Tili: SAN KRANCISro (ALL, THURSDAY, FKHKIAKV 1, 1912. 11 ROCK ISLAND PROMOTES ARCHBrSHOP INVESTED MELCHER'S ASSISTANT WITH THE PALLIUM SENATE PASSES A WOMEN PICKED FOR NURSERYMEN ARE 1 MAN, Doings CHICAGO, ; C. RldC*wajr, ; rHri^ADKLPHIA. Jan. th« 41R. AUTO The Day's in . Jan. ( 31. A: 31.-~.ln formerly asatntant '\u25a0\u25a0-. to— .O.1;* M«leh«r. prcpf>ncc al <'ardlna! and ,Cflr- F.\. 1) ChlcnKo, OtbbOM Congress Digested '\u25a0©cond^vlqelTprfßldfnt^'pf^tho Farley and hl^hops. AFORMthpp Inland and Pacific,, railroad, who dlnal II OF TO CASE of d(oce«o Pennsyl- LABOR s the of CHILD BILL ROLES OPERA PRESENT sat Kln- Prenderßaint recently Kwan s killed; In avwreo.k \ Huenn Vista Improvement rlnh, miindy, 111., today,!; wan ,'.made acting vania was today Invejited with the pal- SAN FRANCISCO \\ " Vermont uumir.Y,-?- r;.V\u25a0-;•""\u25a0\u25a0;'^:T'-'.^ •;\u25a0 corner Mnrirmlh nnd second vice president of t!u> ro.td. " V '' •\u25a0'--•' «lree|a.' \u25a0 Measure to Prohibit "The Girl and the Voice" Will Hearing to Be Held on Quaran- >' I'JurokM Vfille.v Improvement Amended ( nNKoelatJon. 408 lt«tro \u25a0 utree*.*/' ; MinnvNlde Improvement club, Bureau Agents' Invasion of Be Staged at Stanford Dur- tine on Peach Borer In- ASKS YOUR AID 410 Knrr*Rtrr utreet. '. '..-.- Improvement .\u25a0. Vlaltaeton \nllc.v Private Residences ing Junior Week fested Stock oluli, 103,. narmond avenue. : Send Your Car to the Palace ' Inftlewtrte' 'Improvement club, INDUSTRY Orriin avenue. ';) Taking HOME HllU'l WASHINGTON, Jan. 31.—After the STANFORD I'NIYKKSITY. Jan. 30.— SACRAMENTO. Jan. 31.— ex- The ,Cltl*en»' v Promotion..' anao- for ception quarantine placed against It Means? Tomorrow Noon for eiatloii of Lake-View, and InKle- child labor bill was amended so as to The cant of women characters the to the Do You Know What Klde dlHtriet*. Farle>> hnli, Ocean prohibit the invasion of private resi- junior opera. "The <!irl nnd the Voice," Santa Clara. Hnn Mateo, Santa Cruz and during junior City's Guests mill-, IlHßbton nvenue*.|9jjJjpJSffl dences in quest of information, that which will he staged Alameda counties by State Horticultu- : \u25a0awtocla-' ITS Oeenn«lde Promotion by the sen- week has been announced hy the junior ral Commissioner Cook, prohibiting the OBJECTS: 1534 Forty-ninth avenue. measure was passed today California for everybody. tlon,; opera Agnes Maloney plum, ',:>y:-To make better times in < ortlnncl Avenue.i ' Property, ate. 54 to 20. The negative vote was committeo. Misa shipment of peach, pear, prune Stet- develop manufacturing in this State. Cleveland's Passengers Will See Owner*' a»*oclatlon,,lls Cortland cast by Senators Bailey, Bryan, Chilton, will assume the lead as Virginia and rherry stock, the California Nurse- To increase Jand ' 'elsewhere, ' California wealth avenue. Cuiberson, O'Gorman, Overman, Payn- son, the girl with the voice and Miss rymen's association baa asked that a WHEN i you buy goods made v improve- >ll»«toi, (ounly Mne \u25a0 Metropolis and Fair Site— Kmlly will sing the second at capital for the and give employ- ment Hn»», .veil Mlbhloii utreet. •/,' ter. Smith of Maryland, Stone, Thorn- Coleman hearing be given the ' is'serit to make rich other communities Home Industry league, noon. ton, Tlllman and Watson, democrats, role of Dorothy Travars. Miss Jean purpose of presenting the nursery side ment to persons in distant places. and Boost 1915 hotel. made a fine showing in the Palace and by Senators Burn ham, Clark of l^ong such of the question in connection with the * Central'tJeary Street .Improve- author, INDUSTRY says : ; '. , Wyoming. Gallinger, Heyburn, Nixon, tryouts that Paul Eliel, the peach borer pest. HOME . ment Boyce' those factories, club, «0 street. part for her. v-;": "\u25a0 Ivcep- money, that employment,-; and Continued from Pagre l Oliver, Wetmorc Works, republi- will write a* special This application was made to Gov- „ that ami ' -\u25a0 Besides the leading parts, there will ernor Johnson today, and it was an- \u25a0;: -at home." .. \u25a0 \u25a0.\u25a0.-.\u25a0- -..-. of the cans. be - an appeal to the cilizen's lend; their- today will make an Inspection largp choruses, among nounced that the hearing would co-operation\to- the to ''"he bill authorises the creation of a be several EVERY CITIZEN should freely giv< his automobiles streets over which the automobile pro- beauty given next Friday before lieutenant to the exposition company. bureau in the department of commerce which are the pony and the Wallace, acting dur- qiiovementV and so aid in the develop-: cession will move, and he promises to Governor governor \u25a0J 'Home Industry Thus far ihe committee has 110 ma- and labor for the collection of informa- choruses. The men's part-^ have not ing the absence of Governor Johnson. can be done by demanding the have them in fine shape for the occa- pertaining to oi chil- impos.ed ment of this State. This chines, and needs about -200 more. All tion the welfare yet been selected in full. Commissioner Cook the that you' buy. who sion. It is expected that there will be dren and child life. quarantine following complaints from ' California made brands of all articles will tender the use of their cars cast ; at least 200 machines in line. The press Special authority is given to investi- The follows: / : counties, where stock requested notify ; Sutter and Yuba are to. W, T. Sesnon publicity committee, which ? is gate questions of infant mortality, the Virginia Stetson, i the g\r\ * with the > tol<*... peach and -—\u25a0\u25a0«-— Msloney containing the borer was re- Goods Made in California. a courts, n:.r ...; ,\\; >ll«s 14 and Getting at the exposition building. handling - this event, has s. prepared birth rate, orphanage, juvenile Dorothy4Travern':T7r.v:Mls9;HmllyEColemani?l3- ceived. County Commissioner Harry Ask Insist on The pamphlet giving interesting,; data per- desertion, diseases, accidents, occupa- ;-Vllbiss;-is--- a peach borer In stock Cleveland left October Ha«el •.".\u25a0'.*\u25a0. Ml»s I-ois found New York subjects. -Fttrbeß?.'.^:-. Stabler taining fo v the '\u25a0* site, and ; also iinstruc- tions, legislation and kindred I.oin Franklin .:....'.. Miriam Harrier 14 received from Alameda county and 21, steaming directly to Gibraltar, drivers the *machines. provision expressly Mabel 5 WlUon »:r.T.: 7. Mi*s- 'Marjorle;Emmons.. 13 Industry League tlons to the of The forbidding the \u25a0 county. Home - Jean' I»ng U shipped into Sutter Three dif- _^^§fe^ the first stop The Marybellc Heath; r. ...'....*::. Miss | where was made. The- route selected is ; as'follows:^^ ; invasion of domestic privacy by agents McDermott 12 shipments contained the insect. Leave Palace hotel at 3 1:30 o'clock; principal Worthinjttoo.. .Mi*« Om ferent next Btop vram Port Said, at "the en- of the bureau furnished the Helen 3 Whiting.... f.\ ... MiwfBetty Funsten 14 up -\u25a0\u25a0 trance to the Sue,z canal, from whence^ cross Market street *to'f Post street; subject of contention. The point was Mehitablf Mo«ney. Phi *»Betat Kappar;.;. .*..y- .^i|pp^ Of California street "to Stockton street;* down .;..:;.... :*.*:rr;.~:".'.Mias .Winonai Bansett, „ 14 the party proceeded to Bombay. After Post raised by Senator Thornton of Louisi- lx>uis« I Cur- - 13. visiting- different in the inte- Stockton street to Market^street; out ana, who offered an amendment prohib- \u25a0 Pony I Donna^Amsden^ towns avenue; up ttre '14: i Beatrice -Binshami;i4;;Miriam sßryan TEN CENT , ship Market- street to Van Ness iting agents proposed Mary JUST TRY A rior of India the passengers took of the bureau '18, Carrie \u25a0\u25a0 Sanforrt .'lr., V>ra*McXabb '14. again to Singapore Batavia, Van Xess avenue to Golden \ Gate aye- entering private dwellings with- <;ar.l Mafigc Korap '12."* In« " Henderson 11. and and from M5. ;, RAILWAY TRAVEL Manila, Hongkong Japan. ; nue; out GoldenfGate' avenue to Steiner occupants. Alberta;B('ir;'lS.iE<llth Hutchinson,'l3. i •;: thence.to out the consent of the , Beauty*chorns^-CalllesSmith '14. Jean i\ alen- BOX OF CASCARETS street; to Fulton street; 1 From Japan they crossed the: Pacific - thence out In presenting the modification, Thorn- grammar. Marjorie Mon- street to Scott street;'-,down tlne^ '14. Esther White to San Francisco, stopping for a short jFulton ton inveighed in strong language tague "I*. Alma Eaton Jo Long '18, Kathleen street; ; Grove '14 flS,'il/»l« McCoy time in Honolulu. Scott street to Grove out" against the rirh? of States of- HenntnK»on s 'IV. Cordelia'; SmithJ Insures Ton for Monthi Against ft street to J Baker, street; i over Baker Unlt*4 •It. Mart I'arkinson '13,: Reba-Bian<l '1.*,. Dor- The whole trip has been made with- ficials to entf»- private homes. "W, U;. rr.tlne '1... Biliousness, out quarantine or accident, barring the street to Fell street; out Fell street othy Cooper '15,1 Ila Cootnbe \. Sick Headache, Coa- park, RnthtHutchlnson '12. Margaret M:i.<- '13, Alma small mishap at Honolulu a few days and enter Golden . Gate main '13, Corey, '15. : ;*;..' stlpatJon or a Bad Stomach drive,- street; we«t Ward Margaret ago, when the harbor pilot dropped at Stanyanf .'on drive ST. PETERSBURG THRONG to ' music stand,";* wnich is >; to be en- dead on the bridge of the Cleveland, - GREETS EXILED PRIEST 8alt«, circled >. to "give? passengers opportunity TREATING FIRST Put aside —Just once—the allowfi her to swing into the cruiser STATS ARE DUE ARRIVE FROM JANUARY 21, to see the $100,000 music stand,; Jap- Cathartic Pills. Taitor Oils or purga- 7 TRAINS AND TO 1912 o]orr 1 i Captain Christopher Demp- HYDROPHOBIA merely anese tea garden and museun ; thence Heliodorus Begins Long Pil- CASE OF tive waters which fore« a - LIINE woK denies/ the statement that the through bowels, VIA.
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