Printed lo'! tbc ore ol tlre CoEmittee on GlovenDettt OpentioDa



EEIXY nd. JACKSON, Wa8hlDgtor! KARL E. VUND{|, South Dahota SArf J. DRYIN. JR., Nortn Caroltna. CARL lt. CURrIS, NebEst& EIRNEST GRUE\ING, Alaske JACOB K. J{VITS, No\r lort EDMUND S. MUSKIE. Ualne MILVWARD L. SutrPSoN, WyoDtrg ABBAIIAIII RIBICOFF, ComecticUt FRDD lt. gARRlS, Oxlahona ROBIJNT I'. KU\-.NtrDf, NEWYOTK LED lUtTC,lI,lr. rlontrtra JOSD|II M. nO-\_1'OIl, New lI€xtco Jr,MEs R. Crnrpw!.", Ollet OI6k and Atut Dlroot4r Ar.rEoB A. SsaBP, Btot ,'dirot

SIJlcoMMtrfF,T oN ExEcutrYE RrroBoaNrz ATlo\ ABRArAlrf BTBICOFII, CotneclTcltt, Cio4ftnarL


.ftcDrhrrhin iE.rpJ:.Ll r'i l5 lo lhe 90Ln Coogre8s bJ Lbe qnptiDtmFot of Seoators Er;:-;, wt;hlna, rnd achFr. TeDtressee. to I!e c"mni{ec Bor^b. senatorE.s'.re Su.b- \ seouan ,r rt,t,niur"d in 1l'o -ubromDltt e bX tlle coolrrnan. senalor s'mpsoD enJ uf tbe:rrtL Conarr(s. I


DOMESTIC CAR MANUFACTURERB P.sc Telegram of Senator -{braham Ribicoff to Gereral NIotors, Ford, Chrysler, t Lrlrd,\rrerican rcducstinc defeci data I t General Motor8 Corp ------I Ford Motor Co----- Chr3slcr Corp------AmericsnXlotors Corp------70

Stsr.mpnt of Senator Ribicoff on rplpascof domestic automobile defecl, detrL 78 FOREIGN CAR VANUFACTURERS Lett€r of Senator llibjcolT to foreigDc&r manufactur(.rsrequesting defect da,ta- 79

79 83 a7 89 90 93 94 96 98 10E 109 ltl I13 1:9 t23 t33 t34 13E 144 149

Siat€ment of Senator Il.ibicofr ()4 releaseof foreien ca,! defect dafa------152 I


I 1i a

NOTE The material in this document concenlins domesticmanufacturers was submitted to the Srrbcomr[ittce on Execntise Reorganization in responseto the requestof the chairman, ancl n'rs releasedto the public and the press on trIay 0, 1966. The naterial on foreiql autonrobiles wes nrepiaredbv the subcommitteein order that dat:t o-f douresticand foroign'man u,h "r rrrers rvould be lert,li Iv cornD'r ra ble. Tecrur.._icalservice bulletins and rciated rnrrteri.rl tr-r.nsmittedto the 5ubcnmmitteel-'v the foreign clr ma:ruh, trrrers and bv .\meri,"ut llotors Cor1,.-a.rohdve been foi#arrled to the Lr.S. Traffic Safety Agencrv, where they available to the public,

I'EDERALROLE IN TRAFFICSAX'ETY (Pursuantto S. Res.186, 89th Cong.)

U.S. Snrseln, Suscouurtatn oN Encurrvr Rnoncexrz,attorr, Coulrrrrpn oli GovERritrENT-_Ornruttoxs,, W asluington,D,C.

Telegram by Senator Ribicofi to , Ford, Chrysler, and American Motors Arnrr, 5, 1966. Would you pleasefurnish me rvith a complete listing of all bulle- tins. notices.and other corrospondenceto your detle.rsor o'rynersrelirt- inq io productor cquipmentdefect or failure sincel960. Havo introduceda mendments to S. 3005requiri -offi"ilng [ur rrre -ubmission of.unlr informationtLr lpproprilte -*orild Federrl l*. forrr co,4rera- t.ionrega rding I his requesi hcrpprec ialcd. AsR-qrre!f, Rmcorr. n a S. Seiator, I

I GENERAL MOTORSCORP. i Gnrrner, McrmnsConr., 1 Detroi,t, May 5, 1966. Hon. AsRAE.ru A. Rrsrcorr, I ['.5. '\enatc, Washington, D.C, 1 Dsar Splramn Rrercorr. : You nsked in vour telegram of April 5 for a complete listing of all comlmnications io our deilers or orlners "re- lating to prodnct or eqtipment defect or failure since 1960." IVe understrnd thrt you mean b,r' this r listing o{ all bulletins legnlding t he recnll Ior modification o I l,assettgnr"rtr.. I rm forwarding rritlL this lettcr a listing of 1?1 concction cfolts or "recall ca-mpligns". rvhich occurred orer: the ? moclol verrs begin- ning with 1960. During this period our five domestic crr divr-"rons rrroduced an ir"rernge of 38 seprrate lines per vear. Thcse lines rn- iolved 1,031 difiednt models^and production iotnled more than 23 ! rnillion cars. I shou ld lilie to poinI out that many rccall r:unpri.gns I aro related solelv to tho comforl and conr-enielce o1 thet:ustorner and the efficient opei'ation of the r.ehicte. tr{ost c:rmpaigns irilolved rela- tivelv ferq cars u'hich in some instrnces ner.er le,ft the denhrs' facili- ties dnd were still in their hands at the time of recall. 2 EnDEnar, Ror,E rN TBArTrc gArtsfr 'We regard these campaigns as evidence of General Motors' efiorts to assure lh-cintesril v of its cr rs and the nom-tortand sr fely o f all who usethem and t6 prirsuelhat responsibrJit-yboth beforeand rlter a car is sold. This letier provides an opportuniby for us.to set forth clearly our long-termpolicy and determin:rtjonto insurethe sliisfactory per- torrn:tnc€ot our DrooucLS. At Ceneral-Nlolor.. our policiesand proceduresregarding defects which mav lnpear in our auiomobilesar6 based on the'follorr--rng: tlr It iral i.lsrrs beenrtrd l' lodaf our obiectitpto designand buiid sound. ilurabie. a.nd rclirrble vehicles. Ei-en Lhough oui tech- nol,rgri- frir berierio,lry rlrrn il \rds l,r lcxl's ilgo' rrire:rlizciL is i e|ervcrr I he linei5 r perfecb not n6oilrtc'!1teto ltssurolrr t. ofl -carslrro'ltt,"iion vehi'clc. norv manfacture ptssenqer lhich lverage about 14.000nafls each. l\l'tnt oI theseare movingnrrts su'lr rti rthee]sr briJbeen ttt eIei'l stn4e flti;:L'tthen its co.-er'"g" rvrs doublcd frorl itur 1961 warranty of 1 i*'."'u. ii.ooo -iles. Prior to 1961 our written warraniy w&s 90 days br {,000miles. (Gencrrl l\1,)tom'\rlrrarrl.\ i'oreri lhc cntlle xrlLollro- 611"1',x.epr thc Lires,shich arc rtrrrlnied lr;'tho tiremanullcturer') 15) Finalll. rrhclt rrcdotpri ir P|odu'l [:rilttn'srhlch,In lht'oplr)lon of tlre resnotlribloettgitreeritrg. ll,:Lnulrlcirll lni. :rrld Fnt\'l r gruupst reaulrts I ie,'lll crtrrnrrlgncteir tlr'rrrghllre ' irt5 muy lrale L'ecttirr lhe huirdsof their o$nei; for rnirn.\n','t'th.. "n Irtkc.{teps.!oinsutc that jusl ls r'llJ pos- rpt,r'uprille'Tl,c corr,'clio.trs rre rt;rdc as -outr |15li lh)sl' sil'ln. momenl & defe,:t is discovered.ollr engrneerssei l.o Nork to fird its cause. Next, they detcunine tle 1'r' t|tr.rrmed.v, desrgll any p,rns rhli ntlv be Itc,"e..lti5; rnJ chrnge 1'l',r'luctionie,;ltnilues thlt irrlv L,cintolli,l. If nt'rr pans rro requii*..1Ior lhe crrrcciioll. llrey ariseni to the field as soon as tlr,:y cur lr' frl-,ricrlted. At the sa,m€ time, steps are trkcl to initiare prompt :rction on the part of the (teiLlets, need {or Tlresc procedurcs are.dcsigned to. i$9n1iF.rpromptly the n1x1ii6r l,roduct corrections, io establish h,'rt lhe corrcciions should be maileito communicatc to.the dealer:tnrl, ii necr'"srlrr'throu.glr him to thc oirntr. rrdvising on the need for th, , lrllnge i ,rnd to follou' up rrith the dcller to malc sure thlt thc chaugt-'is in fac.t ntade, \Vhere field corrections &re neccsstrv, the progrlm js knorvn as a ''crrnnrisn chanqe." Tlris mcrr. rhrl in osricr'Jclr will be recrlled to a dealershin for inspecr,ion rnd/or rnorli{ication. Product recall clmnrigns lro'usuallv generrtcJ by reporto frotn derlcrs anrl orrr field nersi.r,nel n hi"lr are ivalulted by ihe enqinenlirrg .hange committees of the divisiorrs. Product crnrpiicns are alin generlied by proLlems rrhj.lr mrI l-,eexposed b1' durrrhility an,l flrgin( rl ilrg l€sts rondrlclcd aL orrl l:r6orltotiis, p.or:it,g gl,rrrnils.:tJr(lcl-,.\\'lrere ln "lill I'tlrer cnsescampaigns are itarted-bes:luseit wr. fo'tt'-,1lhrLt I GII pltnt or a suppliei mi1' hrve produccd,,eve.n if onh' {or I sholt pcriod of time, a ccrt,r:nDrtl not u n to our qul lilr siandr rd'. Our prb"c.lures on clmpnirn "liltrger havs been continrrously im- nroved'over the vcars. \'hile lu the pasr ilrese procedures varied ilichtlv from oni division ro anothlr, in lltc intere't nI grritring comnairvrvidc uniformitv a strrndardized procellure has bcerl aclcpted ' follorss: bv"(1) lll Gonerrl ]Iotor.,lilisions. Tlresni'1,'ce'lut' lre rs A11 information relating t,' rny snspecteLlprrrdu' t rle{ect is crrefuliv reri,'rted br cnginecl;itrgchrtnge conrniil'oc in ')rll rirri{)rls c made up of t]ro dir.i-ionrl dep.rrt- division!. llreqe irrr''itlecirrc 'I'he ment heads lnvolved, nrd thu-q contain scnior technic.ll peoplc. committees erlvise the genertl m:rn:rger of thr: division of l,Loblems retruiringcrmpai$r c,.-,li.idcrrrion.Thev sul,'miito lrim lll p{ rlinpnt informaii"r' lrrd tn:rkcre,"ommcn,l lt ions' Tl'c gener':rllrr:rnllFr in turn decitles rrhether to initiaie I campat'gn end :rppror-es the action taken. (2) Once :it has been determined that a product defect has been runcovered and should be corrected, and as soon as correction proce- dur-es have been devised and repl acement palts maile tvaillblc, tho 4 rmrnArr RorE rN TRArrtc sAFETT

division notifies a,ll dealers with a special bulletin which describes the problem a.ndexplains what remedial aclion is neeessary. -(3) Attachedto the d_ealerbulletin on re.all ca1llf'rig1lsrelrting to safety are lrro suggesledleltcrs. The dealersen,ls-rhd firir. Iettoi to adr-iserll ownersof the condilion and asksrhom lo brlng llicir cars ia for the correotion. Ife is also provided with a list oi the serial numbers of ail automobilesn{fgrt,'d- by the chrnqe,"' so thlt he can tell which buvershrr c cr rs needinsI lre modificar ion. He is ilso rrrgcd to telephnirc the owners and make appointments to havc the corrective rrorli done, The de er sendsthe s-eiondletter by certified rnail to those orvnerswho have failecl tc bring their cars in for correction within 30 dars after the orisinal notification. ({) A furiher stepto e'rpcaitea safefr cairprign .llls fur sendinq to dealersLwo punchid dal:i-processinq cn r, ls f or prnh affected rclriclei One of these cards is to be rised bv d6alers to advise thcir resnecr,rve divisions that the first contact witlithe owner has been rnade, to'enable lhe comprny to dcterrnlnerrhich dealersare nor promptly-btj processing lhe proEram. ,\ppropriats action ean liren be l:rkdn the ficlii orEairizition. Tlie seiondcard is to be .forwrrdpdbv tlr-edealer to General Motors after the changohas beenmade, and the company will ihennrv llredealel forlhe work. eubl i.ity recenLlJ'hrihecn given to someof lhe camprign c.hunges bv variousauto minrrfa.rurpr:. T)rc Jacrorswhiclr lre ln-volredire iiluslrrl cd bv someo{ t hnGenerr I }lot orsca mpligrs : (at On dugusb-on 13. 1905. a dcalerrcpt,r'tcd a 6eldfailuie of 15-by 6-ilch rtheels surur:LcSabre nnd Wildcat series cars Dro- duced at one of the assembly plants. The rvheels invoh-ed riere .hinu0dlo Buick for rnrlvsis. Tlre prohlemrrs inrostisrted imme- drrlely flnd rdcnlrned rn ir me€l'llrheelsIng \frlh l h. suppller. A bullelrl, was issuedon August,27. 1965. rveremade rvailable and shinped to doalers rviih instrrrctions to renlace all rlheels on the vehicl&^in- yolr.ed. davs afler the ,,r-nrpaigrin,rs:r',rtnd, nri're tlraD g0 Sixty 'Iotal Derce.ntof Lhe afiected cars liad been corectcd. lunber of 6ars invoh-ed rras 11,28?. Current records show 11.95?have been conected to date. (6) Wrile there had been no custome,rcomplaints or re,portsfrom the field. GM Provinc Grourd tcsts disclosedinterference bctween the body floor pan longiiudirral reinforccment and the rear breke pipe of i hej 966CIierroleLTour-Lloor lra rdr op sedan. I campr ign n r. ira ri ed immcdiatelr',orr April29, ll160. \\}ile ir isnecessrrito clrcck29i,000 cars,on the basis ol the numler of cars alreadl' checlie..dwe expectihat onlv one-half of 1 percent or 1,471-rcars rvill reouire change. Dealers haie been furnished se.rir'llists of cars to bc insnected.with insrruc- trionsto rotate the rear bralie pipe clip 180 degre6sro assllrcerlequate clearance. Tf contact was foirnd thd instmotions called for replacc- rnentof t he brrke nine. (r) On Octobni2b, 1963.our Portiac Division starteda campaign tn corre..r.doH"lerrcies afrecting 1.052 r"rrs produced al orrr DorfrilTe, Ga..nhnt. It Ll{l L'crndi:.ror elrd thrL .omelehrcles had bccnLrtilt during a spcr-ificperiod rrith a srorrg bal) ioint asspmbh'ir the upper eonlrol l rin r"s"mbl.v. Derlors ror-eir-ing"carsfrom rhri plant were TDDERALROLD IN 1IAAInC BAfOr" 5 asked to inspect all cars possibly involved. Every unit was located rnd the correctionsnltle. (d) On Januan'21 of this verr, our Division besan a clnrnlijn ro c.,rrc-.t(jre righ( iear'qheel spindlenut on 606 veh-icles, TlLtie srs I pusriLilitvoi lhesercl'i"les of impropertorluing of tho right roaripindle riut. The campaign is to d?rte-91percenL com- rrleted.- -\Iost campaign changestake n consider:r.blelmorurt of time and efrort to coirpl6te, and-require the responsible cooperatiol of both owner and de.irJer. Eren with tho sorin^lnumber in'hand. tle dea,ler frequontly crnnot trlc{r the present ry}rereaboutsof the vehicle if the orrnr.r'hrs moved rwal or if tbe ormemhip oL the vehiclc lns bcen transforred one or moic times. Ilven when orrners are located and. :rrerrr[r.,] lrt ]ptlol rrr,l br followrrprelephone clr']ls to bring irr rlreir qrri. mrnv .imnlv fail ro do so. frnsnitLtlese difficult.ies.gl of our recrll carirplieij sincp 1960 havo be'en100 percent conrpleted: 41 more campaigfishave beenr"ornpletcd betrrecn g5 snLl 16it I'L.r.ent1 40 nlrmpa;-"'trrbclrseen 85 a.ndg0 n{.rcent:and 24 camprigrs betsepn i0 tnd'8j porconi. Of ilre tIt , r.mlaignsin the past'i frodel.verrs, 10i'or c1.4-oot""nlinrolved 5.000 or fi.t\ercars. In light;f theseproblems and to clTectimprovements in the future, re ,,r',1nor' ,lelel6ping procedures uncler ivhich each car divrsron woul,l hc rcsponslbl,'f',r noiifving caolrowner of record.|1 -nan,Daign. ' crifie.d mril, at,his irst krorvrrrddreis in thc crent of n recrll Cenrpaisnsare never olficirllv closecluntil thev are cornnleted: moii- fic'rtioniwill be mr.dcthroushoul t]re lifc of tire a.lTecteilautornobiles a, nn orfelrrr to rlrccrr-Jr'mei. -\lso, ln onrrc|nocd nol rakpIric c:u' {or nodificltion to thc tlealcr{r'orn rvlton hc tur-r.hasetlit. Il ruorr conrenient,he mry trke it to lny othe:rfrlnchiicd dealerhandling the surnem&Ke oI fiIr. Of significancein tbis connectionare the 30 trnining centerswhich General llfotor"s oncr:rtes across the Nation. T]lese conters. est&b- lishedsome 12 veris lgo. arestrategically locrterl rrt n,)int. of greatest dorterrnd vehiclcpopulrtion. Thi princip,rlDrtrnoie of ilrcs,i.eniers i" to trnin deal"r seriice persorrne)ii propr-rrirainfenar,"n pror.edrrres for GM oroducts. Everi Genera.IMoiors de:rlerin the United Strtss h:rs r pr-rticuhr training center to whjch he can senclhis service pe.r- snnrrcl.generlllv rrillrin easvdrivirg distan"e, Thereforr'.nroblems rrqrriring sneci;l imirrins c-an be hindled eferr ivelv. lVe can rhus nrrikesure ilrrt prolerly qualificdpemonnel $ill bc-ls:r.ilrblejn our duLlerships'\Ye to help carrv out c&mpaig'nsand provide essentialsen-ice, all seekcontinuing imlrror-ementin the automobile,.Americlns drire and we also seekc..-ontiriuing improyement in the proceduresrve Jo'llorvto makc this possibJe. At Generall{otors .re lrli-e mlde rrrrur_y chlnges over the vears in our nrogrnms to this end. As we *e oo- portunities for frirtber irnomiem'ents and innovations we rcill t'ot hesitateto Dut them in efecf I am sur1. Senttor. that this is consistentwith vour own conoern for progress in trafrc safety, and your concern is dh*rerl and appre- clareoDv us all. Sincerely, J. M. Rocrra. 6 FEDEBAI, ROI,E IN TAAFFIC SAfETY

INroauatroN LETTEagaND Buu,6TrN€ Date : September 29, 1959. Divlsion : Oldsmobile. Buuetin No. : 60-W--4. Subjeet i Warranty aDd l}olicy parts to be retulaetl by dealers. Advises alealers relative to the aeturn of parts by dealers to certair suP pliers furnishing components to the Oldsdobile DidsioD. Date : X'ebruart 19, 1S60. Division : Olrlsraobile. Bulletin No. : 60-W-10C, Subjcct: Delco Electrolic servic€ accouEts apltoi[tments and terDilatio,Ds. Coltains additlons or cleletioDs to ttre directory listiDg tbe Delco Dlec' tronic serYiceaccounts, Dlrte : Se-ptember:5, ]963: DivisioD : Oldsmol)ile- Bulletin No. : {'ifM. Subject : WarrarrtJ adjustmeDt 8ub€equelt owEers, Prorides deller instructions to obtain Owner Protection Plau Booklet in- formati(nr for orvDerswho purclhasouseal caN. Date: Octat'er :1,1963. DiviBioD : (lldsmobile. Bulletin No. : ttl W-6. Subject: trIodilication of 1964 engiles for overreas opelqliotr" Advises dealers of proper eodiflcations to yehicles that traYel ln cou[- tries rherc gasoline fuels are of a low octaEe rating. Date: -{pnl :11,1965. DiYision : Olalsmobile. Bulletin \o. : 65-IV-1. Subject: Warrantx repair clal4s United Motors Service items fo|m ?26 ItMg Olds. Prorialcs alealels with hfomation to properly prepare the form to be used $-Len rork is doEe by a frnited llotors Service relrair station. Datc : Octolrer i. 1960. Divisior: Buick. BulletiD No. : 321. Subject-Iles.r:bes : 1.000 Drile iDspectiotr allon'anae-1961 Buick Speciat. the alo;'ance tbat rri[ be paid to Buick dealers for perlorElilg the 1,000 mile inspeetio!, Date : April 28, 1961. Division: Buick. BuUetin No. i 351, Srbject : f{ew tires for Special Sle.ie€--4.50x 13. Describes the sd.eeotag€B of !, new tire that is available lor Special S€ries tsuick autodobile. Date: January 2, 1963. DiYision: Buick. Leftrrr. Subjeet: Parts scrapping procedures. I)escribes the proDe! procealute of prepadng waranty parts for erami_ nDtion and -ccrirDli[g l y th€ Buick represeot:ltiYe. Date : rLprll 12, l9ti3. l)rfrsrotr: burc[, Letter. Subject : Specisl drive liDe tools. Describes a new seryir€ kif ihat catr b€ orderetl for all moilels of the ahive line to replxce a trumber oJ Hts which bave beetr usealin the past' Date : June 11. 1965. DirisioD : Buick. Dulletin No. : 65101A. lcubject: 1165 gear ratios, speedometer gears aDd gear eilaptot& Describ€s for tbe general inforuation of dealer selvice people, tbe vatious coftbinations of speedometer geal:s used on Yarious modeis rdth differeDt transmissioD aDaltire options. FEDEBAL ROLE Il'I TRAEFIC SAf'ETt

Date i NoreBbe. 16, 1960. DiYisiotr: Potrtirlc. Bulletin No. : 6(Fl l. 'I'empest Subject:'Adrises eDgitretie-ilosa st aDB. the denlers th.at cars are equippoil with special sbippbB th'8l5 f,ld to be sure to reDove straps before delilering to t]le customer. Date : october 9, 1962. DiYision : . Bulletin No. : 63 1. Subject: 1963 Ponti&c aDd TelD!€st lew car pre'delivory and tO alsy or 2,000 mile inspectiotr an(l adjustment check theets. Describes thc trew chcck sheets alral how to use theB' Date : September 1, 1964. DiYisioq : Chevrolel Bulletiq No.: G3-18. Sul'jcct'This i (lrtiied t€ctddrn progr&o. bulletiD pertains to a recogpilioa alinner and awards lor dealer t€ch' aici&as who har€ successfully ful6lled iho requirerDeots for cel:tifcation iD 1963. Do re : November .1,1963. Divisiutr: Chevrolet. BuUetirl No. : C3-1J78. Subject : GuaraLian maintenence fllm "The ODly Difieredce," ?his bu.tiotio w4s issued to stimul4te actig€ dealer psrtidFatlon ,D tbs Guarilirn }laiDtenance program through the use of a molio[ picture which was deyelolxjalto iltustrate the importance of O\FDerRelatioos ltr the overall concept of Guardlan Maiotenanc€. Datc: JuIy 111.1902. Division : OaaliUac. I|ullrlih-\u.:987. Subjed : An'A credlt meEomnalum show! ltatus of all clrlmc proclsed. This bulletiD covcrs procedural chalges in adjustroeDt claim plocedure ou cr€dit memoranduma to deale.s, Date : X'ebruary 15, 1963. DirisioD: Cadillac. Bullctin No. i G3 3. Subject : TrainiDg on ccrylic 6lrot repalr atrd refDtlibtns. ADnoud(€s a treining I}rogrs.m a.t the CeDeraI Yotorg Tr&iniBg Center! lor bodly shop pailrters on Dew reprir tecbruques. Dat€ : Ila.ch 13, 1963. DivisioE: Cedillltc. Bulletix No. : 03-ii. Subject : New Cadillac s€rvico alecal!. Descyibes new aerrice and parts decak ayaU&ble to dealers. Date : tr€.rluary 1?, 1964 Divisiou : Cadillac. Bulletil No.:1& Subject i Extended Doliw on 1968 hetq oor€ leokr. l'his polict c.overs a specjal DGcbarge repalr policy to olvners ol 1963 Cedillac cars for an additioirl 12 months or 12,000miles tleyoDd the stand- ard vehicle Farranty. Date : November 19, 1965. Diyi8iotr: Ctrdillac. Bulletin No. : I)-3?. Subject : Cadillec clal-m form. Alnouncos the lelease ol a corDbinatiotr claim aDal repair ortler forD to realue€ the q[antity of detail hyolved ltl Earraaqr claiog p!0ce6seal Date: SeI] ember 1, 1964. Dlvision : Pontroc. Buletitr No. : C5 1. Subject : 1965 seryice inlormatloD and flal-rate binde|s. Adyises dealcr tlat the sulplier of flat rate binders had lta.rt€d €'btpEitrg aoal urgqs dealers seryic€ Ileople to prcperly file lDJomaUon for qul(k rete'.eD.cP'. 8 I'EDEIAIJ ROLE IN TRAIFIC SAIETY

Dabe: Jatlualy 25, 19d5. Dlviston : Pondaa. Buuetln No,: 65-18. Subject : Spectal palnl Adrises ale@lepath&t cars ordsred with lpocial point wiu haye a quart can ol pairt placeal in tlre loar cosl|arhernt ot the car. Date : April 21, 1965. DlYislon : Pontiac. Buuetln No. : 65-12, Subject : PoDtiac UMS warrutF lorn-form 72OUMS. Describes the procedu-Fe for t-he preparation of forEF aDd the [flrdfitlg ol rcpaiN by Unit€il MotoB SeNice distrib,utor rep&ir outleta. Date i September 1S, 1965. DiYision: Pontiac. Buletin No. : &5-21. Subject : Credit st&teEert nototio$ on rsturn A-FA'!L Advises dealers relatir"e to hayiDg proper luformatiol on thetr A.!'A tofmg to eiDedite thc issuing of credlt err(l to pre{ent folms be@ming lost' Date : Augu,st 10, 1901. Diyision : Cherrolet. Buletin No. : 61-?14, Subjeol: Master oaterial rrhrE lfut- This bulletilr ligts the effective warraDty part! which are to be r€tutnetl to the M.R. rq)ms in {ccortlarce v.'itb the iostruceioqB of the Irolicies and procedurcs ol tbe Seryico DellartrDetrt. Date: October , 1961. Division: Chevrolet. Buuetin No. : 61-€84. Subject: Outside real aiew Ioirlor. l{irrors are to be returned tD tlre M,R, rcon, Mirrorr wbich beye be@ replaced due to the bell joitrt uot holditrg aiuustrlent aad beariDg a strmped "HL" on the urderside of the bose sboultl be retumed to llall Lamp Oompallt.

CIIsvBolB{ MatroB DFteroN LrsrtNc oF PEoDsqr Bgir,slllls-PAssrNsEB CA! BEo.Ar-LCAMp!roNs-1960 TEBoucII 1966 PABSENoE CAB MoDEI,s To DrrE 1OAOMODEI, TEAS (Corvair heater relay iDstall&tlotr ) BuUetin date : Decembe! 1,1959, Series i CorYair-All modelB. Addition of a solenoid relay ln the fuel solenoial circuit would plevent the possibility of fuel erterrng the combustion chaEber in the eyent of any intelrup- tion in the clcctrical circuit to the combustion blower, llhis change involvetl 40,869 cars and dealers werc requested to instau a heater relay on nll heater- equippcd Corvairs built prior to a specl{iealserial number. While accurate data is not al'ailable at ttris late d:rte, it is believed that nrost cals were inspected and collecteal. 106T MODEL YEAE ( Rea|rvheel susp€nsioDouter froDt lrouDting Support--{orvair) Buuetin altte: Oclober11,1960. Series : CorYair-All rnodela. The 1961 Corv.rir rear suslreDglon crosgmeEbel frotrt mountitrg lupport8 were attachetl to the engine compartment side rails by thrce spot selds aud two gas Felds on each side of suffcient rtrength to hold the assembll uorler oraunarj' operation. AssemblJ plant checks lDdicated that a leR' etrly cars cotttl haye iDadequate spot ryelds ,rhich ciould cause rlolse at the j.rint, Thia charLgecould haye inyolv.ld 4,6t1 ears and dealers rtho receiyed these cars vere requested to call them in 1.oirslcct welals and correct if necessary. Matry dealers did not report when only an inspectioD was necessary, but according to our records welala \,!'ere corecteal on 2,637cars. FEDERAI, ROIJE IN TRAFT'IC SAFETT I

(The.mo-moalulated fan-J48 cubic lrch eugine ) Bulletid date: Noveober 16, 1980. Series : Chevrolet A five'blade faq with a tiereo-modul4ted clutch waa specifed for uee relt! the 348 cu, iD. etrghe for quiet operatlon aDd lmproved coollDg at low speeals, Due to l)roduction alificulties, ttris asse6bly w&s Dot available untll mid October,-!l'hen 1960. l,lngires built prior to this date had a substitute fan itrstalled. thr, specified fens became available, dealera were proyided serial lists of units i[volved lrnalrequest(l to replace the substitute firL o[ approxiDrately 19,000(€is. Collpletion data od thio-1960 replacerrent prograD is no loDger arailable. (Reworkitrg traDsmissiun to-axlc housiDg grrket 3-i!ecd Corvair Eodels) BuUctin date : February 21, 1961. Series: Corvair-ijl models. An irteriu chaDge in thc ll\le housing res.ulted iD tbe oil r€turn boles itr the trtnsrlrissloD-to iL\le housilg gnsliet beiDg Dispojitioned. Dellers \'ho receiyed the 1.E00Corvairs inrolved were requested to rci{ork the gasket to preyent low Eileage axle failures due to lack o! lubricatioD. No eoopletion recolcls &re rvailable on thii rtlDrprigr but it is is estibated thet !5 to 1U)Eo of tbe cars iflvolved were corre(ted. (Intermediate steeritrg shaft eod low€r coupllBg assellbly lnspectioa) Buuetitr date : aptil2l, 1961. Series r Chevrohrt-^\ll moalels. The steerirlg int€r$edirte shefl aBd lowsr couplirg installeil iD Ebont TOV, of lehiclos proaiuccd up to 3-10-61 or 12,190 cars may not haye provided suf- Iicient cLrrllIrilS cflort to properly retain the coupiing to the steerirrg gear \vorm- shaft. lhis lrogrillr requireal the ilstrection of the 191,900cars and detlers \ho received then \\'cre relluesled to call tXeD in to Drake a visual inspectioD and replace any incorrect issemblies discovered. From our deale! reDorts of the csrs thel iDspected,2,7?6 units ueededreplaceDreEt. '!EAI! 1062 MODEL

( NoDe )


(Front brake shoe onchor piD) Bulletin date: October 12, 1962. Serles : Chert' Il-,lll models. Based on a spot i spection of 148 cars proaluced before Septembe! 11, 1964 elerel anchor l)ini \\'ere fDund to be exces$ively torqued whi{:h ()uld b:rIe re- sulled in ovcrtual anchor pjn failure during a ti:rnic stop. l)ellors \\'ere ad- Tised oI thc scr'irl nulnlltrs oI 1.3(lll lehicies \\'hich \vorc ctlled iD for rcpl:lce- mcnt and prourr torquing of froDt brake shoe alrchor pilr ssr\nbly. (Jur records indicate that 1.!73 cars (cre correctcd.

( Super Sport cotlsole bracLet attaching solew to brake line ilterfereuce) Bulletin date: January 9, 1963. Series j Chcvrolet-Super Sport model. A Dossible irter:ference conrlition eristed betweeD tbe coDsole brscket right rear lttr(tirg s,r('N tllld thc right rear brake line. Dealers $ere fumished serial numbers of tlle 18.4E5 vehiclcs inr_oli'erl ,xd were requested to correct interfereDce by bre$l

rubber cups, Dealers ltere provideal sedal numbers of the 288 units involved lln.l thiry were ctlled in for necessiry correctiols. Correction incl[ded instruc_ tions on ploper flushing irnd tlexnitlg of the coDlilet(: brakc systfnr anil rellace- nlcrt ot i-hccL imd nrster cJlinder rubber culs alld Talve and seitt. '\ccoraling io uur rprordq.cll r'trs werF ' orrcLted. (Iuel injection modification) Bulletiu date: April 11, 1963. Serie!. Corvette fuel irtjectiorl models. 'fivo carly lickl rcports ll(]re rc.eiveal oi ergine stallingi when dc/jlut(hing wiah cloler'l throttle flbr)ve .10 m;les per hour. Dc:Llers rvere lrro\-ided serial numbcr-sof tho f.i1i units ilvolvcd alrd requeste{i to call thcrn ill for ir]'!tallation of fuel injertiol moalili.ation kits. .{ccorcling to our recordri, 1,22i[ cars were corrected. (EPO ZOG brake option) Bulletin date: Ap.it 11, 1968. Series: CorYette-All models. Fiarly units Eith a spccjrl pfeforman(e brake option were slbject to erratie operltion unclrr somc high speed airivjng corrdjtioDs. I)ealcrs $'('r{' requestecl to cxil irl the ]O,t units insohed, nd rrodify tle trake assembly by installing new lront bralie flange plutes, brake shoes a d alrums ^{ccording to our records. 97 cars \ere correcleal.

19 64 MODEL YEAS (Chevy II and Chevelle axle shaft revision) Bulletin Date: October 11, 19€3. Se cs: Chevy II and CheYelle-All modelg. Rerr rrle shiifts oD sorr(r oarly productiot units were ooted with a aeam or lap joint in thc Leirirtg arcr duc to inrl]rope.r hcat treat. l'hi"' eoodition coultl haye iDvolred:,:lE5 rnits. Dealers l\lho hid RcciYed these cars \\'ere req[ested to call tha'm ilr for rephcement of arle shafts. AccordiDg to olrr recolds, 2,228 cnrs were corrected. (Chevelle o-cyliDder accelerator linkage) Bulletin date : October 95, 1963. Scries Ch('Yrile .1ll models- Ilcirlc'rs roquesi:ed to irrpect acceler&tor pedal rod end for proper aEgle. In- correct elgle worlld Ileurit tdilitionel pedal travel beyotral carbutetor n'ide o$en throttle position, resulting iD Ilossible linhagr deflection. The chaDge itr{olYed ?5 cars:rxal alealer! $'ho h d rccL'ived them were furnished i{ith seriil r[rmbels aDd requestcd to repl:Lcciicorrect linkagr'. Ac'uoralingto our re(ords, 73 cars wore correcteal. (l--8 cngine water tenperature sendiDgunit) Bulletin date: October2S. 1968. Serielr: Ohevelle-Ail models. Some strrDdartl and Super Sport $.ater temperature cylinder block sending unifs riould possibly hav{r Leen mixcd which $'onld result in imprope! terrDera- t[re readingg. Ilvolveil wcre 30Gcars and dealers Ifho reccited theDr n'ere rLl- vised to call them in for visnal inspcctiol and relr]rce arly irlcorlect nnits. SorDe alealors riiil ilot repofi lyhfre orlljr a eisual h-.Dei,tion \tas in rolvetl. \ccoriliDg to our records,2Sg csrs were corrected. (CheYeUesteering shdi "U" joint) Bulletin date: Octobe-r25. 1963. Scries : Chevello-.A.Il rxodels. It was aletermineal ttrat about gE ol ee,rlj' productiou Cherelle steerltrg slhalt couliings llray llate been improperly positioDeal$'hich could result in alis- tortion of fhc fabric joint. Dealers iDslected tho 1.204cars inrolYed for this con- diti.m aDd c{rnected those (:ases \rhere (oupling \vas mispositioqed. Fabric joints 'r-c'reto he replaced if damaged. According to our records, 1,158cars were insperted and corrcction made if necessary. FEDERAIJ NOI,E IN TRAFFIC SAFETY 1l

(CheveUe tie rod clamps) Sulletin date: October 25,1963. Series: Chevelte-All Dodels. i'ie rod clBrnp interfercnce with stlbilize! wa-ar€ported on I csfs. Tbis coDdi_ tiur \1ds possible (luriDg a peliod involving 956 car' Dealers rterc advisealto call ir thcse aars ani:l repositioll tie rod clamp tlolts if xtcessary to elirlrinate i ter_ ference. AecoriliDg io our recorals92? cars were inspected aa(l correctioDs Eade as necessary. (Chevellemast jtl{rhetsleere seal) Bulletin date: October 25, 1963, Series: Che\.elle-All nodels, .qorlr cases lvere reu)rted of cold alr leaks or r\ir )ise at the steeriDg mast Jack0t. J\ tisting of the 1.lli: clrs irLlolved was furllished to dealefii along 1!itb ix-structions to correct tho;:e cirrs with this conditiorl b)' llpltyirrg -lL,rrler. Ac- cordiDg to our records, 1,140c{rs wer('corrected. ( Chovelle brake pipe interferctrce) Bulletil date: Octot]er 2:';,1963. Series : Chevell.--{l I rxodels. int('rlerelrce was reported on a few cars betweetr the Power_ Possiblc brake lixc 'I'he clide shift rod ard llrailt tec to roir L,rake liue. :.2tis udis ilr\'(rlved nore c&Iled in, inspl'ated for propcr clealLxar :lDd corrtcted lvllen Decesslrrl -{ccord_ iDg to our records, 2,170cars were correcteal. (Contaminatetl rear arle lubricant-l'lint 488€Ebly plent-Vehicles $'ithout Positraction axle) Bulletiu date i NoveErb€r7, 1963. Series : Chevrolet-All models. One-half of tbo vehicles l)rod[ced duriDg one Eeek's productioE at the FliDt Plant lrllal the re,rr arlc asscllLbly{illed with coDtamiDat(}}dlubricant R-hich $ould eause objectiolaLrle gulr noise and pirlion bearirg fxilurc 11tlow n]ileage. Deal€'ls \.!ore rrotilicd of the 3,?t'8 cals involved and ilstructLd to drtlil uDd flush tbe rear rxla rrlrl relill $ifh propor lubricant. According to our records, 1,73t cdrs \ero corrected. (Ohevelle frout and rear susllension revisiols) Bulletin date: Deceober 16, 1963. Series : ChevellB-All Eodels. DuriDg early production, 1964 Cbeyelle aear cotrtml arln tetalDlng truta lrere changealfrom luts with lockwashers to new desig! lock nuts. Oo these same earlj. units, there was also tle possibjljtr tlat soDe unijs had ircorrect frort upper control ertrrs inst.Llled. l'be chxirge i[volved ?,025 c.rrs anal thc dealers Fho receivealthenr ri'ore requested to i stall anal properly torque the new desig! leer coDtrol arrD retaiDing ouls. Cars ivere also iDspectedfor correct front ulrpcr coritrol armsr $lrich rvere l€placed if necessary. lccording to our records, (i,1)21 cara wefe corrected. (Wiring barDees sealing aDd routing) BulletiD date: Februarf 2;. 1964. Series: Cheveue-AllDodels. Some cases of $.ater etrtry through the jtiring hortress coDnectors aDd acces- so!J-$'ire gronrrct iDto the julctioD block atrd chassis conoectors were relmrted froDr the lield. Condition particulnrl! noteal on station \r'agons. Dealers eiere provided with serirl nunlbers ot the 20.J00cars to be called in aDd sealing instruc- Uols toprevent co moctorcorrosion irrd F)ssible shortealR-irilgbarness. Accortl- iDg to our records. 16,786cars \\-cre correcteal. (ConYertillle top hoses) Bullctin clate : April 14, 1964. Series : Chevrolet convertible. Xactory iispection rcvealed that a fe\tr cars were built whlch may have im- properlx posjtiore.l fDlding top uppcr troses t}at cauld bieik Jrhen the top E'as ic fi9.1 rjt 12 TEDEEATT RorrE rN TRAFrrc sAlEfrl

lowered. Dealeas were fnrdehed with eriat aumbeB of the 2Of cala inyolved &!rd requesteal to tepoeition these tto€ea if requireal, Acc\ording to our rlcorils, all cars were colaectecl.

( X'ront brake hos€e-WllDingtoD prod.uction) BuUeti! il&te : M&y 28, 1964. Scries : Cheglolet--A,Il iroalels. Fielld leports intlicated a possible coDdition of front b.ake yehict.'s hoses belng t.r\,isteal o_r built during a limited productio[ period so ttr&t contacitoidnt trate drum oD t'ull turn might occur, l)ealers seie notiticd to eait in tle ll.-U64 units infolyed, iDspectfor conditiol aDd correct if trecessery. eccorAingiD ,ur recorOs, 19,11]5ears s.ere mrrecteal.

(Inter{ereuce of Powerglide tr&nsDlission coDtml rod swivel with brake line and/or clip) Bulleti4 date: June 29. 1$64. Series:- Chevelle--Except Ul Caoino aDd Super Sport. The Baltiurore Plant relrcrteil the improper insteliation of the automatlc trans- mission coDtrol rod s\\.iyel $.hich could cause it to rub flre rear wneeLbiake plpe oD somevehicles. Ileahrrs \Terenotifiealto call iD the 422 urits affetita ioi rnspec- tiou of $viyel instltlition and correct lor iDadequate clearo"ce *fre" "i..o"".y. AccordiDg to ou! recorals,407 c&rs $,ere correctetl

( Splittitg of frout upDe! control arm reteiDing Dut) Bulletin date: Juty 28,1964. Series : Cheyelle-Atl models, It , rvas determiDed bI euality Control that aborJt2OEo of tlle front upper cotr- trol arln retainiDg nuts, receired from suppliors, were ot suf,stanAaiffquatity and [rig]rt splir. Dealers were Dotifie{t tn caif in f+,0+f fDsstbbine;ieJcars for .eplacenedt of poor q[ality nuts. Ac(oralitrg to our .'"co"asl fo]1fu;j'Ju"o correcteal. *o""

( Defective pa.rt-Lower control arm strut roil ) Bulletin date : September 1. 1964. Series: Chevy II--4.1I mode-ls, Quality Cotrtrol at Ilrillow Ru[ AseEbIy plaDt reported that lome uDtrs may have been assenbled $'ith lower control ain strut rolds tnnf*""J "*tii ,. o"e end. lloalers er'erenotiffcd that 1ig atrected units \yere to le caffeAGi anA ac_ cordilg to our records, oll but trto were correcf.eil-


r Corrcir Iielat rod-Lo-piltrreDarE attacbDetrt) Sulletin date: September1?,1964. Series : Cor"yair--{ll noalels. _ A pltnt audit inalicated that on some earlX 1065 Ooryairs produced Ruo. at Willorg lh{, castettatedtrur Jr r(,tat-Lr>pilrtra o a"ro aitactneor-;;;;;; il, ""."_ torqupdand strinped. s,,ri.r1tisis oa tLo 3z;, urs invotvearr nri'rriJii"aii'ro ers oeat- rvho lvele requesretl to relllove th,, nut. irrlrct the Brrecals,ieptac. "" ,r."os- sary fird torque to 30 ft. tlls. .{ccording to our iecorals, g6? ca""' *"iJ "*"""teo. (Brake modiflcation ) Bulletin date: September 18, 1964. Series : C.oIYette-AII mode_ts. 521.eorlJ - On ISCECorv'.rles, possible EaDufacturjng tte6clenelesiE tbe frcDt atro TeJr uratL{i i flttncr{ n(',.e.rit,rlFdiheir ro}lacement, R.plc..meot rear frort and _c-olinerswere nhipl,.d to dextrts inyolvcd prior to aliou,rcemeni ciay, tor install.rtiolr be{nre.delirr'ry of Ure ,.ars to customers. Tne reptacementwis maOe olr.)ru.ilrs. accot.dlngto our recotrls. FIDERAI, ROI,E IN TEAFFIC SAFErf l3

( Steeriug coupling-'tilt wbeel optiotr) Btrlletin date i October 13, 1964, Series: OheYrolet-All models. Dqrly 1965 Cheyrolets with tilt-wh€el opdoa we,le aseEbled wtth 'tbe Et€€!- lns shaft couplixg improperl] po-dtioDed atrivor with ixailequate torque on tle reiaiD re bolts. serijrl lists of tlre 853 cats involvetl werc providcd to dealers' alons \ith instluctioDs tor checkiDg &ssemblics aDaLcorlecting rs Decessary. Ac\rordiDgto our rccords, 80il oi the-\€cafs were corrcoted. (Erake pedal ctevis piD rctaitring clip loose o! Eisaing) Bulletin date: October 26, 1964. Series: Ch€vrolet--{ll Exodel8. Durirg .1 QualiLX CoDtrol aualit at the St. l,ouis Plan about 107, oI the cars w"tc uni-o.lwili iricorrectiy installed or missing brake pcdal cleais pins. Serlal lists of the i|,i10 crrs iDvoh'eal were proYideal to 'lcalers so that they could promptly chcck all uoits rrroduced during thtt period, ald cotrecf as necessary' Acci)rdiDg to our lecoral-s.3.1107 cals serc {iorrected. ( FroBt brake cro€soYer pipe-W/409-inch engine) Bullddo date: October 28, 1964. Series: Clevrolet-All models, On Droductior Chevmlets, r'ith 1l{}9 eDeiDe, ther€ wae the possibiuty t'hat the front arotsover brake pipe \tas routed too close to the exbeust manifold. Serial Iists rvere proyitled to daulers of the Bl afrected uxits rvhich werc to be checked anil correcied. os aecessary. AccorriliDgto our ltlcctrds, 0! cars werc eorrected. ( Steering orm inspectioo, 196t-Bufralo Ma[uJacturiDg) Bulletin dote: Oetobe! 30, 1964. Series : ChcYrolet-All models. The WilFington rlssembly Plant reporteal tbree cases of cracked steeriDg arms oD early proatui"tioDcars. ihe crack was evideDt by visual iDspeijtiotr. I)ealera were aiv^ised of the se al nunrbels of the 35,31'1cars that could hare been in_ voivea, antl requestea to sisunllJ' inspect anal replace a]l]y cracked arrns' !!'!ile the recorals shaw 1,317 cals correcteal, it is balieved th{t almost all cars were inspectetl because of the Eti[or ]ratule of the iDs]ecuon procedure. (Ile:rter hose strep rework (light aDd left sides) ) BulletiD date: Nove$ber 9, 1964. Series: Corvrir--{ll modeLs. Ori *"ty po",t",ti,,tl 1965 roodel cars a plastic strap was use'l to retjrin t'he heater--aoi""ia hoicsl llrerkllge of this strap could allow tbe heater hoscs to flb llg]linst tt" tenui[rLl alil qear tb;ough the ho\e Denlers seri' inf')rmcd of -""rii "ii*rr"i ol ihe r.i,002 cars affccietl onil x5keal to tttll rxr" in l'rd i stall a metal retsililg strap '102 correctious $e!e reporte'l bt de[]crs' Il)lrerer' it ii ""ii.ti"o tirrt a irigb percerlitge of deal{rrs alid not report on couections becauseofthe sinllile ho-qerepositiorfng procedure. (Cllitrder head trut torque) BuUetiD date: NoYember 19, 1964. Series : CorYnir-All Erodels. of loss of troque on rocker arm studs and cyliDder head fi"ia-i"o"tt" adviseil gasket "tria riit"',lii *"iib-""tloii e"gin""- Tbis could brte lesulte'[ in eventual :rction, ithich inclnded a \pecicl (oriluins I'rocedure' \r'$s ]iir"t.i'it ",lr",,,iiue 'j]rs "nulq oot takeD. ueul.rs \\{.r. nskefl to rciofque tha studs olr 23.JN;l tntr bave beetr ilrvolleal as these csts came in for serricc' I)ealcrs reDorte'l i'045 ;,;."di;;.- rt is-;stilruted tbat lrant rrore 1!ere corlecte'l as a result of re' llLted rcDlacerneDtsof cvlinaler heaalgaskets. t4 FEDEBAL ROLD IN TRAI'FIC SAFETY

(Possibte grouadttrg of the b&ttery positiye cable) Bulletin tlate: NoYember 20, 1964. Series: Corvair-All models. Olr cars built prior to October 2S, the battery IrsiUTe cable !9as locateal so thllt lirounding to the lront engire shield was possible. De!.lers *erc provided with sorial number breikpoinls and |rdvileal to moilify the 13,5964i1rs that might be affected. Correction involye{i reyisiolrs ir routiDg and relocl'-riolr of the bat- tely harness iD tbe engine shield SToDrmeL 1'his $.rs a mitror correctioD shich was not reported by most dealers, Our recorals show 920 cases corrected.

( Incorlec battery cabl€-X'.emotrt production ) Jlull{-tin datp: Iovember 20, 1964. S€rriei,: Chevelle-All moalels. OIl 323 eirly 1965 Chevelle V-8's built at the tr'retlont Pladt, poditiye battery cables of insuflicient lencth we-re installed. Ibis resulteal in lttetference be- hr'een the cable ard fuel pump and the possibility of insulation rub-through and an cvontujrl tlirect short. Serial lists were provideal to tfue dealers l\'ho were requested to call in Dossibll affccted cars aDd replace the cable. Iccoraling to oUr r(.coid--.211;l(irri \\CrCrorrccted

(Ilear upper control arm-X'lamiDghaD Ilroduction ) Bulletin date: December 11. 1S$4. Serr'esi Chevrolet-All models- The trraminghafl Plltt built 166 Cheyrolets with the 327 or 4{)getrgines, with- out the additional rear axle lcft uplier control arm which is used on these models. Serial lists were furnished to dealers \rho were requestcclto instaU the additional colrtrol arm, aDd :rccordirg to our records. :[6i c:lrs $'cre corr€cteal.

(Disc blake guide pin) BuUetin date: f,'ebruary 1, 1965, Series : Corvett€-All Eodelg. Or a fcw 19G5Coryettes there w&s the possibility of loss of brake action tlue to lack of proper retcntioD of the retainer clip at the outboard end of the brs.ke shoe retaining fin. A lew brako retainer pin entered produotion earll in the model year. Serial li,sts of 4,108 possibll involved cars B'ere proyideal to dealers. It was requeste.l th[t .rll Corvettes produceal i}rior to the proaluctioo change be n]odilied to include the lrew pin. 'l'be oalification was made on .1,137cars, accortli[c to our records.

( Oil leyel gage-Vau Nuys production ) Bull€tin daiie: Uarch 16. 1965. Sedes : Corvair-All mode-ls. 'I'lrc l-an N[J's :ls..ernbh flant produa€d 4U6 C,orvairs with iocorr€ct engitre oll dil) sLicks which iDdrcutod from oDe to two querts low. Dealers rrere furniahecl with a lis!i[g of cars i[volvcd antl instructioDs showing dirrcnsiolrs for the cor- rect aud incorcct dip stifk- The correct dip sltcks .lr'cre therr ilstalled iD i151 of the cars, acalrding to otr records,

( n'ront -suspensio[upper cotrtrol arttr nqts-Baltimore prodnctiotr) Bulletir alate: April ?. 19e5. Sclies : Chcvelle-All modcls. The B:rltjmore ,\ssombly I'lant built 172 CheveUes\rith incorlect froDt upper control arrll atfa.lhjng nuts \Thich \lould not rctain Droper torque. Dcalers were furDishe.l seri{L nrnrber-! rIrd requpsted to call jn clrrs involyeil allal install proper desigl nuts. Oil the possibly affected. ccrs, lhe correction $.rs iBrde olio 145, accoralitrgto our records.

( Irront upper control arm bolt-tr reEont productiotr ) Bulletio date: April ?. 1txl5. Series i Oheyelle-All mode-ls. llhe Irrcmonl I'liDt huilt 3;1 units lr'ith iront upper control ar r attaching bolts which poEsibly had insullicient strelrsth. The suspe4tealtlolts were i(leBti. FEDERAI, ROLE IN TRAFFIC SAT'ETY lo

fle{t with the letter "R" on the bolt head. Dealers were furnished witb s€rial ot carF afiecterl and were requestealto crll cars in for inspection ttD'L nunrters "R". replace bolts crrrying the lette,r According to our records, 311 cars rYere corr{)cttd. (Corvette steellDg damper interfercBce) Bulletin alate: Moy 13, 1965. Series : CorYe-tte-All model$ Th(}re \yere 4? Cor\'ettes l)roaluced\vith the 396 elgine, with a damper on the steering linkrge. It was aleterniqed that an interlerenee contlition caulal rcsult betEceli the sleering damper an'l the oil pxn seriltl lrrrnLl'er lists \\_ere lro- vided to defller-qwilh instructions to rcllovF the drnper iLs\amlrlies. 'A'll but otre of the affecte{I (:ar,sR'ere corrected, ilccording to our records. aRight frolt door locks) Bulletin date : July 13, 1965. Series : Oheyrolet, Chevelle, CoNair-All models Defcctive rj{Crt front door lockB were installed in a number of Yehicle6 et sev- l. eral :rs.\eublj: plxnts. Dexlo]\ \!-r're fntnished scrial nrrnibers of cars affect€d {Dd rcqucstcal io .xll therrr irl {or replrlc:ement of urc d{rcr locli N_lsertlbly (}f 16,130I|ossibly in1'olved (:rrs, 19,3SSlIrIe boell corrected to date. (Ilear brnke hosri ilrtcrfercncc lvith air shock let'eler aro) Bulletir drtc: Au-qu-qt5, 1965. Series : Cherell+-All 4odels. .qomeChelelkrs $'ith optiors G66/6? (Shock Absorbers, Superlift Air Aaljusta- ble with r\utornltic Lor:ol Cortrol) $hore b[ill $'ith possible interfetence he- twee[ the rear bralie hose flnd lcreler arm, Serirl ]ists oI 203 F)ssilrly affected utrils wcrc prorialed to dealcrs Nho \\'ere atkcd to cir€tL u[its and madifJ ag necessar!. j.ccording to our records, 196 cars $1're correcterl.

( SnoF shielil for Po$erglide tmnsmission 'Iv linkage---19G4and 19S CheveUe, 19&i Chelrolet-Equipped $ith Powerglid€) BuuetiD date: February 7, 1966, Series : Che!-elle.Cherrolet {ll models. Unaler certllin freezing c(,rditiors olr slush covetetl ]oaal$ and when driring at ronsttllt spceds \\'ith littlc accclcrrtor linlage hovement, the slush thrown up by the $:heels coulil pack arouDd the TV linkage, freeze, atral ptevent fruther throttle trrorenenl. l)eal(irs \\'ere instr[cted to conttci, owners alrd arrrlllgo to irstall ,crnNshshieid. ll'his contlitil)rr or.rtd possjblJ in1-oh'e1,803,11C cals. Cars correclcd tn (latc, accordirgto imr records, total li9,tl67.


(ReYisions to base tile size) Bulletin date: October 5. 19tii. Series : Chevell(-All; Chelrolet-Biscayne anal Bel Atr' Models. As a rcsult of a cha[ge iD specifications, tire siz,eswele itrcteflsed from 6.94-14 to 7.35-11 :rtu1 t-.3i-71 to i.i5-71 oD ,.18!l .trs in tlrc ChFIoll. Ilel .\ir lual SiscaJne Serics with base tire equipnreilt. Prior to announcenrent alay, de|lers $'ere advised to exchauF0 tires orr these r:rrs 1t locill tire distril)utors, SoDre clefllers di{l not rcport exrhaDgc because it was hirldled bI tllc locltl tire dis- tributor, but according to our re{ords, the exchalrge w&s mldo oD 2,0{7 cars. (Chetelle L-6 dip stick tub+-tsaltimore pro(luctio[) Bulletin alate: Octobcr 1t. 190;. Series : Ohel'elle-.{Il models. Chavrolet-I]altimore built 88 G-cylirder Cbeveuos with 1965 oil gaoge tube \rhich is 2 inches short{rr thin tln' 1{}C6tube. This \r'oulal result in an ovcrfill indicatio4 Sorial lists \f{rro provide(l to the dealers x'Lo $'cro rskud to rol}hce tlle tubo I\'ith correct leDgth tube. AccordiDg to our records, 73 of the cars in1'olvealwere couecteal. ID FEDXRA! ROI,X IN INAI'T'IC SAFETT

(Chevrolet tllt-telescoping steering wheel nut) RuUetin ds,te: October 2O.19S6. Series i Chevrolaf-All models. The Tallf'town I'lrnt onitted thc st€ering wh(fl lllrt on 67 cars. I'he steering whecl is Also retxined bI the tclescoping lock holt and the onlf effect of the steering $heel nut omission is stiff operation of the telescoping ieature. Serial Iists were prorialed to dealers who rrcre rdvised to correct the condition by in- stalling the ste€ring nut, allld thc correctiol \ras made o]1 atl but one of the cars ilvolseal, accoralitg to our recorcs.

(Corrette hearf,-duty disc bEkes) Bulletin al&te: NoYember22, 1965, Series: Corvette--All modlels. Source tdJ'ised that the optional heavy-duty brakes On a few Corvettes were subject to brake shoe and lining separation due to impropcr bordins. Serial lists $'ere provialoalto dealers on units invloved, allal brake shoc as-qembliosBere replaced on 25 of the 27 cars involveal, aceording to ou! records.

( Incorre(t UoDellcr shsft-{he\elle S.S, $'/325 horseDo$er eDgiDe) Bulletin date: Decenlber 1& 1965. Series : Chevelle, Super Slort. At tbe tr'lint and Baltimore Assembly Plants. 38? Chevelle S.S. n'ere built wittr suspectedincoirect propellcr sbatts. lfhis could causevibration at cet&in speeals. Serial lists n'L're prorided to the dealers invloycd. All ulits were to be checkeal and incorrect prope.ller sh.fts leplaced. Comeetions have been rDade to tl,ate on 204 cars, accordi g to out records. (Ilcar brake piDe to boalyfloorpan longitudinal reiDforcemeDtcontact) Bulletin drte i April 29. 1966. Scf ie. : Cbcrrolpt---4-door hardtop. Inlerfcrcrce brtween the body floor IJan lorsitrdiral reinforceDent anal lhe rear brake plpe was discovered on one 1966 prcvitrg GrouDa[s car lr'bich haal complcted I5.000 niles of drrabilitl testillg. tric]rl inslcctio[ revcnl.d thc pos- sibility that one-half of orte percent of the crrs brflt aluring thc lxrrjod in ques- tion bad this con{lition. Dejrleas were furnished ,qorial lists ol a9;i.E20cnrs to be itrspected. All cars were to hai'e the renr brake pipe clip rot:rted 1800 to assure aaiequflte ( Ie:|rirnce. The brakc lil)e 1tas to be rqrlaced if contact was found. Bccause this bulletir bas just becn releaseal,no deta olr t]re Dumlrer of correetiors made is aYailable.

PoNrr c }toroB f)FaaroN Lr€TrNo oF PnoDUcr Bul'"arIN6-P^6sENcEa CaE REclrr CAMp^re:{s-l000 TERoucs 1$66 P,A.asENoE&CAR }IoDEr,s lllo Di.as 1e60 riooEL tEAR (FmDt brake support (backirg plate) steerlng kDuckle) BullPlin dalc: December ,1959. Series: PoDriac. To aroid the possibility oJ damage to front wheel bearidga iltre to wafer or foreigl materi:rl entering Dast the seal, a ne\r front bmke suplort to -steerillg kauckle sealing procedure was made efective in production. Previous to the change, 60,127 cars were built and to euard against possible failures on these cars, dealers were furtrished se.ial nudbers and requested to make this moaliffca- tion. AccordlDg t;o our recorals, dealer-

. 106I !dODEI/ IEAB (PltDan arm torque) BuUetin date: Septeober 30, 1960. Series i Pontiac. .4.flrctory qu itl' rrudit indicated improper torque of Pitman aml nuts oD cars at the PoDtiac Plnllt. Dealets *'ere fumishetl with serial numlers of the 3,?14 cars affe(-'tedand rcrtuested to check torque oD these uDits at nre\\'car pre-delivery in-spe(tior to assure that they woulal mL'ct specificrtions, Dealers did rxrt relrort on this prograu because correction $'as haDdled [s a Ijart of pre dcli\ cr-! crlrdi- tioniDg. (WiDdsbield wiper motor \piring) BuUedn alate i October ?, 1960. Series: Pontiac. lvindshield wiper motor ground strap and wasler wiaes on esaly producHon 1961 PoDtiacs were muted in such a lranqer that they could possibly becodre hooked ovcr the carburctor throttle roal. Dealers Nere requestcd to checl( 10,243 cars built before September 23, 1960, alld lo-route Bire-" if nece-\sarl. Because re-routing the \dires were & simDle nratter, dealers did not submit claiDru. (Acceler{rtor linkage) Bulletin date i October 26, 1960, Serip.: Tempest. In order to provide positive throttle closing should the afteleratoi pedsl tod become disconnccted, a new throttle leYet ,sseDrLl) rnd slriDg anchor were installed in proalu('tion. Dealers \rere fuhisbed $'ith serial Irumbors of the 2,593 cars tbat were produ(:ql pdor to the change Nnd requestealto call then in for instauation of tlle [e\y throttle leve! assemb].raDd spriig ancbor. According to our records. dealers eorr{r(ted 2.5?5cars. (Propeller shaft) BulledD date: October 26.1960, Series i l'empest. An lnterference coEd.ition was noted betweetr the flywheel ioside diameter anal pro|eller shidt flilnge outside dianeter on esrly production synchroDesh tlaDs- mlssion equipped Tempests. Dealers Fere turDished $'itb listing of 4.1uDits iD- volyed and requested to clamfer the propellcr shaft llxrse to prer'ent contact with the flywbeel to elihiDate aU possibility of propeller shaft to cra[kshaft bolts lrecomingloose. AII cars were corlected. ( Tempest prop€ller shaf t) Buneun date: NoYember3, 1960. Series : Tempest. Improper heat treat of propeller sbafts was disco{ered ilr a plant qualiti check on eally productiotr synchromesh traDslrission equipped Tempests. Deal_ els were furnished with serial nuDrber of 900 cars aflected :1nd requested to call I[ owners'cars for replaccment of propeller shtrlt to c.liminate the prssibility of a failure. According to our rccords, deulers L,('atcd {nd corrected S80 ears. (Electlie rear q'indorp contfol) Rulletin date: November 25, 1960. Series i Tempest. On some Teopest station q'agons equtppeal with acceseory electrlc tstl Sate window, contacts were found to be loose resultrng ir a possible short circult, Dealers were furnished \rith listing of ?4 cars where possibttity of this coD- ditloq existed and requested to call oFDera and correct by cementing the con- tocts. Reports show all cors corlerted 18 F'EDDR.{I, ROI]E IN TN,AFFIC SAFETY

(Power steeriog-Irstsllation i!.spectioE) RrlleLindato: December2, 1960. Series: Tempest. Polrer steering booster roal eylinder bracket, power steering retum ho-

1902 MODEI' YEAE ( Staodaral bralie cylinder cleyis nut) Bulle1in date: Novembc! 30, 1961, Sedes; I'o[tiac. Itarly production of S12 staDdard brake equipp€d cats a-

(Tilt steeriDg column) BuUetin date : October 8, 1962. Series: I'oDtiac. Dumbility tests at the Genetol Motors ProyiDg Grounds reYealedthe poesibtuty of ll rrlllunction of tho tilt steelilrg \lhcel positic,ning mechanisxl on 65 cars. Corrrttftc steering coiumns wcre rcphced on all 65 cars prior to delivery. (1963 Lemans (console eq[iplrd) transmissioD parkltrg lock level) Buuetin date: November 6, 1962, Sedes : 'Icmpest, Lellans. An inDrovement in desigD of the console parking lock mechanisE to pmvlde more positiye parking lock aDplication and easier release under all conditiods Fas lratle in uoaluction- I)oalers $'ere furnisheal tith tbe serisl numbers of ?69 early production cars e(luippcd with consoles anal requested to make this ebrDge. Dealer reports sho$ ti?6 units s'ete corrected. (Polrer ateering punp ptlley qrobblel Bulletin date: December Sl, 1962. Series: I'o[tiac. The Lirtalcm Assembly Plant reported the posstbilltlr of lncorrect po*et steel- ing put\lr pulleys having b.!n installed dudng a productjon period ilrol\-ing ap_ proximrtely 1l0O cars. Of th{) cars in-spcctedde$lers replaced 1?3 t)ulleys, ac- cording to our records. (1963 voltage regulator capacitor (coEdensor) ) Bu,tetiDdatei JrlnurrJ 31, 1i63. Series: Pontiac and Tempcst, The crpacitor Nhich \vas instatled to improve raalio r€ception coultl caua€ a mallunction of the volhtge regulator anal prevcrrt tlle bittcrt frctr charging. Dealers B'ere reLluestealto remoye cui)ilcitor fro sij,0?6 aur.i. Accor(lil);{ to our records. 34.288 cars tt'ere corrected. Recause of the siDlDlicity of correetion, manl dea)ers tlial Dot report removal of c[pacitor. (EDgine fan ) Bulletin date : tr'ebruary 1,1963. Series : Pontiac and TempesL To cliDrinNtc posrible fatigue breakage of celtain type engine fan bladcs, dealers $'ere furlis}leal rvill -"erial Dumbers of cats afected and $'ere requested to re- place tbe fao &ssembly ou 40,226 cars. Reports sbow tlealers replaced fans otr 30,910cars, 1064 MODEL YEAN (Tempest UPP'ercontrol arto) BdlletiE date I October a 1963. Series: Tempest. Pontiac Quaaity Control founal that a small Dumber of improp€rlv formeal front upper control arms $'eEein proaluction stock. It was tletemitred that some had b;;r) installed during a periorl of proitu<'tiotr of 1,6?9car!. I)calers \rere notifed of serial nurnbcrs:allil requestealto in-lpcct and/or rel,lace rll upper control arms' flis was accoDpli$rod on all car8, ( Tempest console ) Bulletin date: October 2, 1963. Scrics: l'{)mpest, Lellans. 980 early production rnodets stltl automauc transmission and console haal a milfunction of t}e Deutral saJety an,l heclflrp lrllrp switch. Denlers $ere nofi_ fieal in time to instau a De\e stYitch prior to deli\ ( r.t of cars All CsOcars were correcteal, (1964 PoDtiac upper eoDtrol arm baII joint-Doraville cers) Bulletin date: October 29, 19e$. Series : Pontiac. On 2,0i2 cals built at DoraviUe A.€embly Pla.Dt, the rproDg bsU ,olDt assembly was iqstalled in the upper coutml srm wbicb coulal result in upper ball Jolnt 20 FEDERAIJ EOLE I]iI TRAFFIC SAT'ETY

feilure. Dealds were fumlshed rith serial Dumbe.ls of cars afecteal anal eorrccted aU cars by lastallatioo of the proper batf joint assembly. (yodificatioD ou 1964 Tempest station F&gon x,ith F)wer tail gate winalow) Rulletin dtte: tanuary 29, 19&1. Series : Tempest station wagoD. -Scaling operrtion requireal at the butkhead coDrector to svold possibitity of a short on power tail gate $intloq equipped units. Dealers were'provided lvith serial numbeas of cars to bc cxlled iD rrrd x(lrording to orrr reeorris, 1,629 cars were corrected.

(1964 Pontiac 23-20-2&29 seriee tie roal lusllection and/or moaliflcatior progrera) Bulletin ilate : March 17,1964. Serie{ : Pontiac 23-26-28-29 series. Tlxamination rerealed that soloe inner tie rods instaned on certain cars {lial not meet uetallurgical spccifications- l)eal.rs \r'crc furnished with the serial ollmbers of 28.208cars antl requestcd to call thcm in for jn_

(1964 Tempest Cm conyeldble trame uroatification) Bulletindate: trIny ?, 1964. Series: Tempcst GTO Co[yertible. Ii. \ras decided to have alealels weltl bracketg to rear crossdember of 2,865 GTO convettibles \yith ,cynchroEesh tralsmissions to proviale iDcreasecl alura- bility. Derlers $eae frniisheal serial nrhlers of vehicles inyolyeat anal askeal to cell cars in lor uodificatio!. .{ccoralitg to our recorals, 1,810 (ars R,cre corrected, 1965 MODEL YEAA ( 1965 cruise eoDtrol) R letin date i September 17, 1964. Series : Po[tisc. -::3 e:rrly prodnction cars equipped wltb cruise coDtrol requireal iDsta atiol of spriDg and link asseDrblt/aDd replacemeDt of a racuum pipe to in-sure proler. operation of cruise control. All cnrs $'ere co ected befola alelivery to o\rners. (Pontlac staeriDg liDkage program) BuDetin date I Msrct 1q 1965. Series : Pontiae. The Arlingtoo Assembity Plstlt assejobled 189 cars j'it} steeriDg 1tEkage parts \r'hich did not meet Pontiac durability standards. Deaters were iequestdd to install proper linkage on ttre cars ilvolved and all cars were correcteal. (Right front door lock) Ruueiin date: JUL! 6, 1965, Series : I'oltiac & afeDpest. Dsfective right front aloor locks were tost&Ued in yet\icles at s€veral asse$bly plants. Dealers were furnished 6€rial [umbers of cars afected ancl requcste-it to call tbem in for replacement of the aloot lock assellbly. Conectiols of 4,49s cars hafe beenmade to date.


(Geylinder choke sticking) Bulletitr date: December 3. 1965. Series: Tempest e\cept GTO, Possible cLolie sti(lring conditlon $as founal to exist on 14 cars itr four Zoles. Dealers reho received cars \rere furnished instxuctions to install Dew (hoke parts to elihinate this conditio[. This \ras accomplished orr iLl cars. FEDERAI, ROIJE IN TRAFFIC $AFETT 2l

(Fro[t backiEg plate to steeriBg knuckle bolts) Bulletindate: December 29, 1965. Sedes: Pontilrc & l'elrrpest. Sub-statdard front bucking plate to steeriDg knuckle bolts used duritrg three dsys' proaluctiotr at the Pontiac I'lant requrred replaement on I'3u7 cara' Dealeri were furnisbed serial numbers of cals afected and $ere requested to reDlaee bolts. (lur recortls show that 1,194 cals b&ve beeD con ecte'l to dtte_ (X'ront backing plate to '*teedng knuckle upl)er bolt) Bulletin date: JanuarY ,1966. gerres : Tempest, The Potrtiac Astsembly Platrt produced 30 cars rtrith front backlDg plate to ste;ring ktruckle upp€r'bolt-c of questionable quality. Dealers $'ere Dotified arrd ne\ri bolts \rrereinstalled otr aU cdrs. (Loose wheel 4ut8)

Bulletin date : Aprtl 1, 1966. Seriea : Pontiac-Tempest. The Pontiac AsseEbiy Plalt ploaluced about 600 cers witi ltossible loo6e $'heel nuts on the left side of the car. Insp€ctlotr of wbeel nuts i8 a r€qulre ment of de&ler pre-alelivery inspectioD anil dealers \aere proYided sedal Dunlbers aIlal requesteil io check cars in stock and cell iD those tleliYered to custouera fo! a recieck De&lels relx|rt€d having checked 570 cais to date'

OLDaMoaEE Dri.rgroN Lra"rNG o!' PBoDarc? ButtErrrs-P,lasErcEa Clx EscAlt CAMpAroNs--1960 TI{BoucE 1966 PTB8ENoEBCaB MoDsLs ro DlrE


(EydraqUc brake system (Atlanta bullt cars) ) Rulletl! date i Oetober 14, 1959. Series | 88, S88,C3. Oldsmobile was atlvised of e possibiUty of some 1960 model cals bui.lt at At- louta Assembly I'lant bovitrg contaminated brake fluid. Dealers wer€ atlvised of serial Irumbers ol 4,?18 cars haying this possible condition ald were re_ quested to c&ll iD all such cars ill order t{} dreiu anal flush brtrke system and replac€ wheel atld master cyli4aler r:ubber parts. AccordiDg to our records,3,815 cars wefe correcteq. (Car jeck check) Bulletitr alate: January 14,1960. series : E8.S88. 9& Possibility discovded of oversize lock bar ftrtrisheil by @e Jack suppUe! whlch r! oulal l)revent the rack b{tr from entedDg the base. Dealers were aalvlsed ot serial Durlbers r)f 11.E81cais requirin-g inspection for this conalition aDalac_ coralilg to our rccorals,10,185 cars were correctt{I. (2-barrel carburetor irltermediate choke lever caEpaign) Buller i! dal,ei February 29, 1960, Series : S3, Possibility tliscovereal of choke sticHng otr o specjtrc qfpe of ?borrel carbu- retoa couse{i by the ehoke link going ovel-ceDtet on the cam o:f these carburetor's. De&lers were iequestecl to chrrnge thc intennealiate choke leYer oDd shdft on all such 2-barrel c{;buretors. Senal Dumbers of 21,59 cais requiring correction werc furnisheil to all alealers, a4d the correction was maale oD 19,51i9of tbese, sccoraling to or]t remrds.

( Upper control arm boL Joint iDspectio!) Bulletindate: September1, 1960, Series: 88, S88,98. Bearings used by one outsiale Boppller lr1 upper ceDtrol arm b&U Joilts were toat'ld to bo ixop.operly hgst treated c\eusi.qg possible €atv tallure of t-he bear- 22 FEDERATTRoLE rN TRArrtc saxnrr

ilge- Ths ma,xiloulo number ot ball joints that co:uld jrare been inLrolveal waa 38,000. Dealers were addseal of serial numbers of 14?,166 cars to iDsp€cL T'ho inspectioo plocedure first involved identjfying the bau joint supplier. those joints manufactured by the sullplier iD question \\'ere taken apart to ex- pose tle bear:iBg. rltlxe with a lrarro$r grooye were knoFn to be qrestionable and required replaceme[t. Our records shor! thrt 133,136 of these c{rs $ere inspec,teal and/or co[ected. 19OT }TODEL IE.AB

(Roar axle housing teplaceioent oDa[ rear upper coDtrol arm bracket reinforcement) Bulletin date: Noyeeber 8, 1960. Series i 88. S88.98. _ On rn e:1IIF 1961 produ.fion vebiclo being tested by engtDeering, & rear arle housing weld failure was eDcouDtered. Dealers were siven serial lluDo,bersof 16,261 cars to l.'c caUed in for axle hotsing replar.enrent ancl re-neldilq or upper control arm bxacket. This correction was Iuade on 15,8?? cars, according to our records, (Reroutilg hyd.aulic brale pipe) Bulleti! date: Juno 1, 19ti1. Series ; 88. S88.98. - Possibility discovered of iDrterfereaeebefiveeD the brake llDe and tbe flange at the speedometer cabte iole in the lower trody on early 1961 modets. Deale; ad- yised oI serirl nuBrbcrs of 40,021 possibly affertcal clrs to he cr]]leal in, aDal of correctiyc 1.{ctionto be takcn for rcrorting of Iflrliu line anallofatiox of retailiDg clips and screws, Dealers corrc'cted 3?.?0?of these cars, accortling to our record;

1S 62 MODEI- YE- R

( Ilydrar!.etic oramral linkage ) Bulleti! date : October 26, 1961, Series: Siar'llre. _ S_ome-19ti: Slcrfi.es produced at aasenbly pla s did Bot have proper manual Ilydra-lIatic trnnsnissiou tinkage adjustmeDl which, unaler cert;in_cotditions, coulal result in incorrect gear selectroD. Dealers \.ere adriseal of seri:il numbel's of 1,682cars that could be allected aDd of necessarj:lllanual link$ge aaljustmen e to be Dade. These elrrs B'ere to be corrected tluriDg new car pte-cfu[rery inspec- tiolrs, prior 'to delivery to rctail purchasers, so alealers tlid Dot relort corrections.

(Repositior brake tine clip (Kansa6 Oity !.,S.5ooly) ) Bulletid alate: Noveeber 17, 1961. Series : l'-35. Dealeis aalrised of sedal numbers ot 886 cars posgilblyinvolved to inspcct, anil, it necessary,r€locate brake liDe higher on the frane side rail ou n'-85 cais built at Kansas CitJ. l{o reports are available on the nuurber of cars conectetl fjecause of thc linited number inyolved, dealers IJerforme{i this work at \ew Cdr or 1.000 Ilfile InsDection6. (Poil er steeriDg bearingi replacemetrt) Sulletin date: May 9, 1962. Series: 88, S88,93. jeolrte,l _ ThFrc \\ere Jietd Floris of Jailed opper thrust bcar.ings {}Il early pr@ ducfioD 1rfi2 rnodel c.rl,r utuil,pcd rvirh power gteerinE, which coulal cauae bindins nr ruugbrrcssin lhp silr rinA geflr. Dcrlprs lIerc furnishcd eeri l nutubcrs oi 21ti.55CcrLr! fx:}slibll efTe.fcd axd they \rere re(lnestcd fo call ilr such cars for replac_ementof the Hrrnst bearing. Ilealers mealethis correction on 191,07ttcars, eccoralitrg to our recor:ds. 1963 I'ODEI, YEAB

(Water pullrp Eodifcation ) BuUetid date: Noyembe! 30, 1969. Series : 88, S88,98 i Starfrre. Solne water puDlp asseDtblies on 19G3 fuIl size cars dld not meet OldsEobile reliability atandards and coulal allow the beering to move forwartl in the pump FEDERAI, ROI,E IN TRAFflC SASETT 23 houslnS causiDg radletor ilasoge. Dealers aclviseal of tlle s€rial 4u.Dlbels of called in for arld correctioD of this conditioD. Ac- 33.885 cars to be inspection 'were cordiDg to our recoads, 31,708 of tiese care correcteal.

( Carbureto. xruep rod ) Bulletio date: June 14, 1963. Series: 88. S88.98 : Starfrre. Dealers adyised of possible inco|Iect purnD rod instaued in productioD of 4GC carburetor-equipped cilrs. Dealers furuished with serial [umbers of 3,6?7 carg possibly afected aDd reQuestealto call t'bem in for inslrection anal auJrDecessary correctioD. Our records show that inspection or correctlon rcas Daale on 3,245 cars. 1004 vorEl- IoAB

(Oruige conlrol regulator ) BulleriDdatc: December:o, 1963. Series; 88, S88,98 ; Starfirr, I-€5, Jetstar 88, of cruise control eDgaging *ithout presslDg the codtrol Possibly aliscovered 'on" s$ itch button wlreD tie srvitch knob was in an position. Dealeis rvere Iur- nirhed serial numbers of 2,437 cars possibly allecteal anal requested to call theDr in for corr€ctioD. Our recoralsindicate that 2,198cars were corrected. (Oil pressure r egulator ralve) Bulletin date: Octob€r 28. 19$3. Series n'-85 'lrith V-G engine. Cold oil trapped behind the relief vrlve ill the oil puDp body caatlDg cauaed noisy \'dlve liftcrs or danage to the oil filter, Deolers were f[mished serial DDrDDelr.)f 1,61]4('ar.!- tbat Driglt be rficcled, Nnd \vere requc$tcalto c[l] in sucb cars aDd insailll a new style plessure re.gulator valve iD tbe eDgitre oil pump. AccordiDg to our rccords, 1,601cars E-erethuE corrected. (Defroster louvers) Bulletin date : December 20, 1963. Serics : p-85. Possilrility discovered in early troduction F-€5 mod€IB that tbe d€troder louvers could be inlt)roperly posilioncd causi[g slow defro,sting of the wiadshield. l)ealers were furnished serial lr]rnrbers of cars to I€ c'alled in to hrve the louvers readjusted. Of :i7.-1ti3cxrs possibly involved, corruitious were uade oD 3:,:N-1, accordiDgto our recorda. (1964 delure s€at belts) Buletin date : December 20, 1963. Series 83. S88, 98 Stardre ; x'-85 ; Jet6tar 8E. On detuxe seat betts the bclt :rdjustinB mechanism would slip rvheD festened under graalual prcssure, but would hold or irnprLctload. Dealers \yere fumiihotl serial numbers of 20,3:1 (lrra possiblj'rllccteal. aDd \lere reqursted to call in each car for iDstallatior of tle Der,_,iD)plored scxt belf l,al'ts. TIis rbaxge waa Eade in 18,180c:trs, accordiDgto reg)rts r€ceived from derlers. (Po$er bfake vacuuo checli valYe) Bulletia date : JaDuary 29, 19M. Series i x'-€5. Possible loss of vacuum assiBt on po$'er brake eqdpped cars duriug frst few brake applicatrons in colal weather on a nutuber of La[sing-huilt cars. I'his did Dot affect man[al breaking operatiotr of the systeDr. I]cilers werc furnishod se- rial numbers of 12,025 cars po$sibly affected aDd requested to call them iD for replacement of the vacuum check valve. This correctioD was made on 10,7&i of these cars, accoraiirg to our records.

(tr'-85 wiring harness) Bulletin alate: n'ebruary 3, 19S4. Series: X'-85 statioE wrgotr. Possible corrosion of electrical conncctors on st:rtioi wagoDs rvith power tall gate winalow which could cause system to becoore inoperative. I)ealers were FEDEN,AL NOLD IN TRAFIIC SAFETY

furdstted serial Dumbcrs of 3,745 cars possibll tffected and .nere requested to call irr these cars for correctioD. !hej. corrccted 3.335 such cars, accorditrg to IePOIts\\'e rrr'|.j ted.

(88, 93 series inner tie rods) Bulletin alate: March 9, 1064. Serielr: 88, S88, 98 Sttrflre, Jetstar 88. Eraminntion reyealed that sohe inncr tie Iods ir).(ta1]edon celtllitr cirs did irot meet mctxllufsicll ftli€cilications. Dealers weri: furrished with seriai tulrLrers of all s[ch crrs poBsibly affe(.ted &rld requested to call them ilr for inspe(tion to locate anal repla(e aDy questioirable pafts. Of 3t.I07 cars Irossihll inyolved, deal- ers inslected arrryor replaced 3i,l?9. i((rordin< tD our records. (1964 beater core) Rulletin date: April 27, 1964. Series : 88, S88, 98; Jetstar 88, F-85. Ileater core l(}akg discovered i! a numbe.r' of llx4 Drodel air conditiotrer equipped ctils. Ilealcrs were furnished scrjal nrrnbcrs of 105,498cars possibly afectd alrd ll'cre requested to cnll iD such cars for iiorrectioa. Thoy reported correttiDg ll9,O14units.

1$06 }{ODEL YDA} (Master cyliEtler to jurction block liEe fuU size car) Buuetin date : September 10, 1964. Series: Jetstar 88, Starffre, 88, D88, 98. Bralie nlasler cylirder to jurlctiolr block ]ine rvas reatesig[cd -qhor y after thc start of production to eliminate the lrossibility of fatigue darr g{] du() to vibra tion o\'er er.tended tilre usage. Serlal Durubers oI the 74!t.ars possibly in.r'oh'ed \rrere $etrt to dutlers $rith instructfu'rs to h{\:r) c{}rrectioDi ltrai}e on such cers Ilefore delivery to retail eustorrers, Thjs corrtctioD $.as tlade ou i!l: elrs. at: cording to our records-

(Neutral safety switch wtttr autoEatic traDsmtEstoD,) BulletiD date : NoyeDrber 13, 1964. Series: Jet8tar 88, Starfire, 88, D88, gB. ft was detemined tbat 4,745 Deutral saiety switchee ueetl iD production dlil not meet sperificrtiotrs anrl woulal allolr the car to start in a range other thatr park or Deutral, I)ealers were furnished serial nuEbers of cars lossibly afrected. Srgitches r,vere to be replaceal otr eU 23,600 cars IJroaluced dunng a speciffeal prodtction period, because defectiye units coulal not be readily identifed. According to our records, 21,585EFttcbes were teDlaced, (Vacuum trunk lid release) Bnlletitr date; NoveDbet ,79&4" Series: 98, The operating shaft between the vacuum release anal the trunk lock could bleak, making it impossible to open tear compartment wittr key or vacuur lelease. Dealcrs furnished with selial Dunbers of j,(}24 cars possibly afiected aDi[ requelrtedto eaII theD] i)r {or Decessarycorlections. They reporteal correcting 4,499 of these.cors, ( 1965air conditioning fan lhroud ring) SulletiD date: JaDua.ry27, 1965. Series i Jetstar 88. fDAuficietrt clearance betweeDthe faE Ehroud ring and the raaliator core or the shroual ring attaching bolts rras discovered during .eliabitity &uditB. This could cause radi:Ltor darnage. Dealers'were fumished rvith serial Ilumbers oI 9.685 possiblt affected cars antl requested to call theDr irr for neccssory corleclrons, Ihis correction wasnladeoD 3,180c&rs, accoralingto our records.

( Right froDt door lock as8erobly oo 88 end 98 t\eo-door styles, alt F-€s'B ) Bulletin date : July 1, 1965. Serles: Jetsta.88, Starnre, X'-85, 88, D88,98. I)efecti\.e right front door locks were installed ltr Tehicles at several assembly plaDts- Deakrr-r 'w''ercfumisheal serial numbers of cars afected &Ddlrequested T.EDERAI, ROLE IN TRAFFIC SAT'ETY 25 to call tliem l! fo. .eplace@eut ol the door lock assembly. O! 23,188 cars possibly iDvolved, the conection was made on 21,G64cars to date, accordiDg to reports from alealeas. ( 1965 viste Cruiser rerr arle housing) Buuetin drte : July I 2, 196i. Series : Vista Crulser. The radial weld between the arle housitrg aDd brackets, but not the tack rseld, was found to be omitted on some assemblieafurnished Oldsmobile for the Vlsta Cruiser. I)ealers were supplied Fith serial uombers foi 21,442 cars possibly affected, atrd requ€sted to call the cars in for insp€cfion cnd $€lding if found Deceasary. Dealers made this inspection aDd,/or colrectiotr on 19,!99 cars, accord- ing to our records. 1806 !dODEL YEAA

( ToroBado vheel Dut tolque check) BUI€t.n alote: Dec€nber 22, 1965. Seried : ToroDatlo. Zone Setyice MaDagers $ere furnisheil wlth serial Burlbers of 2,608 caaa oD wbich the wheeL nuts might hare been oyer-torqued dur:lg a short period of ToroDado proaluetion, Dealers lvere furnisheal sith serial Durnhersaod requesteal to check aod correct the torque, if trecessary, on esch car ilspected. ?o date, correctroDshaye be€n made on 2,490such cars. (Rear camahaft end plug lnsp€ction) Bulleti4 date: JflDuary 14, 1966. Series : 88, D88, 98, Toronado, Starf-re' Jetataf, 88, X'-.86. A few 1966 v-S eDgitres $ere built with the reor camshalt plug pres8eal too far into the block-a condition th&t coulil cauEeflear of tbe camshfrft llug and eyentual oil leaks. Dealers were furnished serial numbers of G51)clrs possibli effected, so that such cars could be itrsflected aod correctiye actioa takel if foutrtl Dec€ssary. Our records show itrspectioqs bave beeD quile on 610 of these cars to tliate. ('I'orooado right rear wheel spindle lut) BuUetlD d&te : Janua.y 21, 1966. Serie8: Tororado. Because of the possibility of inproper torquiDg of the right rear spiadle nut oD some c€rst dealers Fre.e furnisled serial Dumbers of 608 (?rs and rcquested to correct these cars before deliyery, or if deliv€retl, to call io cars listed so that proper insDoction atrd adjustDrents co[ld be rD11alo.this $'ss a Datter of imDroper bearing adjustmert oDIy. According to our records, 578 of these cars have been Itrspectedto date aDd adj ustments hade where necessary. (Eood latcl release leverassembly) Bulletin ilate : Aprll6, 1966. Serles: 98. X'icld relorts iDilicated tlat some hood latcb release lever ass€mblie€ may binal due to corrosion or lack of lubricaDt at the pivot. Dealers $ere furnisbed with seaial nunbor.^ of 59,507 cars afected aDd requested to call jn such cars for iDstallation of an imploved release lever assembly. Because this campaigB is a recent releasc, reports of coDpletions have not as yet been receired and Drocessed. (',Quadrajet" carburetor fuel iulet plug) Bulletin tlate i May 6, 1966. Sori(,s: Cutlass.+ -1 :1.Starfire.98. ToroDado. Firkl l)ersounel relmrt sone cases of gasolile leakage due to iDrproperlJ fitteal furt inlr't core plugs olr crrs cquipped $'ith "Quarlraiet" carburetors. This coo- ditioll (ould trossilly causeI lirc in the srgir)c r{,ruptrtrne t. Dealers \yerefur' nisled J'jt]) scrinl ,urDbers and Ndvised to rNll jl] -lg,fisg cars Jor inspectioD. Of 26 FEDERA]J NOI,E IN TN,AIIFIC SAFETY the total cars to be ldspected, 42,606 conld. require correeticD to s.ssurc that the eore plug woulal trot corae oot, This campaiga ia a cu$ent releaae aEd deatrer reports orl colrectlon haye not yet bee[ reeeiveeal.

(Raaliator core damage (IF{ with airco[dltionins) ) BuUetiD date : May 6, 1966. Series: F-€5 {I"-6). OII a yery limited lurnber of F-{5 six cyli[ale! cars eqlripped rrith air condi- tiotritrg, there is a possibilily that after a perioal of tiriving, the hom and/or. tle lorver radiator air seal 1lley come in coDtact \Tith the radiator core and in thie €yent could drmage tirc core. The flrst 5?5 clrs equipled {s described may be iDvolyerl. I)ealers wcre fl rrished 1i.ith serial Dumbers alrd requested to insl]ect and correct jf necessary. This carlpnign is a current release &nd leports haye not beeDreceiveal and proce$sed.

BurcK trforoB ])rvrsroN LrsrrNc oE PBoDUcr BI'LLETrNs-PaE€ENGF,R CaB. REoAII CAnr pArGNs--1960 TTBoocII 1968 pasFENoEBMoDEr,6 To l)AaE

19OO MO1|8I" YEAI& (MaDual anal power brake correctloE (Atlanta assembty ptant oELT) ) Bulletiq date: October 5, 1959, R€gulai aeries. Analysis of brnke fluld samples indicated tbat mineral oil contaminant was iltroduced into the system at the -{tlanta AsseEbly Plallt. Dealers $ere aalriseal of sedal numbers of 151 cars har;ng this cotrditiotr &nt[ were rcquestealto drait and flush the brake system aDClreplare wheel and master cIljnder rubber parts. All of lbF a$efterl carE $.erp corrcatFd.

( IDatallation of gas tatrk fuel ltne clip) Bulleth date: X'ebruary 29, 1960, Regul&! eeries. Iospectloo revealed thnt some cors had beetr built \sithout a fuel ttDe cltD. which ptevents the li[e fronr contaeting the mufrer. D€alers were furnisheal with serial numbers of cars afected and requestcalto inspect 2.?44 cars anal in- stall a clip on cars as requireal. CheckiDg for this conaiition \Tas a simple opera- tion aDalof the cars inspected, only .13required clip installation.

1gG1 ]{OSET. Y!"AB (None)

1902 MODEI, YEAB (Power steering year adjuster plw modiflcatiotr) Bulletin date: May 10, 1962. Reg1rlaraIal special sedes. There \rere isolated lield r€Ilorts of lailed upper thtust ,beariDgs on early production 1962 lrro{lel ctrrs equipped with poFer steerirlg. which coulrt cause btndirls or roughness lD tbe steering gear. Dealers were fumished serial !um- bers of 133936 cars DoasiblJ affecled; and thry rvere requested to call in such cars for replaceE€nt of thrust bearing. According to our records, 1?6,?09\rere corrected.

(Brake pipe clip repositioling----{ytrchromesh equipped specials} Buletitr date i May 11, 1962, Slrecial series. A feld report was teceiyed indicating a clearatrce problem betweeD the i(Uer 6hoft liDkage aDd brake line. Tnspectionin the plant conffrmed the report. Deat- ers furnished Eith scrial rumbers of the 24.?41cars afrected and reouested to call them in Jor inspection and necessarJ corrertion. Ac(irrilir1q, tn our records, Z),&32were corrected. FEDER,IL BOI,D IN TRAFFIC SAT'ETY 27

1908 taoDELYElt ' ( S teerlDg qheel trut torque ) Bulet ! date: Octrber 1, 1962. Regdar getles. Quality CoDtrol checka revealed low torque on the steerl[g wheel tlut O! ear\t proaluction !'lint built ca!s, Dealem 1'e.e futDlsheal with the serial DuDlerj! of tie 4.27,{ca.rs effected and requested to Dake corlections at netr car alelivery lDspecijo, or to cau tbose carE delivered back i! for Decessary coDectioD. l-or. thls reasoD and alue to tle fact the correctiol operation was minor in nature, alealer8 did not subEit teports.

( Cruise c\ontrol modifcation) BulletiD date: November 2i, I lG2. Regular series. Da y proaluction csrs equipped sith cmiae coDtrol required itrstallation of aI! lmproved pulleJr anal bracket aDd power unit asseDbues on 4153 cars to itrsure ploper operation of the ststem. Dealera were furtrished with serial numbers o! afiected cars and repolted tirat 3,845were rnodified.

(Brake pedal retaining bolt inspectiou ) Bulletio dote : June 5, 1963. Regular aeries" A treld report indicatetl biqdlDg hr pedal push !od. Investigation reyee-led IloBsible loss Of nut due to improper torque, There wAB no loss of brakes, bUt pedal would bi]ld or becomelooae aDalmove exceasively. Deaters furnished wlth aeriel nulrrbers of 4J25 WilDritgton asseErbledcars anal requested to call. them itr lor necessory inspection. Of the 3,319 cars iaslected, yeay few were founal Fi t low torque. 1OO4 !{ODTL YEAB

(Riviera plnlotr nose aBgle adjustnents-f rst jots) BuleUn date i September 18, 1963, Riyiem series. Pilot tests Bhowed that original piDlon aDgle desiga could cause vibratioD and shudder complaints oD the firat 900 cars built. pinion angle lvas cb&nged to coFect tbis colalition. De&ler$ irere furnlshed with s€rial ourllb€rs and leported the correction of 684 cars.

('lbruue inspectioD check) BdletLl ila te : Octob€ r 0, I CC3, Speeisl series. Platrt qualitl audits shorved lo$' torque otr upper front itrner Diyot shalt-to ftaBe bolts. Serial numbers Fere establlsbed baseal on torque audits coveriDg 417 caxs. Dealers were requested to perform A torque check, which wes corr- pleted on all of the cars inyolveal.

(EDgine oll puIrlp preasure relief valye chang€) Buletitr d.a.te: October 21, 1963. gpecial serles" Cold oil trapped behind the relief yalve ia Ure oil pump body casting caused noisy lifters and damage to the oil filter. Dealers were furoiaheal seriol num- bera of the 20,336 cars that might be &trecteal anal s.ere requested to call in such qrrs and install a Dew style Irressure regulator valve in the engine oil pump. .A.ccordiDgto our records, 1t],36: cars rvere correcteal.

(Rear sospeDsion control arm trut) BnUeti! date : Deceob€r 9, 1963, Special series. I'icld surveJ results inalicated that torque epedncado!! were not b€llg maiD- taitred i[ son]e ilstances. Ne\r torque retertion nuts ri'ere releesed for producr. 28 FEDERAIJ ROLE IN TBAFFIC SAFETY

tion anal for tastallation otr 31,t)0 cars in the fleld to insure mainteEance ot adequate torque. Dealers were furnished with setial Dumllers and requested to call c|lrs in for correction. Our records indicate ?2,972 cars had new nuts ilr- st lled. ( Oycrheating of electrical colrllectors [e&r fuse block) ButletiB dale: Januart 14, I9&1. Special series. I dcaler product relmrt indicated a possible short at the fuse juDction block on early production station $'ago s equipped witb powet tail gate leindows. Dealers *'ere furoished serial Dumbers of 3,00; c&rs possibly affected anal \tere requested to call io tbese cars for any necessary correctioDs. TheI couected 1,293cars. according to our recolals. ( "Custom" seet belt repl,acement) Bullettn date: JaDuary 15, 1964. -\.ll rnodela. On deluxe seat belts, the belt adjuEting mechanisltl could sliD s'hen fastened uDder gmdual Dressure but woulal hold on impact loaal. Dealers h-cre furnished seriel numbers for 1i3,860cars alrd [-ere requested to call in each cal tor ilr- stallation of the new irrproyed seat belt parts. they reported trrl)dilicatiolr of 15.014 cars. New seat belts shippeal to dealers no charge, The correction oper- ation \\'it! minor in rature and rnDy dealers did nlrt report corrections,

(Power brake vocuum check valve progmm ) BuUetin alate: Jenu&ry 20, 1964. Special series, Possiblc loss of vacuuD assist oD power brake equipped cars during flrst few brake applications in cold weather otr 6,433 I{itrt built cars onl3. This did not afrect marrual Lrrtkitrg operatiol of the systert. I)ealer.s \\'ere furnished serinl numbers of cars :rffccteal aral iDstru(ted to call then in for replac'el]rclrtof the check Talye $'itb 3,90?(ars modified according to our records. (Replacement of right and left tie rods) RulletlD date 1 March 11, 1964. RiYieaa selres, Dxaminatron revealed that some tie rods alitl not meet 4etellutgical sp€cif- (:rtiorrs. l)ealers fumishcd $'ith serial n[mbers of 3.000 cars thal riight be affcctcd alrd they reported replacing tie roalson 2,642c'ars. (Foltling top hldraulic hose relositiotrilg) Bulledn drte: Itl.rrch2i, 1964. Rcgula r series--Convertibles. Ilspectio[ relelled that some hyah&ullc hoses $ere lmBroperLr lmsitioteil and coukt breDL $'hen thc colvertible top rsas actuated. Campalgxl was ilitiated to re|osifion the hose on the suspected49 cxrs inr'olved. Ilealers furd-rhed n'ith serial ulrlber,. of affe.rted cars aDd requested to ('tll them iD $ith fi of thenl reported corrected. 1965 MODEi YEAB

(Tralsmisgon control lever stop plate, upg'r series with automatic traD$mission, stee rg colunn shilt and $'itho[t tilt steering llbeel) Bulletin date: September 21. 19G1. Regular series. Thet€ $'as a possibility that a few 1965 Lesabres and Electra 225's built i[ Flint coulal hive in(orrcct transnission control l€ver stop plates s'bich could result in inrorrect ge:rr selea:tiofl. I)e:r]ers ttrnished n'ith serial Duml,er! of the :199c[ri] illrolved. 'l'her" rctrortcal :l]l of theu iDsIX'(ted rDrl (.orr€(teri lr.rrcquire.l. FEDDRAI, ROI,E IN TRAFFIC SAFETY 29

(Il,epl&ceurLrt of steedng interDrediate roal) Bulkrtin datc: Decenber 18, 1964. \\ itdcat rnd l;lectrir sPries. Proying Groullal durabilitJ tests turdi.nted that high milelge failures of the steering ilte$redilrte roal \\ ere a possibiljtl' on the lirst 9,865c.rrs built. Dealers wer€ fumishecl $'ith seriol numbers of cars affected aDd rlquested to call in cars for rep}LcerreDt of st€ering intermediate rocl. Dea.lers corrected 9,821)cars acc{rralingto our retords. (lt{)tacing UDI)ercontrol arn} to frame attacbing bolt lockidg nuts) Bulletin d.rte: JaDu&rt 19, 1965. Special series. Qurrljtl Control doily (.becks reyealed that 125 Baltimore produced cars trray bare bccn shipped witb incorrect upper conlrol arrlr to fra4e rttaching nuts. Dealers wer€ furrished witb seri&l ntrmbers and reDorted tbat corrert nuts were instnllcd oD all o{ th('se.

(Possibiuty of incorrect torque oD lelt tie rod eBil to steeriDg arm trut) BulletiE date: f'ebruary 12, 1965. Resulat series- Quality L'ontrot inspection showed the left tie rod attaclritrg nut could be lot' oll torque clr 70 c[rs shipleal. Deale!_s\!'ere furtrished with serial aumbers sdil requested to crll c:rrs in for retorquing of tbe nut. All of them \sere reporteal checked :lrd corrected as re(Iuirod. (Brake-fuel line clip irNtallatio!) Bulletin date: February 9-1,1966. Skylark (19&{), SlortrvagoD (196.f). A iicld survey illdiclltl]d lh.rt ll rubbiDg coDdition coultl exist betwee[ the braLe li[e an(l the fraDre or sourc cars where a clip was omitted. Dealetr were furlrisllpd with senal nuNbers of 24.68.3cars ard requested to call them in aDd inspo(,t ior clip iDBtallation. llealeh reportcal irLsl,ecting anal instrrlling clips h'here rr0cessitryoD 16,441(lrs. Due to the sm'lll 2llnount of inspectio[ alrd cor, rection cost, rxatry deaiers did not report or corrections.

( ltedr brake pipe inspectio end repositio[iDg to avoialcoEtact with tail plpe) Bulletin date: MDrch 11,1965. \fildclt and Dledra series. Quality Control checks reve&lealtbat possible iDterferetrce existed betwe€D t_he tail pipe and the brrke liDe which is attached t.r rear axle lLousirrg$ heD n very hervy )oad is ir thc trunk. Dealers tvere f[rnished wittr serial Durubers oi 66,110lotentiallt' affrcted cars aDd re{tuested to jnspeft for possible intejfejence end lo reposition tho brake pipc if necessarli- -\ny brake lines rvhich showeil signs of corttact \rcre to be reDlaced. Our rocrrrds reflect -47.010rr-ere insr)ecteal arrd r'olrecteal as required. f,Iahy delrlers diat not leport o1rthis conditiol L;caus€ the il :rl)L\.tiolrand correction lrocedure $as a miDo! oleration.

(E[eedlalnp yisor syetem improyement on 1965 Rivieia ) BuUetin date: Jutre 11, 1965. Riliera serios. - tr'iel(l erperieD(,e flnd I'roying CtrouDd testiDg revealed corrosion of linlsge bearings alld bilding of hcrdlaurp yisor system which could restrict smooti opei- atioD. Dealers \rorc frrnisheal sedal nultbers of the 26.410 cars iuvolreil auil reqnesteal to inslrll Do\\" parts designed to corrc(t..onditioD ils requircd. Our recorrls indicate th:lt 1?,192 cars rrere correcteal. i{any owDers alid not relurrr their cars for modificitioD because tbey experieDced Do l)r(t)lems. s0 FEDERAL IiOLE IN TRAI'IXC SAFETY

(Buick de$lers receiyisg Tremont aFa€rqbly plent Bp€cial loodels with righl front door lock to be replaced ) sulletiD date: Jult 21, 1965. specidl series. I)icfcctir'('riitht front door loclis \Yereinstalled iD a number of Yehicles. Dealers _{r-crcfurnis}rcd scrial nudbers of the 1,117 cars llfected and requ.}sted to call them in for replaceDreEtof the aloorlock assembly, 638 cars have been mrrected to d[te. (Re&r axle housing braeket welds) Bulletin date: Juty 30, 19135. SportwagoD. A field "irvev ildical.ed that on a few cars, the radial weld between the rear a-jile housing and brackets but not the taeli welal was fouDal to be omitted on so-c as"corbiics. I)ealers &'ere giveD selial lrumbers of 26,100cars aDalinstructed to inspect each cnr antl welal :ls required' They reported 1![,266 cars inspected or coriectetl ns required. Some caseswere not reported by dealer'r \lhere routine ilspection reyealed that &'eltl was satisfactory. 'l!'ilmington (ReDlacement of 15" x 6" $heels on some B-O-P bullt Lesabrea and Wildcats) Bultetin itate: August 27, 1965' LeSabre anal Wildcat seties. 'lYheels l'i{ld failnre reportcal bJ dealer to tr'litrt Ser{ice I)epartment. io_ yolveal vere shipperl to Buick for analysis, allal the problem was immediately investigatefl $ith the telrdor. Serial numbers $'ere furflished to deder-s $'ho n'ere requestetl to repiecu {11 $'hfds on the 11,282 cars involr'ed. The problem wgsr limiterl to s(rme l,esrbres and Wildc:rts l)uilt at thc lYilnington AsseDbly Pla[t. 11,25?cars rvere correctealaccording to our records. (Rear brake backirg plate nut replacement) Bulletin date: October 8, 1965, LeSabre series. Rcliahility aualits anil results of a felal surveJ revealed the possibility of low or loss of tbrque on rear brrkc backing plate nutrJ. Nerc dcsigl torque reten_ tion nuts were aalopted in productioD, and these parts were furlrished to alealers for corrcction of cars solal by them. Dealers \Yere furnished with ser'ial numbers oi clrrs Fffe(ted rDd requested to call in owners'cars for i[stal]ntion of trew alesiqn nuts. this pr,)grlm 1v:rs extendetl on .'Lpril 2tth to include 51J,20:[cars Finca s[bsequelt tcsting irdicated a possibility of other cars beiDg affected' Original progr:tm inl'lrlved 86,?92 cars $ith correctjoDs completed on 83,763.

1966 MODEI, YEAB (Four-speetl madual traDslrission shifter atrtl bracket assembly dodification) Bulletin date: November 24, 1965. Skvlark seies. Soine cars jn the Sliylark series were built \Yith a transmission shifter and bracket asse hly that could allow for incorroct gear aelection. ]iellacement Dlrrts aroiileai porrilrle inaalTertent selection of thc ltrong gear. Serial lumbers $ere furnisheal to dellers aDd they reported that they called in and corrected all 251 cars lDeolteal.


( Beaa susll€trsioD lower link modiflcation ) Rulletin alate: November 2, 19i9. AII series exc€Itt cororD'l chassis. Engi[eering tests at the Gtr{ ltovlng Grounil8 and feld reports leYealeil thait some rear suspension lower link assemblies lnsta ed in early 1960 model c&rs -"!


had soft leal splltrg eyes. It was deterrained that 12,873 crrsr were- lnvolYed oDal deolers were firrElahed serial numbers al1il requested to call them in. Both liD.k asseDblies $-ere replacealas n lr€'cautionary measure to prevent possible failure itr the field. Accoidfug to our records, 12,608 Tc')icles $'erc Dodilied' ( Special drums atral wheel cylinders for certain 1$60 comDercial chassls)

Bulletin date : December 11, 1959. CoDm'l chagsls. It \os discovered that rear braLe ahum to body !9heel house clearoD(€ wag inoalequate under so!)e conalitiatns on the flrst ?2 rehicles protlu(ed by one custotr body builder. This was the ttody builder's respoDsibility but Cadiuac tlealerri assisted 1|t'inst-alling special rcar breke druns arld wheel cyliDder as_ a€rxblie,qto increlrse rlearaDce ui'ith the body. tr'rotrl oor re'cords 68 GxrectioDs were !rade. (Brake hydraulic pipe iDslrectiotr) Bulletin date: tr'ebruaiy 16, 1960. All series. X'actory iDspectio! discoYered that on a few cem the hydraulie brake pipe waa lnco ectiy routed near the frame froDt crosstaehber arlil could be dahaled by contact B'ith the eDgine pulley or f,io\1er steering pump belt. Dealels were requested to inspcct 9265 c&rs proaluced drlrirlg I limited I]€riod ot productioB. The operltion x'as simplf to move the pipe a$ay from the pulley aud b€lt aDd deolers did not relrcrt oD this couection so records are not av&ilable. (Rerouting of siDgle notor aix-way ae!i wiring) Bulletitr date: August ;. IOOO. All series except 75 scrie,"and comm'l chassis. Fa{itory inslectio[ discorered that a nunber of cars haal ineorrectly routed feed \'ires altal switch harress for the single motor six-nay seat which could cause chaflng of the \.iircs witb the Dnalerside of tbe seat cushion aDd reeult iI a shot circuit. It rvas determitred thct 38,125 ('arn could be involved. Llealera were furDished serial rlrrlxbers of cars and requested to inspect affected carB and reDositjoD ttre hartess if occessary. !'rollr our records deelers reported 16,928 requirirg correctiou, 1!61 MODE YDA'I ( Fro[t susDensiooEounting bolt rloditrcotioB) Bulletltr dste : February 3,1961. -\ll series. It \rrs discovercd duriBg Proving Grouod dura.btllty testhg tlhat the tont suspeusion upl)cr control arm mouxtiDg bolt reteation might b€ inadeqoate on early 1961 tr(xlels. -A.tlout.15,9(;J cars were inrolved trDd t|s a prfirautiola.y measure, tlealers \rere requested tD call them in foa replaeurent of DouDtiDg bolt8 &od washers. f,'lom our re(ords 4?,499 uBits $ere rnodiffed.

1962 MODIIL YE.AB ( Improved brake vacuum assi8t unit ) BullettD date: Septemb€r l, 1901. All seriea. X'aiitory iDspection of tlre lirst group of brake lracuuli aaslst u,Elta from @e Bour(€ iralicated & possibility that Eome units eight be improp€rly crtmpeal toFetLer. As a precautioDar:y Dreasure, aleslers E'ere requested to call itr 1,000 cars th&t might be afrectcd for replacement of the brake assist rssembly aDd leturn the origiDal uDits to the factory for exarnination. Of tie 1,819 carg corr('rted notre of the returDed units \\'cre found to be def€ctiye. (Mester cylinder modincatlon) NoYember 28, 1901. All seried. As a result of iDfornation obtaioed from the teld. it was deterrfaed ihat about 250 of the llrst ?,088 msster brske cylinater assembljes for 1961 modelE producetl by otre supplier &ight haye an improperly assemble{i rcar seal. 1l 32 FEDERAI'IROITE IN TN.{FFIC S}IITY this seal leaked lt would afieci the froDt brakes only. Replacement unita \tere suDDlieal to ale&lels who were furnlshed wi,ur serial 4umberB arrd requested to call in r'.'ers invnlvecl, OrrI r€corala intiicate 6,623 ctrs were inspeetetl ard corrections maaleas requifed. ( Rear lower coDtrol lln! attactiDg scr€w modifieatioD) Bu.Ueth date: NoYember 28, 1961. All serleG except comm'l chaBsb. I'actory irspeciion of psrts funialDd by ttre supplier revealed tu onect hard- o.e* of s-o-e ^{,rew" r€ta_iniltg the forward etrd of the rear: lower cgnrml link oD .*rtai" .o"ty proaluction cais. Dealers \tere supplied with -serial numbers ol the m,211 cjripossibly affecteal anit itrstructed to r€place all eight scre$'s in each of the c€rs, A?cortling to oul recortb 18,?81 cars were colrected. ( SteeriDg gear atljuster plug mo aliflcation ) Bu[etin alate: May 4, 1962. All Eeries. There n'ere isolated field reports of failed upp'e! thrust bearings on early proaluctio[ 1$62 model cars equipped with power ateeritrg. strich- could cause biondioe o" roughDess irl t}e steerilg gear. Dealers were furoislled serial Dum- ber8 oi the 87,014 cars possibly affected anal were requestetl to call in euch ears for replac€mert of the upper tbrust bearing. According to our records, 76,958 cars wetre correctetl 1963 MODEI, YE.A.B

( X'our blade fan modiflcation ) Buuefin dat4: DeceEber 13, 1962. All series excellt series ?5 and comm'I chassis. Provi[g Grouid durabiilty testitrg iDdicated that engine fans used in earry oroductrofi Don-air conalitioned cars haal a short serrYice life An improved fan ;as introduced in proaluction. The motlifcatioo inYolved 10,91)2cars anal deal_ erd were supplieal with serial Dunbe.s of the€e carB adal requested to replace lans $ith tne inprovea type. According to our recorals, 10,694 cars n'c, e correct€d. ( $ngine w8.ter outlet pipe ) Bulletin date: l{arlh 29, 19&}. All eorios. !'actory lnspeetors reported t,hat tie by-p&68 openlDg in the cyltrder beaal wafur outlet pipe was not ilriled on certaiD eDgJtr€e durlng part of a day's ploducdon. Dealers were adYised of the 272 cars inYolYed antl requesteil to tDsp€ct for anil drt[ tlle by-paas op€triug if lequired prior to alelivery to oI\'rrers. Aeoordilg to our recorde, 22? @rB were cofl€cted.

1S64 MODEL YAAA ( ltwtlight sentinel modiflcatiotr ) Bulettn date: October 31, 1963, All seties e*cept comm:l chassis. tr'rom fleltl rellorts and subgequetrt testing, tt was determined that some of tho flrst c4rr prodoc€d were equipped lfith e [wllight Sentinel aec€ssoly whlch mlght haye aE inail€quate thermal circuit bleaker causltrg erratic oper&tiol. Dealers were lumidheal wlth serlal trollber8 of ttle 3,963 cars involyed aDal reqellstetl to iDstatl an lmproyed attrl ifler and photoce[ package. Accordiag to our recorals, 3,794 cars were modifed. (Ilood ls.tcll loodiicatiotr) Bulleiin date i November 1,1963. AII ssries, x'ield reports were received of lmproper hood lock adjnstment and scconalarx latch enrEagement ol early 1964 orodel cars. Desi€in improyemente \rete made in production and d,ealers l{ere furDished with serial numbers of t]1e 23,011 cars lnyolved. Car6 were called h for aoallflcation ol t'he hooil la,tch assembly and a@oraling to our riecoral-s21,921 cars reer€ cgrrected. FEDERA], ROLE IN TRAT'F'IC SAFET 33

( Etrgine coolaDt roodificatioD ) Bullerin d&te: JaDuary 6, 1904, AU series. Fectory hfl)ection tuscoyeled that only ethylene glycol was lDrtr e(l iD the coolilg syste.m ol e few cars instead of the proper glycql aud water mi-ture. The #3 csrs lo€gibly iDvolv€d were all in dealer stock &Dd they were requested to check coolart before delir'ery to owners ond co.rect if necesssry by eddjllg water. Ilauy alealers $ould not report on this problem; hosever, our records sbow 2?5 ca.rawere corrected. (FroDt suspensiotruppe! bau stud lock wasber modiflcatiotr) Bullotin date: January 16, 1S64, AU series. Factory qualiry insDection revealed tl1at loek wasberB of tDsut0cieot herd- qess were used at the froDt suspetrsion upper ball stud durlng a short period of proaluction, It waE determitred tnat 4.620 cars wete possibly affe(ted and dealers wer6 fursisbed Fitb serit-l DuEbers theee cars, No efiect on ile suspen- siotl was eyer observed, bot it wfts decided to replace *-a6hers ae a precautioDaly ueasule. Dealers reported correctiDg 4,579cars. ( Steeriug tle rod modl0catiotr) Bulletin date: March 6. 1964, .q.llnlodels. ItxrnijnetioD re\-ealed that so&e lDner tie rods iDstalled on certah c{rs altd not meet netallurgical speciffcations. Dealers were furnished with sedal nrrln- bers ot the 21.177 cars inrolyetl and rcquested to call ttrem in for inspectioD to 1ftaie aud replar:e alJ quesHonable tarts. According to our records, 1l).i61 cars $'ere inapectealand/or replacaal, ( Convertible top hydrooLic ho€es) Bulletin date : April2,1964. CorFertible6 onlt. Factory itrspection revealed that a few cara were built whlch Dlay hare im- properll Dositioned foldiDg top uplEr hoses tbaf could break wh(:n the top was lowered. Dealers were furnished rritl serial nunl)ers of the ii1 crrs idvolved and requcsted to lelloNition these hoaes if required. According to our rec.orda, 59 cars $'ere corrected.

1086 MODIIL IEAB (Rasr coil spdng to fran)e i[terfer€Dce) ' 3ulletin date: S€pteErber18, 19G4. All except corn 'l chassis, Factorl rofld testing rerealed that o few of the flrst 19S5 model cala mlght produce a noise going over bumDs dlle to interfercn(e bet$'een the reflr coil aprings and fram{,. l)ealers $'ere ra{uesl,cd to chr{:k the 2,212 caIS inrr,lyed ond correct those erhic-bs'ere noisJ prior to delirerl to owDers. AccordjDg to our records the 361 cars thdt dealers fourd requirirg clanges ll'ere corrected. (tr'ront inner $'beel bearing lubrication) Bulletitr dote : NoYeEbe. , 19611. A1l oodels. It was found through facfory insl€ction that some cars asliembled during e period ilryolving 6?5 cars haal irNuffcient lubricant in the front inner wheel bearing. Deolers reere advised of the cars involved end requested to inslrect for this cotrditioa a]lal lubdcate if required prior to delivery lo customels. According to oor records dealers touDd that 547 cars rcquired hbrication.

( Difterential lubricaDt mod"lflc&tion ) . Bulleti[ ilate: Januuy 19, 1965, All serie& X'actory iDal)€ctio4 tllscoyered water ln the differentlal Iubrtcut used ilurlDg o short Il€rlod ot ptod,uctloa. Slace thls could erettuaur caore djfferentiet u I'EDEN,AI/ ROI,E IN TNATF'IC SAFETY loise anal gear failute, dealers were advtsed of serial numbela of the B,igO carg iat,olyetl aDd -requestetl to chaDge the contaDrinate.-l tubricaDt, Ac\coiding to our reagrds, 3,732cars were correrted

(Eeater c'lrcuit modlfication ) Bdletln drte: March 8, 1965. AU Beries except ?5 selies. Factory iElcpectiotr discoyered ttrat the heater circuit on some noDair c\otrdi- tioned cars was incorrect atrd multl possibly result iD an electrical failurie, Dealers wer€ adri-red of tJ1e 9,236 cars atrected and rcquested to relocate the resistor &nal to install a heater cireuit kit. According to our recorrls, g,9gg ctrg Fere couected.

( Couyedible top rveathersealing modifl catioD) Butletin date: Aptil 29, 1965, Conren jbles. Itradcquate veatltersealing on 11,349 eatly coEvertlbles coulal eause water leaks. Dealers were r€quested to install an inproved deslgn $eatherstriD on cars req[iring a correction. According to our fecords, 5,011 cars rvere corrected,

1O6d MODEL YEAB (I,uel pump) Sulletin date : September 23, 1965, AD series. X'actory inslectio[ reyea.led that the fuel pump might b€come lnoperatiye oD afrovt ftqa of the first 699 cars proaluceit. A Eew pump was shipped $.ith eoct (\ar which dealefs were requested to install prior to delivery to the customer anal accoraling to our tecords, new pumps were installed oD all of the cars.

(BurDpe! jack hook) Bulleti[ date: SeBteno,ber29, 1965. AU series ercept 75 series and cornrn'l chassis. The bumper Jack hook8 wer€ olrltted from the frst 2,082 cars sbipped. The paats were f[.nished to dealers in time so that iDstallltioD was made on all cars before deliYery to ownets.

(Automa ic leeel control comDresso!) BulleLin date : October 21, 1965. All sgries except comm'l chaBsis. tr'actory inspectioD dctermined that the eutomatic leyel control coqpressor valye could stick. It inyolved 1,707cars equipped with this feattrre, The failuae ol this derice did rot atrecf yehicle olrerauolr, Its o[ly fnnctio[ ls to maiDtaiq body leTel regatdless ot y&riations in passedger or cargo load. Dealers lycre furnished with sedal nurnbers of cars rvhich may be affeetealanat were reouested to call iD owners for replaceaent of the comXlressor. AccordiDg to o1rr recorals, all of the c&rs itrvolveal$'ere corrected.

(X'leetwood seventy-fve rear A,/C BDit modlfcation) SuUetiD date : October 28, 1965. ?5 Eerlesonly. tr'actory testilrEi indicateil inadequate condensate alralns on the drs,t 98 SeyeEty. X'iTe serlos cars equipped with air contlitioDitrg. Dealers Fere requeFted to call ln cars involyeal and install an additional drail alrd ascording to our recorals,m ears haye beea conected to date.

( Cruise control throttle litrkage eodlfication) Bulletin d&te : December ?, 1965. All series excel,t com!]1'l chassis. traetorj. engiDeeriDg tests revealed iDterferenoB betweeq tbe Crutse O@trol throtUe linkece anal the air cleaner air horn if the latter was irnlrolcrly in- atsUed iD seFice. Tbis coxld occur only in relerse at $'ide-open throttle. This FEDDRAIJ ROI'E IN TAAT'FIC AAIEITY 3E possibiuty Ilrolved 5,536 a\aaaaDd dealera n'ere Juroisbed with rerial lutrrtrels od cars lnvolved aud requesteil to itrstsll a lhk&ge shield to eltmtlste possibiLity ol iuterference. AccoraliDgto our lecords, 4,490cars have been corrected to date, ( Seyenty-Fiye serieB sedaa sir-way eeat interfereace) Bulletln tl&te : January 31, 1968. 75 aeries only. Tbe drst fen' Seventy-Five serie$ carE €qiripped with a aix,w9y front seat &lght haye an interierence co ditioB betweeD ttre seat aDd ttre auxiliary foldiqg seet& This mdkes it diflcult to pull dorvn the folding seqts. Dealers were furDished with serial numbcrs of the 50 caas iDlolvcd cnal requested to reDlace frotrt seat adjusters and lrlign the folaling seats ou cars afrected. According to our recoadE 46 cars h&ve been correcteil to date.

{Fuel taDk y€ot DoditrcatloD ) Bulletin date : April29,1966. AII series except coem'l chaBsls. -X.ield iDformation i'dicated a fuel tank veltirg proble!4 on tie dtst 1900 models. Ioproper vetrting could c&use ablormal iuel orerllow and tliffculty ll flliEg taDk completely. Dealers were futnlshed serial numbers of 23,491 car! involveal atrd requested to call theE in for iostallatior of an impror.ed yetrtiog aystern. .l\is modiocation progra& has just been released; therefore, Bo corre(\ tiors baye been reported bt de&lers.

FORD MOTOR CO. Fom Moron Co., Dearbonr.,)Iich., lI ay 5, 1966. IIon. Agnerreu RrsrconF. A.8. Senata, W&shingt,n;, D,C. Drun Snxaron Rrlrcor"r: In response to your requeS, Foril Motor Co. herewith rnlkes alailable to r'ou & complet€ rtpoft on Droduct servicecampaigns conducted br, r I'ocompanv ?rom 1960to the irrese[t. CrmpriEns'areihc rrrearrsbv ichich we makecorrections in cr6 rwait- in ing dhip..-menr,'flre.y trrnsit, alrerdy in dealer stocks,or in cu"tomerst hands. lre mlrlc rrithout,charge to the crrsromers. For each d",np"isrr rte have includid the title. t description includ- ing corrective actioir taken, the number of units irrvolved^and'letters a report on results. In additiol, rvo have included samplesof prep&red for dealsrsto sendto ou-qtomorswho have not reslxrnde.dto tclephono cails. . As will becomeapparent, ]-na..nyof the campaigns iu this report rnvolved modlhcatlonsrntended to marntarn or rmDrovocuslomef sr[isfrction, Thev had rrolhingto do rviths,rfet r, Thev rtergrnxdg to colrect Droblem"ssuch ns nat6r or dust Ierks. wind noi$. vibrntrons. looss ornainents. missins ashtrav lishts, rnrl malfrrnctioninc cloc[ reselcables. lYc reDlr""j oil dipisricEstllrr rr-eretoo short., ',rrecled. strtion wagon trilgnle l'rndles bfiat damaged pa.in:t,and stoppod con- dcnsationlelks frr,m rir conditioners. Usullly.-rss*mblv tlesc prolrlems occur in only a small mrmber of units from a sincle planr or parts .unplier. ItlL'n thouch tlrel a.re supeifi"irl.rlresp*.onditions detrrrct from crr:ronrcr"at isfacr inri and frorn n qualitl rcDui:rtion thli l'e rlc worliilg very harcl to mnintain, Iloit iamp;igns, wheLherrelrrted to snfety-or td oustomer sltisfac- tion, corr-ect-poientirlproblems detectcdbefore the products gst to the


36 IEDERATJBoLE rN TnaFrrc sAr[]ry

oustomers. Durine the past 2 model vears. for example.49 of a,to0ol of 5? campaisnsi'ere iiritiated on t.fiebaiis of info^rmirtionderived fron, our eirgi"neeringtest ing and qr ral it 5 ilspectionsystems, and with- ouLa sing)ereport o,[ prob]emsrrilh cursh cusLomeruse. In a new c:rr. the cha.nceof experiencinE-Ouianv si$ilicrnt mechanicsl problem rilecting sxl'oiJ is very sliglrr,. coimprchensivesystem of inspectionanl qurlity conirol, including the servicecampa,rgr, -provides eflective prbtection lo our customers. The attachedexfribits documentthe exhaustiyeand careful rttention wo deyoteto maintainins tlle salety and qu.rlitv of our ploducts and reflect the current rolici o-[ Iord -Motor Co.:' 7. To be contcieniioui arul pet sistent in dealinq ntith prodttct prob- leezs. Custorner confidencein our products is fvital cbmpanv'asset demandingconstant,mana[remolt &ttention. product problem . 2. ,To camp.aig.nall potential so,fetyhaaards. If a involvessa{etv. rt is camDargned. 3. To comiu)en oll oriobl",n' )nportanllu afeati,no custam,cr sat h- fartion. Otir cun".rn ior ihe ' omfbrt conv-eni6nce,a'nd eniovment of our cuitomersis to be demonsLntedbv pronrDt cofre.f.i;n of such -nroblem'. 4. lo communirate Dromptlu"u:ittt atld elfectipel,uuith, d,eal'ersand cus- totl€rs in m(rtterl concenid 7/roduct bafety. Ctstomerc a.re reauhcdbv rclephone,tcleqrrrph. rnd rcgisterednrail. Under 6rrr crirlent poli'.-r-,ill'rcca.tl riotiliurtions to customersspell out the exact nature i.rt tlie'conplaint, [nd, wher safety is invoh]ed, contain an explicit refercnceto thrt elTect. 5. 7'o npgrarle thz speed,efi.cienry, a. th orouglLnessof our aom- Tairtn_1,noc,dt,res.,By usingtlle most adr-ancedtochniques available, rncludrng electronrcda,la ploce-csing, rve are continually improving our idenri ficitinn, rcpori; nc, ind f ',1'}o'r'rp s1str.ms. TIe number of servics camDaignsin *-hich we have engagedis a measureof the stringent crit€iia'we appiy to product problems, and not &n index of oualitr'. The -\\'e-svstems and nroceduresre follow are detrilndrnd r,,rnprelren.ive. lrke pride irr the lengrlr-to tshich Jcego to assllrc our: customersthat thel can h&ve confidcncein the safet v. reliabilirr'. ' lrl',r hi lit r'. r n.lner forn,n n,"e ef orrr nroduci s, fnbrrr serr-icecrml,rigrrs, rtehri'e achier-cd a high oierall percentage of recall and correctjol'of'defects. A re-sFonse.-of100 nercent rs nor usuallv possible becausesome os'ners refirse to brinE in their cars. ((lost)) In othei case-",cats &re tlrough theft, exporl, ior a variety of other reasonsover which rre havenocontrol. The proceduresinrolved in a s€ryicectmpaip[r. startins with detec- tion of-the proble.manil proceedinc throuEh t[e manr si-e]rsttken to completethc.rmpaign. rrre illustrricd in an attachmeiito ihi. renort. The moderrrrutonrobile is a machineconceived by humln minds, built byhuman hands, an<1usetl hv lrnman beings uadir a wide variety of conditions. No other firncfional norcumpr prodrr,"t embodies so manv inlerdspondcni.opera.fing systoms. \o olher consumernroduct ic ellbjqi'tto io ride a rrrirnce iir useand ahlsc, and to sur.hrritical performancestandards. TEbDRAI, ROI,E IN TBAfiTC St'EfY ET

Tho immensely complex proc€ss which produces the *utomobile is usuallv called mass^otreDroduction. Iei-evclr sinsle of the 9 to l0 nrilliorraulomobiles beirrg L'uilt this rear ii the"individuali2sd product ol thousrnds ol hrrlils &nd macliir,osinLe.rrcting seqrrenr.irlil on itboul 1i.000 par-15.l^"1t o1 Lel' tlrere '1';1115 rS lll Illt|| llrP l'11'LlU'I Ol llsu\rlr lill{'plOdu.l l,'ll colll- plex, The total systemin-volves many basic industries.Dumerotls tech- irolocies.anal liundrecls o{ tnanufactuiins processes. 'I'he possibilities for error irr ,,n1' o{"theseproces:.:s! nttLging from enginedringilrtough nrirtrrtllctur rri rn.l ,r-s.inbly,arc so gipit asto m,ilie it irftr'itabld thrt some de{ecls will csc&pethe most ela.borat€ tesiirrganrl irsllctlon lrrocedures, Somedcfects-for exa,rnl)lc.ruetlLl- lurgiea) irnperleclioni-rnry becomea-pptrent only after prolonged use, The product campaign is the last line of defensein our qualitv con- trol sf item-tho merni by rhich rve colrect defects that irc not dis- corercd until the p|oducts havc le ft the as-seurblyline. Considerin.sth infnite va ltiorrs il Iurrrairbehayior rnd the f:rl- libilitl'o{ mac.hjnasancl s-vstelrs rlcvisetl bv human ninds, the stand- ards of qualitv and dunbility maintaineclby the automobile indust.ry SI | | | (Llllet.lttllC il mlrXC le OI OUI InO llsrrl lll 1qe. In subnritting this rerrort I rvish to assrire vou that Ford Motor Co. will continuo to-particifate in aJl effofts to bring about a ntionr] solu- tio-rl1. tbe gruli rrrtioirrl problem of highs-:r-riaccident-q, clerths. tnil lnlurles. T\''c have eonsistentlv maintnined a position of sa.fetv leaciership both inside and outside our industry. lifore than 10 veais ago. Ford ilitir.rted the first systematic vehicle safctr- research effort eler nnder- trken. ThlorrgJr originll reselrch rncl grlnts to indiviclrrals rnd in- stitutions such as the automotjre cnsh iniurv research pr'uranr ol Cornell ITnirersitr',rvo tloneered in in.tnimcnted crrsh iestinq and relrtorl technologlr rnd c-ontributed significantly to understar,iing of th'.''seconrlcollision" nroblem. Orrr 1956 safetv packrge rrac ihc qrpatest single adrrnee in im- protod passongci protection in the histor-g of the inrlltslrv. Wo Ir..lrpcontinued to improvo ihlr packngo. TTe hlsn estensireJvpro- morcrl the use of sclt lrelt-sas the nrost plactical aDd efiectivc -rinlle de- licc for reducing deai hs rnd iniuries in a.ccidents. Il'e welcone the heightencd prrblic interest in safety and believe thnt it will lcad to rneininE{ll irnprovements both in the clrr and in all'We other elementsof lhe slfetr orltation.-interest will meet this awakened with intensified efiorrs ro crente proclrrcts that ofrc,r optirnnm safety. fn nddition. we will con- tinrre to urgc :rnrl s|lpp'rrt vig.,rous rnd ;ffel.tirF nniinn in impr.oving dri r-er performrncn, lrighway construction, r.chicle mrintenanie, laws and Irrr enforcempnt.re,.ocnizinc lhat onlv tlrrouch rr comprehensive and systenutic anproach to the total safetv nr.biem crn tornorrowts accident .tr t isl icsbe redrr.ed materia lly be)o"w ioday's. Sincorely, An,rlv }ftr,r,rn. 38 FDDENAI/ BOI,E IN TRAIFIC SAI.DTY


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CHRYSLER CORP' Crrnvsr,nn "oor. trlaY!' 1*u. Senator Ann.rrrllr A. Rrarcorrt genate ord'lV ofrce Eu ding, aslington, D,C. L)n.rnSexeron Rtstcorr: Your recent requestfor in formrtion- gives us l.rrot'Uortunity tD castsome light on one lrceLof lhe estrlordlnary . f"n t ir,it is madein oul indusLtl: I t, rs"utc l lte qullit "r'o f orrr pro'lucts aod'lrornr heir sr feand satisfaciory u.e [,.vthe 1,rr Ll ic. the start of our 19b0ntodels, ehryslcr Corp' lrrs produced ;.1'lfO.SgSr:el'icles in our lI.S. plrnis' This'plotluction representsthe design.{rbri''riion, an'.1|a'scml'ly o.f tn0 billion individual parts.bvan atnr-*gn,l lL)0,000lrulkers lnnullll in our l,llttrsand.a tnu' lL hrger nunrbi:rof rr'-otkersin the plants of our' 1C,000supphers ln nc:rrl]' eYery Strte-'it in the Union. i. . tribute to the diligence and craftsntanship of. theso.tensof thousand.sof American artto-rvorkels rnd to the industr5's quality.con- trol that fewer than one out of ererl l00,000Prrts antl asqernLliesltave had to be luct"-ined after lcttvit'g-finr,l lsscrrrbll phnts Lrccausethere .rrasa nossibi l it v o f lessrlrtn "irtisf rrcl orY pel [ol nlirllce. Ir, ii alsot"siimonv to tlre ruto indrritir''stledi"ution to prodrrctex' cellencoth&t it has n6ver spared efort or expen'c ti I l('r'uto irnd correctt rrherencce.sary, parts thri ma1'hr.r'eslipped rlrlough the mosi strln- 'eent qua-trtvsurvelllance' Ti^u "nd asaitt we Llrc called in and checkedthorrsands of vehicles to locnte and corrcct a DliDutenumber of lrrrtts tltlt l1'erenot to our satisfaction, Currentll rve lre in the proccssuf che-chi:r-g-16,704cars and 83,590wheels to lbcate 960 unsatiifnclor.v n'elds' \1'e -areclm- p"iJ-(ni,igt" rlter a brakeprrt on 6,995r'ehi,'lt'i on lhe.LrrsisoI a silgle ieporte,imllfrrn,'tion thlt neitherwe not the rclrortlttgrgency hat€ sincebeetr able to dunli.rte jn exltlrtstive road testi. .{lrd \veitl'e cxll- ing in 16!,000cars tb cltn.k lhe Lighincssof a-sttspension.slrrlt nut' -\tLl"hed. xs v911lgqqe.tcd, jj il sllmmlr.v ot lhe 2+ such eamPalgns \fe lrr|u condu;ted driring ilte prr.i i mo,lcl -\e:r rs. To llre lrosslble J".,rii^*nt,ol our indu:tnj arrdtire lrunrlrcdsoi thousandsol rrorliers *fi" r"U" iJ up, t"t" 1,,,Llicirt capitll lrrs beenmatle of llre lact thrt our industr'-ylas alulys condrlcied such campaigns -as t lte u,ltlma(e stcn in a lorrg and thnrough processof quallty control. . I et the vAry flci thtt we-have alqa-vs done so, r'oluntarily and Nithoui orrtslde ,o"."o"". is witness to oirr dedication to the saietl' and the qurlity of our product. , srncereryt Ha,nnv E. Crnsnenouog. Crrnrslrn Conr,, trlay 19' 1966' senator -[sRA,,eMA. Rrnrcorr, Okl \eru,te Ofrce Bwilding' W ashington,D.C. Dr,rt-Snxeron Rmrcorr: A review of the atta'chment to my-lettsr to y"o a"t"a-lt"y f, feO6,indicated the following clarifications should be ma(le: 66 !'EDERAI norrE rN lRAFFrc gAtrETy

Iiem No. 15should reatl. t,1965models,,, Ths cars referred to in item 17 are 1966 model year valiants and Darts. Tho cars roferred to in iten 19 included some bodv stvles and som,eunirs- equipped w_iLh rn oversizebrake option oi Cli4,sler's, _,Dodge Polara'sirrd .[[onaco's,and Plymout,hFuq,. rnarua you tor m&klng ths &bovea,mendmeDts to my prelious cor. re€pondence. Sincerely, Ifunnr E. Crrusrsnoucs,

Tle 24 iuspe

_ X'olloFjDg is a llstin_g oi ttre 24 inspectiotr campaigrr conducted by Ohrysler CorI).. vithin-the part ?,moatel years, coyering vehicles produced beg{;triDg witb tbe introductr'on of the 1960models: l. Iletallurgicirl suryeillalce checks iDdicat€d that sode front suspensionheight adjusting bolts in onc lot were harate ed beyoDd Chr-vsle. specitrcaaionsand tiat soIIIe of these might hn ve bee used on n sma,ll nun3ber of 1960 Valirnt iutorDobiles. Although the driver's rbititX to coni.rol the automoblle rgoulcl not have been matcrl'lllly rlfocted. failue of the bolt could hase caused the c:!r to so into full Jounce olr one -qide. llbe probability oJ such a bott failure o,as vdry ,*-ote, themain danger heing thit thc bolt Jeouttl give wal $.hile the car was on a hois[ durilg scrvice. The possible .t.026cars that llrigha be equipped with theso bolts \rere checked, To our kno,ir'1edge,no bolt failureB were reDorteal. 9. -snrvelllance checks revealed that the tube conDecting the frorjt wheel brake cylindcrs wa_sDi,llocated aluring assembly on some number of a possilrle 12g.615 vehicles Dr.odrr(cdprior to Deccmber, 1S59. On the afr€ctealcarg, the rDislocated tube tended to rtlb on the brake drum resulting in a scrapitrg rmise. If the scraf)iDg noise were ignoreal by the driyer anal the cat continued in use, failure of the tube could havc resulted, n'ith a loss of brake fluid anil the rjossiililitr of brakeJailure. In Decembcr of (lealers 'were 1959,all to \sholll these cars \1.eresbipX,eal instructed to inspect {ll affected cars anal replace or reposi on the tube. Data is inadequate to state deflnitell ho.w maDy needeatcorft.ctioIl.




3. The front brake hose retaitrer on an unknorvn nuEber of a pogslble 1?'0t2 \:aliants \sas f.rbricated. sitL a sharp edge s'hich could have rubbed against the brirkc ho\c ulliler extreme jounce conditiolrs- Chatng ot this hose could hlYe resulted il the loss of brak; fluid alld subsequent failule of the brake systeE' ili" aa"g" height of the l)t]lcket was increx-


Usts of tbe cars and wittr packages ot replaceDetrt- parta wltb h8tructloD8 to io'u1i fiti". o" utt of tbe afiedea ca!s' even il no looseDess lould b€ det-ected' irti,rtil"i,rozu"t 31, 1965. each o$ner of recor'l Iras notilied to rcturD to bia iiuii" ioi.li -o"" "onvenient, any authorizetl dealer) inuredirtL'lv for^ installa- ii"" "t ine "ew slatt. Ilrstallaiionof De]v shdfts hss been reported on 40,22?cars 6i a suspect"o quantity of 63,538 cals. tr'ollow'up thlough the dealers by our R€sional-i%_. Offces ts continutng. serere test cycle a poi{er brake booster lailure iliO* "" u**telated;xtra (1id o"fi""iJ ui trt" cn"ysler Proving GrouDalon ore test car, but' the flilure Dot i"*rtt i" tl" ""-ptaie loss of bra-kes. fhe conditio[ \{as deter ined to b{r caused it o""",.ii" nuf." i" the booster shell, \\-hicb resulted. in thi$ instar|ce' ilr stripping "i iome of tbe eight ath(hing screns No reports froD the lield i[" tnrliio- possibility ii-rro":J fr*t e booster failure:s hatl trcen receiYed, bui' to atoid any i? L""u"auon of the shelLs,nuts fi.ere io)mealiately added itr production to all uu I r.lober ti' 1965.li'ts ol 'ars iueolvedsirL inslalla' iioni'uttu"fiioc *""*ws. ('\ 'Dcte tiin oroceduree r,rere sbiplFli I o dmlers confpmed. and on l be aaDieoalo- oi tr"-" ii,ZZi "u.. wbich ioul{i have b€en afrected were notifetl imuediatelv to io"i*t-u" u"tno"ireal alealer to hate the nuts added' As of 'Aptil 1, 19{16'some e.lOO "urJ n*a been serviced, aDa[Regjonul Offices lrre eonductiog a follow-up calrlDt-iii-;;io"siUre ian. itrterlerenc€ betwee! the froDt brake hose arld tbe brake dlulo t roIB aoO7".-"t""io" a marim'-rm of 82,?&4\alialrll:rrrtl lrcrts.could re'lllr ii"iiri,'.i ii-"rr"riou at fhe assembl-vplanr' Tha hose ltrterfereD'e could .""o" "rfy dirring extreroe turn and could cause ch!flng od the bode, wlth the ili"ilrrtir: "t r"--" ot brake fluid cnal brake failure. On December 10, 1965' iiih"r:.irl:rt Offces [!ere calle{l or \\-irq'l with iDstructiors tlat xll d{':rlt'm "n"t "t-,itto".n iDrirediatcly by phone or Nire to bring their cals irl for inslec_ iiotr aDl ,,otrecti,, if requirerl. Iletailed instr[ctiotl letter and list of tehif]eg irri:uli:"J wa" nrailed to alerlers Decebber 20, 1fxii, rnd as ot April 1, 1966' rel,orrJ indi|ila lLaL al'pr rimatplp 0o per cPnl ol the affP''1fd cars bad beea iDsptcte'l irnd {r,rreileJ shPrts n({eqsary. }'ollo}-ul' is conlinuiDg" iA Th. "ea" bmlie hose underb{xly rDounting bracket was incorrectly in' statted durinc asscurt,ll uf i)2 cars res[Ititrg in excess hose length, sbicb in possible iflterler€Dce ol the hose with the nnder- turn could he;e resulled in Lhe 'were lo,ty lo toU JouDce. Inspe(tions snd corrtrtions made on tbe {tlected vehicles before sale to ttre pllbljf. lg. a report from a tletler that he hail reDoved o wheel from a car becaDae oinolse auriDg col:nerilrg :rnd hsd found on the viheel a broken weld (one ol fou.r| betweel t]e disk and the rixo resulted iE the determination tbat aIF nroximatelr:.lco \rtrFFlqhlt,l L)'\'n iDproperly asseDbledilr a supplier's plaEt. if tbis rrojs,.ha,l t'€\,n igrrorp,l, ' amltleie wheel fsilure coulal have tesu]terl \vith loss of direclional rtntrol. Br'cnrrst' ties€ wheels could IIot be rcadily idcntilied exetit that t}Iey had be€n Eade in the third quarter of 1965' the decisiol waa nracteto relrlace 21.606 s'beel-qjdertilied as manufactured during lhat tirrc 'nd R. tha! rllay h_a\'elroen installed or t[r- of 10,?01cars asseDrbledin tll('tbirrl tnd fourth quartcrs. To coDlrlete the insTlectiol and po'qsibleleplaceDent required tne re ov:rl of flve $hcols froln ea('h l:l1r. or Sll.i2{) Nheels in totLtl Letters of instructi(tr and lists of cars and lettcrs to h'seDt to oNners \r'ere maileal to alealerEJfllllLnrJ 31, 196tj. I)ealels r\'el.e instrucffil ti) cr)ntact oh_rrersby tele- phuDe anil also to Drail a copy of tbt' ltttcr to ea(h orYner of, recold confirming ibe telephone contrct, aal\:ising the o$'Der to bring his car in for inslectiotr and replacemeot of wheels as required. As of April 1, 19O0,soDe '1.533cars' or appioximately t7 per cent of the ctrrs suslxtted, had been iDspe<'tetlaDal s heels replaced as required. Regional Ofice follorrup is contiluing. 20. IIr January, 1966, a re])rt was receivealfrorn a police fleet that a patrol- mJll haal reported a malfntction of the biakes on a cor equippcd Ilith disc brnkes. Dxamjnation of the car bI a' fleld etrgineer inalicated that the mal_ function c.ould hn{e resrrlld from ilistortion of the rutaiDcr plate [Dder the auxiliary reserroir oo tbe naster cylinder because of or.er_torqu(ring the at_ taching screlv. -\ Narlx'd rrtai[er plate could suficiently retard the rtrturn of fuid to the lruxiljllrv reseryoir to cluse lho brakes to renrlin partially 1'his drag, if rot detectcd by Ure driver, eDgageil $ith resultaDt brake drag. 'Ihe coulal result jn flDid {fllrcr lock aDd loss of brake cffectiveness. poli( e lleet sas unable to relrodrx'e the mulfunction aDd \te n'ere unable to drlpli(lie it at our proviDg grouDds but it flas decided to ca paign 6,995 eats thal had bee! 70 FEDERAI RoLE rN TRAr.Frc saFETy

shipli€d with these brakes insteUed before a correction was iDtlodEced into productioD. Oo !'ebruary 22, 1966, aU dealers to whcm these cars haal beer shipleal were stlrplietl \vith letters of instr.u(,tion along tvjth a list of the suspected cats. On lfarch 2, 1966, letters lyere maileil to o$ners of record ilstrtrtjng rhem to bdDg their cars in for t]re correction, 21. Or sEB cars eqdDtx'd with a sparjal perlorDarice etgire with four-speed manual transmlssiox, tbc fl)'wheel ring geat $ as improptrty installeil alo;ing the pos'sibitity of the axial load of the startcr }linion^to push the riDg gerr otr the fly$'heel. Although no hazaralous conditi(; .!.i,ouldrriult fron .his con- dition, _addi ti onal clllmps $ere authorized for flrese vehi4les to _Liaipreclude ti€ palssibilitl of flJ\rhc.l failure anal resultalt oN[er dissatisfaction. of cars afrected \\:ele rxailr..l to ate.aterson -{!ril J, 1966. 22. On some 42.'152cars built prio; to Noyenber 12, 19e5, a short throt e cable caused by vnriatioDs in eDgineposition could re,rult iD high eDginei(lle speealafter eme,rg€trcl s-ttlps. In prolo[ged proving grounal tests ot cers buitt piior to ilr_ stallation of a longer cajrle, no Drauurction occurreal as a resul[ of severe breking. and even if there haal becn a maliunction, no hazaralouscondition pxisl-ed- woutd ba!p Iloweter, to pre\pnr crxstomilrdissatisfn.tioD. jt Ifd. dpcided to Ienglbpu rhe tlrrorllF cxblc oD the atrectedill.l\2 cArs aDd a lpllpr, dafpd X.Fb_ ruary 17, 19G6,with lists of affected cars and liok pacliagcs, n,ere seDt to alealers c-olcernual. {rn X'el,rurr} !+, lCri{], a letter \ras mailed to ovners inqtflrrurg tlem to rettm to their de:rler for installation of thc linkage. Rogional Officesare foUoB'iDgup this campaign. 23. During April, 1966, trouble expedenced during sub-asseDuy operatiotrs with a ferg pieces of the front suspeDsionloi'e. coDtrol arm pirot bar Causcil us to immealiatell check all the matedai in the ptant. This analysjs ilalicated that some portioD of n specifc BhipmeDt might hayc a condition rrlich \i,outil result in t_hetars not beiEg up to Chrysler speciffcations. The entire shipmeDt Nas rm- mealiately impouBded- Itut it was lounal t}llt 4,200 yehieles had 6ec[ assembleat which cor d }ave containcd the shifls in qucstion, Of tllese. 2.?00 r'ehicles rvere still irl our plaDt or iD the posse-

AMERICAN MOTORS CORP. r\nrnnrc,tw l{orons Coee., Detroit' trI aa 5' 1966' rron. AeRAEerf, Rrrrco'n, Chui,nnan, Bubcom.m'ittee on Enecu.ti,n;eReoroqr,-ieatj,on. C omntittee on Gouenunr::nt Opcra.tions. (f .5. Senate. Il. ashington, D.C. Dr-r n Sexemn R rrrco.r'.r.: Tn respon.e to \our lpquest ls ch,rirrnan of the Subcommittee on Executite lieorganizttion.- we are tr:rnsmit- ting to you copies of our serrice bulletins irl:r.ting to all jtems on which ws have conducted campaigns, covering thc model years 196F66. We submit this informaiion rvith Diide in the ,iili!"ence rn,l efiort thai go into our policlng and,"orreclinnlrroce.s. \1-cheliele rre hare a superior rpcord lf "ortlern and lc(ion over a llrrg rreriorloI rplrs, Arnerican Motors stands behind its nroducts. TEDERAIJ Rd'Ii IN TBATFIC SAFETY 7r In addition to meticulous design and testing procedur'esaimed at the highest quality, we move oui cars througli a fi.re-stepassurance pr'ogrtm- -.(1) I Tho factoryinspection process, s itlL one inspoctor toevely nineemployces in lireengit',.rxlo attdtrrtrttittggcrr ilc I'rl rl nlenisr lnd ono to eve(T li enrplo.ve'.stlrrolrlflr('ul our 1,l,urt.: (2t .\ consurncr',rialirv 4..',.,it,'',. deprltment. rlner ting indeperrdenll.yurr,lel ir ri"i 1'r',.,iderrtol ,qurlirr. r'epor:tirrgdi- rertlv bo the r,r'csidenl: (31 . A seli,r.r,,to quality engineering department thtt cross- checksproducl ron on & darlv ba

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9Pt +.d.ii6 ;nrrE 3E;4: 76 624-67-----{ 76 FEDERAIJ ROLE IN TNAFFIC SAtr'ETY EEEsas g .38 Ei $ 833:9S Es; i €3, Ei : :ri .EE: :9 q ; 4.: ( 5:i E: er FEi E E' i Ei*E; E €-; ti; € :E t gF5.E €. Ee 4ii i4e: Ea 3e E: !' ag .3! x EEEE53 i€E?t: tiFgEE: ;;;€i .,ieeo -ii iE-&:-! :5:.! E: i ,!iI li5

igE*s:E=; ;536- g Ei.i,ll ; iei EEe iiii;i#i;i ii;i;,i g; r .3! gi- a:E Y> ;EIEEEi;EE : FE :9 9 9d;: ;?: -=E ;e:;Eg:'!!i i:EdB . B;;8 r.E EeE:€i;i;-25$e! EE ii5;#*i;**i;:iff; €z d € €. EJ CTEz I 2Z E !;il : qs F dn :_: I ; ?: g9 ! ;!, t F !i 93 - t E€E t -E: E:9 .e i "! @!i;i : : b6 4-'R E x "g fi'a'- E *?- i"a .3 86 i 9, tEe H 3g E4 E -!? g :s :n b b; fi EE :5; : :b .9 ; 6;?

ggE BA 6ig dg.'r --. BB e .d FDDERAL nOLE IN TRAFFTC SAI'DTY

a a I rg ad 9- e o e4i ir :;i;;;*: t€ e:E E: Eita!1,lEi 3'; ;€g€ E F:: ts !€u;ffili ;::,;: ?€gg 6 4.2 6 2 ! oE ! E€Ei saEzi ';:;g EEES F 3: EaE 4"" a E:5 E:: AEP rai 4h .gPs. EEBi te5:e :6 !+:"E ?F3 EF q i:.-"; ! q: ;E ;6:9= :!: S: ;::iE:::H:E,iiii;i,i*#iF t':Ea oa:En tE: v;i?e :iiii ei:E:;trEet, 65eXi :?!ii:i-#: FEE6; iii iEi s5:

SENATOR A. NIBICOFF REQUESTSAUTO DEFECT DATA FROII FORI]IGN CAR DISTRIBUTOITS (April 22, 1966) Dnrn Srn: You are arrare, I tm surc, of the currentlv evident intense public intelest ancl conceur'vrith safety-related dcfccis in motor vehi- iles norr- in use on lLS. highwav,s. This interest and concern naturally extcnds to the nrocethrles emnlolerl bv nrntruflctrtrers lld rlellers to notify their cus?ornersof any-detccts ri'hidr lequire corrcctiou. I have recelr.lv askecl the four maior antomrlbile manufacturers in the Iiniled StaleLsto {urnish me \\'jfh i conlplrte listing of llt I'rrlletins, notice,s.[Dd othcl correspondenc'trr-ith t]reir deulersor orrrrrL: r'elll.ing to producL or erlripment de{ect or frrilure rvith respect to p&ssengerclrrs ol lhe 19ti0ihrough 1966model -,rc,tr..inclusile. SrtbmisoiotroI -\rich irfornrttion to tpfropriatn Feder',rI nfli' inls would be strtrrt',r',y{or all :lutornobiles sold in the United States untler the proyisions o-[ rn amen

Al{a Romeo. Inc.. disseminatestechnical informntion to all of its franc.hisecldetlers as routine. This information inclucle.cprorluct im- provemeri.r'elrrir iechniques. \slrnnty. rlirgrrosticaids, in,l lrrrr,lucl uatl.'lVe to nRmea rert &reas. would be intere-stedin receivins a copv of vour recentlv intro- duced arnendmentto the National ffigl-af Safeiy Act of 19ti6, Hopins- to havebeen of help.\r'e lernurn Yo-urs verv trulr. D. Breoro Seraine Manager. "Reca " caEpalgns haye beetr few due to tbe fact tlat Alfa Romeo ooes nor iltroduce ne$'Eodels each year. The policy has beeo to stoadily improve the product ei'henit Eeealsit rather thalr wait for the Dext model yaar. This pror€ss of constant improvement allo\l's ttre new purchase! to obtain the latest inlprove- ment beDefltsat any particular time of year, As a result ',recall', campaigds are kept to a mirlimum. r,,'BEcA'-r, cAllp.dlcNa,, 7. Ftont notor timifig coDer Coyeretl by improvemetrt bulletin 105.104for Model eTA. iy'dnecars lmporteal January through March, 1966. All ,tlrne cars had tiDling covers rollaced at no expense to owner. Reason for caDpaign: Distributor driye assembly was too heavy for magnesium casting. Nere casting in aluminum, 2, ItLtoke nlanifolil, hoses Clotered by improlemert bulletin 106.019 for models 2600 Spider ond 2600 Sprilri. Nerv hose replacement $'ith improred clamps. Approximately 15, cars in USA i[volyed. Change made at no cost to owDera. Dealer rcsponse to campaign appror.imateljr y', care. 3. Ignitian timing mark New timing yalves require new pulley advaD(e mark. ImprovenleDt bulletin 105.001puueys replaced at Do expense to owner for models Fith 1Oi or 112 type engines, J-nmber of cars to be vpdMa'tedunlrnoutl, 4. Oi,l cooler hoeee Modification to timing cover to preyent hose chafe. Butletln 106.011 allowed Eoilification at no cost to owner of Dodels 2600 Sprint and Spialers, ,e.s.9 thrn 3, cara inYolyed, 5. Brake fl&id. Butletin 105,089/1 coeereal cleaning atral flushing of btake hydlaultc system, replacemeDt of master cylinder$ and reservoirs, for models GT and fi. BuUetin 105.032also includeil replacement of bleeder screws. Approximately I90 cars were amict€d and more thrr 1r, rectifled by dealers ln 1964 &5. 6. Eeoter hogeS at|il. cl,omps For 2600 SDritrt and Splder models bD.lletitr 106.002 for models II and GT Bulletin 10t.028 allosed replac€meDt of hmes and clamps of heater water syste s. '''. Corburetot'a tr'or models GT, a campai$r ls now underw'ay to replace carburetors on about lJi cars. Originrl carburetors dirl Dot produce satisfactory perfor.Dlrce or mileage. I'hia is carrieal out at no cost to ttre o$ners. I\-orE.-ImproveDrent Bulletins cover modiffcations ("recall,,) at !o erpeDse to any oF_trerwhether the cor is covered by its $arraDty or lrot. trDDEA,{' ROIJ' IN TRATrIC EATTTY 8t

IT. TECIINICAL IIIFOBMAIION BEEETS Otrly sheet lumbers and tltles sere proyided, as showtr heaeiD, EheatNo. Co&rang EheetNo. Coperlng 106.0?0 crark seals. 101,136 new steering, .0:S oil par, .l:l!t carhshafts. .(ll3 head gaskets, ,112 cllindcr sleevea. ,OOi breather. ,097 eDgine mounts. 105.1G1 timing gear. 000.0,14 electrical-specs, .00i main beariag clearance, ,037 llau grLsket. .092 new gasket. ,029 oil consutrrptioD. .(lS$ craDk veDt kit, .022 r'{,alers. .066 oil pan mod, 106.0113oil pressure gauge. .069 De\r' grsLet. 105.0?i oil filter. .059 neri' pistoD riDga, 101.1?6 eDgiDeoil. .051 flywheel bolts. .1?1 oil press. hose. .(Xg oil level. .068 oil filter. .022 motor mounts. 000.018 gearbox oil. .0:11 oil pan Duts, .016 gcar oils. .019 main beartrgs. 106.01? fuci pump, .010 exhsust valves. .019 manifold hoses. 103.003 $ear limits. .008 cold air duct. .0O2 weer liEits. .0O4 carb. &djustmentE .001 $'ear limits. 105.08$ crnnk vert. kit, 101.90i nerr gaskets- .0S1 air filter uts. .202 tinring nrarks. .074 carti. adj[stErent. .201 crank seals. .067 fu(l gaugc. .199 head $achiDiDg. .06.1 air cl€'ancr. .191 head studs. .O45 carb. Ir[ts .186 cradk mod. .0i11 flrol hose. .184 fywheel bolts. .013 ca!b. adj. .181 oil colsuDrptioD. 101.183 catb. specs, .175 cover seal. .177 carb. sp€c8. .169 bcad plugs. .163 (rarb. specs. .1&l oil prD, .102 (arb. sl)€cs. .162 oil changes. .085 (arb. speas, .159 engine chaDge. .050 carb. sIX{s. .156 timiog cbain. .035 carb. mod, .153 water leaks, 105.0i13 exh. pipe mouqts. .149 gasket seal, ,014 erb. pipe rnounts. ,148 oil leakage. 101.1S: exh.pit)e Duts. .137 parts list. .150 e\h. gasket. 000.014 st)ark plugs. 101.079 gear ojl lovel, 106.007 spLlrk Irlugs. .0;3 leler conversion. 105.063 spark plugs. .0i:,] oil letrlis. .0;O spark p1ugs, 103.030 ll joint rts .033 spark tlugs. .1.10 U joint bearilgs. .001 ignition advance. 101.09; Lr joint flang€, 103.047 igDitior dist. .0s0 shaft bearing. .044 spark llugs. .(l:J fler joinl 101,201 stlark plugs. b4njo nuts. pluiis. 106.038 -167 spark ,O3-1 gerr clearaDce .023 diirtlibutor. .048 axle earrier. 106.035 w. P. bose. .209 piDiotr seal. radiator hose, ,021 101.0e'4 dif. screws. .01ii oil cooler. .046 dif. adjustmenL .011 oil cooler. .045 pinion clearaDce. .003 thermostat, .013 a!.le break-in. 105.076 rad. hose clamp. .057 ftrd. hos€. 105.093 $'heelalignment. .0:7 temp. bulb. .0?7 castor specs, .O1? fen. .062 arlignment specs. .199 overlreating. 101.20? toe'in specs. 101.178 fsn blades, .1E5 toe-in specs. 82 F'EDERAI RO]TE IN TRAT'FIC SAFETY

rt, TEcgNrcaL TNFoBMATIoN s HEETs-cotrtinued

Shr.i No. Caxerino gheet No. Co1)etins 1)01)-053geometryspecs. 105.09? ball joirt lube. .157 water pump. .O?8 stabilizer link. .03i[ radiator. .03.1 noisy rear. .095 rvater pump. .016 reactioE tuiangle. 0t)0.023 nnti freeze. 103.013 brake pjles. .O03 rubber hoses. 101.160 shock Broutrts. 106.036 clutc'hcontrol. .l :lI shoe-kmounts. .018 flywheel check .10i wishboDemod. 10i.0.1t1 clutchcable. .10O shock rating. 10;;.01E press tlate. .009 arle str_ap. 101.19!1clutch [oise. .09![ rtbber for' roal. lti1 nnl{ moo, .0i12 sho(:kspecs. 10ti.(l3S rererse noise. 106,029 -cteeringgear adj. .003 gearbox ye[L 10j.02l) ircerjDg wheel judder. 103.016 gezlr lcrer. .r)rlj stcedns overhaul data. 101.208 gellr lcrer Irolss 10:|.011; r.te€'rirll column b[sh. .206 oil lerks. .0lJil idlcr irr.irrehild. .!00 gear leyer. -(r:i1 sre|ring box hlLsh. .198 Derr gf:rr. 101.Ii{i steeling ?rrrnlrount. .19? ge{rr clearaDce, loli.lliii l)rake t)xds ne\\'. .166 gear bearing. .O;i1 brake UllliDg. .12? gear leser. .(r:7 brair{r -shields .125 gear lever. .01J brlke lluid. .122 ge:lr lerer. 105.006 lamp 0ccess, .120 geftr lei'er, .00; horn Dote. 10fi.010 tirepressures. 101.lrli Ser pnllej. .0C11tire pressures. .193 gen. data. 105.109 brake servo unit. .163 gen. dNta. .035 lrxlic plrd rattle. ,1f+ gon. Irlount, .(l&3 brakl patl ilnllroTelllent. .119 ;0-\II l)itterl. .068 handbrakc adjust. .11)1 polarityreYeNal. .061 shi0ld. disc. 00O.0Jf elc{t. specs. .055 disc.rNtrle. .03.[ .040 tirc irfittion. Lattery stonrgc. .039 clcjrnjng irld, sy6tem. 106.022 heateroserhaul. .035 disc mollnting, .002 heater hose. .032 wheel cJl. scrcws. 105.023 heater hoso. .O:iO wheelbertrinss. 106-020 topfabricleaks. .0O4 tire inflrtion. .0i2 hood cifch. 10:t.0+0 hrake tub€s. .009 paint. .012 tire pressures. .006 leather. .{139 rew brakcs. 105-109 seat height. 101.195 brake ptpe!. .01)0 desh trirn. .190 g shoe brakes. .l)S7 hoorl prop. .1?2 beadrg lube. ,ll;jl strjl

u. rposlrtcal rNt0&MrrIoN st€€t.h'o. Coaeriflg theet No. Corering 10{i.0}3 wiQer motor, trew .09) top folding 105.109 e$ergetrcyfashe. .010 bodr'Dods. .101 throttle link 103.049 weatherstdp .054 courtesy switch 101.196 plate brrcket .048 $iper beUcranls ,189 diagoral belt inBtall. .02i reverse switch ,188 hood release ,008 batt, cable .180 seat height m0.043 cai storage ,158 windshield lea.ks .088 pairt codes 000.056 window Doise .0i32 de-cosmoline 101.179 battery box reinf. .081 ale-cosmoline .161 fuel tube .000 ceDetrt 105.09$ tool set locatioq .U2+ f,rai]'t data 000.041 rool set contenta Norr.-Tcchnicd Informadon Sheet modifcations are ftrfoDned at the oFDe!!'e!pen!. Ccrtoitr sheets. troweler, allow modlfictrtloDs :,t xo cosL tu urrners of crrs wbLclt ar€ stiu wtthiD the v&Eanty X'erioil. EI, SEEEICE BIJLT'TIII8 Olly sheet Dumbers aDd title€ $ere provideal, os shown he!€ln.


Englre identincstton I 6 3 Sparkpllrq-.------I Clurcbli) 0 2 Tuntns datr, -,- -- E 7 E Lubrlcetion---.----- I Do-, ---,-,----- 7 a GBroil------,-----,----- 2 Do,------7 t llerdLrdFdim------Do----,----,, 7 IUd inlof .eiDJorco , -,--,-- 3 [email protected] I -{xl6 oserhrul-, -----, - 2 ifod€l idcorinc ,ion- l0 a I llazurd fltlsher ----- l0 7 1 lainL- l0 0 2 Irree rerrice ---,---- l0 5 I l)ci.oster-,------,-,---- 10 6 Predolie€rt---, ------l0 Ergine idertiicatlon--, --- l0 Upd8t€-,------,------l0 I

The follorring are older bulletitrs usealprior to the new method of group num- bering. These are also included in the saErebiniler rs for tbe Drecedilg prge. aht No. Subje.t On n.). Subjcxt 73------Dwell rtrgles. 92------llotor oil. 77------Brrke fluid. 86-----,------llegulator moutrl 8t------Thermostat. 44------llorxlreasion test, 79------Oil consumptioD. 7O------Spark plugs. 69------Top defects. 82,------Reti anchorages. 00,------Air bleed Yalve. 93------IVrrrrntI. 90------X'lat rate. 89------FLrt rate. 71------Do. 67------Il-arnrnty. 91------Improvement bulledtr. 83------Imploper spalk plugs. 64------ServiceMinder, ASMN MARTIN LAGONDA ^\smw Menrl* Lacoxne INc., King of Pnuria, Pa., A?ril 961 1966. Mr. A-eRaHenf,Rrrrcolr, Chairynan. U.S. Senq.te, Cctn mitteb on (]ot:enttnenJ Operatimts, W o"sh'ingtm,D.C. Dnan Mn. Rrurcol-l': This is to acknowledgeyour letter of April 21, in resnectof in{ouna.tion relating to produEt irr equipment de}ect oi failure on pas,qengermrs o{ 1C00-thrdugh1966 model 1crr.r's. 84 I'EDERATRoLE IN TRAlFrc SAFETY

Our maaager,Ifr. Roy M. Bamforil, is away on vacation a,tprcsent; however, I will pass I'our letter to him upon his return and I am surehe will contait vori further. Yours sinceiely, Enrr,r }fosnn, Seffetaru to )[r. Bamf ord.

Asrox \fuRrrx L-rcolroe. INc.. Iiing of Prucia, I'o.. May 2!.,, 1966. Mr. Asn,rrr,\lr Rrrrcor,r, Commritteeaq,,G o.a ernment Operat:hns., Washinoton.D.C Dn,tn Mn. Rrsrcorr: Further to vour letter of Arrril 21.I must in the first instanceapologize for not actingon lour-l'ar-c re{riest crilier. I'nfor- tunrtclv. as mi sec.-retr.rv nolified vou..l beer'irrra\. on vacrtion, Encl6seda16 our so.vj"" bulloririsfrom trfav g, tCOO,io rhe ]rnesent. I arn sure exanination will prore that there hrs ner-cr beenriced for retrospectivetr,ction in respectof the safety featuresof our car. Muih has becn said in iecent reports on the various asDe.c,tsof ca.r safety fcatures. \\re, Aston Mlrtln Lagondrr. are I refr' small car manufacturing compir.nybut we are jusiifiably proud of our safety record, " If"I canbe of any further assistance,sir, in.vour investigationsplease reeI rree to con[ac,[me- Yours sincerely, Ror M. Blvr.onn, Manaaet. FEDERAL ROLD IN TRAFEIC SArET'f f EiiE g€3i!i?3:i;E:;,:i;"iE fii *'i, ii:i# =ii,iii:Elli ffi * i#'i#* :i fi i:' *t+r:12* i g*s;;'E* i.Eq:::E!: i;;i :; ff !- EE+: : i*! * EE z- ; ;Ei:ii €*sF <9 : E g z- i:i:ii i:: E:ilii:= ee F.: g,ia; ;:8, ;iii z+ g!r:i,xiE; ;EE-E a g=ri E" €tto:o3= Fo€o€ g'-;ru *iil rlili €iii eiii !i ET H.Ei:I : >l E=:rli

Ei EI <€

! C) ff**ff*## #gfl* s:

k. 5< ESE i s 4 <; e A c l 9ra -ri 5 .lT 16Rr g g:i E i T a :d,i I ee;B: e a EgE ? E eg 6t z EEg;: FEDd$TI, EIOI,E IN TSdFt[C SAruTY 6I

BRITISE MOTOR CORP. Trrr Bmrrsn lforrln Conr./Hlunno hvc., Eidgef ekl, N.J., A'pri|,25,1966' IIon , Aen-rnllt Rrrrcor.l , Li.8. Setnte, Committei 'on GauenLmcnt Operatiaru, Subcnrurnittee crnL.r, auI i upfl. orq 4n i zal i on. W os hi noI o rt.D.C. Srn: This is to in{orrn you that we have received;tour Iettel of Anlil 21. the inforrnation tha't you have requestedfrom us,i-..nowboilg p1o- lraled' rnd wo hopeto bi rble to pr'6videyou s'ith this.very shortly. Plcrr"ebe ass'rredtlt,rt. vou cane\pect ererv coopetlltotrIrom ihrs conlprlly. Yery truly yours, 'lYrrrrelr,, Douor,.ns F. YinePresidant and GenzralM arn'ger,

Trrr Bnrrrss Mmon Conr'./Ilqrrsno Ixc. Eid,gefeltl, N .J ., May 18,1966. IIon. Aniurulu Ruxc

A rigld process ol quaUty control ls carried out ln our factotles throu8hout tn. -oita io ensure. through all posslble hrlmalt me8Ds, qu8uty combined rtith 88 TNDEB,IIJ ROI'E IN TBASFIC gAtr'ETY

Bafe, setisfactory performanee of our pessenger calE, n'urthermore, every ef- fort is maale to earry out correctiTe measures in the eyent that a weakness de- velops at 8nI time ln the life of the car. A-ssoon a-r such a ri'eakness is detected, tkrurgh a progrerrlne of continuoLg reSearclLa d rtehl rcport$, the problem is aDalIsed and corrective stels are immediatell unalertaken $'hereyer I',ILC. ye- hicles are made or sold. Conprehelsive instructiols. tog€ther with actual s€rial aumbers of t}le vehicles iDrolved are sent to our distributore. A tletaited follow- through systeo is theo pursueal to inaure that the correctiye rxeasuaes are carried out. The foUowitrg compaigrs iD the Udteil Statea were effect€d by B.M,C. from 1960 to date, 1. 1060 AUaltF Aog arD woLBEr,E:r6/99 A coaditlon of susp€cted mis&ligDment bet\veen the steering column and tbe steering box arose in an irdeterminable ntmher of Tehicl$ due to inc'orfect atl- Justment on ossembly. .rt campaigD was instirutcd to replare steerirg colurtrns aDd the atteDdaDt Etcerlng gearbox I'art"i ou all tLe cals inyolyetl. PS cars in all were afected in tie United States anal 4r, were corlected. It shoulil be noted tha,t these Dodels were not marketed tn the United States but rcere iuporteal by prryate olfners who had made their purchases oyerseas.

9, 1960 AlISIllf EEAIY 3000 I*ield reports from ttre northeastern anal nridwe3tern states lndicated that under certain witrter conditions, road salt aDd $'at€r could create atisc btake inner pad wear ot a greater r&te than $'as aDticipated from alevelopdsnt road tests, Disc outer paals lvere not rifected, D:sc brake shields qnd seals Fere adopteal as original equlpment to extend considerably brake life, an.l all Drodels produced prior to the iotroductlon of the shields as original equipmelt, were mode the Fubject of a recall campeign. 8,?rP cars were sfrected. The precire trumber of cars tbat were couected sas tiot a{)nildttre. s. 1900atcD 1061lloa Tbe flrtme.ntol disc brake dust shields anal seals becaDe staDdaral Droduction antl modification of exiatiDg models $as made tbe sulrject of a recall carupar8r, llhis modilication followed that ol the disc brakes ou the 1960 Austin Healey m. 14,103 were affected. The precise number that were corrected ia rrot aDail,abtre- 1I. 1O{i1 AUATIN PBI\CE66 4 IITRE Aa a pr€cautioDary Deasure on cars fitteal rei,th power steeriDg, the ttoBt cross meEber was reinJolc€d. Fo{r c rs srere afiected anal al, were corrccted.

5. TOO1 AI'STIN COOPEB AND MORRIS COOPEB (a) fncorret front blake bose ossesbllea wer€ fitted to l,l &odels sblpped to the Urdted States. Ihe hose assemblies replaced oD @t, cals before sale to ptlYate orgners. (b) T,be ftment of dise brske dust shields and seals Fas made standatal and all previoua Eodels E'ere recalled for modification, The modiflcation was in line with that of the ilisc bmkes of the 1960 Austln Ilealey 3000, 18 cars w€rc afre

?, 1903 PF.TNCESS 3 r-rTBE, ArrSTrN 110, AND WOr,S6-Elr 6/110 X,jeld reporta tndicated that in conalitions ol ge!_y high eigine revolutions a fracture of the faD blade coultl possibly occur. It was alecialetl to modiJy the fan blaile assembly anal the modificatron was 4ade retroactive. 55 cars were affected. .96 hove been re-cordeal as heYlng been modjoed. All these cars wcre purchased by priYate o\1 ners oversea$. I'EDDRAI. ROI,D IN TBAF'T'IC SATETY 89

8. 1! 84 ldOB Regul|Lr inspection duriDg the lroduction of rack anal pinion steeJing artsembly rovea"le

O. 1OO4 IdO MIDOET AND AUBfIN ET,II,ET APBIIE The brske drurl]s otr a lew of tlese (lais were ssseDqbled wlth tbe rtle sbalt screrr'loos€- '109 of these cars were shipl)r|'t to the united st&tes b€fore e\omi- uetioE arltl rectiflc&tiotr coulil take plac€' ilt of the cars were exar iDed a[ the U,S, Port of Entry and rectfeal as tre(\lclary. 10. 1064AUSTI\ 440 M!8t rl The op€ration ol tbe handb-rake mectaDism iD certain eitreme conclitioDs' acc.entutted by lack of normal service atteutiotr, coultl letld to a diseDgagexoetrt of the reaa brake shoesflo6 the s'heel cyliBder piston. The br:okitrg system $as llodided ia re8:ular proaloctio! aDtL all cars made prior to the lrodilication werc the sublect oia re"itt caDpoign. In tbe United States 16 @rs $hich had beeD puicrraJeo overseo" sere afiect]ed. 15 of these llere oodiffed and the rem&iDing orre had already beeD leshlpped overseas.

11. 1865 "BIXCESS !t Lll'BE

Oll leaLaSs Fast the rucler sha.ft seel &1il stlb€€quent lsakags past the mcker enatt aOiuslment_A screw coultl possibty cause steering lock-up otr full lock' rigbt or left. mod.i6ed seal aDil an &aljustment screw were ad(4pted as otigiDal eouip-"nt. wlth rettoactire modlficatiotr beiDs takelr on eiisting Eo'dels. 8 !;hlclcs \rere afie.'led iD the t Dited States aDd ol, wer€ Eodided. BlIw strtes as follows: ;'nMW being a rslher small Eurolleo o spottscar'type manufacturgr- has made lt its goat to p;oduce a vehicle as saJe a q possible aDd ss € Daatter .vt trct, BM W therelore has esiablisbed tn outstaDding reputatioo all over Europe. ;'Truth?ullf Ne have to ssy tiat s e hsre Do knowledg€ of lnx re-occutring tailuree or defects. tr'lutbernor€ i\'e would like to state thst any changes or modificstions naale on our present nodels $'ere made only to lmprore our re' hieles eld due to coldtruous progt€ss In the &utoeotive teld." BIfW Horrrtrex }fomns Conr', Neu f ork. N.T,' Junz 9, 1966. Senator Asnarrer'r R,rucorr, 8 ubc om,mil, tee on E ae c u t i,xe R eorg ani za tion, U,S' I enate, W athi,nqton, L).C. Ileensrn: This is i-nreply to yout letterdated April 2l,l966,asking us to furnish1,,rr s'ilh lisiingsand bulletins in respecrto failuresand rc,,""urring,l.- Ie"t. fotttrd on ottr gehiclos !'irsl of'lll ,re n'oul,llike lo a"stttc-tou of our fullcst cooperationin yorrr e{fortsto makethe passengercar ls slfe ns possibleand in trtrn io--io rcdrtce i he rlarming tlerrt}loll'. rrr"nrlhe [-.S"rr',lrtirenrontsasto.safetv sirndl,rdq we reccntly ioiuedihe .\ulomotilclmpon"rs -\s"ocinlionlo ol'tlin romplot€and htsthrn,l infornrrtion in pnfiicular asto GSA stanthrtls. In coopera- tion tlith the manrfactuir we t'ill do our utmost to comply with these standards.


- BM\T, being a rather small Eumpem spoftscr,r-type manufncturrc.r, bas rnrde it iti goal to produre a vihi, le is sa{c rs'rrossi[,1c.rnd as a rna.ttrr of talt. BII\Y therefore has established an ou-tstanrlirig reputa- tronauo\-crIuropc. T)rrrhfrrll.v. $e-lr:rre io say that we hare no knowlcdge of an! r.eoc- culring Irilur"i or,ft'fpnls. Furthermore,rtc trould lii

I hope the foregoing sill give you assLrrruccthat both the manu- flcturor lnd orrr-ollesrrre elrnesl lv r.n{elvoring to su to orrr.I',S. nply- '!Ve tltstortlers safe and durulrle autornr,l,ilesin rJI rispects.-rvcirld ar.cproud of the ltputation of our vehicles tlrloughout the and hopi that their rlenrorstrated relinbilitv, coru{er'1, ;111{sllety rvill contilue to annerrl- to the Anrecict,rnororists. Plersc rlso be a-qsuredof our desire to give you and your committee our firllesl cooDerttion. Iiespectfirlly yours, Yuclra Il.lrer:ur.\. President.

SArtry IMpBovEvENT PBooBA!4E


In Jaauary 1964 the front suspeDsion upper linkage ol Datsutr PIl10 sertes s€alan anal estnte wagons \\Ns improred by usie ol s rirore strongly reitrfotced uppcr link followiDg rclorts of dificulty c couDtereal iD a few yehicles iD JaDan ri'hich h:rd befn run trdl,r scvere condition-s for rn61s th.I !0,000 niles. \ve deterDined ibat 193 of ttrcsc .ars had b'" n inrt,urted into the Ilnited States prror to tbe hodidcation, and .lrly in February 196.1 instructe(i all of our d€xrers ro iErurediNtely replace the ()r(,er[ed I[rls in all .irrs in st(Jck and those solal to custonrer... Tbe matter 11t! aritiYcly followcal ut by visits of regiotill seryice aeDreseDllriires to lhe deak,rs colrcerned, ind try the dellers iheDrselves. Of the -193 rehicles invohed replaceuclrts have b{rcn r}r|d| to ls{i. In [oDe of the parts leplirced $ as structural fNilure reFrrted, and $ e knoN ot no acidents attributtble to the part-s coDcerneal.


,\ ne\{ fully synchromeshed fo[r-speed transmissiotr .0i'as itrtroduced in the 190(i Datsun 1300 passeDger,trrs- This included {r ne\v clut.,h release lrechonism. and it $ rs iourd that ll shorter pivot thaD \r.|s origilally used gave llin 'lvhile sDperior performanfe after the lirst 10.000 uiles of dri! ing. it rvos rtot considored th:lt this nlodincation involrrd ary detjcifirr.J' in the s|fety of the automl)iiito, it (lid gire nrore reliilblc p€rformaDce and inrreasetl austomer satisf,tctiiJx. Ac- (,orilirtjl]'. correctiols \yere made to Datsuo vehicles already lDl)ort('rl into the Unitcrl States ir }.ibjfb tle sborter pin }ad bcer eDltoycd- llbis progrln 1r'ns initirt(xl in NorcDrl)er 1065 anal involved i6], ve]richs. To date (orl.ettir)ns ll|ve beeD Darle ilr ]-rJ of lhese ctrs. Tbe s.tme general procedure has beeD ialloNed, a-soutlin€d above. 3. LO\IAA B,!LL JOItr_T 1600-{C SPOBTSC]ln

Earll in the production of this automobile, it $as discovered that some Dnitg lequjrerl a }jgler torque in tbe lo\rer ball jojnt fixing nuts. None of the ltl unlts iDvolved had been delivereal to customers arld or, of theln were properly a(ljustcd tlefore sale,


4. €IEEBINO OEAB ASAE}IBLY MODIFICTTION The reclrculating ball tyle steering gear used ln allsealans and station B'agons ol the Datsun 411 aeries \,tas an improved tl'pe which ste€rcd extieDely well. A increase its reliabiljty $'as made in August 19G; at the further improyeDent to jn fart{}ry, and we instituteal a progratn to nake the saDre i1rll}lir\'cmeni pr* riously DarLulactureal \'ehi('les jn the llnited States. -q.tor:ll lJf ? 't-i? utrits Nere iDyolyetl of Fhich 1,35, hove beon dodified to date. -{ll ]).|tsulr dealers $'ere adyiseal of the serial Etmbers of the Yehicles ilvolYeal and tlle nanres and ad- dresses of the oane!8, aotl \cere inattucted to request the oltners to bring the cars in for modification. ahe matter has becn contiluolrs]y followed up, anal to assure modification of as many of the remaining cars involved as possible we are senaliDgletters by certilied mail to the plllchosers of the cirrs concerned. A form of ahe letter i.s enclosed, froiD \'hich Jou rvill noto that the modificatio! catr be llade by aDy Datsun dealer rvithout cost to the owDer.

6. BR-A.KE MABaEn CIII:IIER RESE&'-'OIB In somg productlon moalelsof the Dttsun l fj00 cc sports car bmke haster cylin_ der the reservoit clamp \r'as found to be incolrectlJ located in a manner which might cause d Dageto the r()selvoir. In Seltrtr)tter 1'')65a progrilm rr"dsiDitiated to check all yebicles iD\'olved, n[ulbering i,ir? ind to Dla]ie couections Nhere Deccssary. 10 dnte 288 cars haYe hed this attention, and the Drogrllx is continu_ iDg with the salllc type of actio[ as detniled io the last itcm.

O, ARAKE MASTI.JI CYLI\DER IN.LET VA!\'E !'ollowitrg an occident iII q'hrch a clnim $'as nade that the car's brakes haalnot regponded norDally, lbc brakilg system Nas alisassembledand carefully ex- anrined. This revealed {r suspectcd dr{ect in assetllltly oI the nltrster.yliDdor iD_ let yalve. Althougb this I'as not considered a desig[ defect, detelminacioll was m&aleto ilspect as maDy ol the 509 vL'hiclesirrcorB)rating this t-tpe ot aleYiceas Dossiblc.io determine t'hethei there was any signiflcart lack of qualitJ q}rltrol in manufactute. To date -195of Ure gehicles concerned hare heeDinspearted and i[ none has the same defect been noted- Neredhe].€ss, the progrsrl is being con' tiEued, usiDg the saDe oethods mentioDed in the lagt two itelDs. TEDDR.{IJ XOI'A IN T?ANEIC TT'TY 93 ' :e

r EA

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lt -u o ,ts: 6 Eh ; ::E E e'- s 3< a


FIAT tr'nr Socrnr-\Prt Azroxr, 7'orino, I taly, April 26' 1966. Rcf. No. 290. I{ol, Aenerlru Rtnrcornl', tJ.'9 . ,\ enate, lf ,t*h)nqtontD.C. ]Iv Drlrrl Srs.rlot : I har.erca,l rlith int,'r'est t our lctter of ,tpril 21, qj1,,".,rrirrgthn D,,tlfi, tior 1rtece,lu11'.r'eg,rr'.liirg l,ro'lrr.t atr'l equip- rnent defi.r,tof frrilLrrervith resDccttu Lritssengtrcals of thc 1060 thrnush 196lirnorlcl I ears. 'Ilhii is to ,rssu,e 1:outhat rven ill be vcrv pleasedto let you have the ir\[,]r'rrrrliotr111;111,,1111'r111q5tr',1 .rnrta1,1'r''rpli:rt|.it)e(trlctionsll:\\t'lreon gir.rr to orrrtc, l,iri, 'rI lr't:,,rrrr'-lio AetluiPlir('r'rll 'lLl:rils ol ltr\'l'rse I.hrtr[av Lrrrr''. ttrtr',1itr(hp lr:tst. I rru g1:ri[ro luLlc t]iis otr:aiiotr to iuform you that our compeny has alrvavs liecn ler'l' sofetJ' rrrjndcd ud since nLlnl re;rt s hrs |tctn dorng its utirrost to rlaire our iars lrssale as possil'ie. Is rurrrrriter of Jaclr'lr'e lrrve made r rory rec.rrlt filtn of our iesearch in thc srilety lield tnd I rrLrljrkjngthe lilu'rrv toscnJ 1,rrl, rln'ler sol'l t:rtc nor |'r, r l{i rnillitrr|ier ,,-ttlris fi lm. r. I f",'lllrrt r','u"illl'eir'ti'rp-iod in'ecirrg it. -{t vour'diqxrsal fol ilrr-y furthel information that you may need, $ith liind rcsards.I am, Yo'r si'cere\' Y. Genrs.{Llr. {J , S. Representatice, Frur Jforon (]o,. Ixc., Neu Y ork, N.f ,, M ay 19, 1966. Senll or Ann.rH.r lt Rt ntcorn. A.8.Senate. 1l'nsltinqlon. D.C. IIv l)rrn SnN-lrot: l'olloxinE on recent cotrespondelce ald with futther refcrencr)to l'rnrr lctter'datcd April 21st,1 anr hercn-ith en- "recall closinq a terr D.rge- ii:ting fleld itterventiols or i',trnpr,igns" dut t, i l,otentiai ti" lrlitrl ploblems or iterns requiring correction, from 1960to 19ii5. You ilill note thrrt the instances have becn fel'and aflecting a very llnitetl number of auton.robiles. In rlry ol osplrnriion. I mav add that onll a few of the larious models manuf:rciurecl b-v tr'iat #cre ald lre imforted into ihe United States. r\lso, these mddels have basicallv remained the same for a numbcr of ve:trs. except for ryhatevcr improvements lrere clecrnetlfrom time to t,irne necessa,r-v,along rvith the ttdvanccment of tcclliologiur,l knorrledqe and experitnce. hr otliir rr.rrds, tLe lri.rt automohilc models shipped and marketed in the [hitetl States, hlving been on the road foi a good number of "tcethirg yenrs, were basicalll' alretdy purgecl of the unavoidable tloLr- FEDERAI,ROI,E IN TRAFTIC SAFETY 95

bles" that onlv too often aro found in nerv automobilesor in automo- bilesoro,lucerl onlv for t hc rela(ivclv short neriodof I r'err. I tiust vou willhnd the abovein-order and, alwars-lt 1'our disposal for anv rclditional infonnation Jou mry siih to ie, eirr I amr-dear Senrrtr:r, Yours sincercl-v, V. Genru-r.r,or,P resid ent, R,ECALL CAMPAIONA

1. YEAR 19OO-MONTII OF JuLY A\D AUGUST lfodel of car: 1500Cabriol€t 118 S. NumlJerof cors: 24. Reirsons for recallirg and corre(tlv€ nteasnrtestrken: Checa, replecQment of tront trrrkes fle\iblc hoses \yitb improved one tnd repositloniDg of same follolr'iDg an inlproyerrlul canied ott in production regtrdirlg fastening of the froBt bralies flerible hoscs teruiDals with I ntrt and lr ]r)rlit1'{sher instertalof l1n elastic phro. llcthod and wats used iD recnlljng: Customers reached by registered }nail Rnd modificrtion carded out in lart through t]le cooperation of Fiat orgaDizatiotr anal trartitlli bt'' Iiat Serrice Representaitiresdire-ctly. sur('r,ss of cdlnl)irign: -Lll 2,trcars $ore reached irnd modilied accordiDgly.

2. YEIB 10 6 t Notre. 3, TEIB 1909-rror!rs Ot AUOVaA ldodel of cer: 1500 Sedan. Number of cars : 3 cars. ReasoDs for recalling rnal rorrc(ti1'e Dcasures taken: Possibllity that 1be clrcuit of -starter rnotor solclloid might closc $'ith crins(\luent starting of \'€hicl€ if prrlied !.ith genr englgcd, due to \l'rong orirntrtion anal possible contact ot currelt c{bles to starter Dotor- llepositioililrF ol tlleso c:rl'1es, Ilctllo(t iiid \'_ar-slrs4al iI} rc{rfllling I Contacted l)istributor (caIs itr demon- st.ation rl.re). Su|cess of carDpaig!: 2 cars checked dilectly in I'iat own workshop anil otle checkedby Distributor,

4. IEAB t96g-taoN1g Or SDPTAIUBES )todcl of car: l50O Cabriolet 118-Il. Number of cars: 1.11. Ilex$ons fo! nrcrlling and corrective m@surestaken: When actioning tbe clutcl ped:rl possible jrtr)rference of clDtrb linkflge \rith brake pil]e from Daster cyliDder to ffont rjsht riheel. IlcpositiorriDg. ilr the Dccessarycases, of brake pipe at sat'c distunce frorn the clutch lilrkrge. lleDl:rcenlent if necessarJ. Mcttrod ard rlryr used in recallillg: I)L'alers adrjsed bI I ri-stril)utor tbrough Bervice letter rtqucstirg i(:lino$'ledgment of check perforDrcd. Successof carDpaigr : .\ll cltrs checked.

6. YEAB 100.1 \ioDe, q. YEAB I OC! Nodel of car: 1500Cabrlotet U&K, -\rrfther of cars: 40, Reasotrsfor r(rllling rld corrcctire Eeasurcs taken : Check for propet positior of support arld c{rdanic joiDt of steerilg shaft assembly in older to elimiDate aDy 96 tr'EDERAT, noLE rN TRAFTrc sAFETy

possibility of an &bnormal load oE the steering sltaft supporL Check of steering shaft coDponents. Vcthods anit rrrat! used iIr recalliDg: Distributor adrisd Dealers by letter to m:lke cars available to visiting fiat Service liepreseDtttires lvho perforDed th€ udprove.lnenL Successof campalgD: Al[ cars. JAGUAR J-lauen C-qns. Irc.. Neu: f ork,N.f .. tr{ory17,1966. Hon. ABn.lrrerr Rrsrconr, U.S. ,\erm.te, 1V.oxhington,D.C . lly Dnen SrNeron Rrnrcorr: f want to ackaowledcevour letter of rhe i0th of $Iay in which .vourequest informriion ieq-ardingdefect lotificltion hy our romlrlrnl to our distributorsand dealers,starting with the 1960models. I tlready discussedthis matter reith our technicalstalf, and a state- ment will be prepared in the immediate future and submitled to your ofEceas soonis nbssible. Yours sincerely, J. ErmuaNs, PresdeM. Jacu-cl CaPs.Ixc,. Long I sland,City, N.Y., MaE 25,i966. Ifon. AsRAn,lM A, Rrmcorr, U.B. Se.nate, Washinqtun,D.C. Srn: \\'rth referenceto rour letter of trIav 10. 1966.requestrns deLailsorr product de{ect iirformation, rvhi,"h- was' ack-nowledged oi. Mat'1i. se rrp srrbmirlingtlrp f,rllorring datl in resnonse, I-nstructionsto servi.iri-sl,t'rsonnel, includins th6 notification of prorlrrctdefect inlormationl ii providcdto all Ja[uar rlistributorsand ilerlprsbl the is.re of serri,i brllntins. .\ coinpletesot oI lround servicebilletins coverinEthe leriod Januarv 1960io the Dresent,dato rs enclored.'lVe I scryrce bu llel Ins,)n||tfed,l feel it is important to explain that the policy of Jaguar Cars, Ltd., in comnon with other European :rrrromohiiernanufactuiers, is noi to make annual moclel changes,-howete r, enginecring improuements and rnotlificationsare incorporated imnrerlir.telvthev hcrome lr-ailable antl are not held back for introduction annuallv or at the time of actual model chuges. Such engineering improvernents are notified to all concernedbr'l service bulletlns. Enclosecllsa,listing, setting out the detrils requestedin 1'ourletter, of thoseservice bulletins whioh notifie,1,lefeos requiring correction. Atrrclredto the)istirrg is rn additionrl, o1'r'of the individurl servjce bulletin r pproplirle Loeach itenr on t)re I i't ing. FEDDRALRor,E rlil TRAFFIOsAt'ETY 97

We trust that the data provided is clear and ofier our completecu- oDeralion- in submittinq a'nv additional details that may be required. \-ourssincerelv.- R. Gn rrreu Rrro, E uecutiu e V ice P resid. ent;

( Servlce butletitrs-JaDualy 19GOto preseDt) NorIIrcAuo]i oF DdFEcrs REQ'TRTNGCoBBEcrro:{

1' i'.9-FBO:{T AUgPENBION Sbeet 1 of 3, Date i Janurry 1$60. Ltodjtcatjor to FroDt SuspeDsiotr(2'4, 3'4 and 3.8 Litre f,Iark II models). Contmenta This rvas L caEpaiga Eotlldcatlon afiecting all cars wlthin a gEoup of chassis trumbers. 2. Li-BB!I

A. O,12--CARBUf,ETOB€I AND FUEL SYSIE]T Sheet 1 ol 2. Date : Novem,be!1962. Prdcealureto OyercomePetrol lbmes (Mark X models). Aontments This releted to a rnodificatiou to overcoDe Itetrol fumes \i'hich s'ould be obJec_ ti(rnuble to passengers. It is Irot essentiallJ a ssfety Drodifrcatio 4. L22-aBrrEA Sheet 1 qf 1. Date: December 1982, Lack of Brake Servo Assislance. Rectifi(atiol of |roDt lJrike Hoses tr'ouling lvheels (Mark X Eodels). C onnr..)tts 'l'his bulletin Fas issued as aE asslstanee to serviciDg personoel to simplify the DrrLdling ol a complaint of the type descrlbed. Iteltrted 6 isolated cirses rcquiring correlatjon olld, as o safeguaral, disttibu_ tor,i and tlealers $ere reqlrested to e\aDine all cars of the roodel rtlfei]ted.

Sbeet 1 o! 2. Date: June 19&3, Steering Column SpsciDg Collar (Mark X models). Conments Ttris vras a caml}aign modification &fecting all cars $ltbin a group of cbassls Itulubcls. 98 FEDERAI, ROLE IN TRAFFIC SAI'ETY

6. LS6-BBATE6 Sheet 1 of 1. Date: October 1964. Disc Brake f{aster Cylitraler (Mark II ond 3.4,/3.8,,S,, mod€ls). Commenta This enabled Bervlcing persoDEel "spongineas" to deal with a specifc complaint of brake pedal encountereali! isolated cases,

?. SF,RVICE I,DTTER Sheet 1 of 1. Date : Decemher 10, 10C4. tr'ront Srake Caliper llounting Bolts (3.8 Litre Mark II and 9.8 Litre ,,S,'

In thc batch ol cars concertred, a certain numbe! of bolts below the sDecifled length Ncre litted. Although no failures or tro[l]les arose, it \r.as considdrealail- Yisablc to change all lr{llts in this prrticular batch of vehicles. norE.-This iDstructiorr lvas issued by letter. ratLer than the nolmal Seryice Bulletin, itr tb() inlerc;t-{ of enpediencJ anal the snlall lumber of cllrs inroh,erl. Only three of the sevco defecfs listcd nece-(sitaterlre(all camlaigns, thit is, Servicc Bulletins J.2, January 1960, I.11. June 1CijB,antl Servici Letter of De- cembe! 10, 1964. Ia all three cases, \r'arrantl service end part-< sales records indicate EO% to 907, fulfillment .rf the ctmJr:tigns. _q.numher of aalditionil c.ars $'ould_be(lealt rvith on a chargelble basis, Lut coDlpleterecorals lrrL, not iryirilabtc

Ac.:urat() recoralsof percentage of fulffllme[t rre not arailable on the othcr foor Bullctjns since they were not .ampaigo tecall rn0ilifications.

}IERCEDES.BENZ Ilrncnors-Ilnsz or Nonrrr Alrnnrc-r, Irc., Fort r'ee' N '/" Malt 5' 1966' Iron. Ann.rnqu Rrnroorr. Cha'irm,an.C ommittee on Gouernnten.tO rnrutioru. Sub,"ot,,',,)i/ooon F.rpcutiupft,s4s p):o/)un. f'.8.,\rt,r't". ll'nshinqt on. D.f'. Srn: Tlrrrnk1ou forruur'lctrerof April 21.1g66. . As lou.,.an woll.imlgine.. u.e at Mcrcedei-Benz havc. I.ith great illelo.l...obscru.Lltlre lumrnirl,p 11o11-i11g.-hls1'6ncplning lhe srfci.v of autornobiles. At l'[crcedcs-I]cnz. safetr alrr:rt.s Eeel cuu-;iriercd a"moril ol,ligtiiur:rndnnr a-prrblirrelnrions 1'r.,,1,i.r,r. .\, ilrc r*.ulr ol lottglnrlbuslflin.{lrcselrch:rn,l dcr'"1,r1,nrr.ni irrilr,,rrrr'a,'fl rn ro- tir"e i:r1r.11.rrc hcliere rlr+l ilrp -l\lercr.'1":Herz ir,,url,r,rri,.j njrrrl oI the.srfetr-fcniure. ata-ilablpin ,rrlre'rrnrl;es o,f arrtonlobiloscrrrr.r,irlly soltl irr r','lrrrnr.(Irroughour. the rrnrlLl. Since thc Mercedes-Benz is maintained in pl:duction for consider- ablv longer periods than domestic autcmobiles produced under the annual production methods enrl,ioterl lrr rl,,nrcsfii nrurfrctnlers. we ilr, in I posiLionto, onst.dnl.l\r.,;firri'tlroqrr.rlir.r ,,four;,ru,irr,,t r)rrorrgh conunuous t€stlng irnd evatudl lnn, FPDERAIT ROLE IN TR.{FFIC SrLFITr 99

As a result, the majority of our colrtmunications concerning the oper- ation of the i!{ercedis-Ileirz are related to the introductions of refine- ments to our motlels to itssure our custolltlls of a rnaxirnurn strtisftction in drivinE their Merterlcs- lJenz. Other cttlnmunicatious rclatc solely to the ca6 and mrintcnnncc of a Xlerceclcs-IJenza,'q I valttcd posscssion. Siuce your uureltbrcrrt rcl tes to the publicttion o{ itrfonnlttlon leg.rr,.lirr! the uperatiot' of u motor vehicle rvith- re'spect to srfety rle,'fe,,ts.ie aro r-eviersirrs t,Ltl conmunications with detlers and cus' tolrers to eliminate ihose rrhicli relate solely to techlic.r,l chungcs or to sen'ice a,nd nt:rintenance luvittg no rel:ttitrnship to operatlonal stlfetv. -{.fier we have completed our review, we shall forward to you thoso corrrmurications to oir dealers and customers relltiug to operational slfetv. Needlessto siry. we \-ill , ool)cr'rrt,'fu]lv rvitlL 1,,u if. lfter .r,,,,,Lnt" receilerl this"mnterial, t.,u-lut,' ,ruv iurther' 'luestions as io the methotls by t')rich we seek [o irrsure tlre s.rfety of our: product in the hands of oul custorners, Respectfully yours, 'lVerznuracsn. H. Vi,oePresilent of llarketing.

Ifptonor;s-Brrz or Nontrr Aunnrca, Inc., Fort Lee, N.J., Jula 98, 1966. IIon, AeRAu,rlr RIrtcorr, Clruirmam. C ornn.ittee on Gtnernnwnt OTteratiorLs,, S u.bao m.m,ittee o n E acecut i ue R eorg aniaaticn It.8. EenLte. lI'a.shington.D.C, f)r-rr -(nx,rron Rrercorr: In compliance with the request contained in your letter o{ '\pril 21. 1966, rr^eLlr-e reviel e.d orir: recotrls con- cerning bulletins. nbtices. and other corresponilence to dealcrc aud on'ners of tr{ercedes-Benz prssengcr cars reliting to any lld all de- fects* lrlclr trriglrr I'l\-e I bettringc'lr sr [ety. .\lr,,gcrher'.lliere lrr\'o heprr.Irr,rn lCBOLo llCCr some28 diflerent corljrrulic&(i,,trsrritlr tlre clas-,..,rf pplso:t.meliiiolpd b;'you. I ltn srrr"tou rrill ll,pt c,irto llrri tlrcrlelirrili,'n"ofthe nords"slfclv" lnd ''defect' rlo sttificietrtlt brord r{ to hn snbje,t to a wide r'rlict-r,,f irt- terpre,tations. Ilorlelcr', wo of tlrc llercctles-Ilenz org'tnizrtion. lilte '.onrmiltee,t.rri, fccl so von slroligl\ on lheqtte.tion"tttlderconsi,]erllionb-t-\our ne hute inclrtLlcdin orrr liit mln-t cotnrrtttni.ltionsrvlLicJt. iu orrr opinion, hlve onl1' r Femoteconnection to the safe opcrltion of \ Ic rcode-s- -lJrnz automohiles. \1'c I,rrru also ilclutletl r fe\v c'rmmuni- cttiturs frorn thc periorl suggcsterl bv yort rrlrirh demonslratc IIer- ce,les- Benz',.rntittring ini L'r'e-i irr lui omobilos:r{ety. 100 FEDERAT ROI,E IN TRAFTIC SATETY

These communications to dealers and customers :r,re attached, Mmy of these communicationshave a common characteristic in that eachitem representsnot, a modification or replacementof a part found to be defective, but a further improrement 6f a function rv^hichis al- ready well within accepta,blesafety standards. For example,in 196;i,by ServicelJulletin No. ?9. dealerswere jn- structed to modify Tevesdisc blal


out the world. Our records shorc that no brake failures rrere reported asa resultof t hiscond it ion, We lrnvo also inclucletl among the lttachments' nine communtcn- tions rvhich brousht to the dealerst attention deviations from pre- scribcd a,.sernbly lrrocedurcs or fulctiolrl ileficiencies l-hich might possibly lesult in lrrelrtrture tcltrination of Lisefulservice lifc of :rs- i.lrrl,li,ii 'tnd corrt'r')tltlllsor comtr,,lrolrlf,rilrrrns rrlrl"l' rr,'rrl,lreSult jn rtle,rdlnt, 11n11c,e.sltr1delals 'rlr'l llllt .!rLncesiu llPl",lr'.-llenz ollels. Ber:mst'sl, lL o\incrs ire enti.tledto expect tronblc-{rce serv- ice from their vehicles. cuc,hof these cotrtlnrtniciliionscategoriltlly lcrnrilcd insnections.rttliltstlretrts. irtrd contlxrtrent replaccutent regilld- It's,^s,'fs-hetir, r or n,,t t[re r,"etrtb]r'or cotrlntttrtt l'rtncliolletl sirtisfac- on the veiriclo itrslrt'ciion' I'ltch of tlre r',rmrrrttliclltiottsl efelred torilv -n'e, to ltilrte lo clcviationsi:r rLssernblvl'ell l itlririvhltt ,:onsicleruc- centlrble lloduction tolctrrnces. 'tll of tlrtst t'ommunicarions lcre deiivcd liom insltcctions rrnd te-sts<'onductcd by Dainrler-I)enz I.G. and in no instrnie loulrl ihl' frrilrttc o{ ut.v lssernblt'ol collllx)r)ol)t l jrich *-irs tbe subject of these conrrrtrtlicationsre'"ult in tlle ioss by tlre ,llilcr of ett ctitc colrtrol' rf t lrevoh i,'lc rr I rilt' itr operlt iort. Silcc \{ercerles I}enz automobil"s ore serr-icerl practiclllv ex- clusively 6y autllorizerl Mercedes lJenz tlealer,..ne are sLrtisiictltlttt ant c<,rier:t1vcmeusures founcl necessarv'1\'ein accoldancewith these di- reritiles have been in {acl cornpletecl. have no recorcl of ultstfs olrtratiol or damage fls tr re-cult.of the contlitions rrhich were required t; be correcLedby thesecommunications. !'ol further clarificttion, rve hrve tnnexed to each of these particular conrnlurri,:rtlonsrn erlrllnlli'rtr of ,rrrr srfely problem rtlri,'Jrrould rr-rrlLjf the correciiven1,'1.1116' lnqulted b\ sllrl) ( olnmllnlrrltlonrsas not c 'r'iedout, 'Io nr,rvid,.reven more tccurnie Jollo$up. IIercr:cles-Renzof North -\nr"ri",r. tLe ne$-ly crorte,l tl.S. distribuioi for }lercedes-llenz cars, is.in rJre.1,r'ocessofestablishirg a s-holly nel'systen for insuriug that all surh irrioectionsrrtli bp rncorde,l. 11'eir-ill soonbe able to cirecliinstantlv on the statlts of an)'toruective progrrm rnrd to follorr-u| on each individual owner until the reqttircd ir,irectitrn lrlr beonclrr'ied out, lfercedes-Bi:rz lrls alwa.ys accepted t)re mor:rl obligations to pro- vide the rnaxinrtm possibll safeti present teclrnicrl knorsledge can achieve{or those sho tlrive antl riileln our crr' Ifc beliete tlrtt our record snetks for ltself-both in the mlrtt€r discussedirr this letter rnd in tlremir'r sr folv Jellurci found in etery nrtrrrebrtild' If vou irouire-lnv furrlrcr irrformalion.on.orning out procedure to inl.rrro.th" operriinnrl safell ol -\lercedes-Benznutomobiles, our orgxnr zltron rs lt Youl' drspo-cal. ResPectfullY' HrrNz r{orrs. r02 FEDERAI] ROI,D IN TBAIF'IC SATETY



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tt e a :64 r a E PE t dE 3 oz TEDEBAI, NOI,E IN TRAFFIC SAFETY 107

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OPTL AND YAUXHALL Gnxnn.rr,llorons Cone., Detroit, lI iclt,.lI ay 17,1966, F:iiffi"ou"'**' IYoxh.inqlon, D,C. I)r-ur Snx,rron RrsrcorF: This is in rcsponss to your recent requost direcred to the lJuick and Pontiac trfotor Divisioniof General Mdtors t'product for informrtion conceuring defecb noiification Drocedures emll,'reJ l+ disrril,urorr of ioreign-manufacturedmolori relrinles'', I anr {'rrl'rrrdirg n ifh tliis lettef lt,]isting sirnilar to that which we subn'i1tpd ro 1tu ,,n lhf i. 19{i6,ri.itli respect to our dornesticlllv prodttce,lfirr.-prrgpI rirIS. Ilrt' t )pnlli5iing sirbrnirred niilr rlri. lerror covors tlrree lecirll carnpaigns rr{Lich occuried over the ? years, begin- nins sitlr 19C0,rs I resrilt pos-ihledefects in son,op'is"eng,,p crrs rnrrrrrrl:rctuIe'l h\'-\(l:rll|Ol,"I \.C., nitlr lre:rdqrrlrrersin \\'ist ffr,r- rrrrrrr.rn,l ,li-rrilrrrrcdin rli" I r,ir,.,lSrrles [rl Ruick jllor,,rUivision. Tlre Olrel-llekor',1rrro,l, l qrr. importc,l in 1961 throuslr ll6',t arr,I rlrrring t.lrislrcr'o,l !?.211 rrn'rs trpre.ol'l in the U.S. mrrket. \\'e sttrted itltnttirrg the Ol,el-Iiadett nrodsls in Janunn' 1964 a'd tlrrorrgh -\l,r'jl :n. jn '['hn 19{itj,+ii.s.-l:, crrr'-. hlr-e bec.nsolcl lhe i,-.S. rrr,r"r."". fitst <.3nr1'lignIisled irr I:r{;',i. orr llre -Rekordand rlre hsf I N,,nr, thc ()Del liadett irr llC; xl|d l9Cij. Ths Vauxha.ll cars rvhich are distributed in the United States bv the Pontilc llotor Dir-ision, rle trlmrfactur.cil bv Ynuxhrll llotori. Ltd., l'ith he.aclqrrrrtersin I,Jnglud. l'he \rauxhill-\rictor model l.as imported in 1960 tlrrough 11iC::,rnrl dlrinE this period 12,b95 cars rvele solcl in the ll.S. malket. No listing is {ulnished on \ luxhall rlls -in, c no dcfcrrs rlere r.epor.retlrequiiing crmnrign modiricarion. -\drnr (tpel -\.(i. ;rrrd\';rurh,rll trl"rnr.."l.rd..-rle" !\lrollv o$ned subsiclinricj of General llotors CorT. Recall campajgn prbcedures for correction of defetts in ant' "ari produced by ihe;e *irhsidiaries and distribrtted in tlre United Siates arb the srme is those used for our domesticl ll-r- llt'oduced clls, TIre-qoproce.dures rcere described in de- tail in nrl leriel to you dricd Il:ry 5, 1966. I also explained in the sarue lertet tlrtt in resnect to fLrtrLrerecall clnt;,ligrrs \re \rere deteloDing -norprocedures under which elch cat divi.ion rrorrldbe re*porrsitrlefdr' iff irg erclr o$ ner of r.e,r:rd. bv cenified nuil. lt his [usr knosrr addrc.s. \\'lrencyer new procedrrrds are adopted they l-ill apply to our imported ns r.ell:ts our domestic crlrs, Sincerely, J. M. Roqtrrr. (Listing of P.oduct Bulletins-1960 through1966) PAssENoea CAB RECALL CAMpATGNs A. OPDL

(19€O model year) Rulletin date: January ?, 19m, Sories: Rekord. ( 'r'cl Rckord Brakp Linc Corft'f'tlotr. ISrrjcl< was Dotiicd hy Opel in OerDtrnI that 5,835 cars had been Droduced, eonre of il hich .lvere shipped to the U[ited States, which could possibly erlerieDce FEDERAII BOI'E IN TRAFFIC SAFETY 109 a brake fluid leak at the bnke hose cotruection on the frolt backing plate Dealers wele fulnishetl serial numhels of susp€cted cars and instructed to call thenr in and check for anal rorrect looso conn(ttions Recause of the minor natnro of the iDspectioo aDd brlke line tighteling procadrre, rery few dprrlers ret|(lrted on ihis corfectioD. ( 1961-62 model Years ) No rccall caBPaig2s, ( 19ffi model yeaU No in)port€, (l96iH5 uodel years ) Bulletin date: Merch 29, 1965, Series : Iiadett. Reflncement of Spark Plugs, Ignttion Coil, and Generator Regulrto!. It \\' s reported froDr tle lield thrt sorne o\r rers \\'ere hrrYing difliculty starting their c{rs u;der il:rDrp and/or eritrerr)ecolil conllilions. Dcalers $ere fumished $-ittr seriat nunLters of 7?.ti, crrs ollr'rlting iD (1rld $'eather Nr{'dt aDd {dYised to cNIl thern iu to ilstrll neN alesigrLsP rk Pltgs coil and d reguitltor. 'i'199 (ars ol)erating iIl rrlild('r c]inlrtes $1'ro ('rlllcd in f(rr regulator rel'l:lcelDent oDly' .tt,r! ting to'our recorrls, li,67fi cars htl.l ptugs lllrll a coil instdled zlnd 12J56 ht((l tlLo reguLrtot ilstlLled. Owners \\iro did Do! ex|cticn(c st{rting proltl{rrs did trot return to dealers for this corrt'ction.

(1966 Dlodel Year)

tiullptin dale: JsDuary 10.1966. S('ries: Kadett. St('ering.{rm to Knllckle Bolt ReplacemeDt. Buick $as adviseal tblt 2?,1 disc brake equilllleal cors shipDed to the f]nited States coulal hav(r st{)eliDg knuckle b{)lts \r'hich rvere low h teDsile strellgth' neiitcr" *ere turni*hod $ ith serisl nuDbers rlf tffected cars and requcsted to ctlIl il"i" in fn" t oit rellacement. According to our re(ords, 4t, cals were correrted'


1. 1960 througb 1962 (No lecall calllpaiglls). 2. No lnnorts. bevond 1969. PEUGEOT Pr,uorm. Irc.. Eego Park,N.Y''MaY 10' 1966. Snxemn AsRArrIM Rrnrcom', C hair man, (i.8. Senate, Con nti t t eeon Got:ernment Operatirtn s, Subaonn iLteeon Eaeaftiae Reorganization, If ashin.rton.D,C. f)ru Srx.rron RrsIcorr: lipon receipt 1j your. letter oI April 21' v'e undeltook a thorough search of our files to be in a posltlon to ans\1'er' Iour Lequest. it'" ';,. pleasedtn rvpl-yilrar lrom January l. 1t60.to this date .onduciedonly onereca)l camprign lnd tno cor- Pougeor.li'''., Irls '.flre reltive frrograms. recl]l campaign!ras undertIrkenl[ our own initirtive rs a ^-eas,t.""preyentlve me&sule. ihosc three were initiated to maintain the reputation of rrualitv''io'i,"iii".'fullvrnd prerision of clrlt"mrnship of our proJucl.. your lellernf -\prji 2l' we aio ettclosinglrerucith re,"lrnicrl,le.clipiionsofthe recall campaign-an,l correctite J)rograms' shor\.ingrlrtps, nrodol. itt\.olfed. number ol \'Plllr'l''slnrol\.ett' pro- ccilu"e,ind rciu'lts. -4.lsoencloscJ plelse-fin'l ropics of our circrtlars and letters to l'r:ugeot distributors tnd dt'rLlttsrcgardrng thescm&tters' tI0 TEDERAL NOI,& IN "RA-T'T'TC SAFE?Y

Il'e rernain at your completedisposition for any further information ]'OUmrgnl rfrslt to lrt\ e trom us. Very truly -yours. 'lt. Hnwnr CorueE- Ezprur i o" l' i, ePresident.

SEBlacE BULLDIrNS aND r,EarDas_1960 "o 1966 I. SEOAL&CAMPAIGNS 7. Fronl Suspc-nsiohlmproxement Date: April, 1961. I{odel inyotved: 4O4 Sedaa _I)escription: li.epllcemcnt of the trgo lower suspensiod arms of each side with a type iD vihich the cotrnectlon of tie two arris is Uy nreans-ot-i rutner bushiDg.instcaalof{ lnr,ralyoke. .{lso, tbp installxfjon ot sirrir:*ionaea waslers in t}e tie rod erdsr ?Iis is for the purllose of ;n"""usi"f ifre-""ggecl]n"a" "od durability of the front suspension. Nulnbcr of vehicles inrolred i r?36. ,were -I,rocedure: Nc.tvrchicles moaliffed before delilery to custo&ers. (JwDera of.rehicle-s dFtirered \rcre lsked by dealer to bring car io Aeafe""lip for .oain- cilnoD. lJealers vere gjveo parts and credited for tabor upot subDrittirg $'arranty clajD1form. . Resutt of campaign: 652 rehlcles rvere completed, as per labor clailns dealors. ol II. CORBEqTII'E P}OGIIA]IA 7. Ee.rter Datc: October, 19€O, fIodcl inyoh'ed: 1960and some 1961model4013. Descriptjon: Tbe integrat heater which was stanilaral equipment in the 408 model up to serial #2 4'?4tlo0 was con,ciderealbJ, Dranv ow-neis in coirter cti,r,ates to bc iDsuffcicnt for their comfort. \\'e offeiert, tlr"ugt o.," ,li.trit,lr_.", .., supply frce of cirarge a-Einside.tie-car healer t" all orvrre_iirl-bo flui "oropruiot" of this naturc. potentialln _^I-o-!lg" of vehicles inyoh'ed: all Drodels of the year 1ai8 through 1900. Ifowerer, c{.,nplaints were 'Ihis }{ard tiom nordre.", ccriife;;;;;riy_ Procedure: $'as Dot a recall piog:ram. Upon i,rr pfiliDr ui inatft"i""t passenger hea_tto llle eomlrarrtment, an i;side-the-aa" rreati" *.rs s,,plriiea t."" of c.haree- Resuit of campaign: Suci\|ss of this program can be measured only by the setisfi(]d owners who applied for anal receivei heaters. gsgo heat""" ;e';e "r""". 2, Collrrnrl Bpacor pitu Date: .Tuly,1965. _-llodcl"s involved i 4O4 Sedan frorn fb 139 Sei tn #d 1?b &34.1 404 station $ragnn 1y6r, +1924 0I7 to +19!;47b. .lrFs.riprintr: A sp€ce\!rs Ieft Lpliroctr the stp+riDgcolumn housiDgaEd le clamp porlion !f lhe fpriLtc lt is q?aI JoiDL concpisatii ifrof:- ri,"" loi"io."unru nn tDp lilrioI| tectlr. an undue verl if,al Irei. play could ,lFrelop. It \\.as that tbis space be flled itr witt a %0,, itiameter spring clip type fffo*tl1""o"a Number of vehicles involyed: 58.9 _-Pro(€dure: A circular rras sent to aU alealers and pins were sent, agsigneal all vehicles to afiected. As dealers installed the clip, tiey "et"*eal--Co..io^ui" pfiiia"a to P.eugot,-I[c., iDdicating that the clip laa bcen i;touia. *""" io_ rifed t,' hare tbeciip instatjtd b-vthci; dualer. Requll of campaigD: 9l?5TehiclFs ho-yebad the clip inptalted as of drls date, accordirg to tbe reportiog by postcaralsfrom re dealer;. -1""*"*i.a bortclsare Dot numbereitrn coDrlnuousse{uence. FTDERAI, ROIJE IN TRAFFIC SA}ETT 111

PORSCIII Polrscrrr on -{lrriRlg1 Nonr'., T eanech, N .J., April, 29,I966. I{on. Arn,rlr,rv Rruconr, {.'hai rrnan, Comrnitte e on Gou ernment Op erotions, U..\.^lenate,W athington. D.C. '!Ve I)n-rn Snx,rron Rrnrt olr. ; have receivedyour letter of April 21, 1C66,rcquesting infornltion concerrringprorlucL equipment. defect or failure *ith res|ectto prssengerrrrts ot ihc lCCt"ltlirough 1ll(ir;model yetrs ructuslve. lYe :rt e.of corrr.e, gl rd to cooperatervith r-.outo the bestof our ability rrrtl'rru lrresenlil r'rlJeevoringio lssemble tlLe neces'ar-y irrformriiori. Howeier. sinie sourco-[ (his irrformrtion must be'obtainc,.llrom Germanv ai rvell as throushout tho Llnited States.it may tuke us sornotim-eto securefor vou eiierl'thing vou l'ish. \\'e lre plo,c"dirrg to colle,t llre rrerossirryinformdion and will COmmUn lCal e \r ll lI JOU ilgll ln a.SSLtUlt A i pOSSlOle. l er' Irul'YYours' o. EnrcH Frr,rus, Vi.cePresident.

Ponscrrr or Altl:nrc.t, Conr., T eaneck,N.J., June 20,1 966. Hon, ;\rnrneu Rnrcorr, {;hairrn zn. Com,nittee on G ouernrncntOnerat icm-g, ['.1.,\p nal p, lVrc L i n q I on, D.f . I)srn SrNlron Rmrlr,rr': I'his is in reolv to vour rcquest. for in- '{rellring fnrmation ro l,ro,-luclor oqrripnr"entfiril,rre oi defect" in Poniclrerrrturnolrilcs for-rhe n'o,lpl rorr. Iilco rlrrorrqh1g66. It is rrith

Porsche. \\1en he detided to build Porsche cars, it was clearly with the idea not to compete with rrrass-produced automobiles, but to ciemon- strate with a snall number of nlmost handmacle [utom;bi]es the ulti- mate tcchniorl knorv-horr and experierrcc available, Thi,q e1lort in- cludes a l'ide nurlber of corll,'n;'nts. .rch rs srfett', pelforrrlrnce, comfort, maneul'erabilitv-all oJ l hiih haye been t6ir,efd con,.trnthl b.vllre l',rrrclr' llcror\' norrrpet 'l'hei;nd lt-,.rrsronter'-irr trrrlorrrotire ition".s all o,errho,*"r'1,1, exfr(ri,nce oL tl,iclesting t'r"blblr ilre rnn.L rigorous in the entire automotivc ilrl tstlr- hrs err-rbleilu-s to in corporate info our Droducti,,rrmodels dcsjcn elcnrrnts which becluse rhei have Lrepn-rr,.tlecsi ll ln,lnr lllc u]tinrjlle5t r:titr oI comtrpritior,t,r'o' i.te our customers{or nolnral use a nrrrgin of safctv harcllv av:rilablc in other automobiles. lllsirnum frro'tcciionof the iassenEershrs rlt'irvs been foretnost in the rninrls of the

Yours very truly, O. E. Frr,ros. E t eantia: e V ice P r e-si.dent, FEDERAL ROLE IN TNATFIC MFETY 113

' SEavrcBBULLETTN e-196G'1966

I. DEFE'qT OB EQIIIPMEI\TT !!ILUBS ACTIOTC ?BOCRA![ 1. JIodeI 3568. In Au$rst. 1962, it was determineal in tbe tactory tlr{l thcre ir'aa a saf€r rtetlod of secrring riDq gea. fastening screFs oD djffercntitls tbrough tbe rse of lock platos instead of bI a Fire frlstcning. Succcssile impro\.e- rDcDts \rere naile in securilrg the rirlg gear Jilsterling screrts. IJegilllIirrg ,,D Au$rst 2, 1962, four separate bulletirs ( \{rs. l1:t/82. H2/1t3, Hil/6:l and H+/6-l) $'ere sent out by the factort sho\\'ing the srrc(ts\ile methods r)f modificxtioD. It \\'as deterDined that of 2,4?2 cars oi ti)is nrodel thipped to the United Stlltes, l.ls, shr,uldbe Dodilied xn(l haye the xew iastening scle\s ropllce(l qnd lock s'ashrrs in-\talled. Of this un)unt 1,1tI ha\e berll modified.or 977.. Of the rclrlriring cars. it hrrs bolrll our c:tx,rier]ce thItt rpproximately 29'., or :]3 car-r, 36 'tourist cannot I€ ilccounted for {llle to destru(tion. o\\'ncr ullkltoll'D. a deji\'(iry," i.p.,a car purchasediD l-lurotreby a UDited StNtcscitizen for iuportlltion (nnd thelefore carried as a (ltr ixrl)orted into ttlc [iDite{i Stllte-r) buf. f()r sollll rersoll nerer actually inrported. alrl cars ptrchas(d here bnt {t\ported frort tlle Lrnited Strltes. In somecases, of cour'sr:,\1_e are unable io securetl)e cooperltion of the orvDeriD bringiDg the car in ior modillcatio[, l. :rrrl ll. -]/r)71.rr!11 ann 9n. (hr July 26. 190i. bI Bullt'tin I 12, tl)e dis- lrilnrtors 14.areinfonned that unaler (crtain cilcumstances tllc lock plates at the stecring shaft con ({'tions could lield on these models affecting the torque of tbe clarnpingbolts snrl reclll of all of the clrs to jnstall nr'w bolts aDalrNrtellateal Duts \:as requesl.ed. On JulI 27, 1965,\'ia BullctiD I L:1.the di'{trihutors \\'cre aalvi-scalthat Eeverrl vehiclesshowed a cracking {t tIIe upDer nountinFs of the froDt shock a,bsorhers (fcnder inDer shell). ,\ recall c|tntraign \tits cr)Il(lutted by the distributols on boib of these defects sirDltltanco[sl]-. -l'or1rlt rttlrl\l alttl tltr-tio cars were rltc(ted i! the changelo ne\r b(,11s:tnd(rlrfelhte.l nnls on the steeringcolumn, aDd .t92cars neededreirrforcing trlxtos oD the ulper mountiDgs on thc front shock absorbers. New bolts and casrrllltrr{I Duts n'ere inst|lle(l on steering columns in -rzP cars. or 93.1. Sleedrrl colunns rIId reilforcing Dllios rvere iost[lletl on JrJ sb0ck rr]rsorber,or S5.ri. lI)ur 1()l1 sh,rrti.ge {)f ptrfs \\-herr the shock absorbcr rnodiffcation\('as ffrst maile this change js still in t)roccss. \Yc believe it rill bc subrtaDtially coDlpletedin the near {uturol. The cals un:]r'('ornrtedfor are subj{rct to the saDe comDreDtas with respe(:t to model 3i6B (No. 1, above). 1, Nodels 911 atul 912. Ot Norerllrer 5, 196i, blr BDlletitr I-14, distributors Nere ralvised that it l{as possi.blethat as other reDairs \.'ere being mflde lr Divot pin on tbe tie rod fork coukl loosen, although the l,in could not comc ap rt froD tbc fork. It \ras rleterlliled th|rt anJ I)ossibilirl of looseDirlgcould be eliruiDrted bI using a newlJ designed lock wasber Nith thlec specialized tabs. Tlte iD-qtlllla- tioD of the new trts is a lerI nrillor oDerotion$birrl is routinell done ils crllt are serviced, lt is of snch a minor natule l.hat no aourplelc rrcords hirYe beoll liellt of tbis small $orliiic:rtion. HoIvever. it it our bcst infornrtltir)r that of thc 7,21, cars possibly involrtrl this modincation has beeli slDstdfltiolllJcotnllatci i. ilonels 911dtrd 9.19. In May, 1900,it $_asdiscorcred l)-v the ficlor)' thllt on sorrrf \'.lhicles of these Drodelsit wa!+lossible tlla! screrYsoo the front axL'l had not lx:(!r $ufliciently tigiltoned. Porsche of rlxrei'ica Carlorati.d lr'xs so t.lvised I).'''tho factory on ]IaI zoih. Porsche of -{rr)erica Corporttti(}n hrs. in turn, ad{is{xl all distributors and requosted that this be checkealfor the 2;1, crrs de- ternriDed to be iD\'olved. At this s'riting $'e haYe tlo, reccired l(lL |eports frolr\ our distributors on this Dlntter but I\'e are ealtjsed that coul)Iiance $'ith thjs Droc€dureis well uldet $'ey. RENAULT RnN,{rr,r fNc.. Neu T orh, N,Y.. May I' 1966. Hon, AsR-qrrA.IrrRrBrcorr. Chuirman, Subcornmi.ttcb om Eaecuth:e Eeoroanization, U.8. Senate, lVashington. D.C. Dn,rn Srn: This replies to your letter of April-our 21. 1966' rcquest- ing this coml,rtrv to submit-an antlY-si-sof recall campnigns since lC60 in, l'r,iing the drte. motlel'involved. rlefeot,number of ve.]riclesinvolved, rccall procedurestnd snccessof recall clmprtigns. 114 FODDRA], NOLE IN TRAIT'IC SAT'ETY \Ite will be pleasedto honor your requestas quickly as we oan get the data ,togeiher. Becausesdveral oi our cainprigns invoh'ed*as fcw as trventv urits and becausedata from the manuficturer's records is necded.ni. must correspondwith the factory in France. Also we rnust checkwith the distribttors, manr of which have changedhands. Despitc the consiclerableclerical prolrlerns inloh-ed we fetl suro that, ri-e will be able to present to 1:our committee an lccurate and metningful analv-qisand orre nhich will illustratc thc ser'Lousness ,ind caii with r-liich rve have dealt with safety and other quality proble;ns. Respectfully yours, Jnex Orurxnn, Eaecutiae Vice President and General Manaqer,

Rnnlur,r,Ixc., N ew Y ork, N.Y., Jttne 9, 1966. If on. Ann-lueu Rrrrcorr, C h.q.irman,C oTnntitte,eon Got:e,ntmpnt O perations, ,Subcunt 'n iI l on Ercru|;"c nporqonizaiion, [.].8.Sen.ctte, 1l ashing ton, D ,C, Dr.rn Snx-cron RrercoFF: This is in :rnsrscr to vour letter datod April 21, 1966 requesting an lnnlvsis of the rccall ornpligns of Rcnault silce 1960. IVe attach such an anllysis. Since Rcnanlt, Inc. as rrn importer stancls irr a difierent position than thc clomestic nrnuflctulers who rcspon


Since the cycle of reiooling in France is not basedon a vearly change of do.ign.suclr srl ling chrri:r..jdo nol l('nd lo "au.o nnri s,r.fitvpnJ,- lems alnually. To the contrlry, becau,qethe same basic dosign mat' ((Dzgs" servo a production run of many ye&rsr any sa.fet11 undetectecl despitc nrecautions crn be anrl lre Drogressivelv eliminated. There is uio ecolnomic rcason to wait until the riext styld change to eITect any mcrdifioriiorr or correction.

2. INTRODECTION DDI]AY Ench of the three basic models imnorted bv Renarrlt. Inc.-the I)auphine, the Rcnault 8. rnd the Cai'avelle-ivere intrrjclrrcedand distiibrrierl to the rrublir: in Frnrrceseveral months in advanccof their distributionin thiLTnitcd States,and abnorrrrtlltissdiscor-crable only aftel lLiblic use\tel? climiruted beforeintroclurtion hcro. An elabo rric s\slenlfor r"l,ortingsrrclr ahnornrLlitipq lnJ correciingtlrern is madcpossible l,t ilrociose liri.on maintaincLlbr- the mrrrrrfrl.turcr with the Renarilt, distribution network in Frince.' Introduction datesrrere asJollos's:

r France, lD area srDalle! thar Tetos, hrl3 dore tldtr 4,000 Renault it€dler8. FEDERAL NOLE IN TRAIFIC SAT'ETY 115

Udted Sht€6

Dauphlo6- Jan. 19,10.i6 Spring 1957, Reosultt. Md. 1!,I9n2 velte.------_----_____,,--,------_ trId. ls,I9,19

Onlv verv rarrlv are technical problems undiscoyered iu France before a baiic modLl is er.cn introdiced in the llnited Statcs. 3, "prpruxn" onr.e,]r There is an additional delav of at least l month betrveen the manu- 'l'his fir,-'tule of Reuaull vehiclcs lird their srle in the Linitcd Stat{'s. is r:nuscclbv the lcnsth of lhe I'iu tlnn-sit'!pirrelire. Ilach vcLicle must he .Jri14'edbl or'.irL fL.iglrter, reccived bljthc irnporter', truullcn'cd 'flru. I', llro(li{lliburor. rr,l tlr,rrslript,c,l rt, tlrt',hrrlr.r, if f,'r.ome l'eliLrI ;r dt\'. I'rr(lr\'l ior shoiriJ br' suLicct 1o jurrp irn |)ts r fen i i,,1. this i. rlnrn;i ,,cr1l,,it'lldiscoyercJ L,ciore ti,r allilrrl ,,l rht iolri, lt'i in the Ilnited States and Lefore their distribution. fso ndditional safcty considerulion,r alc: I. Sole ly fte' ont llegie Nationale des Usines Renault, the manufacturer of Renault autotrrobiles, is the seventh largest nanufacttrel of autourobiles in tlre world rlrtl includes in its facilities tlre most scierti(icirllv rloclcln tnd autolrute(l manufacturing :rnd lr.enrl'1irtg I'l:urts irl exi.rorrce. lt h:rs beenin continuous prlilrction since 1S9Enrrrt lras r l'crldrvirlc letrlotk of distriliutors un

116 T.EDERAL ROLE IN TNAFFIC $AFETY mality noted on Renault vehicles in sen'ice in their area, Renault, Inc., rieports abnormalities to the factory in like manner, A sinrilar leporrirrg sysienr is naintrrined by Renault dealem, clis- tributc'rs, and irllor'l-eli irr rrlnosl all other iountries in the world. Upoti n'cci1't,'l rl1s..a1pp6.1s. rlrp Iienault {actor'; nrakesa determinr- tion as to rl-LerlLel a "crr^mpaign" is necessnry. if so, instructions are tr&nsmitted to the affer:ted importers, distributors, nlcl dcalers. Iu some il,stances only 1 dayrs ploducrion rrill be involverl, nnd fabrii:n- tion numbers are usecl t"o l.icate vehiclcs. As noted above. in rnost caseslchicles destired for the Tlnited Stries rre not in thc Lands of dealcrs or retail purohascrs. zrnd in any ovent, wherever necessarJi', sale is halfed untilihc vehicle"sczrn be chcclied. It should be noted that on tlie atta<:hed list there are onlv 10 carn- paigns rrhich l-e consider to inlolve safety and rvhic.h involr.le vehicles 'llhese sold to crrstomers. are cnmpaigns designatcdNo-r. t.l.064. 94.101, 94.10(i,9.1.1t1, 94.139, 9:l.13ir !+.1+;. 9+.lbi, 1)1.11t,rrrr,l l+.212. The othnrni-lrt':'ml,uiEns rrlriclr rrpr"on.idorloinrollesrfeiy (r.amplicns Nn-. ril i r+jl.lt.ir.-,2. :r+.oL;u, 9+,r )Ilg, 94.199. 9,1.206, 97.303; ;nd 9.C.1i5) inr , 'lr-r r-rliclpq rrlrich rlid not reach the hands of or-nels. Campaigns Nos.0.1.06'1:rnd 97.303,noted aLoye, r'ele conducteclio install siat belt rrchors arrd four-l'ay fltshers reqrrired by Shte lrn's adopted after tho crrr',cl'\'ere mnnnficturcd. \\-e, har.e lisied ihe other 35 iiems el'cn tlrotgli niany of them inrolve purelv esthctic changessrrch rs the Iepllcernent of rhe dashboarcl (r:.rmpaiguNo. 1).1.103)ancl inslallation ol tlre"llenrrrrlt Irrrrt'hino" n:rrne pllte (.rmnal{rr:)\.n.t2). 1'lrerlrccliirrg rn'l e\onturl :eprir or lel'i"."rrrnnrof subslandrrd parts !'ts ncrfornretl rrnrlcr the supervision of the personnel of Re- rrault's tlistrihutols. After Renault, fnc., paid the disiributor for thc corrective rction the records were forsar?'led to France so that lle- narrlt. Inc.. coulil be reimburserl by the factory. The factor,r- cam- 'basispaigu retords ure kept on n rvorlr'lwide rlther than corrntrv-bv-country -.incetho vehiiles involved in a prrfticular campaign inay har"e bcen shinnetl to various countries. To rlltc rce have becn nnable to olrtnin a i'ehicle-bv-r'ehicle record of colrections for vehicles solcl in the l.lnited States. Howeyer, we rvill continue our eflorts to obtain thcsc recolds. The records of our conrpany r1o indic:rte thlt elch t'umfaign. rnd particu.hrlv lnv "rm1rli-rL intolr-ing slfer1,. rrrs pur- sued n'ith diligence. It wrs not lrrtici|rted tlrrr such dcrrilecl datr s'ould be requircd &_tr later date, after tire repairs rvere madc, by your collrmttl ee or'all1: otllel'. Since l'e are'irnable to submit clata on each car, rve have listecl on tlte rttachecl ttble all cars rrlriclr coulrl p,rssilrll have been i rrr-oh'ed. This detl:rrrirration is made bv including all clrs xith fal'rication nrtrrtbcrs suspected becnuse of. for instancel'r faulty rrroduction run at tlte ftctorv.' In most ilstanies far feq'cr veliicltis'than the number indicntcr'l {or d.rc


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6 120 IEDEEAL ROLE IN TRAI'FIC SAT'ETY F-ee3gigF"3s l;e"gl 5 'aEE7l i'j- lzE=l i lii+E':r:,'l I i+ E r i: :.= q

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ROYER Trrr, Rovrn lloron Co, ol' -\-orrrr Arruruce, Ian., NewYork'iY'r"lIay19'1966' Lsenrllor -{BR,\H-{M Rrurcor.r. C h.uirlletl..Subcomrn ittee oi Eneantixe Eeorganization, LI.B. Senate, lI: aslti,ttgt on , D .C. l).e.ur Slr-.u or,l Rrurconn: f am replying to your reque$ to provide jls a lisling"of bullet to our detulersan-dbr..r'"ers irn the subject" of ulurp- trrotrt.,lcln,.lior Jrrilures, irrr olr :r.gRor-el clr- sincelNti{.1. I\-e hrre Jrrtlris perioLl fulrL[ i-t necessary to conduct onlv one carn- l):riglin\-ol.r-irrgiL1,r,duc1dr11qt. This conlerrredelrly versiols of our 3 r(,r0selie. , rrr. Speeific:rll1, r "cmall Allel heatl screiv usecl to secure ll, tler:ullrtl e plastic cur-er tu the steering wheel cr.oss slrckes wrs re- plr,,.d \\'illr.inotlrel t\lrc.'ll i, rnn. Thiprrr.pooeof Il'*l 'l-lrpl,l.r.lic,.o\er ls lo,orr(cillI llrge:tr','rrng\lreel l.cll|irringnrrr. c,,rr.l{:pr' t- ingscrew is_inserted fron behirxl the-r'heel.- Our factorv irr I,lnglancl aclr.isedus that an instancc hld been founcl rvhen the Allen-tvDe sccur- irg screw hatl .ilolked loose, naking r,,rrrrart rrith rl''' pliitic 'Ihe rurn sigual ]rousing beleath. s.rcrr. t]L'rr . or.ed tL" L,,u!ing. but, in t|c tlctory's vicrv .r rnore seri',u. fouling r.tion miglrr t,rrircivably o


1. We have itr this period found it necessary to coniluct ollly one campaign illvolring a product alefect. This concerled early ver:sions ot our 2000 series c?rr. .sJ'ccifiaally. a small -.l,llen heaal s(re$'usod to sL'cure a decoratire plastic co\.cr to tlle steeri[g lv'heel cross spokes was rcplaced wii]r .'rrlothcr type of scre\v. The purpose of tl1e pl:lstic coyer is to conceal n l.trg(-' ste('riDg $hecl retaini[q n!t. l'he cover's slicuring screw is inserted from bchhd the \yheel. C)ur {r.itory in nngland advised us thxt aD iDstnnce haal been iouDd \r'hen the .A.lLen-tyl)e seluring scre$' ]raal \,\-orkeil loo,re. mrliing contact B:ith lrhe plasric tlrrD signul ho[sing berrc'lrth. The screrr t]ren scorcd the hrusirLg. Lut in the rEDFKtr, nor,E rN mAsFrc aarDTr I23 lactory's vlew a mo!€ serious foulhg actio[ mtght concelvably oaour and tiis Digbt cause rdstriction of steering wheel moyement. I[ order to obvlate such an eventuality, a screw sitb a Philliplr head iacorporatiEg a nylon locking devi@ I{'as specified and ears in dealers'aDd ownets'l]Nnals witJl the earliea type ot screw were modifled. CoD]muBic&tiotrs$ere alispatchealto dealers with fouowup action n ith dealers antl owners to effect tlle change. Some 200 cars brought to the Utrited States and Catrada wete involyed ard it has beeD possible to get the modilication calrieal out ot\'l'Eo of lhem aDd \!e are continuing our efottE to complete the c:lDurig!. There is no inst{rnc€ to our knowledge where t}e orig:iDll screw did in fact $'ork loose on a car brought to this cou[trJ. The campaiSr hss, thorefore, been of a cautionary nature. ROLLS.ROYCE Ror,rs-Rorcr:, Irac., N eu:I ork, N,7., M o,y1 0 r'1966. Ifon, SenatorAsaa,rrelr A. Rnrcorr, Chairman., Comruittee orLGolenunent Operatiow, 4.8. Senate, W ashington, D.C. '!1'el\1r Dr,rn Snvsron: Tlrr,nk vou for vour letter of Mav 9. aro takinu irr.rmediateaition to complv wibh voui request for inforrnation reliUng to product defecr notiticrtion" -atproeedrilns em- ployed by us. Oui rnalysis will be sent to you our earliest opporr,un]iy. Yery truly yours, Nonrt-qNMr,LBn. Eaecutiue Yine Presidmt. Ror,r,s-Rorcr. Iwc.. N etn Y or/t;,N.I., M ay 5, 1966. IIon, SenatorAn,lnau A. Rrarcorn, Chtinnan, Cornnittee ott Gouerwrnpnt Operatiotts, 'lVI-.,(.,9//,a/e. sshi ',31on.D.C. NIr Dr.r.n Snrqeron: IVe have seena copv of your press releaseof Fridly, April 2:.1.which refersto lortr rerliest f,,r 'laia JrL,m-toreign car distributors,tnd rte noiethul Rolls-Royce.lrrc., $ir- irrr.ln4g41t the listinE ol addresseesto whom ]'nu r\rre sen.ling t our r.tqrrest. It is felt that rve should dral"to ].our attention'the fact that we hayenot receilcJ rrrl srrclrrequest lrilm your good seif. verJ,LrulJ J.ours, _ 5o*1,.11r[t r!r,rn. Etecutitc Vicc President, Ror,r,s-Roycr.Ixc.. New York, N.T.,Jume17.1966. Ifon . AraqrreM RBrconr. Chairm.at4 Sttbcom,m,ittee on Eaecutil;e Reorqanipa,ti.on,Comtnittee on GocennmentOperations, U8. Senate, Washi,ngtoi, D.C. Mv,Dern Srr.rron: Irrresponse.to1ourlelIerof llr1.C. 1966,weare ronortlngIo vouconccnr Inq the Tol lowrnE mrl Iers : - t, The-prrico,i'rresl'1 rrlrich rre-.je'rlirith rnr.defe,"tor deficiency that micht a.riserrith resDectto Rolls-Rovceor Bentlev motorcars. 2. A-listing of all bulletins,noticcs, rnd otJrcr-corrispondence with our dealersor owners relating to product or equipment-defector fail-

78--624.--47-----S L24. FEDDnar, notE rN rnlFrrc SAIETY ure encoultered in Rolls-Royce or l3entley motor cars of modol -anal-years 1960through 1966,inclusive." This will, a! requested,include an vsis of action taken. the date. rnod.el involved. defect. number ot i'ehicles involved, procedures,and successattaincd. I'iocedures are describedin this letter. Other data are detailed in the appendix. \Ye hzrvenot beenablc in the time available to cornpileand sesresa,te from thtl voluminous and largely unrelnted colrr:spo-nrlencewit'fi d*eal- ers a,nc[orvrtcrs accunulated over the ?-vear neriod those iterns whi.ch ale rest.ionsireto roul request. lVe are-conliilent.hog.el-er. thtt since all relrr,trrt corre"sn.,l,.lcncerelates to thc same inrterial irs that de- scribeclin the bulletins, our apperrrlixgir-es.r, fair and completepicture of t hernr t te rs coreretl rrnct L he icr ion tiken. Since the malket for Rolls-Iiovce and Bentlev motor',c.arsis limited to persons whosr: exclusir.e interest is in higli quality and hxury, rvit out price inhibitions, tlrc number ol ourjcars sold in the Unite"ri States of ,tmerica is very-!urllrermorp.unlikeihePracii.'epr.erlilirrg sm.rll in comparison rr-ith the rrunbers o{ mrss-pr-otlucedcarssold. amonqdomest ic I'.S.A.nu nrrIrct urers. Rolls- Rovce and Bpnrlcvnro,il elsch"ange r-erv jnfrcquenrlt. ,\s a rcsrrlt,se ire ablelo onir,rlca svstemind pio.edurerrlri,.lr mav be rluiiedifferent fronr ,irrlrhing thrt. sorrld be li.rsiblefor nunu-fucturersoI hislr-r'olurneur.'Lhrcti The essenceof our system and plocedure is to cl-oour best io handlo eachcar and eachol'ner on an indiyidull basis, Our cars are sokl and serviccd Lhrough dealersestabli-qhed tlrrough- out tho continental tlnited States. ,\t ]]resentr\.e hrI-e 46 dcalerslo- catedin tlie plincipal popuhtion centcli and l iltel r rcatiou rrcas of the Lrnited States o{ America. EacL dcaler is responsibleIor the serri''irrg ol a)l Roll.-Roycer nJ Benlley n,rrr lo'.:rtcd ln lriss{ ograph- icrl lrei. Thus, r. singiedcrrlet is re".l'orrsil'lpfo1 rhe .err-i,:ing'of betrreen10 and 350 cais, dependirLsirl'un tl,e cul population of his &r'erot |eJponsibiliry.In orrro8i, c* ir' Nei\'\ urlti-iiv ne nrrrlrrrrin cro:s in,lcf fi lcson ei.lr orrnpr', ident i fit.d b_y rramo rnd ail,I rcss.,rnd on each car in se.ryicein Lhe Lilitcd States, and a loc is rnrrintlined on each car. II a crr is sold b;' :rn owner and subse{ucntly broughi in for serriceto oneo.[ our dellers.the,lnrrE.in ownerslripjs driiy re- corded. Each car is identiffed bv seriul iumber and nlodel. a"nda conrplclolislirg o[ .ril origirrr,lsiandard and optionalequipmont on the ia.r.iskopt. .{ tecordis ma.iniainedof all warrrnlv'elrirrs 'fhese and complrints matlc to us regltding thc car. lec6rds arrl c'ol- timred for so long rs the car existi. and, becluseof the characteristics of liolls'Ro1'ce rnd Bentley automobiles,many of thern renain in serr- ice -trrr 90, 30 or eren 40 ye,nrsor mole. Sonrervhatsimil:rr liles arc mrirrtlirredb_y erch of our dealersconcenrirrg all Rollr Rt,lcelnd RenLleycar; .olrl1,y lrim.rr,J.,as ll,o.!,rpperi- all Jtoll.,liti.ceand |'en e.v rtlS \\'t,t lt come tilto nts xrct DI seLft,.e Io

(c) Throueh complaints direcled to us bl'ou'ners I (d; throLrlt' advice frum our ficld scrvice rcprc&ntatilcs. lYhen such a t,i 'blem at,nFars.Nc "orjrrtlllnicrtelrrrrrrotliu(clv rvith Rolls'Rot'c. Lirl.. and oui'dealers [,r leror'. crbk.,rr lolurlitrneto detelrrrirr,rrlrltknowletlgee,rislscorrceilirrgrlrepr'ol.rlerrr. Ifilre'prob- lem rtpl^rrts lo [,c,rf"ubi'rt'"c, rre di"p.rt,li ,'r,r',,I ou r' ,,,* tr r c"lrrLii irnr eithel from our olfices iu Ncn' York. ol florn our olliccs ou thc rrest coast or Jrour our field stirlT to cxlnrinc tLe (illl .:ullcer'lrr(l itt thcir locntions. If a particular p:rrb or co rporrcnl is invollecl. n'e usk thnt thu psrt or component bc shipped to us at our por'ls dcpot il l,lngle- -r-,"'it, N.,T.,it faasiL,lc.1,'r' ditailod examinrtioi by orii teclrnrcrurs. lf oul tccluricians dctcrrriinc thnt the conditiol is ol rrrl'gerLclal sig- nifica.ncc, thc part is folrvl.rded to Rolls-llrrlce. Ltd., in ltngland for luttlrt'rerirrrrinltion, Il it is,llr'.r'rrrinrulrir,rt rr tltl'.,.t.eriJs. rre il- fot ttt all orrl dealers lrl Lrulleiin,1,'11'nrctl lll] I'r' t, lel'Lon(, txlillrttrug thc rrature o1 the conilitior and thc rernctli'LLliuctiori to b" tLrLcn. anI sttting. so far as klorvrt. thu names unt[ arlht,-.ses of all orvlcrs adcr:tctl rvLo tic loc|Lted in tho dcr|:r's terrirult.. Uur'field scn.ice lclrr'csenta- tir-essJslr,nrxi ii rlly anulpr'rjorli,,rlll iisir. tlre dp:rlersttr , lreik on tlre progrcss of r.ernrtlill action .lnd to lerrn of any dillinultics cncountered. Il ark lit ion, as r r.esult oi rvorldrvide expelicnct, s'ith the crrs, .tycsent outr to our dcalcls I selies of bulletins preparerl by ltolls-Roj.ce, Ltd. or oruselvcs colcelnirrg naintenrncc, ieriice, and correctioirri pro- crll.l r\'-. r trdin('rifr ing lrrbriclrLt-. 1'rrlt lirr..,rrrrd rhc likc. for'., r'ri, irrg .1.'l l,'lr 1,.\','ulLlcirlrr': ltl,,t1ll-r II). (,tIr,' I illt\'l)r('l,lr'||tslll:tt trliL\l(l,l^ itr. ancl.sofrLraspos.sililc,toprcventttoublesLttolcthe,voccur.'Ileiriace- morrt prrts ar'e.srLpplietlto trur clealcls frorrr our IJqgicrvood, N.,I., pnrts denor l'or ilsttllrl ion orl ctrs ailected. i'Ir,. l,ullctiiL. l,rtt'irld l,r liolls-Iloycc Ltrl.. and bv oursclves are dtsigrrttl to "uvcLiboilrrrrr j,,i i1111111i1otltrrolrlcrnsexpcricnced ol antrrr ipatctl rvith cach nroclcloi"crr. ln the.rril e llLyc lrr.iscribcdcolrcctlve aition rvith rcspect 1o e r.cly lrr, lrlvobc,'rr aLrle t,' c,'rrrpilc "N it. \\'[ere lc havo inditltcd umtu' irivolvetl" rvc lefer to t]re totll r.'ll all cam of a model rlhic.h corrlrl conceivablr,*be aflcctcd by a rt iul prolrltur, even though a r-err- rluch smaller nurnbel lx,to 'Ihe rnay hir-e icrrrrrlly 6een fourLd to har[ bsgn ilefcctivc. numbcr aitu:rlly foulrtl defective in cach instancr: is ildicltr:d by the crrtr-y. "Nurnbci "Suc, {ound defcctive." The errrry, e"s rrl action,' rrhcn st:rt,.d us a pcll'onrirge.scls forilr our best juiulrr,cd lsrirrr:rteerf the pcrr'''rrtrge of the tot[] nunrbcr irLr-olvnd. on l'hich success{ul actiori lras corr- pletcd, in situatiotrs l'hcre scrvice action by our dcaler.s, chcckcd by (success irur own represcntttivcs, rvas the course pr:scribctl. \I'hc.n of action" is strtr:d as a rrrmbcl of a mrmber (as, for ox:unplcr'(100 ('100 ot 100" or of 100 complaints") se are indidating that wdhave no 126 trIDERAL ROLE IN TRTTIC SAFETY file writtcn records pertaininE to tho individual cars afiected estab- Iishhg that of the seit,nd numler stateld,on which action was ilirccted, action-hasbeen complcted on thc rrurnberilirst stlted. In the rrppcudix, the totrls staied undcr ildividual bultetin headings, are, olcourse, not cunulative. sinr:ea partic.ular nlodcl of car or :ln individual car mav exDericlce l nr,nrl,ei o{ ulrelated problemsor.er a period of time. concerninger.h oJ '\ I'i( b \re haveinstitited specificcon€ctional action. Our 1966 Silr'er Shadow cars. rrhich aie completelv redesisned. vehicles. ha.vcnot \ct, beel rele.rscdfor sr]e to u.crs in tlrc Uiited States,and there has beenno correctional action tahen with respcct,to these1966 model carsto datc. If there is nny:rdditional information rvhich you desire from us, we shall be ha,pp1:to do our best,to comply with youi request. Yours respcctfully' pr* E. Grmenr. Jr.. President

SEEvrcE Bur-r,ETrNs 1959 ro 1966

PBODLICT OB EQUIPIIENT DEFECT OB FAILVaiE ACTION PBOCBAMS 7. Date ahd Number: Dece ber 2,1959-52/M7 The possibility oI qrater entering the switch o[ the therDx&l de]ay in the choke circuit, leading to possible corrosion, rvas discoyered, A Deoprene w&sher w&s fltte(l between tlre s\r'itch hotly &nt[ tbe atlshboatal tr{odel Involrcd : Cer&LiDS2 aDd }'hantom V, Number InYolYed: 303. SuccessofAction: 303 of 303. Nu be'iInundDcfecfirc:303. 2. Date qnd, Nuntber: Jan$arv 8, 1960,-52/115; Jaw&r.y 2, 1961-52/4Jl A terdency of the raaliator flller cap seal o distort due to sweltiEg was de- tected. This coulal cause o poor se&l by whicb coolant migbt be lost. Initial action was to cxanine each flller cap on a car brought id for serrice. Subse- quent prodnction action ll'as the installation of a brass ring s.lveated itlto po$ition itr the header tallk. ModeL Involveal : Certain S2 s"!.d Phautoro Y. NurDber Involvcal : 1112. Successof .\ction : 10{7r. Nurnber I'ound Defective: 316. 8, Da.te and Number: tebruarV 19, 1980-89/trg; Ma.rck 7, 1960-82/K3 Improveal operation of the automatic choke €yste4 was Bought foE easier starting lrith d n'ardr engine anil to prerent portial clositrg of the chok€ when the car \1'ts driven at high speeds in yery colal weather. An Otter switch was fltted :Lnd asbestos laggetl hot air pipes wele installetl atral certaiu settinga were changcd. Model In{olveal: CertatD 52 and Pha-utoloV. Number lnvolYed j 309. Successof Action i 303of309. Nunber lound Defective : Not appllcable. 4. Date and Nutnber: Marak 21, 1960-82/K1 The possibility of slippiDg antl damage to t.he t]rottle liDkage on some gz atrd Phantom V cars was tliscoveretl The leEedial ection was to teplace two of the lcyers by realesigletl levers, f,Iotlel Involved : Cefain 52 anil PhaDtoll Y. Number InYolYed: 1078. -successof Actiotr : 1075ol 1078. Number Founal DelectiYe : 1075. FEDERAL. ROLE IN TRAIrIC SAFETT 727

6. Ddte atud Nu,z.bor: Marah 21, 1960-59/M4 On late S1 car€ aDtl certalb S2 ears possible occosiotrel failure of lu8ed to make good coEtact was suspected. Procedures for repositiorting the fuses aDd fittiDg the fose wiies $'ere prcscribed for iml)leDentatiolr wheneYer electric&l dilnculties \"_erereported, Model Jnyolved : L.rte 51 and certaln S2 cars. Number Involveal: 390. SuccP*s,'fArr ioD: 3 uf 3 reported. NuDrber F ound Defective : 3. 6. Dale atLd Nlt.rnber: AIritr 12. 1960 S2/M5 Startrir rrotor clut(h failures were discoyered together with poor electrical contact. -A.modificd clutch urft iDcorporating stronger spritrgs \ras introduced, and dir(\rtions issued to retighten electrical connectiona. trIodfl IDvolyed : Certain 52 aral PhaDtom V. NuDrber InYolved : $01. Suc(:essof Actiox : 90-l of 904, Nux,l,cr FoDndDejecti\ e i 90.L 7. Dota ukil. Nutuber: May 3, 1960-Br/G1 It \r trs discovered that oD certain 52 cars it \a'as Dossible for the rear brake hoae to chafe agriDst the brass pouodage plate, ii the bose was ever ftteal improlx,r l-!'. The correctional procedure $'ag to eramiDe, and, if requir€d, to tepositiotL the hose. tr{odcl Ilrvolyed : CertaiD S2 atrtl PhsDtom V, NunLb(rrInvolved : 439. S,ic,.P\soI Aclion : {Li%, l\urirl'PrFourd lr,.fe tir'a; L 8. Dut( a htl Nurnber: lIaA 4,1960-52/Es In soJnecases ttrere s'as solDepossible 1086of oil down the crankc&se breather pipe on Sg cals crused by the camshaft flinging oil throllgh gaps \'hich could eyist between the breather bame aDd tbe v/all,f the crllrrlicase. Where ex- cessive oil consumption was experietrced,tle baflle plate w&s r€fltted in positiotr to eDsureo flush fit agaiDst tbe wall of the c4rDkcase. Ilodel Involveal : Certai4 52 oDd Phuntom Y. Numbe! Involved : 439. Successof Action : 11.3of 11.3reporting eroe8siyeoil ('onsunrptloa, \unrber X'ouDdDefectil'e: 20. 9. Date anal.NvflLber: hl! 18, 1960-82/84 Some cars $'ere subject to loor hot stertiDg because ol vaporisatlon of fuel ln the carburetter Jet woUs, The existiDg jet assembtea were modifled aBal new Darts instaled, Model Involyed : C€rtain Sl and PhrDtom V. Nurnber InYolYed : 339. Successof Actio[ : 339 of 3S9. l(urrIL,erlouud f)efective: 33U. 10. Late ot1.il.N urr]-be,r:Alt|1t9t 94,1960-52/Lo Atr sdditional clip was litted to restrain a lteater plpe, in order to eUmiDate atry possibility of coDtact betEcen the pip€ aDd the frobt tl!e. Ilodel Inyollcd: Certuitr Sil StaDdard Steel Salooos. Number In\-ol\'cd i 561. Successof ActioD : 100'/.. Nun)bea n'ound Defecdve i & 11. Date an.JNrmbe.r': Beptemtr)q 16,1980-89/Es Tbe octane selector was repositioneal itr Dormal servicing to preYeDt pocsible chafing of the mrir charging cable agaiDst ttle kdurled adjustitrg nut. Ilodel Involveal : Certaio S2 and Phantom V. NuDlbc! InvolYed : 607. Successof Acr ion : 1007,. NuDber tr'ound DefecUve: 8. 128 FEDERATJ RO]'E IN ARATTIC SAFETY

12, Da.teand, NMtuber: Ma,rch 6, 1961-82/EI Some ollfners complfiineal of harshness and vibratioD in the front suspeDsloa, Remedial &ction w&s dirccted iD such loltaDc€s to check tlle friction aDtl heiqht and to lubricate the suspension. Model ltYolved: CertdiD 32. NuEber InvolYPd: 83;. Succes$ ot Actlo'lx : g of I co$plaintl Numb€r l'ounal Defective i g, 13. Date @nilN$mbcr: March 6, 1961-52/C4 OD certaio Sg cars fftted wtttr tbe Tecudrseh refrigeratiojl coropressor,a fouling could occur between the lower eDaLof the cngine toll molant hose and the metal flttings olr the refrigeratiotr system hot gajr lite. The remedial actioD consisteal of an adjustment of the belt$ ond the pos;tiolr of the conprcssor. Iloalel Itrvolyeal: Certain S2 fftted with Tecumseh reJrigcr&tiotr compressor. Number Involveal: 229. Successof .,\.ction: 1007.. NuurberFounLl Dr'fP'.tive: ?1. 74. Latc anil Nlltnl'er: Marah 10, 1981-52/C5 It \Tas reported ttrat unaler certain conditiotrs dirty rrater could etrter the frerh alr aluct ulder thc left-band froDt fetraler oD S2 cars l1ot trtted slth air cotrdi- tioning. The correctiolal action was a cleaning of the duct atril the applicattotr of all underseal compou[d. ]Iodel I[volYeal: Oertain S2. Number IlrYolved: 50. SucceBsof Action: 1m7c. ^-umb€r n'ouDd DefectlYe: None, 15. Dnte afid Nut rb.:r: IIarch 13, 1961-82/Cs In order to locrease tbe support of the water Dipe froD the rea! ol the rtght- hand bank of cyliaders to the Summer/Winter water tap, an adalitionat clip was recommeDdedfor fltting whcre required. Model IDyolyed: CertaiD S2 (coachbuilt only). Number InYolYed | 5:1. Succcss of Action : f:nkllowE-no further probleEg report€d. Number Foulld l)cfective: 14. 76, Date atudNltrrlbet : Muy 1,1961*52/Sg Sorre owners complained of Jamming of the trunk lid. This was determined to occur priDcipally under conditions of improper stow&gc. To Dinimize this possjbility, a Dadjlied lochitrg cam a-

19. Dare Md Nr'rrber.' November 2, 1961-S2/C4; Novehber 6' 1961-BC2/J3 Some lront brakes were found to be slow to release. This did trot afiect brakiDg emciency, but could impair optimum brate linilrg liic Tln slolr'nesa rvas tr-aced to fiont theel cylinder cleris pins. The Platints rrlteriirl use'l on thc clevis piDs wes ili.ected to be chenged anil .eplacements maale rvbetreYet brakes \\ere rcqrfreil to bc relined. lIodel Involvd: Certain S2 and Pbantom \'. Number Inrotred: 1229. Successof ActioD: 1007r, Number Fountl Defective: 12. 20. Ddte aniLNurnbcr: l ote ber 91, 1961-89/D6 In soue instances it r'as found that PuroLator alf fflter elements ol the oil- wetteil types used irl thc &ir cleaner restricteal tbe passage of air to tbe edgine, thereby ln some situatiolrs increasing fuel consntnption. Al tbc-.nrxt seNice' whel iiltcr-* were to be cllttngod, all oil-$ettcd €Iumenls were directed to be aliscardedard replaccd l)y th{'(lry lilter element. Ilodel Involved: Certailr 52 rnal Phantorn V Nunber InYolYed: 1202. Successol Action : 1007.. Nurnbet lrorud DeJective i 21 27. Date qnd Nunltrer: Dcccmbet 1, 1961-82/84 A plastic aluct Itlas alesi€ineatto be 6tted iDto the two froft doors wheneyer electdc \\'iDtlotv ljft s\'\'itchcs were found to be daloaged by r&in water' Model InYolved : CcrttiD S2. Number InYoh'ed : 100ii. Successof Action: .\ction cotrtinuing 8s damage 18observed. N[mber l'ounil Defective : 2. 29, D6te and Nut.ber: Mo{ 7, 1962-82/D10 Ce rin cars mitle in tho lattet part of 1960 received at the fastory transmi* sion llujrl which u aler certltirr dri;ing c'onditions cluld proiluce excessive lludg_ lng in the sump._trrnsrrlissiolr ill cars lrero alirected to be checked for sludglng, and Ehere it aliieareO, i.ire r,il was c-hangsatand reltaced l]y t' alifferent fluid' Model lnvolTed: Cerl.trin S2 lnd Ilhaltom 1'. Number Involvcd: 50?. Su(ccs! of ActioD: 100%. NuEtber X'ound Defective: 232. 2t. Date anil Nrnnbcr: '4oril 2, 1963-53/M1 On eorly S3 cars ther€ was a possibilitv tlat the lo* teasioa lead-trlght be t*pIr*r Ltit*".- thc casing lrnd t:he tlistrilutor cap ts the cap waa ftted' ID' struitkrns rvcre Lirelr c(rDcerni[g the rerouting ol the LT 1vire. Ilodel Involr'eal: 53 c:trs llDd Phantom Y to thot d:Ltt Number hvolved : 1$1 Suc(?ss of Actiol | 1007, Nrlmber X'ound f)ofective: 51 21. Date ani !-lt'?nbcr: A/,til 9!t, 1963-52/It8 Soile speealometer drive cnltles permitted ne€dle fl[ctuatiotr on tbe sp€edo'meter' A rrerv cable Nils lntrotluced in coses ot compl&iot od suilh fluetuatron, l{odel InvolYeal: Certain 52 Nl1lrrh€.rIn\'iilved : l4fl Srccess of -\('tioni :2; of ,? complaints. \uxtl)er !'ourrl Tlofetire: 22? 25. Dote and liltnLb(ir: aptitr 25, 1963-s2/89; Mau 16' 1963-93/&1 Inst ces of ocftrsiou:rl olc

26, Date and Nlt tubor: MW 14, 1963-83/83 - On eome S3 cars It waa diffcnft fu r€move heaallamp fairing -leretaialnq ssrews beoa,uae of scre$' corrosioD. The cause was determine.cl to e toofing note drilled inmedintelt aboye e&ch of the screw cage nuts, wlicn Jffowe,f water arld dirt to accuEulate around the nuts and sclrws. Ciorrectional actDrl wes to seal oach hole with a sealing coDtpoutril. Ivlodel Involyed i Certain S.3. N umber Jnvolsed: i..17 S|l.(+ss of AetioD: 1007, Nrrmber FouDd Defi.ctir?: 5 97. Date dmd,NwLber: Septemher 26, 1965-BS/Mt, Some S3 distributoB Il'ere found to haye a loo€e rivet otr the lurbrication pad spring/earth $'ire post. This (ould cause IxDr c.ontact shich could result- iII eEgile roflghness thr.Jugh tnisliring. CorrectioDal action to tighten the dret wa-q alire{:tetl Moalel Involyed: Certain S3 and phatrtom V, Nueber IDyolved : 495 SuG.essof Acr ioD : 1007o Numlrer Fuun,i Defecl irc: 51 28. Date dnd.)iwnber: October3,1965-83/Ms Occasiotal failures iE starter motors on some Sg cars r&ere tould ettritlutable to faulty brush matetial. New brnsh gear \Tas aalopted. Ilodel Inyolyed: Certain Sg analphantonr V, Numberlnsoll'cd: 32;1. SuccessofActioD: 325 of325. Number nound Defeii.tiye: 3 . 89. Dete anatrN<1,her: Dace*Lber l'tt 1963-SS/N1 - fnstan.s.of steering sheel ttrrob.were r€Ilorted. lfhere tbe conalidon w&B round to exr.t. correctional oeticn II.as to eliminate air from tho stcering ram anal to flt restrj.ited baIljo bolts inta each of the ram feerl DiDcs. IIodeI hrvoleed: Ce aiD 53 aDd pbantom V. Numhpr I nv^lred: 492. SuccessoI Artion: 10Oq,. Nunber X'oundDefectiye: 316. qnd 30. Date N$mber: ljecember 23,1963-83/EJ Beptember 10, 1964_B3/ES ( a\ Some complaints of flooding carburetters on SB cara .wete receiyed. When flooding was found to have orcurretl. eorrectionol actiotr was to cnsure proper cleani[g of the fuel tatrk and the litting of a Eodifed yent pipe arrangenenr oD the carbureHaer. Model Involre{l: Cetain S3 and phantolA V. Number IDYolTeal: 301. Successof Action : 11 of ll complaints, NUmhcrFouDd Dpfecl ive: 11. 31. D at e anil N umber: J atn anv 28,196lr-AG / 79 . SlippiDg-gear changes anal loss of drive in cars useal freq!1etrfly irl congeBteil town coDditions were founal attributable to oyerheated tiansmission oil. fn orde_rto assist in maintaining tmnsmission oil tempetatures belon, an accept ble leyel, a yented hell horsing bottom cover was fftted on production ca;s. A kit of pads for moalificltion was supplietl in instances whed correctioDal acuon was require{I, togethcr \rith instructions for insta ation. Model InvolrPd: 52. S;1.Phnntom I'. Nrmber Inyolyed: 2610. -Sxcces-cof Action : Incomplete-rontiDuing aa conalidon appears. Number Found Defectiye : 193. 32. Date anil, N urrLber:Aprtt 9, 1964-Bg /M9 Some fallures of the link crble connecting the Btarter Dotor solenoiat to the at&rtcr moto. relay $ere reported. -Checldng of all link eables was dlrecteil, atil in cas€s of failure the ceble was alir€cted to be replac€d by one of an improved ilesigu. Ilodel Involvetl : Celtain S3 aEal phantom V- Number fnvolved. 325. Succe$sof Action : 1009.. Number I'ound Defectiye : None. v


t3- D@te ar.d, frrrnLber: Augwt 7, 1964-53/ Ki It was reported that certatn lsolating Unks whlch ete&dy the throtLle conttrol tiDkage might haye be€n fitted iDcorreotly. TbiE defciency might cause loullDg if brtke p€dal tmvel bec{rme excessive (which c\ould occur by reasoB of lack of periodic servicing) and if et the s&Ee tioe the servo connection fo the rear brake sboulal Ealfunction for other re&soDs. CorrectioBal acton was to inspect and iDstall the link prcperly. vodel Inyohred: Coach built carsonly-S3 PhaDtoB V. -\umber Iovoh_ed:96. Successof Action: 95 of 96, Number X'ouDdlDefeotive: NoDe, 3lt. nntc a'td Nvmb, r: Orlober 22, 1964-ES/ES ;Sorne complaints of oil leaks from the tappet c'oYer Joi[t, l€adlDg to excesslvg oil co sumption, $ere rerteiyed. -4. new sealant material was used to r€plact tbe earlier material \there excessivc oil consumptioa Fos reportod. ]Ioalel Involved : CertaiE SB &nd Phsntom V. Number Inrolveal: 737. Success of ..\ction: 368 of 368 checked on otl colrsumpfloir 'gobElahr. litmber x'ound Defective : 353. 85. Date and Nunrber: NonenLl)er27, 1964-53/G2 some coDrplnints of heaw pealal pressures requireal for brakinE were receiYed. tl|is \las fould to be {tttrlLutable to inefnci(')t oDeratiotr of the serYo in t}re power assist. The cnuse $'cs tleterDrined to be repest€d light application in healT city trafiic colditions, causiDg glaziDg. Wbere heavy pcdrl pressule was cncountereal. the correlnional action was to clelrx the scrvo liDing and to inerease the uDit loailing applied to the friction I[embers for a given pedal Dre..rrr.. Thi\ was scri-fi..1 by r lres pr€ssureplate. trlo'1,.1involrcd: Ccrt:rin sl aod Plantom V. Numl)er Invol\real: 834. Suc( ess oI ^ction : 14 of 14 cheeketl on complaitrt Nunlter X'ound Defective: 14 36. Dot, ond .\ bcr: Yoa 14.1g65-St/87 A desifn increase in the powcr output of tho Dechaniem on electricaUy operated winclo\ys could cause some lower stop brackets to beDd'-aDowlng tbe window glass to go d(rNll to,r far, thereby causing sorDeoperating cbaiD failuies. A stronger sto! brlcket \'\'ith ir wider Dountirg base s'as adopted to be ltrstllled iD casesof chain failure. ^\to'lPlI n\ oltPd : {-pllaiE 33. \uurL,er I otollPd : 933. sucre,\$ of Action : 192 of 192 c.oDphtrlE- Number x'ound Defectire: 99. 3'1.D ate anil N nrnber: J ttlv 12, 1965-83/86 It was founal that in sonre ilsta]r(es stove pipes which feed air to the bi_ metal coil ilr the 'heat silrk housilg jn the lutomatic choke m;ght becs@s btocked. therebl lx ssiblt delayiDg diselgagement of the automatic choke. A Doalified stote pipe inlet llihpter e'as adopted lor use wheneYer oi1 Fas foulril to be enteri g the stove PiDes. Iloalel Ilvoh ('d : Certain S3 analPhaDtom Y. Number l',r.1\ed : 1(}10. Success of Action : 49 of.19 checked oB cooplaint. Nu ber tr'ouDalDefective: 49' 38. D&te arld,Numbet October 14,1965-St/Nz Isolateal cases were relrcrted s'herc the tabs of the locklDg platea werre Eot applying m4ximum effective lockiDg to tbe side steeritrg lever set scre'wE -l new locfing plate sas iutroatuced aatl iDstructions for lnstallatioD wer€ issued. Tlle rcpolt tss JouDd incorteat snd the buretiE waa lescirlded' IIodeI InYohed : S3. Number ItrYolved : 1079. Success of ActloD : 8 cbecked prior to resciaFloB. Number Ponnd DelectiYe : NoDe. 132 FEDERAIJ ROI'E IN TNAFFIC SAI'E'TY

39, Date atud,Nun ber: Marck 14.1966-A&/20 It ras determltred that ln cars with mileage itr ex(ess of 50,000 mlles there was a possil,ility ot excessive wear to the bronzo gear in the transmislion€ which drives the brake seryo. This could cause a klock \yhen the brakes wele &pplieal. lnstruction$ rrere issueal to dealers to check for such wear in ctrt aplearing lor service shorying mileage in excess of 50,000, aD4 where auch \voar apleared, to fit a rrc\v bro ze gear. llodel Involved i S1, S9, 53, ard Phantom V with mileage ln exceas of 50,000. Number Inyolyed : Estimateal ?00haye exceedetlmileaEe. Suctess of ActioD: Inconlplete--coDtiDoiDg as miteiges are attained. NtrDber X'ould Defcciti\c : No[e. 40. Date amrl,Ntmbcr: I'.brudrlJ 29, 1960-3 (Buppletuerlts B9/M4, Some faulty fuse conta.rts were reported. Oheck for dcterDining prope! ilstallation of luses were directed. Iloalel Involved : Late S1 and ccrtain S2, NuDber Involved: 3SO- Sucess of ^.\.ction : 3 of 3 comDldi[ts,_ Number }-ound DefectiYe:3. 41. Date anal,]\i1htuber : tIa'rck 29, 1960-5 (Bupplen.ents Eg/Mg) Instances of electrical failure attributable to faulty cotrnectionB at the sol- dered joilt of battery cables iD thcir tern]inals were reporteal. Directio4s for iospectioD. resrrlaleri[g suspccted joints, and a ('heck of nuts oII the starter assembly were issued. llodel IDvolved : Certain S3 and lhaDtom V. I'u[rber InYolYeal: 325. Su(ress ot Action : 10O%. Number l'ouDd Defectiie : None. 42. Ddte and Nurrltter: J trA6, 1960-8 (S ppl,emint\ B2/L5 atud,Ez/L'll Dc{ective r[lrbcr scals or wa€hers unaler the rrdiator ffller rap lyere reportetl. filler CheckiDg of thesc caps uDtil the installatio['9, of n r,clrlacenreDtwas direct€d. Iloalel Itrvolyed : Ccrtain SZ and PhantoD \runber InYolred : 112. Succ(]ss of Aciion : 10070, Nu,mbern'ourd DefectiYe: 315. 45.Dote and Nlttrlbcr: Februorv 23,1961-11 A few instances of loose Z bar clamps or1 the risht rear chassls framc side Eembllr $erc rcported. This coukl adverselJ efiect the dde, cornering eDtl steering anal (luld produce hro(,ks aud rattles. IDspectiol and tightening of therreclarups $'as directed $.hell any comltaint of ride and steerjng couplecl .lvith fear end rtttles was receiTetL, Model InYolved : Certain -q2. Number IDvolyed : 921. Successof -{ction: 0 of 6 comDlaintF. Numtrer Found l)cfcctive: 6. 41.Dote and Nutuber:Jullt 19,1961*12 Possiblc chaling of the left-hand rerr brake pipe a€Binst the brake oDerating roal or I'hantorn V ({rs $'2LSdiscovered. Inspectlon and rerouti[g of the brake pipe to cnsure proper clearaDcewas directed. llod0l IDvolved : Phalrorn '1.. NuDrlher fnvolyeil : 54, Srccessol Aotion : 100%. NuEber n'oDnd Defective i None. 45. Date dnalN.umber: trIarck 91,'1962-19 (Bupplernenty g2/ M5) Ilodilied starters were introtluceal to ersure Erore trouble-free performatrce. Model Invoilyeal: Cortain S3 aDd I'LnntoDr Y. Number Involvcd : :]2;. Successol .{ction : 325 of 325. Number n'ound Defectil'e : 325. FEDERAL nOLD IN TRAI'FIC SAFDTf 133

16.Date ahd' Nlt rlber: Augrrst 3, 1964-40 (gupplernerrtt S3/K4, A lever to steaaly the throttle coDtrol on some S3 coach built calE was repolted to bc incouectly lnsttllcd. Check of all S3 coach built cars ivas directed to ensure complia[ce R'ith S3,''K+ I\loalelIniolyeal : Corch hujlt c&rs only-S3 and Phantom V. NunrberInYolved: 96, Snrress of Aciion : 95 of 96. Nxxrber-Furll!l I 'efpctire: Nooe. 4'1. l, r I |: tnLd){ (. nrlx:r : Au g1r s t 24, 196 4-11 rn somo c.'lrs c(luippeat\lith unaler-feualel air conditioning units' one of the intuior tluct ,rutletJ rrns foulld to be capcLle of confng loose bccau-({r('f an lnsccure attachrnent of o screF_. It \ras specincd tlrat iD such inst{rnces these scrcNsbc replNce(lbI srrnll bolts. l{odfl Involved: Sg fquil)!td with type 64 udder-fender air conditioniog units' 1\-unrllerhrvolYcd : Urlkrlown, Successof -q.ctir)n: Utrlilro\!D. NuDrber x'ound Dcfcctiye : U[knowD. ltl. Dat.ofitJ.\uhtb,r:.lugust28, 1964-f45 ( Stqpleme sAG/1gl ID ordcr to rcduce opcrating temperat[res of the transmission oil' a modin€d vetrted tonls uider coier R'as directed to be iDstallad oD cars e)]coulteritr8i e:- cessire heat. l\Iodfl Involved : 52, Sg axd PhaDtom V. Nulrlb'.rInvolved : 2C10, Successof -A.ction: IDcoDttet0---contiDuing as conditioD app€ars' NuDbcr x'ounalDefective : 133, 49. Datc and N nbcr': Jltl! P8, 1965-51 "A fDstances of corrosion of the h€ater coDnection bolted to tbe tear of the Bank" cylindcr head were reported. Until rcplacement of the parts was requlreo cleaDingaDd llriDter techDiques wcre recommended. llftlril Invol\.ed: 52 cars !l or more Jerrs old \\'ith nileagc iII excess of 30,000 Nuurber Involred: IrlstiDr[rtcd600 have exceededlrge and mileage Succeasof ActioD: Ilcomplctc-continuing us age aDd mileage are att&ined. NDmber tr'ounall)efectiYc : None. SAAB SAAB USA.INo., NeusH aten, Ctmn.,llay 9,1966. IIon, Aarurrau A. Rtnrc,ol'r', Ll.5. Serute, W ash.i.ngton, D.C. Dr.rn Snweron Rrsrcorr: lYe have received your April 21 letter wliich recuestsan analysisof our communicatiotri trith S-AAB owners anctrlealeis rellt inu to i,toLIucl ot erluipntenlde fr'' l "r' frrilute. Tlris infolrrrLlio"nisiron being r;ollec[cdantl rtill Le sent lo Jou as quickll. as p,,ssible. Dlncer.ely, Rclr,prrT. Mlr,r,nr.'Preaid,ent.

SAAB LrSA.Ixo., Neto Hat:en,Oonn.,trtty 97.1966. Ifon. Anqegeru A. Rrnrcorr, fl .,1.genol r. ll'n .ltinq lt.t. D.C. Drun Spr-lton Rrgrconr': -A.t your requcst' ee hrve thoroughly anrlvzedour recor',lsof SA-{B "recrll" crtrrplignssinco 1000. f rm verv'hrnnv to lclolt rhlt in this Deliotl.SA^,\B-h&s hrd to trke anv acriorro:f thatkindorrlvlrrico. Nd l,:tu:rlrlcfr"'ts nere forrnd in eithei insttncc but preventii:e measuresrrere talicn on tll ca,rsrtturned, Here ale the details : 134 FEDERAI] NOITE. IN TRAX'FIC SAFTT

1. On the 1961station wagons,incorrect assemblycould have caused t}e rear brake hoseto fra.y against the shockahsorb6r retainins screws. Thirty-eight cars rcre inr-olved. We dispatchedour orvn sei,.icemen into the lield to mrke tlre necessan'rrodificitiols; rll cars were r.eached and corrected. 2. In 1964 the front flexiblc brake hose of our lfonte Carlo 850 qrodel could hrve fraved frorn conract with the nniversal ioint boot. Une hundred sixt.y-.tile cars \\.ere involved. IVe notified all dealers rvhohad taken t heseclrs, giving lhem the chrrssisnumber of the modsls anrI ad\'rsrrrgthem to contlcr olrrcm to havethe moclilicrtionsirstalled. Sorenty-firo percent of the-secars had t]re necesm,rvcorrecliols made. . Aiih.oughno diflinuliieswilh tlro lgcl ,.rls \\erer.clolr{.d ro us,th€ dualdiagonal braliinE slsrenr, srrrrdrr.d,qrril,n,enl crn'llre S-\ .\ ll since tnrl Jeer, would htl,r lu.otcctedcar occupa,r)tsand peilestriansif any Lmkinq problemshad lrisen- IVc b6lier-e that the rnost rdr.anced safety features are integral conponents of good attomotive desigl antl ie strorslv feel thnt-the SA.\I3 today- is lhe safestcar on the roi,cl,regardless of]iice or counrry oforisin. Ilnr2q1s"of basic.safcty designof r " "ca ' he S-\AB. rnd sineethe need 1-orany lll ,:li-l( ln { o.cll.rc, I nrrl\' ttrine, u e tsill "on t in rrnlo handle thtsecases indirid.urll.v. Sl,"rrldr,hesiiuriionr!.isprgrin,,jlrrctions rrrll Iredelnnrlned by-the serrnn:ness,,l rhepos"iLle dnlo.r x,,4 6, tnu jnyolved. numhor of cars Uithcr n:rr., n.e-q.orrld do our utmost io mako srrre.tlrrtall our.ars rrpllrl,t5-\_\ lt's outstrndiiig slfeiv re"ord. I hopet trrsI n lormc{ ronis.tl islactory ro.J.ou. I [.voushould requi re additionalrlrrrLfrom S.L\8. pleaserer me (norv. slnccrelv. Rr.ws T. Mrlr,rr, Presit)ent. (1960to 1966)


- 1, O_nthe 1961 staflon wagotrs, lDcorrect &ssenrbly eoulal have causeal the rear DraKe nose to fmy agalrst tbe shock absorber retalniDg soeps. Tl\irtfJ-eiglrt cars were iovolved, We dispatcbed our o.srnserdee men-irto the fleld to m;ke tne npres{ary modincafioDa:dA cars were rec.hed ancl .orre.tcd. z. rn fgt'4 tbe frort flexible bruke hose of our illonte Carlo ShOmodel could hare frayeat from contact $ith the uniyersal joint boot. oni iunar.ii itty-Jtae cars \rrere invohed. It'e notilied all dealers \l-bo had taken these cars, giviDg tlem the chassis durnber of the models anal adqisi[g thcm to contacf owners to have the modifcations rlstl,lled, BeaehtT-fioeper ient of these cars had tlte DecessaTycorroctiotrs made. SIMCA-ROOTES CrrnyslER CoR"..

'here..hr!\'o-. nm.nMn, coor: confirming ."{#:,::{":::;!,i:I"{:jinil, been no stIety r"lmpaigns on ihe Simca and Rootes carg d rslrlbu lc,I bV our corporr I ion in the U nir cd States. jmforter _ Wc became thc of Simca cars in the United States in Januuy 1963; and of the Rootes cars efiective Februarv 1. 1g66, FDDDftJtL IOLE IN lIMlrlC grrrsrr 135

-Between October 1958 and January 1963 we distributed some models of Simca cars in ths United States ulder agreementrrith Simca,_fnc. Ilre also understand that there were no prior canpaigns on U.S. jslported cars of these manufacturers, Ilowever, we cannot, as of cerininty, certify inforrnation prior to the abovedates. Yours truly, Rosorr J. CorNnn, Jr. P.S.-Since our conyerrrtion. I receiveda letter from Senntor Ribi- reply also cofralso req-uesting tlre rrl'ore.ir fornrirlion.,l.rssume this takescale ot tnat lequesLbul, rI not, -please aolnse. R.J.C.' Jr.

t (Chrysler CorPoration) ( 1363$6)

"There have beeD tuo safeta cartupai|fis on tbe Slmca and Rootes (ars dlstrlbu' ted by our corporation in the Uniteal States." "I!'e becamette importer of Simca (ar6 in tle UDifed States in JaDuary 19{i}; &atl of the Rootes cars ef€ctive F€bruarl 1, 1fi66. Between October 1$58 {rDd January 1963 we distributed some lrrodels of Si6ca cars ia the UDited States uDder agreement sith Simca, Inc." "We also uoderstand thot ttrere were no pnor campaiS]ls oE UDited State8 i&ported cars of these lranufactures. Ilowever, we calnol aE ol certalDty, certify irx.forrnation prior to the above dates." STAND.{BD.TRIUMPE

Sr,rxp-atD-TnrowrrrMoron Co..Ixc.. New York. N.Y., ApiilZ0, tS00. Ilon. Ann-arrlu Rnrcorr', Li.5. 3e utte, Washirgton, D.C. L)e-linSrns : In the absencoof Mr. C. E. Andrews, presidentand chief executiveolfrcer of the Standard-Triumph Motor Co.. Inc.. I achrorvl- e.igcn cnipt,of l our letter dated-\1,ril 21 respeciing producl or equjIF m.r,r .lclecrcoriailures in rhe lcC0ihroughri)CU m;d;l lrjsengercars. f-our letter will be brought to IIr. Andrews' immediate att€ntion unon lis return to the ofiicelater this y'eek. Yours sincerely, M,rnreN.LJ. Wnrour, Secretary to Mr. And.rews.

Srervo*o-Thrmrnr Momn Co. Ixc.. N ett Ycrk, N.Y,, AWil 99, 1966. Hon. A-sRur^1tr Rurcorr, U.8. Sennte, Washi'ngton. D.C Dl.,rn Snr : Your letter of eprl Zf has been placed before mo on my re(urn to my office.and in roplv T wish to corifirmthat my corlll){nJ will bs pleas'edto cbmplv rvitlir i'our requestfor details of iecall iani- jcles. -paigns involrins Triuririh pas.d.ngerI ei ihr.e instigited a studt' of all bulletins, reports, and correspond-

136 FEDERAI] ROLD IN TRAr.rIC SAFMTY enc€which may be perl inent t.o your requ$t, and will advise you ac- cordinslv as soonas iL is completed.-process In view of Llre fact ihat. the majority- of our records ar.ein of transfer to new facilities, I respcrtfullv crayet'our kind indulsence.[or anv delav-2, in sul",mission. lior informationl our new ad,lris:, efiectire"I{ay f'lOO,wi bo Sta,ndard-Triunph Motor Co., Inc., 111 Galway Place, Teaneck,N.J. 07666,telephono No. (201) 833-8000. Sincerely, C. E. Axnnnws, President.

Sr.Lxpano-Tnruurs Moton Co, Ixo., Teaneck, N.J., XIa.y 261 1966. Ifon, Agnerra.M Rnrcorr, U.8, Senate, IY ashington, D.C- DurR Si n : Fu lt her t o my lci ter dai.edApril 29, in a.cknowledgoment of your requestof April 2l for product informition, I am nrj-wable to inlorm rou (hat a compleiesurvev hls beenmade of our service notification proceduresforihe period tovering the years 1960through 1966. Iluring the period under rsview, a total of 353 service bulletins h*vo beenissued and they .tall into the following categories: (o) Aalll)inistratiye 91 (D)Technical infotma 150 (c) nouliDu -prt ice recomEptrda fioos--. (d) Specilication changes ------70

353 In order to clarify the -foregoinuI give hereundel'explrnaiorvnotes regarding ihe subdivisionsin"to iibic"h the servi.e bulli,rinsh:rrie been categorized. (a) Adm,i,nistratite.-Under this heading are included notifications respecting the issueof rneviseclparts 1ists.sihedulet'l datcs for sen'ice we6ks,pi6ccdural instructions icgarding preptrration, a.ndsubmissioa of warr&nty clairLS.etc. (b\ Technital iil ormation.*Covers all advices necessaryto assist denlerslrrd iheir personnelto servir-ellre comptny'sproducis, o.g, l,he relaiion.hipof pirni.ulrr ipnodomptelinitlr gerr axle ntio.,tvre sizes,clernlng iristructions f-or r'-"-nidemateriaF, color forrnulas for tho locrl matchinqof paint, etc. (r) Rotttine serticc r,rnm,onend.ati,o,ns---{)or.erthe whole range of factory-l?{' mmerrdedscrvicing operllions.'.r,pplr n'herel'.r, fu.1or't' .xf.r1- enceii relayed to dcalers and mctinnics to ise'tJ r em of the rnost. efiicient and econornica.lproccdurcs to be followed, e..g.the fitme.ntof an ovcrdriye tnit to an s,utomobi.lcnot prerioush' erlriDped. the elimi- natiorr of crcrks and raitles, r'eplacemontof auiomatictransmission, etc. (d\ Spetifcation chnnges.-IJnder this headinEis included informa- tion regirding altcrations in design engineer.ing incl produstion which TEDERAT,Bor,D rN TRArrlc saFprr 137 havebeen or are beingincorporat ed inio our rango of .models,e'g' the iniroductionoI an tliorttltilc typeof clrburclor'modlhcatlon to wlr- ing lrlrness,inlroducll,,lr of nos iype controlbox, elc. \it ti""oit cqrnpo)q r".-Coscr ciscs where a' pr'rduct or d-esign a.inir ,""v gire riie io hrzrrd whtn the crr is opeirl ing on lhe.high- rsav. ('.g.-unit."nt "iv de{""t or rreal

CAII CAMPdONg 1g62-Modet Tritnwh 7'&-4 7, 'w'as MlselicnmeDt of the rebouDd check straps otr the rear axle susDected $hereby-nnder seyere conilitions ther might po-qsiblycause damage to the brake pipes. A total of ?000 cars was scheduled for inspectiotr but the recaU cempalglt 138 XDDESAI],ROI]E IN TRAISIC gA3DtrT

was extentled to 12,000 car worldwide, ol which only 8rr0 had be€n tmported into the U.S.A. The insp€ction and correction of the coDdition invotied 1b Drinotes total time and t hour iI aDy danage was evident. Coue.:ti{,I}j were effected on J?51 cars. 2. 1962 llodel, Triunph TR--38 As thls model was similar in constructlon to the TR--4 aod was being 6old at the same time, a[ idetrtical recall campaign was instituteal but, utoD c;nfij|ma.- tion from the field rLat the cotrdition could not iuise as tlre co;figuration of conrpolents was dillerc[t. the campaign was iI \corrtihueal,after jl, uLits had been iDspected without arry .fault discovered, 3. 7966trfodel, 'I'riu tph 2A00 -Althougll rofltine predeliver_J-and 1@) mile insl]€ctions specify the alignment of all bmke liles, a alecisionlr'{s made to dcuble check the I'irst lm nloalelscur- rently in service upolr aliscoyerilg a,,ase of rnisxligrment of the rear hyalraulic llne in- relation to the rear suspcnsiorr coil spring. .I.he recoll canpaign is currertly ir progress and, up to the time of prefxring Lis rcIrcrt, fu o caics-only have emerged ivherc Dinor precautionary adjustment l\,as found lecessary. TOYOTA Torore Mmox Slr,r:s,tr.S.A.. Ixc., Los Angeles' ca}if,June20' 1966' r{on. Annarruu Rrrrcom. U.^\. Jell/7te- W asbiqrgton;D .C, My Dr,qn Snxe:conRrercoFr-: Your letter of April 21, 1966, con- cerning auto safety is ackrowledged I'e,;f the Toyota Factory a"ndToyota Motor Sales woulil lihe to exp_ressour esLeemedrespecr -tor 'Toyolryour valued cotrceptionon safety."and -fhe manageriai persomel of Motor Cb. (facLory) Toyota Motoi Sales'Co. have establilhed a safetv commitie""for ali decisionson safety policies concerningthe investigarion.research. production,and salcs. Thus, our systim of invesiEation for safei vehiclesis strengthenedday by day. Continuousedort and jnvesti- gation for a sa,ferrelricle are conductedby Toyota wilhout ler,upas in rneDas[an(t lor the tuture- ts in reply to your letter, ancl we hope thar this will be *"[1"""tXt*:t"* 1. Apprbximately 3 or 4 yeers before Tovota Motor markets nsw models,the manufacturercohplerely testsllie entire vehiclein det&il through*out for strength,, durabiI it):, _and safety factors. Moreover, every ellort is made to adopt an absolutemeasuie for qualitv controi so thrt the vehicle car be, operated in tho best condlition-and the cus[omercomDletc tv sat$ned. Ifowever, if is inipossibleto make a lO0-percentDerfect automobile at the factory at the present time. In adaition, a^fterthe vehiclo is retailed, under abnormal conditions problems *ill occur. For this reason-allvehicles for e_xportonly are eipecially checkedand inspected at tho factorypr'Lor to shipmentfrom l}refactory. Furthermore.prior to loadlng onto shrpboard,a cbeckand rrspection are again conducted .SATE"!T TSDDRAI, Eu,E IlT |!BT!m!IC 139 on vehiclesfor storageand prevention ol quality deterioration during trRnritIt an insnectionplrnllocated at lheharbor. y. fl.pendird"m upon the seriousnessof tlre problem,anv troubledis- coqeredbe f.'re r'rketing }lrorvn at the flclbrl and/or-tL t)re dellcr level as well as for problemsoccurrina after rn:rrketing. the shipments and markeiing are^inmediatelydiscdntinued and pr6fer corr-ections mrde. For rehiclesalready retailed, the Toyota (Factory and SalesCo.) (warrlntl hasa repuircommittee". consisting o[ iop-manrl'rirrlper- sonnel nho confer on the corrective action. and. for rnore senous problems.rtill instilutea rccall crmpaign. -\ recallcampaign is con- iidered by Toyota when total prodirction cornesn ithir iltis courrter- rneasuredisposition. tr'ortunately, up to the present date, for vehicles sold in the United Stttes we did not have anv deqreoof problem to wama,nt anv recall r"am na i lTr f r-rrr Irc rr t rr I c r tnt'-n t ionled re'r s,,ns. 3.-Toyota vehiclesare not importeclinto the United Statesuntil tho ncl- models are marketed on the Japanesedomestic markets for 6 months or more. During the 6 monthfor more period, engincertng intestiguiionsrre madebf the ToyoralFrctor.r' nnd Srlesi'o.) and dcrrlers.-\lter conelu.iveconfirmation i. grincd lhal therc flre no seliousproblems and/or they lrlr-ebeen colrected, and in addirion, afrer l testvehicle in rheUnitld Stateshas conlirmed this. the vehicles are then imported. This is the rensonwhy the possibility ior problems to ariseis practicallvnil. 4. Due io the abitve reason,we did not have any recall campaign, but partial servicecounterme&sures were taken as ihown in enclosini I herein. Service countermeasuresclrn be normrlly disposedof by warranty clain nrocedures.but due to our srles polici and to ranidli-distributors dispossoi snv cisromer complaints.parts are iisuei gratis to ihe anhde$ lers to disp6seof t ho'se problems smoothly. 5. Vehicle impiovement m6difications are mnde once a year either "fa;e at full moclcl ihange. and/or _qi^4in91 change or lifting." Ifrqent oneslr.e immediatelv modified. For aftei-salesservice, servrce brriletinsrrc issuedto infoim dealersin the meutime. Scparate enclosuresII and III herein are all bulletins issued to dealersin the Llnited States from 1961to Dresent. Enclosure II are bulletins from 1961 to the first hfllf of 1562. Enclosure III is the black binder consisthg of bulletins from the secondhalf of 1962 to the preselt da.te. Due to only a few number of units sold, the bulletins issucdfor 1960 \rere very {err and diversed. Ir is very regrettablcihat a completo issrreis n-otavailable on hand and cannol bJforrrarded. Your continued patienco and understanding in this rnatter are "preatlv -Yorirs appreciated. very truJy, S. IJ.rrrow, V i.ce Preddenrt.

7A-424---47-10 'TNATfiC 'g'{SElV 140 ITDERAIJ EOI'E IIv *gi *;L-ff:ffita

!i:2 =1 !? 5 ; -.c g € 3 E ;i 1 e E sieE: i#:-;: ;z * E cP ; e a 'i Eii:il:ii;; ! a - irc .=Z 6t ! E?*lb 5; E!!:E 33 Er:€:i3 :;+E;i; (J3ir

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83 e lR bd 9 rig a I ?,; A E.E I FF d F

iii !ll iri a. E' 2 *; e o i ;,2 (J Y Yf z7 z z zz g 2 ta e! a !! !: IB ge d

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! ii 6 I F *

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'i t F T q F8 T f I E ts i I I g se I E * sS - T € * E 'E I 5 T T EE a a a R c t E E z z z zz z z z z 7z E 83 t44 FEDEAALI ROI'D IN TRAFFIC SAFETY VOLKSWAGEN Vot r

PBoDvcr DnFEor NouFrcAEoN REpoBT-VoLKawaaDN oE, AMEtrcA, INc. ..\.ttached is the lnformation requesteal in Senator Ribicofr's letter to Volkswagel ol Arnedca, IDc., dated -A,pril 21, 1966. I'he lollorvirrg conments witl bp halllfr,lin rlreeva)ralioD of lhie tnrl{-rial: 1. \'olks$'ageD of ADericr, Inc. ("VWoA") is a subsialiary of yolks$.ag€o- serk AG, the rnanuiacturer of the Yolkslr'agen atiomobile. It is the sole factory- authorized irDporter of these vehictos iD rhe II ted Stetes. 2. Thjs report lists the rDodels invoh'ed as ,,T)-Ic 1,,, ,,Type 2" arrd ,,Type 3" Vollis\ragen cirs. Type 1" is the lire of l-ollis$llscn vehiclcs $'hich in(:iuded the fanriliar "beetle" 1200/1300..cdu D, lr lour-.Lxrai 'l'Jpe co lertihle 3rr(l t$o Kar- mann (:lhil models. 2" illcludes the I'us-shaDed \.(rlks\1'lsen station $ngr)ns ilicrobus) and sevcral c.rDri,ig \L.hi.lp\. ''t-itr.:3" ir,.hr,tFsihn 1;.{O/ 1600 seric's produced in CernanJ siDce 1!)ii1 but ouiy silrce O(.rober 19{ib marketed in tlre l-rnited Statcs. Thet are usuxlly calleil thc volhs$.rgen Fast- back aDd SquarehacksedaDs. Ar rrorc frrll-v stlted in the cnclosures, small nurDbers of these.I.r.Dc 3 vehicles wer€ brougllt to the United States lrior to rlrh'ber l,|i-' l,-t'i 'tir:ialu:rlt.orrrists and, in sorxe instalces, bJ: unauthorized imu)rters. lllxuthorized ir porterd acquircd these ychicles in nuropc at the retail level rrlal resold thenl in the 'I'hosc ,,.t5pe Lhited States. mea-rurcs inlolvilg 3,: vetric]es lrrior to the 1966 model year rl,etc' llrerefole directed to thc verl -rmall Irllnlber \yhich Nere brougbt tnto t]le Ilnited States by rctuuirg tourisls and unauthorized jxrporters. 3. Domcstic autonobile trr[trfacturer,s in t1le UDited Strtes ,rell their etrs directly to dealers for retailing. Volkswagol ot .{nerica se s 1l] 14 regional ilistributor-n'holesalers rrho, ir turn, resell !o dealers appoinied by thern. In ordcr to protect the stdDding of the distributors with their deftters. yWoA oralinarilJ directs to the distributors all its (ommuricatiols i|tcr{]e{l for fotks- w&ger deller!, as is rcflected in the attached inforurttior. 'l'he distribrtors ure under a contractual obligltion to transrnit all those co]tlmtnicalio s ro their dealcrs ard this oblisttion has 'ili) Leen coDplied with ct all tiiDes. . 4. provide you with a coriplctc recorrl of our defe.:t compaigns, $'e haye lncltded rot otly those two recall {ternpfligrrsiD which $e cnllc{t buck cars that had l,een delircrcd ro owncrs, but,lt"-o rhosc pre-delivery c:impaigls iII which defecL couectiors werc made by dealers prior to sale to customers- Wc are ablc to corduct such pre-delil'ery campaigrs irl trrost ilcfect case6 becauseof the long stDply linc bet\r.eerrthc factories in Ger.manv anil the show- rooms of the VolkswageD dealers in the Uniterl States. In nass productio4 it is ulavoidable that, in relatiyr'ly rare ilstan.es. produ.]t alefects;r faihres are dis.iovered after mannfacture. The disco\-er.vii ma.le eitlrrr iD .orr{Jany tests oI srtnrplc pr(r(lu.tion crrs or in actutl use of the (rrs Ly orstomers. Itr the caseof l-olks$'agensuch defectsare LrrIaLlI nori,.e,ttir't in Cprrn I],ldr€re the cars arc uDder factory tests as well as in the ha als of o$.ncrs larrrsbcfore the l Flri(.1(s r rtsa \.Aila hjp l,,r rr'l:lil salair t he I trir*dStntaa. As stoted abor:o, it lvas nccessarJ-to institute rc.:all campfligns aftor aleliTeay to cnstomc$ in only I i?r,sf@ncesilr the United Strtr]s. I an aalditiotal d lrre- delivary cllnlpaigns, it was possible to ox&mine and. so far as [ecessary. to correct all thL'susDectedcars before deliverI fo retail , rlslnnre's. In the rcmainjns 11 cases,as the retort \lill show, yehi.:les $cro er:rnrineal for dcfe.ts anrl correited elther prior to delivcry, &t our 3(Xfnile free inst)e.tir)n or, ;x a fcw ctses. durilg our rt,gularschr.dulFd mirinienrnce r., r!ic.s. FEDERAI] ROI,D IN TRAFFIC SAT'OTI 145

. 5 rn those eases where product defects or failures were discovere'L after ahipment froE the factory, it is tbe practic€ of Volkswagenwerk to include a widc Darcin of vehicles on ea(:h side of the production run of stslx

( 1059-1966) r. lEclI-L clMPlroNa 1. Date: Nol)ernbet 29,1961 Model : Type 1 Coneertible and Kaftrann Gbia Type 3' D('fect: Ercessile plat \r'hi(h co[ld result in premature wear ol the mller o d -steeringworm. Nurnberof Yehicles:2.507. llroc(hue: lve iDstructed the ljistributors (itlr Service Circul4r of Novem_ ber 29. lfltil to causc tlre Dealers to recall these Yehicles antl adYis€d as to the proft'dure in thosc caFesn-herc custoDrershad rlroved. SucccssofActioD: 2.121verifled replacemeDts 2. Dat?: NoxctLber 25, 1062 flodel: Types 1,2 aDd3. r)efect: On{r (}f the fartory suppliers haal os€d a moterial for a washer iD the Btoplight srritch rvhich dirl not comply with sp€ciflcations. After frequent u8e of ilrrJ brakes, washer firiltre cottd result in slo\ leakrge of br&ke fluid. NuDrbcr of VehicleF : 127.!15:1. D ring the pr(rdtctioi period itr\.olved, switches Nere supplied by 4 manu- fecturera. It \'lrs therefore necossary to exalDine the eltire outp[t to lil)d the defective s$itrhe's. Proccdure: fvith Service Circular No, f!;/6:l of NoveDber 23, 1962, we in- strlrcted all Distributors to rause I)oalcrr to ilrsl)ert all the ali(Jre vehiclus. We contiDuou.slyche.ckeal alealer warrantJ records agflinst the aehiclcs ih:olred ancl corrtiluously instru(ted thc Distritllttors to cillrse De{lcrs to xotify owllels of outstoDding Yehicles bJ mail and bJ telephone if there Nds no respons(' tu lhe letter. Succcss of Action: S!'i'itches replaced on 61 50_1Y(hi(tes. lYarraDty claims subDitted by Dealers for inspectiotr of an additionnl 17,210 \'cllicles l{ny Derter.s did rot suburit clairrstor all irspectioDs performed be.ause of the srnall omount of reimbrusement involved for ifispe€ti(fl onl]" Snbstantially all vehicies were inspected.

PEEDELTVEBY CAMPAIoN 1. Dare: Decerrxber16,1959 Model : rype 2 Station Wagon. Defect: Rad[ctioD gear shifts were overhardened during Eaoufactur€' Thls coulalresult in breakage of the gear shafts. 146 FEDERAIJ EOIJE IN TRAI'FIC SAFETY

Number of I'ehicles: 1,400 inyolveil, some oi rrhich could haye bed thts defecL Procedure i Most of these yehlcles were already checked at the factory. Ou! Service field llngineers were iDstmcteal by rDemo of Der]eE,ber 16, 1959 to cause tho Dealers to inspect every yehicle of that productioD ralge prior to deli{ery t;o cuflf,otDer. Suceessof Action: AII vehicles were checked perior to deliyery t4 the custom- ers. Def{rctive re{hrctioD gest shafts fountl in 48 cases. 9. Deta: April6,fl6A Model : Type 2 Station Wago,a. Defecr: Inadequate lubricatio4 of lroot wheel bearings which could r€sult io premature bearing wear. -\umber o'f Vehicles : 3,180. PrD(edure: The Distributors were instructetl wittr SeFice Circular of Apr 6, 1960 to cause the Dealcrs to correct defect in aU yehicles of this production range prior to deliyer]_ to customers. Success of Aciion: Defect corrected oE all vehicle6 prio! to deliyery to the euatoruers, 3. D.tte: Jdnuary 30,1963 Model: fype 2. Defect : Binding of p&rklng br&ke cable. ID golre caaes it could become tliffcult to relealre_l'ehiclesthe parkiDg brake. Number of 'lvith : 232. Procealrre : Service Circtrlar No. 11163 of Januory 30, 1963, we tDstructed all Distributors to cruse the Dealers to inspect a yehicles prior to delivery to custonrerB. Succe-ssof Action : Substantially aU yehicles R.ereinErected. CorrectiTe actiotr was nccessorYin 37 cases, +. I)ate: llehnrorA 1,1963 Model: Type I Statjon WagoD. _ Defect: Improler sealing of front wheel bearing. Thls could cause greasy brake linings and, therefore reduce efrcietcy of front brakes. Number ol \:ehicles : 141. Procedure: lvith letter of Tebirary 1, 1963, I'-e instructetl the B Distributors \r'ho rcc.'it'ed thesc vehicles to cause the Dealers to replace the oll s€als prior to deliverr of the vehicles to customers. Successof .{ction: AII oil scals $.ere replaced prior to alelivery of vehicles to customera. 5. Dat.: lldrah 18,t963 Model: Type 2 Statiot Wsgon. -to Defect: Improper fastening of parklng brake cable backtng plete rfblct could causo difficulty in relrasing parking brake. Number of \:ehicles: 1.2i'r. Procedure: \Yith letter oI Yarch 18, 19&3, we hstructerl all Dlstriburors ro cause the Dealers to insttll positioDing clamps prior to deliyery of vehicles to customers. Srccess of Action: Dealers installed Dew positionirlg el&mps ln 1,041 yehicles Prior to delivery tD customers. 6. Date: March 18,1963 llodel : Type9 Stotion Wagotr, -Dcfect:_ Irnproper Dlatching of rdaster cyllDder prevelted adequ&te tightelhg of brake-line fitting, rusultiDg in stow leakage ol br;ke fluid. Procetlure : With letter of March 18, 1963, ,9c.einstructed the ? Distributors who received these vehicles to cause the Dealera to inspect all vehicles prior to de- liYery to customers. Succoss of Artion: All Tehicles were clecked prior to deliyery to customers. '1. Date: JurLe22.1965 Model : Type 1, Defe(t: Inside diemeter of conreqtlDg bose between Dlarjtcr cyunder and brake fluid reservol! too large whicb could result in slow leakaie of brake duid. Number oI Vehicles : A total of 2m ol these connecting hoses were installed in one as6embly plaDt producing cars for worlal dj,stributio4. yolkswageD ot I'EDERAL ROLE IN TRA.IT'IC SAx'ETf r47

ADrerica iDporteal 3,914 yehicles fNm that production perioil Aff had to bo examitred to identifir the units wlth this defect. Procedure: \f ittr Senice Circular ){o. T-63,/65 ol JuDe 22, 1965,Fe instructed tie Distributors to cause the Dealers to check all vehicles prior to dellvery to custoElers. Success of Action i All tehicles wsre checked prior to ilellevery to custome!8. Replaceoents perfornreal iD 31 cases. 8. Dete: BeptenLber3, 1965 Model: Typ€ 1. Defect i ImDroper adjuathetrt of tundgDrl !wlt4h. D:cesslve cleorilcs could preveIrt automatic self .cancelling. Nunlber of Vehicles : 31.il:O. I'roccalure: All Distributors were instnrcted witl Serrlce Clr'cular No. T- 92,/ti.l ot .selrten$er 3, 1!65 to cause the Dealers to check these Yehicles priol to delivery to custorners. Succcssof ActioD : AII vehicle8 checked prior to deliYery to custoDlers, 9. Datc: Boptember26,1965 Model: Type 1, Defect : ile float of ttre seDaler unit could rest otr the exlergetl deplession oD the left siile of the tsnk. As a resolt, the fuel gauge iF inopelative' Number of Yehicles: 28,291. Of these yehicles, a very smaltr nuDber was equipped witn a type of taDl on wbich this malfunction occurted. Pfi,cedtre: Our t)istrihutors were iDstructed with TechDical SerYice ItrJor_ mation, issued by 1,.olks\.irlgon\verk AG. on Septemlrer 2G' 1065, to cuuse the Dealers to remoye the senaler unit aDd modiJy it rs des4ribed in \!'orkshop Sulletin K 93. Sur(ess ot Actio[: Corrr'ctive actioD \las necessary on 469 vehicle€. Ihis mal_ futrctiol becomesapparent right after the Yehlcle is put iDto operation. Tbere' fore. \r'e are convinced that all yehicles rcith this defect have been takeE care or. 1II. PB'YENTIVE MAIN'IENANCE C.A}IPAION 7. Date: MW 9, 1962 trIodel : Type 3. Defert: rri:orrect mounting of bracket lor front brake hose whlch could result ln tire touchinsathc hose in ertreme tums. Nunrber of Vetricles I No infornation nvai'lable as to the number in the UDited Stfltes as fhis vehicle $'as tl()t itnDorteall|I \-olksNagen ot Amedca. Procealure: In vie\Y of tlte possibilit.\_th{t a smsll number of these Yehicles mi,aht have found their'$av into the United State's, Yolkswngen of Anerica galie instructions to all Distributors x'ith Servi('c Circulsr No. 34/62 of May I' 19(i:,1to corr€ct these vehicles during mailrtenance inspection -'luccessof Action: g vehicles modifled at dealerstrips. 2. , lc: )lnrch lA, 1901 Model I Type 2 Station \fagon. Defect: I'nadequxto hrhri(ttion, sealing anal possible inconect adjustmeDt of lront wheel bearings ttrat coulal result in preDrnture tteari[g wear' Nulnb€r of \rehir'k!s : 45.0-1C. Procedure: lvith Service Circular No. 31/64 of March 16, 1064 we instmcted all Distributors to cau-sethe Dealers to examine the front E'heel be{rrings ol the\c rehicles aluring the next nraintclarnce servic(:. Slrccessof Actioi: Yebicles $rere inspecteal during regular mainten&oce aerY_ ices. Correcti\-e rction \I'rrsrrecessa{'on 17,6![0vehicles. 3. Date: Oatober20, 1965 Nodel: Type 1 and 3. I)pfoct: Insufllcient clearance in slot ol clamplng Dut codd pfeve||t conect adjustrnent, resulting in prometure wear. Xunrller of \bhi.les: 22.5!15. I'ro('edure Our Distributors were instmcteil with Service circulat No. T-102165 oI Ortol)er 20, 1965. to cruse the Dealers to extrnine all vehicles fot the correct ridth (rf the clearance slot and the speciiied torque. Success of Action: \:ebicles lnspecteal during the prescribod !€gllar mainte- Dance services. So far. it was necessary to replace clemping nuts on 655 vehicles. 148 FEDERAL NOI,E IN TRA!'FIC SAFETY

4. Date: Nonen ber 19, 1985 Model: TYpe 2 Statioo Wagotr, Delect l Ilcorrect locatioo of positloDing clamp for oyeiflow tube coultl result Itr alcfomratiotr of tube. Nurnber of Yehicles : 914. Procedure: \r!-cinstructed all Distributors with Service Clrcular No. T-107165 o! No!-erDber111. 1965 to cause the Dealers to check the posltion of the oyerflow tubo aIId to relrlace the backitrg Flate if the location of the claDp for the over- flow htbe !eas ilcorrect. Success ol Action: Replacements performed so far in 248 mses dulitrg prq 9elltiye maintenance. I'his campaiginis still uDalerway. 5. Date : M&rch 25, 1966 Model : TyPe 3. Dcf({t: Clutcb cable guiile tubes are too long, intefering with clutch adjustnlent. Nurnber of Vehicles : 1,900. Procedure i Our Distributors were instructetl with Servlce Circular No. T- 22/66 of Marc}) 2i, 10G6, to eause tbe Dealers to shorten the clutch c&ble guide tube, Successof .A,ction: This campaign ls unalerway. No data available oI1 results.

IV. PBEDELIVEBY AND PBEVENTIVE IiAINTENANC' CA}iPAICN 1. Date: August 25,1965 Model: Type 1. I)efcct: Ircorrect tightetrlng ol self-lockiDg nuts of ball joitrts resulting lD ex- cessiveplax bet\r'eentolsion arm and stub axle. Nrlrber of Yehicles: 20.E93, Procedurc: \Ye instructed all Distributors with Service Circular No. T-87165 ol August 25. 1$0; to calse the l)eelers to check these vehicles prior to deliyery to custoners or durixg the fra€ 300-riile maintenance sorvice. Successof Action: Substantialll rll vehicles checked either prior to deliyety to customers or during the free 300-mile maintenaEce service. 2. Date: Beptchrt)er13,1965 Iloalel : Type 1. Defect: The air cleaner from one suppller coulal caule interference wit]r tbe f:rst idle cam of the automatic choke resultlDg in lhproper engine idle. Numher of \'ehicles : 2'1.625. Procealure: Our I)istributors were i[structed \Iith Icchnical Seryice Itrforrna- tion of SL'ptember1:J, 1965, issued by volkswagcnR-erk A.G. to cause the Dealers to perform a ,njnor nrodification on theair cleancr, Success of {ction: All lohicles $ere clrecked and corrective action taken, if necessary, either prior to delivery to customcrs or during the free 3o0mile main- tenance service. 3. Da.te: Beptember13,1965 tr{odel: T}pes 1 and 3. Defeci: Fuel supDly coulal be interrupted alue to improper operation of dia- phrafln for the fucl cut-off vahe causing engiDeto stall. Number of \rehicles: 22.779. Proccdure: Our Distributors \rere instructed $'ith Serylce Circular No. T- 94/65 ot Scptcnber 13, 1965 to cause tbe Dealers to modify the diaphragm for tbe fuel cut-olTYalve. Success of Action i Corrective actioD rgas trecessaryolr 974 vehicles. We a.re convitced tllet {ll yehiclos with this defect were token care of as faulty valtes make operation impossiblc. 4. nate: S.:ptenhcr 16, 1965 N,xlcl : T.rp|' 1. Defect: Improt)er torque on mountlDg bolts of froDt-axle beam wbich lD time could loose[, causing front-axle noises anal shimmy. N[mber of Vehicles: 24,72?. Prdredurc: :llhe Dislributoql wore instrxcted with Serrice Circular Nq, I-96./6; of Septembet 16, 10{i5to cal:lsethe Dealers to check all ve.hielesfor cor. rect torque of tlte bolts prior to deliyery of yehicles to custoruers or durillq the frpe t00-mil|' nrainl pnancc serFi.e. Suceessof Action: All yehicles were checked prlor to delivery to custoEer:s or durjng Dr{)scribedfree 300-mile maiDtenance seryice. FEDENAL NOLE IN TRATFIC SAT'ETY 749

5. Da,e: Beptat Lber 28, 1965 Modcl: Type 2. llefect: T[e left windshield wlpet coupling roal coulil touch the Eain Fhltrg harn€ss which eyentuolly co[ld lead to I thort circuit. Nunrbcr oi Yehi(rlesi 5,40{. Proce{iures: Our Distribnfors sere lDstructed wlth Service Clrcular No. t-ga/6it of Septenber 28. 1${i; to caus€ the De&lers to checL all Yehicles for Buf- dcieit cicarance eithor prior to the deliv€ry of rehlcles to customcra or during the frc(' :too-nrilemaintenir( e service. Success of -A.ctiou: Vehicles iovolYed were eithcr checked prior to delivery to custorDersor duriDg the free 300-mile oalntenatrce serYice. Yolvo vor,vo. rxc.. Rochlei.gh,NJ., trIag 6, 1966. Senator -{sn,rrr,rv Rtnrcolr. C h n.irma n, C o ntn "-ilt ee on G oaemnvnt O p eratiora, U.S. Serute. Dren Srn: In response to your rcquest of -4.pril-21, concerning our rtcall ,.ampriqns cinnp 1060,we \qtsh to explatn the sysLemwe havo usedin thiireclril lollrenreccnttirne. \1'e receire'brrllctins f.om out frclorv informing us of all service 'Ihese inforrnation. bulletins are fors:rrded to the l-ollo dealers via wholesalinE distributors. Samples attached (attachneDt 1). Shoultl a. bulletin instruct us to ieclll cars. we first consult our tec- orris to rscertain the number of crrrs- inrported that rre irr\ ollcd' and deperrdirrgon llro t]'l{'of modifi.ltion and the quurtity of cars tn' voircJ. wF do one o{ tl rroo t lritrgs : 1. Iror a large qulntity oicars imported v'here the modification is an unsra.lins o? qu,rlity rnd not a snfety item' we forrvard the bulletin't.-othe Jc'rleli fr,r'their authority to repair and submit rvar- rantv c lr irrt.on t l,esubic, t mriier. 2,"[n crsesslrcre t]rernrrdiil":rliorr itrtoltcs brakcs,rvhecls, stecring, or other class .{ slfcty areas!\re send a notice to each deller (attatrh- ment 2). s'hich infoins hiir thc serial numbcr o{ the ctrs he has 'ourchlscd and our rcquest that he carrv mrt the morlllication. lVherL rrarrnnty cl.ririrslre received,s'e check olf the clairn rrgainst the notico sent (ittachmcnt 3) to mtkc sure th&t thc rvork hlrs been carricd out. Should this chccho{I shol' llnv cars t]r:rt, have uot bcen modifiecl, we then senrl r follorvup lettel itr'ttachment 4) r'equesting the dealer to trkc tction. 3. Correctiorrs involving only a smrll qurntity of cers that con' cerns olass A itens, such iis oui Bulletin P-62 f in attachment 1, wo notifv the distlibuiors to do the .ortection themselves, ls in these cases-the cars are usuallv in their stock rt the time we receive the some sirch mrs be sf ipped to derlers. uotificttion bulletin. Should 'fhe woultl be dirccted to the dealer to tl,, thc modiffcation follorr-np in this case is the same as under point 2 lbove. It is nossible that. :rt the tine ivo receive a bulletin concerning the mt,r'. uigent lyg,eof rrroditi"ations,lho clrs inlolycd.lre, a'implied above.rrol yeiirr dcalels Jtrks. Tlris is drte to llro dclry involvcd in .tolrgc rin,l l,reparalions -[or sltiprn.entlt,t lhe fnclory. shipment to this,.rrrilJ. r,'ieiving..inspertirrc.arrd roslrippingof crrs to dealers, tnclll'I rn g storlge tt varlousdrsl rl l)ntlon iorels. 'l'lro succcssbf our recalls i; r'elative to the nature of the modifica- t;on. ilre 4urrrtitt attd llro uge ,,i tlr.'cirti irrrulved. lVe cln say tlrlt, in air.rsof class-Acamprigtts tlrrt inlrriahly inr-olr:esmaller qulnli- ties of cars, we nchieve ovei g5 percent of t)re modifications. On cam- 150 FEDDNAIJ ROLE IN TRAI'X'IC SAFETY paigns not connectedwith safety -and involving older ca.rs,the per- c€nrirggrs usually rn the rcgron ot b0 percent, I llts tlnlnce ls due to ser-eralfactors. Often tle dealersirill carrv out the moclilication aL their onn expense.in nlri"lLcr"e rre r*ill not r.ecoiys1 clrirr- or prior the dcalers'!\'ith have alrearlv made the moclilication to our bulletin or notice. oldcr iars, the mailr problem l'iih recalls is conram- ing cl-ners, rrho .-egisteraddresses thi,t are incorr.,ect,or hnve moved to of,llrerlocauons. The recall crmpaigns we have had to date frorn 1960are as follows: 1. Bulletiri 852-44 of October 1960 conccrns a link for the trunk lid on moclels122 S. This modification was made to cars" as they come in for norrna.lservice-no control ryas instituted, 2. Bulletin 841-A1 of Noverrber 19ti1concerns a trim nlate for instnrnrenr( raslLpad on model j4,t. This was handlid :rs in point 1 above. 3. Bulletin P 52-1 of June 1962previously printed as Bulletin 150 No. -{. 22 of Decc.rnber1961 concerns oui moclelP 1200rrith disc brakes rvherethere is a possibility that the brake nine on the calipcr could be dantged. Tlter. rvere BJ cars irLrohid and the modjfication was controlled as in point 2 (seeattachment 2). 4. Bulletin 10-U$-1 of April 1962 concLrns the nossibiliiv of insufficient.grease in the front wheelsof our P 1800inoclel. This involved 1,251cars lnd all cars were corrected, 5. Bulletin 300-AG of Februarv 1962 concerns the throttle shaft on nrodel 544. This probleni was checkedbv dcalers dur- ing rcgu)lr maintenancevisits. No control was iristituted, 6. Bullctin 800-.t101 of April 1969concerns vater leakagewith our P 1800 modcl. This l--as rn extensir-ecrnrpnigl inv-olvine approrirnrriclrl.t,r0 crrs and a follorup sysren;1s;s institutedl I n{]Lr t, ccjs, rl ro.tl | \rtrsc l,pror tm i (.lV80 Der.pnt, 7. Rulletin SO0-A12X of .Iulv tle: con6ernsthe door seal rub. bers of our P 1800modcl. Thii rlas handled as in point 1 abova 8. Bulleiin 885-US1 of .\ugust 1061concems a coverinson the floor of our model P 1800.'-This was handled as irr poiirt t 9. Bulletin P-96--4J( of September 1968 concemsthe cooliru: fan on all our LT.S.models for iertain serial numberslisteil. ThiE modification inr-olved 5,752cars. No control was instituted. 10. Builetin P-52-4 of l{arch 196bconcems 126 of the modcl 122 S and rclirtpstn lhp fronr br,rkehose whpre there is r nossibilitv of chrfing. Tlris modifirari,,n\rrs ,"ontrolledand hindled di- Tectlv q'ith those dealcrs rrho received cars concerned. All ca.rs rseremodifled. 11. Bulietin P-85-3 of April 1965 concernsthe replacing a.ntl che.liins of a screr in rhe fiont sert of our modelP ifOOinvolv- ing 1,420crru. Dealers rrcre aotified to calry out this modiffca- tion dnring regrrlnr mainrenancelisits. No control w&sinstituted. 12. Rulletin P-6!-{ o{ -lpril 1966concerns the incorrect steer- irg_--lop screw ins,talled on orrr model P 2200. This c:rmprign rrr,ll I'p jr c.ontrolledopg-ra-tion. lnd as the bulletin was received 'Welhrc $oeli,llrc work cntlilpd is now in oppratjon. hope the af,orernentionedinfornrtion is su{Ecientfor your pur- pme a1$ shorrld further information be necessary,please cbntact us" Yours truly, Doncr--q.sJenMAw. N a.ti onal I eruiceM anaq er. 151

bE E 6.f i:;f;;;€i !Ei s€ let 'i; *;!;lriiE: € td...... ": :E ;Bg 6 !: q €: .=6 =- ;3 ;2s .E3 E ?; 4aE';tEE7E 3 !;i=i!: ?18 :; ;; a -e€ trE*i1:1742==, I i :: E;:€': i"i::3 'r 3c-35 :i zi6:"iEs41i1 I E; EEifc;t:ea t '-r=:i;i?:€;i!;i;: ;'E3g oe ;a= *i;:i;=x::;;i*'€,:i;i; SiEtFFg:::!;:!ia*€:E;:gi

i t. 4 ' ;'q 6 al * H .: -.: H E 5 g FJi: 3


In trIry of this year, I aske'l r l,e foleign*Reorgrn crr manulucrurers io sub- mit l o my Subcommit.tceon -l.l-recuri vn izuion in f,,rrnar i,,n on reir produci Jefccl arrrl recall ,.,trrr1,,rigir.for llrtj0 r;'; rr.,,h,ls. Ilus requojl.uas iderrricrlro tlroune I lrrrilnirtlc L,:rrlier.rn Iir(,Ll,,lres_ tic automobile manuf actrrrers- Thu lAsl,on.e I r ceeir-ed\-a s lot _uniform. Somecompliccl pr.omlrtly tndconrplotell. (lthcrsrrereirr.r{_vrrrr,litr:rdertrrlto.Il,,.,l,ir,rr.ri,i*l I'tonr a sirrgle-p:rge -fui ler tr'rto,r f u I| .ei o f s,.r'ri,:,-. [,ullcr iu. l'he rerr,.on this dillcretrce in r:esponse is that lhe foreigr car manufaclurers have rvide.lv dilfcring.pioc-cclures for asc.ertainiirg de- f3gt..+ld .ollecting tlern.- TLc quaiiit-y of their sutrrrrissionsreflEctetl llrti rirllctltt.p. I bnlt(\e.lto\\|.!t.T. llt:lr _.rll nllllufrrt rrrcr..r.-pntr,le,l in goo'I I'ri' l, ro rlrc nrrxinrrrm errenr p,r..ible, .l'ollorrirg lor'.ipl,oI lho rrrrrr.rill.llrp subc,,nrmirl,.orr:rtl -.rnllre- itzpdIhe rep,urlsrnd a.senrblcdrlrenr f,rr.rrrrllysis,rn an obieor.iir.rrrd unrlur:n lrrr:is. TJrisrnrl;sis rererlc(l tlrai tliore lrovr,bceril2i recall crrrprigns Iors:rfci;-relaletldefeclsb-v rlrs:u | {ortign crrr.protluccrs. rre-l' I I|r|,,1\c,llJ8,ll2 r.arr,rroL rll ol' rr.lri,.lrrrnie -lr,,rin ro ton_ trir ,tefeits. T'he murrutirctulcrs antl their dealer.srrere able to reac\ in:l"..l.ln,lrorrenirlrer',.rre,-e\{.rrJ.llJ.6in1115. Tl,is ir,-liuhrlyieii tlrani{} per'lFrri ol ilrp nrrmbeIuf c1r*-1151,ec1F,1 of ltrrr irrg,lcln,.tr,. Uur, rrg.l he li,!err.,rIhrouglr.\ugrrsiBl.lCGCl.3.l)i.dl|r l,ri(.teJ Ior.oign l-rri,$elFInrl, rtltolhe-lrrrlc,lSlurcs. Thoirrf.',rnlriorr -rr;,plied bl. rlr.i rlrufiri'lure|sr|orrltl ilrrrs:rpPp:u'io indicrie lhrr ,,nlt.'riLr,,rrt L"' per(cnLo I I lLoct I s co fc Ill.'(lrle Iccic r|tl rtnt ing I rnclll t'tl.l,t,,rjgn. tlul iui.trrL' orr.lttrrnn ri rrnl.rrirrlljustified. l.iIsr.tlre rl,tir itriri*h"ed l11'the forci;rr clr..rrr:rrrufa' rurer.j sus b1 nn n',.ai,.""n,pr"i,",,"i.". jollO\\p,l De\'onrI.llrF procodrtrp5 by Certrirr rnrrnUfuctrrrnn,r.resO hirPl)tz:rrtl lh f nc r'an lrir\o n,, _,.onfidr.ncetlrrLt rll ccrsr.orrtaining defects u ''rro the subjecb of recall c:rnpaigns. I crnnot sti".s too ttrat no .ompa.rtson rs wlrralted.tyith ]r-ro,nSlt ro pelcentrgc of de- lcctqIn c:rIS p roduced 'l'l'pre by Ameril. ncoDltrtllres. $ S;ho\or.er.6ne slrjkirrc.insilntltt betrseenrlre in lorrrrrtion SUOnrr,e,l b\-lho donrFcllcttld li,rFign nldnul.tctlrrcr.. ]JoirLr.on- ps Ialned l rU nrot oUs relprcn( i o l.rr r ll y bmkcr. Jnfpcti ve srr"pen-iorrcom_ .rcnrins P,9"'llll"l"l 9 i"ficicnr' , 5iir"e foreigrr "ar t,'r.u fu"i rrro.s,for Iniikc L,.lani ir Ii]l l::,1 ll.lljl 99 .r,,,r ..u t ;rnnrr,r t mo,lel J.ear,.t,:rlges, tlle SlrnrlJfllyl|l. ttn(ls.i,l.,lelHcl. iS trotp\i,flh), lf seCnrsclp,rr i-h&i rne.rrfq.ue[cy rtr:lnges ot ntortr.t doesnot h&lo a significante0ect on tlre Incrdenc,eol ctlct\'-roltfed delects. ,TIro reporl s.of rhe donre.t.icand foreign manlfacturor"s pror.e thnt all., rrs. \rl,L'lJrotl)rod'r.{"1 orr I r';lJli,lr-L,.nrbl\. lirro rntl iellirr:.r.for un,lnr'5\2.0uu,or hand l,rrjlt rn,l.cr.7;1in* g,.2r.r00,i,u,,i"i,, "ri"r ', J;T.;L.-. A('('or.[n:Ir\',rt rs lho rcsponsrl)lttyo{ er.etv manufactUreito bUild Intor{s'.anr,rnd l-ll"Iill'^3]-.1ld J- 1omrinirirr r]lo sirictrlurliry con_ rrot nc,f'ssrrylo rcduce_suchdelecis to nrr alxolule minimrrnr.- The c&r o\rner also has an obligation to maintrin Lis "rr in safe "p"*ti"g FEDERA], ROI,E IN TRAT'FIC SAFEIT 153

condilion and to comply promptly u ith any delecl notice he receives under rhe provisions bf the n"* motor vehicle and trrffic srfety law' Toins|ltr',e,nrnlirrcerrithlhisllrv,tl'" fo|eigll {'rlf nrilllllfil'lrlr\'rsmust rectlluulr. illrLilrrrDro\e tltoir tlef,. t, dlte,'iiulr and r'u-totrrcrrvlrntng proc€oures.' Ooncu|rert with releaseof this tlrt* to the public' I trrrrJt't\ruding couies to Dr. lVillian IIntlclort, .Tr., -'\,ln'irriltr'Ltnr of tlrc Ilighway Sajety .\gerrt r', -1,,r'tlr,',,'rLsiJrrttion oJ thtlt office. I nm confident thar,ilr* is,e]lnr'l u'rtk,lutte l11 llrrL ofli.crrrrd llro poli{'iqsit lrrrs adoptcrl rr'ili make the publicatiirn of stt'lr :r,litt lrr I ''orrgressionll unii urrneces-.aryirr tltc firture, lVith the re.leiseo{ tltis Innterial, the cttrrcttl phasoof the investiga- l tion of rnv subcotlnrittet itrto the I'ecleml lolc in lrt{lic stfety is con- clurled. in rrrv vierl'. tho publication of the tlome'stic turtl foleign cu tleieclrlrrtu lrrri t'l,rr.,l ,r s]gnificunrt.lc itr lltr',"rrnrl'rigttf.r gro:rlPr i trr,fficsr feir-. li lris Irrr.lidrivets. :rrtnufrt'iurers, un,l ro:r,l[,rtilJers moro rrr,rte of lhe stfett problemuf,rttr higlrrtl t '. This lias been rr lri,"torio year in trallic iafctli The hearitrgs con- drrctedbv 6y suLr,rtntnirtei.by Scl:rtursJ\lrrgrrrriotr ltrd Rrrl,,lollltr arr'I CottgresslnerrStrljtlets lntl ]'rllotr. llrd tljo lrrrrdmrrk)cgi'l;rlion lhiclt re.-sultedfrotri (liom. heral.l tlrc beginrrilrgof rr tterr .trt li'r tra1fic safetv. For the firsf time we Lale esJlbli:licrl r urLtion:tl polic-v inarr,rIorrvitrllyl)fleclingthehealtlrandsafetluIn\'crJl||itrr'\\'onrjrrr, and r'lril,lin AIiericl. Wo have ctortledI truil L'rul'rrr,;o.ll'r'uiir'rrln io pro(o,t tlre lile. rlrd rrell-beilg of tn{'rethirn lC5 r'rilljon .\trrertn;ttrs. 1b l,rr" forrn,lnrl't Govetnnrcnirgency rtillr r '', lrlitruilrgI'e'forrsi- bilily to promote tlte clu"e of tr''tflicsa{ely. -\ll llroFc\\1t,, pflrlici- goal ^untoi i,, il'" r ,'lrio r et r ro rr I. oI tlris can be irr.rlr- t'r'ouJ. Rut the job is not clorie. The Nltional S.rietr'(i,rr r'cil lecerttly re- Dorted thad 38,190pors,,ns were killed on the Naiion's higllvavs in the an increase of pcrcenr over ilte snne hrsi c months of 'l'lrese1r6c. This is 10 nclio,l of 1965, siillist.ics,tter gravor,ratnilrgIo lLo .\merican feolrlc lnd thc Golelrrrrrcnt. Elert' driver must eierciseclrlion on iho rr-,rd rnd tlrero mnst be no slackening in the progrants designed to rerlrrcet his tcrrible toll. (, '{ i { I

i ;i 1