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A COMPARATIVE STUDY of the DUTIES of MAN AS PRESCRIBED in the Gita and the QUR AN A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE DUTIES OF MAN AS 5-= PRESCRIBED IN THE GiTA AND THE QUR AN A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE AUGARH MUSUM UNIVERSITY AUGARH (INDIA) FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN SA^SKRTA BY Mohammad Khan Ourrany T448 i1 7 DtC i W i FIKI t. r.mDnt«f A aCTARigvs -mar or rm rxrm n o r m s fs pnsr>3Hi35D l a rm a m AHD Tns m iii k IfTSSlS 30IRITTSD '85 rm /itlGIRff fTOTH SLIGRHfT (X B d m i FDR TOE mRD OF TO m »W CP DOflnoR 0 ? pfm ow T»r it f S ^ ? «ri!!W intDSE TO sppsmsion • •. OF i^rua^fRiPAtHi, D JLltt. in Trn dse^h’ R '^ t op 3JltSKHTA DKB RI^IS yALIGAHH* Muslim University, Aligarh. m ACKItOWLKDO ltK B A I A -0 Jt* J5 J* JP It is r}t]lte laposslble to plnc« on r«?ord ay nost profoiind grutltnda to ay guide Dr» %S«?rlpathl Aeharym» M*A.Ph«D*, D *Llt,, Reader l a the T)ep«rtment of Sangdc^i mnd TTindi He took gre«t paina In golofj through th l* thesis and in torpor at in.? mar^y impor­ tant and valuable suggestions to this vortu It is due to his kind and sympathetic attitude and his befitting ^dance that my w>r^ csould see the light of the day* In spite of his multifarious engagements he took keen interest in ^ettln?! this thesis revised in accordanee vlth the directions of one of the eran^rs. I will bo f ailittfT in my dut/f if 1 do not avail of the opportunity of expressine: my indebte^iness and gratitude to my respe cted teadher Professor H,L.Sharnay T!ee4 o f the Depfirtment of Sanoskrta aid Hindi and Dean» Faculty of Arts and Provost ^.R.S*C*Hall» w^o tried his level best in mtfdn(? this work finish as soon as possible* In facty it vas his guidvieey generosity and magnanimity that I vas able to complete this task in a reasonable time* He made all nrovisions for n f vell»bein^ and helped me in many vays* I feel myself gratified in expressing my ^ratefuljiiess to Dr*A«Aleem ne»l of the department of Arabic 4 Diroctor of the Institute of Islw ic Studies M«%Aligarh| wtio suggested me t>\is topic for carrying on re­ search work* He rT^ded me at ev>ry step and gave very valuable directions and useful suggestions* He has been my true helper» vell-visher and /; teacher sln^e 1959 I m nhole hoarttdly grateful to my rev«r«d prec«ptor Mr. S«»ec «hm«»d Akbarabadly Dean Fa^iilt / of theology, H*!7* Allgwrti, vho nevsr failed In eacouragln'! rae wheaevar I net him* He helped me f;eii9roiisly and sympathetically and provided to me every sort of fa c ility vhlch I needed. T?e Is to me a good pre«d^orf a free thinker, a Just dealer* I shall like to express sy gratlti^ to my revered teachers Dr.rilrldhari Lai Shastrl and Prof* M*’laaruddln who helped me at every step refjardlns this thesis, I SO also crateful to Dr*S*!?upTil Has«i, Head of the Department of History, Aligarh,'ll^*o lent me the most rare books from the s«aim r of his department# tod I 0irf0 tharfics to ay respected sister l>ryS#R,^hatana;»ara, who very often preached to me the A ltaic philoso­ phy of Karmayo,?a for lnstlg«»tin5: myself to work. I like to give thankji to Mrs.-3aeeda ^Ibi, Librs^ry Assistant, Historical ^esesrch Library for providing ae all sorts of f«jcilities from her Llbernry* I owe a debt of gratitude to the staff of Maulihi ^ad Library well as of tho departments of Hindi and Sanskrta, Arabic and Islim ic « Studies, Philosophy and Psycholocy, Theology, Law, History and Persian, M.7, Slisarh^for their respective assistance from their seointirs. I m also obll *ed to the Llbr?ari«ns of the Malaviya ^st^aljuya and D.S.Coll-T’e «ll='firh, ns well »i9 to the lnchar?^e of the Pa' lie Library, Delhi for providing ae a valua'^le assistance. I wish to e:q)ross ay tharticfUloess to various authors through the atrency of whose writlQP'a I s^ipportad ay trgtments for the enrichaent of this thesis* m JuJL Q-JL mlim TABLE or (DHT^TS A (^ o )o «l0d e e o »8t ....................................................................... j - iii Tebl« of wbntes^B...........................................................i ~ f ‘ fo r Ti^<ihsKtfi»'c^-f(oi>,..................................... I - \j Xntnxittotioii.....................................................................1-7 mxnm i oohospt of wrt....................................... %- 34 Dtfby D«flaBd and !3«y(laii»d, Th» Rights o f H«a, THo r l^ ^ * of l i f t and l£^toor, R l ^ of Sdnofttion, Mftit of Freedom, Illclit of pronirtyi Him of oonti««t, ^«eslflc«tloii of Jufci«8t-» Diiblofl to ^>«lf, 3«tl«a to Body, iJofciM to f^ro|5erty,“* Dutlo* to Sduoefcl^m. Dutlos to ^asthotles, Datlon to ^ r f llty , Dutios to others «* uutloo to Fwallyi Dtftioe to lGst»f to Ood, csonfli«t of »«eio«, Dtftlos of i»rfwt* aad laparftet o b ll^ tlo n , Station In "'-ocloty wad nul«a of Jondtaet, tonael and CSood* briefly «!ST>l8in«d, T irtuis* Dutios and th« ^s&rdinBl Vlrttstii, ITind? of Tirtufts. a m m si 1 1 mrm w rm mk Jim) r m t : *: ^ 35-93 3asithyu^g& o r tha Toga of Knowlodgoi th# ^^ond, Cbd, tltx^o Gunas ox Prakrtl, lac^iodG# *5s?’Hplnoa, Kaj^yof® or thd Torti of ^ ia o 8 » Action • ISoanlag of th« ^rd ?njft SpQUlt of KaratQToca or Dlsiaterosted Action • reopfnr t1« * Uocor (3ontrol| Keepinc the In telloct Dotewdnfito fmd One-Po^nt*d, Koapioe the 3ecae« tJnder 3ontrolt ^otioa of ^Ins^ fteinr ^irtxsn^ Domi Ont*0 Oifti Bufey should be Preferred, Sesire *nd ^rtth Ocm^^w- ned| Jo^ of •ction le upertor to the To?!® of fno0lcdf«; of fioerehip kad Attaahs«nt^ in AH tJndertakinrr* For^l<Sd«a, Tree Hf^tuxo of 'annyoOG And '?swg«* three-Fold l^oestit* to *etl«n|* isaw of Perlbrnine Proper Actioae, EawiByor*a In ^jwe Otwr OWf^lons* ---ofUPTsR---------------- III WAR sonss ju T?m i f W mr> .. Dtitjea to^grds Cbd •• (Soiioept of God, Cted»e Attr!hBte»; fowor- hIs Rno^Jdr^e, Hla ir tll, ffle Tliearlar «nd ^ I r ^ , -ipeecn, Rla ^ r k s , Selat or Prej^r •* Philosofl^y o r the '^i«ni« prayer, Alawrivinc - Rate of *la8f::lvin^. The f#«»t5||g, the pilsriBtt{;e, ^ c i t d of the Qreed, The naidfianiRtal tonst® the ^winie Faith, f^lnhteownene. ?V)cl«l ^ i e « • f'orftlHr ia the Iteiaostic and *?oclal Ohlii^ation ~ IVeetaojJt o f W3T»n, 2'!jatrlnonlal Affaire • fnJhihited ^nree* in ?^Rrr5ilp«, Jcrnvj Duty of f!a)i«mda, Bfenstmsfclwi, Dlv&ree, 1^dow»od, of Orphans i* Duties of tovards their ormoa Wflrda, Mltnr, with the elpwb .other ftriondly and ssoeial rolfitlona, ?orMdden things • f-vx!, {rasibliae.wliiing and Idolf^iy e t c ., Karie Incmt&tiam' ^n^- ^uperatition, Inf^mtfside^ uamy and Mbery, lof«l Dutios - II Lm • "'taftllng. Foniioatlon M } M X l n z A ^ l a a t t h » SlTil • lahoritsaetf l^i«s in PeHti^tl Affairs * uarXlar«, P«IioT e>ad tro aty i 3ti«w>nial Ltgltlflftlon » ^jblvtion^ 3o«riiioi8,9oat oth«r Obligations* jRAFt^ I? mii s Hmiq gospftH^,!) (,D (iw ^ A ffidrs 1................................... -lyi-io-d Qonoral ObMrvntian, ot»io«ptr oit aaW |* e f lielatlea botiMi th» Jraater md tKa ev»ift«4| «im o f m^dai Qaidaaqo, r^valetiaa aid tB s p irs tm * «R9« 9 f arlT«^loD«S«eQ^r» alnifrivlaet F ilth , V ^ t a i ’t Pilgrim ao rifia»t OEmeejA of 3e»ds or 9mm9r^ of oill s|plflts| OliBoept of 3st8n» of «ift ': HsboXlofmj OthBr sofipturos^ ^stioB, noat^ ‘I Doonsday or last day^ Dqr of Hoeurraetion or of :ia« JroatioBf Haof«n *»d U til, l^lTina n»oraaa, 0bli£^ti0II8« m frssL T QfTAio M3D d o to ? (pi»>r^b ( ^'otldly ^ffairB ^ ................................ 2:^4 . / (bmoai Fox^ldd«i. ^irH - dbtidtiot; ^n«volanoo md RonNod^ wpodsion In ^tf^on^Fbr^idasn. Prairar ln“ tha Bi.^taoaB»of.s, Tbod^ Haaninr of t!m %erds oBd • Jihad*, Tioat o t W obli?»»tiont* a A^'^3*?5WSRT............................................0.h2- m m jo G R A m ............................................. / - v/‘ 1T!S 910 M taonad Khim THur am £ J2 J> A - s,c .p ^ F, EJ2-E AT, I.g 1 The followln,T Is the sihao# adopted In this thesis f«p tra n sllte r'T tlo n of SaoiBkrt)* wordst* ♦ ij s ^ as in /latrtfcosah « I ^ • a, as In Atmaupanyena * cn?«ff*P^h I ^ • 1 , as in I ^ • r, as In isavisyopmilsad I ^ • u, as In t7ccal^'sravasama'svMi«a | ^ • u, as la Pusanrfi » t siSchw ® * Ti as In Vtsnih * ^ o, as ^ In 'Sresthah** I # ^ • aiy as in Altoreyah a t . Oy as in Ojasa auy as in Kausltaklh « * h| as in Brahaavld*^ = C 0 1 5 0 IT A H T 0 V - kf as in ^fikartavyaviiairdhalp * - kh. as in KHadyapadirthtfi * CTT^Vrr^ 1 | *r - as arhy^sutr^sn » * in • «T - gh, as in Char^haradhvanlht 1 I i - as in Pnfamiukhah « ^ - Cf as in Divyacaicsuh * 1 t t| - ch, as in 'hinlo!'yop«ils«l . 1 - u as in JlfHmvidi = I *T - Jh, as in JhariJcarrfi• * ** Z 1 5T n, as in ICunJiki « 1 z •• as t t , In Ast• adasahs> <*y *.
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