BRENTWOOD BOROUGH LOCAL WILDLIFE SITE REVIEW 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EECOS, December 2012 Brentwood Borough Local Wildlife Sites Review 2012 BRENTWOOD BOROUGH LOCAL WILDLIFE SITE REVIEW 2012 FINAL December 2012 Prepared by Essex Ecology Services Ltd. EECOS Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough, Colchester, Essex, CO5 7RZ 01621 862986,
[email protected] Company Registered No. 2853947 VAT Registered No. 945 7459 77 Brentwood Borough Council Town Hall Client Ingrave Road Brentwood Essex CM15 8AY Client Representative Kate Gordon, Principal Planner Author Adrian Knowles BSc FRES MIEEM, Senior Ecologist Approved By Neil Harvey BSc MIEEM, Manager of EECOS Report Status Final Date of Issue 4th December 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EECOS, December 2012 Brentwood Borough Local Wildlife Sites Review 2012 IMPORTANT NOTES Nomenclature The terms "Site of Importance for Nature Conservation" (SINC) and “County Wildlife Site” (CoWS) used in previous reports are here replaced by the currently generally accepted term of “Local Wildlife Site” (LoWS). Where a building, other property or location is used in the name of a LoWS it is not being implied that the ownership of that LoWS is associated with the property named. It is merely a descriptive use for ease of locating a piece of land that might have no universally recognised name or other obvious geographical location. In the report, when a location is referred to as a Site (with a capital S) this is an abbreviation that means it is a Local Wildlife Site. Scope The new National Planning Policy Framework places a responsibility on all local planning authorities to protect and enhance their flora, fauna and wildlife habitats (“biodiversity”) and also geological features and soils (“geodiversity”).