Spotlight 2015-16

Marsden Hartley Portrait Arrangement, 1914 Marsden Hartley Key Dates

1877 Edmund Hartley born in Lewiston, Maine

1906 Adopts stepmother’s maiden name, Marsden

1909 First Exhibition at Alfred Steiglitz’s 291 Gallery

1912 Second Exhibition at 291 is a success Finances a year in Paris Meets Karl von Freyburg through KvF’s cousin, sculptor Meets

1913 Visits for three weeks Meets and Gabriele Münter Primarily in Berlin with short returns to New York until end of 1915

1914 Third solo show at 291 Marsden Hartley Portrait by Alfred Steiglitz Father dies in August Karl von Freyburg dies on October 7 Hartley in New York

Hartley with fellow artists, (left to right) Hartley’s dealer , , Arthur B. Carles, at 291 Gallery where Hartley had ; back: Marsden Hartley, Laurence his first exhibitions Fellows, c. 1911, Bates College Museum of Art Berlin Paintings

Spotlight 2015–16

Marsden Hartley, Portrait Arrangement, 1914, Oil on canvas, Museum purchase, McNay Art Museum. Berlin Paintings

Marsden Hartley, Forms Abstracted, 1913, oil on canvas, Whitney Museum of Art. Berlin Paintings

Marsden Hartley, Arrangement – Hieroglyphics (Painting No. 2), 1914, Museum of Fine , Boston. Berlin Paintings

Marsden Hartley, Berlin Ante War, 1914, . Berlin Paintings

Marsden Hartley, Painting No. 4 (A Black Horse), 1914, Philadelphia Museum of Art. Berlin Paintings

Marsden Hartley, Portrait of a German Officer, 1914, Metropolitan Museum of Art. Influences: , Wassily Kandinsky, and The Blue Rider

Franz Marc, The Dream, 1912. Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza. Wassily Kandinsky, The Blue Rider, 1903. Stiftung Sammlung E.G. Bührle, Zurich Franz Marc, The Blue Horse I, 1911, Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus – Munich Influences: Orphism and Synchromism

Robert Delaunay, Tall Portuguese Woman, 1916. Wax on Morgan Russell, Synchromy in Orange, To Form, canvas. Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid, Spain. 1913–14. Oil on canvas. Albright Knox Gallery. Influences: German

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Portrait of Hans Frisch, Gabriele Münter, Still Life, Red, ca. 1907. McNay Art Museum. 1909. McNay Art Museum. Influences: Folk Art

Bavarian Reverse Glass Painting

Navajo Rug Mexican Retablo Influences: Military Regalia and Parades

Portrait of Karl von Freyburg German Military Parade Legacy: Robert Indiana, Hartley Elegies

Feeling a kinship with Hartley, pop artist Robert Indiana creates a series of 18 paintings that closely interprets the Berlin paintings in Indiana’s hard-edge style.

Robert Indiana, KvF I (Hartley Elegy), 1989–1994. Oil on canvas. Collection of the Morgan Art Foundation. Spotlight 2015-16

Marsden Hartley Portrait Arrangement, 1914

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