,,BUmitlHO,ZiBmM JLY OUTSgOKtMl Gen. Douglaa''MacArthur's key­ / ’Such a disorganized and disor­ nm a«i a sHita luiu I Ron Siding. Beautifien FREE , . X i / ' X note speech brought milted reac­ derly system of marketing invari­ tion .-ffom the OpimecUcut dele­ ably leads the wray to federal mar­ and protects. W-V' - '■ " gates. keting Older," Flaher declared. iiiim nuniYCKi "He said some intereating and . "Until now the producer* -and ESTIMATES InstalM Fof^our Front Soot penetrating things, and he said dealers both felt that a federal or­ PUIDOKUU ' them welf,” commented Lodge. / der was unwanted and unneces­ The governor aald, however, as sary," the dairy executive who la lOIEITlYM Comhination Storm- CALL atjhtf^lnongo Convontion (Ud Baldwin, that he did not. agree now staUtmad in N*'ff il^?rif-8t*t* ? with MacArthur’a YlewAon aid to (wntihuM^ ■AMITH IIMIK ______-V Screen Doors.' CTve ■ f ■■ Europe. "But if prices cannot be con­ 'The idea of helping Europe is trolled and orderly marketing Asphalt Shingles. yenr-’round protec­ ' 5 1 4 4 in our own interest, our own en- practices followed by competitive­ IlghtenM #elf-tntere$t.” aald ly pricing Connecticut milk, it ap­ Cixsa mrmmw Finest, quality. . tion and comfort. . -M' Lodge...... pears that a federal order may be X, ^ ' , Attorney Genejal Georg* C. the only answer." Conway commented: , Oppose iBterferepce f ON THE SAME SHOW » ; j' * i .'■■’X' --'vd ” I liked ’it very much. We Connecticut farmers and deal­ BOW-AND-ARROW AGAINST FANG-AND-CLAW! qouMn’t haidt^Rkd a better man er* in the past have opposed "gov­ MMUMOMMCUONDi for the job.” ' ernment interference" by taking a The Connecticut delegates and stand against any pro|_ Famdut for S«rvicM for 21 Yoors alterhates sat' up in prldm when Jederal marketing order Seffrow ^' Jam.a* Meltoi), opera .Raymond Brock of afar, stood before the' coflvention Dairy, New Haven, fylli 130 Cantor St.g Cor. of Chlirch RIonty of Fro# PorkiMig just prior to the keytfota speech ‘•r to the witness stand LUMBER and sang an operatic number and th a t "im don't # * n t fed*: America's LargeBt Salhr-^At Your MobUgao tfoaler's I a medley • ot American 'song*. trol." > ' Tealglit At Tilt “CABBINE WI^JJAMB" W1« N W ROME 255 CENTER STREET MANCHESTER •OCeMT.VaOMMOMI Melton Uyas tnXWcston. Th* mood ot aom* farmers who 1 ' -S ;//■

/ ■-V . r : sr-jer-- . V.-l- V .1. / . ■ V" X ==aX£: isr'r. MANCHESTER EVENING M i^CHSSTEfi:”CONS, tUESHAY; JtJX.T «. 1 9 5 2 “ TAGE FOOT 'V - y ^ 10 :mKneons why I held that rooming. ■ ON TH E--. BsSl WCCC—M u ilc .'' 4 ;05—Matinee In New, Tork. \ rtreet, who was drownsd In Lake Convention here' in Connecticut W HAT-Neata: Polka Hop. Hite—WON».-Woman’s Page. street, Wlltlmartttc, with Rev. feet the next president of our The Kt- FraJWJia^ Church Vaca­ II i3*^WDHC— Romance *f .Kalen ktichlgan In March while on a are graceful "for the uee of tax- there was a bit of backstaga con­ WKJJBr-Najra: Reque'at Hatinea. T re n t Henry G. Wyman of. Oilumble of­ Dnlted States should be Robert A. tion School began 'Monday, « ; i a - i r a C 2-8tMla Daliaa Ashing trip ,' was recbvsrtd from payera' money for the purpoee of versation in which two Connet-ti- pita werb 'picked up by WHAT—LaRoaa, Prognin. >Uce Note Jtm ip ^ ficiating. .Burial wll^^^» In West i*g5*SU 5ssau5ss^"-ns Tsft, . Nelghbora'Volea. WGOC-Newx the lake July. 1 an^ has been re­ Street Osmetery, Columbia. clearing up their own euapicion*? cut congressmen gave.^to outaida Frink's bus at the following.ihute Under''CofiBtcUcttl’s new FinnnciiU Responai- .Ken and ,'CarolFB’a Julia Poet Crawford. KttC^Ily . * ■WTHT—Phil Backer. , turned to Columbia for b'uriai: i It may be.'^of rourac, that the of the state nedapapermcn, two 2y-Academy Street. . . schedule:' Sullivan avepoe to illlty Iaw;, that’s JimI Where you’d be If you are WTIC—Republican Convention. 111 June Ari^is lOK lUTBI cOnfiictlng views aa . to the real WTJO|-YouBg Wldder .Brovn. • W'KNB—Man on the Street. le family was potlArd that the •ooo-»ooooo#oo«* democratic' minority Waa betUiiR k • — A Pierce rosd,.Blllngton rpdd, Wap­ without adeqbate insurniice., • I-*or wouM mean automatic 8uspenslon_of WHAT-^roabr'a .Quarter. WONS—Newa Motor, vehicle violations, howevar, School. I othera,-'--'.— —X------’ confident+alv- -h*H- and CmninunUy Ctmrch. Children your d riw ’a'Mceiine and rcgistratidifcr— ----;—r—--- . .liSa-T-W.xlCir^otea.aad Quotea.--.-...... WHAT—Betty KRnlnll;------dropped, marktally -from. Uia-hum- ked-beiiLUylnK-wlth-^ •V -SpecWcationS'inBy-be-had'from . put when.you make rich a bet, ftnality.. Mia , "knowledge’' had are truly generous." will be picked up by the atation- WHAT—Band by Demand. l;tS~WDRC-Ma Perkins ber reporte<( for May. ■ in Chicago-fob several years. He . to II Imnicslly, he is expressing the Be protected with a minimnm of $21,000 IVONS—Playtime for Children', WTHT—Paul Harvey. Mr, L, C.. Latimer, Chairman of . publl* uae taipayera’ money to carry signtficanee; heenuaa he .ia the wagon -on Avery street, Kelley Vt^RC—Memory itaiie.------’The depart rnentj-eporteil ,5S_*r- leaves his wife Mfs, Dorothy Lctuioe Building Committee. ileatioo of Congreasman from Baalcm Con same resaon that the American automobile Hat|fUjy insurance, Call us to- WONS—Tankn Food Show. ^■0 r«Mf*oft out the waiter, and 0»en low,, the 'diri^ 'Dart Hill road and at tha WTOT—■Tom eforbett: Spaoa.CadA WHAT—Brity KtmbaH. 1 rests for criminal d ^ n se s itLjtmor S^mAim bl h-s - The Board iof Bdtteatton TSMrvrg neettcut ...ajm. beeaiiSa. there had and other democratic weopiea want .firehouse.------. ly and w^ll arrahge the details. w e e d —Newa, Mnatc. .UMh^WDRC—Toung Dr. Malone. .. • a increase of 10 oveK,the total for mother, Mrs. Julip' Germann of Idea, even lii politics, is to he a peace. - Nisllher''fa ir'bri-auaa'.wb ■j«-,WDRC-Curt Hasaey.------wiCNB'^Baaoball Matin##; Sports the right to reject any or alt or mdl i aitTicoairrko clloatelUolt Mol K.9 ■. A. •Iftf' bean 'some doubt over the preal- The' South Windsor' Alumni ' WHAT—Newa. May. West street; three alatero. Mrs. any pkrte of such bldk. dentlal -loyaltlea of hia dlatrict'a are faint-hearted or weak. 8p#rlal. PULL aUttraa: jb o good loser. Our grlevancpa -are not with the team defeated Farmington, 3 to 2. i:M —WONS—Cecil .Brown,-- . Manchfster. Matlnt«. Arrests for IntoxIcatiPn headed Wilhelmlns Geer of South Port- All bids must be renclved b.v !. PBM&boF^ JUprtoaoi------^ You say that, because you love tWQ district members of the Con- In a Tobacco Valley Alumni WTHT—World Flight Reporter, li^W DRC^The Guiding Light the list, with 16 arrestsXor this lend, Me.', Mrs. HelehN Robinson of l^nlhaMSitwofpMtel Agooty^J*** nsettcut delegation, -Nelaon Car­ Ruaslan, people b1^- -gcrarrWMaaaaaa ■ehay-ariglie -'liie-’ha-adld "ttHd'hr'i -ngninat: -nur^-oountiry. -nftsc, being ^a'Tffr *‘*^*^‘*''’*^^^^* • :Sa-WTIC-Talk by O'ov. Lodge. lite-w-IVDRC—Hlllto n -- ':.{'m6m«hTari'^y ''puhTic ouf guest. " A -..-WDBG—eeade«%«s/v:.:-v.i...,.i5x .jVHMP------Uriv- wenMa’t name them, elaee to. Mora than 50 children are en­ r e a l e s t a t e — INSURANCE WONS—Newa; Muaic for America t e - . w f suapiciona.' Parhapa" you tvm aame them might lUeba'~(bat Tours truly, WTHT;—^re n o GammelC W O N S-Jack ...^wney’s.Do Muaic Shop. rolled in the ,*'eam-to-awim" pro-' t e l e p h o n e AMU rests. Sixteen persona were ar-^ T'. , dcnjr. "^you Avar; made any In- they wauM be takew aff the del- ' - J. W; Cheney, gram at Bpring Pond on .Plaaaant WCCO—Newa; Muale, • ??^Se*{S?*,V ‘?lu^r- “INSURANSliMTHS \dlNCB I f 14” •ill—WTtC—Three tiiar' Extra . wcco-'Miarp.'- " rested for rules of the road viola- RANGE PICNIC .7 . fer^cts. Perhapf you proclaim agMIaa. . Vallay road. lUybum Smith la in WDRO—Newa. tione, 12 for apeeding and nine for **J5i^2!P^.9*~**°'*** P arty; Newa, ' that you never had any doubtg In What Congreaamafi Patterson charge o f the clasaea for bogin- •'V '/>■* WTFfT-S-ochar-Sporti. . ^ WTHT—Mary Marlin. reckless driying. Tneeday, July t did not say m so many worda, hut nets and Intermadiataa in tha Red WONS—Muaic for America: Sporta. 2:99-:WCCC—Newa: Music. the realm of public aarvice i lh- a;SA->WONS—Spo'.llsht On Sporta. IV Y A what ba impllad, was that' thsre W a p p in g Croee-aponaored courae. Certifi­ 7 WDRC—Robert Q'a- WaxWorka. W IM T—WHAT Jamboree. ware ’Taft sletpcra In the' 0 o«- - WTHT—Joyce Jordan. X •Pk. Wo« I. 0 >en I cates will be awarded tboae who WTtC—Boaton Blaexle. l* f f ~ S 5 S P —Cedric Adams, Pre-Fsb I.a|fe and ■■ ''F*" cedural recommendatlona. nectlcut delegation who were get­ Aecldeat-Freo Day qualify at the conclusion p.f...tlw WTIIT—Weather; Journal of tha Air. Jockey. LUXURIOUS ting on the delegation through aa- WONS—Fulton Lewia. jr. It was Senator Taft who made put parhapa It la too much to Independence Day here was program.. WKNB—Muaic Tou May Remember. WDRcZS’rT sISuh.' Shore CpUagro auraneea that they were for Stsen- liotable in Ita absence of eertoue - till—WWB-:-Telh>-Test. /-r 4;80^WHAT—NeWa. BUn.T RITE es th^flrat graat and crucial aiik the participanu In a pptlticat hower, or at least willing to go Wood ta insda up of mllllona of WTHT—Elmer Davia. / WCCC—Music. accident or mishep to merk the T:8S—WTIC—Newa. / Happens Every CONSTRUCTION CO. lasua of tlw PapiAllcan National I tiahing eapedlUon to dieployi along with state or convention holiday. One occasion tvhteh did Bhroua calls rmsmhllng narrow WTHT—Sliver Eagle. —— 87 Marble Street iventlon. Ha made tactlca thelw hcn the enpedlUatt.la over, the sentiment in their own dintricts. gain focal and other recognlUdn tuboa almost as Sna aa - human WHAT—Symphony Usll; WKNB—News. <. Manchester ho was caught in n|heavlly barbed hoefc nill empty, Having got on the delegation by wee the biennial reuhnion for hair. WONS—Gabriel |Peatter. pretending that they were ready WKNB—Beat on Wax. ilomma. Without the fullead use Mors eerlouefy, w/a.hope that a 7i«»—WDRC—Ed Murrow. to vote for Blsenhower, they W-nC—One Mxn^ Family. ■ni« r ----- ^ 1 oiltht laaoaa boa beedt' UuidiW^to wotrtd; when- actually a t -CWeagOf WONS—DpriaDay,- BETTERbilYCLEAlHMC ^ u l d net hopa to win. Unleaa hel aome of our would-be public aer' emerge in their true colors. \ .. 7i»li—WONS—Newa. — , • :••;-WDRC—People Are Funny. mion ^ o u ld npaac tha veriUet of ragu-1 ygnta. whoae ^ao) we Irenerally We suppose thla strategy was WTIC—Cavalcade of America. nscsssary. If ths supposed Taft WTHT—Conn. Newa Conference. A well-cleaned Rahnent doesn’t just S to i n i f / jrncTrr— in apvar||)|appland,^ th» audit Inddent A votsa ware to get to Chicago aa WHAT-Muaic. -etataA- M ooiild not amass . thejpublit! p o i^ e cuper founded on delegaiaa. ’Ifiere w asn't miich WONS—Jimmy Carrti: Show, -Matinee In New Tork. happen. It is the result .of modern dry’ WKNB—Ed Swett Show. j ^ ^ J ^ DIHagglo Show. ^jMOgnte Ptrengtli to stay .nrlthtn I suspicion; InordiMite, incontroP doubt, at stats convention, that • :IS--WHAT—Serenat.e -In Blue. / I S —Gabby Hayea Show. iptrlklng mnca o f the nominnUon. I able, pervaalve, never-aatisfied ita Aentimant. or the sentimoit of • :SS—WDRC—Mr. and Mra. North. S:.Vi—Howoy Doody. cleanfRR equipment, proper djitergents and any congrsaalonsl diatrict caucus All Manchester Jewelers WTIC—Barrie C r^. Confldentl| 8:0I>—Adventures. f t ! nara^avt tf Ufa ’Sfa made hia dwtgoi vfhich was to auapidan Ip going to polaon itbelf Will Inveatirator. Borecast dry cleaning “know-how.” ’Thkt comhina- ''AMERICA'S EASIEST RANGE TO KEEP Cl that might ba called, would bo Ip WTHT—Eacapa With Me. Today. Aipa the ateninreUar. .- much more than It poliona oUiara. favor of Blsenhower. If the ImB' WONS—Story%f Dr. Kildare^ r»nllh hu achieved a triumph In “•iHnd‘.ThoPm«+J'“>‘“«^Ji<®clata.Juid^I^ to Chlcaga iiaTaft delegates,, th ^ WONS—Newai- Oftlolal BiHaetltFa,'" Hews- Caravgin ■ - ..ntWta»Jln».yojtdasfnai>ethefday.- asnso te us* NSW MBDBL reRularly. - might not hava gone. 'Iliey avoid­ WHAT-Nhwa: NlghtJWatch. !'2S“ £ '*y'’“uae of Stare. . JOday retura, privilafk auurei u t- ^ n t he chase to try to win tWa ‘f* 0 “ •*« '■ Man- ed fight by letUng it be undar- WTHT—Town Meeting. 2:81V—Keep Posted. iflacUsn. ■Way became a 'eempelllng retiaoo I ®*'*****‘‘ *• abaolutaljr auto* atood that they were for Blsen- WTIC—Bob H o p ^ CT^y Hotpltal. July and August, Starting-July 9th. ■ :SS—WTIC—Repulllloan Convention. 8-*^C onventkm Seeelons^- he couM pot be aUowed *?**’^.“ * hower.' A fter all, any Taft lead- ■WOlf8--Myaterloua Trav eler. . „ Temerrew Ihe lasM bafora the been In powar for a long time. era )vbo liad bbowji theipeelves. in WDRC—Lourila Paraona. r g jH S L 7 Swm* the open in tne pai-ty caueiiass had •ill Stave-^len Show. 7:0U^Today. oti9 at portyl^**’* ^ P " * * * ^ ^ • :4»-l-WTlrt'—Erwin Canhem. 9:Q(V-Teat Pattern and Muaic. JJvmtion been dafaatsd la" their home towns J#jJ(|^^^^AlSW.H*t.Qonc_erL___ IjPoneaty more U»«b one of ferreted out by one flehing by caucus sadorfeements of Blaaa after another, |.. N 2nd fisar • JAfVlf W tUfM , ^'NB—Frank Edwarda. , "Huiiiim edlviduaia or pemenaittnw. *1110 hower, / mioittEts- IfriS—WONS—Jaek'a Waxworka. ' We know that such dnwn-to> At Chlobgo, today, we shall be­ ■M MAM flUSMOvOT Wi •rih'tj MANCMUm. eoiM. HAIJDET Seonvention baadad for a teat on Ita" «tal 34M • Millls Junklna TH MANkgar p?^WTHTT-Dream ^Harbor. AIDS LAUNDRY t DRYUEANUte earth yiewb may be dleap^intlng gin to whether these supposed ]•:$ •—WDRC—Dance Orchea'.ra. » r a t iaaua knowing that It had to sleeper yoteu emerge, ,snd how. . . Uan awlt It iMiriali all Hretaallaf Ituai. WTHT—United Or Not. LEGLERG- fieoma clean or go down to defeat to the Democratic minority, but ll:0 t—Nrwb on All Statloni. Bene CenductMn IIU But two of them emerged early T ll:R5”-WDRC-"Tou «nd th# World. fu n era l H C ^ E OtvicM AvaUaMe at ftn November, whoever Its oMdl< we say that, atnea this may in- piptoon CarpeaUr with hia state­ L W. YOST MATHER’S SHOOR BROS. ll:t& -W H T —Th« Late Bob B. Lloyd. Medweie ixtra Cwl SteU might Da. And Tan had, byM*"* sHuatto^ the way to ment. while atm In -Connecticut, WONS—Ja c ri Waxworkt. X WT1<%T-New». FUNEK4 L 9 Ue own cheiee, placad hlmaelf on]**'^ Mnncheater good public aarv that'he was "very likely" to vote WitAT—NUrht Wateh. Ceae le (w m i PlaHk >alt|eate«ar lea be to lode forward epa* for Taft at Chicago. — and that 11 :SR—WDRC—Public Service Program. Sms lenMlyi fmh iMeaO a^e loalng Mde of tbia moral k- t _ stormy figure, BUI Brannan, 'with \ 1I:SR—WTIC—W hafa the Score. SERVICE atnieUyely rather than copban kis actual national isommlttee and WDRC—Syntphony Hall; N’em^r,, tr a u wi trying to dig jMmething RICHMAN CO nr«6—WTIC-^e#av ...... • • As ha and his advlsdry saw prospective convehtioa votes oa tXMV SIVEUER, 12 :R5—WTIC—TlfHny Club ““ Orche4=* W a ite r N . up from, the paat> the Taft .Bide of things on those tre: Star# Jaai. — Leclere, QUlNN^S I h g t' they'wera to lose, bn the 13:30—WTIC-rPRUtdlum Orcheitra. ’The plain altuatlon is that queatlons which, if Tart should j Director |eaue, they tried to avoid the teat. ANOTHER, tW! IS ^ W T I C —Newf. 23 MAIN ST. audit -^baa- baan ■ de|nan ded,-—baa determine, the T«mcYamortaw p h a r m a c y ^ hey wefa7'‘ir'lhe ei37^ aigef"ibj outcome of the convention itself, .... ■Prafiic Atarooda- — -..Manrheatef/ ,Call-Hlv5 B6 9 - bean oonductadr A ^ haa reported, f — P H 6 W g 4 t 3« live up their Ul-gottin gains be-| even though Brennan atlll actualr WHAY-tWcWr; Rural Roundup. and that, outetde of anewerliig ly voted for BheenhowSr on the WDRC-/rBrm...... Proncram.1 too..Jab^..Uiey aaw howl f;15_W DRC—HyfC-^Hymn Time. certain euepldone, nothing haa first convention ballot. - • :25-WTIC—Newt, atrueUva to them the approach- TIui tact that the eemveation ■i |;S*....WONS—BMI Jenklna Show. m ay he turning, not on the bnl- WDJIC—Yawn Patrol., ^ g dafaat on such a moral la.ue 1 ^ ^ WTIC—W eather; Frank Atwood. mAuld:T» . . .be. li»oaed thaf could not have been ar* la i Itaelf. fMH eo the vellag on WCCC-^Productlon NawaraaL « ^ rived at through the normal ad^ procedural matters In the ■eat­ WHAY—Chapel T ^ e A Had their frastie' eompromlae ing and voting of contested dele- WTHT-A-Momlna Devotions. mlniabfiuivo aiirvey Oenaral M ^« f.45-W T H T —Breakfast with Ben. tions ,of„yestarday._been .their agay Hlehard ICartla la eerta^tn ^ BMons. gives the Coanectleut WUAYf^Variety Tima...... - tibn two weekS'iitgo, had they ~ ijTien tre no' early chshM to Vote / • : 5 5 —WDRC—Rellfioua Talk. make of all tha/town dapartahmta to dsay the nomination to the X WONS—Newa. • ever Itied to grab what they T:#R-WDRC—Newa. tnmlng under ^-hla m anagm ant seas they are offlrially suppoord WCCC—Good Mornlnf. Good Muaic. Wera wlliing to glva up yeaterday, We spent tha bum of, mimsy in­ ta aoppert, And all. without dl- WKNB—Phil Hale. ^ a y might hava avoldad the un- ' reef vMntion of thejlr word, too. WTHT—Breakfait with Ben. volved becauaa aonta people ware •X W'ONS—W eather>.News; Bill Jenklna Aavprable teat. But, aa It weA PoBHea can ha a pUaaaat game, Show. / auapidoua, and voiced thatr aua- If you amke euro you get your W TIC -B ob Stee1«. JMialr au'ppoeedly aspert poHUcal 1 p ,c,V „'.o periatanUy that good ■tlietto brio the ether fellow WHAY—Allan Borwh Show. " trategy blundered Into peVmttttng X T:l$-^WONS—Newa. public policy and good Republican lirst. i 2:25—WTIC—Weather. 1 >i « first teat of strength In the party poUoy deraawdad that they 7:St—WDRC—Old Muaic Bo%; Newa. WTIC—Bob Steele—Morning- Watch. i '! ivcntton to tpued on a iM answer^ by tha facts, as they WCCC—Newa: Gooc Morning Music. ^ ^ o ra l issue, on nr1 h they were WONS—Bill Jenklna Show. wmdd be detaibninad by an Inde- Openrprum WHAY—Coffee Club. ' <1 • te the wrong aid#, i^fhdent,au^L ’Th|i kind of ili.a- WKNB—Newa; Phil Hale Show. Ti55^WONS—Weather. . J - " Yeaterday, m Republican plcion, than, ia the type of toc- His Candidate RtM—WDRC—World Newa Roundup. __. Wtved. Jtgplf: ,froin..:.,.the To the Rditnr, y RM'iluilaOag and- " AirOendfHwtec ' .WHXT^ftalliif'Proj^ih.- " ’ ^ pteinium^ i Actidn which -can rousd iSa -^bffl^ loT . If'tliMiHr'wvMrMr congratulations and gratitude party. Ha haa already stated hie - W TtC—victor H, LIndlahr. ; -Jusfpay^^ffKilleto^ America In'the ohiy way the Re- stand on all major laauet. Hia In frigidairo you gat iHo added p«war w h a t —Farooua Trials. j^ubUcan party can rouse and In- are In order7''io the American Le­ a Caalte slaaas. da- WKNB-Dhrk llaymea. y stand hiss been clear, fair and di­ naadad ta glva you full, cM plala tlhd • Okl you buy • book of travelers cheques so that you ' 'h a y * W'O.NS—Crean Patleraon. meet ypur own requirements, 'Then, when winter’s R>lrs thla country—the naming of gion, not only tor their tradl-. rect. After hia nomination he will 19:9G-WDRC—Arthur Godfrey. cdiiitert avdn ad tha w'draiSH dbyL' ■ lafa and cashable funds on your vacation? WTHT—My TrUe Story. Goi —ond ■ modern Got range — candidate who looks forward tional service to this community, conduct 'such a campaign aa to a Kadaiai nali as. WTIC—Welcome Travelers. heavy ekpenses come around, your Old Company’s L Prigid«ira'aMalar-AAiMr tnachontam'ta M d of backward, whoae out- but for the excellent quality of attract ladependenta and Demo- WKNB—Newa; Sammy Kaya. ore the fhriftiett of your kifchtn ' rthe fireworks display presented at otata alike to hia forthrigM 'and lorgar, ttrongar, mara aeahOMlcaLond Did you rant a safe deposit box so tbot^sluablas aiid securities WHAT—Italian Program. Lehigh coaj will be in the basement, with no fuel 1^ la poalUve and Inspirational progreaalva program.. a VaaMlaiaa wMi WONS—Crean Patterson Show. Memorial Field Baturday. night, will ba safe while you. era gone? X , ' 19:15—WDRC—Arthur Ooctrey. tervonfs. Got is thrifty becouM it'i jktlier than negative and carp- After Chicago, aa Republicans, comaa la .yau wMt a S-Iaar frolac- WKNB—Gov. Lodge. j bills to worry you. mg, who appeals to our faith ^The event had been haunttd' by w* should all unite and help to ikMi flan. Sda frigidaira taday I ' '> -I WONS—Paula Stone Show. ■f«t — no time and money wosted elect Bcd> Taft, the natural leader, 19:25—W JH T —Whispering Streets. Sathar than to our hates, our' be­ weather trouble and quality' WONS-Newa. - I C^''the number of your- nearest Old Company’s heofing up or cooling down. If'i trouble in several previous' years. to the Presidency of this nation. 10:30—WCCC—Newa; 11 Hundred and liefs rather than to our prejudices, '• Vic Swanson. 90 Hits. thofo tho momtnf you wont it, for ^ a t candidate ia Blsenhower, But Saturday night's display,, in a I Pres. Taft for President dub, WHAT—Italian Program. L^rfgh dealer for details on this easy plan. You’ll be perfect sky, was sensationally fine OFiN SATURDAY MORNING UNTIL NOON ^ WTIC—Double or Nothing. £ d we think the party and the Mabcheater, Conn. WONS—Guy I^ombarco. ipiif-MCond top burntr cooking, for iinlV Af» going to Jiava him. In" the variety, | number, and.; gr- y ti your waj^ to^arefree assurance thpt, no matter tiatic quality of ihe pieces. We Hm CaiiiMst«~ - l.S i* ?^ i'x ?.ln '5 ’,''?l.i Storm. ^king, for uteiulau-broii-. ^ f h m f Po p PRII Trwji " II:t»—WTHT—Lon« JounfiT. ? think it was Ijhc finest display To Uis Editor; W nC—Strike It Rich. what happens next wmier; you’ll have no fijel prob­ ing. Got cooking ii $o muy, to*-.:, Robort A. Taft is by fsr th« WKNB—Newa; 840 Club. fh e Watgr DcpuriaieBt Audit Mancheater, an4 ita guests, have host squippsd p«raoii for ths pres­ Find oul-»-PHK-Inyauf Ufollko, haw WONS—Ladles Fair. any WDRC—Arthur Godfrey. lems. Your family will be kept warm with the hardest, you moy have boot you with, S Wh are eurp ,kiat the Demo- i«en In many years, and others idency of Utese United States in wondarfwl Frigidairs Rooia Air CendWonkig WHAT—Italian Program. have said the aame thing. •knowledge, training, experience .tits—WTHT—When a Girl Marriaa. longest-burning coal in the WQrld! ■xocHy. And m dependable, id NE W BAsm nms ^tlft-Anembcrs of the Eloard of and character. He is the only can b o l II sTS-WONS—Newa. ire, who demanded ''a re- So we aay -thank, .you to the candidate whoae program offers an U:M—WDRC—Grand Slam. time-eoving, lu carefree. for hU -of ua, taf 'a pub­ WCCC—Newa; 13 Hundred and M Do it nowl . -f , t be the books of the town i end'^ to Irresponalble war maktag Hit. ^ r ' SMAlii 90WR PAYMEXT r I Department, must consider, lic service, whitk. ia the finest and higher and higher taxeal wnc— and Ray. The Oommuntats hate him. They WHAT—Malaano Procam. I good news that the audit, M tWng‘anybody does for Manchea- WONS—Queen for a Day. R e s t e d by them,*TBf# In and year out. Our Le- have vicloiialy attacked him many WTHT—Break the Bank. timaa in. the New York PoaL and .114*—WDRC—Boaemary. , . ^ e d by auditors of their choice, “ f** " '“ 7 they played a lArge part in defeat^ WTIO—Dave Oarroway. , ]lfanelieistf«r' IHvisiipn WKNB—Music On; of tha- West proyad the department's books **"'«*' •* »"'«* ^ bnotber ing him in H*w Hiampalitra thla WHAT—Bopiool Program. '•r ^ 6 m € • . ____ l^ a n la a tio n of veCerana. It.h a a taat ^Ttng, - . / A flarsaaa '' Mr. Taft believea -Uio -ulMasate a., ■•rtes f -wiTJieat — S;«»-WORC—Wendy Warren. ; “ They must coneW erit good “for the good X WCCC—Luncheon Mostcale. . purpose of o&r foreign policy WONS-Cuit Massey Tima. . G. E. WiUJS and [y INC. ' ester to find that tjiere has I MancheaUr Mfe. must be to protect the Uberty of INCORPORATCO ; " WHAT—lu n a n Voice. * ■' li-'. ao scandal,' no Wrongdoing, | the peopb of the. United States 743 MdRSf.*—4 AH GrooR StowiiM Glroit' i Tol. S480 . WTIC—Nexra: Weather; “2'MAiirstitEEf ■ ■■ MANCHESTER Manchester O ffic^'^7 Main Street, Open Thursday Evenings and today haa more dairy and not privately owned' property. WKNB—News; Movie Tima. > Blahlug of funds; M abusa of| FURNITURE AND MUSIC — OP 7 R1GIDAISR W T B T -Jaek Berch ShoiV. f- Itle ^ a n -lt had.buffalo In foreign lands. He Is for a a ;!•—WDRC—Aunt Jaanle's^Stortas; Saterdapr Mornings ^\9C Appliance Oemonsitratioa and Salcd HUie .ti^pt,. and to find that no] strong Army nad Navy. HStapuma /■V v< MriwM sHM M XwsswW smM sHsssiHstasa ■XV .■Vi-!',.# ■f-. \ . t-' X -x: r v r X X \ X' \ V. -’/ - y -ry4- i?itae«a«"xixa3n-«lie BVEWWQ gwflr^ loir i, tm P A < M 8 IX ‘T'~ £ - WEA'MC^TiER Haggatt waa tha eantral Sgura rested Sunday night at May- Friday, T a- im to 5 p. in.; Satuw- V- Z days, 7 a. m. to 2 p. m. B d n l. la a long, drawn-out trial hold k ^ Facing High Court market Square by a 4«caJ poUrik , Andover OUT OUR WAV nv J: R. WIM 1 a m a jOUR bo a r isin g HOUBB w ith ^ 1 h AJOR BOOPtcl DAIL1 )w o m > H^gett Gete in a ^ . delivery on .. Saturwya- wtU bd| In which teatimoay waa . Ukaff AutiHirltlea said that Larars earlier to meet the new- achadula*__ '2 5 - '^ rTHt-5? WHY, JUS>T A WHIFP m OR TVUO AND 1 CAN ALWAYS FdR'MOOPLB — MC’tf AnwYW te P w tob Y e a r in ja il denta of aurcoundipf townk It ro- ■by Frank^Bloale of South Wind­ In conjunction with the. New 4-H Short CMrts » TELL. 86fpK e t'^and. Police .re­ to help rhlldren by having them tlhlveraity -'of ' CbniiactlciA from ’xT X l - X OP IT ON TK PLOCHW • < S.PmiW'/ baata, he atiafgarad toto a barter, or. This lattar aasartlon was baaad Ooiiiily Jail today' awaiting Su- vealed that he has a previous rec­ In their home during the aumi^f July 97 thtjough August 1 Thla X M-H-M-ca ra m el AMD— 1 A |eUow dialed hla homa tale- A. bn. -tha ' prosacution'a attampt to p a ^ r court action on what ord of arrests In SufflNd and West |viu aastisk in the ptoject of mt- coursa Is for msmbers from I4v X-: i.raur;• a** * tonight at eight, - . •lifay^^^^^the ahop. _iy, dear, will It be all right if I th ef wtU 1 ) e ^ d at aueUon dur­ -^arrcnvllle farmer, .fotmd gtoKy aom» time, was also ealMd upon to years.” 4itoSSC«» is ris bring home a couple of-'fellowa to new elementlhT ■eh()0t,Ip ppbpiJi ing iba KSstorh Statai XhbpoalUbit. InfpWriag the morals of'.witiib-. totufy and xxptoiB haw vB isyx Charles Larars, 52, of 18 East hire, drowned here yesterday vrtile ^gmbcrlalii, ^ IbenaaodsoiHY profeaaor^ dinner? z” vine.' Prior to the wteetlng the The pigs and lambs wiU.be sold or, began today to aon^.'a one- tools and Imptmanta came tk ' StoTn sC r^tr wjto held after de­ taking hla drat awlmmtng - lesson "The Rellgloua Program of EVU” IS ScicUl ijrttcnM > three new pieces ofzU re.ap^ratus at tbt State Lamb and Pig Bala year sentence in - ToUaild County locatad in Haggatt's barm Soata fault of ftJMK) Bond. The action In a R ^ Cross class. The young­ wifa. the topic of Mr. .Ghamber- TRUSS FITTIINI - lecturtngr "! i* # ^-tb e enAof tba p^nTiajied Iff 1961 wBt ba% n ex­ cams yastarday afternoon when lOAfrietii rlw Masculln* 28 TborOughfara world in Ofty mJUlpn yeara." or slaughtered for tabme freeaen. Jail, Sixty-year-old ^.itobert Hag- the neighbors - told tha oourt ster was taking part In a breath­ laln'SsJSunday aerroon and the R r AKRON O'radoatod nCait-^rr.) aONoblamcn . ' She—Yea—yo»r asked If you hibit. Martin Leban is chaiiwian of Many ToUand oouiity 4-H mem­ gett heard aantehce pronounced in Haggett'a ' good charaetar' whila waa charged with taking a car ing exercise during which pupils hymnaXwere, “Come Thou, Al­ lIFOTMi . - appellation “How many?" cn^d a frighten­ the Vihion Board Of F i» OommU- Also-Abdsasihal BiippaBta, U PW tuM CTMtur* 24 Hurrjr 4 lFia h aauoa / could bring home a couple of fel­ bers are planning to attend the an­ a morning session of Superior others idantllM allagadly stolen thOut the owner's permlasinn, Immeraa their faces In the water mighty Kmg,'' "O Lbva Divine' ed voice from the rear. lows to dlnpef. Of course you can, gioners with other ,in«9hbers for nual 4-H Short course for older Court by Judgh Edward J. Daly. « property aa thalra. while under the influence arlth their bodies on the bank. Dr. and “LeadXtJTa Heavenly Father. tie Hiisiary, and all 20A«a U U rlM ^ 25 CaplUl Of 42 Now atar “Fifty million yeara ' the district, CharlSi Warren. 21H tte«w mouauiii Norway . 42 Cicatrix dear. boys and girls to be held July 27 to Judge Daly meted out the year’s Haggatt was found not guilty of Bm>or, and operating a motor Wilbur J. Moore, medleal exami Vacation Church School will be surgical appPaacas. B^lvato “Oh.” aald the voice Wl He—Sofiy,'madam, Ive got the George Clark. WUllam Smith, August 2 at the Unlveraity ot Oon- term with the provtao that If con- nina counts and guilty ot tha amr- vehlelk^whlla hla license, wka un-' ner, said the boy apparently died open this week and ntxL a«ettk« l»Pi«w(tod 27lnaiy|M 45 Coiiplt . of relief. “ I thought you Phmil>"8triit4er»iand-Peregr Spicer^ 4toE-Beeea..-x,—— ’ :» Z it# iw«ir iU^on n il O p E p e aold wfbhg T*ri; Bhownrr.....' — - hettKut. — dlUomi 'warranted 'HaggetU*' 'plfO- wbBarga off-jipH BE V W d « of a MaryngkkT apaam. He: liaia nt« c -----’ Matt Sctisdnie------teen million. ^ ,X Bniiqaet Planned Ttw s summer librairy program baUph during the period, he would tancing was reserved upitlt today. LararaNwaa a three-tlma loser child .may have swallowed a Du# to a changeXln the mall 29 TYpwof w h a ^ i pm jteuad 29______Culfivatad 9tSaa aaflta %\e ahntdu banquet of Alden 20 OxlSatioa ^ '/tfiKitra ..p la n t 49 fVuit drink V All the beauftful and colorful sponsored by the Rural Vernon M the matter further considers- Throughout tlM trtoA Haggett twlca. It .WjU the second offense mouthful of water and :became trucking schedule. Ilia local post QiiiR’t PhaipaiF If all tha people that , eat at SWnnsir' AuxlUiry, Daughters of malntalaad bla Imipejnioi. m. all three^^argea, He waa ar-'frigbtoned. ^ X.' offica will be opaB^Mondto; throjigh 21 Bactrteat uatt22 CiMIas and ' 24 Barbai7 < 9^ 51 Oolfart* grouf things o f^lfe^th e Sowers, tha X- Union VOteriuiS will be held Thurs­ School Aakociation, WUl- b a ' beldj boarding houaea were put at one b ir^ 'the green of the trees and at the Vernon Elementary School, ttU H aa^ — patiriat -YlT BridaH>i«h» . (a b .) long table, they would reach. day n i ^ t a t Miller's restaurant “W r 22 Smprlilaiid the velvet of the graaia, and aU tha in MftDcheatir atartlng at 7 p. m. Thuraday from 2 to 4 p. m., and i » music that gives rtaonance to each 'Thursday up .to ahd Includ­ 1 2T A man called upon a phyaloiiui Anyone wishing ' reservations Is ^ u l’s emotion are of spiritual on- a.sked to/get In touchwith Mrs. ing August 14. BMkA.ihay be -V rfndlan for advice. The phsraldan diaghoa- gin. ■■ , ■ “ - . Ijiura Kreh or Miss Rose La­ taken home by schoOi-aga chil­ ed the care aa one of nervea, and dren-.'■■...... X^- JffjiiiiuSMj, IPartalBlof to prel-ribed accordingly. The fee crosse'as soon as possible. A A'' VIWY’wOUHfel^ t-B a dionia Tragedy In twO acta: J—Works „«CIll£jHated The Reading ClUb, similar to the |22Maat cut "waa ave dollara and the prescrip­ hnrd and saves enough to Uva IH 1^,,an n u al Church Behoof pic­ im«r~wmeii n » Rockviiir u b ts i r I tion two dollara. Tha man had comfort. II—Signs a note for a sponsors, is..u^n to children from ] ‘•MN RelaxiiiK! p v i . a n K I. l-298aPt.' nic- of the First Congregational X- ;411toply tob.) only flva dollari. He said to the friend. , ' ^ u rc h of Vernon Center will be the.thli^^ade and up'.. As was MWIITIUT iKLUM^-PWM 4 4 0 r ia a t^ phyiiclan. ■ , held July 12 at Sweetheart Lake done/^iast year books WIU be ' / / / X ^ seiesATt WMUj^NeVM fultar Patient— Doc, flve dollara la all £ve was tha unlucklest #omah 'in Stafford Springs,. Cara will ded to the two children resd- PUT « r XTiSW. lAhd mi. two dp and IlNMMkWMNT T mUMVBKMT r m ' rMHMtMUAH ito M aiM r'...... aUve. ^. . gbe". couldn't, talk about J i«eve-tha.church..at,.l;lS p. m -Jn ^ and . rgporttog op the lag^est Icn WIIIIWR MUIIIIMA WM, lACRMfW'yntTMUCII I'll have the prescription llfled. Xhe better men she might have the event of rain the picnic wlipie numitor of bdoks. ' r ‘ ■ / X ' V |l9lMniWIMIINrCN» J CANWTM j luwcmaiwwfimr 42Naw Ortaasi Doctor— (gastng at the man for married. , postponed untll-later in the/Sum- Each week there will be a stoly 1------— ------/..MCUTWi ” XT *.-':maBwi|fi(v.'aato-> r.t-:hwy*; ..|JtoUri'E;WtoL.Mr.adulL.aithar read­ V w-iuir»T<4 .’in’is' ’^mMITTECnciCP miatake/ in my diagnosis. Your Professor—You may cohgrltu- <3Tub A ctivity, ing or tcillhg stories. 'Iliia week, TV WNOIM hla latart, p k t m X nOrve la all r^bt. You are afflicted late me. I won ten thousand The ■Woman’s l^ipubllcaii Club Mrs. Virginia Russell will read rc u n m / with in entirged gall. There la ho dollara In a raffle. of Vernon will liiold a~plcnic at the to all m teroted ChMren. July iT OQMaad'^ ' - dollars WHflHHT remedy for-that. Class—Ten thousand summer befttage of Miss Agnes ■and July 24, ftsul Selgel will give — "'■I clear? X Woods a t Crystal Lake July '17 the group talks''- All ^ 92Mutltta4a ProfeasoY—^Well no. I had tk children in rural Vernon are in-1X M raa d to W U r The world’s beat after-dinner ''at 6:15 P- m. Those planning to OiBagiiia 1 speech: “Walter, give me both pay twenty-flve cents for toe attend are aaked to bring their vited to take part in tfiia, program. M a ­ I checks." ticket own box lunch. v m i e i y r — Iwstallatlona « r 1 Symbol of Paul Preuase will be Installed c a ES v a l BY DICK TURNER / X Sachem of Tankerooaan Tribe, ^ EUingtoii i l ^ r Improved Order of Red' Men. at] lA an 8 p. m. meeting tonight Oth­ ANU tiUH BUU1ME8 T h a t’a I t BY EDGAR MARTIN - er officers Include Albert Satryb. Feeling Better Gordon Dimock of Main street I I^ ID E GLANCES BY GALBRAITH ■ prophet: Jerry Allen, senior Saga­ VAHft A 'Oto 0 9 3L more; EmU Geasay, junior Saga- has recovered from the mumps I VAJisr ' 4MAVVI6M V9R I W TMk. : morei —Tha - appointiva. uOloers end hasjrrturned toJils di)Ubii St ] "-TC.DillWCS • “ tktA j will be- named at tonight's meet- a MaHford Insurah'ce office. v w e ts MVTVt V29RBA Mra Jennie DeCarll of Main! 0 0 « M f f«b0(2KO Ing.- IfiMFielHwg nffihore^ will be Williaiti Schieldge and staff of ■rreet spent a one-week’ 'VacaUbn I eupeR-M i*a^tirr With her daughter Mrs. Sol Lovet-1 Manchester. • / rte of Wlnsted, returning ho^e , Committee to Meet Saturday.- Alden Bailey baa called a meet- Mrs. Jean Arens of Maple stfeet I ' 1n^ of the committee . from the fcft Sunday for Seattle, Wash, Rockville Lodge of Elks who will where she will visit her sister and | assist at the next visit of ths Red family for a few months. Cross Bloodmobile unit July 28, Mr. and Mrs. Ltnwood R. Camp- I The'meeting will be tomorrow at Jbeil ajid..Mlia_Hattls JU fiu tten d -, '8 p. m; AV’thfflCilw Home; Hem* ed. a Sunday . reception-.gLveoL.lor bera 'Bf “tufe' 'coinTmtte*i “include Mr. Campbell’s sister In Agawam', MXrtln Lehan, Roy Paige, Henry Mass., honoring her 90th^birth(toyJ .Butler, Patrick Johnston, Ray- anniversary. Itotod E. Hunt, Jullua May, Nor- Mrs. Raymond Peltier and son I ■— iiiiii.yj 'bian Dowdtog, Nat N. Schwedel, have returned from a few days Howard Luff man, Richard DemoRsirBllon BY V.T. HAMLIN! ^ o t - spent In Vermont at their summer | A L-■* L E w. Y O _ P P _ ganson, Frank Zbyk, JokhzAlley, home there. Chester Morgan. Patrick Nattgf The committee for the Safety I ton. Cheeter QodomskI, Arthur N-tght program that will be pre- Chattorton and Edward J. Con­ swoted at Ellington Grange tomor­ nors. row night Includes Morton B; | The unit will be stationed at Thompson, chairman of the insur­ the Elks Club from 12:30 to 5:30 ance commUtee Mid Milo E. Hayee I p. m. with the quota for the day and Lee Ryder. They will be being 150. pints of blood. assisted by Aaron Olmsted, Bar- j 4-H a n b News bara Olmsted, Leland Sloan, Lou­ Albert B. Gray, County 4-H ise Price; Charles H. Bancroft. I Club Agent of the Tolland County Harlow Grant and Albin Peterson. Farm Bureau announces that 4-H Martin Pomoroy who has been I Town committees are busy plan­ hospitalized at the Rockville City j ning town fairs which will give Hospital has recovered and re-1 club members exhibiting experi­ turned to hts home on Wain street. ence prior to the County 4-H . .Fairs.. T7l« flntes of the fNra are _ BERIOUSLY BCBNED - 4 i Tenant^ July 26. bhurcli grbiinr&’i Vernon, August, date and place to Danielson, July —M l a s T. M. R9«. B. E. Pat OR. / ‘ be announced’, ManaOeld,- August T. H aw a a sh. M. Ca»f. ma hy RU Qaetoeayhia. Annie Longo, 61, seriously burned CURIE WBLKQI* nuM toer N dsy Weapon— - ; BV RUSS WINTBRBOTHAM a«r. tNlWSSStMlHblML 16, . Buchanan School grounds; when her pajamas caught 5^ here “ Hm! This eu^tomer luggeets we put the aspirin closer Coventry, August 16, North Cov­ yesterday, was on the danger list, ri r u . “Tha aiuna old «Hy dudaa coma up avaiy yaar and hire ua entry Community House; Hebron at Day-Kimball Hospital at Put­ / to the mnat counter!" ^ August 16, 4-H. exhibits at Old nam last night. .Fire Chief Wln- ppn/iA t h A (guides to take 'em out! If H was me. I’d be bored stiff with^ Home' Day. throp Short BBid Miss Longo appar­ VBNTII.A7DA. •o much fithiritg!” { BUGS BUNNY A county demonstration oontei S jg b S It ently had let a sleeve of the gar­ •X win be held Tuesday afternoon-ar ment toll too close to the flame on PI'VNV BUS' BY HERRHRERGRR AltS&lC evening, July.22 at Oie North OoVf, a gas stove while she was cooking. TDMtoH- entry Cbramunlty Mouse. Demon­ Hospital authorities said the wom­ stration teama from 4-H clubs in P lTtlM P an receive second and third de­ the county will compete for gree bums on 90 per cent of her chance to represent Tolland Coun­ body. A gas station attendant put CMMMM ty In the state contest to be held -FMMONIP out the Are bv using a Are extin- liv-S^»tamber anhe^Uiilvetslty of gulshir. AMCAFM. Connecticut; Blveryone Interested Is Invited to attend both the coun­ ty and State contests. Club agent Gray states ^ that They’re Always In Style X g g g j g Peacer^ml’Renty- ■ X f R t L A « * 0 » : in There PBcMng: BY AL VERMgljR 7 7 ^ ,^V tX JO Q < WONDER I NEVER m V WIMl! WV4V Everybody wins during Manchester's Annual Mid* During Rad Tag Oayi'you'll appraeiata again the S e N C B / / l Summer Value Event . . Re^ Tag Oayti Manehas* many advanfagas of skppptng in Manchavtar. fer't Marchanif have, over the-past yoars, estab­ Storas era paehad with -4ip-to-tha-minuta mar- 5 ^ lished a Value Platforni that hai mad* bargain c h a n d i^ You hava tha pick of all tha iaading historyT^ You expect a Landslide of values during nationally famous brands. Plenty of easy parkinfi these bargain days . . and that's what Manchat* pbnvaniant to avary etora. whathbr you choota te ter Merchants have prepared for you d^ain this use mttarad parking space on Main Straat and Vearrtvary j’avorite Son . . ah3 Daui^ar bn^-bf fKa'h^bfhaiv Y-8 im ^ wabbh»» i^ M Manchastar and its vicinity will find valuas galore an public and store-ownad parking lots. Manchae- JToU N|UR9 It. :A'MalMi4 LaBapf^I-W a. Oriity > JtoW'^ feur-daya- rA-waeatioik * up-bad do|Wa ‘Main Stfa«txr^'. in Wa ■Xxz;j'-'-“'-''j*'ar- 5tora8Jara.’\opan:'fyary.:'11wedaY 'ew aning^ztaf4u ' WHM B '■SSBBSSToiSBM y aa, tuT W7 nam X 1* \ r . BY M. e BLORSER 'displaying OfRciai Rad Tag Day Sigiis. J - for your shopping abnvanle!lMMic:Ej£i- .5rn|9e_. n> wamm id asY witm /KNOwanaaioil ttW id?, ' ifeaai wwHim EPWivBy lQO:idERT!LPS FOLKS W FOI^TSDIB FOX ' MVttt>j~t4acoBes McKK 60E« it Hsa ao wauf • asp l i t \.Rfng-Mioe> COKE-A-FUMJS---- AS 'RBCP CUCTOMa. I ThXTOUOiaVONTNB ** S T IN K Y ’* D A V IS CMEHty SWISHES — AS «UM9PCC1DSAr coaroPTWiCMNsa HAMBUKiSeR. DIVINES ! MuoiUBeitf^/JfWcse AWtrsORTI* ^ epOUN^ . ------'Twosuoas «M*9MaRMk< OP VAN X Stores open every Thursday evening ,to 9 PBMIPTAOiT I w#naoB5Nip| tiR iw e r HUT X--

c o o u a r 24 yrt.. 5£gr A favorite with fashion scueon Signs after'aeaaon is ths appealing look- Shop these stores *2083 alike etyje. Shown here' In a With the national political |cam- cleiver fitted .version . with crisp taigni and speech making ' com white collar. Pattern No. 8854 is a sew-rite .x l- nenclng, we liectaw n o n Aware W . It. Grant Co. X Mirlow's H i. P M N 'I Right In The Eye MICHAEL O’MALLEY . t m *f our country’s great blessings perforated pattern In sizer TO, 12; AHaten'a — ind natural resources. With these 14, 16. 18, 20. Size 12, abort sleeve, _ — Mfehaals —' NOT a o s e a r njMT/YOLi / ^ AFgAD WEVe INCUeATBD , Mmm! weVc SaTTA 444 yards of 39-inch. Back's Gustafson's MAY K nauk ie HAhcu ^ 'A DILEMMA) MASTER SYU/ESTEr / THiNtC Of-SOSAB ihoughU In. mind.' you will enjoy Pattern No. 8855 is a-sew-rite n x AND HI9 MMtoJL.. 'X . OlSTOMi^ OUTSOff ARE BE« i » 10- ■mb^dering this product map Blair's J. W . Hal# Corp. Montgomery Ward Co. I T > C N n iL BUT OUR. F«tsr CUSltlMleiiS c»^%ee^i0HEW)s/ •anel for your home. ' perforated pattern In sizes 3, 4, 5, ' RBEUSE'E} LEArtf THIS tCe-GUBKD 6. 7, 8 years. Size 4. 244 yards Of Pam- Curtain Shpp ATMDSPHEIto/ Pattern No. 2088 contains hot 36-lnch. y — . Biish' Hardwara Harmac's Man'e Shop ran trimipfer for design meaeurlng For these patterns, send 30c for C. E. House & Son, Inc. Regal Man's Shops nenU, stitch illustations and Each, in Coins, your' name, ed- Burton'^ - ( Bents, stitch lUiurtrsitionsc spd dress, size desired, end the P at­ i' Shoor Brethars «lor chart .i ' tern Number to Sue Burnett, (-The Coplay's Kalfh Furnitura i 8«d 2Sc in CUIW, your name, n ib A v l MttochestonKvoatof HotaI®! ^ Keller's X ^ Sharwin-WHinms .Co. sidreas and the Pattern Number Ave. Americas, .New York 26. Endi«.ett>l.gl!)fi|pp J5]joa ' * i-qr * n o Anne ri^bbt The Manchester N. T. ■ -- - . i Kampe, Inc. — ■’■'TaxtSo-' Stores evening Herald. Il50 A:ve; Amer- Send 25 cents today for youe j^irs^ Kational Bank 0 eaR New York 39, N. T. copy of Basie Fsshlon '52. It Toti'NTaani -Uxi; Anne- Cabot’s New Aftmm-. of shows you how to meke your .f iv . Pj^D Auto ^ Lincoln Shop • Faedlework la chock-full of krand wardrobe do doubV diity with, MancKa^al' Floor Covering :^Twa(bd®e'“M .-r-t. II »iiMi—iNto s, Nu* exciting features and economical, Ume-savlng styles. < Garttiar'e zttem printed In 'the booit Gift pattoni inintad toMds. 26 ^ zWatIdns Brothers cents. ' Giannoy Clotbiare ' ' Manchastar Trust Co. • ■trffftlfifr;

' V/-- ■ , ...... ■ -. ■ 1^'

. -f. , -N\ •tn x- :K- i.Di MANGHESTER. CONN- TUI5SDAY, JULYR, 1952 ^ PM tKy ■il’.^ jiu^CHESTiEIl ^ pjiGSj^GEjr -coMKtt^iyESPAyvjufcyft^^w^^ Sajggiag j5~*i.g%F.!Si>>^ ^SS?fS~ • ''Til ''‘'’li I. ’ ...... —...... X- ~ ", N-' ; v ' io n LOCAL ;X ta* 'X 3 t o ^ STA-rETANt Deighl 6. Eari Aiid *4 s ta rt N SPORT CHATTER NUMlh OF ► Rokart- ^ Harold A J ’att _ Eisenkawer • Warean /StaMan r \ ' ../.R y /RLlSATES X V ^ ' '« E A ^ W . Y p S T ' ALA 14 ' Zalkowski' Sets z -' Winners Get R o ya l W h| 4 1 ioln Beats W inder . ■ ’ • . / a*' ChiUj^j^r Moves In Spor^SeKedulo ^ ' Siiesto BSitair . ^BIZ. 14 ■ to . .. to ♦ / ■ /- mm \ J ,. , 15 Hits, 10 Win Omr Ajuto Ports AUk.v n • / f o r t y of the first 43 a«:hwhlled<^3^M34 or Fran IfSkoiMy at in the Ltttlo League btoie, ! The train wUhHItoVk ^Mastohestof ...... * t 1 l\l 0 B e h in d K o p p lin , 8>i3 CALff. TR «f -, Nebb. \ . :x iv 1 ’ ( ■ / . pgostvjn' in Manchester to'>-atoUoit at Depot Squats, Boots Afield ■ / ' Batters D o w n Red Sox ve. Yanks, 6:00-—Me- iNational Ltofne Standings \ ■A data hays been played. Twenty ofi SuTOwtee, ef. p .. .X .. . 4 35 s Manchester strengthened "Itaj COLO. 13 . .-V / ' 'raorial Field. , v .Kesnan. it, » « J First National vs. Naasiff'a, th sflto t 21 eardsd ganus in the-- f OOWMiRS wishing to secure the WhIlmnrwvlB .....;..\4 •<■ !• W. L Pet. One Big Inning -hold on first 91*1:* In the'first . Dis-: C»NN. a ::xr'T — ’ ^KUtmMng% Am srian League went off on ruFi boelUHa the series now FhlloV-ing a pattern that has E a i y W i n ____ "V a ' / • ' 6:0<)—Charter Oak. rf&y. Jh H 1 I Horiarty Brothers 2, 0 l.OfXl triCt of Am'/Wcan Legton . Junior Bjx>wiv;»nd B«a)ipr« .. 4 1 .800 schsduls'whUs 2fi of .the fiix^22 ap',>earing' to^-Ths Herald, "Easy prevailed here for three previous Blualfvin. p I .500 M, N’ •to ^ J rtr*t NntKinU Bank . Wedaeaday, July 9 Mkn. Auto Parts %; Msrisrir Rtelbrr* (I) bsiaeball last night with an • to 3 OtL 12 ' ''hkP' /; * ■ [ ' 1 2 i ,400 _siarU In tns,Natlbnai Leaguewere , Way to Lsain 'fiplf Euls#,’’ nUy years since the semi-pro tourna­ "J ,500 .. ^ - Msetontar (I) ' ' „ X Manthaiiter ‘ Truat w . 2 S .400 ' St—Cyrite—ve,- -Aircrsftr-S;86- ment was staged .tor the .first Totals ...... JTIt>l$« I 6 American Legion .'. AB A if'TO A R victory over Windsor at Windsor. / AS R B PO A A ' —------f- MMSa* (sr Q Dalsle. ft ...... *...... 0 y \ 0 0 R. Rick Kopplin scattered four KA. * U \ Naa«l/r Arma ...... 2 3 .400 — Nebo. ' ■ played according to the ;0rtglnal 1 aefiS ten cents and '»-..to** addreia- Urns, s new. champion. U destined I Fairfield Market ,, .000 rj ...... -0 0 0 MrOullW'rt » 1-O-2 - 2- 0 - - . y — -' s / / (laie drawn u p'^Presiden t Russied atamped, envelope t < t o * Na- AB R II A R singles and did not allow an earifi- B*ion. t o :,.,.,.:...... 4 1 i t I 0 - . e — • J ' ' North Methodist ve. Emanuels. to be croWfisd this season. Moodus| kurek. lb ‘ ' F a O Rffharii, V* ...... '4 I t 1 GA- 17 ■'s PhuL Lone posttenemmt in the' tional Golf Foundation, 4w-.^uth FlftoMrtnW'Wtmt to . bat . 3 1 ed run. Errors accounted for all- Oriswnid, 4 12*10 RlKht'haii^er Hank ZatkowakI 6:15— Memorial Field, failed In'tt* attempt, to defend its P***'**.’ • .. 1b 3 1 Johnson, 2b ...... I l l 1 2 0 ----~ , —r^- .C0nUaued.iiljajiui«titt3r.^.tha.£lirBt. j^nter^prinj va. H iller’s. 6:15 'National lodp waa A AwkiblH. Dearborn ‘Strest. Chicago tit)#, toftlng batora Royal. Type- ’ ; 7 - - fifteen .men returned to-the ben; Windsor tallies. MsMrt-. 2 .1 1 2 2 t JOA; 14 - - e- - . ~ - y ...... 4ievecs,-lb. J - .1. . LJKwS ..L without-hitting-the-bail-out-of -Gene - Johnson elammedta- two- National Bank laat . ni(ctit at Srtcr OcK.‘ ^IteF Hirtipid It lb » last- Valler. 1b Perourits,- rt-i>;>^-.T4i--2-'9-4.-A-fr-0~-- .UTTUB tXAGUR playoffs are'. run homer In the first for ithe loc­ mofiMret. If ...... 2 1 a a 6 0- • ILL 40 / Charter Oak, Field aa he pitched iglon vs. Moriarty's. 6:00- n i ^ .in the tourney lld-llfter, a-Mrimir, ...... ‘ night. Nine had ioifltr \3h ...... 3 0 Mmiarty. th ..-r.'.v./, 2 1- t * 6 . 0 A ' ' t - \ scheduled to ^ r t -August 18. Reg- - TtYnJO H r RASBBALL League Noviaski. e »w hit a fait ball from the of tlfPliK f ...... 3 0 als who now have won six and lost BrowR'and Beaupra to a four-hit Merkorlal Field. Moodu* gatnVfl the title last W. Oolrt |» .tv,,..'...... 1 0 Knsplbi. p ...... 1 1 0 0 0 i mO/ a ... •NT'-...... ular seasc^play ends on A u gu s^of^iri^ and managers. wiU hold I n ^ of Joe Dyer. Although orie.- Harry Griswold drova In two A. 5l»n«|uil» sIK...... 1 S i ------■ ...- 4 -t<» ^ victory to-atrenKthefi Thursday. Jkijr 10. year-by kawKlnSg off Hamilton in Msaiir, P, l&sr.srtisi If >...;V O 3 0 f ' X P hold egtatered In the Little League tb' Safe on error for Valter- In 7«h. - ■ for the finlah a* his . Moriarty lUi^nD. night, leaving the Legion Home at Wl«4s*r (li ' ■ \ RO YAL had on Its hitting shoes LoDgfFUf'W; 3ft \ , AB R H PO A B ■— notched hia accond Win over the diMc, three of the whitewashings BBRNIEXALEBIANY and -Red „ s t night, combing the offerings ROVal ....;...... ;. t » m s - n Brothers' tesmmsteii ialvage'd a 16. -'S KY. 20 \ . - Mnodus ...... 000 400 &—S Muft^ner, p of Johniwif.lf ...... 2 0 0 I 0 0 j A Bank In aa many atarta. Jackie {coming Iq the National and the Co m . Mancnbater High, baseball of Ben Novinaki for 15 safeties, Riina batted in. t. Rrsdy 3. victory ;Over Mancheater l*«yriF; p . . t. The locals have copped six Rlorln, ...... 4 1 t 1 0 0 lA IS /, ' Hedliind, mnkinf; hia aecond atart, other two in the American. Ail plajrera,' took part Iw the Boston fonfara SuVowtec“ jri ' ■J.*Suy, Kurek, W. Auto Parts, enabling them to gain WrlElil. ri seven prevtjsii* *tarto. Urenl. lb .A ...,...... ■ 6 • B 0 0 including a home run by shprtotop yiDt, .rf ..... Smith, rf . . A ...... a 1 t 6 a 1- ’ ‘ i' 11 went-all-the-way yl''*b)r'“ P four t r r o r 'thrss N. U Manhiags Were reeked Bravea' -1iaasball\Mheet yasUrday Johnny Jepoon.-* triple, two dou­ Pbiri. .Stger. C. dolrt Jngyl 2j _ two- sole...poaeaslonipf the Natlonal ME. U . ■/ , - ■ Sporis^^^i b»»«'. bus.___ Ibcfani.______'Wasimlni:' . _ Wsus.____ 'borrtt. - Oty AitHirtsst*.___ r - .-" X' e 1'-J t ” ■«'' ■ • ' / ‘ hlta^. fanned aix and walked aeven. up by Horiarty Brothers. Auto at Bulkeley 8U < U ^ ln° Hartford. blet and 11 singles.' Jepaon. ,‘Al Inaul; thrrr base blta. Burowli ' borne Little League lead. 2h ... Tex., and Rochener, N. Y., for a Wbmk. 3tr . After pitching a perfect gahie McAtUm. lb €oopfir. M ... vT. 1 0 1 I • O- Irf- MO ^ 24 • --- / Hedlund la now One and one for Today a Year Ag1gb ^ ’Thq Bos- Parts were blanke* tenJh victory in 14 starts by WjDltSflf' .... Irlah atarted » ' ty xf run raHy in T«to|nM_ri.tJ«r9rith » lltn .rmjiifl xKO. Turner la>- irom. •— IHe. i)uaksr .Citjr. Irig' . tbb-Nauoriblk-^ _ .'1. _ tredited to the eardr and both ,'W»dj«>T;:;axirirtgtoailj.j^^ j ;; tip,- tollbwliy' starter Stan pit*ties. Keenee, Btudewlex; Wnnlnir ps«r ruified-tlis -tafftot jgsm* with to the property>'” FdT interim fi­ Msnehfeter -/>.,. n . the ilxlih aarh'e>a^u awardedT third ltrheT,- Btosiewter; - -umptres,... Tnst;- Ihina -hsttwr In: ~ Or lswelit~2L MISS. » - - . Ten Years Ago—Lon Warneki Ames the victhna were' IKe Do4- Blusewlecz and''Tom Heenah 'jLb SlAUb). ■ nancing the "Fi rift Vitirdfiar BSiik haae no a drive dhat Hetllund in gers by scores of 6 to 0 and 2 to 0. ARMY AND~Na W CLUB WIU the hill. The three twlrlers gave GARY K O & ^ i then cam* to dg St.’OAUliihqt up three Ifitllhni fielding teat ■ Iris glove.-. iSathowalrt- ■ St. I^uis Cardinals jtitcher, ws_ Mo. IS /■‘I • — i • / . hold B'gotf-tournairient-tor mem-^- lip eight hits. But walks and errors th* plate. -He had-only-an -.067 tat­ V4^c.. Twnf^.y; iftty*;- dtftiarsr Tffiiwion took tiro note* - '- - j ------reached'^ an error by Bob Hub- sbldr tb thb Chicago ejubs for ,the Pr.nllr,*m. rivhart; ta,S5 Msnfsais: bMM on $7,500 waiver price; KNIGHTS OF OOLITMRUS bers Monday afterijoon at th* had them in troubled four of the ting average, .but never! helesa he Vnrlirty’* 7. Au!o 2- hi»c* T ii for a total of,39b0,opo and Mark C. ■4 '- - J MONT. 3 bardXllowlng Irlah to acore and the ninth run regiatorsd on a fly lUriev* I. ,Onbro«*ki 2; __ ___, y-- ■ . Twrenty Years Ago —Jimmy baseball excursion to Boston is Manchsatcr. - Country Club. Ricky Mven innings, Moodus did ail its to- left before two fly balls were was easily able to_ flU’ the role of aBarg__ffil. A'8t,_ JLwuU . toaged r ' \ enthal doubled aharply to.can- scheduled oq Sunday, July 20. Jliri: Anderson is handling the affair. the villain Iq, Pj-er's Hall of Fame uljener,* P*j-n* 1, Twerily Foxx hit his 30th home run.. scoring In two big Innings, ocoririg gobbled up in centerfleld to end I; hll. off Dyri 3100,OOto oifKerl.r* 4 (nr 2 rua^ln ftonlns*: NR. II —t er to counter Zatkowakl. my Murray, reporta that the dead All club members wishing to play four In the fourth and five In the bid. He bunted down the first base Dyr0 tor 1 ran* in * In- The clUh sold tor 34.060,800 ot Dnbrnetki. 2 for • roai in wUa / \ * // The Bank, had tha carrot-topped the game: nlns* (plirhciTjhe44o 4 bailer* In •Sthlj plithM. Dtaiwwikli. p*M(rt M to Ori*-/^ - \ ------2_. SPEARS HAD GOOD RECORD line for ticket reservation* is are asked to sign up at the club seventh. Royal won the game with line with the bail Just staying 1W»rSy 0 for^ runs I* 1 p»yii* o that wag uKcaah and that amount woMi l«*lni|^tch«r, Kariava; usipif**/ ]___ NIV. 12 Beea' hurler on the ropea in the JEPSOK was th* game's hitting- i Thursday evening. Ticketa which hniise. The event Is open to all a five run out-burat In the sixth star with two singles and his hom­ fair. Dyer fielded the tall biiLhla 5 ’■«"» '> l/,Mul*»n*r 7 for 4 runs In wraa on Ioati\from Manufacturer* N. H. M fourth- inning when they loaded erititla.ons to round trip train fai^ club members. to add to a 6-4 margin at the tlmo throw waa' not In time to retire 5- .Wliininjrplirhcr. Dyer; Inaint nit'ch- Bfink o f St, ItoMto. r / • __ the iaeka with no one out but Morgantown, West 'Va.—(A1*— er. Surowlec had a tripis and pair cr.. Muljritrr; umpires, Q*y. . Smmlh ------West-Virginia Uhlvsralty’s most 'and admission to Fenway Park for' Jepson’s single, stolen base and of singles. Walt. (3olet hit safely Kosak and save his nO-hltter, •corfrT.iro; ilmV, l:ja. N.J. M ...... - ' couldn't'puah a run acroaa. In tha the game between the Red Sox ROCKETS downed McRay’a by Brady's single scored one in the The next baltef- hit tack to the fifth the;,Bank atranded two run- successful football coaching re­ twice for Mdpdus. w . and Oeveiand' Indians cost '$ 6 a 3 to 2 score last night In a West second. Jepson hbinst'^ 'With . Gor­ mound, and Dyer fired the ball N. M. 14 * • * nera. Philadelphia, July 8— ata-Houaa rnUnial Revenue Com­ U'TAH 14 Hnhfmthftl. c ..... 3 0 3. ti 0-0 best pitchers, his third baseman MANAGER LEO DUROCHER. wertherid Uie^iorm o h ' 'o'clock, facing ths Mei)d4ih .Gary Payne finished up th* iop. lb ...... A 0 0 10M -0 dsn.-ln. UiaJEsIL” ______back to hia corner." said Katz. lUy to at kit. Nebo. Tha Prop* tost mittee, questioned whether a pen- i slowed his -furious pace. Gavilan, "W e want to fight him again in' ana-wni Start with an Injured cen- ^ho also ha* failed to win W i t h ^ * * * ^ game by retiring ths aide in order a>ly hia fight,, The Cuban champ took THE SIMPLE FACTS were that adversity in the past. His under­ tional L the isle ,8am Breodon hod set - ■ -- ■ ” ______/ . . . •- ...... \ . .. . 1 0 0 -1. 0 0 decision in hia first, title defense. will be telecast (NBC) from coast dented the plate. Fonfafa hit a fly City. Backing up Swaih for liurling, 7 -v:...' a round-ending ftUrry. But the men frorii the boys. Figures indicate the National to left for a rUn before Surowlec. bout), • aside to bidld -* tall p4rk: under tot — T-.------He won the crown (£om Bratton, to coast, and radio broadcast (Mu­ duty will be Dick Fitzpatrick, New 0, C , 3 " „ ...... 1 ... ^4 0 4 31 S 1 end was-In sight. Weight made no difference. League had the advantage in pow­ Montreal-r-Armand Savoie. 13.1, law in effect at the time it taxed tlrowif~A Rf>Aupr« ...... 010 003 0>-3 May 18, 1951. Dykes gave him tual). Game time is 12:30 (c.s.t.) Keenan and Bob Whitmore singled Britain Teartiers College right Coming out for the Hth, Tur­ Gavilan at 146 to Turner’s 144*4 er with 166 borne runs so far this for two more run*. Whitmore waa Canada, outpointed Johnny Greco, at the rata o f five per cent aa -Were HAWAII S V-- R)ins butted In. Ilohsiithal 3; two- trouble last February at Miami If the wsather man's prsdiction hander, Ed Oennehy,. Joe Hatarl 145 %, Canada, (12). . . 4 , . ‘Jt«M- IHta,, XaUwKSki,.iIaB4alhaj: -tbrtft- where .The. Keed copped- another- ner shot the works-in one lafrt.- wap In...his beat- condition -in. season to 183 for the Americans, traRped. going to. second. all surplus funds passing from on* -J,iO^ hllii.'Trtih: stoYan DUfs. Sweat, gaep effort'. ' ‘ Tt failed. Driving 'Vilf- a rtoudY; -warm; humid day Is and 740 nina drivrti trt to 6» for and Red.Jacko.'.WaUy.SKidholm' ot. ■"Brooklyn’ ^ 0«Be-Tekach.'-T87,- P. RICO 3 / — split decision. months. He had to be to take ' Moodus made a last (Btch 'stand UConn will receive Swan’a offer­ cofpbfaitoh' ‘to shoih'er; sitflH 'fVd-' run 3. Zi.t1mwgXr-3. Hohenthal, Solo- home counter hooks, Gavilan rare of the buza: saw puncher from iiorrect. Manager Leo Durocher of the underdogs, Trenton, N. J., outpointed Sal Dl ed. ■ f1non, L. Cyr. Wojcik; Mcrifleea. Cohen: 'Turner was running about even the Nationals wUl start the flre- In-the final frame. Two error* put ing*. «ANjS,g. 0 smothered the rally. Pressing Philadelphia’s r ’Strawberry Man­ The starting lineup* a* selected runner* on first and second with Quardia, 135*4, New York, (8). Salgh went on to explain th* fi­ .. —... .- * .... J. J______.... ______‘ •__ li•ft on ba«e|i. Brown it Beauprr 3. Bark with Garilan last nigbt when he baU i^ yoong .PUladelphta Phil­ Hamilton will use idxmt the 7; barea on balU.~JUlkowski 4. TTedlunil ran -Into that furious 11th round Turner against the ropes, he rat­ sion” district who may yet become by the'vote of the fan* with the none away. Then singles by Wait same Club that'has carried them nancing detail* whlcti he -wotfced VIKOIN L 1 7: PtrlkofMiU. Eatkowakl 8, lledland 6; tled punch after punch . off Gil’s lies' left hander. Cis«M|p :nonj!t tatting order and pitchers selected AN OLtoTIMBR Tfild pitch4ii,- SatkowakI 3. Hedltind; barrage. Both Judges Charley a champion.' - Golet and Mager, plus Ingui’a along In first place in the Dusty out: He’ll be faced by the veteran Vie, by the managers: Louisville fN E A ) ^ William .V U.'IAl. 1 Uimplroa, Kerr. Oiovlno; time, i;40,. Dagger! and Lou ’Trees bad it 5-5 Raschi (8-2), Stengel’s right hand­ double made It I I -8 before Suroi League all year. The Infield When Breadon agreed to sell to r : B.U.UI wlec was called In. The latter gave Woodward’s Belair Stud in Mary- him, Salgh arranged in Houaton, \ ______& after, 10 rounds, and .Referee Pete ed - money pitcher. .froinLtha—Yan*. Name-— •Club- JPta HR RBI Ave composed of Showboat. Portec. and LET us STEAM jCLEAM. F iW : p b b o a t t T io n Tomasco had the Cuban out front, Giant, up a hit to Chariie Golet and .saw taiid t* • the ■ nation’s oldest exist-, taOt DILfGATI VOTU; NIEM^TaNOMINATI, <04 kees. Lorkm.n. Zip Durocher alternating at first, tirg stud farm. It was built in 8-4. ’The A P card showed Gavilan Simmons, * seven gan)e winner Rnblmon. Dn»,_ a fire­ of'Gavilan, but not yet. Berra. T.nker* Avg. Woodtke Is also available. The tries (a .308 pace), SlaughteFe Over: Good when horse display* Stengel )»•• !<*•*• George Kell, Rohiiiann, WJilte Sox 1 Name' Club G AB Goodman and Atwell in fighting machine, a Ore patrol After setting. a biasing early Renh. Red gox .. 9 28 .64.7 Barons are made up o f fine, young -\ teanMnatc, Peanuta Lowrey, out a skinned knee end a puff over SUNDAY, JULY 20 brilliant third sacksr of the Boston Avila. Int.i.na 3 Second Snii^ta;^^ Sauer ,.of tb* mnalng last wreeW, moved one eyd. which tom-8 the barns every hour, pace. 'Turner ran Into trouble in Red Sox, who is sidelined by a .Rixzuln. Yarkraa a Fisher, Cards . . 9 24 .583 Meriden High Stars of recent latb~flfth plaoo at JOS with a 8* Needs Another Race: Fits when fire extinguishers, fire bombs gnd tjhe'flfth when Gavilan hurt him BOSTON RED SOX Vs. CLEVELAND INDIANS Abrams, Cards .11 29 .517 years,' such a* Roger Bacon, who CLARKE MdTOR HR and RBI Leader fef-17 record. /;■ a fat horse .fails to win. hydrants at each barn and a fire with a flurry inspired by a patent­ Gavello, Yanks . 9 30 .433 was considered one of the finest box that automatically signals schoolboy shortstop’s twp seasons BETTER DEftL 301 MOAD $ T m . MANCIItSTni New Yjirli’a_Whltey Lockman Driver Got Dirt in \Hla._ Eye: ed bolo right.-Turner was ^nal>Q But the book says use this at your FrRnkI#'* <3> '' Runs ...... ' patrick. burperl r^arn about .sclusivs to the plate this year, entrenched home runs With 23 and In run* Mason's ...... Hamiilton; besides drawing a batted In with 60. ' own peril. Everybody’s expect­ CARTER CHEVROLET CO., Inc. Deci’s. Drive-In ... AB R H PO A B >^Renn, Red ' Sox, 17'; Abrams, "Flainefle*” Hearth Ring which among tlm .100 and .tOO hittera I Bohiuc. 2h .... Cards, 13; Tarca, Red Sox, J2 ; bead on the real of the Dusty daring the earty weeke, uaofflelal- ••In the pitching department. ing an excuse so why not giVe ’em Center Springs ... I MrKfnna. rf gives better -best (or lea* money, one? .000 M. -Prin*),. lb Magnuson> Red Soz H : Gavello, League clubs, is In second place In ^ipert Inirtallation. Dependable ly traded to the New York Vaa- Preacher Roe o f Brooklyn con­ 311 M A I N S T R E E T Green Manor ...... the Twilight League, only a full keea, Olevelaad iadlaas and De- tinues as the front runner with ______, J. Prinicle. 3b Yanks, 11;' rorvieo. dsll us now without Double* game behind the Ridges, The obligation! M i Tigeta many tlmea. Fain hae "even victories and no defeat* Doaplte the three-hit piU:hihg | I ' l S 3 1 1 Props have played two games less PH O N E 6 8 7 4 - 6 2 9 2 of Oraham Holmes, Green Manor i RrazApekae. If ...... 2 i l 3 o 0 Abrams., Cards, 5; Refin, Red battled nla way bock to hold the while Harry Dorieh, vetehin Sox *4; Smith, Red Sox 4; Tarca, than the Thread City nine and are Nix 1 poolUon with n ASO average. Chicago White Box righthander. bowed to Frankie’s,Drive In 5 to ! O'";'"; -• ...... J J « J J % all even In the loss column. Meri­ Ferrla, with 13 hits in 28 tlmea % 2 last night in a Rec -Softball • " ■ ’•••...... : . 2 _ Red Sox 3; f OG A R T Y Is unbeaten in five d^alona to , Triple* den Is an Independent club that St bat, picked up IS pointa during -. league tilt. Frankie’s jams from: Tut«u ------22 j. 3,21 10 1 lead-the American League. Phils- CViwleS. Red Sex. 1* Geer, has -won six times while losing . U^.pn:sAU^tarbieek. wrest H>a Bobby -,8haato, r with - • behind .to;.S'in YaBks.-J:C’itona*ir-JDiD(tgara--J4/;Ta»r;j.'ioiw*s.';//rJ!adFr. only- -. iwUre.__Ifil? . and No doubt fibdut it— ^your esr lasts longer, St. Louis outfielder had a 8-for- 'eport has lU excuses. Braxauakaa; atnien baaea, J. Pringle; Spartans winning both handed oneT Combine the two' in a cringle, modern service and repair Trailing 2- to 1, Frankie** Junle fia(-r{flc«A, Mf^uire; doublv playn. M. drives better, costs you less when you've so week while Atwell, who moved .5?” *" racing the A. Everything Only 14c Sq. Ft. "Jh-Bzautoos put tha Drive-In PringliL Saerre; left o.. baaea. Manor' ■ up from fourth,"phowed an e l^ t Old,time trainers and, drivers else being' equal, base and you know $he reason so many depend nppn Car­ ahead once more with a two-run .S, Frankla'a 5: barm on -balla, fl<»lin$ia got the right people taking care of it.. point improvement with eight btn- " » ^ h t up so many rapid-fire ex- P ricK start h. McGuire 1.; attikeiouta, Holmea 1; the a b u t h p aw bf*al for avery aalsito* ass homer scoring behind John Prin­ wild pUchaa. M('Curre'^3, Holmeii t; Chryslcrs and Plymouths arc an-open book glea in'31 tries. '> * emali book was pub­ has an edge, be- ter when their c*rs develop engine or body trouble. loflfng pitcher.'Holmea; umpire, Sktba; lished listing each excuse by num­ gle in the fourth. to our mechanics. Stands to reason th4rir Billy Goodman,^ Boston Red Sok I , causa after .Said- 'A'fMliMiyesrItsMi GREEN MANOR’S efforts to arorer. Day. mainstay, U trailing Fain by oiily ber and telling when to use each factory training pays off for you— in bet­ Ins. ng the ball, be is . A-sever M e* pmscihw tolMietl Yes, since 1941 Carter Chevrolet has been 'servicing the just a few tie the contest were cast off in ons point, at .835. Goodman in a better posi­ ter driving. f >NiTnnt,iMsinrrstol both the sixth and seventh frames wMscked American League hurl­ /»A copy of this, booklet Is the tion to throw to Cbevrolets of Manchester and vicinity. Drive the family as a double play and pick-off at­ ing tor 11 hiU In 21 at baU to iroperty of the Hall of Fame of ^ tail liip tl ' the other bases. car over this week for a safety-check and Vacation Get- tempts'^ took rival -runn'ers off the . S A V E 10®/a BY CALLING NOW Member Mancheater Automotive Denlen’ pick up 31 pointa during the Week. he ’Trotter here. It U caUed (lo llars m ore A lR M A n. r NOTES . - George Kell, another Red Seek­ Q. What le Jim •SetkSHWVraSMwt base paths. AssoclaMon "The Trottln’ Hoes Excuse Book" .Conatantys real Ready.- Holmes, who 'bad pitched very 1 LEAOINO BRANDS er. Is ^ tor (ouUh with mckey and waa compiled by Murray Howe ■ _ _ . flret name? A V wMNto to tiM ir • WORK fijUARANTEED Mantle of the New York Ynokeea % effectively, couldn’t find th«; plate | Md published In 1^7 by the now Beans Reardoa a . Th* Phii- VYou Can Depend Upon Carter’^ la the stoth franse, walking • four Artliir Drug Sturts ' • M A U . gell, sidelined with ngrpln defunct Horse Review of Chicago. t h a n t h e Injury, dropped down from third - - - kee!, f i g h t e r ’s "Your Stoio of FrioofKy fiqen—)ni A row. T h is -combined, Even 25 years later most of the Orat name is Caaimir, but he pre­ with a wild pitch, gave Frankie's • HRMS ARRANGED on Us - nverago tailed off two excuses still can be heard-around fers to be celled Jim. , . ' two Insurance run* and. s final 5 ' potaita. Msaitle. aa even ADO bat­ harneea tracks ' after a losing Q. Wbat ie the origin of Casey • 'Sorvko'*- ; tr ter last week, taoked IS points ta 2 lead. • EXPERIENCE effort. F6r las tones: Stengel’s nickname? Metivier was the gam*'i* onto Ue aVerngo with a 15-for-M Too Highly . Toutto: Use this skowtag. A. The New York Yankee man­ sttbker, belting out three hits in OTe when yoiii refilse $2,000 for ager derived the tog because he three trips.to the plate.' Manor, Washington's Jackie Jensen end him the day liefore hie race end comes from Kansas City—KC. PH O N E 4148 SINCE 19M. Gene Wpodllng of the New York c a r s ! I bortatop Carl Black hammered' can’t sell him for $200" the day Q. How did Batcbel FlUge come < lit two hits while Seader’s and Yankees are tied tor sixth at .314, after it. by his nickname? r -followed by Pom PiMagglo of I raxauakas's home runs pla'yed a Forget It Wad Race Day: A pat A. Players gave,Of, thethifi ancient St. ; Ig part in the ^ m e . ^ Boston with .313, devUand's Dele excuse whan your boy ibaiu the lUtchell. .80S, and Chloago out- Louis A in erlcm ’ feSef pitcher the horse with a ppek of earroto, six moniker -because his feet appear aa COAST TO • -V- -y rr i r >.f' ~x / : ^ 4 V ' - \ 'J it-' \ ^TA, 4 X - X.X; -j;- \ \ X \- ,^a.. "X I •* ■ oi_' PAGE ELEVEN MANCI SRx E VE N IN G . CONNi. TUESDAY, JUUY 8.1952 :, ■X' PAGE f t H NCHE 8TCB ito lN G HERALi)>KANCHESTER, C 0NN„ TUESDAVrJtJLY ». i '954" ' , ‘H------s f'inu 'J. % ..aRr;-r ,*.»*we;eee.Haae*- apa**as-tosr--:*.v I X H iuses fo r Rent _66 Hfl 1 fo r Salo 78 Lots ft)r Bale Automobiles for Sale 4 Alf^Riobiles for /■ - H oai^M '»cf^c«r'.' ^ . H c Ib WaaUM^Pittjals' isj Htlp i^ td ^ M s^ lXaHklB4B-.WatdieB*<"’ " ' H o ca ^ o ld GwhIs B1 hventyMtin Is Drpivn^d Offered IS- A 1 _• ««^e.aAe a 4- 1 nVemSe. M*.A«a ; . ^ Jd w flty - 4i[ SEVEN B C oi^ furnkhed house for CAPE- OOPl'Sl* flnlahed' rooms, TWO ACRES Home altea, hard Classified ^ SUMMKRTIMFi VALUES DeCORM IRR m 'o TO^^' WANTED 8 yohos. glrta to train PART -TIME coUactorS(pr Mait- BBNDIX. Ecoiiomet washer, uaed rent. Modemicon-renienoee. Phone hot water heat,- two- full Ul* road, electricity', beautiful- view. X "^ALES, Inc LAT^pblliBH window for press workk. Apply 234 Hart- ebaiCer and Rockvuie, Xnpnthly LEONARD W, YOST, Jeweler, re­ one year. Excclleht cbndlUon, 880. 11 miles ^ from dpwntown y - \ Ride In Corfl^ort [Hockvllle 554981. \ batha. screens and storm : win­ MiadM made to M*«anr*. All ford Rbkd. ‘ ' . payment acoounte. Average^| pairs, adjueto! expertly, Phbne 2-6902, dows, . near - achoola and - atoras. Mancherte'r. '8500. Owner, tele- B efye Eyes of WifOp Son For P eace 19.12 Plymouth Granbr^k 4-Dr.X S A Y S ' s j : Advertisemenis “ Excelient valgea at venetiaa blinds at a new -885 per month commiaribni f priced. Open dally, ------^ On bus llBe.''Cait',8896 batwoen 2 •phone Wtlllmahtlc 3-3567. No Radio, heater cuetom seat covers, nth,e SHIRt p r e s s operator. FIva day Sohurfa^ for Rent bcRt term « All makes iM a made While you a few hours dally In your Tkiir avaalnga. 139 Spruce \ 6 6 and 7 jp. m- agents. GLASSIPtED ADVT. jiva ■ . week. Expaiicnca not neceiMU'y. time. ,For InhAmai BENGAL APARTMENT ehie gas Eaglevllle,-July S'—I Special)-— .from sight. The whirlpool formed' 19S1 Chevrolet Rtylellne^ 4-br;— and models.” X ' 6 Apply In peraon. NJew Model nation itreei.; 2-4887. 3'VENTRY—Apartment and In GOP File , DEPT. HOUBS^ V Black, hhitkr.. Loyr mileage. Hartford 8-8548. stove. Phone 5879. \ liANCHBSTER —Benton rtraet. FOR s a l e or exchange, large While hie Wife end 6-year-bld eon by the gushing waters made rea- I t t f A . M . to 4^W P. M. Laundry 78 Sum e^W eet. tagea for re,nt. Herrington's, 1,0 Charming alx-room dwpUlng, in shaded building Iota at the green. wwtehed In hojror. a South Cov-i cue attempts difficult. / 1990 Chfyaler Windsor Club Coupe ..See The«e!^^ay X ' Baitdlna traetiiif 14. feet east of Hayloft.. entry man was swept to kla death Firemen from WlUlmantlc^-ito'd (Oontlaced from Page One) i Hoover tonight In a RELIABLE GIRL' for chicking In ' APPUCA'nONS excellent condition. First floor, Wm. Kanel^ Phone 7773. (f.Vmllnued from Page'Oae) Gray, radio, heater, new tires, accepted for Orocerv, Meat end ^ Machinery and Tools 52^ lest night beneath 'the raging Eaglevllle worked until >■ late COPY CLOSING TIME N EW FOR i m m e d i a t e Pre-Feb houMs, .douagee, ga -'.dry cleanlng.plant, Ineludea some three lo\-e1y rooms, second floor, watera of a factory raceway, hour last night beforfcMjMt-JScsly. Louisiana and'Tdxaa - Including W ■ 1950 Ford Deluxe V-8 4-Dr. Ra­ Produce Clerks to Hertford and OPPORTUNITY THAT three good-siaed bedrimms and FOR SALE -Building Iota, biisl. DELIVERY rages, utility buildings, rbed stands. countef ahd 'clerical work. Good USED REX Cement mixer, hay- Sumn>cj friends he would mfe to start MON. i^ R U PRI. rampa built, for year arouhdN LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA/ was the victim of a fresh ijrown- Irons Also at the scene' were, 1949 Chryaler Wirtdadr 4-Dr. Ra< greeiT.*—The- all. n^.^ Willya Built to comply with all local bu— - ' Psld Holidaye,. Pension ’flan, spreaders, tractors, caterpillar (ile Lake. All electric end heat, flreplare, atoim','windbwa CHOICE Home ai tea, 150' x 200' on lot victory. own itatue ik decided finally. , \ presi. ertlal hoom ^2^ lOi.lO A>sM. TWO WbMiBN for laundry work, MUST SELL THEIR ENTIRE ing accident. p troopers frnpr^ State Police bar­ . dlo. heater, black. Premium .tirae.' Aerd Cara.. The car o f Ih e f u- Inr code regulations In your town Five Day Week, Hospitalisation, 22. SlnlpUcity equipment. Terma. ^____ beach, 880 weekly,: Can ■CTcens and asraiqga. Enttra black road. Beautiful shade trees. A .qompany-laaued statement racks St Staffo.rd Springs. ’The'.Ohloan argued that the Taft Bulm Committee ihur m the conventtoh,J)elj^ead Apply" In person. New Model HOME OF FURNITURE. 2-9712 8 to 10 p. m. or 8' to 6. p. house spotlea*. NIcelyNandecap- strength he showed after >tofu#- AlthOuth Taft >•** beaten 6.58 . the cheering for ^ keynoter. , SATURDAY ^A. M. 1948 JChfyaler Royal Club Coupe • ture here today, , • or city. Good Starting Wage,' ' . LOW PRICE / Dublin Tractor Co., North Winder 4 -mile above Route 6. on Wale* said that Webb., with two other - Mrs, - Winnie I He riow )\ Webb, t^utodry, 73 'Sjimmit street. ham Road. Willimantic S-821J^^ m. ' ■ cd lot. Shown by eppointm oit^ly Ing to duck y<;slerdlD'‘» l®e*” 8 to 568 on .that laivia by • coalition . The Republic's showed by a Dark^gieeri, radio, heater, new USED SEIi'TrrKD CARS^ . Bi;iLT-BITE Group Inaursnce, Sick Benslitf, CAN BE PURCHASED Road, east, of Manchrster, (500 employe*, had^.been working on a and her son Arthur.,^Jr., only mn- For further Informetioii x*ll. m.enth before the ar'bldenl. had fight with Ktaenhower's shock o f - Elsenhower'* ihipioTter* and ' flve.-mln\ite owGlon at tha start TOUB C ^PE RA tlO N WILL Urea ^ \ X , • 1950 WILLYS STATION OONSTRUenON CO. CLEANING WoW n for office. ON EASY MONTHLY TTUtMS Ic a I’E COD, Haas.—Four moma, for July. Owner Manchester 3337. water wheel. ' The South Coven­ ' Vacation With Pay , Alice dampet. Realtor, 2-4: try, man had goi!e''down to the been . talking 'i^-ith Webh. The rroop* over national ' convention ba'r)|iefs of other ci^idlilaiesr''h*t5hBl they U\mk the general Is a BB APPREOIA^P 1947' Chryaler Wlndaor Club' Coup* W AGON 37 Marble St.'! Manchester, f^ n . Wednesday afteritoone. Cell 2- CAN BE STORED UNTIL - “Wanted— To 68 all convenlancee, July 12 to 19., delegate conl'eats. /'practically bptmeed back "to caplHre jconlrol greetrn\ nian^' ■ Evenings 2-0059 3805. Apply On Wedneaday, between, NEEDED IF NECESSARY or 2-5880. Other llstlnga avail' wheel to free it fi)om etteke which fartory la located but a short dis­ :\ - Extra nlr> rlean car. One 4 cyl: Excellent. 9:00 A. M. and 6:00 P. M. At [ J 60. can 4942; able', ' »rl Property For Sslc 74 tance across-. Pine Lake, where guarantee* ivy nomination."' ■'of the .eonvenilon’s cxpdentlals, - 'SrnSen. .l;*fft has hjSi*■ sold he would he Officr Hmira X . M. tdS P. M. , CAN BE p u r c h a s e d WANTED—Used furniture. Liv­ had become Jammed In the device, owner. All newvUrea. I>>w mile- 1948 WILLYS STATION- 9 Rqsaell W. Hlnman. eecretery- Webh made Jhli^ome at Tine Ijikc David S. Tngalla, the Renator'i committee, This group nalh^ for-; giad tc»’'’^heve IMecArthiir as hi* 5 1 2 1 X- .. -. Monday thnj^iiday — - APPUCAlTONft _ . A.* P.aUPER MARKET. • WHOLE OR p a r t ing rQQm,„b«4toP)o^. kitchen . or I c o t t a g e For rtnt .aX^ Giant's NEW HOMES. Two-and ^thw'k ANDOYjER LAK E..'‘Hldeout". 5- mmpalgTi;-manager, Inaleted; the nrtr'.R lp. :Roea' Rtsley of- OH^o-| ^ *- - DIAL. age. Bccepled for Gmeerv, Mekt end treasurer Of The firm; told.'etithoH- Wibres.''""''” "’ : ...... 4 15 irtemiat'fonwing tJ^rAGON■■■^' — — I'^Waahlngton Street ONLY 3 MONTHSVOLD entire houaehold*."’v Let us make Neck, ate'itioms, 'ri^enSi avah- bedrooma Haljln Brothel#; 2 room coHqge. Cobblestone fire­ Taft-men'a showing of power l"Lma, a Taft backer, es Its chalriRsn SofT Homer Cepchert 'of Indiana 1948 Tilda 66 Club .COtipe—Radio, Tn moat caeea^iilldlnga are com­ Produce Clerks tn Hartford area GUARANTEED tSKK NEW abte July 27 ;^ll SCptembre. Call tles that a temporary Water gate The body ■was taken to the Only 1795. Only. 1245 down. pleted and ready for occupancy In ^,X^ Hartford, Conn. you an,'bfffr. The Woodshed, 9221. ... place, scremtqd front porch, rear Avery Memnrtal .Funeral Home In that opening skirmish Justified hla ■ Xnms Elsenhower leaders feared tn^ reporters ha thinks tha tiotot. heater,, new aeat^ covar^. and Maorheater. on full-time basis. SHOWN BY APPOnm*ENT Phope2-3154. broha .open and . tows gf i wlrttog Xost and Pound 1 DR^hlAM BOAT S P E fT A L a week or.trm days.. Phone 2-8727. 2-218(fX ----'-----/■ ------terrqc*. Coihpletely furnished. water poured.Into the raceway, Wllllmantlr. Funeral arrangement rhief's deelsjop-'to risk th* early the conw Itte* tvould bring baelL irtll be Taft and MacArthur._ , 1041 PIVniCKrtk^^erihl D ^ x e 4- MANY BENEFITS; X 7 ' . ANY DAY. OR EVENING „ ROCKViLLP.— Good Investment. Including eleCtnis^store snd re­ - 1947 CADILLAC OONV. - [ FOUR-RObM-Cottage, angulflag' Webb qnci carrying him aro not yet complete test, Ip the;.... cpfivertttpn , ivertttjMi --pdaslbiy pbaslbiy .today Eiscnliowsr 'iiiid .Taft , Jeawir* ’ IflfST- M inV wrtot Hlffo. Dr. Sa31o, hyater.V All '''good Paid HOlidaya,' Pension Plan.-^ Help Wanted— ' PHONE MR. ALBERT WANTED / ' Deep-^ ell electric , l Three-fnmlly'hoflae; S-S'-'and -3: frigerator .Ideal private toratton. TaTf Raara Pare but more nSely toDvorrow'' a ■ tlrea,,f ■ \ \ , • CLU B Roofing—Siding ,16 HARTFORD 6-0358 . ^ water pump'. Cell . Glastonbury ' s'cniencee, a\Covenlry Lake for Lot 150 X 210. Only *7,900. wdre revising their strategy a# a MuUlfort, »llv»r AretcJl typo Five Day Week, Hoapltaltealton, Male or Female 37 Furniture for entire house Includ­ Taft eased off the hot pa?* he port giving the Ohio' senator resiill;^ of the 658 to 5'48 yqta on Ufa I^mded, gorgeDitx hlack, AFTER 7 P. M 46-4690 ,- 3-2377. Reverse charges. the week of 'Jjily l?tk through ed. All 'new water pipes. Income Liberal terms. Call .Wiirt. Good- has followed since he oqt up ramp wrlat')j«n'(i^ Ptncjor- call 70ft5. Re- GREAT EASTERN Construction Good Starting WageT. this evening st 7.30 qt the funeral bulk At the conteqtecl delegefeir. rule* change. . ward. . '''^ Yfrur Chryaler-Plymoiith^ealer Model 62. Only $1,605. X^ WOUtJ) LIKE to contact one or Lot consist of--- 19th. Phone 4095, - ■ f *1,418-per year. First floor occu­ child, Sr., Realtor, 7925. or here, scheduling only the meeting They promised a brl*tlln|^floor Co., Home remodeling specialists. Group Insurance, Sick Beneflta, .two ihen or women Intereeted in Deluxa "Phllco" E le c ^ Refrig­ 2-0796. home. Burial will hr Thursdu.v -with the Minnesotans and the pro- /.Sen. Wtlltam Knowland of C ^ - BROWNt«EAUPRE,\ic. ^vl941 PONTIAC CONV. Residential and commercial roof- COVENTRY LAKEl—Foiir ^room pancy. Price only *11,500. afternoon in Charles F.vsns Cem/- light tn that event. / - ■ ’ LipST - PASS BOOK No. 6AA72. Vacation .With Pay teeming jirofttable new business. erator, "Bengal” combination Rooma Without Board 69 , Schwarlm Real • Betale, 8274 Obituary Taft Utah delegation thi* .morn­ The feuding faetloiW fPr^t fotnia said the vote doesn't elimi­ Notict U horoby glv*n that Pawf aO BlanQll Blieet . Phone 7191 f ;o u p i < x Ing. aiding, gutfea* and leaders, Above everege eeminga. Apt Range. Beautiful" Modem Bed-, cottage, J'.ist like youKo^n home. tery. Rrsdlng: Ps. ing, after th'e regular pmrnlng nate: |.hc poaethlllty of-a darkhora* . APpty-im„.W^eaday. between ATTRACTIVE Room for coupja. Nicely fumishtor ntoderq convent Hartford -I-SISS,^ their' difference* temporarily fast Book No. easts, .taau^ By The Fully eqiiipj)e(L-'$395. comblnatton aluminum storurwlii- tn person,' TCDak slmet. Great room Suiter Hitodsoihe 3 pc.- Liv­ SalHirbaii for Sflic . 76 strs'legy pieetlng with hla staff. night to Uuindef apprj^al of Mac- nomlhSitton. He is supporting Gov. I94rOLD8MO«ILR convertible' down "We Msk* Toyi House A 9:00 end 6:00 P, M. At ing Robin Rhlte, 5 pc. Nationally Complete light housekeeping fa- tencee, private sandy beach, boat. Earl Warren or California. Savlhgi Bank of Manchihite/ haa • t r u c k J ii^ t m a l s Eastern Construction Co. 33 VIEW STREPT—Immaculate He called off hla Usual morning Arthur * call for a/JOP cnisada 6 cylinder. Price 1270. Call . 2- Home”. 24 Oak etrelt Phcyies Known Dinette Set, "Mohawk" ciltttea available. Central loca­ Covene'try 7-6825. FIVE Room haute, 20 acres of Deaths The latest - Asaoclated- B iw been loat amt applicatl^ hat ONE 194frWILLYS UNIV. A A P StrPER MARKET tion. Mrs Jerome, 14 Arch atreet, four room Cape Cod. Two tend St Corner of Carter and Fuss on Note news .conference. against »t#ertng ^ e r lc a lh to"a been made to aald hank for pay* 1406. X 8271 or 8303, Bert Lfndsgy. . 176 Washington Street WANTED—Counter Help. Night Axmlnster Rugs, Inlaid Linoleum. year*' old. Rough flooring com- Elsewhere at the—epnyentton *ocl»ll»tlc or ryyn later a Com­ tabulation of detegstea glvaa Tati JEEP ' . Hartford. Conn. work>6 P, m. to 2 a. m. No ex- "Emerson'' Television Set. "Uni- .flfat floor. Volpe Road, Bolton. site Gov. Theodore MoKeldtn of 5.34, Etamhower 429,, other cahdt-, "kiant of th«. amount of depoalt. WE SPECIALIZE In' rooOng and ..Wanted to Rent 68 pletid on second floor. Hot water Nursery Forem an. munistic a t* te ^ Bli.v A "One Owner^Gsi^ X Very >olhl. ^ pertence^Beceamry. Apply Newm'e verssl" Deluxe Wssher. Lemns .idl. heat, .receaaed .radieUpn. ..tUe Baffles Youth Maryland today happily tackled a date* 131'•nd''ieave* 112 tlhcom- elding. Highest ^ a litv -. mm» Wa n t e d —O ffic# ■ clerk. -Perma- C»VENTRy-r:,Y«Sj:, 'round live- Jtoauac .XaUw . lodrX” sAioiS; ....E a«y''Terniii'’^ DHveilh;''832 Middle Turnblke Y -End Tablea;-“t:rtckt»n fa b le ! WA^ITEi5—8 or 4 fu'niiiibed robme bath, storm windows and screens. room modern expandable home. kevTa'sk at ' to* ReVuWcali-'coh- former PreMdent ■'tnTttofl'."'' ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■' J n g FORI) irTbN PICKUP terials. Workmanship guaran­ nentxj^ltlon with national con- East Pictures. FURNISHED Room to rent for They will NoUM ia h erebyvon. that Paae couple. Phone 6612. by young store executive, and Nice_nelghborhood, handy to bus, Porch, automatic heat, hot S trick ^ ill Field venlioo writing ' the speech in ...B < ^ 1^: BSMM«^ laaued -hy The 1060 :ChjtVfo!el:2.-Dr.. Radio, _ All newc tirpk teed. A. A, Dljm, Inc., 299 AntuiBB hef"-. Work: coiugsteXia baiahhtog .,,-,. .4—Lr-r:B7r7E.--R.—T:^-,’.:..rS, .. - .>■.,.,1.1., ,, Hill'.,,II . whi.cjbbo. . offer ElaontuiiVar‘A street, ’ •hone 4880. ■ ■ "wife.-'Mo ehUdran. Excellent ref-:' stops • and' new- -echobl;- - -Owner- 'W«ter.' Lot"S0‘ it-'400’; -Lake privi­ ■ yT - .V. L o & d B o y Bavtnxa Bank of MancHeater haa er, black. Low mileage, ...-^ 1946 FORD < i TON reports, filing and learn' bookkeep­ 43 ALLYN ST,. HARTTORD ATTRACTIVE Room for business erenCes. Phone Mr. Oddi, 2-4533. name for presidential riomlhatlon. Open Any Eve. By Appointment Irensterred. immediate sale leges. .Owner Coventry 7-6.883. bftin loat -Aifkl applicktton lima 1946 Chevrolet . *4-Ton Rl^k-up-e -Verv 4food, — - ing machine operation. NO typing. SEuatloaa Wanted— Male 39 woihan. Centrally located. Kltcta-^ Peler Tabkko of 5 Btickland Al­ To _Mnrineg Not. R p - Even as McKeldln want to work, FOR OU.VRANTEED Roof* that ■ H. J. Heins Co.. 570 Tolland wanted. Exclusive - with Elva there were rumbling* from ■ bean mad^ to aald bank for pky- Clean. I>ow m llea^' , stay on in any kind of storm, and en privileges, if desired, Call *50 REWARD! Couple with well- TylSr. 2-4469. ANDOVER— Immedlalle occupan ley, off North School street. \a street, East Hertford, Phone Hr YOUNG MAN with power mow­ COMBINATION beheved S year old daughte'r urg­ que$t to Join Cqrps minority in the' Maryland delega mant o f the amount of depoadt, 1951 Mercury ■ Jfjlbrt Sedan- AS LSiSPECIAI^ "fiRtffs—^rotiducioraland- roof ts- er dealrea to-mow lawn*. Vicin­ 4331 after & p; tn. cy, 44 rooms, fully InSulnted: oil foremar)- at the Vanderbrook Nur-* Lavolr. HartfonL 8-6524 for ap.- ently need. 4,07 B room unfurnish­ steam heat, garage, large lot. tlon against (he strong hand ha Radio, heafer." DMy 8,000 milea. i94d“ CHWVROLKT SEDAN palrs. Call Coughllii 7707. ity of Garden atreet. Phone 8962 HEATER. FANS \ SjR ROOM* Cape Cod, 3 4 ye«™ serles/on Lydall street for 20 Whlte-SkJniie^'^V Don't Mia^Thla One! polntment. ROOM FOR RENT with kitchen ed apa-traebt. Phone 2-9Q65. old. Aluminum storm windows lake privileges, *6,300. Coventry yeai*; Ivecame 111 while wofking A bewildered 15 .year old •youth, has dlsplayOd In Its actions. Pcnofuita Full price $95. after 3:3d p.'m. l[«uts E. Lamprecht of- 112 Spen Cbfnplalnts against McKeldln’-k /Turned in 1040 Packard 4-Dr—Grey, heater. MANCHESTER — Rooang and Were *19.95 — NOW $13.98 privlleget. Inqi-Ire 168 Maple and screens, \enetlan blinds, 7-6800. * wijA a crew In a field at the north RELIABLE Girl for itock room. etreet. YOUNG Couple desires 4 or 5 room cer street) sotl of Mr*. Jesvle I-am leadership of the Mainland dele­ Mr. and Mrs. Ralpit M Skinaar, m m PROSPECT Htn school for 1047JDi>dge <-Dr, Deluxe Sedan 1937 PONTIAC SEDAN Siding Co. Alao all types of paint­ Including part time counter work. ideally sttuate5. Call 7932 for ap­ end : of Slater street yesterday gation came from Sen. John Mah- Sr., of 865 Middle turnpike east, ing and carpentry work. Guaran­ Excellent Selection of ' unfurnished apartment pr house. pointment. BOLTON And disappeared. phecht, was baffled this morning young children wlU reopen Hon* Iwdlo. heater, green. Clean car.T - Full price $96r 5 4 day week. Steady «n p j^ - Birds— p 6»ts 41 TWO ROOM furnished apartment. No children. Mancheste# or vi­ aai.to how the II. S. Marine Corps shfili B)itler and other 'memjfera announce the ihorriage of thatr - had written fumMied. Mra. Lela Tybur,.a!ii^' dio. heater, black. Perfect con-^ See Theae Tixiay At tn person only, Manchester Oust, PURNITURE days, Mr. Gushing. , McKeldln'* new rol* ehd* Russell White, iron of tlia late Mr. FOR SALE-r-^pErt toy Collie pup«. Square, Apartment 4. — Just over . Manchester town loikefront An Ideally sltua(ed him. found him unconscious in a U;a,t sai'd he was."sick and tired of tor. Phone 2-8767. • X dltloft. DeCORMIER MOTOR Apron, Towel Supply Oo„ 73 Sum­ line. -High . elevation with good unmilltary life." to mean 'he wa's months-long gueasing game in the and Mfs. John White of Rochester, Cell 7163 after 6 p. m. MAN AND WIFE in early fifties summer'Home. Priced st *6,750. shack on the. nursery property: Taft-Elsenhower duel. Once for (Continued from Yoga One) N. H. - SALE S, Inq. RooDng mit street. c h a m b e r s LARGE Furntal.ed room with rkirig \for 'speclar permlsslo) BAIAARD’S Drivtu Sckobl. Man- 16-A view. Ow’n'er hss accepted po*t- He waa given flrst aid by Patrol­ Taft, he had warmed m(» to El*en The double-ring ceremony was SOLTMENE, Inc. , twin beds. Hot water. Near bus desire 3, 4 room unfurnished Four Room Rsnrh :— N:d the U. S: nomination.- ihoifla erhpe to 'an end;” " tor. Itev. F. M- Baas. The bridal at- roofs. Gutter work. Cbtmheya Iain atreet Open 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. 116 North School etreet, or Call Police reported his death due to Marine-Headquarters If) Washing For appointment telephone f- 634 Centrr Street Auto Acoesmries—Tires 1 6398. tween 6-7 p. m. collect. tlfully landscaped plot. ^ ? * * | available. Perlman' had MrYset-afi acting tendante were. Mia# Shirlay Hay- , cleMed, repaired. 26 years' ex­ grounds should canture the atten-I ' , „ natural cauaCs. ton, but assured his mother he waa Attorpey Gfinerfij. during toe . 1245. X Phone 610Lor 6102 perience. Free , eillmatea. Call HIGH SCHOOL girl as mother's Evenings 7:30 to 8i30 den of Manchester ang John Col*-' $2 D O W N ^i WEEKl.Y helper two or three morning- e Poultry and Supplies 43 FlioNT BEDROOM, twin beds. flon Of. Garden aub m e m ^ | Born in Poland ab”•' of this country for many yehr*. that cover the walls of his bed­ Wprll 3 -and McGrancry look over.- trimmed with white, white Scoes- Road to Park and Laufw Streets. 1949 DODOip Wayfarer two-door [M ower, famoua B riggvS trat- for the oven. Also I|ve weight. large stone fireplace. Dwelling has 1 " L He leaves hi* mother, Mrs. Agnes room. Warrantee Deeds Lea* than a month ajro^ Mc- fioriea and white prehld corsage. rnmAmtm flPAAet A miaAi __ Heating—Plmnbiiig 17 able. Call Y-1827. Alfredtl. Oates and Dorothea Hartford first slilftTOkU 2-17M. Sedan. Orean. A r#aj beautiful! ton m otor No Wbek-end orders taken after lXr GE ROOM for couple or two TOR SA LE fireplace in llvln.g room and stone ITalrako------In Poland;------. a. sister, ' d Mrs._.. A news reles,*« 'carried on the Graner'y announced Ibst three of Her Maid of honor Wore a wjwder car, wlUi only 20.000 mtlea. gee ‘ Gates to Arthur C. England, Jr., C. O. LORENT2n5N. Alterations, Help Wanted— Male 36 6 p. m. Frldey'e. Arnold Nelson; WE BUIf and sell good uaed forai- fireplace In flnlahed recreation , »>eat. oak floors. - *12,500 for Konstanty Jakslna of New Brit- Mb bhte auii. red and white apceSsorlaa TIRF. SALE women, kitchen' privileges. In­ BUSIImESS PROPERTY national wire of the Associated six assistant AUoriifiya Gen­ MAN .WITH know hOW dealrea In- thla One today at Bob Ollvar'a, copper water pljling New work. 737 Lydall atreat Phone 8906. tura, combination , ranges, gas rooms, attached garage, ame.*ite . aln; and a niece and three n?ph- Press early today stated I,ouls snd yietori* M, Englsnd, proper eral had resigned. They, were H. and a spring corsage, Following a e)uliio Calshdrai prop­ are occupying an apartmanl.at 80 AotoBioIrftoB for Sale 4 Call 2-3531 mornings. ^ Budget If Dealred. 50c Weekly; ROOM FOR gentleman. Private windows and. weather stripped , j ■ s*l(t be h*s written reyrral seek- nnd/-Wjlltamam ^V UnUnderhill, chief of pairs. Alterations or new work, kay Farm, 188 Hlllsldwn Roiwl. —Ol) and gas. , 24 years old. home, quiet area. 59 Holt street Antique Shop. Beautifully situ­ dnope. Price *17,500. Henrj- fCs- street, and a solemn high Mass erty on DeepwoniJ drive, I division. Bellmore driv*. West Horttord, T. .ir'CROrKETT will follow at 9 a. m. In St. Bridg- Inlg photo* .for his enlleotlon, b^t the lands ^OUJ^W oVEpEA^ BEFORE YOU Buy a uahd nar \ COL^MQTORS ' call Skelley. Brothers, 1 Watndt TOOL MAKERS Cap 8248 or 20 Middle turnpike ated on an. acre of land on A main cott A^enev.- 266 High street. he didn't even revive an anaWsr Francis A. Kxfilauskas and Mary Tha-63-Ydar-olil:-Ydar;olil :Perlhuin, a na­ and ars now at honts to thsir 'Street. Telephor.r 2-8714. weal. X Phone Office 5416 el'a Church. ' Buriat wilt be in Kar.lacskas Ah WesTey C. . Oryk friends. ' see Gorman Motor Bala*. Buiek GALSO SER VICENTE,. Apartments— Flats— Ooriqecticut highway. The houae West. Tel. blancheater 3683. from the Marines. tive of BaltlYitnre, Md.. had been Are you tired of heavy traffic, ArtIciM for Sale 45 Residence 3751 Sf. Bridget's Cemetery. and Anthony J. Oryk, property on In the Justice .Department .for The bride attended Manchester M^ANaBIGS/lVINGS- -RkIm and Sarvtea, 285 Mala 91 and 436 Center Street EFFICIENIP Ptnmhtng snd heat- INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER • Tenem ents 63.IX .he* good old "Cape Cod". lines, 0 Friends may call at the funeral His mother says, she doesn’t *tre*t, Phen* 8-4871. Open *va- parking problemi and lonjf ridea to MANCHESTERINCHESTER-RancnnomeRanch home (sI)' ugoLTON LAKE-Attractive five- Apel ptsre. five year*, He wa* widely reeog-' H l^ School and |i emplojhid by BM .Our*Larga Saleetlon .Of ' ^ - 0 980— 4164— 416 Ing. Plugged drain* maehlna work 7 If you live In Manchester, 50% OFF on famous make Bet-. FREEZER. Inquire ' 243 Fern- room* with 2 large fire place* of mow anything aho)il the letter and LOiiise Enonds to Pauline the Phoenix Mutual Ufa Inauranca nlng*.='^r ■ teriea. Written guarantees, 81.00 street. -ONE-ROOM- Furnished , Apeft- X 38') with cellar and attic. 3 bed- [ lakgfront year 'round dwell-1 ‘ 7 ® 9 mclock /hu eTe- I* at a loss for an e^plan^i'on.'One hised a* one of the'toP )rUl at­ ' New and Cate Today cleaned. Phohv 6497, or vicinity, we .can eliminate these ment. Working couple only. Call graceful shape with wdde, selected rooms,oms, living room with flreMace. with three bedrooms. Are- ® Kriiond*. property on Joeeph torney* ffl the eountr.v. Company. The bridegroom sittend- down, 81.00 weekly. Calso Serv- nlng. fact remain* certain--Lniil* .isn't ed high school In Rochastar, N. H.. Wi tmda/WlId 1950 CHEVROLET Deluxe club Wltf^iTycle»~4Scycl 11 p'robleme. Gome In and talk It over. THAYER Baby carriage. Good 2-3715 after 6 p. m. stone shelve*. What a setting for kitchen, dinette, side porch off liv­ place, hot water oil heat, acreea-", atreet. Argued Steel Case' HEATING From A to Z. Con­ We have a 50-M hour week. Paid Icenter. Tel. 4164, 4165 or 3-0980. joining the Marlnw. H i J)i*t want* Bt:'phen D. Pearl to- William F. and la presently smployed as a bp* *ed*n. Radio, heater. Signal condition, 815, Baby car bed, *3. sn Antique Shop! ing room overlooking brook, hot storm windows, nicely landscap­ to find a part-time to. lake up He srgiied man.v, of th* goVern- /iBSa pddga^Radlo and heater, 2- lights, seat covar*. Real clean l a r g e Xc HILD'A t r i 'CLEr- version burners, boiisr-bumsr Insurance, holidays and vsMUon. Mrs. Harohl W. Klltredgr Hensel, property on Woodladd driver by ths Ckmnectieut 0»M- ; door duuka. I/>w mileagt. A big LOAM, Dark rich ciiUlvateiy'Grade M. W. wringer type warher.X 3 Business Locations water baseboard radiation with ed lot. Shown by appointment Mr*. Minnie A. Klttredge, 67, Of, his spare time, and^add to that fine mentl* cases before the ' U.''ff. car. Sea ‘‘Peta’l at Clarke Motors. Good cohditlorv. tiO.OOl Phone units, complete heating svstema. Low price for Itnmedinte sale. oil burner,^ all copper plumbing, street. / ■kvlnf. 6344. All work guaranteed. Time pay­ No. 1. ».1 cu. yard. Gradd No. 2, years old, Ebcceilehi condition. For Rent 64 only. Alice Clampet, , Realtor. Wildwood road, Simsbury, wife of coileclton. of hi*. / Stipreme Court. But pone of WILCO MACHINE TOOL- *2.' cu. yard.' Delivered In truck Set tubs with faucet* included, *5,000 cash required. laundry tubs, hatchwa.v, combina­ Phone 2-4543, or 2-0880., Jacob Suchahsky snd J ^ sn n a thesA cane* was os sensational as PETE OANSIOER'S Personally ments arranged. Morlarty Broth­ Harold W, Klttredge', died at the .Suchansky to Raymond Wf. Stew­ lesA^Pod g4 Coronet Fordor Sedan 1945 HARLEr-DAVIDRbN motor­ ers. Tel 5185. COMPANY load lots. Screened aknd and all *50. Phona 4807.'' ~ STORE SPACE avaUeble 30’ x 20'. tion aluminum screens and storm Hartford - Hospital Monday night. that involving the steel Industry's Miss Jensen itio tmnamlpalon, fully selected u**d car* at Clark# .Good alzc parking area. 249 l^oad window*, lot 105,X 150: with shade art nnd Vera A. Stewa^property rnmpls'lht that Truman violated Motor Saia«, 30i Broad 'street. cycle. model •■45". ttiqutne 29 ■izee stone dellr^pd/'Order now. WILLIAM RURIN^IW Wanted—Real Estate 77 She was formerl.v a resident of this An exeellant buy. New Suneet e^reaty or phoda 5706. so Grandview Street itreet. trees. Price *14 .500. Henry E«- Hospital Notes on Birch atreet. / / the Constitution ip Seixing toe na- Open evenings 'til 9. p l u m b in g and heating. Fum- Nussdorf Cbnstructlon Co. Phone town and Hartford. Andrew Ansaldi to Peter. De Pa- itaa. aceii, oil bun>4'ra and bollert, Earl 3408. 1950 ROPEIR GAS stove. Must sell cott Agency. .3883. WANTED—Your property Jo sell. She was a member of the South tlop's-ateel mill*. President of Club • Telephone 2-1266 Immediately. Phone 2-2442. 843 Main St.. Manchester Reliable buyers waiting with cast: rolls, property on y/elherell atreet. ,FT Veri Camp. Tel. 8-5844,. Congregational' Church, Hartford. Perlman, firgued that the Con- v i a Dodga Cohmat. .. Diplomat— Bualiiaaa Sameea /flfferwf m MANGHE.STER - Expandable fOr four, five, six, seven room sin­ Paticnto/inday . I H 7 Ernest A. lUtotile 'to -Robett, C. mmith or a good uaed car see EXPERIENCED Meat cutter STAMP Collectere. Supplfes. new — Phone-5556 or 61.58- Beside* her ht)sbahd she leaves atitiltlon gavf^the President the At a rehefil meetihg of thfl: / gyromatlo tranamiaaton, fully Issues, U. S. General open 'til 9 REFRIGERATOR, *10, washing Cane Cod with dormer. Air-Temp gle and two-family In Manches­ - ADMITTED YE.STT.RDAY Barnes and N*ncy. A. Barnes,, right to take SiU'h extraordinary / . laaulppcd. 12,000 milea. P\illy Welt Bychoteki at Brown-Beau- PLUMBING and heating, apeclal- wanted for full time work. Apply a son. Francis P. Klttredge; three O.F.Jl. Bpowror'a Clilh; o f 8t. Iting In repairs, reaodeling.v cop­ Wed.. Thutar.H Fri. Campfeea machine *10. In running condi­ gas furnace, gas hot water heat­ ter, Bolton, Coventry and Vernon. Fearvsntc Vlchl. 360 Main street property on Henry street. action. He mainnlnad that Tiu-i li.^Vntaad. ^ . pre, Tnc., your Chryaler-Plymouth RI^MOVAL SERVICE of tranh. Popular Food Market, 974 Main tion. Call 2-3912 after 4. Fanits and Land for Sale 71 brothers, Paul Hausmann of 91 Paul Axlnger. 48 Cohiirn street Frank D^lantl* to Sterling Mary** Chtirch. Mlaa Hanftoh Jen­ per water piping ,nsw eons^e- etrceL------— ...... Stamps. 5 South Hein street. er.' oak flooring, tile bath, hatch- Finances arranged. Howard R. Hamlin street, Frank Hausmann man had Inherent powerB"tjndey sen wa# etacted president: 'Mia- daalar.-40. Blaeelt street. .Open- gte, Raasooable, <^| 3.9S88: Your . Hasting*;. Pflone 2--li((7.___. Ev/rett Moore. 32 Knighton ConstrurHOn Co., property /o n that charter to se^l|e private llisi Dodg^i-l^r^edan. Meadory evening*'pi 9. Tel. 7191. lion'. Time payment^'‘arranged. FIVE PIECE'chrome dinette •eat; -160-ACRE - FARM--.-^:Tonl|(. *jul. ,.of. FAcmthgton and.William s ^ e t ; Roth-RoFowakl-,"T-l tihartfe 'Behool brook. Radio and haktar,— Tltla Edwafe Johnton. Phona 6979 or YOUNGTian over' 18 part tima. LOAM FOR SALE, *10 per tpad Stock. Inquire John Rattl, Route "screens arid storm ' 'wlhdOlvii, mann of North Coventry; a sister, ■^operty t f iiilHi fietloit. vrM Mlse Gertrude Llddon, eecreterjl, ^^RPBNTER wlljf frhma uaBntah- delivered Call 7195 between 9 K' Blue Formica table-top. Call 2- CONSIDERING SELLING Dak street: Mrs. R,uth Dietz.-West / Qiillrlalm Deed car la like ..new, NEW_l952 Podge etx paeeenjrer •d upstairs rooms. Xmaaonahu 8044. Drlver’i licence, for general drug 2806. ' ------2, Andover, weather-stripped doors. All city Mrs. Rose Strede'of South Coyen- neceaMry by a natlonfil emer- ahd_ Mre. Margaraf. N tele On, --aad-a...... ™.'.- . TittHtle's: Built195L Lot-80 X-16A ------YOUR.g>ROBSRTY7------TrjTTnTFrirniinicimamtTiTOr'nicce^’ .RwJadllo;- Mrs—Sven.. Mc;. . y-B^Wh-M«Fy-H4»r*lv to Jfidward- genrjr ' iedan.'Eectoty. guarantee, I LwIT. Call i;42»i; " store work: Appiynn' person, 45F Intosh, 217 Sumihlt street: Mra. iq. /Edgar and Melerr H. Edgar, treasurer. . lOSi. Plymouth 2-Dr. Sedan—Low CDMPLRTE FUmece repairing Hertford Ro*d. SEHVEL g a s refrigerator, ma­ with nice grove and split rail Without obligatlpn to you. w* and nephews. / ‘Irhe court, in an hlatoric 6-to-3 T3i* group will hold, a picnic WUI trede. Balance three year*. HAKE m o w in g a p l e a s u r e . will BppralBe or malte-ysu a caah Mary I'antom, .59 Elio street; property ,on Autumn street. mileaga. Vary clean ear. Bank rates. Cairo Servicehter. b o o r s oPBJfro. k*y* attad, service. Gas, oil or coal. Winter hogany china cabinet. 5-piece Houses for Sale 72 fence. Iihmedlate occupaMy, Funeral services will be hOld decision, ruled against Truman supjier at the ' cottage o f . Mre. *2 down, *2 weekly. Buy the new 1.1 offer for proj^rty. SSAJia before Donna MeConkey. 627 - Center Tov/n of Msnchsster to Frsnk. find Perlman. That wo* on June .$.0880. ..X -- . : copied, vaouum claanafk, air conditioning... .ayetema In­ WANTED—Married men with breakfast set and one ice-.box. Owiier transferred. Price *13.- Thursday at 2 n. m. at the >Vat- Vioffi Trotter on Columbia Lake IS50 nymouth t-Dr. Sedan—Vary ■car. Irttereated In earning 890 per .Worcester Power Mower. Fa- ~ W E N E E D -L lS T fN G S Henry Escott Agency. Manches­ 'you. aell. •— klns Funeral Home, " 142/EaBt strectr' Mr*;- Martha- Ellin, Ro«'li-; DeClsnlls, property on School ■2,'five -week* agn"y#aterday. clean. imns, att., rspalrsd. \8hsam. stalled ahd serviced. T. P. Aitkin, ' moua Briggs-Stratton motorl CaU 2-2643. vllle: MchacI liahcrern; '10' I^ik tomorrow night.’ Afi'ell day Jflcnlc 1949 CHEVROLET Stylellna dtr. 6 HrCsbc'street. Phone 6798, week. Cell 2-3372 after 8 p. m. ter 3683. Phone 6273 Lenter street. The Rev.' Edwsrd aUeel...... , .. . ___ _ PtflmiiL asEved_under _TV)m knlvaa, mowsra, ate put into oon Phone 4164. BRAE-BURN REALTY f-treel; Mrs. t'n.rrio’Tenner,, 11,97 wi»-h«uheld^atJtfaB.gf$tofe of Ml*a „ 1W2, l^ jg e H. Ton Pickup Deluxe luxa .4-door. Radio, hegter, COlOt . 4ltten (hr wmlag neadA. BENGAL Combination atove aet ekcox, pastor of t ^ South Building Permits Clark; flow an AWrociaie Justice of Edna Fox at ShortUBeoeh on 8 ^ * MACHINE OPERATpRf -tor PHU g*a„ All white, *40. CaU ADVKR'nSE-IN NEW CAPE COD, single. Six large 'dpgre??*tIonRl 'Church'; /'H'aftfO'rd; Hchrqir -avenue; - fRastmihUFyt To Tqrtlhg'F. :L"r*an,''alte^atlortr tlMr-8uprenr*-'^omt','"s*-'Welt' *»■ ■ Cab.—8,000 mile*. maroon. In nice condition. Easy walta 82 Paarl aUaat \ ROYAL a n d Sinith-Corona port­ a n AGENCY with a ll'rt of ready Jlhiigo Blow',' 9 Finrenee street ; day;~3uTy ----- terms. Douglas Motofa, 833 Main. Movlhir—tTiidklnE— able and standard tjrpawrtter*. 2-1261 alter 5.. room* and garage. Completely will o‘fflclstO>JBurlal wlH be In the nml addlllorw to dwelling at , 46 McGrath and McGranery,' buyers -waiting for 4. .5, 6, 7 Andrew Hont',-Rockville; Mrs. He was at one time associated 1950 Dodge '4 Ton Panel. -Excel­ WINDOW BHAI^IlB madsTD order Btoraite t o ‘First Shift All mkkes of adding machines Beautiful THIS SPACE Insulated, tile bath and lavatory, room and 2-famlly houae*. Call East Cemetery. Doane street,-*150. Flre la the leading (teuae of all lent condition. 1960 CHEVROLET' 2-door 8elux# and tnaUtlad.. Venetian: hitnds THOR Wa s h e r , good condition, beautiful oak flooring, immense Friends may calPpC^thf, funeral Helen. Glenty, .57 Dougherty To Joseph Childs for Josepli with the'Baltimore Americs'ri, the disasters and eataetrophae In tha sold or rentad. Repaira on ell Bornhetm A Smith, Agents. 6946- street. sedan, fully equlppad and fully and cifrtala red*. 84 hour aarvte*. MANCHESTER PACKAGE Detlv. ProgTe«8jve, in*owing makes Marluw*a. reasonable. Estate gas range, closet space, artesian well, oil home tomorrow afternoon from 2 f.’hild* et.lix, alleratlon* and ad­ Baltimore Star and the Evening United BUtea. 1950 Studehaker % Ton Pickup— ery. Local light trucking and reasonable. Cell 2-407*-. - , , . Manchester Realtors Know hot water heat, on bus lino, near 6716. - to 4:30 and from 7/to 9:30 tomor­ , ADMPITED "rdDAY: Elaine dition* to dwelling at 26 Green Sun, hemming city editor of the Ai good as new. Low mileage.. guaranteed. For the beat in value EttlMta* gladly , givsA Fagte Asjiford LaKe ■ X see Bob Olivar, Center Motor Window Shade Ob., Route 44 at packagt delivery. Refrigerators co^npan.^^ full inaiirance BOLTON — Building atone and Manchester Property Best University of Connecticut and SELLING YOUR Property? Con- row night. / RrorottI, Andov;*)'; Dr. Calvin M, road. *3.50, latter paper after graduation from waaheri and atove moving a FOUR BURNER table top gee Willimantic. Price *17.900. F9- Parker. .578 Center street, To Rrymond T. gchaller, slx- the University. of Maryland. LAND SURVEYING 1949 Dodge 2-Dr. Wayfarer—Radio Sales. 461 Main : Bolton Notch Phone 8-4478. flagstone. Bolton Notch Quarry. In tact the Ellfworth Mitten Agen­ 7“-' and heater. specialty. Phona 8-0752. program availahle; Phona 2-0617. Stanley Patnode. atove. Good con’ditlon, *25. Cell nanclng arranged. E. C. Nork, Mra. <>rrle Tcmicj» Blivni.s TODAY: A son to Mr. ro/im, t 4-story dwelling. 111,.500. In his. fitetsment, Perlman *ald 5668 after 5 p. m. cy. or any Mancheater Real Es­ he wanted the' people to under­ GET BETtER V A L ^ ON RIDFRI^KRATtON 8erVte< con>- ' / Ashford—Etestford, Conn. ARTHUR A. KNOFLA 835 Main street. Hartford 2-1473- tate concern because it stands to Mrs. Carrie Howe Tenner. 66, nnd Mr*. John Crosby, 26 8al,em To Floyd V/'. Mitchell, altera- Edward L Dov!'- Jr* 1948 Pi.vmouth 2-Dr, Sedan—Per­ AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS Co.. local ANSGO Reflex, camera, F-35 lens.- widow of ^ e d Terihef- of Hebron street: A rtatighter to Mr. and Ak>n,l'‘ and additions-to-dwalUng at stand that no "official of ihe asarela) add domaatle, Sae our WASHING'\Machlnt\ automatic 875'Main St.—Est. .1921 5-4606. reason' that they know Manepes- R ostered L oai •nnregiir fect throughout, A BETTOR USED CAR dleplaf Ol guaranteed ubed refrlg- and long dtatanca movthg, pack­ Apply In Person ^Practically new, was bought ipcal- Bosting— Bathing avenue. Glastonlniry. died sud­ Mrs. Slanley Elliot, 13 Kerry n Edwards street, *l.800r "^^ executive branch of government, ing, crating and storage. Service pump and w ^ ger. Excellent con­ Phone Office 5440 ter property best. Call the Elto nor any private Intenesl, attempt­ 18 Proctor Rood M ol^l^ter atora George-H. Witlama AaM^ ly for *200. Will aacriflea *120. MANCHESTER- - 9 room Colonial. worth Mitten Agency. 6939 denly atythe Jdanyhester Memorial street. To Bruce E. Miller, one-rar de­ 194i Studehaker Champion—Fine to all parts'of tha U. 8. GalT CaU 5347. dition. Reasonkble. Phone 2-9639. F i s h i n g Evening*-2-5938 or 2-4278 West Centsr atreet. House newly Hospital early tola mornlrmorning. She DLSCMARGED YE.STERDAY: ed to influence" the.way th which Tel. 7019 , conditlop. - I _____ AT - ctataa 260 ivniand Tuntpthc, SPEN CER r u b b e r \ tached -garage at 56 South Haw­ 5187. Hartford 6-1423. ^ -V 3 " painted and redecorated Inside... FOR QUICK RESULTS In selling was %Wli In n. Phone nnd Cab—Extra clean truck. ^ > ture’ pleasure, ahd comfort. pancy. 'Tel. 2-2925. Realty Co.. Realtor*. TSTI 'Main Mabel HoWe...... |G. tions and addltlona to dwelling Pahitlnc— Pipertnff 3245. 6998 between 8 and 1. f^he lived In Glastonbury.all her | pi.'-C'HARGED TODAY/ Mrs Treanpry Balance .. - Ready for work. . 1949Ponti*c 2-Door“ 8.** Hy- >R PROBLKMS ^ v a d ~ i ^ WANTBD ~ A n Asrietant office- • street. Call 8215. fit 48 Willard toad at *350. Ileum, aephalt_UIe' couatar. FREE ESTtUATES. BxteriOr NEW 2rSTORY six room single, Ilte and was an active member of , Helen SllvinskI, Rockville; Mrs man. .Experience preferred but LUGGAGE Trailer 4’ x 6’ with SIX ROOM CAPE GOD. Plast- Alfred Edwards, alteratlona and GARAGES t946 Pontiac 2-Dr. Sadanete—Ra­ dramatic. . irt workmanahlp, free aatl- painting. Have It done now. V ered walla an«' oak flooring fllrepiace, tile bath, hot water Legal Notices (he (lonneetlcut Milk Producers | lyiretta Lupacchtno and daughter, Additions to dwelling at 71 Coleman . Washington, July 8 (85- Tie dio and haater. not 'eaientlal. Apply In ' person. canvas covert Perfect* condition heat, extra large lot. Immediate Association, I 64 Plrch street; Mr*. Josephine i position of the Treasury July 3: BUILT RITE IQJS Pontiac 2-Doof, Hydra- ihhtaa. Open evanlngo Jonaa Fur- Phene 2-1383. Boland Motpre, 869 Onter etreet. 16 mm Victor movie camera with ASHFORD ' throughout, ceramic tile bath, *800. Bitura pak atreat Phone 2-1041. occupancy *13,600. 8. A. Beechler,- AT A f'OlIRT OF PTtOBATK hrW She leaves a son, Howard Ten-1 KozIHowskI find daughter, Rock-],, Net budget receipts (131,180,- CONSTRUCTION O a Many, Many Others rngtic. - . projector ehd screen. English rid­ 'lavatory, fireplace, veitibiile, •t ■ Mjiiif’lifi'tftr. wMhln snd for.th^ 031.72; budget expenditure* (.391,- PAINTING and paperhanglng. WAiNTED—A-l mechanic. Steady FOR SALE three dormers, hatchway. Top Realtor. Phone 6969. DUtrirt of MfttU’heiiter. mi the * and nci- of Gmstohbury; three Slaters, j vllle; Mrs. Patrleia Turklngtop (7 Marble Ktreet LINOLEUM Raionafita‘OOe aquara ing saddle end bridle. Rear of 396 Miss Florence Howe of Glaston-! and Jion, 31- Waddelf road': Mrs. 985,040.84; cash balance (9,862.- - Mancheater * Save At . 1948 Pontiac 2-Door. Stand­ Interior end exterior. Cabinet work under fine working. condi- -^otidltlon. One-car ovcrslie ga­ yard. Aaphalt"tUa, wall covering. building and building contract­ EMt Omter atreet after 6 p. m. - C A U MANCHESTER *i-Thr«e bedroom : joiiN * J.’ ^ WaJ-WCTT. burj'/ Mrs. William (Mlldredi I Ellgaheth Hamilton. 14 Hcl.alne About Town 915,093.37. ard TransmislAon. tionjf. Apply In peraon, Boland LAKE, Inc rage. Exclusive with Henry Es- hous^^. four vetrv old. N«*r j^chopl Judpe. , Ba r l o w m o t o r s a l e s Dona by rallnhla. watl-tralnad ing. Call aiff, 2-4298. Motors, 369 canter atreet. cott Agency. Tel. 3683. ^^,1 Ki.. ni\ h*a» fill! Kutal^ of Ilehry gulim H^nry Brock of this town, Mrs. Frank | road; Raymond McKay, 31 Rua.sell j men. All joba guaranteed. Hall COMPLETE Camping .outflt, 9 4 ARTHUR A. KNOFLA Gnd bU8. OU not Aaler neat, xujl \ ^ M«rry Quinn. Ul^ of Mon- (May) Ed.’nonaton of Moodiis; and-street; Eugene ^losse, 784 Middle Wapping, Oonn. X 94 Dickey Kamper, 2 rooms. A daughter was horn Saturday LOW COST f Linoleum 43s., 88 (\>ttage atreat ALEXANDER Sale# Agent 26 PHi;LPS ROAH-Englijih- Cor cellar, tile bathroom.^ amecite . in Mid t)l»tri(j; dpcnappd. several nieces and nephews. j turnpike cast. Open Until 9 P. M. aildRtmdaya Repairiiqt 23 Stove, diehes. cote end sleeping dfiv‘e“'Iol hieeTy Tandsciped. Im­ TJn tiiotli.ii.fif l u r y B: Wntripf at St, Francl* Hoapltal In Hart­ Phone 2-4021, evealnga 8166 or / w a n t e d ' Mancheiiter, Conii7 lonlaL .8.; room*, one extra room Mam'h(‘5ti‘ C: administratrix. • The funeral will he held at ------^ ford It) Mr. and Mr*. Dona A. Du­ Phone 8404 TRANSPORTATION bag. Call 2-2087 after 6 o'clook. Tel. Manchester 5440, 2,5938 mediate occupancy. Monthly pay­ 8108. MA'fTRHiSB; Your old mattiasaea JARVIS co: bn 3rd floor.' Newly decorated, O RD R R ED ; Tliat six rtuuiths from Lowe's Fuperal Home on Nauhiic I bois of Arlington road, South Cov­ 1949 S-niDEBAKER Champion 1941 Chevrolet 4-Door. DRIVER-SALESMAN Office at Lake ments al-out *42 after down pay- Ihr 2nd day o f .fulv A. D.. 1952. and a^venue In Glastonhury at > 30 ] ) , . , . „ „ S h u U h ljU ;il8 sterillxed and remade like n4w. SECOND HAND power mower, ■team heat, two-car garage, Im­ th» sanip- ar» limited, and allowed for entry. Is Your sedan, heater, radio, overdrive ANTIQUES Re finished Repairing TEL. 4112 ' Tel. Stom 9-2967 merit. Full price *8,.500, Exclusive 1937 DcSoto 4-Door. Call Jones Furniture and Floor good condition. Call 2-0192 after mediate occupancy, For appoint- thp rrrdltors wtihtn whU-h to brlnit In Thursday afternoon. Burial will be I “ ^Vary caan. 81.095 Low down done on any furniture. Tiemaim, r . V t " FOR ant please call Howard K. Ha*tr ""Wrth Schwarts Real Estate. Man- thFlr rlaims asalnst aal<. ahd In the Buckingham Congregation at. Margaret's Circle, Daughters . 'llB;'. ::Eouth; MMa‘-atreat.; 'V.-Jhooa; • •* .Oak,.3!at.,l,10dL. f ehoXter !827t, ■; or- Hartford; 9eS188. •thfr •r Ge'metery 'W’ Otertonhu 6648.- - ■ ■ ■1'.=—------— , _ gS.''''rabfiS;‘2-7 ' ■ ■iFa- pablic -notice' -to'tRC' credUort: to 6T :3Bh!iaim "wtll CM* Motora 4164. BALCH PONTIAC. Inc. , ______1 DEVetEA^^^^ BA’ramETTE: Teeter - Babe, bi...... Friend* may call at the funeral tonight at 8 o'clock .at the K. m " 200->nA LYDALLTvniir atQ-TRieirT KB.e.1 — New mew 6-o "rl"* their puhllehin* rialins within * t-opy sAld of time (hla Autom obile ' Bonds—Stodi»— chair, baulnette, rocker awing, THREE-FAMILY Hovlae. Nice home tomorrow evening from 7 C. home’. A card.party Will follow 1050 ByiCK aupe,’ Riviera coupe. 155 Center St. — Mancheater ■ p o w f ji BURNERS and Rania Excellent opportunity, for am­ room Gape Cod. Completely mod- order In some newspaper havin* a rtr- ' The Wlirnse Dress ^hop, . Inc , M ortfaces 810. Inquire .^3 North School CohdMIon. Good Income. Priced ern Hot water oil heat, fireplace, I ruistlon In aald probate, diairir.;. wlih- to-9 o'clock. in charge of MrSr JoMphtne Jarvis, „Ra(^'h.aattr. Can't be foM from ,> Phono 2-4646 - Bumara . exptartiy : elaaiiad And Ita.'l leased uie store at 601 Main chalr^n, and. her July comtpl.ttee. aervlead. Let ua aervlca and ra- bitious. energetic younf hi»d. •treet. . .reasonable to interested buyer. e,.tl en.' ennnar kllimhtnr 1 '*'.5 Oalr of, .thia street: in which ft la now toitetnl . !5fw mllapgp, Open Evenings Until, 1ft P, M. riRBT . Dill tile bato, oonper . pmmiung,l and; ralurn toss* to. tfila-court D^Bgla’i Motors, 333 Main street. iMdr yciur waMnny nbaMBM or Apply in person. "front 'Veallbuie;-ahed'dormer. Re-^ ,'9‘i'|)ie'-tif»t)'re-'*Iysn,— .... fof a- ftve-ye^i/^Tori' » Fully Insured? «»*■*»»• -sw.y’WFt I**-' 17“ • ■" '.•’7, F n n s»F a l» -AU4f'.'-T-,-'-ai3ia*rdlng-':''ta/3II''"4natrti?: -BraerBurn.'...... meht' fileilVm/lHA of-, lfiV*itiHa»t -Oorp., f i s h e r DRr ttEANSERS ' days of hrr vacation af totfOceOff - 19*7 OLD8MOBILE, 865. Phone nice condition throujthout. See FOUR ROOM CAPE COD Real EBtate Firm James F. Fogarty flee’ vcHtenlay. The store is owned 3-2143. < ■Isea. Contact W. F. Sullivan. 60 street Phona 541A 325 Broad Street No. 1 Red Cedar B. C. Shinglea AT THE LEGION HALL. M ANCHiBTEE/CONN. MANCHESTER Hoose, VV^tch Hill. ,R. 1. EveryoM-should bo covorod to ceoform Honest Doux-, DourIm MotoK aq. 814.95. Largely attended funeral serv­ l)y the Sheridan Corporation; ^ 333 Mftln etreet. Mountain street Rockville, Call Oa Leonard Street. Off Main. Opposite State Armory 'Two bedroom*, plastered walls, Custom built home on beauti­ ice* for James F. Fogsrty of .54 Tie__ lease show* that the yearly SCHOOL BUSES — Uaed Ford Rockville -S-5M4, niomlnga and Fluah Mahogany Doora—aU alxe*. n^k floors, full hasemenL-one car fully landscaped plot. 120 ft. front­ V Is Formed Here Walnut street were held this|r,,nt for the first year-is (2,400; The Ihirif meeting of the Vernon wlthf Hio now Cennoctieut Finoneid Ro- Help Wanted— Female 35 WANTED—CleanCr, for morning 4-H Grease Monkeys v/as held Chevrolet. Dodge, Studehaker, 1950 CHfcVRQLETS, deluxea. Two evenlnga ea. *10.95. garage, beautiful corner lot w'ith age with large outdoor fireplace, 3 morning at 8:30'at the Holloran ' for the following , two year*, (2.- Diamond-T ■ $500 and up. Al*o work. Apply Mr. Sanapn, State Jiine'30 at the Moran trailer. Eight spensibility Lerw which boeomo offootivo to choose from, fitob Oliver al­ TELEPHONE OPERATORS Theater. 2-4 X 8-9 Comto Doora, ea. *15.90. WED.EVE.,JULYI,19UAT 6 FJI. tflseis. Handy to bus," school and 1 bedrooms, cedar. closet. lIvMg.room . A certificate of incorporation Funeral Home st 9 o’eolck in St. 700; «n*»ni'r, new member* were taken In after 2587. ways ' has Chevrolete. For tha HAVE GOOD PAY the pledge and di,e* collection. Th* July lit. Wolcott on weahing mfcblnca. Western Fir, per M *115.00. I Rear screened porch, ■team oil : clerk’s office today, Rev. John F. Tierney of St. preifidrnt of the Sheridan f!or- beet in valuee etop at Center vacuum cleaners, motors,' email FREQUENT RAISES INSF^TION;— AFTER 5 F. M . SALE DAY I Priced At *9,900 goal of the club la to teatJ) proner Motor Seles, 461 Msln ati-eet. N. C.. Roofers, 1 x 8-1 X 8, per M heat, screens, storm windows. *wn- | A/oordlng to th* ‘ Instrument, Peter’* Chur-ch, Hartford, was eel porptlon, and William N, Kionick. 1950 STUDEBAKER appllancca. Pick up and delivery. EXCELLENT WORKING ATTENTION PAINTERS ' *105.00. , ing*. overMzed -garage, smesite ^ corporation will engage ebrant, - Rev. Edgar Farrell wa* treasurer of Wllrose Corporation, bicycle riding. Drivora undor 25 may qualify. Unto pay* A-l repair. Salee. 180 Main ARBARA WOODS, Agent 1946 ENGLISH _ Ford, Economy CONDITIONS No. 1 Oak Flooring, per M *199.50. driveway. Many large shade and in real estate, development and deacon, Rev, Robert Carrol was signed the instrument. 2-TON T r u c k Phone 8597. I need one flrit cIsM mechanic Phone 3702 fil.AKINK IK HELD montt coo bo orrangiBd. plus on this Job Priced to fell. PAID VACATIONS AND who I* sober and cnnsclMtUou*. Select Oak Flooring, per M *232.00. i ROOMS dF FINE FURNITURE fruit trees. , insurance. aub-d e a c d n, and Rev. Geo/ge See ^ t e at Oarke Motors. Phone BfiST^ELD Street (off Mather Immediate Occupancy Hughe* was seated in the sanrtu- Hartford, July H—(/P»—A 17- 14 foot stake body with hy­ H O LIDAYS This la a smaU shop doing better Real estate sold, party moyiag to New York State, heaee aala. The capital stock of the .corpora­ year.-old AWOI- Marine who e*- 2-20ni, 301 Broad atreet. Open quality, private, year ‘round work. ' NA'noNAL b u il d e r s . ^reet). Nearly nsv/ brick Cape 4 *16 000 # tion, according to the nertlflcuite. ary. Mrs. Jane Maccaroiie' played evenlnga 'til 9. Al l t y p e s of carpenter work PROMOTION Beautiful Freaek Prevtaclal style bleached mahogany bedroom and sai)g. There was a profusion Keaton Hurls Bark it-aprsl from Hartford ftoiinty . Rofog boqinning now at $57.45. WiE bo draulic tail gate, excellent con­ Including repaira. Imtone 8-4848, SUPPLIES '■ ‘ Immaculate condition. -Two HENRY ESCOTt AGENCY Is (50,000, with 500 shares having OPPORTUNITIES ' •et (doable bed with opboletered headboard). Bfaplq frame divan. Dias' practicslly completed on Henry and 'Thelma Jeffrie* Eficott a par value of (100 each. The of floral pieces. Jail Katiirday waa hound over dition., 24 m onths to pay. 1947 BUICK Super four-door, Phone 2-8632 or See . 420 Davenport Avenue Ifiterment wa* in St. .lames' to Huperlor C'oiirt today.. hiqhor by July 15. GARAGF,S -PLEASANT CO-WORKERS . New Haven, Connecticut Moods maple lamp taMea, studio coach, fireplace eqalpamat, M ond floor. Tile bath, fireplace, 266 High Street West corporation is conrimenclng buai- 111 Fall at Home radio, heater, black. Local owner. Tel.’ Manchestrt- 3683 Cemetery, and th« .P*H hearer* (Iiariee Morgan, of Camdeq, s e c u r i t y Meade magle dlaettc set (extcwelea table, d ehalrs), eembiaaHea ml heat with baseboard .te'dia- neaa with ( 10,100. SOLIMENE, Inc. Excellent throughout. See Pete C. CHARBONNEAU, Jr. aon. Basement garage;'>A''*well The Incorporators listed on the wera Raymond. Bernard,. Michael- N;-')l., woe retuniad from Men-r at Clarke Motor Salee, 301 Broad and PORCHES/^. Apply now, or call for an ap­ radlw-recerd playor, ruga, mlrreri, wardrobe trank. etc., TWp-FAMILY duplex, six rooms and John Fogarty, Allen GatM-and A Mancheater ptan waa rushed son, Mas*., where he was cap­ Dodge-PIymouth Cars ^ y - Will qualify for G, L loan. document are Melvin E. Gilman. atreet Open evenlnga 'til 9. . pointment at your conveni- 187 HoIUater Street S ft. Frtgtdaira refrigerator, electrle Utehca. range (oM m eM ). on each aide, two one-car ga­ Kay T. Gilman, Tracy O. Page and James Foley. to Manchester Memorial Hospital tured Kiinday by MoeSarbusetta Call T. J. Crockett, broker. Phone Htele Police,^.. Job-Rated Trucka encor for full time operatinf All cleaa, well kept tomlahlaga. ^ioe.54i6, or residence 3751^ rages, large lot, nice locstion. 8. Ruth H. Page. Father Tierney was In charge of this morning after he fell from a 634 Center Street 1947 MERCURY Convertible, Com­ After 9:30 P. M. See'' A. Beechler, Realton. Phone the committal service, assisted by ladder while he was painting h'Is pletely Kbuilt engine, new top. R.-SAMUELSON work at The Southern New F.UKOPE KWELTKKS Phone 6l 0l o r 6102 olnBTANDINO Six-room Gape 6969. ! Father Hughe*. house. In excellent condition throughout. Phone 2-0498 Ensrland Telephone Company’s The above to addlBoa to Items advertised la last alght’s Herald. Gasoline Station Ralph Keaton, about .40,. of 70 I. o n d o n. July -8—t/Pe—The Safe Place To Buy tNiW Cars ROXBURY on Lenox atreet. Large lot, MANCHESTER—Six rooifi house. See Bob Oliver, today,- Center emiployment office, 808 Main WANTED—Parte men' (aiuuroo- jOattago faniitare, ekloa, giaea and bric-a-brac (aoaw aatiqae), ■mbinatlon storm windows and , M alter N. King Jarvi* road, .was reported "resting Euroiiean heat wave moved Into , biles). Capable, enesgatic. A5I Oil burner, copper plumbing; 1981 CHEVROLET dtiux* tudor Motor Sales,. 461 Main aUeet Street. (Jarvis -BuHdihE), pine other thworativo and neetnl offerings. 9 pleee modem wnl- l^rbens, electric hot water heat- Rev. Watson Woodruff■f \ )f comfortably" at the hospital early Its nth unrelenting day today Hoasehold Serricca salary. Real worker wanted—not. hardwood floors, screens, storm Files Trmie Name Avon, pastor emeritus 'of CcntelCenteC this after-VHin after he waa ad- '\wlth no relief in sight. Deatlis Ppwergbde. radio, heater. Poet- 1917 CHEVROLET FleMmaater MancHestcr, (Phone 4107) be­ HOMES nnt dining roona eel and ether fkmltare. Lawn nsowy , new laundry In basement. Can be lively only 7,200 aMlce. Ctieck Offend 18-A superviabr or will train good man rchased for about (2,500 down windows, freshly painted, (12,200. Congroga'Md«aT'‘ ChfflT)f,'''WitT ’erm-^ mTtl4d' with back' in'/urte*. fhtaled shout SOI). The femfirra- tudor. Blue. Ibccellent condition tween 9 lOfta.m. and 4 :3ft p.m„ with some knowledge o f auto Off Griswotf Steaft aawn pianos, ate. Goinir back home. Call 112 — A certiflcfite of regts^atton of duct the funerfil'service tmtay at Keaton lonlacled a loqal physi­ tiire hovered at the lOO-mork at ^^kgro\ui4 sndf-j^mer owner. iSw...Bob J payilyroent. Inquire .-Charles W. scattered point*, on the eontln- .. nwqpaaMatone, B»g Mato,'"- ‘ ...... ■leriday. - - - - “ Portovinistiiitoa rJwiwnsWk,. - - to GhMtoBbaiT V tthrop, l Realtor 100 East Cen- __7-7284. trade name has been filed at toe 3 p. m. at the' Watkins Funeral cian who • had, him- rushed to fb* dky, Clenter Motor Salee, 464L E**8 Center. Ask'for' Chet 'Brim-'' ehw - r s.ee.h-5;a::.e*UUXC«.iaa.ijtiiilra A9JPUllLby„U)15.!)Pto 1H8 PLYMOUTH Special deluxe, 'ner. . ■ ExpgBditbiie CgRt C ad'' Sunoco Service. 172 CieatwoodTarn'e, who'died sua- bulance.: Monchoslor placement, umbrella# repaired, able (errttorin for quellfled wom­ denly Sunday' afternoon. The extent of hi* injuries had The p*troit river aomel,i,n\«j in 110 Contor St., Phono 5105. txical one owner car.. Must be 1946 GHBVmiLBT 8-4 panel. tnen'e shirt collara reversed and Ukeml Terms M l ItAOr 8T„ Phane 819S->RAYMOND R. REID. f W a 74M ROOM colonial, five''years Read Herald Advs. According to toe instnmient, g m i to be appraclated,X|i8 Center en who wish to earn a good- In­ WANTED—Man or boy to care Oarage, laroe lot, ..Pijvate Iba business Is being conducted by Manoheater Lodge o f . not been determined at pre*a time emlled "toe Dardanelles of., the Good condition. Pric*-.8850. Prt- replaced. MarioWa UtUa MaiuWng come. Writs Mr*. Frank Frew- for lawn. 20 Green Mianor’ Road. MANCHESTER, OONN. r Motor^Sala^ 461 MaM direet avateiy owned;. CaU 2-8588. ■ A top .' . . X 0»tw Dally 1 r, f t . to Dark ner. Inquire 196 Oak street. Walter r . HlUitekl. will -dDn’diict a Moaonte today. New Wortd." ley, Nqrtb Sienford,' Omui. ^ Phom 8138 batwaan 8 and 6. • V- ■ (■ :r"; • .'■ i-

■ixi. ■ : ^ , _ \ . ; PAGE'nWVS -'—f-'

/ Grading Waddell About Tp0wn Associated Here No Action Yet in General Practitioner vPRE-FAR k f e t p f Ddlr N«t Prsn Ron Townes UTILITY BUILDING I W tfc* WoOc B d M Tbo Wmthtr 6aly l » ^ 8 Tall CMtera 'will'* meat toniftht School Grounds BI'U^ RITE ..FereMst of U. 8. Waolber BIbiwwi ta p v reapeeta t6 Ute late Walter , Suit Against Lombardos .A -CONSTRlHBnON CO. - N>,»[iiC: at the'. WatXina Funeral ' 87 MslriMe^reei : • •■ "' A The; Highway Department Ur : 103 v*ra aad thoader ^ ahewera f)nme. Kembera wilt asaemble at Oomf>leting grading viprk on tftea i.-C'.'ll P Monebesti tbe Maaonlc Temple. ■ N o action has yet been .taken in . ' Dr) KecOey Issued the orderf^ t. nearlag Tharaday. Mta- the town'*: suit against Lftinbardo June 13 afier Lombardo Brothers at’-the Waddell Bchoolv to be used r . &lanaa taniglit near 60; Edward W. Koaky of 49 Hyde Brothers-, the firm thst hold* the failed to heed a almilat: order from for parking areas'andv sidewalks,,| Matici A City of Village Charm according to the . monthly report I afreet la. the brother, of Mra. contract to collect and disjawie of Oneral'M anager Richard Mariln Naylor e»A *" ■■41 Ckiorge’Potter BtirlTwiho drowned the town's garbage and ha* Ig-i whictr wa* igaued on the recom- of Town Engineer James H. !. Rheekcy, Highway superintendent. r| Saturday, in Lake Champlain. Her y nored a .local health departmettl meodatlon of. Dr. Keeney and VOL. LXXL n o . 238 (O omIM A ivartW ag Fag* 66) MANCHESTER^ONN.. WEDNESDAY, JULY 9. 1952 huaband and her'.« year old!aoii order to'-abolish Its piggery on Town EnEngineer\lame* ' H. Sheekey. Grading‘of the athletic' field .«t 11 (THIRTY-TWO PAGEB—IN TWO flECTIONS) PRICE nV E . CENTS were alao vlctima Of the drowning: J' Hlllstown road and to atop dump-. the Broad street plant, rraich Is The local health officer aaid lo scheduled for completion Wpt. 1 . Ing garbage there. Ilk Mr*. Xlvelpna Farnaworth of Town C^urt Proaecutor John. Jf ckl and state health officials had i has beeh done, and Sheekey, said ./I Reaen'olr road, Broad BrrKik, ala- O'GolSnor, to Whom the mailer wHs . lerelved tytmernuif complalhta'j loam will be deposited ; there I- ter of Wra. Danleli Champagne of referred the day afler the JunS 23 from reaidenU living In the vl- j shortly. ■ OT Foater atreet, died Sunday In ‘deadline for compliance with the olnttV of the piggery since It* e*-| Thi.* report also shows th)(^ work home c o m fo r t Preaton. order, said today lie had received tablisKnient two years ago. - is progressing on the expanimm of_ a copy of the order yeaterday from The iVornmemlatlo'n of Dr. Kee-1 the Municipal Building parking' Paughtera were born at the Town Counsel ^ohn D. liaBelle hut ney and\Hheekey to Mariln tha", lot. T h e proposed addition, w h l^ Hartfonj Hrwipttal laal- Thuraday •Con Id- not - lake any act l«n-un t-H-be - the piggery . be abolished- (oHriwed-v wiil add 60 feet to the.'.reap. of K eep scik c MORIARTY Bros to Mr. and Mm, Ronald Morneau had conferred with Health Officer an Invastlg^lon the two tow.n : existing lot, has'been staked fait, Diamond ring 3 15 C E N i 1 R ST of Kelly road, ROckvlUe, and to Dr. Uoherl R, Keeney, Jr. Dr officlala maim of the piggery. | and the department has hech re- ~Wt and Mm, Rena gulnial of 4S Keeney* office said today he la on Siiba'equent Inspections by state ; movingTnFkt/lffIfP loamIgkAm from the srefc^Wheriam T t t 5 13 5 ■■ Vroad. vacation and will not return, until health officialsIsA^ubjtrknllate«|Ssubjtrki the this operation is Tontpleted. the r f - Monday. "Jurtlftcarion" of' ■ >*ney:« order. site will he'filled I’n ryith gravel. Among . the returnee* pn the troop ahlp General Darby, , which dock* today at Staten laland,' FiiriUHli CoHa^en y. Y „ la a South Coventry aoWier, Q ui i c k A r r e s t Pvt. Earl. Ditvla I* Hated among th'e 885 member* of the 43rd Dlvl- For Missionaries prescriptions K__ \ ^on who'will diaembark at Pier In Robl)crv Carefally Compoanded JO. Two n)ore troop carrier* are Or. Knbert C. Walden, Jr. The Manchester branch hf the Dr. William D. Rtroud . expected to arrive Saturday and Women's Christian Tempeiqinee Artflur pruc Stores (>edentiBl8 ConimiUee Hears. Cojn^stR It la believed that more Con.iiectl- Dr, R o b e rt'^ Wajden, Jr,, who Union furnished coraageS and rose Dr. William -JJ. Stroud of 52 CAMtaON tin* Jeoeo m received hla preliminary schooling Nab Cobbler’s Ansailant routonnierei for the 70 misatonir- Park street has hpened an office Aka 100 la 2473 *' cut aerviremen are Included In Uje W*4Jln* *la* tJ llatlnga. In .Philadelphia, Pa., graduated In Within 48 Hours of lea who were, gueata of the Soutn., for the general practice of inedi- peaaa>aw' n ~apur4*.'w.t-^X-- ~'"AiaSOlalloS; wa» df'^Mdweme »In - J9487 - liesuMne--'■ his cMirck-and 'Mtm- fMaries' Baich o f fltate Coliega-Jn Mdrriiy;’^ ^ lively aaaoclatpd with' Dr-'Chaywa the North Methodist Church fash­ — . \ •■'A; i aengar .Uat of the 8.8. Naaeau assaultar, gtyerl by a North End Tuft* College In Medfor^AM*-''*' j Pickham anUDr. DojiaM M ^ r o n ioned the. corsage*. Mra. Hattie He received hi* M, ' D^ from] BUTTERFIELD- !kkago, 3uly 9— (/P>— A g­ 'when it docked in Mew York ing Herbert Hodver bade ,a t y recently. Dr. Alton had pre. on July I. / cobbler who was beaten and roh- McDonald, another WCTU mem­ Tuft* Medlcsl School in Boston ‘ Annoijnces The Opening From 1948 to mid-lSUftdPry WaN bed aariy -Sunday, enabled local ber. provided a beautiful bouquet In 1948. He wss an Intern avi farewell to Republican con­ British Spy C h ica^ July »-~(JP)-«hgirRi6n Row Rlglfjr of the era- vioualy flown to Cuba- and to police to capture a auapect yeater- Naaaau for a vacation tour, fol* den cnmpleCedla residency Hi ob­ of 15 white lilies Used in the au­ the Philadelphia General Hospital - HALE'S vention dogates last night dcntlRlh coRilniUdc aaid today “ thera la talk of R comproniae” stetric* end gynecoloify et Colum­ day'-wlihlh 48 hour* of .tha crime. ditorium. Because of the heat Sun­ in Philadelphia;,,. -v; i Of An Office At lowing hla atlendahce at the' an­ Frank Fernlno. 44, of 31 Clifford with a plea to rip away tb^ of (ha Tgrt-Elaanhower diapUta hvar 38 Texaa dcb^Rtaa tp nual convention of tha National bia Hospital for Women, Wash­ day, the polluck for the young Stroud, wb<> is now married, i '^70 Main Street ington, D. G.' He then began pri­ street, Hartford, waa Identified mlaalonarlea waiil served Indoors in served two years In the Navy. Disclose D em ocrats’ "pluah Curtain!’ at; th« Republican convention. He made thM comment to report, .^iropractlc Aaaoclatloh which yeit*rday by Joaeph Brakuakaa, HeadquaHers waa held In Miami Beach, Fla. Me vate Independent practice in ob-> Cooper hall of. the church, Initead Tel. 2-4242 home anii Mdvage “Josl era during a committee receaa of ita hearl)|ga on th« R ^ b lj. itetrlca and gynacology at Annap­ M', as the man who beat him and o^ the lawn aa planned. statesmanship!’ ati^d..^ can national committae’a finding that gave 22 votes to.Taft reaumad office hours thi* week. robbed him of 197 Rurtday at hla FOR olis, Md.. until hla receiit offer to For The Gteneral Preference Hoover, the only UWag ex-Presi- Secret an^Mi to BiaanhowiP; ' \ become essocleted with Dr. Peck- home in the rear, of his shoemaker BiaeUon of offlcera will be held ahop at 357 North Main atreet. Erf't SigH ServlM dent and the last Rej^bllcan to Vi at the annual meeting of Hoee Co. hem and Dr. Morrison, DR. WILLIAM I). Practice of M^icine hold that office, attaclmd the He began setive duty In the U. Brakuakaa had aeen Fernlno on • Commercial Lettering Convention Hall, Chicago, July 9—(/P)—A aurprise atratdgy 3, MFD. at the fire house tomor-, three previous, oepaaiona. STROUD Chicago, July 9— (/P) — , Democratic administration wlEh a London, July 9— (JP)— A row hlgh,t at 8 o'clock. All mem- R. Navy In 1942, serving until • Silk Screen Proceiw i vigor, that helled hi* 77 yearf. ' move by Sen. Robert A. Taft today cut the firepower of (][eni 1947. at .whIeJt.. tlmq 1)* re«lgne4 Fanflno, on parole from State ir:;:::::? -...... • i PonhsylvAiuA^s.. Gov., John ,S. young foieign office radio ^|>erfi are requested t». attend. - Ann Klaenbower and ntoauncomirnttM. g n m Mttnjfed under Eisenhower's probable stofy." He axRed tor 7. im delegate contaita that nagPt SepL 18. Uttu. Walden saw; serv­ released 'from prison last Auguat i*d ««ah lp ” B -4 Deliver^ Rromptly At No Ex­ Judge Sir Patrick Barry later, Coimecttout deleutes today Pledgee Fleer Fight Mm. Freda Duffy, 4t..of 9t) Cam tra Ckarge. N «w pricM iir'idftct in two moro wooks. CaH for nauer opehed the battle of heforo the Houoe Of Common* The j^sriunent plkBs t<) bridge atraat, one of two persona adjourned court and aaid ha would reemphaHiKad thafr auDbokt Sen; Henry Cabot Lodge. Jr., of The annual summar fastival of hid today-wHb a 4ed*y-4m.lh*-Brltl*h-piwee *He- M *eeachu*ette.'BlienhBwer7i’-qBng Jabonttord'- ...... the-.,OovaHt(3*R-Kregiaant -Soelaty luMPlUllxed .after s . two-car ,coi- CALL 2-T814 ______appolntm o^ a A. M. I » 5 F«-M, 2^.8727— Bvo- <>nt*h InitCMCtlng'th» jo iy tomot-' ed In denouuclag' denouaclkg' theHie "Red for ” G eii;' DwTffRjt lK” ^ ^ l i - lislon Saturday at \Aiilurhh and Sales and Service row. plek in the lowRr house of tlie palgn manager, sald^th* battlt on P)um laland to study foot- . wlU take place tomoirow. at the PINE PHARMACY Issue Dean'i" aUetuLieaa that the hower with a vote to \ i^ bia would go on despite the Taft con- Chiinrh Community Houaa. Jforth Ashworth atreeta, w i« discharged 'JTJhlA. jlpiaims»L„da, Yuu. Jmpw, \V:eatj:Gjerm6n.4ki’iiaineiit.Jai' R ^»-4 ^ —.a — — trom 'M artlblT HMpllaF'Today, HorttiuM — ------wfffftmcMiw in - aide—iti-tha cwiden tia l^ cow* ceaoion inN-tjmtitaiia.'------; Coventry. Features of the affelr anythingxabeut It?" Mamhall was ratification of the military warfare in ttd Far Boat. and will hold publig She was transferred there after •MOTtMtOLA aakad by hja attorney. mittee fight o ^ jSS diluted If It take* place, the atniggt* are a eountry. auction at 1 p. m. a And. political pacts' with the would come to e head on the Mat­ iiiaffo in CVninecticut 9hxt being admitted to Manchester Me­ MITCHELL 8 00M AIK CONOmONERS "Nothing wiiateDever,” Marshall, hEne OoRMCvaHve imantiefa R^ublican convieiition Its. chicken pie iuppe'r at 8:30 to T< W est. \ ■ of ParilanM t ffled a motion aak- ing of a 17-vote pto;Taft daliMk'' oA where" proteste ggeinat ..and-two oine-act piaya at 8 _p..m. morial Hoepltal with head toncus: J2U SPRUCE STREET, MANCHESTER----TEL. 5095 replied, Gov. John Lpture, dell aidh*. ' . \ "Do you'khbw how U came to be' ' T h e 76-y«ar^id taiahcMtqr ;lBld tia g tovaiie cheliroih; ’Ihhb ^ tinn ftww-Oeorato,-* ' le 'hxsHoR'BFe 'effpeetwl,' J»X. Jtha: Coventry Players. Fopd, Built Rite Construetien Co. thr ' Bundestag'' •WeaT' 'Oiq-many 30 to 31 Vote of the credentials aprons and gift goods will be'bf- Frank Hai'ding, 49, of ' ^95 to ysirrwsnsf7" t -t ' j - the appotniment of the 78-year- ew ly morning caucus Hkw SO of Plum Island, located eight mile*; Chicago/ July 9—(45—Republi­ tialr committee ruling that barred must Join in armed alllance\with group yeaterday. This lineup^ „i._. fen d for.aala...... c:!.,___ Spruce atreet, was reported by Ip- 37 I4ARBLE SV. _____ l._MANCHE$TER some c(vUeated delegates - cut its "No, I'm afraid not," Mersnall old dean. Such a pj^lamentary the atate’a 33 delegates Hue up off th* Connecticut *hor*;.to th* cel hotpRal autbomiee in "much can piatfOnn builder* gave tenta- th^ fre* world o r meviubiy' \:aii wa*-e)ienired-to^y-when Petmai ______total to 92. repllta quietly lit a High, thin FeOttoR'to'Ote CVbwn inw never behind a'ltiollOh to ''dpimM 'inipecL ” PmfSrtsd 'sIle"''icrai^iligYo S*c-'' batter condition today." ' He re­ FlhiiiiiMHHif ^itio i^ but not live approval today to controver- voice. Germany will become a So^et been Iktrodueed before. ed pro-Taft cbmmltu*/reports on vania shifted it* credential* coi r'etary of Agricultum Chari** F, John Foster Dulles, GOP elder ititttae vote to make It 39-33. New Bookg Added ceived alight head Injuries. slal forelfom gn policy andnd Minational de- Whet' the document contained satrilite." Tttf motion sold the Dean "iwa the Georgia, Louisiana end Texas BrannuK who today announcaff Charles.S. Lathrop. 18, of 355 BBCosiory, BsUay wt«k. Plsasaiir working eendi< statesman and one-time consult- wee not dUcIbaad by the govern­ The two-day debate will end In' been' guilty of actions contrary conteets. , ; With the Louteiena dactsion,. bearings will b* held at 10 a. m., Hepry street. Is elated to appear fense/plank*. Bui an qpgiy, dispute i DsmocraUc administm- ment. The public wee barred from' Carpenter Afiaeab I the cradentlela committee, work­ Septic Tanks Cleaned aboy, civil rights still threatened ^aa been a flmt or test vote on the Allied- July 14 at Bulkley Junior High At Local Library in Town epurt on a recklaaa driv­ Ham. FaM voeaHoa. Sick Imvb, paM hell Weat German peace contract end­ -(Continued on Pnge Twenty) On# delegate, StaVe’ Rep. Nelsbn ing In tha dowrntown ftongrasa he- School, New London;-'and July 15 to /xplode. th e> erk m with the group. He haa ing charge Friday. He was tha Call ManchmtBr's $ «w tra^ SpcciolisPs (ConUnoed oa Page Twenty) ing the occupation end the Parte L. Carpenter, waa ajuerit. Another, at the earn* houe in Old Saybrook drlvar of ona of tha cars. lu£on.^commlltt^ ehuttllng ^ tw ^ n Gen. treaty to put 500,000 German sol­ National CommlttOemen William (Continued on Page ‘nilrtyi^iM) Town Halt, - ~j„u! Recent new books added to the r of Ove porfy' a national con , Elsenhower and Ohio Sen. Mery Cheney Library include the ' ' ------7—^-- ^ dier* in a alx-natlon European H. Brennan, reserved bis decision. Connecticut U'veatock men may entton. ^ Caipenter Is the only dalagete following: CALL 41SI FOR APPOINTMENT Moat of the 90 committeemen Robert Taft, ,top contendere . . . for army. The flnal vote* on ratifica­ protest the neameaa of the pro­ Fiction: ‘The Naighbora,"^Mm, Insurance Major SAVE tw o WAYS: got their flr*t peek at the pro-Pr****^*"^**! Reds Capture tion wilt not come until 'fall, after S t ^ Postpones who.aeya he will aupport Ban. Rob­ posed site to their hard*, alttiough , J. L. D. Abbott; VUpiid* Down in (1) LOW PRICE , . , the moot modem equipmentequipmei a*d mo- a Fum'mer parliamantary reCeaa. ert A. Taft for th* nomination. All Railroad Labor the Agriculture D^mrtment lute poae'd herntony platform aa they Dulles told Republican Senatom the others ere for Eiaenhower, the Megnolla 'Tree," Mary Ban- Veteran Business ehlnery In Connecticut“ makes poaaible m BETTER JOB at a aaaembledAt 9 a. m. ! last night he ,thought all GOP Aanoila Red C o a q u e e t*___ triad to enre«t«n tfcla hy . —croft; "Beyond the Breakers." S. LOWER PRICE. They worked behind Jacked and prealaentlal. aaplrantx coukL . aiip^.Key HiU Point -Adenauer opmed-toa'afgument Aetip^^n Hifce[“ Ing. thkt "complete'control oyer ' W. Bajm tt; "We All KHied Orand- all septic tonka. Drain­ 1 guarded doore. Sen. Eugene' D. yfhen the dispute* ware heard by port the proposed foreign "end de­ with a long attack bn Ruagia'a rec­ the national committee. ^.H* says the virus of the dteease under rei fna.'JT+edrte Brown; "Hidden TJie.Veterana' Service O n ter ra- age aad Bewer'HBM are liwtaHed w ider.the ‘watcMUT'anper- Mtlllkln . of Colorado, piatform search is assured by a Mrles of porla that a total of/284 contacts JjmMurrMiTirOfQuaTW fense :compromlsea. ord of "cqld war conqueata atnee that he does not want to-rsvsme'. rioWer." Mrs. P. 8. Buck; "The vision of a Drainage Engineer. RESULT: Ynn ora protected chairman, had the -only complete "They contain a lot of unneces­ In Korea Fight In Milk Price safety factom." ^ Stranger," M. O. Carroll; "Dr. were made at the center during against costly blunders . . . A BIO RAVING. An engineered Joh ^ 5 " . He waa periatetently heckled hirnaelf now when he must vote copy on the campaign docu­ sary verbiage on the past but look hy Communist deimtlee-. In Steel C^risis Froteet ta R. I. Gataklira Blue Shoes," Paul Co- the month of June. • ■ givM'j-ou LASTING AND SATISFACTORY RESULTS, ment. on'the Issue 0* a delegate. Headinjr the Hat of 19 aubjecta ahead In the right direction,’' In an._effort to win the utmost Wheii Lodge announced the cau­ A year ago a /proposal to lol nant: "Hearae of a Different Col- Milllkin hoped to win quick com-. DuUes said. Seoul, Koree, July 9—(>P>— Hartford, July 9—(;7^ - Connecti­ or," Merle Consttner; 'The Host handled by' the center was Insur­ S E A L Y M A H R E S S E S ...... $ 2 9 .9 5 ORtl up United Nation* troops today drove parliamentary aupport, the Chan­ cus decision at 3:30 a. m., ihs Pittsburgh, J'uly 9—<45- Addl- rate the laboratory on an totohd to mlttee,. approval and then deliver | Elsenhower told visiting dele­ cut Milk Admintetrstor D. . O, credentials committee already h ^ Rhode Island, waters brought a Rock." M. F. Doner; "The Case of ance, with 68 contacts being made. the bulky document .to the con-' on North Korean Communiate en­ cellor said he had obtained indica­ tional layoffs In the rsllrood ln- 'The report also showed thst there gates much the same thing. He Hammerburg poatponed making s voted for a solidly pro-Tofl Gsor- storm s protssttoam-.localilvaiu tha Moth-Eaten Mink," E. 8 . Gard­ Be Sate! ...B e Swe! ventlon, poasibly tonight. trenched on a ridge at the eaatem tions from the western powers.that duetry .loomed today-as the-rtMlult- are 88 contrseta on. Korean bene- said 'the foreign plank teema to they would releaae more German decinion on a state milk price In­ gl*. delegatidn. It had reoesied of the nstlonwiqie strike of 600,000 stock breed associations. AgriraU ner; "Love la a Wound," W, T. Behind Schedule be "raking up the past, which end'Of the Korean battle line but mtts and 30 on O. t; loans. 1 war crimlnala. crease Hearing here yeaterday without rcBChtng a_ decision, on CIO United Steelworker*. . lural observsrs hers pqinM out Hadd4IVir'‘''Mornlng Star," J. L. CALL In c . The committee, running behind wouldn't want." But pledges for lost a key hill to counter-attack- after engaging In verbal fireworks Hodaon; "Song In the Night," Jo­ K E M P ’ S , In^Chlnes* in the center.. Some of hte supportem, chiefly Nearly 90,000 railroaders have •chedule, started out with 106 dele- the future, he said, eohtllll... "all I with .a consumer spokesman. (f.VmMqiied on Paige Twentjr-foiir) sephine Lawrence; "The Square' FINE BEDDING The U. S. Eighth Army reported Free Democrats, have been de- been furloughed ;rinc* t ^ strike ( Continued 'on Fpga T hhrty— s) c i n n e y b r o s gate-membem—rtwo from each the esaehUaU nscesaary to. guide I .. HaniFhsrburg charged that Bar- began June 2.' TfiejCre part; of the Peg," George Maleolm-Smith; T H E M K . T6S M AIN 'STREET TEL. 9686 state and territory. Sonte delega­ ua from the standpoint of enlight- Allied Infantrymen ■ to ahe;' ea*r mandinir tmi at a nrice for their I ney Korzenlk, of Hertford, who prtMcfs yMT killed 42 Rede "and wounded 65 422,409 worker! in allied Industries • "Lucy, or, The Delaware Dle- tions named ortly one platform votes for treaty ratification. I said he was'*pt>eering a* s con­ loguea," Babette Roamond; ."Rage SEWERAar DISPOSAL CQNPENY otherA In an action that was atlll The peace contract provides fori dff the job beesues of, the steel L l f O member, however, and a creden- (Conttnned on Page Tea) sumer spokesman, wax 'firing Ir­ strike. of the Soul," Vincent Shcean; DRAINAGE and SEWERAGE ENGINEERS under way at 2 a. m. d. s. t. review of war Crimea sentences relevant. question* St wltne**e* The P e nTtA y l V a nia railroad; •The Merry Month of May," Mra. Steep ilopea alowed'the UN ad­ by a mixed Allled-Oerman board and sold that he wonted no more N e w s B u lle tin s 7: N. O. White; "Rogue from Padua," 13G132 Fnarl Straat, Msmehesfep— Td. 5301 vance but trbopa moving in from after Ihq treaty U effective. them which laid off 10,000 men Juns- 9, -. .r,Jay.-M^iiliaAB^-:''re candidates will be elected a t. the I .vIet Journalist Who. sold he attend- EFFICIENT, RELIABLE WORK GUARANTEED G u s ’f . Informed diplomatic officials Chlcago conventions by s “ small ed the Philadelphia conventions In Korea now 112,128. Aa Air Force B -tt crashed ta said Britain's Minister of State, frequently and efficiently. Sixteen-year-old Walter Mesick AntivRidgway Reds flames 10 ndles sonthweot of MACHINE SPREAD — POWER ROLLED " Two U. . Objections circle'Of bosses" who hire rooters four years ago; IM % HIM Seiwirn Uoyd, suggested the Idea 8 St 120 a head to cheer for their / (Jaks Parties, Crimlaal* o7 Middirtown, electrocuted while here abontff a. o u today. Ail 11 DONT WE HAVE THE PROPER EQUIPMENT , Of a political aui(tence team when American officials object, to the ,GOF Convention . O S T Ill FLENTy- OF FARKTn G SFACE , candidates so the,public will be- "In these ^ Ik s our.listenei;* will pruning Yree limbs In Bloomfield ■ London, July- 9—OP)—Gen. Mat­ ■nr* aboard were ffportod to Throw Thom Away AND KNOW HOWl ' ' -h i* talked wltnlSecretejy Acheson idea of a political advisory team have balled opt safely. The talp lleve.lt has a voice in the seise- hear about the false American July 2 for -Mitlane Kuiaartoa of thew B. lUdgWay flew into Lon­ Bun pIsM^ of wear left la DON’T DELAY! PHONE TODAY! AT ' here several "weeks ego.' because In their view Tally Sheet tion*. democracy, about the close con­ Cromwell, shouldn't have been; wee from Reodelph FM d at Saa shoe# repalmd her*. Cite* Tain Bombiags 1. .It might giver... the Oonumi- don today for his first official visit SHAMPOO On the basis of Radio Moscow nection which exist* in.. America doing that type of work and as Atlantic Pact Commander In Aatonla j r S M I ! r e s t jN D w y e w a v construction Lloyd reportedly argued such a niete a chance to point,' to the broadcasts to Russian listeners, between tjie apparatus of the bour­ Deputy.Btqte Itobor Gommisakpier V tj H I u i. i« V 1 K group, on which Britelh would be move as proof the Unitied States' Keep a reeord of tho Bepubll- Europ* and police quicldy - , CALL ean delegato vote tor presidsn- officials reportfxl today''that this geois parties and thq. JEltnUnal Eunis-say* 'towpleyer violated dtala' S(itKtcli6d’'-r' Mo^-ffvwf C^lttta- sA N m m reprtMnted, would ...make sure ha*, been ignoring it* Allies in the , wa^,Uu>.i3an»PMntsUparty llife on -urorld,- and about Kow the ,con- employnient law , . . Elevator Shoe RuMirlBg_ « t tb* Bet- _Cl*rk and JKaeaoB, dlghtiBg^and -toMteg-ttoL' ’|laLlBtaMstaa.aa they aw wailo ntet-sponsqred protest demonstra-' -W1 tlsetauvf.^ 1 at the CMCago cenveattoa. Clip [the way ths candidates are chosen ventions of the Republican and mechanics James D. McOcr. 37; Uon S t tha general's airfield ar­ ' Washington, July 6— IF) —Th* tar KtadDqaa Xasn. teadera iii Kqrea T«allscd the'fun decisions upon them. In tha. "false American dqmoc- Pemocratlc parties are held," said of East Hartford, foils two floors posiUon of the Treasttiy July 7: THEW.G8LENNEY80. . Intematloniu implications nf."mVi- . 2. Th* new group might prove nnd save fo# nw wkea tbe bal- rival. lottag starts. raejr." Moscow at the outset. down elevator shaft while work­ I Ssven dtmonstratom -wsr* Net builget receipts, 6169,967,- 16 MAPUS STREET tary decisions they might make. too cumbemom* and unwieldy, and To make sure the Russians get Morev said delegates war* plied .190.81; budget expenditures. 1801,- OpfL D m Hatleaal 8tw * A political guidance teaM, he - (8*0 Fags 34) ' ■< ing to Harttord-Copnecticut Trust rounded up by police and .taken . SCENT SHOP 448 D o o i . 2:8132 334 NORTH MAIN STv—T ^ 4148 ths, Communist versloh of what is .— -— Building m Hs'rttord this mom- 903,704.041 cash baltac*, 96,6M.-' Fwfctag Lot. A T 2-5224 felt, Might have avoided th* flar*- (CauBauad Faga Eight) 961 BtAlN BT^^TKU 8631 goipff im at OUcago,. U)a Moo- . (Osattausd mm Fag* Eight) (OsattMNi SSI FUff* BpgM) * 284.9T8.38.