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Copyright © English Education Department, 2018 All right reserved Hak cipta dililndungi undang-undang


Editor: Haris Dibdyaningsih, M.Pd. Perancang sampul dan tata letak: NMF Amin Mubarok

ISBN: 9 786025 312809

Cetakan pertama, September 2018

Penerbit: Bina Guru Jl. Kebonsari Elveka V, Jambangan, Surabaya Telp. (031) 8295825 (Hunting) Faks (031) 8295817 E-mail: [email protected] Surabaya - Jawa Timur – Indonesia 60233 1

A dedication for all who has been part of this book. Our Allah | Our Parents | Our Lecturers | Our Friends Thankful for being the spirit of our life.

For who are always being here beside us, Kevin A | Syahrul R | Yudha S - We are Family -


Alhamdulillahirabbil 'alamin, buku “NARRATIVE TEXTS COMPILATION OF ISLAMIC STORIES” ini akhirnya dapat diselesaikan. Buku ini merupakan buku kompilasi yang ditulis oleh 15 mahasiswa angkatan tahun 2017 sebagai wujud kepedulian para penulis bagi perkembangan kemampuan membaca siswa SMP kelas VII Sebagai kumpulan karya mahasiswa, kami selaku dosen pengampu mata kuliah Basic Reading menyampaikan terima kasih dan memberikan apresiasi tinggi untuk hasil karya mahsiswa tersebut dengan cara menerbitkan buku ini, dan sebagai bentuk kontribusi Kami berharap buku ini dapat dimanfaatkan dengan sebaik-baiknya dan dapat memberikan warna baru dalam pembelajaran Reading di kelas VII saat ini.

Editor Haris Dibdyaningsih, M.Pd.

List of conten

MEN صح

Abu Hurairah ...... -13- Ali Bin Abi Thalib ...... -18- Zaid bin Tsabit ...... -20- Abu Bakar Ash Shiddiq ...... -23- Mu’adz bin Jabbal ...... -26- bin Affan ...... -29- Abu Darda ...... -33- Abdullah Bin Mas’ud ...... -35- Julaibib ...... -37- Abdullah bin Umar ...... -41- Ammar bin Yasir ...... -43- Anas bin Malik ...... -45- Ukasyah bin Mihsyan ...... -47- Salman Al farisi ...... -50- Umar bin Khattab ...... -53-

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Halimah Sa’diyah ...... -57- Maria Al Qibthy ...... -63- Hafsah binti Umar ...... -66- Ummu kultsum ...... -69- Aisha binti Abu bakar ...... -71- Ruqayyah ...... -75- Saudah binti Sam’ah ...... -78- Zainab binti Jahsy ...... -82- Shafiyah binti Kuyay ...... -85-

Khadiijah binti Khuwailid ...... -88- Fatimah ...... -90- Zainab binti Rasululloh ...... -93-

Juwairiyah binti Al harist ...... -97- Aminah binti Wahab ...... -95- Hindun binti Uthbah ...... -99-

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Abdullah bin Umar ...... -103- Husein bin Fatimah ...... -105- Zaid bin Tsabit ...... -109- Mushab bin Umair ...... -111- Zaid bin Haritsah ...... -115- Zubair bin Awwam ...... -117- Abdulloh bin Abbas ...... -119- Salamah bin Akwa ...... -121- Hasan bin Ali ...... -124- Umair bin Abi Waqqas ...... -127- Khalid Ibnu Walid ...... -129- Jabir bin Abdullah ...... -131- Muadz Bin Amr ...... -133- Rafi bin Khudaij ...... -135- Asma binti Abu Bakar ...... -137-

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ANIMALS القرأن

Hud Hud Bird ...... -142- Bee ...... -149- Termite ...... -152- Came ...... -156- Ant ...... -159- Whale ...... -162- Spider ...... -166- Elephant ...... -170- Ababil Bird ...... -172- Sheep ...... -175-

Hog ...... -179- Wolf ...... -183- Cow ...... -186-

Dog ...... -188- Horse ...... -193- Narrative Texts Compilation of ISLAMIC sTORIES 9

Men of صح بة

Abu Hurairah (Ahmad Azhari Yunus)

A Father of Tiny Cat

A long time ago there was Rasulullah SAW Sahabah (Best Friend) named Abu Hurairah (Father of tiny Cat) it was a nickname from his name, his real name was Abdurahman bin Shakhr Al-Azdi, he was born on Bani Daus from Yaman and he was orphan from he was born. He gets his nickname because when he was young he works as maid to rich family Basrah bin Ghazawan, he was only paid for his food each day. But, lucky for him, his master proposed Abu Hurairah to married with his master daughter. On that time most people call him Father of Tiny cat because he loves cat very much and take care it. One day someone quested him about the cause of why he called used that nickname. “Why you called by Abu Hurairah?” “What are you worrying from me?” he answered. “ Oh.. in the name of Allah, I really worry with you Abu” “Several years ago I was worked on my family to keep the goat and beside me there a tiny cat (Hurariah). So, when the night is coming I put that on the tree branch, when the noon is coming, I going to that tree and play with the tiny

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cat— because of this activity many people call me kuniyah Abu Hurairah (The Father of Tiny Cat). “he answered From that day he became famous not only by his nickname but his intelligent too. His dedication to collect more than 5000 its a record and with his collected hadith many hadith experts make a collection book of hadith like Imam Bukhari. ___

An Incredible Memory

Long time ago in the Arab there live a very famous hadith collector named Abu Hurairah he was a Rasulullah sahabah. Since young age he was famous with his intelligent for memorize something, but he can’t write same as Rasulullah SAW. He converted into Moslem after received his clan master. He followed his clan to migrated (Hijrah) to and joined Muhajirin society in there. He became the most hadith receiver from Rasullulah SAW more than 5000 hadith. The reason of why can do that is because his intelligent and the intensity to stay and came to Rasulullah SAW majlis in four years. Someday, someone come to him to examine his memory. “Abu Hurairah com here” “I want test your memory, please tell me a few hadith and my assistant will noted it” “Okay..” Abu said. After he said a few hadith and be noted by the assistant a year later, the examiner calls him to

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tell the hadith’s that noted a year before. Astonishingly, he can explain all that hadith without mistakes. Because his collection and spread all hadith, he going to be doubted by other sahabah and thabi’in and deny him. But, it answered all people wonders with his direct explanation. “... all of you said that Abu Hurairah too much published hadith of Rasulullah SAW and all of you said that the Muhajirin society is the first converted to Moslem and no body from them that memorize the . You must know, our best friends of Muhajirin society was busy with their trading on the market and our best friend of Anshar society was busy with their farmland. But, I was poor, because of that I always stayed and attended the majlis of Rasulullah Saw— because of that reason I attended when the other not attended and I always remembered if they forgot because their business. Rasulullah SAW someday said to us, “person who spread his scarf until the end of my speech, and then take it to himself, so there nothing will be forgotten for anything that you heard from me”. After Rasulullah said that, I do it, and in the name of Allah SWT nothing its forgot from anything that I’ve heard” He answered to the people who asked him. That’s why Abu Hurairah always spread anything he knows to all people such as hadith, because of he knew that all knowledge must being spread not only stop for himself— if he consumed his knowledge to himself him will promised by laknat from Allah SWT. Finally, Abu Hurairah is an inspiring person to all people, because his faith, his dedication and his way of life in teaching. Source : Book of Ustadz Yiyin Isgandi

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Ali Bin Abi Thalib (Ali Mustofa )

The Door of Science

Ali bin Abi Thalib is one of the Rasulullah’s sahabah who has more intelligence than the other sahabah. He is the smartest, bravest, and wisest leader. All muslim people from Rasulullah’s era until now believed that Ali is a great person. He is often invited Quraisy people who do not believe his intelligence by arguing. Ali always become the winner in every single debate with the great answers. ___

In the Khaibar war, Rasulullah said to all Muslim people that he will give the flag command to the someone who loves Allah and His Rasul and the one who loved by Allah also His Rasul. Overnight, all sahabah talk about who will get the command flag from Rasulullah.

In the next day, all sahabah came to Rasulullah and Rasulullah said, “Where is Ali?”. He had sore eyes, Rasul !!”. Said one of the sahabah. After that Rasulullah instruct the sahabah to bring Ali. When Ali arrived, Rasulullah wrapped some liquids on Ali’s eyes while praying for him. Instantly, Ali recovered totally. And then Rasulullah gave the flag to Ali. All

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the sahabah were surprised and didn’t think that someone who referred to Rasulullah is Ali bin Abi Thalib. ___

In another war named Tabuk war, Rasulullah rejected Ali to join in that war. Rasulullah commanded him to be a Rasulullah’s vice in Madinah and stay with women, children, and parents who did not join the war. Ali was uncomfortable about this. Munafik people said that Ali wasn’t invited to war because he was difficult to go to the war and weak in fighting. Even though, ask Ali to stay in Madinah is to keep his family and Rasulullah’s family.

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Zaid bin Tsabit RA (Bayu Arga Krisna )

The Writer of Al Qur’an

Long time ago, when Rasullullah hijrah to Madina, there was a little child came to him. His name is Zaid Bin Tsabit he was very smart and clever. At that time, he was secretary of Rasullullah. When Rasullullah need to send a letter to another king or another leader of a country, Rasullullah always asked Zaid Bin Tsabit to write it. When ayat of Al-Qur’an received by Rasulluah, Zaid Bin Tsabit always wrote it in some media like rock, bone, and leaves. After Qur’an received completely, Rasullullah read it with complexly surah by surah. When Rasullullah passed away, no one read the holy Qur’an to all sahabah. But, at that time, when sahabah need talked about Qur’an, they always came to Zaid Bin Tsabit and ask about holy Qur’an. After Rasullullah passed away, all muslimin get a war against murtad people. After murtad people decide war with muslim people, they attack muslim people with bravely. When Yamamah war happened, there was to many Qur’an hafidz died, so Umar Bin Khattab ask to khalifah, at that time the kholifah is Abu Bakar Assidiq. Umar asked to Abu Bakar to collect all the Qur’an became one mushaf, but Abu Bakar didn’t say anything because that was didn’t do by Rasullullah.

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He thinks “why i do what Rasullullah never do “ But, after he think so long, finally he accepted Umar suggestion, and he ask Zaid Bin Tsabit to collect all the Qur’an became one mushaf. That was the first collected time for Qur’an. In medina, Zaid Bin Tsabit became leader for part of fatwa, qira’ah and faraidh. Zaid bin Tsabit is one of the cleverest sahabah in era. Tsabit bin Ubaid said, “I never see a man more humorist in his house, and I never see a man who became the most respected mas in his majelis accepted Zaid bin Tsabit” Ibnu Abbas said, “all of people in Muhammad era say, if Zaid bin Tsabit is a man who have a deep knowledge” In Ustman bin Affan era, there was many ways to read Qur’an. Because of that, a group of a man feel worried. After that, that group who lead by Hudzaifah bin Al-Yamman came to Ustman bin Affan. They ask Ustman to collect the Qur’an became one mushaf. After a few days, Ustman did a istikharah. After that, they are doing a discussion with all sahabah at that time. After that, they ask Zaid bin Tsabit to help them. And they also asked to all Muslim people and they asked if six of seven qiro’at to let it know by the ulama of that qira’at. And they choose a qiro’at which Rasulluallh do. After that, Zaid and his team, collect all the mushaf and replace it to the one mushaf. And they spread it to 7 countries (Medina, Makkah, Suriah, Kufah, Basrah, Yaman, dan Bahrain).

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After spreader the Qur’an to seven countries, the now called Qur’an rasm ustmani. That’s which read by all the muslim around the world. Zaid bin Tsabit also had a important place when all of muslim choose the khalifah, the leader of the muslim at that time. When Muhajirin people debate with anshar people about the next leader of muslim, Zaid bin Tsabit came And he said “attention! Rasullullah was a Muhajirin people, from that fact we know that the next leader was from Muhajirin people too. As we know, ashar was a helper for Rasullullah, so we were helper for muhajirin people” After he said like that, all muhajirin and anshar was selected and he decided Abu Bakar as-siddiq become the next leader of muslim people. After he passed away many sahabah was very sad. And one of the said “now, see of knowledge for muslim was passed away, I wish there was the next Zaid, he is Ibnu Abbas”.

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Abu Bakar Ash Shiddiq (Dien Achmad Yusril Izza)

The Man of Truth The First Caliph of

Abu Bakar is one of Rasulullah’s companion. His real name is Abdullah ibn ‘Uthman ibn ‘Amir. He’s from Quraish’s tribe. He is the first to accept Islam from outside the Rasulullah’s family. He, the Almighty, has called him As- Shiddiq and no one other than him was named that. He got this title because he is the first man that believed and justify Rasulullah’s Isra’ Mi’raj.

Abu Bakar’s greatness in shodaqoh

Once upon a time, there lived a great shahabah named Abu Bakar. He known as the most generous shahabah and the best shahabah in shodaqoh. One day, Utsman wanted to defeat Abu Bakar in shodaqoh. When Rasulullah PBUH asked to all of his companion to do shodaqoh, Utsman said “I wish I could defeat Abu Bakar this time.” then he try his best to give his wealth. When the time came, they’re all gathered in a place to give the shodaqoh. Rasulullah saw Utsman brought

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much of his wealth and asked, “what you left for your family, Utsman?” then Utsman answered “I left half of my wealth for my family.” All Rasulullah’s companion were amazed by Utsman. After that, Abu Bakar came and bought all his wealth. Yes, he exactly going to give all his wealth as shodaqoh. “what you left for your family then?” Rasulullah curiously asked. “Yaa Rasul, I leave my family to Allah and his messenger.” Hearing this, Rasulullah and all of his companion were amazed by Abu Bakar. “for God’s sake, i will never able to defeat Abu Bakar in shodaqoh.” Utsman said. ___

Abu Bakar’s Loyalty

Once upon a time, when Rasulullah was hunted by Quraish, Rasulullah and Abu Bakar hid in Tsur cave. Rasulullah was exhausted and Abu Bakar let him to sleep in his feet. Unfortunately, a snake came and bit Abu Bakar’s feet. However, Abu Bakar didn’t want to move his leg because Rasulullah slept there. The snake bit him until his leg bleed and swollen, but Abu Bakar still didn’t move his leg and hold the pain till he cried. Once Abu Bakar’s sweat fell to Rasulullah’s face, Rasulullah woke up. Suddenly he shocked and asked, “why you didn’t wake me up?” Abu Bakar answered, “I won’t let you woke up just because my leg was bite by snake yaa Rasulullah.” And then Rasulullah cured him with his saliva.

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This story was the prove of Abu Bakar’s love and loyalty to Rasulullah. He didn’t move his leg even his leg was bite by a snake. He did this because he clearly understood about the consequence of shahadatain. “I bear witness that there is no god except Allah. And I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.” That’s why he loved Rasulullah so much.

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Mu’adz bin Jabbal (Kevin Al Haqqi)

The Cleverness of Mu’adz bin Jabbal

In Rasulullah peace be upon him era, there was an intellegent person lived in Madinah. He was Mu’adz bin Jabbal ra. At that time, Islam religion had not come in Madinah. Year by year, Rasulullah peace be upon him spread Islam religion in everywhere. People of Madinah heard Islam religion. Then, there were 70 delegations who came to Rasulullah peace be upon him for taking an oath (bai’at). One of them was a young. He was Mu’adz bin Jabbal ra; He was included in the first group of ‘Ashshabiqul Awwalun’ (the first group who entered Islam religion). Alhamdulillah, Mu’adz bin Jabbal ra had entered Islam religion.

In several times, Mu’adz bin Jabbal ra learnt about Islam deeply with Rasulullah peace be upon him. Mu’adz bin Jabbal had lots of knowledge about Islam. Then, he decided to go home to Madinah. Because Allah Subhanallahu wa Ta’ala had given him an intelligence, he could invite several people to enter Islam religion.

One day, in a ‘halaqoh’ (group) A’idzullah bin Abdillah told that, “I sit in a halaqoh that attended more than 30 people, one of them is a boy. All of them mention a hadist

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that have been accepted by Rasulullah peace be upon him. If they are doubt about a hadist, they ask to that boy. Then, the boy gives an answer. When the ‘majelis’ ends, I ask his name. His name is Mu’adz bin Jabbal.” He mastered about Al – Qur’an and All of Islam rules. It was a reason Rasulullah peace be upon him gave him an approbation. Rasulullah peace be upon him said, “The most person who knows about legal and illegal things is Mu’adz bin Jabbal.” ___ In several times, Mu’adz bin Jabbal r.a. lived in His days was for teaching Islam religion. One day, the Kings of Yaman came to Rasulullah peace be upon him for asking some teachers who taught about Islam religion. Then, Rasulullah peace be upon him asked Mu’adz bin Jabbal and other shahabah to teach in Yaman. Rasulullah peace be upon him took Mu’adz bin Jabbal ra to Yaman. Before they went to Yaman, Rasulullah peace be upon him asked to Mu’adz bin Jabbal, “Hi Mu’adz bin Jabbal, what is your guidance in justice something?”. Al – Qur’an, Mu’adz said. How if you cannot find in Al – Qur’an?”. I will decide in sunat Rasul, Mu’adz said. “How if you cannot find in sunah Rasul?”. I will use my thinking without useless things, Mu’adz said. The answer made Rasulullah peace be upon him more and more loving him.

In Umar bin Khattab r.a. era, Mu’adz was asked to teach in Mesir. After he taught in Mesir, he continued his call in Allah (dakwah) to Urdun country. Unfortunately, there was contagion in Urdun country. Slowly, Mu’adz met his death. When he was going to die. He said, “welcome the death. The beloved arrives when needed.”

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Uthman bin Affan


How Did He Convert To Islam?

Once upon a time, there lived a really humble man named Uthman Ibn Affan. He was a rich merchant. He was known as a charitable man in Mecca. He used to help everyone who needed him. One day, when he had a rest in the way back home from trading with his friends, he heard a voice calling his name. “O everyone who asleep, wake up because Ahmad has been revealed in Mecca,” it said. Then he went home immediately. Several days later, he heard that Ruqayah Binti Muhammad;a girl that he loved was going to marry with Atabah Ibn Abi Lahab. He was sad, so his aunt named Sa’di Binti Kariz who was a shaman at that time came to meet him. She told him that he would marry with Ruqayah and convert to a new religion brought by Muhammad PBUH. Suddenly, he remembered the voice several days ago. He wanted to meet Muhammad PBUH but he couldn’t. One day, his kinsman named Abu Bakr met him and told him about the truth of Islam and Muhammad. Then he showed Uthman where Muhammad PBUH was. When he met Rasul Allah PBUH, he (Rasul Allah PBUH) said,”O Uthman,

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accept me who invites you to Allah.” So Uthman converted to Islam immediately and believed to Allah and Muhammad PBUH.

Source : http://sericerita.blogspot.co.id/2015/01/cerita-hikmah-utsman-bin- affan-ra-masuk.html ___

Well Medina was hit by drought. Everyone had no water anywhere but there was a well in Medina and it was the only one. The well belonged to a Jew. People could take the water, but they had to pay to him. Because of that, Rasul Allah PBUH was pity of people and said, “Anyone among you who wants to buy the well and gives it to people as a charity will get His jannah.” By hearing this, Uthman wanted to buy the well and give it to the people, so he went to the Jews and made a deal with him. However, the Jews didn’t want to sell the well even though Uthman gave him lots of money.” O Uthman, how will I get more money if I sell the well. It’s the only thing I had to produce money.” Then, Uthman thought how to get the well. Several times thinking, he finally got an idea.” What if I buy a half of your well ?”, said Uthman. The Jews was really confused. ” What do you mean?”, he asked. Uthman replied,” We use the well alternately. A day for me, the next day for you and so on.” The Jews smiled and thought he would get more money. He agreed with Uthman, so Uthman gave a half price. Narrative Texts Compilation of ISLAMIC sTORIES 25

After that, Uthman told the people they could take the water freely for today, but not for tomorrow. They would get it freely again in the day after tomorrow. So, the people took the water for two days needs immediately. A day later, when the well belonged to the Jews again, there was no one taking the water. The Jews was disappointed, so he went to Uthman to sell another half. Uthman agreed and finally, it perfectly belonged to him. After that, he gave the whole well to the people as a charity.

Source : http://portalsatu.com/read/oase/kisah-sahabat-utsman-membeli- sumur-milik-yahudi-untuk-umat-islam-14111 ___

His Death One day, Uthman fasted after he dreamt last night. In the dream, he saw Rasul Allah PBUH, Abu Bakr and Omar Ibn Khattab. He (PBUH) said,”O Uthman, have an ifthar (breaking fast) with us!” In that morning, he was home with another Rasul Allah’s sahabah such as Hasan Ibn Ali, Abdullah Ibn Omar, etc. They wanted to protect him from the rebels. However, he asked them all to leave him because he didn’t want them to be killed by the rebels. So, they left Uthman home with his family. He sat down reciting Quran then. He let the door open by hoping the rebels wouldn’t hurt him because he was reciting Quran. Suddenly, someone came into the house to kill him. The person pulled Uthman’s beard, so Uthman said to him,” Don’t touch my beard! Your father surely honored

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this beard.” Then, the person stops pulled the beard and went out when he saw Quran beside Uthman. Unfortunately, another person from Bani Sadus came over. Uthman tied his drawstring tightly because he didn’t want someone to see his aura. The man garroted Uthman and tried jab him with a sword. However, Uthman parried it with his hand. His hand was cut down. “By Allah, this was the hand that wrote down wahyu for the first time.” His wife; Naila Binti Furafisha came to protect him, but her fingers were cut down too. Then, the rebels jabbed the sword into Uthman six times until he was dead. His dream came true. He would have an ifthar with Rasul Allah PBUH, Abu Bakr and Omar Ibn Khattab. May Allah save Uthman in His jannah. Amen.

Source : http://www.lampuislam.id/2013/08/kisah-pembunuhan-utsman-bin- affan.html

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Abu Darda RA

(Moh. Ilham Dzikrulloh)

From reach men to be the grounded and educated men

His real name is Uwaimir bin Zaid bin Qais RA, he is one of sahabah Anshar from kabilah Khajraj in Madinah. He was a successful merchant, all of people in Madinah knows him so well. But one day he left the world of commerce that has raised his name. He left that world because he just wants to learn and memorize Al Quran from Rasululloh. Rasululloh made a friendship between Abu Darda and Salman Al-Farisy RA. He ever joined on Badar war until Rasululloh praised him as the best horse soldier. One-day Ummar bin Khattab ask to Abu Darda become a high official in sham. But he rejected that chance, he didn’t want to be a high official. But, if he asked to be a teacher he will accept. He will teach about al-Quran and also sunnah of Rasululloh. Directly Abu Darda asked to go to Damaskus to teach there. Too much the words of pearls uttered by Abu Darda. He had chosen to get closer with Allah S.W.T and spreading religion to all of people by learning. He loves everyone because of Allah S.W.T.

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He never looking at someone's property, but he appreciates if there was a person who had a good faith about Islam. This is proven when there is son of the governor want to marry his daughter. But directly Abu Darda rejected his proposal, Abu Darda instead choose a Muslim man but he was poor. All the people was getting shocked because of that. So, one of the people ask to Abu Darda, why he did like that. And he answers “I am free to do anything for the good of my daughter” he just didn’t want if his daughter married with a wrong person, she will lose her Iman. Because of that, he wants his daughter married with a true person who had a great Iman.

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Abdullah Bin Mas’ud RA (Muhammad Yusro Nurfayaqun)

Secret Box

Once upon time, there was man from Mekah. He was brown at Mekah 596 M, around 32 s. He is small, poor, but he strong man. His father namely Mas’ud, his mother namely Ummu Abdillah binti Abu Daud bin Sau’ah. Every day he often learns Qur’an with Rasulullah SAW, therefore he called” ahlul Qur’an” because he has good voice. One day, when he shepherds a goat in the field, Rasulullah and Abu Bakar came in front of him. (Rasulullah ask something) Rasulullah: “Assalamualaikum fulan, can you help me. I’m thirsty please give me sheep milk? (Rasulullah said to fulan) Fulan: waalaikumusalam, it’s not mine Rasulullah you should ask to my boss. (think for a while) Rasulullah: do you have a goat? (another goat) Fulan: yes, I have Rasullah, why? Rasulullah: would you take it. Fulan:” of course. (directly take goat)

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Rasulullah: pray to Allah (after goat came), directly something happen (goat milk is enlarged) Rasulullah directly squeeze milk goat and drink it. Fulan: would you teach me, how to make it milk goat is enlarged? (After something happened to goat and fulan saw, fulan ask to Rasulullah) Time by time, he often imagines the events. He direct interest learn that and go to Rasulullah SAW. Rasulullah teach him anything such us: Al Quran, alhadist and so on. Long time he learned, he masters all about Qur’an, hadist and so on. He have ability more than another sahabah therefore he called” . Even, when Rasulullah want be listen Quran, he call fulan for read Quran (example surat annisa 41-42) Rasulullah always cry when listen his voice read Quran therefore he usually call “secret box” (because all of Rasulullah doing he know). When sahabah ask to Rasulullah about learn Quran, Rasulullah said” hi sahabah if you want learn about Qur’an you can learn to Fulan, nothing is over Fulan when teach Qur,an.” finally Fulan to be teacher all sahabah even he brave read Qur,an in front of Quraisy people to show that Qur’an is really Muhammad revelation”

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Julaibib RA (NMF Amin Mubarok)

A Dramatic Ending of a Bad boy

He is one of Sahabah who has unique story. This companion does not belong to the noble people of the . The stature is also not good. These friends belong to the category of the poor, possessing no property. However, he was very beloved by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam because of the piety that he had on him. One day the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam wanted to marry him with one of the daughters of Anshar sahabah. So, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam came to the house of this friend Anshar and said: "Put your daughter with me". Hearing the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, the companion had no thought of accepting the Prophet's offer. A very valuable opportunity, and a pride priceless when it comes to the relationship of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. However, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam explained, that this proposal is not for himself. "Then what's the matter for whom, O Messenger of Allah?" He said with a question mark. He sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam replied: "For Julaibib Radhiyallahu anhu".

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With the confusion the companion replied: "Well, Messenger of Allah! But I have to talk first with my wife ". After meeting his wife, he told the Prophet's proposal. He said: "O my wife. Surely the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam begged your daughter, "and his wife immediately replied:" Yes, I strongly agree ". "But the Prophet did not wish for him," explained the husband. "Then to whom the proposal," asked his wife in surprise. "The Prophet shouted it to Julaibib Radhiyallahu anhu," he said. His wife replied: "To Julaibib Radhiyallahu anhu? No! I disagree. Do not marry him! " They are reluctant to have a son-in-law like Julaibib Radhiyallahu anhu who has nothing. Thus, the condition of some parents who sometimes prefer one's world rather than his religion. Unexpectedly, when his father was about to leave to dismiss the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, there was a voice in the room: "Who has led me, my dad? Did you reject the command of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam? And it is not fitting for a believer and a believer, if Allah and His Messenger have decreed a decree, there shall be a choice for them concerning their affair. Know, I will not marry except with Julaibib Radhiyallahu anhu! " Hearing her daughter's story, then the friend went to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Upon the presence of the Messenger of Allah, he said: "O Messenger of Allah! I accept your gift. Get married with Julaibib Radhiyallahu anhu ". Undoubtedly, happiness also includes Julaibib Radhiyallahu anhu. The wife who shalihah will soon become the companion of her life. New life will soon come true.

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However, the dream is lost, when the jihad call goes to his heart. He is confused when to choose between the wife of shalihah, happiness, or die of shahid that he has been trying to imagine?! Finally, it turns out that the longing for martyrdom on the battlefield was his choice. When the war would be beginning, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam asked his companions: "Whoever falls in the way of Allah?" They replied: "Fulan and fulan, O Messenger of Allah". They did not mention the name sought by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, ie Julaibib Radhiyallahu anhu. So, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam again asked they repaid the same. Then he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam exclaimed: "Surely, I have lost one of my best friends, Jualaibib. Look it up! " The friends immediately sought the body of Julaibib Radhiyallahu anhu. And they get his body fallen. There are seven bodies around him. He sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam stood beside him and said: "He has killed these seven people, then they killed him. Indeed, he is me, and I am he, he repeated three times. Then, with all his gentleness and affection he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam raised his body and leaned on his arm. The companions prepared the whole pit for him, and the Prophet kept backing the body of Julaibib Radhiyallahu anhu on his arm, until he was finally buried. May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala bless him. Then, Rasulullah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam prayed: "Yes, God! Bring the best for him. And do not make for him a difficult life. "

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Abdullah bin umar (Syahrul Ramadhani)

A Son of the Shadow

Abdullah bin 'Umar was a companion of the Prophet and the narrator of hadith. He is the second son of Umar bin Khattab and he is the brother from Hafsha Ummul mukminin. Abdullah bin 'Umar was a diligent and careful friend in the transmission of hadith. He has narrated about 2630 hadiths. Ibnu Umar also had no ambition or position in government and he didn’t want to implicate himself in various political conflicts among friends. Abdullah a successful and wealthy merchant but also a philanthropist Abdullah ibn Umar converted to Islam when he was 10 years old with his father, but he first went to Madina from his father. At the time of war Uhud, ibn Umar wanted to join the war but Rasululloh not allow because of his age is still young. Khandaq war is the first war of Ibnu Umar, one day caliph Utsman bin Affan ever offered ibn Umar to serve as a judge, but he refused. After Utsman died the Muslims also attempted to pay him caliphate but he also rejected it. Ibn Umar also decorated the evening with tahajud prayer. One day after the evening prayer with the Prophet Ibnu Umar came home and dreamed. "pretending if there is

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a velvet cloth in my hand, velvet carry it wherever I want heaven and hell, there are two angels have brought to hell and see all the parts that are in hell" then Ibnu Umar told his brother Hafshah after that tomorrow Hafsah directly asked his sister's dream to Rasululloh. Rasululloh said it would be the main of Abdullah’s if he often prays night and many do it. Since then until his death Ibnu Umar never leaves night prayers either in a state of mukim or safar. The generosity of Ibn Umar among others is also shown by the attitude of giving only the poor. He rarely ate alone. Orphans or the impoverished class often invited to eat together. He once blamed his own children for inviting a banquet for the press. "You invite the people who are in full, and you let the people starve." Ibn Umar died 72 years of Hijriyah at the age of 84 years. The son of Umar ibn al-Khattab as his father, both Muslim activists, has departed. If Umar ibn Khattab lived in a time when many friends of the Messenger of Allah and worshipers, the people during Abdullah ibn Umar said, the time when Ibn Umar lived hard to find the figure as hard and firm as he was. Ibn Umar lived up to 60 years after the death of the Messenger of Allah. He lost his vision in his old age. He passes way the age of 80, and was one of the last friends who died in the city of Mekkah.

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Ammar Bin Yasir

(Sholehuddin Al Ayubi)

The Candidate of Heavers of Paradise

Once upon a time, there was lived a boy named Ammar. He lived with his father and his mother in Yaman. They were a good family. One day, they went to Makkah to looked for their other member’s family. They felt so comfortable in Makkah and decided to live there. At the time, Rasulullah Saw began to share Islam hiddenly. Ammar’s family heard the information about Islam religion. So, they came to Rasulullah and asked about Islam. and they said syahadat directly in front of Rasulullah. In Rasulullah’s era, there was Quraisy clan who hate Islam. They will have excruciated Islam’s people and kill them. Quraisy people know that Ammar’s Family was already became Islam and Abu Jahal the leader of Quraisy clan ordered Ammar’s family went to desert for excruciating Ammar’s family. Ammar’s family was so pity. They were hit and whipped by Quraisy people. Ammar’s parent was got Syahid first. Ammar can’t stand and felt that he would dead. Finally, he

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forced to said Latta Wal Uzza! In front of Abu Jahal and he stopped the excruciated. Ammar went to Rasulullah and explained why he said Latta Wal Uzza. Rasulullah already know that Ammar was forced to said. But, Ammar’s friends were believed, and Allah explained by, “except for one who is forced, while his heart is secure in faith..." (QS An-Nahl: 106). After his friend know about the ayat, finally his friend apologizes to Ammar. Since that time, Ammar always accompany Rasulullah anywhere, helps Rasulullah if got problems and join some war such as Badar, Uhud, Tabuk, Khandak, and Yamamah. One of ear ammar was cut off on Yamamah war. In Ummar Bin Khatab era, he decided to choose Ammar to become a leader of a country. One day, Ammar went to market to buy vegetables and brought it on his shoulder. Then there was a munafik person said to Ammar. “hey, the leaders who hasn’t one ear”. Ammar just smiled and replied, “my one ear was lost because war fisabilillah, I proud of my one ear, so?” A munafik person very embarrassed by his own word. When Ammar joined the Siffin war face Syi’ah army, Ammar got his Syahid.

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Anas Bin Malik (Thabarany Akbar Mauladana)

A Slave of The Last Prophet

His name was Anas bin Malik, his mother’s name was Ummu Sulaim. He was born ten years before Rasululloh Hijrah to Madinah. Once upon a time, Rasululloh and muhajirin sahabah hijrah to Madinah. All the people or anshor sahabah welcomed Rasululloh and muhajirin sahabah was very kind. All anshor sahabah gave something to the Rasululloh because of his arrival in Madinah except Ummu Sulaim. Ummu Sulaim was very confusing because she did not anything to be given to the Rasululloh. Finally, Ummu Sulaim gave Anas bin Malik to the Rasululloh and became a little slave of Rasululloh. One day, Rasululloh was coming for Anas bin Malik and told a secret for Anas bin Malik, and Anas bin Malik said, “I will always keep this secret and will never tell the anyone else”. One day his mother or Ummu Sulaim was asking to Anas bin Malik about Rosululloh’s secret, but Anas ibn Malik refused his mother request. There was proof Anas bin Malik had extraordinary intelligence. Although still young, that all was giving from Allah SWT, and Anas bin Malik would never forget it.

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One day, Khalifah Abu Bakar As Shiddiq and Umar bin Khattab provided trust for Anas bin Malik to became governor (Amir) in Bahrain. Abu Bakar and Umar bin Khattab knew all about Anas bin Malik, therefore they choose Anas bin Malik became governor in Bahrain. And in hadits “no one is as good as the Rasululloh except Anas bin Malik. When Anas bin Malik became governor in Bahrain, he had problem with Al Hajjaj bin Yusuf as prime minister in Bahrain. That problem came between Anas bin Malik with Al Hajjaj bin Yusuf because there was a slander between them. And a few days Al Hajjaj bin Yusuf knew there was slander with Anas bin Malik and Al Hajjaj bin Yusuf arrived to met Anas bin Malik and he was apologizing for Annas bin Malik.

Source: Ust. Yiyin’s book and book of the title 101 Sahabat Nabi

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Ukasyah Bin Mihshan (Ukasyah )

Ukasyah has preceded you

A long time ago, there lived a man named, Ukasyah bin Mihshan, he was a kind man and diligent worship. He really loved his prophet, Muhammad Shallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam, he was always obedient to the prophet’s orders. One day, Prophet Muhammad said about a hadith in front of his people, “Among my people, there will be 70.000 people who will enter the paradise without reckoning, their faces shining like a full moon.” Later, Ukasyah bin Mihshan stood up, lifting a piece of cloth from the feathers, then said, “O Rasulullah, please pray for me to Allah that I may be part of that group.” Then Rasulullah prayed, “O Allah, put Ukasyah into that group.” After that, a sahabah from the Anshar clan said, “O Rasulullah, pray for me to be included in that group too.” Rasulullah said, “Ukasyah has preceded you.” ___

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Al-Aun Sword One day, in Badar War, Ukasyah bin Mihshan was fighting by a great spirit. He beats his opponents by a sword. Unfortunately, in the middle of Badar War, his sword was broken. Then he came to Prophet Muhammad to ask for a new sword. Because there were no more swords in the package, Rasul only gave him a branch of dates tree. After Ukasyah held it, magically it changed into a sword, a great and shiny one. Afterwards, Ukasyah could beat many villains in Badar War with that sword. In every war, he always used that sword. That sword named, Al-Aun. ___

Ukasyah’s Death

Ukasyah was always joining in every Rasulullah’s war. With his sword, Al-Aun, Ukasyah was always success for beating his opponents. Al-Aun sword was a grace for him from Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala. Afterwards, Ukasyah was joining in Riddah War to defeat the army of false prophet, Thulaihah. In Riddah War, the commander of Islam’s army was Khalid bin Walid. Commander Khalid bin Walid commanded Ukasyah to be in the first line of the army. Later, during the war, as the first line army, Ukasyah was fought with a burning spirit to kill the false prophet, Thulaihah. Unfortunately, Allah gave another plan to

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Ukasyah. Ukasyah was killed by Thulaihah. Even he couldn’t carry out the commander Khalid bin Walid’s command, he got the better ending from Allah. He was dead by khusnul khotimah.

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Salman Al Farisi (Widodo Widhianto )

I Look for a Religion

Salman Al- Farisi is different with another sahabah. He not from Mecca or Medina, but he from Persia. Before Salman became Moslem he was a Majusi. He kept the holy fire – the Majusi god. His father was the rich people. He has a large land. One-day Salman’s father asked Salman to go to the one of his land. On the way, Salman crossed the Christian church. He saw Christians do their worship the he said “For god sakes, their religion is better than my religion “. After that Salman back to home. He told what he had seen to his father. His father was very angry, then he chained Salman. He didn’t let Salman to go outside. In the next day Salman saw a group of Syrian Christians crossed in front of his home. Then he escapes by his self and followed the Syrian Christians. After that, Salman became Christian. In his life journey, Salman cheated by someone, and finally he became a Jewish slave. Now Salman at Medina. Salman got a news that the last messenger had coming to Quba. Then he went to Quba.

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Salman already knew the prophetic sign of the last messenger, so he tried to find it. First, he gave a sedekah to Rasulullah, but Rasulullah did not received it. Next day he gave a gift to Rasulullah, and Rasulullah accepted his give, this is the first prophetic sign of Rasulullah. In the other day Rasullah ushering the sahabah corpse. Rasulullah wore two pieces of clothes. Salman greeting to him then he looked for the second prophetic sign in Rasulullah shoulder. Rasulullah had known about it, then he toke of his shal from his shoulder. Finally, Salman knew Muhammad is the last messenger. In that time Salman became Moslem. Salman Al Farisi became a devout moslem. He always followed the sunnah of Rasulullah. In Syawwal 5 Hjriah, there was a war between Moslem VS the Jewish coalition with the Mushrikeen. The number of Muslim forces involved in the Khandaq War amounted to 3,000. While the enemy coalition troop totals 10 thousand people. of course, this is an unbalanced battle. Then Salman got an idea. He asked the Moslem forces to build a moat around the city. This was a war strategy from Persia. The war was beginning. For fifteen days the enemy attacked medina, but they cannot have penetrated the defense of Muslim army. It was during that time that Allah gave the seeds of division among the coalition of troops they formed. The Jews of Bani Nadhir and Quraizhah were reluctant to fight on the Sabbath. While the Quraysh force to keep fighting. Quraysh also felt betrayed by the Jews. Finally, a dispute ensued, and their fellowship was finally ravaged. Abu Sufyan - the commander of Quraisy army decided to give up. He asked his army to came back to mecca. Finally Moslem army won the war.

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When Umar bin Khattab became Khalifah, Salman Al- Farisi had chosen as the governor of Madain. In fact, Salman did not accept the Khalifah requesting. He felt he did not has enough capability to be a governor. Khalifah negotiated with Salaman. Finally, Salman accepted it. One day a seller from Syam was having trouble taking care of his luggage. Then he saw a man with some shabby clothes. He asked the man to bring all his luggage and the men accepted it. When they crossed the street, a citizen of Madain said to the men “Amir let me help you “. The citizen very surprised, he did not know if that man was Salman Al- Farisi “Please forgive me Amir I don’t know if you is the governor of Madain “, he said “This job is don’t has relation with my position. I was accepted your help, so I must have finished it” Salman replied. That is Salman Al-Farisi - The zuhud one.

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Umar Bin Khattab (Yudha Satria )


This is the story about one of the greatest friends of Prophet Muhammad SAW. His name is Umar bin Khattab. I would like to tell you about three parts of the story upon him. Firstly, I am going to tell you about the flash biography of him. Secondly, I’d like to flash you back through his past life when he was non-muslim. Last one, I am going to share how he contributed to the Umat.

Umar bin Khattab was a strong and thoughtful man. He was a bad guy (in Islam we call it as kafirun). He had a tall body and big instead. His character was wise and very frightened by the enemy of Allah. The enemy of Allah was afraid of him not only in the form of human but also the inhuman creatures such as Satan and other something demonic. Historically narrated by Muhammad bin Sa’ad bin Abi Waqqash ra from his father that he said “Umar bin Khattab begged in order to be allowed entering the house of Rasulullah SAW. At that time there were several women from Quraisy were talking with Rasulullah and they talked loudly

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over the voice of Rasulullah SAW.” When Umar bin Khattab came in to the room and they were just directly standing up and fell down the hijab. After being allowed to enter the house of Rasulullah, then Rasulullah laughed. Umar questioned “What makes you laugh Rasulullah?”, then Rasulullah answered “ I wonder about these women who stand right next to me. When they hear your voice, they just directly put off their hijab.” Then Umar repeated “The truth is, you are exactly the one supposedly to be respected with, Rasulullah. Then Umar said things to the women “Dear honorable women who become the enemy of yourself, how come you put respect on me and not being respectful to Rasulullah?”. The women answered “Ya, because you are more thoughtful and much harder than Rasulullah.” The Rasulullah said “Dear Ibnul al- Khaththab, for the sake of Allah whom my soul grabbed deep inside his hand, Satan will not enter to see you walking in the road unless they look for the other way to come in.” This riwayat quite ensuring us that this individual was such a great person and it was proven by this Riwayat. This second Khilafah Rasyidin replaced the position of Abu Bakar ra on the era. He was selected democratically. He was born in Mecca in 583 M and died in 644 M. He was one of the friends of Rasulullah who became the influential leader at that time, he pioneered many things and made the people became prosperous. He was really great. He was originally non-muslim and converted into Islam on the way he found his hidayah. He was known as the well- organized leader and people put faith and full respect with

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him because of his wises. He had a very tall body and big body also. During his youth, he was also known as the one who really strong and respected with. When he was jahiliyyah, he was just really hard and criticized on Islam especially Rasulullah. He was an educated people and it was also proved on his family education system that he got in. His cleverness and smart brought him into the great leadership towards education that he implemented in his era of education policies. He was also an integrated person who could not be able to deal with any kind of cheating like corruption and any other things.

Source: Buku Keteladatan Sahabat Nabi Karangaan Yiyin Isgandi Hal 8-13

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Women of


Halimah Sa’diyah (Ahmad Azhari Yunus)

Looking for a baby

Once upon a time ago in ancient Arab its about 14 centuries ago there is a woman named Halimah Sa’diyah binti Abdullah bin Al-Harits As-Sa’diyah from Bani Sa’ad, she is a famous Arab woman because she became the feeding mother of Rasulullah SAW when he was baby, she is breastfeeding him until two years. Someday it was very dried season in Arab region. The weather dramatically raised the malnutrition toll around Arab plain. She and her husband leave the community with a group of people in caravan for looking baby, the baby parent will have paid them after the done the breastfeeding for two years. “This donkey was thin and the camel not containing milk again “they started to argue. This couple also carried on their baby while search the baby. When the night was raised, they can’t sleep well because their baby always cried a long of the night, because they can’t feed the baby with milk and it made the baby hungry to cry. They decide to go to Mecca, someday when their group was arrived to Mecca, the started to find

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the baby who want to feeding by them. Especially, when they face the Rasulullah most of all of them refused because the reason of Muhammad was orphan baby. “Who will pay them after feeding the baby? “The questioning that wandered through their mind. “I can’t take the baby, the baby was orphan, I can take a benefit from taking the baby” they said. After that the group was separated and leaved Halimah and his husband and their baby. “In the name of God, I don’t really like to return home with that group of women, before I got a baby who very need to be feeding” Halimah argued. “Do it, I hope our God will give us many good benefit from taking him as our stepson for the next two years” her husband said. “I will take your baby, mam as my stepson and we will return to you again next to year” said Halimah to Aminah. ___

Good Benefit Baby

Some day after Halimah took the Muhammad baby on the way to return to their community they stopped at the route. They are facing the very critical scene they got very hungry and thirsty, but the reality their camel no longer contained milk as their food. Time passed the miracle from Allah was dropped to them,

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Allah help them by their camel. Their camel nipple was with astonishingly fulfilled by milk, so his husband squeezed the nipple to get the camel milk. Firstly, they were amaze with that. But, the realized that this gift was from Allah through the baby who carries on. “In the of Allah, Halimah you took the miracle baby” “Yes. you right my husband. That was the hope I wished before” “Look at the camel, we will never be facing the terrible time, like hungry and thirsty again, and we must thankful to Allah for the gift” “Let’s enjoy this gift from God” The started to enjoy the gift until their satisfied and finally fall to sleep with very best quality of sleep on that fateful night. The awaken at morning and start to march again heading to their homeland. Their camel and donkey changed, their donkey became healthier as their camel, and the trip became faster than before. After few time, the sight many white spots in front of them, the white spot was their caravan that leaved them before on Mecca. They became closer and nearer, and the imagining of white spot turned to be clearly scene of caravan and Halimah and his husband almost overtakes them.

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“Heiii... wolf cub..! don’t leave us...! wait for us..! and accompany us..” the caravan yelled. “Heii.. that was your white donkey, right? The white donkey that was thin before and seem unhealthy. And you rode by that before.” Someone argued. “Yes, in the name of Allah its absolutely right, this is our past donkey that we carried after we leaved our society” Halimah said. After said that Halimah slow moved the donkey and join the caravan that heading to their homeland. The finally arrived to dens of Bani Sa’ad plain, and they were showed by the effect of the dried season and Halimah can see the good benefit after took the orphan baby, the good thing are coming to their family from all directions. After arrived at her home, the start to carry their goat to grassed at morning at returned at evening, their goat was returned with full of milk than the other people goat had. This condition was happened day to day in two years of took care to last messenger from Allah SWT, the baby of Muhammad SAW. ___

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Return to Retake Care the Baby

Time passed fast, two years was passed and the time for returning the baby to his mother in Mecca was nearly come to Halimah family. They trip to Mecca again to meet Aminah, the son’s mother. After arrived and meet with her with heavy hearted he returned the son to her. Inside of Halimah heart, she was really wanted always together with that son after all his experienced and many good benefit that coming to their family. On the other hand, Aminah was very happy with the condition of her son, because in age of two years old the son was had similarity the son who in age of four years old. Before Halimah leaved the Aminah house she decides to express her feeling to keep take care the son again. “I am sorry, Aminah, can I ask you something before we leave?” “What is that?” “I really love your son very much, he was like my own son, can I retake care again? Ask Halimah. “It’s okay. but let me with him few time, because I had really missed him” “Okay. Madam” After few time passed, Halimah finally can take again the son. And they decided to return to dens of Narrative Texts Compilation of ISLAMIC sTORIES 55

Bani Sa’ad, and stayed until the son age of 4 or 5 years old. Halimah returned the Muhammad to Aminah after facing the chest surgery from Malaikat Jibril, she was very afraid at that time. After returned Muhammad to his mother, Muhammad chosen by Allah SWT to all human, so Halimah and her family converted to Islam.

Source : https://desiemeilana.wordpress.com/kisah- shahabiyah/halimah-sadiyah-wanita-yang-menyusui-rasulullah/ accessed at 19 Desember 2017

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Maria Al Qibthy (Ali Mustofa )

The Lucky Baby Sitter

A long time ago, in Rasulullah's era there lived a girl named Maria. Her full name was Maria Al Qibthy. She has a sister named Sirin. They were a slave of the King of Egypt Empire named Muquaqis at that time.

In 628 Masehi, Rasulullah SAW ruled his messenger named Hatib bin Abi Balta'ah to deliver a letter containing an invitation for Muquaqis to embrace Islam religion. Unfortunately, the Egyptian king rejected that invitation. Instead, the king gave a gift of two beautiful ladies to Rasulullah. They were Maria and her sister, Sirin.

Finally, Hatib, Maria, and Sirin went to the Rasulullah's house in Mekah by horse. On the way, Maria and Sirin got a lot of things about Islam from Hatib. Maria and Sirin feel attracted to Islam. When they were arrived in Rasulullah's house, Hatib was telling the Narrative Texts Compilation of ISLAMIC sTORIES 57

Muquaqis rejection to Rasulullah and offering Maria and Sirin as a gift. ___

After a year of living in Mekah, Maria married by Rasulullah and Sirin married with Hasan bin Tsabit. Rasulullah got one child from Maria named Ibrahim bin Muhammad. Rasulullah gave his full attention to Maria and her son who make jealousy to the other Rasulullah's wife. Even Maria was making Hafsah and Aisyah hostile because of jealousy. Rasulullah was saving Maria in the house of Haritbah bin Nu'man that located beside of the .

Unfortunately, Rasulullah and Maria’s happiness didn’t last long. Ibrahim bin Muhammad was died in 1.5 years because he had a high heat temperature. Rasulullah also take care of his son's body by himself. He also carried him to the resting place named Baqi’. ___

After a year left his son, Maria's loneliness was increased when she must be a widow because Rasulullah also get the call by Allah SWT. Her days were passed alone.

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One day, Maria visited the tomb of Rasulullah and her son in Baqi to cure her loneliness. She cried above the tomb of Rasulullah and burst out all his heart. Five years being a widow, Maria followed her husband and son to fulfill the call of Allah SWT. There was a riwayat which states that Rasulullah and Maria live together again in the akhirat.

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Hafsah binti Umar (Bayu Arga Krisna)

Umar’s daughter Rasullullah’s wife

Hafsah was Rasullullah’s wife. Hafsah born, when Quraisy was renovated ka’ba building. She was daughter of Umar bin Khattab. Her mother name was Zainab binti Madh’nun. Hafsah very interested with literature, she also read some book from a woman who healed daughter of Abdullah al Qarsyiah al Adawiyah. So, she became a woman who had wide knowledge in Quraisy people.

Hafsah was married with Khunais bin Hudzafah when Hafsah still too young, but they lived with harmony and happiness. When Hafsah in 18 years old, her husband was died. Khunais died in battlefield, in Badar war. He died as syuhada’. Then, he was buried beside Utsman bin Madh’un.

Her father, Umar bin Khattab was very sad, because her lovely daughter became a widow when she was still young. But, Hafsah feel happy because her husband was passed away as syuhada, and his injured

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as a proof if his was war in Allah’s way. Umar was very sad. her young daughter had been a widow.

Umar bin Khattab had an idea about to looked for a good husband for Hafsah. After that, Umar went to Abu Bakar to ask about Hafsah. “Yaa Abu Bakar, my lovely daughter had been a widow, would you marry her?” But Abu Bakar didn’t say anything about married with Hafsah. After he didn’t get any answer from Abu Bakar he was very sad, but he also very shamed because he was rejected by his best friend. Then Umar bin Khattab went to Ustman bin Affan house, when he said. “my best friend, ya Ustman, my daughter had been a widow her husband was died in Badar war, would you marry with my daughter, Hafsah” Then Ustman answer. “I’m sorry my brother, even I didn’t wanted to marry in this time” After he rejected with his best friend, he came to Rasululloh to said about their attitude. After that Rasululloh said. “Hafsah will get a better husband than Abu Bakar, and Ustman will get a wife better than Hafsah”

And finally, Umar bin Khattab got his son in law, he was Muhammad. Ummar was very happy, he got the highest honor in Rasululloh’s era. He directly said the good news to his best friend, Abu Bakar.

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After Hafsah join with wife’s of Rasululloh. Umar said to Hafsah “How small you, when compare with Aisyah, and how small your father when compare with Aisyah’s father”. So Umah said when he had jealous with Aisyah, she must relanted with Aisyah.

In narrated, Hafsah had been talaq by Rasullullah becouse she was open Rasullullah secret. But Jibril remind Rasululloh Hafsah. Jibril said “Hafsah is a good wife, she diligent in fasting and she also diligent worship and she is your wife in heaven”

when her father, Umar bin Khattab was passed away, he got a messenger from Umar. And when Hafsah Passed away, he gave her Messenger from her father to her cousin.

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Ummu Kultsum (Dien Achmad Yusril Izza)

Ummu Kultsum’s love story

Once upon a time, there lived a girl named Ummu Kultsum. She was daughter of Prophet Muhammad and she was sister of Ruqoyah. Ummu Kultsum and Ruqoyah known as unique sisters. They were together all the time, played together, ate together, and even slept in a one mattress. They also married with same man, which is Utsman bin Affan. ___ Ummu Kultsum’s maried with the brother of her daughter’s husband, Utaibah bin Abu Jahal. Utbah and Utaibah were the son of Abu Jahal, Rasulullah’s uncle. One day, when Islam came and Surah Al-Lahab came to Rasululullah, Abu Jahal directly ordered his son to divorce their wife, Ummu Kultsum and Ruqoyyah. Abu Jahal was very angry about surah Al-Lahab, either his son. Therefore, Utaibah came to Rasulullah and yelled all kind of terrible words. Rasulullah than pray to Allah,

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and he wished Utaibah would die bitten by wolves. And it’s came true. After Ummu Kultsum divorced by Utaibah, she came back to Rasulullah’s home. Her daughter, Ruqoyyah was married with Utsman bin Affan. Unfortunately, it didn’t last long. Ruqoyyah died in 22 years old. Rasulullah then married Ummu Kultsum with Utsman bin Affan and they live happily ever after. Their marriage has running almost 7 years but they didn’t get any child. Ummu Kultsum died in 9th year of hijriyah. Rasulullah cried in her funeral.

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Aisha Binti Abu Bakr (Hikmatulloh )


One day, Rasul Allah PBUH and Aisha were sitting home. Some Habasya people came into masjid wanted to exercise with their swords. Rasul Allah PBUH looked at Aisha and asked her,” O Humaira, do you want to watch them exercise with their swords?” Aisha nodded and replied,” Yes Rasul Allah, I do.” Then, Rasul Allah PBUH stood up to the door. Aisha followed him immediately. She put her chin onto Rasul Allah’s shoulder and leaned her face onto his cheek. Few times later, Rasul Allah PBUB tried to ask her, “Have you done it?” Aisha didn’t want to finish it immediately.” O Rasul Allah, not that hurry, please.” So, he kept standing for Aisha to continue. Once again, Rasul Allah asked her, “Have you done it?” Aisha replied the same. Rasul Allah kept standing until Aisha got enough. Actually, Aisha didn’t want to watch them. However, she just wanted to show anyone how special

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she was in Rasul Allah’s eyes. It really showed that she was really special in Rasul Allah’s eyes.

Aisha and Fatima

One day, Rasul Allah had a meal ceremony. It was his habit to share foods to his relatives and sahabah, not excepted to Khadija’s friends. He called his youngest and most beautiful wife, Aisha. “Aisha, leave some pieces for Khadija’s friends!” Because he said Khadija, Aisha was really jealous. She said,” Can’t you just love me only? Am I not too special for you so you always keep calling her name?” Rasul Allah PBUH smiled hearing that. “Khadija was old and she’s not beautiful. But look at me! I’m younger and pretty. Can’t you just forget her and move on me?” Rasul Allah just kept smiling. Fatima; Rasul Allah’s daughter with Khadija heard what just Aisha said. She was angry that Aisha said something bad about her mother. So, she came to Rasul Allah PBUH and asked him. “If you don’t feel good of what she said, just stop her!” Rasul Allah said. Fatima was confused and said,” How could I interrupt her while she’s your beloved wife?” Rasul Allah smiled and replied, “Just do it by kidding her!” Fatima still confused, “How come?” So,

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Rasul Allah whispered something to her. Then, she came to Aisha and said, “O my young mum, you are my father’s beloved wife and you are so pretty. However, even my mum wasn’t young and pretty, she got a virgin man. But you, even you are young and pretty, you got a widower.” Aisha couldn’t say anything. She just wanted to laugh to hear that. ___ Fitnah about Aisha

One day, when Rasul Allah PBUH and Muslims army went back from a battle, Aisha also joined with them. In a place, they took a rest. Aisha was in a palanquin. Suddenly, she lost her necklace. Then, she came out and tried to find it. Finally, she found it in a place quite far from the place she took a rest. Unfortunately, when she came back to the place, Rasul Allah and his army had gone. There was nobody there. So, she just sat down there hoping if somebody could help her. A long time later, she didn’t see anyone coming. She was really tired and slept alone without his niqab. Suddenly, she was really shocked hearing a voice. “Innalillahi, Rasul Allah’s wife!”, said a man. She was awake immediately and wear her niqab. It was Safwan, one of Rasul Allah’s army. He knew her face because he Narrative Texts Compilation of ISLAMIC sTORIES 67

had ever seen her before Allah commanded Rasul Allah’s wife wearing niqab. He asked Aisha to ride his camel without saying anything. Aisha rode the camel as Safwan was guiding. They didn’t even talk to each other avoiding fitnah. Finally, they arrived in a place when Rasul Allah took a rest for the next time. Munafik people started to spread out fitnah to all people. When they arrived in Medina, Aisha was ill. She didn’t feel the pity of Rasul Allah at that time. She asked her mum what was wrong with him. Her mum said that people in Abdullah Ibn Ubay command are spreading out a fitnah about her and Safwan. She was really sad. One day, Rasul Allah PBUH came to her and said, “If you really did it, then you have to do taubah to Allah.” Aisha replied, “Allah is the only one who knows that I’m innocent.” Several days later, Rasul Allah came to bring good news. He said, “Congratulations! You are free from the fitnah now. Allah has cleaned up your name.” Yeah, Allah has sent verses about her innocence. They are in Quran Surah of An-Nur Verse number 11 until 20.

Source : http://kisahmuslim.com/1777-rasulullah-bersama-istri-istrinya.html http://babarusyda.blogspot.co.id/2012/02/ketika-fatimah-berseteru- dengan-aisyah.html http://kisahmuslim.com/3271-tuduhan-dusta-terhadap-istri- rasulullah.html

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Ruqayyah RA (Kevin Alhaqqi )

A special woman

I would like to introduce a special woman. It was about 1400 years ago. There lived a girl. She was born by a special woman in the world (Khadijah binti Khuwalid) and his father was the greatest human in the world (Muhammad peace be upon him). She was Ruqayyah ra; She was a beautiful girl. At that time, most of young people had married. So, almost 10 years old Ruqayyah ra was married with Utbah bin Abu Lahab

In a moment, when Muhammad was nominated becoming Rasulullah. Abu Lahab was hate to Muhammad peace be upon him and his religion. Abu Lahab often gave threat and oppression to Muhammad peace be upon him until Allah Jalla Jalaluhu sent down an ayat (the first ayat at Al Lahab) :

“Perish the hands of the Father of Flame! Perish he!”

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The parents of Utbah bin Abu Lahab were angry. “Divorce the children of Muhammad!”, said Utbah’s parents. Then, Ruqayyah divorced with her husband.

Month by month, year by year, Ruqayyah ra became a beautiful woman. She taught to people about Islam religion. In every midnight, she prayed to Allah Subhanallahu wa Ta’ala for asking a good husband. In a beautiful moment, Allah Subhanallahu wa Ta’ala answered her request. Ruqayyah ra met Ustman ra. Then, Ruqayyah ra was married with Ustman and had a child. His name was Abdullah.

Abu Lahab didn’t stop to give threat and oppression. Because the situation became worst, Ustman asked permission to Rasululloh peace be upon him for going to Habsyah (it is called Ethiopia now) with family and other Moslem people. Rasululloh peace be upon him gave them permission. Before they went to Habsyah, Rasululloh peace be upon him said “Carry Ruqayyah with you!”. Then, they went to Habsyah.

They lived in Habasyah peacefully. Doing some activities until good news was heard to Ruqayyah as. It told that Mecca was safe. Then, they went home. Unfortunately, Ruqayyah as felt sadness deeply. Because her mother passed away. One day, Moslem people went to Madinah again and Ruqayyah as joined too.

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In 624 M, there was a war between kafir group and Islam group. All of Moslem had prepared to fight. Ustman wanted to join the war, however Rasululloh peace be upon him asked him to accompany his wife. His wife was being ill. Unfortunately, Allah had called Ruqayyah ra while Rasululloh peace be upon him still in warfare. She death when Rasululloh won in Badar war; She was buried in Baqi' Al-Gharqad. Fatimah cried on Ruqayyah’s ra grave.

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Saudah Binti Zam’ah (Moh. Ilham Dzikrulloh)

The most patient wifeof Rasululloh Saudah binti zam’ah was the one of Rasululloh wife, her mother was Syamsy binti Qois. Saudah was famous as the patient women in Rasululloh era. This story was come when Saudah give way to Aisyah. One day Rasululloh was getting sad, almost every day he had no talking with another person. It was just because of his first wife named Khodijah was passed away. She was the lovely women for Rasululloh. Until one day there were someone tried to talk with Rasululloh and asked to him “ya Rasululloh, recently saw you that you look so sad. Do you still think about Khodijah? Or you have another problem, I’m afraid that you always getting sad like this” “ya fullan I’m ok, I just need more time to face this condition” said Rasululloh. Because fullan had known about Rasululloh problems, so fullan was conclude that Rasululloh still need more time to forget his memories with Khodijah. shortly after this fullan asked to Rasululloh, he gave a choice for

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Rosululloh. He suggests that Rasululloh should be married again. “ya Rasululloh, If you do not mind i suggest you to married again, let me tell you about women who ready if you want to married them, one of them are virgin named Aisyah, and the other was widow named Saudah. Finally, both of them were chosen by Rasululloh. So, Rasululloh ask this fullan to tell both of them that Rasululloh want to married them. After Rasululloh asked to this fullan for telling both of them, directly fullan went to Saudah house for telling this good news. When fullan was come to Saudah house, he knocked the door. “knock, knock, knock.... Assalamualaikum, is Saudah there?” “ Waalaikumsalam, ya it’s me Saudah” “I came here just for informing to you that, Rasululloh asked me to tell you that he want to marry you” Directly Saudah can’t spoke anymore, she just thought that she was dreaming and the water was coming out from her eyes. She just cried because she was happy. At that time Saudah walk into her father and said to him that, someone came to her house and brought good news. She will be married by Rasululloh. Her

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father can’t say anything, he just gave a chance for Saudah to choose. Finnaly Saudah decide that she want Rasululloh to marry her. It was the dream of Saudah in the past, that she had dream Rasululloh would married her. After the weeding was held they lived happily. Rasululloh realized that Saudah love joking. Rasululloh realized when both of them were praying in the middle of the night, and when Rasululloh will be standing from his ruku’, his back was touched by Saudah nose. When they were finished their pray, Saudah said “ya Rasululloh, I am so happy this night” “ya Saudah, what’s up? “I am so happy because this is the first time that my nose was touch by Rasul allah” Rasululloh just smiling at that time and feeling happy. In fact, not only because of saudah love joking but the patient of Saudah made Rosululloh love her. Actually, Saudah had known that Aisyah was the wives who loved by Rasululloh. Until one day when Rasululloh came to Saudah house, Saudah said to Rasululloh with her pleasure that she gave her chance to stayed with Rasululloh for Aisyah. Saudah just didn’t want that Aisyah getting jealous with her. But Aisyah rejected the chance from

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Saudah, if Saudah gave her daily chance with Rasululloh for Aisyah. Saudah said “No, I’ll give my chance for you Aisyah. Just take it” Actually, she didn’t need anything, she just want that Rasululloh didn’t divorce her. Directly Aisyah hug Saudah and said thanks for saudah. Start from that day Aisyah appreciate Saudah as the most patient person at that time

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Zainab Binti Jahsy (Muhammad Yusro Nur Fayaqun)

Once upon time, there was woman sahabah namely Zainab Binti Jahsy. The real name is Zainab binti Jahsy bin Ri’ab bin Ya’mar bin Sharah bin Murrah bin Kabir bin Gham bin Dauran bin Asad bin Khuzaimah. She was brown at 33 years before H/590, her father namely Jahsy bin Ri’ab, her mother namely Umaimah Binti Abdulmuthalib. She is the first woman sahabah who join Islam religion, she is beautiful woman, rich, smart and also work hard to ibadah. She is famous woman at the time, even there was man of slave Rasululloh SAW namely Zaid Bid Harist loved her. Zaid Bin Harist is slave who always follow Rasululloh saw, because there was accident when Zaid Bin Harist captured by kafir Quroisy and then Rasululloh saw chance him with money to redeemed, so Zaid Bin Harist thank to Rasululloh and directly join in Islam religion. At the time before Rasululloh saw married with Khadtijah ra, Rasululloh gave Zaid Bin Harist to her for live together. One day when Rasululloh saw Hijrah to Madinah, Rasululloh invited him to follow in Madinah for meet man sahabah Hamzah bin Abdul Muthalib . At the time

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Rasululloh gave suggestion to Zain Bin Harist for met Zainab Binti Jahsy. Rasululloh: hi Zaid, do you want married with beautiful fulanah? Zaid: who is she Rasululloh. Rosullah: she is Zainab binti Jahsy! Zaid: is she accept me, I only …, I don’t have much money Rasululloh? Rasululloh: don’t say that, go with me over there. (after that Zaid and Rasululloh go there) Suddenly, Rasululloh came in front of her home(a long time say something) Rasululloh to the point say to Zainab Binti Jahsy. Rasululloh: Do you want married with Zaid Bin Harist? Zainab Binti Jahsy: confuse, honestly say didn’t love him and I think I’m noble children, he you’re your boy” Rasululloh: Don’t say that Zainab, he really love you? Zainab binti Jahsy: if it is your command, I do it Rasululloh ( her heart said” samikna waatokna” she keep married with Zaid Bin Harist) Time by time, they life together, learn about religion together. Unfortunately, in the middle way Zaid have some problem. One day Zaid ask to Rasululloh: hi Rasululloh what happen to my family, why after I

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married with Zainab, she was not happy, she always moody, when I ask something, she always angry. Rasululloh: be patient Zaid? (after that Zaid always patient to solve, but finally he keeps unwilling and divorce with Zainab). Time by time Zaid life alone, fill up life to learn Qur’an and one day (after divorce with Zainab). He listens news from his friend that Zainab binti Jahsy want married with Rasululloh saw. Zaid agree that anyone who can guide her only Rasululloh saw. Rasululloh said to Zaid (after listen Rasululloh will marry Zainab) Rasululloh: hi Zaid do you now that Alloh has said in Qur’an that Alloh has ask me to married with Zainab (QS. Al-Ahzab : 5) Zaid: I know Rasululloh, I believe that only you who can guide Zainab, please keep her ( After Rasululloh married with Zainab binti Jahsy, Zaid life alone and always develop skill about Qur’an).

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Shafiyah binti huyay (Syahrul Ramadhani)

Girl of Yahudian

Shafiyah binti Huyay is one of the wives of the Prophet Mohammed to the side who came from the tribe of the tribe of the Nadhir tribe who live around the Madinah, Shafiyah bint Huyai is a Wise and Smart Woman. Shafiyah is the daughter of Huyay bin Akhthab daN. His mother was named Barrah bint Samaual, Shafiyah married with Rasululloh when she was 17 years old, Shafiyah has been widowed twice since she married with two Jewish descendants, Salam bin Abi Al- Haqiq (in another story is said to be Salam bin Musykam), one of the leaders of Banu Qurayzah, but their marriage did not last long. Then his second husband named Kinanah bin Rabi 'bin Abil Hafiq, she was also one of the leaders of Banu Qurayzah who expelled the Prophet. In the Khaibar War, Shafiyah and her husband Kinanah bin Rabi 'had been captured, having lost the battle. In one negotiation Shafiyah was given two options: freed then handed back to his people or freed then became the

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wife of Muhammad, then Safiyah very firmly, chose the first choice, she convert to Islam and willing to marry the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam then married Shafiyah when returning from Khaibar to Medina. Umm Anas bin Malik r.a, who was brought to celebrate walimatul urs combing Shafiyyah's hair, adorned and perfumed her with her shrewdness in makeup, Umm Sinan Al-Aslamiyah said that she had never seen a woman whiter and beautiful than Shafiyyah. When the entourage reached the Madinah Rasululloh ordered that the bride is not meet with his other wives. He sent down Shafiyyah in the home of his best friend Harithah ibn Nu'man. When the Ansar women heard the relatives, they came to see her beauty. The Prophet saw 'Aishah come out while covering herself and be careful (so as not to see the Prophet) then he entered the house of Harithah bin Nu'man. Then he waited for her until Aisha When she came out, the Rasululloh (may peace be upon him) took hold of his clothes and asked with laughter, "how do you get a rosy red?" 'Aisha answered while jealously adorned her, "I see, she is a woman Yahudi." but Rasululloh rejected it and said: Do not say that, because in fact she has Islam and good Islam. " Shafiyyah moved to the Prophet's house causing jealousy of wives. One day Hafsah binti Umar radhiallahu 'anha mocked him by saying " woman of Yahudi !", Shafiyah then sad, weeping and complaining to the Rasululloh sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam. Then the Apostle consoled him by saying, "You are the son of the

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Prophet (Harun 'alaihissalam), your uncle is the Prophet (Musa alaihissalam), and now your husband is Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam." Since childhood she loves science and diligently study the history and belief of his nation. From the holy book of the Taurat she read that there will come a prophet from the Arabian Peninsula that will be the last of all the prophets. His mind was devoted to the problem of prophethood, especially after Muhammad appeared in Mecca. She was very surprised when his people did not believe the big news, when it is clearly written in their books After the Prophet Muhammad SAW died, Shafiyyah remained committed to Islam and supported the struggle of Prophet Muhammad SAW. When there was a great slander on Uthman bin Affan's death, she was in Uthman's ranks. Shafiyah narrated many hadiths of the Prophet. Shafiyah died when she was about 50 years old, during the reign of Mu'awiyah bin Abi Sufyan. Marwan bin Hakam buried her in Baqi '.

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Khadijah Binti Khuwailid (Sholehuddin Al Ayubi)

The Holy Woman

Once upon a time, there was lived a woman called Khadijah. Khadijah was a widow and the rich woman in that era. She was the most successful woman and kindly. Helped each other’s and she didn’t arrogant. Many mans wanted to marriage with her, but she rejected all the request. That’s why people gave nickname to her The Holy Woman. One day, when Rasululloh was 25 years old Rasululloh Saw asked for joining to her business and she accepted the Rasululloh’s requested. One day, Khadijah ordered to Rasululloh Saw for selling her merchandise and asked her servant Maisaroh to accompany Rasululloh Saw. At the time, all the merchandise was sold out. Maisaroh told Khadijah that Rasululloh was good man, honestly, polite and kindly. So, Khadijah was interested by Rasululloh’s attitude and gave nickname to Rasululloh Al-Amin.

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Khadijah so interested by Rasululloh’s attitude and amazed. She thought that she should to meet her friend Nafisah to talked about Rasululloh’s Saw. Khadijah need helps from Nafisah to asked Rasulullah Saw to married Khadijah and Rasululloh decided to accepted her request. Finally, Rasululloh Saw married Khadijah by 20 young camels. From their marriage, Allah has been given them 6 children, they were Al Qasim, Abdullah, Zainab, Ruqayah, Ummu Kultsum and Fatimah. Since that time, Khadijah always accompany Rasululloh anywhere he hijrah, loved Rasululloh Saw as seriously as she can and gave support, motivation to reinforced Rasululloh’s heart. Until for 24 years accompany Rasululloh’s Dakwah. She got sick and passed away. Rasululloh Saw was very sad and said “ the best woman who occupant of heaven were Maryam Binti Imran and Khadijah Binti Khuwailid.

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Fatimah RAH (NMF Amin Mubarok)

No Day for Menstruation

FATIMAH. She’s the fourth of Rasululloh ‘s daughters. She was born on 20th of Jumadil Akhir, five years before Rasululloh was declared as a prophet. Aisyah said that Rasululloh said: “when I was on the way to sky, I was entered in the paradise, then I stopped at the tree of paradise trees. I saw a more beautiful tree than others, the whitest flower, the best smell of fruit. Then, I got the fruit, and I ate it. It became a sperm in my shulbi. After I was in the earth, I got a relationship with Khadijah R.A.H., then, she pregnant Fatimah. After that, when I was missing the smell of paradise, I always kissed her”. (Tafsir Ad-Durrul Mantsur about Al-Isra’ letter : 1; Mustadrak Ash-Syahihain 3:156). Therefore, she got the title “AZ-ZAHRA” because she got never menstruation, and when she was delivering her baby, she just got a few times for nifas. Fatimah was growing as the beautiful woman, and it’s time to be married. There were some of the best sahabah came to engage her, such as Abu Bakar Ash- shidiq, Umar Al-faruq, and Sa’ad bin Muadz. They were

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the people who were loved Rasululloh’s family. Abu Bakar said: “By ALLAH, I prefer to make relationship with Rasululloh’s family than my own family”.. (Bukhari- Muslim). But, Rasululloh always rejected them, and Rasululloh said to them: “I was waiting for the destiny of her business (Fatimah)”. (Tadzkiratul Khawash : 306). After that, Jibril was coming up and informing to Rasululloh that ALLAH had married Fatimah to Ali bin Abi Thalib. Then, Rasululloh was coming to his daughter and said that Ali had deliver his engagement for her. She was just silence, and Rasululloh was shouting “Allahu Akbar”, her silence was her pleasure. Rasululloh was meeting Ali, and rise Ali’s hand and said, “stand up! ‘bismillah, bi barakatillah, masya allah, la haula wala quwwata illa billah, tawakkaltu ‘ala allah”. They were married and had a great family after. Someday, Rasululloh was come up by someone, and he said, “ I was so hungry, gave me a food, I didn’t have anything to wear except this one, and didn’t have money to go home, help me ya Rasul.” Then, Rasululloh answered, “Unfortunately, I didn’t have anything to give to you, but a person who showed the goodness was like a person who did it.” Rasululloh continued, “went to person’s house who prefer ALLAH than herself, she’s Fatimah, my daughter.” After that, he was going to Fatimah’s house. When he was there, Fatimah was coming out and said, “I didn’t have anything for you”, she was thinking, and she remember that she had a neckless of her marriage with Ali. She gave it to him without any thinking anymore. Then, the man was coming back to Rasululloh, and showed it to him. Narrative Texts Compilation of ISLAMIC sTORIES 85

Rasululloh was crying happiness because his daughter was so pleasure to give the only thing she had. The man wanted to sell it for his needs, and one of sahabah was interested to buy it, his name was Ammar bin Yasir. After that thing, Ammar said to his servant, “went to Rasululloh and bring this neckless for him, and said that you were his servant, now”. Rasululloh was just smiling and did the same to his daughter, Fatimah. A neckless for three amazing destiny. –end

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Zainab binti Rosululloh (Thabarany Akbar Mauladana)

I met Prophet Ibraheem

Zainab was old daughter from Rasululloh and Khodijah. Zainab was born when Rasululloh was thirty years old or ten years old before Muhammad became Rasululloh. Although Zainab lived in a wealthy family, she was never spoiled. She always helped her mother’s work to kept the house, cleaned the house and etc. She also took care her little sisters Ruqoyah, Ummu Kultsum, and Fatimah. So, did not surprised if Fatimah regard Zainab as the second mother. When Zainab teenager, Zainab married with Abul Ash bin Rabi. He was nephew Zainab, son from her aunt that was Halah binti Khuwailid and that was Khodijah’s sister. Rosululloh agree Zainab married with Abul Ash bin Rabi. Rosululloh did not forbid about Zainab married with Abul Ash bin Rabi because Muhammad had not become Rasululloh. When Muhammad became Rasululloh, Zainab was becoming one of person that was entered Islam, but her husband did not follow Zainab. Although different religion, Zainab still lived together with her husband because at that time there

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is not rule about that. When her father was going to Madinah, Zainab still lived in Makkah with her husband and her child together. When Badar war that happened in Madinah between Muslim and kafir at second years of hijrah, kafir people was losing and who was still alive became prisoner. One of prisoner that was Abul Ash bi Rabi, wife from Zainab. A few days, Zainab knew that news, and the Zainab was sending necklace of her mother as compensation to make her husband free. Rosululloh was crying because he knew owner of the necklace there was Zainab his daughter who loved her husband very much. And then, Rasullulloh was commanding Muslim to loose Abul Ash bin Rabi.

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Aminah binti Wahab (Ukasyah)

Muhammad’s MOM

Once upon a time, there lived a great woman, Aminah binti Wahab. She was born in Makkah. Her father was the leader of Bani Zuhrah, named Wahab bin Abdul Manaf bin Zuhrah bin Kilab. While Amina's mother is Barrah binti Abdul Uzza bin Uthman bin Abduddar bin Qushay. One day, when Aminah was pregnant, she was always dreaming about the prophets that told him something about the baby she was carrying. In her first dream in the 1st month, she was visited by Prophet Adam ‘alaihissalam who told him that the child she was carrying would be a great religious leader. In the second month, she was visited by Prophet Idris ‘alaihissalam who told her that the child she was carrying would get the highest degree by Allah. In the third month she was visited by Noah ‘alaihissalam who told her that the child she was carrying would win the world and the hereafter. In the 4th month she was visited by Prophet

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Ibrahim ‘alaihissalam who told her that the child she was carrying would gain a rank and a great degree in the sight of Allah. In the fifth month she was visited by Prophet Ismail ‘alaihissalam who told her that the child she was carrying would have great prowess and miracles. In the 6th month she was visited by Prophet Musa ‘alaihissalam who told her that the child she was carrying would gain a great degree in the sight of Allah. In the seventh month she was visited by Prophet David ‘alaihissalam who told her that the child she was carrying would have intercession and Telaga Kauthar. In the 8th month she was visited by Prophet Sulayman ‘alaihissalam who told her that the child she was carrying would be the conclusion of the Prophets and Messengers. In the ninth month she was visited by Prophet Isa ‘alaihissalam who told her that the child s0he was carrying would bring the recited Qur'an.

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Juwairiyah binti Al Harist (Widodo Widhianto )

Rasulullah will redeem me

Juwairiyah binti al- Harist. She was the daughter of al- Harist bin Dhirar-the leader of bani Musthaliq. Her real name is Burrah. In Sya’ban 5 Hijriah, bani Musthaliq wanted to attcked Moslem. Rasulluloh already knew this news. Then Rasulluloh asked Buraidah bin Al-Hushaid to ensure this news, and this was true. The war was beginning. In this war Moslem army became the winner. Meanwhile Burrah became prisoner of war. She gave to Tsabit bin Qais. Burrah was a cleaver woman so he sent a letter to Tsabit bin Qais “ Rasulluloh will redeem me” . Then she went to meet Rasulluloh “Rasulluloh, my name is Burrah binti al Harist - the daughter of Bani Mustaliq. Now I got bad luck. I became a prisoner of war and I gave to Tsabit bin Qais. He is the good man, but when I asked to get free, he said that I must give nine

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pieces of gold to him. Please I need your help.” She said. Rasulluloh felt so sorry with Burrah. Then Rasulluloh said “Do you want to get better than your request?” Burrah was curious “What is that?” Burrah asked. “I will give you freedom, and then you will be my wife?” Rasulluloh said. Burrah was very happy then she said “ Yes, Ya Rasulluloh. Now Burrah became Rasulluloh wife, and Rasulluloh changed her name became Juwairiyah. When all of sahabah knew about Juwairiyah wedding they let free all the prisoner of war from bani Mustaliq. Then all of Bani Mustaliq became Moslem.

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Hindun Binti Uthbah (Yudha Satria)

This biggest Mecca leader’s wife

This is the story about another greatest women friend of Prophet Muhammad SAW. Her name was Hindun binti Utbah. Hindun was a great and a though girl. This biggest mecca leader’s wife was Hindun binti ‘Utbah bin Rabi’ah bin ‘Abdisy Syams bin ‘Abdi Manaf Ummu Mu’awiyah. She wife to Abu Sofyan. Before Abu Sofyan came into her life, Hindun was married with a guy named Hafsh bin Al-Mughirah bin Abdillah bin ‘Umar bin Makhzum. They were given a single son by the marriage, Aban. Then Hindun became a widow and once she begged his father Utbah bin Rabi’ah, “I am the woman who can pick my own way, do not marry me with before you tell me firstly.” Then her father agreed her begs. Hindun was known as the woman who was really brave and fearless. She also such a tough thinker. Before she was converted into Islam, she was kind of

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hardship woman and put huge hates about Islam including Rasulluloh SAW. She took part on war of Badar with her family (father, uncle and her brother), but unfortunately, she didn’t win the war and pathetically she lost her father and uncle including her brother. She thought that the defeat was really sad and also the family got killed. She put revenge upon Muslimin about the defeating war. Then on the second war, Hindun was going to invade and did revenge by killing the murderer of her family. At that time the Quraish officials planned a counter attack and Hindun forced them to include him and the Quraish woman to become an encouragement of the troops, upon arrival in the battlefield of Hindun sending Wahsyi slaves from Habashiah such a powerful spear thrower to kill Hamzah, if successful he promised freedom and treasure and apparently managed not satisfied with killing Hamzah he split Hamzah's chest and then took his heart then he ate the heart but could not be swallowed and then vomited his heart also made the ears and body parts of the martyrs into jewelry, this makes the Prophet sad, when Fathu Makkah all the People the Quraish polytheists pledge to the prophet including Hindun, but due to the bad memories, the Apostle told him to face his face, after converting to Islam Hindun became a devout Muslim, but recently she entered Islam Rasulluloh died, in Yarmuk war he and his

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husband participated in the army of Khalid bin Walid , on Umar's caliph period she died.

Source : https://asysyariah.com/hindun-bintu-utbah/ http://www.republika.co.id/berita/dunia- islam/khazanah/12/01/29/lyire9-hindun-binti-utbah-kisah- tobatnya-wanita-pemakan-hati-1

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Abdullah bin Umar (Ahmad Azhari Yunus)

Conquering of Egypt

One day in the Rasulluloh era at 14 centuries ago when Moslem population growth and influence spread to convert infidel people to accept Islam religion. The was a child, named Abdullah bin Umar, and usually called by Ibnu Umar RA. He was born two year after Muhammad SAW selected by Allah SWT as the last messenger to whole nature. Someday, Ibnu Umar decided to start his first debut at war of Badar with his father, Umar bin Khattab RA, in his age of 13 years old—but rejected by Rasulluloh SAW because he was too young to join a war. A few times was passed another war ultimatum was announced, the Uhud War—like the war before Ibnu Umar decided to join the war too, but finally refused by Rasulluloh again with the same reason. The war ultimatum announced again, the Khandaq War in this war He was permitted to make his first debut in war. He was very happy with decision he going war and Moslem was won in this time. Another

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war was waiting Ibnu Umar and this is a great war with many Drama inside of it, the Moslem army fight to Byzantium army—this war called Mu’tah War. The Medina society was Moslem people after year and year raised the influence. The population of Moslem war growing. After the society was growth into large community Rasulluloh decide to return to Mecca to liberty the city from Quraisy society. The Moslem caravan and also army are marched on to mecca from Medina, and Ibnu Umar also joined this plan. The plan was ended easily without battle and Mecca city was finally freed. “I must keep on fire with his struggling to my religion existence and influence, when I was alive and still strong” said him inside his heart someday. He also joins on the Yarmuk Wr, Conquering of Egypt region, and another African region like Aljazair and also the region that include Persians territorial. He was struggled very long to Islamic until his passed away at age between 82—84. you can imagine how long he was struggling.

Source : Book of Ustadz Yiyin Isgandi

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Husein Bin Fatimah (Ali Mustofa )

Karbala’s War

Husein bin Ali is a twin brother of Hasan bin Ali. Both are born of the best marriage of all time, Ali bin Abi Talib and Fatimah Az Zahra. Since childhood Husein live under the auspices of the daughter of Rasulluloh SAW. Hasan possessed a noble character, as did his brother Hasan. On a sunny afternoon, Husein was walking towards the mosque with his brother Hasan. Arriving at the mosque, they we want to take ablution. When they were trying to turn on the water tap, Husein wondered how to do ablution an old man who was at the end of the ablution site. “San, look at him. He has something wrong in his ablution, right?” Said Husein while pointing at the old man. “You right, Sein. We must tell him about his mistake and teach him how to do a correct ablution. Husein got a good idea. Husein an Hasan were directly intercept the old man who enter the mosque.

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“Assalamu’alaikum grandpa!” Said Husein and Hasan. “We want to have ablution but my brother said that his ablution is correct. Even though my ablution way is correct too. Would you like to see our ablution way, please? and say which one the correct ablution way between us.” “Of course, dear, I’ll help you” Grandpa replied. After that, they were go back to the ablution place and the grandpa ask Husein and Hasan to do ablution. “Ok dear, please take ablution first. I will see it. If there is something wrong, I will show you the correct way.” “Yes grandpa” replied Husein and Hasan. Husein and Hasan were start to do their ablution with the correct way and correct order. The grandpa was looking at their ablution way with big attention. After Husein finished his ablution, he asks to the grandpa. “Well, which one is the corrrect ablution, grandpa?” “Subhanallah, you’re have correct ablution way. My ablution that is wrong, son.” Replied grandpa with the vibrating voice. “Really? Our ablution is right?” Husein asked. “Yes my dear. You’re right. Your ablution way is same with Rasulluloh way. So, my ablution is wrong all this time. Thank you so much for showed me how to

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take ablution with the correct way. I also say thanks to Allah so I can meet with you and know about this. The grandpa was very happy because he got the correct way in take ablution. Husein and Hasan was also happy because they can teach someone who older than they are without patronizing impressed. ___

Husein and Hasan are good children because they are guided by good parents. Once upon a time when Abu Dhar and friends came to Husein’s house and talked with the Rasulluloh and his father. Suddenly Husein and Hasan came and mounted the Rasulluloh's back. The Prophet said slowly, "Oh my grandson, come down from my back." Ali was staring at Husein and Hasan sharply making them afraid, and then Husein and Hasan were getting down from the Rasululloh’s back. "Grandpa, I'm afraid with my father. He looked at me with angry "Said Husein to the Rasululloh. Rasululloh also rebuked Ali for do that to the beloved grandson of Rasululloh. Ali has just bowed and said “yes” to Rasululloh After that, Jibril was came and rebuked the Rasululloh. He said, "Ali is right, Muhammad!!. His way to teach his son is correct!! " Jibril also give a message to him, that is protect your children, give a good name and good nutrition. Because they are will help you in the akhirat.

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At the age of mature, Husein dubbed a good leader. When the Iraqi leader dies, the inhabitants of Iraq strongly expect Husein to become a Khalifah in place of Muawiyah. On the other hand, the son of Muawiyah named Yazid wants to lead Iraq too. However, this is rejected by the residents of Iraq. Residents of Iraq also sent a false letter that Husein has been willing to become an Iraqi Khalifah. This news reached Mekah and was known by Husein, but Husein has not confirmed this. This news also reached the ears of Yazid. Yazid is furious and sends 4000 troops to kill Husein. Hussein came with 73 troops left by his nephew from the previous war. This battle ensued in the land of Karbala. Therefore, this event named the war of Karbala. Because the troops are not balanced. All of Husein's troops were killed and left Husein himself. People were afraid to kill Husein because of the Prophet's descendants. But there was a young man named Amr bin Dzi al-Jausyan who threw an arrow towards Husein. Finally, Husein was killed in the land of Karbala.

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Zaid Bin Tsabit RA (Bayu Arga Krisna)

Tabuk war

One day, in Rasululloh’s era. There was a boy who named Zaid bin Tsabit. He came to Rasululloh when he was still 11 years old. His family came to Rasululloh with him and decided to join Islam. when he still in 11 years old, he was reciting 11 surah of Qur’an.

After he join Islam, he came to Rasululloh with his friends like a horse army. And they wanted to show their skill in war to Rasululloh.

The first boy, named rafi’ showed his skill with his bow. He can shoot right on the target easily. And Rasululloh was very happy, and this boy was accepted to join the war. The second child try to showed his skill of the war. He showed his muscle and he could defeat a big man. Rasululloh was very happy and accepted him. But Zaid didn’t accepted by Rasululloh because his age was to young. Narrative Texts Compilation of ISLAMIC sTORIES 103

After that Zaid was very sad, but he thought that if he wanted to protect Islam, it is not only by join the war. After that he came to Rasululloh with his family, and his family said to Rasululloh. “Ya Rasululloh, please accept this boy become your student, he can read and write clearly, and his hand writing is so beautiful” But, when Rasululloh try to looked up Zaid’s hand writing, he was very happy, because the handwriting was more beautiful than Zaid’s family said.

Then Rasululloh accepted him become his student. And he became Rasullullah’s secretary. When Rasululloh ask Zaid to learn about Yahudi language which was Ibrani and Suryani, Zaid could learn about it in 17 days.

He also joins war with Rasululloh, the first war was Kanddaq war and the phenomenal story from Tabuk war. Rasululloh give Bani Najjar flag from Ummara to Zaid, when Ummara ask Rasululloh way, Rasululloh answer “Qur’an must be precedence, and Zaid memorize more surah than you”

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Mush’ab bin Umair (Dien Achmad Yusril Izza)

Leave a luxury-life for the path of Allah

If there’s a boy with the tidiest hair and wore the best style in Mecca, it must be Mush’ab bin Umair. Mush’ab was born in a rich Quraish family, his parent was one of Mecca’s conglomerate. His mom loved him so much and serve him as best as she could. She always gave Mush’ab a breakfast before even he woke up, she gave the best clothes and the best perfume to Mush’ab. Even Rasululloh stated that “I never saw a boy in Mecca who has a tidy hair as tidy as his, and a good cloth as good as his.” ___ Mush’ab’s difficult time

Once upon a time, when he heard about Rasululloh’s arrival to Mecca, he started to learn Islam and attend every halaqoh to hear Rasululloh’s speech. Day by day, he became interested to Islam and never

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missed a single halaqoh with other sahabah. He kept attended that halaqoh until he became one of Rasululloh’s sahabah with the largest knowledge about Islam. One day, when he was praying, he was seen by Utsmani bin Thalhah, a Quraish. Utsmani bin Thalhah then reported him to his mom, and his mom got angry so bad. She started to torture Mush’ab, she forced him to keep stand up all day and didn’t give him a food anymore. After that, Mush’ab was imprisoned in his room and doesn’t allowed to go out before he left Islam and back to his ancestor’s religion. After several days, His mom started to tortured him physically until his skin changed and he got thinner. But his Iman was strong, he decided to go out from his home, left his family and his whole luxury-life. Then he went to the masjid to attend Rasululloh’s halaqoh. When he came, all of shahabah stared at him, and Rasululloh cried because he looked fully-different with his past life. Zubair bin al- Awwam said, “Once upon time Rasululloh sat with his companions in . Then Mush’ ab came to them with a bad cloth that didn’t cover his full body. The others companions bowed. Then he greeted Rasululloh and Rasululloh replayed his greeting and said “I really saw mush’ab bin Umair came to Mekkah with his parents. Both of his parents gave him good facility. But he leaves all of the wealth for running in Allah’s way” (HR. Hakim No. 6640). Mush’ab started his dakwah at Madinah. In a short-time, he could convert almost all of Madinah’s citizen. One of it was the leader of Madinah, Saad bin

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Muadz. This was the prove of Mush’ab’s geniusses in dakwah. Because of this, Madinah was chosen as the destination of Rasululloh and shahabah’s hijrah.

Mush’ab’s dead

Once upon a time in the Uhud war, Mush’ab was the one who hold the flag of Moslem. He then became targeted by enemy’s army because they thought Mush’ab was Rasululloh. And then, One of Quraish’s army named Qumai came and stabbed Mush’ab right hand. He said “Muhammad is only a messenger of Allah, there were some messengers before him” and he hold the flag with his left hand. Seeing the flag haven’t fell yet, Qumai came again and stabbed his left hand. Mush’ab said “Muhammad is only a messenger of Allah, there were some messengers before him”. After his two hands off, he put the flag on his chest and keep saying “Muhammad is only a messenger of Allah, there were some messengers before him”. Seeing that he still able to stand up and hold the flag, Qumai got angry and shot him with his bow. At this time, Mush’ab really died and fell down. The flag then holds by Ali bin Abi Thalib After the end of Uhud war, as always, Rasululloh came to the battlefield to check the dead body of

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mujahid that already syahid. When Rasululloh saw Mush’ab’s dead body, he cried and said “I really saw you in mecca. Your style was the best. Nobody was better than you. But now your hair is messed and your cloth is burdah (a cloth which is made from hard fabric). No piece of shroud covers you except a burdah.

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Zaid Ibn Haritha (Hikmatulloh)

I will stay with Rasul Allah

Once upon a time, there lived a family. His name is Haritha with his wife named Su’da and his son named Zaid. One day, Su’da wanted to visit her family in Bani Maan village with Zaid. Haritha allowed them to go even his heart didn’t. So, they left Haritha at home. In Bani Maan village, Zaid was really happy. He felt so comfortable and his mum enjoyed it with her family. But suddenly, there were some robbers came to the village and robbed everything. They killed the villagers. Su’da escaped herself but unfortunately, Zaid was captured by them. she was really sad and went home alone without him. She told her husband about Zaid. Her husband was really sorry to hear that. For a long time, Haritha looked for Zaid but he got nothing. He used to cry as he read poetry. It was all about his sorrowful of missing Zaid, his beloved son.

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Zaid was taken to Mecca by the robbers. They wanted to sell him as a slave. Zaid was a kind boy and honest. A man named Hakam Ibn Hazm bought him as a slave. He gave Zaid to his aunt named Khadija Binti Khuwailid; Rasululloh’s wife. Khadija gave him to Rasul Allah PBUH. Rasul Allah PBUH was really happy of Zaid. He (PBUH) cared to him. So, he adopted him as his son. Rasul Allah PBUH took Zaid to Ka’ba and announced to all people that Zaid was his son. Since then, people called him Zaid Ibn Muhammad. When Rasul Allah PBUH accepted wahyu from Allah, Zaid accepted the truth immediately and converted to Islam. Allah forbad all people to call him Zaid Ibn Muhammad, so he started to be called as Zaid Ibn Haritha. One day, Haritha came to Mecca to take Zaid back. Rasul Allah was really sad. Then, he begged Haritha to ask Zaid himself. “I will stay with Rasul Allah”, he replied. Rasul Allah was really happy to hear that, either was Haritha. He was grateful that his son could live with a special man like Rasul Allah PBUH. Finally, he went back home without taking Zaid.

Source : https://pendekarkecil.wordpress.com/2015/08/26/kisah- zaid-bin-haritsah-anak-angkat-kesayangan-rasulullah/

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Zubair bin Awwam (Kevin Alhaqqi)

A brave boy

In ancient times, there were two close friend. They lived in Muhammad peace be upon him era. Their names were Zubair and Thalhah. Zubair was a rich person and Thalhah too. Zubair was a brave boy. He was 15 years old. Although, he was still young. He always joined a warfare. At least, he joined three wars such as, Uhud war, Yarmuk war, and Hunain war.

In Uhud war, Zubair, Abu Bakar, and 70 armies of Moslem were ordered by Rasulullah peace be upon him to attack them. At that time, the armies of Quraisy won and went back to Mecca. In the middle of their trip, they defrauded because there were another armies. The armies of Quraisy were in disorder, and went back to Mecca.

In next situation, Yarmuk war was begun. He was given an opportunity for being a leader; He always gave his armies spirit with full power. Zubair always whipped up takbir front of his armies loudly. So, his armies were

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not afraid again. With his braveness, he jumped front of his armies and entered the line of enemies. His sword cleaved everything that blocked his way. He was looked alone, although there were thousand armies beside him.

In several times, another war was happened again. Of course, Zubair joined the war. The war was called “Hunain war”. Malik as leader of enemy had prepared everything to fight with Moslem people. He placed his armies in Valley. The battle was happened. The kafir people was in disorder. Zubair saw the leader escaping from the war, and went to Thaif (his supporter). Zubair directly entered the line of enemies, and cleaved everything front of him. Alhamdulillah, Moslem people won.

When Jamal war was happened. Zubair didn’t join because he knew the truth. Unfortunately, he was murdered by Amr (supporter of Ali), when he was praying. Amr brought his sword to Ali, and Ali was so mad on him.

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Abdulloh Bin Abbas (Moh. Ilham Dzikrulloh)

The Smartest Boy in Rasululloh era

Abdulloh bin Abbas was son of the rich family in Rasululloh era. His father was Abbas bin Abdul Muthalib and his mother was Ummu Al Fadl Lubaba, she was the second women who joined in Islam. Abdulloh bin Abbas was one of the sahabah Rasululloh and also his nephew. He always accompanying Rasululloh wherever he goes. Until his name was changed by Rasululloh because of too many people add Abdullah in their first name. So, Rasululloh changed his name to be Ibnu Abbas. Ibnu Abbas was the smart boy in Rasullulloh era. He had an huge knowledge. Too much hadist shaheh that narrated by him. Not only that, he also made many Khalifah from Bani Abbasiah. Ibnu Abbas was taught by Rosululloh perfectly, until he was thirsty for knowledge.

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One day Ibnu Abbas want to know how to Rasululloh pray. Because of that he stayed in her aunty house, named Maimunah binti Harist. In the middle night he woke up because he knows that Rasululloh will woke up in the middle night. When Rasululloh would be pray tahajud, Ibnu Abbas follow the step of Rosululloh. He thought that Rasululloh didn’t know if he follow him. But actually, Rasululloh knows that Ibnu Abbas follow him and then Rasululloh pull Ibnu Abbas hand and said, “Just stand beside me and praying together” Because of that Ibnu Abbas know what Rasululloh did in the middle of the night, and he know how to pray correctly. When they were finished their pray, directly Rasululloh stroking Ibnu Abbas hair and pray to allah, “Ya Allah, give him a perfect religion knowledge, and teach him tafsir of your holly book” Start from that Ibnu Abbas was famous as a smart boy. He dies on 87thHijriah when he was 81 years old and he die in Thaif.

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Salamah Bin Akwa (Muhammad Yusro Nurfayaqun)

Faster woman

The day before, there was child namely Salamah bin Amr bin Akwa al Aslami RA. His father namely Abu Iyas. He is 14 years old. he is smart, kind, humble even someone called him “faster woman”. Since he knows Rosulullah saw he join in Islam and often follow Rosulullah sa wherever. One day he walked alone to around desert in the Syam city, because he wants buy arrow to train himself. In the middle of way, he met his friend namely Arrosyid, Salamah: Hi, how are you? Arrosyid: Fine, what are you doing there. Salamah: I need arrow to train myself. Arrosyid: I have train, would you take mine? Salamah: really, but can you teach me to use it? Arrosyid: yes really, we can learn together(after they learn together, they see thief who take the camel of Rosulullah saw.) Salamah: Do you see over there?

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Arrosyid: I know, they are thief. Salamah: Quick, attack them use arrow? Arrosyid: I am afraid, you attack first. Salamah: ok (directly sent arrow to them and one of them death) After that the thief search who kill their friend, they search around all place and they found Salamah. Directly they pursue him. Salamah run quickly faster than them. Salamah said” there is no anyone can pursue me” (the thief very angry). They said: if I can catch you a will kill you? Salamah: you may try (the last they cannot catch Salamah and suddenly came Akhram Asadi RA to face them) Akhram: Hi Salamah, you may turn back, let me face them, I want to meet them? Salamah: don’t face them alone? (Akhram keep face them alone) The last Abdurrahman attack and he managed to snatch the hooves of Akhram's horse to fall, and immediately attacked him again so that Akhram die. Soon Abu Qatadah RA came to attack, but once again Abdurrahman succeeded in grabbing the leg of Abu Qatadah's horse until he fell. But this time Abu Qatadah was quite strong, while falling he could still attack Abdurrahman and ultimately succeeded in decapitating his neck.

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Hasan Bin Ali Kw (NMF Amin Mubarok)

The Similiar Face

HASAN Ar-Raihanah. He is the first grandson of Rosulullah. He was born in the middle of Ramadhan in 3H. He was the first son of Ali bin Abi Thalib with Fatimah Az-Zahra. He had a twin, named Husain. He is the person who had the most similar face with Rosulullah. One time, Abu Bakar was walking with Ali while carrying Hasan at the back, he looked at Hasan, and said, “he was so similar with Rosulullah, not with Ali”. Ali was just smile hearing that voice. Someday, when Rosulullah was praying, he ever put both of them between him. They just looked at Rosulullah way in praying, and when Rosulullah was sujud, they climb up to Rosulullah back. Rosulullah always let them did it as satisfied as they wanted. Hasan was doing pilgrim twenty-five times by walking, while carrying his camels. When he walked at the village, everyone always cared about him, such as giving him water, food, or something else. And when he was thawaf in Baitullah, everybody was so struggle to say salam to him.

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Hasan was not a greedy man about the authority. He was peace lover. He can make all people be united which were separated before. He ever said, “the most important thing for me was when Moslem people was united to be strong”. at that time, Hasan gave the authority to muawiyah in 41h, named “amul jama’ah” (tahun persatuan). before it, hasan gave three requirements for Muawiyah: 1. Muawiyah had to promise that he never insult Hasan’s father, Ali bin Abi Thalib. 2. The next authority had to be chosen by democratization way. 3. Choosing leader had to be based on discussion of all Moslem people. Muawiyah agree with that requirements, and promised to do that things. After that, there was no war anymore, and all people lived peacefully. The time happened. Hasan was finally near to his last life. One of his wives, named Ja’dah binti al-Asy’ats had poisoned him (this woman was sent by Yazid bin Muawiyah). He just directly drank the water which was added by a poison without any negative thinking. After that, he was just keel and passed away after few times later. When he was in last time, he said, “take me out to see the large of sky”. All people was directly taking him out and he was facing up to the sky while saying, “Oh ALLAH, I had purified my soul beside of you, because my soul was the most important for me”. However, this kind of thing was not happened well. When Hasan would be put in the grave, there was a problem with the grave. Hasan had ever said that he wanted to be put in the

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grave beside of Rasululloh, but Marwan bin Hakam (one of Utsman’s family) was disagree with this decision. There was a little crash between Husain and Marwan, but finally Husain was deferring to put Hasan in the Baqi’ grave.

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Umair bin abi waqqash (Syahrul Ramadhani)

Rasululloh, Please, Don’t Forbid Me!

One day life of a child called Umair. Umair is the younger brother of Sa'ad bin Waqqash RA. Umair bin Ali Waqqash comes from the Bani Zuhrah bin Kilab. Umair emigrated in his teenage years or when the war broke out, when the Muslim army was ready to depart Umair confused and running around here among other members of the troops, then Sa'ad look and wondered at his brother's behavior then he asked Umair why you do like that then his sister said I was worried if Rasululloh knew my whereabouts here and Rasululloh forbade me to join the war, because my age is very young when I hope to come and get martyrs. Not long after Rasululloh know the existence of Umair and Rasululloh directly forbid Umair participate because of very young age. Umair wept for fullness because Rasululloh had forbidden her but the spirit of Umair had peaked to join the war. With tears of sorrow Umair asked to Rasululloh to be allowed to participate in the war, because saw

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tears and spirit Umair Rasululloh allowed Umair participate in war As the war began to rage, Umair threw herself into battle. It did not seem at all that he had first been in a battle for the first time because of his burning spirits. After he broke through the siege for a more than threefold siege of Quraish infidels, he fell because of too many injuries. And Allah granted his wish to obtain martyrs in this .

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Khalid ibnu walid (Sholehuddin Al Ayubi)


Long time ago lived a child name Khalid. He was very smart boy. He lived with his father and his mother in Makkah. His clan is Quraisy. Every day he always learned and learned more about tactics of war, rode a horse, self-defense and shoot with a bow. When Islam was come at that era, Khalid was hate Islam. He joined first war, it was Badar war. At the time, Kafir people were get lost. So, Khalid wanted to avenged Islam’s army in the next war. In the Uhud war, Khalid wanted to become a hero’s Quraisy to defeated Islam’s army. For the first time, Islam’s army almost win the war. But, the archers at Jabal Uhud didn’t heard Rasululloh’s word. Finally, Khalid made a great strategy to defeated Islam’s army. Kafir’s army attacked Islam’s army in two sides, right side and left side so Islam’s army were getting lost. What a smart Khalid in that situations able to fight back the Islam’s army and become a winner.

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Rasululloh hopes that Khalid become a Muslim and helps Muslim face Kafir people. One day, hidayah come to heart’s Khalid so he decided to meet Rasululloh for saying syahadat. Since that time, Khalid always helps Rasululloh and accompany him on each war. There was no army who able to defeated Khalid’s army. But, the first time Khalid become a leader was in Mu’tah war. At the time there were three leaders who lead the Islam’s army. They were Zaid Bin Haritsah, Ja’far Bin Abi Thalib and Abdullah Bin Rawahah. The three leaders were got Syahid, then Islam’s army were confused because there was no person who able to lead them. Finally, one of Sahabah decided to choose Khalid Bin Walid to be their leader and Khalid began to give Islam’s army new strategy so the Islam’s army were become the winner. ___ Khalid hopes that he can dead in battlefield. However, Allah has different plan for him. There were many wars that have been won by Khalid and 70 wounds on his body. But Allah decided Khalid dead in his mattress.

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Jabir bin Abdullah (Thabarany Akbar Mauladana)

Baiat Aqobah

Jabir bin Abdullah was accepting Islam when he still child. Once upon a time, group of people from Yatsrib went to Makkah. They went to Makkah because there was big meeting with Rasululloh (Baiat Aqobah). Between group of people that was old man. He had ten child there was nine daughters and one son. And then son that was following his father went to Makkah. The old man was Abdullah bin Amru and that son was Jabir bin Abdullah. After group of people was meeting with Rasululloh, they pledge to obey for Rasululloh. And then, Islam was entering to Jabir’s heart, this was hidayah from Allah SWT. One day, Jabir bin Abdullah had spirit to followed war in the Allah’s way. When happened Uhud war, Jabir bin Abdullah was following that war, but Rasululloh was forbidding Jabir bin Abdullah to followed that war because Jabir bin Abdullah still child, otherwise his father was commanding to still in the house and kept his sister. In the Uhud war, Jabir’s father passed away

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and Jabir bin Abdullah felt sad. He also felt happy because his father became first people that Syahid in Uhud war. Before his father followed Uhud war, he had a will for Jabir bin Abdullah that was he would pass away, he had some debt, and kept your sisters. And then Jabir came to Rasululloh and said, “ Ya Rasululloh actually my father left the debt when I do not have something that can pay off it is debt in addition to the results of his garden. If I use the garden to pay off the debt it will not be paid off for years. While I have no other treasures to support my sisters”. And then Rasululloh was standing up and inviting Jabir bin Abdullah to the Jabir’s family date of storage. And then Rasululloh commanded Jabir to called the people who had debt for her father. After that, Rasululloh paid off his father's debts entirely. When finished, Jabir checked out the storage of his dates, and Masyaallah, his dates did not diminish in the slightest. This was the blessing of the Rasululloh

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Mu’adz bin Amr (Ukasyah)

Abu Jahal’s slayer

Once upon a time, in Prophet Muhammad’s era, there were a kid named, Mu’adz bin Amr. He was the son of Amr bin Jamuh. He was only 14 years old, but he was a brave kid and might be braver than the mature people. Once, in Badar War, Mu’adz bin Amr was one of the Islam’s Army. In the middle of the war, he and his friend (Mu’awwidz) asked to sahabah Abdurrahman bin Auf, “Uncle, would you tell us where is Abu Jahal position now?” Abdurrahman bin Auf replied, “What’s your business? Why are you looking for him?” Mu’adz bin Amr said, “I heard that Abu Jahal was always insulting and disturbing Prophet Muhammad. I swear to Allah if I could meet Abu Jahal I will not let him alive, I’ll keep beat him up until he’s dead.” After a moment, Abdurrahman bin Auf said to Mu’adz, “There kids, do you see that? That man, in the middle of the opponent’s army, he is Abu Jahal.” Mu’adz said, “Thank you, Uncle.”

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Soon after Mu’adz saw the group that was showed by Abdurrahman bin Auf, he and Mu’awwidz was just directly run toward the group and started to slay the enemies. Abu Jahal was his main target, so he was never turning a gaze on other than Abu Jahal a bit. He could hit Abu Jahal’s foot by his sword that made it cut. Ikrimah, son of Abu Jahal, saw that his father’s foot was cut by Mu’adz. Then, with burning emotion, he attacked Mu’adz until Mu’adz hand was almost apart from his body. Even Mu’adz was getting injured, he still continues to war. Finally, after some moments of fighting, Mu’adz and Mu’awwidz could beat Abu Jahal. After that, they were facing Prophet Muhammad to report about Abu Jahal’s dead. Then Rasululloh said, “The booty war of Abu Jahal is yours now.”

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Rafi Bin Khudaij (Widodo Widhianto )

Thousand Arrows In the heart

In preparation before the war of Uhud, Rasululloh saw some of teenagers followed the Moslem troops. They were 14- 24 years old. They were Abdullah bin Umar, Zaid bin Tsabit, Zaid bin Arqam, Usamah bin Zaid, Barra bin Azib, Usaid bin Zhuhair, Amr bin Hazm, Urabah bin Aus, Abu Sa'id al Khudry, Sa'd bin Habbah RA, Rafi bin Khudaij dan Samurah bin Jundub. Then Rasululloh asked to all of them to came back to their home. Rafi bin Khudaij didnt want to back home “Father please tell to Rasululloh. I want to follow the war, because I has capability in archery” Rafi said. Then his father met with Rasululloh and told Rafi. Rasululloh called Rafi and asked to him about his archery ability. Rafi showed his ability to Rasululloh. He could hit the target. Rasullah was very amazed with Rafi’s ability. Then he let Rafi to followed the war. Samurah bin Jundub had known if Rafi permitted by Rasululloh to followed the war of Uhud.

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Then he asked his stepfather to talked with Rasululloh. Rasululloh called Samurah to showed his ability. “Ya Rasululloh I can defeated Rafi with my hand “ Samurah said. “Showed to me”, Rasululloh said. They were fighting. Samurah could hurtle Rafi easily, because he had big body and strong muscle, while Rafi’s body was small. Then Samurah became the winner. Rasululloh gave his permission to both of them. In 7 Syawal 3 H the war was beginning. Numbered of Moslem army was 700 people and numbered of Quraisy army was 3.000 people. In that war the Moslem army had lost, because archers breaking Rasululloh orders to stay on the hill. They temper with ganimah from Qiraisy army. In Uhud war Rafi hit by arrow on his chest, but not on his heart. Several pieces of arrowhead left in his chest, and it make Rafi felt the pain until he old. Finally he passed away in the year of Khalifah Muawiyah.

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Asma Bint Abu Bakar (Yudha Satria)

The Possessor Of the two scarves

Asma’ Bint Abu Bakr was the daughter of Abu Bakr as-Siddiq. She was the elder sister of ‘Aisha, the mother of the believers. She was the wife of the great friend az-Zubair Ibn al-`Awâm and the mother of `Abdullah Ibn az-Zubair. She accepted Islam very early in Mecca. She gave pledge to the Prophet and firmly believed in him. She was called as girl with two belts during the era. She used to join war with the families and also contributed on any other charity. She accompanied her father and she was really helpful on that occasion. Asmâ’ was called Zât an-Nitâqayn (the possessor of the two scarves) because she split her scarfs or the belt into two parts in order to deliver food and water to the Prophet and her father, and the brother. During the fights that her father and Rasululloh used to have, she demanded to join but she was just too young to start with.

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Asma, along with her brother Abdullah and sister Aisha were the only people who knew the where about of the Prophet. After they had taken off for Madinah from the cave, Abu Jahl grew frustrated at the fact that Mohammad had escaped. He furiously went to Abu Bakr’s house and when he banged on the door, it was Asma who opened it. He asked where her father was, and since they were somewhere on the way to Madinah, she replied confidently that she didn’t know. He then slapped her so hard, he tore the earnings from her ears. He asked her again, and Asma, completely unfazed, again replied, “I do not know so go ahead, hit me as hard as you want.” Abu Jahl walked away in a fury. Asma later ended up migrating to Madinah with daughters. She ﷺ a group that included the Prophet’s had her son, Abdullah, in Madinah and he was the first boy to be born there from the migraters. Asma was one of the most brilliant female students of the Prophet. She is the source of 58 Hadith, and many men related Hadith from her. Asma is a great role model because she was such a successful woman. She was not only successful as a wife and mother, but she also used to work with her husband, tending to his horse and picking and grinding grains from his field. Asma was successful in many different areas. She was also very active in the

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community and never let any food in her house stay overnight without donating it. Asma was extremely pious and used to pray with full concentration. Her husband Zubair, said that he came home one day and found her praying and weeping and repeating this verse from the Quran: “Allah has blessed us and saved us the torture of the burning winds.” {52:27} He left to the market and came back much later to find her still praying and crying and repeating the same verse. One day her mother came to visit her in Madinah. Her mother had not become a Muslim so Asma rushed to the Prophet Muhammad SAW and asked him if she could still embrace her mother in her life. The Prophet repeated three times that she should. So Asma welcomed her mother completely in her life and took care of her. Asma raised her son, Abdullah ibn Zubair, in a household that taught him to be a good Muslim and a courageous and understanding person. He would later be involved in a huge battle against Hajjaj Ibn Yousuf. Before her son went to battle, he told his mother that he was worried that they would cut up his body if he were to lose. She said to him not to worry about something like that, as just as the skinning of the sheep will not hurt him after he is dead, so he should not worry

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about what happens to his body after he passes. What he should be more concerned about is that he is doing the right thing and he dies an honorable death. What can we learn from the story? We believe that Allah will always give us helps if necessary. Allah will always be right next to our side as long as we step on the right path and track. And also from the figure of Asma’ we can take the benefit from the story of him such as the bravery and patience. We as the next generation of Islam should be braver that this incredible woman and stand behind Islam and fight for everyone who against it.

Source: http://khazanah.republika.co.id/berita/dunia-islam/islam- nusantara/17/03/31/ono88k313-asma-binti-abu-bakar-ashshiddiq- mulia-cerdas-dan-pantang-menyerah : Buku Kumpulan Sahabat Rasulullah SAW Perpustakaan STKIP Al Hikmah

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Animals in


Hud hud Bird

(Ahmad Azhari Yunus)

The Prophet Messenger

A long time ago in ancient Arab region there was a big kingdom, the kingdom led by Sulaiman King, he got miracle from Allah SWT to able understanding animal language and the group of jin under his order. Someday Hudhud bird flew to him, Hudhud is a woodpecker with extra colored feather above his head like a crown. Far before the real story between Hudhud bird and Sulaiman Prophet there a story from the Hudhud itself. He was Hudhud birds and he was a included woodpecker Ordo, from bird nation and me was the beautiful woodpecker than the other, he can fly up to 30 kilometer away without rest. So, he chosen by Sulaiman prophet as the army. Someday Sulaiman prophet call me to come to his palace. So, he flies directly to his palace and he knocked his crystal-like glass used his beak. For information to you this palace was built by Jin army who stand under his order. Narrative Texts Compilation of ISLAMIC sTORIES 135

“Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb, my majestic prophet and king”. “Walaikumsalam Wr.Wb., I need you to submit your weekly report”. Asked him “There was nothing can be reported to you my king, because the condition is safe as day before.” “Heii... Hudhud.. why you always limited your work with only making report once a week? Why you do not search for any else news about something I don’t know”. He ordered him to leave by using his finger. After he leaved his king palace, he decides to fly to Yaman, Yaman was a plain on the Southern Arab and he never visited there, so he leaved without told to him. It will be his long journey. “I will never return if I can’t get surprise news to my king. I must do this!” Day and day were changed, after fly through desert and oasis. Finally, he arrived to white-painted palace that guided by army tightly. Inside of it there a big hall to prayer place and it opened every direction. He decided to landed at a branch of tree, and start to collecting useful news that will surprise his king soon. After few times passed, he understanding about this palace. This palace was capital of Saba Kingdom who governed by very beautiful queen, Queen Balqis and all the people are Sun worshipers, beside that information he also got information about the power of Saba Kingdom, by looking the weapon

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storage. This surveillance will be great information and surprised his king. He returned to the Sulaiman Kingdom and he meet sparrow. “ Hudhud, Our king will angry to you, because you absence from the checking the bird army , and he also said: if you returned without news he will cut-off your head”

(27:20) (On another occasion) Solomon reviewed his birds and said, "How is it that 1 do not see the hoopoe? Has he disappeared somewhere? (27:21) I will punish him severely, or even slaughter him, unless he presents before me a reasonable excuse'

“Thank you for your information, and be sure my head will never cut off..!”. Said him. He decides to face his king with nervous and afraid and started to explain the information.

(27:22) The bird did not take long when it came and said, "I have obtained knowledge of things of which you have no knowledge. I have brought sure information about Saba.

“My king, I’m sorry for absence at last meeting. I had information for you, an important information that came from Saba Kingdom in Yaman. The kingdom governed by very beauty queen named Balqis, and all people on that kingdom are sun worshipers” Narrative Texts Compilation of ISLAMIC sTORIES 137

(27:23) There I have seen a woman ruling over her people: she has been given all sorts of provisions, and she has a splendid throne. (27:24) I saw that she and her people prostrate themselves before the sun instead of Allah. " Satan made their deeds seem fair to them, and hindered them from the highway: therefore, they do not find the right path

“I will find your the truth about your information you told to me, if you lied you will face your dead.!” (27:27) Solomon said, "We shall just now see whether what you say is true, or that you are liar. “Return to Saba Kingdom and give this letter to her, and you must watch the when she was taking the letter, and then read, and also the expressions” (27:28) Take this letter of mine and cast it before them; then get aside and see what reaction they show." “During my flight to Saba, I was facing heavy wind blow and I worry about your letter, it will easily be turned into pieces, so you must envelop it with golden envelop.”. After thinking few moments, he agreed with Hudhud suggestion. On the next morning Hudhud fly to Saba again and after arrived he sneak into Bilqis palace to search the Bilqis chamber, and he found that. So, he entrances with carefully and after reaching the position above her head, he released the letter and fell to her

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head. She was awakened and then opened the letter, read it down, and her face changing. She calls her maid to search who was the send the letter, but she never found the suspect. A big meeting was holding in Saba Palace, she and her minister and another important person in her kingdom were talking about the plan after the letter was opened. After the meeting was finished and the data that required were accepted, Hudhud returned to his king palace.

(27:29) The queen said, "O chiefs, a very important letter has been cast before me.

“My king.... I need your hand as my landed, please. I was veri tired with my long journey”. His king gives the hand as the lander. “After, she read your letter she holding a big meeting with her important people on her kingdom about your letter that containing:

(27:30) It is from Solomon, and it begins with the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate. (27:31) It says, `Do not adopt a rebellious attitude against me and present yourselves as Muslims before me'.

“The optional are from you my Queen, anything that you ordered to us, we will do it” “I worry about Sulaiman king if his army will be attacking as next, it will be the end of Saba Kingdom. I

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need your opinion if I send him a messenger that carried prestigious gift that can change his mind”. said Hudhud. Sulaiman was smiled after listened the story with his voice when imitated the conversation. A few days later the messenger was arrived by carrying prestigious gift as Hudhud said before. After the messenger come into palace, Sulaiman refused that. “I was only interest if all you accepting my religion, Islam. If your queen refused this offered your kingdom will facing terrible thing, I will attack all of you” The Saba Kingdom messenger was returned to his kingdom and carried the gift again. “My queen, there no more option than accept his offer. He promised he going to attacking us if we do not accept that offer” “I know it.” He thinking and decided one decision. “We must accept his offer, and I will make a visit to his kingdom”. Said Queen Balqis. On the other hand, the Sulaiman know that queen Balqis will do a visit to his kingdom. He decided to held a big meeting to greet the Queen Balqis. King Sulaiman thanked to all Hudhud contribution.

Source:Book of “Al-Qur’an Menyebut Namaku” QS An-Naml (20—23)

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(Ali Mustofa)

A Good Bee

And your Lord reveals to the bees: "Make the nests in the hills, in the trees of the wood, and in the places which men fashion." (68) then eat from each (the kind) of fruits and travel the way of your Lord who has been made easy (for you). From the stomach of the bee it comes out a beverage (honey) of varying colors, in which there is a cure that heals for humans. Verily in that is a Sign for those who reflect. (69) ___

Once upon a time there lived a bee named Apin who lived with his 98 friends in a nest on the edge of the forest. Apin and his friends were led by a queen named Cerana. Everyday Apin and his friends work to collect food from the flower extract that ordered by the Queen Cerana. He

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works from morning to evening, because he cannot go back to the nest before he brought the flowers extract.

Apin was kindly, submissive, and disciplined bee. He is very afraid when the queen was angry with him. In addition to seeking the extract of flowers, he also always receives the queen’s request, such as cleaning the nest and fix it if there is damage. One day Apin went looking for flower’s extract with his friends before sunrise, because he wanted to take it fresh. After a few moment, Apin saw a big garden of flowers. He directly went to that garden and hoped got a lot extract of flowers. “Guys, look at over there!!! There is a flowers garden. Let’s go!!!” said Apin to his friends. “nnnnnnnnnnn” the sound of Apin and friends. Apin was feel that there is something strange. There was not butterfly who attracted to the flowers. Correctly, the flowers in that garden were wilted like not watered for two days. Apin entered the house beside the garden. There was the garden owner’s house. He was curious why the flowers were wilted. He was looking for the owner, but the owner was lying sick on his bed. After that, Apin was tell to his friends. “I think we cannot take the flowers extract in this garden!” said Apin to his friends. “I think so too. What are you doing in that house?” Said one of Apin’s friend.

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“I see that the owner of this garden is lying sick on his bed and we must help him guys.” Apin says. “How to help him, Pin? We are so small than him.” Grumble his friend. “How if we ask for a little honey to the queen Cerana?, I think she will give to us if it’s for the garden owner's medicine.” Said Apin “Ok, I will take it. All of you please stay here.” Said one of the bee. A few minutes later, that bee came and brought the honey. Apin and friends were entering the house and put the honey beside of the bed hooped it directly drink by the owner when he woke up. After that, Apin and friends were go back to their nest. In the next day, Apin and his friends went back to the garden. They were surprised when he looked at the garden. There were many fresh flowers. Apin and his friends directly take the extract of the flowers. Queen Cerana was very happy because had a lot of flowers extract. Finally, everyday Apin and his friends put the honey to the owner and take the flowers extract in the garden.

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(Bayu Arga Krisna)

The King Was died

Once upon a time, there was a soldier of termite. They lived in a big forest, the forest was called Ancient Forest. In Ancient forest there was lived a queen with wide dominate over the country. She was called Queen of Paint, she called Pain because she always gave suffered for another country near her dominate with colonize all the people in that country. The queen is a woman with bat wings, she was very strong and brutal. She was a murder, but she was very beautiful. She was the most beautiful woman in that forest. The Queen had many soldier, the soldier was a termite. That termite is programed could still alive when they stuck in extreme condition, that’s why they could become a soldier. The Queen soldier is a best termite in that forest. One day, the queen asks the commander of the termite which named juggernaut to destroy the small

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country near their country. So, the commander leads his army to prepare their weapon. After they finish, they began to walk to the country. They walked with sang a song. On the way, they were very happy because after this they can kill any people in that country and they can eat all of the wood in that country. But, in the middle of the way, there was a strong big wind. The wind blows so fast, the termite army was so scared, and they run away looked for a big rock for defense from the wind, but there was didn’t anything, just leaves and some stick of a small wood. After a view minute all of the army was threw up by the wind, and they flew by the wind. They flied so far, in the new place, in other part of the world. But after they throwed up so far, in that army just 15 termites left. They were so shocked, and they decided to looked for some place for they took a rest. After two days, they found the new place for sleep and built a new house. Long time they lived in that place, they didn’t realize if they were slept in a big palace, in a big kingdom which led by a Muslim. The king was very kind, but in that palace, the king used as his employer. The termite army realize that the king is Sulaiman, the most famous king at that time. He has a beautiful palace with a big building and a sea under the floor. He also can spoke with a jinn and animal, that was his prophet. He was a special human in the world, but there wasn’t any wood to eat them. The employer of the palace is a jinn, so there was many jinn and all of them obeyed to Sulaiman. After

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termite army realized that they were sleep in a palace without permission, they called a small bird, he was hud-hud bird. The termite army ask to the bird. “Hey bird, do you know, where is the king Sulaiman?” The bird said “king Sulaiman was in the middle of the palace, what do you want?” The termite “i want to ask permission to live in his palace” The bird “that’s so far for you, let me pick up you for him, but just 1 of you. The leader of this colony” Termite “of course, thank you hud- hud” In several minutes the bird carried the juggernaut to the place where king Sulaiman pray. After Juggernaut know the place, he saw that Sulaiman was still pray, so he go back. In the other day, they came again with all of them. After in the Sulaiman place, they shout Sulaiman. “King Sulaiman, may you give me a permission to live here.” “ King Sulaiman??” “King Sulaiman, we need a place for sleep, we also need a wood to eat” But king Sulaiman didn’t say anything, he just sit and take his head in his stick. And the termites decided to come nearer to Sulaiman. But, they look his face.

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Sulaiman’s face is so pasty and his mouth colored blue. After a view hour the Termite army realized that king Sulaiman was passed away. At that time no one know, even he was a jinn. The termite army didn’t say it to another person yet. They discus about what they might be did. “what will we do, we are so hungry” “maybe we can eat this stick? But how about the permission?” “just eat, Sulaiman have been dead!” “ok, we will eat it, but don’t say anyone!” After that they eat the stick of Sulaiman, they eat it from the bottom and the eat it side by side. After they eat it a few days, they very surprised. The Sulaiman’s body which was sit in a golden chair was feel down, and make a loud sound. All of the termite was very scared. The leader was very sorry. The termite army didn’t think if something like that would be happened. After Sulaiman feel down, all of the employer realize that Sulaiman was died. After that all of the jinn didn’t want to work for Sulaiman kingdom anymore. And the termite realize that they were a Termite which chosen by Allah to reminded if Sulaiman was died. Narrative Texts Compilation of ISLAMIC sTORIES 147


(Dien Achmad Yusril Izza)

The miracle of prophet of Sholih

Once upon a time, there lived a special female camel named Salamah. She’s unique because she had no parents, no brother, no sister, no family at all. She was alone. One day, she met other camel and ask them. “friends, do you know where’s my family?” she asked. The other camel answered hesitantly “we don’t know, dear. Maybe they’re still have a business out there.” Unfortunately, another camel suddenly shouted “you’re alone because you were born from a stone.” Of course, Salamah was shock. “what do you mean? Why i was born from the stone? And who made me born from a stone?” she asked curiously. “calm down dear, we’ll explain it to you right now.” One of them answered. Another camel began to explain calmly. She explained to Salamah that she was a special camel because prophet Sholih made her by himself. She was the miracles of prohpet Sholih. Therefore, people here were love her so much. They took care of her more than

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the other camel. They treated Salamah better than the other camel because it was the order directly from prophet Sholih. Moreover, Salamah brought a blessing to people of Tsamud at that term. She gave them the milk, and people turnt it into butter, cheese, and oil. People were forbidden to kill her because again, she was the miracle of prophet Sholih. “And to the Thamud [We sent] their brother Sholih. He said, "O my people, worship Allah; you have no deity other than Him. There has come to you clear evidence from your Lord. This is the she-camel of Allah [sent] to you as a sign. So, leave her to eat within Allah 's land and do not touch her with harm, lest there seize you a painful punishment.” Al- A’raaf: 73. Unfortunately, there were a bad man who want to kill her. It was the leader of Tsamud people. He wanted to kill Salamah because he didn’t believe to the miracle of prophet Sholih. Prophet Sholih said that if they killed Salamah, there will be a disaster to them. He didn’t believe it, that’s why he made an announcement to all of Tsamud people. “to they who able to kill Salamah, i will give them my beautiful daughter.” He said. Nobody accepted that announcement except two man named Gundar and Mushada. That’s why, the other Camel told Salamah to stay away from Gundar and Mushada. Narrative Texts Compilation of ISLAMIC sTORIES 149

One day, when Salamah drank water from a well, she saw Gundar and Mushada. She directly ran as fast as she could to avoid Gundar and Mushada. unfortunately, they caught Salamah, and slaughetered her. Another camel cried hard. Gundar and Mushada were happy and said “where’s the disaster that promised by prophet Sholih? He was just a fake prophet.” After prophet Sholih knew that his camel was killed, he angrily stated to Tsamud people “you’ve killed my beloved camel. Now you have to the disaster from Allah. I give you 3 days for your chance to repent.” Unfortunately, instead of repent, they even planned to kill prophet Sholih too. But with the greatness of Allah, Allah gave a massive disaster to them before they could kill prophet Sholih.

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An Ant with A King

Once upon a time, there lived a group of ants in a forest. They had an ant queen named Sara. She was really kind of all ants. One day, when she guided all the ants to find for some foods there was a wind blowing. She commanded all the ants to save themselves. Unfortunately, the wind threw her far from the forest. She arrived in a big palace. She entered the palace because she was really hungry. She saw foods on a table beside a bed. There was a man sleeping on the bed. She went through the man’s body. Suddenly, the man woke up. He was shocked by seeing an ant on his body. He threw the ant away. Then, she started to speak,” Why did you throw me? I just wanted some foods from you.” The man was shocked more hearing the ant spoke. “Did you say something?”, he asked. The ant was also shocked that he could hear her. So, she tried to say,” This is what Allah gives

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to you. You can speak to animals. So, you have to be grateful.” The man said,” I’m sorry for throwing you. I’m a king in this palace. I will give you some foods. How many seeds do you spend in a year?” She replied,” Only a seed.” The king asked,” What’s your name?” She replied,” It’s Sara.” The king brought her to a jar and gave her a seed. He left her alone with that seed. One day, the king was sitting on a stone near a beach. He saw Sara bringing a seed on her head. She went closer to the beach. Suddenly from the beach, there was a toad appearing. The toad opened his mouth so Sara could enter. The king was really curiuos. Then, the toad took Sara down the water. A moment ago, the toad appeared again and opened his mouth. Sara was going out from his mouth. The king tried to asked,” What were you doing down there?” Sara replied,” There’s a worm there. He’s ill and hungry. So, I went there to give him a seed. The toad helped me to get there by picking me in his mouth.” The king was really happy to hear that. A year later, the king came to Sara’s jar. He saw Sara with a half seed left. He asked her,” Why don’t you spend the whole seed? didn’t you tell me that you need a seed for a year?” Sara said,” Yes. I used to spend my food when I was in the forest and counted on Allah. But when I count on you, I’m afraid you will forget me.” The

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king smiled. He took Sara back to the forest because he thought that she must be missing her people. One day, when the king with his army passed the forest, Sara commanded her people to be careful and come into their nest because she was afraid the army would step on them absentmindedly. The king heard her and smiled. The king said,” Stop for a while! There is an ant valley.” So, the army stopped. The king started to pray,

” My Lord, enable me to be grateful for Your favor which You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents and to do righteousness of which You approve. And admit me by Your mercy into [the ranks of] Your righteous servants." (An-Naml verse number 19.)

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(Kevin Alhaqqi)

Prophet Yunus AS and the whale

In ancient time, there was a small island. There were family of whale near that island. In that family, there was a unique son. His name was Nastar. He was unique because, he ate seaweed only. Nastar had a friend. His name was Neutron. One day, Neutron went to Nastar’s home. The distance between Neutron’s and Nastar’s home were about 800 meters. The trip spent time one hour. Neutron saw Nastar near the coast. Neutron got closer to Nastar. Neutron : Hi bro! Nastar : Hey, what’s going on bro? Neutron : I wanna ask you to hange out in Grean ocean. Nastar : Are you sure? It is dangerous enough.

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Neutron : Don’t worry. I have big muscle, you see! Nastar : Ok, I belief you.

(They started to do a trip) In another situation, there were villagers who called “Ninawa”. They didn’t worship to Allah Subhanallahu wa Ta’ala. Then Allah Subhanallahu wa Ta’ala sent them a kind human who would change to the right way (worship to Allah Subhanallahu wa Ta’ala). His name was Yunus. In Islam, it was called prophet. In several times, Prophet Yunus peace be upon him spread a massage from Allah Subhanallahu wa Ta’ala to the villagers. Unfortunately, they were so stubborn; They refused it. Allah Subhanallahu wa Ta’ala was angry. Allah Subhanallahu wa Ta’ala sent them a torment. After several days, they gave up and repented to Allah Subhanallahu wa Ta’ala. Finally, they were faith to Allah Subhanallahu wa Ta’ala. Because there is something wrong, Yunus peace be upon him was angry to this group. He left them and joined a ship. At that time, the weather was cloudy. In the middle of trip, the waves rammed into the ship. People were fear. They started throwing their things to the sea, but it was useless. The ship almost upside down. The last way was lottery way. They did it, and the first name was Yunus peace be upon him. After three times, the lottery always showed Yunus as name. He threw him self directly. Back to the two whales, they have done long trip. In the middle trip, they found a big coral. “We need

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to take a rest for awhile”, said Neutron. Then, they slept. Nastar dreamed something. There was a voice that told him “wake up! Wake up! There is a human who sank in the ocean. You must help him. You must eat and put in your stomach for awhile. Be relax! You can not brake his body because I have already decided you to eat seaweed only” Then, he woke up and woke Neutron up too. He told Neutron, “Wake up bro, I get a massage in my dream. It tells me that there is someone in danger. I must help him”. Neutron said, “Take it easy, breathe deeply first and let’s find him.” They started to swim as fast as possible. The trip was far enough, but it was not problem for both. Finally, they found the ship. Nastar saw someone in the sea. Soon, Nastar saved him. Nastar ate and put Yunus ‘alaihis salam inside its stomach, “What should I do to this human bro?”, Nastar said. “Just keep it first. Let’s continue our trip”, Neutron said. In several times, Yunus ‘alaihis salam lived in dark and tight place. He always dzikir, and prayed to Allah Subhanallahu wa Ta’ala for taking him out. In his pray, he said,

There is no god but You. Glory be to You! I have done wrong." (surah Al – Anbiya, ayat 87)

In a moment, Allah Subhanallahu wa Ta’ala granted his request. Allah Subhanallahu wa Ta’ala ordered to Nastar for putting on the land. In the middle of trip they saw an island. Because Nastar’s stomach was not good enough, he wanted to take something

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out from his stomach. Finally, Yunus peace be upon him had been out from whale’s stomach. His condition was bad. He was being ill. Allah Subhanallahu wa Ta’ala gave him a food from kind of pumpkin. Then, He was healthy and started to share a massanger of Allah Subhanallahu wa Ta’ala.

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(Moh. Ilham Dzikrulloh)

Spider ARMY

Once upon a time, in the huge cave there was many families of spider. They lived happily there, they always help each other. Kimino is their king, they were obedient and respectful with him. Until one day, when Kimino asked them to go to a forest to find food supply they directly went to forest. But when they were on the way, the wind storms come. All of his army was flying and gone. Not realized after the incident there was a man comes and past that road. He saw that to many spiders were separated from the group. So, this man asked to Kimono, “Hey, whats wrong with this? Did you get an incident?”

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“Of course, yes, please help me to find my army. We got the wind stroms. And all off us separated” “ya I’ll help you” So, after that all of his army was collected by the man. Kimono directly said thanks so much with this man, after this incident Kimono was promise that, if someday there were a people in a difficulty he would help him. A few months later after the incident, Kimono and his army had been finished to fix their injury. shortly there were two people who come to their cave. They were Rasululloh and Abu bakar. And Kimono asked to both of them, “ya Rasululloh, why you’re here? Do you only want to visiting us?” “La, actually we’re hiding from army of Quraisy. Because they want to kill us” From that one of ayat in Al-Quran was down.

“If you do not help him (Muhammad) then surely Allah has helped him when the unbelievers (Mecca-polytheists) took him out (from Mecca) while he was one of two men when they were in a cave, when he said to his friend: Do not grieve, Allah is with us ". So, Allah sent down His testimony to (Muhammad) and helped him with an army

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that you did not see, and the Quran made the disbelievers low. And God's sentence is high. Allah is Mighty, Wise.” Q.S At-Taubah (40)

Kimono and his army immediately help Rasululloh and Abu bakar, he asked to his army to made a huge formation and made a spider webs with the aim to hide Rasululloh and Abu bakar. After they’re already made those spider web, the army of Quraisy was come and when they’re came, they can not see where was the Rasululloh and Abu bakar. They lived in the Jabal Tsur cave for three days. And one of ayat in Al-quran was down again, “The parable of those who take protectors other than God is like the spider who makes the house. And indeed, the weakest house is the spider's house if they know.” Q.S Al-Ankabut (41) All of this is was made by allah, as we know that home or cobwebs are referred to as fragile and weak material, Allah Almighty ordered a spider to make a nest to protect Rasululloh and Abu Bakar from the pursuit of the infidels.

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After three days Rasulullah and Abu Bakar lived in the Jabal Tsur cave finally they could get out and continued their journey and said thanks for Kimono and their army.

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(Muhammad Yusro Nurfayaqun)

Abrahah Invasion

The day before, there was famous city in the west java namely yaman city. The king of yaman is harun. He has friend who served as minister namely abrahah. He is cruel, evil, cunning and hate islam religion. He was touture any person until death, he is dominant in his city and want be the king. One day, he looks there are a lot of person go to mekah for hajj. Every year at the time there are a lot of person hajj in the mekkah. Time by time abrahah hate, if there are a lot of person to hajj and he have initiative to call best contractor for destroy kabbah. He said to harun Abrahah: hi harun, I will destroy kabbah? Harun: why, abrahah Abrahah: I hate islam religion!

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Harun: be careful abrahah, because kabah have had been belonging to someone that come from moslim. Abrahah: thank you, but I will keep attack ka’bah! After that abrahah prepare a lot of the elephant army account 70.000 to attack ka’bah (directly go there). They have run 1000 mil, after that in front of ka’bah they directly command the elephant enemy to destroy ka’bah, but several seconds came a lot of ababil bird to lovers the army elephant. Ababil said: hi elephant if you want attack ka’bah I will kill you? Elephant: I don’t care ababil (directly destroy ka’bah) And after that the ababil bird attack elephant army use hell rock, all of elephant army death (that Alloh has said in the quran surah al fil ayat 1-5)

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Ababil Bird

(NMF Amin Mubarok)

The Stone Picker of The Hell

I was one of paradise birds. Every one mostly called us by “Ababil bird”. Even my body was totally black, I got a special thing for the god, I was given a strongest body, and I could fly as long as I want. ALLAH gave me and my family a beautiful life. We had an amazing house, and we got special food in it. Everyday, we often flew arround the paradise to check any condition of paradise. I also had a beautiful wife, aisyah. She was a daughter of the king of bird in the

paradise. I got ten children from her. A half of the were

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boys, and a half more were girls. We lived peacely, and happily. Someday, ALLAH asked me and oll of my men friends to go somewhere. He watched us a portal of view. We watched that there were some of elephant’s armies with the arrogant leader, named king Abraha. We saw that they wanted to go to mecca. Then, ALLAH said to us that they wanted to destroy the ka’ba, because they hated rasulullah so much. So, we were commanded by ALLAH to go to the hell to bring some of hell’s stones, and fallen it down on that armies. We just went to the hell and took some of hell’s stone in my feet, and directly came to that place, ka’ba. It was the farest trip that I had done it. On the way, I looked at the world, and I found many kinds of things there. There were a largest of sea, the highest of mountains, and so many else. Finally, we were arrived at near of the place. We could see the group of elephant’s armies. They were so nearest to the ka’ba. However, there was an old person whit his stick who stopped the armies bravely. He was the grand-father of rasulullah P.B.U.H., Abdul Muthollib. He was the guardian of ka’ba. He would stop any single person who wanted to destroy or just crash the ka’ba. He was so brave person, and all of mecca people knew who he is. At that time, he was stopped the armies, but he was too weak to stopped them. After

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that, the leader of the armies was just ignored him, and passed him away to continoue destroying the ka’ba. When the armies were nearer to th ka’ba, I and my friends just flew on the top of them, and directly fallen down all of the stones on their head one by one. Then, finally they were dead by the hottest stone in the world, hell’s stone. After that time, we were directly coming back to our home, and inform to ALLAH that we were already killed all of them. Luckyly, we got the great gifts from ALLAH because of our success job. We got a colorful fur at the back of our body, and it was so beautiful. After that, all of us were the most beautiful bird in th paradise. We lived happily and peacely ever after.

“wa arsala ‘alaihim thoiron abaabiil”. (Al-Fil:3) - We deliver to them a group of Ababil birds -

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(Syahrul Ramadhani)


In ancient times there lived a married couple named ibrahim and hajar who lived in egypt ibrahim a man who owns livestock which every day he shepherded on the sidelines day he also a merchant. Ibrahim emigrated from Egypt carrying livestock and his property obtained from udaha merchandise. They hijrah to israil.

After five years of marriage with hajar ibrahim not yet blessed with the son of hajr said to ibrahim oh my husband what you are not sad to see I can not get pregnant when we are almost five thun married then ibrahim reply my wife lan patience really be patient with Allah and people who are patient will be lucky his wife was smiling to hear her husband's wise and patient.

One-night Ibrahim prayed and prayed to God "O my Lord, grant me (a child) who belongs to the righteous. Day after day ibrahim did to herd the cattle Narrative Texts Compilation of ISLAMIC sTORIES 167

and trade. After returning home from trading ibrahim was given good news by his wife oh my husband was pregnant then ibrahim say alhamdulillah Allah has answered my prayer and has given me gebira news will lahirmya children who are patient.

After a few months of hajar finally gave birth to a child who was given the name ismail at that age ibrahim already 86 years, finally the prophet Abraham brought his wife and his child ismail who is still a baby went to mecca, when there was no one and no water end the prophet ibrahim said to hajar wahai my wife is still here i will go i leave geribah in it there are dates and skin vessels containing this water for you and ismail as stock.

But do not want to go rhinic ibrahim go to say haha Ibrahim, where are you going to go, are you going to leave us in this valley there is no human being nor any food? "But ibrahim keep walking without turning at all to hajar then because angry he said to ibrahim Is Allah who told you to do this? "ibrahim answered yes.

Ibrahim went on his way up to tsamiyah then he confronted his face to the baitullah and prayed "O our Lord! Lo! I have planted some of my descendants in a valley that has no crops near Your esteemed house, our

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Lord so it is) that they establish prayer, then make the hearts of some people incline to them and give them out of the fruits, hopefully they are grateful. "

(Surat Ibrahim [14]: 37)

Hajar who had been waiting for ibrahim to leave for a long time did not come back while nursing ismail with water available, one day the water in the vessel was exhausted and ismail felt thirsty. because Hajar saw his son whining. Then he went and did not have the heart to see his son, ran away to a nearby hill called shafa after up hills hill on the valley while seeing no one but hajar did not see anyone there.

After that dashed down hard from the hills of shafa he went up the hill of maryam and again saw no one up there but still he did not get people. Hajar ran from the hill shafa to maryam approximately 7 times to see if anyone. Then he heard the voice "Thou hast heard. Can you help? ".

Hajar was approaching the source of zamzam water and suddenly saw the angel digging the ground with his heel until it appeared water, then hajar also stem the water with his tanagn and menciduknya water for the drinking and breastfeeding his son.

Ismail grew up and studied among the jurhum on one day ibrahim dreamed to be ordered to

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slaughter his son is a great test for ibrahim after long married yet in the gift of a child after being blessed the child he must leave his wife and son and he must return to slaughter his son.

ibrahim came and met with ismail then spoke with ismail my son I have been commanded by Allah to slaughter you ismail also replied o my father do what is commanded to you InsyaAllah you will find me including those who are patient.

Because his son was patient and accepted what ibrahim had ordered him to lie his son on his temple and perform slaughter but God replaced with a big slaughter, ie a ram from Heaven, a large white, well- edged, horned.

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(Sholehuddin Al Ayubi)

The Forbidden Hog

Long time ago, there was lived a hog named Roger. Roger lived with the other animals in the big jungle, at Bole island. Roger was a greedy animal. Every day, Roger always stole fruit and food. Many animals were not like with him caused his bad habit and his attitude. One day, Roger stole a strengh fruit at mongkey’s garden. The fruit looks like a good fruit, the skin of the fruit was bright red, so Roger taken all the fruit and put it into a big pocket. Roger was very happy because got a lot of fruit. He didn’t want to the other animals know about the fruit. So, he decided to eaten at midnight when all the animals were slept. At midnight, he began to eaten all the fruit. After consumed all the fruit, there was a problem with his stomach, Roger felt very pain. He scared

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loudly until all the animals woke up, but there was no animals wanted to helped the hog. In the morning, Roger felt more better than last night. So, he decided to looked for honey to healed his pain. But, on the trip he surprissed because all the animals were run. Evidently, there were two hunters. Roger couldn’t run as his friends, so the hunter caught and insert him in a big box. In the box there was a other hog and they began to talked. “ hey... who are you?” said Roger. “I am Rizal” Rizal replied the answer. “do you come from bole island?” asked Roger “No” said Rizal. “So where do you come from?” Roger curious. Suddenly, the box openned and Rizal was taken by the hunter. The hunter wanted to cooked the Rizal. But the other hunter suggests to didn’t eaten the hog, because allah has been forbidden us to didn’t eaten hog. The first hunter didn’t care about the advice. So, he cooked and eaten the hog. The next day, the first hunter got sick after eaten the hog and aksed to the second hunter for bought a milk for him. Actually, the second hunter didn’t want to met him, but he remembers a hadist from Rasulullah Saw.

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The right of a Muslim against his fellow Muslims is six:

1. If you meet him then say hello, 2. If he invites you then fill his invitation, 3. If he asks you for advice then give him advice, 4. If he sneezes and says 'Alhamdulillah' then pray it with 'Yarhamukallah', 5. If he is sick then visit him.

Then he visits the first hunter and brought the milk for him. The first hunter was so sorry and won’t eaten the hog again. The second hunter told him that there were many bad something of a hog. The second hunter explained that Allah SWT already told us by the ayat.

“He has only forbidden to you dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine, and that which has been dedicated to other that Allah. But whoever is forced (by necessity), neither desiring (it) not transgressing (its limit), there is no sin upon him. Indeed, Allah is forgiving and merciful”. (QS. Al Baqarah : 173)

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From that ayat, finally the first hunter was repented. At the time, he directly went to jungle to let Roger go. Since that time, Roger isn’t greedy anymore and apologized to all the animals in the jungle.

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(Thabarany Akbar Mauladana)

Unmistaken Wolf

He (Ya'qub) said, "Truly your going with him (Yusuf) is very sad and I am afraid he is eaten by wolves, and you are unaware of him." (Q.S. Yusuf ayat:13) Verily they say, "If he is eaten by wolves, when we are a (strong) group, then surely we are losers." (Q.S. Yusuf:14)

I was a wolf that lived in Mesir. One day, I leaved my country to looked for my brother that lost. I was very loved it. I trough the desert for a few days without found his trace. I was very sad. After a few days, arrived in the country that cold air. In the country I met with group of wolves that different with me. They had long and dense fur. “ Hay foreign wolf, where do you come from? Your fur most short compare with us” they asked. “My brother I am come from Mesir to look for my little brother that lost” my answer. They were wolves that kind, they allowed me to lived together with them. In the spring, I mate with beautiful female wolves there, and I lived in cave with my wife. In this Narrative Texts Compilation of ISLAMIC sTORIES 175

cave my wife was bearing to six children. After my children was rather big, I tought my children to hunted prey. One day, I and my wife smelled human from down hill and I said, “keep the children, I want to see what humans do in places like this”. I could trace the smell easily. From a distance I saw a white tent and in front of white tent was ten people that was tought while surrounded bonfire. I sure they were brother because their face was same. Not far from their white tent was some goats and cows that guarded five dogs. I keep watched them. “We must kill Yusuf“, “Why we should kill him?” ask from one of them. “Because Yusuf more loved by father compare us. Therefore, we should kill Yusuf so that the attention of the father is on us” said one of them. “Hey, do not you kill Yusuf better we just enter it into the old well” said one of them. “And then, what whould we say to father, if he asks about Yusuf?” ask one of them. “We just say that Yusuf at feeding the wolf”. When I was listening to their conversation, I smelled the dog was approaching, and then I went straight back to the cave. Hunt time was arrived, I lead ten wolves included my wife. I say, “Over there a tent that inhabited ten people. And they bring some goats and cows, but some goats and cows that guarded five dogs, we must becarefull”. We start to move with becarefull when we closed the target. I saw tenth of the people was slept in front of tent them, but I did not saw there was five dogs. it makes

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me wonder and arouse my doubts. I said, “Becarefull, perhaps that person is setting us up.” Without allegedly before, our movement awakened one of these people and then they took stone and threw it right in my head, I immedeately lay limp. My wife tries to save me but the arrows came. Finally, my wife went while shed a tear, and I said, “Keep the children, don’t worry me”. The ten men slaughtered one of their goats. And then, this blood they were rubing in my claws and my mouth, and I was taken to the house them. Arrived at home, their father asks for them, “Where is Yusuf?”, one of the people answer while cry “I am sorry father, Yusuf was dying, he was eaten by wolves, this is the wolf we can cath it, I am so sorry father”. Prophet Ya’qub said, “May Allah forgive you, give me the wolf and go away”, and one of them said, “becarefull father, the wolf is very fierce”. After they get out, prophet Ya’qub closed for me and said, “I sure, you will not do it, I believe you”. I also approached him. he stretched out his hand and wiped my wounds, it was miraculous that my wound healed instantly. And then prophet Ya’qub let me went. I was very happy.

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A Female Cow

"Allah hath commanded you to slaughter a cow." They say: "Do you want to make us mockery?" (Surah Al Baqarah : 67)

It has mentioned in Al-Quran a story about a slaughter of a cow in Prophet Musa ‘Alaihissalam’s era. The purpose of the slaughter of a cow was to find out the suspect who had killed a man that in the end of the story we discover that the suspect was the victim’s own cousin. Well, the story that the writer is going to retell isn’t about that story, but this is the fiction one, this is about the cow story. This is just like the other side of the real story. Enjoy! One day, in the era of Moses Prophet, there lived a cow in the middle of a forest in the village of the Bani Israil. The cow was once guarded and cared for by a devout man from the Bani Israil. But, the man has gone, and the cow was alone without any guard in the middle of the jungle of the Bani Israil. The cow was

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called, "Baqarah", the color of her skin was bright yellow with no defects and stripes that could make people happy when they looked at her. Baqarah ever had time when he bored living in the middle of the forest. However, his friends were great friends and were always entertaining him when he bored and sad. "Friends, thank you for taking me well in this place," Baqarah said. "Yeah, Baqarah, you’re welcome. We as your good friends will continue to be with you. ", Replied the Rabbit. Once, while Baqarah was engrossed in hide- and-seek with his friends, he heard the melodious voice of a man calling his name, "I mean to you by mentioning the name of Allah, Prophet Ibrahim 'alaihissalam, Prophet Ismail 'alaihissalam, and Prophet Ishaq 'alaihissalam.", The man said. Spontaneously Baqarah approached the man. Afterwards, Baqarah moved to the camp area of the Bani Israil with the man. And shortly after that, came the people of Bani Israil who were searching for a cow with the characteristics that Moses Prophet had mentioned, and his features were exactly the same as Baqarah! "O Allah, if this is the fate you have set upon me, then I am fully willing," Baqarah said. Then he recited the shahadah. After that, as we already know that in the end of the story, Baqarah was slain and Moses Prophet was able to find the murderer of a man which he had sought before.

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(Widodo Widhianto)

Ashabul Kahfi

"And you think they wake up when they sleep; and We turn them to the right and to the left, while their dogs project their arms at the entrance of the cave. And if you see them you will surely turn away from them by running away and you will surely be filled with fear over them. (QS Al-Kahfi: 18)

A long time ago, there was a dog named Arraqim. He lived with his master – a shepherd – in the city who governed by king Dikyanus. One day, Arraqim and his master went to a meadow. They were grazing all of their cattle. When the shapherd was keeping his cattle, suddenly Arraqim was barking to him. He wanted to told something to his master. “What’s wrong with you, do you find some thing?”, the shepherd said. Then Arraqim ran to the top of the hill, and followed by his master. Arraqim stopped at a cave. The shepeherd felt confused, “Why my dog brings me to this cave?”, he taught. After that the

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shepherd heared some sound from insdide the cave. He entered to the cave. He saw some teenagers had praying, but the did not another way to prayed, not like Dikyanus and his people. “Excus me, I’m sorry if I distrubing you. Could you tell me, what are you doing?” Asked the shepered. “We are praying to Allah SWT”, answered the teenagers. “Who is Allah, is he an idol?”, the shepherd said. “No, He is the god of Univers, we only pray to him”. Heared the teenagers said, the shepherd felt curious. He asked another thing to them. Finally, he made a decision to became moslem. In the next day, the shepherd accompanied by Arraqim went to the palace. He wanted to sold a few pieces of mutton. When he at the palace gate, he met with a palace guard and his dog. “O shepherd what do you bring?”, asked the palce guard. “I bring a few pieces of mutton.” Answered the shepered. Then the palace guard continued his asked to the sheperd “Do you bring another thing?” “I bring the truth - Allah religion – which will guide people to the right way”, he explained. The palace guard felt interested with the shepherd religion. He asked more information about that. The king Dikyanus saw what they did. Then he asked his guard to called the sheperhed. “O shepherd the king asked you to face him!”, the guard said “Yes sir, Arraqim wait me for a minte”, he replied. The shepherd felt anxious “Why King Dikyanus called me?”, he taught. “O shepherd what do you do with the palece guard?” King Dikyanus asked to the shepherd. “I sold a few pices of mutton to him”, the shepherd answered

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“Don’t lie to me, the palace guard does not eat the mutton”, King Dikyanus said “But his family eat mutton”, the shepherd explainned. King Dikyanus stoped his question and let the shepherd go, but he still suspicious of the shepherd. While, In the outside of the palace Arraqim was talked with a bandog “Hey who is you? I had never seen you before”, the bandog said. “I am Arraqim - the sheperd dog, every day I and my master always brought our sheeps to the meadow bellow the hill, so I rarely went to town” Arraqim replied. “Oh I see well my name Hercules – the strongest bandog in this palace, nice too meet you”, the bandog said. “Nice too meet you too” Arraqim replied. After that the shepherd go out from the palace and back to home. He taught that the king had known about his religion, so he went to met the teenagers and told about that. “Assalamualaikum, I have bad news King Dikyanus had known about our religion, and if he find us we will burned alive” the shepherd said to the teenagers “So what should we do , Ya Allah please save us” The teenagers said. In thats time Arsraqim heared some footstep sound, which is followed by a friction surge of swords and dog barks. That is the voice of the royal army. Then Arraqim barking. He wanted to told his master and the teenagers that the royal army were looking for them. One of the teenagers got an idea to

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hid in the cave - where they worship. They entered the cave and arraqim keeping et the mouth at the cave. Suddenly they felt sleepy. Then all of them fell asleep, including arraqim. Allah has helped them. Then Allah closed the cave with a big stone. So, the royal palce could not find them. When they woke up, they felt confused. “How long have we been here?” one of teenagers asked to his friend. “We are here for a half or one day” they answered. “Your gods known better, the shepered please go to town to bought some food, you can use your silver money!”. One of teenagers said. The shepeherd go to town with Arraqim. When they at the town, they saw the something different. Everything in the town was changed and all idols has been destroyed. “Excuse me sir I want to buy some foods” The shepherd said. “Yes sir” The seller replied “I’m soory sir this is an old money where do you get it, and your clothes is old to, who is you?” The selller asked to the shepherd. “I’am a shepherd every day I brought my sheep to the meadow and some time I go to the King Dikyanus palace to sold a few pieces of mutton” The shepherd explained. “Sir, King Dikyanus was died 309 yers ago and now the king was replaced by the wise King. Please tell me, what was happened to you?” Then the shepherd told everything to the seller including the end of the day. After they passed away. The king built a place of worship above their cave. They did that to rememebered the history of the Ashabul kahfi (The cave dwellers).

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(Yudha Satria)


Once upon a time there lived two kinds of living. There were Human and Animal. Both of these got their own land one to another. They lived peacefully together. The land of Animal was really enriching and full of wealth either rainforest that could contribute to the earth, so did the land of human. They were divided separately and fairly. Human’s life also lived happily and put nothing to bother with the animals. They produced plants and other beneficial domino thing either themselves or the animals. The animal army never bothered the lives of human and because they were just feeling enough for what they had already got. One day, the army of human suddenly colonized the land of animal with no reason at all. Because the human was really greedy and still felt not enough on what they already got. They brutally got the land of animal and took everything from the land. After that,

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the side of animal could not just stand with nothing to do. Even the king of the jungle, Lion had no choice at all. He said “Well, I am afraid to face them because they have enough power and we have nothing to do with that”. Because they had no enough power to fight against the human. But one animal called horse was really brave and fearless to fight against the human because they believe that as long as we fight against unfair coming from the human because Allah SWT will always be with us. The horse said, “As long as we have Allah SWT and unite each other we can win the war and be stronger than ever before”. In the statement, the entire animals felt sure on themselves and been ready for the war forward. The horses known as the one who could have ability to fight because the horses had the burning feet if they step on the stone and any other ability they got were quite strong to fight against the war with the human army. Directly the army of animal led by the horses currently bravely and got the new spirit to maintain their land from the greediness of human. Human intentionally wanted to invade the land because they didn’t feel enough for the land. It is also proven in Surah Al Adiyat:

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َوا ْلعَا ِديَا ِت َض ْب ًحا O َفا ْل ُمو ِريَا ِت َق ْد ًحا O َفا ْل ُم ِغي َرا ِت ُصبْ ًحا O َفأَثَ ْر َن بِ ِه نَ ْقعًا O َف َو َس ْط َن بِ ِه َج ْمعًا O We can see the translation saying that:

1. By those, that run snorting. 2. Then bring out spark of fire from stones by striking their hoops. 3. Then devastate at morning. 4. Then at time, they raise clouds of dust. 5. Then penetrate into the center of the forces of enemy.

By the fearless the army of animals fought for the army of human and invaded them all. The horses as the leader believed that as long as you fought for the justice and stood against the greediness of human, insyaallah we would have won the war. The spirit of the animal’s army was really huge, so they could invade the human army back. Besides, Allah also stated that the human is in unthankful, this is stated in ayat number 6 by the translation “Undoubtedly, man is greatly unthankful to his Lord”. By this we also can conclude that the invasion that had been done by the human was because of the greediness of them and they didn’t feel enough of what they got. By the time was running, the animal’s army led by the horses was attacking the human’s army and

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broke everything they got on their path. The human’s army had no longer power to attack against animal because the degradation of quantity of manpower of them. By the time, the animals had enough, they got nothing left to attack. Then the army of animals could take their land back from the greediness of human. And they live peacefully after all.

Source : http://salafy.or.id/blog/2012/08/29/pelajaran-dari-surat-al- adiyat-kuda-perang-yang-berlari-kencang/ : Q.S Al Adiyat 1-11

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