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Newspaper article from:BRISBANETIMES.COM.AU [ C-N173 ] Date: 01/03/2017 Page: Online

Nurse says debt collector came chasing money owed to Qld Health years after payroll bungle.

Queensland Health employees are being chased by debt collectors over money allegedly owed to the government seven years after its payroll debacle.

Nurse Krysten Harvey was told last week she owed the state government about $6400, even though it had no proof she was overpaid when she worked as a wardsperson at Caboolture Hospital in 2010.

Ms Harvey said often she wasn't paid properly or at all and she was forced to ask for emergency payments of about $500 to get her through the fortnight.

"It would never be the entire amount of what I was actually owed," she said on Wednesday, on the seventh anniversary of the payroll bungle.

"I couldn't even pay my rent at the time.

"I could barely even afford to eat, I couldn't afford fuel to keep getting to work."

Ms Harvey said eventually the issue was resolved but her payslips were "such a mess" that it was impossible to work out if she was overpaid or underpaid.

Ms Harvey said it was exhausting to have the matter dredged back up again last week after so long.

"It just doesn't seem like it's going to go away," she said.

"If they just dropped it and left me alone that would be great."

Opposition Leader said the LNP had a policy In place when it was in government to "chase and recover large amounts of money" provided it could show the debt was owing.

"But here we have cases where this is just not happening," he said on Wednesday.

"The time has come for the government to step up, admit that they are getting it wrong 13/06/2017 Inmagic DB/Text WebPublisher PRO: 1 records Page 2 of 2

and stop chasing people where they cannot show how much Is being owed."

Health Minister Cameron Dick said there wouldn't be one person in Queensland who thought Mr Nicholls was a champion of nurses and midwives after his government sacked 4400 staff.

"The system that we employ is exactly the same system which Mr Nicholls oversaw as the treasurer," he said.

"We will continue to be fair to people, be compassionate and sensitive wherever we can be to ensure we treat people with respect with respect to the recovery process."

Ms Harvey was told by debt collectors they were no longer chasing her after she went public with her story, but she still owes money to Queensland Health.

Premier said on Wednesday she was "more than happy" to look at her case. [( AAR

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