Tili: SAN KRANCISro (ALL, THURSDAY, FKHKIAKV 1, 1912. 11 ROCK ISLAND PROMOTES ARCHBrSHOP INVESTED MELCHER'S ASSISTANT WITH THE PALLIUM SENATE PASSES A WOMEN PICKED FOR NURSERYMEN ARE 1 MAN, Doings CHICAGO, ; C. RldC*wajr, ; rHri^ADKLPHIA. Jan. th« 41R. AUTO The Day's in . Jan. ( 31. A: 31.-~.ln formerly asatntant '\u25a0\u25a0-. to— .O.1;* M«leh«r. prcpf>ncc al <'ardlna! and ,Cflr- F.\. 1) ChlcnKo, OtbbOM Congress Digested '\u25a0©cond^vlqelTprfßldfnt^'pf^tho Farley and hl^hops. AFORMthpp Inland and Pacific,, railroad, who dlnal II OF TO CASE of d(oce«o Pennsyl- LABOR s the of CHILD BILL ROLES OPERA PRESENT sat Kln- Prenderßaint recently Kwan s killed; In avwreo.k \ Huenn Vista Improvement rlnh, miindy, 111., today,!; wan ,'.made acting vania was today Invejited with the pal- SAN FRANCISCO \\ " Vermont uumir.Y,-?- r;.V\u25a0-;•""\u25a0\u25a0;'^:T'-'.^ •;\u25a0 corner Mnrirmlh nnd second vice president of t!u> ro.td. " V '' •\u25a0'--•' «lree|a.' \u25a0 Measure to Prohibit "The Girl and the Voice" Will Hearing to Be Held on Quaran- >' I'JurokM Vfille.v Improvement Amended ( nNKoelatJon. 408 lt«tro \u25a0 utree*.*/' ; MinnvNlde Improvement club, Bureau Agents' Invasion of Be Staged at Stanford Dur- tine on Peach Borer In- ASKS YOUR AID 410 Knrr*Rtrr utreet. '. '..-.- Improvement .\u25a0. Vlaltaeton \nllc.v Private Residences ing Junior Week fested Stock oluli, 103,. narmond avenue. : Send Your Car to the Palace ' Inftlewtrte' 'Improvement club, INDUSTRY Orriin avenue. ';) Taking HOME HllU'l WASHINGTON, Jan. 31.—After the STANFORD I'NIYKKSITY. Jan. 30.— SACRAMENTO. Jan. 31.— ex- The ,Cltl*en»' v Promotion..' anao- for ception quarantine placed against It Means? Tomorrow Noon for eiatloii of Lake-View, and InKle- child labor bill was amended so as to The cant of women characters the to the Do You Know What Klde dlHtriet*. Farle>> hnli, Ocean prohibit the invasion of private resi- junior opera. "The y:-To make better times in < ortlnncl Avenue.i ' Property, ate. 54 to 20. The negative vote was committeo. Misa shipment of peach, pear, prune Stet- develop manufacturing in this State. Cleveland's Passengers Will See Owner*' a»*oclatlon,,lls Cortland cast by Senators , Bryan, Chilton, will assume the lead as Virginia and rherry stock, the California Nurse- To increase Jand ' 'elsewhere, ' California wealth avenue. Cuiberson, O'Gorman, Overman, Payn- son, the girl with the voice and Miss rymen's association baa asked that a WHEN i you buy goods made v improve- >ll»«toi, (ounly Mne \u25a0 Metropolis and Fair Site— Kmlly will sing the second at capital for the and give employ- ment Hn»», .veil Mlbhloii utreet. •/,' ter. Smith of Maryland, Stone, Thorn- Coleman hearing be given the ' is'serit to make rich other communities Home Industry league, noon. ton, Tlllman and Watson, democrats, role of Dorothy Travars. Miss Jean purpose of presenting the nursery side ment to persons in distant places. and Boost 1915 hotel. made a fine showing in the Palace and by Senators Burn ham, Clark of l^ong such of the question in connection with the * Central'tJeary Street .Improve- author, INDUSTRY says : ; '. , Wyoming. Gallinger, Heyburn, Nixon, tryouts that Paul Eliel, the peach borer pest. HOME . ment Boyce' those factories, club, «0 street. part for her. v-;": "\u25a0 Ivcep- money, that employment,-; and Continued from Pagre l Oliver, Wetmorc Works, republi- will write a* special This application was made to Gov- „ that ami ' -\u25a0 Besides the leading parts, there will ernor Johnson today, and it was an- \u25a0;: -at home." .. \u25a0 \u25a0.\u25a0.-.\u25a0- -..-. of the cans. be - an appeal to the cilizen's lend; their- today will make an Inspection largp choruses, among nounced that the hearing would co-operation\to- the to ''"he bill authorises the creation of a be several EVERY CITIZEN should freely giv< his automobiles streets over which the automobile pro- beauty given next Friday before lieutenant to the exposition company. bureau in the department of commerce which are the pony and the Wallace, acting dur- qiiovementV and so aid in the develop-: cession will move, and he promises to Governor governor \u25a0J 'Home Industry Thus far ihe committee has 110 ma- and labor for the collection of informa- choruses. The men's part-^ have not ing the absence of Governor Johnson. can be done by demanding the have them in fine shape for the occa- pertaining to oi chil- impos.ed ment of this State. This chines, and needs about -200 more. All tion the welfare yet been selected in full. Commissioner Cook the that you' buy. who sion. It is expected that there will be dren and child life. quarantine following complaints from ' California made brands of all articles will tender the use of their cars cast ; at least 200 machines in line. The press Special authority is given to investi- The follows: / : counties, where stock requested notify ; Sutter and Yuba are to. W, T. Sesnon publicity committee, which ? is gate questions of infant mortality, the Virginia Stetson, i the g\r\ * with the > tol<*... peach and -—\u25a0\u25a0«-— Msloney containing the borer was re- Goods Made in California. a courts, n:.r ...; ,\\; >ll«s 14 and Getting at the exposition building. handling - this event, has s. prepared birth rate, orphanage, juvenile Dorothy4Travern':T7r.v:Mls9;HmllyEColemani?l3- ceived. County Commissioner Harry Ask Insist on The pamphlet giving interesting,; data per- desertion, diseases, accidents, occupa- ;-Vllbiss;-is--- a peach borer In stock Cleveland left October Ha«el •.".\u25a0'.*\u25a0. Ml»s I-ois found New York subjects. -Fttrbeß?.'.^:-. Stabler taining fo v the '\u25a0* site, and ; also iinstruc- tions, legislation and kindred I.oin Franklin .:....'.. Miriam Harrier 14 received from Alameda county and 21, steaming directly to Gibraltar, drivers the *machines. provision expressly Mabel 5 WlUon »:r.T.: 7. Mi*s- 'Marjorle;Emmons.. 13 Industry League tlons to the of The forbidding the \u25a0 county. Home - Jean' I»ng U shipped into Sutter Three dif- _^^§fe^ the first stop The Marybellc Heath; r. ...'....*::. Miss | where was made. The- route selected is ; as'follows:^^ ; invasion of domestic privacy by agents McDermott 12 shipments contained the insect. Leave Palace hotel at 3 1:30 o'clock; principal Worthinjttoo.. .Mi*« Om ferent next Btop vram Port Said, at "the en- of the bureau furnished the Helen 3 Whiting.... f.\ ... MiwfBetty Funsten 14 up -\u25a0\u25a0 trance to the Sue,z canal, from whence^ cross Market street *to'f Post street; subject of contention. The point was Mehitablf Mo«ney. Phi *»Betat Kappar;.;. .*..y- .^i|pp^ Of California street "to Stockton street;* down .;..:;.... :*.*:rr;.~:".'.Mias .Winonai Bansett, „ 14 the party proceeded to Bombay. After Post raised by Senator Thornton of Louisi- lx>uis« I Cur- - 13. visiting- different in the inte- Stockton street to Market^street; out ana, who offered an amendment prohib- \u25a0 Pony I Donna^Amsden^ towns avenue; up ttre '14: i Beatrice -Binshami;i4;;Miriam sßryan TEN CENT , ship Market- street to Van Ness iting agents proposed Mary JUST TRY A rior of India the passengers took of the bureau '18, Carrie \u25a0\u25a0 Sanforrt .'lr., V>ra*McXabb '14. again to Batavia, Van Xess avenue to Golden \ Gate aye- entering private dwellings with- <;ar.l Mafigc Korap '12."* In« " Henderson 11. and and from M5. ;, RAILWAY TRAVEL Manila, Hongkong Japan. ; nue; out GoldenfGate' avenue to Steiner occupants. Alberta;B('ir;'lS.iE; to be en- dead on the bridge of the Cleveland, - GREETS EXILED PRIEST 8alt«, circled >. to "give? passengers opportunity TREATING FIRST Put aside —Just once—the allowfi her to swing into the cruiser STATS ARE DUE ARRIVE FROM JANUARY 21, to see the $100,000 music stand,; Jap- Cathartic Pills. Taitor Oils or purga- 7 TRAINS AND TO 1912 o]orr 1 i Captain Christopher Demp- HYDROPHOBIA merely anese tea garden and museun ; thence Heliodorus Begins Long Pil- CASE OF tive waters which fore« a - LIINE woK denies/ the statement that the through bowels, VIA. OAKLAKD PIER via"coast back to drive and out main drive I paaimgeway the but (Foot Street) Arrive Leave ,-- (Third and Townsend Streets) ;\u25a0\u25a0-. Arrirt pilot was alone on. the bridge at the main. ' on Leave of Market to; entrance :to chain: of lakes,? and grimage Foot Attending to not thoroughly cleanse, freshen and (Subject to change without notice) ' (Subject to change without notice) \u25a0 time, a.nd asserts that he was there Commonwealth do alimentary around chain of lakes into main drive, ST. PETERSBURG. Jan. Sl.—The re- purify these drainage or or- and three other officers:as-well. Dog have no effect whatever 2.15 Niles, Livermore. Tracy, Lathrop, tS.lOa Valencia Street. Oc«.n sView; Colma,. Passengers signed go continuing to the :;beach; 'along the actionary priest Heliodorus, the abbot Boy Bitten by Mad gans, and a who have to beach the Rock where liver and stomach. Stockton, Lodi, Gait, Elk Grove, ' ' Ometeries, Baden, San 8run0...... +6,35t on the when here, io Seal house, of Tsaritsyn. who has been exiled to a .Tnn. 31. first upon the 10.40p 6.30 a South Jose, Gilroy. , Cleveland she leaves made; SACRAMENTO. —The your inside organs pure and Bacramento.Roseville,Auburn.Co|fax Saa Franciaco. San February 6, the same the turn is to be back to the remote monastery in the government of 2.15 Bacramento, Marvßville, Biggs. Chico, 10 40p >, (HolQster), Sargent, Pajaro, Wataon- to return via drive,'entrance park, hydrophobia to be treated hy which thoroughly a ...;:... 7.60p route are already arriving in the city. south to ; east on Vladimir for championing the cause of case of fresh with Cascaret*. 6.40 a Hayward, Nilee, (.Centervilie. Ne-vark, vilJe. Santa Crtii .." south drive ;to stadium, entering at one ! the recalcitrant Bishop Hermogenes, of California under a rule cleanse the stomach, remove the un- Redwood;, San Jose 7.30 a J6.30p *Mayfield, Los Altos, Los Gat .... t5.46» In order to secure \u25a0' state invitations for-the the and Richmond, Bay T7.00a South San Francisco. Palo Alto. Sao \u25a0 automobile trip Friday, they point' and leaving: at another, in order began today a pilgrimnga on foot from adopted by the state board of health digested, sour and fermenting food 7.00 a Port Cost*. Martinez. are re- view stadium; gases, take the excess bile from Point, Antioch, Tracy, Stockton, V Jom, V. ay 5Uti0ni..:...... "...... - 7.30 a that" guests'may thence Petersburg to monastery of the providing in such cases foul * quested to report to H. F. Dorgeloh of St. the for treatment carry of system Lodi, Gait, Sacramento N.lOp t7,00a S Mayfield. Los Altos, Loi Gates...;... t7.20» i east on : south -drive . to Stow- lake and Trinity of St. Sergius at Sergievsky the are unable to pay the liver and out the Los Banos, 8.00*: ; the Hamburg-American line, 160 Pow- where victims decomposed waste matter and 7.00 a Tracy, Patterson, Newman, ; Shore line Limited—Paeo Robles Hot ' ell street. around Stow lake to main drive; Posad, in the government of Moscow. for it was reported to Dr. F. W. Snow, all the Kennan, Fr«no M.lOp • Spring*, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles 9.30p thence -to boulevard to rPresidio, along today, from poisons in the intestines and bowels. Pass—Truckee. Hazen, - Paso, San Antonio, New Citizens of Fan Francisco are asked, He started off dressed in a warm cas- secretary of the board, 7.20 a Goldfiald B.ooa t El Houston. '. boulevard to entrance : to by A Cascaret tonight will make you buska, (Yerington, Hudson), Mina, '' v Orleans, Chicago and Eaet ...... :: . 9.30b " to lend their automobiles to the sock and cowl and carrying his famous Makersfl'eld. A young son of R. A. '\u25a0 B.oBa Jose, (Wat- j Marine hospital, and around the golf by a dog feel great by morning. They work Tonopah, Goldaeki, Laws, Keeler. . . 7.30 a The Coaster— Pajaro . Exposi-* crook carved with a clenched fist. had been bitten Costa, Benicia, " sonville,'. ? Crui), Castroville, Panama-Pacific International links to the main road; west on main Chamberlain you sleep— «iever gripe, sicken, 7.20t Richmond. Port Sui- Santa company pas- Hundreds of sympathizers accom- with the rabies and the boy while Uuon, 7.30p (Del Monterey, Grove). tion for the use of the roa,l. skirting the bay. and following infected cost only 10 cents a box from your sun. Sacramento Monte. Pacific sengers and officers of the steamship, panied him through the city, while the was being rushed to Fresno to the and 7.20t RosevUle, Mar>-svilie, (Orovilk), Red- 'rl Salinas, Soledad, ; Faso Robles Hot the 4 leading machine druggist. Millions of men and women 10.40p who over that road until populace followed him in throngs. laboratory established there for ding. Dunsmuir , Springs, San Luis Obispo,Surf(Lom- Cleveland, are to be taken reaches! the ; parade^ grounds, where a state take a Cascaret now and then and Rumsey 7.30p \ poc), Santa Barbara, Ventura, the exposition site tomorrow. Five f Bishop Hermogenes. who has been purpose investigating such cases 7.20 aElmira, Vacarilie. /',.;.; Ox- band concert will;be; given;•;, thence to the of have Headache, Biliousness, Woodland. Williams, Maxwell, • '-nard, Los Ange1e5.;...':.'...'..."....\u25a0 ,46a hundred on the incoming ordered to be exiled to the Zhirovitsky nn.l treating them. never 7.20 a Davis. " passenger^ ; \u25a0 Indigestion, Sour Stom- Willows, Hamilton, Corning, Red 8.20 r Mayfield, Los Altos, Los Gatos, Wright. the I>ombard street entrance of/the monastery near persistent coated tongue. a steamer have enthusiastically .accepted along Slenim for Constipated bowels. Cascarets Bluff 7.30p ' Glenwood (Boulder; Creek), • Santa - Presidio; Lombard today, declaiming against 16 old in household. Children Costa, 6.1 Op Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grove.'.:.-. \u25a0\u25a0 thf Pite, and there areat'least 300 pas- skirting his perse- FRESNO. Jan. 31. -The year them. Port CrtKkett. Martinei . .. = 9.05 a 'the;"Harbor View :site, to Van denouncing brought Just !ov« to taJc* 7,40 Walnut Creek, San Ramon ... 6.50p I 9.00 18an Jose (Gilroy), Salinas, Paso Robles s \*- sengers going -. as heretics was Avon. a \u25a0 who are out on the Ness avenue: ,: -Van. Ness avenue to cutors nnd the son of i. A. Chamberlain a Livermore, Tracy, .' I Springs, 3an Luis Obispo—Trw - <"l*=vpland who will down party of British visitors, which includes state laboratory today to 7.40 a Nik*. Pleswantoa. Hot also take^part in street, where : the journey to the lo<"al Lathrop. Stockton, Lodi, Sacramento 7.30 —Watsonville, f Santa i Cru 1 California the speaker of the house of commons. having been RAILWAY d th* excursion. I will end and the passengers are to be receive treatment after TRAVEIN^ 7.40 a Tracy, Patterson, Newman. Los Banos, Del Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grove. 4.00p, Thus far the ommitt^e has 110 ma- several members of parliament, peers bitten by a mad iloc:. Chamberlain's Kerman. Fresno 4.30p 10.40 a South San Francisco, Hurlingame, San •.*:\u25a0'./. J taken to their respective hotels. • Effective . Alto, chines on hand and needs in the neigh- and bishops. home is in Bakersfield, according to jg&Efc^ Schedule 8 00a Newark. West dan Jose. Los Gatos, \-, / . :, Mateo, Palo San Jose ...... t6.30a; borhood of 200 to carry out its plans. W. Cross, who is handling the Wright, Feiton (B«n Lomond, Boul- Los Altos. Monta Vista,' Los Dr. W. Jan. 7, 1912 der Creek), SanU Cru» B.BOp 10.40 a Gates { +B*{j* All those who will tender' the use of NEW JERSEY GIRL PUTS case. Tt has not been definitely de- PnfiW v MAN !S KNOCKED DOWN oMw -,'_., San FrHßcl«oc 8.40 a Port Costa. Marines. Byron. Tracy, 11.30 a Valencia Street. Ot?in \iew. Colma. suffering from >\u25a0\u25a0 - their cars are requested.;to inform W. DAMPENER termined that the lad is N (Stockton).Merc*d. Berecda, Fresno, ' Cemeteries, Baden, San 8run0...... I.35p T, Sesnon, chairman of the committee ON.MARRIAGE AND KILLED BY HOGS but he is undergoing IXIOX FEBRY DEPOT Selme, Traver, Junc- 11.40. - \ South 3an Francisco, San Joee 18.20 hydrophobia, Fowlor. Goshen a .:V..:... ; a arrangements, symptoms hy- ,Xearej %;>; \u25a0;",-. ;/ :*X; | Arrive (Haniord, Armona). Tulare, '. 1.20p :; only—Ean Mateo, Redwood, «>n Exposition building. 31.—Having treatment to prevent or VIA SAISAUTO V»- tion Saturdays Pine and Battery streets. c.AMDEN. N. J., Jan. BEAVER. Okla., developing. Bakersfield 4.10p Menlo Parity'.Palo Alto. San Jose.... J 10.50? been informed by her father, John V. Jan. 31.—Sims drophobia from . .' 7:4.1 a|Petsluma. Santa :Rosa*;llealdabnrir.. \\,[\u25a0..'\u25a0'\u25a0,'\u25a0;* Vkaiia,Lindsay. Porterville, Dueor... 7.1 Op 2.00p -Del Monta Express-^San Jose, Giiroy. The trip will leave the Palace hotel Brown, proprietor of a moving picture \u25a0\u25a0 •Cloverda!e;«Uklah.RWniits,!Saer-r \u25a0? 8.40 a Wilkins of Sycklersville. near here, - . 8.40 a Yotemite VaUey via, Merced 4.10p Sargent (V.'at6onvil!e). SanU Crui. . : at 1:30 o'clock, and the drivers of ma- theater, was partly pier below the Cliff House, on Troort. I.oagTSle. r- 1 Sebastopol (to! * 7.30p Monte, Monterey, Grove, remarry, killed and devoured That -.•-.'..i.V: I ~ " B.ooa Irvingtoo. San Jose '. Del Pacific , chines are requested. to enter that he was about to Anna by hogs early today. suction ! •fiuernevlllejyand' 'Duncan \: Mills v '.- New Brown kept his the beach, holds the pipe 1 Nile*. Pteasanton, Livermore. Stock- -« \(55^n»g).:.^.:..v...:r,'.r.:.-;'... 12.30p today entered suit in the. ocean .':*•\u25a0 -w»>ek! days' 0n1y)."...... :..'....';. | 6:35p ».00a 1 Montgomery street from Mission street O. Wilkins in a shed near a hog lot. Tt is the for '*' ton (*Uilton), Valley Spring, loot, 2.05p South San Francisco, Palo Alto, San ; .Jersey supreme, court against automobile from which pumped water iS:ISa Pt.^Rpym.iMont*' Rio. Ca«a<* B.ooa Tuolumne. Altos. Gatos ..... ROI.PH SENDS fell Larkin \u25a0 Eipr»ss—Sarraraento, 3.00p - San Francisco, -« ; housekeeper for 144 weeks. Miss Wil- and •'. Rio, 9.00 a Atlantic True* South San Mateo.' Sao - was attacked by plant on the Great Highway '\u25a0.•":•\u25a0' i ; rllle. Monte Duncan Mills. - . City, Denver, i Jose, Gilroy, ':.;. Mayor Rolph sent the following wire- claims $3,432, or at the rate $3 or knocked down and pumping • ; Car.adero (leaves from Duncan -'\u25a0!'"\u25a0; kee, Ogden, salt Lake Trw Finos. Salinas. 10.10 kins of you at - 8.30p , 1, a less -reeting to the.passengers: January 1890, the hogs. the next time are the beach. \-- . Mlllnl ....1;...... J7:35p Kansas City, Oasaha, Chicago 3.00 a Wataonville. Santa Crus. Castroville.' a woek, from 14, to ...... Sleeper.. \u25a0 you greetings 10:4."a Petalnm*. Snnta" n0«a.....7.'..; .". j 4:35p B.ooa Tonopah-Gol'dfield Standard 7^oa Del Monte. Monterey, Pacific Grove 10.10 a "San Francisco Bends January IT of this year. She says she ! f(learw Valiejo Junction, Valfejo II 3.25p San Mateo; Redwood, Pab Alto; San- you ' ''-\u25a0- ' Reyes, Camp »Me»ker : 9.00 a . and bids welcome to Exposition' has been keeping house for her ;'\u25a0 ','':. \u0084\u25a0' ' ;:\u25a0- ':: P\riF"ir OCEAN TRAVEL ft:4s9\P%.•'; (from Caz*<\i>Te>) .'.*:*;.*.*...*.;...... J7:3op Richmond, Pablo, Pinole, Vallejo :U,Clara,.West San Jose. Wright • father 9.40 a San i ~Zi City. Exposition officials extend you since her-mother's death, when she was « 3:lSplPeta)utna^ Ranta ;Rnaa, H«>al4»burf. ,'r .V!'^ Junction, Crockett, Port Costa, Mar- -.;-".-. (Boolder Creek) Santa Crus .r. -. 10.30 a hearty invitation to ?,visit exposition child. i CloTpnlalp. t'kUh. Gn^rneTill*. :. tinet. Avon. Bay Point B.loa 4.00- a, Los Angeks Passenger—Salinas, Paeo , . a \u25a0 ;' site, n on Friday; *j Monte Bio, nuncaniMUU.Sebas- \ 10.20 a San Francisco Overland Limited—Den- , ;. Robles Hot; Springs ; San Luis ;-'.*\u25a0 automobilee. after- • topoii.V.'.v*.-I;.v.*rr.*rrfr;.::';*:•.* ver, City, Omaha, * noon and to see as well our city li:ost Kansas St. Louis. Obitpo, Santa Barbara and Los An- rebuilt 4 4'n Sommia. ; Glen; Ell*>n rr:r.'/:'.".~.TV;T'r. ; Chicago ge1e5...... V^'ATLAyTIcTo \u25a0 '.\u25a0.; > f»:3sa ,2-lOp 8.30* and her attractive points of Interest. , I"; CEAXfTRAVEIi:'-s •*>:lßp)Petahima.l Santa Roaa :r72Tr."V~?:-. i R:lTia 10.40 a Vallejo, Mare Island, Napa 11.30 .: 4.00p ' Kansas City, St. Louis. Chicafo...... 9.15 a "It is the wish and hope of every San 10.40 a Lot Angeles Pamencer—Port Costa, a '. 4.20p South San Francisco. Ban J05*...... V fO.GOa your Kt.F-CTRIC SUBURBANiVrA9ACSALITO;vi Martinei, Byron, Trasy, t5.05p !Burongajne,Ban Mateo, Alto, Franciscan that visit here will be i BaiicaMto.; 1" Stockton. Palo San the lost enjoyable of your entire round Mill Vallej-.^ San r: Rafael—Pally Merced, Fresno, (Hanford, Coaling*. .Jose and Way Stations.^.'A'.?.:.... 9.45 a "TPr.T 30 1 m Inu ten *from «j 6:45 ia.? m. until % 9:45 Op t5.20p Alto, l.lOp ": ViseJia). Bakersfield, Lot 7.1 jRedwood. Palo San J0te.r..... the~~world trip. Rev. George- A. Hough - hourly; '2:45; p.* in. Angeles... «.." m.: - until p. m.. then: 35 Shasta Limited—Portland. Tacoma, t8.25p '}Burlinpame, Fan Mstec, Mavfield, Los of San Francisco is in charge of the PLAN YOUR an. : ? Costa, f t5.30p Street,'* View, • Kairfgx~l.e«Tei! t«:45. 7:45. 5:45. 12.00n Richmond, Port Benicia. Sui- 10.10 a Loop—Valencia Ocean gentlemen on board form- committee." SPRING i Special 7:1.">.i 8:15. Dixon, •. 11.1Oa • • Cemeteries, South San Francisco. 23d Notice J):15.;5»:45,i10:43.111:45,a. sun. Elmira. Sacramento \ 12:45, 2:45, morning Mayor _ Rolph jJMpif m.: 1 Davis, Williams, Colusa Willows, :"Street,Bd and Townsend.:;...... : 6.40p- This • and the 3:15.'.3:45, 4:15. -4:43.- 5:15. 5:45. 6:15. 6:43, 12.00n June. members of the on arrange- TRIP NOW our ships an annual overhauling to IB 7:45. 9:15, 1110:45 p. : :45;a.Mn.i;f=.-;:v Germaotown. Orland, Hamilton .. 4.30p 8.40p \u25a0'. San Brono, 5 San t Muteo."Redwood, f ,t7.25a " committee \u25a0HmT ! vv \ W\ 7? (Oroville), Alto, Clara, ment?, consisting of T. Sesnon, addition regular;: saillngar } ,s*?San Q>ientln*Tla.San sßafael-^LeaTe 5:45:a.!-tn.* 12.00n Marysville, Chico, Red Bluff 4.30? \u25a0** Palo* BanU San Joee.. I * 7.35 a ;\u25a0;* \u25a0 William In to for \\ I steamship Ya]<» I daily:s .p.^tn.f Sunday; -3:43 I.oop Nilet, Irvington, Sao Joie 2.50p J 5.40p 'Los Altos/ Monte Vista, Los \u25a0 Hfl I The will overhauled : I 1:45 dally,"^except-: Gatos.* 26.45 a chairman; \u25a0 Frank L. Brown, P. T. Clay, Europe i and the '). Mediterranean, some I p/m;jSundayj only. ft<:v.--;,,.;>/SJ-*^>:..\u25a0...»'•-:>„;^ ;.\u25a0 ;*:" 1.20p San Leandro, Nil*s,Centerville. New- f 9.30 6.00 a Sunset Limited New Orleans and .• InI !\u25a0 a \u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0 — It A. Crothers, Charlqs de- Young, An- especially attractive tours will*be of- j Ll^SSSnn^W .Tiburon jand Belredere Daily every honr ; from ark, (Redwood). San Jote I 7.60p ;:v-•\u25a0;.•;'•' -rBast. Leaves*' Tuesdays and Fri- :: : .lr-»'v M. Davis, Fred fi:4s a. m. until 1:45 p. ni.. then 5 3:15 p. id. and 1.40p Alvin, Anew, Santa Clara, days—Arrives : Thursdays and Sun- • . C. \V. Hornlck.S. fered by ,m. Newark. \ Hogue. Charles 8. Fee and Charles; S. during 1912 the every s hour» until-v 6:1.>, the.v 7:45, ; 9:13; p. West San Jote, Lot Gatos. Wright, daya :.:\u25a0..;;..;...:.;.^v..:;..;' II.oo«; Ktanton. Comptroller Allan Pollock, THE HARVARD I and 12:15 a^m.-'^' -'-" ", •.'/' -H-.--:>-\- \u25a0, ':'-.'\u25a0*\u25a0._,-?\u25a0• 'a\u25a0"- Santo Crui IO.OOp td.Oßp-i lltilbrae, San Mateo. Palo Alto,:Red-V- :: \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0••:;\u25a0 As- [IJpS-^U •SundR.TK 1 nrrlTen ,7:3.% p.v m. fAIiK)arrives 7:05 2.40p San Leandro. Nilet. San Jose 9.30 a ; wood, Mayfield. Mountain View, San. sistant Secretary Joseph M. <"umming North German Lloyd p. . m.*' Sundays-^tEtcept Sunday*.*}Bundays only.' S.OOp Benicia, Winters, Sacramento—Wood- \u0084\u25a0<\u25a0 i-*:V:- -. :]att..r;:.:.\.i:;:^s;:.^.:^.lBtiO*i-- of the Exposition company and Robert *Saturd)iy only;«| {Saturday, and 'Sunday ionly. land. Tudor, Yuba City, Marysvuie . 11.1 Oa tS.osp Lot Altos, Mosta Vista, Los Gatos.... tS.OCt \u25a0\u25a0 • I^ynch London-Paris-Brcmeii Sailings: Pacific Trannfer Company'\u25a0 agents; are autbor- t.2op (Stockton). te.l Op ' Street, Newton of the California Deyel-; twd to ibaCTage from re«iden<-e.".;: J.^ Richmond. Port Costa. 23d Visitarion. South San Fnn- , opment"board will Kronprinz Tues., Feb, check direct Martines, Byron. Modesto, Merced, ;\u25a0 cisco, Valencia 16p* > board the.Cleveland Wilhelm -13 \.~'t£-t£-a' 5treet.....:..:.....'^t7. to welcome the passengers .and com- George^Washington . Sat.. Feb. 24 Fresno 10.40 i 1 6.30 South San Francisco, San J05e...;.... B.4Ep plete arrangements for tour . 4.00 a Crockett, Port Costa, Martines, Avon. i' B.oop ; The Lark Fato Robles Hot Springs,: ' the of the Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm Thurs.. Mar. T Concord, Creek, Ramos 9.30 J Santa Barbara, Los Angelw.V.:.:.. --; 9.30a '. city. ' \u25a0 Walnut San a i *-' — . :. . Kronprinz Wilhelm '''"[ Tues.. Mar. 12 4,00p Richmond, Vallejo. Napa, Calutofa, 8.1 Op :Bunset Express ; Tuc*on. Deming, > on Glen EU«n, Santa Rosa 9.30 '- " •El Faso,* Houston,^ New Orleans, >.-- ? < ITIZEXS OPTEK CARS a , — Sailings: 4.00p Mediterranean Niles (Centervilie. Newark). Liver- trr-z, • iChieag0...... r.V."...V.;... 1.,.;t..; :.? 9.15 a Followigp is a list of citizens who more, Tracv, Stockton, 10.30 •\u25a0; Op •: ,'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0*<\u25a0' \u2666Prinze'ss Sat., Feb. ;10 \u25a0[ # v SPECIALiROUXD TRIP'RATES/?. ~ £THn.' Vl* SAUSAUTOTAMALPAIS^VrERHV Lodi a 8.1 'WashiDfrton Sunset —Washing- have tendered the use of their cars to Irene • -J-^ i tutOp Valley Flyer—Port Costa, Tracy, \u25a0:,- ton,' D. C, EastH..:'; Berlin (new) ~>' Sat., Mar. 2 >^**^^*0^ '^m. *^^k New York and 9.15t exposition company: 0*00 tickets, folders, reservations, !*".L"*"«7«1 »*\u25a0 rwmcito (Stockton), Modesto, Merced, Ma- :; - Jose, Gilroy, Salinas, \u25a0 the *^t 0 For I B.IO>.- San Paso Rnbiet •- i rank r. Can-oil at Madeira eastbound. \u25a0J-**^*^ -- apply Li. Ml FUMttCOJ U iiuh WMK : U MT. TAjMtMtt dera, Fresno, Qoshen Junction, Tu- Hot Springs, Ssa LuisCbispo. Santa , 7) William H. Crocker.' \u2666Calls "*"^ etc., S< I \u25a0V \u25a0 , - "^^ lare, Bsvkersfield, Mojave, An- ;s- A; •T.- .T. Bmim?«rtn 1 1140a 4.20 a Tracy. Patterson.Newman. Loa I 1.45p South Saa Francisco. Palo Alto. San ' . \u25a0 \u25a0 i;. H. lYyon \u25a0 pan? V 4O» Kerman. Fresno 10,40p Jose;.r;r.:;: v;:r.;.::.. 7.48p; . ~ —1200 up. \u25a0 *4 45p 10 «» »2 *0p ISO* 4 45» ',11 40f \u0084.- rf_r,..- t'C .-:-. :.-.\:;::j\- B. A. SnydPr Mayor Ftolph i- . «^v.1(.45a 4 SOp 250p - \u25a0 4 40p San Leandro. Hayward, Niks, Pleas* California Saw WarksUolin A. BrJttmi Cruise to Polar Regions X from %f- Pimne Sutter] fttSo 2+«J M anton TVarmore 8.30 a LOCAL FERRY TRAINS— Alameda Pier.. K. v jCroekpr Br 6KO nnrkft SlO^tl: M 145p 350p.. 3 B.OOp Vallejo, O. MoCormick R. A. > July 18 \u0084 / 45 M Port Costa, Benicia, Suisun, Ford Mntor; Bremen. to August 15— \u25a0 Oakland Office, 1070 Broad vray |B 2 45» r-.'^n I Hip I To Oakland, 14th Franklin Sti., (Dsetrie Ssrvlce)^ Company - Wfttlaai T. |om ".'- v i iprrtUlSill *-- j^^rf:*T. WfM Sacramento, Lincoln, Marysvillt, : Tb«" lirmon Motor Car Stinlehafepr \u25a0;sl2s}up., ; '". •:..."„-•"; \u25a0;• -;r : 11.30 \u25a0 0.15, 0.45 a. m. and then 15 and 45 minutes Diet the "Brothers' : - ' I nit. fit3i\u25a0 ; : iU*tr Wh4s ODf -\u25a0 n/rr-Rtpiner -. Ira, Barker Da I*l*l- starting any 'time, east or west Orland, Tehama 10.40p 11.80 p. m. and 12.15 a. m. Aibpsit Hani* Xrrttie —$618 TICKCT OFFICCS: B.OOp RuteeU. West San Jose. Lot Gatos . . 9.30 (Eltctrle Strvttt)— & T (iififlltO a South Slds Th» F. B. Steams com- company • . Oelrlcbs . Co., 5 ; Broadvfay,.- Xmt York Bacranwnto. Office Offie?. I IH SttuaiMnrTH 8.20p San Leaodro, Hayward. Niles Sunol. Te Alameda. Worth and I'snr 11. V. UnmsdPll - -H CAPELI.E, : I uM'|llMwUii->llSl;'M^lllM™S ' Tracy, \u25a0 6.15, 6.45 a. m. and then 15 tnd 45 minutes past the I ROBERT A., P. C. Pleatanton, Livermore, Lath- \u25a0 \u25a0 G. •' m.; 10.<5, \u25a0-'1 Motor Car Charlps C. ;Moore & 260 8, '; boar until 7.45 p. then 8.80. 9.15. 10.00. • Powell St.. Opp. St. Fraud* Hotel, T. rop, Stockton 2.80 a and ,* rmny '_- * ni|»iinT '' | Telephones—Kea-rny 4794, Home '0378' 8.20p Irviarton, 11.30 12.15a.m." ?.*'',V- '4V j'u'fV^tT,*'' - C, ',-." San Jote 9.30 a Ti#o Pacific rotnpHnr J. JtrohMß . /fare farc 8.20p Angelet I!»nsolt Frcres Selling' Automobilp V Owl Limited—Lot B.loa ;^?> Pis^Jt 1 Howard uaaßaßaeamaaßammmmmmm 1 8.40p Eastern Express—Ocden, Pueblo. Den- LOCAL FERRY TRAINS—Via Oakland V hrasch . .*::\u25a0*' j. c-ompany .; tkp 8.30p ; St., and ;Berkslty "vfi''\u25a0 ' miji WW Bom i»sj ver, Kansas City. St. Louis, Chicaco, To Oakland. 18th Shattuek Avt.. Pionwr Antoroobile IPaHflc-^fotor'Car com Costa, Sacramento, \u25a0 and Ctllfornia Lines—Daily—From rotnpany \u25a0: < ! pany 6.40p Port Benicia. Elliworth St. . St. I • isi.9Q Colfax, Reno, Sparks 8.30p I 6.00 ]a. m., and I every! twenty 'minutes Iuntil 8.20 I Ol. Harris $^.90 Tnickee. * ; AMERICAN LINE 8.40p Hayward, 8.60p \u25a0p. m.. inclusive; then 00, 9.40, 10.20. <»«-^n & HuntPr Auto J. Br«n«iprt!«t'-in \u25a0\u25a0 Nilet and San Jote 11.00. 11.40 M..' Plymouth— her hour It—Southampton Japan p. m.. 12.20 ?[ ?. m. Additional; roropany I | llcmM S. ' 7.00 aChina and Mail—Ogden, and 1.20 la. % boats k Klor Philadelphia—Qupenntovkn-^-LI verpool > \u25a0>' Saturdays ISundays p. m.. 9.20,10.001 Tli'* I>orr.mobil<» enra- ; Ant© S»i»s company ,' JBAY^ ANDi^ rWTJERirRBA> ROUTES Cheyenne, Denver, Kansas City, and only, 8.40 w ; Omaha, Chicago 2.80p 10.40« d 11.20 p.m. •,..; j panyiof. America \u0084 Frsnk W". Marston Cr :?-•" Ixttier Motor, rorujtany Langlpy & Michaels • ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE 7.80p Port Costa, Bay Point, Stockton. Sac- To Oakland, 7th and Broadway, Etit Oakland, Fruttvait minutes | until '% 8.20 \p. eb., inclusive: - then f H«.vn<^ ; Ante Sale* Samuel RosenhHm \u25a0\u25a0' "'\u25a0'"\u25a0 f Martinei, Bay Point Jl I,Iop 9.00. 9.40, 10.20. p. m.. 12.20 and ! 1.20 h " 'S SANTA BARBARA ,S*. Tehuantepec Route ; Siicramento River Line ' fi company . F. 1.,:_nani«en RED STAR LINE • 8.20p Oregon Exprses—Sacramento. Rose- ,_.. a. to. . Additional boats Saturday and ' Sunday' oaly, Consolidated a Motor Car Atla» ,Taxicab:and Ante London— rla, -»in Dorer— Antwerp ; DIEGO ... -\u0084,..- ,^,iß*i"nlir.]Fii'«(t»Pr*lisht'S*rvlr»' vUle, MarysviUe, Redding. (Klamath p. m., 9.20. 10.00.- 10.40 and 11.20 p. m.'ndlJ?r company S*»rTlce 7 SAN ©AMERICAN-HAWAIIANMEW YORK TO PACIFIC 3? COAST, Portland, Tacoma, 18.40 \u25a0company Falls), Ashland, Mr. Katschinskf"" F«>rrt Motor; company /*rlf^S\ * HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, To Oakland, Seventh and Broadway, FruKval*. Aramedt, EUREKA PORTS AND Seattle, Spokane 9.10 Sldt—Daily-From a.m., t6.20, 7.00, I.indlpy, & Kiekhoff .'-' ; Marmon Motor company\u25a0 WHITE STAR LINE aaiHnsr/fromiNawiYorkseveryisix'days,-' LEAVES PIER" 7. PACIFIC, STREET 9.40p Bakersfield. Haielton, a m North 6.00 UtorgpkF. n^Bsn McKittrick. Mo- 7J20, 7.40, 8.00, 8.40 and forty miirntes past the bm:r <'amer*Mi ; ' . . »ir York—^nc*-n«fo>Tn-—ljlrerpoo! •*; making^dlreetJconijectioniwithSJPaciflc WHARF, narch, Moron, Fellow, Shale ' 8:30 A. M. DAILYEXCEPT 7.50 a C until 13.401 p. sb. R then 4.00. 4.40. 5.00, 5.20, 5.40. The: foliowingr liave th*> use \.\.-ri?mouth-( hrrhnnrg-Sontbampton SEATTLE UjP%F steamers gaiHng from fc Sallna Cruz;*; 8.40p Richmond. Port Costa, Tracy. Modesto, : Rendered Mex., every six days for San Francisco.^! WEDNESDAY AND SUNDAY. AND Hanford, 16.00. 6.20. 6.40. 7.00, 7.40. 8.20.- 9.00, 9.40. 10.20, v of tli* ,nars throußh .the San Fran- TA(OMA > VICTORIA >»»J^ft/ r Merced, Fresno. Tulare 7.50 a 11.00. 11.40 p. m.. 12.20 a. m. and 1.20 a. m.Tw r OLYMPIC, 45,324 TONS, COL ER ' v PACIFIC COAST PORTS TO NEW 9:00 P. M. DAILY EXCEPT SUN- 8.40p Hanford, Armona, Lemoore. Huron. B T ;cisco Chamb«r of Commerce: \u25a0:'^ .iVA V-:^ l-vwSaSS^^' . prin- t7.20. a. • •YORK. 1"-'.\u25a0'"Also to Mexican! and all 'i DAY. EXCELLENT MEALS. AUTO- Coalinaa 7.50 a To Stonshurtt—te.OO. t6.46. MOO. JlO.OO n«.f* I'nion iron Works ; J^>Sin R. >HlllmiiD &Son SAILS FEB. ALASKA JMEXICO,; cipal Europeanl^ ports under through 8.40p Vkaiia, Exeter, Lindsay, Porterville, t1.20 p.m.. J2.00. J3.00, t3.20. •4.00,*5.00, »5.40 aad v , pc 21 k " Hills .Brothers- I'nion I< company*; Boafon—ftneenirtowm—Liverpool Berths and Meals. Included in Fare rates and through bills of Bail- MOBILES CARRIED. Ducor, Famoso 7.80 a t6.20 p. . . ; <»rpt»ei!ni theater L'nW»'d Motof San Fran- s San every days. : §.4Op Express— . »7.00, D,>l'helan LEAVE FKOM PIERS 9 11 ; Ings ffrom Francisco 12 ; j Portland Davis. Willows. Red To Wett Berktlty—From tB.OO a. m.. "C^O. •6.40.' .Fnmw '.: ciscoctiinpnny; : AND further 'particulars ap- ! Bluff, (Klamath Falls), Klmpiex For rates and Weed. Ash- \u25a0 •7 20. •8.00, *9.00, »10.00, •11.00, ija. m.. '12.00 N.. Jani*** Clark Pacific Coast RIVIERA—ITALY—EGYPT I,o« \mcele-. Diego, *Saata Barbara ply land, Roseburg, Portland, Tacoma, •3.40.'«4JM) Jp.l m., every »s, 'SSSS.%; Ito % DEARBORN I^APHAM. Gen- I•1.00. •2.00. *2.40, and f, Jordan ! rfTicy -.. Gibraltar, p, lt3op y- The A«ore»,' Madeira. Alrfe™ President, or Eyery Mon.. tn. Agents. 8 Bridge IKstreetr#New.; .*•..-: SEE AGENTS 1 Seattle '\u25a0i'~- twenty 1 p. m.. \u25a0\u25a0--. — \u25a0 \u25a0 Gorernor Que«>n. eral minutet until i 7.20 inclusive: 1, then J. Kchonten ; &;Co. \u25a0\u25a0 Cartercar Anto cotn- '••'. Naples. W". Vlilefranche. Genoa, Alexandria Bt*ry Thursday. U a.m. York. WILLIAMS, DIMOND & CO., 9.40p Saturdays only—Hunters' Train, New- \u25a0•';\u25a0 •8.00 n. m.,\f9.00; •9.40, »10.20.-" •11.00, •11.40 p. m. J. R.llanify company;: paoy : j •Statedof. California (obM SIS % Geary . Agents, Pacific Coast. ark. San Jose and Way Stations. J73op *12.20 a, ns. Staudai'l Oil company- California Barrell rAtn- Pacific Acencr. St. •only calling at Bant« Barbara. General and :v:.-.-.V..V "-'',',-''-'\u25a0 :O%!: K«'-n;irfl 1 Pfaon* Ketrny 3266, Opp. St. . T, steamer St.. San SOUTHERN PACIFIC »6.40, *8.00, •10.00, *&\u25a0 Banker ,:J" -pany Fraaela". Hot*!. 8. Ta»ma, Toir»§*Bd, 310 Sansome Francisco. To CorWn-From *6.20 a. m.. *7.20. i Som«»r» & Co.'j?;#fe3 -'_. \V!jrh»ni th«»atpr Seaitlr (I>lree«». 00 N., »I.oop. m.;*2.00, *2.40.*3.40, ' - Vancouver, Alaska •11.00 a. m.. «12 Carran "&- <»rr><»n \u25a0 A. W". Wilson '\u25a0\u25a0••-' FRENCH Victoria, valley MiTHERUNDS ROUTE-From Pacific Street Wharf. •4.20. »4.40. »5.20. *5.40, *6.20, *aoo,?9.rjo,ietricli ] UirSE Pr«"»l(l»nt. Gor<»rnor or Qu^n!ETeryjSit:slli«^m.' This route offers exceptional opportunity for Auto- *'?&>?iiMv;^ito&mai^t>.- -\u25a0;•--\u25a0 Lumber , •-..mjiany John Rapp &.- £on i (lE. TRANSATIJkKTIQTE. rootf mobilistj to pouts on the River; t 6 " . Jin.|B6:l F*b. 13. 27, p. m. TOYO KISEN KAISHA reach all Sacramento Vigorlt.i Pullman, Richmond—6.4o a. m., 2.40 TJk- WJl^.v B. Aliop C.iH.*. Gaunt ; j DIRECT ? MSG TO HAVRE:—PARIS ; Um«tUla.Tu*«!*J«, CoUinsville. Emmaton. Rio Vista, lsfeton. Ryde. Walnut To " company H. ! Wolf -.,-*':-; Rureka Hamboldt Bar) ORIKXTAI, STEAMSHIP COMPANY MUL_, Qrove, p. m., 5.40 p. m.. 6.20 p. m. - W. __SaHln|CB ET«»ry Thnrtxlay B>tcrd«y. . < &F \u25a0'Jm 4U i^B\ -^^ JIB? Ol Vordeo, Courtland, Clarksburg, Sacramento. . \u25a0 Nippon - Krnir tc-f': Zimmerman Cit,T-";,Strwtii, IrrfjiroTe- ' Topeka..F«>»>. ."..». I*. 1«. 23. U «\u25a0 m. a S. Maltingi ;.i company " *,::loon i Kan^iiti™^dUtilisSriM7f^^at ireduced rates... Navajo, company ',; Z ment. , •:. >\u25a0 ;-; ~'-: -'\u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0 Mcommodatiaai' i Steamer Stmlnolt or leaves Saa Francisco 8:30 AUTOMOBILES From i:*" . -'\u0084-' *- -}'<-7 From : Maaatlan, lia Paa, K.nwenada AND VEHICLES. William Kimpp & Co. l'rl>an jRealty company H*Tr« ;;> '«:': I •*"; Keiw-:york'' GnarmM, Tn««d«y,t Ja»c( 80, 1918 a. m. daily except Sunday and Wednesday, arriving lc<»ya! lijsmaiice .:\u25a0": ":'-..;/ Wednesday, 7, 12 i^—^rrrrrrrnrrrrf^r.Tenyo Tuesday, p. OAKLANDIHARBOR FERRY—From San Francisco.. :'com- Dicckmann i& Co.- . \u25a0-' 10 - '* Curacao Feb. tn. S. S. Mara Feb. 6, 19U Saciamento 7.00 m. Leave Sacramento 8.80 a. m. South Fsrry Building for Wharf, Oak. . .pany.:,* •:! ;:- r' :Snyder* FEB. •E8PAGNE...T...... FEB.Li \f23'» S. S.iBhinyo' Mtara (new), via Manila daily Wednesday, m IEnd j Broadway fl B. A. ;' *LA Le»ye Seattle = dir*ot except Sunday and arriving San m., every Speedwell . Motor Car Th*> « Baldwin -jcompany, FEB. TOXriAIKE..T.. FEB. '«t Alaska Cruises, 1812. Wednesday, f«b. St. 1912 "Franctfco 6.30 p. m. Stopping in either direction at alt land—tS.OO a. m.: t7.00 a. then 8.00 a. m. and i company, ,- ;\u25a0 W.*;R.jGrace/A.Co/: FEB. 24»l.A8AT0tErrrrr.t: HAJEtCH SI; Aug. 14, Bp. m. Chiyo Wednesday, 27, 1918 and Nortli r«ry hour, daily, to 9.00 p. m.. bclusive., Boats leave Broad- v r?-. maech r \u25a0paovE»CEr.*rr. Spokane. June 19; July 3. 17. 8. 8. JUru.-^rrf: Mar. | iKKk offk^ tad BafldtaA points shown above. way, The. Emporium • I »ifla MAKCH 14 fwn¥conapany'« | IIKWMiKe«nv4OffjßoneC Wharf at sarae hours as above for San Francisco. Tbe/Xatioaar.Ctsh'.Rec>" 9 \u25a0 LA BaETAONE reserved to chanc* thia •ch«*«l«. Steamers B«Jif pier, No. 34. 4706."T Modoe or Apache, leaves Saa Francisco 1:00 " •Uhl(Brothers ; : ;-company ; ; MARCH KAJtOH 181 Hiffht Steamer The convenient route for automobilista. - I ..:ister /...-'' MARCH IS LATOTTRAIHE St «t,. DPtrKoot of 'BraßD*n?»t.*^"atU:; p. m.. for jYoko- m. except - :T*MARCH TICKET OFFICE*— Hotil?MiMarkai calling; at p. daily, Sunday; arrive San Francisco 11:30 The San Francisco: Convention loagrue j 23 «LA BAVOIE.-^^nf APKU, 4 f hamaj and Hongkong, Honolulu. Kotta p. m. daily except Monday. MARCH Hit)Market it. and Broadway (Hiogo) and 3:Nagasaki and Shanghai, iand con- . PACIFIC OCBAW TRAVSL a for Morning. 'Daily. p for Afternoon. has"donated poppy' badges, and Irvine ! MAHCH 30 «LA PROVEKCE APRIL 11 i only. ? APBIL : 6 'LA TOURAINE Telephone K«arny MS. nertlng .atIHoDariay with 1ateamen | for Manila, thamtr Navajo or Ssmlnols, leaves San Fraoeiaeo a Sunday and Monday V \u25a0&VJachens- have given- 1,000 exposition r.vr. A**n,fflll , rec*iTe4 on (18.000 9.00 p. m. daily except Sundava, arriving Sacramento t Sunday exoepted. S JSunday only. ;., , APRIL:- \u25a0 13'LA SAVOXE??7r7T7r APRIL 25 Broailwsy. I*l. OskUnd 5680. India.! etc.'f No ear»© board on <»ar of too.) utla February - ba.dges'Xor^dSstributJonTamonsratheipas^ \u25a0-\u25a0 OAKLAND—122fl •alllng.sßcwnd trip tickets at rednoed nUniULULU toMj utl.. noon.uood. m. except Leave Sacramento {Saturday and Sundty APRIL SOtFRANCE «(N>w).TT. KAY 91 Berk. 44. rates.r^ (HpwcwttpHNMMHrttnUIIULULU for Honolulu I 7.00 a. dally Monday. only;", " Thp school children of the «LA PROVEMCE BERKELEY—2I2S Shattnck Ar. Tel. m For frplaht and jP**«« apply at }office. 4th -I and Kahu- 9.00 p. m. daily except Sundays, arrivinx San Francisco tenders. APRIL .... MAT fIMetropolis Iloi. 8. S. WILHEUMINA (ia,250 1tana) 8 tail* except Bagitft public: schools: and the; Hebrew; Orphan C. V. DUNAXN. Pa»*eng«r Traffic Manax»r. floor.iWestArn 'National: Bank build 1 I S>bmary 14, for Honolulu and g. 7.00 a. m. dally Monday. No ttopa ea route is Union Trantftr Co. authorized te cheek dlrtc! - {FUGAZI ;BROS.. Paciflo \C«Mt jMaaaf*n.l||§ 625 Hiarket ; »t;sf-jV»^^s« W. H. AVERT, noon. Hilo. B. ruiiitiii Troni rwiwWvvs> asylum? ; headed by the band of the |i 690 r Montromery I«tre«t,*. B«a l>aß«!ae«.^H AsMlittant General Manager. (13.000 «\toa«) g stlls l boos. Feb- aJaW latter institution, will : extend a wel-- >uary 21, or Honolala gand §KahaluL :Rowml ICABINfiOFFICE, 6M 1MABJOETKTBJEBT.i i trip, San- \u25a0 Francisco- .to ; Hooolalu, f110 1 aiMt- auM; mme to the passengerß. \ ' UNION S.S.CO. of MATSOW NAVIGATION CO. presidio' heady for VISIT ThrcragU \u25a0' Paweotrcr • and rwltbt fScrrlc* MS Market »t» \u25a0. V. \u25a0\yisser. has arranged a a^jaaaj^H Part*—London —lUtterdam. \u25a0 Colonel drill Twin .Srrew Sailings Tue».loA*.M BYDNBY,»y W., and;barid concert? in. honor ofJthejpas-' IffflTlltlMll banrSAN FRANCISCObancisco itoTO dnbJV^ k5K. B.Ht^vir8. VIA 1"-'rk>ral Parade \ id F«-b. 27 'B.- ;8.iMAITA2 000: utlt 11 a. a. Feb. T ised by the committee on arrange- rilMlilllSil 'N'^o^ani r;rr.TlMar.^« I. 8. AOBAJTGI (7.600 tont) tail* 11 «. m. Mair« Bound trip to Hodaluls, $110, first class. Re- ments. Mi'.es Brothers are to take 'Hrnrtnin g t"Mar. 12 \u25a0-is galllßS* ; *»*TJr; 28 day*. oMß«ct!as at .Wtlllac- -Iduced rate to Volcano. 8. 8. SIBRRA (10.- I\u25a0HPPBRii| .Trrrn'Tt'v toa*for,NnriZe«UxMlip<»UUiid|»t|iy«Beyjt«r -000 tons) sails 11 a. m.. Feb. 16. Don't Brings More for the. iVloney Than Any moving- piccures, which will be shown I\u25a0 PlClmK *VIA Anrtr»lUns port»^«taifeßp^4«^^^BSffia^« tbis! miaa^ th<> Michael |B«6BKfajBI'tPI.TMOCTH;&;BOUL6GKBr»IMr^^BOULOGNE.^ Other Investment You Can IVialce air over world. President HIND.-jROLPU t CO., Gen. Aft«., 810 T«ail^St?f fQCBA?HC| LINK. »T3 ;Marttet: tel. Sqtter 6#i| ' Casey of the board of public works Coaat 310 Geary St, \u25a0 Ticket Office, 073 Market «t.; tel. Batter \u25a0" iiiiin i$ \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0'» 1 \u25a0 Pacific \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Office.\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0<- \u25a0-.\u25a0 i .„\u25a0 , , , , , \u25a0 \u25a0 :....\u25a0.:\u25a0.\u25a0;:...\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0:: - \u25a0\u25a0 \u0084;,. - .\u25a0\u25a0. . . . iliHillilllliftiir ...... f \u0084\u25a0 . . . .. unit