The Impact of Media Concentration The Representative on on Professional Freedom of the Media Journalism VIENNA 2003 REPRESENTATIVE ON FREEDOM OF THE MEDIA The Impact of Media Concentration on Professional Journalism Researcher: Johannes von Dohnanyi Assisting: Christian Möller Vienna 2003 On the cover is a drawing entitled Des Schreibers Hand (The Writer’s Hand) by the German author and Nobel prize laureate (1999) Günter Grass. He has kindly let our Office use this as a label for publications of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media. The drawing was created in the context of Grass’s novel Das Treffen in Telgte, dealing with literary authors at the time of the Thirty Years War. The publisher thanks the governments of the Federal Republic of Germany and The Netherlands for their financial support to this publication. © 2003 Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Office of the Representative on Freedom of the Media Kärntner Ring 5-7, Top 14, 2. DG, A-1010 Vienna Telephone: +43-1 512 21 450 Telefax: +43-1 512 21 459 E-mail:
[email protected] Texts in this book represent solely the views of the researchers themselves and do not necessarily correspond with the official position of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media. Photograph on the cover: Jacqueline Godany, Vienna Design: WerkstattKrystianBieniek, Vienna Contents Preface by Freimut Duve 9 Introduction by Johannes von Dohnanyi and Christian Möller 11 1. The Impact of Media Concentration on Professional Journalism by Johannes von Dohnanyi 15 Democracy and Professional Journalism International Legal Framework The Socio-Political Role of the Media in General and Daily Newspapers in Particular Concentration in the Media Sector Legislation on Media Concentration The European Union and Media Concentration New Threats on the Horizon •Cross-Media Ownership •Cross-Border Ownership •Professional Journalism under Attack 2.