United States Patent (19) 11) Patent Number: 5,015,786 Araki Et Al
United States Patent (19) 11) Patent Number: 5,015,786 Araki et al. 45 Date of Patent: May 14, 1991 54 PREPARATION OF CUMENE THROUGH 4,267,380 5/1981 Austin et al. ........................ 568/385 ALKYLATION OF ANAROMATIC 4,268,454 5/1981 Pez et al. ............................. 568/880 4,567,304 l/1986 Fulmer ................................ 568/385 COMPOUND AND PREPARATION OF 4,783,559 11/1988 Matsushita et al.................. 568/862 PHENOL THROUGH CUMENE 4,877,909 10/1989 Mizusaki et al. .................... 568/880 75) Inventors: Shintaro Araki, Ichihara; Fujihisa Matsunaga, Wakayama; Hiroshi FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Fukuhara, Ichihara, all of Japan O164568 12/1985 European Pat. Off. ............ 568/385 0025653 5/1974 Japan ................................... 568/385 73) Assignee: Mitsui Petrochemical Industries Inc., 0073796 6/1980 Japan ................................... 568/385 Tokyo, Japan Primary Examiner-Werren B. Lone 21 Appl. No.: 441,477 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Nixon & Vanderhye 22 Filed: Nov. 27, 1989 57 ABSTRACT (30) Foreign Application Priority Data In a first form, a process is provided for preparing phe nol by converting acetone by-produced by the cumene Nov. 28, 1988 (JP) Japan ................................ 63-300300 process into isopropanol, and alkylating benzene with Nov. 30, 1988 JP Japan ...... ... 63-302617 the isopropanol and optional propylene, thereby form Dec. 12, 1988 (JP) Japan ................................ 63-328722 ing phenol without acetone by-product. And cumene is 51) Int. Cl. ....................... C07C37/07; CO7C39/04 prepared by alkylating benzene in the presence of a 52 U.S. C. .................................... 568/798; 568/362; zeolite catalyst using isopropanol or a mixture of isopro 568/385; 568/754; 568/768; 568/862; 585/446 panol and propylene as an alkylating agent.
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