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THE AREA’S ONLY LOCALLY-OWNED & OPERATED NEWSPAPER | EST. OCTOBER 1, 1996 HE EOPLE S RIBUNE TNEWS FOR PIKEP, EASTERN AUDRAIN’& NORTHERNT LINCOLN COUNTIES FREE Published Every Tuesday • Vol. 26 - No. 4 • Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2020 • Online at BY BRICE CHANDLER asked about her top priorities as council members that they were fol- SmithSTAFF WIsRITER Louisiana’smayor. “But, I would First like to get theFemalelowing state statute Mayor with the process. A historic event occurred last public more involved. I am encour- Others, including Reeves, also week in the City of Louisiana. The aged by the volunteers that have believed the city should have found city has a female mayor for the first stepped up to work at the city pound. a larger venue for the council meet- time in its 202 years after the city I am hoping that we can do the same ing after the council limited the council voted unanimously for for the parks. With the revenue number of audience members al- Kathy Smith to take over the last 18 down and having roughly half the lowed in the council chamber. Due months of former mayor Marvin employees that we use to have, we to COVID-19 guidelines, the small Brown’s term. need all the help we can get in order room allowed for little to no audi- Brown resigned last month after to accomplish as much work.” ence. complications from ongoing health Those wishing to address the issues and the possibility of Despite the daunting amount of council at the meeting had to wait in COVID-19 exposure posed a serious work ahead, Mayor Smith says she a narrow hallway once the few seats risk. loves and believes in the commu- inside were filled. Smith is no stranger to the city nity. “Even when things get rough “The virus hitting our area and government and its workings. Prior Louisiana has a unique way of continuing to climb makes it really to her nomination and acceptance of jumping in to lend a helping hand,” hard to accommodate those that the role, she served the city of she noted. “The biggest challenge would like to attend meetings,” Louisiana as a council member for would be a combination of the Mayor Smith spoke about their at- nearly 14 years. At the time of above and trying to keep the citizens tempt to utilize the Zoom app to Mayor Brown’s resignation, Smith apprised of what is going on, and at broadcast the meeting. “Our first at- acted as mayor pro tem. the same time getting them to help tempt at including zoom had a few Filling her seat as Ward II council come up with some solutions.” glitches but we are confident that we person will be another task for the Mayor Smith’s appointment will get it worked out.” newly appointed mayor. faced some controversy. Not every- Discussion via the popular meet- Up to Brown’s resignation, the one was happy with the way the ing app was often inaudible with city had faced criticism for a pro- council handled the transition. low, garbled voices and lag. longed Georgia Street Project and Louisiana resident, Leon Reeves restructuring of its police depart- thought the city should have held a Mayor Smith noted that despite ment. general election to pick the new the app’s setbacks, the safety and “It's hard to come up with con- mayor. wellbeing of the community and city Bair Bagged 23-Pointer crete priorities during these times At the previous council meeting, employees were their top priority On opening morning of whitetail firearms season Mark Bair of Bowling Green with COVID-19,” Smith said when the city’s legal counsel told the when conducting the meetings. bagged this 23-point buck with his bow. Bair also shot a 17-pointer with his bow two weeks ago. Holly Jolly Festival Canceled, Pike Clerk’s Office Teams Up WithSusie Oberdahlhoff, Nonpartisan Pike County adequate Safe number Elections of voting sites”, Clerk has announced the Clerk’s of- she adds. ChristmasBY BRICE CHANDLER GreenIn Chamber The canceled Green the popu- chuck wagonStill available. On According fice of Pike County has successfully The Center for Tech and Civic STAFF WRITER lar Heritage Days event with hopes to a post shared by the Bowling secured $10,000 in a nonprofit grant Life is a nationally-recognized, non- Last week the Board of Directors to host a bigger Holly Jolly Festival. Green Chamber, several venues are to fund safe and secure elections. partisan 501 (C)(3) nonprofit organ- of the Bowling Green Chamber of “This decision was not made also serving food. The grant, awarded by the non- ization of civic technologists, Commerce made another tough lightly, but with deliberation and dis- “Although some events may be partisan Center for Tech and Civic trainers, researchers, election admin- choice. cussion, and with the advice of Pike canceled, the chamber is continuing Life (CTCL), helped the County istration and data experts working to According to the organization's County Health Department,” the to stay active and involved in our Clerk’s office administer elections help modernize U.S. elections. social media post, “in consideration post continued. “Thank you for your city whenever possible, including during this past year in the midst of CTCL connects election officials of the recent dramatic spike in cases understanding as the board made ribbon cuttings for the many new the coronavirus pandemic. with guidance, expertise, tools and of COVID-19 in our county, it this difficult decision in considera- business here and our monthly “This grant program enabled us to trainings so they can best serve their would be in the best interest of the tion of our fellow residents.” membership meetings,” the Bowling prepare for and operate safe elec- communities and ensure that elec- public to cancel the 2020 Holly Jolly Bowling Green businesses are re- Green Chamber continued. tions by investing in priorities that tions are more professional, safe and Festival scheduled for Saturday, maining active with several partici- Plans are still underway for their would otherwise have been chal- secure. CTCL works with the fed- Nov. 21.” pating in the annual Christmas in the annual awards banquet in January. lenging to accomplish”, states Susie eral government, as well as local and They haven’t been alone as other Green event on Nov. 19, 20, and 21 Oberdahlhoff, Pike County Clerk. state governments of all size across cities have also canceled or changed starting at 9 a.m., each day. For further information or ques- "Some of the areas of help were poll the nation and regardless of partisan- fall and holiday festivals. Out of all There are 20 participating busi- tions, please visit their Facebook worker training, personal protective ship to highlight best practices and the area fall festivities, only the nesses in Christmas in the Green. page, or or equipment (PPE) for poll workers create easy-to-use resources for ad- Clarksville Applefest still went on as (See ad on page 8 of today’s Trib). contact their Executive Director, and voters and securely opening an ministrators. with previous years. The event will also have vendors Sarrah Gigous, at the Chamber of- Earlier in the season, the Bowling at the fairgrounds building with a fice, 324-3733. Mid-Town Church Walk, Soup Supper Canceled For This Year Changes To 25th Annual Community Of The Louisiana Area Historical are looking forward to next year Museum Board members regretfully when we can comfortably enjoy the announce that the annual Mid-Town beautiful Christmas music again. Church Walk and Soup Supper that The museum will reopen for vis- Y RICE HANDLER be no dine-in option due to COVID- Louisiana. B B FaithC Thanksgiving Day Dinner were scheduled in December have itors on a regular schedule Memorial STAFF WRITER 19 concerns. Volunteers will gladly deliver Changes to 25th Annual Commu- Curbside pickup or delivery will meals of eight or less to people in been canceled for this year. Day weekend 2021 and will provide nity of Faith Thanksgiving Day Din- be available for anyone interested or the Louisiana and Clarksville areas. The decision was made after care- special programming during June ner in need of a free Thanksgiving meal. When making a delivery reserva- ful consideration for what is in the “for kids of all ages.” Louisiana area churches and or- For those interested in either op- tion, please include the number of best health interests of those per- For more information, please call ganizations still plan on hosting their tion will need to complete a reserva- meals needed, delivery address, and forming and those attending. Mu- Board President Judy Schmidt at annual Thanksgiving Day Dinner, tion by Tuesday, Nov. 24. a contact number. seum board members and volunteers 754-5697. although there will be a few changes Curbside pickup will run from this year. noon until 1:30 p.m., at the Cente- Call 573-754-4412 to make a Unlike previous years, there will nary United Methodist Church in reservation or inquiries. EARLY DEADLINE Due to the Thanksgiving holiday print schedule deadline for the Tuesday, Nov. 24 paper will be Thursday, Nov. 19 at 3 p.m. COVID-19BY BRICE CHANDLER SurgesIn the Tribune’s In reading Pike, area, hard to maintainAudrain in-seat learning for STAFF WRITER both Van-Far and Silex school dis- as long as we can,” Fortney ex- Across the U.S. as companies tricts have taken measures to slow plained in his newsletter. “The lack LCB Holding Grocery Raffle work towards a working vaccine, the spread as students were tested of quality staff was an indicator to The Louisiana Community Bet- business within our community," worries of a second surge of for the virus.