Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) NARRATIVE TEXTS COMPILATION OF ISLAMIC STORIES English Education Department Copyright © English Education Department, 2018 All right reserved Hak cipta dililndungi undang-undang DILARANG MEMPERBANYAK SEBAGIAN ATAU SELURUH ISI BUKU DENGAN CARA APAPUN TANPA IZIN RESMI DARI PIHAK PENERBIT Editor: Haris Dibdyaningsih, M.Pd. Perancang sampul dan tata letak: NMF Amin Mubarok ISBN: 9 786025 312809 Cetakan pertama, September 2018 Penerbit: Bina Guru Jl. Kebonsari Elveka V, Jambangan, Surabaya Telp. (031) 8295825 (Hunting) Faks (031) 8295817 E-mail: [email protected] Surabaya - Jawa Timur – Indonesia 60233 1 A dedication for all who has been part of this book. Our Allah | Our Parents | Our Lecturers | Our Friends Thankful for being the spirit of our life. For who are always being here beside us, Kevin A | Syahrul R | Yudha S - We are Family - Preface Alhamdulillahirabbil 'alamin, buku “NARRATIVE TEXTS COMPILATION OF ISLAMIC STORIES” ini akhirnya dapat diselesaikan. Buku ini merupakan buku kompilasi yang ditulis oleh 15 mahasiswa angkatan tahun 2017 sebagai wujud kepedulian para penulis bagi perkembangan kemampuan membaca siswa SMP kelas VII Sebagai kumpulan karya mahasiswa, kami selaku dosen pengampu mata kuliah Basic Reading menyampaikan terima kasih dan memberikan apresiasi tinggi untuk hasil karya mahsiswa tersebut dengan cara menerbitkan buku ini, dan sebagai bentuk kontribusi Kami berharap buku ini dapat dimanfaatkan dengan sebaik-baiknya dan dapat memberikan warna baru dalam pembelajaran Reading di kelas VII saat ini. Editor Haris Dibdyaningsih, M.Pd. List of conten MEN صح Abu Hurairah ........................................... -13- Ali Bin Abi Thalib ..................................... -18- Zaid bin Tsabit ......................................... -20- Abu Bakar Ash Shiddiq ............................ -23- Mu’adz bin Jabbal ................................... -26- Uthman bin Affan .................................... -29- Abu Darda ............................................... -33- Abdullah Bin Mas’ud ............................... -35- Julaibib .................................................... -37- Abdullah bin Umar .................................. -41- Ammar bin Yasir ...................................... -43- Anas bin Malik ......................................... -45- Ukasyah bin Mihsyan .............................. -47- Salman Al farisi ........................................ -50- Umar bin Khattab .................................... -53- Narrative Texts Compilation of ISLAMIC sTORIES 6 WOMEN صح Halimah Sa’diyah ..................................... -57- Maria Al Qibthy ....................................... -63- Hafsah binti Umar .................................... -66- Ummu kultsum ........................................ -69- Aisha binti Abu bakar ............................... -71- Ruqayyah ................................................. -75- Saudah binti Sam’ah ................................ -78- Zainab binti Jahsy .................................... -82- Shafiyah binti Kuyay ................................ -85- Khadiijah binti Khuwailid ......................... -88- Fatimah .................................................... -90- Zainab binti Rasululloh ............................ -93- Juwairiyah binti Al harist ......................... -97- Aminah binti Wahab ................................ -95- Hindun binti Uthbah ................................ -99- Narrative Texts Compilation of ISLAMIC sTORIES 7 CHILDREN صح Abdullah bin Umar .................................. -103- Husein bin Fatimah ................................. -105- Zaid bin Tsabit ......................................... -109- Mushab bin Umair .................................. -111- Zaid bin Haritsah ..................................... -115- Zubair bin Awwam .................................. -117- Abdulloh bin Abbas ................................. -119- Salamah bin Akwa ................................... -121- Hasan bin Ali ........................................... -124- Umair bin Abi Waqqas ............................ -127- Khalid Ibnu Walid .................................... -129- Jabir bin Abdullah .................................... -131- Muadz Bin Amr ........................................ -133- Rafi bin Khudaij ....................................... -135- Asma binti Abu Bakar .............................. -137- Narrative Texts Compilation of ISLAMIC sTORIES 8 ANIMALS القرأن Hud Hud Bird .......................................... -142- Bee .......................................................... -149- Termite ................................................... -152- Came ....................................................... -156- Ant .......................................................... -159- Whale ...................................................... -162- Spider ...................................................... -166- Elephant .................................................. -170- Ababil Bird .............................................. -172- Sheep ...................................................... -175- Hog .......................................................... -179- Wolf ........................................................ -183- Cow ......................................................... -186- Dog .......................................................... -188- Horse ....................................................... -193- Narrative Texts Compilation of ISLAMIC sTORIES 9 Men of صح بة Abu Hurairah (Ahmad Azhari Yunus) A Father of Tiny Cat A long time ago there was Rasulullah SAW Sahabah (Best Friend) named Abu Hurairah (Father of tiny Cat) it was a nickname from his name, his real name was Abdurahman bin Shakhr Al-Azdi, he was born on Bani Daus from Yaman and he was orphan from he was born. He gets his nickname because when he was young he works as maid to rich family Basrah bin Ghazawan, he was only paid for his food each day. But, lucky for him, his master proposed Abu Hurairah to married with his master daughter. On that time most people call him Father of Tiny cat because he loves cat very much and take care it. One day someone quested him about the cause of why he called used that nickname. “Why you called by Abu Hurairah?” “What are you worrying from me?” he answered. “ Oh.. in the name of Allah, I really worry with you Abu” “Several years ago I was worked on my family to keep the goat and beside me there a tiny cat (Hurariah). So, when the night is coming I put that on the tree branch, when the noon is coming, I going to that tree and play with the tiny Narrative Texts Compilation of ISLAMIC sTORIES 11 cat— because of this activity many people call me kuniyah Abu Hurairah (The Father of Tiny Cat). “he answered From that day he became famous not only by his nickname but his intelligent too. His dedication to collect more than 5000 hadith its a record and with his collected hadith many hadith experts make a collection book of hadith like Imam Bukhari. ___ An Incredible Memory Long time ago in the Arab there live a very famous hadith collector named Abu Hurairah he was a Rasulullah sahabah. Since young age he was famous with his intelligent for memorize something, but he can’t write same as Rasulullah SAW. He converted into Moslem after received his clan master. He followed his clan to migrated (Hijrah) to Medina and joined Muhajirin society in there. He became the most hadith receiver from Rasullulah SAW more than 5000 hadith. The reason of why can do that is because his intelligent and the intensity to stay and came to Rasulullah SAW majlis in four years. Someday, someone come to him to examine his memory. “Abu Hurairah com here” “I want test your memory, please tell me a few hadith and my assistant will noted it” “Okay..” Abu said. After he said a few hadith and be noted by the assistant a year later, the examiner calls him to Narrative Texts Compilation of ISLAMIC sTORIES 12 tell the hadith’s that noted a year before. Astonishingly, he can explain all that hadith without mistakes. Because his collection and spread all hadith, he going to be doubted by other sahabah and thabi’in and deny him. But, it answered all people wonders with his direct explanation. “... all of you said that Abu Hurairah too much published hadith of Rasulullah SAW and all of you said that the Muhajirin society is the first converted to Moslem and no body from them that memorize the hadiths. You must know, our best friends of Muhajirin society was busy with their trading on the market and our best friend of Anshar society was busy with their farmland. But, I was poor, because of that I always stayed and attended the majlis of Rasulullah Saw— because of that reason I attended when the other not attended and I always remembered if they forgot because their business. Rasulullah SAW someday said to us, “person who spread his scarf until the end of my speech, and then take it to himself, so there nothing will be forgotten for anything that you heard from me”. After Rasulullah said that, I do it, and in the name of Allah SWT nothing its forgot from anything that I’ve heard” He answered to the people who asked him. That’s why Abu Hurairah always spread anything he knows to all people such as hadith, because of he knew that all knowledge must being spread not only stop for himself— if he consumed his knowledge to himself him will promised by laknat from Allah SWT. Finally, Abu Hurairah is an inspiring person to all people, because his faith,
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