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./ '\ T, V ( Avarage Daily Ctrcnlation Tlia Weather f Far tha Msath a< Fahruary, m i Faraaatt bf O. S. WaattM itoroee;

6,677 Fair toaigbt aad T ■ligbtly, enider toniabt. warmei V *t tha AuiH 'Tbuinday. 9t Otradattoaa *

lflanch^ter-~~A City of Village Charm

(EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. LX., NO. 150. (CtoaaUtofl iiverttotag Oa Faga IS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAYrilARCH 2i, 1941 7 ------:— hi—;------—

^ . Picket Line at Bethlehem Steel Plant

Riots in Belgrade Picked Police GuaM

Protest Yugoslav

Bethlehem’s Plant;

Alliance with Axis

No Incidents Today Raids

ell Outbreaks; Oc- Bom bs Drop Pennsylvania State Po­ Reject Plans Steel Plant rs Short Time Aft­ lice Smash: Massed er. Premier Returns To Subways Picket Lines at En­ On Outlawing Fr^om Vienna Journey. Doing Naval trances to All Mines; Britiah Official Reporta Labor Rows Threatened Strike at Belgrade, Yugoslavia.V Ships Work Hita Made on *Very (] a m h r i a Plant at March 26. — (/P) — Rioting j Important* Railway Johnstown Fails to broke out in the center of j Deniocralic Leaders in Bethlehem Defense Con-, Belgrade at noon today in Junction by Fliera. House Decide to Block Materialize Today. tracts Include Billion protest against Yugoslavia’s Attempts to Bring Leg­ London, March 26—(>!’)—An In Materials for Pro­ Bethlehem, Pa., March 26. alliance with the Axis powers. Economic Warfare Ministry off!' islation to the Floor. posed Two-Ocean Navy — (/P)— More than 100 picked Police and soldiers armed to dal said today that in British Pennsylvania state poUce '1 the teeth rushed to the scene raids on Berlin In December and Washington, March 26.—OP)— Bethlehem, Pa., March 2S—0P) stood guard to enforce and quelled the outbreak, January bombs penetrated to un- Democratic House leadera were re­ —Defense contracts held by The derground railways^ ported authoritatively today to peaceful picketing” today, which occurred a short time Bethlehem Steel-Company ihclude Another blew the roof off a have rejected proposals to outlaw after smashing massed picket a billion dollars worth of materiala after Premier DragiM Cvet- movie theater, he said, baaing his ■trikes Iq defense industries, pri­ lines at the parent plant of for the nation's proposed two- kovic returned from Vienna, statements on reports from R. A. After the CIO Steel Workers’ Organizing Committee called a strike at the Bethlehem Steel Com­ marily because of appointment of the Bethlehem Steel Com­ ocean Navy, a company spokes­ F. observation and "other pany plant at Bethlehem, Pa., pickets (above)) began marching past the Lehigh plant, billet yard annex. thu National Defense Mediation pany. Workers passed in and where he signed the Axis sources.” man said In a statement today. Strikers said their action was in protest against a bargaining representative election called by the Board. out of the mills without in­ The offldsl also declared hits Employes Representation Plan, an Independent organization. ^he company’s home plant here, pact yesterday. cident. Shouting warnings were made on a "very Important’ Informed sources said they had where a strike now Is In progress, Many' persqna were arrested ba- ■ends virtually Its entire output to foro police halted the fighting, railway Junction, cauaing "conald decided to block attempts to bring and waving riot sticks, the such legislation to the floor, at a dozen major ahlpyards—three troopers — many of them which started when Axis aympa- erable dislocation." in the Boston area, four In the He said the Berlin police presi­ least until Lho new 11-member thlxers attacked a parade of stu­ Emphasis Put New York area, two at Baltimore, mounted— cleared all nine dents bearing British and Ameri­ dency and law courts were dam­ Senate Approves Bill agency has had an opportunity to and three on the west coast. entrances last night of can flags. aged, the top floors of the widely reduce the number of atrlkea. The contracts are spread.,over a ThIa decision became known as pickets established by "tiie sing Fatriotle Song known Wertheim department five-year period, the time allotted The parsdefs already had march­ stores were burned out and minor On Canal Zone Chairman Norton (D-NJ) of the CIO Steel Workers Organic-' to building up American Naval ed through the business district, damage waa also done to a num­ On Municipal Utilities House Labor Committee appealed forces to sufficient strength to ing Committee. to all workera to cooperate "to get singing patriotic songs. ber of Important industrial guard both east and west coast' Meanwhile across the stats ia The students were mostly from plants. Defense Jobs this Important defense Job done' lines. Johnstown another threaUiisd secondary schools and formed the lest public reaction force drastic Defense contracts held by the ■trike at the Cambria plant where Heaviest Damage at Mannheim. anti-strike legislation. procession on their way home from company, the apokeaman aald, to- 10,000 men r e employed, failed to The heaviest damage during the I . ! -1 A I I Farm Program lunch. two months, the official said, was Third Set of Locks Ex­ lion and Allow Exten­ Opposed To Leglalation U1 81.300,000,000. materialize. There are 21,000 Authorities apparently were pre­ St Mannheim where the main I am unalterably opposed to Produces Shipyard Steel. workmen heie. pared to meet any situation. pected to Be Complet­ sion Beyond Commu­ ■trike leglalation," Mrs. Norton The plant here. It waa added, docks were hit, several barges Called Symbol Col. Lynn G. Adams, stats police Poltce and soldiers Jammed said in a statement, "but I have produces the greatest volume of commissioner who led the troopers courtyards throughout the city, sunk, traffic blocked, several en­ ed Before the Sched­ nities Owning Them. shipyard steel of any of the com­ gineering shops destroyed and sense enough to know that unless last night, said today that "he ones ready to cope with any demonstra­ labor unions get together and de­ pany's seven factories In Penn­ making the trouble are etevedoree. others damaged. uled Date in 1946. tors who threatened to get out of State Capitol, Hartford. Of Protection clare a truce, for the duration of sylvania, New York snd Maryland. ex-eallora, dKk-handa and Com- hand. He said he understood the dam- the war, in Jurladlctional disputes, munista” who, he said, were Cvetkovic no sooner had reached Washington, March 26— (/P) — March 26.—(/P)—The Senate snd employers snd employees com­ (CoaUnued O n re g e Twelve) "brought' in.” Asked who brought (Contiiiaed O* Page '*>*) the capital than he went into con­ With emphasis on defense work.s unanimously approved today Evans, AAA Head, Says promise their differences. It wilt be them in, Adam - Said: ‘T won't ference seeking to end the dii- ImpossibU to prevent this legislsi ■ay." such as tbe Panama Canal, the a bill to speed up municipal; PukUc Assured *We ordefs which had been agitating House Appropriations Committee tlon or sven to preserve th* Tegla-' May Seek Iniui|ctlea the country for 24 hours. letlon w* have worked ao hard to Defense Cost Strike leaderff Khnotnieed th»F Officials Study approved today a 1.300,272,288 bill acquisition of public utilities' 'ShaU Suffer No ShorG While Cvetkovic consulted with amJnextend their seryiees be­ Ynhcf;" ' - may seek a court Injunction for Chief Regent Prinoe Jtovl. unoon> for the civil function# of the War age of Food or Fiber.' Brig. Gen. Philip B. Fleming reeumptiof) of picketl^ brokan up firmed reports c ir c u la r that yond the communities where disclosed at Providence, R. I., last Department—rivers and harbors, Found iBlpse by.police "if necessary."' They authorities had ordered a aearch. Nazi Blockade flood control end the like. they are located. Chairman night that Congress already had threatened a "finish fight” taV all Washington, March 26-^F>—R. started to bear from some of tbe of the homes of opposition leadtra John L. Sullivan (D.) of the who rerigned from the government For the canal, the committee M. Evans, a^cultural adjustment votera back, home on the subject. recommended 852,135,326 cash and (Oenttoned On Pnge Tea) before the Axla alignment. New Deadline Public Utilties Committee administrator, declared today that Fleming, Federal wage-hour ad- To 40 Billion contractual authority of 879,000,» B*v«ral A m ato Komored told the Senate the measure the "ever-normal granary" farm ndnjstrator, reported, that tbe It was rumored that several ar­ 000, after Brig. Gen. Glen E. Ed- legialaton were receiving heavy gerton. Canal governor, reported was the first planned by his program, now under attack on rests bad been made. mall from parent* of enlisted snd Expenditures Since June Welles Declines to Say that the third set of locks there group to bring public utilites Capitol Hill, would prove a "sym­ Selectivs Bendce men demanding Yugoelavla'a public echools were probably would be completed In .1, 1940 Total. $39,* Flashes! ordered cloaed untU Monday. legislation — “ up-to-date and bol of protection" for consumers in to know why atrlkea of defense What Steps May Be advance of the scheduled date, (Late Bulletins ot tha (F) Wtra) Accompanied by Foreign Minis­ worded in such a manner that the uncertain days ahead. workera for higher wage* should 177,800,060 Includ­ June 30, 1946. The new locks are be permitted when youths were ter Alksailder Clncar-Markovic. Taken; No American expected to facilitate quick move­ our average citizen will not who also participated in the pact Thanks to the program' of being taken into tbe Army at pay ing Biritiflh Aid Funds. Ships Go to Iceland. ment of the Navy from ocean-to- experience serious difficulty building up larger than normal Favors Training Stotton signing yesterday, the premier ocean. Including accommodation of of from 821 to 830 a nmnUi. . Washington. Storck 38 (F) A hurried from the station to' his in interpreting them. crop deserves, Evans said, consum­ Expects Approval Of Bill larger battleships. ers were saaured that "we shall Washington, March 36— (F) — 88.008J)00 Item fer eetobUehneaufir olficsa td confer at once with gov- Washington, March 26.— )— ‘The proposed legislation,” aald Meanwhile, Chairman Vinson (JT Cash money In the bill totaled suffer no shortage of food of Awaiting word that Preaidant af a Oenst Oonrd training etoltoa ominant leaders. Sumner Welles, acting aecretary 8221.272,228. This figure and the Sullivan relative to the bill, which (D., Gs.) expressed belief that the at Avery Pelat, Co**., was urrM- Vice Premier Vladimir Macek, now goes to the House, "repeals fiber." He use Nsvsl Committee . soon Roosevelt had signed the 87,006,-. of atate, said today administration 879,000,000 contract authority for Favor More Direct., Methods lato tbe Treesnry-Poot Otlta* who met the train with other cabi­ the canal were identical with pro­ the requirement that municipali­ would approve him bUI to require 000,000 British aid appropriaUon supply bill today by tbs Sauafib net ministers, followed the premier officials were studying all as­ ties construct its plants within its In Senate ranks, however, a a SO-day "cooling off" period be­ posals of the Budget Bureau. The movement was gaining headway at arm, the capital found today that AppropttaUous Committee. Suali to report on disorders which flared pects of the situation created by Bureau suggested a 850,742,433 re- corporate limits; itt.repeals "the fore atrlkea could begin at plants appropriation pravtoualy in all parts of the country while limitation whereby municipalifiea for abandonment of tbe granary sngsged In Navy contract work, the cost of enormous national de- Germany's extension of counter- the current year and the commit­ plan In favor of more direct rejectod by tbe Houee. the treaty waa being signed. might generate electric current during which time the parties to fenaa program had almost reached at beariuga before tbe Seuato Ap. bloclcage operations to within tee concurred. for lighting purposes only, aqd it methods of increasing the Income The first step taken by the au- In approving the reduction, the a dispute would submit their the 840,000.000,000 mark. propriatleua* Snbcommlttoa, Ssua thorltlea after Cvetkovlc’e arrival three miles of Greenland and thus also grants the right of a munici­ of farmers. Farm-minded legisla­ grievances to the new board. committee said that Its'lnvesUga- tors contended that the “ever-nor­ ActuaUy, m OPM tabulation tor Maleaey (D., Ceuu.) auM tha waa to close eeveral Belgrade pub­ to the threshold of the western pality to serve ll|^t and power to "This bill," Vinson said, "would Houae bad rejected the Itoas tlon "left no doubt of an earnest adjacent municipalities so that mal granaries" were filled to over­ showed, the authorized and pro­ lic schoole where thousands of hemirohere. purpose to lighten demands in the prohibit atrlkea at the very be­ posed United SUtes expendlturoa through "miaanderataadlug,:t. uUl' older boys destrosred pictures of not only s city or town might set flowing, and hence an alternate ginning of a dispute but not after Pending this study, he declined Interest of the defhnse-preparation program waa needed. ’ Snee June 1. 1940 have t o ^ ^ that the H*ase Apprspriattiaa Adolf Hitler and staged sit-down up Its own utility service, but a the 30-day period If tbe employee* CoouuIttoe’B obtaetlMi Imd bauu to say what steps n ^ h t be taken effort.” Combination of adjacent cities, Under the granary plan, the 839,117,800,000, Including the Brit­ strike*. ■till wanted to strike. It doesn't ish aid aporopriatlon. An addition­ eved aiaee the aew aeadaav or whether tbe European combat The money iafor use in the fiscal towns snd boroughs might own' AAA has sought by benefit pay­ PoUcs cordon* were stationed outlaw any strike except during zone might bs extended tc^cetand,' year beginning July 1. snd maintain ,a power plant for ments snd commodity loans to al 83,511,000,000 In ordera have ptoa had been explained to It. Oea- around aomejif the largest school*, Rtvere and Harbors Cut Moat that time limit. It is much easier been placed here by Great Bri­ aeictlcut. be eoatlaued, weuM pro­ andlit-wawroported an might be BOW within tbe German blockiade the economical convenience and control production of major crops The li^gest reduction - was In no that th*'harvest would provide to settle a controversy at the tain In that period. vide tbe oM etbat estate. 88 aeraa dosed until after the Orthodox area, and thus exclude American comfort of all concerned.” » ■tart than at any other time." rivers Chd harbors maintenance Must Have Kefereadum for domestic needs, exports snd a The prealdent’ signature on the for tbe etatlen. shipping from that former Danish huge aid appropriation measure • • • colony. No United Statdi ebipa Under, the bill, Sullivan ex­ reserve. ' (Coattoned O* Page Twelve) (OenUnned On Png« Te*) was generally expected to be a Womaa's Body Found have been operating to Iceuutd al­ (Conttooed On Page Twelve) plained, a municipality may ac­ Ji war torn world admittedly has quire a public utility by a two- upset this program by blocking ex­ signal for a new intensification of HRTtforde Marcli though ships of~ other riQtotry effort to get those dollars trans­ nme^ad body 3 of mm have recently )>een plying between thirds vote of the City Council port marketa for cotton, wheat and aimroval of the mayor. With­ and numerous other farm products formed into the necessary suppUes ndddle-aged wonmn wne feuatf Bombers Sink the Island and New York. Jap Minister as rapidly as possible, end to get ebortly before noon today at a Nw Word o* Z*ae Bxte*sle* Bomb Greek in 90 to 180 days after puch a<^ with a result Utot farmer* are tion, the proposal must be sub­ clamoring for higher prices at a those Buppllca delivered to Britain rooming bouse here. The prepet Wellea likewise declined to say and American armed forces. etor ot tbe eetahHshmeut, M r*.- whether a posalbl* extesaion of mitted to a referendum. time when huge surpluses call for British Vessel Supply Bases At present the proposal must reduced producUoo. Now in Berlin Hint of Stepped-up AM Tempo Nate Kaeelaad. toM poMos th a t; the American neutrality zone to woman came to the ptoee an- th* western hemisphere boundary be approved by the City Council Been Defence Advantage Some auw a hint of a atepped-up and the mayor by a two-thirds Bvara, In bis report on AA(l ac­ aid tempo when defense officials compaaled by a maa shortly 'attar : between Greenland and Iceland ^ ote In two successive years and o’clock last Bight. She aaM that Another Freighter Left waa one of the questions under Italian Air Squadron^ tivities during 1940, represented Arrives for DiBcussions late yesterday ordered 300 tons of vlien be submitted to a referen- these vrop reserves as a defense magnseium—an Ingredient in In- they claimed to be maa and wifa Sinking 250 Miles consideration. duip. .; advantage. To Make Three-Power and wanted a room for tlw sight.' ' Also Attack Troop En­ The neutrality zone patroled by In communltito without a City (Contlnned On Page Teu) • • • ^est of Hebrides. American warships now extends ■ *Tn this respect," he asserted, campments on Devol. Council, the proposal would - re­ ^agriculture is better prepared for Pact More Effective. Faeo Poaalhlo Court **-**-* quire approval at a town meeting. the national defense than any Penaacofai, Fla.. Blareh 88.—(Ft srlin, March .28— —Nazi (Ooatlnaefl Oa Page Two) Sullivan told the Senate that hia Rome; March 28— Italian other industry. In tbe ever-normsl Berlin, March 36.—(F)—Japan­ Comdr. W. D. Sample, executive lofig rang* bombere were declared ■' -' -' " ------; comqilttee had been "amased" to granary we have built up auppliee officer ut the Naval .Ahr Stotton air squadrona r*peatedl> bombed ese Foreign Minister Yosuke Mat- Admit ‘Enemy’ by Informed souroes to have sunk bere,^MM today two eaelgae whoaa Greek supply bases and troop en­ (OmUnaed On Page Ten)' auoka arrived In Berlin at 6 p. m. plaao killed a wfmea yesterday ^ a 10,000-toa British merchant dMp (Owrilaoed On Png* Ten) British Down campments on tbe right bank of (11 a. m., e. a. t.) today for dls- were faring a pomlble eeurt mar­ today out of a cohvoy iMWtoeted by In Libya Town the Devol river In tbe northern esc.- cuAsions which German corn- tial ia ThU berrible eaaa.” Mra.- five deatroyera, two cruisers and Hebert PblUpa. S5-year-*M meth- tor of the Albanian battlefront men tatora said.were designed to aix patrol boats In the North A t­ Nazi Boimber er of four child reu, was deeapitat-f yesterday, the Italian liigh com­ make the three-power pact a more British Patrols Previ- lantic. Bombarding and Blockade when a Naval plane aw e aped ' mand aald today. effective Instrument for organising o u s 1 y Withdrawn; low ever a grwp *f workera la a They said a British freighter, Lone Raidw Machine- Operations of. ..ground forces tbe “new order” in Europe and turalp BeM near Eebertodato. Ato. also attacked from the air, w were reported to have been limit­ To Cost Italy Dodecanese Not Given. Commander sample aaM the mms left sinking 350 milse *t of the Guns Town Oiufling the Far East. Identity Is ed to "normal artillery activity." Mststioka’s train which carried In tbe plaae were Eaatou* Hebrides, Bcbtlaad. (The Greek high command re- C. Thempeea. 38. of German warplanes deatrojred 6,- Only Few Casnaltie^ him from Moscow where be had Cairo, Eg3rpt. March 26.^— portod, "exchange of artillery fire i With tbs British Bsttlcfleet Off'* months of Italian air attacks upon CaUt., and Paul C. Broura. S3, of 000 tons of merchant ahippiu and at various points on tbe talked with Joseph Stalin drew The British acknowledged today CMeago. _ damaged an additional 15,000 tons front CroU. March 38.—(F)—Bombard-! the Middle East into Anbalter station as twilight • • • London, March 86—(F)—Britiah with restricted patrol activity.' Tbs British have shown no dispo­ that "a small enemy detachment In attack* on vesssis in the vicini­ Italian war planes were seknowl- ment and blockade are expected by descended oa the dty. ty of Great Britain yesterday, the fighter pilots reported shooting sition to rush a cleanup of the on Monday occupied El AgheUs. tfarketo At a Otoaee edged to have bombed a rural dis­ the British to cost Italy her D ode-' Otven Wild Oreettog New York. Btorcb 38.—

would ha impoaathle for his depart- Attend Meeting hhlpment of matarlala to England a ona-day visit in Moscow, where m AN(3HESTER e v e n i n g HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1941 PAGE THttI aaent to remora the hedge becauae He Te K eating ‘rhase sources said'“ wb wlU Utilities Use ha talked wipi Joaeph Stalin and •4m vings Bank o f wortc ahead and lack of funds. answer with deads" any questions other Soviet Rueeian leaders. Federal Fbod of tha effectiveness of the extend' The Savings Bank officials offered Of Pilgrim Groups (DomsL Japanese news agency, campaign against spies and sa- ■ive proved satisfactory, it would to pay for the Job aajrtog that the ed blockade. that you have a degree in'tow or be partlcutoriy valuahla for antl- Not at Fault Is Appointed Row W id en s said la a broadcast yesterday accounttog. iaoteurs. for the modem bedroom .... pant department was in a position from Tokyo that Matsuoka prob­ Seen at End F B I Lawers Army Testing eubmartoe djpth bomba. to do the work aatisfcctorily aiid With tha wort: of the Federal Director J. Edgar Hoover haa "The British could use a lot of Members of the Mu Sigma Chi British Assert ably would stay to Berlin* untU UMOt the requirements of the pub­ Local Constable Named March 30, leaving that night for Bureau of Inveatigation taking on asked United States attorneys it right now. If it’s as good Ei Ererything Possible lic safety commjittee of the Board society went to Waterbury Sunday Position Unaltered A I s o p Seeks Official a three-day visit in Ron^.) Believed That Big Part ^ .Degree Ba^s an international flavor becauae of over the nation to help the FBI New Explosive we’re told,” one legtolator eald. To Have the Traffic of Selcctmeh. To Fill Vacancy on the where they attended a mass meet­ London, March 26—(/P)—British Check-up of Differ­ the world situatlonfknd a request recruit educated men of good Commltie«.men said some of the L I M E > O A K No AotMa Taken ^ sources said today the German an. Of Surplus May Go to pending before 0>ngres8 for 1,200 character, between the ages -of 23 Further Inveetigatlon developed ing of th'b Connecticut Pilgrim Described by Inventors naUon’s leading oclentiata were " ”RUG(;ED a s AMERICA’S VIRGIN FORESTS” Haaanl Removed. Selective Board. Fellowship in which the Iocsl„soci- nouncement of extension of the ence in Figure. Convinced Japanese Wari^ictims. Still Necessary to Be additional agenta,' the department and 35, by referring likely - rcaponeible for development of that while an inveatigation had ety enrolled two years ago. The seai war sone to indlude Iceland haa decided to open its ranks to pedts to field offtoi^ The usual- As 60 Per Cent More the explosive and that they said it Refreshingly Different.. .Nstnral Oak Wood Finish... been ntade of several hasardous m ^ e no difference to the BriUsh. Progress Opposed men with a fluent knossledge cf tbree-months training period for . A pbM toedfc at Simimit and apota around the town on orders Harold T. Keating, of 18S Oak Fellowship, represents 50 or 60 so­ Hartford, March 26.—(P)— The Collide Graduate to would cost only about ooe-thlrd as V ’ Most^Deiightfoil cieties throughout the state and ^ h e Germans have been sinking Berlin, March 26.—(8*)—Japa­ It was reported today that local a -foreign language, or with ex­ new agenta has been compressed Powerful Than TNT. much as TNT to produce. 'USanty atceaU that haa bc«a term- had ever been given directly to any street, a local constable and controversy over the number of nese Foreign Minister Tosuke offictala do not txpe^ a very jj^ o m e G*Man. A haaard to traffic at that C(^ has a membership of close to two anything they saw," one source tensive investigative experience. into eight-weeks. Fell in g plants could be used for one pereon or^ department to eee former deputy sheriff, has been ap­ commented, "so the position is,un- people In Connecticut who have no Matsuoka was quoted in an inter- active local participation to the ''Bar rcatalaa to place throaffti po *nat the dangen were, removed thousand. Degree Baalo Bequlremeat. One official declared that the Washington, March 36— and evening. The speaker< in -the Fashion Show Utilities (Committee of the state while Matsuoka was riding from growing feeling that commodity Offered to ray ed that hia credentials will come distribution itself will cease soon. 1 The BMttor was taken up arith Phelps Takes Up from State headquarters in a few afternoon was Dr. Henry David Senate who had made public a re­ Moscow to Berlin aboard a spe­ TERMS Gray, youth secretary of tho Di­ port from Harry Slattery, rural cial train, was published in Der A large part of surplus food ^ffatfea. Horace Murpfaey. who 'a days. stocks is said to be slated for Here’s a Sensational at PVMt Banntnff, Georgia. The Was Deputy Hherlff vision of Christian Eklucatlon. He Hale's Again Exhibits electrification administrator at Angriff, newspaper of Propagan­ Position in Lyme stated that faith in God was a Washington showing a broad dis­ da Minister Paul Joseph (3oeb- shipment to England and Greece. '%2Acrk auperin,efident aaid that it He was appointed a deputy Gowns Before Crowd; Nothing official has come from sheriff by Sheriff William Seymour necessity in the troubled times of agreement between the REA and beta. today, and gave instances of fs- the state commiseion on the issue. "Fishing is one of my greatest Washington yet, but application Frank Phelps, of Phelpa road, of Granby for the four year term Those in Charge. for aettlng up a local atam^ ' has moved from his home on the from July 1, 1935 to July 1, 1930. mour men in history, who after The commission prssented its hobbies,” Matsuoka was quote MAKIS SUYINO ''TOCHOOSE PROMT cheater Oreen road. He sold a few Officials Study mouth Lane, haa been elected ^mazed At The Changes service on the Selective Service Bobby Butler et the show this af­ would designate one of engineers for perfection of the three-power that delicate new linUh lota and gradually there was a de­ board and no expenaa allowances. ternoon. pact.” president o f Gibbons Assembly, . .. m mand for land, with the result and also aak the electric company SAFEl three The' other four members of the Everything was informal and in question to designate a repre­ Catholic Ladles of Columbus, suc­ That Have Been Made ^ \ . 5 0 Radios - Victrolas that the road now extends from local board are ; Judge William S. Nazi Blockade To Leave for BerUn ceeding Mrs. Raymond Davis, the Every 1941 Frigidrire / iweeping. to first place in the Woodbridge street through to enjoyable, the models and the on­ sentative so that our figures and Hyde, chairman; Arthur E. Mc­ lookers and commentator, IClmer maps may be checked on the Vichy, France, March 26.—(8h former Miss Mary Egan, who has hat a labd that tellt You'll hardly know the place — we’ve i t Manchester Green road and is built been named honorary prasldent. pieces Combinations Cann, Henry Mutrie and Ronald Wedeh of Hale's, all seemed to ground." Ken Harada, Japanese charge you the facts about had such a transformation. . You’U “Stf^le-Parade' up on both aidea. H. Ferguson, secretary. New Deadline d’affaires at Vichy, present seat Other officers of the assembly construetioo, capacity, have a good time, and the children Senator Rourke aaid on receipt Uke it we know. It wUl aU make Home—Recorders ma^e a great hit. of th4 letter that he was not yet of the French government, is ex­ include vice-president, Mtos Mary features and pwfotm- (ConUnoad From Faga One) At the Atparanth entertainment ready to go into this phase. He pected to leave for Berlin today, Donnelly; recording seczatary. once. You know ex­ your favorite shop a lovelier and bridge played a prominent ..part, was inclined to believe, however, it was disclosed here. Miss Dorothy Foley; financial sec­ actly what you get be­ pleasanter place in which to select Personal Notices | Complete Plang retary, Mrs. CSiaries B. Hubbard; ’They’re Beautiful—and Sales and Service C only to a point a short distance with ^Mr8. George Lundberg, Mrs. he said, that the REA report show­ fore you buy! Come in the fashions you’U need. So Easy To Handle! Otto Sonnlksen, Mrs. Robert ed a sufficient basis for question­ treasurer, Mrs. Joseph A. Volz; now and choose the la Memorimai east of Halifax, Nova Scotia. mistress at arms, Mrs. Bernard In lovlnx mamory o f Mra. Rllia-i For K of C Ball The proximity of the new dead­ Hathaway, Mrs. John Douglas, ing whether the commission re­ model you wanti Buy Mrs. Harold Puter, Miss Jennie port furnished acciuate data on Fogarty; assistant. Miss Miwjorie COME . . . TAKE A PEEK AT hath Crnia. whn patted away on line to Gieenland attracted im­ Blossoms Out Taylor; sentinel, Mias Mary the favoritcl March tcth, ItlS: mediate attention here, because Wind, Miss Margaret Hyde in the number of people who use elec­ CARRIAGES— STROLLERS charge. The prises were useful ar­ Fogarty; auditors, Mrs. John F. km. E. ibtAH Tou art not forgotlan loved ana, The committee arranging for authorities have made it know’n tricity. MANCHESTER’S ticles for the home, auch as dish Apparently Based On Use In New Lines Shea, Mrs. A. W. Oates and Misis 18 Years’ Bxpeiiencs Nor will you aver be. the ball to be given by Campbell on several occasions, as such, cov­ Gertrude Maynard; trustees, Mrs. Aa long aa Ufa and memory laat, Oouncil K. of C., on Easter Mon­ ered by the Monroe Doctrine. towels and lunch cloths. Sand­ Senator Rourke said that the MOOa B 6 LOVELIEST WOMEN’S SHOP “TAYLOR TOTS” Wa will ramambar that. wiches and coffee were served. REA figures apparently were based Thomas Moriarty, Miss Vera Gor­ [^987 MAIN ST. PH. 4457 day night, April 14, which will No Immediate Comment man and Mrs. Richard Poot and Htnry Crota and Family. also ba tha 40th anniversary of the Berlin's proclamation last night The winner of th’ Nelly Don af­ on use rather than avanabilltyr and Keller's Adds Featured ®New Colors ' ®New Features ternoon dress was Miss Irene referred to the following sentence organist. Mrs. John McCarten. council, laat night completed final extending the counter-blockade It is expected the above officers ONLY • More Comfort # Stronger arrangements for the bail. It will area brought no immediate com­ Abraltls, of 33 Mather street; in an RBIA report; Brands to Its Stock of Hale's store donated three Nelly "Differences in figures may be will be Installed at a special as­ be held In the armory on Main ment from government officials sembly to Hartford, late in April. MIliHllllinillllllll BURTON'S lllliilllllllllllllllllilllllllll street and Hal McIntyre's orches­ here, however, and they declined Don dresses, one to be awarded as accounted for by the fact that peo­ Men's Wear. Easy Terms tra has been secured to play for te indicate what, if any, action a door prize at each show. ple within 1,000 feet are classified $ 1 1 9 * 7 5 Mrs. F. B. Oocker and Mrs. J. by the commission as served by Comes Springtime and every­ Throughout the United States ?94rMod.i... from $ 3 . 9 5 the dancing and for tha concert would be taken to meet the situa­ every 24 hours, 170 cars are stolen, that will precede the dancing. The tion. C. Robinson, co-ebairmen, were some accounting practices in the one thinks of something new, Kel­ m HISrOltY assisted In the arrangements by according to police records. lOWIST FllJCi fo r a armory will be properly decorated Two U. S. (>)ast Guard cutters, state." ler’s Men’s Wear are blossoming M gUalro with all thoeo fmatvros for tbs occasion. The orchestrs both of them armed, were believed Mrs. William Morrison and Mrs. A disagreement on terms and out with three brand new lines— PLENTY OF SPACE TO PARK. .. that haa been secured was among now operating in the vicinity of John G. Trotter. definitions concerning farms and all of which are introduced to dwellings in particular la also in­ Manchester for the first time. Lee Qidckube Trays Frosen Storage Com­ the orchestras selected to play at Greenland aa part of the Iceberg Famous Meter-Miser partment OUR OWN LOT ADJOINS STORE. Laka Compounce last summer and patrol. Since Germany occupied volved, Senator Rourke said, point­ Hats, Wings 8hirts.^and exclusive baa been featured at some of the Denmark last year the United State Seeks - ing out that many private utilities tailoring by D’AIonzo of Lancas- 4 % ^ S T B T E F-114 Safe Refrigerant Friipdaire Cold Control leading dances held in this sec­ exclude from consideration farma ter. Automatic Interior Light Many more advantages. States haa shown increasing inter­ of three acres or leas, and farms THURS • FRI. AND SAT. tion. est In the two Danish crown pos- Lee Water-Bloc Hats are made Store Open Thursday whose buildings are valued at less from only fine, long-cut hare’s fur IMOIAMOI A crtctn ovn 6 MIUON RMBAmS MfftT AND SOIDI I aeaalons, Greenland and Iceland, Idle Plants than 8500. He added that many and coney. They are stretched by and Saturday Until 9:0 0 p. m. Easter Coat Successes! with Greenland receiving the private utilities report "as served” a special proceas, the blocking is A o v s t m n m t SPRING larger share of attention. any farm within 1,000 feet of a done on a special machine, and a ORAflfAfMMIANCtf Other Evenings hy Contend Iceland British Base Wants Information on power line even though not con­ careful hand finish actually make gXefTEMtNTJ The new German decree Includ­ See the fashion hits and the accessories to nected. the hats improve with age. In MASSACMI K E B I P ’S wssr with them. We’ve coUected together the Appointment. ed Iceland In the extended combat All Machines Not Now Caat Sabatantiato Olaini spite of the fact that it takea three Inc. area, contending that the British timea longer to make a Lee hat, B e S C T A C tM l FrlgMalro Satos and Service emartest of the new clothes that are slated for Basing hie comments on REA big fashion success. Be sure of your Easter wers using the Island as a base In Operation. data Senator Rourke said he be­ they are not high-priced. The L«e T im iL iM i 7S8 MAIN S’rEEET TEL. 5680 against the Nasi counter-blockade lieved no TMie ean substantiate a patented Water-Bloc proceas rhsfraatMl'sitory I wardrobe. Select it now In the lovely setting campaign. The colony, only a Hartford, March 26—The De­ claim that there are only 2,000 or makes felt hats, rollable, foldable mtthm ITst4 4y (4« of Frsdin’s. short distance from Greenland, partment of Labor and the State 3,000 or 4,000 unserved farcis in and super-serviceable. The Aetna , Wss(*sflMarsrsry was occupied by the British last Development CNimmlsaion an­ the state if all occupied farm hat by Lee ia insured for perfec­ COATS ^ EASTER May. nounced today the start of a state­ dv/ellings not conhected to a high tion in msnufactjire, and satisfac­ AND tion in every respect to the pur­ DRESSES 17 Although officials here have de­ wide survey of idle machinery in, tine is taken as the baste of meaj- / 3-PIECE SUITS nied that any United States forces CktnnecUcut factoriea which will urement. chaser. Under this policy a new AU tho newest, pret- 4T Bridal Ensemble Glen Plaids - Rich have been sent to Greenland, provide daily information on ma­ Furthermore, the senator asked hat is given to anyone not entire­ tlest dresses for (Toast Guard vessels have been ly aatisfied with their purchase. Tweeds - Mixtures Spring. Prints and Blue White (Tenter Dia­ chines available for defense pro­ why, if the number of unserved and TwUIa. Every malnUlning a close patrol of the duction. The cooperative program farms was so small, the private The famous Wings shirU now Solids. AU sizes. mond in Engagement NEW vicinity. At one time recently four making their debut in Manchester V/HAT one a taUoring mas­ ia intended to speed the placing utilities oppose with such vigor the terpiece. $3.98 to $9.98 Ring. Wedding Ring Set heavily armed patrol vessels were of subcontracts by spreading the proposal that elsctric co-operatives are made with coUara and cuffs S A N E O B B r S with Diamonds to Match. reported on duty there, with a burdens and opportunities of arm- be formed in the unserved area be­ ^^eroplsne cloth—which guar­ 116.98 A R M Y C U R L total crew strength of 500 men. anient manufacturing throughout cause REA-financed Unee can antees they will outwear the shirts Both Rings in Solid Gold. Trade between the United the entire state. serve only those not now served. themselves. All fa' rics are san­ ^ ^ T o s : States and Iceland began after the Operating through the 18 field forized shrunk and guaranteed not Tailored Tweed Suits $10.98 PERAUNENT German invasion of Denmark Iso­ offices of the' State Employment to ahrink over 1 per cent. E FR I6 The soft 2-place suits that are to .00 lated tha latter from her mother In D’AIonzo customer tailoring be so much to denrnnd. A distinct Service, the Department of Labor men are assured of garments of Ba to styla with this new ma- country. will secure information concern­ JapMmister "must” for Spring. (Six ships—three email passen­ perfect fit, excliuive fabrics and chlaelesa Permanaat. Join the ing available weekly machine hour a genuine satisfaction that cornea O ^ra $4J8 te fllAS BOTlk RINGS army of w o o m b who are obtain­ ger vessels and three freighters— capacitiee; the existence of ma­ Now ill Belin only from individual tailoring. ing this outward sign of patri­ ara currently operating between chine, labor or material bottle­ The introduction of these new Credit Terms! otic feeling. New Tork and Reykjavik, plying necks, or surpluses; ability and in TECHNIGOLOl EASTER BONNETS SMART ACCESSORIES (Continued from Pnge One) lines at Keller’s is sure to start a a distance of 2,700 milea.) willlngneas of manufacturers to laating friendship with men of stop hunting for the right hat for Handbags .'$1.00-$2.98 achept subcontracts; and will, on OTHER RINGS PRICED FROM $19.95 UP. Not Of AiiiertoMi Registry jubllatlon over Yugoslavia'e en- Manchester and surrounding your Easter coetume. Ydu'U find MadalUses These ships evidently were of m basis of these facts, maintain towns. 1 lOBEIT YOUNG It right here. AU types to maks Gloves ...... 59c-$1.98 i^current inventory of available trance into the Axle camp. Saull M a disM $ 4 . 9 8 Danish registry, however. Inform­ With the exception of Hitler RANDOLPH s c o n you pretty as a picture. IXK& closely sr these stunning coats. Each fs an ed of Berlin assertions that Amer­ mhcblnery. Through this service, I Bloiises ...... $1.00-$1.98 and only .... himself and Reichm rshal Her­ ican ships bad been unloading at mamifacturers will be able to con­ DEAN lAGGO $1.00 and $1.98 important siyle setter meant to be worn by individ­ tact the various field offices mann Ctoertng, virtually all the Bomb Greek Iceland for reshIpment to Britain, top men in the government and VIRGINIA GILMORE Make Y’our Appointment commlsalon officials said that no throughout the state to report ShgafferS 1 2 4 ” ; ualists (you). You’ll like the deliberate eiei^nt the Naxl party were on hand to Jibfelsittilas • Ilia Now and .\void the ships of American registry "now either idle machinery or bottle- Supply Bases StaaMfOls • CUU VUU lireas detaila.. .the fine wool fabrics.. .the reefer nei ks. greet Matsuoka. Easter Rush. , or have been" operating to Ice­ Weleomad by Von Ribbratrop lutts BccUas K itdL. land. ' Information which will be se­ ------PLUS ------classics or swing back styles. Black or Navy. Sizes Greenland contains valuable cured by the personnel of the Foreign Minister Joachim Von (Coatlaasd From Pago Om ) Ribbentrop welcomed him and led A Ptetare for 10 -2 0 . cryolite nJnes, said to be the State Employment Service ^rou gh personal contact with him to an automobile in which he Sweethearts world's only commercial source of Young and Old! SafpJUiSkAip the mineral used in refining alum­ manufacturing concerns will be was driven to Bellevue palace in dieren sector of Eritrea, the Ital­ 15 iewab French Beauty the Tiergarten, Hitier'e guest ian high command said today. We also carrj' a complete stock of larger sizes, inum—an essential In aircraft con­ cleared promptly to the Govern­ “ K E E P IN G ment Procurement Section of the house for distinguished foreign On the western Ethiopian front, ! ”. struction. vieitora. the daily war bulletin added, Brit­ COMPANY” 4 Vfig.44. Shop Several months ago s U. S. con- State Development Oimmlsaion. With Frank Morgaa The atatlstlca will then be corre­ Five tophatted diplomats were ish troops made another attempt sulste was opened In Greenland to to forca a crossing of the Dahus PlIONE 3958 look out for American interests. lated and diasemtoated to procure­ in the welcoming party, represent­ ment officials, prime contractors ing the Junior partners of the tri­ river, but once more were thrown ENDS TONICTHT: see Main 8t. (Over Marlow's! Ilie Unitsd States meanwhile haa back. AH Claw Hi-Hn Opek VaUI 8:00 been the colony's supply source for and subcontractors; partite agreement—Hungary, Ru­ FBEDBIC MARCH ia "Victory" mania, Slovakia, Bulgaria and The Italians said their fighter PLUS; "LITK WITH HENRY" Washcaec Compartme^— the foodatulTs and medicines which ' Believed to be the first coopera- plants had downed a British fight­ MOyldfs mper ffloia aocaga wars cut off by the occupation of tivt. service of its kind In the coun­ Yugoslavia. Lieut. Gen. Hiroahl Oahlma, the er in an air battle over Cberen, kw wswihffi and lcA.ov«n. ’ Effgtffr Dress ^excite­ Dienmark. try. the Department of Labor and and that their bombers had at­ SATURDAY MIDNIGHT No naad to cover diihst! Greenland and Iceland recently the Development Ck>mmiaslon Hope Japanese ambassador to Germany, GIANT BENEFIT wore a bowler. Ribbentrop and tacked an unidentified British Tw*»—»«4 <9* ****• 9-*- >«••*«* ' ment is in the «irt have been mentioned as possible to bring the maximum of Oonnec- base, “hitting numerous planes on Stage and Screen Shot^ ^«Win i■ A D V A liC ^ A n P North Atlantic "stepping stones" tlcut'e productive machinery into Dino Alfieri, Italian ambassador, Be A Saver Arid Be the ground.” for delivery of warplanes to Bri­ continuous use to the production were in uniform. BIO TIME A C T 8 _ r L U B THE A new 17 jewel TriE I The decorations were more elab­ 1------^------SNEAK PBEVIEW POST NEW COariTERSidH; tain. of national defense material. Belova . . « . ■ More than 500 government pro­ orate than those seen on any.other i RUN HIT! GifH for\ Starting recent state, occasion and culmi­ AU Seats 5Se...Tax Exampt curement officials and prime con­ SAMMY SPRING [ 2 9 ” ^ A t ^ $ 3 - 9 8 Say Cargttes Unloaded tractors have already received the nated in a gigantic rising sun made Now Ob Sale At B*x OMeet The Majority recent Development's CommiaaiOB of paper, white chrysanthemums win Play for STUDENTS, SOLDIERS, SAILORS! For Trans-Shipment and red poppies. MODEBN AND (MJ> FASHION dasSy^Gnek War BoUef. Berlin, March 2S--<^— Author­ publication, “Register of Manu­ facturing Facilities of CkMinsctlcut Matsuoka entersd German terri­ DANCING ! LEONARD Give Ihot ttudenf or ibot U. S. Service mon Burton's are brimming with tha ized Osnnans declared today the Industries for National Defense tory- late laat night at the tiny tlazi sea blockade was extended to town of Malkinia on the Russian City View Dance Hall The attitude kA people has faapro*«d very of yoon the o*R thol turn* TRAINING info to Eaatar fashions... include Iceland after reports'were Procurement," which covei* the HI-Humld M odel operations of over 1400 manufac­ border. ■toeaay Stoaat rapidly OB the autter of aavtag ia thR last 20 ’ bright colors.. .nsw silhou- ! received that American ehlpe had Scboole Clesed Early EVEBT THUB8DAT NIORT! A C T IO N — the gift he’ll use daily and wear been unloading there for trana- turing concerns, ’nils new Regis­ immei wmuumttom Jnac one look at that big Hi- yean as witnessed by the treatendoua growth ITjeweb atlas.. .nsw detaiitogs. Hera ter provides information on the Factoriea and schools wers Humid Food Fmbener Com­ proudly for life— a SheafFerl material Connecticut manufac­ ordered* te close early to give in numbers td aecoonts and the amount of 175 you’U Sad the largest assort- workers and children time to get FRIDAY portment with its p tm doors turers am equipped to produce. will tell you that tha is a brand money oa deposit in Savings Banks. nant of dresses for svery wo­ The Joint survey of Idle machine In line atong the route from the THURSDAY * FRIDAY S A T o S U M Also Waterman, Parker and Others hours will provide procurement of- railway station to Bellevue palace. aewkiodof icfrigcratar! And man and for every purse." - ■*. flctolf and prime contractors with Propaganda Miniatei Paul Joseph HMTPOM NMOiai-ltOO that’s only half the story! It ha* CROSIEY up-to-Uie-nitoute information on Goebbris urged Bcrtto residents to CIRCLE TWO remgeradng coils—ooe The Motonl system of Savings Banks has Prices Range From locatioB of machinery operating “dec: > ••, ^ ■ fir ' / ■ ' ■ ./ ..,•• > : ^ ,rv" ’s”, .' V ') :f.' MANCHESTER E^NTNG HERALO, MANCHESTER. CONN. \WEDNESDAYrMARCH 26. 194J > ■ \ N .■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. WEI JDAY, MARCH 26, 1941 bor% Minn., one ai 17 aurvivort in a raid on a Manhattan prinUng the gang definitely prevented a se­ \ ^ ’ c shop that netter the Secret Serv­ rious fraud,” he aald. ^ F p U R picked'up from life boats by the / Believes 19 tanker Pan-Ne^ York and Bogus Stamps ice men 24 stamp negatives, spe­ A T h o u g h brought here, died of injuries In a cial inks, presses and other photo­ Am erica’s Men o f Science hoapltal last night. engraving equipment. All R. i^ t to Pass For If ye forgive WUl Picture Seamen Died Plot Is Foiled Urges Fomung No Shortage Reported Winfield Campbell, of Portland. Held In 62,000 ball each were Fsses, your heev«tdy atso forgive yo«b—MatOww Ihy Humor Found Dr. George Wi Lewis-^Makes Me., remained in a hospital, but Pompey T. Decardla, 32; Angelo Slow Police .Cars Jew Activity was expected to~ recover. The M. Castelano, 45; Lew is-C arlo labor Policy In Insecticide Supply Enginetir Says Tanker’s others planned to leave today by Four Charged ivith Con­ Alrla, 30, and Ralph Zirpoii, 26. Good to fofgtve; Best to U. S. Planes W orld*s Fiastest * u • © chartered hue for New york. where Boston, March 26— — Ever -Robert Browning. In Judge’s Opinions > ' ' ' Toscanini to Return Survivors Waited for spiracy to Manufac­ James J. Maloney, superviaing an inquiry into the disaster has Secret Service agent, said the drive along at snail’s pace behind Rosenberg Says Nazi Re­ New Haven, March 26— In gen-<$>has now declined aomewkat and ' ^ ' -■ .... Fuller Sees National M e­ Trapped Men. ' been ordered ^ the Department of ture Food Stampfl. arre. i ftHirth abluUoo In the popular old diation Board *Mere- are xvaUxble for control ot the To Air on Saturday Bureau. WAKE UP YOU Fioridl Jurtet M a^ rw irjp ^ ^ matrimony sc«.rclty In the a u i^ y of Import^ Morshsad City, N. C., Marck'26 New York, March 26.—(F>—An lance of the quartet, attention hav­ right to overtake and pass It? 2 0 0 Y e a r s . cabbage maggot. Besides the for­ Five other survivors were re­ ing been directed to them by thet'r " It is all right to pus,” Police ly;"Palliative.’ ed inaectlctdes used to protect eign sources of mercury, it ia said — (ff)— A survivor expressed belief alleged plot to counterfeit |1,000,- 'F «P Fnngent Plum ing; -Stcaai^r To Vmk Tlmee-. New York, March M —Vh— Programs tonight: Ths War— ported picked up‘by the tanker W. largo purchases of engraving ma- Capt. Thomas Caifey told a safety vegetable. _____ crops from insMt peats that the United States has now 000 worth of 25-cent government LIVER BILE- "The defendant waa a danring Frankfurj^ - on • Main, Germany, turo Toscanini returns to the NBC NBC-Red 7:16; MBS 8:30, 9:16. today that 19 seamen died in the W. Bruce, which is clue in Balti­ lerinKf. club yesterday, "but don’t chal­ Once Declined Federal master and a atranger to the lueh Houston Tex., March 3fl— (JP>— in ConnecUcut accordingling to Neely 1 •ufficleht for 10, 12:30; CBS 8:66, 11, 12; NBC- biasing forecxatle of the 9,136-ton more, Md., today. food stampa^^t^ first case of Its lenge the policeman to a race.” rriMri Cal«iU--JW T«fl Jbiq Ori *1 March 26—(fl')—Alfred Rosenberg. present needs. Symphony orchestra Saturday The gang's general plan, Ma­ lad ia 8h Msnkq RaiVteGo times and luxuriaa that had been Waiter D? Fuller, president of the Turner, Entomologist at the Agri- night for another series of four Blue p;55; NBC 12. 1>U tanker Cities Service Denver, The explosion occurred directly kind—was hlppra in the bud by loney said, was to sell the counter­ : Dencii Position. the portion of the complainant. Germany's leading exponent of cu'tursl "TCiOierimeat Station at Since nicotine is a by-product at Ths Ihrsr ihaoU peart piBtB of Mb faliO National Asaocixtlon of Manufac- our own tobacco indurtiy, t h ^ Is bn ^caste, ending April 19. These 'iWks—MBS 9:80 China Relief which exploded and caught fire under the forecastle where Degef- Treasury agents] who arrested feit stamps to grocers at a 7Q per *o year bowolsbowda erairoroir 4ur. IIf f this Mb ia Like most of ua, he waa poor In the theory ot Aryan rxclkl su­ N «w Haven. Farmers, worried ' flewlas fiadpj,f KMin roar food i turera, believea labor stoppages no change on the market Even If appearances will cxmclude hia cur­ program, WendeU WiUkle and oth­ stedt, Campbell and 19 others were four men and charged them with cent discount, so the grocers could ^^iQshMaaa, Fla., March 16— goods, narrow In horison, and the shout Um high prices of seed Monday night about 100 miles stot. It sssr hast dMsr ia tbo____ through atrikea have reached the periority, asserted today in open­ rent three-year contract, making ers; NBC-Blue, CBS, MBS 10:30, listening to cowboy ballads played ccmspiracy to n^anufacture spuri­ mix them with valid stamps. M h loM ap roar otooMth. le a art s ri- most be endowed hie bride with raiaed~sbrdsd, have expressed con­ foreign supplies of Insecticides southeast of, here. aoami’t taka a lawyer to un- point where the government must ing an institute for research on fail us, Mr. Turner bellevee that altogether four yeara of directing Col. Wm. J. Donovan reporting on on a banjo and sung by Charles ous stamps. MFiIoney said the prisoners had •tll^tod. Xni fsol sooT. soak aad tho o e r il waa * * * a nasty diaposiUon.” cent over the foreign-produced the orchestra before ..the micro­ looks peak. arntaad the lafal oplniona of Jua- “quit dilly-dallying" and formu­ the Jewish problem that it waa enough substitutes could be found hie European and African tour, Carl Matthews of Charleston, S. and Irvin Frazier, brotherz of The prisoners, ail of Newark, N. not printed any stamps and there­ COUGHING Boed. oM CarSar*S LUda; In another divorce case, TerrsU late a constructive labor policy. the Reich’s duty "to give a com­ dusts and sprays. phone. NBC-Red — 8 Tony Mertin'e C., assistant engineer, said here Braintree, Mass. Llror Prao to p o tltbHs_____ 1______pints ot bOt r tlae Glena Terrell of the Florida declared that "domeeUe squalls To date, observed Mr. Turner in America to protect the fann­ J., one of .rhom was a candidate fore were accused only of con­ The Philadelphian told a defense plete picture ’ of Jev/ish activity ers' crops. This year Toecanini has been long; 8:00 PlanteUbn party; that although flames were leaping for appointment to that city's po­ spiracy. Ina fraolr to soako rea tool "op aad ap." ' S^^reme Court. that sometimea reach cyclonic after lovesUgstlng sltustlpn. Got a packaao tedar. Taka aa diractsd.. clinic last night that aa much ad In connection wtlb other peoples." broadcasting every other four Eddie Cantor; 9:80 District Attor­ 75 to 100 feet into the air, all sur lice force, were seized late Monday "This seizure and the arreat of Aataslaa la m aUu faOa floor fraolr. Aril A tanner, told him ao aoon proportions may be expected when he would like to see the National prices hava IncreadM little and weeks Instead of the former plan rivors remained on deck until cer' Touring Equatorial Africa COIDS’^V a f o R ub The research will go back 200 far CaxSst*B UtUalUTar FiOa. XM aadSMb an old man plunges Into the ney; 10 Kay Kyser coUege. after Terrell hecame a member of Mediation Board appointed last years, he said, adding: thtre is an adequate supply of of two eight-week concert groups. CBS—7:30 Mr. Meek 8 Big tain thgre was no hope for the 19 tke court la IMS. and ever alnoe, matrimonial pool with a young week succeed, it waa hla opinion "Through the victory of Na­ let-ding mstertals in the United Slayer Is Given While be is off the air, guest con­ trappedmen. London, March 2fl— (5')—Gen. woman. Town; 8:80 Dr. Christian; 9 Fred juetloa Terrell baa been wriUns the board Is "merely a palliative, tional Socialism and of German States. ' ductors take charge. Allen hour. '•They were dead ail right,” he Charlea de Gaulle, leader of "Free He lives in the past; she Uvea or at best, only a feeble gesture Pyrethrum, used chiefly for con­ oarthy humor into lesal docu* armed forces in the past two " Life Sentenice So far there haa been no Indlca- NBC-Blue—8 Quiz Kide; 8:30 declared. "There couldn't have French” forcea, ia making a tour in the future. She chews gum In the right direction.” trol of the cabbage worm on cau­ as to an NBC ccmtract re- of French Equatorial Africa, the years,' it haa been made poaaible t ^ Manhattan at Midnight; 9:35 been anything left of them.” whUe he emokes a pipe. A t the Fuller aald ataUatlcIans "have liflower, was formerly brought radio at BrazxavUle in that colony The tall, dellbente, miaalaalppi- to secure hitherto unknown rec­ ;wal. In fact it is stated that ■Timmy Flyim quiz; 10 Author’s One of Survlvore DIee W n Judge haa a flair for pungent table ehe calle for calories and computed that in the seven ord. and to carry out this investi­ from Japan. In recent yeara the scanlni himself has made no de- Oscar Degerstedt of Two Her reported today. vitamins, while he calls for hog months immediately following last British have encouraged cultiva­ Bakersfleld, Calif, March Playhouse. ■iBMlng and uaually tuma in- gation. MBS—8 Mystery Hall; 11:15 ^Bltad legal quMtiona into humor- and hominy. She Uvea ragtime May we made more progress work­ Obserse Behavior Results tion of this crop In Kenya Colony. Walter P. Fairbanks, but he prefers Tn the Sweet By ing together as free men than did Inter-City Golden Gloves finals t l n ^ dlacuaoiona. 'Contrary to the practice of the Eaa- Africa, and the 1941 supply i&uat serve a sentence o ^ lifo im­ Revised flgurea from the Fed­ jftom hla broad experience and and By.' She can dance aU night, Hitler in two and a half years with democracies, we haVe observed cornea from there. African byre­ ¥ eral Communications Commission prisonment tor shooting a state What to expect Thursday: The but nature drives him in with the his much vaunted government the results of Jewish behavior, thrum-is-superior to fhe Japa­ show that the total number of acmiMive trevela he haa drawn an War—CBS 8, 9 a.m., 3:65, 6:30 ^idlrtdual philoaophy flavored ewallowa. economy." especially In its latest phase,” he nese and there ia an abundance of relief administration worker la an broadcast stations in the country ''Unless he be her 'ather. there Bottlenecks In Output it on the market a t unusually rea­ argument over a rednetloii la hla to be affected by wave length p.m.; NBC-Chaina 8 a.m., 1:45 artth the outlook of a farm boy, Some bottlenecks In the defense said. "Our experiences have es­ p.m.; NBC-Blue 8:65 jum., 4:55, 8IMONIB la in the very nature of the situa­ tablished the poisonousness of sonable prices, Mr. Turner states. relief check. changes which become operative lii'ii..».y achool teacher and a output, he asserted, are in govern­ Doubling an airplane's apeed without Increasing gasoline con- 5:30, 6:45 p.m.; NBC-Red 9 a.m., OlTo yemr ejf a. Johnson** CARNU tion little about an old man to ex­ Jewish blood in the course of their Rotenone-bearing materials are He was convicted yesterday by at 3 a.m. Saturday is 802. The re­ T r M ln e n t . Dupont Thlckotfl am-n town lawyer. ment, such aa slowness in specifi­ anmption la the Job that Dr. George W. Lewis busy. Dr. 6:25 p.m.; MBS 10, 11 a.m., 2, 5 Wp like ntw. cite the Interest of a young wom­ long history, even as one detects popularly used for control of a Superior Court jury of murder­ maining 91. ranging from 720 Can waP'qr cltaMTi A heavy Jst Oleani, Polishes qMM *Ahe Uaoela Type" an, and unisaa he is 'n the market cations, delays tn deciding, on pro­ Lewis atudice new fe n tu ^ of atreamlining in a model army plane. aphids, Mexican bean beetle, po­ kilocycles to 650, are not ^to p.m. . . . NBC-Red — 12:30 Four and Waxes in ducts, and the lack of uniformity poisons in certain plants. ing Mrs. Elizabeth Tarbox last Singing Models; 1 Pin Money black tep( B e haa been deecribed by aome for a good nurse there Is no baste "A fter painful experimenta on tato flea beetle and other pests, change dial positions. in Army, Navy and other depart­ month. ^ party; 3:15 Ma Perkins. CBS— 12 eaati^ sea one operatton— at Wa friesda aa "the Abe Lincoln for an old man to become This ia the third of a aeries of full-blaat to back up our mighty entire nationalities we have sought and again there 'a no shortage. In connection with the shift, it a l l garaa * M . » He’a more than aix feet mental needs. noon, Kate Smith comment; 3:45 Round 6 yd. BoU enamored of a young woman.” 12 articles introducing you to aviation defense program. protection of our own racial blood. Rotenone is made from derris and is to be noted that this is the first leak*, M p i walka with the alow, eaay "Strlkea have been a ..aerious is comparatively harmleas to man. p.m. Adventures in Sclence;*6:15 Trip 'flieilO T Lawyer's Greateet Aaaet America's foremost sclentiata. Modest Dr. Lewis, as loyal to "History will liken the fight-of wholesale moving of stations since can; 66e lial PcUtolng C A glllga eC eh eut doore man, and bottleneck,” he added. "It ia alarm­ • • • I Derris Is plantto in the rubber the reallocation of 1928 in which Bob Edge on Outdoors. NBC-Blue hlW/ A disbarment case drew Ter- ing for mothers and fathers of hla scores of engleners and physi- the democracies agaiqgt this Jackson vlile, Miami, Oloth Free. .gkan to "swap tales." By Watson Davis plantations of the Dutch East In­ Itchy Pimples clear channels were established. — 11:30 a.m. Attorney General Fla. ... 17.60 31.80 reU'a comment that a lawyer'a draftees in this countr> to find cista as they are to the NACA, awakening national conacious- Jpckson speaking from Havana; Fla. .. .$13.50 634.36 He likes to work with his flow- 'Director, Sclenee Service dies because it yields a cash crop New greatest aaaet is his "reputation out that enough time has already would tell you that what has been neas,” Rosenberg concluded, "unto 1:15 p.m. Between the Bookends; and hla chlokena. He Uvea Written for NBA Servloe while owners are waiting for the kill Romance Survey flgurea Jurt announced St. Peterabnrg, Orleans 17.60 31.70 for Integrity, sound Judgment and been lost through strikes to build accomplished la la group achieve­ the fight of the die-hards of the 2:30 U. S. Marine band. MBS— aa a hiU Just outside PTorida’a inquisition period against the d-velopment of the rubber trees. Many shattered romsnoss may indicate that President Roosevelt's Fia. ... 16.55 30.19 Chicago . 18.40 24.15 good character. The proposition 480 heavy bombers or 24 destroy­ Make U. S. alrplanea the best ment This la true in every sense be traced directly to ugly aUn 2:30 Kentucky achool; 4:45 Three eanltal city a ^ he and bis daugb- awakens^ national culture and Despite Increased expense in ahlp- March 15 broadcast established of imbibing the human chasaia ers or a half million modern Oar- and the fastest in the world. of the word. But Dr. Lewis, now blemishes. Why tolerate itchy for Tea. . . . Some short waves CENTER PHARMACY TRAVEL BUREAU 'i i f . who la hla aecreUry. walk to personal self-consciousness of the plng, derris is not expensive. what is regarded as a listening with these elements ia not so sim­ and rifles for their boys to car­ a vigorous 68 and busy with pimples, ecsema, angry red Uotehsa VLQ7 S y ^ e y 4:55 Musicals; JVZ Odd FeUows Building Tel. 4258 (tom the Supreme court That's juat what scicnca ia doing the European peoples.” Peru and Brazil are huge pro- audience record. They estimated ple aa padding the ribs and verte­ ry." ______I tripling the size and scope of the or other irritations rtoultlng from JLG4 Tokyo 8:05 Japanese music; hB diiw L-e good four miles from today. ducera of cube root, which is Xiao that 47 per cent of the country's brae of a raxorback hog with adi­ N A C A ’s fruitful laboratories, is used tn rotenone dusts. Both coun­ external causes when you can gst 45,000,000 receivers were tuned in. GSC GSL London 9:15 Greek In­ ■fa'hiif-- "T or pose tissue. Sixty days and a You may not hear much about peraonality around which this Bee Causes Accident dependence: ’ DJD DJC DXB Ber­ tries want buying power in the quick relief from soothing Psterw The President’s previous high rat­ 600 peanut patch will accomplleh tha Observance W ill i t for results are confldential; it aeronautical research revolution United States and no scarcity of son’s Ointment? 35c all drug­ ing waa 42 per cent. lin 10:30 news. '^"'^Tkcrall is a Desaocrat but about latter but It takes two genera­ may be years before the full atory haa pivoated. Ontario, Calif., March 26— iJf)— Betty Bowser, 5, stung by a honey thu material is expected. gists. Money refunded if one sp- x lO laa years ago a ftqniblican preal* tions to raise a lawyer of good of aviation advances ia made And Dr. Lewis would not be pllcstion does not delight you. gent offered to appoint him to the Be Non-Partisan bee, fled blindly into a street An The price of mercury has gone character. known. But you may be confident happy unless a full measure of up but Is not prohibitive. It la used Peterson's Ointment also dbothes a x l * 'm Kfleial court bench In Florida. It automobile struck her. She suffer­ 1040 k. 1330 k. Hien there was a case involving that brains ah well aa men are be­ NACA's credit went to Dr. Joseph Irritated and tired feet and cracks WDRC mas a Ufetlme Job with high bon- ed concussion; possibly a skull iln munitions and the price reach- wnc 225 m. charge*' of fraudulent voting. Ter­ ing drafted Into service in the S. Ames, long president of Johns ed a peak in the fall of 1940. It between toea 288 m. ar and good pay but Terreu de- fracture. I 8 *»» rell wrote; Loa Angelea, March 26— 1 ^ — defense program to U. S. at Hopkins University and chairman TOPCOATS aUaad with Teri->U said be "Tha moat abject traitor to Loa Angeles' observance of Jack- the forefront of flight. of the NACA, now retired. Wednesday, Blareh 2« Wedneaday, March 26 had all the work he could do on son Day will ba non-partisan be­ A decade ago, when the airplane P. M. ' Ihs SuprenM court bench, more democratic Inetitutlona la the one The greatest compliment that p. m. 625 who buys or intimidates the elec- cause Poatmaster General Frank waa not dumping bombs on civil­ Dr. Lewis’ research results have 4:00— Bxekatege Wife 4:00—Portia Faces Life. hsaar uan be felt be deserved Walker formerly operated a chain isation, before the rise of Hitler, 4:15—Stella Dellas «:15—We, the Abbotte. a d anfficlent pay to Uve weU. Be/ torat* for personal gain at the ex­ received is the flattery of imita­ of theaters. when air transport was in, its in­ 4:30—Lorenxo Jones 4:30—HUltop Houae. t Good appearance for the atgm^ be a d d ^ be didn't want toi pense! of the public and next to tion by European governments. U-»» Walker will address a Jackson fancy, even before initials became RICHARD 4:45—Young Wldder Brown 4:45— Kate Hopkins. iHuro hia home and hla flowers and him is .the voter^^h o habitually When the world became air-con­ goes into the open market and day banquet Saturday night at identifled with government agen­ 5:00—Girl Alane 6:00— Ad Liner—Dance program. Easter Parade is assured M i dhickens. scious, Germany and Italy, partic­ pawns or offers his vote to anyone which Bob Hops, Rudy Vallee, cies. there occurred what was al­ ularly, recognized the effectiveness 5:15— ^Lona Journey 6:16—The CNellle. Opiaien U Dtvoroe Case STONE 5:30—Jack Armstrong 5:30— Ad Uner. in a new House topcoat— who wrill purchase It. 'Betty Grable, Tony Martin, Gloria most a revolution in aviation. of NAC A research and in the t h e s k B la opinion in a recent divorce Jean and Abbott and Costello will A quiet, efficient group of gov­ poker game of reseach saw our Master Optician 5:45—Life Can Be Beautiful 5:45— Scattergood Balnea. 'T h ey are the termites and 6:00— News and Weather 6KK)— Newa, weather. they’re style-right. •aae draw: attention to hla pen- ■crew worms of democracy and If entertain. A score or more of stars ernment, research engineers, Langcley Field laboratories and 6:15—Xnigbte of the Road 6:06—Interlude of Concert Gems. ihant for homespun srltuclsma not exterminated they will surely will be guests. known aa the NACA, issued to raised two or three times. Great Harry M. Warner of the enter- Cousult Your Eye 6:30— Serenader a 6:15— News Broadcast, Bob aad iiMinannhlral observations ex- wreck the ship of state aa the lat­ army, navy, and industry eonfl- aeronautlcul research labora- teinment commlt\ee said the ob­ 5:45— Lowell Thomas Trout. proaa la brief form. ter will destroy the house of the dential Informaltion that allowed les in both dictator countries, servance would be non-partisan in P h y s i c i a n 7:00—Fked Waring’e Orchestra 6:20—Edwin C. Hill. "There is no law,” he wrote, dumb creature on which they feed. airplane builde^ to increase the more extensive than ours, are re­ Equally important to tribute "to a man the industry la 7 :16—Newsroom A the A ir 6:30— Paul Sullivan Reviews the a "that requires a woman to feed It la a strange paradox thxt they speed of airplaries from a normal sponsible for new design features See Us .\bout the Styie for 7:30—Inalde ot Sports News. aad house a man to hear him parade as human beings and are proud of.” 125 miles pcr_hoiir to 200 miles Your Type of Glasses! you is the fact that in German and Italian airplanes. 7:45— Studio 'Program 6:45—The World Today. newL • • • Extreme cruelty protected by the law against homi­ per hour, without increasing gaso­ Dtatlngnlahed Chemist IMes America is catching up now. 8:00—Tony Martin, popular singer 7:00— Amos 'n' Andy. I M hot necessarily require a pad­ cide. Such enemiea of the cotton line consumption and at practical­ they’re built for many A t Sunnyvale,'Calif., another aero­ 8:15—How Did You Meet 7:15— Lanny Roes. d in g or tha gtving of a black crop, the tobacco crop or the cit­ Austin. Tex., March 26—Mfl - ly no extra cost. nautical research establlahment. 8:30—Plantation Party 7:30—Meet Mr. Meek. wwi'r* ego. • * * rus crop would be reientleaaly It was all a matter of placing seasons of wear of finer "Tho partias in this cause wore Dr. Jamea Robinson , 73, to be named for Dr. Amee, is Prcflcriplions 9:00— Eddie Cantor 5:00— Big Town—Ekiw. G. Robin­ chaaed an*i destroyed. cowlings, which look like glorified h it tnonporiencod aeophytea They distinguished organic chemist who building, and an engine research Richard Stone 9:30—Mr. Dlatrict Attorney son, Ona Munson. fabrics. You can choose PAR MOTOR OIL, cookie-cutters, around the air­ ELECTRIC were in fact both products of the had been on the faculty of the laboratory Is being built at Cleve-* , MASTER-OPTICIAN 10:00—Kay Kyaer 8:80^Dr. Christian — Jean Her- cooled radial engines, and know­ land. F i l l e d 11:00— News and Weather Rcdaec ya«r cM eq last ysaro of the square dance, Too Old to'Lovu University of Texas for nearly 50 aholt. Military Twills, Coverts, TRUMFET Vaa PAR cartlfM the hoop skirt and the Mother yeara. died last night. During the ing Just where to place those en­ Telephone 4720 891 Main Street 11:15— ^Tommy Marvin’e Orchestra 8:55— EHmer Davis—Newa. gines in relation to the wings. 11:30— When Day Is Done HORN Meter on. Parfiet tlhbhard ara, the era that, pro- Los Angeles, March 26—(A*)— World War, Dr. Bailey gained 9:00—Fred Allen. Gabardine.s a n d Soft iBbrlMtlaa t* all gaoed turnip groens, erackUa' Red-Haired Doris L. Dexter com­ fame for cracking the German The leader of this unspectacular 12:00— ^War N w s 10:00— Glenn Miller’s orchestra. and arduous work was Dr. George 12:05— Bob Crosby's Orchestra ■elera. Tea da bread aad mint julep. plained Dial 22 year old Hugh formulas for novocain and syn­ INMGESTIOII 10:15—To be announced. Wools. art aaerlflaa Qaall- William Lewis, director of re­ sur tfed the Haul 12:80—^Wayne King’s Orchestra **llM plafotiff was poesessed of FVank Dexter, Jr., told her: "1 thetic adrenalin. Among his out­ 10:30— On Wings of Song. ■Prodpoei a ty when yea b h search for the National Advisory O m intPM l III Ufl itoMirti bt p ilIH m t f act tlfc* • 12:56— News , a spacloos home srith every mod- don't love you any more; you’re standing discoveries have been bfllt-irttfflr on tbo ttotn A t tko t n i tlta of dMroifl 11:00— News, weather. hifh-poir- PAR MOTfMI onu am appotetment but a govem- too old.” Superior Judge Roy J. adalln, aalophene and nnvasperln Committee for Aeronautics, World MBort Mtn tnd ombmi tfaRond cm Tabloti to 1:00—Silent w to e s •oi fflfl fTM. Ko lOUltFO M Bfldfl of -flM fOltOfll* 11:05— Sports Roimdup. eiM Road B« m 1 to any eO lasat asortgago. She was aa m ^ - Rhodes granted her a divorce with —similar to asperin—and a num­ War-bom aeronautical research •rttnjLoiMlrln#* known for orld IntfltOflUom I f tko 11:10— News of the World. REFLECTORS BeOliig ap to 26e a FIEIIT'IMMB dootn't pry 11«II«flR9 kottflr, rttum Tomorrow’s Program LIXKD WITH ALITV Oommand- ara aa a movlt star, this being her alimony. Doris' age?? Just 21. ber of analinc dyes. agency that today Is operating M l Hl'.st roB FOBua q t koiUo to HI and m tlra DOUBLE H o o t s Bock. tto. 11:25— Musical Interlude. BXiriiK LI.MNO M- 3 « 4 5 * GENERATORS’ a. m. 11:30—Jerry Wald’s orchestra. IS0 % V K A K I N O I'OIVEH ing Tone->Oompleta- !e QT. 6:00—Reveilla tlaolded lor i>.m SS-3B Fraeialoa rrballt la ri*a saw 12:06—Linton Wells Reports the V . * Fonl Mouldnl far 5 0 * aaaaratar narforauara.. Plica ly weatherprowed— S naa Thx — 6:25—News M l I'har. loao- nciad rslatrcai 1 I paaannar la Icadw News. SP itl of Cba*. tP-sa has easy mounting 6:30r-<3ene aad Glen FOR CHET. 7 0 * Fard 700-Jdoming Watch 12:05—Walter Gross’ orchestra. 3 I-3 A (-fl.afl • 2 * * BraekN t s c a u s in g s u c h 12:30—Jose Morand’s orchestra. 1ST 9 8 * •b o ra9 ' 5 * FOB Pf.VMOt'TH > rt.v% fAx H E R E * S T H E P M C E a T ! ^ J , , , . 8:00-^News Prtca larii^^^ld Shoaa la 3 8 -3 6 Pard V-S . * • 3 » * Maa Vm f C S stov 8:15—News from Here and Abroad 12:55— News. 0 8:30— Rqdlo Bazaar ^. 8:55—Wt ZCz Program Parade Tomorrow*a Program 9:00— New Ehigland Town Hall A. M. PLAY BASEBALL Party 7:00—News, weather. Spring la raallr h ahea yee play 9:15— Food Newa 7:10'^Music Off the Record—Ray baacball—Aaeriea’ia’a anber eoe qtert. 9:30—Mary Lee Taylor < Barrett. PIBLDER’S GLOVE 9:45—O f Putnam Bondage 7:55—News, weather. 1 9 4 1 Extra qaaUty baraetaida-yaaUi'e OA6 lOKlO^This Small Town 8:00— News of Europe. ■Iw prafeeelenany mate ...... A 10:15—Bachalor’s Children 8:16— Shoppers Special — Muric, Otbars L7f to SJS 10:30— Ellen Randolph tlmS. BAaXaAU. BATS A BIG 10:45—The Guiding Light 8:30— NewA weather. *” • ‘ * . 1 Regxlatlea riii 11:00—The ManIMarried 8:35—Shoppers Special;’ DF I.UXE MODtlS OF lOWCST - PR 1CED CARS 11:15—Against The Storm qaalHyaah, S A e 8:00— Figures in Muric. 33 to SP* W V 11:80—^The Road of U fa .9:15—American School of the 11:45—David Harum ofiwta airi* a torn Air. LXARH 12:00 noon— W riditvUle Skatchss 9:45— Hymns of all Churches. 12:15 p. m.—As the Tarig is Bent 12:80—The Weather Man 10:00— By Katbleaifl Norris. 12:86—^Day Dreama 10:15—M yrt and Marge. OM vaa da It riri* 12:45— Slngln' Sam 10:80—Stepmother; .Im. 1:00—News, Weather 10:45—Woman of Courage. O b w o * ? „ • Amerkett Finest 1:15—The UtUe Show 11:00— Serenade in Tango Time.'" MOTOROLA 1:30—Marjorie Mine 11:15—Martha Webster. 2:00—Hank Lawson’s Knlghte of 11:80— tog Slater. A u to R a d U m tha Rood 11:45—Atmt Jenny’s S to rie s .___ 2;15^Modley Time 12:00—Kate Smitb Speak*. Come in l ee and hoar fbt P. M. 2:30— Concert Matinee [ m TT KfwMOTOXOLA. Beantt- 3:00—Mary Marlin 12:15—When a Girt Marries. „fnl modeli with mstehiEg 12:30— Romance of Helen ,Tren& oSSTaSd. 3:15—Ma Perkina You’ll see them in the Parade first.. .and in the pictures dhJi to sail erary taM 3:30—Pepper Young's Pkunily 12:45—Our Gal Sunday. >:45_Vic and Sade IKK)—News, weather. after Blaster. These new Stetson hats have what it and erery podntbook. 1:05—Main Street—Hartford. takes in style to turn out a man smartly. Come in and 1 2 9 ’^ 139 M ^ 9 J 9 1:15—Woman in White. pick out your favorite style n ow .. .the selection is com­ 1:80—l i f e Can Be Beautiful. ord to See 1:45—The Right to Happiness. plete. I ’ ’ J ® Eaaieet term s DSMOBILE! 2:00— Young Dr. Malone. UCH a little step in doUara to urioua Olda Special Six. And - NO CHABOE POE CREDIT you'll find (Mdsnaobile’a supe­ H it Stage Show 2:15-^oyca Jordln. Girl Interne. S' aoch a B IG step-up in value 2:80—Fletcher W il^, ' — that's toe secret of Oldamo- riority in stylinc. tisc, feetuto* 2:45—Home of the Brave. Stetson Hats bOe's enormous new popularity and power coovtodngly appar­ 8:00— Mary Margaret McBride. GARDEN TOOLS - W|iat is unquestionably the hit 3:15—Golden Treasury of Bong. 4 with former buyers of loweat- ent when you take a th^ing stags show of the year comes to 3:30—Studio Matinee. Garden Spade ' priced makes! If you think trial drive. W hy not join the the stage of tho Stote theater. 3:56— W ar Commentary. $5*00 and $0 .50 y o u ’r e anchored in the field of awing that’s on to General Haal traatod higb Hartford, for a United three days carbea atoal blada lowest price, come in and let os Motora* B ig Fine Six? W h y not engagement etartiiig Friday and Boaf Fuels give yoo figures and facts that drive a car that's a Style Leader continuing through Saturday and PXUlllHa 8HBAB J 4 Neligh, Neb.— (IF— A flock of win swing you ovsr to now—and win look and Sunday. There are four spectao Pall alaa Oardaa • Aa ular stars of stage, screen and ra­ geeee demonstrated what a "wild Pnmiag*Sbaar ... . # V perform like a quality Kensington Hats baadla pattrra O d s l Y oo'n quiddy aee dio in this remarkable stags toow. goose chsM” la. Tltey mistook the Spmd AK a toat toara’a little difier- car for many yeara to Hesding tbs Ust Is Kenny Baker, new tin roof at a g n ^ company the youthful singing star o f Frsd elavator for a body of water and ance in price between come? W h y not take the. tiled to land on It. Next night Allon’s radio show. You’vs beard $ » d $ Made of heavy ply rnbher deluxe model lowest- firat atep today toward him ringing and downiag with they came back and tried again. 3 . 5 0 3 . 9 5 I and toe lox- ow ning an OldsmobOel Fred Allen on their radio ahow woven on a s t ^ wire frame BPADOrO and you’ve seen him stexTsd on in a handsome design. FORE M mmi X vin r Nowt..jn9Jr q u ic k DMUvmiorAim Icfl-coM Coco-^olo It puiE, wholflgomi^ I the silver screen, now here's your An the New Popufaur Shades ^ chance to see this great enter­ For Easter and Spring V I 18x3 0 ** A mmTTKR lUBAL a s YOUR OLD C A R f * d«llcleu«. You tafll* ita quality...you tansa tainer in person. Barstow Says Sharing bonois with Kenny Baker on the stage Is that femi* ILOO aad w t will adjoct ^ 9 - 1 1‘* ' 2 2 .**“ M o m n A D t i m g \ \ tlQ m ssmsemimvi WXfXCtsrsPwmmesiW Ht lafioihmawt In ovary dp. lctlit at IWgliHy MIghar Ptica). Ina Ray Hutton and bar varaatile MonclMtfwr O l t D S -nxyboys’ 'Ortosstrs. PHONE FOR BARSTOW YW STOM OF QUALirr: MM. c _J Hwf r t fr t t k t t wMi lM"«old Coca-Gokk m It la asMniatsd that 18 par ------3234 •"— T tl. / q«Bt of Qm tnicka prodnead Sabs • Service. ^ EaL 1922 TUPUM.STORIS / a o n u D oM ooi AUTHOfliTy Off i » oo c A o x A ooaiPiAMy a r \ b c^ t^ton capsci^. HANCHESTER B f a n c h ^ i Motor Salot, Ine o 6 c a - cx>l a b o t t l i n g c o m p a n y ^ e a s t h a b t p o r d . c o n n . 4 ■ . . '■ ' ■■ ' ■ ■. i'-i: A ! ■ '


,F. Bay State Bills Collector of Rare Books Star in Play Using American Yards ence Is Uncovered. Not Alarmed HUHurry to Wards white complete selections last! Sensational reductions of Star Affect Papers \Had No Formal Education Advantage for British • !]ommitlee Weighs 'New York, March 36.—(/P>—HeM-hever buy a book you cannot pay Youthfulness and Bach* ■■ ■ "" f once paid 163,000 for a book, but for promptly." ground of Author Does Will Eliminate Long would mean a voyage i [ from 3,()00 foritiag with Bril- ITomin# Pigeof^l^ing Merits of Eight Meas­ Some experts say that from the to 3,000 miles, part .through still ratalned books he loved which viewpoint o f general Intorsat In an Not Disturb Actress. Voyages to Have Re> very dangerous water i^wMlch the jib of Several dill-i Good job on Menage* ures Offered. coat 15 centa author-collector who /loved hie ship would baVe to nw^gato with pairs Made, 'THcreafie her combat strength or speed Im­ He owned, aeveral greet manu­ books, tha 'forthcomijjar Book auc­ Salt City. March 36—(M)— SiA , Star Gollapaes Boston,, March *8:—( « —The scripts, and more than 30 Dickens tion probably will surpass all ao paired. *rhe repair* would have to San Diego, Califn, March 20 MaeaachuaetU-sjUgl^ture’a (Com­ volumes Inscribed by tbs author to far held In this country. The author of Ruth Chattertoo's Efficiency of Convoys. be made at an English base where ;llElecoinet Very Hot —!• t f " ' leland, and breedera think the on good paper. dteturb the actress one Ut. jrarda fo r rspijlr o f j m fixgW Brit-N station. ' 1,000 birda being trained here the state's newapepers—propoaala Lamb’s "Dream c3^dre'n,’’ which lafa men-o’-war,' ^ ita ry experts •videnc* uneoTtred abMH ranging fro%i a bill to protect He had a collector’a love for a Newton once said was his most She was only 13 when ahe had With an American Navy yard for Signal Corpe uee may her first part in a p ly . Miss CBiat- said today, 'may glv4 Elgland h open for the repairs, the ship wie of the groateot known prove a importance to aea-go- cameramen and reporters from 4n- clean, fa ir copy of a book as cherished literary possession. great strategical advantage In her ;|ury to requests for changes in UiS' o riglM lly published, but he once There also will be tbe first folio would save days, valuable fuel and s ing m ilitary unite. Battle of the Atlantic. In tb* vmiveroe— the wrote, "the more ’A Christmas of Shakespeare for which he paid be back on station so much sooner, Guy Neel, eecretary'of the libel law. “ Tbe use at the Naval repair CHECK THESE VALUES ____ o f a star. A fto r hunrt- The Maasachusetta Newspaper Ctorol’ Is read, the more It be- $62,000; the manuscript of Thomas thus strengthsnlng the convoy LIGHTING FIXTURES wnk the briniaaco bt acvorali San Diego Homing Pigeon facilities, authorized by the terms flotilla. Information Committee sent a del­ comea soiled and tom and dog­ Hardy’s novel, "Far from the Mad­ of the lease-Iend act, would not _ mukm mma, tho otar col- club, aaya experlmenta In. eared from reading, the better will ding Ckowd,” and Boswell’s “Life Use DIffereat Systems < lo o t SET over-water f l i g h t indicate egation to register 0« opposition Interfere with the huge U. S. fieet COMRIQN and boeoBMO a voiy bot, ex> be the world." of Johnson’’—one of two copies there are fewer haxarda for to a proposal advanced by Rep. construction program, it waa said, The difficulty of having Ameri­ RBNKEDl NAIS case of a wbito dwarf. Colin J. Cameron (D., Amesbtiry) Most Famoos Book Collector known In the entire world not hav­ can yards make majeur alterations RXIUK ■. Rudolpk U Minkowau. usin( the bir^ flying over ocean ing a cancelled leaf. hut their availability would in­ RXniRE than over land. to subject the writer of "any un­ 'Thoae are aome sideUghts on tbe crease the British convoy efficien­ such as replacing afinor plate or lOO-liidi Uouat WOoon Mo- true statement actuated by mal­ late A. Edward Newton, who had There will be preeentatlon copies ordnance— is that the British , use ^ this finding by record* Runtera and radio broad- by 39 authors, Including Byion, cy In the western Atlantic. ice" to both civil action and crimi­ virtually no formal education, but Under the lease-lend provision, it a different system of qtactnua of wbat la loft caating atetiona ere the chief became known as the most famous Browning, Dlckena, Pope, George ments and virtually all their i hexara In land flight Many nal prosecution. was explained, this country is ex­ y a m porwa—great atar Protection fo r newspaper men and Infiuential of American book Eliot, Oliver Goldsmith, Browning, ment parts and their ammunltl breeders report that fo r aome Tennyson, Swinburne. tending to British fighting ships, .that vccurred nearly fi,000 against being forced to disclose coUectors. in effect, the same privileges ac­ differs in size from those used] reaeon the pigeone become The announcement that tha first There will be eight original confuaed In the vid n lty of sources of Information of their corded to British merchant ves­ the U. S. Navy. However, Brit s p e o k p Wm fit risfct or KedncedUpricsl Blake drawings, and Dr. Johnson’s jSLoae k. a«<«ek. stories before "any Jury, Inquisi­ part of Newton’s rare book col­ might find It desirable to ship Ssedslte sricedi Price eleehed'l 't ■ < k r" left-luad deers. Fieeet sells broedcaetlng statlona end cir­ tsapot—ths Isttsr an evan greater sels. Since the war began, British Froetea eryitel, ’ (kwtsetceUla.lt ; ‘tWa finding la a mileatone la cle about many times before torial body, commission or le^sla- lection would eomsriip for auction cargo carrisrs have been putting this country sufficient special sup­ wea’t chip or Aatieue copper or mode. All elMS rarity since Nasi bombs have des­ plies to handle such big work pisk, belie, blue' dull ersee fiaiih. ‘ from Sd to eOd. y O a oaBturlea o f aatroBonsIcal re- getting their bearlngi. tivs committee" was advocated In April 16-18 In New York revived In at private American yards for or green. 10-ia. peeL Pell-cbels m o th bearing on tbU catactyam. all the anecdotes bf tba man who troyed aome of the doctor’s favor­ ■witch. Ftag-is. Has Iwe keya 81TOCK 0P. Bight veteran racers releas­ another bill. repairs of all types, and no re- . Tbe Britiah made their first re­ dieiB. Keyleie. : H w Otar exploalon waa wlt- —In the words o f his son, A . Sw ift ite haunts In London. quest last week for the repi^ of ed at San Clemente Island by Other Meaauree Considered st^tions have applied to work of SASH CORO ftom tbe earth In the year Other measures which the com­ Newton—"Handled books as a Orsat Believer la HobMee this character. a warship here. Tbe Navy Depart­ nUOKSONT MUI N X Ancient Chlneoe reporta Marines engaged In meneu- Newton loathed mon and women Kifam vera completed their 60-mlle mittee considered today would: good mother would handle a Any repairs to British warships ment let that much be known, but REDUCEDI SUSHBM the chiea by which the great Oeate a special recess commis­ chUd.” who "select their books at tbe in American Navy yards,.experts adopted a stem policy of silence nXTUM ' hxtuie flight lest night Tbe time of tame time they make their choice of tod^ waa pointed to their fligh t wee not announc­ sion "to Investigate the advisabil­ He amoked Inceasantly, and believe, would be so-called "light," for the future, on the4 px>und that r^Otat to left of tbe aupwnova. It ed but In a preliminary test ity of requiring newspapers and took no exercise, but lived to be of the equipment of their billiard- or overhaul work. Heavy major detailed information on repair tn tbe Crab nebula. It la ao Monday one pigeon arrived other publications of current 76. room,’’ and believed the person repairs, it Is assumed, would con­ work or ship movements "would m fiir away that It took the light of here In one hour. events to be conducted on a basla Twenty-two ye*n before he died without a hobby was to be pitied tinue to be handled In British dock­ be of inestimable military value to tbe abont S.000 yearn to of non-partlsansbip and prohibit­ In 1640, aomeone told him he bad and avoided. yards. They emphasized, however, enemies of a country whose de­ y in A the earth—traveling aome ing them from endorsing or oppos­ heart trouble. After that, he " I don’t much care what a man’s Both Ghattertoa that the ability to have light re­ fense the president deems vital to t|,a0O.OOO.OOO.OOO,OOO mOea. ing candidates fo r public office and never ran for a train, be took a hobby is," he said. "He is a better pairs made without loot time hsd the defense of the UnlUri States.” dees white cot- Approved by H. fellow for having one." terton explains, and tbs average Seduced for tUe SUtbed Is price! 8. Pest •a great wan thto exploalon that referendum measures. nap each afternoon, and felt ‘en­ great Naval significance. Prior to Inaugurstioa of this "no eele. Olvee eeft The perfect light. los thread yars. OUem House Favors titled to spend a great deal more He wrote that "there are few of her three producer associates Alee for cUlhes bept. for rural Ml elMMlo froin It have been ex- Require newspapeix and other A British worship on convoy comment’’ policy, however, It was lereleee light. Piteaapetasderd routes. Heavy ig for nearly fiOO yearn at a time among hla books, which he liner or more innocent pleasures Is only 26. f0' ^em. white fixture holder. lines. SO feet publications of current events, be­ The author, George Donald Bat­ duty in the western Atlantic serv­ Indicated that the regular refitting, leagtk. M* dUm. gelveslsed steel. o f SOO mUaa per aeoond. preferred to business snyway. than talking books to one who refueling and reconditioning of glebe. Keylece. Bulbe iucluded. Reports Unit fore endorsing a candidate for knows." son, said in New York a few days ed os a hypothetical example. She Aaetber 8eaa la 1571. public office or favoring or oppos­ He waa a distinguished buaineas has sustained damage or needs an British warships would soon be success as aa elqrtricsl manufac­ A little memorial booklet made ago he hoped the actress wouldn’t Another auch ntar n>n;>lo^ ing a referendum measure, to file “ mind this business about me be­ overttaul to rsstoro her to full ef­ under way. Pacific aa well o At­ fraoi tbe earth In 167*. turer, and learned to write by by six of hla closest friends was lantic bases eventually may be Votes! Approval o f Per­ statement of ita Intention with issued In a limited edition for ing a bus boy.” ficiency. known aa Tydio’a re- the secretary of state seven days writing advertisements for his To return to an English base used. by T y ^ Brahe. Danlah firm, but he never really learned CSiristmas, 1640, from the rare To Open Saturday manent Basis by 202 before publication. book room of the Library of Con­ He took the Job, he explained, , , nor, n appeared from Permit the defendant In a prose­ to tell a volt from an ampere. Ran Away from Sehool gress. because a prospective producer VP/ UtWN RAKiS SLASHED _ earth view to rival Venua and To 144 oh Party Lines. cution for writing or publishing a for his three-act comedy went aoM viaOde In fuU daylight, but Tha Daylesford, Pa., bibliophile In it. Author Christopher Morley It’s bandy for raking leaves or grass. The sixteen wire teeth libel "to Introduce In evidence the said Newton once during a casual bankrupt. Then he submitted the 6-FOOT DOOR • u r n SANDFAFER CARFH Ib n n t d e a c c ^ ware unknown at Waehina^on, March 36 truth of tbe matter contained In ran away from school when he was 1-LITi DROP CSIUNO KITCHEN FULL CHAIN are made from the highest grade of spring steel. Wood handle 18, and was 61 wbsn bis first liter­ stroll of a fsw blocks In Phlla' play to Miss CHiatterton and sht s n a TAFE FRICE c u n SAVE 4 0 ^ TACKS iO * ttma, the aubnequant hlatory Legislation, personally requeeted the publication charged ai libel­ deipbia "gavs' me quite uninten­ decided to try It. She’ll <^;>ea In it REDUCED FIXTURE FIXTURE FIXTURE 48 inches long. Buy several at this exceptionally low price! ^ Ml that dying atar remalna • mya- lous, or the fact that the Mllaged ary sffort sppearad in print. 1 7 e p r . 8 for S c 4 e by President Roosevelt, to put the His self-developed literary Judg' tionally the most thrilling stream­ at Amarillo, Texas, Saturasy. 4 .4 4 4 .2 4 9 7 e 9743 1 9 e ly. The gM t teleacopea of to- libel la a fair and substantially ac lined hlatory of English literature Miss Chatterton set thln^ aQ GARDEN RAKES REDUCED ■educed S4%l DuU toiMS ftsUh. Large aixe sheets. ■edacedi Blsed qr have found txt traeea of it. OSIce of Government Reports on ment and acholarahlp were ao high­ prnamested SUehed ia pricel -Sedueedl Mod- fipecUny priced. The bow, head and fourteen straight teeth are made from one Ischea. fiaieh. K'lh. curate copy, report, or summary that I ever heard. to rights quickly. It matchee drop era detifu. Pot- 16-la. diameter, Has antomatie Loose pis. SH* SH>16H Ischea. vThe uutborat o f 1064 la a atory a permanent baste moved to the * * of a writ, order or pleading ly regarded, however, that he be­ teo^ flaxlUa JH.Wl&esnwa. Assertedi grades.| P epnUr rixea came the first American to bead "Not from any distinguished She pointed out that after get­ fixture at left. eolela bsee. fiovaral colors. piece of bar atael. It’s ideal for all types of garden work. 5-foot gh a dUferent eridlng." Aatrono- Senate calendar today following filed with any court." scholar, and I have known several, ting her atart on the stage at HubUe reportn. Neariy a hu^ the Johnson Society of Great Bri ash handle is sanded and waxed. D O N ’T W A I T ! B U Y N O W ! H oum approval. did I ever get so arterial a glimpse Washington, D. C., at the age of ''Aped veam ago aa examination o f tain, commemorating Dr. Samuel Paaaaga by a vote of *03 to 144 Johnson, the lexicographer. down the long trail" ' 13, she played in "Daddy Long WIRING! ELECTRICALS! HOI PRiaS SLASHED ^ CARPENTERS TOOLS Id Oilnrar recorda revealed an followed general j w t y Itnea. Legs" at 16 and In "Come Out Mtoy l4 1064 that a nova appea|S Germans Will Aid A t 61, he sent an essay to ’The NEW YORK Sava up to 31 par cent during this big 8-day sale! Tha 6^-inch RepresenteUve Bender (R-Ohlo) Atlantic Monthly more or leas by the Kitchen" at 17. I aaar the atar Zeta Taurl a^d re- contended that if world conditions Her producers are Harold J. EXCURSIONS carbon steel blade is firmly riveted to tang, which is driven ■Mined vtolble aevnial montha. chance— hla daughter bad suggest­ Unable to Attend Kennedy, 26; Jus Addles, 23, end abould worsen, the "Office of Re­ In War on Hitler ed It—and foimd himself with an ♦ into thf handle. The 4-foot ash handle is sanded and waxed. “In thin general region of the ports would provide an Ideal Hayden Rorke, 27. My to Mnanler 1. a maaa o f n a ever-widening circle of readers A s to the bus boy business— EVIRY SUNI method for Imposing a complete who enj03red hearing his views of Her Son’s Funeral ^lObBwn an the Crab iwbula. In iM l and rigid censorabtp of every kind "1 really wouldn’t have much Lv. HerHerd firiS A.M. Due N. Y. • . at rtagntair reported London, March 24— rForma- hooka and authors as much as he (e.C.T.) 11:21 A.M. Returfilnf Lv. o f news." tion of a "Union of German So­ basis for complaint," Miss 'Chat­ motlen detected In the enjoyed aharing them. terton explained. "You see, one of H. Y. ( 6 .CT.) 1:10 P.M. Chargee ivitkoat rouadadoa cialist Organisations In Oibat He was completely individualis­ Mra. Julia Daley was unable to „ Duncan o f Mount WU- Britain” waa announced today by my producers,' Mr. Kennedy, work­ CWIdrM I end ueder 12 heH fere. Jlcketa Trip R R a F T A O R -Mna later eaey ured it. Representative Bogga (I>La) tic. He loved checked suits. He re- attend the funeral o f her eon, Ed­ • Ceech W.F. WIRE R.CWIRE E L E C T A H HACK SAW 4 - IN C H ^ ~ ” S-INCH F R I HAMAAiK German Socialist groups who said ed his way through Dartmouth by itrlctly limited to cepecllv e» Speclel F L A n . y declared that “chargee of props fueed to Worry. He had terrific ward V. Daley, of Hartford who waiting on tables." Ceech TrelM — Pu^m l« Adveece. SLASHEOI FRKI.CUT 4 O Z. ROLL RiOUCBOl FiliR S REDUCEDI H A N O ii ganda and ceneonhlp are entirely their objective waa to aid In the concentration, and could write was burled In St. James’s cemetery “ Tbe Crab nebula. It eraa Touni, struggle for the "defeat of Hitler 1 . 6 8 100A 5 S e loofL 6 ©' 6 © 9© 9© ^la It the rate hae without foundation." with eight persons around him. yesterday following a requiem 19© 7© and bis alllss." N ever Ftoyed Oamea high mass at L Joioph’s Cathe­ fisdsrwrlters Xls4srwriters Pries cut 40%." ■educed 40% fat Skock-poeof. ua- tpodoWy yricodi SUsdord guafily- Prieo olookodt yawaiHed eeinatant. It muat have The uency, a division of the 8 this sale. Medm W hite House officea, has been A statement said the goclallsts He never played games—said dral, Hartford, because she is a Approved tv Tent ebstas rub­ broukhVlo rii Tomporod otool. filaglo cut, loof- 8trolgkt-ftaiao4 Iglattad to expand about eight or were convinced the overthrow of Carol to Become doer use. BSu'fi^ ber er trictiSB. brews kakelite. HOSE NOZZII grliilisad■ a 'd l^ 8S#0tll feffSdlMa wosriag tootfc. Uckory. aAVBI jdaa oenturlee ago. Tbe expanding (q>ereting. fo r aome time on an the book-collecting game was the patient at a Hartford hospital In a IROAO YOW OIOKI SPADMG RMK S H om Hitler was necessary to insure only one he enjoyed—and once serious condition. Edr/srd V. Daley :^nnd waa Identlflod aa the rem- emergency basla with relief funds. permanent peace and Germany’s Resident of Chile 1 ^ 3 5 Etftoiat o f aa aaolant nova. Tbe pendhig bill would permit ap- asked the captain of a girl's died Saturday. niturs. His mother, who was the former " : “ Tha apectrum o f tba gaa clouda propriatlOBB up to $1,6(W,00(). The Members and sympathisers In hockey team who came to see him office presently eervee,a clearing whether hockey waa played witfl Julia Foley of West Center street, fast tk# lUag for trsas- It’s opodsUT prlsod for Losg-bondlo typo, l-pioco 26x34 (tool ■ust-proof brssc. ■ovoivtuf tyyo. Tet- tndtoataa that the laU of expaa- 6 the Bociallst organlsatlona were largo wotorwiy. Olvoo iloi esa bo od)o«tod to bouse of Information among gov- cards. wra bom on that street end made Lisbon, Portugal, March 26—UTi pUatiag or woodiag tkis groat ouo. Four round Doint. Hollow tray-RubbtiUro whooL atoa la about 000 tnltaa per eeeood. said by their offleera to number ■rssrgordoa. ll-lach tiaoa buck. Boducodt Ssvol Ufht in wrifhL oay dogroo'optsy. I^TO say lixo oproy. ^ " 1 Thia I together with the an­ amment bureaug, and atuipUea His own library of rars books her home there for the greater —The Chilean legation snnoimced -EXCLUSIVE AT KELLER’S "thousands." part of her life. The Foley farm today that Former King Carol of gular rata, fumahea the dietanoe data to atate antf national officlala About 70,000 Germans and Aus­ exceeded 2,000 volumes, but he be \ l . and tbe public. Lowell M illett Is lleved that while it was pleasant was one of the first developments Rumania and his companion, Mms. c .!Uawut 5,000 light yaara. (60,000,- trians llvs In England, 8,000 of **r’ R A H D RUBBER director. to have many and fine books, It for real sstate lots in Manchester Msgda Lupescu, now In Portugal, SWITCH BOX FORCSLAIN 10-IN. HACK SCREW HAND SAW SMOOTH ggO.000.000,000 mUaa). whom have been interned. LAMFCORD was by no means necessary; that being kn^wn ss Oxford Park A f­ would sail soon, aboard a Portu­ FRICE c u n COVER SWITCH SAW BLADES DRIVER SLASHEDI PLANE 9 y « i Tin a the nova at maxlmua ter her marriage she lived In Ekmt HAT-tention "a hundred great hooka or half guese or Brazilian ship, to take up a w t hava baen o f tha general Hartford and later In Hartford. A 9c 17c 14© 10/t.fer7© Ifsr 1 0 © 7© 7 7 © 9 4 © aid er o f 600 aallUoa euna, definitely that many might well aupply one residence In Chile. with thr Intellectual stimulation few weeks ago she fell oufferlng a Jose Mario, Chilean minister to 8svs now! 14- ■pscisny pricsfil Prlco slstkofi Bodaeodi Out- ■odnesd 33%l Eatdwood bos- 2d*sfi pt. SpodsI fipsclolty ro« • aupemova. Girl Remembers 30^ Aeeoptodby Isolttayoucordi. oaolyiio taw and recreation of a lifetim e." fractured hip. Complications de­ Portugal, announced yesterday his u . Galvaaizsd. alts stsadard Hsvo IS toolii ducod for iMa Two M a t Stare at Center R ecreation Jumevsbls aidss. bstss. Pull chain. ■JUL Buyaowl 2 PlScoadactero. porha Ftoribia I40%l stssL Tsmpsrsd. oola Buyaowl “At the oenter of Crab netwla Number of Auto He said people should buy more veloped which now make her con­ government had given permission ara two faint etara. One to eo eh- books, and fewer clothes, but dition serloua for the pair to enter dille. aeranl thet it to believed to be Center Items the aupemova itaelf. aome nine Itoday; Port Orchard, Wash.,-March 26. entotwiea after the enplotoen. I t to —i/Pi—A girl’s memory, despite Mae aUr Of apparent magnitude 6-6—Junior boy’s gams room EXCLUSIVE AT KELLER’S! f''^.10A, or pethepe 400 talUlon Umea open (B . S. and W . S.) tw o w t e k s’ unconsciousness, CMater than at ita maximum (M:48— Junior boy's plunge snapped back with a vengeance. brlghtnaan la 1004. Ita lumlnoalty period (B. S.) Miss Esther Gresnblatt 20, was at preerfit to Juat about that of the 6- 7—Small gym open fo r hand ■truck and seriously Injured by a FULL CHAIN FUSE FLUOS A FFU A N t SWITCH R R A a BENCH CUT FRICB HAMMER ball (E. S.) speeding automobile tbs night of They’re Here! The shirts you’ve been hoping for SOCKET REDUCEDI CORD KATB REDUCm VISE wOoDLEyn. REOuem 7- 8—Small gym open fo r box Feb. 1, ^TflakowtoU hae aucceeded In re- 5 for'1 4 © 18© G e xardtag It with the 100-lnch re- Ing (E. S.) When ebe regained conscious-, . 14© . 74c 1.10 88c 27c ness she gasped out the license ■oducodtUoo'oa Eoop oxtno haa- fioTO 2S%duxisg as*o'40%dsfisg aiool froma wHh ■wiTOl booo typa Accurota 4-glsso itroas drop Sactor. He reporta the apectrum ^7—Charter Oaks basketball tklaaolo.lfodors period ( E .) number and s meager description lojppo,fixtarooor d y l All-jgUti tkit Oslo. Stasd- lO-ls. owaopJbo Jowo 2M*la- lovtl 2S-io.a loop forgod tomporai edpeera to be that of a vary hot, 8 oxtonilo^ cords. ■hookproof fopo—. ord plug. 6-ft billWitDp forgod cbock. wMo, opoa syi*. wm wars. toM stool, ts v o l u h l y eottapsad ctar. an axtreme 7-8—Shamrocks bsskotball tsam of the driver. Her father Jotted oane o f tha ao-eallad white dararfs. psrlod (B. R ) down the Information at her bed- "Thto ohaarvatlon fumtobaa tha 7- 8r--Womsn’a bsglnnsrs swim­aids and gave it to police. poaMve tatormatlon available ming ctsaa (B . 8 .) Ysatsrdsy, ProMcutor Ralph CABINET HARDWARE! RED HOT BARGAINS ; the final atate of a ‘ 8-6 — Women’s Intsrmsdlate Purvea filed charges of failure to After the exploalon, tbe stop and render aid against a Fort WIKI swimming class (B. S.) Warren, Wyo., soklier, who had e t ir eoUapeee “ 8- 6—Small gym open for wres­ Old Japahree ehronlclaa record­ tling ( E S.) sold the car b^ors being Inducted ed thto emtodlng atar aa compara. Tomorrow: Into the Army March 6. hla-4a bcubance. aa aean from the 6-9—Junior boy’s gasM toom Sarth. wlUi the planet Jupiter. open (E . 8 . and W . 8 .) 6- 7—Small gym open for boxingEXCLUSIVE AT KELLER’S! ( E S.) b Left $1,000 7- i —Small gym optn for hand­ DRAWER CAHNH CABIMET C A B M R l-O O O R TUBULAR CUT FRICB BOLTS ball (E I.) AEROFUNE FMMC COLUM I Rim FULLS Hm OE HINGE CATCH C M M i LOCK SET TOOL BOX RBHICBN 8- 6— Small gym span tor wres­ By Her Sister tling ( E a.) 6UAIANTEE0 TO OUnAH THE SHUT ITSOr 2 9 © a n 2 9 © pa 2 3 © pr. 4 5 © sa. 95c 1.10 68c 27c 7-8—Junior baskstball lasgus Buit-roolatisg Ckresriun fisisk. Chrosrismfislsk Foe H A t or loft fisssdo 3 aolso Far laaido doora Baa aamo plata, Aaaortad carrlosa ptoy-off ( E a.7 carOmlsm finish. For evsiUpigag Ferovcrlspplsg hoad daora Boo for m ot door, Flatod glaas moasara and ac mschiao kotta Modora dsoigs. orOsskdooca or flash dooca chfosio finish. 1 fat tba bosk. ksob. braaa trim. lock; 26gausa sopor packaga the win of Mra. Emelia C. 7:80-8:80 — Man's swimming of Otoatoobury, filed with clsas and Senior U fa Saving (E. the Rartfoed probate eourt yeet^ 8.) dor, Mra. WUUam R. Mitchell, of 7:80-10—:-Bowling fiUsys dO M r lM d abaeC. a atoter, to left ed fo r MissI Von Dade's ggroup i (B. RUBBER TIRED MOWER ELECTRIC MOTORS fU oo “In appreciation of her 8.) and care." Mra. Stev- Daaign and quality usually found only !n higher priced fitashod ia pdcu t e «Us Cade died laet January at tbe home Bstwsan 1816 and 1680, 750,00(r ^ mowera. The 4 fielf-eharpening blade*, ball-befiring reel and /M * * oatot H H.F- Wim 7M- «f Kn. MitcbelL In the will ^ mors bom than glris were hot foot nM or cord and pfug, C A B lf«T PLASTIC YAU rubber tirea make it aasy running. 14-inch cut. 4dan bagueathi $600 to the Method- and 1,176,887 more man -than, CABINET CAFAcnot Morae H M-p... . . 1 led, la tbs United Itatsa. KNOB CATCH FUULS PADLOCK tot ebuidi at Hockanum. Tbe rum Seme QuaBly Maw ar, I6-Ii»di cut...... S.M CAFACnOI MOTOe H N. P.'... . 14 . M 1U900 to alao left to each of aix 1 9 © sa. 2 5 © an . 1 5 © a a . 8 © s a . Wards Me sler QwnMy Mewa% 5-bMe^ ffidneh cuf...... B .7 S Modsrs dsslgs Coaeoolod typo. Osy, spsrktiag B sotloos moad. Mitchell to alao to receive I^llshsd chrom­ Bicholod finish. colon. For draw- Alumlsdmfiaiah. Wards Merter Qualify Mewer, S Meds» IB-inch cwf.... M . 7 S bouaebold furniture and fur- ium pItMdfisish. Basy ts apply- on or doorafi*. 2 hays Isriudod. tbe reeidue to left in FRIED between Mre. Mit- I dunk are some o f nd another elaUr, Mra. igraonda. o f UnionviUe. CLAMS INTRODUCING \ die most reourkablc shicts it has e\'er P rw bD m ily! been our good fortune to find. They’ re amart down to the last detail TO . . teilortd iridi shaped body, natural shoulder slope, sleeves set in ivov to Lisbon Dirnet Froai Ip ^ ch . MANCHESTER at aa angle to eKminete bunching under the arms. N o amount o f heaty its Papers Plate DioBera ...... I N t wear or washing can make tbe collars wrinkle or loee their shape. Order* To Take Oat: DISTINCTTV’E Collars end cufc are guaranteed for the life of die shirt. But w ell gn TAILORING Pifltg 38c even farther than that and guarantee them to outwear any other ahkl WATER-BLOC OmrtM ...... 65c By you've ever wocn. AND WMfias sr Fsaey Pattarae la New- D*ALONZO aat OaBmr Btylaa. fllaaa 14 ta 17(4 Potato Sticks ...H pt. l5e la Taw Osnae* Staava Iw ftlL Can Bfaocheater 5855 LANCASTER LEE AETNA i Vrisi/c-FfM rWLr ms/p jW/v CtUttt* jw ra* Yow *fd«r wUl be piping Ftaaat Woslalas! THE INSURED HAT AT $3.59 it wkM yoB arrive. ■■pseWy Tsitorsi! EXCLUSIVE AT MONThiy Payment p ■ c V B M t B B ’ S KELLER’S MEN’S VmAR KELLER’S 887 MAIN ST. NEXT TO GREEN A GDLDJ MEN’S WEAR KELLER’S MEN’S WEAR R 887 MAIN 8REBT NBXTTOGSnN^i M i M ■/r MANCHESTER EVENING. HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1941 MAKCHkSTER EVENING HERALDr MANCHESTli^, CONN. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1941

WaddeU will ba ths Hwakar la be­ Ing gear broke. It hurtled a flvq. column, what the brachial artery by tha Injurious physical affaeta sound la senUment Those half of Greek Relief tonight. The foot terrace, luaged across the to?” Greek Benefit theater management states that town and crashed through the first, tost and all-the-tlme IntarasT HEALTH AND DIET Answer: This artery diktributes Q u o ta tio n s o( i t o u t riteOB on whola natlona. Man About Manhattan G Glef Club Concert there will be no expense connected Dowe front door. is a grim determination that this - ADVICE blood to the shotilder, arm, and with the Saturday benefit pro­ noedtlwae*lsewa«wl»8niaaiITEa But ftMT tlM moat part Mr. Hoo- hand. When the doctor tests your I II . I...... — B p G *0rg* rw e * d f— It iMnM aii4 SMhw Mt Uw thM, varia moat oanaat and numaroua country of ours shall survive—and Show Saturday gram, all proceeds to be given to Plans were recently completed •tyqr.meeeoe MeratUa that »t%am SlMka blood pressure, he to finding out aid the courageous Greek na- ^ a M a u e M M toadsoa wnmon. Fi®. aupportara an>aar to too peraon* that tha siirvival of the British Foralabad by tba MeOoy how much pressure is required to You make men love their gov­ New York — fltephin Ketohlt’sa The recent snow atorfitoi may not Draws Large Audience for the conversion of a dirt- m«M«aw ImalhtBs aa It aaob aa4 aoatkaa ■MKoar Tsa empire Is important to us almost Health Servloa shut off the flow of blood in the ernment and country by giving valet is a prUe-flgbter. He was be the heaviest ina the history of tionallata. moving trade into a huge "battle VujirnMv oo. IMCk wlm hata not had much contact them the kind of governmrat aad Pre-View Movie and Sur’* wagon" mounting two -lnch w m a itr«M entirely because its survival In brachial artery. loudly cheered when introduced at this metropolis, but they caused 8 e n t s M (ar 8INAStHSo la SvZ r^ with aUraatlon or any other form Address oonmraalcatioBs ts The the kind of country that inspire tha recent Golden Gloves matches, naval guns. The guns will be in a tlKWttr. Owm. QuesUmi: Mrs. E. V. writes: more traffic snarls and. coupled Many Out of Town Vis- |F«ir» Nazi Uniform prise Vaudeville to Be ;a» rm o o a o N of human anfulah—clergyman this hour is inextricably linked Herald, Attaatioa MbCoy 'Mow may I prepare a sauce for respect and love. but the Judges yrere roundly booed O ver 35 Present ' that will revolve in a full ARTHUR DRUG S'TORES r*l ttSMINT with our own—will undoubtedly be Health Bsrvies green fresh without discard­ —Prof. Stocharlah Chaffee, Har­ when they gave him the decision. with the bus strike, annoyed pe­ Some of Features. " circle. And All Good Drag Storen OM»kMrl. Illtt with nlca Joha, wealthy woman to fiom itort Present at 13th! In London for Hourt less enthusiastic over the ambas­ ing the Juice, and without making vard Law SehooL The crowd thought the other fight­ destrians nmre than any 1 rememr whom hunger la aomething they er won. It was so angry it was ber. In nearly a decade a t living At Shower Party •tw7 Bvaaliic •>««»< sador’s talk to the Pilgrims. Boils Carbonclea a wrong combination?” Annual Offering of Six thousand theaters through­ J R*n««r» at have heard about, gaaUemen arlth Answer: A palatable sauce may When private business does not still roaring when the next fight in New York I remember only one V London, March 3«.—n Wattan facM unwrinkled at alaty. But no Boils and carbuncles are very be made by adding cream and but­ take risks it gives itself up, and got underway. Tha announcers, Unchallenged, a man wearing with owners and managers and spoke, as it was ineKspable that ter in the desired'iamounL of Juice, then we no longer need private despite their amplifiers, were com­ ing In considerable quantity more Miss Mary Draghi, of 47 Sum* ., .find it’s so fifisy, tool Juat send fiO your medical doctors. painful afflicUons, and they bring a German Army officer’s uni­ cltisens in conducting benefit pro­ u m O H R*T«* he should speak, with'the voice of and thickening with a little dex- enterprise. pletely drowned out. than 34 hours on the streets. As By Jamee B. HutchlasoB form and tappings.. strolled grams for Greek Relief, Manches­ mer street, who to to be married T«ar f Mall .•(.a* Why no medicos? The answer about a mehltal distress and de­ trinlsed or thoroughly browned —Walter n u k . Nasi ndnietar of In her earlier days on Broad­ this to written it has been piled wefiTfibles to U. S. Youll be sure they wiU- •««a***«aa M The 13th annual concert of the London streets for hours jres- ter's State, theater, with aid from in April to David Lanata, of Glas­ iiTr ‘ .1 la easy. The physician and siir> the same old England—chastened, pression which makes the sufferer flour. . economics. way Miriam Hopkins would live high for four days, with the end Oa»? iaaa«**a*** .1 M ') O Clef club given in the Emanuel terday, looked over busy Scot­ the New Circle theater and a tonbury, was surprised last night recclve extra good cere—«nd will be returned .i*aa K«on know that the soft way, the wiser now than ever before, but feel that he has been especially nowhere but in Greenwich Village. nowhere in sighLi land Yard and peered through selected for persecutimi. church last night was heard by a group of talented performers, will with a third bridal shower given eaay’^ ’ay, the emotional way of nevertheless the England that roP)— Lovelorn British newsman Just back from Franca. Central Park. War,.“ Hang My Wreath,” reads with anything less. It exists no more for our to the kingship of hell, that cut its carbuncles may be termed mulU* music. form to Londoners accustomed State theater. friends to the number of 36 were «tltla« la ika ma er raaaWlaa. often the bast way. They labor soldiers can get no advice, but like a comic atrip. It doesn’t go in The assisting artist was William to the varied garb of British, Tickets for the benefit show are .. af an aawa 4la»aiahaa efa<<*«f coupons while the Naxls were cut­ pie or compound boils. In other present from West Hartford, expert service. It at aat atkararlaa etaillaa l« under no delusion abcut curing a they can get mail—with the help Status quo is Latin for "the fix I wish Judith Anderson had been for much character development, Babcock, Jr., of New London, cor- Dominion, Oolonial, Dutch, going fine, members of the Greek Windsor Locks, Glastonbury and words, boils appear singly, and of the city of Boston. British offi­ but not even Jack Aroutrong, the la aaaar ana alaa tha loaal naara cancer with sedatlvea They know ting the ground from under Its apart from each other, whereas we’re in.” cast in the leading role of "The netist, who on a recent appearance Ctoecb, Norwegian, free French organizations report and tickets this town. pkllMaa karala. cers Interned In a German prison —Wllltom S. Knudsen, defense Corn Is Green^ instead o f Ethel All-American Boy, could get out here in a High school musical fes­ and other Allied forces. will also be available at the State The decorations were In . pink All Hrkta at rapaWlaallaa af that there are times when there is feet, that has always known two the carbuncle is composed of two tl atapairkaa haraHi ara alaa camp and soldiers stationed in commissioner. Barrymore. Mias Barrymore has of some of the situations you find tival made a strong impression on The "German officer" was ticket office throughout the re­ and blue. The gifts were varied no hope save in an operation. distinct worlds, a world of ladles or more bolls in the same site of Boston, England, wrote "His Wor­ in this short, fast noveL It was D IAL 7100 arrad. ______trouble. won great praise and has received musical critics. Donald CoUlns. film actor em­ mainder of the week and on Sat­ and beautiful. There may be doubt about the op- and gentlemen and a world of men ship” Mayor Maurice J. Tobin, Our country was not built by continuous plaudits since the play written by "Ward Weaver.” The Aa in former yeari, the director, ployed by The Dally Sketch to urday afternoon and evening. During the evening the hostess . alt aaralea ellaat af H. ■. A. Both boils and carbuncles have asking him to obtain home "good eraUon serving but there la no and women—as far apart as the the same underlying cause, and boys afraid to take a chance. Fear opened, but I can’t forget Miss New York 'Dmes sajrs it has a Albert Pearson, offered a pro- point up its editorial campaign Details Kept Secret assisted by her daughters. Miss ^ jallaa lix. . . ^ lookers” as correspondents. Direc­ sneaking suspicion that Mr. varied in theme which ap- urging closer surveillance of Plans for the benefit show are Eva and Miss Dora Draghi, serv­ poles. they usually appear in those with to one of the chief enemies of our Anderson in “Family Portrait,” Faklithara Ra^raaan»ilT^ Tfca doubt at all about what Is going tor of Public Celebration Louis J. youth. nor cease regretting that I will Weaver bears a striking isled to all types of concert goers. aliens. Still in the making but Manager ed a buffet lunch. They had made Americans do not regard the lowered resistance—those indi­ U. S. Qeaners and D ym D e t ^ i i S | to happen if reliance is placed on viduals who are constituUonally Brems, operating the "post office,” —Dr. C. W. Hall, placement ad­ never, probably, have a chance to blance to an author known The First Oroeqi Sanson assures the patrons that and decorated a beautiful wed­ ■ ihrtia. ______the hypoderihypodermic needle Instead of old England as very Important. weak. Quite often these carbuncles says letters are coming in fast and viser, Westera Reserve Vniver- see her in the Barrymore role. Her van Wyck Mason. A thumb The first group consisting of the chorus in a humming obligato he has a surprise in store for the ding cake which was cut and dis­ being forwarded—uncensored. alty. portrayal of Mary of “Family Por­ description of Mr. "Weaver” qn the four numbers, was in a sacred midnight show which will include tributed to all present 836 MAIN STREET NEAR WARD'S AiTDrr ■mtCAO on the scalpel. The patient la go­ They believe it to finished and that appear in those suffering from A- that was charmingly effective. Diabetes or Bright's Disease. They trait” was one of the two or three book’s Jacket says be la a bachelor mood and consisted of exerpts a sneak pre-view and a program Mrs. Raymond Manley and Miss Ttowa. 1941 England is the England X BrllUant CXmietlst Alma Novelll also aaalated Mrs, ing to die. occur more frequenUy in later life Batter Unlocked Safe. The newspaper in its relation to most memorable nights I have who lives in a cabin in the Sierra from four of the masters. They of fun and humorous surprises. We Give Greep Trading Stampik The BeraM Frtatlaa Caiaea^. The blockade of Europe Is an op­ of a magnificent human fellowship ever spent in the theater. Nevada mountains. But when a were Handel, Mozart, Bach, and T ^ assisting artist was William Fred Werner will hold the baton Draghi and her daughters. than In the young. Th<. first sign is democracy is first of all a paper Babcock. Jr., cornettot, and he assamee ee flesnelal respoiisi- eration. If it beau Hitler it will that Is wholly capable of making usually a lump which is hard and Seattle—-(^ —An expert bad to Announcement that the Theater reporter telephoned to inquire Brahma. The first offering was over the orchestra for the evening * for lynoarashicsl •rr«re se­ of news. "Art Thou Troubled” from the was heard in two groups of three Motor Track Retnras. as la adssrtiseinsBit in tea itself over into something very painful, usually appearing in the be called in to open a safe at the —Frank L. Mott, director, Iowa Guild has received two new plays whether Mr. Weaver and Mr. Ma­ and Collins Driggs will play sev­ save the European democracies— son were one u d the same, the opera “Rodellnda” by Handel. It selections in each group. His first eral number* on the Hammond ‘ star Bvalas BaralA fine and high—when Hitler to nape of the neck, or on the should­ Marine By-Products Co. after rob­ School of Journalism. from that Jong-absent son of Man­ all of them. If It falls, the democ­ ers and face. The carbuncles are bers battered its hinges in futile hattan, Eugene O’Neill, recalls publisher replied with elaborate to believed that this was the first number was “Spanish Caprice” by Electric Organ, loaned for the Ellenvllle, N, Y.— by DO YOU DEPEMD ON YOUR OANOE ler will have picked up by far the has been a source of Inspiration Bed. the deprived and breaking Official Is Dead his "Cleansing Diet” mentioned "Finnish Lullaby” by Palmkren, and of vast assistance to the club. paaplas he strengthened aad the hottest coal that he has yet filched above. Address your request to the and in this setting the choir had Her aympathetie work has at all McCoy Health Service In care of an opportunity to dtoplay its tal­ FOR HEATINIYOUR KITONENT W«*N oliavr yov mmim raiy piMiaat Mtlaft which Uforld be made much better off. It from the fiery furnace of Europe. times been such as to set her out Sidney, Australia, March 2«— this newspaper, enclosing a self- ent. A very charming number, as an accompanist of merit have happcncG to cookjag* Hicalu fo tho aioGcm heHyea, er affects to beUevs, that Even ths grim determination of addressed envelope and six cents "O Dear! What Can the Matter (>l^—Sir Henry Sheehan, 67, gov­ T h e choir and its director, G. If yea Je. Hm* Miii eefre-ipeeUI aucli a eourso on our part would the Norwegians fades Into some- in stamps, and your copies will be Be” by Shaw, was well sung. cotiw c^ §M raiifo: ernor of the Commonwealth Bank Albert Pearson, are once again thing like pacifism compared to mailed promptly. Filial Offerlag congratulated for presenting a con­ ft's Hie verr tori wetJ to etoea, ewefree eefemtola eeektof. 2 have BO effect oa the outcome of of Australia since 1938 and form­ Aa a final offering, the choir the war, but a tremendoiu Influ- the frantic rage of practically all cert of high standard In a manner •vOT, » wW keen im tr k iK iM a w m s aad waM» a l wtotor, aad lake • Olaamlag wliifa, aaat-at-a*plii aatarlara Ifcat wM alay er secreUry of the Treasury, died Queations and Answers sang four numbers, the first of modt artistic. asme on the future of the peoples dames and groupings of Yugo­ today. Question: Mrs. A. N. writes: "I •11' 9 which was 'Tnto the Woods’ 'Iv H m ckM ffoai H m wfcato fkt» flee* ea ckfily, deaf daye wksa (ha ifkat way, makiaf yaor kitcliaii toarkla far yaars 9a «g..Burope. Aa enUrely imyaical slavs over the yielding of the Cvet- Sir Henry, a native of St. Kllda, am writing to ask you about Nevln. This number was sung keoltofl sisal k ael to am, JoW "d U r tha Wishaa kovitch ministry. Victoria, served as financial ad­ mushrooms. May they be used by A eappelto. The following nirni' It la to be aasuBMd. viser to the Australian delegation one who is tnrlng to stick to a | ber was the well known "Cheru­ ta sany. at The National Committee la Today’s rioting in Belgrade ap­ to the World Economic Confer­ healthful diet?” bim Song" by Kastatoky, and in Masonic Temple ea fcmkn O Raaoiy, ioairfatad avaos, aataoiatlcdiy ragiilaOaU oo that atroagly for Mr. Hoover's soup pears to have been largely the ence In 1933 and as delegate to the Answer; Mushrooms are a I this setting the featured themes floatawark, avarhaatad kltekaiia and kit-ar-aaiaa laadltB wholesome food and may be used alloted to the alto section were Hm ideal aaraar (a a kelkm ean ptektom. kitchen plan. Mr. Hoover thinks wrork of high school boys, but League of Nations the same year. A ctivities ^Iww w»y IV Mwjfg pVwWCa# $raWiWlVtl*FvW MfaNlf AM. From 19M to 1933, he wras as­ by one who prefers them for their Today's biggest bargain — sung by that part with an excellent ky a taw the thing to do is to n ^ e sure there Is scarcely a shadow of roundnesa of tone. The next offer­ sistant secretary of the Treasunr delicious and unique flavor. They Aa that the Oarmans will not get the doubt that they were merely ex­ and secretary from 1932 to 1938. are rather low in food value, but | ing was an exacting one both for Wednesday, March 29: aae( af aN (ha amd yea chorus and soloist, being "When Temple Chapter, Order of Eaat- flood ere send over by keeping It In pressing, a bit prematurely, the He had been a member of the they add variety to the diet. aaaa a*e ftodly paytof fe ^ I • Tap karaart that Hgkt wHhaat asatebaa. aaw high- NaUonal Debt Commission since Question: Mr. B. M. writes: Thou Comest” from "Stabat Ma­ efh,~Star, Installation' of Officers. Bm baads Of representatives of sentintents aad perhaps the deter­ 'Thursday, March 27: Oleawaed (has ear tpectol (prlat prke af baniarf, Mhiiita M hidaw, cavaraH taco, atamil soaea 1932. "W ouli you please tell me in your SIMMONS STUDIO ter" by Rossini. Mias June M. America aad serving It only In the mination of their elders. Capable V . Yeomans was the soloist and this Masonic Choir rshesrsal. right ia lha raaga, caadimaat aalf aad daaaaa af athar f promisiiig young artist gave a fine Friday, March 28: form of prepared bmaIs to be eat- American correspondents %% Bel­ faataraa wfckk sava tima aad stage. A delightfully smart, ni^ern living room piece by day—and presto, change! It rendition. The choir in its accom­ Thll Cedars of Lebanon. Regu­ * 1 1 4 WITH YOUR OLD STOVE ea under the eyes of the distribu- grade find It difficult to see. In the .5 0 turns into a wonderfully comfortable bed at night, thereby turning your extra­ panying work added considerably lar meeting to dtocuas Atlantic bors. Soup kltcheaa. Mr. Hoover almost unanimous resentment of Washington Daybook $ bedroom problem into no problem at all. That’s true of every one of the attractive' to the success of this beautiful City Convention trip. • Sgaciaas, aasy-ta-gat-at brailarsr~wfcteh da lhair |ah aeems to be especially coacecned the people, ’ anything possible studio couches and divans in our new modern Studio Couch display room on the composition. A final number was Adoniram Council, Royal anfi avaaly aad garfacriy, whkaat saiaka, and which ara third floor! a song of the Hebrides, Teat-Fire Select Masters. Rockville Post about the Belgians but we pre* but a quick overthrow of ■ By Jack Stimmeth aaay ta kaag claan. tofflces move with their units. Smooring Prayer” by Robertson. Thrice Illustrious Master Night •urns that the Committee wants the government, repudiation of the Washington—Among the lessoiis^postoffice But here's the biggest studio couch news of the day. Slnwsona celebrate their 70th. This was something different. The Leo K. Stiles, officiating aa IT’S OAS FOR EVERYONE IN '41 learned by the army overseas I n jlf a unit moves from Bennlng to 39 Anniversary this year and present this smart cogswell style sofa-couch aa one of lead was taken by the altos, with T. I. M, You AAay Hava Any Appli«n«« lUmfralad em Thte f e f far to help the peoples of aU the sub­ surrender agreement signed yes­ World War I was the great im­ Georgia to Dlx in New Jersey, or • Wa*H ehaw yaa raagaa that wW asaka yaa draias a f. if it Ukes the field, its postoffice | the outstanding values of the celebration. Worth $49.50, it’s priced at only ffifiJW jugated small democraclea. terday at Belgrade and Instant ac­ portance of seeing that Pvt. John­ worth $10 more! for this sale. Choice of blue or burgundy covers. Quantity limited, so select early I T* ahaaglag ta aiadara gaa caakary. Thaa wa'N ahaw eem There is no doubt that this tion on the part of the army to ny Q. Doe got this mall from homo goes along. tha priaa tags, and laN yaa ahaat aad>xgacial atfar scheaie enjoys the high favor of defend the country against any with the least possible delay. which aoablic yaa la gay aa yaa aava. Swdidaaly yaaH But it was 20 years after that Used Serial Numbers Mr. Hitler. ‘Hm Germstui are German attempt at Invasl^. before the war and poatofflce To avoid confusion through More ^and More People Shop ,at raallaa that yaar draam it aat a draaia at aH . .. iaat great eaters, vrhea they caa get But If these signs should-^prove departments finally got together duplication or similarity of d o w n ^ ■ MONTHS TO PAY It. If America will only send over and told down their "constitution names, each man ' uses his army DONNELLY'S For Their 'J to be false and Yugoslavia should nd by • tows” in a working serial number after bis name, ao 4 1 the food aad the people to cook It cool off to the point where the no matter if there are 9,000 4 1 agreement. Briefly, the postoffice and serve It, for the feeding of people accept the accomplished department takes the mall SiiUths and 8,000 Johnsons in Jewelry Needs sll his subjugated countries, then through the main camp postofflces training (if the World War ratio ALL THI RANOIS SHOWN HAVE THl FIATUMS DISCRIilD AT THi RIGHT fact of partial adherence to the holds, then will be that many he vroa't have to leave In those and the army takes it from Diamond Engagement Rings Axis, the Gejrma^ are likely to there on. this summer), each will have | oountrieo any of the foodstuffs encounter at every turn the oppo­ A letter, properly addressed, that distinctive aerial number. that those countries raise. He can sition of one of the most belllger- would go this route :'b (11 From To handle transfers of individ­ taka it all lastsad of moat of It, the train to the camp main post- uals, three sets of card files, with I ent peoples In the world. Serbia Is office, where it would be sorted cards for every man in U)e army _ $ 2 5 .0 0 and up aa B O W , for hla German soldiers the major factor in Tugoslavta, as for distribution to the division or make tracing a greaUy simplified sad his German munition workers to territory, population, wealth corps or other unit postofflces. matter. Improperly addressed let­ ters finally reach their sources ( Wedding Bands...... $6.50 and up St bOBW. He BUiy even be able and fighting strength. And the (2) These sort it again for dla- to send back to their own coun trlbution to the company mail or­ through a process of elimination. hatred of the Serbs for everything derlies, who (2) twice a day dis­ The letter is sent to every unit I t r ^ to be likewise fed by Amer­ Austrian, and hence for everything tribute it among the then. postofflce in the camp imtil the ica, the bimdreda of thousands of German, is without liml£. They It sounds simple enough, but man to found apd if he isn't, it’s staves whom be has dragged to take the problems of frequently checked against the transfer files have never doubted for a moment before It to returned or sent to| Oermaay to work the farms while changing pe.sonnel. transfers of that in the World War, when for units, duplication of names, ex­ the dead letter office. all the Germans are making plaBev the third time their armies had tended field, maneuvers, and Im­ By this system. Colonel Ken­ yon thinks he might eventually I iaad tanks and guns and building cleared the country of detested In' proper addresses and you see that submaiiass Then he could turn assuring Private Doe of mall deliver a letter addressed like vadlng Teutons, the retreating from home without delay to a that one which bore only the pri­ ths Goman farms IntfO recreatloa Austrians deliberately left behind pretty complex business. vate’s name and the address. "No. | ^Balds and nsilltary training 4 in the Front Rank, A. E. F.” Ordinarily, at tfcic grica, yan them the germs of tyjdius which Manay can't fcwy a ----- — Tfcara'a im ■’ggouads, leaving the raising of destroyed 300,000 of the civilian Draws 0 « War Experience Thh aatansatic Ragar than Ifcic aataniatic M a g k Chaf canid a gaad, madaralaly Col. W. A. Kenyon, who An 0\-«rseaa Plan This aristacratic Ragar gac raaga mara ta food to the Low Coim population besides decimating the The A ^ also has an overseas I with sagarata swing-ant brallar. siaad ranga, bnilt far tba family heads the APO (army post- bac aavar haaa said aaywhara far la taggad bara. Hi m wfifc a Hmitad fcadgat. Haw yan Glanwaad, and barn's a , . France, the Balkans. Not army. office) baa taken a page from bis plan worked out -7- not that Ivary § — d caak knawc Ifca ad- '41 madal that ic avary fcich »- thay think they'll need it but I laac tfcaa a kaadrad daHarc, sa whara at abant $125. Ta grava can hava a da laxa had Whaal Jfl deubt that Hiur Hitler will ap Yugoslavia is a boiling cauldron axperiances aa No. 1 postman vantagas af having Ifca avan Glanwaad. Dan't lat Hw . overseas in World War I and de­ they are not going to be caught Waltham Wrist A iwr * far ac wa kaaw. Yaa'N hava ta. Ifcat it's raaHy "G as far Ivaryana availafcla far raUt, casaarala, ar a Magic Chaf- a fina 116 anta- of revolt. Whether it is to boll over napping again. Already, In a mi­ tacnlar law grica faal yan n e i Tbs ssoond issue of Facing .the veloped the system now In use. -StrapWatches ^xl/*75andup hag la H if yau'd Hka it in yanr in '4 1 /' wa. hava tamgararily hat dacaart whHa Ifca ■ ta ^ ic*- aiatk gaa ranga, ragnlarfy sail­ or not we shall undoubtedly know In the first place, all diviaion, nor way. It haa come Into use ing far miKh mara. mamalSf grkad far highar. carries as its leading article very soon. But Hitler has surely corps or unit postofficea are num­ with the forces at the AtlanUcI Utchan far It at aniy baing brailad. lODg declaratloB af the belief bered. 'They were numbered In bases acquired from Great Brit­ bred for himself a mountsia of ain, from whom tha government! WITH YOUR WITH Y H R it is America's duty to feed the other war, too. In sequence Pillowback Studio WITH Y i l R W ITH YOUR trouble in that region. starting with one. But it wasn’t haa Just obtained an agraemant S O U STOVE SSI OLD STOVE sigaed by M weU very tong before it was dtocov to allow mail to these baaea, from OSS OLO STOVE S94 O L i STOVE 126 It Is astonishing Newfoundland to Brittoh Guiana, Now you can have this space-saving pleca of furnitura Pen and Pencil cred that every time a letter fell at a saving of 87.95. The price of all this convenience a gresit many HfilifBx’fl Sptccli into enemy hands, that number to go for tha domestic postal] ratas. and comfort to only 924JB. (Usually 932JW.) Doesn’t But'tt is pet' In the frank, or' cancellation, sup­ this make yt>u want to see It today and select your It to quite poatobto for two quits plied the enemy with Information From all of this, you may saa I Sets dtSerent views to bo taken of Lord It to you and you and you, who covering from a choice of popular colors? It has ogea aa to bow m i^ army uniU wart bracket fast flntohad ta maiMgaay aad thraa kapok- hflflk dia dostors of amdi- Halifax’s speech at New York tost dtotributad. Tim numbars were can causa tha APO its greatest trouble when you fail to addrass filled pillows. WatermaB $3.50 and np MancHester Division night, even by peogde united in the changed twice, but that didn't help much. a letter or package properly. lA l APPUiUlGK MIYIII MAG TNG OCPOWTUNITY conviction that Hitlerism must be Now. tha diviaion and unit O>loacl Kenyon says the correct | Sheaffer . ^ .9 5 and np deaf ray efi at any east. Tb postoffloao oUU are numbered la form it: ^ Har|f•rd Gam Co. TO WIN TNI AW M JAllci PUNCMAOIW first sympathies la tha con- ■eqtieac*. hut in a different way. Pvt. Johnny Doe (army sa- All Infantfy divtolan poatofficea rial numbar) ■ ta Great Britalh aiay taka their mwiben from between Company F DONNELLY’S find Halifax’s talk jpmtlfy- 1 aad 200; cavalry divlaloaa frooa 197th InfaaU y, 201 to 280, aad on on. So, tha APO S3 ta tha Aank. oMroly that tha unit with that of U. S. A. tha eassp j nyM that poiBt.' Tteae nama ahSd state.. BIANCHESTBR EVEKTNG HERALD* MANCHESTER- COIW WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1941 Chairman of the eommlttee ar- Mason (R-Ill) told membera ef rangihg the annual convention to the Old Greenwich Young Bepub- Oon in the plant be held in Waterbury April 26., lican club that the Dies Commit­ bills/awaiting its con- Police Still Guard why this tohor organizstion should Sends Message Miners and Operators tee, of which he to a member, was aideratlon, and toe Senate follow­ RejeOt Plans stop functioning st election time— Defense Cost New Haven—S triv e n while he the urgent was Investigating an automobUe "focusing practicslly all its atten­ ly D l ed suit after It went into orsny other time.” tion on the agents'of foreign pow­ Bethlehem Plant; An suthoritsUve source at need fo r economic cooperation, and accident while on duty, Patrolman For Soldiers Found Oose Thomas F. Lillis, .66, died of a ers who are leading the strikes to Before the Houm w t^ Rep. On Ontlawing Johnstown said, however, t o t EBP Talking New Contract we are ready to take our part iw defense tnduatriee.” D ^ a ^ ib e d ballot boxes would not bs placed plana to promote It on a world­ heart attack an hour later at hie Bdwaid D. Segar (D.. Colchester), No Rioting Today Principal Hope to Help Danielson—powdreU snd Al - home. He waa a member o f the t of cue of the horse race in any depvtment today. To401^illion wide Scale. Labor Rows The CIO union contends that the L o4!4U Short Wave Oper­ T ------Halifax said that imtU Britain sndfrv manufacturers of curt n local police force since 1816. Balloons have been uSed to war­ betting bOla, atoed Republ^ Establish Economic clotl), announced s tan per c fare for more than 100 years. Hi Service Director Mejorlty Leader William L: ■ / (Ooattaaed Prom Page Oae) BBIP to company-dominated and ator to Act in Case of Gather About Confer* Pritoner Giveh-Choice was BSttofied at OermsB3r*s cooper­ J Old Greenwich— Cong. Noah Read Herald t o t its elections are “illegal.” The Gideon W. Slade (OoaUmefi froos Fngo One) ation to this end, he could ."hardly Wage increase for the miH’e l,i dM whether aU the gambling bUla (OMtomed Proas Pago Oae) ence Table to Reach Cooperation of AU. epipioyes, effective April IS. W «tk o f Men*- “are going overboard today. Bethlehem steel mills and ship­ National Labor Relations board An Emergency. ^ . ~Of Jtdl or Marriage doubt that nations resolved to prsr directed dissolution of the cendtory bombs—ready for Qrsat Bridgeport — Stockholders pf Hadden rep lW that toe only yards with their mor4 than a bil­ Dies at Age of 90 . Agreement Before Old New York; March 26We>—Bri serve both peace aiid freedom must 8omq of ths sponsors 4Dt whose character was of­ ——It’a JaU or marriage for help estabitoh economic coopera- tive." ^ ' amend the by-laws to provide for RE-UPHOLSTERING O td » oC K in * measurea rvhich .would legallm it would be difficult to enact any mason employed here by the lato CurtU Guy Blanks of Macon, streets a short distance from the Aa word t o t atote poUce were Florida, will have the privilege of ficially disclosed. Authorities have t l ^ among all naUons, aays L^rd todemnlflcsUon of dlrocton or of­ n M • BMttaf nrt “ ramca o f chance” and permit new I l l a t i o n that could be ap­ contractor, Charles O. Treat, died made 'known t o t other shipments <7 wrtoston, l( W . Vs., March 20.— Miss. ficers, who nUi^t become subject plant. The state poUce had decreed converging on the stock plant sending and recqlvlng emergency Hal^ax, and Britain intends to German Comment an Speeeh Anctonr room of Um charttoble plied generally to current defense “peaceful(picketing only" and the hers reached atrikera, the crowds this morning in the Maaonio Home o f auppUee were either on -th eir (dV-^On(nee again the represents- Federal Judge Sidney ( C. to le ^ proceedings through per­ $yji nnteer flremen’e aesociaUon to op­ strikes. messages to and from Manches­ at WalUngford, in hto 90th year. way or being prepared, but details Mize, after accepting a plea of stay armed unUI assured o f Ger­ Berlin, March 96—

-r-Brittoh formance of their duties. The an­ 3 -Pieee $ M itel Mteifiy. P®**- erate auto gamea at camlvala. union later directed Its member- that had milled through the Uvea of the nsUon’s soft coal Ambassador Lord Halifax’s words May Aroose Seattaaeat ahlp not to gather In groups near streets throughout the day went on ter througd* the cooperation o f a Mr. Slade had worked on the con- were withheld on the ground t^ t giillty to a Uquor charge yes- many’s partlcipaUon. < nual report atated the company’s §BtttiP «M k * <*n account of ' N o rrotest on Killing. _ short wave radio operator at the stocUofi of soiiie of the Cheney operators and minera are gather­ last night In New York were char­ Bettor Cevan They expressed belief, however, the mills. a rampage. military ^formation waa involved. terilay, sentenced Blanks to The BritM t ambassador, In hu 1840 business totaled $91,426,086, SuifM Athor. Drfotlooa war* Ibere waa no proteat from *► that “pubUclty” from oongreaa- camp and William Matcbett of 81 mills here for which Mr. Treat waa Defense offlciato already have ed about a conference table seek­ aix months to Jail, suspended acterised by authorised Germans a fli pper cent increase oVer 1938. Um B. A. Lewis, general manager of Antomobilce 0\-«rtumed first public address since coiplng today as "U.e . same British «C Mn. r . A. NIckenwn. ger or any other member when toe lonal committees might srouss Automobiles, which pickets said Bissell street, who operates Sta­ the tontractor. done considerabie advance work in ing agreement on new wage and the sentence, sind added: . Hartford—Officers at the Induc­ - B. 8a*ar, leader of toe the plant here, said: to the United States, said teat methods-^the same swtodli bllle were killed. . public sentiment to a point where “All steel making departments belonged to workers within the tion W1KKS-NR57-Ckll and has He entered the Masonic home on preparing to handle the new fiood hour contracts before the explra- " I t ia a little unusual, but n:ght that to the war Itself his tion Center accepted 927 Connec­ ■naMed and after reporta House action on the gambling union leaders might beritata to or­ already been in contact with the April 9, 1933, being a member of o f orders that the $7,000,000,000 I am going to make the sUpu- preceded 1918." ticut men for the draft Army, M scDorsM's 6 -P*iMt Fsatwr* aiid oomiaitteM and are operating at full capiudty. Al­ plant, were overtumed and strip­ Uon of the present contracts April country's vital purpose is "to win bills came while Senators dl^ der a strike; most 80 per cent of the regular ped of Urea, batteries and other company. Manchester lodge. For the paat aid appropriation will kmae, and to laUon that you get married bringing the total up to 6,052 since 1. Strip your furmturo to tht frumo rootlii* teatoeaa,^ tat^ cussed In party caucuses tlw n m Integnte them, as far as possible, 1. part of the conditions ' under this life-ahd-death atruggle for the One of President Roosevelt’s forces are at work.” equipment. Mr. Matchett has expressed a two years he had been confined to The meetings in downtown New cause of human freedom." last November. Nineteen were re- 2. Rohtilt—with mow spriugs mod the cm at ■peaker. Mica public utilities bin to be s U r ^ lieutenants In the House who pre­ Ih e normal day shift totals 8500. Earlier, the crowds had upset a willingness to deliver all emer­ bia bedroom practically all of the with Army and Navy purchasing which you are granted the JeoteA xatkewm andal aarrlcc for scUon. The measure is in­ Y ork have been almost prosaic In In accordance with tradiUon, Cast to Be Ready filling oddod ferred anoilymlty gave this sum­ For the first time since the city police car and pelted retreat- gency___ messages sent out from time. He waa Unmarried and programs. suspend^ sentence. If you be­ Halifax made hla toiUal speech to Hartford—David Lavlgne, alias ^ the ICanafleld SUte tended to speed up rnunldpm sc- empariaon with the atrugglps have yourself and give the ), Ro’covor w iti homotpnn mary of the situation: strike began Monday, the SWOC ing policemen with their own tear | camp Blanding by the K soldlen made hto home while in Manches­ Working on Requests y ‘ Jeh led to such violent- out- this country before the Pllgrima of Lavtoe, 46. of Waterbury, who es­ actaool and toe Soutobury qulalUon of utUlty plante M d ex­ "This new board has tbs power ter with the Dutton family later Congress, meanwhile, kept war girl a chance to keep you on For Any Reception 4. Rofinisb tho woodwork tend toe senices which such at its usual press conference made gas bombs. I through Station W4EEP operat­ aa the “maaascre st-Mstb- the United States at a dinner to caped from the New Haven coun­ iCbool widto was «sUl>* to broadcast to .to* world that a no claims ctmcemlng the number The state troopera began moving ed by Master Sergeant Allyn of going with that family to live in ing away today on national defc the right track, you won’t the Waldorf-Astorie. Hie words ty Jail Saturday while eervlng a 5. Free dolivory in ComnottUut r 'V r ’ plants may provide. W. Vs., the Hento, Bl.. bat- •have to serve the sentence.” about a yaar a«o to t ^ certain union or a certain man­ on strike. Previously It had claim­ against the massed crowds about the 66th Field Brigade at Bland­ East Hartford. appropriation requests on wt the "battel of Evarte," Ky., were carried over three major 60-day term fo r drunkenness, ■ was 6. Easy tomu cC caeatal Waetlves on ^ For toe second successlvs day. agement group refuses to accept legtolative action has yet to Boston, March 26.—(ff)—When appraheniM here and returned to House Republicans were sum­ ed the strike was 90 per cent ef< 8 p. m. Two Shota were fired from ing. Fimeral servlcea for Mr. Slade Ind other leamr conflicts which radio networks and by short-wave rahe lilt for years at the the compromise settlement it Is fecUvs. the midst of the crowd while state will be held at the Masonic Home completed. > claimed scores of lives. to the world. the Maesachusatte Institute of the JaU. Oar regateUen far depeadaMc. gaar* _____ sdMMl. capacity of moned Into caucus after adjourn­ shnnkage to production has reach­ suppos^ to.maks. That ought to To Resume Plokettog police cleared the ’Third and Emery Friday morning. Burial will be In The Senate Appropriationa Sub­ No Bloedsbed In Recent Yenn ed 20300,000 tons to IlIlDols Prespred to Defeat Invaaloa H artfofd—Tha Executive Com- aateed worionanahig ia gear aanraaea latter adiool was ItOO, but It ment. Hadden said the ssvliys be enough to cure most of ths committee, which has been consid­ Technology Drama Shop presents ef eemgleto satlsfaelleR. We eamr Oar Chns bank life Insurance Issue, a l ^ John V. Riffe, SWOC official in streets gates—a partlculariy vio­ Somerset, Maas., which to ten In recent yenre, the compamtlve alone.” mittee of the Connecticut Young • point not far from 1000, trouble. I f It Isn’ t, there doesn’t charge o f t ^ . strike, announced miles from Fall River. ering a joint Army-Navy $4,073,> pwelllng briefly on the "fortunes "Ten Nights to,n Barroom" later tracked at yesterday’s caucra be­ lent spot. No one was hit Try to Keep nboence o f Moodahed has been a In Peer Stmteglo Poeitioa of war," he assured Americana Republicana approved a plan ASK-YOUR NUGHBOK ABOUT U*. a now school Imperative. ssem to be any apeclflc remedial t o t the unioti proposed to resume A hall of rocks from half-dark­ 813,074 supplemental appropria­ main difference. thle week, the cast will be ready whereby offieen of the organiza- JSSO 8eH sapportla* cause o f a prolonged discussion of le^sIaUon that we can enact con­ tion, received President Roose­ As a result, the union called a that Etogland to prepared to defeat the party’s platform bill to taduce “unrestricted picketing" as soon as ened streets showered the troop­ In 1897, a compromise agree­ for applause—or anything. Uon w ill be selected by an elector­ Mathews gave an acwunt stitutionally.’’ velt’s request for an immediate strike affecting about 160,000 min­ a German tovaslon and also can al body, conatottog o f ten membera ______automobile drivers’ license fees possible. Me asserted that pickets ers aa they charged, out the gate, Money in U. S. ment eatabitohed a $6 a day base ers to thoee states. Some miners The management has pelted the srortc of toe Mansfield were withdrawn last night at the Funerals $312,871,000 increase in Arm y reduce shipping losses below the from each county appointed by MacDonald Upholstery X. «l5 ^ 5 d tot out of the from *3 to 60 cents would bs con- swinging their clubs rtot and funds to be spent largely on new pay rate to the north and 16.60 to quit to other states, but the union danger level—"with the help that players with 100 pounds qC pea­ request of “government officials' tha south, along with an sddlUonal the full county delegation. Offi­ 125 TRUMBULL STREET HARTFORD CALL t-4198 George W. RoeenbergCr military posts and the expanding waa to poor strategic poeiUon to you will be able to give. nuts during rehearsals—Just> so qf 1900 or more, 900 were sldered^ . . whom he,did not name, when state Aa t o atrikera and ajhnpathix- 9-cent increase to tho loading rate, cers are now elected by the Ehcecu- jg to' 16 of them nor-1 Otker Bills Rejeeted. Reve George Tuttle [probate Courts Finding Private funeral services for A ir Corps. force any prolonged rtiutdown. 'When, therefore, victory has they can tkke their reoeptlon, Uve Committee. Harry Krasow of police went Ir.to action. ers fell back before the troopers, and a 93-hour work week. De­ The operators estimated there been won,” he went on, “ It must whatever it may be, right to InteUlgant but t o aaoet un- The gambUng bills Riffs chargsd “paid agents" of George W. Rosenberger, of 32 Vic­ Appearing before the aubcom- mands tor a 30-hour week, vaca­ Waterbury waa named general f c t an because t o y under-1 over 60 measures w sa^b Mket^d To Preach Here more rocks and debris cams from It Problem to Carry toria road, who died at hto home m lttee yesterday, Gen. George C. were 80,000,000 tons of coal above be our aim to promote the common stride. ths company overturned approxi­ tho crowd. Some withdrew to a tions with pay, and a guarantee ground'— the largest backlog to what their handicap Is. I by the House during mately 100 automobllea near the Saturday night, after a long ill­ Marshall, Army chief of staff, of 200 daya work a year were ^ T to m . howsvsr, are self-1 Other "Jeded bills taproom directly across the street. Out Details of Wills. ness, were held jresterday after­ was reported to have urged the the of the industry. Mean­ plant late yesterday “to provide One man leaned from a door­ ehalved. while, non-union mines operated •Hm neakcr divided 1 possla to exte^ toe 55^ ! " Rev. George Tuttle, field secre­ an excuse for bringing in state noon at 2 o’clock at the Watkins appropriation of the ad^tional There waa a alx-wsek suspension Into three classes, to municli^ltles tary for the Mauachusetts State way and shou*ed "Come and get | probate courts, dealing with the funeral home, 148 Etost Center funds so that the Army could step full blart, supplying nearly police. up its airplane pilot training pro­ of wori( to 1889 while the con­ enough coni tbemeelvea to meet imbecilM and morona. She adoption of conference of OongregaUonal “ Some of the agents," he de­ me.” A mounted ^ p e r spurred and real estate of deceased street. Rev. Dr. Earl E. Story of ferees argued over the union de­ tha of Classify-1 gar foams of government. Bimusr churches, will bs the guest speak­ hla home up a short stairway and I ^ ---- - the South Methodist church offi­ gram from Its current goal of 12,- normal Industrial needs. Hold everytliii{.. to process or ^ ^111 before the Ju­ clared, “have admitted it ” 000 new pilots a year to 30,000. mand for recognition as the exclu­ The defection of members from -.Vk unfortunates in ths er at the Lenten service at the ciated and the burial waa In the sive bsrgaintog agency in the diciary Committee. R iffe oaid the union was ready the roan. I ttoa In these war-tom days, dls- To Reopen Fight on Beef . the union increased weekly, but Judjftog to m from ten Second OongregaUonal church to­ at any time to settle the strike on Blast cemetery. Bearers were: Appalachian elds. The operators A, bin requiring toe display morrow evening at 7:60. He to a Stato ’Trooper Wounded tribuUng estates and carrying out Henry Rosenbergerj of Hazardville, Meanwhile, It apepared likely the strike conUnued more than a here’s yeur^’fiiisett! such as environment, the national emblem In court the basis of a program auggeated the provisions of wills and trusts. that the pending supplemental bill finally signed their flret union shop year, and was never offlciaUy _ , development and so on. brother of Louis J. ’TutUe, senior yesterday. This program Included A .dozen pemons were treated Hoet.%rd RosenbeiYer, of Worces- - iv contract. rooms was saved from mimm^ deacon at the church, the service With the funds of many nations ter, Maas., Carl Anderson of West W)uld Provide the means for op- ended. I t simply flszlcd.. •Md tli^ go bock as far as disestablishment o f the E R P and at hospitals. One state trooper, and their citizens “frozen” by the Aaktog Increase In Pay death by Rep. John 8. ’Thomiuii being In charge of the deacons. Steve Clemlk, was treated for Hal-tford. Frank Anderson and | PonenU to reopen a Senate fight For the second Ume to s decade Is to determine whether the a Labor Board election to chose a .United Statez government, and against Army and Navy purchases This year the miners, among the union had ordered a strike it (R.-Brookfleid) and held over for Violin music will be furnished Axel Anderson, of Manchester and other things, are asking an in­ to gtondutor or brought on debate tomorrow. Hadden ex­ coUectlve bargaining agency. s c ^ wounds. ___ with all sorts of legal and special of Argentine canned beef. wasn’t strong enough to wage to iUneaa. tnflueosa suffer- by Mrs. Howard C. Chase of Bol­ He declared the company stead­ The state police conUnued LonalderaUons developing from Walter Noonan, Jr., of East Hart­ crease o f $1 a day to the w«g« plained that toe Judiciary Oom- ton, who will be accompanied by conslderationa developing The Senate voted Monday, In a showdown. i g toe expectant motoar aome- fastly Wuaed to meet with the drive until everyone was cleared the conflict, it is becoming the ford. acale. ^ t t e e fe lt t o t the bill was un- Mrs. David Bennett fin ally approving a $8,446,990,644 Negotiate Individual Ooa tracts - ^ affecting toe men- union. A company spokeaman said from the streets within a general policy. It waa learned to- Naval supply bill, to strike out a Should the negoUaUons for the necesMinr aince county c o m ^ A t 6:10 t o Marrtsd Oouplea of a mile of the huge plant, "nien Mrs. Adolph J. Vemerto 1941 Contract tor the Appalachian Some operators nagotlatod in­ ______.aloners and Judges may provide prevtoualy "the company baa noth­ day, not to release any funds House-.Vserted restriction against e f club will have .a supper at the ing to do with the E R P election.” they establtobed patroto at all from this country to residents in *1110 funeral o f Mrs. Irene M. field, keystone to the Mtuminotu dividual contracts with the union tte^^^rsousnt tor flags in courtrooms at present church and remain for the Lenten Vemeris, wife of Adolph J. Ver- such purchases by the Navy. but condiUona to the industry as To Pay Strikers Ontoide gates and automobiles, carrying nations abroad. But meanwhile the House had wage stnicture, follow form, the ^^^rntm eiTto teSeSs but Thornhm asserted to t a law service. Jtrrangbmenbs are in 'Thle to payday tor employes of non-strikers rolled Into the mills. Only One Way nerto, Jr., o f 1065 Main street, waa conferences will continue to the well as the union were generally dtvnrceisto ” „,e books would eUmlnate tos chargs o f Mr. and Mrs. Cart Peck inserted- to the pending supple­ April 1 deadline, the date the 1839 cbaoUc, aad continued so unUI the girt, t o fktoer toying tho saucon mill of tho company— Inside the plant, the company One outstanding fact regarding held this morning st the W. P. mental bill a provision restraining dsCacts to t o wUe’a used for “bothering" those of- and Mr, and Mrs. E. B. Inman. and the company placed booths converted a dozen railroad diners the International dealings of pro­ Quish funeral home, 235 Main contract expires—a miner holiday new coal code, fostered by the Na- both Army and Navy purchases, on which they pay homage to John Uonal Recovery AdmtolstraUon. and vice versa. OtosrehU- fldala to take action. outside the gates to pay off any Jlnto field kitchens to serve re­ bate courts In this section appears street at 7:30 with a requiem although the Army had not previ-j t o booM ars smbarrasasd Approves AttomeyHi Ikes atrikera who appeared for, money to be a'condition whereby Ameri­ maaa celebrated by Rev. Frederick Mitchell, former United Mine wejit into effect Oct 3, 1983— maining workmen. Cota were set oualy been sO/ restricted. Some Workers president more than six years after explra- I aflUctod ooe and bsaltats to The House Joined t o Senate In Hospital Notes due them from last week's work. up In office buildings and several can-earned estates for years have McCormick pastor at Our Lady at members predicted the Appropris- ttolr ptoymatoa home with ______0 Mount Carmel, Hamden, at 9:30. tlons Committee would strike out Not since the "rebirth" of the Uon o f the Jackscmville agree­ THE EVENT THAT MEANS REAL SAVINQS' . irovtng a measure providing a Men in other departments will be ment. The codes gave Impetus to and therefore t o inptitu- $96,000 fee for T, Ludlow ChrysUe, paid tomorrow. She waa a native of Hamden. this House provision, but Senator UMW to the early years of the Admlti^ yesterday: William Into the plant yards. seldom Indeed when any United The bearers were all relatives last decade has a new contract unionism. mm to be to only way to New York attorney, who to press­ JJlckhbn, 18181 Center street; Edwin The issue at the Johnstown, P^.. The SWOC claims a majority McNary of Oregon, the Republi­ Gains were consolidated In thd R waa her plant waa the same as the one States resident Is known to bene­ from Hamden. Burial was In our can leader, said such action Would been 'signed on the date the old ing ths state’s claim for taxes Brooks, 108 Wadsworth street. of the 18,000 production employes one extored, but there to a possl- 1933-35 period aito the . mlnere V, TO MILLIONS OF THRIFTY AMERICAN WOMEN tost t o hfOM will have to against the estate of William E. that preclpltat.)d the strike here— fit from the estate of a person Lady of Mount Carmel cemetery, meet with new opposition when Discharged yesterday: Mrs. while the ERP contends It has a deceased abroad. It seems to be a Hamden, where Father McCor­ tolity this time thst an agreement went into the 1885 neiotiaUpns t o children, t o burden Benjamin, Greenwich millionaire,_ .Charles Burr, 18 Scarborough a scheduled election of bargaining majority. There are about 10.000 the messure reaches the Sensta for a contract with demands 'for caae of •‘giving’’ and not of "get- mick conducted the sorvicos. floor. will be reached before April 1. ■tota to bacomiag surti in______toe New York courts. ChrysUe ; j|rs. Albert Weir, 819 School representatives by aa Independent employed at Johnstown. (A new contract was negoUated a general 10 per- cent pey*tocreaee eaa, and boUaved I f low \inlon, the Employes Representa­ Ung", 4n h also would receive five per c « t of | street. The probate courts are not con- only one day after the April 1, and a 30-bour week. Instead o f to t o child can be dto- any award granted the state tion Plan. Albln Peterson n.> -v Admitted today: August Van Icemed with the question of cash Largely attended funeral serv- 3 0 ,0 0 0 P U o tS Y e a r 1937, deadline passed.) the 35-hour week which came with at an early age, to Atop approved in concurrence Scott Wapplng. The Johnstown slectlon was tjutet rrevatln remittances made from retoUves Only Issue Contract Form the code. mm be taught to train and :;cheduled this morning but Fos- Ices were held this afternoon at w tth to Senate waa a pension of Census: 68 paUents. At Harvester Plant here to relaUves or friends In the 3:30 fo r Albin Peterson, form er S e e n b y iVoV. i , i 9 4'A Both operators and union lead­ Congress, meanwhile, wss at­ FAMOUS tlw chiM aa well as the $1,186.78 annually fo r Gladys Judd | tor Jones, an official of the E R P, At narvester riurt* ,,ut the courU are ers expect thst s new contract tempting to enact the Guffey coal Hk V* ; ■ ."f /,’ ■ ilagoaa of an tnatitation. D ^ upon her reUrement as snid nothing had been done, add­ well kno^ drogi^ In lynches- Washington, March will be signed. The issue is In the atabllisaUon bill, which the imlon Chicago, March 36.—w —Km- arbltors when It cornea to the ter, who died M o n ^ y hto h ^ e ..U | ^ j q U Brett, chief of nua Bagtaad aays about 18 librarian of t o Hartford County ing; ployes went to work at the strike- disposition of a dead person’s form which it will take. favored, and Prealdem. John L. o f maatal dsfacto to duo "We.waat to bold our election 71 Freeman street, Hartford. Rev. ] corps, said today that The union claims a messure of Lewis of the United Mine Workers \ V ■ Bar library. N. Y. Stocks troubled InttniEtloiuU Harvester I Dr. Etorl E. Story officiated and O i l to this country 40 to House bills Im proved and beaded but we do not want to do anything Company McCormick Works to- xe Keep Money Here through a trenlendoue expansion credit for the peace in the coal agreed to five contLiuancee of the that might precipitate trouble.” Mrs. R. K. Anderson rendered ap­ the A m y’s pilot training program negotiaUons, three of them at MBt to the <»***«« for t o Senate Included measures . 8Ti day virtually without Incident. it often happens that persons fields during contract negotia- iatiMwa stated that toao Adams Exp .... The detachment of troopers that propriate organ selections. Dele­ would be'turning out 30,000 fliers Uona, contending that strong or- Preaident Roosevelt’s request, j l f \ •' which would: . 37V4 American Federation of Labor die here, leaving others In Europe gations were prc«ent from Sphinx are naver toft without at- OonaoUdate the town and! A ir Reduc ...... moved last night against the annually by Nov. 1, 1942. gsatosUon has bsen s "big club” while the lawmakers debated. LAGERfri Atoska Jun . . . . . 4«4 men and other nonstrikers entered as part-heirs. ’Then, next in line Temple of Hartford, Pythagoras day or night. Indoors or borough o f Guilford. massed 'picket lines totaUed ap- the gates with no mass march to to Inherit from such psrt-helrs Testifying before a House mili­ keeping order Strike Finally Ordered Finer Flavor ef Seedleee Hope Am Can ...... 85>!4 prpxlmately 136 and Ool. Adams, (jhapter, W olcott Cdbncll, and tary Subcommittee, Brett gave } the unlm dickered for concessions. Iho pnMsm to ooo for Provlds a fiscal year from . work and \ri‘ hout molestation, al- are other United States residents, Waahin^on Commandery. A Ma­ Lewis finally ordered a strike on thought of asany pooplo. April 1 to March 81 for the town Am Rad St S .. at to poAlce commissioner, said some idea of the extent of the pro- ( No sffldsvits are nesded to sup­ Am Smelt ...... S9Vi though several hundred striking By all possible legal means, local sonic service was also, exemplified. Sept. 22, nearly five months after KARRAOAMSSTT'aaEWIMO COMPANY • CXAMiTOM • XHODB ISLAHO o f Sesrmour. adaquats relnforiementa are members of the CIO Farm Equip- courts now are seeking to pre- posed expansion by saying the port the statement that there has the tradiUonat April 1 deadline. Am ’Tel and Tel .163 available” I f needed. The bearers were all from Man­ Am y did not expect its training bssn a change of atUtude on both daacrtbsd what t o Incorporate a foundaUon to .. 681& irent Workers Organising Com- aerve equity for the American But it was ehorUived, the con­ Am Tob B .... Oonferenoe Not Held chester Lodge of Masons, of which Bchoola to begin producing 600 fin­ sides within ths last decade. Their it groups ars able to do maintain the Hartford home of 6 Vi mlttee Jeered at them. heirs, or eventual heirs, for it Is Mr. Peterson was a member. In­ ferees negotiating an agreement Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of Am W at Wks A conference that 8 W O C of- Seven hundr^ policemen bad Lalmost certain that any funds sent ished pilots monUUy—7,200 a year Interest—prosperity to the coal in­ on Sept. 30. The eatlmated 400.000 tau ght ’Tha morons, she Anaconda ...... 2H4 terment waa In the Etost cemetery. —until next month. ooaaUtutsd t o gra%tsst “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.’’ aa a per-] flclato said they had arranged for little to do. One picket was nabbed abroad never will b- kept intact dustry-^ munisL mlnen it affected returned to Armour n i ...... !»,«•• ...... this morning with W. L Trum- for allegedly turning In a fiatoe|Many foreign governments se Using 98 Prim ary Schools. However, both sides can recall, their Jobe with a nlne-cent a ton probtem and advanced manent museum. Atchison ...... 36)^ ‘'BTresponse to questions, Brett' for example, the turbulence which of to raaeona therefor. bauer, the company’s industrial fire alarm. Ten pickets, the limit queater such money outright. Increase fo r loading, and a 50-cent Aviation Corp ...... 3S Locally, there are few foreign testified the Air Corps was now resulted from the so-called Jack­ a day raise for day labor. _ do eXceOent work in t o relations manager, was not held. per gate Ibted In an Injunction en* Farm Program sonville agreement which expired ^ d w ln CT ...... 16 R iffe, SWOC official In charge [ioinlng maaa picketing, paraded at cases, but now and then one using about 28 primary training The 1837 and 1838 negoUaUons, MBiqr, te sewing, rug-making Balt and O h io ...... 8H schools and planned to double that April 1, 1827. There was no mu­ \ p r i h , a i tha 101 things that girts can of the strike, declared the com­ the main gate. crops up. with only qkghUy different factors About Town Bendix 36V* Recent Local Case number to the near future to con­ tuality of viewpoint then. injected, follow^ this trend. s-ladoocB. white t o boys do t o pany called It off after he and 15 4J186 at W ork Called Symbol Caned Agtoenwat laemHaMe Beth Steel ...... 77 union officials had assembled. A company spokesman said Advertised recently In ’The Her­ nection with its current effort to of t o farm, but they have Mine Bernice apd Miss Irene Beth Steel 7, p fd ...... 126 Vi produce pUots st the rate of 12,000 The operators termed Uie agree­ b ill Riffe said he sent telegrams to there were 4,036 at werk at 9 a. ald waa a probate notice concern­ ment it^ultsble and aaid it call­ i|g ha watched and t o speaker Lordall have moved frPm 32 Hud­ Borden ...... 19H ing an accounting of tbs estate of yearly some time next October. < Put tkL lOM of where girls who Sidney Hillman, of the Office of m„ two hours after ths plant open. Of Protection ed for wages to excess of the in- son stoyet where they have lived Can Pac ...... 3% Production Management, Secre­ Ing, compared with the company one John Sebueta, a native of the Brett waa called before the sub­ FATHER JOHN’S MEDICINE ■i4 hssa placed in private faml- for iS years, to their 'recenUy Case (J. I.) ...... <8 (Contlnaed From Page One) committee to give it a progress dustry*k ability to pay at that tary of Labor Perkins, and Clar­ counts o f 3348 yeste;-day and 3,- now non-extotent nation of Cxech- time. ‘Die contract guaranteed a E..lag -- gave pwrfect aattofacUon for w completed Cape Cod style cottage Cerro De Pas ...... 31V4 ence Dykstra, chairman of the Na-. 223 Monday when the plant re­ oslavakia. report. Is aepectalty valu- *'*»*Lr**' Sg Um but instances occur which Strong street Arthur Bam Chsa and O h io ...... S9Vi of wheat which are about three Recounting some of the training minimum wage of $7.50 a day to tienal Defense MedlaUon Board, opened for the first time since the Schuets came to tfato country, times normal, and we have re­ miners of Pennsylvania, Ohio, In­ able ettU s season — — t o y cannot bo trusted. jorQ, ^ i,o built the new house Chrysler ...... 64 >roteatlng that company officlala worked to the rollto here and saved dimcultiea Brett said that recent ^ *s ri strike began Feb. 28. The total serves of com that are four orBve heavy ratos to California had diana and nitools. beesMse k h alp \N Miss Mathews* talk. ^ remodel the Hudson street Coca Cola ...... 97 lave refused to "meet with the normal day shift numbert 6,344. about $10,000. ’Then, along in The operators served notice It Col Gas and El ...... 3% times as great as thoee prevtoualy forced the commanding officer at build resistanoeto Mrs. George W . property Into a tW«vfiat house. SWOC ia an effort to setUe the Dale Cox, the company public years, he bad to have a con­ would not be renewed. M r , , Ida Holbrook ____ Coml Inv T r ...... 34V4 existing labor troubls.” carried." There was a "similar Moffett Field to move hto entire colds and their relations director, told rsnorters servator placed over his affairs. abundance” of other crops, he graduating ctoaa o f filers and to- President Rice Miller to The delictous sandwiches, fan- Sherwood House, younger Cons E d ison ...... • • 21 Vi The threat of a walkout at thst by taking men from depart­ Within the past few years he re­ Operators Asabctatton ex- sft^^Ubcts, agr eskes. candies and cocoa from of Mr. and Mrs. George W. House Cont Can ...... 37 Johnstown cams aa 128 state added. - . t structofs inland to BskersAeld, ments which were sesaonal and turned to Csechoslavakis. It will be from theae rtaervea, Calif., to order to complete the ' ' at ths todus- Fsdier Jobs’s buffet table gay with forsythia. of Demlng street who' has been Com Prod ...... 47 V* troopers, soms mounted on horses placing them In departments Hs received regular romlttancea by saiirtfng thst “w* simply t o t e cloth end napklnB. epmidlng a few days at hto home, Del Lack and West ...... 3 and swinging riot sticks, drove he said, that Britain and other course on achedule. Madicins is rich where they were needed now, the l^from hto $10,000 fundd untilyr teat countries wposing aggression will "They were bogged down st ocmldn’t survive under the Jack­ left yesterday for Camp Upton, Douglas Aircraft ...... 73% pickets and strike AympslkiM** Mcfformick Works foundry was year. A t that time fykhto w e ^ sonville sifreement. in the essential Long Island. The yotmg man has Du Pont ...... 146% ]rom the nine gates of the five- bo suppIlM. Moffett.” Brett said. "He vitamin* A D able to run "at full capacit]r" and “froeen" and no more United -minded Senators contend­ couldn’t get a man off the ground." "It has resulted,” ke added, "to t e A been a special agent of the Em- Eastman Kodak ...... 134 V4 mile long ptoat here and forced all other departments at “from 70 States dollars will be paid folo mines o f lUtoois. The annual Approves Llibiuty compaiv of Al Elec Auto Lite'...... 29% them to atfoeta out of sight of the ed that the Granary plan bad faO- to 90 per cent." German dominated Europe. ed to give agriculture a fair share _ i. n • mwi— of niinoto.. Tha annual YF ARS riGHTINt, COl US WARM OWN 270’s ' w Tm.*!**.* hany, and ha* been stationed ..at Gen Elec ...... sprawling milto teat nlgnt The farm equipment manufac­ Want Bntira Amount yamsas for araar., . B ill o n IJ tllltiC S Glens FslU, N. Y. two years. He [Hen Foods ..... Sesrsa Injured of the national income. Conae- | KOOteveu KeceiVeS 8AUI COLORIM. turing_ plant. wss the scene of The CXechoelavaklan consul- qucntly they favored trying tsro for ebser bsaatyl AU volunteered for eervlce In the U. Gen Motors .... Scores were Injured and a half sporadic sluggings and fist fights general to New York has ap- NIW ANKLIYf 18. Army recently. Hecker Prod ... dosen azretto were reported. State BUbatltute methods. Briikh Aid BiU silk! 4S-gaag*l 3t Pnn Page Oae) yesterday aa CIO ' strikers and pointed an attorney to look after The flret, unanimously recom­ Lay ia a eapply aewf Hudson Motors . police acUon followed an appeal sympathisers dem onstrated Miami, Fla., March 36—(A)— threadsI 79e A group of the members of ths : Tom local authorities for aid the’ Schuets affairs. It to locally mended yesterday by the Senate A Navy plane delivered to Presi­ Gay strigmf Ptolaa! Int Harv ...... against A FL unionists and others reported that this official has Novelty odteheol that much o f t o public utUi* Chamlnads Musical club edU give N nt Nick ...... a fter men than 100 automobllea Agriculture OommlttM, would pro­ dent Rooeevdt today the $7,0Q0,- REGAL’S PARADE a conceit in New Britain this eve­ were overtumed, and t o atrikera who went to work. sought to hsvs the entire account vide that government loans be 000,000 Brittah aid bUl fo r his R o A ic s d fM f Mas legislation now on t o books In t T t l and Tsl Tw* PoNeenMn Biutoed . paid over to Schuets to hto own MM’S DRltS SOCKS 4md bsen unchanged since its ning of all New England music J(duu ManvUIs...... 89% clashed repeatedly with Bethle used to lift prices of cotton, wheat, nattue. AdapttOB in the "very early, early for the Women's Musktol club of hem city pmlce. Two policemen were among the country. com, rice and tobacco well above The bill'was enclosed to a big OF Lota ef haadeeiBa Kenneoott score of persona cut and bnitoed This posltjon to not quite under­ 'days before 1900.” As a result, he that city. In view of t o fact Lehigh Vsl Rd ... In the sf^ftly moving develop­ recent market leveU. leather 'White House diapatoh new gatteras to rayea y- atfl-there were "many ambigul- that the New Britain club has been during the meleea. Bluecoate standable here, fffr U this were The second, under debate to a caae. I t was brought here aad silk, or aU rayool U g g and Mysrs B ments, t o company apparently wielded nightsticks and a detec­ done, it would mean Germany EASTER VALUESl ttosT in the tows which his com- in existence for a quarter of a cen- Lockheed Aircraft prepared for a long selge by pro­ Senate Appropriationa Sub-Ooro- night by Postal Iniq>ector i Valaes at...... 2 5 s ksRtse desired to eliminate. I tury, the one-year-old local club viding food and sleeping facilities tive hurled a tear gas contskier. would take over the United SUtee mittee. would add $238,000,000 to White and went along with o^'^ Loew’s ...... During the night 160 officers dollar credits. Issue Srtioetx some benefit payments for these same O 8AUI HUN’S Vhver Secartty Oraate I was flattered at the invltoUon. L oft ---- 18Vi for non-strikers, who have been mail to the undtocloaed spot o ff I . Bafoce approving tbs measure, in the ptoat aince the strike wss patrolled the big ptont without to-1'worthless msrica, and Germany crops both in an effort to boost In­ Florids coast where the preaideot'' MISS SOCKS Loriltord 17% would be richer by $10,000 worth NEW SPRING MBTSPANCVIOCXS B m Senate receivea a favorable re- The Sewing group of t o Amer­ 87% called late Monday and others cident. The augmented force waa come and tighten planting and is fishing. Good looking? Yon Mont Ward ordered to duty for the start of] of foreign exrtignge. What a lot of stylo wmrt OB a bill wUrti would enable ican Legion auxiliary will meet to­ Nash K elv 4% who crosssd SWOC picket lines to marketing' controls. bott New patternal OMMCticnt to rcMlve $LOO0,O0O morrow afternoon at. 1:30 with sntor t o fivs-mUs long plant. the day shift aJ: 7 a. m. There to no likelihood of this D ^ite lack of support from SPORT COATS for tha monayi New Rayon and cottoal N at Biae 17% money being turned over to any WmdmrfX social ascarity grants M n . David ’Thomaa, 46 Courttond 13% Tbs plant here to the key plant The CIO Farm Equipment | either the White House or the Merrtogheaee aad Solid Oelera With patterasi Xairaa and ' a broadci^ program of aid N at Dai: Workers Organising Committee Bhiropean national now. Agriculture Department, senators New Books Added Rofafarfy I5el ^2^ street. N at Dial 2 0 % of seven Bethlehem mills in New W ide P added ShonMcra aad Smart JZjtnm cottoal Only... K k dspeadaat ^U ren . S3 Yortc. Pennsylvanto and Maryland contended that the strike which It.ls lively that, aa the war goes leaamsleading theseuievo twowww movestuuvw vs»sass^.s.-claimed ^Dra^ TaUeriag. Ooaaactieut’s yssaent taw UmiU Ml— Annie Swift has nturntd N Y Central ...... ISVi on and more nations are drawn In, enough support to win Senate O ie iie Y I iin rarV BlackGabtrdiiw,Pale8t NY NH and H ...... 3-16 woridng on more than a billion closed the ptont Feb. 28 was still ‘ to the ^chjQdran, under the age to lisr home in the Rubinow build­ dollars in ordora. The com­ effective deqitte the reopening of ths prints probtoms win to- PBSSSgCe I J . • trisL Bhis Cshsrdias, 3A. at AaMrican widows. Tha ing after spending three weeks in N or Am Co ...... 14% cresse. Evans declared the war would ------ROYS' CRIW SOCKS Packard ...... 2% pany atoo operates shipyards on the factory Monday. $10>95 up would extend aid to the chll- New Haven. both coasts. bring many new adjustments to I B u s trisL Siaes iH to Param P i e t ...... 12 American agriculture, psrtlcntor-| The following new books have Load he-Bum stripea e f aliens atoo, raise the age Deotores “Stats at I L AAA to D; abo EEE. that boys like, to Penn ...... 24Vi Ths troopers were ordered to Strikers Send Iy to the south where production recently been added to the Mary to 18 If the child remained Phelps Dodge ...... 28% sturdy, loag-wearing achool. sad give aid to children t o scene iy Gov. Arthur H. of cotton has been running con- Cheney Ubrary: Margery A l^ - Public Records Phil P st 36% Petition to Rbosevelt sidersbly in excess of mariiet out- ham. Traitor's Purse; Lu M g are la aeed fo r other causeo James, who declared the strike Curb Stocks Spring Trousers cetteal lOc Pub Ssrv N J ...... 26 constituted s “state of emergency/' Oaktoad. Caiif., March 98.—(P> lets. ^ , Bemelmsns, Donkey Inside; Paul tho death of their father. Badio ...... 4 Vi Brown. A B Cs of the L D. R ; Jast Arrived! Bsnate received fSvorahle W anaatasa and urged the newly-crested U. —Striking CIO automobile work­ 'Producers of tho major oxport A Wide Aasirtmiat m U U U U o ^ Beading ..a...... 14 Vi Medtotlon Board to step into the Am Clta Pow and Lt B .... % cropo (cotton, wheat, tobacco and John Buchan, 1st Baron Tweeds- the Latest la Covarta ai SAUI also on hOla for a trade By warrantee deeds t o Man- ers petitioned President Roosevelt Am Gen 9)^ rouir, Mountsto Meadow; Perry Thej’ra here! Tbs lovsUaet, t Black, Patent trim; cb e^r corporation baa coevoyod Bern Band ...... 9Vi dispute “to' relieve ths threat of today to direct the Office of Pro­ toM) are suffering from a de­ MiCHANIC SOCKS ia Watiertaay and for Bepubllc * Steel ...... 18% Am Sup Pow % cline of export trade which the Burgess, Who Walk Alone; H. 8. program of property on Center rtrset to a^ous rioting and aerioua delay duction Management to force Gen- gsy^ dioas that aver fat* BhwwithBfaMtria; "They wear like iron,'* Bey Tob B ...... 30Vi to defehae work." E3 Bond and Share ...... 9 war abroad has eausM," be said. Ford. Whkt the Cittoen Shoidd $ 2 . 9 8 u p Steekagl tzaiaing in three high Frank J. Brasky et ux. aad a aeo- Sears Boebuck ...... i. 71 Vi eial Motors to settle the union’s Ntog Hud 944 'On the other band, producers of Know About the Army; L W. tered afeadaiaafooLCoiM sadWhits.SismSH men seyl I sswlem •avo ssira/Bsiaforo* ood eonveyanea to Tborvald NeO- Riffe, assistant SWOC director, strike sgatost three plants to Oak­ rBaBALTHaAnoNsi odhoels aad Meat Spoony Vac ...a...... 6 % announced "we are ready aad able Penn Road 9% farm conunodltle# for which there Ford, Traditional Music of Am­ ini CooM sac/Seme etyln fa to 10, AAAA to D. feet I Absorbent cot- approved land. erica; B. 8. Gardner, Caae of tho South Pae ...... 10 to close down all Bethlehem plants to a more rtastic demand, such aa fise* 1 to 12, A AAA to SEE. tent |5c tedbew# 20)61 nnaiiiiitteii. ' The atrtke against the truck ‘ Would Like Answer to Puzsl msats. fruits, and 'vegetables, Haunted Husband; Whltsr Havig- Acoording to a cartifleate of do- South Rwy ...... 18% and shipyards all over the coun­ CAVALRY TWILL Appropriationa Oom-I Std Brands ...... 6 ptont March 91 halted production Portland. Ore..— —Mrs. Clara have gained from some toereased burst. No Homeward Course; M. vtoe filed with the town ctork. try if they want of Army trucks. Std Gate E l ...a...... and we’U do it if Guyer would like to have the an­ .temsnd as s rcsult of increased to- S. Hendrirtm, Oxy-acetyteoe Weld­ proporty oa nisosll stroot in which The union met again with man- swer to this: Fifteen years ago dustrtol production and employ-1 er’s Handbook; H. M. Kesl and C TOPCOATS $22.50 Std OU Cal ...... 19% R iffe atoo said ths union ptonned OAYMW AMOin day also hroogfat tho ootato of Mary A. Johnson had Std Oil N J ...... 36% agsment repreacntatlvca to nego­ she watched a fire level her home. ment. J. Leonard, Msthematics for Btoe- omestnus * 5 TO * 6 aa uadlvldod ooa half iatereat has to resume pickettog today. Colonel Mgtaa WHh Ply reJsetiOB at Tex C orp ...... 36Vi JCdsma, who led u s troopers to tiations which union offlciato said Recently she purchased a book “American agriculture during trlcsl Stadanta; Msshinsry's Hand­ Faeteto, etriges, fancy hoen conveyed to George Johnoon. were deadlocked. which she Identified by markings tha iPiOs wiU be aa A ffe ren t Worn book, by Erik Obert s m F. O. Timkenkon Ron B ...... 43Vi dtopstatog the crowd ostlmsted at Be realfy SM ABT-ba wosvesi Novelty te g iL lUitrtbvtlMi Union Carbide ...... 67% In a reeohitioo to the president, as one from her modest library that of the 1890s as tha agricul­ Jones; C. L Palmer, . Practiaial By certlflcate of dlatrtbutloa an 8.000 to the 30-mtoute atruggle, caffs! XayoiH cottoal aad dog rae- ...... 77»i has said there win be "peaceful adopted s t a union maaa meettog, which the fire destroyed. ture of the 1890a‘was dlfforent Mathematics for Home Study; OOUrOBTABU nadnrided oae half iatereat ia Uaioa Pac ... tin Reynolds, Woundsd Don/jt • H t o ifi. |5 c atato k )^ Unit Aircraft ...... 87% pickettog only.” tbs strikers said they sought “de­ from thst of the 1830s. In tlfia prpperty at 406 Hartford road has Ufilt Ooep .... VeleVaaaihweMy YS Strike cent wocktog coaditiows and w arn Oesrglsn Picks* As Osorgiri changtag agrtcultaia tbs role of (Cry; Nathan Schscbnsr, By -Jm haea coavayed to fTiaiieo L* 8% Soma members astliiiatcd a t 9.- and to ths peesent tatolcrabto Shmidsn. Wyo,—(P>—The crowd • dJwRSMnt arUl bs inrressbigly Dim Lamps; C. H. Srlmmsin. Dodsa by t o ostate o f JuUa M. Unit Gas Imp Impoftsnt." Tseto»ie*l Drsfttog; ftonosTlbssh, •14-818 MAIN ST- TEL. 5161 U 8 Rubber . 23% 000 voted unantfiseusty at a awes apesdup and refusal to shhjs by of ranchers was asked t^) pick.* rspqrtsd that 8,7M.i IStndtat Noras; Jm a atrut MAPS SHOP KINNEY/ a e • e a 67% muting in Johnstown tost night the sgTSsiswit " The resotuttoa 1" from aaaonc 7*0 MANCHESTER U 8 Ktqel .... •oeperatsd arith AAA Viofe Ctem ...... 40% to strtke there to tl« ERP baBot said Gsncral Motors mads lltfi.- I, new on fin, » “ ■ to la OaWarato, built ia Western Union .. 30% boxes are sat up In the mills. 000.000 tost year, probably wo%|d m , la U ailloa loag, and has tor West El and Mfg M Gtoir H . WilUasRB, E R P chsir- ffsM dre which aa- HTeshsorth ------96% man, a U ttlh i sompsny had $raa$- sssBS'iHrsaxi Til-. '

MANCtt1&ai£;K CVCMIMU tlKKALiU, MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1941 MANOHBBTBB e v e n i n g flERALD, MANCUESTEil, CONN. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1941 PAGE and Um Oreek fronia to Join the Thrilk from **We«teni Union** tmrs: 8aoo river, Ms., 842,000; battle agaUist the Axis. Open Fonjim Newburyport HmriMr, Mass., |38,- Corporation Tax Hours $ ^ Hear Bpeakeis British Relief 000; Mystic rivwr. Mass., 826,000; One of the largest demonstra- Boston harbor, $40,000; Ood Is Due on April 1 Publisher Visitor Uons yesterday was in K ralje^ Greek Relief Canat $830,000; PoUock. Rip SERIAL STORY BOOSTS HOME HEAT! Enforced Serbia, where more than 8,000 Fund Growing Editor, The Evening Herald, Sboate, Nantucket. Maaa., $61^000; Once more Connecticut is out At Camp Blanding BestAr^arbwy men aad women gathered to hear Nantucket harbor, $26,800; Point Hartford, Kfifch 36— Ths Stots Navar spend aa sveaiag ,eblv- SPRING CLEARANCE apeakcni In the piibUc aquare, then in front, in coiMidsratloa for the Judith, R, L, harbor," $70,000; rights and freedom of people in T a x OommlasiDnsr, Charles J . Mc­ DOLURS TO DOUGHNUTS eriag because tec fornscc quite State O re r ^ 0 0 0 paraded through streets denounc­ Concert Food Sale imd Block Island, R. I , harbor, $10,- Laughlin, calla the attention of all ing their •treacherous goN’em- other lands. We should .help in 000; Mystic river, Ctenn., $42,500; eeavaMMT. lasi. Thomas Fenpiaon, publisher of -eold! FIra year booie% beater Collections Help to every way poasible such a worthy ccrporatlons doing business In the BY EDITH ELLINGTON MtA aaavici. iNe. The Herald, who to vacationing In It Back in P< ets of ment." Connecticut river below Hartford, state to the fact that the Annual' wttb ear Fael Oil! Ilie fuel Two thousand peasanU, many cause aa the present campaign $90,000; Duck Intend Harbor. Florida with Joseph Crooka of SALE that eeads beat sizzling to radi­ W o rkers. armed with pitchforks, marched in Pay for Kitchefi. for the Oreek War Relief. We do corporation business tax return of Apel place, writes test eh route Conn., $42,500; New Haven, Conn., corporations whose bookq were YMtorflayt Bm to exeltofl aad to hers! But ehs' couldn’t. Her before. But people did create their they stepped at Camp* BUnding, ators when yea aet the controls Hadji Popovlc, central Serbian so, not only because of the hu> harbor, $22,000; Breakwatera at thriOed ovav her date witk Mr. Mrs. Fred Parker, president of manitarian angle, but because we closed on December Slat, to due on Upa atm tingled fn»n the touch a t own worid. Here with Anthony, near JaoioMnvlUc, tha cantonment up. Aad! - the Fael Oil that March M —Joint on- dty. shouting "We want war!" New Haven. $22.5i00; Milford har­ or before April 1st. Bradley. She bardly kaows how in tela magle darkness, they had where the (^ n ectlcu t companlea LoW‘Priced Used Cars Itiouaanda parUcipated in similar the Manchester branch No. 208 of realise the huge' debt Democratic she wUl Bwaage wtm Terry. Vera hfe. ^ gives you more adequate boat ___jt he Um Waco aad Hour America owes to the country In bor, Conn., $28,000; Bridgeport, In the past, it has been found "hotOLr here’a a playground. made a UMe world of laughter of the 43rd U. S. Army division are State and FOdond author- demonatmtiona elsewhere, openly the British War Relief Society, re­ $00,000; narrows'at Lake Cham­ and Toby la tae Hnan apartment. and a brave world, aspiring to tee> —from teas fuel oaed! expressing sympathy with Qivece which Democracy.was born. that numerous corporations file Swinge!” Anthon/a atride quick­ (located. ' IS la six laontha of eoUabo- ceived today from Captain N. J. Again preece ia fighting for the plain. N. Y.. and Vt.. $13,500; and their federal returns on March Bat averytldiig toina oat welL At ened. “aoeh, I fieel so happy. Let’s ■tars, with ao thought of the drab) ^ -While vleltlng tee camp they _ caasod restituUw of W3,- and Orest Britain. Burlington harborT V t. W.OOO. last Anthony suggesta they leave. etore where they bote worked, no Per Mofith In some placea, police made only Curtis of the Salvation Army a freedom of mankind. As always 15th and, because of the later fil­ go in and swing. I want to fly. met a number of tee Manchester t0 workers ia OonnecUcut for Flood Oontrol Projecta But swinging’s th00. has no authority whatsoever for monopolise them!” Bit with her legs out before her, gress that haa been made. Law is beinc enforced by of the food sale for the same ob­ Lack of funds under President "Monopolize?’’ Terry asked, ag- few weeka ago. ’3 u t tele evring BAMTLT on. COMPANY 2— 1934 F ord 'S ed a n s...... 8.69 worded atatementa to be handed ject held one bitter cold day last 1829. the waiving or cancelling of penal­ to eld their momentum after he thrills me more. This simple state in cooperation odth the This land of the cultural arts Rosevelt’s program for flood con­ grievedly. "I waa Just being po- Oeaee Aceeptfaig Feeeengefs. ' e e • a • < 7.27 to Cvetkoric confirming resigna­ week at Hale's store, that the ties so imposed. started them off. The wind whip­ swing. In a public park.” CENTER STREET PHONE 5293 2— 1934 Ford 2-Door Sedans . . ’inraco and Hour Division of the tions of party members f»3 |n the must not be desecrated. There liv­ trol eliminated six reservoirs on The Commissioner also points Ute and aociable, putting the guy ped at them os they went forward, v'HJ. A Dopartinent of labor. The amount realised has reached the the Merrimack and Connecticut bn |at ease." (To Be Continaed) Serving the Public for 23 Tears. 1— 1933 Plymouth Coupe...... 7.2T government. ^ sum of $112. Mrs. Lindsay stated ed the immortal bard, Homer, the out that all retuma must be sign­ and her hair blew across her face Bbangbal, March 28—VPh- Jap- m a te Labor Department, n'orklng Urge Resignations artist of comic satire, Aristo­ which Army engineers were pre­ Vera turned on the radio. "You as they slipped back. aneea steamera and air aervtce 1— 19.34 Ford Pick-up Truck .. 7.27 with Arthur J. White Re- that through the generosity of the ed ,by the President, Vlce-Presl- put me at ease, aniartle. 1 ------^ They urged all repreaentatlvea townspeople donaUons of food kept phanes, Socrates the philosopher, pared to start work. denL or other principal officer "It’s wonderful, Anthony. Swing batohea Fox Barabaaded have ceased accepting foreign 1— 1937 Dodge Vi-Ton Pick-up 17.55 Director of the Wac«-Hour of their parUes holding govern­ the scientific Aristotle, and many They were; Hopklnton-Everett, t to diuce.” us higher!” passengers from Ortontal porta IvMon. has already completed arriving all through the day until the Treasnrer or Assistant eatrice went to her coat, ment poaU to resign to show dla- others whpse works live on. N. H.. 811.500,000; West Peter- urer. In the event that the The lights of the city were Inglewood. Cellf., March 36.—UF bound for Nagasaki, Japan, until ’ ~fninntlra1i~ii of S7l individual well along in the afternoon and It was Greece who gave us our buret of music followed her approval of the Axis alliance. every single item was sold. boro, N. H., $1,300,000; Mountain of President and Treasurer is twlnkUng stars behind the trees. —Fred P. Todd, radio patrol of­ April 10, it was learned today. No f ^Mm s WuI. In many of them i ^ tl- An indication the widespread system of liberal education, 'the Brook, N. H., $344,000; tlnion Vil­ to the beAxiom. Her feet danced. explanation was forthcoming, but Two other collections gratefully by one person this fact should bb She looked at herself in the mir­ Overhead tha sky wee dark, and fice:-, said pshaw, he used to catch $ 5 . 0 0 D O l ^ 'tatton wat'-Jpade to arorirers. student demonstrstlons were high­ idea of freedom for the Individual, lage, Vt., $2,376,000; Claremont, they were alone beneath its can­ ’possums, 'coons and foxes bare­ obeervere believed military move­ RIGHT AT RADIO CITY | Ihere are 114 tn\*estlcaUona In- received but not publicly announc­ 80 indicated on the return and the ror. Her eyes were ehlning, her ly organised was seen in the sud­ the ideals of honor. Justice and the N. H., $5,160,000; and TuUy, opy. "I’ve never been so happy. I handed back in Arkansas m he’d ments tn tee Nagasaki area were BUYS ANY OP THE ABOVE CARSI soM ne addlUonal poaelble pay­ ed, were $60.76 dropped In the box way to a higher civlliAtion. return will be acceptable. How­ Ups were curved into a smile. She den appearance of hundreds of of the demonstration mobile kitch­ Maqs-. $759,000. want to sing. It’s Uke being born Just go after teat hen house raider responsible. hw Baaoi WMb Frteato Balh ment of more than $33,000 now idenUcai Tugoalav fiags, ail bear­ ^ e magnificent history of ever, unless the return bears the waa eager, expectant, different. en here earlier in the month, also Other funds sought by engineers, signature of the President, Vice- all over again.’’ barehanded, too. Out ha came M N n « - $ 2Ja. $2JMC $U a $US > im ler way It was said. ing the slogan "Long live the Greece has inspired many famous "And all because I’m going to ee Hneae-$U6l iSJNl $$J8l 1a m a free-will offering at a tea and but eliminated under tbs presi­ President, or other principal of­ "I’ll get down, ru push you, with a fox. enarllng and biting. lYpeo Of Industry king!" poets to sing her praises. It was dential program were: be alone with Anthony Bradley. Then you’U awing right up to the ■to lads—SSMk SAia $AJA $$M showing of colored films In St. ficer and the Treasurer or As­ Z- see him every day In the atore. Todd reckoned he’d Just adopt Itastltution has ranfed frota a (The government which capitu­ not Byron, but Felicia Hemans For rivers and harbors work: eky.” Reynaud and took him home. m ere $1.33 In one case to another Mary’s churcli entitled "Europe In- who wrote so long ago, sistant Treasurer, It will be neces­ But—but Bomething’s changed." n— m WHnTteiialBg Water lated to the Axis is headed by a It's Laat Days of Peace," given by Portland, Me., harbor, $112,000; "No. don’t! I want you close!’’ .rF0RW0IIIEfl^ -;m which nioie than $3000 In back regency council, named to act dur­ A spectacular forest flr« highlights the thrilling action in..2tene "Fame dwells around thee— sary to require the proper acknow­ "Don’t take my' hat by mistake, "Walt. You’ll love it!” He 8m Feresa—SLML $L7A $2jM SOUMENE & FU(»:, be. waceo -was paid to employees. So P. E. Fellows on March 16. Genius is thine own, Pl3rmouth, Mass., harbor, $190,000; ledgement at a later date. Xged Twins Oelebrato TW rWBsas-$2jMl s u it ttSS ing the minority of King Peter II, Grey's "Westei^ Union." Heading t$4 featured cast are Robert Taunton river. Mass., $399,000; Bradley,” Terry Was saying. "It’s laughed. He got behind her, grasp­ 634 CENTER STREET .Jar 11 different types of industry The above amounts will be uaed This ancient soil hath nursed a All cofporations should be very a good hat and filled with mem­ now 17 yearn old.) ia reducUon of the balance due on Young, Virginia Gilmore, Randolph Scott (lower left) and Dean .Westport river. Mass., $28,000; ed tee seat of tee swing, and sent g m i TELEPHONE 5101 OPEN EVENINGS ‘ or lmslnT~T hae been covered, In- Riotous acenea took place In Jagger. 'The Technicolor film from 20th Century-Fox has been glorious race." careful to review the entire re­ ories." it flying from him. Wellman, la.—OF—Mrs. Patience the field kitchen already in Man­ Here is the reason every Ameri­ Connecticut river below Hartford, port before mailing. BrovTt and Collett Sttler were to­ n 8dselr nerres. I “A Ssfe Place To Buy ” ctadinc $4 apparel shops, 46 some Belgrade achoola aa the boys called the "greatest story of the West by U|e West's great story­ “I'll leave the door on the latch "O-oh!” The clean, cool wind outer Oietrsis eanssd to Tvammamt - - e business bouses, 11 chester, EggUnd, the gift of Man­ can should do his p art/ toward $160,000; Block Island harbor of It Is also pointed out that the for you, Bee,” Toby said. "Bye.” swept psst her more strongly. She gether Monday Just ea they have defied their (eacbera, broke up teller” and is at the state theater Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Refuge, R. I., $38,000. monUily dUturtenees keep you mm niBRISm chester, Connecticut. aad distributors of food furniture and shouted "Down wltb making the Greek War Relief return to the State Tax (temmis- Anthony touched Beatrice’s arm looked up at tee sky as she soared been March $4 for the last 86 hart ns nm St tuch Umee—take Lydia t t ff WIST data STUCT. new v o ik em r The next big project for the campaign a real success. We B. Ptubam’aVei^Ma Compound— I t printlnc and pubUah- HiUer, down with Musaollni, down sioner should be accompanied by as they went down the stairs. toward it. years.^Washln^on county’s oldest famoua for ovarSO ysate la rtUavias '' Far Caorfart QW«A ©emreelewel companies. 17 Iron and steel with Cvetkovlc!” same object will be an all-day fair would be Ingrates, to say the least. a check, postal money order or “They’re nice,” he said. ”Lots of "It’a a new world, Anthony. twiM, they never have missed weak, nerroiu faatinsi ct womans , 11 construction oom- in April at Center Ckurch house. stiff workout to aid weather-de-; If we neglected to do our duty, Keep 1st Place fun. But I couldn’t watt to ahake Our own world.” ' < celebrating their birthday to­ "dtaeult daya.” WOI TBTniai T.BMoaTatma jyetje^j^^yredyejwaP Mxda Virtual Prisoneta layed conditioning and remedy cash to cover the entire amount qf 6 hat factories, tocether A num*«r of youths who were when Greece haa given the world tax which is due. No provision is them.” She had never thought of that gether. weaknesses. Casey Isn’t worried so much. We want these valiant with a fair aampiinc of pracUcal- made virtual prisoners in one Falcons Beat Plratea In Card Tourney made for partial payments of tax­ “ I was wondering if you ever SEE OUR GRAND SELECTION about (tervel Rowell’s poor field­ people to know we honor and ad­ would,” she con fess^ I* every other type of Industry. school In the heart qf^tha capital ing as ’Bama is notoriously bad es due under the (terporatlon One pnrklnr compeny eras when police surrrunded the build­ mire the glorious heritage that is Business Tax Law. ••’Were you?” His eyee above her OF The Falcona defeated the Pi­ in spring trafning. theirs. Hose Jrs., held to the first poel- were shining almost the way her fannd to be paytni ita women ing view with each other In writing By ’n e Associated Press wwkem ns UtUe ns 15 canU an Inflammatory slogans on cards and rates last night to the tune of 44- Perhaps the heroic Theseiu will Uon In the Firemen’s Setback own eyes, in the mirror, had shone. hanr nnd leatltution mnountlnc to hiu*Ung them out of windows Into a 28 In a bard fought and furious St. Petersburg, Fla.—President Fort Myers, Fla.—The Detroit again return to halt any enemy League after last night’s play, but BMtrice felt suddenly breathless. Thursday "and Friday Specials Msea t*»v" MOO was ordered paid crowd of curloua spectators. batUe. Leading the attack for the Eld Barrow of the New York Tigers, pointing to signs of im­ who would tread on sacred the high scores were made by Is Honor Guest They were out in the cold, sweet SPRING to to omployeea. Another Infrac* At another school in the main victors were flashy Harry Fay and Yankees asked Baseball Ck>mml8- proved pitching, include Luther ground. "And armed with right, Buckland with 124 points and sec­ air. She was small beside An­ tton concerned the employment of business dlatrict, placards were Tom Martin sinking four hoops sioner Landis for permission to cut (Bud) Thomas in the gesture. 'The the less (in numbers) o’ercomes ond high by the (5om HusUers, At Dinner Party thony’s height, ehe.hiu. to skip to W a piece worker for n period of 30 apiece. The two Wilson brothers, several youngsters off the squad former Philadelphia twlrler aOema the great.” with 121, both teams being well keep up with his great stride. POPULAR hung from windows reading "Bet­ BLOUSES heam in one ereek nt n total wage ter die than be alavea," ‘‘We must Frank and Bob, played a wonder­ before April 1, the date set by the to have been helped by a season at How prophetic that Grecian down in the contest. "Slow down,” she laughed, pull­ ful floor game. In the starring Beaumont. He has learned to keep phrase has been In the past sev­ ing at his sleeve. "My heart’s go­ Everybody's Market at $ U 0. Thia aame company hnd renounce the Vienna pact," “Down rules, but Landis refused. So the The standing: roles for the losers were Gallnat his fast ball low and his curve is eral montha, and Americans hope Miss Dorothy C. Halem, daugh- ing Uke a steam engine now.” FOOD MARKET C opies o f In Ita ampioy a woman who work* with Hitler" and "Long live liberty boys will get to go as rar as Sto Hose Jrs...... 1887 te>’ of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Halem of and King Peter." and Tuttle. Box Score: Antonio, Tex., on the club’s barn­ better. it will continue to be so. Hose No. 1 ...... 1863 Anthony stopped, right there on 855 Main Street Robinow Building •C from eicnt in the momlnc un- Lilley street,' whose engagement to the sidewalk. "So ta mine,” he High-Priced Hits ta one o*dodc the next momlnc Political observers noted that Falcons (44) storming tour before being ship­ / E. Ruth Britton. ValvDline...... 1827 Free Delivery! Fast Service! Quality Merchandise! B F T Sidney COhen of E dgew i^ street, said quietly. “Where Thrifty Shoppers Shop“ with one hour for lunch and no aecondary school atudenta not p ped back to Sebrlng or Lake Miami, Fla.—Clydell Castleman, St. Bridget’s ...... 1813 Hartford, was rcently announced, aapporttme. more than 15 imara of age played a 3 F. Wilson, If .. ___ 2 3-6 7 Wales, where the Newark and who apparently was ticketed for Reid’s Auctioneers ...... ^»1806 TELEPHONE 5105-5106 0-0 2 waa the guest of honor at a din­ An acatasy. a strange magle, Alwnyn Baclnnere large part in the demonatrationa. 0 Hanna, I f ,...... ___ 1 Kansas (?ity farm teams train. Jersey City, seems likely to stick B 'lckland...... 1783 ner party, given at her home Mon­ In one shirt fnctory, \ Commls- They expressed belief the partici­ 1 R. Wilson, rf ...... 2 1-2 5 with the New York Giants and the Emphasis Put Hartman’s ...... "l'783 reaa between teem. Real and tan­ strictly Freeh—Large . . . . 2 0-0 4 day evening by her mother. Among gible and suddenly full grown, it LEAN aloner Dnnnber said, women ma- pants probably were l a i r e d by 1 R. Runde, c . . . Miami Beach, Fla.—John Pod- chances are that Jim Lynn will ^ Merz Barbers...... i7«c the fourteen local friends who ^ ia t opamtom were paid only 10 parents "vlio feared they would be 0 H. Fay, c ...... 4 0-1 8 Ctelonials ...... 1755 quivered from Beatrice’s heart to ....4 O-I P^n Canal Zone were present was Miss Halem’s hie, aad from Anthony's to here. LO CA L EGGS amts an hour and were teraied subjected to fine or Impriaonment 0 T. Martin, rg .. 8 whom the Phillies expect a great i ^ All S ta rs...... 1737 classmate at Manchester High For Sport or Drees. Long 2 G. ICvans, rg .. ___ I 1-2 3 McKenna’s ...... 1699 She felt herself swajdng toward BEEF •m*lnnera" even thouch some of If Uiey denouatrated themselves, deal this year, has been sent bad: fthe PhinL*^ school, Miss Ruth Podtove of Ben­ aad short sleeves. Tuek-ia the opemtora had several years but counted on the youth of the 1 B. Engle, Ig . . . ___ 3 1-1 7 to Phiinfieinhin tn h«vA hi. tonsil. P" ‘Hea ye_ster^y Com Huskers...... 1678 him. His arm slipped around her, to Philadelphia to have his tonsils while Lynn was touched for five Defense Jobs ton street, who is home from Rus­ steadying her. end Bead types. In gpring’a at c ertance. “He aaid any new atudenta to win them easier treat­ removed. Bon Ami C hibks...... 1657 sell Sage college for the spring STEW 29c doz. weak er was a beclnne to him— ment. 8 IS 6-13 44 straight hits and four runs Uiiit Tool Makers ...... 1652 vacation. "Bee,” he whispered huskily. I newest fsbrtes. ^SHtlts, Mstos, Ptratos (38) lost the ball game. Pickups ...... 1594 ^ I n i i ha k ^ t them in that atatus Fort Myers. Fla.—The Cleve­ (Continued From .Page One) Mrs. Halem used a color scheme Blue. Pink, Stripes . . . also InMtaltely.” Mr. Danaher aUted. P B F T Community L u n ch ...... 1573 ’3 u t tele to ellly,” she managed 8 Vartettea! Germans Pleased land Indians will know more about of rose and yellow In her floral to say. "It can't be happening. tee NAVY OAL Nautical m it anmacamenta are now beinc 3 Gallnat, rf ______4 5-5 13 Loe Angeles—M ananr Jimmy and improvement for which the arrangements and In the other 2 5 c lb. 1 Tuttle, rf ...... ___ 5 0-1 10 their pennant chances tonight. Lou Proposes Reflectors on Hands. Not so soon.” Blouse. mnda for restitution of mors than At World Reaction Boudreau, the team's sparkplug Dykes of the Chicago Sox is Bureau and Committee recom­ decorations. Including a large wed­ CO LD CU TS $1000 to workem in this factory.” 2 Southerglll, e .. ___ 0 0-0 0 enthusiastic over the shewing of mended $63,100,040 cash for next ” Yea, It csa. Oh, Bee!” shortstop, is scheduled to play a ding cake. Games were enjoyed “J wanted to be alone with you,” SUPER CUBE Mot all tba lafractlona ware of Berlin. March 26—(4^-German 4 Frye, rg ...... ___2 1-3 5 Orval Grove, big righthander up year as against $99,374,310 cash Springfield, HI.—(fl>)— Motorists after the course dinner, and Miss ^ d a ld o m seeiuec wall pleased to­ 3 Bars, Ig ...... ___ 0 0-0 0 few Innings against Detroit early from Oklahoma City. Specializing wbuld be required to wear red re­ ahe said. "But teat’s not a sure They*re All Beauties • glailac nature, aaid Mr. Dana* today to test his injured ankle. If and $5,794,000 contractual author­ Halem was presented with many day at worid reaction to the Axis in a sinker ball, GiWe gave only ity for the current y w r . Of the flector buttons on their left hands sign, to it? I’ve got to think, An­ 29c Ib. har. la oBa eaas tba violatlaa con- the trouble is only a sprain, as the choice gifts in recognition of her thony. I—rm bowled over, I nev­ STEAK at bavlnc 10 women opam- with Yugoalavia, signed yes­ 13 11 6-9 28 two hits, two Walks and no runa total rivers and harbors item ap­ at night under a bill introduced in engagement, together with the terday In Vienna. r Score at half 23-12 Falaona. Indians believe, .his teammates will in the last_ three innings against proved for the coming period, $20,- the Illinois House by Rep. Lloyd er had a thing Uke this happen tota dana their .mnchlnee about breathe a lot easier. good wishes of all for her future to me before. Maybe it’s Just a M aaiautes a w ^ on their own Authorised sources declared that Referees, V. Taggart and B. For- the Athletics yesterday. 000,000 was for new work and the Harris. happiness. MARLOW’S the shock caused by thia new ten. remainder for maintenance. mood. A passing fancy?” t*i— la another Instance ci^ln St. Petersburg. Fla.—The St. SAUSAGES F O R V A L U E S washlnc cn piece work were oom- ^plomaUc step, which was ao bl7- The general flood control fund She tried to tough, but her voles Louis Cardinals, who break camp Orlando, Fla.—Thanks to their broke. "Anthony, we’d better be naBed to Btart work n half hour U rly oonteated by the Anglo- own proficiency and ten bases on was Increased to $71,129,000 from Ainwlcan coalition of opponents (3owbb Top Royal Blues tomorrow, are wondering what’s the current $70,055,000. Missis­ careful. People should look about SHORTY-PORTERHOUSE—SIRLOIN taiora regular aU rtlng tlma and happened to their sluggers. In yes­ balls presented them by the Mil­ aauld only take 10 to 15 inlnutee to the new European order, ia more sippi river flood control, however, and consider everything before 25c Ib. terday’s 3-1 triumph over Cleve­ waukee Brewers, the Washington they—before they—” BEEF LIVER Ib. 25c Mtt <»«*»«**» la order to earn the than remarkable. The Royal Blues fell victim to Senators /boast a five-game win­ was cut to $22,000,000 for the "Not that we care one way or the Clowiis at the East Side Rec land they produced only three hits THE MANCHESTER ’’FeU In love,” completed An­ Heavy Barstow Says: **It*s The TruthV* Minimum rata. —none by sluggers Johny Mize, ning straak. Highlights of yester­ coming year from $30,000,000 thony. "Becauee teat’a it I’m In With rare axceptlona, aaid Mr. another," these sources added. "It last night by the score of 63-42. day’s }2~2 battering of the Brew­ available for the current period. IFeetern CALVES' LIVER Ib. 49c la a matter of complete indiffer­ ’The Clowns were led by Alfred Terry'Moore or Enos Slaughter. love with you. Bee. And there Steer Omabar. both Fedsral and SUte ers \wre George Archie’s 500-foot The largest segment of the wasn’t time to examine or think LEAN DAISY HAMS tmaaUentofa racelTod excellent ence to ua what others think about Fish from the All-Bamaird team, The biggest disappointment ia homer with two aboard and Wal­ PUBLIC MARKET Beef Harry Walker, the colorful young Panama Canal fund was $34,932,- or be cautious.” NEW-TYPE FOODS eooMmttoa from omployera. ”The the effect of the tri-partlte pact who tallied seventeen points, while ter Masterson’s improved pitch- John Kletnschinidt and A. Bucclno outfielder, who remains In the 000 for the new locks, to which They were standing in tha mid­ hatur omployera appreciate that expanslona on the world In Ktn- li)g. were allocated all of the proposed e ^ . or upon the Far Bast and the tcMed In twenty-nine points be­ lineup although he’s made only dle of tee eidewalk, not far from CORNED BEEF Ib. 29c 29c Ib. tlda law la not only a protoctlon new oontractual authority. For a atreat lamp. A man loitered in NEED THE NEW-TYPE for the tndtvidunl woiker acninst Balkans In particular. Our diplo­ tween them. The victors were led one hit In hia last 19 times at bat. Selected Specials Par Thursday MILK IFBDl LEAN—FBESBl macy knowa no pause." by Fred Modean and Norman Miami, Fla.—Manager Bill Mc- the current year. Congress provid­ tee doorway of an apartment auplaiUUoa" ho declared, "but Kcchnls, looking back over four ed $15,000,000 cash and $99,000,- house only a few feet away. Yet that it ia a bulwark for the da- Asked whether other states ware Kleinschmldt who tallied 26 points St. Petersburg, F la p ja ck Rus­ HAMBURG or tn all. Pagan!, Kanehl anid A. Klein- weeks of Cincinnati workouta, to­ 000 contract authority. Sirloin Steak, best of beef, well trimmed, special, Ib. 4.5c Anthony's head bent above her oaat am j^yer who haa hitherto expected to Join, these sources de­ sell. the veteran sljned by the day listed these highlights: The VEAL LEGS U SHOULDERS clared: achmidt played a grand floor game Brooklyn Dodgers as batting prac­ Ban Written Into BIU Chuck Beef, ground ...... ib. 29c own, and Beatrice wsS lifting her baen forced to meet the * unfair “fine pitching" of Monte Pearson, face, aa if without her/own voU- "We are firmly convinced of It." for the victors, while M. Dayidsonavldson tice pitcher, thinks lie can earn a Aa In several other measures I^wer Round, ground ...... '. lb. 35c SAUSAGE MEAT Ib. 19c raotTBa • rooa a aaomatiUon of chiaelera and sweat former Yankee who haa “more this session, the commltttee wrote tlon.. '* BONETOOMB abona.** Does Ned Extend T» Greece played a good floor game f6rr-ythe reguliar Job aa a relief man. "I confidence and poise than he’s eVer Try our owninake Pure Pork Italian Sausage lb. 3.3c GIBSONT H t RIPRfOf RATOt WITH • losers. A return game with1th tho, U»lnl into the bill/a prohibition against It wasn’t what she had meant Om Legal AcMen This German dlplomaUc activi­ ink I can show Leo Durocher a shown before:" the catching of Our own make' Sausage M eat ...... lb. 19c to do at alt. A swift pang of doubt 'During this six month period It ty, it was expressly aUted, doea Mol.awka Is wanted. Box score:ore: 1things he'll like,” Russell said, use of any of theie 'money money to those PEAS 21e Bill Baker "after he got his chance who advocate overthi>verthrolw of the Our own make Large Link Sausage...... lb. 25c assailed her. 80 shameleee, ao TRIPE Ib. 18c hna been neceaaary to bring crimi- n t extend to Greece. Clowns •Mis Ipet clutch delivery is a "down­ to work regularly;’’ and "consis­ cheap, here on tee sidewalk... 1 9 ® "’•n ■al yrooaedings against only one_ "Greece, which finds herself In a P. B. F. T. er" which be thinks shoilld help tently good play at shortstop by United States government by Like a ahopgiri anff her sweet­ 1 A. Kleinschmldt.rf 2 1-2 ,5 force or violence.B. \ PEACHES 21c nmcom. It was stated, the Serv . military struggle SMinst our ally, the Dodger infield turn in a good both Ekklie Joost and Bobby Mat- A FRESH SHIPMENT OF SE A FOOD. heart! PIGS'LIVER 2 Ib8. 25c WaD Burner Oorporation of Hart .-fJajip object for diplomatic activity 2 L. Kanehl, I f ___ 2 0-1 4 many double plays. tick.” In approving the general r-flood Bullheads ...... lb. 29c But wasn’t she a shopgirl? And by the Reich," these sources said. . J. Kleinschmldt. c 7 2-7 16 cmtrol Item, the committee ban­ LOIN VEAL CHOPS >b 27 « fbtd. raoently ordered by Federal Butterflsh ...'...... lb. 19c Anthony—her Mrs were quivering Judge Carrol C. Hindu to pay Authorised Internretatlon of the 4 Aceto, r g ___... 2 0-0 4 Anaheim, Calif.—Bill Beckman's ned work on projects not already —Anthony wee her sweetbeert. A I ...... ■■■■I ■■ ■Ill- Indian Elver- Seedtoea Extra Pnany CaUforala 1 Swaal Jolcy larga 1 Implications of Yugoalavia’a ad­ 4 Pagani, Ig ...!.. 2 0-1 4 performances in »the Grapefruit commenced with money current­ Perch Fillets ...... |b. 2 9 r He was suddenly more dear, a m e than $1000 in fines for vlo- 0 Fish, rf ...... 7 .1-5 17 latiou of Um Wsge Hour Law. herence to the pact, and of notea League have given every Indica­ Steel Plant ly available, with the one excep­ Cod, Polloi^, Pickerel, Spanish Mackerel, Fillet of Had­ more famUiar, than CUarence, to Rib Ei)d-Pork C hops...... I 7c Lb. GRAPEFRUIT ASPARAGUS TANGERINES la addition consent decnes have addressed to Yugoslavin by the 2 Bucclno, I f ...... 6 1-5 13 tion that he is pointing for a role tion of $1,129,000 for Guyandot dock, Fillet o^Sole, etc. whom she'd been engaged, had ev­ ^2-Poiind Axis powsrs, was cautious. hasn filed against ten other oom- as starting pitcher. His hurling Doing Naval project at Huntington. W. V. Use er been. The elmpe o f hie face, and Rib Lamb Chops 25cL b. . /B u n c h ...... d C ilr G In the main it was summed up 15 28 7-21 63 was the only saving feature of of $6,554,035 waa approved for Stewing Oysters, Frying Oysters, Cjiowder Clams, tee way hie hak grew on his fore­ 7 for 25c I 2 doz. 29c IM l—■ Invotvtiig resUtuUou of Roval Blues. ssore than $6000 to 1$3 emplosrees. thus: Ik e three-power pact cannot yesterday’s 9-6 defeat by the news—as opposed to maintenance Open C l^ s . head, a n # tee nm,'%spung cut of Xnrge SaaklBt be amended by any new signer. P. B. F. T. Ships Work —work on projecta already be­ hie mouth were so deeply engrav­ _FrMhJHambu^ . . . 14c Lb. Oraagea...... Bea. SSe ^MrS*.../f.....S 9 ^ lie 1 Vhaey Tomatoea .... .Ib. Ita 1 Of all the eases a d ju st^ said 1 M. Davidson, rf . 3 0-1 6 White Sox, aa he turned In a flaw­ Ml. Danaher, the one that gave Every adherent In principle ac­ less Job over the lost three in­ gun. I FORA CHANGE ed in her memory teal she could cepts all ita obligations. Prac­ 2 Gentllcore, If ___ 3 1-6 7 close here eyes, here with his face Mas the grestest personal satis­ nings. (Continued From Page-OiM) The bill also Included $7,170,- Sliced Q ub Cheese 2 3 c L b . tically, however, certain things are 2 Modean, c ...... 7 0-1 14 Tender Calves’ Liver, .W estern ...... Ib. 39c above her, and see teem stllL She 1 A Beal Trsatt Medtaas raaey Na. 1 QaaEty! faction was the case of a watch 3 N. KIelnsciimldt,rg 6 0-2 12 000 for continuing worii at Bonne­ man who bad been working 84 not expected of Jotnera. For In­ Ontario, Ctellf.—Lou Stringer, ville dam, Oregon, $1,845,000 for Fancy Sugar CnrM Bacon, machine sliced ... lb. 29c knew tee tone of hto voice, and BaUwla ar Gteetdag stance, as German Eorelgn Minis­ 4 Lennon, I g ...... 0 0-1 0 tee touch of hto hands. Never be­ HOLLY ' POT houra a week wiUiout ovarUme for 3 Allcce, Ig ...... 1 1-1 3 fancy-fielding rookie shortstop of Much of this steel is armor piste. completing the installation of SHORTENING POTATOES I'^ R A N iK . a long pariod of time. “Ha riicalv- ter Joachim Von Ribebntrop Indi­ the C^hicago Cubs, also Is attract­ Other major defense products of fore had the experienced _ this CHEESE 1 cated, Germany does not expect power facilities at Fort Peck, BAKERY SUGGESTIONS 8weep of feeling, tele deep-down OLEO APPLES od a check for $700 as a result of 15 20 2-12 42 ing attention as a hitter. Hia aver­ The Bethlehem Company, In one Mont, dam, $98,325 for flood con­ Bran or Com Muifins, dozen ...... 2.3c 16-• 7 c 45c bushel was atore money than be ever had various claims of Balkan and give a maximum amount of frag­ Walnut Loaf Cakes ...... 29c each fibout Anthony; a sense o t nelgbor states against each other a homer with the bases loaded, as communication syateifi. and youth lUid fitneaa Ne. 1 Petatoaa ....p a e k Ife Larga Omeaiaga or 1 Mdatoah Apptoa . .S Uw. SSe assn in bis life at one Ume. He the C^ibs beat Pittsburgh yester­ mentation and shrapnel spread— Pineapple Cup Cakes, dozen ...... 35c naldvrias ...... • Iba. 28e for territorial reviaiona must rest. sent to Army and Navy arsenals was e h a r ^ masculine. Bea- aaid be was going to use it as a ladlaas Defeat Falcons day. Rolls, Parker House, Water Rolls, Snowflakes, heard herself gasp, and teen down payment on a little home." for fabrication o f shell casings. New England Work After a ragged start, the Indians 15c dozen, 2 dozen 29c‘ liony wea kissing her. His Ups BRILLO K LEK New b the 'naae To Boy Stand of Russia played aome masterful basketball Ssn Antonio. Tex.—Manager Structural ateel produced by the her were firm add strong hun­ 1 in the second and third quarters Fred Haney, who needs youth to' company is earmarked for ahip- Will Be Delayed Walnut Meats 1 Ib. 25c Seen Reaffirmation Waahlngton, March 26.—(iP)— gry and poeeeeeive. She frit tee I GOLD M EDAL Riots ill Belgrade Monday night at the West Side mingle with his veteran St. Louis yard uoe and construction of new FRUITS AND FRESH VEGETABLES beat of response in herarif. a Small, 2 for 15c Rome, March tS —i/Ti— Aa au- Rec. and were able to pin a defeat Browns’ pitchers, is looking upon defense factories. Lack of funds for flood control Asparagus, Extra Fancy, large bunch ...... 35c warming tenderneaa melting In­ Evaporated Milk 4 cons 27c and rivers and harbors will delay FLOUR thorltatlx’e Italian aourca aaid to­ on the Falcons, 54-43. Jack Kramer as a potential ace. The company’s parent plant Fancy California Carrots, 2 bunches fo r ...... 1.3c side her. 1 Lgc., 2 for 27c R e pkg. 1 Protest Yugoslav day Soviet Ruasla’a announcement Wltb five minutes left in the The youngster had to be returned here ia second in number of em­ Army engineers tn starting $21,- i "Bee.” he whispered huskily. | Palmolive 5oap' 4 bars 19c ployes with a total of 21,000, 1^ - 726,400 in Nsw England work Indian River Juice Oranges, dozen ...... 25c that ahe would remain neutral game, the Indiana were ahead by to the minora laat spring but he "Oh. Deriiagi” OOBTOmS 1 Alliance with Axis should Turkey be forced to enter 43-38, but Curtia, Messier, McCon- haa plenty of speed and ma:te a 000 of whom are engaged on pro­ thsy an prepared to carry out if Fresh Green Beans...... 15c qU 2 qts. 29c She clung to him. “Anthony. 1 OOLDMBDAL Nestle's 5emi 5weet 2 for 23c .... 95e the war was generally regarded ville, and Grlmaaon, were forced to fine showing against the Boston duction work. the House approves estimates of Large Snnkist Lemons, dozen ___ ....V...... 25c Anthony.” hero as a platonic reaffirmation leave the game on fouls. With Bees for five innings yesterday. The plant at Sparrows Point, ths ..Budget Bureau. Large Indian River Grapefrait,...... for 25c FLOUR Codfish Cokes 2 for 25c of Russia's already evident desire three men left on the floor, the In­ Md.. loads with 25,000. The Cam­ Thki waa diaclosed in teatimony 4 Nestle's Morsels (OaBtfesaad Freoi Page One) Dimly, some far part of her Large C A M n B L L *8 to remain outside the conflict. dians still outscored the Falcons Ssn Antonio, Tax.—An Interval bria plant at Johnstown, Pa., has by Army snginesrs bsfore a Fredi Green Peas ...... 2 qts. 25c mind remembered that she had Bhstsr A p ^ 20 In an effort to The Italian position toward tha in the final minutes of ilay. in the B oston Bees' exhi­ 15,000; the Lackawanna plant at Hoaat Appropriattens Subcommit- never clung to Clarence. Never lle c in Tomato 5oup 3 cans 23c SUPER SUDS ; avert further trouble. development was deacrlbed as one The Indiana now boast a record bition schedule gives Manager Buffalo, N. Y „ 14,500; and the tss w r ii^ hearings on the civil, THURSDAY GROCERY SPECIALS clung to any of those Ught, pleaa- of "extreme reserve."' of 17 wins against 4 defeats and Casey Stengel a chance to stage a Steelton, Pa., plant, 9,000. functloas appropriation. The hear­ «re-eeeking young men whom ahe The scene at the station, when Potatoes, Fancy, from Wapping, nice and mealy, OrstkoTic and hia foreign minister the Rec Intermediate champion- ings were made public today. had ktoaed. Kissing had been a Pitted Dates 2 lbs. 29c :M6Bpad from their train at 9:04 ahip. Box score; But if the Houae approves 15 Ib. P e c k s ...... 19c Ught game. teen. A bantering ex­ 3 ^ 3 9 c ■a.aa ($:04 a. m. eat), was somber. Admit ^Enemy’ Indteae (54) budgst estimates, $4,0o5,000 will Flour, Gold Medal or Pillsbnry, 5 lb. bag ...... 25c change. meafiingleae as a hand­ 1 LA CHOY SWAN SOAP Apricots .3 cons 25c nMdreds Uadar An eat P. B. F. T. Mighty Hunter Decides He Will bs carrisd for Nsw England, $2,- Rye Floar, Pure White, PiDsbury, 5 Ib. b a g ...... 27c shake. "This to no game.’* Hwxlrada of peraons already In Libya Town 4 Curtia. I f ...... 3 3-4 9 786,000 for flood control work on The man In tea doorway cough- NOODLES ^ A Medium 5c 5pinach 3 cons 25c A Beal'Oeed Vabwl teportad under arrest in the 4 Grlmaaon, If . . 2 1-4 5 tha Msrriinack and COanecttcut Pure Lard, 1 Ib. pkgs., 2 lb s...... I9c ad. Their, moment shattered into 1 SPROUTS ■ 2 Nteola, r f ...... Not Step Inside Cage of Bear bits. They drew apart slowly. But ■■e BROOMS nautt of ycater- . 5 2-3 13 rivers, $208,000 for new rivers and Crax, the Origiiial Educator, fresh stock, 1 Ib. pkg. 15c 1 SAUCE dfc Lge., 3 for 25c 5auerkraut 3 cans 25c r*a damoaatrationa which (Ooattaaad Pago Om ) 3 Turkii^ton, e . .10 4-6 24 harbors projects and $1,096,000 for . bis hand toric hers. They walked Eetty Crocker Strawberry Marmalade, jar only Ic, on toward where the dark trees ' to vaach grave proper- 4 Mesator, e .... . 1 0-0 3 maintenance of rivers and harbors with purchase of two pkgs. Cora Kix fo ^ ______.20c aad have repulaad anethar Italian 7 McGuire. Ig . . . . 1 0-0 2 Camp Edwards. Maas., March ^era, proprtty of the .United States projecta. were mssaed against tbs sky. Tbs Ketchup 2 Ige. btls. 25c 29e peaaanti. atadiata. Com- oounUr-attaik. 4 McOonvUlt, rg 5 0-0 10 36.—(P)—Taking hte Ilfs in oa» I government Zinn yeaterday beat With all available money bting Wheatena (mail the box top to them with 25e and aark. Tbs mlracto of thslr ktoa 1 SeadliM Grapefruit Jidey Florida Oranges . 1 _ hand and a carrot in the other. ' hia way .through tlis ^’buMi’’ of was stiU with teem, holdlag them Peas or Tomatoes 3 cons 25c i and tba (fjuvenatad Com- Tha British aaid they took many dlrscted Into defense channels, receive a pair of shears) large iflig...... 23c 3 f o r 1 0 c 2 D o e . 2 9 c | (eofnaUttes of diaeentsra) priaonera and equipment 28 27 10-19 54 Sergeant Zinn decided he a'ould 'Gambling (temp Edwards, guided only new work on which dsfenas speechless and enthralled. 1 Kemp’s Sun Rayed Tomatoe Juice, After a while, when they were datea back to Turidab em- In Ethiopia "operations continue Fatooas (42) become the first man to step inside only by street signs and new^w- nc«te were dependent was Included 121^ ox. cans 4 for 25c Corn or Limo Beans 2 cabs 19c T EA . dajrs took a laading p u t in to develop successfully in all sac- P. B. F. T. the cage of "Meanle McGee." I per articlea. for appropristion. '' walking down a gravel pate, An­ 1 SEEDLESS PINK EXTRA LARGE tloas," the communique adn$fmte Technique Winner with Dodgers Playoffs; Uawlu IT R ep ort Mrs. Floyd WUsy, Is n paUsat a t John O. Netto New Life Completed; For Conn Test in June; i Cage Playoff Series on Icel Onat 1 Mn. Cly4e MaHM ths Windham Community hospi­ Melroae, March 36—{IP)—Charies 2nd and Cards 3rd in ____ i FboM 48S1 tal In WiUlmantlc whsrs hs was 473. Stafford Abb^t Thompa ampion Cincinnati Reds through Larry /Erie’s eatlmatlon of hta, A year ago, they rode to the top Finance Committee; mony and Introduced the numbers many years, died Saturday night can be portaged by four men. thel' final workout here before man of the hoetesa committee and Beebe. Thompson, and waa graduated moat gratifying. In order to keep Abe Simon. again last night aa they nipped the Pittsburgh Hornets may hot have ’ of the hockey world, bowling over all membera are uraed^to attend. which composed the program. at the Francis Convalescent home In a drill demonstration at the New England close to everyone When-, the one-elghth-of-a-ton breaking camp fpr the trip to Mi­ Five Petitions Granted. Several books on aircraft and in West Hartford after a long Ill­ from Willlston Academy, Blast- Mohawks in a hair-raising finish been far wrong, at that. the Boston Brulna, wbo Won tbe ^ liT g lo n AnxIIUry A violin selection by Mrs. How­ other teclinlcal subjects have Just hampton. Mass., in 1881. Engaged achool for amphibian shock here, the atreets are named after stood off Joe for IS rounds In De­ ami, Havana and the baseball league championship, then going ness. Besides her husband, she at the East Side Rec, 23-20. The wars. Disgusted with his club’s poor ard C. Chase opened the program been added to the library which in farming since he began his ac­ troops, aoldien leaped aboard, some of our towns and dties, but troit laat Friday. Promoter Mike winners stepped out In front In on to best Tonmto in the ftniil Itodnine. March SSa-(Spe^lal) Stimfry Doboea Unit No. 14. followed by a premiere, showing of knelt in pooitlon, too up pad­ “I’m picking the National showing a few weeks after the American Legion Auxiliary will will be of special interest to w tive career, he also served as man­ that wasn't enough for the Anti- Jacobs Immediately re-matched the opening quarter and led 21-13 ■tart of the American Hockey piayoffe for the Stanley Cup and - it tancthy aMikai o< tlw Board a nim ‘This Is New Bkigland” and fense workers- of ...... which there is• der Wasserman of Hertford, three ager of the J. A. Thompson A dles and sped away. In prac­ Tankers. They went a step fi for Madison Square Garden Leai:ue to finish Just like It did the world championship. hold a meeting thia evening at brothers and three slaters. at halftime. Early In the third pe- last.year,” he predicted. "We’ll be League race, the scrappy little 0t Aldaruan waa bald laat ava- eight o’clock In the O. A. R. hall. second Him, “New England, Yes- an Increasing number commuting Son cider and vinegar works. tice, they alng the aong of the and erected rustie style brie ay. Now you hear that one of riod they lost Alvord on personal They never got started right t»rday and Today." Accordion State police of the Stafford Volga boatman to time their first, Brooklyn second and St. (x>ach declared, “We should be up a n a ''Sttb Mayor CUuda A. MlUa At thlB time the membera of the from South Coventry as elsewhere. He served in the Legislature aa over the sand culverts sui managers (name withheld on fouls but clever defensive work there fighting CHeveland for first during the 1940-41 seaaon. and solos were played by the Messrs Thomas Flaherty, Jr., hasecom- Springs barracks subject to be EUlington Representative in 1807- paddling*. tag our camp area. An excel lest from source) ia hemming Louis third.” k) now, after the first round of play- IMWlilliii a t which time Lebbeua , Hatheway-Mlller...... Unit...... of Elllng- called Into the Selective . service kept the Mohawks from gaining place.” Russo of Hebron followed by two menced work at the aircraft plant 0 and in the State Senate in 1901, In addition, the shock troops Job has been done and the liawing about the match. the lead. P ratt was the ouUtand- As It ta rare for the Reds’ pilot offs, they’re Juat a bunch of guys £ tM»»n n v e a detailed report,; ton will be piea^ta for the evening, will probably receive a six-months’ to come out so fiat-f(x>ted for any­ “Well, although the Hornets a w a the ' Mra. Helen Rothe. prealdent of. the vocal solos by anthony Flano. A In East Hartford, having finished and waa a member qf the Elling­ use an unsinkable reconnais- are to be commended. The reason—and If this doesn't Ing player on the floor as he tal­ heading back to Canada f(gr 'uie I to the inauranee or me __._____ -. deferment With the announcement thing except the doctrine of clean never threatened (Tleveland during summer—tiiat is all except^uss Sa regard to the inauranca unit will preside and there will be girl’s chorus composed of Agnes short training course In Pratt ton School Board 10 years. He was aance boat with gimwalea only Naturally it was a bit difficult elay you, try a gun—la that this lied 14 points. the regular aeason and barely CgyHi rariooa departmenta. a social hour at the cloee of the Kreysig, Dorothy Shedd, OUve and Whitney’s. by State Police Commissioner Eld- a member of the SAR and a char­ a few liichej above the water. for the first few days at camp for particular pilot 14 “afraid” Joe will The outcome left the Vikings, living, he ’as asked quickly to Patrick, who ta eligible for the give hta reasons, before he could made the playoffs, they still may MIowtng the last report of the buaineas program dlrectet. by Miss Swanson, Allison Lee, June Mlld- Miss Elolse Schweyer Is spend­ ward J . Hickey that he will ask a ter member of Ellington Grange. I t wUl carry two men sitting everyone to get accustomed to the chop “our' Abe” down ta a coupic Mohawks and Hawks tied again draft and expects to go Into t h i ' ner, Elolne Anderson and Pearl ing a vacation at her home, from six months deferment of slate po­ Hs was a trustee of the EUlngton change bis mind. have the chance to fight it out Army soon. Wtmak Murphy Company, audl- Lucille Brigham, chairman of the on inflated rubber seats, or new surroundings and schedule of minutes the next time, thereby with one win and one loss apiece, with the Barons, this time for the tan, an insurance survey was Community Service committee. Olebecke gave two selections. the Sargent College of Physical licemen where individual cases Congregational church for many can be used as a raft to carry and at the same time help each affecting the gate for the Bomb­ making It necessary to arrange a It’s simple," he said. “We’ve Ousted by Bed Wings The third movie was "The Snow Education, Boston University. years and a directed of the Elling­ won the last two yeare and I think Manchester Trade’s atate aasa B. schoolboy champs take on the beat opposition they’ve ever (Raider trophy. After finishing fourth in the ’ gwaaomended, and thia was work- Refreshments will be served at warrant It, In the Interest of Na­ equipment while propelled iT other overcome whatever bome- er's tea party with Billy Conn In second playoff to find an opponent Last night, Plttaburgh won the the concluaion pf the program. Train’’ and showed the skiing ad tional defense and the state’s wel­ ton Library Association. awlmmlng soldiers. slckneas which appeared. How­ for the Charter Oak Bluei In the we’re stronger Uian ever before. been called on to face in meeting the Pollah-Americans at the East Side Rec thle Friday night in a regular season, the Rangers wars a i out by Mr. Biaaell who explain- June. The way the co-mai»ger opening game of the semi-final eliminated by the Detroit Rod ad tba rarioua pomta. atatlng why StlVFF TMI entures of the amateurs and the fare. No state policeman haa yet Mr. Thompaon was a director of ever, ta the Army there are plenty figures It out. laat Friday’s fuss title series. The new .a$;hedule fol­ They’re got to come after us. and benefit cage attraction for the Kiddles Camp Fund of the Klwanls club. Winners of 17 out of 20 professionals. All movies were the Rockville branch of the Hart- we’ll be hard to Catch. playoff aeries from the Hershey Wings last night, 3 to 2, in the n waa raeommended to ralae the The Ladies Aid society of the been drafted. of things to keep everyone oc­ made It look Uke Conn haa a bet­ lows: Wednesday, March 26, starts thta season, including threeatralght In the “B” tourney, the Traders seem certain to make Bears, 4-1, while the Barons swept laauianm la aome departments Crystol Lake Methodist church shown through the courtesy of the Installation of officers of Baker ford-Cdnnectlcut Trust company, cupied and tbe “Army Sj^rlt” con­ Hawks vs. Vikings s t 8 p. m.; “Jim Gleeson gives me, a better things interesting for their eeml-pro rival. ’Left to right, front row, are Joseph DraghI, Wallace third and final game of their open­ Marlborough the Broad Brook Bank A Trust ter than fair chance of beating into the final round with a 6-S vic­ ing playoff series. Detroit w(m ' aad to lower it la othem The re- will hold a Silver Tea for the New Haven railroad. A violin solo Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, To Fight Plan quered and now prevails tbrough- Joe. But if Loula lays Abe low in Thursday, March 27. Hawks vs. punch In my outfield. Floyd Paroiak, Captain Leo Katkaveck, ZIgmund Olbert. Back row, Chester BycholskI, Charles Hlrth, by Mrs. Chase concluded the pro­ Company and the Savings Bank of Young and Bob Mattlck give me tory over the Providence Rede. two of the three games and now patt waa referred to the FInaace benefit of the church on Thursday Mrs. Howard Lord will be held tortighL Wednesday, ouL par the next, time, lota of the cash Mohawks at 7 p.'-m.; Friday, Chester Kirka, Coach Harry Kltchlng, Charles Packard. Mitchell Rubacha and Walter Saverick. The decision gave Cleveland the gram. Mrs. AMytA S. Kline ac Rockville. Supplies Now Beady March 28, Mohawks \u. Vikings st tbe best all-aroimd reserve will oppose tbe fifth-place Chl(tagp afternoon. The affair will be held SS4-S, East Hampton at a meeting in Masonic hall. Mrs. customers may forget all about first-place series three games to Blackhawka, who eliminated the Btra petltlana srsre graated at at the Community House at the companled all the muslral num­ Raymond C. Barrows and Mr. Bar- First elected secretary of the 6 p. m. Box score: strength for my Infield that I’ve Union Agricultuml Society in 18- To Reorganize Our Supply SergeanL Elmer the Detroit embarrassment and one. They will meet the winner of Montreal Canadiens in a similar M k aigBt'a aeaalon, two of which lake starting at two o’clock. bers. — rows of Prospect atreet will be in­ Boyle, has three tents, all ta order VlUnga ever had. And the way Monte The door prise, twenty gallons 'A Well-Child Conference will be 80, Mr. Thompson had been an of­ decide to stay away from the Coiui tbe three-game Plttsburgh-Her- series. CTiicago also w o n the de­ WSra tor asw hoatea: William L. Lentea Meeting stalled as worthy matron and and arranged very neatly so that bout for fear of what may happen P Name B F T Pearson ta pitching I wouldn’t be ahey series in a beat-of-flve finals. of gasoline, was won by Thomas ficer more than 50 years, and his 2 Ptett, r f ...... 6 2-6 14 surprised If he was a big winner Bea"le Club Sets ciding game, 3-2, last night. Ths 9 mtm ta build a B room houaa llM mid week Lenten service of held Tuesday, April 5, 1041 from worthy patron. supplies can be properly disbursed Basketball Coaches Want Nich Knbtt, Hornet rookie, put two-of-three semi final aeries wUl H att OB Lewis atreet; Christine the First Lutheran church will be Murdock of Lake streeL Refresh­ term of 48 years as treasurer is New Haven Road Head to Billy Boy. 1 Reider, I f ...... 3 0-0 6 for us. 9:30 to 11:30 p. m. at Richmond Mrs. Albert H. Kimball of East far the longest of anyone who held sa necessary. During the past few However, Joe’s other manager his mates out In. front with a first open at Detroit tomorrow jUght, m. Bebarth for a ooe faailly bouse held this evening at 7:So o’clock. ments of coffee and doughnuts street and Mrs. Dexter Gaston of days breeches were issued to each 1 Rice,- c 0 0-0 0 "And, speaking of pitching, 1 Trials, April 5-6 were served by the members of the Memorial Library. Children who office for the society. Calls Program *Unwar- and Joe himself want Simon again. 1 1-1 3 period goal on passes from Red The second ^ m e ta echediffM for m -n on Oeaietery avenue at the Following the service the men of Grant avenue were elected to man and also each man received a 4 AlvonL r g ...... think from what I’ve seen so far 3-Second Rule Eliminated Currie and Mickey Blake. Currie, 8nn(tay at ^Icago and the third the church will meet In'the Sun­ Women's Society of Christian Ser- will enter school In ihe fall for ths He leaves a son, Abbott B. Joe never Ukes to “look bad" 0 TedforA Ig ...... 0 0-0 0 that thta ta the year Johnny Yon­ tear of Mra. Rock'a home; Arthur membership In the Stafford Wood­ ranted and Unfair.* new metal foot locker ao that sup­ against any fighter, and be cer­ Field trials oanctioned by the one of the league’s faster skaters, at Detroit next Tuesday. for a ben coop U x8 a t IS day achool room for a Brotherhood vice of the QuarryviUe Methodist first time are urged to attend this 1 Thompson of Melrose; a daughter, gaag. ■' ----- — der Meer will come back. He’s en's club. f I Mra. Rawson R. Cowen of waban. plies and clothing will be more tainly waa no “oomph” guy tn 3-7 23 American Kennel club will be held New York, March 26—(07— The v ard alx-feet-by-four size and pre- scored the clincher shortly after The winner of thia round will go . Aaron Kloter to re- meeting and the President of the church. clinic. Anyone wUhlng transporta­ easily kept neat ta each tenL 8 T o ta ls ...... 10 close right now to his form of Mass.; a slater. Miss Fannie E. New Haven, March 36—(07— there the other night. So he wants Mohawks by the New England Beagle club nation’s college baaketball coaches, ferably of glaaa; that the court be the start of the second eeesion. Into the Stanley Chip final, a bfat- _____old p o ^ to sun porch 34x8 N. K. State Brotherhood will be Proceeds will be in the neighbor­ tion. t>lease notify Mrs. Norman Our tents have been rearranged three years ago when he pitched of-aeven battle, against the survi­ present to addrees the meeting, hood of fifty dollara and will be Thompson of Melroae, and seven The Interstate Commerce Com' another crack at Jimmy John­ P Name B F T at its running grounda in Bolton In almost perfect agreement that 84 feet in length from basket to When Gordon Bruce scored behind a t S Cedar street; and Arthur Via- Lord. ao that we now have two-deckere two no-hltters. Still Just a bit on Saturday and Sunday, April 5 a three-man Hershey rush late in vor of the long playoff betwaan m at to ralocato garaga on Union flraad Lodge Officers turned over to tbe Building com­ grandchildren. mission’s reorganization plan to ston’s gladiator—and will have IL 3 Haugh, r f ...... 0 0-2 0 wild, but he’s unhlttable when he courts and playing equipment be basket and 50 feet wide; that the Several membera of the local The funeral will be conducted by and a clothes rack haa been in­ For, no matter what they say, Joe and 6, it waa announced t(xlay by ball be a laccless stitch bail of the second peri(xl. the Horiieta Boston’s league champions and ths Grand Chancellor Elmer H. mittee of the Quarryville church. school board plan to attend the Wapping liquidate the equity of share hold­ 0 DegulUs, i f ...... 3 0-1 6 gets the ball across. atandardlaed, have managed to the Rev. Theodore Darrah in the stalled ta each tenL Now that ev­ Is grown up now and as smart as 0 Shields , If ...... 0 0-0 0 John A. Leavitt of Mountain Road. get together on one rule change brown leather Infiated to 13 took to defensive play until about SMOnd-placs Toronto Maple Lsoft. Ttaa andltoc'a report urhlch waa Lounsbury and his official ataff Dancing followed the refresh­ re^nilar spring Joint gathering o t ers in the New York, New Haven eryone is established, it all goes to No Sub for Lombardi Toronto took a 3-1 le^ in that trtisil at the last meeting waa will be gueats at the meeting of ments. Mrs. W. W. OniBt Ellington Congregatiem church at the next fellow—and hla managers 0 Goldwaithe, c ...... 2 0-1 4 Qlaatonbury, who la secretary of they consider desirable. pounds, and that court lighting be three minutes before the end. ^ a rd s o t Elducatlon of Colchester, A Hartford railroad waa opposed make life happier aad more com­ “Catching ta about the only the club and in charge of entries, Then, Aurle ordered them to open seven-game round last night by feUM up aad accepted. Damon '..odge.'Knighta of Pythias Osse Continued 7894, Blaaohsster 2:30 Friday"and burial will be in know IL 1 Gaudino, c ...... 1 1-2 3 Concluding the two-day conven­ I made to conform to epeclficatlone Blast Haddam, East Hampton, He­ EUlngton cemetery. today by the carrier’s directorate fortable for everyone. place we’re not Improved. We for the two-day affair. , of the rules committee’s research up. and quick goals by Peanuts handing the Bruins their wornit A latter rssignatton waa read to be held this evening In Csstle 1 K. Ferguson, rg .... 0 1-2 1 haven't a replacement for Wally tion of the National Association of o t A speeding case scheduled to be bron, Lebanon, Salem and Sprague as preventing “participation by Pleased With Meals Saturday’s program will Include committee, headed by "Phog' O’Flaherty and Captain Ix>me licking of the year. 7-2. Paced by taaa AMermaa a^ large John Ida- Hall. Chancellor Commander Paul beard (n the Trial Justice Court on which will be :>eld In the Lsrman Don’t get old Jim Braddock 2 S. Ferguson, r g ----- 0 0-1 0 Hershberger, who committed sui­ Basketball Coaches yeeteriay, A bam owned by Albert Trom­ the present stockholders to any Mess Sergeant John Uollmitser 2 2-2 6 events for 15 inch derb.y dogs and they voted to recommend to the Allen of Kanaas. Duguld followed. Not a single big Syl Apps, who returned to ac­ trii who waa recently Inducted la­ Orenig will preside s t the meeting Monday before Trial Justice Memorial High School at Lebanon wrong about this “comeback” try. 2 JagoutA Ig ...... cide-On our last Easter trip last tion after a month’s absence with which wlU be followed by a social bly of Rye atreet burned to the future prosperity.” continues to serve the best meals The Cinderella man, atill one of bitches combined and' 15-lnch all­ National nil,.} committee that the I Neta Norgren, University of Chi penalty was called throughout the ta tbe Salactlve servica for a year George O. Rose haa been continued Thursday evenli^. President Howard S. Palmer year, but we still have a mighty age dogs and bitches combined, knee injury, the Leate f(nged and this was accepted with re- hour and refreshments. ground Monday night, despite the Police Court ta camp and our fellows proudly the grandest guys the noae-fiatten- 0 Totals’ . . . .-^...... 8 4-11 20 three-second '“uie be eliminated. cago coach, was elected Asaocta' game. until next week Monday. The TrirCounty Christian Union efforts of tbe South Windsor and said yesterday to his annual re­ Vikings. go(xl catcher In Ernie Lombardi. while Sunday’s events will be for Under present rules, a player is al­ lion president to succeed Neit Hoi' The first penalty shot scored In ahead with a pair of goals whlls rofoL H o aetloa waa taken to fill MUttoty Whist Aocldeat a t School Corners' bqast that to everyone. Ot course tag industry ever has boasted, ' Score at half: 21-13 As you can see, X-om’s still favor­ ths teams were piaffing sbort- ^tn -meet in the Westchester Con­ Broad Brook fire departments. port to stockholders that the com­ bis Job Is lightened by tbe able Referee: Hedlun(L 13 Inch derby doga and 'bitches lowed to retain possession of the man of tbe College of the City of the history of the Cleveland Arena S a aafanrir The Rockville Emblem Club wlU An accident at the four comer* gregational church Sunday eve­ Thomas Walton, truck operator knows he's no young colt any ing his ankle slightly, but he will lianded late in the se

WEDIfESDAT, MARCH Z€, \ flCam^fBtnr Ctirains IS m lli • 4

V Mahehastsr Tent No. 3, Knights A ooB waa bom raaanUy to Mr. Mrs. Edna Oass Parker, chair­ man of the committee in charge of the Maccabees, will hold its and Mia. Oeorga TrUka, of Woon­ regular meeting this evening at >nt T o w n socket, R. 1. Mra. Trtaka h e ^ of the spring rummage sale of the S e w yourself a new Memorial Hospital auxiliary in eight o'clock in the Balch and Range AFuelO il her marriakc waa Mlaa Katherine Brown hall. Depot Square. A good, the former first National store From ntt pun^ «( wwt Flka o f 16T Middle Turnpike Kaat turnout of the members is hoped, > on Main strsst, near the Center, _ s t a n d a r d OIL CO. 1 6 * , who ia 'rUrttJn* wlUl be asaiatsd by Mrs. Charles for as plana will be discussed for Spring' apd Summer! celebrating the 53rd anniversary Mr. OBd Mra. Stophon Robert I. Brown of t5 Church Pblber and by the president, Mrs. of New Jersey ; o f IM HoaiUn atrort, will atreet. haa been named to the of the lodge sometime in April. Alfred Sundqulst and vice presi­ One of the Biggest \ at tho T:SO oarvico thia dean’a liat for the llrat aemealer at dent, Mrs. Oeorge W. House. *rhe NMtheaatem University, Boaton. Mias Faith Stevenson of 67 at tha Church of the latter heads one of the groupi of Producers! W ardrobe! He la taking: a course in chemical Hamlin street and C. H. Gustafson u’omen workers. ptber group of B1 High street, won the five dol­ engtaieeriBg. leaders who are assisting are Mrs. Customers have bought PLAY CLOTHES DAY CLOTHES Rar. Z>r. B w l « . Story of the lar prises drawn last night at ^he over 2,000,000 gallons in the MU Sigma Chi society membra W. W. Bella. Mrs. D. M. Caldwell regular meeting of Anderson-Shea Kith Methodlat church w ^ apeak and Mrs. William Knofskie. last two years. It must be CLOTHES FOR EVERY OCCASION ; the iKotaB acrvice thia evcadni;: taking part in the three-act play, auxiliary. Mrs. Anna Barron, who . at the church on •’ChrlB- “The U fe of Riley,*’ are requested was chairman, appreciates the co­ good because our volume is _ Certitude in an Uncertain to report for rehearsal tonight at Rev. James W. Young, mlnlAer operation of all and announces hicreaslng all the time. Washable Striped and Plain Fine rerM,” the theme of the preaent se\*en o'clock at the Second Con- of the Church of the Nazarene, that an appreciable sum was Feed Moon’s Starter j^^pclea of aarricea. gregattonal church. Mrs. Young, and Miss Anna raised for the purchase of dishes, Try An Order This French, attended the alumnae din­ silverware and cooking utensils at Mash __ Chambrays yd. 39c the V. F. W. home. ner of the Eastern Naurene Col­ For Week. Real yam dyed colors tn beautiful plain lege Monday evening at Quincy shades to match the stripes. high school. The guest speaker Mrs. Frank T. Hall, of 18 U l- Quick and Economical Range Oil 7V2C Gal. waa H. V. Kaltenbom, well known ley street, who has been critically 'Growth! u 90 Oxlloa Lots. FRESH FISH Lower radio commentator, whose subject ill for the past 12 weeks is begin­ was “What Is New in the W a r }” ning to show Improvement Sold By FlOst of Haddock, Asparagus Prices Fuel Oil 6.2c Gal. Washable Striped and Plain Large 2\'i Pound In 100 OxIloB Lots or Over. floaiider. Rev. George D. Wilcox of Grace Larsen’s Feed Service Gray Sole and Bunch . .. ---- " T ^ C Church, Stafford Springs, will be 38 Depot Square Seersuckers yd- 39d; Red Perch the Lenten speaker at the service 5406 Tel. 3520 L T .W O O D C o . Summer Squash 10c, 15c, 18c tonight at 7:30 in St. Mary’s WORRIED A range of beautiful patterns and color SLwkCod Beet Greens...... 25c lb. Episcopal church. Open Thurs.. Sat. Till 9:00 Telephone 449$ Ings. Seersucker requires no Ironing! Dandelion Greens ... .29c lb. ABOUT MONEY? Y^^Vaddock Teachers and officers of the Fresh Lim as...... 24c qt. Emanucl^Lutberan church school Kaaey Smelts will have^a meeting tomorrow eve­ Oya4era (lenuine Tenderknived Cube ning at 7:30 at the home of Mra. Oat a CASH laaa af 36” Fast Color Candy Stripe Ruth Chambers, 156 Main street Claafis Steaks...... 12c to 15c each las ta »aoe BINGO Hexdquarters Piques yd- 29c Praoh Chopped Memorial Temple Pythian Sla­ Do u handradt St. James’ School Hall Indian River Oranges, ters setback party was well at­ ^ 2 5 for Simplicity A striped dress or playsuit of colorful of otbar folks Groand Bm L O Q m Dozen ...... 32c tended last night. The winners do — coaM to- Park Street and McCslI pique Is a “ must*“.ltem for your Summer Lb...... A O C 2 Dozen 59c were, first, Mrs. Joale KelMi of I day to AaMNaf- Patterns wardrobe. Brown, blue, red stripes. Wadsworth street; Mrs. Harold I Charges arc 3% FREE MMe SbeoMers of Germaine, second and Arthur ' monthly on btl- Tonight at 8 % Seedless Grapefruit, Beers of East Hartford. The door anccs np to Domestic Dept. LAMB 4 f o r ...... 25c prise was drawn by Mrs. Mamie SIOOm t % on balances GAME Doors Open At 7:00. Dickinson of Bigelow street Mrs. above. Co-aignera not re­ Vorykan iQm William Samlow, chairman, and quired. S.7lbo„Lb. lyW 20 Regular Games! Ketchbrook Farm Native her committee served sandwiches F ya R tweaeftaaaaaeTIjB Tonight Potatoes and coffee at the close of the Hava 7 to 10 chops cat games. 6 Free Games! Special, Peck 25e % M N a f riNANCI cc off and the rest fixed for 4 Door Prizes! 100 lb. b a g ...... $1.25 r u Mein SI. stewiaf. Reenia S anfl S Tel. sane DOTS^T Specials and Sweepstakes! state Theater HI-Hp T»«dOT Sw at Pen s...... » ^ana 49c BnIMIac MISS IT I.leceac Sa. SSI Admission 25c. PttbUc Xlm ds7 fo r ReymMider’s OM-Fnshlon Rsisin Bread I dunged to Tharsday. Order thia great big loaf, Setback hock f«n of raisina, at Pinehnrat Thursday, 15c a loaf. Bryn Rite Thursday Evening,

Is A Star Number

8:30 For Your Wardrobe K. of C Home xl” .'.v' M ^ '

Cash Prises

$ 2.25


America's “star'' slip be­ HALE'S SELF SERVE cause it.s 4-gore cut fils [PLDIIBING a HEATING CONTRACTING The Original In New England! everybody perfectly. Made of silk u d rayon Satin Phoae 3627 Seraphim. Petal, wh^te, black, navy. Sizes 32-44.

AND HEALTH MARKET Also short and extra lengths.

gov( \ A u o i o o n u u f THURSDAY SPECIALS I) Lingerie Dept. araUTUAL MEDIUM ■SbnMgMsraCnSavaath Sen Groan Stanpo With Cash Sales,

Bara WMkn VaB. * ' ^ * * \ 1 *(■ I OaBr S A M. la t M lS-0«neatea Jar Vennoat\ MaM r. faUMaenrlea

terM T sara. Syrup 6, Hartford, Cana. S-S3S7 Lnrga Paekaga A ra l Jemlam BRYN RITE

Poncoke Flour 11c 2 for 21 e

Prices Slashed Quaker Oats Med. Box

Tops in Preference SELLING OUT ALL

DRY GOODS Salada Tea because it*s Red Ubel. Spemi Olffjet/ iBchkIiBg Shoes —ho s ie ry Vi Lb. 38c 31e and Yard Goods you P IT THIS $9.93 Tops in Performance

Olaat Mm Paekaga Kellogg’a NICHOLS’ STORE **Just Look At The Mechanism!** S aS eS m

Hichland Park Corn Flakes 2 for 23c


Surve^ among refrigerator users Haots foster — stays hotter

Salt I'/fl.K Box 4 C and prospective buyers show more — start ironing In THIRTY peOpf^prefer a G-E than any SECONDS oftsr you con- (Contents Only) nsrt it. The ONLY auto­ other make. Our prices and terms Vinegar Gol. matic Iron with Thimib-tip TAXI! 17c make it easy to own this “ standard Hsot Regulator up in the CALL and .Quality . . . a Rara YaragDatek of refrigerator excellence.” hondU, away from the Comhinatinn at a Bargain Price! fingers, coiWeniently 6588 Praaapt! (When you choose a refrigerator marked for all types of Dog or Cat Food 6 Cans 25c Safe: rem em ^r you are buying some­ .fabrics. Light we^htl 34-Hoav Servtoat Callforala thing that should last a long time

— and should be easy on your $ ^ .9 5 Ddiven TTui

Mmndiester Taxi Oranges Dor. 2 9 c pocketbook all through the yean. Ij . A N D THIS $4.95 Jaa. M. Oreteh. rdf. MSea At Tka .Pea Bo m Giet a General Electric and you Na. 1 BaMwla REFRKXRATOR RID-JID AUTOMATIC gre sure to get your money’s worth. Easiest to handle—light in weight—en­

tirely Automatic, e Self opening, e Sdlf Apples 6 Lbo. 19c

locking e Self dosingl Sets up os you set

it down . . . folds up os you pick it u|L AND LOOK AT THESE WASHER No stooping or bending. Hra the exclusive,

HEALTH MARKET . R. Wilkie patented lock-ring that holds table rigid, steady, solid when set up. Folds compactly Walker S t TeL 8S65 Hear It Sizzle In The PnnI AND RAN(X VALUES

—conveniently hung on wall or doisr.

, '% 's .... STEAK .... 'astenrized Milk

YOU GETJ 9 9 0 IRONING SIRLOIN lb. A ^ ^ — THIS 3 SET and Cream ROUND lb.

f t « n Selected Famn Tkla popalar priced model CUBE A N 8 Y 0 U R leads the parade. Com­ High Quality! Nicely Trinuned! pare It with an atkoro. It M i IRON Like y ««r awa haade, a O. ■. Is really the leader with washes each piece ssparatsly. thor- these eoKvraleaoes: I eal- e«ghly, gsKtly, wtthotst taagttag or rad sorfaea aatts. Large h am to tha fabric— givee leag Ufa Flavor-Saver area, d-qt. "HtHat" Potato Salad ta ya«r cletkee. Prteea aad tenae Thrift Caoker aa<' I REST In A Bowl! ara easy aa yatw budget. B c a M u t 1-Ptoee GREEN STAMPS GIVEN WITH CASH SALES. 19e lata Top. Large storage iTTRESS For G. E. Rout of'Month Contest. drasrara aad

M rC ra a ra ! Conte In For Yoor Entry Blank BtyUag.


1 Mettwurst Lb. 33c The JWHAU CORK


Blood Rings Lb- 33c MAMOflT H I COHH* ■ ' ' '.i: ' . ■ > . u?:.., liT.^xt L..' ’ -4 f- s M