PEACE Info (April 30, 2021)

− Ethnic Armed Groups Unite With Anti-Coup Protesters Against Junta − The inclusion of U Lamar Naw Aung in the CRPH has nothing to do with the party: KSPP − Military’s Latest Coup Pushes Myanmar Into Revolt − ‘Wanted’ posters appear in Arakan townships, asking public to help nab democracy activists − Myanmar’s military must immediately and unconditionally release all of the journalists detained - CPJ − Despite ASEAN consensus, military abuses continue around the country − Myanmar military extends ceasefire period for 1 more month − KIA says it killed 20 soldiers from 77th Light Infantry Division while defending hill base − Myanmar military air attacks in Karen State push more than 2,000 people to Thailand − အ�ကမ��ဖက�မ�က�� မ��စ��မ ���သည�� အရ�ရ��၊ စစ�သည�မ��� စစ�တပ�က�� စ�န��ခ���န − ခင�ဦ��မ ���နယ�၊ �ဂ��က�န���က��ရ��တ�င� စစ�တပ�က �ကက�၊ ဘ� ��င�� �ရ��င�ပစ�ည��မ���ဝင�ခ��� − တ��က�ပ����က�င�� မ���လ�င�ပန�လ�ံရ��တ�င� �ဖ�က�ထ�င��မ�မ����ဖစ�၊ စစ��က�င�စ�တပ�သ�� ၄ ဦ� ဖမ��မ� − �တ�ထ�မ�� ၂ ပတ��က� ပ�န���အ�င���နရတ�� ယင��မ�ပင� ကန� ရ��သ���တ� အ�ရ��ပ�အက�အည�လ��အပ� − �မန�မ�စစ�အ�ဏ�သ�မ��မ�၊ အ�ဆ�ယံန�� တ��တ� (�ဆ�င��ပ��) − အ�ဆ�ယံသ�ဘ�တ�ည�ခ�က� NUG န�� ထ�စပ�အ�က�င�အထည��ဖ��ဖ��� SAC-M တ��က�တ�န�� − "�မန�မ�လ�ထ�န��အတ� ဆက�လက�ရပ�တည�သ���မယ�" - ဥ�ရ�ပသမဂ� − စစ��က�င�စ�အ�ပ� EU ဒဏ�ခတ�အ�ရ�ယ�မ� သက�တမ�� တ��စ�တ��� − အ�လ�ဘ�မ�စခန��က�� အ�ကမ��ဖက�တပ�ဖ���က �လ��က�င��မ� အ�ပင��အထန�ဆက�လက�တ��က�ခ��က��န − ကခ�င��ပည�နယ�မ�� တ��က�ပ���တ���က�င�� ဒ�က�သည� တစ��သ�င��ခန�� ရ��လ� − ကခ�င�စစ��ရ��င� ၁ သ�န���က��� �နရပ��ပန��ရ� အ�ဏ�သ�မ���ပ���န�က� ရပ�ဆ��င��သ��� − ကရင�စစ��ဘ��ရ��င� သ�ံ��သ�င���က���ရ��လ� − ကရင�စစ��ရ��င� ၅၀၀၀၀ ခန�� အ�ရ��ပ�အက�အည�မ���လ��အပ��န − �လ��က�င��တ��က�ခ��က�မ���က�င�� ကရင�ရ��သ�� ၂၀၀၀ �က��� ထ��င�����င�ငံဘက� ထ�က���ပ� − ရခ��င� စစ��ဘ�ဒ�က�သည�စခန�� ၈၀ ရ�ခ��င���န��ခန�� �ရအခက�အခ� �က�ံ�နရ


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Ethnic Armed Groups Unite With Anti-Coup Protesters Against Myanmar Junta By | 30 April 2021 KNLA troops on Karen Martyrs’ Day in Karen State’s Papun District in August 2018. / The Irrawaddy

In the month following the military’s Feb. 1 coup, many of Myanmar’s ethnic armed organizations (EAOs), which have been warring with the central government for decades, said they opposed the junta’s overthrowing of the democratically-elected civilian government.

When the Myanmar military killed anti-regime protesters, people in urban areas longed for help from the EAOs in their fight against junta, believing that an armed response is the best hope of stopping the military’s atrocities against unarmed civilians.

But in the three months since the coup, only a few of Myanmar’s 20 EAOs have actually been helping pro-democracy supporters as they “could not bear to watch the civilians being killed brutally by the junta”. The majority have just paid lip service to backing up anti-regime protesters by saying that “the regime will have to take responsibility for what they have done.”

EAOs support for Myanmar’s anti-coup protesters takes several forms. Their attacks on the Myanmar military in border areas hits the regime as they have to deploy more troops to the frontlines, while also having to oppose anti-regime protesters. The EAO’s are also providing shelter to those fleeing the junta and offering military training to the young and enthusiastic urban protesters who have gone underground to join the armed struggle against the military dictatorship.

So far, the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), the armed wing of the Karen National Union (KNU), have been the most prominent in their support for toppling the junta.

Since March, fierce fighting between the KIA and the Myanmar military and between the KNLA and regime troops has erupted in several locations in Kachin State, northern Shan State, Karen State and Bago Region. News of the fighting has provided encouragement for people sick of the military’s atrocities against protesters and civilians.

In Kachin State, regime troops lost a strategic hill base to the KIA, while in the south, the Karen soldiers of the KNLA seized a military outpost near the Thai border. In both areas, regime troops have suffered mounting casualties and seen some soldiers captured.

Karen National Union and Karen National Liberation Army

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The KNU, Myanmar’s oldest ethnic political party, has opposed the military regime since the coup. Its chairman, Padoh Saw Mutu Say Poe, has refused to meet with junta leader Senior General Min Aung Hlaing until his troops stop killing civilians and release all people detained since the coup. The KNU rejected the regime’s invitation to attend the Armed Forces Day parade on March 27.

KNLA soldiers at an outpost near the Salween River in Thi Mu Hta, Karen State after capturing the base from the military. /Kawthoolei News/Facebook

The KNLA, the military wing of the KNU, seized an outpost near the Salween River in Thi Mu Hta held by the military’s Light Infantry Division 349 on the day of the junta’s Armed Forces Day parade. The KNLA’s Brigade 5 killed 10 soldiers, including an officer, and captured eight soldiers.

KNLA soldiers display weapons captured from a Myanmar military base near the Salween River in Thi Mu Hta, Karen State. /Kawthoolei News/Facebook

Brigade 5 is one of the KNLA’s units that has not stopped fighting Myanmar’s military, despite the KNU signing the nationwide ceasefire agreement in 2015. For the past three years, the military has expanded its territory in the area controlled by Brigade 5 and launched systematic attacks on civilians. In December, the KNLA warned the military of severe consequences if they refused to withdraw their troops.

On April 27, exactly one month after capturing Thi Mu Hta, Brigade 5 overran a military border post on the banks of the Salween River in Thaw Le Hta, near the border with Thailand’s Mae Hong Song Province. At least a dozen of regime troops were killed. The military retaliated with airstrikes against the Brigade 5 area, as it did after the capture of Thi Mu Hta, causing some 30,000 local residents to be displaced.

A Myanmar military base at Thaw Le Hta, on the banks of the Salween River, seen burning on the morning of April 27 after being attacked by KNLA troops. / Kawthoolei Today / Facebook

Brigade 5 spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Saw Kler Doh told The Irrawaddy that the KNLA’s attacks are to show support for civilians and the newly-formed National Unity Government set up by elected lawmakers from the ousted National League for Democracy (NLD) government.

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Lt.-Col Saw Kler Doh said, “We are doing what we can to show that seizing power by force and shooting unarmed people is unacceptable. We have to do what we can to support the people”.

Kachin Independence Army

After a 17-year ceasefire broke down in Kachin State in 2011, the KIA has largely maintained a defensive position in clashes with the Myanmar military. However, after the coup, they began launching attacks against the regime in several key locations across Kachin States and northern Shan state with an intensity not seen since 2018.

KIA soldiers seen at Laiza, the headquarters of the KIA, in 2014. /The Irrawaddy

The KIA have stormed more than a dozen military and police outposts in Kachin’s Waimaw, Momauk, Hpakant, Tanai, Mogaung, Shwegu and Injangyang Townships. Moreover, they have attacked a number of military convoys bringing reinforcements to troops fighting the KIA and launching crackdowns on anti- coup protesters in Kachin.

Soon after the coup, the KIA asked the military’s Northern Command via the Kachin-based Peace Creation Group not to harm peaceful Kachin people protesting against the junta. But two men died when the military opened fire with live rounds on anti-regime protesters in Myitkyina on March 8. Three days later, the KIA attacked a military outpost in the jade- mining hub, Hpakant.

The KIA threatened to step up its attacks if the junta continued to shoot peaceful protesters across the country. On March 15, the KIA raided another military outpost in Injangyang Township. Ten days later, the KIA occupied the strategic Alaw Bum base in Momauk Township near the border with China, which had been occupied by the military since the early 1990s.

Thousands of regime soldiers have been sent as reinforcements to Momauk Township and there have been almost daily airstrikes in their efforts to recapture the base. But the regime has lost more than 100 troops killed, including a battalion commander, and the KIA has also captured around 50 soldiers during the clashes.

In late March, the KIA attacked a police station in Kyaukgyi village-tract in Shwegu Township, Kachin State, saying that the attack was carried out because police are involved in lethal crackdowns on anti-military regime protesters.

The KIA also attacked two police outposts and a military base at Tarpein Bridge in Momauk Township on April 11. Following the attack, four civilians were killed when artillery shells fired by Myanmar’s military landed in Myohaung, Myothit and Sihike villages. On April 15, the KIA attacked a base in the area of Nam Byu in Tanai Township, which the military had captured from the KIA in 2018. Page 4 of 42

Currently, there is intense daily fighting in Momauk, Putao, Bhamo and Hpakant Townships. KIA information officer Colonel Naw Bu said the military has been especially active in its efforts to recapture the Alaw Bum base.

Colonel Naw Bu said the KIA would not recognize the junta. He said the KIA would take the upper hand by attacking the reinforcements sent to fight against them.

Residents in Kachin’s Hpakant staged a protest against the regime on Friday, showing support for the KIA and National Unity Government. /CJ

Showing support for K2K

Pro-democracy activists have expressed their support for the KNU and the KIA since the fighting began in Kachin, Karen and Shan States. Young people in major cities have taken to the streets holding placards reading “We support KIA and KNU”.

Residents in Doopalaya District, Karen State protested against the military junta on April 5. /Doopalaya District

Until now, people living in Myanmar’s cities have not experienced the brutality of the regime’s soldiers at first hand. But residents of the borderlands have long suffered at the hands of the military. Now, Myanmar’s peoples are coming together in unity to reject the military dictatorship.

“I never thought that the majority of Burmese people would support the ethnic armed groups,” Seng Bu, a Kachin activist based in Myitkyina, told The Irrawaddy. “The situation has completely changed. Burmese people now realize what ethnic people have suffered for generations,” she said. “We are very united now,” she added.

Growing Refugee Crisis

While the majority of Burmese people support the EAO’s, thousands of ethnic people in Kachin, Karan and Shan States are fleeing from their homes as a result of the fierce fighting. In response to the KIA and KNLA’s attacks on security outposts, the military has retaliated with airstrikes on villages in Kachin and Karen States.

Ethnic Karen people prepare to cross the Salween River to Thailand following Myanmar military airstrikes in Papun. / Salween Peace Park / Facebook

There have been frequent airstrikes on villages in Momauk Township since mid-April. In the latest fighting, fighter jets bombed villages for six days,

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forcing 5,000 villagers to flee from their homes. Nearly three dozen homes in Myothit village alone have been destroyed by the airstrikes, according to residents.

Villagers at a Kachin Baptist Convention centre in Momauk Township on Monday. / Bhamo Platform

More than 10,000 people have been displaced in Injangyang, Hpakant, Momauk, Myitkyina, Shwegu and Waimaw Townships in Kachin State, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and local humanitarian groups. Most of them have taken refuge in churches and monasteries in Momauk.

“More and more residents are sheltering in churches. Churches are already flooded with people,” a representative of the Kachin Baptist Convention (KBC) said. “We are expecting more people. But we don’t have enough space,” he said.

Rev. Dr. Hkalam Samson, the president of the KBC told The Irrawaddy that the coup has not only created a new humanitarian crisis, but also stopped the refugee repatriation process led by the Kachin Humanitarian Concern Committee (KHCC), a joint strategy team.

Formed by various Kachin religious and community-based NGOs under the NLD government, KHCC is trying to facilitate the return of refugees. More than 100,000 civilians have been displaced since 2011. Most of them are in camps or temporary shelters in both government-and KIA-controlled areas.

“As long as the military is in power, the repatriation of refugees will not be possible. If the military hadn’t staged the coup, the repatriation would have been very successful,” Rev. Dr Hkalam Samson said.

“As long as the fighting continues, the number of refugees will continue to rise,” he added.

A civilian house in Myothit, Momauk Township reduced to ashes after a regime airstrike on April 25. / Bhamo Platform

OCHA has estimated that around 40,000 people have fled their homes in Papun District in Karen State and Shwe Kyin, Kyaukkyi and Nyaunglebin Townships in Bago Region, following the coup and military airstrikes in the areas. An estimated 1,000 refugees – mostly elders, the sick, women and children – have taken refuge in Thailand.

On Thursday, a total of 41 Karen civil society groups asked the Thai government to grant temporary asylum to people displaced by the airstrikes.

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Young people in Yangon staged guerrilla-style protests on the city’s main streets, despite the rain on Friday./CJ

Young People Take up Arms in Kachin and Karen States

The military’s brutal crackdown on anti-coup protesters – including killings, arrests and torture – has pushed some young people to take up arms against the regime.

Thousands of young people including students, doctors and engineers have sought refuge in ethnic areas, mostly in Karen and Kachin States. They are undergoing military training as most of them have a dream of fighting back against the regime and returning the country to civilian rule.

One human rights activist who believed in and conducted research on non-violent protest movements told The Irrawaddy that she no longer believes that non-violent protest will topple the junta.

“You might say everything seems to be so depressing these days. You might ask me, has the regime already won? Absolutely not. People will fight against them. The people training in the jungle will restore our lost democracy,” she said.

“There is always a silver lining,” she stressed. “The people in the jungle are our silver lining.” protesters-myanmar-junta.html ------

The inclusion of U Lamar Naw Aung in the CRPH has nothing to do with the party: KSPP

Friday, April 30, 2021 | by - �ခ�င���ယ� (KNG)

The National Unity Government (NUG) formed on April 16th appointed U Lashi La as Vice- President, Dr. Too Khaung as the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation and Ja Htoi Pan, Deputy Education Minister. They all are Kachin ethnics.

The CPRH and the NUG has been widely embraced by Kachin civil society, the CDM movement and the EAO known as KIO/KIA.

However, the KSPP party has not endorsed the anti-coup movement.

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One prominent member of the KSPP, U Lamar Naw Aung, elected as a Lower House candidate and included in the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH), has refused to follow the non-committal stance of his party.

The KSPP has responded that “U Lamar Naw Aung does not represent from the Kachin State People’s Party (KSPP) and this is just a personal decision. “adding that “As U Lamar Naw Aung has not officially resigned from the KSPP, his duties are suspended.”

U Lamar Naw Aung asserted “I believe I would receive supports from the entire people by making e cooperation while the nationwide anti-coup protests erupting. And I can raise the voices of Kachin people with my inclusion in the CRPH.”

U Lamar Naw Aung won a seat in the 2015 General Elections, representing the Kachin State Democracy Party (KSDP) and the lower house seat in the 2020 General Elections, representing the KSPP.

Dr. Ma Nan Tu Jar, Chair of the KSPP said: “The inclusion of U Lamar Naw Aung as the CRPH member is according to his own desire, the KSSP has nothing to say.”

Five days after the military coup, the NLD’s elected candidates formed the 15-member CRPH. Later, two members were added to the CRPH.

Three new members including U Lamar Naw Aung were added to the CRPH on April 26th, according to the statement. party-kspp ------

Military’s Latest Coup Pushes Myanmar Into Revolt By Naing Khit | 30 April 2021 An anti-regime protest in Mandalay on Feb. 22. / The Irrawaddy

After three months of unyielding opposition to the military’s Feb. 1 coup, Myanmar is now a country in revolt.

The country, which has experienced more than its share of uprisings and revolutions— including the “’88 Pro-Democracy Uprising” in 1988 and the “Saffron Revolution” led by Buddhist monks in 2007, not to mention its century-long independence struggle ending in 1948—is now witnessing a “Spring Revolution”. These uprisings have occurred periodically in reaction to oppressive military dictatorships and the military-created authoritarianism that has taken root in the country over the past 60 years.

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The “Spring Revolution” wouldn’t have happened had coup leader Senior General Min Aung Hlaing not decided to seize power with his bogus accusation of “electoral fraud” in the 2020 election, which the democratically elected National League for Democracy won in a landslide victory.

Since the military seized power, not a day has gone by without anti-coup protests.

We can discern three stages in this anti-military dictatorship movement: peaceful, creative protests displaying energetic commitment and discipline across the country in the early stage; blood-soaked streets and dead bodies of innocent young protesters killed by the regime’s forces in the second stage; and following that, local people taking up rudimentary weapons against the regime’s brutal forces and seeking military training in ethnic armed groups’ territories in border areas.

In that respect, it resembles previous uprisings and revolutions and it sometimes seems that history is repeating itself.

In the years following the coup staged by the late dictator General Ne Win in 1962, many dissidents went to the border areas to set up their own armies or join existing ethnic armed groups fighting the military regime for autonomy. After the 1988 pro-democracy uprising in the cities was crushed by the then military regime, up to 10,000 protesters, mostly students, went to border areas to form their own student army, known as the All Burma Students’ Democratic Front (ABSDF).

The decades-long armed struggle has yet to achieve its political goal of removing the dictatorship, though it has managed to maintain resistance in its territories.

Their inability to secure final victories in their armed struggles has led most armed groups to deal with the powerful military and its previous regimes and enter ceasefire agreements.

But while its main goals are the same—to restore democracy in order to secure a brighter future for the country and its diverse peoples—the current Spring Revolution is different from previous revolts. The people of Myanmar have come to the radical conclusion that the only acceptable response to this coup—which seems somehow even less possible to justify, from the Tatmadaw’s perspective, than its predecessors—is to uproot the military dictatorship through revolution.

‘Reconciliation’ era is over

The implication is that “reconciliation” with the military through dialog can no longer be viewed as a viable political objective. The era, dating back to 1988, in which reconciliation was central to the political positions of pro-democracy groups, ethnic groups and the international community led by the United Nations and the United States, is over.

Dialog became a key domestic and international demand after the nationwide pro- democracy uprising in 1988 and especially in the lead-up to the 1990 election, which the then opposition National League for Democracy won by a landslide. The dialog was meant

Page 9 of 42 to take place between the powerful military, which seized power in 1988, and pro- democracy groups led by the elected NLD, as well as ethnic groups.

The concept of “reconciliation” has been bandied about in the decades since then as the solution to the country’s political problems, especially between the military leadership and its main adversaries, the pro-democracy groups and ethnic groups.

However, the then military regime led by Senior General Saw Maung and later Senior General Than Shwe never showed any interest in the idea, and never held a genuine dialog with leaders of political groups over more than three decades. In fact, the generals’ rigid political mindset was never to deal in any genuine way with civilian politicians or any other groups throughout their long years of rule after 1962.

But most pro-democracy groups, including the NLD and prominent activists and ethnic leaders, idealistically continued to call for dialog aimed at reconciliation even before the latest coup. “National reconciliation” was at the top of the election manifestos of the democratically elected, ruling National League for Democracy in the 2015 and 2020 elections. It was also among the top items on its political agenda when the party governed from 2016 right up until 2021, just before the coup. The goal of this “national reconciliation” process was to gradually reduce the military’s privileged position in the political arena.

But it never worked. Obviously, the military leadership never showed the slightest political will to genuinely reconcile with any civilian political groups. The latest coup merely provided further proof, if any was needed.

After 60 years of first-hand experience of military dictatorship, the people of Myanmar have finally lost faith in the idea of dialog.

This is a significant change, one that has driven most people—whether or not they see it as such—to revolt. This revolt takes different forms, but no one seeks reconciliation any longer.

Many protesters have come to realize that the only way to restore democracy is to completely uproot the military dictatorship. Otherwise, the military will always return to kill democracy.

This is a different course from the ones taken by previous uprisings and revolutions. It is the essential aspect of this Spring Revolution—and one that the international community and many individual outside observers do not appear to fully grasp.

Some foreign leaders, especially Asian leaders, still believe that without the involvement of the military leadership, Myanmar’s political problems can’t be solved. But as far as the people of Myanmar are concerned—not least those young protesters who are already undergoing military training on the country’s borders—the idea that the military can play any future role in the country’s politics is no longer acceptable.

Naing Khit is a commentator on political affairs.

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‘Wanted’ posters appear in Arakan townships, asking public to help nab democracy activists Friday, April 30, 2021 | Development Media Group

The Arakan State Administration Council, the state-level governing body of Myanmar’s military junta, has erected signboards in Kyaukphyu, Taungup and Ann townships asking the public to inform authorities if they see or know the whereabouts of 17 individuals including veteran democracy activist U Min Ko Naing.

The signboards, which include photos of those wanted, were set up recently near the central market, watch tower and Strand Road in Kyaukphyu, near the central police station in Taungup, and at an intersection in Ann, according to local residents.

“It is a threat to ordinary citizens that they [the military regime] can arrest them anytime, as even celebrities have to go into hiding. It is an act to intimidate local residents. They also displayed their photos to terrify the people,” said Ann resident Ko Myo Lwin.

In addition to the prominent pro-democracy leader U Min Ko Naing, the signboards single out ministers of the National Unity Government (NUG) U Zaw Wai Soe, Daw Zin Mar Aung, U Lwin Ko Latt and U Yee Mon, as well as other prominent activists. The NUG was formed on April 16 by the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH), a body made up of lawmakers who were elected in Myanmar’s 2020 general election.

The signboards say the listed individuals are fugitives charged with sedition under Section 505(a) and Section 122 of the Penal Code, the latter covering treason. The public is asked to inform the nearest police station or military unit upon seeing them. It also warns of harsh legal action against anyone who harbours the accused.

“This is political contesting. This is a contest between the military council and supporters of the CRPH. There is only some resistance to the military in Arakan State compared with other parts of the country. So, issuing arrest warrants with signboards in such places, in my view, is done to achieve political advantage,” said U Than Hla, director of the Arakan CSOs Network.

The Myanmar Police Force on February 13 issued arrest warrants for several individuals including U Min Ko Naing, saying the accused had made and circulated statements on social media intending to undermine peace and order.

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Photo: A list of the accused alongside their photos is seen in Taungup. public-help-nab-democracy-activists ------

Myanmar’s military must immediately and unconditionally release all of the journalists detained - CPJ By Mizzima | 30 April 2021 This photo taken and received courtesy of an anonymous source via Facebook on April 29, 2021 shows protesters marching with banners as they take part in a demonstration against the military coup in Insein township in Yangon. Photo: AFP

Myanmar’s military junta must immediately and unconditionally release all of the journalists detained since the country’s February 1 coup, and should stop using legal threats to harass and intimidate the media, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

Preliminary investigations by CPJ found at least 40 journalists imprisoned as of yesterday, the majority detained during newsroom raids or while covering anti-coup street protests.

CPJ is researching those cases to confirm the circumstances of the journalists’ arrests and their current status in detention. The preliminary data is based on independent reporting, news reports, and data shared with CPJ by the Assistance Association of Political Prisoners, a local rights group, and the Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB), an independent news organization that the junta has officially banned.

“Myanmar’s military regime has almost overnight become one of the worst jailers of journalists worldwide, with at least 40 members of the press held behind bars,” said Shawn Crispin, CPJ’s senior Southeast Asia representative. “The jailing of dozens of journalists is blunt and inhumane censorship, aimed at keeping Myanmar’s citizens, and the global public, in the dark about the junta’s often brutal activities.’’

All but two of the detainees identified by CPJ are local journalists working for local outlets, with arrests and imprisonments documented in the cities of Yangon, Mandalay, Myintkyina, Taunggyi, Pathein, Myeik, Pyay, Dawei, and Myaungmya.

CPJ has confirmed the detentions of at least two foreign members of the press: Japanese journalist Yuki Kitazumi and American Nathan Maung, editor of the local news outlet Kamayut Media, who was arrested while covering an anti-coup protest on March 9.

Over half of those detained face charges under Article 505(a) of the penal code, a broad provision that criminalizes the dissemination of information or “fake news” that could

Page 12 of 42 agitate or cause security forces or officials to mutiny. Convictions under that provision allow for maximum three-year prison penalties.

Many of the detainees have been denied access to a lawyer or family members since their arrests, according to the Democratic Voice of Burma. Two DVB reporters are among those detained, according to Aye Chan Naing, the news organization’s editor-in-chief, who communicated with CPJ by email.

In March, the junta revoked the operating licenses of five privately run news outlets— Mizzima, Myanmar Now, 7Day News, DVB, and Khit Thit Media—and raided several of their bureaus to enforce the ban, as CPJ documented at the time.

Military authorities also in March charged The Irrawaddy under Article 505(a) over its publication of a video that allegedly showed police officers asking the family members of arrested protesters to pay for their release. The military-run Myanmar Radio and Television claimed the video report was false.

On April 6, CPJ addressed a public letter to junta leader Senior General Min Aung Hlaing calling on his regime to release all journalists detained in the wake of the February 1 coup.

The Ministry of Information did not immediately reply to CPJ’s emailed request for comment on the number of journalists currently held in detention. unconditionally-release-all-journalists-detained-cpj ------

Despite ASEAN consensus, military abuses continue around the country Myanmar’s junta has effectively ignored the terms of a five-point agreement reached in Jakarta last weekend Myanmar Now | Published on Apr 30, 2021 Myanmar’s military junta has ignored its agreement with ASEAN to refrain from using violence against civilians. (Myanmar Now)

Nearly a week after Myanmar’s chief coup maker met with leaders of the member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) last Saturday to discuss the crisis in the country, reports of abuses by the military continue.

The ASEAN meeting, held in the Indonesian capital Jakarta, reached a five-point consensus that aimed to end the ongoing violence, which has already claimed more than 750 civilian lives in less than three months.

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Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, who made his first trip outside of Myanmar since seizing power on February 1 to attend the emergency summit, appears to have backed away from the terms of the agreement since returning to the country.

The day after the meeting, coverage of the summit in state-run newspaper The Mirror made no mention of the five points, which included plans to allow representatives of the regional grouping into the country to observe the situation on the ground.

On Tuesday, however, the regime announced that it would only move forward with this and other points in the agreement once the country had become “stable”.

Meanwhile, it continues its efforts to restore stability through brute force, killing at least seven people during and in the days immediately after the Jakarta summit, in direct violation of its commitment to end violence against civilians.

Coup leader Min Aung Hlaing arrives at the ASEAN summit on Myanmar affairs in Jakarta on April 24 (EPA)

Ongoing abuses

The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), which has documented the regime’s arrests and killings of protesters and other civilians, said that the ASEAN meeting had failed to achieve the desired results.

“On the night after the meeting, the junta’s armed forces continued to commit atrocities against civilians, including women, in plain sight,” it noted in a statement released earlier this week.

On the day of the summit, a young man was shot dead by plainclothes policemen in Mandalay, while a woman arrested in Myaung Mya, a town in Sagaing Region, died shortly after being taken into custody on the same day, according to AAPP.

An injured person is carried during a crackdown in Mandalay on April 24 (Supplied)

There was also one other civilian death reported in Yezagyo, Magway Region, on Saturday, followed by two more the next day—one in Kawthaung, in Tanintharyi Region, and another in Yangon’s Insein Township, AAPP records show.

Since then, there have been at least two more fatal shootings of civilians, including one of a fried-rice vendor in Mandalay on Monday and another in Kayah State’s Demoso Township on Tuesday.

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In another attack, a woman in Kayin State’s Phaya Thone Su Township sustained serious injuries last Saturday after she was shot by the military and hit with a car while she was taking part in an anti-coup motorbike rally.

Besides using lethal force, soldiers and police have kept up a steady campaign of harassment against civilians in an effort to break their resistance to military rule.

Residents of Yangon report that regime forces come into their neighbourhoods every night after curfew to prevent people from banging pots in protest against the coup.

“They came onto our street last night and started threatening anyone who dared to bang a pot. They used very vulgar language and fired at people’s houses with slingshots. It happens every night now,” said one Yangon resident who asked not to be identified.

On Sunday, a group of women in Yangon’s Mayangone Township were forced to bang their pots and dance in the street while soldiers watched and laughed.

If they stopped dancing, the soldiers hurled insults at them and threw stones at their houses, AAPP said in a statement that recounted a number of similar incidents involving attempts to humiliate civilians.

“Forcing women to hurt their dignity in public, and treating civilians as if they were enemies, are cruel acts that the military continues to lawlessly commit,” the group said in its statement.

In another incident that took place in Yangon’s Mingalar Taung Nyunt Township last Saturday, a transgender woman was forced to wear a man’s longyi and mocked by regime forces.

Many remain undeterred by this behaviour, however, as ordinary citizens continue to register their rejection of the military’s overthrow of the elected civilian government.

A resident of Yangon’s Tamwe Township who complained about the junta’s persistent efforts to disrupt the lives of civilians said that he and most of his neighbours refused to be intimidated.

“They curse at passersby, interrogate them for a while, and then let them go. When they came to my door, I closed it and they threw stones. But we will continue to demonstrate against them. We won’t be ruled by these people,” he told Myanmar Now.

Intensifying pressure

While ordinary citizens do their best to cope with the heavy military presence, those taking part in the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) are coming under growing pressure to end their efforts to deny the regime control of the state.

Among those most under threat from the junta are healthcare workers, who spearheaded the CDM in the early days after the coup. In the months since, the movement has been

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joined by many other public employees and emerged as a major stumbling block to Min Aung Hlaing’s ambitions.

Frustrated by its inability to break the CDM, the junta has in recent weeks stepped up its efforts to arrest the movement’s leaders and put them behind bars on trumped-up charges.

Since April 13, military-controlled television has broadcast the names of at least 20 health professionals who have been charged with incitement and issued with arrest warrants. At least 300 medical workers are now on the regime’s wanted list.

On Tuesday, a failed attempt to apprehend a doctor in Yangon’s South Okkalapa Township resulted in the arrest of her father and younger sister, according to a relative.

The doctor, Yu Sandar Moe, has since gone into hiding, the relative told Myanmar Now.

According to a statement released by the University of Medicine (1) Students Union on Saturday, a total of 46 medical workers and students, including 29 striking doctors, have been arrested since the coup.

The junta has also threatened to revoke doctors’ passports and medical licenses if they join the CDM. Private hospitals and charity clinics that accept CDM doctors will also have their licenses taken away, the junta said.

Other prominent figures in the anti-coup movement have also been targeted for arrest.

On Saturday, regime forces carried out a raid on a monastery in Sagaing Region’s Yinmabin Township in an attempt to arrest a monk who has led protests in the area.

It was the second time this month that the junta had failed to catch the monk. On April 2, soldiers surrounded the village of Thabyay Aye to arrest him, but locals fought back with homemade rifles.

Four villagers were killed in that clash, which also reportedly resulted in military casualties. At least six people were killed earlier this week during clashes elsewhere in Yinmabin.

The recent efforts to crack down on protests have also forced tens of thousands of people from 30 villages to flee as soldiers set up camp in the area.

Meanwhile, civilians armed with hunting rifles in southern Chin State’s Mindat Township claim to have killed 30 regime soldiers during four days of fierce clashes that began last Saturday.

Amid concerns that the situation in Myanmar still threatens to spin out of control, Mann Win Khaing Than, the chief union minister of the recently formed National Unity Government, called on ASEAN to ensure that the regime abides by its agreement to deescalate its use of violence.

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Myanmar military extends ceasefire period for 1 more month Source: Xinhua| 2021-04-30 |Editor: huaxia

YANGON, April 30 (Xinhua) -- Myanmar military extended its non-operation period across the country to May 31, according to a statement released by the Office of the Commander- in-Chief of Defence Services on Friday.

The military will continue suspending all military operations across the nation except for the period when security and administrative machinery of the government in addition to state defense and administrative measures are encroached on, the statement said.

The statement added that the ceasefire period is extended to hold further talks with the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) signatory ethnic armed organizations for further strengthening of peace process in accord with the NCA, to continue further discussions with non NCA signatory ethnic armed organizations until they sign the agreement and to discuss necessary measures till the eternal peace is accomplished. Enditem ------

KIA says it killed 20 soldiers from 77th Light Infantry Division while defending hill base The notorious division has been implicated in mass killings against the Rohingya and the murder of protesters in Yangon Myanmar Now | Published on Apr 30, 2021 Smoke rises from the area where the clash between the KIA and the military happened in Momauk, Kachin (Supplied)

Twenty soldiers from the Tatmadaw’s notorious 77th Light Infantry Division were killed on Thursday during an attack by the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) in Momauk township, a KIA officer said.

The clash took place at the bottom of Alaw Bum, a strategically important hill base that the KIA seized late last month. The Tatmadaw has launched numerous intense attacks in a bid to reclaim it but has suffered heavy losses.

The KIA confiscated 18 weapons during Thursday's attack, said the officer, who is familiar with the incident but asked not to be named because he is not a spokesperson.

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The Tatmadaw responded with six airstrikes but they failed to inflict any damage on the KIA’s side, he added.

The 77th LID has been implicated in mass killings during the campaign against the Rohingya in Rakhine State in 2017, as well as the murders of protesters in Yangon.

The shock troops were sent to Alaw Bum as reinforcements after the Tatmadaw accidentally bombed one of its own units on April 24 during a clash between the KIA and the 88th LID, causing many casualties, the KIA officer said.

The day after the friendly fire incident, the regime deployed three military units to attack Alaw Bum again and also launched airstrikes.

The KIA said it suffered casualties, though it did not specify how many, during several days of sustained airstrikes. But it said the military faced heavier losses.

On Thursday the KIA also launched an artillery attack near Waingmaw airport and hit a weapons warehouse.

The clashes have forced civilians to flee their homes.

“Someone’s house was shelled in Kone Law village on April 28,” a Momauk local told Myanmar Now. “Everyone from the village is fleeing, except one or two who stayed to look after their homes.”

One person was heavily injured and reportedly sent to the Momauk military hospital, he said, while another man from the nearby Nwam Lan village was also injured. “I heard he might have to have a hand amputated.”

There was another clash on Friday, he added. “They opened fire with artillery today but no jets yet.” infantry-division-while-defending-hill-base ------

Myanmar military air attacks in Karen State push more than 2,000 people to Thailand

Thai authorities have not let aid groups meet the refugees, many of whom lost their belongings in a flash flood soon after their arrival

Myanmar Now | Published on Apr 30, 2021

More than 2,000 people fled to Thailand this week to escape ongoing Myanmar military airstrikes near an internally displaced people’s (IDP) camp in Karen State, according to local activists.

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Karen refugees flee to Mae Hong Son, Thailand on April 29, following continued attacks by the Myanmar military (Karen Women’s Organization)

On Thursday morning, around 1,700 people crossed the Salween River from Mutraw District, also known as Hpapun, to Thailand’s Mae Hong Son province, according to the Karen Peace Support Network (KPSN).

They followed some 300 people who fled across the border on Wednesday after the junta carried out multiple aerial attacks on the area.

The regime launched two airstrikes near the Ei Htu Hta IDP camp on Thursday afternoon and evening, and one at 1:30am on Friday, KPSN said.

“They were not far from Ei Htu Hta—the IDPs could hear the bombings,” Naw K’nyaw Paw, a KPSN member and general secretary of the Karen Women’s Organization, said.

A map produced by KPSN in April shows the sites of junta airstrikes and shellings in KNU-controlled territory (KPSN)

From Tuesday to Wednesday, the military carried out nine air attacks in Mutraw, bringing the total to 12 in less than four days. No casualties have been reported in this round of strikes.

After the refugees arrived in Thailand on Thursday, they were made to walk for one hour to a holding area designated by the Thai military, according to KPSN. They are expected to remain there for 48 hours in accordance with Thai policy.

The refugees set up makeshift shelters under plastic tarps, but heavy rain on Thursday night caused a nearby stream to burst its banks.

The rushing water carried away many of their belongings and food supplies that they had brought with them, Naw K’nyaw Paw explained.

She added that the Thai military had not allowed any organisations to meet the newly arrived refugees to assess their needs or distribute emergency aid.

“Access has been cut off,” she said. “We won’t be able to deliver humanitarian aid needs if we don’t have access to the area. We would really like to have access to the people and support them.”

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The refugees have reportedly asked the Thai military for permission to stay in the country for at least 10 days, noting that if the bombings cease, they plan to return to Karen State as soon as possible.

There has been no response from the Thai military, according to KPSN.

It is unclear if they will be allowed to remain in Thailand, as the country forced some 2,000 refugees from the same area back to Myanmar in late March.

“We would like to see the Thai authorities not push people back. Airstrikes are continuing every day. Their life is already hard. We don’t want them to face more difficulties through a push back right now,” Naw K’nyaw Paw said.

She noted that if the bombings continue, thousands more displaced people still sheltering along the Salween River may also have to seek refuge in Thailand.

There have been more than 20 junta airstrikes in Mutraw since late March, according to KPSN.

At least 19 people were killed and 16 injured in the previous round of regime air attacks on the area from March 27 until April 1, the group said. They estimate that up to 45,000 villagers have been displaced throughout Mutraw by both the airstrikes and near daily artillery bombardments.

The territory is controlled by Brigade 5 of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), the armed wing of the Karen National Union.

The most recent regime airstrikes followed the KNLA’s seizure of a strategic Myanmar military base in the Thaw Le Hta area of Mutraw on Tuesday. It was located across the Salween River from the Thai village of Mae Sam Laep in Mae Hong Son province. push-more-than-2000-people-to-thailand ------

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By ဧရ�ဝတ� | 30 April 2021

၂၀၁၈ ခ���စ� �န�ပည��တ�� တပ�မ�တ���န� စစ��ရ��ပ အခမ��အန�� / ဧရ�ဝတ�

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Published By DVB | 30 April, 2021

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Published By DVB | 30 April, 2021

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Published By DVB | 30 April, 2021

တ��တ�အစ���ရအ��ဘ�� သတင��စ�တစ��စ�င��ဖစ�တ�� Global Times ထ�မ���တ�� ‘�မန�မ����င�ငံထ�က အ�ကမ��ဖက�မ��တ� ရပ�တန���စဖ���အတ�က� အ�ဆ�ယံ�ခ�င���ဆ�င��တ� သ�ဘ�တ�ည�ခ���က�ပ�� ဒ��တ��ဆ�ံမ�က�န တင��မ�မ�က�� �လ���ခ��စဖ��� ယ�ံ�ကည�ရတယ�’ဆ���ပ�� �ခ�င��စ��တပ�ထ��တ�� သတင���ဆ�င��ပ��တစ�ခ� ဖတ�လ��က�ရပ�တယ�။

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30 ဧ�ပ�၊ 2021 | ဗ��အ���အ (�မန�မ�ဌ�န)

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"�မန�မ�လ�ထ�န��အတ� ဆက�လက�ရပ�တည�သ���မယ�" - ဥ�ရ�ပသမဂ�

30 ဧ�ပ�၊ 2021 | ဗ��အ���အ (�မန�မ�ဌ�န)

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30 ဧ�ပ�၊ 2021 | ဗ��အ���အ (�မန�မ�ပ��င��)

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Published By DVB | 30 April, 2021

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တင��အ�င�ခ��င�(ဝ�ရ�င�တန� ဒ�စ�) | 2021-04-29

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By ဧရ�ဝတ� | 30 April 2021

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ဧ�ပ�လ ၂၇ ရက��န�က ထ��င���မန�မ�နယ�စပ�က စစ��က�င�စ�ရ�� �သ�လယ�ထ�� တပ�စခန��က�� KNU လက��အ�က� ခံ KNLA တပ�မဟ� ၅ က တ��က�ခ��က� သ�မ��ယ�ခ���ပ���န�က� စစ��က�င�စ�တပ�က ဖ�ပ�န�ခ���င� ဘ�သ����မ ���နယ� ဒ���ဂ�၊ ဘ���ဒ�ဘက�က�� �လယ���န�� �ပန�ပစ�ခတ�ခ��လ��� ထပ��ပ��ထ�က���ပ� တ�မ���ရ��င�ရတ�လ��� စစ��ဘ�ဒ�က�သည� �တ�က�� က�ည��ပ��နတ�� ကရင��င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ� အ�ထ�က�အက��ပ�အဖ���က ��ပ��ရ�ဆ��ခ�င��ရ��သ� �စ�သ��ဘ��က ��ပ�ပ�တယ�။

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“အခ�က တစ�ရ��လ�ံ�ပ� �သနတ��တ�န�� ပစ�တ�က အရမ���ကမ��တယ�။ အသံအက�ယ��က��ပ� �လယ���ပ�ံန�� ဗ�ံ�လ� �က�တ� ခ�နကပ� က�မတ���က�� လ�မ����ပ�တ� ဒ��ဂ�င�ဖက�လ�����ပ�တယ�။ စစ�စခန��န�� အန��အန���တ�က�� ပစ��နတ�” ဟ� �န��ဝ��ခ�ရ��� က ��ပ�သည�။

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ဦ�သစ�ဆင�� (ဝ�ရ�င�တန� ဒ�စ�) | 2021-04-30

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