Outer East Area Committee Swarcliffe and Stanks Forum
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. Outer East Area Committee Swarcliffe and Stanks Forum Minutes from the meeting of 8 October 2008 St Gregory’s Social Club Attendees: Councillor Suzi Armitage (Chair), Councillor Pauleen Grahame, Councillor Peter Gruen, Martin Hackett (South East Area Management Team), Sam Lowe (SE AMT), James Nundy (SE AMT, minutes), Nick Clarkson (SE AMT), PCSO 805 Sarah Hughes (West Yorkshire Police), Doreen Scahill (Whinmoor ‘B’ Residents Association and Farndale Neighbourhood Watch), Rita Grainger (Whinmoor ‘B’ TRA), Derek Lawrence (LCC - Youth Services), Deeta Tren-Humphries (LCC - YS), John Baxter (Swarcliffe / Stanks Tenants and Residents Association), J. Nicholson (S/S TRA), Sarah Jolley (Swarcliffe Good Neighbours), Sheila Cocoran (S/S TRA), Nathan Vaughn (LCC Neighbourhood Warden), Tony Head (West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue), G. Wright (WYF+RS), B.Whitaker (WYF+RS), Alison Ford (Swarcliffe Children’s Centre) Apologies: Ken Hill (Swarcliffe Good Neighbours), Mike Benwell, Ron Grahame (resident) 1.0 Welcome / introduction / apologies Action 1.1 Councillor Armitage welcomed everyone to the meeting, introductions were made and apologies noted. 2.0 Minutes of the last meeting held on 30 January 2008 2.1 Agreed as an accurate record. 3.0 Matters arising from those minutes 3.1 (7.1) Mark Smith’s replacement is now Derek Lawrence. 4.0 10 Minute open floor 4.1 Premier Panthers – Sarah Winters SW informed the forum about the new cheerleading group she has set up in the area. They practise at St Gregory’s Social Club, 7-8pm on Mondays. Along with the cheerleading training the group also engages in community clean-ups, shows for the elderly / disabled and are educated about healthy eating and drug misuse issues. They are currently looking for funding for new kits and equipment. Ø Area management to forward a small grants application pack JN Ø Derek Lawrence and Deeta Tren-Humphries to link with SW and share local DL / knowledge etc DT-H 5.0 Community Safety Neighbourhood Policing Team 5.01 Overall crime is down by 12% on the same period last year, however, the level of burglaries is up and ASB is still high. 5.02 There is currently a problem with underage drinkers in the area, but a carrier bag / sticker initiative has been launched to try and combat it: Operation Buzzer (mainly funded by the Outer East Area Committee) involves each off-licence having all bottles and cans of alcohol marked with a sticker which is very difficult to remove, and all alcohol sales are put into special colour coded bags (each shop has a different coloured bag). All the shops have signed up to the initiative. 5.03 The current hot-spot for underage drinking is Stanks Drive area. 5.04 It was reported that there hadn’t been a PCSO at the PCSO drop-in session (1pm, on first Wednesday of the month) at Swarcliffe Children’s Centre over the last few months. Sarah Hughes to email the team reminding them cover is required. SH Produced by the South East Leeds Area Management Team (t: 0113 24 74310) Page 1 of 3 5.05 DS reported PCSOs hadn’t been seen on Swarcliffe Drive, but it is a hotspot. Neighbourhood Warden – Nathan Vaughn (tel: 07891 279 500) 5.06 The Small Plantation has been cleaned up with help from the Probation team - Sledmere Woods and the Great Plantation are still to be done. 5.07 No needles have been found all summer. 5.08 Fly-tipping is still a problem and letters are being sent to residents. 5.09 The graffiti problem is being addressed and parents are being visited. 5.10 Swarcliffe Parade is now clear of anti-social behaviour – shopkeepers are happy with the new lighting and CCTV system. The Youth Services diversionary activities are working well. 5.11 The Cock Beck Trim Trail is now being used as an underage drinking site – action is being planned – Youth Services are targeting the Trim Trail with outreach workers. DL / DT-H 5.12 Funding is in place for the fencing at Stanks Grove. It is not erected yet, but will be in the near future. 5.13 There have been reports of two large dogs roaming around on the Trim Trail – Police are dealing with it and other pets have been attacked. 6.0 Fire Service – Gordon Wright 6.1 Leeds District Community Fire Safety Team are available to do presentations about life saving to community groups. The presentations usually take 45 minutes and the service is free. Telephone the office on 205 8146 to arrange a suitable date / time. Presentations are available for young people too, eg about escape plans and at this time of year, the focus includes firework safety. 6.2 Home fire safety checks and free smoke alarms can be obtained by calling 0800 587 4536 . The home fire safety checks take approximately 30 minutes to complete. 6.3 Leaflets on Fire Safety in the home and home fire safety checks / smoke alarms were distributed. 7.0 Young People – Derek Lawrence / Deeta Tren-Humphries 7.1 New number for the Youth Work Office: 264 4284 7.2 Current activities schedule was handed out and the half-term programme will commence shortly. 7.3 Detached work takes place two nights a week, and the teams are set to start working on the weekends too. 7.4 A drugs programme is ongoing. Eight young people at risk are involved with it at the moment. 7.5 Current hot-spot for action is the Trim Trail. A football camp has been set up and 64 young people attended (Monday evening at John Smeaton High School) 7.6 A folder of photos from the summer activities was passed around. 7.7 Langbar Road Children’s Centre There will be a funday at the centre on 24 October 08. Leaflets and posters are to be publicised. It will be a free event to promote the services and will include activities such as face painting. Produced by the South East Leeds Area Management Team (t: 0113 24 74310) Page 2 of 3 8.0 Swarcliffe Good Neighbours Scheme - Sarah Jolley 8.1 Luncheon clubs are running on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays - approximately 100 people come. 8.2 Trips out have included Skipton Market, the Weighstones and Tropical World, with the Christmas trip heading to Babbacombe. 8.3 The one-man gardening scheme completed 692 jobs this year. The scheme stops at the end of October and the decorating scheme begins again. Charges to users is £8.50 per hour and £2 for waste removal. The only equipment charge is for petrol for the machines. Any referrals for the decorating service should be passed to Ken Hill at St Gregory’s Community Centre, tel: 232 6910. 9.0 PPFI Credits – Martin Hackett 9.1 A handout was tabled regarding the £300,000 funding available as a result of the PFI project in Swarcliffe. Area Management have recently been informed that they will be responsible for managing the budget and putting forward projects for funding. Project ideas received so far include a youth shelter, additional litter bins and benches, a community notice board and a Neighbourhood Warden. 9.2 Please direct any suggestions to [email protected] or tel: 395 0275. 9.3 A discussion followed with regards to the position of the current MUGA (multi-use games area) and suitable consultation – residents think it is located in the wrong place and would like it moving. Cllr Graham is having a meeting about the MUGA in a few weeks time. 9.4 It was decided that all discussions relating to the £300k funding will be done through the PFI meetings, and when requested, Area Management will work up those schemes. 10.0 Any Other Business / date of next meeting 10.0 Cllr Gruen arrived from another meeting at 7:20pm. 10.1 Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 7 January 2009 at St Gregory’s Youth and Adult Centre. Produced by the South East Leeds Area Management Team (t: 0113 24 74310) Page 3 of 3 .