MONTHLY CURRENT AFFAIRS MCQ BOOKLET January 2021 Current Affairs MCQ (BEST 500+ Question) Provided by Current Affairs Funda Youtube Channel NOTE – ALL QUESTIONS ARE ORIGINAL WORK OF CAF ©COPY RIGHTS RESERVED Contact Admin -
[email protected] Current Affairs Funda Youtube Channel - Who has been given an one-year extension, till January 14, 2022, as the secretary, Department of Space? अंतरिक्ष विभाग के सविि के 셂प में 14 जनििी, 2022 तक वकसे एक साल का विस्ताि विया गया है? a. K. Sivan b. P.K. Mishra c. Rajiv Gauba d. Sanjay Kothar Ans. K. Sivan Explantion Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) was established in August 1969. • The Government of India constituted the Space Commission and established the Department of Space (DOS) in June 1972 and brought ISRO under DOS in September 1972. • The Secretariat of DOS and ISRO Headquarters are located at Antariksh Bhavan in Bangalore. Who has been appointed as the new Chairman & Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Railway Board? िेलिे बोर्ड के नए अध्यक्ष औि मुख्य कायडकािी अविकािी (सीईओ) के 셂प में वकसे वनयुक्त वकया गया है? a. Rajiv Bansal b. Suneet Sharma c. Rakesh Asthana d. Surjeet Singh Deswal Ans. Suneet Sharma Explantion • Former Eastern Railway general manager Suneet Sharma was appointed the new Railway Board Chairman and CEO upon the completion of the term of incumbent V K Yadav. • Yadav was given an extension in January 2020. 1 Current Affairs Funda Youtube Channel - Arya Rajendran, touted to be the youngest-ever mayor in India, sworn in as the mayor of which municipal corporation? भाित में सबसे कम उम्र की मेयि कही जाने िाली आयड िाजेंद्रन ने वकस वनगम के मेयि के 셂प में शपथ ली? a.