Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1948-07-20
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Wealth Unhealthy, They Say The Weather Today Considerable cloudiness, warm and humid IIUNTlNGTON, W. V A., (JP}-Saturday night Jack L. Adau.1 won $7,300 on .. radio quia contest, but hlB today and tomorrow with scattered show· a wUe toda,. said the)' were refusln. the sudden wealth. ers and thunderstorms. High today 89-92; "We don't fIlUre It's worth the trouble, " she said. "Our health won't stand Ii, 50 we've decided not to take at owaJll low 68. High yesterday 86; low 61. I the mone,.." Established 18GS-Vol. 80, No. 2SO-AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Tuesday, July 20, 1945-Five Cents Single Plane Last March for a Soldier Bombs (airo • Allied Leaders Meet, In Night Raid CAIRO (JP) - A plane raided Cairo late last night, dropping one bomb which blasted Fouad street jp the heart of Cairo. Discuss Berlin Crisis There was no immediate re port of the damage or whether there were any casualltles. The Cairo air raid alarm system West Europe Talk About Burning Holes in Pockets- Administration \lIIIllediately went into action and by throwing of a central swith TSINAN, HINA (lP)-When the Tsinan power plant almost the city was completely blacked ran out of coal, plant officials saved the day by burning money. out. A barrage of anti-aircraft Terms Issue (ails Round 01 veral days' oal supply W8 1i8ved by burning more than JIlIls followed. 100 ca s of chrap Chinese currency in small denominations. Munitions experts told Premier With the .S. doUar today worth more than eight million Mahmoud Fahmy Nokrashy Pasha 'Very Grave' yuan, p ople no long r will ace pt small bills of less than 10,000 Secrel Talks that the missle was "an aerial yuan denomination. mine." THE HAGUE (JP)-Leaders of WASHINGTON /JP)-Thomas ~. Nokrashy Pasha told newsmen Live western European nations Dewey's tor ign affairs advisor that "if this plane proves to have here last night viewed the Berlin and the British ambassador were been a Zionist plane and such an crisis as "extremely grave" and called in by the administration action is repeated by the Zionists, advised utmost caution in dealing French Cabinet Falls; yesterday in an round of high-rev we will reply immediately." with the Russians. el conferences on the Russian Earlier, Israel charged Syria This was disclosed by an auth blockade of Berlin. with widespread violation of the oritative source at a meeting of There was some rpeculation that, the Western European union to A /I Socialists Resign Palestine truce and an Israeli the move might m an the next spokesman said "the Israeli at'JtlY forge a common def~nse linked P ARTS ~JPlo-Premier R bert Schuman's government fell last count rome sure has been decid~ will consider itself at liberty to with the armed might of America. nigbt when all its eight Socialist minis rs r ign d. ed on. attack the Syrian army wherever Britain, France, The Nether 'fhe jssUt~ W8!; chiefly a pl'oposrd budget for national defense, The German crisis, with its un. they are." lands, Belgium and Luxem although there wt're other (·onflict. in til background. Schuman derlying tht at to world pace, "The Haganah command has bourg make up the union. The and his Popular Republican party Bought to spend the equivalent was "high on lhe hst" ot discus decided not to cease fighting until source, from one of the Benelux of $1,017,000,000. sions between President. Truman and top diplomatiC and mihtary the Syrians are repulsed," the countries, said the representatives 'I'he Hocialists and radical ocialists wanted to cut this by $17, &]lOkesman added. met for lour hours last night but oUlica1s at the While House, a million. I' ached no agreement on a course state departm nt spokesman sa id. The truce, ordered for Sunday '],he r signation!! follow d a night by United Nations Mediator of action in the Berlin crisis. eabinet meting 19.1e last night Later John Foster Dulles, ad Count Folke Bernadotte, was re Originally, British Foreign Sec in the national assembly. Before visor to (Jov. D Wf'Y, l'lepublican ported generally effective on the t·elary Ernest Bevin and French Third Parly Ready the meetlnir Schuman conferred presid ntial nomm ,and Sir Oli southern and central fronts. Foreign Minister Georges Bidault with President Vincent Auriol who ver Franks, the Hntlsh ambassa The Jews said the Syrians were slated to discuss the Berlin 1sf now has the job of appointing a dor, were consulted at the state launched a post-truce attack on crisis. For Convention; new pI' mier. deparlm nt. a hill near the Syrian border in They called In Premiers Paul The resignations without a for Franks talked fOt" an hour lat upper Galilee. The hill, taken a IIenri Spaak of Belgium and Pier Slate Platform Talks mal vote of no confidence by the er in lh day WIth Und rsecretary few days ago by the Jews, was re Dupong ot Luxembourg, and nationDI assembly may put off the Lovett.. lIe told reporters that the the subject of an alleged Syrian Foreign Minister Baron von Boet PHILADELPHIA (JP) - Henry need of holding new elections. Fol Berlin situation was discussed. truce violatiion during the pre zelar Van Oosterhout of The Ne A. Wallace's third party pitched lowers of Gen. Charles De Gaulle Mr. Truman got a fresh report vious Holy Land cease-fire. camp yesterday and completed ar long have been demanding new in person fl'Om Unders cretary therlands. All five form the west· rangements for its (ounding con ot ern European permanent council elections. the Al'my William H. Draper. vention. Under the constitution of the * * * created mor than two months The week-long Wullace exerCises Draper bas just returned lrorr( (AP Wlrepbo\ol ago. fourth republic, a new national as Cairo Mob Stones get under way loday with an ex sembly must be chosen alter two the Berlin area, wlrere a Russian TIns IS PART OF TlJE MILE-LONG FUNERAL CORTEGE which escorted the body of Gen. The informant refused to give ecutive session of the 71-member governments have been over clampdown on Cood and fuel ship John J. "Black Jack" Perishing to Arlington national cemelery yesterday .• l\lovlne down Wa hlng any additional information on the platform committ e to be followed thrown. Schuman formed his m nts from Lhe west has brought American to Death t-oll'S ConstHution avenue from the Capitol (backe-round) are West Point cadets in while nnirOntli Berlin discussions other than to by two days of open hearings on government last November aUer about lhe possibilily ot a clash be fllllQwed by the national colors, an auto carrying in the clergyman. the horse-drawn ea on bear relate lhe extremely grave view party policy. Convention sessions the fall of the regime of Premier tween Rus~ian and western arms. WASHINGTON (JP) - Stephen In&' the body, active bodybearers, a blaek riderless horse and a group of high-ranking officers. When held by the five officials. He said start Friday night. Paul Ramadler. Schuman was fi Grimly, Draper refused to tell Haas, Philadelphia real estate the procession ascended the last steel hill at Arlington, 19 e-uns bOllmed out a !lalute. The 87-year-old the German situation would be InitiaJ pha,e of preliminaries nance minister in Ramadier's cab rl'porters what. wenl on behind the man, was stoned to death Sunday &'enerat ot the armies fought from the Pldlliplnn to Germ:my, wher he comm 11d the Amnican ex discussed again today. was a meeting by 50 memb r5 of inet. White House doors. Others, in afternoon in Cairo by an Egyptian j)iaitlonary force during World War I. Yesterday'S tribute was lhe greatest paid an ·Am rican mJII lhe civil rights congress and the Some parliamentarians said the cluding Secretary Marshall, Sec tal."Y. man since the body of the unknown soldier was hdd to rest In the same cemetery more than a The ministers then were sched commUtee for democratic rights to mob, the s~te department an uled to get to the heart of their resignation of the government retary of Defense Forrestal, and nounced yesterday. qliarter centtjry ago. merge their groups and outline Ii without having been voted out by Secretary of the Army Royall, agenda-the straightening out of program of action. Haas, is a naturalized American their 50-year military alliance and the assembly could not be consid were equaJly sil nt. citizen. His home was at 427 W. William L. Patterson of Chicago, ered as an overthrowing of the the possibility of basing it solidly executive secretary of the civil admlnistraUon. Eb n Ayers, 1l5sistont press sec Chelten avenue, Philadelphia. He on definite commitments of Alp retary for the White House, said was in Cairo as a tourist, officials Ford, Un : ~on, Renew (ounly GOP Eyes Mitchell rights congr ss denounced Presi Another background conflict be erican military assistance. the military leaders "gave the said. He and his wife were set up dent Truman's loyalty tests of fed· tween the Socialists and the gov J In general they had a three-fold eral employes as "lreachery" and ernment was a bill which Finance President a fill-in on the Berlin on near the Cairo citadel. Contract Negotiations S situation. The J'r sident is being Press Officer Lincoln White told chore: complained of increused police Minister Rene Mayer reportedly brutality during recenl strike dem~ kept constanUy informed of deve DETROIT p.