TREE CHART Longchen Nyingtik

12 3 13 24 4 9 14 19 25 1 5 7 10 15 20 22 26 28 2 6 8 11 16 21 23 27 29 17 18

8 Close Sons, 8 Supreme Ones Shravakas & Assembly & Pratyekabuddhas

33 34 30 31 32 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

8 Close Sons of the Mahayana ()

1. Kshitigarbha 2. Akashagarbha 3. Avalokiteshvara 4. Vajrapani 5. 6. Sarvanirvarana Vishkambin 7. 8.

8 Supreme Ones of the Sangha (Shravakas and Pratyekabuddhas)

1. Shariputra (GDB: 1) 2. (GDB: 67) 3. Ananda 4. 5. Aniruddha (GDB: 183) 6. Kashyapa (GDB: 107) 7. Subhuti 8. (GDB: 211)


1. Jigme Gyalwey Nyugu (MGRG: 215) (MMM: 211) 2. (MGRG: 270) (MMM: 215) 3. Dodrupchen Kunsang Shenpen (MGRG: 428) 4. Khenchen Pema (MGRG: 467) (MMM: 200) 5. Thubten Chokyi Dorje/5th Rinpoche (MGRG: 428) (MMM: 256) 6. Drodul Kargyi Dorje/Adzom Drukpa? (MGRG: 290) (MMM: 228) 7. Gyalsé Shenpen Tayé (MGRG: 404) (MMM: 198) 8. Kunpel (MGRG: 223) (MMM: 258) 9. Shri Simha (MGRG: 39) (MMM: 62) (TLB) 10. Jnanasutra (MGRG: 40) (MMM: 65) 11. Vairochana/Bairotsana (MGRG: 49) (TLB) (TGI) 12. Samantabahdra (MGRG: 31) 13. (MGRG: 33) 14. /Prahevajra (MGRG: 37) (MMM: 55) 15. /Guru Rinpoche/Padmakara (MGRG: 41) (MMM: 74) (TLB) 16. Yeshe Tsogyal (MGRG: 61) (MMM: 92) (TLB) 17. (MGRG: 78) (MMM: 109) 18. (MGRG: 198) (MMM: 118) 19. Manjushrimitra (MGRG: 38) (MMM: 59) 20. (MGRG: 78) (MMM: 68) 21. King (MGRG: 57) (TLB) 22. Dola Jigme Kalsang (MGRG: n/a) (MMM: 173) 23. Jigme Tenpey Nyima/3rd Dodrupchen Rinpoche (MGRG: 323) 24. Do Khyentse Yeshe Dorje (MGRG: 395) (MMM: 179) 25. Jungne (MGRG: 78) 26. Yukhok Chatral (MGRG: 78) (MMM: 260) 27. Apang Terton (MGRG: 488) 28. (MGRG: 223) 29. Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro (MGRG: 296) (MMM: 278)

Buddhas of the past, present and future

30. Kashyapa (previous buddha) 31. Shakyamuni Buddha 32. Maitreya (future buddha)

Longchen Nyingtik

33. Mahakuruna/Avalokiteshvara 34. 35. 36. Takyung Barwa 37. Vajra 38. Vishuddha Heruka 39. Dechen Gyelmo (Queen of Great Bliss) 40. 41. Lion Faced

Dzogchen Protectors

42. Tseringma 43. Gonpo Maning 44. Rahula 45. 46. Dorjé Lekpa 47. Lhamo Ngen Nema 48. Yodrönma

Khen Rinpoche’s main teachers (not shown in ):

• Khenpo Petsé Rinpoche/Padma Tsewang (MGRG: 481) • Khenpo Jigme Puntsok (MGRG: 475) • Adzom Drukpa/Adzom Druktrul’s previous incarnation (MGRG: 290) • Khenpo Chöchap (MGRG: 482)

Reference Books for biographies

1. MGRG: A Marvelous Garland of Rare Gems by Nyoshul Khenpo, Padma publishing 2005. 2. MMM: Masters of and Miracles by Thondup, publishing 1999. 3. The Nyingma School of by Dudjom Rinpoche, Wisdom Publications, 1991. 4. GDB: The Great Disciples of the Buddha: Their Lives, Their Works, Their Legacy by . Wisdom Publications, 2003. 5. TLB: The Lotus-Born: The Life Story of Padmasambhava by Yeshe Tosgyal, North Atlantic Books 2004. 6. TGI: The Great Image: The Life Story of Vairochana the Translator , Shambhala 2004.

Online References

1. The Dharma Dictionary 2. Wikipedia