مشروع التجديد الحضري واإلنتاجية في القدس الشرقية

بتنفيذ برنامج األمم المتحدة اإلنمائي/برنامج مساعدة الشعب الفلسطيني

بالشراكة مع دائرة األوقاف اإلسالمية في مدينة القدس

بتمويل من:

عطاء رقم ).……………………(

أعمال التأهيل لمبنى المحكمة الشرعية

Renovation Works of Almahkamah Alshareiah Building (SD006) Architectural & Structural General & Particular Specification


مكتب دور للهندسة و التخطيط و شركة زيادة - معماريون ومهندسون


Table of Contents

Section Description

Section 1 General Conditions

Section 2 Excavation & Earthworks

Section 3 Formwork for Concrete Works

Section 4 Reinforcement for Concrete Works

Section 5 Cast in Place Concrete

Section 6 Concrete Curing

Section 7 Mortar

Section 8 Concrete Unit Masonry

Section 9 Portland Cement Plaster

Section 10 Bituminous Membrane Waterproofing

Section 11 Fluid Applied Waterproofing Section

Section 12 Expansion and Joints

Section 13 Stone Work

Section 14 Floor Tile Work

Section 15 Wall Tile Work

Section 16 Metal Fabrication

Section 17 Fire Rated Doors

Section 18 Joinery And Ironmongery

Section 19 Aluminum and Glazing works

Section 20 Painting Works

Section 21 Drainage

Section 22 Asphalt work

Ziadah - & Engineers 1 Specifications



1 G e n e r a l These specifications are to specify the quality of materials, level of workmanship, and methods to be

followed and respected in executing and maintaining Balat Al Rashid Building SS002

Drawings The contractor shall be provided with a list of drawings included in this bid on page A-OO of the drawings file. All expenses borne by the contractor, to execute the conditions included in this section, on the contractor own cost and his unit rates in the bills of quantity shall be deemed to include all costs and expenses. 2 Bidding Documents The bidding documents complete each other and to consider the case which gives the higher quality in executing as the Engineers decides. The contractor is to consider this when he prices the bill. The contractor who participates in the bid must return all bidding documents, drawings and addenda including the pre-bid meeting, signed and stamped from his behalf. If the contractor didn't return any of these documents with his offer, the bidding committee has the right to reject his offer. 3 Shop Drawings If during executing the work or before, the Engineer found that the contractor needs shop drawings to execute a certain task, the contractor must prepare these drawings and submit them to the Engineer for approval. The Engineer has the right to instruct the contractor at any time to submit shop drawings which the Engineer considers necessary for executing a certain task. The contractor is to abide by this instruction and don't proceed with the task before the Engineer approves the shop drawings. The shop drawings must be fully detailed with a suitable scale and unless otherwise specified be submitted in four copies. The Engineer has within a reasonable time from receiving the shop drawings approved the drawings. If

the Engineer returns the drawings with notes, the contractor shall adjust the drawings as instructed by the Engineer and resubmit it to the Engineer for approval and he must point out the adjustment made to the first drawing according to the standard procedure. 4 As- Built Drawings

The contractor, at this own cost, shall adjust the drawing copies with him as necessary during execution of works. The contractor is required to obtain the Engineers approval on these adjustments. When the contractor hands over the works, he shall prepare a new set of drawings for the project as executed with all adjustments (if any) and submit to the Engineer for approval. When the Engineer approves the As-Built drawings the contractor shall submit one calculation copy and two hard copies and one computerized softcopy (prepared for AutoCAD) written on it the project name and the phrase "AS-BUILT DRAWINGS /.

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The final payment to the contractor shall be paid according to the works actually executed as recorded in the AS- BUILT drawings mentioned above.

5 Scaffolding

The contractor shall provide, erect and maintain the needed scaffoldings to execute the works of this project. Upon completion the contractor shall remove them. The contractor is to take all the necessary safety measures related to these scaffoldings and repair any damages caused by the scaffoldings to the permanent works during the execution period.

6 Protection of Works The contractor, in the course of completing his obligation according to contract conditions, is to protect and maintain the existing borders of the area (steel angles). In case they are moved or removed, because of the contractor usage of his equipment or any other reason, the contractor is to return these angles to its correct position as per the coordinate provided by the Engineer. The contractor is to cover and protect the works from the climatic conditions or misuse or negligence etc, by providing proper barrier, covers according to the Engineer's approval. The contractor, at his own expenses, shall repair any damages to the works caused by his negligence, or not fulfilling his obligation, according to the Engineer's instruction and satisfaction. 7 Materials and Its Equivalent All materials prices are to include for; supply and delivery to the site. All materials and goods must be according to technical specification. The contractor is to submit the specification and description of the materials that he intends to supply with all necessary information to the Engineer to investigate before supplying. These information include, but not limited to, trade name, manufacturer address and the contractor is to submit samples if asked by the Engineer. Wherever a trade name or catalogue number to any material or any item of work in the specification or bills of quantities or drawings, this is necessary to specify the level of specification required. The contractor can suggest alternatives for these materials provided it is with the same level of specification, and to obtain the Engineer approval. When alternative materials, other than mentioned in the contract, are approved and it was not in the

same level of specification, the Engineer has the right to make suitable deduction to the unit rate of these materials. No increase to the contractor prices should be made if better materials were provided (compared to the required specification). Wherever, in the bills of quantity or specification or drawings, a trade name is mentioned or materials known by its manufacturer company or distributing company or catalogue number, it is to be automatically understood that the required is these materials or equivalent even if the phrase "or equivalent" is not mentioned. 9 Samples The contractor must be always ready to submit samples for materials and workmanship according to Engineer's instruction. The Engineer shall test and inspect these samples to determine its compliance with the technical specification and contract documents. The contractor shall execute the works according to the accepted samples and following conditions:-

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The cost of all samples shall be borne by the contractor.

The contractor is to submit samples before a reasonable time of starting the work to give the Engineer time to inspect the samples and make the required tests. The samples shall be submitted with a letter containing all the needed information to obtain the

Engineers approval.

The samples shall be kept at the Engineers office in the site.

10 Materials' Testing The Engineer has the right to ask the contractor to accompany the required materials with a testing certificate from the source either from the manufacturer or a laboratory approved by the Engineer. The Engineer has the right to test samples from any material supplied to the site, and whenever needed, either in the lab specified by the Engineer inside the country or outside. Any materials that don't pass the test shall be rejected. The contractor is to make for the Engineer and his assistants all necessary assistance and services to test the materials brought to site, taking samples, checking measurements and weighs and provide on his own expenses whatever need from labor, tools, materials etc.

11 The Construction specified For The Use Of The Supervision Staff . (not applicable)

The cost of the offices for the Engineer's use shall be included in the contractor's prices in the bills of Quantity as described in the tender documents and conditions

The contractor should complete constructing the Engineer and inspectors offices within 30 days of receiving the order to start works, and during this period, the contractor must provide temporary movable offices for the use of the Engineer and supervision staff. If the contractor didn't provide the above or didn't provide the required services, the Engineer has the right to deduct a penalty of US$ 60/ day for every day the contractor delays in providing the above. The Engineer shall also have the right to provide these services and needs on the contractor expenses. And all sums shall be deducted from the contractor payment and insurance whatever sum it reach. The contractor shall during the execution of works provide all the required services for the

above-mentioned offices including maintenance, cleaning, keeping and guarding the offices and its content at all times. The contractor shall be responsible for all the costs of the needed services of the Engineer and inspectors

offices and their maintenance including electricity, water, telephone, cleaning the sewage pit, providing drinking water and all needed papers, books, files, for the works according to Engineer's approval. The required offices shall be erected in the place approved by the Engineer, and shall shall stay during the execution of the works and afterwards shall becomes the property of the school. The contractor must hand it over in a good condition without any construction or architectural defects. 12 Temporary Construction for the Contractor's Use The contractor must, from the day of the order to start works, has an existence in the site in a movable or temporary office for the use of his staff to receive the Engineer's instruction when needed. The office shall be in the size suitable for the contractor's needs and requirements and he must obtain the prior approval of the Engineer on this office.

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The warehouses needed for the contractor use should be sufficient to store all construction materials needed for the pro=ect including equipment and tools. These warehouses must have all the conditions required to protect the materials from the environmental conditions. The contractor shall be responsible to guard and maintain all the above mentioned temporary

that are used by the contractor. He shall also be responsible to provide the required services for these constructions. The contractor shall bear all the costs of constructing these temporary constructions.

13 Removing the Temporary Constructions All temporary constructions for the contractor use shall be kept in all times in a good condition until all Stages of works are completed and finally handed over. Afterwards, the contractor shall remove all these constructions and its residuals and clean its locations properly so that they leave no trace. If the contractor didn't fulfill this obligation, the Engineer has the right to execute these tasks on the contractor's account and deduct all the expenses from the contractor's payment and insurance with the owner, whatever sum it reach without any legal procedure. 14 Temporary and Permanent Services The contractor shall, at his own expense, redirect public services if exist (like electricity, water,) which he found during work and according to Engineer's directions and approval. If existing services is connected to or related to or related to the works, the contractor shall maintain and keep in place until handing over the works. The contractor shall ,on his own cost, repair any damages to the public services like telephone, electrical, sewage and water services for the concerned authorities or a third party. If the concerned authority or the third party decided to repair the damages by itself, or asking any of its representatives to do so, the contractor shall borne the cost of these repairs done by the concerned authority or the third party. The owner, according to the contract conditions, shall not be responsible for any claims for such actions.

15 Contradiction in the Contract Documents

The contract documents complete each other and in case of contradiction or ambiguity in the contract documents the contractor shall raise it to the Engineer's attention. The Engineer shall make the appropriate decision and inform the contractor. In case of contradiction or ambiguity, as mentioned above, the contractor price shall be as recorded in the bills of quantities. In case any material or work needed to execute the works is not mentioned in the bills of quantities, the contractor has to execute these materials or works and their cost shall be deemed to be automatically included in the contractor's price for the related item. The contractor has no right to claim any differences as a result of this. 16 Site Meetings During executing the works and on periodical bases, site meetings shall be held every 2 weeks or whenever needed for the purposes to coordinate the works and to be sure that it is properly executed according to contract conditions and technical specification. Minutes of the meetings shall be prepared by the Engineer or his representative and distributed to all parties and it shall be followed.

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The contractor shall present in the meeting detailed of the works intended to be executed in the next two weeks, which shall be discussed and proper instruction shall be given, and these instructions and approval issued in the meeting shall be followed by the contractor.

17 Daily Reports The contractor shall submit to the Engineer (or his representative) a daily report containing the required information on the labor (Nos & types), equipment and materials arrived to the site and works executed in that day.

18 Photographs of Progress of Works The contractor at his own expense shall submit once a month, or as the Engineers find suitable, suitable number of colored photographs in 3 copies (size 10x15 cm) for the executed works or works under progress as directed by the Engineer. The original film negative and all copies shall be the ownership of the owner, and the photos can't be use without his approval.

19 Work Schedule The contractor shall prepare (in 3 copies) and submit schedule of the work including all tasks of the subcontractors and any works in the contract condition. The contractor shall keep a copy in his site office and submit 2 copies to the Engineer.

The contractor has to make monthly (or as the Engineers see necessary) adjustment to the schedule according to site conditions and progress of works. Two copies of the revised schedule shall be submitted to the Engineer.

20 Handing Over Works and Removing Residuals The contractor must hand over all works clean and insure removing all materials, construction residuals, rejected materials, remains in the site in general or in the buildings or nearby. The completion of the works as explained here shall be on the contractor's expense and according to the Engineer's approval. If the contractor didn't fulfill this obligation, the Engineer has the right to execute these works on the contractor expense and deduct it from the contractor payments or insurance.

21 Measureme nts of W ork s The Engineering measurement shall be made for all works; all openings and intersection shall be deducted. Actual net distances shall be calculated but not exceeding the measurement reported in the drawings.

Codes And Standards Where ever B.S. is mentioned it should be read as follows:- All building materials and equipment should be registered with an international recognized norm institution or correspond to an international recognized norm. The standards used shall be DIN, ISO, B.S. or approved equivalent.

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Excavation And Earthworks


1.1 SCOPE OF WORK The Trade Contractor shall provide all requisite equipment, labor and materials, necessary for executing the excavation works, in an approved manner that will ensure safety of workforce and safety of the works and property. The work to be carried out by the Trade Contractor, shall include, not by way of limitation, but in amplification to what is shown on the drawings and/or, the existing site conditions and/or the requirements and/or the Geotechnical consultant requirements, or all, for the full and proper execution of the proposed works, the following: a) Excavation to reduced levels within the Site area. b) Excavation for isolated column bases, and strip footings to walls. c) Backfilling around foundations walls and retaining walls, etc. d) Excavation for Shelter, Staircase and Elevator shafts area. e) Stock piling of the suitable excavated soil for backfilling. f) Loading and carting away of surplus and/or unsuitable excavated material, and the disposal of it to an approved dumping area. g) Approved imported fill material for backfilling around foundations, walls etc., as required.

1.2 INSPECTION OF THE SITE DOCUMENTS The Report on Geotechnical Investigations for the Project Site (which includes the results of the field and laboratory investigation, geotechnical analysis and interpretation of the findings, and conclusions and recommendations to aid the design and construction of foundations) is included within the tender documents. The reports shall be for Trade Contractor's information and assistance only, but without guarantee of its accuracy, and therefore does not form part of the Contract Documents. No claim for extra compensation or extension of time will be allowed on account of subsurface conditions

being inconsistent with the data given in the Report on "Geotechnical Investigations".

The Trade Contractor shall visit the Site and make all investigation, which he deems necessary to ascertain the nature of the existing ground and the sub-soil to be excavated. Permit to drill boreholes will be granted to the Trade Contractor if such is deemed necessary by the Trade Contractor to satisfy himself as to the form and nature of the sub soil, and the existing site conditions in general. The plans, surveys, measurements, and dimensions under which the work is to be performed are believed to be correct. The Trade Contractor shall examine the contract drawings and other contracts documents and promptly notify the Construction manager of any discrepancy, error or omission that he may discover. Corrections instructed in this respect will be complied with all in accordance to the provisions of the contract documents.

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The Trade Contractor shall provide and erect profiles, templates, sight rails and the like and properly set out the proposed works from the base lines, levels, coordinates or datum given by the Design Professional, and/or indicated on the drawings, or both.

1.4 BENCH MARKS The Trade Contractor shall establish permanent benchmarks determined by an approved land surveyor or professional . Maintain all established bounds and benchmarks and replace as directed by the Construction Manager those, which are destroyed or disturbed due to the excavation operations, at no cost to the Owner. 1.5 SITE SURVEY Upon taking possession of the Site and prior to commencement of any excavation works, the Trade Contractor shall carry out a comprehensive site survey and verify coordinates, elevations and dimensions with that shown on contract drawings or stated in other contract documents. The Trade Contractor shall submit the respective survey drawings to the Construction Manager along with a report highlighting any discrepancy, error or omission discovered for the review of same by the Design Professional and subsequent instruction of the Construction manager in this respect. The Trade Contractor shall be responsible for the accurate setting out of excavations and for keeping all

reference axis and bench marks reasonably clear, and far from the working area.


2.1 SITE CLEARANCE The Trade Contractor shall carry out Site Clearance which shall include clearing out the whole site area of all kinds of vegetation, debris, rubbish, etc., including the grubbing out of roots, including loading and carting away to an approved dumping area prior to any site preparation and/or setting -out is begun. 2.2 PREPARATIONS AND SETTING-OUT Before any particular excavation, the Trade Contractor shall submit for the Design Professional's approval his proposals for marking the area to be excavated and for controlling the depth and profile of the excavation to the dimensions and levels shown on the drawings. The Trade Contractor shall give the Design Professional not less than 24 hours notice in writing of his intention to set out the works to enable the Design Professional to make arrangements for checking. The check by the Design Professional shall in no way absolve the Trade Contractor from his responsibility for setting out the Works correctly. 3. E X E C U T I O N


a. The Trade Contractor shall carry out excavation works in any type of soil met with during the course of

excavation, whether earth, clay, gravel, sand, conglomerates, boulders, solid rock or any other material to any depth,. as shown on the drawings or as directed by the Design Professional.

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b. Where excavation works are carried out by power excavating equipment such as mini power shovels and mini back-holes, jack hammers, power drills, or any other equipment which the Trade Contractor may propose to use, sufficient depth shall be left unexcavated to enable the exact depth required to be obtained by hand excavation. c. Excavations shall be to the lines, levels and dimensions indicated on the drawings, or instructed by the

Design Professional.

d. All foundations shall be placed on undisturbed soil. e. Should any excavation be made below the levels shown on the drawings, or those required by the Design Professional, the excess depth of excavation shall be filled with concrete of 15 Mpa characteristic compressive strength, at the Trade Contractor's own expense. f. The use of explosives on site is strictly forbidden. The Trade Contractor will not be permitted or allowed

to use any explosive of whatever type or size.

g. The Trade Contractor shall keep the area around excavations clear for a distance of one meter in all directions until concrete is placed and set. h. The bottom of footings and foundation excavations shall be cut true to level and kept clean of loose material and debris at all times. Bottoms of excavations will be inspected and approved by the Design Professional and the Specialized Design Professional before foundations or pipes are laid. I. The Trade Contractor will be held responsible for upholding the sides of excavation, and no claim for additional excavation, concrete, or other material will be considered in this respect, not withstanding the methods the Trade Contractor elects to adopt for upholding the sides of excavation. 3.2 EXCAVATION'S SAFETY a. The Trade Contractor shall carryout excavation works in a safe manner to the lines and levels shown on the drawings or to such lines and levels as the Design Professional may direct as the work proceeds, depending on the nature of the ground exposed. The Trade Contractor shall provide timbering, or use other approved methods to support the sides of excavation in such a way as to minimize ground movement. b. The Trade Contractor shall undertake and be responsible for all measures adopted by him to ensure and

secure safety of workers and safety of the works at all times.

The approval granted by the Design Professional for both the safety plan and method statement submitted by the Trade Contractor in relation to excavation works shall not relieve the Trade Contractor of his contractual obligations to maintain the sides of excavation safe and also to ensure the safety of the workers and the works at all times. 3.3 REDUCED LEVELS All excavation for reduced levels shall be carried out to the lines and levels shown on the drawings or to such lines and levels as directed by the Design Professional. If, from any cause whatsoever, excavation are carried out beyond their true line and level other than that directed by the Design Professional, the Trade Contractor shall, at his own cost, make good to the required lines and levels with mass concrete as directed by the Design Professional. All excavations shall be performed so that the works are continually and effectively drained.

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3.4 INSPECTION All excavation carried out by the Trade Contractor shall be inspected and approved by the Design

Professional as the work proceeds and/or upon completion.

The Trade Contractor shall submit Request for Inspection (RFI) a. Prior to commencing excavation works, all dewatering proposals shall be submitted by the Trade Contractor to the Design Professional through the Construction Manager for acquiring written approval. The Trade Contractor shall provide, maintain, alter and/or improve, and clear away on completion all

dewatering equipment, temporary drains and the like.

The Trade Contractor shall use all necessary measures to keep the excavation free from surface water, storm water, percolating water and subsoil water by the use of pumping or any other means approved by the Design Professional. Where deemed necessary by the Design Professional, protective filter shall be used at pumping location to

prevent the removal of the fine materials from the surrounding ground. Sufficiently ahead of time when the excavation, or part thereof, is ready for such inspection. The Trade Contractor must not proceed with other phasing until it has been inspected by the Design Professional and respective approval granted by the Construction Manager. 3.5 SHORING AND DEWATERING The sides of excavations shall be supported as necessary to maintain a vertical face and/or to prevent caving-in of any nature, especially during subsequent operations. The Contractor shall be responsible for the design, supply, fixing, safety and removal of all planking, strutting and shoring required to the side of the excavation. The Contractor is responsible on the type and nature of soil to be excavated; also he is to use any equipment, including dewatering equipment, to carry out the work required by this Contract. 3.6 HAULAGE AND TRANSPORTATION OF EXCAVATED MATERIALS The Trade Contractor shall regulate the loading and carting away of excavated materials, debris, rubbish, etc. day by day, to an approved dumping area, as the excavation works proceed. 3.7 EXCAVATIONS FOR UTILITY TRENCHES Utility trenches shall be excavated by the Trade Contractor to lines, levels and dimensions shown on drawings or as directed by the Design Professional. The banks of pipe trenches shall be as nearly vertical and practicable. Care shall be taken not to over excavate. The bottom of the trenches shall have a sand cushion accurately graded to provide uniform bearing and support for each section of the pipe laid on the sand cushion at every point along its entire length, except for those portions of the pipe sections where it is necessary to provide for bell holes and for the proper sealing of pipe joints. b. Bell holes and depressions for joints shall be dug after the trench bottom has been filled and graded in order that the pipe rests on the prepared bottom for as near its full length as practicable. Bell holes and depressions shall be only of such length, depth, and width as required for properly making the particular type of joint. c. Stones shall be removed as necessary to avoid point bearing. In rock areas, excavations will require the

use of mechanically operated drills or other equipment for removal. Except as hereinafter specified for wet or otherwise unstable material, over excavated depths shall be backfilled with material specified for backfilling the lower portion of trenches.

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d. Whenever wet or otherwise unstable material that is incapable of properly supporting the pipe, as determined by the Design Professional is encountered at the bottom of the trench, such material shall be removed to the depth needed. e. Trenches shall be constructed to the line and grade indicated on the drawings. Should it become necessary to change the position of the trench, the Design Professional shall be notified.

3.8 FILL AND BACKFILL MATERIAL FOR STRUCTURES a. Material The Trade Contractor shall preserve a stockpile of suitable material for use as backfill, taken from the deeper site cuts during excavations and as approved by the Design Professional. This approved material shall be used exclusively as fill material in all cases where site soils are to be used as fill. Suitable fill material shall be of such character that it will compact to form a hard, dense, stable fill of good bearing quality. Fill soils shall not contain brush, rubble, and/or other perishable materials; any rocks or stones of sufficient size to interfere with the compacting equipment must be removed. The fill should also be free from determinate quantities of topsoil, clay and shale that will disintegrate into clay under watering and rolling. Should suitable fill material be not sufficient for this purpose the Trade Contractor shall obtain supplementary quantities as required from other sources at his own expense. b. Placement Backfill shall be moisture or dried as many times as may be required to obtain moisture content suitable for compaction. Backfill shall be placed in layers not exceeding 25 cm. In depth prior to compaction, and shall be tamped in such lifts, using mechanical tamping equipment. Flooding of the backfill shall not be allowed. Backfill operations around basement and/or reservoirs' walls shall not start before the completion and approval of the vertical waterproofing to wall of basement and before casting the reinforced concrete slab over basements. c. Density Backfill under building slabs and slabs on grade shall be compacted to minimum 95% of maximum density as determined by ASTM D1557, method.

3.9 FILL AND BACKFILL OF UTILITY LINES The trenches shall not be back-filled until the Trade Constructor ensures that all the utilities' systems are installed and conform to the requirements specified in the sections covering the installation of the various utilities. Except as otherwise specified for special conditions of over depths, trenches shall be back-filled to the ground surface with selected excavated material or other material that is suitable for the specific compaction and as hereinafter specified. Trenches improperly back-filled shall be reopened to the depth required for proper compaction, then refilled and compacted as specified. Sand Cushion: Beneath the pipe a 20 cm sand cushion shall be provided to prevent point loading on the pipe due to any rock encountered. Lower Portion of trench: In pipe trenches, select backfill material shall be used free from rocks and rock fragments, and deposited in the trench simultaneously on both sides of pipe for full width of trench and to elevation of 30 cm above top of the barrel/crown of pipe. Tamping in 10cm layers to achieve adequate compaction shall provide solid backing against external surface of pipe. Walking or working on completed

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pipelines except as necessary in tamping or back-filling, is not permitted until trench has been back-filled at least 30 cm over top of pipe. Remainder of Trench: The remainder of the trench shall be back-filled with material that is free of stones larger than 15 centimeters in any dimension. Backfill materials shall be deposited in layers not exceeding 10 cm in thickness and each layer shall be compacted to an equivalent density to that of surrounding undisturbed soil. 3.10 HARD CORE a. Where shown on the drawings or as requested by the Design Professional, a layer of stone hard core shall be provided under slabs on grade to the thickness shown on drawings. b. Hard core shall be approved broken, stone, 5 to 15cm in size well rammed and consolidated to the required thickness. The top surface of hard core shall be blinded with sand to form an even surface to receive concrete or other finish

3.11 SURFLUS EXCAVATED MATERIAL All surplus excavated material not used in back filling or leveling shall be loaded and removed from the site and disposed-off at the Trade Contractor's expense to a dumping location selected by the Trade Contractor and approved by the Municipality or local authorities.

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1.1 WORK INCLUDE The works of the Trade Contractor shall include but not be limited to: a. Sawn and fair face formwork of wood, steel and fiberglass reinforced plastic formwork, for cast in place concrete, complete with shoring, bracing and anchorage. b. Form openings for mechanical and electrical work. c. Coordinated installation of items supplied by the Owner of any other Trade Contractor. d. Pre formed construction joints e. Dovetail anchor slots

f. Water stops and external rearguards g. Flashing reglets h. Void forms

I. Forming of expansion joints.

1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE Concrete formwork shall be constructed /erected by the Trade Contractor in accordance with ACI 347 and applicable construction safety regulations at the place of work.


ACI-347 Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork.

1.4 SHOP DRAWINGS The Trade Contractor shall submit shop drawings in accordance with Contract Documents.

The Trade Contractor shall submit method statement clarifying his method of construction, type and thickness of material to be used, arrangement of joints, ties and shores, location of bracing and temporary supports, schedule of erection and stripping. The Trade Contractor shall prepare working drawings be required for the checking and approval of the

specialized Design Professional for items of work within the scope of specialized Design Professional.


2.1 WOOD FORM MATERIALS a. Plywood: Douglas fir or Spruce species; sheathing grade; sound undamaged sheets with clean true edges. b. Lumber: Spruce species; sheathing grade; with grade stamp clearly visible.

c. Nails, Spikes, Lag Bolts, Through Bolts, Anchorage's: sized as required; of sufficient strength and character to maintain formwork in place while pouring concrete.

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2.2 FORMWORK ACCESSORIES a. Form Ties: Removable or snap off metal type of fixed or adjustable length; form ties should be free of defects and should not leave a hole larger than 25mm in the concrete surface. b. Form Release Agent: colorless mineral oil which will not stain concrete or impair natural bonding or

color characteristics of coating intended for use on concrete.

c. Fillets for Chamfered corners: Rigid foam plastic type; of required size; maximum possible lengths.

2.3 CONCRETE ACCESSORIES Water stops: As manufactured by "Servicised Ltd." Flat dumbell type 250 FD. Purpose made polyvinyl chloride; minimum 12N/mm2 tensile strength; minus 46 degrees C to plus 79 degrees C working temperature range, 250mm wide; maximum possible lengths; profiled as required; including necessary junction pieces, or Expandite Super cast waterfowl 250mm wide plain web, incorporating reinforced eyeleted outer-flanges, or approved equal. b. Dovetail Anchor Slots: Minimum 24 gauge galvanized steel; foam filled, release tape sealed slots; bent tab anchors; securable to concrete formwork; manufacturer subject to approval of the Design Professional. c. Flashing Reglets: Minimum 0.6mm thick galvanized steel longest possible lengths; complete with alignments splines for joints; securable to concrete formwork as approved by the Design Professional; manufacturer subject to approval of the Design Professional. d. Impregnated fiberboard in the form of permanent formwork, to be used as expansion joint filler, and a

cold applied sealant consisting of self-curing polysulphide rubber, manufactured by an approved manufacturer. e. Rearguard external water stops 240mm wide with factory-produced junctions shall be used on the

external face for all expansion joints in underground external walls from top of foundations to 150mm above ground level. Rearguard shall be 240 expansions "Servieal" as manufactured by Servicised Ltd. U.K. or Expandite Supercast Rearguard S 250mm or approved equal. 3. EXECUTION 3.1 FORMWORK ERECTION The Trade Contractor shall provide materials and perform all labor to undertake the following: a. Verify lines, levels and centers before proceeding with formwork. Ensure that dimensions agree with drawings. b. Construct formwork, shoring and bracing to meet design and code requirements, so that resultant finished concrete conforms to required shapes, lines and dimensions. c. Arrange and assemble formwork to permit dismantling and stripping, so that concrete is not damaged during form removal. d. Align joints and make watertight, to prevent leakage of mortar and disfigure appearance of concrete.

Keep form joints to minimum.

e. Obtain the Design Professional's approval for use of earth forms. When using earth forms, hand trim sides and bottoms, and remove loose dirt prior to placing concrete. f. Arrange forms to allow stripping without removal of principal shores, where and when these are

required to remain in place.

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g. Obtain the Design Professional's review before framing openings in structural members, which are not indicated on drawings. h. Provide bracing to ensure stability of formwork. Prop or strengthen previously constructed formwork liable to be overstressed by construction loads. I. Provide chamfer strips on external corners of members only where shown on drawings. j. Construct formwork to provide completed concrete surfaces complying with the tolerances specified in A.C.I. 347, Section 2.4, after removal of forms and prior to patching and finishing of cast-in place formed surfaces. k. Form expansion joints in the positions shown on the drawings and finish off as follows: - Joint filled with an impregnated fiberboard in the form of permanent formwork. - Cold applied joint sealant consisting of self-curing approved polysulphide rubber l. Apply form release agent on formwork in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Apply prior to placing reinforcing steel, anchoring devices, and embedded items. m. Do not apply form release agent where concrete surfaces will receive special finishes or applied coverings which are affected by agent. Soak inside surfaces of untreated forms with clean water. Keep surfaces wet prior to placing concrete. 3.2 INSERTS, EMBEDDED PARTS, AND OPENINGS The Trade Contractor shall provide materials and perform all labor to undertake the following: a. Provide formed openings where required for pipes, conduits, sleeves, and other work to be embedded in and passing through concrete members. b. Locate and set in place items which will be cast directly into concrete.

c. Coordinate work of other sections in forming and setting openings, slots, recesses, chashes, sleeves, bolts, anchors, and other inserts. Do not perform work unless specifically indicated on drawings or reviewed prior to installation. d. Install concrete accessories in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations; straight, level, and plumb. Ensure items are not disturbed during concrete placement. e. Install water stops continuous without displacing reinforcement. Heat seal joints watertight.

f. Provide temporary ports or openings in formwork where required to facilitate cleaning and inspection.

Locate openings at bottom of forms to allow flushing water to drain. Close temporary ports or openings with tight fitting panels, flush with inside face of forms, neatly fitted so that joints will not be apparent in exposed concrete surfaces. 3.3 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL The Trade Contractor shall comply with following quality control measures:

a. Inspect and check completed formwork, shoring, and bracing to ensure that work is in accordance with formwork design, and that supports, fastenings, wedges, ties, and parts are secure. b. Inform the Design Professional when formwork is complete and has been cleaned, to allow for inspection.

Obtain approval prior to placing concrete.

c. Allow the Design Professional to inspect each section of formwork prior to reuse. 3.4 FINISHES a. Plain Finish: Formwork generally and to concrete surfaces to be plastered may be sawn formwork.

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b. Fair Faced Finish: Concrete surface which are described as fair face finished shall be finished free from honeycombing and excessive air holes, fines and projections arising from defective mixing, placing of formwork, and shall, if necessary, be filled with mortar and rubbed with fine carborudum stone. The finish shall be integral with the body of the concrete and shall not be obtained by means of an applied rendering. The quality of the surface of concrete exposed to view shall be consistent throughout the project and the

following methods shall be adopted to obtain the required fancy. The trade Contractor may submit alternative proposals for the approval of the Design Professional if he so desires. Formwork for fair faced concrete shall be either of steel, fibrous glass reinforced plastic or exterior grade

plywood not less than 16mm thick properly detailed to the satisfaction of the Design Professional whose approval is required in writing before order the formwork. In addition to the above forms of linings, the forms shall be coated before placing the reinforcement with an approved colorless mineral oil free of kerosene, and shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's printed instruction. All surplus oil on form surface and any oil on reinforcing steel shall be removed. c. Approval by the Design Professional to Fair Faced Finishes. 1. Trade Contractor shall submit for approval of the Design Professional a sample panel not less than 60cm x 120cm to demonstrate the quality of the exposed concrete to be produced by forms, at his own expense. 2. The quality of the finished work shall be measured against the quality of the approved sample panel and

the work of inferior quality shall be repaired or replaced as directed by the Design Professional without any additional cost.

3.5 CLEANING The Trade Contractor shall observe and undertake the following measures:

a. Clean forms as erection proceeds, to remove foreign matter. Remove cuttings, shavings, and debris from within forms. Flush with water or use compressed air to remove remaining foreign matter. Ensure that water and debris drain to exterior through clean-outs ports. b. During cold weather, remove ice from within forms. do not use de-icing salts. Do not use water to clean

out completed forms, unless formwork and concrete construction proceed within heated enclosure. Use compressed air or other means to remove foreign matter. 3.6 FORM REMOVAL The Trade Contractor shall observe and undertake the following measures: Notify Design Professional prior to removing formwork.

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Do not remove forms, shores and bracing until concrete has gained sufficient strength to carry its own weight, and construction and design load which are liable to be imposed upon it. Verify strength of concrete by compressive test results. The minimum period for form removal should be as follows (48) hours for side form for beams ,columns, and walls (14)days for slabs and beams with span less than 5m

(21) Days for beams and slabs with span more than 5 m.

d. Remove formwork progressively and in accordance with code requirements so that no shock loads or unbalanced loads are imposed on structure. e. Loosen forms carefully. Do not wedge pry bars, hammers, or tools against concrete surfaces. f. Leave forms loosely in place, against vertical surfaces, for protection until complete removal is approved by the Design Professional. g. Re shore structural members where required due to design requirements or construction conditions and

as required to permit progressive construction. Remove load supporting forms only when concrete has attained 75 percent of required 28 day compressive strength, provided construction is re shored. h. Remove forms not directly supporting weight of concrete as soon as stripping operations will not damage concrete.

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1.1 WORK INCLUDED a. Reinforcing steel bars, and welded steel wire fabric for cast in place concrete, complete with tie wire. b. Support chairs, bars supports, spacers, for reinforcing. 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE Perform concrete reinforcing work shall be performed by the Trade Contractor in accordance with the provision of CRSI 63 and 65 unless specified otherwise in this section. 1.3 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL a. The Trade Contractor shall submit certified copy of mill test report of supplied re -bars, indicating

physical and chemical analysis. b. The Trade Contractor shall provide the Design Professional with access to fabrication plant to facilitate

inspection of reinforcement. Notify of commencement and duration of shop fabrication, in sufficient time to allow for proper inspection. 1.4 REFERENCE STANDARDS

a. BS 8110 Code of practice for design and construction of structural concrete. b. CRSI 63 Recommended Practice for Placing Reinforcing Bars. d. BS 4483 Steel Fabric for reinforcement of concrete

e. BS 4449 Hot rolled steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete. f. AWS D12.1 Welding Reinforcement Steel, Metal Inserts Connections in Reinforced Concrete


g. ACI 315 American Concrete Institute - Manual of Standard.



G ra d e M i n i m u m Y i e l d S t r e n g t h High Yield Steel 414 MPa

Mild Steel 278 MPa

a. Reinforcing Steel: High yield deformed weld able steel bars, BS 4449 and BS 4461.

b. Welded Steel Wire Fabric: Deformed type, BS 4493; in flat sheets.

2.2 QUALITY REQUIREMENTS a. Steel reinforcement shall be hot rolled high strength high bond, Grade 414, complying with requirements of BS 4449, BS 4461, and BS 8110, deformed bars. b. Steel fabric mesh shall comply with BS 4483.

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a. Reinforcing steel bars shall be fabricated in accordance with ACI 315.

b. The Trade Contractor shall locate reinforcing splices, not indicated on drawings, at points of minimum stress. Location of splices: to be reviewed by the Design Professional.

2.4 ACCESSORY MATERIALS a. Tie Wire: Minimum 1.5mm gauge annealed type, or patented system accepted by Design Professional. b. Chairs, Bolsters, Bar Supports, Spacers: Sized and shaped for strength and support of reinforcing during construction conditions. c. Special Chairs, Bolsters, Bar Supports, Spacers where adjacent to architectural concrete surfaces: Plastic coated type; sized and shaped as required.

3. EXECUTION 3.1 PLACEMENT AND FIXING OF REINFORCEMENT The Trade Contractor shall provide materials and perform all labor to undertake the following:

a. Place reinforcing supported and secured against displacement. Do not deviate from true alignment.

b. Before placing concrete, ensure reinforcing is clean, free of loose scale, dirt, or other foreign coatings which would reduce bond to concrete. c. All reinforcement shall be fixed rigidly in position. At intersections the bars shall be bound together with

tying wire and the loose ends of the wire shall be turned towards the inside of the member.

d. Reinforcement shall only be spliced or welded where shown on the drawings. All welding procedures shall be subject to approval. e. Reinforcement shall be fixed in the positions shown on the drawings within a tolerance of 5mm of 5% of the lowest dimension of the cross section of the member, whichever is greater. f. The concrete cover to the reinforcement shall be carefully maintained utilizing approved spacers where necessary. Unless indicated elsewhere in the contract documents, the minimum concrete cover to all steel shall be: 70mm for footings.

50mm for columns and ground beams below grade.

40mm for columns and beams 25mm, for slabs and stairs. g. Where concrete spacer blocks are used they shall not exceed 50mm square in section and shall be precast from concrete of similar mix proportions and strength as the adjacent concrete, except that the largest size of aggregate shall be 10mm. h. Spacer blocks shall not be used where the concrete face will be visible in the finished work, without the approval of the Design Professional. I. Each concrete spacer block shall be securely fixed to the reinforcement with wire or a clip. The wire or clip shall be embedded in the center of the blocks so that it does not subsequently cause rust marks on the concrete surface. j. Supports and other subsidiary bars necessary to maintain the reinforcement in position shall be provided at approved intervals with concrete cover not less than that of the adjacent reinforcement.

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k. Fabric reinforcement shall be used in standard sheets where possible. Adjoining sheets shall overlap by at least on rectangle or 60 diameters of the bar at the lap, whichever is greater. l. Scaffold boards shall be provided to ensure that the reinforcement is not displaced by being walked upon during concreting or other operations. m. During concreting operations, a competent steel fixer shall be in attendance to e nsure that the reinforcement is maintained in the position as pouring and compaction proceeds. n. Reinforcement shall be only with the diameters shown on drawings unless it is not available it can be

replaced with equivalent areas according to the designer approval.

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1.1 WORK INCLUDED a. Poured-in-place concrete, building frame members, floors, walls, foundations, supported and suspended slabs. b. Surface finishes of walls, beams, frame members and supported slabs.

c. Concrete base slabs to receive toppings.


a. Formwork for Concrete b. Concrete Reinforcement. c. Concrete Curing. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE For Cast in place concrete the provisions of BS 8110 shall apply. 1.4 TESTING AGENCY The Trade Contractor shall observe/comply as follows:

a. Inspection and testing will be performed by a qualified and approved firm. b. Provide free access to work and cooperate with the appointed firm. c. Submit proposed mix design to inspection and the testing firm for review prior to commencement of


d. Tests of cement and aggregates may be performed to ensure conformance with requirements stated herein. e. Six (6) concrete standard test cubes will be taken for every 60 or less cubic meters of concrete placed, or

from any daily concrete cast.

f. Six (6) additional test cubes will be taken during either hot or cold weather concreting, and be cured on job site under same conditions and concrete if represents. g. One (1)-slump test will be taken for each set of test cube taken.

1.5 CERTIFYING THE BATCHING PLANT a. The Trade Contractor shall seek the Design Professional's approval on the batching plant used for concrete production. Trade Contractor shall provide an access to the plant for the Design Professional's personnel and shall assist them to check the batching plant prior to granting the Design Professional's approval thereon and regularly thereafter as required by the Design Professional. b. Checking shall include without limitations. 1. The integrity of the mixing blade and its compatibility with the profile of the mixing bowl. 2. The weighing accuracy: Weighting devices shall be examined and its accuracy shall fall within the following tolerances: - Cement +2% of the weight of the cement in the batch.

- Aggregate +2% of the weight of each aggregate in the Batch.

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- Water +2% of the weight of water added to the batch.

- Admixtures +5% of the amount to be added to the batch. 3. Calibration of weighing equipment: Sufficient test weighing shall be kept available on site for checking the accuracy of all scales. The scales shall be checked at the commencement of preliminary concrete tests and checks shall be carried out at intervals as directed by the Design Professional. The results of these checks shall be recorded and submitted to the Design Professional. All scales shall be inspected and tested over their complete range by a specialist at least every three months,

the results being recorded and submitted to the Design Professional.

With admixture dispensers, a calibrated container shall be provided to check the accuracy of measurement at least once each month. 1.6 REFERENCE STANDARDS a. BS 882 Aggregates from Natural Sources for Concrete b. BS 12 Ordinary and Rapid Hardening Portland cement.

c. BS 5328 Methods for specifying Concrete, including Ready Mixed Concrete. d. BS 8110 Code of Practice for design and construction of structural concrete. e. BS 5075 Concrete Admixtures - Air Entraining Admixtures for Concrete. f. BS 3797 Lightweight Aggregates for Concrete. g. ACI 304 Recommended Practice for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and Placing Concrete. h. ACI 305 Recommended Practice for Hot Weather Concreting. I. ACI 306 Recommended Practice for Cold Weather Concreting.

1.7 WARRANTY/GUARANTEE All warranties/guarantees to be issued by the Supplier, manufacturers and sub-contractors shall be counter signed by the Trade Contractor and Trade Contractor will be the sole party liable for repair/replacement of the items/ works, etc., during the warrantee/guarantee period.


2.1 CONCRETE MATERIALS a. Cement: Ordinary Portland cement BS 12. Cement shall comply with the relevant ASTM or B.S.I. standards. Only ordinary Portland cement shall be used in all of the structural elements. b. Fine and Coarse Aggregates: BS 882 Only Wadi Gravel shall be allowed as course aggregate. Only wadi

sand shall be allowed as fine aggregate. All aggregates shall however be tested and the quarry shall be proved to comply with the Contract Specifications. Crushed Lime Stone Fines shall not be used. c. Water shall comply with requirements of BS 5328

d. Light weight Concrete Proportion: Should meet the requirements of BS 8110 and BS 3797 specification for light weight aggregates for concrete. e. Admixtures: The use of admixtures shall be required to provide the mix with workability, impermeability, resistance to shrinkage cracks, etc., as the concrete grade and use may dictate. Other than those prescribed in these specifications, no other admixture will be permitted unless:

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(i) It has been proven by testing the trial mixes that its addition enhances the concrete strength and durability properties. (ii) It has been proven by chemical analysis that it contains no chloride or sulphate compounds. (iii) It has been expressly approved by the Design Professional. 2.2 WATER TIGHT CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION: a. General: Concrete described as Water - Tight is designed in accordance with the limit state design requirements of BS 8007, and shall be constructed in accordance with the General Specifications except where modification proposed by the Trade Contractor is approved by the Specialist Design Professional. The Trade Contractor shall give the necessary care and attention to the work at all stages to obtain a water-tight construction. Concrete which does not satisfy this requirement shall be made water-tight at the Trade Contractor's expense. b. Aggregate: Aggregates shall have a low drying shrinkage and shall have absorption not greater than 3

percent, measured in accordance with BS 812.

c. Workability : The workability of the concrete shall be carefully chosen to ensure that the concrete can be fully compacted in the formwork and around the reinforcement without increasing water cement ratio, such as will result in a porous concrete being placed and shall reject anywhere where the deviation from the chosen slump exceeds plus or minus 25 mm. All concrete shall be mechanically vibrated. d. Formwork: Formwork ties which pass through any part of the structure shall not be used unless effective precautions are taken to ensure water tightness after removal. All ties cavities are to be filled with an approved non shrink cement mortar. e. Curing : The concrete shall be cured in accordance with BS 8110, Clause 6.6 " curing" but for not less than 4 days. The Contractor shall also take measures to limit the fluctuations in surface temperature of the concrete. f. Joints: Concrete shall be placed continuously between and up to predetermined joints. The surface of the concrete during placing shall be kept reasonably level between vertical joints. In the event of an unavoidable stoppage in positions not predetermined. The concrete shall be terminated on horizontal planes and against vertical surfaces, and the Trade Contractor shall take any additional action required to make a water tight joint at his own expense. The locations and details of predetermined joints shall be as shown on the drawings and shall comply with the following: Kickers are to be cast monolithically with the concrete on which they stand (not less than 150mm high). Particular care shall be taken to ensure that wall formwork fits tightly on the kicker or lower lift of concrete to prevent loss of grout which could cause porosity of the joint. g. Testing: As soon as possible after the structure has been completed and the concrete has achieved its 28 days strength, it shall be tested for water tightness by filling it with water. 2.3 ACCEPTABLE SUPPLIERS The Trade Contractor shall submit for approval his designated sub-contractor/ Supplier for water - tight concrete. Out of the Work of Subcontractors and suppliers of material needed for concrete works, the Trade Contractor shall limit his selection to the Trade Subcontractors/ suppliers certified by the relevant authority and approved by the Design Professional.

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Non shrink grout: premixed compound consisting of non-metallic aggregate, cement, water reducing and plasticizing agents; capable of developing minimum compressive strength of 17mpa in 2 days and 48 Mpa in 28 days.

2.5 CONCRETE MIXES a. Mix concrete shall be in accordance with BS 5328 Concrete mixing shall be made in conformity to the requirements outlined in the foregoing sections for concrete material, on the other sections pertaining to controlling temperature, and on the mixes properties outlined in the following tables. b. The following table gives general guidelines on the constituents of different mixes to be produced.

Trial mixes to be made by the Trade Contractor to establish mix design for all the concrete types.

Min. Maximum Max free Characteristic Cube Slump Cement Size of water Strength Mpa Concrete Content Aggregate cement ratio At At Used in The Grad s Following (kg/m3) (mm) Ratio 7days 28 days (mm) 30 350 20 0.55 18 30 80-120 plain and reinforced cast-in situ concrete 15 220 20 0.70 10 15 100-150 Blinding

c. The following admixture shall be employed for all mixes of concrete below ground level, basements, except for Grade 15: - Integral liquid waterproofed.

d. Under all circumstances, the use of accelerating admixtures will not be allowed. e. Trial Mixes: 1. Immediately upon award of Contract, the Trade Contractor, shall make trial mixes in adequate

number of specimens as per the relevant standards and in accordance with the description set forth in the General Specifications 2. From the results of tests made on the Specimens, The Trade Contractor shall propose the mix design

of the concrete grade listed in the table above.

3. Additionally, the Trade Contractor shall perform the trial mixes incorporating the additive.


3.1 PLACING CONCRETE The Trade Contractor shall provide materials and perform all colours to undertake the following: a. Place concrete in accordance with BS 8110. b. Notify Design Professional minimum 24 hours prior to commencement of concreting operations. c. Ensure anchors, seats, plates, and other items to be cast into concrete are placed, held securely, and will not cause hardship in placing concrete. Rectify it and proceed with work. d. Maintain records of poured concrete items. Record date, location of pour, quantity, air temperature, and test samples taken.

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e. Ensure reinforcement, inserts, embedded parts, formed expansion and contraction joints, are not disturbed during concrete placement. f. Prepare previously place concrete by cleaning with steel brush. g. Pour concrete continuously between predetermined construction and control joints. h. Excessive honeycomb or embedded debris in concrete is not acceptable. Notify Design Professional upon discovery. I. Conform to ACT 305 when concreting during hot weather.

j. Conform to ACT 306 when concreting during cold weather.

k. Maintain concrete cover to reinforcement as noted on structural drawings.

3.2 BLINDING CONCRETE Thickness shall be as shown on the drawings. Blinding concrete shall be used under all structural ground floor slabs, grade beams and reinforced concrete footings. 3.3 PATCHING The Trade Contractor shall allow the Design Professional to inspect concrete surfaces immediately upon removal of forms. Patch imperfections as directed.

3.4 DEFECTI?E CONCRETE a. The Trade Contractor shall modify or replace concrete not conforming to required lines, details and elevations. b. The Trade Contractor shall repair or replace concrete not properly placed resulting in excessive

honeycombing and other defects. Do not patch, fill, touch-up, repair, or replace exposed architectural concrete except upon explicit direction of Design Professional for each individual area. 3.5 CONCRETE FINISHING Finishing to exposed concrete surface shall be in accordance to the provisions of BS 8110.

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1.1 WORK INCLUDED a. Initial and final curing b. Curing materials


a. Cast in Place Concrete b. Formwork

1.3 REFERENCES a. ANSI A168.1 Practice for curing concrete,

b. ACI 305 Recommended Practice for Hot Weather Concreting. c. ACI 306 Recommended Practice for Cold Weather Curing. d. ACI 308 71 Recommended Practice for Curing Concrete.


2.1 MATERIALS a. Water: Potable b. Absorptive Mats Burlap: Cloth made of jute or kenaf conforming to AASHTO M182 and minimum weight 0.29 kg/m2 c. Membrane Curing Compound: acrylic, or chlorinated rubber type, pigmented. d. Polyethylene Film: 0.1 mm thick clear color.



Should be of a temperature compatible with concrete temperature and not more than 11 degree C cooler than concrete surface.


100% coverage of water over slabs shall be maintained continuously for 5 days.


Where spraying is required, slabs shall be maintained wet for 5 days. 3.4 ABSORPTIVE MAT

Saturated burlap shall be placed over exposed areas, lapping ends and sides minimum 50% over lap, and maintained in place saturated for 5 days.

3.5 MEMBRANE CURING COMPOUN C u r i n g c o m p o u n d s h a l l b e a p p l i ed i n s t r i c t a c co r da n c e w i t h m an u f a c t u r e r ' s i n s t r u c t i o n s .

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1.1 WORK INCLUDED Mortar for brick masonry and concrete unit masonry

1.2 RELATED WORK Concrete Masonry Work.

1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE Quality assurance shall be performed by the Trade Contractor in accordance with the requirements of BS 4551. 1.4 REFERENCE STANDARDS a. BS 12 - Ordinary Portland Cement b. BS 5224 - Masonry Cement c. BS 890 - Building limes d. BS 882 - Aggregates from natural sources for concrete. e. BS 4551 - Methods of testing mortars. f. BS 4721 - Specification for ready mixed building mortars.

1.5 TESTING a. Testing of mortar mix (es) shall be performed by a firm appointed and paid for by the Trade Contractor.

b. Free access shall be provided to all portions of work.

c. Proposal for mortar mix design shall be submitted by the Trade Contractor to the testing firm for approval prior to commencement of work.

d. Tests of mortar mix (es) shall be performed to ensure conformance with requirements stated herein and to ensure mortar will not produce efflorescence.

e. If mortar mix (es) do not conform with requirements stated herein, new design mix shall be submitted to the testing firm (laboratory) and at the cost of the Trade Contractor.


The Trade Contractor shall submit manufacturer's recommendations and product data to obtain approval of design Professional.



The Trade Contractor shall submit to the Design Professional the names of three manufacturers and their products which will be acceptable under this section. Approval of the manufacturer or product must be obtained before proceeding with associated work.

2.2 MORTAR MATERIALS a. Portland Cement: BS12 Ordinary Portland Cement; grey color.

b. Masonry Cement: BS 5224 for general use

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c. Aggregates: Standard Masonry Type, BS 882, clean, dry and protected against dampness, freezing and foreign matter,

d. Water: Clean and free from injurious amounts of oil, alkali, organic matter or other deleterious material.


Plasticizer: Water reducing type which reduces porosity and absorption to increase bond strength; as approved by the Design Professional.


Provide minimum 15 Mpa mortar for non load bearing walls and partitions.


For mixing mortar Trade Contractor shall undertake the following measures: a. Thoroughly mix mortar ingredients, in quantities needed for immediate use.

b. Add mortar color and admixtures in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Ensure uniformity of mix and coloration.

c. Do not use anti freeze compounds to lower the freezing point of mortar.

d. Use mortar within two hours of mixing at temperatures over (26 deg. C), and two and one half hours at temperatures under 10 degrees C.

e. If necessary, retemper mortar within two hours of mixing to replace water lost by evaporation. Do not retemper mortar after two hours of mixing.

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Concrete Unit Masonry



a. Concrete unit masonry walls; back-up for cavity walls, and interior partitions, complete with reinforcement and anchorages.

b.Pre-Cast concrete lintels.

c. Form control joints

d. Built-In work.

e. Cut and fit work for other activities.


a. Mortar b. Cast in place Concrete


a. Concrete unit masonry work shall be performed in accordance with requirements of ANSI A41.1, unless indicated otherwise herein.

b. Test data confirming that concrete masonry units conform to standards stated herein shall be provided by the Trade Contractor to the Design Professional.


a. BS 12- Ordinary Portland Cement b. Bs 6073 - Precast Concrete Masonry Units c. ANSI A41.2 - Requirements for Masonry.


a. The Trade Contractor shall maintain materials and surrounding air temperature to minimum (10 deg. C) prior to, during and 48 hours after completion of masonry work.

b. During freezing or near freezing weather, the Trade Contractor shall provide adequate equipment or cover to maintain a minimum temperature of (10 deg.C) and to protect masonry work completed or in progress.


a. The Trade Contractor shall maintain protective boards at exposed external corners which may be damaged by construction activities. Such protection shall be provided without damaging completed work.

b. Expansion joint voids shall be kept clear of mortar

c. Temporary bracing during erection of masonry work shall be provided and maintained in place until building structure is provided with permanent bracing.

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The Trade Contractor shall submit to the Design Professional the names of three manufacturers and their products which will be acceptable under this section. Approval of the manufacturer or product must be obtained before proceeding with associated work.


Concrete Block: BS 6073 modular size (s) complete with corners, bases, bond beams, lintels and filters to match and compliment block units, standard weight.


a. Reinforcing steel for bond beams lintels and piers type.

b. Single Wall Horizontal Reinforcing: ladder type; galvanized steel construction; (5mm) side rods with (5mm) cross ties; as approved by the Design Professional.

c. Anchors: Trade Contractor to submit details for approval.

d. Wall Ties: Trade Contractor to submit details for approval.


a. Bond Beams Lintels and Piers 30 Mpa concrete at 28 days, 100mm slump.

b. Cement: BS12,

c. Coarse Aggregate: Maximum (10mm) size; 25% percent by volume.

d. Fine Aggregate: minimum .02mm size; 75% percent by volume.


a. Control Joints: preformed neoprene material; as approved by the Design Professional.

b. Joint Filler: Closed Cell Polyethlene oversized 50% self expanding; (25mm) wide X maximum lengths; as approved by the Design Professional.



The Trade Contractor shall observe/comply as follows:

a. Supply metal anchors for placement. Provide in sufficient quantity, and direct their correct placement.

b. Ensure items built in by other trades for this work are properly located and sized.

c. Establish all lines, levels and coursing. Protect from disturbance.


The Trade Contractor shall provide materials and perform all labour to undertake the following:

a. Place concrete block in accordance with lines and levels indicated on drawings.

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b Fully bond external and internal corners and intersections.

c. Buttering corners of joints, deep or excessive furrowing of mortar joints is not permitted.

d. Do not shift or tap masonry units after mortar has taken initial set. Where adjustment must be made, remove mortar and replace.

e. Perform job site cutting with proper power tools to provide straight and true, unchipped edges.

f. Where non bearing partitions extend to underside of floor, roof deck or structural system, stop masonry short 10mm to 13mm to allow for live load deflection. Fill gap with joint filler. Provide structural anchorage in accordance with ANSI A41.1.

g. Ensure masonry courses are of uniform height. Make vertical and horizontal joints equal and of uniform thickness.

h. Lay concrete block in full bed of mortar, properly jointed with other work.

I. Remove excess mortar and projections. Take care to prevent breaking block corners.

j. Lay concrete unit masonry in common bond. Course one (1) block unit and one (1) mortar joint to equal 200 mm.

k. Form concave mortar joints.

l. Cut mortar joints flush where resilient floor base is scheduled.

m. Cut mortar joints flush where damp proofing and waterproofing is scheduled.


a. Maximum variation from masonry unit to adjacent masonry unit to be (1mm).

b. Flush face on interior masonry surfaces shall be maintained.


The Trade Contractor shall place masonry reinforcing and anchorages for concrete unit masonry as follows:

1. Provide cavity and single walls with horizontal masonry reinforcing in every second block joint.

2. Place horizontal masonry reinforcing in first and second joints above and below openings. Place continuous in first and second joint below top of walls.

3. Fully reinforce corners and intersections.

4. Lap masonry reinforcing splices minimum 150mm. Extend minimum 400 mm each side of openings.


The Trade Contractor shall observe/comply as follows:

a. Provide reinforced concrete unit masonry lintels over openings, where steel lintels are not scheduled,

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b. Construct lintels, using concrete and reinforcement specified. Maintain minimum 200mm bearing on each side of opening. Trade Contractor to submit details for approval.

c. Use reinforcing bars of full lengths only.

d. Place and consolidate concrete without disturbing reinforcement.

e. Allow lintels to reach maximum strength before removing temporary supports. f. Unless otherwise shown on the drawings, the lintels shall be reinforced as follows:

2 Nos. 14 mm diameter bottom bars.

2Nos. 10 mm diameter top bars.

Stirrups, 8mm diameter at 200mm spacing.


a. Reinforcement shall be with 2 Nos. 12mm diameter top and bottom bars, and stirrups, 8mm diameter at 200mm spacing Lap splices 55 bars diameters.

b, Placing and consolidation of concrete shall be performed without disturbing reinforcement.


Horizontal masonry reinforcing shall not continue across control joints.


The Trade Contractor shall observe/comply as follows: a. As work progresses, build-in nailing strips, anchor bolts, plates, and other items supplied by Owner and other Trade Contractors.

b, Build in items plumb and true.

c. Embed anchors of timber and metal door frames in mortar joints. Fill masonry cores with grout minimum 300 mm from framed openings.


a. The Trade Contractor shall cut and fit for chases, pipes, conduit sleeves and grounding. Cooperate fully with other sections of work to ensure correct size, shape and location.

b. The Trade Contractor shall obtain the Design Professional's approval prior to cutting or fitting any area which is not indicated on drawings, or which may impair appearance or strength of masonry work.


The Trade Contractor shall observe/comply as follows: a. Remove excess mortar and smears upon completion of masonry work.

b. Point or replace defective mortar. Match adjacent work.

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c. Clean soiled surfaces using a non acidic solution which will not harm masonry or adjacent materials, Use non-metallic tools in cleaning operations.

d. Leave surfaces designated to receive plaster, clean and ready to receive plaster work

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Portland cement Plaster



a. Three coat cement plaster with wood float trowelled finish coat. b. Two coat cement plaster with rough finish coat to receive wall tiles.


a. Cast in place concrete b. Concrete Unit masonry


a. ASTM C150 Portland Cement b. ASTM C144 Sand for Cement Plaster Work c. ASTM C6 Normal Finishing Hydrated Lime. d. ASTM C206 Special Finishing Hydrated Lime e. ASTM C35 Inorganic Aggregates for Use in Gypsum Plaster. f. UL Underwriters' Laboratories Incorporated. g. ASTM C631 Bonding Compounds for Interior Plastering.


a. The Trade Contractor shall construct 1000 mm wide x 1000 mm high sample panel with finished surface, using materials and methods specified herein, for review by the Design Professional.

b. The accepted surface finish of sample shall establish the minimum standard of quality and workmanship of cement plaster work on job.


Adequate ventilation shall be provided in areas where work of this Section is being performed, so as to allow cement plaster to properly cure. Precautionary measures shall be undertaken to ensure that excessive temperature changes do not occur.



a. Cement: Normal - Type I. Portland type, conforming to requirements of ASTM C150; grey color.

b. Hydrated Lime: Normal finishing type conforming to requirements of ASTM C6, or an approved mortar plasticiser, both types pending the Design Professional's approval.

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c. Water Clean, portable fresh and free from injurious amounts of oil, acid, alkali, organic matter or other deleterious substances.

d. Sand Shall conform to ASTMC - 144, except that the gradation shall meet further requirements for cement plaster work.

e. Bonding Agen1 Type recommended for satisfactorily bonding cement plaster to concrete block surfaces. Conforming to ASTM C631.


a. Angle Beads, Corner Mesh and Plaster stops: Minimum 0.50mm thick steel with rust inhibitive coating of longest possible lengths; sized and profiled to suit application. Angle beads to have bull nosed edges.

b. Expansion Joints: Back to back plaster stops of longest possible lengths.

c. Anchorages: Nails, staples, or other metal supports, of type and size to suit application and to rigidly secure metal accessories in place.


The Trade Contractor shall provide materials and comply/perform as follows: a. Mix and proportion cement plaster as follows: (by volume). 1. Base coat: 1 part cement, to 2 parts sand, using an approved plasticiser.

2. Second coat: 1 part cement to 4 parts sand with an approved plasticiser.

3. Finish coat: 1 part cement, to 4 parts sand with an approved platiciser,

b. Mix only as much plaster as can be used in one hour.

c. Mix materials dry, to uniform colour and consistency, before adding water.

d. Add color pigments in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Ensure uniformity of mix and colouration.

e. Protect mixes from frost, dust and evaporation.

f. Do not retemper mixes after initial set has occurred.

g. Where hydrated lime is accepted and approved by the Design Professional, the volume of lime must not exceed 0.5 that of cement volume for the base course, and 1.0 that of cement volume for the second and third coats.

h. For two coats plaster use items 1 and 2 of "A" above.



The Trade Contractor shall provide materials and comply/execute as follows: a. Prior to application ensure mechanical and electrical services behind surfaces to receive cement plaster have been tested and approved.

b. Clean concrete and concrete block surfaces of dust, laitance, efflorescence, loose particles, grease or other foreign matters. Thoroughly wet surfaces before using acid solutions, solvents or detergents to perform cleaning. Thoroughly wash surfaces with clean water immediately following their use. Ensure mortar joints are flush.

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c. Roughen smooth concrete surfaces so as to allow adequate adhesion. Use method acceptable to the Design Professional

d. Apply a bonding agent on concrete and concrete block surfaces which are to receive cement plaster. Apply in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations, ensuring complete coverage.

e. Ensure metal lath has been properly installed and rigidly secured.

f. Wet concrete and concrete block surfaces to reduce excessive suction.

g. Place metal accessories true to lines and levels.


The Trade Contractor shall provide materials and perform all labour to undertake the following: a. Apply cement plaster using two coat system and three coat system respectively.

b. Apply each basecoat to minimum thickness of 10 mm. Moist cure and allow each coat to slowly dry for minimum period of 24 hours.

c. Allow each coat to cure for minimum 3 days prior to application of the following coat.

d. Evenly dampen each coat, to ensure uniform suction, and apply the following coat. Apply to thickness sufficient to secure required texture but in no case less than 3mm. Apply finish coat subject to requirements.

e. Maintain surface flatness, with maximum variation of 3.2mm in 3.000m.

f. Provide surfaces receiving paint with a steel trowel finish.

g. Avoid excessive working of surface. Delay trowelling as long as possible to avoid drawing excess fines to surface.

h. Moist cure finish coat for minimum period of 48 hours.


Perform Cement plaster work for fire rated assemblies shall be performed by the Trade Contractor in accordance with drawings and as per recommendation of specialized laboratories and subject to the approval of the Specialized Design Professional.

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Bituminous Membrane Waterproofi ng For Underground Works



a. Preparation of surfaces to receive the membranes.. b. Supply and placement of the membranes. c. Seal joints (supply and application). d. Supply and fixing of protective coverings.


a. Cast in place concrete. b. Concrete unit masonry. c. Sealants.


a. The Trade Contractor shall submit manufacturers instructions for the Design Professional's review.

b. The Trade Contractor shall submit shop drawings indicating water proofing materials, protective covering, and jointing details to the Design Professional's review and approval. The shop drawings shall be accompanied by a method statement detailing/clarifying the method of placing the bituminous waterproofing membranes.

c. Indicated jointing details to large scale.


a. The Trade Contractor shall submit written warranties in the name of the Owner for the membrane material approved by the Design Professional.

b. The warranty shall provide for making good, within period of five (5) years, at no cost to the Owner, failures of waterproofing to resist penetration of water, except where such failures are result of structural failures of building. Hairline cracking due to temperature of shrinkage is not considered as structural failure.



a. Modified bitumen torchable membrane, 4mm thick, reinforced with 180 gm/m2 non woven polyester with 50 gm/m2 non woven glass.

b. Primer compatible with waterproofing and recommended by waterproofing manufacturer and approved by the Design Professional.

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c. Protective cover, 10cm thick pre-cast hollow concrete blocks as covered under concrete unit masonry section.

d. Sealing mastic of type recommended by waterproofing manufacturer and approved by the Design Professional.



The Trade Contractor shall clean and prepare surfaces to receive waterproofing in accordance with manufacturers recommendations subject to obtaining the approval of the Design Professional.


The Trade Contractor shall comply/execute as follows: a. All prepared surfaces shall be dry, and painted with a coat of primer at a rate recommended by waterproofing manufacturer. All blinding surfaces must be finished fair faced or trowel smooth to receive the waterproofing membrane.

b. Apply the waterproof membrane surface against prepared surfaces, in accordance with manufacturers recommendations, ensuring that air is excluded from under membrane.

c. Adjacent rolls of waterproof membrane should be provided with a minimum 150mm lap and complete adhesion must be achieved between both layers to ensure complete waterproofing.

d. All external and internal angles and corners shall be reinforced with an extra strip of waterproof membrane, minimum 300mm wide.

e. All internal corners should be provided with a 50 mm x 50mm minimum fillet.

f. Where waterproof membrane is to be terminated above ground level (150mm from G.L. or as instructed by the Design Professional) a chase should be provided of minimum dimension 25mm x 25mm. The waterproof membrane should be dressed into the chase and immediately sealed as per the approved shop Drawings.

g. Pipes and other projections through waterproof membrane should be properly treated with reinforcing strips, collars etc. as per manufacturer's recommendations to ensure complete waterproofing.

h. Where waterproof membrane is expected to be left exposed for any period of time, the top edge should be batten-fixed to secure edge. The perimeter should be left with an extended edge for later continuity and the free edge shall be adequately protected while exposed. The free edge of the membrane should be carefully cleaned before further lying is commenced.

I. Before covering, inspect to ensure no damage. Any damaged area should be cleaned and patched in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations to ensure complete waterproofing.

j. On horizontal applications where steel reinforcement is to be fixed prior to concreting, the waterproof membrane should be protected with a minimum of 25mm sand/cement screed or other approved protection in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.

k. On vertical applications the waterproof membrane should be protected with tough non-rot board or other approved protection in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.

l. The area of waterproof membrane laid in a working day should not exceed that which can be protected in the same working day, in order to ensure that membrane is not subjected to site traffic or damage.

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m. Material having limited shelf life are to be supplied with labels indicating batch number and dates of manufacture and expiry. Materials not properly stored or which have exceeded their expiry date will not be permitted to be used in the work and are to be removed from the site.

n. Submit five years guarantee covering materials and workmanship of waterproofing system. The guarantee should be substatiated with a certified copy of the material guarantee provided by the manufacturer.

The Trade Contractor shall provide materials and perform all labour for works duly outlined above.

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Fluid Applied Waterproofing



a. Cleaning and preparing surfaces to receive waterproofing.

b. Supply and application of fluid applied waterproofing.


a. Rigid Insulation b. Mechanical items projecting through membrane waterproofing.


a. ASTM C355 - Water Vapor Transmission of Thick materials, b. ASTM D412 - Rubber Properties in Tension. c. ASTM D624 - Rubber Property - Tear Resistance. d. ASTM D2240- Rubber Property - Durometer Hardness


The Trade Contractor shall submit the following: a. Product data.

b. Manufacturer's recommendations for surface conditioner compatibility, elastic flashing, joint cover sheet and joint and crack sealant along with temperature range for application of waterproofing membrane for review by the Design Professional.

c. Method statement for undertaking the work for the review and approval of the Design Professional.


a. Fluid waterproofing shall not be applied during inclement weather or when air temperature is below 40 degrees F (5 degrees C).

b. Fluid waterproofing shall not be applied to damp, frozen, dirty, dusty, or unsuitable deck surfaces. Concrete surfaces must be cured for 28 days prior to receipt of any liquid applied waterproofing.

c. Adequate ventilation shall be provided when waterproofing membrane is applied in enclosed areas, to remove toxic fumes.


a. The Trade Contractor shall provide written warranties in the name of the Owner for the liquid applied waterproofing material.

b. The warranty shall provide for making good, within period of five (5) years, at no cost to Owner, failures of waterproofing to resist penetration of water, except where such failures

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are result of structural failures of building. Hairline cracking due to temperature or shrinkage is not considered as structural failure.


The Trade Contractor shall observe/comply as follows: a. Inspection and when necessary, testing will be performed by a qualified & approved firm.

b. Perform inspection of membrane waterproofing to ensure conformance with requirements. If defects are revealed, the Design Professional may request that waterproof membrane be sub=ect to tests to ascertain full extent of defects. Pay for costs of required testing and inspection.

c. Correct defects and irregularities as advised by the Design Professional pay for costs incurred including additional inspection and testing of corrected work.



The Trade Contractor shall submit to the Design Professional the names of three manufacturers and their products which will be acceptable under this Section. Approval of the manufacturer or product must be obtained before proceeding with associated work.


a. Waterproofing Membrane: Two component elastomeric compound; cold applied; quick setting.

b. Cured Membrane Characteristics:

PROPERTIES TEST METHOD Tensile Strength ASTM D 412 Elongation (Ultimate) ASTM D 412 Hardness ASTM D 2240 Tear Strength ASTM D 624 Water Absorption (22 degrees C) 7 days @ 72 degrees F Water Vapor Perm Adhesive ASTM C 355

c. Surface Conditioner: Type compatible with membrane compound; as recommended by fluid membrane manufacturer.

d. Elastic Flashings: 1.19 mm thick butyl or neoprene as recommended by the waterproofing membrane manufacturer.

e. Joint Cover Sheet: Elastic sheet material designed for and compatible with the membrane waterproofing.

f. Joint and Crack Sealant: as recommended by waterproofing membrane manufacturer.

g. Back up Material: PVC membrane or butyl rod or other suitable support material. h.

Tack-free Surfacer: Normal Portland cement or stone dust.

I. Protection Board: 12mm thick asphalt impregnated board.

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The Trade Contractor shall observe/comply as follows: a. Ensure that drains, sleeves and curbs which pass through surfaces to receive waterproofing are properly and rigidly installed.

b. Ensure surfaces are free of cracks, depressions, waves or projections which may be determintal to proper installation of waterproofing membrane. Repair surfaces as required.

c. Seal cracks and expansion joints with recommended backup material and sealant. Ensure proper depth width ratio as recommended by sealant manufacturer,

d. Ensure expansion joints are sharply formed, free of broken edges or loose aggregates.

e. Clean surfaces of dust, dirt and other foreign matter determintal to proper installation of waterproofing membrane.


Subject to approval of the Design Professional, the Trade Contractor shall perform as follows: a. Apply surface conditioner at a rate not exceeding 1 liter per 10 square meters nor less than 1 liter per 5 square meters depending on concrete surface. Protect surface conditioner from rain or frost until dry.

b. Apply 300mm wide strip of joint cover sheet over cracks, non working joints, and expansion joints, over 1.6mm but not exceeding 12.7mm in width.

c. At expansion joints from 12.7 mm to 25 mm in width,. loop cover sheet down into joint between 1-1/4 and 1-3/4 inch 31.4 and 44.1 mm. Sheet is to extend at least 6 inches 152 mm on either side of the expansion joint.

d. Center cover sheet over crack or joints. Roll sheet into 3.2 mm coating of waterproofing membrane. Apply second coat over sheet extending minimum of 152mm, beyond sheet edges.

e. Procedure stated above shall also apply to expansion joints between horizontal and vertical surfaces. 3.3 APPLICATION

The Trade Contractor shall supply materials and perform as follows: a. Apply waterproofing membrane in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.

b. Temperature of hot poured waterproof membrane is to be within minimum and maximum range recommended by membrane product manufacturer.

c. Apply and spread membrane to a minimum 3.2 mm thickness and averaging 4.8mm thickness.

d. Continue membrane up vertical surfaces to a minimum of 152 mm unless otherwise noted.

e. Seal items projecting through membrane.

f. Install membrane flashings and seal into membrane.

g. Reinforce membrane over joints, whether they be static or moving.

h. Immediately after cooling, dust membrane with Portland Cement at rate of approximately 65 kilograms per 10 square meters.

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Expansion and Contraction Joints



a. Forming expansion joints in concrete. b. Furnish and install performed expansion joint filler. c. Furnish and install expansion joint cover.


a. Cast in place concrete b. Sealant


a. ASTM C920 Cold applied two part polysulphide concrete joint sealer.

b. ASTM D1751 performed expansion joint fillers for concrete paving and Structural Construction.


a. The Trade Contractor shall submit the following for approval 150 mm long sample of expansion/contraction joints.

b. Manufacturer's printed installation submittals.



a. Joint covers: Extruded aluminum, ASTM B221 alloy; retainers with resilient neoprene filler strip and extruded aluminum cover plate; 25 Shore a hardness; to permit plus or minus 50% joint movement; of longest manufactured length; flush mounted; complete with anchorage.

b. Joint filler: Asphalt impregnated fiberboard; of sizes detailed; ASTM D1751.

c. Sealant and Primer: As specified in Sealants Section.



The Trade Contractor shall provide materials and perform all labour to undertake the following: a. Locate and form expansion and contraction joints.

b. Install expansion and contraction joint cover anchorage in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions. Maintain correct elevation to allow cover to be flush with floor or wall finish.

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c. Install joint fillers and sealants in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions. Use primers of type recommended by joint filler j sealant manufacturer.

d. Apply sealants as described in Sealant Section.

e. Install joint covers when adjacent construction activity is complete, and in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions.

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Stone Work

1. Scope : This section describes and specifies all work related to stone building.

2. Standards : applicable provisions of the following standard Publications shall apply throughout the work:

a. Palestinian General Specifications. b. Jordanian Technical Specifications. c. Bs 882 Aggregate for Mortar. d. Bs 12- Portland cement.

3. Products: 3.1 Stone Materials and Fabrication. All stone materials used in this project shall be a class A local stone, Stone Brand must be as per shown in BOQ and conditions. first class stone All stone shall be even grained, free from cracks, seems, holes, shakes, objectionable irregularities of color, impurities, structural weakness and other defects. All stone shall be obtained from quarries having adequate capacity and facility to meet the specified requirements. Cutting and finishing shall be performed by using approved equipment to process the material promptly on order and in strict accordance with specifications. The contractor shall provide evidence to this effect. Stone rejected for non-compliance with the submitted samples or the requirements of the specification shall be replaced with material acceptable to the engineer Replacement shall be prompt and at the contractor's own expense. Inspection of stone by the engineer shall not relieve the contractor of his responsibilities to perform all work in accordance with the contract documents. All stones shall be selected well in advance of the time required. Samples of stone materials shall be submitted for the engineer's approval 30 days before delivery of any such materials to site.

3.2 Stone Classification

The stone materials shall be class A according to the Jordanian Technical specifications and shall have to obtain the following Physical and mechanical properties: -

3.2.1 Absorption

The percentage of absorption shall not exceed 2 % according to Palestinian Standard ( Stone Grade A


3.2.2 Specific Gravity.

Minimum specific Gravity of stone shall be according to to Palestinian Standard ( Stone Grade A Stone )

3.2.3 Modulus of Rupture Shall not be less than 6.9 N/mm2 according to ASTM-C99.

3.2.4 Abrasion Resistance

For all stone type shall not be less than 10% according to ASTM- C241 and Palestinian Standard ( Stone Grade A Stone )

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3 . 3 S t o n e F i n i s h

The finish of stone shall be according to the drawings that show size, and thickness. All stone work shall be carried out and executed in accordance with the classification of class (A) according to the Jordanian /Palestinian Specifications. Matabeh and Mulatash and Tubzah finish will be used for White color First Choice Asira Stone or equivalent and for yellowish color First Choice Berzit Stone or equivalent stone must be applied as follows: - Thickness 45mm final thickness after texturing. - Height of courses As shown in drawings. - Finish As shown in drawings. - Backing Min =150mm reinforced concrete.

3.4 Stone Fabrication:

1. Fabrication of stone shall be in strict accordance with approved shop drawings for fabrication, and with specification.

2. All work shall be of the highest quality in accordance with the best trade practices, and performed by skilled workmen. All materials and workmanship shall conform to the highest industry standards, including the Jordanian Technical Specifications.

3. Use no materials, equipment, and or practices that may adversely affect the functioning, appearance, or durability of the stonework

3 . 5 D i m e n s i o n s :

1. All stonework shall be cut accurately to shape and dimensions shown on the final approved shop drawings. Exposed plane surface shall be true. Bed and joint surface shall be dressed straight and right angles, to the face, unless otherwise shown. Patching of stone will not be permitted.

2. The stonework shall include all necessary cutting for anchors, Support plate's shelf angles, and dowels, etc.


3.6.1 General

Shop Drawings, product Data, and samples, for submittal provision and procedures.

3.6.2 Shop Drawings and product data:

1. Submit shop drawings and product, shop drawings shall clearly indicate construction joints, dimensions, and locations.

2. Indicate of pertinent dimensioning, layout construction details, and method of installation and adjacent construction.

3. Indicate all units of stone, i.e. sills, lintels coping, etc.

4. Submit stone field erection drawings.

5. Submit manufacturer's instructions for use of pointing color and admixtures.

3.6.3 Design Calculations.

Submit 2 copies of stone design calculations with the engineer's instructions.

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3.6.4 Samples.

1. Submit two sets of stone for each type and color, full size units as selected by the engineer to the project site, in sufficient number to indicate the full range of color, texture and finish. One of each of the duplicate samples approved by the engineer will be retained by him at the project site, the other being returned to the stone supplier for his guidance. Color and type of the stone- dressing are as mentioned above.

2. The following physical data on proposed stone shall be submitted by the supplier:

a. Analysis of mineral composition b. Analysis of chemical composition. c. Thermal sufficient of expansion. d. Absorption. e. Specific Gravity. f. Modulus of Rupture g. Abrasion Resistance.

3. Samples of other materials specified here in shall be submitted upon request by the engineer.

3 . 7 R e f e r e n c es

National Standards referenced her in are included establishing' recognized quality only. Equivalent quality and testing standards will be acceptable subject to their timely submission, review and acceptance by the engineer.

3.8 Qualification

Supplier / Fabricator a firm having an adequate supply of specified type of stone and annual rated production capacity to deliver the stone to the project site on schedule within a time limit established by the engineer as required to insure no delay in the progress and completion of the work.

3.9 Delivery, Storage and handling.

a. Packing and loading : finished stone shall be carefully packed and loaded for Shipment using all reasonable and customary precautions against damage in transits. No material, which may cause staining, or discoloration shall be used for blocking or packing.

b. Site storage. The stone shall be stacked on timber or plat forms at least 100 mm above the ground, and extreme care shall be taken to prevent staining during storage. If storages is to be for a prolonged period, polyethylene or other suitable plastic film shall be placed between any wood and finished surfaces, and shall be used also as an over all protective covering. Salt shall not be used for melting of ice formed on places, or for any purpose involving its contact with the stone.

c. Any piece of stone showing flaws, cracks, or imperfections such as vents, sand, and clay holes, Shelly bars, shakes mottle, seams or starts upon receipt at the storage yard, or at the project sits, shall be discarded and removed from the work site, and at the contractor's own expense.

3.10.1 Mortar.

All materials for mortar shall comply with the Jordanian Technical specification latest edition ((under stone works)).

Cement. Cement for setting mortar: non-staining Portland cement. Cement for pointing Mortar: non- staining white Portland cement. Water: water shall be potable, clean and fresh, from public water system. Fine aggregate: Well-graded non-staining fine aggregate use white silica sand for pointing mortar. No other sand shall be permitted for mortar or grout unless otherwise tested and approved by the Engineer. Lime Approved brand of plastic hydrated such as New England 4X. Mortar Plasticizer.

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In case of necessity use Plasticizer is conforming to BS-4887, or CEBEX 112 or approved equal.

3.10.2 Mortar Mixture.

a. Portland Cement 1 part. b.Hydrated lime 0-0.25 part. c. Fine aggregate 3 parts. d. Plasticizer.

3.10.3 Pointing Mortar.

a. White Portland cement 1part. b.Sand. 1 - 1 / 2 p a r t s . c. Add color additive to acquire the color of mortar approved by the Engineer.

3.11 Setting of stone.

All setting shall -be done in accordance with the approved shop drawings. All work shall be set in a rigid and substantial manner, straight and plumb, with all horizontal lines level and all vertical lines plumb, unless otherwise shown on the Drawings. Similar abutting profiles shall accurately intersect and be in true alignment. All joints shall be uniform and shall be of the size and detail shown on the approved Shop Drawings.

All exterior stone joints shall be 5mm wide unless otherwise indicated. Refer to the approved Shop Drawings for stone joint dimensions.

As setting progresses, the work shall be fastened securely to take care of all dead loads, wind loads and forces, and erection stresses. All units of stones shall have suitable temporary braces, shores, and stays to hold them in position until permanently secured.

Cavities behind facing stones shall be filled with fine and /or course grout, as specifically shown on the approved shop drawings and as specified herein. Permanently secured.

E- Stone elements indicated to be set with mortar joints should be set with two cushions per stone in every horizontal joint. Stone shall be set in full horizontal mortar beds and joints raked out to a depth of 19 mm before mortar has set. The face surfaces shall not be smeared with the mortar forced out of joints or that used in pointing. No hammering. Rolling or turning of stones will be allowed on the wall. Precautions shall be taken to prevent seepage of moisture, through or from the beds and joints, which may cause discoloration of the exposed surfaces.

F- Allow stone units to set overnight and then completely fill joints with pointing mortar. Joints shall be tooled flush. During the tooling of the joints, enlarge any voids or holes and completely fill with mortar. Surfaces of stone shall be cleaned using sponge and water to remove mortar spills from face of stone.

G- The setting of patched, chipped, cracked, broken, stained or defective stones shall not be permitted.

H- For any further detailed information, refer to the Jordanian/ Palsetinian Technical Specifications latest edition, Section Stone works.

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Floor Tile Work


Section Includes: a. Ceramic and Terrazzo tile floor finish using the mortar bed application method. b. Local marble tile stair treads using the mortar bed application method.

References: ANSI TCA ASTM

Submittals: a. Shop drawings indicate tile layout, patterns, color arrangement, perimeter conditions, and junctions with dissimilar materials, control and expansion joints, thresholds and setting details. b. Product data: provide instructions for using adhesives and grouts. c. Samples: Mount tile and apply grout on two plywood panels, (1000X1000) mm. in size illustrating pattern, color variations, and grouts joint size variations. d. Manufacturer's certificate: Certify that products specification meet or exceed specified requirements.

Maintenance Data a. Maintenance data: Include recommended cleaning methods, cleaning materials, stain removal methods and polishes and waxes.

Qualification: a. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing the products specified in this section with minimum 3 years experience.

b. Installer: Specialist in performing the work of this section with minimum 10 years experience.

Mockup: a. Construct tile mockup, 2m long by 2m wide, with cleavage membrane, waterproofing, finish grout, and specified accessories. b. Local where directed. c. Mockup may remain as part of the work.

Pre-Installation Conference: Convene one week prior to commencing work of this section.

elivery, storage, and handling a. Deliver storage, and handling to site under provisions of ASTM. b. Protect adhesives from freezing or overheating in accordance with manufacturer instructions.

1-9 Environmental requirements: a. Do not install adhesives in an unventilated environment. b. Maintain 10 degrees C during installation of mortar materials.

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2-1 Ceramic Tile Materials a. Ceramic Floor Tile: 1. Moisture Absorption 0.5-3 Percent 2. Size 200x200mm 3. Shape Square 4. Edge Square 5. Surface Finish Matte glazed

6. Color as selected

b. Terrazzo Tile: 1. Moisture Absorption 0.5-3 Percent 2. Size 300x300mm 3. Shape Square 4. Edge Square 5. Surface Finish unglazed

6. Color as selected

c. Local Marble:

1. Moisture Absorption 0.5-3 Percent 2. Size (320x1100),(140x1100)mm 3. Shape Rectangular 4. Edge Square 5. Surface Finish Glazed 6. Color as Selected

2-2 Mortar Materials Portland cement Sand Water

3-2 Grout Materials: White Cement Aggregate Water Color


3-1 Examination: Verify that surfaces are ready to receive work.

3-2 Preparation a. Protect surrounding work from damage or disfiguration. b. Vacuum clean surfaces. c. Seal substrate surface cracks with filler. d. Apply sealer conditioner to substrate surfaces in accordance with adhesive manufacturer's instructions. 3-3 Installation - Mortar bed Method: a. Install mortar bed, tile threshold, stair treads, and grout in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. b. Install cleavage membrane, lap and seal watertight, edges and ends. c. Apply mortar bed over concrete surfaces to thickness of (30) mm. d. Lay tile to pattern indicated do not interrupt tile pattern through openings. e. Place thresholds, edge strips at exposed tile edge. f. Cut and fit tile tight to penetrations through tile, insure finish trim will cover cut tile edges. From corners neatly.

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g. Place tile joints uniform in width, su1ject to variance intolerance allowed in tile size make joints watertight, with out voids, cracks excess mortar or excess grout. h. Sound tile after setting, replace hollow sounding units. i. Allow tile to set for minimum of 48 hours prior to grouting. j. Grout tile joints. k. Apply sealant to junction of tile and dissimilar materials and junction of dissimilar planes.

3-4 Cleaning Clean tile and grout surfaces.

3-5 Protections of finished work Do not permit traffic over finished floor surface for 4 days after installation.

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Wall Tile Work



Ceramic tile wall finish using the mortar bed application method.


a. ANSI A108.1 - Installation of ceramic tile with Portland cement mortar. b. ANSI A 108.1 - Installation of Grout in tile work. c. ANSI A 118.6 - Ceramic tile Grouts. d. ANSI A 137.1 - Standard Specifications for ceramic tile. e. TCA - Handbook for ceramic tile Installation.


a. Shop drawings: Indicate tile layout, patterns, color arrangement, perimeter conditions, junctions with dissimilar materials, control and expansion joints, threshold and setting details. b. Product data: provide instructions for using adhesives and grouts. c. Samples: mount tile and apply grout on two-plywood panels (500x500) mm size illustrating pattern, color variations, and grout joint size variations. d. Manufacturer's certificate: certify that product specification meet or exceed specified requirements.


Include recommended cleaning methods, cleaning materials, stain removal methods, and polishes and waxes.

1-5 QUALIFICATIONS Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing the products specified in this section with minimum three years experience.

Installer: specialist in performing the work of this section with minimum 10 years experience.


Construct one mockup 2m long by 1m wide, with cleavage membrane, cementitious board, water proofing, finish grout and specified accessories. Locate where directed.

Mockup may remain as part of the work.


Convene one week prior to commencing work of this section.


Protect adhesives from freezing or over heating in accordance with manufactures instructions.

1-9 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS. Do not install adhesives in an unventilated environment. Maintain 10 degrees C during installation of mortar materials.

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Ceramic wall tile

Moisture Absorption 0.5 + 3.0 percent. Size (200x200x5)mm

Shape Square Edge Square Surface finish matte glazed Color as selected. Ceramic Washroom Accessories unglazed finish (200x200) mm size, same color and texture as adjacent wall tile: 1. Soap Dish without handle, surface mounted, cast strength sufficient to resist lateral pull force of 34 kg.

2. Toilet tissue holder: surface mounted for single roll, with spring loaded holder. 3. Towel Bars: surface mounted with extension for casting into small wall opening, cast strength sufficient to resist lateral pull force of 14 kg.


Portland cement



White Cement

Aggregate Color as selected 2- PREPARATION. a. Protect surrounding work from damage or disfiguration. b. Vacuum clean surfaces. c. Seal substrate surface cracks with filler. d. Apply sealer condition to substrate surfaces in accordance with adhesive manufacturer's instructions


Install mortar bed, tile, and grout in accordance with manufacture's instructions. Install membrane, lap and seal watertight, edges and ends. Install metal lath in accordance with TCA handbook.

Apply mortar bed over block surfaces to a thickness of 19 mm. Lay tile to pattern indicated, do not interrupt tile pattern through openings. Form internal angles square and external angles square. Cut and fit tile tight to penetrations through tile. Ensure finish trim will cover cut tile edges, form corners neatly. Place tile joints uniform in width, subject to variance in tolerance allowed in tile size make joints watertight, without voids, cracks, excess mortar or excess grout.

Ziadah - Architects & Engineers 53 Specifications

Install ceramic accessories rigidly in prepared openings. Sound tile after setting. Replace hollow sounding units. Allow tile to set for minimum of 48 hours prior to grouting Grout tile joints m. Apply sealant to junction of tile and dissimilar materials and Junction of dissimilar planes.

4- CLEANING Clean tile and grout surfaces.

Ziadah - Architects & Engineers 54 Specifications


Metal Fabrication


1-1 Work Included

A. Metal fabrications include items made from Aluminum. iron and steel shapes, Plates, bars, and strips, which are not a part of structural steel or other metal systems, specified elsewhere. B. Types of work, in this section include metal fabrications for the following, Some of which are detailed on the structural and/or architectural drawings Rough Hardware. Standard type pressed steel hollow metal doors and panels and frames, with flush faces.

Protection Steel for windows and wall fencing.

Steel pipes handrails and fittings; complete with all requisite accessories. Aluminum windows.

1-2 Quality Assurances

A. Field Measurements: take field measurements prior to Preparation of shop drawings and fabrication, where Possible. Do not delay job progress; allow for timing and fitting where taking field measurements before fabrication might delay work. B. Shop Assembly: Preassemble items in shop to greatest extent possible to minimize field splicing and assembly. Disassemble units only as necessary for shipping and handling limitations. Clearly mark units for reassemble and coordinated installation.

1-3 References

Applicable Publications: The following publications of the issues listed below, but referred to thereafter by basic designation only form a part of this Section.

1. Federal Specifications. Naval Publications and Forms Center. 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia. Pennsylvania 19120. USA , FF-W-92B Washers, Flat (Plain).and RR-G-66'1 E Grating, Metal, Bar Type (Floor, Except for Naval Vessels). 2.American National Standards Institute (ANSI). 1430 Broadway. New York. New York 10018. USA A 14.3-1984 Fixed Ladders, Safety Requirements. 3. American Society for Testing and Materials Standards 1916 Race street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103. U.S.A A27 -83 Specifications for Steel Castings, Carbon, for General Application.

A53-82 Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc- Coated Welded and Seamless A 123-78 Specification of Zinc (Hot-Galvanized) Coatings on Products Fabricated from Rolled, Pressed, and Forged Steel Shapes, Plates, Bars, and Strip.

A 153-82 Specification of Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware. A307 -83a Specification for Carbon Steel Externally Threaded Standard Fasteners. A569-72(79) Specification of Steel, Carbon (0.15 Maximum, Percent), Hot Rolle Sheet and Strip, Commercial Quality.

Ziadah - Architects & Engineers 55 Specifications

F593-82 Specification for Stainless Steel Bolts, Hex Cap Screws, and Studs.

4. American Welding AWS .2501 N.W. 7thStreet. Miami. Florida 33125. USA, D1.1-85 Structural Welding Code -Steel. 5.Military Specifications. Naval publications and forms center 5801 Tabor Avenue Philadelphia. Pennsylvania 19120 USA. MIL-P-21035A Paint, High Zinc Content, Galvanizing Repair (Metric).

6. National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers. (NAAMM) 221 N. La Salle, Chicago. Illinois 60601, U.S.A Metal Bar Grating Manual -October 1979

7. Steel Structures Painting Council. (SSPC), 440Fifth Avenue. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213, USA PA1 Shop, Field & Maintenance Painting, November 1.1982. Paint 20 Zinc-Rich Primers (Type1-inorganic and Type 11- organic), November 1, 1982. SP3 Power Tool Cleaning, November 1, 1982.

1-4 Submittals

Submit items in accordance with the SPECIAL PROVISIONS.

Product Data: Submit Manufacturer's specifications, anchor Details and installation instructions for products used in Miscellaneous metal fabrications, including paint products. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings for fabrication and Erection of miscellaneous metal fabrications. Include plan, Elevations and details of sections and connections Show anchorage and accessory items. Provide templates for anchor and bolt installation in critical area. Where materials or fabrications are indicated to comply with certain requirement for design loading, include structural computations, material properties and other information needed for structural analysis.

. The Contractor shall Submit the following samples

Fasteners Threaded, standard fasteners, or wedged type.

Bolts nuts and washers Regular Hexagon head type washers, round carbon steel. Welding materials AWS D1.1, type required for materials being welded.

2. PRODUCTS 2-1 Acceptable Manufacturers The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the names of three manufacturers and their products, which will be acceptable under this section. Approval of the manufacturer or product must be obtained before proceeding with associated work.

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2-2 Steel Pipe Railings and Handrails A. Fabricate Steel pipe railings and handrail to design, dimensions, and details indicated. Furnish railings and handrail members formed of the sized indicated conforming to ASTM A53, standard weight, galvanized. B. Fabrication Jointing of post, rail, and corners shall be by one of the following methods- 1) Flush-type rail fittings of commercial standard welded and ground smooth with railing splice locks secured with 10 mm hexagonal-recessed-head set screws. 2) Mitered and welded joints made by fitting post to top rail and intermediate rail to post, mitering corners, groove welding joints, and grinding smooth. Railing splices shall be butted and reinforced by a tight-fitting interior sleeve not less that 152 mm (6 inches) long. 3) Railings may be bent at corners in lieu of jointing, provide bends are made in suitable jigs and that the pipe is not crushed. 4) Furnish wall returns at ends of wall-mounted handrails. 5) Close exposed ends of pipe by welding 5mm (3/16-inch) thick steel plate in place or by use of prefabricated fittings. 6) Furnish removable railing where indicated. 7) Handrails shall be capable of withstanding a concentrated load of 91 Kg. (200 pounds) applied at any point in any direction. 8) Pipe 50mm dia. meter steel pipe welded joints. 9) Posts 25mm diameter steel pipe; welded joints. 10) Fitting Flanges fixed by screws. 11) Mounting Adjustable flanges, with screws casting in concrete. 12) Exposed Fasteners flush countersunk screws or bolts; consistent with design of railing. 13) Splice Connectors Steel welding collars. 14) Shop Refinishing Primed and painted to color as selected. 2-4 HOLLOW METAL DOORS [AND PANELSI Hollow metal doorframes shall be purpose made to the profiles and sizes shown on the drawings and obtained from an approved manufacturer. The doors shall be delivered to site complete with a factory applied anti-corrosive plastic coating, ties cast on to backs of frames for building in and rubber silencers on the locking stile.

The frames shall be stored in a clean, dry place, off the ground and protected from the weather.

The frames shall be free of all dents, bumps, splits, and cracks and any defective frames shall be made good or replaced at the Contractor's own expense.

Hollow metal doorframes shall be fixed and shown on the drawings all in accordance with the manufacturer's printed instructions and flushed up solid with plain concrete or cement mortar.

The rates for hollow metal door frames are to include for the supply and assembly of the complete unit including all necessary hole for fixing in walls in accordance with the manufacturer's printed instructions and plain concrete or mortar filling as shown on the drawings.

2-5 Wrought iron Fencing:

It should be worked out according to detailed drawings from solid steel bars (weight of 1.57 kg/m). The work includes installing and painting as specified in the painting item and other necessary installations.

2-6 Aluminum Window:

It should be worked out according to drawings section 7000 or equal, two and half runs for horizontal and vertical, color as selected.

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2-7 Fabrication, General

A. Workmanship

1) Use materials of size and thickens indicated or, if not indicated, as required to produce strength and durability in finished product for use intended. Work to dimensions shown or accepted on shop drawings, using proven details of fabrication and support. Use type of materials shown or specified for various components of work.

2) Form exposed work true to line and level with accurate angles and surfaces and straight sharp edges. Ease exposed edges to a radius of approximately 1-mm (1/32-inch), unless otherwise shown. From bent- metal corners to smallest radius possible without causing grain separation or otherwise impairing work.

3) Weld corners and seams continuously, complying with AWS recommendations. At exposed connections, grind exposed welds smooth and flush to match and blend with adjoining surfaces. Welding to or on structural steel shall be in accordance with the Structural Welding Code of the American welding Society.

4) Form exposed connections with hairline joints, flush and smooth, using concealed fasteners wherever possible. Use exposed fasteners of type shown or, if not shown, Phillips flat-head (counter sunk) screws or bolts.

5) Prepare for anchorage of type indicated, coordinated with supporting structure. Fabricate and space anchoring devices to provide adequate support for intended use.

6) Cut, reinforce, drill and tap miscellaneous metal work as indicated to receive finish hardware and similar items.

B. Shop Painting

Apply shop primer to surfaces of metal fabrications except those, which are galvanized, stainless steel or as indicated to be embedded in concrete or masonry, unless other wise indicated, and in compliance with requirements of SSPC-PA1"Paint Application Specification No.1" for shop painting.

C. Surface Preparation Prepare ferrous metal surfaces to comply with minimum requirements indicated below for SSPC surface preparation specifications and environmental exposure conditions of installed metal fabrications

Interiors (SSPC Zone 1A) SSPC-SP3 "Power Tool Cleaning"

D. Fit and shop assemble components in largest practical sizes for delivery to site.

E. Fabricate components with joints tightly fitted and secured. Provide spigots and sleeves to accommodate site assembly and installation.

F. Provide flanges as required for connecting railings to structure.

G. Exposed Mechanical Fastenings Flush countersunk screws or bolts; unobtrusively located; consistent with design of component, except where specifically noted otherwise.

H. Mechanically interlocks longitudinal seams of honeycomb core type doors and panels with mineral fiber insulation. Leave seams invisible, or weld, fill and grind smooth.

I. Reinforce and prepare doors and panels to receive hardware.

J. Fill surface depressions with metallic paste filler and grind to smooth uniform finish.

K. Touch up areas where coating has been removed due to sanding or handling.

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L. Chemically treat surfaces and apply one coat of primer. M. Oil Paint.

2-8 Materials

A. Ferrous Metals 1) Metal Surfaces, General For fabrication of miscellaneous metal work which will be exposed-to-view, use only materials which are smooth and free of surface blemishes including pitting, seam marks, roller marks, rolled trade names and roughness. 2) Steel Plates, (Shapes) ASTM A36. 3) Stainless Steel Bolts, Hex Cap Screws and Studs ASTM F593. 4) Steel pipe ASTM a53; type and grade and as required for design loading; standards weight (Schedule 20), unless otherwise indicated.

5) Brackets, flanges and Anchors Cast or Formed metal of the same type material and finish as supported rails, unless otherwise indicated.

6) Concrete Inserts Threaded or wedge type; galvanized ferrous castings, either malleable iron, -STM A47, or cast steel, ASTM A27. provide bolts, washers and shims as required, hot -dip galvanized, ASTM A 153.

B. Fasteners

1) Bolts and Nuts: Regular hexagon head type, ASTM A307, Grade A.

2) Plain Washers:- Round, Carbon Steel, Federal Specification FF-W092.

C .Paint

Refer to painting section of these specifications.

3- Execution

3-1 Preparation

A. Field Measurements: Take field measurements prior to preparation of shop drawings and fabrication, where possible. Do not delay job progress; allow for trimming and fitting where taking field measurements bef.9re fabrication might delay work.

B. Coordinate and furnish anchorage, setting drawings, diagrams, templates; instructions, and directions for installation of anchorage's, such as concrete inserts, sleeves, anchor bolts and miscellaneous items having integral anchors, which are to be embedded in concrete construction. Coordinate delivery of such items to project site.

C. Clean and strip primed steel items to bare metal where site welding is required.

D. Supply items required to be cast into concrete and/or embedded in masonry with setting templates, to appropriate sections.

Ziadah - Architects & Engineers 59 Specifications

3-2 Installation


1) Fastening to In-Place Construction Install anchorage devices and fasteners Where necessary for securing miscellaneous metal fabrications to in-place construction; including, threaded fasteners for connectors as required.

2) Cutting. Fitting and Placement

1) Perform cutting, drilling and fitting required for installation of miscellaneous metal fabrications. Set work accurately in location, alignment and elevation, plumb, level, true and free of rack, measured from established lines and levels. Use temporary bracing or anchors in form work for items, which are to be built into concrete, masonry or similar construction.

2) Fit exposed connections accurately together to form tight hairline joints. Weld Connections whom are not to be left as exposed joints, but cannot be shop welded because of shipping size limitations. Grind exposed joints smooth and touch-up shop paint coat.

3) Field welding Comply with AWS Code for procedures of manual shielded metal-arc welding, appearance and quality of welds made, and methods used in correcting welding work.

4) Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.

5) Install components plumb and level, accurately fitted, free from distortion or defects.

6) Anchor railings to structure with flanges and screws as approved by the Engineer.

7) Conceal bolts and screws whenever possible. Where not concealed, use flush countersunk fastenings.

3-3 Adjust and Clean

A. Touch-Up Painting Immediately after erection, clean field welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas of shop paint, and paint exposed areas with same material as used for shop painting. Apply by brush or spray to provide a minimum dry-film thickness of .05 mm (2.0 mils).

B. For Galvanized Surfaces Clean field welds, bolted connections and abraded areas and apply two coats of galvanizing repair paint.

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Work Included One hour Fire rated doors

1 . 2 S U B M I T T A L S Product Data: Submit manufacturer's product data. Shop Drawings: submit shop drawings indicating locations, handling, sizes, elevations, materials and frames. Certifications: Submit manufacturer's certification stating that doors meet or exceed specified requirements (ihour fire rating)

Quality Assurance

Certification of fire rated doors:

1 . 4 ) e l i v e r y , S t o r a g e a n d H a n d l i n g


Deliver materials to site in manufacturer's original, unopened containers and packaging, with labels clearly indicating manufacturer and materials Storage

Store doors in a clean, dry, well-ventilated building, in an area protected from damage and sunlight. Store materials in a dry, ventilated area in doors, protected from damage and in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Store on flat, level surface. Do not store directly on concrete Cover doors to keep clean and avoid discoloration .use a covering, which allows air circulation and, does not permit light to penetrate. Do not subject doors to sudden changes in temperature or humidity.

Relative Humidity; between 30 and 60 percent.


Protect doors during handling and installation to prevent damage Do not drag doors across one another or other surfaces. Handle doors with clean gloves to avoid smudging or staining.

Ziadah - Architects & Engineers 61 Specifications

2 P R O D U C T S 2. 1 Fire Rated Doors:- Galvanized anti corrosion steel panels strengthened by welded horizontal and vertical stiffeners. Firelock. One fixed bolt on hinge side. Three hinges. Lower steel insert PVC covered color approved by the engineer.

Compressed fire resistance rock wool filling. Intumescent strip on door rabbet. Rubber sealing surrounding door.

2.2 Door Frame:-

2mm. Thick Galvanized steel construction frame. The frame usually installed in wall at time of construction .The frame is anchored to the wall at 6 locations (3 on each side) with special anchor. The anchor is attached to the wall by special screws or by a nail gun (in case of concrete wall). Following leveling of the frame it is cemented for maximal strength. The finishing of frame is performed during painting of the location .Frame is painted of two layers of paint.

2.3 Door finish:-

PVC coating in any color approved by the engineer.

2.4 Hardware:- Narrow security steel plates and handles in any color approved by the engineer. Upper hydraulic door closer. Optional panic lock /fire exit device.

3 E X E C U T I O N

3 . 1 E X A M I N A T I O N Inspect and verify frames are solidly anchored, allowing no deflection when door are installed. Do not install doors in frame openings that are not plumb and level or are out of tolerance. Notify the of conditions that would adversely affect the installation or subsequent utilization of the

doors. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected.

3 . 2 P R E P A R A T I O N

Acclimate doors to project conditions for 24 hours minimum before installation. Do not remove labels from fire-rated doors. Field finishing: Field finishes doors in accordance with door manufacturer's instructions.

Ziadah - Architects & Engineers 62 Specifications

3 . 3 I N S T A L L A T I O N Install doors at locations indicated on the drawings and in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.


Exterior Doors :Install 3 hinges on doors 7 feet tall or less, and 4 hinges on doors over 7 feet in height.

Interior Doors: Install 3 hinges on doors 7 feet 6 inches tall or less ,and 4 hinges on doors over7 feet 6 inches in height. Install doorframe s as specified in wood doorframes.

3 . 4 A D J U S T I N G Adjust and align doors for smooth operation without binding.

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1 G E N E R A L L Y

Joiner's Work shall be carried out in accordance with the drawings and principles of first joinery construction. Unless specifically stated otherwise sizes on drawings are finished sizes.

2 T I M B E R G E N E R A L L Y

Timber shall comply in all respects with B.S. 881/589 for Nomenclature of commercial Timbers including sources of supply, and B.S. 1186 quality of timber and workmanship in joinery, latest editions.

Timber shall be of an approved variety and quality suitable for the purpose for which it is to be used and equal to sample approved by the Engineer. All timber shall be properly seasoned and shall be planed square, straight and true and shall be free from the following defects: Sapwood slits , ring shakes and soft pith. Checks exceeding 1,5mm wide. Checks exceeding 1.5mm wide. Checks more than half the thickness of the timber in depth. Knots exceeding 20mm mean diameter. Knots exceeding half the width of the surface. Decayed or dead knots unless cut out and plugged. Loose knots or knot unless cut out and plugged. Pith pockets. Decay and insect attach including pinworm holes.

Timber shall be pressure impregnated by a method to be approved by the Engineer. The timber is to be of the correct moisture content specified in B.S. 1186 part 1 and shall be free from surface moisture and dirt. Treatment is to be carried out after all cutting and shaping is completed and care is to be subsequent handing. If treated timber is unavoidably cut or damaged a liberal application of preservation is to be made to damaged surfaces.

Sample of every type, which the contractor proposes to use in the works, shall be sent to the Engineer for his approval Each sample shall be labeled and the label shall state the species of the timber and the purpose for which it is to be used. Timber used in the works shall be equal in strength characteristics and appearance to the approved samples.

In joined panels each piece shall be of the same species. Joinery for staining or polishing have all surfaces of the same species and same character of grain running in the same direction.

All plugs inserted after cutting out defects shall be the full depth of the hole and the grain of the plug shall run in the same direction as the grain of the piece.

Timber connectors where used shall be two single -sided toothed plates (round or square) for demountable joints or one double sided toothed plate (round or square) for permanent joints to conform with B.S 1579 , latest addition.

Timber shown to be plugged to wall shall be properly and securely fixed by means of raw- plastic or hardwood plugs cut on the twist.

Mails shall be in accordance with B.S 1202. Steel nails and screws shall conform to be B.S 1210 wood screws, of latest edition.

Ziadah - Architects & Engineers 64 Specifications

Timber to be used for each position of the works shall be as indicated on the drawings and as stated in the Bill of Quantities. In general joinery exposed work shall be executed in first grade hardwood as hereinafter specified

All ground and other timbers to be built into concrete or block walls or otherwise covered shall first be coated all over with approved wood preservative, suitable for the position in which the member is to be incorporated.

3 S O F T W O O D

Softwood shall be Douglas fir, Longleaf pine, European redwood or other approved softwood unless otherwise shown on the drawings

Blocking timber or the like shall be Russian whitewood "such" or other equal and approved

Where pine is required it shall be parara pine from south America of the sizes indicated on the drawings

4 H A R W O O D

Hardwood shall be Teak, Canadian clear, Canadian Yellow Birch, Merranti," Zeine" first grade dense timber or other equal and approved. Where mahogany is required it shall be first quality Honduras mahogany of sizes indicated on the drawings.

Where beech is required it shall be first quality European of the sizes indicated on the drawings.

5 P L Y W O O D

Plywood shall consist of an odd number of plies arranged so that grain of each layer is at right angles to the grain of the adjacent layer or layers. The plies shall be hot pressed during adhesion and shall have a finished thickness 7 mm thick such as obtained from vitreous - werke and Simpson or equivalent.

In the case of plywood having 3 plies the core shall be not more than 60 percent of the total thickness.

In plywood having more than 3 plies the faces and all plies with the grain running in the same direction as the faces shall have a combined thickness of between 40 percent and 65 percent of the total thickness of the ply.

The plywood shall be free from end joints (including scarf- joints in veneers) , overlaps in core veneers , dead knots , patches and plugs , open defects , depressions due to defects in core , insects attack ( except isolated pinworm holes thought face veneers only ) , fungal attack and from discoloration differing from that normally associated with species.

All plywood shall be of Exterior Grade and shall conform to the applicable requirements of B.S. 1455 " ply- wood manufactured from tropical hardwoods "and B.S . 3493 " information about plywood".

Ziadah - Architects & Engineers 65 Specifications


Blackboards and laminboard shall be of an approved manufacture and guaranteed not to warp or change in size or suffer any kind of deformation. It shall be of timber specified and glue all thought. All strengthening boards shall be fixed during manufacture.

Blockboards and laminated shall conform to the requirements of B.S . 3444 " Blockboard and Laminboard" and B.S.3583" Information about Blockboard and Laminboard".

7 V E N E E R S

Timber for face veneer shall generally be first grade hardwood as indicated on the Drawings and / or in the schedule of Doors obtained from an approved supplier.

The face veneers shall be hard, durable, and capable of being finished easily to a smooth surface, they shall be free from knots, worm and beetle holes, splits, dote, glue stains, filling and kind or other defects.

The face veneers shall be applied to one both sides of wood panels as shown on the Drawings.

Adhesives shall comply with the requirements of B.S. 1203 Synthetic resin adhesives for plywood > phonic and amino plastic) and shall ensure proper adhesion between plies.

8 P L A S T I C L A M I N A T E

The plastic laminate facings conforming to B.S 2572 Phonemic laminated sheet minimum 1.5 mm. Shall be similar to Formica , panelyte , periscope or other approved equal Obtained from an approved equal obtained from an approved manufacturer.

Colour and pattern shall conform to the sample approved by the Engineer.

Plastic laminate sheets shall be applied with a waterproof heat resistant adhesive of a type recommended by the plastic laminate manufacturer.

9 M A N U F A C T U R E A N D W O R K M A N S H I P

9 . 0 1 G e n e r a l

All carpenter and Joiner work shall be accurately set out, framed and executed in accordance with the detailed Drawings.

Joinery work shall be constructed to detailed drawings. Joints shall be made so as to Comply with B.S .1186. Part 2.

Joinery shall be cut and framed at an early stage, but shall not be glued, or wedged until buildings is ready to receive it

Farmed works shall be properly morticed and renoned , wedged , glued and cramped together and dowelled where necessary . All external joinery work shall be put together with waterproofing glue.

The use of nails for fixing any items of joinery will not be permitted. Springs may be used for glazing beads only.

All joinery such as architraves, beads etc required to fit against the contour of irregular surfaces shall be accurately scribed to ensure a close connection.

All joinery which is to be polished, varnished, varnished or painted shall be finished smooth and clean by rubbing down with fine glass paper.

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9 . 0 2 D O O R S

Doors shall be to sizes shown on the Drawings. Doors hung folding shall have meting beads screwed on. Glazing bars if required shall be of twice rebated section.

Flush doors shall be core framed up in softwood and covered with 6 mm. thick ordinary plywood or as shown on the Drawings.

The horizontal framing members shall have ventilation holes drilled in the vertical direction to avoid damage due to expansion of trapped air.

Hardwood edging shall be securely joined and dowelled to the framing all round the exposed edges and shall be splayed or rebated to take the edge of the plywood facing. Lock rails of fixing locks shall be built into the framing and their positions marked on the facing.

Glazing beads shall be of hardwood (beech or the like ) mauled and screwed as detailed on the Drawings.

Doors and joinery items etc. shall be carefully and accurately fitted to give a uniform clearance of out more than 3 mm all round.

9 . 0 3 F i t t i n g s G e n e r a l l y

Shelves, divisions , counter tops, panels, drawers and the like shall be of the dimensions and sizes shown on the drawings and shall be screwed to bearers, framing or brackets.

Blockboards in shelves , divisions , counter tops , panels, drawings and the like shall have hardwood lapping to all edges.

Prefabricated fittings and fixtures such as floor and wall cabinets , cupboards , counters and the like shall be size, type and dimensions shown on the drawings and shall be fabricated of the materials shown on the drawings and described in the specification. The fittings, etc., shall be accurately constructed . The doors, draws, etc . Shall all fit and open and close smoothly.

Before starting repetitive fabrication of any component, prototypes shall be prepared and approved .

All components shall be made to B.S 1186 : Part .2.

Prefabricated fittings and fixture shall be fixed in the positions indicated on the drawings after all floor , wall and ceiling surfaces have been formed or constructed . All work next to walls , floors and ceilings shall be soundly fixed and scribed to fit snugly against same.

The contractor shall construct such ground works as are necessary to provide a suitable base and fixing for the prefabricated joinery works.

All blockboard in prefabricated fittings and fixtures shall have hardwood lipping to all edges.

Prefabricated fittings and fixtures shall be complete with hardware as shown on the drawings or as approved by the Engineer.

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9 . 0 4 V e n e e r in g a n d f i n i s he s

Veneering and finishes to doors, etc . shall be in accordance with the Drawings and as directed in writing by the Engineer

The decorative veneer shall be laid at right angles to the grain of the face whether based on plywood or blockboards. Undulations shall be smoothed out by sanding or scraping and the moisture content of the panel and veneer matched to reduce differential shrinkage.

Laminated plastic sheets which are used are used as facing veneer on plywood or blockboard shall be applied with a waterproof, heat resistant adhesive of a type recommended by the manufactures of limited plastics.

Finishes with paint to faces of doors and cupboards shall be enamel oil paint as specified under Section" PAINTING" AND DECORATING"

1 0 I N S P E C T I O N Facilities shall be given to the Engineer for the inspections of all joinery works in progress in the shops and on the site.

1 1 T R A N S P O R T A N D P R O T E C T I O N The joinery shall be kept well protected during transit and shall be handled and packed carefully to avoid its being damaged and shall be covered and kept clear of the ground where on the site.

1 2 M A K I N G G O O D D E F E C T S Should any shrinkage or warping occur or any other defects appear in the joinery work before the end of the defects liability period, all defective work shall be taken down and renewed to the entire satisfaction of the Engineers and work disturbed made good at the contractor's expense.

1 3 I R O N M O N G E R Y Ironmongery shall be first quality to be obtained from an approved manufacturer as specified.

The contractor shall submit a schedule of ironmongery for the approval of the Engineer before placing any supply order. The Engineer's approval of such schedule shall not relive the contractor from furnishing all items of hardware required under the contract.

1 4 M A S T E R - K E Y I N G The contractor shall set up the locks for a system of master- keying. Two change keys shall be furnished for each lockset.

15 PROTECTION AND DEFECTIVE WORK: All joinery work shall be protected from damage during the course of the work and when handed over shall be to the entire satisfaction of the ensure that all doors, fittings, etc, work easily and shall make all necessary adjustments including those needs during the maintenance period. Any joinery that splits, shrinks or warps from want of seasoning, unsoundness or bad workmanship shall be removed and replaced at the contractor's expense . Ironmongery shall be over hauled, caused and oiled before handing over and all paint, etc . Shall be removed and left in a clean and perfect working order.

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SECTION 19 -10

Glazing and Aluminum

707. Aluminum

All aluminum elements shall be manufactured of extruded sections of aluminium alloy, to BS 1474:1987 Type HE9 or ISO AI, Mg.Si 6063 or AA 6063 T5 mechanically jointed.

All parts and members shall be of aluminium commercial quality like (A1-Mg-Si) heat-treated, free from defects impairing their strength and durability and containing not more than 0.1% copper.

All exposed surfaces shall be polished to a mirror-like surface, free from defects, and shall be light etched and anodized or polyester powder coated or super durable powder coated to colours and/or finishes as shown on Drawings and/or as directed in writing by the Engineer.

Aluminum shall be treated to comply with BS 1615:1993 and BS 3987:1991 to provide an anodization not less than 20 microns thickness or polyester powder coated by electrostatic spraying and hard stoved to not less than 60 micron thickness to comply with BS 6496:1984 (1991) or super durable powder coated to not less than 60 micron thickness.

All aluminium sections shall present clear straight and sharply defined lines and shall be free from defects and imperfections that may impair their strength. All screws, bolts and other necessary accessories shall be of aluminium or stainless steel or other non- corrodible material and shall match in colour and consistency of the finish of the anodization or the polyester powder coating or duranar coating as applicable.

Aluminum elastic glazing beads shall be provided to all windows and doors, which are assembled by pressure to fit with the relevant groove in the profile.

The glazing bars shall be threaded or interlaced at points of intersections and machine tenoned to frame.

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708. Stainless Steel

Stainless steel sections, sheets and strips shall be of austenitic non-magnetic steels to BS 3100: 1991 and BS 1449:Part 2:1983: 18/10/3 chromium-nickel-molybdenum group, Grade 316 (marine grade) as detailed on drawings as applicable and as approved by the Engineer.


709. General

The Contractor shall be responsible for the correctness and accuracy of the dimensions of the finished articles.

He shall carefully check the dimensions indicated on the Drawing, verify any changes, and ascertain the sizes at Site, which will enable him to prepare Final Working Drawings for fabrication and erection purposes. Such Drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer for his verification and approval.

Fabrication Orders can only be placed after the contractor has obtained in writing the approval of the Engineer on the above Drawings.

The steel sections where specified to be factory rust-proofed shall be rust-proofed by hot dip galvanizing, metalizing or sheradizing process. The rust-proofing shall be sufficient to withstand the 72 hours salt-spray test as provided for in BS 7479:1991 If the rustproof coating suffers any damage during the progress of work, the damaged part shall be recoated to a min. of the original thickness to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

710. Louvers, Sand-trap Louvers, Rails, Screens, etc.

Louvers, Sand-trap Louvers, Rails, Screens, etc.. with all necessary accessories and fitting shall be of the pattern, design, dimensions and thicknesses shown on the Drawings and obtained from an approved manufacturer and shall comply with the following standards:

- American Aluminum Associations (AA) - American Architectural Aluminum Manufacturer's Association - American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) - American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) - American National Standards Institute (ANSI) - American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) - American Federal Specifications (FS) - American Insulating Glass Certification Council - American Flat Glass Marketing Association (FGMA)

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711. Aluminum Louvers

Aluminum louvers shall be from a proprietary manufacturer and shall be to the Engineer's approval. The surface coating shall be as detailed on the drawings and as specified herein to colours approved by the Engineer.

712. Super Durable Powder Coating

Extrusions, cast Aluminum, sheet or plates, etc. where indicated on drawings shall be treated and provided with a pigmented organic Super durable powder coating similar to Synthetic Premium Powder Coating or Jotun Super durable powder coating and shall be applied in the factory to meet the performance requirements of AAMA 2604-98. The coating shall have Qualicoat Class II certification.

The coatings shall be as manufactured and applied by an applicator approved in writing by the coating manufacturer and under the coating manufacture’s direction. Colours and sheen shall be as indicated on drawings or as approved by the Engineer and shall be uniform with no variations detectable by the naked eye at a distance of 1.5 m or more.

Pre treatment of metal surfaces shall be done as per the written instruction and recommendations of the manufacturer so as to provide the proper surface for applying the specified coating.

The coating shall be applied to a minimum thickness of 60 microns but not exceeding 120 microns and shall be stoved at 200o C for 10 minutes.

Material with damaged finish shall not be incorporated into the work. Damaged items shall be reprocessed by the applicator i.e. stripped, pre-treated and coated, or replaced unless specifically authorized by Engineer for localized repairs.

Warranty : The coating shall be warranted for a period of 20 years. The contractor shall pass on executed copies of warranty for the above period signed and counter signed by the Contractor and the applicator against any defects in meta coating and workmanship and shall undertake to remove and replace the damaged work without any extra cost to the Client.

713. Aluminum

The Contractor shall furnish and install all aluminium units as indicated on the Drawings. Workmanship and installation shall be in accordance with recommended standards of first class Aluminum Manufacturers.

All aluminium work shall be performed in a shop where the grade of metalwork is of recognized quality acceptable to the Engineer. All items shall be installed plumb, straight, square, level and in proper elevation, plane location and alignment with other work. All work shall be designed for adjustment to field variations, fitted with proper joints and intersections, adequately anchored in place, strictly in accordance with best practice.

Where aluminium surfaces come in contact with metals other than stainless steel, zinc, white bronze or small areas of other metals compatible with aluminium surfaces, they shall be kept from direct contact with such parts by painting the dissimilar metal with a prime coat of zinc chromate primer or other suitable primer, followed by one or two coats of aluminium metal and masonry paint or other suitable protective coating, excluding those containing lead pigments, or a non-absorptive tape or gasket shall be placed between aluminium and dissimilar metals. Steel anchors and connecting members shall be hot dip galvanized or zinc plated after fabrication.

Aluminum surfaces in contact with lime mortar, concrete, plaster or other masonry materials, shall be painted with alkaline- resistant coatings such as heavy-bodied bituminous paint or water- white methacrylate lacquer.

Aluminum in contact with wood or absorptive materials, which may become repeatedly wet shall be painted with two coats of aluminium metal and masonry paint or a coat of heavy-bodied bituminous

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paint. Alternatively paint the wood or other absorptive material with two coats of aluminium house paint and seal joints with a good quality of caulking compound.

Where aluminium is in contact with treated wood, wood shall be treated with pentachlorophenol, 5% minimum concentration or approved equal, followed with the protective measures described for aluminium in contact with wood or other absorptive materials.

The aluminium work shall be designed and anchored so that the work will not be distorted nor the fasteners overstressed from the expansion and contraction of the metal.

Before shipment from factory, aluminium surfaces requiring protection shall be given a coating which will protect the metal during construction. In areas where appearance of the finish on aluminium items is important, a coating of methacrylate type lacquer shall be applied as specified hereinafter.

Apply two sprayed coats of water-white methacrylate lacquer having a total minimum thickness of 0.015 mm, which when applied to the aluminium surface shall be capable of withstanding the action of lime mortar for a period of at least one week in an atmosphere of 100% relative humidity at 40 degree centigrade, the action of 10% (by weight) muriatic acid for a period of six hours at 20 degree centigrade, and the action of atmospheric weathering for a period of 12 months. The coating shall be applied in the manufacturer's plant to the exposed surfaces of all aluminium components subject to staining from alkaline mortar and plaster, abrasion and other construction abuses. Before application of lacquer, the manufacturer shall remove all fabrication compounds, moisture, dirt, accumulations and other foreign materials to ensure proper lacquer adhesion.

Upon completion, the Contractor shall clean all aluminium work as required by removing protective tape or other coating, using mild soap or detergents and clear petroleum spirits.

Acids, caustics and abrasives shall not be used. Where cleaners are used to remove excess sealing compounds care shall be exercised to prevent damage to seals or staining or damage to adjacent work.

The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection of all aluminium work until the completion of the works, and only units in perfect working order and in perfect condition shall be accepted.

Structural Performance:

Design, engineer, fabricate and install the Aluminum works to withstand effects of the following:

- Design Wind Velocity (wind resistance) as defined in British Standard CP3, Chapter V (1972) of 160 kph.

- Design wind pressure shall be calculated based on the above wind speed, height of the buildings, etc., acting inward and outward, normal to the plane of the wall. When tested in accordance with ASTM E330, no material failures or permanent deformation of structural members shall occur.

Thermal Movements:

Shall be capable of withstanding thermal movements resulting from an ambient temperature differential of 50 degree C, without causing buckling, stresses on glass, failure of sealants, damaging loads on fasteners, or other detrimental effects.

Prints of shop Drawings for aluminium windows, doors, frames, etc., showing the dimensions, sizes, thickness, materials, finishes, joining, attachments, fasteners and the relation to adjoining work, shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval before ordering any material. All work shall be fabricated and erected in accordance with the approved Drawings.

All aluminium windows, doors, frames, etc., shall be factory assembled and reinforced according to the Drawings, complete with hinges, glazing gaskets and anchors. The only Site work allowed on aluminium units is fixing in position and glazing. The finished surfaces shall present a clear surface free from alloy defects, scratches, or other surface blemishes.

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All aluminium windows, doors, etc. shall be provided with all necessary Ironmongery required for its efficient functioning.

Handrails & Balusters

Handrails and guardrails shall be designed to withstand a simultaneous horizontally and vertical force of not less than 75 kg/m, and a single concentrated load of 100 kg, these loads not imposed simultaneously.

External handrails exposed to wind load shall be designed to permanently resist Design Wind Velocity (wind resistance) as defined in British Standard CP3, Chapter V (1972) of 160 kph and shall be calculated based on the wind speed, height of the buildings, etc., acting inward and outward, normal to the plane of the wall.

Intermediate rails (all those except the handrail), balusters, and panel filters shall be designed to withstand a horizontally applied normal load of 122 kg/m2 over their entire tributary area, including openings and space between rails. Reactions due to this loading need not be superimposed with those of either preceding paragraphs.

Handrails and balustrades shall be fixed as indicated on drawings.

All fittings except bases shall be one piece extrusion machined to final shape. Castings and cast bases shall not be used.

All pipe cuts shall be square and accurate for minimum joint-gap. Cut shall be clean and straight, free of “chamfer” from deburring, burs and nicks. All holes shall be drilled and countersunk the proper size, as required for a tight, flush fit of rivets. Where protection is applied for prevention of dissimilar materials electrolysis care shall be taken that non of the protective materials is visible when assembly is completed. All posts grouted in concrete must have one weep hole 6 mm diameter drill 13 mm to 19 mm above post collar, in place of rail.

The Contractor shall use all precautions necessary to protect the finish from scratches, nicks, gouges, dents etc., during storage, assembly and installation.

All surfaces components in contact with other materials and permanently exposed to moisture shall be painted with a coating of Zinc Chromate Primer to prevent contact between the two surfaces. All shall be installed so that no drainage over them has previously been contaminated from copper, caustics or alkalis.

714. Steel Door Frames

Steel door frames shall be obtained from a specialist manufacturer in accordance with the ASTM E152 or BS 1245: 1986 and to the approval of the Engineer. Frames for fire rated doors shall be to fire ratings indicated on the drawings and in accordance with NFPA 80 or BS 476: Part 20: 1987, Part 22: 1987, Part 23: 1987 and Part 31.

Frames shall be 16 gauge zinc-coated primed and finish cold rolled steel units with single, double or no rabbet as detailed on the drawings. The rabbet shall be designed to suit the size of the shutter thickness as detailed on drawings.

Frames shall be finished in self etch stoved primer compatible to the paint system specified for the doors and frames, ready to receive further coats and shall be reinforced and prepared for hinges, lock strike plates, etc. Frames shall be supplied with steel wall anchors for building into jambs.

It shall be the contactors responsibility to ensure that the appropriate primer compatible to the final paint system is applied as the place of manufacture of the door frames.

The Contractor shall submit shop drawings along with detailed catalogues for the approval of the Engineer before placing orders or commencing any work.

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715. Steel Doors

Steel doors shutters shall be obtained from a specialist manufacturer with a proven record of at least 6 years and to the approval of the Engineer. Door shall comply with ASTM E152 or BS 6510: 1984 and shall be fire rated to resistance ratings as detailed on drawings in accordance with NFPA 80 or BS 476: Part 20: 1987, Part 22: 1987, Part 23: 1987 and part 31.

Shutters shall be a reinforced double skin hollow shell construction of 18 gauge zinc coated primed and finished cold rolled steel sheets, in-filled with a non combustible honeycomb, polystyrene or polyurethane core insulation for non-fire rated doors, and fiberglass core insulation for fire rated doors with internal reinforcing members fitted to incorporate and protect hardware items. Doors should not have visible seam on edges, and must have continuous reinforcing channel to full perimeter of doors inside. Doors shall be specially constructed with internal reinforcing members fitted to incorporate and protect hardware items. The doors shall be supplied self etch primed compatible to the paint system specified for the doors and frames, ready for installation and receiving further costs of paint.

It shall be the Contractors responsibility to ensure that the appropriate primer compatible to the final paint system is applied at the place of manufacture of the doors.

All steel doors shall be provided with a complete set of ironmongery commensurate with the intended use and efficient performance of the doors they are designed for and shall follow the type, design and material selected for the timber doors.

The Contractor shall submit shop drawings along with detailed catalogues for the approval of the Engineer before placing orders or commencing any work.

716. Cat Ladders

Cat ladders shall be fabricated either of stainless steel grade 316 or aluminum as per Drawings & Bills of Quantities, anchored/fixed to walls as shown on drawings and to dimensions indicated therein. Where indicated cat ladders shall be provided with protection cage to dimensions shown on drawings. The Contractor shall be responsible to ensure that the sections and anchoring/ fixing are sufficient for the carrying a minimum load of 100 kg. With a factor of safety of three (3) Shop drawings indicating details of materials, fabrication including any surface treatment required, anchoring/fixing, etc., shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval before fabrication and placing orders. Approval accorded by the Engineer shall not absolve the Contractor from nay of his contractual obligations and responsibilities.

717. Recessed Access Panels

Recessed access panels shall be proprietary make from an approved manufacturer. Access panels shall be to sizes shown on drawings. Exposed surfaces rear, sides and edges shall be epoxy painted as specified under painting to ferrous surfaces. Access panels shall be of the recessed type to receive the finishes of the walls in which they are placed. The recess shall be appropriate to receive the finish. Ironmongery shall include concealed hinges and budget lock. The method of fixing shall be as recommended by the manufacturer and as approved by the Engineer.

718. Chequered Plate floors

Floors and trench to be provided with Chequered Plates shall match sizes indicated on drawings and to suit the site measurements. Chequered Plate floors shall be galvanized steel plates (5 + 1 ½) cut ends unless otherwise indicated, and shall be ground to a smooth finish without any burs or undulations. Key holes for lifting shall be provided at suitable intervals approved by the Engineer. 2 sets of keys shall be provided to the Engineer.

50 x 50 x 5mm mild steel angles with 8mm thick square bars welded to it to support the chequered plate to be flush with the surrounding finished surfaces shall be provided along the perimeter and cast into concrete with fish tail anchors welded to the angles. These shall also be galvanized. Galvanization shall be carried out after all cutting, grinding, welding, etc., are completed. The Contractor shall submit shop drawings for the approval of the Engineer.

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A. Section includes overhead coiling door and shutter, operating hardware, manual\electric operation. 1. Provide wiring from electric circuit disconnect to shutter door operator to control station.


A. ASTM International: 1. ASTM A653/A653M - Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process. 2. ASTM A666 - Standard Specification for Austenitic Stainless Steel Sheet, Strip, Plate, and Flat Bar. 3. ASTM A924/A924M - Standard Specification for General Requirements for Steel Sheet, Metallic-Coated by the Hot-Dip Process. 4. ASTM E84 - Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials.

B. Intertek Testing Services (Warnock Hersey Listed): 1. WH - Certification Listings.

C. National Electrical Manufacturers Association: 1. NEMA 250 - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum). 2. NEMA ICS 2 - Industrial Control and Systems: Controllers, Contactors, and Overload Relays, Rated Not More Than 2000 Volts AC or 750 Volts DC. 3. NEMA MG 1 - Motors and Generators.


A. Manual Operation: Manual hand chain lift unit with overhead counter balance device, requiring 10 kg nominal force to operate.

B. Electric Operation: Electric motor operated unit with manual override in case of power failure.


A. Wind Loads: Design door assembly to withstand wind/suction load of 958 Pa, with maximum deflection of 1/120, and without damage to shutter door or assembly components.

B. Operation: Design door assembly, including operator, to operate for not less than 20,000 cycles and 10 cycles per day.


A. Shop Drawings: Indicate pertinent dimensioning, anchorage methods, hardware locations, and installation details.

B. Product Data: Submit general construction, component connections and details.

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C. Samples: Submit two shutter door slats, 300 x 300 mm in size illustrating shape, color and finish texture.

D. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate installation sequence and procedures, and adjustment and alignment procedures.


A. Operation and Maintenance Data: Submit lubrication requirements and frequency, and periodic adjustments required.


A. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing products specified in this section with minimum five years experience.

B. Installer: Company specializing in performing work of this section five years experience.


A. Product Description: 1. Manual Operation: Manual hand chain lift unit with overhead counter balance device, requiring 10 kg nominal force to operate. 2. Electric Operation: Electric motor operated unit with manual override in case of power failure.


1. Steel Slats: Interlocking, minimum 20 gage of ASTM A653/A653M steel, minimum galvanized coating designation Z275 in accordance with ASTM A924/A924M. a. Type: Single thickness flat slat. 2. Nominal Slat Size: 50 mm wide by required length. 3. Slat Ends: Slats fitted with end locks to act as wearing surface in guides and to prevent lateral movement. 4. Curtain Bottom: Fitted with angles, channels, or tubes to provide reinforcement and positive contact with floor in closed position.

B. Guides: Minimum 5 mm thick; galvanized steel conforming to ASTM A653/A653M, minimum galvanized coating designation Z275 in accordance with ASTM A924/A924M. 1. Furnish continuous angles of profile to retain shutter in place; mounting brackets of same metal.

C. Roller Shaft Counterbalance: Steel pipe and steel spring system, capable of producing torque sufficient to ensure smooth operation of curtain from any position and capable of holding position at mid-travel; with adjustable spring tension.

D. Hood Enclosure and Facia: Square shape, minimum 20 gage galvanized steel; internally reinforced to maintain rigidity and shape.

E. Hardware: 1. All rolling doors shall be locable with proprietary locking system which shall be keyed into the buildings master keying system. Submit to Engineer the proposed locking system for approval.

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F. Electric Operator:

1. Provide complete operating enclosed assembly, with high-starting torque motor that will raise or lower the door at approximately 300 mm per second, with thermal overload protection. Provide an electric sensor edge safety bottom bar attached to bottom angles of curtain which will instantly stop the downward movement and reverse to the fully open position upon contact with any obstruction. Provide a 3- button push button control station with buttons labeled “Open”, “Close”, and “Stop”, for key operation and a stop lock boaring. Provide a mechanism for automatically engaging a sprocket and chain operator and releasing the brake for emergency use, operable from the floor. Include interlocking devices to automatically prevent the motor from operating until the emergency sprocket and locking mechanism are disengaged. Arrange emergency operator to not affect the timing of the limit switch for power operation. Cylinder locking devise by hardware supplier.

G. Safety Edge: Manufacturer’s standard safety edge and weather-seal located at door bottom, full width, sensitized type, wired to stop upon striking object.


A. Curtain Slats: Steel, galvanized.



A. Examine supports provided by others at time of bidding and again before installation and ensure that they are adequate. Report any deficiencies to the Engineer.


A. Install door and operating equipment complete with necessary hardware, jamb and head mold strips, anchors, inserts, hangers, equipments and supports all in accordance with final shop drawings and manufacturer’s instructions.


A. Upon completion of the roller grille and doors installation and a minimum of one month before substantial completion and as a condition of their acceptance, demonstrate to the Engineer satisfaction that the doors operate smoothly, lock securely and have been properly installed.


A. Following complete installation of each rolling grille and door, clean surfaces, joints and bearings of unit in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions; lubricate as recommended by manufacturer. Protect each rolling shutter during construction period from weathering, deterioration or damage from any source so that it will be without any indication of use or damage at the time of completion of the Works.


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1.1 General Instructions

1.1.2 Tenderers are asked to base their tender on these general specifications plus the Particular Requirements included hereinafter.

1.1.3 This part of the specification is general and describes the technical requirements, materials and installation but not limited to the Curtain Wall System, Glazed Aluminium Doors and Windows and Sliding Doors. The additional particular requirements included herein comprise a detailed description of these systems and the required mock-ups and tests. The included Particular Requirements sections are:

07 Curtain Walls 07 Glazed Aluminium Doors and Windows

1.2 Systems

1.2.1 Proposals should be for a recognised proprietary system. Other systems may be considered but must undergo preconstruction testing. Systems which are not pressure equalised (rain screen) will not be considered.

1.3 Scope

1.3.1 This specification covers the systems mentioned in 1.1.3, intended to be used in the Works all in accordance with the Drawings, as specified and as directed by the Engineer.

1.3.2 For more elaborate description of each used system and its scope refer to the particular requirements sections mentioned under 1.1.3.

1.3.3 Provide all curtain wall, architectural metal and miscellaneous metal works which are shown on or implied by the drawings and required for the work.

1.3.4 The scope includes all framing, anchors, glass, glazing, insulation, sealants, and other components required for the complete systems and its installation: Provide all glass and glazing work required for the glazed aluminium work, and all other glazed works of this contract as indicated on drawings and described under Section 11 – Glass and Glazing. Provide glass from one of the Engineer’s approved manufacturers. Provide all subframes, (where applicable) fastenings, brackets, ironmongery, accessories, trims, locks, latches, handles, stays, mechanisms, insect screens, weather seals, etc., necessary for a complete installation.

1.3.5 The scope includes the requirements for a Third Party Quality Assurance including Site Testing as specified in this section.

1.4 Design Standards and Responsibilities

1.4.1 Incorporate the principle of Rain Screen or pressure equalisation, of water managed curtain wall system.

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1.4.2 Mullion and transom locations and sizes of all glazed works are to be as generally described in the contract drawings. Provide notification to the Engineer as soon as discrepancies are discovered.

1.4.3 Ensure that no materials are exposed to the exterior either during or after construction, that are not resistant to ultra violet radiation.

1.4.4. It is recognised that the architectural drawings and design details do not cover all conditions, and/or that modifications may be required. Also the details are indicative. It is intended that details shall be developed through the Contractor’s shop drawings to the designed level of aesthetics and in compliance with the performance criteria.

1.4.5 The design life of the works shall be 25 years. Design life is defined as the period during which the costs of maintenance remain within normal limits. All components and materials utilised are to have reasonable expectation of remaining durable throughout the design life. This section shall not be construed to modify the guarantee period as stated hereinafter.

1.4.6 All materials components, and systems shall be of the particular manufacturer’s best grade.

1.4.7 Design work in general to have work pre-built so that erection can proceed rapidly as applicable.

1.4.8 The Curtain Wall subcontractor shall coordinate with the Contractor to develop concrete structure tolerance acceptable to both parties and approved by the Engineer.

1.4.9 Co-ordinate with the Curtain wall subcontractor with regards to layout of partitions and to ensure alignment of interior partitions with the curtain wall grid.

1.4.10 Poured and debridged thermal break will be considered. However thermal isolation of exterior exposed aluminium shall be incorporated for all curtain wall sections.

1.5 Quality Assurance

1.5.1 The work in this section shall be designed and performed by an experienced Contractor who has been regularly engaged in the engineering, manufacture, glazing, and installation of curtain walls and has a minimum of ten (10) years experience in structurally glazed curtain wall systems and other required systems.

1.5.2 All fabrication shall be done in the Contractor’s own plant under full time quality controlled conditions.

1.5.3 Sub-contracting of any work included in this Section is specifically prohibited, except when approved in writing by the Engineer.

1.5.4 Perform all work within an approved quality control plan detailing procedures, responsibilities, and records. Quality control staff shall be independent of production and report directly to management only. Provide no less than the following quality control staff.

a) A full time Factory Quality Control Manager supervising all fabrication, assembly, glazing and finishing works of this section for the duration of the project b) A full time Site Quality Control Manager supervising all erection, glazing, reglazing and other works on site for the duration of the project.

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1.5.5 Should the successful tenderer be a joint venture or other arrangement between a local and a foreign firm based on the foreign firm’s expertise and experience, then at the discretion of the Engineer, the foreign firm shall provide:

a) Checking and certification of all design work

b) A Quality Representative from their own staff may be required to visit the site at intervals to an approved programme as agreed with the Engineer. All costs incurred for the visits, stay, transportation and incidentals shall be borne by the Contractor.

1.5.6 All staff including quality control staff shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer.

1.5.7 Approval of work. Do not proceed with any type, phase, or area of work without the approval of the Engineer. Each new type of work shall begin with the construction of a mock-up and a Pre Construction Review Meeting. Begin particular type of work only after the Engineer is satisfied that the work is to an acceptable standard, that the personnel understand the requirements and standards, that any particular concerns have been addressed, and the Contractor is instructed to proceed in writing. Divide work into suitable areas which shall be offered for the Engineer’s approval prior to continuing. The phases covered by such inspections shall generally be identified at the Pre-Construction Review Meetings, but shall include not less than the following:

- Anchor brackets - Alignment - Frame installation; insulation, back pans, frame extenders, glazing gaskets, isolators etc.; and glazing, for stick systems, divided into areas on one elevation covering three to four floors. - Panel installation for unitised systems in areas of one elevation and one floor where applicable. - Fire insulation - Exterior finishes, weather seals etc. Rejected work shall be promptly corrected, reworked or removed at the discretion of the Engineer. No repairs of work will be permitted without the express approval of the Engineer following submission, in order, of a Method Statement for the repair, and a sample. The subcontractor shall ensure that his personnel on site are properly experienced and or trained in the work they are performing. Any person whom the Engineer considers unfit or unsuitable for the project for any reason shall be promptly removed and replaced.

1.6 References

1.6.1 A complete list of references is provided at the end of this specification. The contractor may be requested to present any standard when called for by the Engineer in support of any technical issue.

1.7 Performance Requirements

1.7.1 General

All systems included in this specification shall conform to the standards set forth below. Operable windows within the curtain wall shall meet the same design loads and water penetration requirements as the curtain wall.

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Water Penetration Air Infiltration Test Test Maximum Pressure Pressure Permitted (Pa) (Pa) Leakage Curtain walls 300 75 1.09 m3/hr/m2 Horizontal Sliding Windows 290 75 2.00 m3/hr/m Top-Hung Projected Windows 290 300 2.06 m3/hr/m Side-Hung (Casement) 290 300 2.06 m3/hr/m Windows Fixed Windows 290 300 2.74 m3/hr/m2 Sliding Glass Doors 290 300 6.76 m3/hr/m2

1.8 Air and Water Infiltration:

1.8.1 Design and install systems to permanently resist leakage of air and water through the system in accordance with the standards specified above.

1.8.2 Perimeter seals shall be sealed air tight and remain air tight under the system design loads. The primary perimeter seal shall be air tight to the satisfaction of the Engineer prior to placing secondary seals or closures.

1.9 Water Penetration:

1.9.1 Water penetration is defined as the presence of water other than condensation, on the interior side of the glazing or framing, as a result of testing or natural precipitation. Water contained within the frames of operable windows that can drain to the exterior is not considered leakage.

1.9.2 Provision shall be made to drain to the exterior face any water entering the system.

1.9.3 No water penetration shall occur when the wall is tested in accordance with AAMA 501.1 using dynamic pressure at a pressure equivalent to the static pressure for the type of project as specified above.

1.10 Structural Performance

1.10.1 Design, engineer, fabricate and install the curtain wall system and other systems to withstand effects of the following:

1.10.2 Wind Loads Design systems mentioned under 1.8.1 as provided in the schedule and data above. Design cladding panel systems and systems included in the specification but not mentioned under 1.8.1 to permanently resist Design Wind Velocity (wind resistance) as defined in British Standard CP3, Chapter V (1972) of 160 kph. Design wind pressure shall be calculated based on the above wind speed, height of the buildings, etc., acting inward and outward, normal to the plane of the wall. 1.10.3 Deflection Limitations The curtain wall system and all other Metal Works systems shall be capable of withstanding building movements and weather exposures including wind loading and of performing within the following limitations, under the required design load both positive and negative specified in 1.11.2. Deflection of framing members, measured perpendicular to the plane of wall, shall not exceed 1/180 of the unsupported span or a maximum of 18 mm.

Ziadah - Architects & Engineers 83 Specifications Structural Test pressure shall be equal to 150 percent of the inward and outward acting design pressures. When tested in accordance with ASTM E330, no material failures or permanent deformation of structural members shall occur. The methods used to calculate deflections shall be those recommended by the Aluminium Association.

1.10.4 Dead Load The deflection of any member in a direction parallel to the plane of the curtain wall or other glazed system, when carrying its full dead load, shall not exceed an amount which will reduce the glass bite below 75% of its design, and the member shall have 3 mm minimum clearance between itself and the top of the fixed panel, glass, or other fixed part immediately below. Glass setting blocks are to be placed at the quarter points in accordance with GANA requirements and visible bowing of members in vision areas shall not occur. Also allow for special dead load on skylights, such as lighting fixtures, signs, and displays, if any.

1.10.5 Window Cleaning Equipment Loads. Glazed panels are to resist loading normal to the plane of the wall caused by unrestrained movement of the building maintenance cradle as follows: No permanent deformation shall occur when a load of 275 kg is exerted through a pneumatic tyre with a surface contact area of 200 cm2, which shall be demonstrated by testing. Allow for cleaning equipment and personnel on skylights (ladders moving horizontally, or other proposed system).

1.10.6 Drift (Wind or Seismic) The glazed aluminium systems and their anchorages shall accommodate lateral drift when subjected to the maximum wind load or seismic load. The storey drift values for a 3.8m storey are 6mm due to wind and 13 mm due to seismic action which shall be adjusted for other storey heights.

1.10.7 Earthquake Loads The glazed aluminium systems and their anchorages shall resist the anticipated earthquake loads for the region, based on the U.B.C. 1997 Zone 1 and the local codes.

1.10.8 Live Loads The glazed aluminium systems and their building anchorages shall accommodate a deflection at midpoint between columns of 10 mm caused by uniform and concentrated live loads on floors or horizontal load bearing elements to which the wall is anchored.

1.10.9 Axial Shortening of the Structure After the installation of the curtain walling the structure may shorten by up to 2mm per 3m. Due allowance shall be made in the connections for the cladding and jointing between cladding units.

1.10.10 Thermal Movements: The curtain wall system shall be capable of withstanding thermal movements resulting from an ambient temperature differential of 70 degree C, without causing buckling, stresses on glass, failure of sealants, damaging loads on fasteners, reduction of

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performance or other detrimental effects. Calculate allowances based on the temperature at which the metal sections are fabricated.

1.11 Thermal Performance

1.11.1 Thermal Transmittance

The spandrel areas including glass and metal framing, shall have a thermal transmittance, U, not exceeding an average of 0.45 W/m².K when tested in accordance AAMA 1503.1.

Thermal transmittance of the vision panel shall be in accordance with the specified glass.

1.11.2 Light Transmission

Light transmittance, shading coefficient etc. shall be in accordance with the specified glass type.

1.11.3 Sound Transmission

The average sound transmission loss through the metal framed glass and panel areas of the curtain wall shall be a within range of 30 to 35 dbA for the standard frequency range of 125 to 4,000 Hz when tested in accordance with ASTM E 90.

1.11.4 Fire Resistance Requirements

Performance of panels and fire resistant assemblies under fire or high temperature exposure shall be as follows.

a) To meet time rating indicated on drawings and specifications, as verified by a recognised certification, or

b) Being a U.L (Underwriters Laboratories of the USA) rated assembly,

c) And or satisfactory to the Engineer and other Authorities having jurisdiction.

d) Material shall not produce noxious gasses under conditions of high temperatures.

1.11.5 Tests may be waived at the discretion of the Engineer if materials and products to be used have been tested and can be certified to meet these requirements. If tests are required they shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures listed below

a) Non Combustibility ASTM E 136 b) Flame Spread ASTM E 84 c) Fire Resistive Rating ASTM E 119 d) The Engineer may conduct smoke tests to ensure the smoke tightness of the spandrel areas at his discretion.

1.11.6 The spandrel panel must be designed and anchored in a manner that it will stay in place and prevent passage of smoke, flame and hot gases for the two hour fire exposure period when exposed to the ASTM E 119 time temperature curve.

1.11.7 Fire stops and saving insulation shall be provided between the interior wall surface and the building structure. Two hour separation shall be provided continuously as follows:

a) Horizontally at each slab b) Vertically at junctions between curtain wall and adjacent construction

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1.12 Submittals

1.12.1 Submit the following for each of the metal works systems specified herein Method Statement:

A detailed method statement including all aspects of the works shall be submitted.

1.12.2 Product Data: Submit manufacturer’s specification for materials and fabrication, installation instructions, and recommendations for maintenance. Include certified test reports showing compliance with project requirements where test methods are indicated. Cloud or otherwise identify the particular items which are being submitted for approval.

Submit procedures for reglazing individual components. Submit material specification and technical data for all materials, fabrications and components including installation recommendations and instructions. Submit a schedule of technical submissions. This schedule, when approved, shall form the table of contents for the Product Technical Data Manual. Maintain two copies of this manual: one at the consultant’s site office, and one at the subcontractor’s site office (minimum). Ensure that the manuals are kept up to date with approved Technical Data Submissions.

1.12.3 Shop drawings: Submit 5 copies of shop drawings plus AutoCAD files on CD disk for all works of this section for the review of the Engineer. Address comments promptly and thoroughly on resubmissions of drawings not approved unconditionally. Drawings shall show wall elevations, full size details of all conditions, anchorage, glazing details, including provisions for vertical and horizontal expansion and contraction, anchorages, adjoining work, fastening, sealing, materials, dimensions, weeps and internal sealing method, glazing, finishes etc. Provide floor plans detailing lay-out and relationship of curtain wall to the structure, and building sections coordinating wall to structure. Sealing of transom to mullion joints. Also show details of compartmentalisation, weepage and pressure equalisation Provide exploded views of curtain wall expansion joints, mullion to transom connections, dead load anchorages, wind load anchorages, door and window frame corners, unitised frame connections, etc. Detail the location of mullion expansion joint, dead load and wind load anchors, etc. State construction sequences on drawings. Schedule glazing and ironmongery. Provide coordination drawings showing details of interface and sealing between curtain wall or glazing systems and adjacent composite cladding system or other cladding systems. Show provision for the concrete tolerances shown as indicated in 1.4.8 of this specification. Identify all revisions to shop drawings by clouding and marking with a letter or number in a triangle. Leave identification mark for later submissions, but cloud only current revisions.

Ziadah - Architects & Engineers 86 Specifications Contractor will be permitted a maximum of 4 submission of each drawing, after which the contractor shall reimburse the Engineer(s) for the additional time spent at their normal rates. Provide detailed instructions for the installation of glass units. Instructions and explanatory details shall include sequence of installation, method of installation for materials, location of specific items such as the setting blocks and jamb blocks and any special instructions as may be required. Work only from approved drawings and ensure that all drawings used bear the consultant’s stamp marked ‘Approved’.

1.12.4 Structural Calculations

Structural Calculations and shop drawings shall bear the seal and signature of an approved specialist engineer. The structural calculations shall be checked by an the specified Consultant.

1.12.5 Samples Submit physical samples with each Technical Data submission, properly identified and referenced in the Technical Data Manual. Submit samples constructed into representative assemblies as far as possible. Submit samples or sample constructions as directed by the Engineer. Submit 2 samples of each finish, 5 of each, 50 cm x 15 cm. Submit samples of each metal fastening component required for the assembly of each system type, and for the system erection on site. Submit five samples of each of the spacers, shims and thermal breaks proposed. Submit on a board, samples of all ironmongery or accessories to be incorporated into the project including gaskets and caulking colour samples. Submit aluminium powder coated samples of joint cover strips for each width. Submit Glass Samples for each type and thickness.

1.12.6 Silicone Compatibility Certifications Certifications of Silicone Compatibility and Adhesion Test Results (covering aluminium sections, coated and uncoated glass, gaskets, aluminium spacer tubes, desiccant and butyl strips of double glazing, spandrel unit items, weather strips, sealants and other materials coming in contact with the sealants, etc.). Submit a schedule clearly and thoroughly detailing materials to be submitted to the Silicone Manufacturer(s) for Adhesion and Compatibility Testing. Submit certificates of origin, analysis, or other verification as directed by the Engineer. Have all silicone and sealant details reviewed by the proposed silicone manufacturer. Print the details onto A4 sized sheets and have the sealant manufacturer(s) mark each sheet “ Approved by (Company name)”, Reviewer’s name and date. Sealant Stress Analysis.

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1.12.7 Glass stress analysis certifications. Certification from glass manufacturer covering stress analysis including wind loading, thermal and, bond line.

1.12.8 Method Statement and Quality Control Manual. Quality manual and quality control assurance programme covering production, assembly, and structural glazing procedure. Submit a comprehensive document describing the methods by which each part of the works will be designed, fabricated or constructed and the checks and procedures employed to ensure quality. Detail procedures, reports, and records maintained by both production and quality control personnel. List potential flaws and the standards by which they are either accepted or rejected. Include the following items of production.

1. Flat glass 2. Heat treatment of glass 3. Coating of glass 4. Assembly into IGU’s 5. Checking, dispatch, receiving, checking of glass 6. Aluminium extrusion 7. Aluminium fabrication 8. Aluminium coating 9. Assembly and glazing ( Unitised systems) 10. Protection and handling 11. Anchor brackets fabrication and installation 12. Lay out and alignment 13. Accessories, gaskets etc. 14. Erection 15. Glazing and pressure plates ( stick systems) 16. Weather sealing 17. Interior trims, flashings etc. 18. Windows and doors 19. Procedures for rejecting and replacing work 20. Glass replacement

1.12.9 Maintenance and Operating Manual The Maintenance and Operating Manual shall be submitted not later than half way through the project. Submit 3 copies. Compile information on the maintenance and cleaning of all systems of this section including manufacture’s installation instructions, technical data sheets, supplier’s names, addresses and telephone numbers for all items maintainable by the building’s, engineers and custodial staff.

1.12.10 Approvals Approvals of drawings, samples and other submittals shall not relieve the contractor of his obligation to execute the works in accordance with the contract documents.

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1.12.11 Glass Selection mock-up Construct a panel as directed by the Engineer to display pieces of glass for the Client’s selection. Each piece of glass shall be 75 cm wide by 100 cm high. At least 10 pieces should be displayed together. Add and remove glass as directed by the Engineer to facilitate the selection process. Reglaze the whole Curtain Wall mock-up when and as necessary at the discretion of the Engineer, with glass selections for final confirmation.

1.13 Third Party Quality Assurance scope


1.14 Site Testing

Provide site testing for Curtain Walls in accordance with section 0720 Provide other tests for Curtain Walls as defined under section 0720. Provide site testing for door and windows as defined under section 0730.

1.15 Identification Storage and Handling of Materials

1.15.1 All fabricated aluminium components shall be covered with protective tape. Remove protective tape from spandrel areas during erection and from interior areas during final cleaning.

1.15.2 All components of the wall shall be identified after fabrication by marks clearly indicating their location on the building as shown on the drawings. Packaging, if necessary, shall be the minimum necessary to protect the parts from damage during shipping and hoisting.

1.15.3 Designated storage spaces shall be provided by the Main Contractor on each floor, as required, so that the stored materials will not be exposed to damage from wetting, traffic or operations of other trades.

1.15.4 Storage on Site:

a) Store material in a location and in a manner to avoid damage. Stacking shall be done in a way which will prevent bending, excessive pressure or abrasion of the finished surfaces.

b) Store component and materials in a clean, dry location, away from uncured concrete and masonry. Cover with waterproof paper, tarpaulin or polyethylene sheeting in a manner that will permit circulation of air inside the covering.

c) Unpack backer rod to allow gassing off. d) Store sealants and other temperature sensitive materials in an air conditioned location.

1.15.5 Keep handling on site to a minimum. Exercise particular care to avoid damage to finishes of materials.

1.15.6 Ensure that materials are checked whenever they are handled, and that damaged material is put aside and the proper parties notified.

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1.16 Interface with Building Electrical Systems

1.16.1 Contractor shall include for interfacing with the building’s electrical system as required.

- Lightning protection system. - Fully cooperate with and coordinate work with the electrical contractor.

1.17 Guarantee and Warrantee

1.17.1 Submit a written warranty signed by the Contractor, the manufacturer and installer warranting that the glazed curtain wall are of good quality, free from defects, and in conformance with the requirements of the Contract Documents and further undertake to repair or replace defective work, at no cost to the Client, during a 10-year period following the date of issue of the Substantial Completion Certificate. Format of guarantee to be approved.

1.17.2 Provide guarantees from the glass manufacturer, the sealant manufacturer, the organic coating manufacturer and applicator, the anchor bolt manufacturer, and the curtain wall subcontractor for 10 years covering their respective part of the works.

1.17.3 During the guarantee period, any work found to be defective in workmanship or materials shall be replaced by the Contractor, the aluminium and glazing Subcontractor and or their suppliers or sub subcontractors at no cost to the client.

1.17.4 Defective materials and workmanship is hereby defined to include, but not be limited to, the following:

- Glass breakage. - Glass discoloration. - Failure of the sealants. - Failure of operational parts to function normally. - Failure of the fixing and anchorage arrangements - Deterioration or discoloration of finishes. - Failure of the system to meet performance requirements, including water penetration, air infiltration and structural failure of components resulting from forces within the specified limits.

1.17.5 The Warranties submitted under this Section shall not deprive the Client of other rights or remedies that the Client may have under other provisions of the Contract Documents and is in addition to and runs concurrent with other warranties made by the Contractor under requirements of the Contract Documents.

1.18 Materials

1.18.1 Metals Schedule Metals as specified in this paragraph and their finishes as specified in 1.21 shall be supplied in accordance with the schedule set forth in the approved shop drawings.

1.18.2 Aluminium Standard alloys shall conform to the requirements published in the Aluminium Association’s, “Aluminium Standards and Data” and to he following standards:

a) Architectural extrusion to 6063 T5 to ASTM B 221.

b) Concealed fixing brackets may be extruded form alloy 6061 T6 or 6351 T6 if required by the curtain wall designer.

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c) Sheet and plate 1100H14 alloy, anodizing quality. For spandrels, controlled stretcher levelled optimum flat, stress relieved to ½ commercial tolerances. To ASTM B 209

1.18.3 Steel Steel alloys shall conform to the requirements published in the American Iron and Steel Institutes Steel Products Manual and to the following standards:

a) Structural shapes, plates and bars ASTM A 36

b) Sheet and strip, cold rolled, structural quality, (Grades A through E) ASTM A 611 c) Sheet and strip, hot rolled, structural quality, (Grades A through E) ASTM A 570 d) Sheet, hot dipped galvanized, structural quality, (Grades A through F) ASTM A 446 e) Sheet, electrolytic zinc coated ASTM A 591 f) Stainless steel shall conform to the requirements published in the American Iron and Steel Institutes Steel Products Manual and to the following standards:

g) Sheet, strip, plate and flat bar for architectural structural applications (Types 304, 316) ASTM A 666

1.19 Fasteners

1.19.1 Fasteners used to join aluminium to aluminium, stainless steel or carbon steel shall be stainless steel.

1.19.2 All Anchors bolts shall be stainless steel, ANSI 316 grade.

1.19.3 Anchor bolts

a) Anchor bolts shall be as manufactured by Hilti or equal and approved, sized and spaced according to the manufacturer’s published data. No anchor bolts less than 8mm in diameter shall be used.

b) Anchor bolts shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s published directions and no lower, nor more than 10% over, the specified torque. c) When directed by the Consultants, arrange for pullout tests, to confirm anchor bolt performances. 1.19.4 Se lf tapping screws

a) Self tapping screws shall be type AISI 316 Philips head or socket head; oval head, pan head, or countersunk; and sized and spaced in accordance with the approved shop drawings. b) Screws shall be correctly located and driven straight.

c) There shall be no exposed screws in the finished works.

d) Use thread lubricant.

1.19.5 Machine screws

a) Machine screws shall be socket head countersunk or hex head with adequate washers and nuts, of type 316 stainless steel.

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b) Machine screws which are not to be properly tightened, as for wind load connections shall receive nylon locknuts or two nuts locked together.

c) Other locations shall be assembled with a thread adhesive such as Loctite or as approved by the Engineer.

1.19.6 Aluminium shims

a) Aluminium shims shall be finish coated with an organic or high performance organic coating.

b) Provide for shimming to the maximum necessary under the specified concrete tolerances in the Structural Calculation and specify maximum on Shop Drawings.

c) Non-metallic shims and spacers shall be of Nylon, Teflon or such other durable plastic as approved by the Engineer.

d) Shims and spacers shall be of flat material pre-drilled for the intended application. Shims or spacers with holes slotted to the edge will not be acceptable.

1.19.7 Fastener Metal Alloy Types, Designations and Standards. All stainless steel fasteners shall be made of Type 316 alloy according to the designation of AISI. Metallic coated carbon steel fasteners

a) Zinc plated fasteners shall meet the requirements of ASTM B 633 for Class FE/ZN 8, 8 micron coating thickness, service condition SC 2 (moderate), with Type 11 finish meeting corrosion resistance requirements after a 96 hour salt spray test.

b) Cadmium plated fasteners shall meet the requirements of ASTM B 766 for Type OS coating, 8 micron thick.

1.20 Protective Material for Metals

1.20.1 Protective materials for metals where called for shall conform with the standards listed here or be of the brand specified.

1.20.2 Painting for carbon steel:

a) Coal tar epoxy polyamide painting system SSPCPS 11.01 b) Epoxy polyamide painting system SSPCPS 13.01 c) High performance Organic Coatings per 260.23.4.

1.20.3 Galvanizing of Carbon Steel:

a) Steel sheets ASTM B852 b) Hot dip for shapes, plates, bars and strip ASTM A 123 c) Electro galvanizing ASTM B 633

1.20.4 Zinc chromate primer FS TTP645A

1.20.5 Metal and masonry paint per approved type

1.20.6 Strippable covering per approved type

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1.21 Finishes

1.21.1 Aluminium All exposed surfaces shall be free from defects, and shall be light etched and factory super durable powder coated to colours and/or finishes as shown on Drawings and/or as directed in writing by the Engineer.

1.21.2 Carbon Steel Carbon steel shall be finished in accordance with the schedule set forth on the approved shop drawings. Pre treatment shall be selected to provide the proper surface for the required applied coating as recommended by the coating manufacturer. Exposed parts shall be finished as indicated on drawings, in accordance with the requirements specified under 1.22.4, 1.22.5 & 1.22.4, as applicable. Concealed parts shall be protected with hot dip galvanising meeting the requirements of the standard listed in 1.21 followed by an organic coating as specified by 1.22.4, 1.22.5, & 1.22.6 as applicable. Repair of galvanising shall be in accordance with ASTM A 780-93.

1.21.3 Stainless Steel Stainless steel components shall be finished in accordance with designations and proprietary identifications set forth in the drawings Designations refer to the standard mechanical finishes defined by the American Iron and Steel Institute for stainless steel. Finishes shall match the Architect approved samples.

1.21.4 Powder coating: Super Durable Powder Coating Extrusions, cast Aluminium, sheet or plates, etc. where indicated on drawings shall be treated and provided with a pigmented organic Super durable powder coating similar to Synthetic Premium Powder Coating or Jotun Super durable powder coating and shall be applied in the factory to meet the performance requirements of AAMA 2604-98. The coating shall have Qualicoat Class II certification. The coatings shall be as manufactured by H.B. Fuller, Jotun or approved equivalent and shall be applied by an applicator approved in writing by the coating manufacturer and under the coating manufacture’s direction. Colors and sheen shall be as indicated on drawings or as approved by the Engineer and shall be uniform with no variations detectable by the naked eye at a distance of 1.5 m or more. Pre treatment of metal surfaces shall be done as per the written instruction and recommendations of the manufacturer so as to provide the proper surface for applying the specified coating. The coating shall be applied to a minimum thickness of 60 microns but not exceeding 120 microns and shall be stoved at 200o C for 10 minutes. Material with damaged finish shall not be incorporated into the work. Damaged items shall be reprocessed by the applicator i.e. stripped, pre-treated and coated, or replaced unless specifically authorised by Engineer for localised repairs.

Ziadah - Architects & Engineers 93 Specifications Warranty : The coating shall be warranted for a period of 20 years. The contractor shall pass on executed copies of warranty for the above period signed and counter signed by the Contractor and the applicator against any defects in meta coating and workmanship and shall undertake to remove and replace the damaged work without any extra cost to the Client.

1.22 Glass

Refer to Section 11.

1.23 Glazing Systems

Refer to Section 11, in addition to the following.

1.23.1 Silicone - Non-Structural: All joints, which are sealed with sealant as part of the fabrication or erection procedure, shall be sealed with an approved medium modulus silicone (exposed or concealed) sealant. All perimeter sealant (metal to adjacent construction) shall be non staining medium modulus silicone sealant or urethane. Silicone sealant shall meet the requirements of ASTM C920 and shall be as manufactured by General Electric (Silpruf) or Dow Corning (791 or 795) or Tremco Spetrem 2 or equal and approved by the Engineer compatible with the system. In using specified sealants, written instructions of the sealant manufacturer and ASTM C962 shall be strictly observed with regards to the joint size, limitations, backer rod, mixing, cleaning, surface preparation, priming, and application. A primer shall be used only if required by sealant manufacturer to obtain specified adhesion and performance. Sealant shall not be applied when substrates are wet or when the temperature is below 40° F., unless special low temperature application procedures, as recommended in writing by the sealant manufacturer are adhered to. Where required, care shall be exercised to prevent “Three Surface Adhesion”. Bond breakers shall be provided where necessary.

1.23.2 Silicone Structural Sealant All structural glazing, shall be done with an approved structural silicone sealant meeting the requirements of ASTM C920, black color, as General Electric Ultraglaze SSG 4200 and Dow Corning 983 or Tremco Proglaze II or equal and approved by the Engineer compatible with the system. All glazing with structural silicone sealant shall be accomplished in the shop under controlled conditions and with full-time quality control monitoring and testing taking place. No field glazing shall be allowed for structural sealant except for field replacements and for two sided structural work. In using specified sealants, written instructions of the sealant manufacturer and ASTM C962, shall be strictly observed with regards to the joint size, limitations, backer rod, mixing, cleaning, surface preparation, priming and application. A primer shall be used only if required by sealant manufacturer to obtain specified adhesion and performance. Sealant shall not be applied when substrates are wet or when the temperature is below 400 F. Units shall not be moved until structural silicone seal has achieved the established and confirmed parameters of cure (from the sealant manufacturer) before move by the silicone manufacturer in writing for the following stages:

a) From the plane in which the unit is sealed. b) Shipment to site. c) Erection on site.

Ziadah - Architects & Engineers 94 Specifications Provide adhesion and compatibility tests as required under 1.13.6.

1.23.3 Field and factory applied structural silicone glazing to is be performed in accordance with the following.

.1 Finish metal components to receive structural silicone in a light colour to facilitate checking proper penetration.

.2 Thoroughly clean all joints and glazing profiles, remove all foreign matter and contaminates such as grease, oil, dust, or water prior to glazing.

.3 Areas adjacent to joints in vision areas may be masked to assure neat sealant lines. Do not allow masking tape to touch clean surfaces to which the sealant is to adhere. Remove masking tape within 24 hours.

.4 Surfaces to receive silicone and glazing tape shall be cleaned with the silicone manufacturers recommended solvent using a clean lint free cloth immediately prior to glazing. Solvent must not be allowed to evaporate on its own from the surface, and the two rag system shall be followed. A stock of clean cloths shall be maintained. The solvent shall be dispensed from shaker bottles and measures employed to ensure that neither this nor the stock of solvent becomes contaminated by contact with dirty cloths or the returning of solvent to the stock.

.5 Install glazing tape if applicable. Clean glass at edge with solvent using two wipe system. Do not touch cleaned areas with fingers.

.6 Align glass and set in opening. Install temporary clips at top and bottom. Ensure adhesion of the glass to glazing tape top to bottom at sides.

.7 Start the application of the structural silicone immediately each piece of glass is installed. Apply silicone in a continuous operation using positive pressure to properly fill and seal the joint. Tool the sealant with slight pressure to spread it against the backing material and the joint surfaces. Discard material excess removed in tooling.

.8 Make peel adhesion test samples on sections of glazing profile 125mm long in accordance with manufacturers instructions. Samples to be made at the beginning of each shift and at the start of each new box or batch of silicone. Samples to be tagged with date, location represented, and names of person making test sample. Samples to be recorded in “FIELD ADHESION TEST LOG” and stored in site office for curing and subsequent testing.

.9 Tooling should be completed in one continuous stroke within five minutes after sealant application and before a skin forms. No tooling fluids to be used. Remove masking tape immediately after tooling.

.10 Install temporary clips at sides to ensure no stress on silicone during silicone curing period. Be careful not to compress joint with temporary clips.

.11 Ensure that silicone is stored correctly and is within its shelf life.

1.23.4 Refer to section 0720 of Curtain Wall particular requirements for Quality Assurance reports and procedures of structural silicone.

1.23.5 Pressure plate glazing shall be installed with fasteners no more than 200mm on centre. Do not over tighten pressure plate screws to cause visible distortion in the glass.

1.23.6 Install two screws in each transom pressure plate adjacent to a structural silicone glazed mullion spaced 35mm apart and as close to the mullion as reasonable.

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1.23.7 Compression seal gaskets shall meet the requirements of ASTM C 864.

1.23.8 No clear silicone to be used.

1.24 Insulation and Fire Saving

1.24.1 Insulating materials shall conform to the following specifications:

1.24.2 Cellular Glass FS HH1551E, Type 1 or IV or ASTM C 552

1.24.3 Mineral Fibre

a) Flexible blanket and felt FS HH1521F, Type 1 or 11 or 111 or FS HH1558B, Form B, Type 1, Class 6 or 7 or ASTM C 553 or ASTM C 991

b) Blocks and boards FS HH1558B, Form A, Class 1 or 2 or AAMA SI288 or FS HH1526

1.24.4 Rigid Urethane Foam FS HH1530B, All Types & Classes

1.24.5 Rigid Polystyrene Foam

a) Moulded foam bead board FS HH1524C, Type 11 or 11, Class A b) Extruded foam board FS HH1524C, Type 11, Class B

1.24.6 Insulating materials shall meet the requirements for fire resistance specified in 0709.9.1

1.24.7 Thermal insulation to fill spaces and be supported mechanically (i.e., without relying on adhesive) at 50cm on centre.

1.24.8 100 mm deep compacted (in width) U.S. Gypsum Co., “Thermafiber” 4 lb. density fire stop or approved equal shall be provided, between edge of floor slabs and interior faces of exterior walls. Support shall be provided by impaling clips.

1.24.9 Continuous steel closure piece to be installed below insulation and sealed airtight to adjacent construction with intumescent fire retardant sealant such as Dow corning 700 or Self levelling silicone such as Dow Corning 800 to be installed over the top of fire resistant insulation.

1.24.10 Fire proof sealant shall be used at fire stop joints.

1.24.11 Thermal insulation for curtain walls and cladding panels are described under the Particular Requirements sections.

1.25 Sealing and Glazing Materials

1.25.1 Install all sealing and glazing materials in accordance with manufactures printed recommendations including climatic conditions and cleaning of substrates. No clear silicone to be used except for butt glazing.

1.25.2 Sealing and glazing materials shall conform to the following specifications: Acrylic compounds: AAMA 803.3 Butyl compounds:

a) Skinning type For nonstaining FS TTS001657 b) Nonskinning type AAMA 809.2

Ziadah - Architects & Engineers 96 Specifications Polyurethane compounds:

a) One part compounds FS TTS0023OC(2) b) Two part compounds FS TTS00227E(3) Silicone compounds:

a) One part compounds FS TTS001543A b) Two part compounds FS TTS00227E(3) Dry elastomeric gaskets

a) Cellular (closed cell) ASTM C 509 b) Non cellular (dense) ASTM C 864 Narrow joint seams sealer AAMA 803.3 Pre formed tape, non curing type ductile back bedding glazing tape AAMA 804.1 Bonding type back bedding glazing tape AAMA 806.1 Cured rubber type glazing tape AAMA 807.1 Exterior perimeter sealing compound AAMA 808.3 Non drying sealants AAMA 809.2 Expanded cellular glazing tape AAMA 810.1 Lock strip gaskets, all types and materials ASTM C 542

1.25.3 Backer rod. Polyethylene backer rod of the correct size (25% greater than the gap size). Take precautions as recommended by manufacturer to prevent any gassing off after application of sealant. No twisting or braiding of backer rod permitted. Perimeter Water Proof Membrane. Provide continuous perimeter membrane seal fastened and sealed to both the concrete and the curtain wall, window, door or other element. Provide continuous perimeter membrane seal fastened and sealed to both the concrete and the curtain wall, window, door or other element to provide proper seal at the joints with other cladding systems. Sealing membrane and fastening to meet the same structural and water penetration requirements as the adjacent glazed aluminium construction.

1.26 Curtain Wall System

1.26.1 The Curtain Wall system shall be as described under Section 0720 Particular Requirements for Curtain Walls.

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1.27 Aluminium Doors and Windows

1.27.1 Door and window systems shall be as described under Section 0730 Particular Requirements for Doors and Windows.

1.28 Building Entrances

1.28.1 All main building entrances shall be a proprietary product where possible. Otherwise full sample shall be provided for the approval of the Engineer.

1.28.2 Weather stripped stainless steel mouldings shall be fixed to each door and frame. Each door shall be double weather stripped at jambs and head and provided with a weather stripped threshold and integral weather bar.

1.28.3 Head, jamb and mullion frames for main entrance doors shall be designed structurally to suite localised conditions and to meet the design parameters and design intent. Glazing mouldings and trim insets shall not be less than 1.6 mm thick. External fasteners and fastening devices shall be stainless steel or other non- corrosive finishes.

1.28.4 Hardware and ironmongery shall be supplied to all doors as part of the manufacturers product.

1.28.5 The screen shall be fully weather-proof when the doors are at their closed position.

1.29 Installation and Fabrication

1.29.1 All parts of the curtain wall system and Metal Works shall be of the materials, design, sizes and thicknesses, subject to specified tolerances, shown on the approved shop drawings and/or herein specified. Methods of fabrication and assembly, shall be at the discretion of the manufacturer and subject to the approval of the Engineer.

1.29.2 Workmanship All work shall be done by competent workmen thoroughly skilled in the trade, specifically as it applies to the structural glazing operation. Use no materials, equipment or practices that may adversely affect the functioning, appearance and durability of the completed work and related construction. The work shall be accomplished in compliance with the specified criteria without buckling, opening of joints, undue stress on fasteners, sealants, and gaskets, opening of welds, cracking of glass, leakage, noises or other harmful effects.

1.29.3 Joints in Metal Work All exposed work shall be carefully matched to produce continuity of line and design with all joints, unless otherwise shown or specified, being accurately fitted and rigidly secured.

1.29.4 Shop Assembly All cutting, fitting, assembly, and glazing work shall be done in the shop on shop tools jigged up for the purpose. No fabrication using hand tools will be accepted. At the subcontractor’s request an area on site may be made available for setting up a fabrication shop for limited operations subject to the approval of the Engineer.

1.29.5 Exposed fasteners Exposed fasteners on finished surfaces will not be permitted unless otherwise shown on drawings, or specified.

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1.29.6 Protection of Metals Protection against galvanic action shall be provided wherever dissimilar metals are in contact. This protection shall be provided either by painting the contact surfaces as specified in 1.21 or by application of an appropriate pad or membrane. Provide temporary protective tape to all metal surfaces after finishing. Arrange protective tape so that there is a double thickness at section corners. Do not install any work with the protective tape trapped between components. Remove all protective tape from spandrel areas. Remove protective tape from external work as installed.

1.29.7 Welding No welding shall be performed on site without the approval of the Engineer. Use Mig welding for carbon steel, Tig welding for aluminium and stainless steel. for carbon steel shall be certified, welders for aluminium shall be capable of providing welds satisfactory to the Engineer. Welds shall be tested at the discretion of the Engineer All welding shall be in accordance with recommendations of the American Welding Society and shall be done with electrodes and/or by methods recommended by the suppliers of the metals being welded. Type, size and spacing of welds shall be as shown on approved shop drawings. Welds behind exposed surfaces shall be so done as to minimise distortion and/or discoloration on the finished side. All adjacent surfaces must be protected from weld spatter. Special care shall be taken to see that all tools used in fabricating, grinding and polishing stainless steel are clean and free from particles of iron or iron compounds. All lubricants used in fabrication shall be removed before the work leaves the shop.

1.30 Lines, Elevations and Prior Inspection of The Structure

1.30.1 Offset Lines and Bench Marks The Main Contractor shall provide the Curtain Wall Subcontractor with a building perimeter offset line on each floor, plumb with lines on the floors below, and located at a point from the edge of the floor slab designated by the Curtain Wall Subcontractor. The Contractor shall also provide clearly scribed bench marks on each floor on a column designated by the Contractor. The Curtain Wall Subcontractor shall be responsible for checking the accuracy of the location of the perimeter offset lines and the elevations of the bench marks prior to commencing his lay out.

1.30.2 Prior Inspection of the Structure After lines and grades have been established, and before beginning installation, Contractor shall examine all parts of the structure on which the works is to be placed. Should any conditions be found which, in his opinion, will prevent the proper execution of his work, he shall report such conditions in writing to the General Contractor. Installation work shall not proceed in that area until conditions have been adjusted to permit proper installation of the work.

1.30.3 Corrective Work In the event that corrective work involves a delay in the installation schedule, such delay shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of the contract documents.

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1.31 Installation

1.31.1 Curtain Wall Framing

1.31.2 All parts of the work shall be erected, plumb and true, in proper alignment and relation to established lines and grades, and as shown on approved shop and/or erection drawings.

1.31.3 Windows and Doors Operable windows and doors shall be securely shimmed and anchored in place with the unit straight, plumb, and level without distortion. Place shims at fasteners only. Observe separation between metal and concrete.

1.32 Erection Tolerances

1.32.1 Permissible dimensional tolerances in the building frame and other work adjacent to the wall are specified in the structural specification. The curtain wall shall be designed to accommodate these tolerances.

1.32.2 All parts of the curtain wall, when completed, shall be within the following tolerances:

1.32.3 Maximum variation from theoretical plane or location shall be 3 mm per 3 m of length or 6mm in any total length.

1.32.4 Maximum offset from true alignment between two identical members abutting end to end in line: 1.5 mm

1.32.5 No visible misalignments or waviness will be permitted.

1.33 Use of Sealing Material

1.33.1 Sealing materials shall be used in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s printed instructions, and shall be applied only by mechanics specially trained or experienced in their use. Before applying sealant, all mortar, dirt, dust, moisture and other foreign matter shall be completely removed from surfaces it will contact. Adjoining surfaces shall be left with a clean and neat appearance. Sealing compounds shall be tooled to fill the joint and provide a smooth finished surface. Do not apply sealants in windy conditions, and protect sealant from airborne sand and dust until cured.

1.34 Leave Out Areas

1.34.1 Coordinate with the Main Contractor and provide for postponement of curtain wall installation at material and personnel hoists, tower crane braces, and rubbish chute(s).

1.35 Removal of Debris

1.35.1 All debris caused by or incidental to the installation work shall be promptly removed to a location on each floor of the job site designated by the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for removal from the designated location.

1.36 Protection and Cleaning

1.36.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection of the work against damage by other trades as well as cleaning of the structural glazed curtain walls upon erection and attachment into place on the structure, shall be the responsibility of the General Contractor.

Ziadah - Architects & Engineers 100 Specifications

1.36.2 This Contractor is to provide to the General Contractor and Owner specific written instructions from the glass and paint manufacturers on the proper method of cleaning and maintenance.

1.36.3 The Curtain Wall Subcontractor shall remove from the installed work all sealant smears or other unsightly marks caused by his workmen, and shall be responsible for any damage to or disfigurement of the work caused at any time by his own men.

1.36.4 Ensure that cradles are adequately padded so that no damage to finishes or glass could occur in normal or abnormal circumstances.

1.36.5 Clean unitised panels prior to installation.

1.36.6 Remove protective tape in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

1.36.7 Clean areas of glass if so directed by the Engineer for the evaluation of colour variations in the glass.

1.36.8 Remove masking tape the same day it is applied. Do not use masking tape for other than temporary masking.


A Aluminum Association (AA) 900 19th Street, NW Washington, DC 20006, Tel: (202) 862- 500 Website: http:www.aluminum.org.

.1 Aluminum Standards and Data, 1997, ASD-1. .2 Designation System for Aluminum Finishes, 1980, DAF-45 .3 Standards for Anodized Architectural Aluminum, 1978, SAA-46

B American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) 1827 Walden Office Sq., Suite104. Schaumburg, Illinois 60173-4268 tel: (847)303-5664 fax: (847)303-5774 Website: http:www.aamanet.org .

.1 Voluntary Specifications for Forced-Entry Resistant Aluminium Prime Windows (AAMA 1302) (1976)

.2 Voluntary Specifications for Forced-Entry Resistant Aluminium Sliding Glass Doors (AAMA 1303) (1976)

.3 Voluntary Specification for the Acoustic Rating of Windows, Doors and glazed Wall Sections Revised (AAMA 1801-97)

.4 Voluntary Specifications for Aluminium, Vinyl (PVC) and Wood Windows and Glass Doors (AAMA/NWWDA 101/I.S.2-97)

.5 Voluntary Guide Specifications for Aluminum Architectural Windows (GS 001-1984 )

.6 Computer Assisted Specification Writing for Aluminum Heavy Commercial and Architectural Windows (AAMA GS-002-96)

.7 Voluntary “Life Cycle” Specifications and Test Methods for Architectural Grade Windows and Glass Doors (AAMA 910-93)

.8 Voluntary Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Exterior Profile Extrusions (AAMA 303-95)

.9 Voluntary Specification for Insulating Storm Products for Windows and Sliding Glass Doors (ANSI/AAMA 1002.10-93)

Ziadah - Architects & Engineers 101 Specifications

.10 Voluntary Specification for Aluminum Storm Doors (ANSI/AAMA 1102.7-89)

.11 Voluntary Specification for Interior Insulating Windows (AAMA 1003-88)

.12 Voluntary Test Method for Thermal Transmittance and Condensation Resistance of Windows, Doors and Glazed Wall Sections (AAMA 1503.1-88)

.13 Voluntary Standard for Thermal Performance of Windows, Doors and Glazed Wall Sections (AAMA 1504-97)

.14 Voluntary Specification for Field Testing of Windows and Sliding Glass Doors (AAMA 502-90)

.15 Windloads on Components and Cladding for Buildings Less Than 90 Feet Tall (TIR- A10-1997)

.16 Aluminum Curtain Wall Design Guide Manual (CW-DG-1)(1996)

.17 The Rain Screen Principle and Pressure Equalized Wall Design (CW-RS-1) (1996)

.18 Curtain Wall Manual 10 (CW-10) Care and Handling of Architectural Aluminum from Shop to Site Rev.(1997)

.19 Curtain Wall Manual 11 (CW-11) Design Windloads for Buildings and Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Testing (1985)

.20 Curtain Wall Manual 12 (CW-12) Structural Properties of Glass (1984)

.21 Curtain Wall Manual 13 (CW-13) Structural Sealant Glazing Systems (1985)

.22 Fire Safety in High-Rise Curtain Walls (FSCOM-1) (1995)

.23 Metal Curtain Wall Manual (MCWM-1) (1989) .24 Method of Test for Exterior Walls (AAMA 501-94)

.25 Standard Test Method for Metal Curtain Walls for Water Penetration Using Dynamic Pressure (501.1-94)

.26 Field Check for Metal Curtain Walls for Water Leakage (501.2-94)

.27 Test Method for Thermal Cycling of Exterior walls (501.5-97)

.28 Voluntary Specification for Field Testing of Metal Storefronts, Curtain Wall & Sloped Glazing Systems (AAMA 503-92)

.29 Installation of Aluminum Curtain Walls (CWG-1-89)

.30 Joint Sealants (JS-91)

.31 Anodic Finishes / Painted Aluminum (AFPA-91)

.32 Glass and Glazing (GAG) (1997)

.33 Aluminum Store Front and Entrance Manual (SFM-1) (1987)

.34 Sound Control for Aluminum Curtain Walls and Windows (AAMA TIR-A1-1975)

.35 Fire Resistive Design Guidelines for Curtain Wall Assemblies (TIR-A3-1975)

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.36 Recommended Glazing Guidelines for Reflective Insulating Glass (AAMA TIR-A4- 1997)

.37 Structural Performance of Poured and Debridged Framing Systems (TIR-A8-90)

.38 Metal Curtain Wall Fasteners (TIR-A9-91)

.39 Maximum Allowable Deflection of Framing Systems for Building Cladding Components at Design Wind Loads (AAMA TIR-A11-96)

.40 Voluntary Performance Requirements and Test Procedure for Pigmented Organic Coatings on Extruded Aluminum (AAMA 603.8-92)

.41 Voluntary Specification for Residential Colour Anodic Finishes (AAMA 604.2-1977)

.42 Voluntary Specification for High Performance Organic Coatings on Architectural Extrusions and Panels (AAMA 605.2-92)

.43 Voluntary Guide Specifications and Inspection Methods for Integral Colour Anodic Finishes for Architectural Aluminum (AAMA 606.1-1976)

.44 Voluntary Guide Specification and Inspection Methods for Clear Anodic Finishes for Architectural Aluminum (AAMA 607.1-1977)

.45 Voluntary Guide Specification and Inspection Methods for Electrolytically Deposited Colour Anodic Finishes for Architectural Aluminum (AAMA 608.1-1977)

.46 Voluntary Guide Specification for Cleaning and Maintenance of Architectural Anodized Aluminum (AAMA 609-93)

.47 Voluntary Guide Specification for Cleaning and Maintenance of Painted Aluminum Extrusions and Curtain Wall Panels (AAMA 610.1-1979)

.48 Voluntary Standards for Anodized Architectural Aluminum (AAMA 611-92)

.49 Voluntary Specification for Rotary Operators in Window Applications (AAMA 901- 96)

.50 Voluntary Specification for Sash Balances (AAMA 902-96)

.51 Voluntary Specification for Friction Hinges in Window Applications (AAMA 904-96)

.52 Voluntary Specification for Sliding Glass Door Roller Assemblies (AAMA 906-96)

.53 Voluntary Specification for Corrosion Resistant Coatings on Carbon Steel Components (AAMA 907-96)

.54 Combined Voluntary Specifications for Pile Weather-strip (AAMA 701-92) and Replaceable Fenestration Weather seals (AAMA 702-92)

.55 Voluntary Specifications and test Methods for Sealants (AAMA 800-92) C Sealant specifications in this publication include: .1 AAMA 803.3-92 Voluntary Specification for Narrow-Joint Seam Sealer

.2 AAMA 804.1-92 Voluntary Specification for Ductile Back-Bedding Glazing Tapes

.3 AAMA 805.2-92 Voluntary Specification for Bonding-Type Back-Bedding Compound

Ziadah - Architects & Engineers 103 Specifications

.4 AAMA 806.1-92 Voluntary Specification for Bonding-Type Back-Bedding Glazing Tapes

.5 AAMA 807.1-92 Voluntary Specification for Oil-Extended Cured Rubber Back Bedding Glazing Tapes

.6 AAMA 808.3-92 Voluntary Specification for Exterior Perimeter Sealing Compound

.7 AAMA 809.2-92 Voluntary Specification for Non-Drying Sealants

.8 AAMA 810.1-92 Voluntary Specification for Expanded Cellular Glazing Tape

D Fenestration Sealants Guide Manual (AAMA 850-91)

E Standard Specifications for Aluminum Siding, Soffit and Fascia (1402-86)

F Voluntary Test Method for Condensation Resistance of Windows, Doors and Glazed Wall Sections (1502.7-1981)

G Specification for Preformed Fibrous Glass Insulation (SI-2-88)

H ANSI/AAMA 101-88 Voluntary Specifications for Aluminum Prime Windows & Sliding Glass Doors

J American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) 1 East Wacker Drive, Suite 3100 Chicago, Illinois, 60601-2001. tel: (312) 670-2400 fax: (312) 670-5403. Website: http://www.aiscweb.com

.1 Manual of Steel Construction

K American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) 1133 Fifteenth Street, NW Washington, DC 20005 Website: http:/www.steel.org i) Steel Products Manual ii) Carbon Steels iii) Stainless and Heat Resisting Steels

L American National Standards Institute Inc. (ANSI) 11 West 42nd Street -13th Floor New York, New York. 10036 tel: (212)642-4900, fax: (212)398-0023 Website: http://www.ansi.org.

.1 ANSI/ASCE 7-95 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures

.2 ANSI/ASME A39.1-1995 Safety Requirements for Window Cleaning

.3 Sl.4-1983(R-1994) Specification for Sound Level Meters (include supplement ASNI S1.4a-1985)

.4 Sl.4a-1985 Specification for Sound Level Meters (include supplement ASNI S1.4- 1983)

.5 Z97.1-1984(R-1994) Performance Specifications and Methods of Test for Safety Glazing Material Used in Buildings

M American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA . 19428-2959 tel: (610)832-9500, fax: (610)832-9555. Website: http:/www.astm.org

ASTM A 36/A36M-96 Specification for Carbon Structural Steel

Ziadah - Architects & Engineers 104 Specifications

ASTM A 123/A123M-97a Specification for Zinc (Hot Dipped-Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products.

ASTM A 167-99 Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Chromium Nickle Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip.

ASTM A 176-99 Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Chromium Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip.

ASTM A 268/A268M-96 Specification for Seamless and Welded Ferritic Stainless Steel Tubing for General Service.

ASTM A 269-98 Specification for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for General Service.

ASTM A 424-97 Specification for Steel Sheets for Porcelain Enameling

.. ASTM A 924/A924M-99 Specification for General requirements for Steel Sheet, Metallic Coated by Hot-Dip Process.

ASTM A 570/A570M-98 Specification for Steel Sheet and Strip, Carbon, Hot-Rolled, Structural Quality.

ASTM A 572/A572M-99a Specification for High-Strength Low-Alloy Columbium-Vanadium Steels of Structural Quality.

ASTM A 591/A591M-98 Specification for Sheet Steel, Electrolytic Zinc-Coated for Light Coating Mass Application.

ASTM A 607-98 Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip, High Strength, Low-Alloy Columbium or Vanadium or both, Hot-Rolled and Cold-Rolled. ASTM A 611-97 Specification for Steel, Sheet, Carbon, Cold-Rolled Structural Quality. ASTM A 618-99 Specification for Hot-Formed Welded and Seamless High-Strength Low Alloy Structural Tubing.

ASTM A 633/A 633M-95 Specification for Normalised High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Steel Plates.

ASTM A 666-99 Specification for Annealed or Cold Worked Austenitic Stainless Steel, Sheet, Strip, Plate, and Flat Bar.

ASTM A 780-93a Repair of Damaged and Uncoated Areas of Hot-Dip Galvanized Coatings.

ASTM B 26/B26M-99 Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Sand Castings.

ASTM B 43-98 Specification for Seamless Red Brass Pipe, Standard Sizes.

ASTM B 85-99 Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Die Castings.

ASTM B 108-99 Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Permanent Mould Castings.

ASTM B 209-96 Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate. ASTM B 210-95

Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Drawn Seamless Tubes.

ASTM B 211-99 Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Bars, Rods, and Wire.

Ziadah - Architects & Engineers 105 Specifications

ASTM B 221M-96 Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, Wire, Shapes and Tubes.

ASTM B 308/B308M-96 Specification for Aluminum-Alloy 6061-T6 Standard Structural profiles. ASTM B 429-95 Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Structural Pipe and Tube. ASTM B 455-96 Specification for Copper-Zinc-Lead Alloy (Leaded Brass) Extruded Shapes.

ASTM B 633-98 Specification for Electrodeposited Coatings of Zinc on Iron and Steel

ASTM B 766-86 Specification for Electrodeposited Coatings of Cadmium ASTM B 852-94 Zinc Alloys (CGG) for Continuous Hot-Dip Galvanising of Sheet Steel. ASTM C 236-89 Test Method for Steady-State Thermal Performance of Building Assemblies by Means of a Guarded Hot Box

ASTM C 509-00 Specification for Elastomeric Cellular Pre-formed Gasket and Sealing Material

ASTM C 542-99 Specification for Lock-Strip Gaskets

ASTM C 552-00 Specification for Cellular Glass Thermal Insulation

ASTM C 553-99 Specification for Mineral Fibre Blanket Thermal Insulation for commercial and Industrial Application

ASTM C 864-99 Specification for Dense Elastomeric Compression Seal Gaskets, Setting Blocks, and Spacers

ASTM C 976-96 Test Method Thermal Performance of Building Assemblies by Means of a Calibrated Hot Box

ASTM C 991-98 Specification for Flexible Glass Fiber Insulation for Pre-Engineered Metal Buildings

ASTM C 1036-97 Standard Specification for Flat Glass

ASTM C 1048-97b Standard Specification for Heat-Treated Flat Glass - Kind HS, Kind FT Coated and Uncoated Glass

ASTM D 3656-97 Specification for Insect Screening and Louver Cloth Woven from Vinyl Coated Glass Fiber Yarn

ASTM E 84-00a Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials

ASTM E 90-99 Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of Airborne Sound Transmission Loss of Building Partitions

ASTM E 119-00 Method for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials

ASTM E 136-99 Test Method for Behaviour of Materials in a Vertical Tube Furnace at 750°C.

Ziadah - Architects & Engineers 106 Specifications

ASTM E 283-99 Test Method for Determining the Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors under specified pressure differences across the specimen.

ASTM E 330-97 Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference

ASTM E 331-96 Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference

ASTM E 413-87(1999) Classification for Rating Sound Insulation.

ASTM E 546-88 (1999) Test Method for Frost Point of Sealed Insulating Glass Units

ASTM E 576-88 (1999) Test Method for Frost Point of Sealed Insulating Glass Units in Vertical Position

ASTM E 773-97 Test Method for Accelerated Weathering of Sealed Insulating Glass Units

ASTM E 774-97 Specification for Classification of the Durability of Sealed Insulating Glass Units

ASTM E 783-93 Test Method for Field Measurement of Air Leakage Through Installed Exterior Windows and Doors

ASTM E 1105-96 Test Method for Field Determination of Water Penetration of Installed Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors by Uniform or Cyclic Air Pressure Difference.

N American Welding Society (AWS):

AWS A5.10-80 Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes

AWS Dl.1-86 Structural Welding Code – Steel

AWS Dl.2-83 Structural Welding Code – Aluminum

P American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

ANSI/ASCE 7-95 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures

ANSI/ASME A39.1-1995 Safety Requirements for Window Cleaning

ANSI/ Sl.4-1983(R-1994) Specification for Sound Level Meters (include supplement ANSI S1.4a-1985)

ANSI/ Sl.4a-1985 Specification for Sound Level Meters (include supplement ANSI S1.4- 1983)

ANSI/ Z97.1-1984(R-1994) Performance Specifications and Methods of Test for Safety Glazing Material Used in Buildings

Q Canadian Government Specifications (CGSB) Canadian Government Specifications Board 88 Metcalfe Street, Ottawa, Canada KiA OS5

19-GP-lc Glass, Safety, Tempered or Laminated, for Building Construction

19-GP-5b Sealing Compound, One Component, Acrylic Base, Solvent Curing

Ziadah - Architects & Engineers 107 Specifications

19-GP-9b Sealing Compound, One Component, Silicone Base, Chemical Curing

19-GP-14 Sealing Compound, One Component, Butyl-Polisobutylene Base, Solvent Curing

19-GP-15a Sealing Compound, Multicomponent, Polyurethane Base, Chemical Curing

19-GP-16a Sealing Compound, One Component, Polyurethane Base, Chemical Curing

19-GP-18 Sealing Compound, One Component, Silicone Base, Solvent Curing

Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) Washington, DC 20207, tel: (301)504-0400 Website: http://www/cpsc.gov

16 CFR 1201-1986 Safety Standard for Architectural Glazing Materials

R Copper Development Association (CDA) 260, Madison Ave. New York NY10016 tel: (212)251-7200 fax: (212)251-7234 Website: http://www/copper.org,

Standard Handbook, Copper, Brass and Bronze

S Glass Association of North America (GANA) 3310 SW. Harrison St. Topeka, Kansas 6661-2252 tel: (913)266-7013 fax: (913)266-0272 GANA Glazing Manual (1997) GANA Sealant Manual (1990) GANA Laminating Division’s Laminated Glass Design Guide (1994)

GANA Tempering Division’s Engineering Standard Manual (1995)

T. General Services Administration (GSA), Federal Specifications (FS) Specifications Unit (WFSIS) Washington, DC 20405 Website: www.fss.gsa.gov

HH-1-521F Insulation Blankets, Thermal (Mineral Fiber, for Ambient Temperatures) HH-1-524C Insulation Board, Thermal (Polystyrene) HH-1-526C Insulation Board, Thermal (Mineral Fiber)

HH-1-530B Insulation Board, Thermal, Unfaced, Polyurethane or Polyisocyanurate

HH-1-551E Insulation Blocks and Boards, Thermal (Cellular Glass)

HH-1-558B(3) Insulation, Blocks, Boards, Blankets, Sleeving (Pipe and Tube Covering), and Pipe Fitting Covering, Thermal (Mineral Fiber, Industrial Type)

R-W-365A Wire Fabric (insect Screening) SS-C-153C Cement, Bituminous, Plastic TT-P-38D(l) Paint, Aluminum, Ready-Mixed

TT-P-645A Primer, Paint, Zinc Chromate, Alkyd Type

TT-S-001543A Sealing Compound: Silicone Rubber Base (for Caulking, Sealing, and Glazing in Buildings and Other Structures)

Ziadah - Architects & Engineers 108 Specifications

TT-S-001657 Sealing Compound: Single-Component, Butyl Rubber Based, Solvent Release Type (for Buildings and Other Types of Construction)

TT-S-00227E(3) Sealing Compound: Elastromeric Type, Multi-Component (for Calking, Sealing and Glazing in Buildings and Other Structures)

TT-S-0023OC(2) Sealing Compound: Elastromeric Type, Single Component (for Calking, Sealing and Glazing in Buildings and Other Structures)

U. Insulating Glass Certification Council (IGCC) ETL Testing Laboratories, Inc. Industrial Park 3933 U.S. Route 11 RO. Box 2040 Cortland, NY 13045-2040

Certified Products Directory for Sealed Insulating Glass

V. National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers (NAAMM) 8, South Michigan Avenue, Suite 1000 Chicago, Illinois 60603 tel: (312)456-5590, fax: (312)580-0165 Website: http://www.gss.net/naamm

Metal Finishes Manual in Six Sections

a) AMP 500-88 Introduction to Metal Finishing b) AMP 501-88 Finishes for Aluminum c) AMP 502-88 Finishes for the Copper Alloys d) AMP 503-88 Finishes for Stainless Steel e) AMP 504-88 Finishes for Carbon and Iron f) AMP 505-88 Applied Coatings

W. Safety Glazing Certification Council (SGCC) ETL Testing Laboratories, Inc. P.O. Box- 2040 Cortland, NY 13045-0950 tel: (607)753-6711 fax: (607)756-9891 Website: http://www.sgcc.org

Certified Products Directory for Safety Glazing Materials Used in Buildings

X. Sealed Insulating Glass Manufacturers Association (SIGMA) 401 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 2200 Chicago, Illinois 60611 tel: (312)644-6610 Website: http:\\www.cooksmill.com/cooksmill/glass/assn

Technical Manual for Acoustical Glass

Y. Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC) 4400 Fifth Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213

Steel Structures Painting Manual in Two Volumes

Volume 1, Good Painting Practice

Volume 2, Systems and Specifications

SSPC-PS 1.04 and 1.07 through 1.13 Oil Base Painting Systems SSPC-PS 4.01 through 4.05 Vinyl Painting Systems SSPC-PS 11.01 Coal Tar Epoxy-Polyamide Painting System SSPC-PS 12.01 One-Coat Zinc Rich Painting System SSPC-PS 13.01 Epoxy-Polyamide Painting System SSPC-PS 15.00 Chlorinated Rubber Painting System

End of Section 19-20

Ziadah - Architects & Engineers 109 Specifications




1.1 General Instructions

1.1.1 Works of this Section shall be governed by General Requirements and Section 0710 as if repeated here. This part of the specification covers the particular requirements of materials, manufacture, workmanship, design and installation of the Aluminium Glazed Curtain wall System as detailed on the drawings and to the approval of the Engineer. All work shall be performed in accordance with the applicable Building Codes, and/or the requirements of this specification, whichever are more stringent.

1.2 Scope

1.2.1 All curtain walls as shown on drawings.

1.2.2 The system includes the curtain wall framing, anchors, glass, glazing, insulation, sealants, and other components required for the complete system and its installation.

1.2.3 Provide all glass and glazing work required for the glazed aluminium work, and all other glazed works of this contract as indicated on drawings and described under Section 11 - Glazing. The Contractor shall provide glass from one of the Engineer’s approved manufacturers.

1.2.4 All sub-frames, fastenings, brackets, ironmongery, accessories, trims, locks, latches, handles, stays, mechanisms, insect screens, weather seals, etc., necessary for a complete installation.

1.3 Submittals

1.3.1 Include all submittals required under Section 0710.

1.3.2 Submit a system proposal for the proposed system along with technical data sheets, catalogues, company profile and other relevant details for Engineer’s review.

1.4 Performance Requirements

1.4.1 Refer to Performance requirements under Section 0710.

1.5 Quality Assurance

1.5.1 Refer to Section 0710 in addition to the following:

1.5.2 Concealed outward opening operable windows. The Contractor shall establish and submit for review a ”quality control programme covering the cleaning, priming, silicone sealant application, gaskets, spacers, setting blocks and other materials and finishes. Program shall cover the initial testing for adhesion/compatibility, and also regular periodic testing to be done during the progress of the project on production run materials, etc. specifically including shop "Peel and adhesion" test of silicone, prior to its use. Reports of such tests shall be kept in file available for review by Justificational Authorities and/or the Engineer. Program shall include testing, at full negative design pressure, one full size off-the-line production unit

Ziadah - Architects & Engineers 110 Specifications

per every one hundred units manufactured for the project. Also the methods which shall be employed to monitor workmanship such as substrate cleaning and priming and sealant application both for shop fabrication and necessary job site replacement glazing, repair and remedial work shall be included. No sealant or glazing work shall be performed prior to sealant manufacturer's written acceptance of the Quality Control Program. The Sealant manufacturer shall be requested to make periodic inspections of glazing work, the initial one beginning at the start of glazing for job production units, to verify that sealant work is proceeding in accordance with its recommendations, including de-glazing of randomly selected units to inspect and verify quality of sealant and workmanship. Sealant manufacturer shall submit inspection reports covering his observations and any recommendations. All structural glazing must be Quality Controlled and monitored on a full-time basis by experienced Quality Control supervisory personnel, qualified to do so by silicone manufacturer. No glazing is to proceed until all aspects of testing, certifications, compatibility, etc., as outlined herein have been preformed and been submitted and have satisfactorily met all requirements.

1.5.3 Third Party Quality Assurance Requirements

Refer to Section 0710.

1.6 Curtain Wall Mock-up

1.6.1 Utilising the same methods and personnel as will be used in the actual construction, build a full-size mock-up of a representative portion of the curtain wall on a structure provided on the site or at the testing agency’s laboratory. The curtain wall mock-up shall include at least two storeys in height. It shall be three typical panels in width, with a corner, and an additional panel at the end. The curtain wall mock-up shall include operable windows if desired by the Engineer

1.6.2 The techniques, skills and quality control used for the installation of the curtain wall in the test rig shall be same as used for the final installation.

1.6.3 The mock-up is intended to provide the following: A sample for the verification and confirmation of the proposed system. As a visual mock-up for the selection and confirmation of finishes, glass and composite metal cladding if any. View and approve acceptable variation in distortions and flatness of glass, metal panels and metal components. As a technical platform for the verification of details such as perimeter seals, spandrel panels, fire insulation, and interior closures. As a prototype for construction.

1.7 Pre-construction Performance Testing

1.7.1 Pre-construction performance testing is not required for proven Systems.

1.7.2 The Contractor shall be responsible to provide proof of the systems usage in previous projects to the satisfaction of the Engineer. In the event of insufficient evidence of previous track record pre-construction testing shall have to be carried out at no extra cost

Ziadah - Architects & Engineers 111 Specifications

to the Employer. The type of tests and witnessing of the tests shall be as approved and directed by the Engineer and the third party independent Specialist Consultant.

1.7.2 Submit shop drawings for the construction of the mock-up for approval prior to commencing work.

1.7.3 Construct and seal a chamber around the mock-up interior as necessary for evaluation of proposed glass, and/or if necessary for the performance testing, as directed by the Engineer.

1.7.4 If constructed on site, the approved mock-up shall be maintained at site protected from any damage until the project is completed.

1.8 Field Testing

1.8.1 Provide Site testing including additional testing and for delays necessitated by the failure of any initial testing.

1.8.2 Tests may be witnessed by the Engineer, the third party Specialist Consultant, the Contractor and the Curtain wall subcontractor.

1.8.3 Test shall be carried out as early as possible during construction. At least one month prior to testing, the Contractor shall submit shop drawings for the units to be tested, and the Testing Company shall submit a method statement for the testing including a proposed schedule, and a draft report.

1.8.4 The subcontractor shall co-operate with the testing company and provide all necessary information and assistance if required.

1.8.5 There shall be no pre testing except that the test chamber(s) may be loaded to 500 Pa to verify equipment and chamber sealing. The mock-up(s) shall not be sprayed with water until the Water Penetration test is run.

1.8.6 Testing Prototypes Installation of the curtain wall works shall begin with the erection and glazing of a representative prototype. The curtain wall prototype shall incorporate perimeter seals and corners to the greatest extent possible. On site testing shall be carried out on a mock-up typically two spandrels and one vision panel area in height and three modules wide including one operable window. The specimen may be glazed with clear glass of the same type and heat treatment as the project glass, if the project glass is not available. The design and location of the prototypes shall be agreed with the Engineer, the Specialist Consultant and the Testing Agency. Erection and installation of the prototypes shall be by the personnel who will be performing the installation of the balance of the works. Primary perimeter seals shall be installed on the exterior in accordance with the design, but interior finishes shall be omitted to permit inspection of all interior surfaces. The Contractor shall notify the Independent Testing Agency prior to starting work on the prototype so that the Independent Testing Agency can witness the erection and sealing of the prototype. The curtain wall passing the test may remain on building as part of the completed works.

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1.8.7 The Test Chambers Test chambers shall be constructed and installed either inside the prototypes or outside, by the Contractor in accordance with the directions of the Independent Curtain Wall Testing Agency. Under the direction of the Independent Testing Agency, the Contractor shall seal the test chamber(s) to the curtain wall or surrounding construction as appropriate, and seal the curtain wall ventilation system if necessary for the evaluation of extraneous (chamber) leakage. If required, scaffolding shall be provided on the prototype exterior for access and for mounting of the water spray rack. Fire stopping and insulation between curtain wall and slab edge shall not be installed until after testing is completed and approved. Provide a source of clean water at the height of the test to supply 3.4 l/min/m² for at least 40 minutes, electrical power at the chamber, scaffolding, and ancillaries as required by the Independent Testing Agency.

1.8.8 Tests Tests shall be performed in accordance with the following standards:

- ASTM E 783 - 93 Test Method for Field Measurement of Air Leakage Through Installed Exterior Windows and Doors.

- ASTM E 1105 - 96 Test Method for Field Determination of Water Penetration of Installed Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors by Uniform or Cyclic Static Air Pressure Difference.

- ASTM E 330 - 97 Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference. The tests will be performed in the following order:

- Air Leakage (exfiltration and infiltration) - Water Penetration - Structural Performance at 100% design load, positive and negative. Utilise Procedure A and maintain design pressure for 10 seconds. - Water Penetration repeated. Test pressures and performance criteria shall be those specified in Section 0710.

1.8.9 Witnesses Tests will be witnessed by representatives of the Client, the Engineer, Specialist Consultant, the Contractor, and the Curtain Wall Subcontractor. The Independent Testing Agency shall provide notice to the above listed witnesses in two parts: Provisional notice is to be given 5 days in advance of the planned date of the testing; this is to be confirmed or altered on the day preceding the planned date.

1.8.10 Failure of the Tests If, in the sole opinion of the Independent Testing Agency, the prototype fails one or more of the tests, the Curtain Wall Subcontractor shall propose a course of remedial action to be approved by the Engineer and the Independent Testing Agency. After the remedial action has been performed, the prototype shall be retested, whereupon if the prototype

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continues to fail, further remedial work shall be performed as above, and the prototype tested again. This shall continue until the prototype passes the tests. All modifications contributing to the prototype meeting the required performance shall be incorporated into the rest of the works. The costs of any additional testing necessitated by the failure of any of the initial tests shall be entirely borne by the Contractor and will not be entitled for any extra time.

1.8.11 Report The Independent Testing Agency/Specialist Consultant shall provide 3 copies of a report at the end of the tests following the directions of the standards referenced above. The report will cover details of all modifications or remedial work carried out on the prototype, as well as a statement that the prototype performed in compliance with the specifications.

1.8.12 Exterior Water Penetration Tests: Perform at least one test at the beginning of site installation, and at least one test near the end of the installation to ensure that the works of this section meet the project requirements. When directed by the Engineer, provide Water Penetration testing of the installed curtain wall in accordance with ASTM E 1105-96 Test Method for Field Determination of Water Penetration of Installed Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors by Uniform or Cyclic Static Air Pressure Difference. Each test is to be conducted on an area of the curtain wall selected by the Engineer. The test areas shall be 3m square and be essentially flat. The tests are to be conducted from the exterior utilizing a self-contained test rig such as that designed, constructed and operated by Thomas Bell-Wright International Consultants or equal and approved. The test shall be run at two thirds the differential pressure given in the performance section. The water spray shall deliver water in a regular pattern in accordance with the standard at a flow of not less than 3.4 l/min/m2 as verified by a flow-meter on the equipment. There shall be no water penetration visible on any interior surfaces, except that water collected within the track or sill of an operable window which subsequently drains to the outside shall not be considered water penetration The Contractor shall make all arrangements, including access and permits for the boom truck, a supply of clean water, and single phase electricity. The curtain wall testing company shall provide a Method Statement satisfactory to the Engineer at least two weeks prior to conducting the tests. A full report of the testing is to be provided for each day testing is conducted.

1.8.13 Other Tests Deglaze 0.5% or 5 panels (whichever is less) of structural silicone glazed units selected at random by the Engineer. Conduct peel adhesion and other tests as recommended by the silicone manufacturers on a programme approved by the Engineer. Ultra sonic tests will be conducted to check perimeter seals. The subcontractor shall provide at his own expense other tests or testing equipment as the Engineer may require to confirm conformance with the requirements of this section.

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1.9 Curtain Wall System

1.9.1 Curtain wall units and components shall be produced in accordance with the approved system and submittals.

1.9.2 Design systems based on water managed, pressure equalisation and compartmentalisation of the glazing rebate system.

1.9.3 Seal transom to mullion joints so that glazing rebate is sealed from building interior.

1.9.4 Provision shall be made in the glazing pocket of the framing for the following minimum clearances for the thickness and type of glass. The clearances shall be in accordance with the GANA Glazing Manual and or manufacturer’s recommendations.

Minimum face clearance 3.5 mm. Minimum edge clearance 6 mm. III. Minimum bite (or edge cover) 13 mm

1.9.5 Allow for vertical and horizontal movements in the system due to thermal expansion or contraction, wind loads, building loads and long term creep.

1.9.6 Framing shall be designed to provide for glazing or re-glazing from the outside.

1.9.7 Seal mullion expansion joints.

1.9.8 Anchorages Anchorage of the work to the structure shall be by approved methods in strict accordance with approved shop and/or erection drawings. Supporting brackets shall be so designed as to provide 6 way adjustment and accurate location of all components. After the unit is properly positioned, all connections so designated on approved shop drawings shall be properly fixed, while still allowing for horizontal thermal expansion and contraction. Mark mullion centre line on anchorages for accurate alignment of unitised panels (if applicable). Framing anchors shall be structurally adequate to carry the weight of the wall units, shall allow for thermal movement and shall meet the structural requirements as specified in Section 0710. Curtain wall anchorages in general shall be designed to be fastened into the slab top surface on a bed of non shrink grout, with approved stainless steel anchor bolts ANSI 316 grade, or into the edge of the floor slab. Anchorages may be constructed out of extruded aluminium or welded steel. Anchorages shall be finished with an organic coating. Steel anchorages shall be hot dip galvanised prior to finishing. Provide synthetic rubber sheet 2 mm thickness as dielectric separation between the anchorages and concrete.

1.9.9 Insulation and Spandrel Panel Arrangement The thermal insulation should meet the thermal transmittance requirements under Section 0710.

1.9.9. 2 The thermal insulation should have a durable continuous vapour barrier on the external face. Unless otherwise shown on drawings the spandrel area will have a shadow box pacification method with double glazing. This is achieved by installing back pans in the

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spandrel areas coated in a colour that would minimize the difference in appearance between vision and spandrel areas.

1.10 Operating Windows

1.10.1 Design and profile must be such that in the closed position, the vent and frame marry so as to match and have the same “sight line” and be basically imperceptible from the exterior of the curtain wall.

1.10.2 Two (2) “safety latch locks” per vent are to control and limit opening of vent to 100 mm with ability of mechanical over-ride to allow vent to open further to 400 mm.

1.10.3 Operating mechanism to be connected friction hinge type, and to provide positive vent positioning both horizontally and vertically.

1.10.4 Glass to match adjacent fixed glass area.

1.10.5 Vent framing members to be a hollow tubular extrusion with reinforcement mitred corners.

1.10.6 Vents to have a double line of sponge rubber weather-seal, continuous one-piece around perimeter with no joinery or mitring at corners.

1.11 Materials

1.11.1 as required in Section 0710.

1.12 Installation and Fabrication

1.12.1 as required in Section 0710.

End of Section 19-30

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1.1 General Instructions

1.1.1 Works of this Section shall be governed by General Requirements and Section 0710 as if repeated here. This part of the specification covers the particular requirements of materials, manufacture, workmanship, design and installation of the Doors and Window System as detailed on the drawings and to the approval of the Engineer. All work shall be performed in accordance with the applicable Building Codes, and/or the requirements of this specification, whichever are more stringent.

1.2 Scope of Work

1.2.1 Provide all door and window works, which are shown on or implied by the drawings and required for the work.

1.2.2 The system includes the sub framing (if required), anchors, glass, glazing, insulation, sealants, windows, doors and other components required for the complete system and its installation.

1.2.3 The door and window is defined and described in this section as follows: - All doors and windows with frames and jambs of aluminium and or stainless steel, with panels of glass, aluminium, stainless steel as shown on the drawings. All window units for the building.

1.2.4. All work shall be performed in accordance with the applicable building codes, and/or the requirements of the Specifications, and shall include the following: - Extruded aluminium framing members and any reinforcement required for all windows and doors. All anchorage required to secure aluminium framing to the structure. Any concrete inserts used for anchorage of aluminium framing members to be designed, provided and installed by Contractor subject to the approval of the Engineer. Sealant and backer rods within the aluminium framing system and perimeter seal between the aluminium framing system and the structure. All flashings within the aluminium framing system where required. Finishes of all doors and windows, external and internal. Testing program and reports for performance of system. Provide all glass and glazing work required for the glazed aluminium work, and all other glazed works of this contract as indicated on drawings and described under Section 11 Glazing. Provide glass from one of the approved manufacturers.

Ziadah - Architects & Engineers 117 Specifications All sub frames (where used), fastenings, brackets, ironmongery, accessories, trims, locks, latches, handles, stays, mechanisms, insect screens, weather seals, etc., necessary for a complete installation.

1.3 Submittals

1.3.1 Include all Requirements under Section 0710.

1.4 Performance Requirements

1.4.1 Refer to Performance requirements under Section 0710.

1.5 Quality Assurance

1.5.1 Refer to section 0710.

1.6 Third Party Quality Assurance Requirements

1.6.1 Refer to Section 0710.

1.7 Door and Window mock-ups

1.7.1 Erect full size mock-ups of representative door and window types on site as directed by the Engineer.

1.8 Testing

1.8.1 Performance All aluminium windows and doors shall conform to the requirements for the Architectural Grade (AW) of the particular type in accordance with AAMA/NWWDA 101/I.S.2-97 Voluntary Specifications for Aluminium, Vinyl (PVC) and Wood Windows and Glass Doors. On-site testing of specimens of one Nr. typical window and one Nr. (1) typical door shall be conducted to verify performance as detailed in this Section.

1.8.2 Site Chamber Testing Conduct tests as per on unit(s) selected by the Engineer and the Specialist Consultant from the first units installed on site. Installation of each type shall not be made until the on-site mock-up has been successfully tested. Tests shall be conducted by a specialist curtain wall/cladding/fenestration testing laboratory, and shall be witnessed by the Clients representative, the Specialist Consultant, the Engineer and the Main Contractor. Coordinate with the testing laboratory and install an airtight chamber, and provide access to the exterior as required. Include perimeter seals within the test area. Modify or adjust mock-up as necessary during testing to meet the requirements. After modification or adjustments, any tests rendered invalid, in the opinion of the Testing Laboratory or the Engineer, shall be repeated. Provide to the testing laboratory a detailed description of any adjustments or modifications. Prior to the start of testing, submit Testing Laboratory’s method statement for the approval of the Engineer.

Ziadah - Architects & Engineers 118 Specifications Conduct the following tests in the order stated.

i. Air Infiltration in accordance with ASTM E783 Standard Test Method for Field Measurement of Air Leakage Through Installed Exterior Windows and Doors. Perimeter seals shall have zero leakage.

ii. Static Water Penetration in accordance with ASTM E1105 “Standard Test Method for Field Determination of Water Penetration of Installed Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors by Uniform or Cyclic Static Air Pressure Difference”. No water is permitted on the interior side of the specimen. Water present within internal spaces drained to the exterior, including sills and tracks of operable windows is acceptable.

iii. Structural Load in accordance with ASTM E330 “Standard Test Method for Structural Performance of Windows, Curtain walls and Doors by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference”. Utilize procedure A, holding test pressure for 10 seconds. Conduct the test with positive wind pressure first.

iv. Air Infiltration test repeated.

v. Water Penetration test repeated. Following the chamber testing, conduct a Hose Test in accordance with AAMA 501.2-94. (The test procedure is designed for fixed, not operable windows). The test procedures may be modified to the extent necessary to achieve zero water penetration so that the same procedure can be used for checking the installation of other units. Modifications may include reducing the water pressure or increasing the distance from the surface. The Testing Laboratory shall submit a Report of the Testing in accordance with the test standards describing all tests and any modifications required for the tests to pass. Work may not proceed until the Report of successful testing has been submitted and accepted by the Engineer.

1.8.3 Hose Testing Conduct hose tests to AAMA 501.2-94 “Field Check of Metal Storefronts, Curtain Walls, and Sloped Glazing Systems for Water Leakage”, incorporate modifications for each type established during the chamber tests. Conduct testing on 3% of units of each type. Notify the Engineer before starting the tests. The Engineer and/or the Clients representative shall witness all of the tests. Additional tests shall be conducted at the discretion of the Engineer when failures occur. Provide radio communications between the people directing the nozzle and the witnesses inside.

1.9 Materials

1.9.1 Comply with requirements under Section 0710 in addition to the following: -

1.9.2 Aluminium Windows and Doors systems: Configure operation of all window units except in curtain walls, to permit cleaning from the inside. Provide hardware for windows as indicated in the hardware schedule. Conceal fixing bolts.

Ziadah - Architects & Engineers 119 Specifications Seal all frame corners during assembly. Size and locate weep holes for efficient drainage and ventilation, and so no build up of sand occurs. Construct doors by welding frame joints. All components to be fabricated prior to coating with no subsequent cutting and or drilling. All metals in construction and ironmongery shall be either type ANSI 316 stainless steel or nylon coated. Sandwich panel doors insulated panels shall consist of organic coated 1.5 mm aluminium sheet from external and internal sides with a rigid polyurethane infill. Fire rated doors must have a non-combustible mineral core with steel or stainless steel facings and jambs.

1.9.3 Ironmongery: All aluminium doors and windows shall be provided with a complete set of ironmongery commensurate with the intended use and the efficient performance of the doors and window they are designed for. Provide locks, latches, handles, flush bolts, strike plates, panic bars, hinges, closers, openers, stays, lock cylinders, bumpers, dustproof strikes, weather seals, trims, escutcheons and other ironmongery or hardware required for a finished job as detailed in the hardware schedule. As far as possible all ironmongery shall be from the chosen system/manufacturer. Floor spring and door closers shall be from Dorma or Briton or Geze or equal and approved. All handles, escutcheons, back plates shall be of Aluminium. All locks shall be provided with a set of 3 keys. Where necessary panic devices shall be provided as required by the Civil Defence Authorities as part of the Ironmongery. Provide for keying within the building master key plan. Ironmongery and hardware to be consistent in quality, manufacturer, and type with ironmongery supplied under other sections, as determined by the Engineer. All fire rated doors shall be provided with fire resistant locksets and ironmongery commensurate with the fire rating desired.

1.10 Interior Structural Glass Screen

1.10.1 Structural tempered glass screen system, fully tempered safety glass.

1.10.2 Provide anchors in stainless steel ANSI 316 Grade.

1.10.3 Patch Plates: Stainless steel as indicated on the drawings with flush stainless steel fasteners unless otherwise indicated. Mirror finished stainless steel unless otherwise indicated.

1.10.4 Design anchor and patch fitting to meet design criteria and in accordance with BS 6399:Part :1996 “Code of Practice for dead and imposed loads” and other relevant codes and standards.

1.10.5 Glass to be acid etched prior to tempering.

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1.11 Installation and Fabrication

1.11.1 As required in Section 0710 in addition to the following.

1.11.2 Factory assemble all aluminium windows, doors, frames, etc., factory assembled and reinforce according to the Drawings complete with hinges, glazing gaskets and anchors. The only Site work allowed on aluminium units is fixing in position and glazing. The finished surfaces shall present a clear surface free from alloy defects, scratches, or other surface blemishes.

End of Section 19

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To be read in conjunction with Preliminaries, General Conditions and General Specification Section.

1. Scope

This specification covers paint work to exposed concrete and plastered/rendered surfaces, wood work, gypsum and other ceilings, ferrous and non-ferrous surfaces in accordance with the Schedule of Finishes, Drawings, Bills of Quantities and as directed in writing by the Engineer.

The term "Paint" as used herein includes emulsions, enamels, lacquers, sealers, varnishes and other coatings, organic or inorganic, whether used as prime, intermediate or finish coats.

All painting works shall be applied by applicator approved and trained by the respective paint manufacturers who are experienced in this work.


2. Materials in General

The materials to be used shall be of the best quality and of approved types, obtained from an approved manufacturer thoroughly mixed and ground.

Paint shall show easy brushing, good flowing, spreading and levelling properties. These properties shall be demonstrated on test specimens at the request of the Engineer. Coats that have any noticeable pull under a large brush and that show poor spreading and flowing properties will not be acceptable.

Paint shall dry to a uniform, smooth, flat or semi-gloss finish under ordinary conditions of illumination and wearing. There shall be no laps, skips, high-lighted spot or brush marks and no evidence of cracking, chipping or flaking. Tinted paints shall dry to a uniform colour.

Recoating of a previous painted surface shall produce no lighting, softening or other film irregularities. Paint during and after application shall not be abnormally pungent, offensive or disagreeable. The colour of the paint shall match the approved sample.

3. Fillers

Fillers shall be "Polyfilla", "Alabastine" or approved equal.

4. Stopping

Apply water based stoppers before priming unless otherwise recommended by manufacturer. Use proprietary materials in accordance with manufacturer’s printed recommendations. Patch prime water based stoppers when applied after priming.

5. Putty Filler

Putty filler shall be a ready mix acrylic co-polymer based filter obtained from an approved supplier.

6. Thinners

Thinners shall be an approved turpentine or white spirit. Where the paints are specified to be water thinned, fresh water shall be used.

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Pigments shall be pure tint colours that will easily dissolve and mix with the various coatings and shall conform to the requirements of the relevant BS suitable for the type of paint to the approval of the Engineer.

908. Rust Inhibitor

Shall be "Galvafroid" primer, manufactured by "Secomastic Ltd. Bracknell, Berks, England" or Crown Chlorinated Rubber Zinc Rich Primer - Product Data Sheet No. 56, manufactured by the Walpamur Co. Ltd., Darwin Lancs" and/or approved equivalent.

Rust inhibitor for non-ferrous surfaces shall be a two-pack primer from an approved manufacturer.


Primers applied to surfaces of different materials shall be as follows:

a) Interior or exterior ) Alkali resistant primer recommended by the surfaces plastered manufacturer of the finishing paint b Ferrous surfaces ) Alkyd based primer containing zinc phosphate ) min 40 µ Dft or epoxy primer. Rust inhibiting primer. c) Non-Ferrous surfaces ) d Woodwork surfaces ) Leadless grey primer in accordance to BS 5082:1986. ) 910. Undercoating Paints

For exterior or interior shall be as follows:

- Solvent based. Colours shall be similar to the finishing paint. - Other undercoating paints to be applied as recommended by the manufacturers of the finishing paint.

911. Finishing Paints

a) Interior rendered/concrete surfaces ) Approved washable emulsion paint. c) Gypsum board surfaces ) Approved washable emulsion paint. d Interior or exterior ferrous and non- ) Chlorinated rubber paint in interior or exterior ) ferrous surfaces. grade epoxy paint or Alkyd enamel paint. e) Interior woodwork surface ) Approved Stain finish + external quality PU other than hardwood varnish or approved Oil paint semi-gloss finish. f) Exterior rendered/concrete surfaces ) Approved coloured textured paint

912. High Quality Acrylic Emulsion Paint

High quality special acrylic based emulsion paint with smooth silk finish, fully washable. Paint should have a crack tolerance up to 1 mm to hide hairline cracks on plastered and smooth concrete surfaces.

Paint shall comply with BS 476: PART 7: 1997 CLASS 1Y requirements regarding surface spread of flame, in addition, the product should have anti-fungal & anti-bacteria properties.

913. Decorative coating

Special decorative coating for interiors and exteriors based on sand, selected marble powders and matured lime putty.

Surface preparation: Surfaces must be thoroughly dry and mature. Clean the surface to be coated and removing any loose or crumbling material.

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Application: Spread putty over the surface using steel trowel by, leaving a thickness of approximately (1.5 – 2.0) mm. Following this immediately proceed to work by dabbing the surface to get decorative finish.

Technical Characteristic: the product

Composition Sand, selected marble powders and matured lime putty

Specific weight 1, 65kg/1+/-3%

Granulometry MAX=0.8mm

PH 12.5/13.5

Viscosity pasty

Storage temperature +2°C/36°C. keep from freezing

Permeability to water vapor Sd (UNI EN ISO 7783-2): HIGH, Sd=0.010m, m=3.28

Emission limits of volatile organic Classification: A/1, VOC:8g/1 compounds (VOC) according to (max), limit phase 1 (from directive 2004/42/CE 01/01/2007): 300g/it, limit phase II (from 01/01/2010): 200g/it

Vapor permeability (Sd) 0, 22m (max allowed limit 2m, DIN 52615)

Colors White+5 colors ready for use (only for interiors)

Texture Travertino



The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval the brand and quality of the paints he proposes to use.

If approval is given to a brand of paint the Contractor shall use the primers, undercoats etc. manufactured or recommended by the manufacturers of that brand.

All paints to be used under this Contract shall be delivered and stored on the Site in sealed, labelled containers, a minimum of 30 days prior to application. Upon notification by the Contractor that the material is at the site, samples of each material shall be obtained at random from sealed container by the Engineer in the presence of an authorised representative of the Contractor. Samples shall be clearly identified by commercial name, type of paint and intended use. If judged necessary by the Engineer the paint samples may be tested in a laboratory designated by the Engineer at the Contractor's expense. Complete colour charts for the paints to be used shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. Pigmented paints shall be furnished in containers not larger than 25 kgs. All paints shall be products that have a minimum of 2 years satisfactory field service.

Mixing and application of paint shall be in accordance with the specifications of the manufacturers concerned and to the approval of the Engineer.

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The mixing of paints etc. of different brands before or during application will not be permitted. No dilution of painting materials shall be allowed except strictly as detailed by the manufacturers and as approved by the Engineer.

Ironmongery and accessories, machine surfaces, plates, lighting fixtures and similar items in place prior to cleaning and painting, which are not intended to be painted, shall be removed or protected prior to painting operations and repositioned upon completion of painting work as directed by the Engineer.

Equipment adjacent or against walls shall be disconnected by workmen skilled in these trades and moved to permit the wall surfaces to be painted, and following completion of painting shall be replaced and reconnected.

Cleaning solvents shall be of low toxicity. Cleaning and painting shall be so programmed that dust and other contaminates from the cleaning process will not fall on wet or newly painted surfaces.

Brushes, pails, kettles, etc. used in carrying out the work shall be clean and free from foreign matter. They shall be thoroughly cleaned before being used for different types or classes of material.

No exterior or exposed painting shall be carried out under adverse weather conditions such as rain, extreme humidity, dust storms, etc.

Painting work shall be shaded from direct sun light to avoid blistering and wrinkling. Wherever possible, painting of exterior surfaces shall follow the sun so that it is carried out in shadow.

Edges, corners, crevices, welds and rivets shall receive special attention to insure that they receive an adequate thickness of paint.

All cracks and holes shall be cut out properly square and made good with suitable filler or cement sand mix as appropriate, such repaired portions being allowed to dry out and sandpapered smooth.

Painting Work shall comply with BS 6150: 1982.

15.Emulsion Paint

Rendered surfaces shall be allowed to dry out completely before carrying out painting operation. Plaster applied in the winter season shall be at least ten weeks old and that applied in the summer shall be at least five weeks old before commencing painting operations.

Preparation of surfaces shall consist of vigorous brushing and rubbing down to remove loose surface material and dust.

Surfaces shall then be left for a week to determine whether efflorescence reappears in which case it shall be brushed off dry and a further waiting period of one week allowed.

Alternatively, the surfaces may be neutralised by brushing on a solution of 3 percent phosphoric acid and 2 percent zinc chloride and removing all loose particles after drying. No painting shall be carried out until the Engineer is satisfied that no efflorescence is occurring.

Where required by the Engineer one or two coats of "alkali- resistant" primer shall be applied, sufficiently thinned to penetrate the surface.

All rendered and concrete surfaces shall be twice stopped with approved putty filler. The first coat of stopping shall be applied after the primer coat dries out completely and the second coat after the first undercoat application. Each coat of stopping shall be allowed to dry and harden thoroughly and shall then be rubbed by sandpaper until a smooth surface is achieved.

A minimum of two (2) approved undercoats recommended by the manufacturers of finishing coat shall be applied by brushing well into the surface. Each coat shall be allowed to dry and harden thoroughly before the next coat is applied.

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The finishing coat of paint shall be applied after the completion and testing of the mechanical and electrical works.

916. Ferrous Surfaces

Surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove grease and dirt, wire brushed and scraped to remove scale and rust. One coat of approved putty shall be applied on the surfaces and left to dry for at least twenty four (24) hours. Surfaces shall then be rubbed by sandpaper or other approved means before primer is applied.

One coat of rust inhibiting primer shall be applied by brushing well into the surface and shall be allowed to dry and harden thoroughly before the application of subsequent coats.

If ferrous works are delivered primed, the surfaces shall be examined to ascertain that the primer coat is hard. If not satisfactory the primer coat shall be removed and the surfaces cleaned to remove grease and dirt and re-primed as described above. Abraded spots on shop-coated surfaces shall be wire- brushed and touched up with same material as the shop coat.

Brush application is recommended although this material may be sprayed if desired, only special thinners produced by the approved manufacturer may be added to achieve the spraying consistency required.

Special approved thinners may be used for cleaning brushes after use.

Ferrous works such as frames, covers to expansion joints, etc. which are to be built into walls shall be primed before installation.

Painting of Ferrous surfaces shall comply with BS 5493: 1977.

917. Non-Ferrous Surfaces

Galvanised steel and non-ferrous metal surfaces to be painted shall be solvent cleaned or painted with mordant solution before the application of paints as described above for ferrous surfaces.


Description A high quality lead free long oil alkyd enamel, designed for decoration and protection of a wide variety of substrates.

Usage Intended for use on property primed metallic substrates.

Technical Data

Gloss Semi Flat Gloss

Viscosity 85 ± 5 kreb 95 ± 5 kreb 95 ± 5 kreb units units units

Solids by 65% defers 75% defers 80% defers weight with color with color with color

Solids by 47% defers 53% defers 57% defers volume with color with color with color

Ziadah - Architects & Engineers 126 Specifications

Specific 1.15 Kg/L 1.40 Kg/L 1.60 Kg/L Gravity

Dry film 35µ per coat 35µ per 35µ per thickness coat coat

Flash 40ºC 40ºC 40ºC Point

Application All surfaces should be clean, dry and free of oil grease and other foreign matter. The temperature of the substrates should be at least 3oC above the dew point, new surfaces, should be primed with their appropriate primers before using finishes.

Metal to be primed with (Zinc Phosphate Primer).


Dries tack free in 4 hours and to recoat overnight. These drying times are based on a dry film thickness of 50µ. Higher film thickness, insufficient ventilation or cooler temperatures will lengthen drying times.

Clean up

Clean up drips, Spatters and equipment with clean rags and White Spirit.


Description High Performance oil modified alkyd primers with selected functional rust inhibitive pigmentation. Colors to Engineer approval.


For the protection of steel surfaces as indicated on drawings and directed by Engineer.

Technical Data

Viscosity: 90±5 Kreb units

Flash Point: above 37ºC

Solids (weight): Approximately 72% Solids (volume): Approximately 53% Specific Gravity: 1.30 Kg/L Dry film thickness: 30-50 microns

Used Primer: Zinc Phosphate – Grey, White


Remove any oil or grease from surface to be coated with clean rags soaked in white Spirit or Thinner. Allow surface to dry before application. Use abrasive blasting in accordance with SSPC-SP6 to obtain a profile of 25µ. Hand tool cleaning in accordance with SSPC- SP2. Mix product to uniform consistency before using. Do not apply when the surface temperature is less than 2ºC above due point.

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Dries to touch in 3 hours and maybe recoated in 18 hours.

20.Wood Surfaces

Wood surfaces where specified to be painted shall be primed, undercoated twice and final coated with semi- gloss enamel paint of approved manufacture.

Wood surfaces shall be rubbed with abrasive paper to obtain a smooth surface. Surface mould where present shall be removed by washing, rubbing down and burning off as necessary. Oily wood shall be swabbed with white spirit. Resinous exudation and large knots shall be removed and replaced by approved filler or knot sealer and the surface shall be primed.

Parts of wood to be enclosed in walls shall be primed unless already impregnated with creosote or other preservative. Priming shall be brushed on and a minimum of two coats applied to end grain. After the primer coat is hard, all cracks, holes, open joints etc. shall be made good with hard stopping and rubbed with fine abrasive paper. If the first process of stopping is found to be unsatisfactory it shall be repeated after the first undercoating is applied and well dried.

Priming of joinery shall be applied only on the Site after the Engineer has approved such joinery and before it is fixed. The two undercoat paints shall be applied on wood doors, panels, etc.. before they are fixed, to ensure that the bottom and top edge and sides are thoroughly painted. The finishing coat of paint to such wood doors, panels, etc.. shall be applied after fixing in position and as directed by the Engineer.

Wood surfaces specified as stained shall only be rubbed down with fine abrasive paper and two coats of oil stain Ducco sprayed to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

Wood surfaces specified as varnished shall be thoroughly cleaned down of all dirt, oil, grease, etc.. and rubbed to a smooth finish. Knots shall be treated with knotting and 2 coats of approved oil varnish applied.

21. Epoxy Resin Based Coating System For floors and ramps

Description Epoxy paint for floors and ramps should be anti-skid and able to resist the stresses.


Epoxy paint comprising of Two-pack reaction-curing, based on epoxy resin, solvent containing.

1. Coating system comprising of : a. 1 primer Coat 0.15kg/m2 b. 2 Coats unthinned, 0.15-0.20kg/m2

2. Coating system for ramps (anti-skid): comprising of : a. 1 primer coat 0.15kg/m2 b. 1 Coat with broadcast aggregate ≈ (2 kg/m2) c. 1 Final coat 0.15-0.2 kg/m2

Technical Data

-Specific Gravity: 1.16kg/LTR

-Solids (volume): 57%

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-Chemical resistant to water, fuels and lubricants

-Concrete Surface normal humidity: ≤4%

-Concrete-pull- off strength not less than 1.5N/mm2 compressive strength minimum: 30 N/mm2

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Epoxy coating system shall be carried out by an approved and qualified specialist sub-contractor, having not less than 5 years successful experience of similar works and fully trained in the applications and techniques involved and in strict compliance with the manufacturer's instructions.

The Contractor shall provide all necessary equipment, to enable the completion of work to the total satisfaction of the Engineer.

The surface to which the epoxy overlay is to be applied shall be prepared as specified by the manufacturer and to the approval of the Engineer. The concrete surface shall be at least 28 days old and the relative humidity at the surface shall not be more than 75% when measured with a hygrometer (BS 8201-81).

The prepared surface should be dry, clean and free of oil, grease and loose materials. If acid etching has been employed the floor shall be rinsed copiously with clean water and allowed to dry. Dust and loose particles are to be vacuumed off the surface.

If contamination of oil or grease exists then the surface shall be cleaned using a degreaser similar to FEB Degreasing Crystals. Epoxy coating materials shall be mixed strictly as specified by the manufacturer and shall be applied as per his written instructions ensuring that the rate of application is adequate to provide the required thickness and shall follow the timings laid down by the manufacturer. The application shall be allowed to dry and shall be protected against traffic, water, spillages and wind for 48 hours.

Immediately following application of the first coat, the aggregate shall be broadcasted onto the surface and blinded to saturation. i.e. the first coat should not be visible. This shall be allowed to dry for a minimum of 12- hours and then removed by industrial vacuum. The surface is then coated with a topcoat at the specified rates.

22.Fluorescent Paint (Reflective)

An Acrylic base high visibility and good reflective finish paint with thinner coat as per manufacturer's recommendations Technical Data 1. Viscosity , 8-10 3 2. Specific gravity 1.1 gm/cm 3. 50% Solid by weight Application 1. Surface should be dry, clean and free of oil, grease and loose materials. 2. 1 coat of clear Acrylic primer 3. (2 - 3) full finish coats 4. Application shall be by spray, brush or by roller. 5. Line pressure , 110-140bar

923. Anti-carbonation paint

Anti-carbonation paint shall be based on acrylic emulsion paint with inert pigments. Technical Data 1. Has good flexibility 2. Abrasion resistant 3. Elastomeric properties

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4. Pastel color 5. Satin finish 6. 57% volume of solid 7. Specific gravity 1.3 gm/cm3 Application 1. Surface should be dry, clean and free of oil, grease and loose materials. 2. 1 coat of clear Acrylic primer 3. (2 - 3) full finish coats 4. Application shall be by spray, brush or by roller

24.External Paint

Textured Coatings should be ready-mixed, highly decorative, durable renderings for interiors. They also should be flexible, resist to crack and water repellent. Textured Coating should be 10 years guaranteed against fading and peeling. Characteristics: • Water repellent • Flexible and resist to crack • Weather and corrosion resistant • High adhesion on most building surfaces. • Dose not sustain fire • Vapor permeable

Surface preparation:

Ensure that dust, dirt and foreign matter are brushed away and that form oil and ridges are removed. Repair any cracks and holes with suitable materials. Priming according to manufacturer’s recommendations.


Texture Coating should be diluted with maximum 10% water Apply using roller or spray. Clean tools with water

t: Acrylic textured coatings (renderings). Binders: Acrylic copolymer. Fillers: Crushed and precisely graded fillers. Pigments: Lime and light fast. Additives: Fungicides, plasticizers and anti-corrosion agents. Color: Please refer to Textured Coatings Color Chart Dilution: With 10% water if required Drying time: 3-4 hours in normal conditions Specific gravity: Smooth 1.7, Fine 1.7, Normal 1.75 Adhesion to Concrete: 0.4 MPa, Swedish Standard SIS 18417/2/3 Toxicity: Non-toxic Fire resistance: Does not sustain fire. Flame spread class 0 ASTM E84-81A


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