LONDON BOROUGH OF SUTTON ST. HELIER, THE WRYTHE AND WANDLE VALLEY LOCAL COMMITTEE Tuesday, 10th February, 2009 at 7.00 pm Muschamp Primary School, Muschamp Road, Carshalton There will be a consultation exhibition regarding local neighbourhood recycling centres throughout the meeting. To all members of the St. Helier, The Wrythe and Wandle Valley Local Committee:- Chair: Councillor Dave Callaghan Vice-Chair Councillor Paddy Kane Councillors: Sheila Andrews, Margaret Court, John Drage, Colin Stears, Sue Stears, David Theobald and Roger Thistle Community Jean Crossby (Circle Residents Association), Judy McDaid Representatives – (Durand Close Residents' Association) and Patrick Murphy (Four non voting Square Group) Paul Martin Chief Executive Civic Offices St Nicholas Way SUTTON SM1 1EA 30 January 2009 This meeting will be recorded so that the recording can be made available to the public on the Council’s website Enquiries to: Angela Guest, Area Co-ordinator, Tel: 020 8770 5122, Email:
[email protected] Copies of reports are available in large print on request Reminder – Declaration of Interests Members should consider the following interests and whether they have any they should declare. Personal interests : Where it might reasonably be regarded that a matter will affect the well-being or financial position of you, a member of your family, any person with whom you have a close association, or any person or body with which you or they are involved or in which they have a relevant beneficial interest, to a greater extent than the majority of people affected by the decision. In this case you should declare the interest and state the nature of it.