TV WORLD, JULY, 1978 R~"
p ABC PICTURES INTERNATIONAL IS MAKING THE WHOLE WORLD A BETTER PLACE TO LAUGH,CRY,TREMBLE, SMILE AND LOVE. We're doing it with Premiere Package 1,exciting made-for-television movies being made available to the international market for the first time- and exclusively through ABC Pictures International. Now, your prime time programming can include hits like "Young Joe,The Forgotten KennedY;"'The Great Houdini:' "Curse of the Black Widow;' "Telethon;' "Thursday's Game;' "Kansas City Massacre" and lots more. We're doing it with outstanding programs for children, like the unique Children's Novels for Television. They're, the poignant, captivating, thrilling, marvelous kind of children's shows that even parents can enjoy. Premiere Package 1 and Children's Novels for Television. Just two of the new ideas from the entertainment people at ABC Pictures International. ABC PICTURES INTERNATIONAL In Any Language, Everything Starts With ABC. For further infonnation contact ABC Pictures International: Art Schimmel at Los Angeles Headquarters, 2040 Avenue of the Stars, Century City, California 90067, Telephone: (213) 553-2000, Bob Dinsmore at New York Headquarters, 1 Lincoln Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10023, Telephone: (212) LT 1-7777. Doug Brunger at London Headquarters, Ambro Distributing Corp., 31 Soho Square,London,WIV, 6 Ap, Telephone: 01-439-8083. Cable: AMBROCAST NEW YORK-AMBROTEL LONDON. This Issue• Vol. 1. No. 8 JULY 1978 Network News page 9 Eurovision page 16 RCA TK-76 page 38 lJ~llrE:[)!)lr~lrE:!) !J Network news - more than a pretty face? Top 100 TV advertisers Top 50 US Shows - chart lrtiE: \nI()FlI.[) ....................................•............................................•.....•.......1ES Exchanging news worldwide Will union demands make ENG cost effective? Extreme caution - why French TV passed up Thomson's new ENG camera E:lJFI()FJE: :!ES Scandinavia - A difference in style: Nordic screenings.
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