Contact Officer: Vina Randhawa Tel. 07976 194493



Tuesday 25 September 2012

Present: Councillor Peter O’Neill (Chair) Councillors Mahmood Akhtar, Andrew L Palfreeman, Shabir Pandor, Amanda L Stubley

Apologies: Councillors Gwen Lowe, Robert Light, Hanif Mayet, Elizabeth Smaje

Approximately 12 members of the public were in attendance

1 Welcomes and Introductions In the absence of Councillor Lowe, Councillor Peter O'Neill was nominated Chair for the meeting. The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and Members of the Committee introduced themselves to the public.

2 Neighbourhood Policing Team The Neighbourhood Policing Team provided an update on the crimes and community safety issues in Batley, Birstall and Birkenshaw.

Sergeant Garry Clayton and Police Constable Miles Widgery attended the meeting and reported:

* Burglary dwellings were 15 less for the year than at the same time last year. * Anti social behaviour calls were 11.6% down on the same period last year and that overall crime was 159 less than the same period last year. * User satisfaction was the highest in Kirklees at 88.4%

Sergeant Clayton outlined the three priorities for the area:

* Cambridge Road * Mount Pleasant * Anti social behaviour and drug dealing in the Woodsome Estate area

Pat Crisp raised an issue regarding Coal Pit Mews on Cross Bank, which Sergeant Clayton agreed to discuss at the next Tenants and Residents Association Meeting next Tuesday.

The committee thanked Sergeant Garry Clayton and Police Constable Widgery for their attendance.


3 Minutes of the previous meeting Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on Tuesday 26th June 2012 were circulated and approved as a correct record.

4 Interests None declared

5 Admissions of the public It was agreed that all items on the agenda were to be taken in public.

6 Deputations and Petitions The committee received a petition 'Save Hospital', concerning proposed changes to the Mid-Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust. The Committee agreed to refer the petition to the Well-being and Integration Service to consider the appropriate response.

7 Public Question Time None received

8 Budget Report The Batley, Birstall and Birkenshaw Committee received an update on their devolved budget for 2012 – 2013, and approved revenue and capital projects as outlined below:

Batley Revenue £34,607.43 Batley Capital £80,723.05 Birstall and Birkenshaw Revenue £11,324.50 Birstall and Birkenshaw Capital £33,036.85

To note underspend returned to budget as follows:- - £4,500.00 for Birstall Chamber of Trade Retail Radio Scheme to Birstall and Birkenshaw Capital Budget - £300.00 Batley Town Centre Environment Improvements to Batley Revenue Budget - £52.50 Birstall & Birkenshaw Garden Competition to Birstall and Birkenshaw Revenue Budget

To note:- - George Street lighting upgrade overspend of £173.42, (to be met by the service).

To note funding returned to Birstall and Birkenshaw Capital:-

- £2,000 for St Paul’s Church (Ramp and entrance modifications) approved 26 June 2012 to come out of Birstall and Birkenshaw Community Buildings Grant (£15,603.62) approved 14 March 2012.


To note approved discretionary grants as follows:- - £400 (revenue) for Gujarati Writers Forum - £500 (revenue) for the Sunshine Centre - £500 (revenue) for North Kirklees Faith Forum - Diamond Jubilee Event

To note approved fast track service commissioning funding as follows:- - £250 (revenue) Buy one get one free (B.O.G.O.F) Sash Jammer Initiative - £1,000 (revenue) Trinity Care – Support for Residents in Urgent Need - £500 Street Bikes Project - to come out of Supporting Voluntary Organisations in Youth Provision approved on 14/3/2012

Revenue Projects Approved - Technology Tournament - £500 - Holocaust Memorial Day 2013. Communities Together : Build a Bridge - Burundi Drummers Project - £1,850

Capital Projects Approved - Provision of Grit Bins - various locations in Batley East - £3,900 - Staincliffe Cricket Club Improvements - £8,500

Councillor O’Neill thanked Mashuda Sheikh and John Fletcher for attending the meeting to provide additional information as appropriate.

9 Batley Town Centre updates The Committee received an update on the Batley Town Centre Events Programme. Andrew Sloman, Town Centre Manager reported on:

* Jubilee Tea Party held on the 9th June attended by close to a 1000 people including local businesses. * Batley Festival, a community event planned for the 29th September. * Batley Barn Dance on the 20th October organised by the Batley Business and Retail Association * Christmas Lights switch on 29 November * Batley’s Got Talent Competition – re-launch, engaging with Town Centres venues and clubs.

Carolyne Barlow new Manager at Batley Resource Centre introduced herself and explained the centre was looking to merge with the National Children Centre, which would rejuvenate activity and bring new services back in the centre.

The committee thanked Andrew Sloman and Carolyne Barlow for their attendance.


10 Proposed changes at the Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust The committee received a presentation on the Mid Yorkshire Clinical Services Strategy from Mike Potts, Chief Executive NHS Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield District. The presentation included drivers for change, options proposed and the decision making process involved. Formal consultation is set to start January 2013.

David Kelly, Clinical Commissioning Chair of NHS North Kirklees Clinical Commissioning Group, Dr Simon Enright Consultant and Clinical Advisor, Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust and Lois Mellor, Acting Matron Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust were in attendance to field questions from the public.

These included some of the following points:

* Concerns were raised about transport time to access Pontefract or Pinderfield Hospitals when patient may be in need of urgent care. Dr Kelly explained that time was important but accessing the right care at the other end was also critical. Currently all Accident and Emergency operate a triage system which already redirect patients to the correct specialists who may be based in a different hospital.

* Concerns were raised about paramedics and ambulance services being able to make the correct assessment at the onset. Mike Potts explained that ambulance staff will follow rigorous protocols, and all hospitals will still carry out patient resuscitation. * Mike Potts clarified that currently patients can choose which hospital they wish to attend for all planned surgery or planned maternity service, as long as the hospital offers the required specialism. * Mike Potts explained that proposals will be reviewed by independent experts before going through the 3 months consultation period. If proposals don’t pass the experts’ inspection, they will have to go back to the drawing board. * Councillor Pandor pointed out that Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust crosses over two Local Authorities and was not coterminous to Kirklees. Mike Potts confirmed that the organisational form of the Trust did not impact on how clinical services were organised/ delivered - the same tariff was paid for an operation regardless of where it was carried out. * Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust is contracted to deliver acute services, but currently its costs are in excess of the funding received from Central Government. As it stands, Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust would not be granted Foundation Trust status which is required by mid 2014 as per government directives; therefore considerations need to be given to efficiencies and wider picture. * Dr Enright confirmed that patients responded much better when convalescing at home which is why short hospital stays were actively encouraged and were not about costs saving considerations. Dr Enright added that services in the community needed to match the need so people didn’t have to recover in hospitals. Any planned surgery ought to be local, whilst blue light emergency services would be directed to trauma/specialist centres.


* Mike Potts agreed that transport and access to hospital services is a big problem and his role is to make sure the transport agencies understand the changes, as money allocated to Mid Yorkshire is for care, not transport. * Councillor Pandor stressed that levels of deprivation are high in some pockets of North Kirklees, and accentuated by the current economical context and policy reforms. Councillor Pandor was concerned that we may see an increase in social and mental health needs at a local level. Dr Kelly confirmed that this was a very important consideration and they were working closely with the Health and Well Being Partnership Board on wider aspects of patients’ health and well being. * Mike Potts indicated that they regularly refer to the JSNA (Joint Strategic Needs Assessment) led by Dr Judith Hooper to help target initiatives where need is greatest. * Mike Potts explained whilst the Health Budget had increased by small increments, the Social Care Budget had decreased quickly in recent years. However both budgets were irremediably linked. * Lois Mellor referred to a Birthplace study carried out with 8000 women in 2011 which highlights that only 28% of the women required transfer to a different hospital to access specialist services. * Members of the public praised the work carried out by community midwives providing an essential face to face service. Lois Mellor confirmed a community midwife spent the majority of her working day within the community.

Staff from the Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust and NHS North Kirklees Clinical Commissioning Group were thanked for providing information and responding to questions.

11 Meeting dates for 2011-2012 Councillor O’Neill thanked all services and the public for their attendance and confirmed dates of forthcoming meetings as follows:

* Tuesday 27th November, 7pm, venue to be confirmed * Tuesday 5th March 2013, 7pm, venue to be confirmed



Contact Officer: Vina Randhawa - Tel. 07976 194493



Tuesday 27 November 2012

Present: Councillor Lowe (Chair), Councillors Akhtar, Pandor, Stubley, Light, Mayet, Smaje and O’Neill

Apologies: Councillor Palfreeman

Approximately 20 members of the public were in attendance

1 Welcome and Introductions The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and Members of the Committee introduced themselves to the public.

The Chair also welcomed the two Youth Council Members and invited them to introduce themselves to the public.

2 Neighbourhood Policing Team The Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) provided an update on the crimes and community safety issues in Batley, Birstall and Birkenshaw.

Sergeant Clayton and Police Constable Lambert attended the meeting and reported that:

* Robberies were up from 6 to 8 overall, however in 4 of these cases an arrest and charge has been secured. * Burglary dwellings are down to 28 from 33 last month. These figures include a large number of attempted burglaries where offenders did not gain entry. This was due to a crime prevention campaign led by the Neighbourhood Policing Team in fitting snap safe locks, window locks and sash jammers. * Theft of motor vehicles was down to 10 from 15 last month. This was due to crime prevention advice given by the Neighbourhood Policing Team regarding securing of motor vehicles and motorcycles parked in public areas. * Theft from motor vehicles was also down to 23 from 37 in the previous month following a local media campaign, led by the Neighbourhood Policing Team, highlighting the dangers of leaving items on show inside vehicles. * There was a decline in Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) calls for service in all 3 wards. Anti Social Behaviour includes incidents such as youth nuisance, minor damage, drunkenness and rowdy behaviour. The decrease in the number of calls was achieved despite numerous calls received in relation to travellers in the Batley area as well as the usual spikes of Halloween, Bonfire


Night and Firework calls. Anti Social Behaviour is down by 12% overall compared to the same time last year. A question was asked in relation to the travellers on the Job Centre car park and whether they were fined for taking up parking spaces. Sergeant Clayton responded that this was a sensitive issue and that the Neighbourhood Policing Team works in partnership with Councillors and officers to move travellers.

A local Neighbourhood Watch Group alerted members of the public about youths throwing lighted sticks in the Wilton area. Caution was advised as they may move to other areas.

A question was asked about motorbikes being driven on to fields. Sergeant Clayton confirmed that the Neighbourhood Policing Team responds to calls about off road bikes and that action is taken to confiscate bikes.

An issue was raised about coping stone being stolen from properties in the Soothill area. Concerns were expressed that officers from the Neighbourhood Policing Team had left calling cards about making claims. These has been completed and returned however no response has yet been received from the police. Sergeant Clayton requested that information be forwarded to the Neighbourhood Policing Team email address and he would look into this.

The committee thanked Sergeant Clayton and Police Constable Lambert for their attendance.

3 Minutes of the previous meeting Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on Tuesday 25th September 2012 were circulated and approved as a correct record.

4 Interests Councillor Smaje declared a pecuniary interest under agenda item 8, budget report, with regard to appendix C, grant funding for the Sunshine Centre, and left the room during discussion for this item.

5 Admissions of the public It was agreed that all items on the agenda were to be taken in public.

6 Deputations and Petitions None received.

7 Public Question Time Batley East Councillors were asked what could be done to address the volume of traffic heading out of Soothill towards the Hick Lane and Bradford Road Junction. Councillors responded that they were sympathetic to the issue which was being monitored, however there are few options to address this. It was resolved that relevant officers would be invited to attend the Soothill Forum to discuss this issue.

A request was made for a microphone to be used at future public meetings.


8 Budget Report The Batley, Birstall and Birkenshaw Committee received an update on their devolved budget for 2012 – 2013, and approved revenue and capital projects as outlined below:

* Batley Revenue £30,490.77 * Batley Capital £68,323.05 * Birstall and Birkenshaw Revenue £10,622.06 * Birstall and Birkenshaw Capital £38,112.93

To note underspend returned to budget as follows:- * £576.08 capital for the Rotary Club of Birstall Luddites for the Birstall Heritage Sign to Birstall and Birkenshaw Capital Budget.

To note approved discretionary grants as follows:- * £171.61 (revenue) for Birkenshaw Park Veterans Bowling Club to create a path from the car park to the park and bowling green.

Revenue Projects Resolved – the following revenue projects were approved * Batley Schools Diamond Jubilee Tree Planting - £5,000 * Batley Cemetery Support Group - £474.00

Capital Projects Resolved – the following capital project was approved * The Sunshine Centre, community centre refurbishment - £7,889.46p

Councillor Lowe thanked Mr Price and members of the Batley Cemetery Support Group for attending the meeting to provide additional information.

Mrs Randhawa informed the Committee that Reverend Pollard had passed on her thanks for grant funding awarding for the Trinity Church and Centre’s emergency support for vulnerable adults.

9 Batley Town Centre updates Mr Sloman, Town Centre Management, provided information about the Batley Christmas Lights switch on which will take place on Thursday 29th November. The event will start at 4pm with performances from children’s stage school drama school, Carlinghow theatre group and singers. A local celebrity from Emmerdale, Nicola Wheeler, has been invited to switch on the lights at 7pm after which there will be a firework display.

There will be a Santa’s grotto, fair ground rides and Pulse Radio in attendance. There will also be a range of stalls in the Town Hall and performances from the 10 Batley’s Got Talent finalists at 7.30pm.

Mr Sloman pointed out that the original 35 foot tree in the Market Square was damaged as a result of severe winds last week and had to be replaced with a


smaller tree. However this would be replaced with a new 35 foot tree, thanks to Streetscene and Housing, on Wednesday evening.

Mr Sloman concluded by saying there would be another event in the Spring. This will either be a Valentines theme or 40s evening.

The committee thanked Mr Sloman for his attendance.

10 Highways Winter Maintenance The Committee received a presentation on the Batley, Birstall and Birkenshaw Winter Maintenance priorities from Mr Bowler, Streetscene and Housing Service.

Key points to note are that salt has been purchase in collaboration with other Local Authorities; the gritting fleet is prepared; drivers are trained and Streetscene and Housing Service is working with the Met Office and partners across the Council to ensure priority routes are cleared during times of severe weather. Martin also highlighted that the Council uses twitter to give updates on gritting. Up to date information can be found by following @KirkleesWinter

The Council also works with communities for example by providing small quantities of salt for very local use or by providing larger quantities of salt for use at community centres. Mr Bowler also stated that the Service works with rural communities and certain farmers. Training is provided for designated individuals. Mr Bowler asked that anyone wanting to find out more about this should contact their local Ward Councillors.

Mr Bowler responded to questions in relation to Ruby Street, off Ealand Road; Laithescroft Road and Wesley Close.

Mr Bowler also confirmed that the Community Payback team is a valuable resource and will be used where possible to clear snow.

Concerns were raised about individuals who take grit from grit bins for their personal use. Members of the public also commented that residents should be more responsible about clearing snow off their drives and pavements.

The Committee thanked Mr Bowler for providing information and responding to questions.

11 Batley West Community First The Committee received information about Community First grant funding which is available in the Batley West Ward. Groups can apply for between £250 and £2,500 for activities that meet locally agreed priorities.

An application form and information on funding criteria can be found at

12 Meeting dates for 2011-2012 Councillor Lowe thanked all services, the Youth Councillors and the public for their attendance and confirmed dates of forthcoming meetings as follows:


Tuesday 5th March 2013, 7pm, venue to be confirmed



Contact Officer: Vina Randhawa - Tel. 07976 194493



Tuesday 5th March 2013

Present: Councillor Lowe (Chair), Councillors Akhtar, Pandor, Stubley, Light, Palfreeman, Smaje and O’Neill

Apologies: Councillor Mayet

Approximately 50 members of the public were in attendance

1 Welcome and Introductions The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and Members of the Committee introduced themselves to the public.

The Chair also welcomed the Youth Council Member and invited her to introduce herself to the public.

2 Neighbourhood Policing Team The Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) provided an update on the crimes and community safety issues in Batley, Birstall and Birkenshaw.

Police Sergeant Samantha Carter attended the meeting and reported that overall there has been a considerable drop in crime figures for January and February 2013.

* Robberies: - There were 4 offences in February compared to 3 in January. No arrests have been made as yet but all cases are being actively investigated. * Burglary Dwellings: - There were 27 offences in February, down from 30 in January. 17 of these were attempts where no entry to the property was gained. This is due to crime prevention measures such as sash Jammers, upgraded alarms and snap safe locks as well as offenders being disturbed. * Theft of Motor Vehicle: - There were 6 offences in February, down from 8 in January. There were a variety of offences with no particular pattern. * Theft from Motor Vehicle: - There were 43 offences in February, down from 50 in January. The main areas for repeat offences were Staincliffe, Birkenshaw Village and Junction 27 Retail Park as a result of Sat Navs and property being left on view. * Anti Social Behaviour (ASB):- There were 130 ASB related calls in January. The biggest proportion of these were relating to youths and /or snowballing. This declined sharply to 81 in February. 11 of these were from Fieldhead Estate, Birstall. Members of the group are already known to the Kirklees Anti


Social Behaviour Partnership and have been dealt with for a range of ASB issues and also public order offences. * There has been a re-emergence of ‘cruising’ at Junction 27 relating mostly to the Showcase. Action has already been taken against some drivers who have committed offences. * Other areas experiencing significant ASB issues are Batley Carr, Healey and the Occupation Lane area. These areas continue to receive attention from the Neighbourhood Policing Team. * Drivers have been advised about school parking issues identified at Carlinghow Hill, Batley Grammar School from 15.30 – 4.00pm. * Youths have been hanging around Robbie’s Fisheries, Ings Road/Ealand Road, Wilton in the evenings. The Neighbourhood Policing Team has moved them on. * Youths have also been nuisance around shops in Birstall town centre and Fieldhead estate. Youths have bee identified and are subject to youth intervention Anti Social Behaviour orders. * A prolific shop lifter has been arrested and remanded. * In Mount Pleasant a drug seizure resulted in £100,000 worth of drugs being recovered.

The committee thanked Police Sergeant Samantha Carter for attending the meeting.

3 Minutes of the previous meeting Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on Tuesday 27th November 2012 were circulated and approved as a correct record.

4 Interests No pecuniary interests were declared.

5 Admissions of the public It was agreed that all items on the agenda were to be taken in public.

6 Deputations and Petitions None received.

7 Budget Report The Batley, Birstall and Birkenshaw Committee received an update on their devolved budget for 2012 – 2013, and approved revenue and capital projects as outlined below:

* Batley Revenue £25,062.19 * Batley Capital £69,660.22 * Birstall and Birkenshaw Revenue £11,062.06 * Birstall and Birkenshaw Capital £38,112.93

To note underspend returned to budget as follows:- * £347.71 revenue returned to the Batley budget from the North Kirklees Faith Forum


* £440 revenue returned to the Birstall and Birkenshaw budget from the Bierley/Birkenshaw/Birstall Remembrance Day Parades 2012 * £1,337.17 capital returned to the Batley East budget from the Purlwell Lane – Road Safety Measures.

To note approved fast track commission as follows:- * Thorncliffe Estate, Batley West. Community Safety Lighting Improvements – £650 * Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing, £982.88 towards Cook and Eat sessions at the Chatterbox Centre Birstall and Birkenshaw

Revenue Projects Resolved – the following revenue projects were approved

* £5,000 grant awarded to the Batley Self Help Depression Group for the Talking Therapies Group * £370 for prizes and certificates for the Birstall and Birkenshaw Garden Competition, * £3,673.25 for Birstall and Birkenshaw Floral decorations * £1,929 for Birstall and Birkenshaw Festive Lighting * £525 for the Birstall and Birkenshaw Remembrance Day Parade * £1,379 to introduce a Cold Calling Control Zone in Howden Clough, Birstall and Birkenshaw * £1,519.14p to develop the Birstall and Birkenshaw Ward Plan * £5,189.75 to Supporting Voluntary Organisations in Youth Provision in Birstall and Birkenshaw * £2,400 towards restoration and re-hanging of Batley Mayoral Photographic Portraits * £9,920 grant awarded to Pakistan Kashmir Welfare Association for the Joyful Hearts – Eat and Live Well project. * £1,290.10 for Batley Town Centre floral decorations. * Following discussion the Committee agreed to allocate £4,500 for the Batley Town Centre Events, specifically £3,500 towards the Christmas Lights event and £1,000 for BBRA Event Marketing. * £7,305.26p for Podiatry drop in clinics targeted at residents from Batley East and Batley West wards. * £488.23 to undertake Highways Improvements in Batley East ward * Following a verbal update given at the meeting the Committee agreed to allocate £5,825.24 contribution towards undertaking streetscene improvements to various sites in Batley West.

Capital Projects Resolved – the following capital project was approved

* £8,500 to purchase and install a Speed Indicator Device at agreed locations in Batley East and Batley West wards. * £32,511.77 to undertake Highways Improvements in Batley East ward * £21,461.52 contribution towards undertaking streetscene improvements to various sites in Batley West.


* £23,400 allocated towards provision of grit bins at various locations agreed with Elected Members in Batley Birstall and Birkenshaw wards * Following a verbal update given at the meeting the Committee agreed to allocate £1,342 to the Rotary Club of Birstall Luddites to erect a Tourist Information Board and obtain necessary planning consent. This was approved on condition that the group finalise the design and obtain planning permission. * £4,603 grant awarded to the Howden Clough TRA to develop a Cyber Café at the Chatterbox Centre. * £2,770 grant awarded to the Howden Clough Community Association to undertake essential community centre refurbishment, repairs and maintenance. * £33,942.09p to undertake pedestrian safety measures at various locations in Birstall and Birkenshaw ward.

8 Celebrating Communities Community organisations were invited to give a presentation highlighting the difference Area Committee funding has made to the community. The following presentations were received:-

Mr Roger Jenkinson attended on behalf of the Batley Cemetery Support Group to talk about the Stairway to Infinity Project

Mr Ashley Connor attended on behalf of Communities United Project to provide information and an update on work with young people in the Cambridge Road, Birstall area.

Ms Sue Ellis attended from Envisage Arts to showcase the difference the Area Committee grant made to transform a derelict site into an oasis in the town centre, providing fresh fruit and vegetables to local people.

Ms Christina Simpkin attended from Paddock Community Trust to provide an update and achievements of Step by Step which provides support to help residents into employment, training and volunteering.

Mr John Logan attended on behalf of Howden Clough Community Centre to highlight the difference the Area Committee grant made to make essential improvements to the Community Centre including roof repairs, replacement and repair of doors and electrical work.

Mr Ebrahim Ismail Loonat attended on behalf of the Gujarati Writers Forum to showcase the work the organisation does to raise the profile of Batley and Kirklees amongst the Gujarati Indian language circle internationally and to stimulate interest amongst young people aged 10 years + of local literary activities.

Mrs Trish Makepeace attended on behalf of the Dewsbury Rotary Club to talk about the success of their Annual Technology Tournament that took place earlier in the day. The event took take place at the Batley Frontier Club and involved students from years 8, 9 and 10 from a number of high schools in North Kirklees.


Mrs Vina Randhawa presented information on behalf of Youth Futures and the success of their Play Lab Project; Birkenshaw Park Veterans Bowling Club and the improvement they made to improve the pathway at Birkenshaw Park; Trinity Church and their project which provides food parcels and support for people in urgent need and financial hardship; and Wilton who received Area Committee funding to develop a Jubilee Garden to Celebrate the Queens Diamond Jubilee.

Ms Kim Strickson and Ms Mashuda Shaikh attended the meeting to present the successful Burundi Story. The project was delivered as part of the Holocaust Memorial Day event for 2013. It involved the Kirklees Community Heritage Team working with Young Batley, Burundi Drummers and Satellite Arts.

The groups thanked the Area Committee for their generous funding which has helped make a difference to their organisation and community.

The committee thanked all the groups for attending the meeting and sharing their successes which have made a huge impact locally and helped to change lives.

A request was made from members of the public to invite community groups to future meetings to showcase their projects. It was duly noted.

9 Public Question Time Due to the meeting over running the Chair requested that questions be put in writing.

10 Meeting dates for 2011-2012 Councillor Lowe thanked all the services, the Youth Councillors, community organisations and groups and the public for their attendance.

Dates and times of future meetings are to be confirmed.



Contact Officer: Frances Wardley Tel. 01484 416268



Wednesday 26 September 2012

Present: Councillor Paul Salveson (Chair) Councillors Donna Bellamy, Nicola Turner, Andrew Marchington, Hilary Richards.

Co- optees: Chris Woolnough, Jean Margetts.

Apologies: Councillor David Ridgway, Michael Moores (co-optee).

Approximately 20 members of the public were present.

1 Chair’s welcome and introduction The Chair welcomed everyone and introduced the Committee members. He explained that as there were a number of people present who had come to ask about the bridge strengthening works in Milnsbridge, this would be discussed under Item 5.

2 Minutes of the public meeting The minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 19 July 2012 were approved. Regarding Item 7 in the minutes, it was noted that the results of the village libraries consultation were now available on the Council’s website at It was also noted regarding Item 9 in the minutes, that the co-optees had been approved by Council on 12 September.

3 Interests No interests were declared.

4 Admission of the public No agenda items needed to be discussed in private.

5 Deputations and petitions There were no deputations or petitions.

The chair invited Richard Hadfield, Head of Strategy and Design, to give some background information to the bridge strengthening works in Milnsbridge and to the decision to manage the traffic flows through a one- way system.

Richard recognised that there were some problems with the signage for the one way system and agreed to look into improving this.

Councillor Marchington reported that, as a result of campaigning by local residents and businesses, Cllr McBride (the Cabinet member whose portfolio includes Highways) has agreed that if a practical way of operating two-way traffic lights, he would approve the change.

Several members of the public raised issues about pedestrian routes through Milnsbridge. Richard agreed to look into this both for the short and long term. Inspector Trueman agreed to write the local schools about pedestrian issues for pupils, and his team will endeavour to police these areas at the beginning and end of the school day.

Inspector Trueman agreed that the signage was poor, and recognised that people were getting frustrated, although this did not excuse motorists from obeying the traffic regulations. His team were currently in Milnsbridge on a regular basis and had issued a number of tickets.

Councillor Salveson closed this tem by reminding everyone that there was a meeting for businesses in Milnsbridge the following evening.

6 Neighbourhood Policing Update Inspector Trueman gave an update on local policing issues and responded to questions. Further details and up to date information on local crime statistics are available on the NPT web pages:

Inspector Trueman reminded everyone that police staffing levels are allocated to areas where the greatest number of “calls for service” are received. He therefore encouraged the public to report non-emergency issues and incidents to the police by dialling 101. Emergencies should still be reported using 999.

7 Local rail and bus services Councillor Paul Salveson gave a brief update on local bus and rail issues. He reported that Metro’s RailPlan 7 will now include an “aspiration” for a new station for Golcar / Milnsbridge; however, this would be dependent on funding being available. Council Salveson also wished to investigate community transport in the valley, and reported that there would be further change to bus services in the future. There would be further news on transport issues at a future committee meeting.

8 Budget Report The Committee noted the balance of its budget and made the following decisions:

- Provision of Christmas Trees 2012 (£3,820 Gol, £2,320 CV): Streetscene & Housing - £6,140 (revenue) - approved.

- Festive Light Displays (Gol): Streetscene & Housing - £450 (revenue) - approved. - MASTT Warmer Homes (CV): Streetscene & Housing - £500 (revenue) - approved

The Committee noted that the following had taken place since the last meeting:

Discretionary grants:

- £205 revenue – Fishing Project – Summer 2012 (£102.50 Golcar, £102.50 CV)

9 Area Committee action plan Members of the public took part in workshop activities to contribute to the proposed Area Committee action plan.

10 Public Question Time Councillors responded to a number of questions.

Bob Mortimer asked everyone to support the Community Covenant which encourages support for the Armed Forces Community working and residing in Kirklees.

11 Dates of future committee meetings and community announcements The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 14 November at 7pm at Slaithwaite Community Centre, and the subsequent meeting will be on Wednesday 12 December at 7pm at Golcar Provident Methodist Church. Further meeting dates will be announced in due course.

The chair thanked everyone for their attendance and closed the meeting. ACVV3

Contact Officer: Frances Wardley Tel. 01484 416268



Wednesday 14 November 2012

Present: Councillor Paul Salveson (Chair) Councillors Donna Bellamy, Nicola Turner, Andrew Marchington, Hilary Richards.

Co- optees: Michael Moores, Jean Margetts.

Apologies: Councillor David Ridgway, Chris Woolnough (co-optee).

Approximately 11 members of the public were present.

1 Chair’s welcome and introduction The Chair welcomed everyone and introduced the Committee members.

2 Minutes of the public meeting The minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 19 July 2012 were approved. There was a brief discussion about traffic management in Milnsbridge during the bridge strengthening works; it was noted that there were lessons to be learned for the future.

3 Interests Councillors Richards and Salveson declared an interest in Item 7 as they are ordinary members of Milnsbridge Social Club.

4 Admission of the public No agenda items needed to be discussed in private.

5 Deputations and petitions There were no deputations or petitions.

6 Report back from Community Groups The Committee heard presentations from Slaithwaite Community Centre, Streetbikes, and the Green Dragons' Den project. The Committee thanked the representatives of the groups for coming along. It was noted that community groups benefited from opportunities to hear about each other’s work, and the committee expressed an intention to arrange similar opportunities at future meetings.

7 Budget Report The Committee noted the balance of its budget and made the following decisions: Speed Indicator Device at Marsden Junior School (CV): Streetscene & Housing - £3,500 (capital) - approved.

Milnsbridge Social Club (Gol): grant request - £1,000 (capital) - approved conditional on the group improving their governance arrangements

8 Area Committee Action Plan The Area Committee action plan was adopted. It was agreed that the notes from the workshops which took place at the previous meeting would be publicised.

9 Public Question Time Councillors responded to a number of questions.

In response to a question, the Committee resolved to submit a written objection to the proposal to close Marsden Fire Station. Members of the public were urged to take part in the West Yorkshire Fire Service consultation. Cllr Turner said that the Fire Authority would make its decision at a meeting on 21 December at 10am at its headquarters in Birkenshaw; she hoped to address that meeting and urged members of the public to attend also.

A question was asked about the impact of plans to partially drain Cupwith Reservoir: Cllrs Bellamy, Turner and Salveson are members of the Huddersfield Planning Committee so are unable to comment. However, Cllr Turner said that she would request that the Planning Committee defer its decision so that more residents are able to comment. Cllr Bellamy said that she would request a site visit if none was already planned.

10 Dates of future committee meetings and community announcements The Committee noted that the next meeting would be Wednesday 12 December 2012 at Golcar Providence Methodist Church.

The chair thanked everyone for their attendance and closed the meeting. ACCV4

Contact Officer: Frances Wardley Tel. 01484 416268



Wednesday 12 December 2012

Present: Councillor Paul Salveson (Chair) Councillors Donna Bellamy, Nicola Turner, Andrew Marchington, Hilary Richards.

Co- optees: Michael Moores, Jean Margetts.

Apologies: Councillors Andrew Marchington, David Ridgway, Chris Woolnough (co-optee).

Approximately 6 members of the public were present.

1 Chair’s welcome and introduction The Chair welcomed everyone and introduced the Committee members.

2 Minutes of the public meeting The Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 14 November 2012 were approved. Re Item 9, Councillor Turner reported that she had now been informed that the Fire Authority meeting on 21 December would not be accepting comments from members of the public, but she still planned to attend. Cllr Turner also reported that the site visit for the planning application regarding Cupwith Reservoir was now arranged for 2 January.

3 Interests No interests were declared.

4 Admission of the public No agenda items needed to be discussed in private.

5 Deputations and petitions There were no deputations or petitions.

6 Neighbourhood Policing Update PCSOs Tony Johnson and Heather Holberry gave an update on local policing issues and responded to questions. Further details and up to date information on local crime statistics are available on the NPT web pages:

The Committee thanked Tony for his service to the Valleys as he is joining the regular force in January, and welcomed Heather to the Valleys.

7 Colne Valley Specialist Arts College Performance Colne Valley Specialist Arts College's Vocal Academy gave a short performance, led by Head of Performing Arts, Katie Field. The Committee enjoyed the performance and thanked the group for attending.

8 Portfolio Group Updates Committee members gave brief updates on recent meetings of the Committee's portfolio groups.

Environment and Transport – met on 19 November; next meeting is scheduled for 21 January. The group had arranged for the Colne Valley Public Rights of Way strategy to be updated; it hoped to foster good links with the newly formed Canal and River Trust, and it planned to work to promote local food.

Local Economy - met on 22 November; next meeting is scheduled for 7 January. The group had carried out a brief “SWOT” (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis of business in the Colne Valley, and had discussed the idea of holding a Colne Valley “Expo” event in the future.

Young People - met on 4 December; next meeting is to be confirmed. The group had included officers from the Integrated Youth Support Service, and planned to work more closely with the service in the future, including promoting summer activities for young people; it had also discussed the need to engage more effectively with local schools.

Older People and Social Disadvantage – first meeting is scheduled for 15 January.

Tourism Task Group - met on 12 November; next meeting is scheduled for 4 February. The group had seen the new Kirklees visitor web pages ( where the brochures funded by the Committee were available to download. The group had also noted that a short term subscription to Visit Peak had been taken out, funded from service budgets, and that work with Planning on camping and caravanning accommodation was ongoing.

9 Kirklees Council's Budget Consultation The Committee noted the plans for public consultation on the Council's budget.

10 Budget Report The Committee noted the balance of its budget and made the following decisions:

Golcar Lily Day, Food Hygiene Training (Gol): grant request - £820 (revenue) - approved. Slaithwaite Moonraking Festival (CV): grant request - £1,500 (revenue) - approved. Colne Valley Footpath No 134 (CV): Streetscene & Housing - £17,500 (capital) – approved The Committee asked that the Moonraking Festival attend a future meeting to report back.

11 Public Question Time Councillors responded to a number of questions.

12 Dates of future committee meetings and community announcements The Committee noted that the next meeting would be Wednesday 13 February 2013 at Slaithwaite Civic Hall, followed by Wednesday 27 March at Milnsbridge Baptist Church.

The chair thanked everyone for their attendance and closed the meeting. ACCV5

Contact Officer: Frances Wardley Tel. 01484 416268



Wednesday 13 February 2013

Present: Councillor Paul Salveson (Chair) Councillors Donna Bellamy, Nicola Turner, Andrew Marchington, Hilary Richards.

Co- optees: Michael Moores, Chris Woolnough, Jean Margetts.

Apologies: Councillor David Ridgway.

Approximately 15 members of the public were present.

1 Chair’s welcome and introduction The Chair welcomed everyone and introduced the Committee members.

2 Minutes of the public meeting The Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 12 December 2012 were approved.

3 Interests Councillor Andrew Marchington declared an other interest in Item 10 as he is involved with Golcar Food Growers' Co-operative.

4 Admission of the public No agenda items needed to be discussed in private.

5 Deputations and petitions There were no deputations or petitions.

6 Neighbourhood Policing Update PS Mel Harding gave an update on local crime and policing issues and responded to questions. Further details and up to date information on local crime statistics are available on the NPT web pages:

7 Portfolio Group Updates Members gave brief updates on recent meetings of the Committee's portfolio groups.

8 Report back from community groups The committee heard a presentation by the Friends of Slaithwaite Spa

9 Local Food The Committee heard presentations from local food initiatives and projects.

10 Budget Report The Committee noted the balance of its budget and made the following decisions:

The chair agreed to take the following item as a late, urgent item:

- Golcar Food Growers' Co-operative, Drainage Works (Gol): grant request - £500 (revenue) - approved subject to a written agreement between the group and the landowner being put in place.

11 Public Question Time The Committee responded to questions from the public.

12 Dates of future committee meetings and community announcements The Committee noted that the next meeting would be Thursday 28 March 2013 at Milnsbridge Baptist Church.

The chair thanked everyone for their attendance and closed the meeting. ACD2

Contact Officer: Julie McDowell – Tel 01484 221709



Tuesday 4 September 2012

Present: Councillor Ahmed in the Chair Councillors Firth, O’Donovan, Patel, Rowling and Scott

Apologies: Councillors Kane and Patel

Approximately 45 members of the public attended.

1 Welcome and introductions The Chair welcomed everyone and Councillors introduced themselves.

2 Minutes of previous meeting

RESOLVED - That the minutes of the meeting of the committee held on 10th July 2012 be approved as a correct record.

3 Interests No interests were declared.

4 Admission of the public It was agreed that all items be considered in public session.

5 Deputations and petitions No deputation or petitions were received.

6 Dewsbury Guild of Help/ Whittuck Charity The Committee considered a nomination to fill a vacancy for a 4 year term on the Dewsbury Guild of Help/ Whittuck Charity, whose purpose is to allocate grants on applications for people in need in the Dewsbury Area.

RESOLVED - That Councillor O'Donovan be nominated to serve on the Dewsbury Guild of Help/ Whittuck Charity.

7 Wheelwright Old Boys War Memorial Fund The Committee considered a nomination to fill a vacancy for a 3 year term on the Wheelwright Old Boys War Memorial Fund. The purpose is to promote the education of persons under 25 who are in need of financial assistance and resident in the area of benefit.

1 RESOLVED - That Councillor Rowling be nominated to serve on Wheelright Old Boys War Memorial Fund.

8 Area Committee Budget 2012-13 The Committee considered a number of applications for funding:

RESOLVED: a) That the following applications be approved: - £7,300 revenue for Christmas trees in 2012 at 11 locations in Dewsbury including a tree, new socket, and electric connection lights in Crow Nest Park. - £1,000 revenue grant towards the 7th Annual Technology Tournament taking place on 5th March 2013 subject to meeting the standard funding conditions. - £1,480 (£980 revenue for fuel and bike parts and £500 capital for workstand, shelving, heavy duty locks and storage box) for replacement items subject to an alternative secure storage site and insurance to cover bike parts.

b) That the following discretionary grants approved by the Chair be noted: - £429.99 revenue Dewsbury Cadets IT equipment - £150 revenue National Citizen Service event

9 Public Question Time Questions were asked as follows:

Is the Technology Tournament open to special schools in Dewsbury? Trish Makepeace of Dewsbury Rotary Club responded that they had not been involved yet and she would raise this with the Club.

Mr Wood of Dewsbury Arts Group - Dewsbury Town Hall, could we know details of what is planned for its overall use? Can we be guaranteed that use of the building for local societies and productions will continue to be available in future? The Chair responded that over the next 12 months refurbishment work would create space for some rooms to be let for marriages, civil ceremonies etc

Iris Bettney Chair of the Fletcher Charity asked whether almshouses on Boothroyd Lane could have a heritage trail blue plaque. Councillor O'Donovan agreed to respond to the Charity.

Mr Clapham of Lees Moor TRA enquired whether scalpings could be supplied for a private lane used as a rat run. Councillor Scott offered to meet him on site to discuss.

Elsie King enquired whether ginnels off Oxford Rd could be tidied up. Councillor O'Donovan responded that a programme of work is in hand.

10 Proposed Changes at the Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust

2 Representatives Ruth Unwin, Simon Enright and Anne Ward of Mid Yorkshire Trust, Chris Dowse and Dr Mehrotra of North Kirklees Clinical Commissioning Group provided information on options for potential changes to hospital services including the impact on Accident and Emergency, Acute Services and Maternity Services, what the process will be and how people can give their views.

Councillor Firth declared an interest in this item as a member of the Joint West Yorkshire Health Scrutiny Panel and did not take part in the discussion.

The presentation set out the reasons for change and the options for change for maternity and emergency services. Option one would mean a minimum level of change for Dewsbury; Bringing together consultant led maternity services, services for children in hospital for more then 24 hours and inpatient acute surgery – the most complex and urgent cases. More care closer to home

Option two would consolidate services in Wakefield; Bringing all complex and emergency services together, bringing consultant led maternity services together and Dewsbury would provide planned surgery and treatments along with outpatients, diagnostics and rehabilitation. Dewsbury emergency department would continue to provide care for most patients except those who need most specialist emergency care.

Key messages were that patient safety or clinical outcomes would not be compromised, Dewsbury hospital would not close, Accident and Emergency at Dewsbury Hospital would not close, and women would continue having babies at Dewsbury hospital.

Key things coming out of engagement with local people the previous autumn were the importance of access to local services and health care that gives the best possible outcomes. It was important to develop sustainable change which meets the needs of the next generation.

The process is July options announced, July-September work up detailed plans, financial and risk assessments, discussions with local people, end of October preferred option is identified, Nov/Dec a national review of proposals (including engagement), and January 2013 consultation on proposed option. This process is being overseen by the Joint Health Scrutiny Panel.

The General Practice Commissioning Group for North Kirklees will be responsible from 1st April for collating views from the consultation period. The group is keen to see more services commissioned in the community and to work with local residents on the design of services.

Work will take place by January to address the issues that people raise under each of the options for example travel implications.

3 Questions and issues raised at the meeting were:

Implications for families with children with complex medical need re emergency travel to Wakefield and greater disruption for the child’s school day of having to attend appointments in Wakefield. Difficulty of having a normal life, parents have to stay on the ward regularly. (Out patient appointments will be more local, support for people to travel between hospital sites is being looked at and more intense support at home such as specialist nurses is being looked at).

Concern that currently Wakefield hospital cannot manage with the number of children of complex needs it deals with.

Concern at the PFI debt the Trust is in (the key is to put forward models which can be delivered and are affordable in future, £35m is owing under PFI).

Concern that all the investments of the last generation have disappeared (less doctors on middle to junior grades are being trained and there is a year on year increase of specialist doctors and people want more experts, the Trust cannot afford to close Dewsbury Hospital but wants to keep all 3 hospitals open and providing for the majority of their communities needs)

People will not be able to travel to Wakefield for a 9.00 am appointment especially if they are too ill (People need to say if an offered appointment is inappropriate, the afternoon only shuttle bus services is being looked at and work is being done to improve care for people with Alzheimer)

Concerns that services in Dewsbury hospital have got worse (inefficient systems in Accident and Emergency have been sorted out – 95% of people are seen within 4 hours now)

How many visits are there to Dewsbury Accident and Emergency per week and how much is spent on outside consultants by Dewsbury Hospital (information will be shared and circulated)?

Dewsbury Hospital provides a good maternity services if there is a need for an emergency caesarean, there is a lot of fear about the danger of travelling to Wakefield in an emergency situation (of 80,000 women reviewed nationally last year, for fit healthy pregnancy and low risk outcomes it is better to birth in a stand alone mid wife unit. For women who fail to progress in labour there are set criteria and risk assessments re what is normal and women at risk are transferred well before birth. This decision making is based on the whole population. For high risk births consultants are needed on site for as many hours as possible, currently Dewsbury and Wakefield get 60 hours per week and under the proposal there would be 96 hours per week at Wakefield, to get the same hours coverage at Dewsbury hospital the workforce at both sites would have to double).

4 Concerns about the Choose and Book hospital appointments system (there have been some problems with availability of doctors for Ophthalmology Services and services will be reorganised by the end of September with a specialist service at either Dewsbury or Pontefract).

What is the transfer rate for women in labour to consultant led care? (national rate is 9-30% and 17% from the stand alone mid wife unit at Pontefract, the rate decreases with the 2nd child).

Impact of savings on Dewsbury hospital (there is a £24m target to save and the Trust is ahead of that plan and work is taking place to look at the long term future for the Trust).

How does the term “low risk” compare to women in Dewsbury? (Drug and alcohol dependency, and a BMI over 35 classed are classed as high risk and have automatic obstetric care. 60% of Dewsbury women are low risk).

Concern about A&E travel time to Dewsbury Accident and Emergency and impact on families (Under both options there will be an assessment centre for children at Dewsbury. If people call 999 the paramedics decide which hospital to take patients to. If stay is under 24 hours they remain in Dewsbury and if they require over 24 hours stay then they would be taken to Pinderfields.

How are local people and groups being involved in the process and how are we helping people to manage change and to access services? (Information would be on line very shortly for circulation).

As the Trust is not financially viable is it prepared to streamline or merge? (Work is taking place now to get services into shape and it would be clear by mid October whether the Trust is viable in its current form or not, this work is taking place in parallel to the work on the options. A voluntary redundancy scheme is currently in place).

What services did Dewsbury hospital lose a few years ago? (Neo-natal intensive care, trauma and paediatrics were centralised 2/3 years ago on clinical grounds).

Representatives were thanked for providing information and responding to questions. It was agreed that representatives be invited back to a future meeting once options have been firmed up.

11 Dates of future meetings Noted these are at Dewsbury Town Hall at 5.00 pm on: 23rd October 2012 4th December 2012 26th February 2013 26th March 2013

5 ACD3

Contact Officer: Julie McDowell Tel : 01484 226290



Thursday 23 October 2012

Present: Councillor Ahmed (Chair) Councillor Kane Councillor Hussain Councillor Firth Councillor S Patel Councillor Rowling Councillor A Patel

Apologies: Councillors Scott and O’Donovan

Approximately 15 members of public attended.

1 Welcome and Introduction The Chair welcomed everyone and members of the Committee introduced themselves.

2 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting of the committee held on 4th September 2012 be approved as a correct record.

3 Interests No interests were declared.

4 Admission of the Public It was agreed that all items be considered in public session.

5 Deputations and Petitions No deputations of petitions were received.

6 Area Committee Budget 2012/13 The Committee considered a number of applications for funding;

Consideration was given to the proposed options to develop and deliver neighbourhood based employment and learning support targeting Job Seeker Allowance claimants, learners and young people.

It was proposed that weekly sessions be delivered over a 12 month period to offer residents support, guidance, advice and knowledge that will help them overcome barriers to work, training or volunteering. The sessions would provide a hub where residents can meet and develop their skills and confidence, make contacts, share experiences and find local opportunities.

Christina Simpkin of Paddock Community Trust provided information on the support that has been developed in other areas of Kirklees in over the past 5 months. On average 7-11 people attend each session for one to one support, small group training sessions and training/ development work takes place with community organisations. On average 25% of people who are long term unemployed are helped to into employment, some of which is temporary due to the current nature of the jobs market. People are kept in touch with via Facebook and tracked in conjunction with the Job Centre. These statistics could be provided.

This work targets people before they trigger the Job Centre’s work programme and complements it by providing more one to one support for example literacy skills.

In the Batley area work is taking place with a project for unemployed young people, linking them with companies who provide apprenticeships.


a) That a decision on work and skills hubs in Dewsbury neighbourhoods be deferred to explore all feasible models, options and geographical areas in terms of developing provision that is locally sustainable, provides best value for money and complements other support available. b) That the amended request for £900 revenue for circuit training sessions for young people at Ravensthorpe Community Centre be approved subject to the Centre completing the registration process with the Council and submitting documentation that shows the instructor has a recognised qualification which covers the circuit training module and understanding, and has in place instructor insurance cover. c) That £1,580 capital be approved towards a replacement central heating system at Ebenezer Methodist Church community hall. d) That £500 capital be approved towards the gents toilet refurbishment at Dewsbury Minster.

7 Public question time Mr S Maddox enquired whether Dewsbury Area Committee could meet at a later time in the evening? Cllr Firth responded that the meetings for the current municipal year were published for 5.00 pm but this would be considered next May.

Cllr Kane commented that this was a light agenda and that the Committee needed to consider putting more local issues on the agenda. Noted there is work in progress by the area committee portfolios which will come to a future meeting along with the committee's area & neighbourhood action plan for Dewsbury.

Cllr Hussain requested that a parking scheme at Ravenshouse Road, £5k approved by the area committee in 2010/11 be looked into, why hasn't the work being done by Streetscene and Housing? This will be looked into.

8 Dates of future committee meetings Noted these are at Dewsbury Town Hall at 5.00 pm on 4th December, 26th February and 26th March. ACD4

Contact Officer: Jackie Ingham Tel : 01484 226290



Thursday 04 December 2012

Present: Councillor Ahmed (Chair) Councillor Kane Councillor Hussain Councillor Firth Councillor S Patel Councillor Rowling Councillor A Patel Councillor O’Donovan Councillor Scott

Approximately 30 members of public attended.

1 Welcome and Introduction The Chair welcomed everyone and members of the Committee introduced themselves.

2 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting of the committee held on 23rd October 2012 be approved as a correct record.

3 Interests Councillor Karen Rowling declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 9, as a member of the New Picture House Community Cinema.

4 Admission of the Public It was agreed that all items be considered in public session.

5 Deputations and Petitions Mr Sean Maddox presented two petitions:

a) To Ravenshill Estates and Kirklees Council against the renaming of the Princess of Wales precinct in Dewsbury.

b) To Kirklees Council seeking repair and maintenance of historic Yorkshire stone footpaths in Thornhill, Dewsbury South.

The Chair received the petitions, and advised they would be referred to the appropriate service in Kirklees Council. Feedback would be made at a future public meeting of the Committee.

6 Update from the Neighbourhood Policing Team Inspector Jenny Thompson and PC Roger Day from the Dewsbury Neighbourhood Policing Team attended the meeting and gave an update( 1st Sept to 30th November 2012), on crime and community safety across the three wards in Dewsbury. In Dewsbury East there had been 112 youth related asb incidents, compared with 161 in the same period in 2011. In Dewsbury West in the same period, 47, compared to 110 in 2011, and in Dewsbury South 67 compared to 67 in 2011. Further details can be accessed through the Dewsbury Neighbourhood Police Team website:

7 Preparation for Winter Maintenance 2012/13 Neil Tootill, Operational Manager, Streetscene & Housing, KirkleesCouncil,gave a presentation on the Streetscene Winter Maintenance Programme for 2012/13. 1200 miles of road network are looked after. 700 miles are gritted within 2 hours of stsrting. 32 vehicles can be used for gritting ( plus reserves). Rock salt is used. In additiomn there are 1250 grit bins. A grit bin for frost uses 100 tonnes of salt, and 240 when it snows. Text message activated snow warning signs are used to warn drivers of difficult situations ahead. Weather forecasts are received direct from the MET office and there are weather stations and sensors around Kirklees. A breakdown of costs was provided, and examples of comments sent by residents on Twitter about the gritting. The Council also provides small quantities of salt for very local use by members of the community, with larger quantities for use in the likes of community centres. If a group is interested in volunteering then there needs to be named person responsible for receiving delivery of the grit, and they need to provide their contact details. Anyone interested can call the Highways ROSS number : 0800 7318765

8 Dewsbury Area Committee Action Plan Jackie Ingham, Area & Neighbourhood Coordinator( standing in for Julie McDowell), gave a short presentation on the Dewsbury Area Committee Action Plan 2012/13. She gave an overview of the Kirklees Area Committees, and reminded about their broad aim of encouraging different local services to join up activity to better address local issues. Further information can be accessed at howcouncilworks/area-committee/areacommittees.asp The Committees consider an evidence base of statistics and intelligence about the Area Committee patch, and from this identify priorities for action. Statistics can be accessed through the Kirklees Observatory: The five priorities for action in 2012/13 are: Improving the Environment – Lead Councillors Karen Rowling and Mumtaz Hussain. Reducing Crime and Promoting Cohesion - Lead Councillors Masood Ahmed and Eric Firth Enhancing Life Chances for Young People and Responding to the Recession- Lead Councillors Darren O’Donovan and Abdul Patel. Regeneration and Town Centre Imporvements – Lead Councillors Paul Kane and Salim Patel Reducing Health Inequalities – Lead Councillor Cathy Scott. Examples of action underway were given, and reports on progress with the plan will be given at future meetings.

9 Area Committee Budget 2012/13

RESOLVED – (1) That £10 095 revenue be approved towards the costs of development and delivery of a ‘Dewsbury Employment and Learning ‘ pilot for 48 weeks, and that progress on the pilot be reported through the Dewsbury Area Committee Regeneration Board. (2) That £ 3 750 revenue be approved to pay for the repainting an repair of 42 benches in Dewsbury Town Centre. (3) That £ 996 revenue be approved to pay fro ten film licences for winter 2012-13 fro the New House Community Cinema. (4) That an additional funding report be received and tabled, and that a grant of £1 000 revenue be paid towards the costs of the Dewsbury Chamber of Trade Charity Ball 2013, to be held in support of the Mark and Lucas trust.

10 Public Questions Mr Sean Maddox asked a question about a letter he had brought, that had been sent out to Dewsbury South residents by two of the three Dewsbury South councillors; Councillors Ahmed and Abdul Patel. He asked would it not be more cost effective for the letters to have been sent out by all three ward councillors, and this would demonstrate they are all working together. Councillor Ahmed replied that it is common practice for councillors in the same ward, and in the same political group to send out such joint letters.

11 Dates of Future Meetings The next meetings of the Dewsbury Area Committee will be held on Tuesday 26th February, and Tuesday 26th March 2013, both at 5pm in Dewsbury Town Hall. ACHV2

Contact Officer: Jackie Ingham Tel : 01484 226290



Thursday 18 October 2012

Present: Councillor Sims (Chair) Councillor Firth Councillor Lyons Councillor Holroyd- Doveton Councillor Charles Greaves

Apologies : Councillor Patrick

1 Chair’s Welcome and Introduction The Chair welcomed everyone and members of the Committee introduced themselves.

2 Minutes of the Previous Meeting The minutes of the Holme Valley Area Committee meeting on 28th June 2012 were approved.

3 Interests No interests were declared.

4 Admission of the Public The members agreed that all agenda items should be discussed in public.

5 Deputations and Petitions There were no deputations or petitions.

6 Neighbourhood Policing Update Sergeant Haigh of the Valleys Neighbourhood Policing Team gave a brief update on other local policing issues. Further details and up to date information on local crime statistics are available on the Neighbourhood Policing Team web pages:

7 Highways Winter Maintenance Programme Mark Dobson, Head of Highways and Operations , Streetscene and Housing Kirklees Metropolitan Council, gave a presentation on the Highways Winter Maintenance Programme. He explained that snow clearing is just a small part of the programme. In an average winter his team are out 70 times to stop ice forming. His team look after 1200 miles of road network. 700 miles of road are gritted within two hours. 32 vehicles are used for gritting and there are at least 1250 grit bins for use on public roads and pavements.

They use text message activated snow warning signs to warn drivers of difficult situations. Schools make use of this. The team receives weather forecasts direct from the MET Office. Night patrols monitor the situation on the roads.

There are also about 100 community self –help groups that get involved, including the National Farmers Union. The team provides them with a supply of salt.

8 Area Committee Action Plan 2012-2013 The Chair gave a presentation on the Holme Valley Area Committee Action Plan. He described the role of the 7 Area Committees in Kirklees; to lead on a programme of work to help tailor local services to better meet local needs, and reduce inequalities.

Holme Valley Area Committee have identified four priorities:

* Supporting the local economy and helping local people into employment. * Reducing inequalities. * Supporting activities which bring members of the community together. * Helping to make the local environment safe and pleasant for everyone.

He set out progress with actions under each priority, including; the development of a local Tourism Strategy, which has produced 3 Holme Valley focussed leaflets, and web pages, all promoting different aspects of the area to tourists.

The Committee has started networking sessions for local community and voluntary groups, and will be commissioning tailored advice and support. Committee funding has been allocated to a wide range of community groups to help them achieve their goals, and a range of community safety initiatives have been supported including schools road safety campaigns and an anti-graffitti project.

9 Hall Educational Charity – Nomination of Trustees. The Committee was asked to consider nominations to fill Trustee positions on the Hall Educational Charity. The Council has two representatives on Hall Educational Charity, whose purpose it is to allocate grants on applications for young people for educational purposes within the area of Austonley, Cartworth, Holme and Upperthong.

The Committee agreed to renew the current trustee representatives; Mrs Rita Briggs and Mr Christopher Beardsell to serve for a 3 year term from 18 October 2012.

10 Budget Report The Committee noted the balance of its budget and made the following decisions:

* Provision of grit bins, various locations in Holme Valley North £1,300 Capital, and various locations in Holme Valley South £2 600 Capital. * Purchase and maintenance of a Speed Indicator Device(SID) for Holme Valley South Ward £ 8,000 Capital. * Provision of additional items at Hade Edge Play Area, Holme Valley South £ 1 150 Capital. * Moor Fun Before & after School Club Premises Refurbishment, Holme Valley North £10,000 Capital. * 6th Holme Valley ( Trinity Church, Honley) Scout group premises Extension £10,000 Capital.

11 Public question time Elected members and officers responded to a number of questions from the public.

12 Dates of future committee meetings The next meeting of the Committee will be in the Civic Hall, Holmfirth on Thursday 29th November from 7pm.


Contact Officer: Jackie Ingham Tel: 01484 226290



Thursday 29 November 2012

Present: Councillor Sims (Chair) Councillor Firth Councillor Patrick Councillor Lyons Councillor Holroyd- Doveton Councillor Charles Greaves

1 Chair’s Welcome and Introduction The Chair welcomed everyone and members of the Committee introduced themselves.

2 Minutes of the Previous Meeting The minutes of the Holme Valley Area Committee meeting on 18th October 2012 were approved.

3 Interests No interests were declared.

4 Admission of the Public The members agreed that all agenda items should be discussed in public.

5 Deputations and Petitions There were no deputations or petitions.

6 Neighbourhood Policing Update Two officers from the Valleys Neighbourhood Policing Team gave an update on local policing issues. Further details and up to date information on local crime statistics are available on the Neighbourhood Policing Team web pages:

7 Holme Valley Bus Services Update Neale Wallace, Bus Services Manager from Metro attended the meeting to provide an update on the bus services review in the Holme Valley. The review aims include:

- Consultation with residents about what they want from bus services, and to consider if these wishes could be met. - Improvement of the integration of bus services. - Matching services more closely to demand.

Two major themes came out of the consultation that took place earlier in the year:

a) The lack of a direct bus service from Holmfirth to Huddersfield. b) Lack of links to Holme Valley hospital and adjacent medical facilities.

The proposals are currently for: - A new 310 giving a half hourly direct fast bus between Holmfirth and Huddersfield. - Four buses per hour past the Holme Valley Memorial hospital. - Changes to the H services to improve reliability. - Trunk services going to Huddersfield bus station rather than the railway station.

8 Holmfirth Transport Hub Proposals Joanne Waddington, Principal Engineer, Transportation, Kirklees Council attended the meeting and gave a presentation on the proposals to deliver a range of small scale improvements to Holmfirth bus station, and create a Holmfirth Transport Hub as a result. The project seeks to enhance the bus station and car park area for all users including pedestrians, cyclists, bus or coach passengers or drivers, so it will be an easier place to interchange and access the wider transport network, as well as local facilities.

9 Budget Report The current balance of the Committee’s budget was noted, and there were no funding requests to approve.

10 Public question time Elected members and officers responded to a number of questions from the public.

12 Dates of future committee meetings Future dates are as follows: Thursday 7th February 2013 @ 7pm in Trinity Church, Honley Thursday 14th March @ 7pm in Holmbridge Church Hall


Contact Officer: Sarah Mitchell. Tel: 01484 456831



2 October 2012 at Huddersfield Town Hall

Present: Councillor Judith Hughes (Chair) Councillors Brice, Burke, Calvert, Cooper, Harris, Hemingway, Khan, Mather, McBride, Smith, Sokhal, Stewart-Turner, Wilkinson.

Apologies: Councillors Scott, Preest, Pattison, Walton, Simpson.

Approximately 10 members of the public were in attendance

1 Chairs welcome and introduction The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced the Councillors of the Committee to the public.

2 Minutes of the previous meeting

RESOLVED - The minutes of the last meeting, held on August 7th 2012 were agreed as a true record.

3 Interests No interest declared.

4 Admission of the public It was noted that all agenda items would be considered in public session.

5 Development of the Committee Action Plan – Tackling Poverty The Chair provided a brief summary of the report and updated that the action plan will be presented at the November Committee meeting.

RESOLVED: The Committee endorsed the actions from the 7th August 2012 public meeting which will now be incorporated in to the Committees action plan.

6 Tackling fuel poverty in Huddersfield: Helping you and importantly how you can help others to feel warmer without turning up the heat this winter. David McDonald (Well Being and Communities, Sally Kelling (Environment Unit) and Chris Fitzsimmons (Citizens Advice Bureau) provided an interactive session on how we can help ourselves and others keep warmer


for less this winter. The first part of the meeting was myth busting about the costs of heating your home and how you could reduce this.

The main part of the meeting was working on 2 case study’s. The first, a young working family living in private rented accommodation who had received a reduction in housing benefit and the family needed to find some way to save money. The second case study, an older resident who owned her own property and was equity rich but cash poor and she struggled to afford to heat her home and was socially isolated.

The emphasis for this part of the meeting was on finding out how you could help others this winter. All actions will be built in to the Committee’s action plan.

7 Huddersfield Education Trust nominee The Committee were asked to consider a nomination to fill a vacancy on the Huddersfield Education Trust.

RESOLVED: Cllr Jean Calvert was nominated by the Huddersfield Area Committee to be the Trustee for the Education Trust.

8 Devolved Budget Report RESOLVED – FOR NOTING ON DECISION SUMMARY Underspends returned to budget

Almondbury - Capital Almondbury Almshouse Fence, £10,000.00 was approved 26.01.2010 by Huddersfield Area Committee. Only £7,723.56 was spent £2,276.44 to be returned to budget.

Community Safety Improvements – Footpath off Highlands Avenue, £700.00 was approved 06.10.2009 by Huddersfield Area Committee. Only £694.12 was spent £5.88 to be returned to budget.

Cap parking facilities – Almondbury, £4,000.00 was approved 06.09.2010 by Huddersfield Area Committee. Only £3,586.63 was spent £413.37 to be returned to budget.

Crosland Moor and Netherton - Capital Unadopted Street Improvements – Link Penryth Gardens to Blackmoor Foot Road, £5,000 was approved 19.08.2008 by Huddersfield Area Committee. Only £228.03 has been spent £4,771.97 to be returned to budget.

Unadopted Street Improvements – Rear of William Street and Hawthorne Avenue, £20,000 was approved 19.08.2008 by Huddersfield Area Committee, only £13,327.87 has been spent £6,672.13 to be returned to budget.


Beaumont Park – Seats for bandstand, £2,000 was approved 26.01.2011 by Huddersfield Area Committee, only £1,974.00 has been spent £26.00 to be returned to budget.

Pavement Improvements Goldington Drive, £35,000 was approved 11.11.2008 by Huddersfield Area Committee, only £34,999.84 has been spent £0.16 to be returned to budget.

Greenhead - Capital Unadopted street improvements – Dingle Road, £24,596.00 was approved 24.07.2008 by Huddersfield Area Committee, only £9,299.25 was spent £15,296.75 to be returned to budget.

Unadopted street improvements plan – Greenhead, £65,000.00 was approved 22.07.2008 by Huddersfield Area Committee, only £62,549.80 was spent £2,450.20 to be returned to budget.

Road improvements – Greenhead, £48,500.00 was approved 06.09.2010 by Huddersfield Area Committee, only £47,028.67 was spent £1,471.33 to be returned to budget.

Newsome - Capital Unadopted road improvements – Back Stoney Lane, Taylor Hill, £15,000.00 was approved 09.02.2008 by Huddersfield Area Committee, only £10,666.68 was spent £4,333.32 to be returned to budget.

RESOLVED – That the following Capital items were agreed: Community Visitor Centre in Beaumont Park - Contribution to a new community visitor centre in the park, £15,350 - Crosland Moor and Netherton Ward

Birchencliffe community centre - Fencing of land adjacent to community centre to create garden, £10,000 - Lindley Ward

Equipment to support PCSO's in the Ward - To provide the Police Community Support Officers with equipment such as push bikes to support their work in the Ward, £1,221 Lindley Ward

Flood Management Works in Armitage Bridge - Contribution to flood defence works, £2,000 Newsome Ward

Templar Drive/Broadgate Crescent - Streetscene Carriageway works Phase 1 of improvements, £18,000 - Newsome ward

9 Deputations and petitions No deputations or petitions were received.

10 Public Question Time Committee members responded to 1 question from the public


11 Date of Future Meetings 27th November 2012 7pm 22nd January 2013 7pm 26th March 2013 7pm



Contact Officer: Cheryl Smith - Tel. 01484 456831



27 November 2012 at the George Hotel

Present: Councillor Hughes (Chair) Councillors; Sokhal, Brice, Burke, Hemingway, Stewart-Turner, Simpson, Cooper, Wilkinson, Scott, Pattison, Preest, McBride, Mather

Apologies: Councillors; Khan, Blanchard, Harris, Smith, Calvert, Sarwar, Walton

Approximately 40 members of the public were in attendance

1 Chairs welcome and introduction The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced the Councillors of the Committee to the public.

2 Minutes of the previous meeting

RESOLVED - The minutes of the last meeting, held on 2 October 2012 were agreed as a true record.

3 Interests No interest declared.

4 Admission of the public It was noted that all agenda items would be considered in public.

5 Development of the Area Committee Action Plan The Chair provided a brief summary of the report and explained that the action plan aims to capture all agreed actions following each public themed meeting. It also seeks to include information on agreed cross cutting activities being progressed in the 7 wards which relate to the overarching priority of the committee, which is Tackling Poverty.

RESOLVED: The Committee agreed to the next steps which are:

(1) The committee adopt the committee action plan and related thematic actions captured to date. (2) The committee agree to incorporate any additional agreed actions where there are common cross cutting issues taking place across the 7 wards/neighbourhoods. (3) The committee agree to receive regular updates on progress being made against all agree actions.


6 Employment, Skills and Growth Colleagues from the Council’s Investment and Regeneration Service and Area and Neighbourhood Team provided an interactive session on how we can work together to help reduce rising unemployment and enable people to gain skills to progress. Presentations were provided on what the key issues are, what is already happening locally and how we can help increase awareness and participation in a range of provision.

Information was captured from the table discussions which will help inform the actions that will go into the Area Committee Action Plan.

The Presentations are attached for information.

7 Devolved Budget Report


Underspends returned to budget

Street Improvements Plan – £65,000.00 was approved 02.06.2009, only £43,834.57 was spent. £21,165.43 returned to budget – Greenhead Ward - Capital


FAST TRACK COMMISSIONING – Bin outside the entrance to the MUGA on Norfolk Avenue (no 40) – revenue - £220.00 Ashbrow Ward

FAST TRACK COMMISSIONING – Rent of St Thomas’s church for Bradley Forum – Revenue - £360.00 Ashbrow Ward

RESOLVED – That the following Capital items were agreed:

Almondbury - Conservation Area Enhancement Scheme, Environmental Improvements - £4,000 Capital

Almondbury - Pathways to Health - Pathways interpretation boards - £8,500.00 Capital Greenhead – Streetscene improvements - concerns about the condition of the roads and pavements - £40,000.00 - Capital Lindley - Safety Improvements - Pennine Crescent Street signs - Putting up 2 signs to warn drivers to slow down for elderley residents - £1,000.00 - Capital Lindley - provision of 2 additional grit bins in Lindley- £2,600.00 – Capital Newsome - Longley Road Traffic Calming, Road safety Intervention - £14,000.00 Capital RESOLVED – That the following Revenue items were agreed: Ashbrow Employment and Learning Support. - £6,500.00 - Revenue


Greenhead - Community Notice boards - To install 2 community notice boards: 1 outside Birkby LIC/Community Centre and another in Marsh - £1,200.00 – Revenue Lindley - Contribution to costs of staging, portaloos, publicity for annual Lindley Carnival - £3,500.00 – Revenue

8 Deputations and petitions No deputations or petitions were received.

9 Public Question Time No public questions were received.

10 Date of Future Meetings 22nd January 2013 7pm – venue to be confirmed 26th March 2013 7pm – Huddersfield Town Hall


Contact Officer: Duggs Carre Tel. 01484 226290



Monday 12 November 2012

Present: Councillor Ward (Chair) Councillor Dodds Councillor Barraclough Councillor Turner

Apologies were received from Councillors Bolt, Hardcastle, Lees-Hamilton, Smith and Taylor

Also present were two members of the public and Parish Councillor Paxton and Parish Councillor Pitts (Kirkburton Parish Council) and an officer from Integrated Youth Support Service

1 Chair’s welcome and introduction The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and Committee Members introduced themselves.

2 Minutes of the previous meeting The Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on Monday 10th September 2012 were agreed as a true record.

Parish Councillor Paxton said he had spoken to local residents about the Council correspondence regarding the Skate Park proposal, and estimates only twenty four people had received letters. Agreed Councillor Barraclough to investigate further.

Councillors also reported back that the issue of 20 m.p.h. zones was being looked at corporately and when the review had taken place they would report back.

3 Interests No Councillor declared an interest in any of the items.

4 Admissions of the public It was agreed that all items be discussed in public session.

5 Deputations and petitions No deputations were received

6 Committee budgets 2010/2011

1 Members agreed the following requests for funding:-


(c) Denby Dale Cricket Club – To build a Store Room and Umpire Room £3,157.00

(d) Dearne Valley Sports Village £10,000.00 - Agreed this would be the last award from the Area Committee due to previous investments. (Agreed that this money is now to come out of Revenue Budget)

(e) Emley Youth and Community Centre £7,902.00

(f) Allotments in Kirkburton £10,000.00

(g) Highburton Play Area Extension £6,000.00 - Members agreed that the £6,000.00 could also be used for improvements at a play area in Kirkburton Village too. If further funds are needed consideration would be given to the request by the Area Committee in the New Year.

The following reports were not considered as no Mirfield Councillors were present at the meeting.


(a) Dewsbury and District Ramblers – Centenary Walk – 1913 – 2013 £2,295.00


(b) Mirfield Town Council – Request for funding

7 Representation of the Council on the Boards of Local Charities. It was agreed Councillor Barraclough would be the Area Committee Nominated Trustee for the Walker and Greenwood Educational Charity.

8 Public question time Members of the Dewsbury and District Rambling Group asked Members if they would reconsider supporting the Centenary Project. After discussion it was agreed detailed maps would be sent to Mirfield Ward Councillors so the detail of the request could be considered. Liaison would be led by Justin Roche from Highways.

Mirfield Councillors reiterated the point they had made previously about their priority being a boundary walk for the town, they were also very keen to be sure that any promoted paths were designated rights of way and in good repair.

2 Councillor Paxton raised the issue again of traffic speed in Flockton. He had not had a response since the previous meeting. Further discussion concluded that 20 m.p.h. zones would benefit a number of villages in the three wards. It was agreed that this issue would be raised with officers in Highways and explore possibilities of pilot projects and the use of advisory (twenties plenty) signs.

9 Dates of future meetings Monday 4 February 2013 at 6.00pm in Huddersfield Town Hall - Reception Room

Meetings for the new year to be confirmed

Note: all meetings to be in Huddersfield, Ward Forums to be held in wards.


Contact Officer: Sue Ginty Tel. 01484 416268



Tuesday 9 October 2012

Present: Councillors S Hall (Chair), D Hall, V Kendrick, A Pinnock, K Pinnock, D Sheard

Apologies: Councillors M Bates, L Holmes, J Lawson

1 Welcome and Introductions Everyone was welcomed to the meeting and members of the committee introduced themselves.

2 Minutes of the public meeting RESOLVED - That the minutes of the last meeting were approved.

3 Interests None declared.

4 Admissions of the public All items were taken in public.

5 Deputations and petitions No deputations or petitions were received.

6 Funding Community Projects Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) Development Manager Adele Poppleton attended and presented information and advice relating to grant funding. The first steps that Community groups should take were outlined - decide on the project, plan it, cost it and then look at raising income for it. The Council website gives details of funding streams and there are other good websites such as Open 4 Funding. There is support available from the VCS team. Four officers can assist groups with finding appropriate sources of funding, matching the project and timescales involved. Grant Access Point registration – now documents are required just once in three years not repeatedly with every grant application to the Council. Documents include constitution, audited/independently verified accounts, safeguarding policy, volunteer policy, equal opportunities policy. There is also support in improving the quality of documentation to get groups in a better position to apply for external funding. Once registered, groups can apply to the various Council funding streams. The range of grant schemes include: Area Committee, Integrated Youth Services, Environmental, Sports Development, Arts in the Neighbourhood, Creative Partners Investment Programme, Creative Events Partners Investment Programme, Community Partnerships health and social care grants. Noreen Abbas expanded on the Community Partnerships funding giving examples of the type of projects funded and encouraging applications if there is a social health and wellbeing impact to the project. Tips for making grant applications included: check the criteria, answer every question, make sure the budget adds up, write legibly if the application is not typed, outline your reserves and indicate if they are committed- Charity Commission recommendation is that 6 months running costs in reserve is acceptable. The Community Voluntary Sector Team can be contacted (on T: 01484 414824 or E: [email protected] ) to discuss any project.

RESOLVED –as there are several helpful websites e.g. Community Matters which include examples of standard templates links to these websites would be put onto the Council website. The Chair thanked Adele and Noreen for their presentation.

7 Budget Report The Area Committee budget stands at- Revenue £38,103.54 Capital £79,300.15

RESOLVED – Revenue funding approved – Cleckheaton Folk Festival 2013- £10,000 It was acknowledged that the market element had been successful, that the festival was good for Cleckheaton and the wider Spen Valley. A small group of organisers dedicated to the event deliver weekend that lifts spirits and benefits the local economy. In response to questions relating to projects noted in the appendices Cllr David Sheard gave an update on the ABLE 2 floating café project. Councillors had visited recently and the pontoons were being made at a fraction of the price of purchasing, the lake was filling up and sturgeon fish were on site. Appendix C was clarified – this is not a complete list of 2011-12 projects only those that may have some outstanding aspects for completion (possibly administrative). The allocation for Heckmondwike highways schemes had not been missed and those schemes were complete.

9 Nominations for Holly Bank Trust Cllr David Hall previously sat on the Trust but clashes with Council meetings prevented his regular attendance. Cllr Hall explained the value of the Trust and encouraged nominations. No nominations were made at the meeting. Members of the public can express interest via their ward Councillor or Adrian Johnson (telephone:01484 221712 or email: [email protected])

9 Dates of Future Meetings The Chair advised the date of the next meeting as 4th December 2012.

10 Public Question Time Q. What happened to turning off street lighting? A. Cllr Sheard responded that a more pressing issue is the assessment and potential replacement of ageing /rusting street lighting columns. Need to invest in technology to enable night time switch off. The Council could save money that way but can’t just disconnect columns due to cost implications.

Q. Are there any developments on the future of ? A. Cllr K Pinnock responded that she would be attending a meeting at the end of the week to discuss that.

Q. Is there anything further regarding Accident and Emergency services at Dewsbury Hospital? A. The Chair responded that a representative of Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust is returning to a future meeting early in the new year with an update. Cllr Sheard informed the meeting that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Trust had been held last week. There was a disappointingly low public attendance.

Q. Is there any update on Heckmondwike Library and Information Centre and a bus station? A. Cllr Sheard responded that Council and Metro are liaising. The Council has funding that needs to tie up with Metro.


Contact Officer: Sue Ginty Tel. 01484 416268



Tuesday 4 December 2012

Present: Councillors S Hall (Chair), S Hall, M Bates, L Holmes, A Pinnock, D Sheard,

Apologies: K Pinnock, D Hall, L Holmes, J Lawson

1 Welcome and Introductions Everyone was welcomed to the meeting and members of the committee introduced themselves.

2 Minutes of the public meeting RESOLVED - That the minutes of the meeting held on 09 October 2012 were approved.

3 Interests Cllr V Kendrick & Cllr S Hall declared ‘other interests’ in item 8 Budget Report appendix A as members of the Heckmondwike Petanque Club.

Cllr A Pinnock declared ‘disclosable pecuniary interest’ in item 7 as a member of the West Yorkshire Integrated Transport Authority.

4 Admissions of the public It was agreed that all items be considered in public session

5 Deputations and petitions No deputations or petitions were received.

6 Spen Valley Speed Indicator Devices Phillip Waddington, Senior Engineer Highway Safety, presented information relating to Speed Indicator Devices. Phillip summarised their purpose and gave an overview of where they have been located and the current positions across the Spen Valley. Vehicle speeds are recorded by the devices. As well as deterring speeding, they give valuable information to enable targeted enforcement. Councillors and Highways officers are currently looking at sites for the next twelve months and officers are liaising with road traffic police regarding enforcement activity.

The devices have been effective in reducing speed. Enforcement action can be targeted. The Speed Indicator Devices are installed on a temporary basis and remain in place for around 3 months for maximum impact. The preparation and installation costs are around £8,000 per device.

Speed Indicator Devices remind people about the speed limit, and highlight the speed being travelled. The devices at Listing Lane are thought to have been effective and reduced speed. The devices do not replace speed cameras. They can assist in educating drivers, reducing driver speed- impact on drivers and then they are moved.

7 METRO review of bus services David Pearson, Assistant Director Transport Services presented information. Metro is a local government body and has to reduce its budget in line with public sector spending constraints, whilst targeting areas of need and achieving value for money. There is a rolling review of Metro funded bus services.

Metro consulted earlier in the year, invited tenders and contracts are currently being awarded. Services will change in January.

The changes to several affected services were outlined. These can be seen on the Metro website. Services will be monitored. The changes reflect what has been said during the consultation and savings are also being achieved.

Concessionary bus passes require renewal before April 2013. This can also be done on the website.

Everyone who has a concessionary pass has a smart card. Smart card reading machines are on the buses. This is a step nearer to moving towards an Oyster card scheme similar to that operated in London. This enables wider variety and flexible ways to buy travel in advance. It also builds a clearer picture of how people are travelling.

There is a new approach to buses. A better co-ordinated planning approach is needed although it is very early days and more debate and consultation is to come.

A question and answer session followed-

I have renewed my bus pass. Why are tickets still issued when I use it? This is up to bus companies for example Arriva issue tickets but First do not. Ultimately tickets may go as this would enable getting on /off the buses quicker.

Metro appear to have listened to concerns although one criticism is Huddersfield to Cleckheaton. Will the Heckmondwike bus station go ahead? Metro accept Cleckheaton/Huddersfield is an issue and it would be useful to get feedback and look at longer term solutions. The bus station is still on the agenda and money is in the Local Transport Plan for a linked and viable scheme.

Could there have been more merging of bus routes for a better service? Metro has to take a pragmatic view and unpick complexities. Improvements for some can be detrimental for others.

I cannot use my Arriva pass through to Brighouse? Some companies introduced their own cheaper day tickets which can then create a degree of fragmentation.

Where will the Hopper bus go and how can Cleckheaton town be made more accessible-is it too late to make changes? The Hopper will go to Tesco and the bus station so the town centre is covered. If there is a sensible way to improve this it can still be considered.

Concessionary pass holders can go on the Settle and Carlisle railway in November for £10. Are the any plans to extend this throughout the year? The November concession is available again this year. Metro work with Northern Rail to offer West Yorkshire residents a good deal.

9 Budget Report The available budget was outlined and the committee was asked to note a correction of £175 to the revenue balance.

Inspector Tim Holland described the positive impact that previous funding for the antisocial behaviour initiative had, particularly in targeting activities to address concerns raised at Neighbourhood Management Group meetings. The funding is matched with police funding. Anti social behaviour has reduced and it’s hoped it will continue to reduce. The funding assists local problem solving.

Mr Alan Oxley Secretary of the Heckmondwike Petanque Club described the development of the club and the contribution volunteers make in looking after the pitch, pavilion and park.

An update was also provided to members. The extension to the pitch outlined in the report would enable 48 players. The Club submitted a further request that if the extension could be made still larger it would enable 54 players and regional Petanque playing. Parks have provided a revised estimate of £6,912.

Members of the public, Councillors and Inspector Holland commented on the benefits Petanque has brought to the park. It is good to see the park being used and so many players involved, it’s an accessible sport suitable for all ages and especially older people, encourages other park use and overall the Heckmondwike park facilities have been transformed.

RESOLVED: that the following applications be approved:

Anti-social behaviour and alcohol misuse initiative - £5,000 (revenue)

Firth Park Petanque pitch extension - £6,912 (capital)

A member of the public asked whether the area committee might consider funding additional Speed Indicator Devices with some of the remaining budget. Councillor Sheard advised how the speed indicator devices are currently funded and how Councillors consider a range of Highways schemes.

9 Dates of Future Meetings The Chair advised that the next meetings take place at Cleckheaton Town Hall at 7pm on:

Tuesday January 29th 2013

Tuesday March 26th 2013

10 Public Question Time Can security be improved or CCTV installed at Cleckheaton Memorial Park to stop litter being left? Councillor A Pinnock responded that litter gets cleared regularly. CCTV is not the answer to a litter problem. The park needs to be kept as tidy as possible which on the whole it is.

Is there any update on the future of Cleckheaton Town Hall? Not at present.

The Chair thanked everyone for their attendance, wished everyone a happy Christmas and closed the meeting.


Contact Officer: Adrian Johnson Tel. 01484 221715



Friday 1 February 2013

Present: Councillor Richards (in the Chair) Councillors Bates, Hardcastle and Wilkinson Councillor Sheard (ex-officio Member)

1 Apologies for absence Apologies were received from Councillors D Hall, O'Donovan and Patrick

2 Minutes of Previous Meeting The Minutes of the previous meeting held on 23 November 2012 were approved as a correct record.

3 Interests Councillor Bates declared an other interest in the quarterly report of Internal Audit (Minute 14 below refers) in relation to the Investment and Housing, Streetscene and Housing case, being a personal friend of a person involved in this matter.

4 Admission of the Public It was agreed that the item concerning the quarterly report of Internal Audit would be considered in private.

5 Deputations/Petitions No deputations or petitions were received.

6 Public Question Time No questions were asked.

7 Monitoring Report on Treasury Management (2) The Committee considered a report of the Accountancy Service Manager, being the second report on Treasury Management for 2012/13 covering the period 1 April - 31 December 2012. The report commented on the treasury management strategy for 2012/13 approved by the Council on 22 February 2012; interest rates; investment and borrowing activities; budget monitoring; prudential indicators; and risk/compliance issues.

RESOLVED - That the report be noted and that the Committee confirms there are no issues to be drawn to the attention of the Cabinet /Council.


8 Treasury Management Strategy 2013/14 The Committee considered a report of the Accountancy Service Manager, prepared in accordance with the requirements of the CIPFA Code of Practice on Treasury Management and Department for Communications and Local Government (DCLG) guidelines, outlining borrowing and investment strategies in the context of the outlook for the economy and the interest rates. The report also provided a statement of policy on the minimum revenue provision and a policy on the use of financial derivatives, and set out certain treasury management indicators. The report also provided a list of matters which the Council was required to take note of in accordance with DCLG Investment Guidance.

The report would be considered, together with any comments from this Committee, by Cabinet which would make recommendations for consideration at Budget Council.

RESOLVED - That the report be noted.

9 Consideration of concerns raised regarding Planning, Regeneration and Legal Services (Although not a formal interest, Councillor Hardcastle declared that the local resident referred to was a Kirkburton Parish Councillor and was therefore known to him, as Councillor Hardcastle also served on that Parish Council.)

The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Customer Standards Officer regarding concerns raised by a local resident about the Council's consideration of Kingsgate and Queensgate development in 2006-8. The resident believed that the Council had incurred unnecessary expense in defending an untenable position to repel the Kingsgate extension proposals in favour of a Queensgate proposal, and that the Regeneration section had unreasonably influenced a straightforward planning decision to approve the Kingsgate extension. The report incorporated a detailed officer response to the concerns expressed.

The Committee also received verbal officer representations at the meeting. It was noted that the local resident had been invited to the meeting to address the Committee but had not attended to take up this opportunity.

RESOLVED (1) That the Committee notes the issues raised by the resident and thanks him for bringing these to the Committee's attention.

(2) That the Committee notes that officers have reflected on the issues and determines that the Director of Place be requested, in consultation with the Acting Assistant Director, Legal, Governance and Monitoring, to put in place a process and accompanying guidelines for dealing with similar development projects in the future.


10 Report of the Member's Allowances Independent Review Panel 2013/14 The Committee considered a report of the Head of Governance and Democratic Services incorporating, at Appendix A, the report of the Members' Allowances Independent Review Panel. This put forward recommendations for the maintenance of the basic allowance and all special responsibility allowances at their current level for 2013/14; the introduction of a new allowance set at Band C1, £6138, payable to the 2 Kirklees Members of the Police and Crime Panel, to be subject to review in November 2013 (as earlier approved by Council on 5 December 2012); and minor amendments to the wording of the Education Appeal Panel Members Allowance to clarify the non-payment of extended adjournment periods during admission appeal hearings.

Attached to the report, at Appendix B, was a draft Members' Allowances Scheme for 2013/14 which took account of the recommendations of the Panel.

RESOLVED (1) That the recommendations of the Members' Allowances Independent Review Panel, as set out in Appendix A to the report, be noted.

(2) That the report be submitted to the meeting of the Council on 20 March 2013 with a recommendation that the Members' Allowances Scheme 2013/14 as attached at Appendix B to the report, be approved and adopted with effect from 1 April 2013.

11 External Audit Plan 2012/13 The Committee considered the External Audit Plan 2012/13 which indicated the responsibilities of the external auditors in reviewing and reporting on the Council's financial statements, including the Annual Governance Statement, and providing an opinion on the accounts; further, concluding on the arrangements in place for securing economy, efficiency and effectiveness in the Council's use of resources (the value for money conclusion).

In relation to the external audit's approach to financial statements the report explained that a 4 key stage approach was used, involving planning, control evaluation, substantive procedures and completion. Based on external audit's initial planning work no significant risks defined by the auditing standards had been identified, although one audit risk was being highlighted to the Council, relative to the Council's accounting treatment of its interest in the Municipal Mutual Insurance Company (MMI) in that the Council was affected by the status of MMI.

With regard to value for money the external auditors would form an assessment of residual audit risk to identify if there were any areas where more detailed VFM audit work was required, and would thereafter report on the results through an interim audit report.


The report included reference to the audit fee for 2012/13, the charge for which involved a reduction of 40% compared to the 2011/12 fee. In welcoming the fee reduction Committee Members emphasised that the quality of the audit work should, of course, be maintained.

RESOLVED - That the report be noted

12 Certification of Grants and Returns Annual Report 2011/12 The Committee considered a report summarising the results on work on the certification of the Council's 2011/12 grant claims and returns, which was carried out and completed by the Audit Commission's Audit Practice before the end of October 2012, and which had involved the certification of six grants/returns with a total value of £279 million.

The Commission's Audit Practice had issued unqualified certificates for four grants and returns but had to qualify 2 certificates in relation to:

(1) The Housing and Council Tax Benefit Subsidy Claim in line with the HBCOUNT approach, to report the impact of the errors in the Auditor's testing and:

(2) The Education Based Teacher Training return to report that the student database had an error and to explain that the return itself was correct even though it did not agree to the database.

Also, minor amendments were made to 3 of the Council's grants and returns as a result of the certification work this year, with a total adjustment of £3,182.

It was noted and clarified that, following the decision of the Council on 16 January 2013 to adopt a local Council Tax Support Scheme, there would no longer be a grant claim relative to this area but the work would be done under the full audit fee.

RESOLVED - That the report be noted

13 Exclusion of the Public

RESOLVED - That acting under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act, as specifically stated in the under mentioned Minute.

14 Quarterly Report of Internal Audit 2012/13, Quarter 3 - October - December 2012 (Exempt Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information). The public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest


in disclosing the information and providing greater openness in the Council's decision making).

The Committee considered a report of the Head of Audit and Risk providing information on the activity and findings from internal audit work completed in the quarter to 31 December 2013, indicating the number of pieces of planned work and unplanned jobs which had been completed and those which were still in progress. The Committee was asked to determine if any further action was required in relation to any matter reported.

RESOLVED (1) That the report be noted.

(2) That more details be provided in the next quarterly report on the Housing Revenue Account service charges and on the Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing finance review.

(3) That more in depth discussion takes place on debt recovery when the Committee next considers the Council's accounts.


Contact Officer: Penny Bunker - Tel. 01484 221944



Thursday 22 November 2012

Present: Councillor Patrick (in the Chair) Councillors Burke, D Firth, Kendrick, Pattison, Sims and Stewart-Turner

Observer: Councillor Hall

In attendance: David Smith, Director of Resources Lynn Nickson, Head of Specialist Learning Support Anne Tierney, TQI Senior Manager - Inclusive Learning Andy Simcox, Senior Performance Manager Beth Hewitt, Scrutiny Officer Jenny Bryce-Chan, Scrutiny Officer Penny Bunker, Scrutiny and Governance Manager

22 Minutes of Previous Meeting

RESOLVED - That the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 1 November 2012 be approved as a correct record.

23 Interests No interests were declared.

24 Admission of the Public

RESOLVED - That all items be considered in public session

25 Quarter 2 Performance and Revenue Budget Monitoring The Management Committee considered the Quarter 2 Corporate Performance Report: The Quarter 2 Corporate Budget Revenue Monitoring Report : and the Capital Investment Plan of Quarter 2 Monitoring Report. David Smith and Andy Simcox attended to answer Members questions.

The Committee noted that the Quarter 2 performance against targets within the Corporate Plan and Service Delivery Plans represented the mid point for 2012/13 financial year. It included an early forecast of whether year end targets would be met. The cover report drew out the significant emerging issues which included the re-tendering process for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services. Future arrangements between the Council (including Public Health) and the Clinical Commissioning Group, apprenticeships and the current position regarding the completion of the


Waterfront development. At week 24 an overall net under spend of 0.6% was reported.

In considering the quarter 2 performance information, the Management Committee identified a number of areas for further information. Councillor Sims agreed to discuss the delays to the Kirklees College Project as part of his next Lead Member briefing. The Committee wanted to understand the underlying trends in relation to attendance information and requested a broader range of statistical information for comparison purposes. The Committee also asked to receive benchmarking information with comparable neighbouring authorities.

In respect of Public Health information, the Committee had identified tuberculosis as an issue in Kirklees and asked for some data on recent trends. In relation to childhood obesity statistics, currently measured in reception and at Year 6, the Committee queried whether there was any further measurement to allow for analysis throughout a child's education.

The Committee commented that some indicators did not seem as appropriate for the Kirklees area, highlighting K070 and K071 within the Place Directorate. It was suggested that such indicators should be reviewed and amended to something more relevant to the Kirklees district. In respect of household waste recycling, the Committee wanted to understand the reasons for the reduction in percentage and reduction in performance from green to amber green. Further information was also requested around the number of visits to museums beyond the weather impact information. It was suggested that statistics around visitor numbers compared to targets would be appropriate.

In considering the quarter 2 Corporate Budget Revenue Monitoring and Capital Investment Plan, the Committee requested more detailed information about the Bereavement Services project. The Committee wanted to understand in greater detail the recent income reductions and how those had impacted on budget forecasts. The Committee was also interested in the structural work project including the reasons for additional unplanned works.

The Committee also requested further information on the budget position relating to transport services and how the predicted overspend could be addressed as part of the service review. Finally the Committee requested an update on land and building disposal, given the anticipated shortfall against the original savings target.

RESOLVED:- (1) That David Smith and Andy Simcox be thanked for attending the meeting.

(2) That further information be provided for the Committee on issues identified during the discussion including; attendance statistics; Public


Health Issues; household waste recycling; visits to museums and land and buildings disposal.

26 Principles of Engagement - Crime and Disorder Scrutiny The Committee considered a report on the principles of engagement created by the West Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel and were asked to approve the suggested working arrangements between Scrutiny and the Police and Crime Panel. Beth Hewitt, Scrutiny Officer attended the meeting to answer Members questions.

The Committee noted that it was a requirement of the Police and Justice Act 2006, and amended by the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007, that all Local Authorities have a Crime and Disorder Committee. The Development and Environment Scrutiny Panel was the designated Crime and Disorder Committee for Kirklees Council. Crime and Disorder Committees have the power to review or scrutinise decisions made or taken by the Local Community Safety Partnership and the responsible Authorities that comprise it.

With recent changes in legislation as a result of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011, the Local Crime and Disorder Committee does not have the power to scrutinise the new Police and Crime Commissioner. The Police and Crime Commissioner will be held to account by the Police and Crime Panel within West Yorkshire.

Set out at section 3 of the report were the proposed principles of engagement. These related to Police and Crime Panel meetings; influencing the Police and Crime Panel; regular engagement of information and intelligence; co-ordinating work programmes and aligning membership. The report continued to summarise the expectations and required actions in line with the principles of engagement.

Councillor David Hall, one of Kirklees Council's representatives on the Police and Crime Panel outlined his views on how the principles of engagement were compatible with the Scrutiny role within Kirklees. He emphasised that it was intended to be a two-way relationship but agreed that in respect of paragraph 4.3 the Crime and Disorder Committee should not be the only means by which PCP Members were briefed on local perspectives on crime and disorder. It was acknowledged that whilst PCPs could ask relevant Scrutiny Panels to lead on investigations it was appropriate that such referrals went through the usual Management Committee process within Kirklees.

Councillor Ken Sims, Lead Member of the Development and Environment Scrutiny Panel explained the challenges of the portfolio responsibilities to the Management Committee. He indicated that he would be meeting with the Kirklees representatives on the PCP with a view to sharing information and identifying issues.


In considering the report, the Committee acknowledged that the Police and Crime Panel and work of the Police and Crime Commissioner was in the early stages and relationships with Scrutiny within Local Authorities would develop with time. The Committee was minded to support the principles of engagement and monitor the crime and disorder work as the new processes were embedded.

RESOLVED - That the suggested working arrangements between Scrutiny and the Police and Crime Panel, as set out section 3 of the report, be approved.

27 Scrutiny Referral - Changes to Services for Deaf and Hearing Impaired Children and those with Special Education Needs across Kirklees The Management Committee considered a referral from Council, recommending that Scrutiny look into overseeing and monitoring the proposals to reconfigure services across Kirklees for deaf and hearing impaired children and those with special educational needs.

Lynn Nickson outlined for the Committee the process to date in re- organising specialist provision for disabled children and those with special educational needs across Kirklees. Brief details of consultation processes were outlined and the decision making pathway through Cabinet in 6 December 2011.

In September 2012 a petition to Full Council by the Kirklees branch of the National Deaf Children's Society, called for the Council to halt plans to cut services for deaf children and carry out a full impact assessment on what these changes would mean for every deaf child in Kirklees. Council determined that officers should provide a report to the next Full Council meeting in October. At that meeting it was agreed that Cabinet should give further consideration to the actual implementation arrangements, putting in place a transitional plan and asked that Scrutiny oversee the changes made and maintain a watching brief.

In considering the referral, the Management Committee was mindful that the work would involve overseeing the implementation of the approved service reforms. Councillor Burke, Lead Member for the Children and Young People's Scrutiny Panel indicated that his Panel was prepared to take on this work.

RESOLVED - That the issue regarding service changes across Kirklees for deaf and hearing impaired children be referred to the Children and Young People Scrutiny Panel to maintain an overview of the implementation of the Cabinet decision.

28 Date of Next Meeting Having considered the forward agenda plan, the Panel resolved to cancel the next scheduled meeting.


RESOLVED - That the next scheduled meeting of the Committee on Thursday 20 December 2012 be cancelled. The Committee to next meet on 24 January 2013.



Contact Officer: Penny Bunker - Tel. 01484 221944



Thursday 14 February 2013

Present: Councillor Patrick (in the Chair) Councillors Burke, D Firth, Pattison, Sims, Stewart-Turner

Apologies: Councillor Kendrick

In attendance: Penny Bunker - Scrutiny and Governance Manager Laura Ellis - Senior Scrutiny Officer

29 Minutes of Previous Meeting The Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 22 November 2012 were approved as a correct record.

30 Interests There were no interests declared at the meeting.

31 Admission of the Public The Committee determined that all agenda items would be considered in public session.

32 Changes to Health Scrutiny 2013/14 The Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee was asked for its views concerning a number of future options for the location of the Health Scrutiny function and its powers. In addition the Committee received information on the relationship between Scrutiny and the Health and Well- Being Board and was asked to consider the implication for Councillors who were potentially involved in the work of both Scrutiny and the Board. Penny Bunker, Scrutiny and Governance Manager, attended the meeting to discuss the report with Committee members.

The report indicated that national government was keen to introduce more local choice in terms of where Health Scrutiny sits structurally within Councils and how normal Health Scrutiny powers can be exercised in the future. In Kirklees, the formal Health Scrutiny function was located within the Scrutiny structure, specifically the Well-Being and Communities Scrutiny Panel. Health Scrutiny powers particularly regarding the power to refer concerns about substantial variations to health services, to the Secretary of State, was also vested with the Well-Being and Communities Scrutiny Panel and accordingly any Joint Overview and Scrutiny


Committee looking at health reconfigurations. Revisions to legislation meant that the location of Health Scrutiny and its powers could be vested in the full Council or an alternative Council structure. Legislation specifically prohibited Scrutiny powers being located in the Executive or the Health and Well Being Board.

When considering the options for the location of Health Scrutiny, the Committee did not feel it was appropriate that the powers should be vested in full Council. The reason for this being that the Scrutiny Panel had heard all the evidence regarding reconfiguration of services and could make an informed referral on that basis. The Committee also noted that there was a dedicated responsibility allowance for Councillors leading Health Scrutiny work in Kirklees. The Committee felt that the current system worked well, particularly where there was cross-party representation on a Joint Health Scrutiny Committee.

The Committee noted information on the new Health and Well Being Board structures including the decision making rules of the Boards. It was noted that the Health Scrutiny Panel within the Council was required to develop a relationship with the Health and Well-Being Board, specifically maintaining an overview of the decisions and acting as a consultee to influence content. The Committee was asked to consider, given the relationship between Scrutiny and the Health and Well Being Board, if it was appropriate for the same Councillor to sit on the Council's Health Scrutiny Panel and the Health and Well-Being Board.

The Committee noted the information regarding the roles of the Health and Well Being Board and the current work that had been undertaken by the Well Being and Communities Scrutiny Panel to look at the development of the Health and Well Being Board and start to develop a relationship with key officers and Board Members. The Committee debated the issue of conflict of interest and agreed to recommend that a similar approach be taken to that adopted by the Local Public Service Boards. The Leading Member of the Well Being and Communities Scrutiny Panel should not be a member of the Health and Well Being Board. It was noted that the views of the Management Committee would be incorporated in a report to the Corporate Governance and Audit Committee on 8 March 2013, when the governance of the Health and Well Being Board would be considered. A final decision on the Health and Well-Being Board governance issues would be made at Council on 20 March 2013.

RESOLVED:- (1) That the Committee recommends that the location and powers of the Health Scrutiny function remain within the Council's Scrutiny structure.

(2) That in respect of the membership of the Health and Well-Being Board, the Scrutiny Lead Member with responsibility for Health Scrutiny should not be a member of the Board.


(3) That the mechanisms for holding the Health and Well-Being Board to account be noted.

3 PC5

Contact Officer: Richard Farnhill Tel. 01484 221713 (860 1713)



Monday 18 February 2013

Present: Cllr David Sheard (Chair) Cllrs Cooper, D Hall, Light, K Pinnock and Walton

24 Membership of Cabinet Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mehboob Khan, Peter McBride and Shabir Pandor.

In the absence of the Chair, Cllr Khan, it was agreed that Cllr David Sheard be appointed Chair for the duration of the meeting.

25 Minutes - 15 October 2012 The minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 15 October 2012 were agreed as a correct record.

26 Interests No interests were declared at the meeting.

27 Admission of the Public It was agreed that all items be considered in public session with exception of Agenda Item 9 - Proposals for Recruitment for a Permanent Position Director - Legal, Governance and Monitoring, due to the report containing confidential information about an individual.

28 Deputations/Petitions No deputations or petitions were received at the meeting.

29 Public Question Time No public questions were asked at the meeting.

30 Designation of Support Staff at Chickenley Community, Junior, Infant and Nursery School on Transfer to the Chickenley Community Co- operative Learning Trust Personnel Committee considered a report advising of the change in category for the Chickenley Community, Junior and Infant School, whereby the school would become a Foundation School and acquire a Foundation - "The Chickenley Community Co-operative Learning Trust". The report set out the implications for staff in terms of their terms and conditions, which would be maintained, including, for teachers, the ability to remain in the Teachers' Pension Scheme. One consequence of the

1 change was that agreement was required to allow current and future non- teaching staff to remain or to become members of the Local Government Pension Scheme and the report sought consideration of a proposal to allow this to happen in the future.

RESOLVED - (1) That the statutory proposals of the Governing Body at Chickenley Community Junior and Infant School to changed category from Community School to Foundation School and acquire a Foundation – “The Chickenley Community Co-operative Learning Trust”, be noted.

(2) That the role of the Council in the implementation of the proposal in enacting the transfer of the employment of staff from the Council to the Governing Body of the Trust School, be noted.

(3) That the text of the legal agreement that is required to be signed by the Governing Body of Chickenley Community Junior and Infants School to the pension arrangements for non-teaching staff to remain as part of the Local Government Pension Scheme, as set out at Appendix 1 to the considered report, be noted.

(4) That, subject to decision 3 above, and the school entering into a legal agreement in the form set out at Appendix 1 to the considered report, approval be given that, under Regulation 8 of the Government Pension (Administration) Regulations 2008 Kirklees Local Education Authority, having received consent by Chickenley Community, Junior and Infant School, all existing non-teaching staff of Chickenley Community Junior and Infant School and future non-teaching staff of the school, be eligible for membership of the Local Government Pension Scheme.

31 Exclusion of the Public

RESOLVED - That acting under section 100 (A) (4) of the Local Government Act, 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in part one of Schedule 12 A of the Act, as specifically stated in each of the undermentioned minutes.

32 Proposals for Recruiting a Permanent Assistant Director - Legal, Governance and Monitoring (Exempt information relating to a particular individual. The public interest in maintaining the exemption, which would protect the rights of an individual under the Data Protection Act 1998, outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information and providing greater openness in the Council's decision making).

The Personnel Committee considered a report setting out proposals for the appointment of a permanent Assistant Director of Legal, Governance and Monitoring. The considered report set out options for the process to

2 be used in the recruitment to the post and Personnel Committee were asked to determine a process to be used.

RESOLVED - That approval be given to the advertising of the revised post for Assistant Director (Legal, Governance and Monitoring) as an internal appointment and to the constitution of an Appointments Panel, in accordance with the arrangement as set out at paragraph 3.1 to the considered report.



Contact Officer: David Gordon - Tel. 01484 221714



Monday 26 November 2012

Present: Councillor Christine Smith (in the Chair) Councillors Akhtar, Bolt, E Firth, S Hall, Lyons, A Pinnock, Sokhal, Stubley, Ward and Wilkinson

1 Membership of the Committee Councillor Stubley substituted for Councillor Preest.

2 Minutes The Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 10 September 2012 were approved as a correct record.

3 Interests and Lobbying No interests or lobbying matters were declared.

4 Admission of the Public The Committee considered the question of the exclusion of the public and determined that all the items be taken in public session.

5 Deputations/Petitions No deputations or petitions were received.

6 Public Question Time No questions were asked.

7 Application 2012/90721 - Extension to time limit to previous permission 2008/92198 for erection of residential development of 39 apartments and 14 dwellings (within a Conservation Area) on land at River Street, Milnsbridge, Huddersfield The Committee considered a report on Planning Application 2012/90721, which had previously been considered by the Planning Sub-Committee (Huddersfield Area) on 4 October 2012. The Committee also received a copy of the report which had been considered by the Planning Sub- Committee who had resolved that the application be referred to the Planning and Highways Committee, as a departure from the provisions of the Unitary Development Plan, with a recommendation to approve the application for a new planning permission to extend the time limit for implementation of previous Application 2008/92198, subject to the conditions contained in the submitted report.


Discussion took place on the proposed enhancements to the existing riverside walk and the requirements for greenway status.

RESOLVED - That the application be granted for a new planning permission to extend the time limit for implementation of previous Application 2008/92198, subject to the conditions contained in the submitted report and the deletion in condition 35 of the following wording:-

"and how the development shall meet the requirements for greenway status"

8 Application 2012/91503 - Extension to time limit to previous permission 2005/91330 for outline application for erection of continuing care retirement community of approximately 300 units, residential care home and central community facilities at former Storthes Hall Hospital Site, Storthes Hall Lane, Kirkburton, Huddersfield The Committee considered a report on Planning Application 2012/91503 which had previously been considered by the Planning Sub-Committee (Heavy Woollen Area) on 25 October 2012. The Committee also received a copy of the report and the update report which had been considered by the Planning Sub-Committee who had resolved that the application be referred to the Planning and Highways Committee, as a departure from the provisions of the Unitary Development Plan, with a recommendation to approve the application for a new planning permission to extend the time limit for implementation of previous Application 2005/91330, as detailed in the submitted report.

RESOLVED - That conditional outline planning permission be granted, subject to the delegation of authority to Officers to:

(i) Impose all necessary and appropriate conditions, which may include those contained in the submitted report.

(ii) Draft a Section 106 Obligation to transfer the provisions of the previous Section 106 Agreement to the new planning permission; and

(iii) Subject to there being no substantive changes that would alter this decision, to issue the Decision Notice.