Femtosecond Intersystem Crossing in the DNA Nucleobase Cytosine Martin Richter,y Philipp Marquetand,z Jes´usGonz´alez-Vazquez,{ Ignacio Sola,{ and Leticia Gonz´alez∗,z yInstitute of Physical Chemistry, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Helmholtzweg 4, 07743 Jena, Germany zInstitute of Theoretical Chemistry, University of Vienna, W¨ahringerStr. 17, 1090 Vienna, Austria {Departamento de Qu´ımica F´ısica I, Universidad Complutense, 28040 Madrid, Spain E-mail:
[email protected] Keywords: DNA photostability, excited Graphical TOC Entry state dynamics, intersystem crossing, spin-orbit coupling, conical intersection Abstract Ab initio molecular dynamics including non- adiabatic and spin-orbit couplings on equal footing is used to unravel the deactivation of cytosine after UV light absorption. Intersys- tem crossing (ISC) is found to compete directly with internal conversion in tens of femtosec- onds, thus making cytosine the organic com- pound with the fastest triplet population cal- culated so far. It is found that close degen- eracy between singlet and triplet states can more than compensate for very small spin-orbit couplings, leading to efficient ISC. The fem- tosecond nature of the intersystem crossing pro- cess highlights its importance in photochem- arXiv:2103.13070v1 [physics.chem-ph] 24 Mar 2021 istry and challenges the conventional view that large singlet-triplet couplings are required for an efficient population flow into triplet states. These findings are important to understand DNA photostability and the photochemistry and dynamics of organic molecules in general. 1 The interaction of DNA and RNA with ra- goes beyond what can be learned from quan- diation, from mobile-phone emissions1 to UV tum chemical calculations alone.