i i 1 Reference No. on Standard Standard Map filed Purchase Price. Beg. Name of Tenant. ! Postal Address. Barony. Townland. in Land Area. Bent. Annuity. No. Purchase i Commis- sion. A. .B. P. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. Holdings subject to Judicial Bents fixed before the 16th August, 1896. Patrick Corrigan 230 Broomie- , Killycreen 3B, 3K, | 4 1 31 law, East 3L, 3M, I Glasgow. 3N, 3O, ! 4F, 4G, 4H 5 6 10 3 15 0 78 18 11 < and an undivided *tb of Plot 3, containing in all 62 1 2 John Maguire and \ Killytaggart, Magheraboy, Killytaggart 2 19 2 25 12 4 08 11 4180 7 0 Thomas Maguire !• Boho, (junior) J Co. Fermanagh. Holdings subject to Judicial Bents fixed between the lath August, 1896, and the 16th August, 1911. Patrick Corrigan 230 Broomie- Clanawley Killycreen , 3C, 3H, ! 6 3 4 law, East 3J, 4D, Glasgow. 4E and an . 5 10 0 472 91 15 1 undivided fthsof Plot 3, containing i V in all 62 1 2 / John McGrath and Drumaran, do. do. 2 75 0 2 4 17 0 3 17 0 81 1 1 Francis Joseph v , McGrath ] Co. Fermanagh. Holdings subject to Judicial Bents fixed after the 15th August, 1911.

5 John M'Govern Mullylost, Clanawley, Killycreen . 3 A, 3D, 7 0 28 and , East 3E, 3F, Jane M'Govern Co. Fermanagh. 1 3G, 3P, (Spinster) 4, 4A, ; 4B, 4C do. do. \ and an 500 462 90 14 0 undivided fthsof Plot 3, containing in all 62 1 2 do. Kilycreen 10 005 West 6 James Leonard and 1 Killycreen do. do. 5A, SB 26 0 33 7 13 0 6 11 10 138 15 5 Thomas Leonard j West, Belcoo, Co. Fermanagh. 7 Thomas Maguire Killytaggart, Magheraboy Killytaggart 1 13 2 15 660 5 8 8114 7 9 (senior) Boho, ! Co. Fermanagh. NOTES.—(a) Each holding when vested in the purchaser shall continue to have appurtenant thereto, and to be subject to, as the case may be, any previously existing easements, rights and appurtenances. (b) The gale-days for the payment of rent in respect of the above-mentioned holdings are the 1st May and 1st November.

Dated this llth day of March, 1931. W. E. MACLATCHY, Secretary. Land Purchase Commission, , 7 Upper Queen Street, Belfast.

Form " M." Ireland, intend to make an order vesting the Lands referred to in the Schedule hereunto LAND PURCHASE COMMISSION, annexed in the Land Purchase Commission, NORTHERN IRELAND. Northern Ireland The said Order will have Record No. N.I. 693. the effect of vesting the said Lands in the said Commission in fee-simple, subject as follows: — Estate of MARY ROBINSON (Widow), and (a) To any public rights affecting the lands. WILLIAM McCoLLUM (Trustees of the Will, (b) To any maintenance charge under the dated 5th August, 1891, of Hugh Robinson, Public Works Acts. deceased), continued in the names of Sarah (c) To any easements, rights, and appur- Robinson, Mary S. Robinson, and Violet M. tenances mentioned in Section 34 of the Robinson. Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1896. TAKE NOTICE that unless cause is shown and also subject to the reservation of such to the contrary within two months from this mineral rights and sporting rights as may be date, the Land Purchase Commission, Northern excepted and reserved in and by a Perpetuity