1950 Annual Narrative Report Graham County Item Type text; Report Authors University of Arizona. Agricultural Extension Service. County Agricultural Agents.; Owens, S. L. Publisher University of Arizona Rights Permission to use or to order reproductions must be obtained from the University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections. Contact us at
[email protected], or (520) 621-6423. Download date 10/10/2021 23:01:08 Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/10150/580921 s, L. 0T.EiS CClINTI AGRIctn"J?J.L AGErJT GHAHAl! coot'rI From December 1, 1949 to December 1, 1950 INDEX Pages lUGIiLIGHTS OF an.A.HAM COU!:rI EITID1SION WORK FOR 1950 1-2 OPtaGCITZATION 3-4 Farm Bureau Gila Valley Soil Conservation District Churches Chamber or Co�erce Valley National Bank Sears Roebuck and Compan;y FAR1! CROPS .5 -30 Cotton 1517 P.is tory' 1517 l!arketine Callf'ornia Acala Pure Seed - wilt resistant pJ.re Seed - Su� 11"-29-4-6 Cotton Varieties Tests Verticilllum 'Wilt Test P-J2 Defoliation Cotton Fertilizer Tests Cotton Insects - general Thrips, CutTorms, Aphis Bollworm 2-apotted !.:ite Field Tests on all Insects S:nall Grains Fertilizer Tests I.."1Sect Pests in Small Grains Alfalra Varieties Insect Pests in Alfalfa Pastures Corn SOILS A}.1) IR..�GATION 31 - 35 Alkali Co�rcial Fertilizer Tight Soils Water Penetration Problems Zinc Deficiency Irrigation Water Supply Salt Proble:ns Land LevelL"lg Seepage Losses IUDEX (ContL"lUed) Pages DAIRYI!� 36 -42 Background D.H.I.!. Field Day Classification Re��ests tor Assis�ce Dairy' Fly Control