The Royal Bc Museum Is a Hub of Community Connections

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The Royal Bc Museum Is a Hub of Community Connections SCHOOL PROGRAMS Fabrication Workshop Species at Risk 2016 Victoria Campbell River Cranbrook Outreach Kits 2016/2017 Creston Invermere Creston Cumberland BC Museums Association Kamloops Kokanee Creek Dawson Creek Fort St. John Whistler Nelson Oliver Langley North Vancouver Parks Canada Qualicum Beach Radium Hot Springs Pacific Rim National Park Pender Island Vancouver Rossland Surrey Qualicum Beach Richmond Vancouver Rossland Salmon Arm Species at Risk St’át’imc First Nations (Lillooet) Tumbler Ridge Cranbrook Fort Nelson Species at Risk 2017 Vernon Ladysmith Rossland Dawson Creek Doig River Digital Field Trips Whistler Fort St. John Fort Nelson Hudson’s Hope Langley Coquitlam Fort Nelson New Discoveries from Northern BC’s Alpine Grand Forks Mackenzie Fort St. John Keremeos Liard Hot Springs Mackenzie Midway Pouce Coupe Victoria Haines Junction, YT Pouce Coupe Toad River Prince Rupert Vanderhoof Tumbler Ridge Watson Lake, YT Brampton, ON Ottawa, ON Punjabi Canadian Legacy Project Community Consultations Smooth Rock Falls, ON Sudbury, ON ATTENDEES TO REPATRIATION SYMPOSIUM Winnipeg, MB Ashford, Connecticut, US Abbotsford Duncan Golden Kelowna Ayuuḵhl Nis_ga’a Department, Nis_ga’a Lisims Government (Gitlaxt’aamiks) Bristol, Tennessee, US Monroe, Washington, US Carving on the Edge Festival Society (Tofino) Oxnard, California, US Woodbridge, Connecticut, US Paldi Prince George Surrey Vancouver Cheslatta Carrier Nation (Burns Lake) Citxw Nlaka’pamux Assembly (Merritt) Cook’s Ferry Indian Band (Spences Bridge) COLLECTIONS/RESEARCH Coqualeetza Cultural Education Centre (Chilliwack) SPECIMEN CONSULTATIONS Bioblitzes Gitga’at Nation (Hartley Bay) Cranbrook Fort St. John Gitxaała Nation (Kitkatla) Clover Point Galiano Island Kamloops Salmon Arm Gitxsan Chiefs’ Office (Hazelton) Government House Lyackson First Nation (Valdes Island) Toad River Hul’qumi’num Treaty Group (Duncan) Pender Island Sidney Spit Hwlitsum First Nation (West Ladner) Tofino Ki-Low-Na Friendship Society (Kelowna) Family Exhibition Research CONSERVATION SUPPORT Kitsumkalum First Nation (Terrace) Abbotsford Kamloops Campbell River Nanaimo Klahoose First Nation (Squirrel Cove) North Vancouver Richmond Pender Island Owen Sound, ON Kwakiutl District Council (Campbell River) Surrey Vancouver Kwakiutl First Nation (Port Hardy) Toronto, ON MUSEUM AND FACILITY CONSULTATIONS Land of Maquinna Cultural Society (Yuquot) ‘Nam_gis First Nation (Alert Bay) Biodiversity of Northeast BC Presentations Emergency Preparedness Workshops Neskonlith Indian Band (Chase) Dawson Creek Doig River First Nation Colwood Nanaimo Northern Secwepemc te Qelmucw (NStQ) (Williams Lake) Fort Nelson Fort St. John Penticton Prince George Pacheedaht First Nation (Port Renfrew) Prophet River Toad River Vancouver Penelakut Tribe (Chemainus) Tumbler Ridge Wonowon Quaaout Lodge (Chase) Watson Lake, YT Saik’uz First Nation (Vanderhoof) Collections Research TRAVELLING EXHIBITIONS Sexqéltkemc te Secwepemc (Salmon Arm) Abbotsford Burnaby Defense and Habitation History of Shackan Indian Band (Merritt) Cache Creek Duncan shíshálh Nation (Sechelt) Macaulay Point Simpcw First Nation (Barriere) Golden Kamloops Esquimalt Nanaimo Prince George Skeetchestn Indian Band (Savona) Surrey Tofino British Columbia’s War, 1914–1918 Skeetchestn Natural Resources Corporation (Savona) Vancouver Alberni Valley Bay Street Armoury Sncəwips Heritage Museum (Westbank) Campbell River Comox Snuneymuxw First Nation (Nanaimo) Esquimalt Government House Soaring Eagle Friendship Centre Youth Council (Hay River, NT) Spuzzum First Nation (Yale) ENGAGEMENT WITH Penticton Victoria High School Stk’emlúpsemc te Secwepemc Nation (Kamloops) INDIGENOUS PEOPLES Franklin Expedition Stó:lō First Nation (Chilliwack) Council of the Haida Nation (Haida Gwaii) Victoria Stó:lō Research and Resource Management Centre (Chilliwack) Heiltsuk Nation (Bella Bella) Suk’wtəmsqilxw West Kelowna Arts Council (SWAC) (West Kelowna) Kelly Lake Cree Nation (Kelly Lake) Gold Mountain Dream! T’it’q’et (Lillooet) Malahat Nation (Mill Bay) Chilliwack Greater Vancouver Tahltan Band (Telegraph Creek) Mowachaht/Muchalaht First Nation (Gold River) Defenders of the Crown Taku River Tlingit First Nation (Atlin) Nisga’a Nation (Laxgalts’ap) _ _ BC Legislature The Arbour Collective (Kamloops) Simpcw First Nation (Barriere) Tla’amin Nation (Powell River) Songhees Nation (Victoria) Aliens Among Us Tobacco Plains Indian Band (Grasmere) Tla’amin Nation (Powell River) Campbell River Okanagan Tsartlip First Nation (Brentwood Bay) Treaty 8 Tribal Association (Fort St. John) Bread and Salt: Celebrating the 125th Anniversary Tsawout First Nation (Saanich) Tsawout First Nation (Saanich) Tseshaht First Nation (Port Alberni) Tsartlip Nation (Brentwood Bay) of Ukrainians in Canada Government House Qualicum Beach Tseycum First Nation (North Saanich) Tsq’escen’ (Canim Lake) Tsleil-Waututh Nation (Vancouver) Union of BC Indian Chiefs (Vancouver) Deep Sea Fishes Upper St’át’imc Language and Culture Authority (Pemberton) We Wai Kai (Cape Mudge) Sidney Westbank First Nation and Syilx/Okanagan Nation Alliance (Kelowna) Wei Wai Kum (Campbell River) Wet’suwet’en Treaty Office Society (Smithers) Westbank First Nation and Syilx/Okanagan Nation Alliance (Kelowna) Women of the Vote BC Legislature Xaxli’p (Lillooet) THE ROYAL BC MUSEUM IS A HUB OF COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS Xa’xtsa (Douglas) First Nation (Agassiz) James Richardson’s Pipes Yucwmenlúcwu (Enderby) ACROSS BRITISH COLUMBIA, SHARING OUR COLLECTION, OUR COMMUNITY PROGRAMS BC Legislature ʔaq’am Community (Cranbrook) Ladysmith Salt Spring Island Vancouver Victoria Pocket Gallery with U’mista Cultural Centre ARCHIVES AND OUR EXPERTISE. Alert Bay Fieldtrippers Cowichan Valley .
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