Reviews of NationalReviews Policies for Education Reviews of National Policies Reviews of National Policies for Education for Education Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan 2009 Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS AND THOSE WITH Republic and Tajikistan DISABILITIES 2009 This OECD publication reviews the current state of education policies for children with special education needs and those with disabilities in Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Republic, and Tajikistan. It offers an overview of the respective country backgrounds, AND THOSE WITH DISABILITIES education systems and relevant legislation, and takes a critical look at access to education for what is considered to be the most vulnerable group of children in the countries reviewed. Particular attention is paid to inclusive education policies, to the processes of identification and assessment, to overall policy co-ordination for the provision of education services, to integration in mainstream education, as well as to good practices and the role of NGOs and the donor community. 2009 Tajikistan and Republic Kyrgyz Kazakhstan, The publication is part of the OECD series Reviews of National Policies for Education and is prepared by the Programme for Co-operation with Non-Member Economies of the Directorate for Education. The full text of this book is available on line via these links: www.sourceoecd.orgemergingeconomies/9789264073210 Those with access to all OECD books on line should use this link: SourceOECD is the OECD online library of books, periodicals and statistical databases. For more information about this award-winning service and free trials ask your librarian, or write to us at
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