A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of

RESEARCH COLLECTIONS IN THE SOCIAL HISTORY OF COMMUNICATION INFORMATION CONTROL AND : RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF INFORMATION Part II: Office of Policy Coordination Series A: Propaganda and Policy Directives for Overseas Programs, 1942-1945

UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS OF AMERICA A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of

RESEARCH COLLECTIONS IN THE SOCIAL HISTORY OF COMMUNICATION General Editor Thomas Cripps INFORMATION CONTROL AND PROPAGANDA: RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF WAR INFORMATION Part II: Office of Policy Coordination Series A: Propaganda and Policy Directives for Overseas Programs, 1942-1945

Edited by David H. Culbert

Guide compiled by Nanette Dobrosky

A microfilm project of UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS OF AMERICA An Imprint of CIS 44 North Market Street • Frederick, MD 21701 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Information control and propaganda [microform]. (Research collections in the social history of communications / general editor Thomas Cripps) "A microfilm project of University Publications of America." Accompanied by printed reel guides, compiled by Janice H. Mitchell (pt 1) and Nanette Dobrosky (pt 2). Contents: pt 1. The Director's central files, 1942-1945 (12 reels) - pt 2. Office of Policy Coordination. Series A. Propaganda and policy directives for overseas programs, 1942-1945 (15 reels). 1. United States. Office of War Information-Archives. 2. World War, 1939-1945~Censorship-United States- Sources. 3. World War, l939-1945-Propaganda--Sources. 4. Propaganda, American. I. Culbert, David Holbrook. H. Mitchell, Janice H., 1960- . ffl. Dobrosky, Nanette, 1956- . IV. United States. Office of War Information. V. Series. [D799.U6] 940.54'88673 87-27412 ISBN 0-89093-975-6 (microfilm: pt 1) ISBN 0-89093-976-4 (microfilm: pt 2)

Copyright © 1986 by University Publications of America. All rights reserved. ISBN 0-89093-976-4. TABLE OF CONTENTS

Introduction v

Scope and Content Note xi

Initialism List xiii

Reel Index Reell Record Central Directives 1 Reel 2 Record Central Directives cont. 5 Basic Central Directive 9 Reels 3-9 Record Regional Directives 9 Reel 10 Record Regional Directives cont 28 Long Range and Basic Regional Directives 28 Record Special Guidances 30 Reel 11 Record Special Guidances cont 36 OWI Office of Strategic Services Relations 44 SACSE A Directives 44 CBI Theater— 45 Moscow [Cables] 45 Reel 12 Brief 9:30 Morning Guidances 46 Married Directives (London) 47 Psychological Warfare Division Directives 48 Ministry of Information Guidances 49 Reel 13 London Policy—Relations with British 50 Executive Central Directives (United Kingdom) 50 Reel 14 Political Warfare Executive Central Directives (United Kingdom) cont 59

111 Reel 15 Political Warfare Executive Central Directives (United Kingdom) com 67 Political Warfare Executive Central Directives—Special Directives 69 German Directives 75 ABSffi Guidances 80

Subject Index 85


The Office of War Information (OWI) was created on June 13,1942, by executive order of President Franklin D. Roosevelt Its purpose was to control the flow of information about the battlefronts for the home front. The OWI had two main divisions: the Domestic Office, which, due to funding cuts, was virtually abolished a year after its creation; and the Overseas Branch, which placed itself under the control of Dwight Eisenhower's Supreme Headquar- ters, Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAFJF). The Overseas Branch of the OWI led a chaotic administrative existence, thus shaping the public's perceptions of its wartime record Indeed, tensions between Robert Sherwood, director of the Overseas Branch, and Elmer Davis, head of both domestic and overseas operations, produced an anecdote often quoted by chroniclers of Franklin D. Roosevelt's wartime presidency. On February 2, 1944, Davis and Sherwood were at the White House, each trying to exert control over overseas policy. That neither Sherwood nor Davis was a skillful administrator helped create the problem in the first place; that both men had first-rate minds only made things more difficult for Roosevelt The president according to Davis, "wished he had a good long ruler, the kind that school boys' hands used to be slapped with when he was in school; that he was good and God damned mad at both of us for letting a thing like this arise and get into the papers at a time when he had a war to think about" While a good story, and undoubtedly true, it underscores a bitter administrative fight that led to a bureaucratic equivalent of Stalingrad. Davis, however, forced the not of an invading German army, but one of his most able lieutenants. The story of FDR's ruler reinforces the image of the OWI as one long series of wrangles. In fact, as the documents in this collection make clear, there is, as yet no comprehensive work on America's Office of War Information. The OWI underwent a number of important changes between its beginning in June 1942 and its end on August 31,1945. Elmer Davis, a former CBS radio commentator, was director. Robert Sherwood, three-time Pulitzer Prize winner and a speechwriter for Roosevelt in the 1940 campaign, directed the Overseas Branch. Wallace Carroll, London bureau chief for the United Press, directed OWI activities from London, while Joseph Barnes, like Davis a former newspaper reporter, headed the New York office of the OWI. Wrangles among those in New York, Washington, and London, added geographical isolation to the problems inherent in getting strong personalities to work together. Supposedly, Roosevelt's application of his ruler in February 1944 resolved OWI tensions. Edward Barrett, formerly an associate editor of Newsweek, became Sherwood's deputy, taking over all administrative responsibility for the Overseas Branch. Barrett took control in name as well when Sherwood resigned in October 1944 to work full time for Roosevelt's re- election. Wallace Carroll left London in the fall of 1943 because of the inability of anyone to control the Overseas Branch. The New York office of the OWI ceased to play an independent role after February 1944. Critics have charged that after February 1944 there was no longer any independent thinking about liberal war aims within the OWI either. Such is not really the case. The Overseas Branch of the OWI prospered, but under military control, now part of the Psychological Warfare Division, Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (PWD/ SHAEFV^The OWI's role in formulating information policy is the subject of this micropub- lication, which comprises Entry 359, Boxes 818-832, Records of the Office of War Information, Record Group 208, Washington National Records Center, Suitland, MD. These records consist mostly of weekly mimeographed policy directives from the Central Directive of the OWI's Overseas Branch in Washington, D.C. The directives provide information on how to cover news stories, how the enemy is covering news stories, and what parts of America's war effort should be emphasized. They were sent out under the signature of Robert Sherwood or one of his deputies, and sometimes ran to sixteen pages. They discuss, week by week, the record of how OWI propagandists, broadcasting by shortwave radio to specific countries and regions, followed—or didn't follow—central policy. Thus these records tell us what policymakers wanted said and how one could manage the news, but contain only scattered information as to how many persons received OWI shortwave broadcasts or to what degree they were affected by what they heard. The rich detail of these weekly directives commends them to any serious student of propaganda, as they contain information about how well Joseph Goebbels was managing the news for German listeners, week by week, and reveal the care with which the Overseas Branch of the OWI monitored anything coming from Germany. The directives point out effective strategems for countering German propaganda, and tell us what the Overseas Branch was actually doing—molding the news to fit the requirements of a society in time of total war. Every combatant assigned its propagandists a similar duty. But this American effort has not been properly appreciated because the records in these microfilm reels have not been studied carefully by scholars. These reels contain fascinating information about the sophis- ticated effort at news management which took place in World War EL These directives ignore arguments about liberal war aims; we find here tough, practical attempts to blunt enemy successes, to persuade listeners in enemy and neutral countries that what is happening to Germany is worse than the listener might have suspected. Information policy becomes a game of wits, an attempt to induce defeatism in enemy civilian populations without firing a shot. The gauge employed by OWI propagandists is quite simple: interpret enemy successes in the least favorable way; ignore shortcomings of one's allies through discreet silence; beat the drum for allied successes. It is a battle for information similar to the goals of effective education, in which strategem and artifice have a role to play, but not the wholesale manufacturing of truth out of whole cloth. These directives reveal striking similarities between information policy and overall military war aims, including special directives for unusual events, such as the D day landings in June 1944. As the war comes to a close, we learn which policies have proven most successful Once the chance for German or Japanese victory vanished in early January 1943, the role of shortwave news management properly becomes the story of psychological warfare; its successes properly become part of the total military effort Highlights Following is a description, by reel, of the highlights and background of the material contained in this microfilm publication. Reference is made to various directives of the OWI:

VI central directives, found in the first two reels, were sent to all OWI offices and dealt with propaganda themes, campaigns, and subjects to be promoted to the media for overseas use; regional directives, issued weekly by OWI and the Interim International Information Service (HIS), were for the country or region specified, and tailored to specific audiences. Reel 1. The first central directive covers September 24 to October 1, 1942. The Soviet Union is likely to be defeated but "is still able to put up a determined defensive." Regarding China: "keep off Central Government Communist relations. Avoid all mention of or speculation about Soviet-Japanese relations." The October 2 directive, with Sherwood's signature, explains the "projection of America," which should "vary with the different target areas." By October 16 a directive notes German propaganda difficulties regarding Stalingrad: sometime Goebbels says the fall is inevitable; at other times he emphasizes the bitterness of the battle. The same directive explains what to say about German use of foreign workers: "Work up the Manpower Campaign to a new pitch using the depopulation theme and pointing up the growing resistance in the conquered countries." On November 25 a directive admits for the first time that the Germans may have to retreat from Stalingrad. A January 15,1943, directive explains how to combat the belief that Americans like to brag. "We should not try to remove this impression," the directive cautions, "by uncharacteristic... diffidence." Near the end of the reel is a directive for August 22,1944, just before the Battle of the Bulge. The author places complete faith in an early German surrender "Weave the phrase 'end of the war is in sight' into news, features, and commentaries as frequently as possible." Reel 2. Here are Area Policy Files, beginning with Poland, September 19, 1944. Broadcasters are told to stress complete unity between the Polish government in London and the Lublin Committee of National Liberation. A September 26 directive admits that German surrender may be delayed: "There is reason to believe that Germany can be defeated by winter. It is always possible, however, that this defeat may be delayed." On October 3 the confusion intensifies: "We continue to hear that the war against Germany may be prolonged until or beyond the first of the year. Such a view which is salutary for the home front must be avoided in overseas propaganda." This reel also contains an Annex on Palestine, October 17; it ends with regional directives for Germany through December 12, 1945 (though the OWI was dissolved by Executive Order on August 31,1945, effective September 15,1945). The OWI directives are still advocating a get-tough denazification policy at the end of December 1945. Reel 3. Here are directives for India, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Germany, Italy, and Norway. The directive for India, August 3, 1942, for example, opposes imperialism, but insists that "we must attempt by every means to dispel the illusion ... that Gandhi has the support of the overwhelming majority of Americans." The directive for Palestine, November 14, insists that "Zionist aspirations cannot be mentioned." A November 21 directive for Saudi Arabia drips with condescension: "If we talk to them of vast factories and huge battleships, homely imagery must be employed. They will not listen to things they cannot understand." Reel 4. Here one finds weekly policy directives—called regional directives—by region and country, datedOctober 1,1943, through February 26,1944, for some seventeen countries. An October 2,1943, directive for Germany explains how to discover the "inner meaning" of German propaganda, by studying Goebbels' Das Reich article of September 25 on shirkers and defeatists. "The severity of its rebuke," the directive notes, "shows that defeatism is widespread in Germany.... Nazi leaders themselves have given up hope of victory." Such confidence was not shared by all who were conducting the war.

VU ReelS. Regional directives for 1944. The March 16,1944, regional directive for Sweden offers an intelligent appraisal of how much calculation goes into effective news management for a neutral country. The July 28 directive for the Middle East praises a new book by Sumner Welles, The Time for Decision, and recommends quoting from it in broadcasts. Reel 6. More regional directives, here for the summer and fall of 1944. An August 4,1944, directive explains that Germans must understand that "unconditional surrender" means laying down one's weapons, "not the enslavement or extermination of the German people." This same directive makes the case intelligently for the role psychological warfare can play in promoting defeatism inside Germany. OWI propagandists will counter Goebbels' claims for final victory through new weapons by referring to the "military ineffectiveness" of the V-l. A November 4 directive says to "make extended use of all reports concerning heavy casualties or of quick surrender of Volkssturm formations." Reel 7. Covers mostly early 1945. The directives for Poland are signed by Yale psy- chologist Leonard Doob. The March 30,1945, directive for Indochina is instructive: "We continue to report straight for record French communiques. We should for time being ignore all Japanese reports of unrest in Indo-China." Reel 8. Covers April through June 1945. Doob's weekly report for Sweden, April 27, 1945, analyzes the disintegration of and what this total collapse will mean; his report goes far beyond the content of most weekly directives. Reel 9. Covers Austria and Germany, July-August 1945, though the reel ends with a Philippine directive for November 30. The German directive for August 10 explains how the atomic, bomb is to be reported to the Germans, an assignment fraught with peril: "to discourage the Germans from making comparisons between the Atomic Bomb and their ' secret weapons' "; to "encourage Germans that they are lucky to have surrendered before the A-Bomb was ready"; but also "to avoid giving the Germans the impression that we are ruthless in our conduct of the war." This directive should be studied by all interested in how Hiroshima and Nagasaki affected American policymaking. ReellO. Contains weekly directives for late 1945, covering Germany and Austria. The reel then includes important Long-Range Directives relating to Germany and Italy for late 1944. A fifteen-page Italian directive of November 23 notes that the Psychological Warfare Branch (PWE) will turn over control of all radio stations in Italy to the OWI's Overseas Branch. The directive insists that Italians cannot tell that Esquire is a dreadful publication (reflecting the prejudices of the directive's author). A December 6 directive explains a get-tough policy towards all Italians: "After 20 years of the Fascist regime there is almost nobody left in Italy who is not in one way or the other contaminated by Fascism." Reel 10 also contains a European directive of June 14,1944, on how best to improve the image of the American soldier. The directive suggests showing The Negro Soldier in "many" areas, but also strikes a note of caution: "Much of our symphonic music, for instance, would only confirm European prejudices." An August 11,1944, directive explains the need for hum- bling Germans, "who will not be prosperous.... Housing conditions will be very poor for a long time to come." Reel 11. Begins with special guidence memoranda, the first being for Poland dated October 2,1944. An October 9 directive concerns treatment of blacks and warns against a special campaign: "Our record concerning minority groups is not good enough to provide good propaganda," though the problem is largely "confined to the South." The directive warns against using photographs of racial unrest since "pictures are easily perverted to enemy uses, e.g., through changed captions."

Vlll Approximately one-third of the way into the reel, one encounters some important material prepared by nearly 100 American journalists interned at Bad Nauheim for several months following Pearl Harbor.3 The journalists reveal a lively understanding of black propaganda, such as the suggestion that America reveal the weaknesses of the German economy by "urging the public to travel" and by "broadcasting dead-pan cooking lessons." The March 25, 1942, Special Report signed by leading representatives of the American wire services, such as Louis Lochner, includes suggestions as to why radio will be the most important medium for foreign propaganda intended to undermine Hitler. "It is also deemed inadvisable," this report continues, "to defend or champion the Jewish cause vigorously." Extensive reports offer caustic appraisals of German propaganda towards occupied France: "about as heavy and lacking in imagination as German food." The reel ends with memoranda concerning bickering in London, 1943-44, as to whether the Office of Strategic Services or the OWI would control black and white propaganda. There are also scattered memoranda concerning the Far East written by John King Fairbank. Reel 12. Here are so-called Morning Guidance memoranda from Washington, D.C., and San Francisco (the latter prepared by Owen Lattimore) on how to cover daily stories. The reel ends with aMay 9,1945, cable from London regarding British Ministry of Information news management. Reel 13. Daily cables from London include suggestions for exploiting the attack on Hitler's life, July 1944, and the proper method for reporting the impact of the V-1 attacks on London. Early in the reel is the start of the Political Warfare Executive (PWE) Central Directives, beginning September 3,1942, which describe attempts to coordinate black and white propaganda among representatives of the OWI, PWE, and the OSS. About two-thirds of the way through the reel is a PWE Central Directive Annexe VI concerning the Katyn Woods massacre, dated May 6,1943, in which an unidentified author attempts to reconstruct Goebbels' propaganda directives on how to handle this difficult story. Reel 14. Here are more PWE Central Directives, dated October 7,1943, through December 21,1944. A routing slip lists some of the better known OWI employees in Washington who regularly received these directives: Gordon Allport, Edward Barrett, Wallace Carroll, Leonard Doob, John King Fairbank, Leo Gershoy, E.W. Kenworthy, Ferdinand Kuhn, and Hans Speier. Reel 15. Another reel with PWE Central Directives from London, mostly from 1945, but ending with directives for scattered dates in 1943-1944. Using This Collection What sorts of use might the scholar make of these PWE Central Directives, and of the documents on these reels in general? First, it is obvious that in spite of the title of Daniel Lemer's fine book, "Sykewar" does not end with V-E Day. One quickly realizes that psychological warfare played an important—albeit still overlooked—role in occupation policy, and that one reason a get-tough policy toward Germany proved of short duration is the effectiveness of an information campaign of both black and white propaganda composed after May 1945. More fundamentally, the documents in this publication remind us that information policy served as the handmaiden of military policymaking, though historians continue to have difficulty deciding what credit belongs to the OWI, what to PWE, and what to SHAEF. Perhaps the homely name Overseas Branch has encouraged scholars to overlook this important part of the OWI; certainly the name lacks the Teutonic precision of Goebbels' ReichsministeriwnfUr Volksaufkldrung und Propaganda.

IX A comparison of the directives in these reels with the daily diary entries in the Goebbels Diaries is instructive. Propagandists are studying each other's policy directives, following the news of the day with an eye toward managing or softening the impact of unpleasant truths. The directives on these reels give one the chance to trace changing attitudes by OWI propagandists regarding such matters as the treatment of the Jews, unconditional surrender, the Polish Lublin government, concentration camps, or a Jewish homeland in Palestine. OWI propaganda overseas had as its goal making Allied successes appreciated, Allied failures palatable, andin general persuading enemy nationals thatprudentpersons, after 1943, understood the inevitability of German and Japanese surrender. Information policy's contri- bution to the war effort consisted of preventing a fanatical "last stand" mentality from gaining wide acceptance.

David H. Culbert Professor of History Louisiana State University

Notes 1. The importance of psychological warfare, which came of age in World War n, is described in Daniel Lerner' s Psychological Warfare against Germany: The Sykewar Campaign, D-Day to VE-Day (Cambridge, MA, 1971), though Lerner does not place much emphasis on the specific contribution of the Overseas Branch of the OWI to the successes of psychological warfare.

2. Allan Winkler, whose careful account, The Politics of Propaganda: The Office of War Information 1942-1945 (New Haven, 1978), includes two chapters on the OWI's Overseas Branch, suggests that subservience to military control marked an end to OWI liberalism. But Winkler is primarily interested in administrative matters, not the OWI's role as an interpreter and shaper of information policy.

3. This subject is discussed in a 1987 publication by Charles Burdick, An American Island in Hitler's Reich: TheBadNauheimlnternment (MarkgrafPublications Group, P.O. Box 936, Menlo Park, C A 94025). SCOPE AND CONTENT NOTE

The Office of War Information (OWI) was established by an executive order of June 13, 1942, "in recognition of the right of the American people and of all other peoples opposing the Axis oppressors to be truthfully informed about the common war effort." To achieve a coordinated governmental war information program, both foreign and domestic, the func- tions and records of the Office of Facts and Figures and of the Office of Government Reports and the coordinating functions of the Division of Information in the Office for Emergency Management were transferred to the OWI. The Foreign Intelligence Service, Outpost, Publication, and Pictorial Branches of the Office of the Coordinator of Information were also transferred to the OWI. The executive order provided, however, that dissemination of information to the Latin American countries should be continued by the Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs. The OWI carried out its information program through the press, radio, motion pictures, and other media. It coordinated the informational activities of other government agencies and issued the directives necessary to ensure an accurate and consistent flow of information from the government to the public. It reviewed and approved all proposed radio and motion picture programs to be sponsored by the federal government. It maintained liaison with the information agencies of other nations, collaborated with the Office of Censorship to facilitate the prompt and full dissemination of all information that would not aid the enemy, and cooperated with the Board of War Communications in broadcasting war information abroad. Foreign propaganda activities were at first divided between the Office of Strategic Services and the Office of War Information, with the field of the latter limited to open, as contrasted to secret, activities. Since this division of responsibility led to controversy, an executive order of March 9,1943, directed the OWI to carry on all activities related to United States propaganda abroad, except in Latin America. The OWI was terminated, effective September 15,1945, by an executive order of August 31, 1945. The Overseas Operations Branch (including its executive and security offices in New York and San Francisco), the Office of the Assistant Director for Management, and the Office of General Counsel were transferred with their records immediately to the Interim International Information Service of the Department of State, which was established by the same executive order. On January 1, 1946, these units became part of the Office of International Information and Cultural Affairs of the State Department The Bureau of Special Services was transferred with its records from the Domestic Operations Branch to the Bureau of the Budget Functions and records of OWI's Inter-Agency Publications Committee were also transferred to that bureau. During its existence the OWI created approximately 22,500 linear feet of records in the United States and an unestimated quantity of records in its overseas offices. The records of the Office of War Information in the National Archives amount to 2,295 cubic feet and are designated as Record Group 208. These records were received by the National Archives from

XI the OWI, and the State Department from 1942 to January 1952. They include most of the records of the Domestic Operations Branch of the OWI, the records of the director of the OWI and of its historian and security officer, part of the records of Management Services, and the nontextual and some of the textual records of the Overseas Operations Branch. Most of the records of the Overseas Operations Branch, however, have been retained by the Department of State. Personnel folders for OWI employees are in the Federal Records Center, St. Louis, Missouri. This publication reproduces in its entirety one group of records from the OWI collection in the National Archives: Records of the Office of Policy Coordination, Record Set of Policy Directives for Overseas Programs, 1942-45. This office, established on September 16,1944, succeeded to the functions of the former Chief of Liaison. It was responsible for all liaison with government agencies and other governments on matters of propaganda policy and intelligence. On behalf of the Deputy Directors, it drafted the weekly Overseas Central Directive and performed related functions such as the coordination, clearance, interpretation, and issuance of directives for the deputies, the Review Board, and the San Francisco and New York offices. The Record Set of Policy Directives for Overseas Programs, 1942-45, contains the most complete set of propaganda directives in the OWI collection. These directives emanate not only from the OWI but also from joint OWI-Military Command organizations, OWI-British Government liaison, and British government organizations.


The following acronyms and abbreviations are used frequently in this micropublicadon and are reproduced here for the convenience of the researcher.

ABSIE American Broadcast System in Europe BBC British Broadcasting Corporation FDR Franklin Delano Roosevelt MOI Ministry of Information OSS Office of Strategic Services OWI Office of War Information PWD Psychological Warfare Division PWE Political Warfare Executives SACSEA . Supreme Allied Commander Southeast Asia SHAEF Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force SS Schutzstaffel UNRRA United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration



In this guide, the series names are listed as bold centered heads (Record Central Directives, below, for example), followed by a brief paragraph explaining the type of material found in each series. The user will then find, in bold type flush to the left margin, the inclusive dates for each file folder within the series, followed by a detailed listing of each item in the folder. The four-digit number on the left indicates the frame number where each document begins. Reel 1 Record Central Directives Central Directives, OWI Overseas Branch The OWI Overseas Branch Central Directives were written from September 1942 to July 1945. These documents comprise the following: developments covering both political and military events, including sea, air, and nerve , the United Nations, and regional events in Europe, the Soviet Union, the Far East, and the Middle East; the food, health, transport, and manpower campaigns; anniversaries of important events; and U.S. propaganda. In many cases annexes and addenda containing related material follow the directives.

September-December 1942 0001 September 24-October 1,1942.8pp. Addendum—American troops in England, German housing damage, German health. 0009 October 2-9,1942.7pp. 0016 October 10-16,1942.9pp. 0025 October 10-16,1942.4pp. 0029 October 16-23,1942.8pp. 0037 October 23-30,1942.11pp. Annex—German Propaganda Man. 0048 October 30-November 6,1942.9pp. 0057 November 6-13,1942.11pp. Annex—Sea War. Central Directive "A"—European and African Broadcasts. Addendum to Central Directive "A"—Far East 0068 November 13-20,1942.9pp. 0077 November 20-27,1942.5pp. 0082 November 27-December 4,1942.6pp. 0088 December 4-11,1942.6pp. 0094 December 11-18,1942.4pp. 0098 December 18-25,1942.3pp. December 1942-April 1943 0101 December 25,1942-January 1,1943.3pp. 0104 January 1-8,1943.6pp. 0110 January 8-15,1943.3pp. 0113 January 15-22, 1943.5pp. 0118 January 22-29, 1943. 5pp. 0123 January 29-February 5,1943.9pp. Annex—January 30 Anniversary of Hitler's Accession to Power.

1 0132 February 5-12,1943.7pp. 0139 February 12-19,1943.6pp. 0145 February 19-26,1943.6pp. 0151 February 26-March 5,1943.4pp. 0155 March 5-12,1943. 6pp. 0161 March 12-19,1943.9pp. Annex—Sun Yat Sen. 0170 March 19-26,1943.9pp. 0179 March 26-April 2,1943.8pp. Annex—Far East April-July 1943 0187 April2-9,1943. llpp. Annex—German High Command Propaganda. Addendum—Anniversary of Declaration of War, World War I. 0198 April 9-16,1943.9pp. Annex—China. Annex—Tokyo, Annex—Sea War. 0207 April 16-23,1943.7pp. Annex—Sea War. 0214 April 23-30,1943.7pp. Annex—Sea War. 0221 April 30-May 7,1943.7pp. Annex—Sea War. 0228 May 7-14,1943.10pp. Annex—The Crumbling Axis. 0238 May 14-21,1943.7pp. Annex—Hitler Is Trapped in His Own Fortress. 0245 May 21-28,1943.9pp. Annex—Sea War. 0254 May 28-June 4,1943. 5pp. 0259 June 4-11,1943.10pp. Annex—Sea War. 0269 June 11-18,1943.8pp. 0277 June 18-25,1943. llpp. Special Directive—Southeastern Europe. 0288 June 25-July 2,1943.5pp. July-October 1943 0293 July 2-9,1943.6pp. 0299 July 9-16,1943.8pp. Annex—Sea War. 0307 July 16-23,1943.9pp. 0316 July 23-30,1943.12pp. Annex—Balkan. Addendum—Italy. 0328 July 30-August 6, 1943.7pp. Annex—Sea War. 0335 August 6-13,1943.6pp. 0341 August 13-20,1943.5pp. 0346 August 20-27,1943.5pp. 0351 August 27-September 3,1943.7pp. 0358 September 3-10,1943.7pp. 0365 September 10-17, 1943.9pp. Addendum—Italy. 0374 September 17-24,1943.5pp. 0379 September 25-October 2,1943.9pp. 0388 September 30-October 7,1943.8pp. October 1943-January 1944 0396 October 8-15,1943.7pp. 0403 October 15-22,1943.6pp. Addendum—Italy. 0409 October 22-29,1943.7pp. 0416 October 28-November 3,1943.9pp. 0425 November 5-12,1943.5pp. 0430 November 12-19,1943.9pp. 0439 November 19-26,1943.8pp. 0447 November 26-December 3,1943.8pp. 0455 December 3-10,1943.5pp. 0460 December 10-17,1943.6pp. 0466 December 16-23,1943.9pp. Guidance—Air War. 0475 December 23-30,1943.11pp. Annex—Far East 0486 December 30,1943-January 6,1944.11pp. Annex—Air War. Annex—Sea War. January-March 1944 0497 January 6-13,1944.10pp. Annex—Poland. 0507 January 13-20,1944.11pp. Annex—Air War. 0518 January 20-27,1944.10pp. Annex—Air War. 0528 January 27-February 3,1944.10pp. Annex—Air War. 0538 February 3-10,1944.16pp. Annex—Air War. Annex—Sea War. 0554 February 10-17,1944.13pp. Annex—Air War. Annex—Sea War. 0567 February 17-24,1944.16pp. Annex—Air War. Annex B—USAAF [United States Army Air Forces] Policy on Respect for Certain Potential Targets. 0583 February 24-March 2,1944.15pp. Annex—Bismarck Sea Battle. March-May 1944 0598 March 2-9,1944.14pp. Annex—Air War. 0612 March 7-13,1944.12pp. Annex—Air War. 0624 March 14-21,1944.12pp. Annex—Air War. 0636 March 21-28, 1944. 12pp. Annex—Sea War. Annex—Air War. 0648 March 28-April 3,1944.12pp. Annex—Sea War. Annex—Air War. 0660 April 4-11,1944.12pp. Annex—Air War. 0672 April 11-18* 1944.14pp. Annex—Air War. Annex—Sea War. 0686 April 18-25,1944.13pp. Annex—Air War. Annex—International Labor Organization. 0699 April 25-May 1,1944.14pp. Annex—Air War. Annex—Sea War. Special Annex—May First Commemoration: International Labor Conference. May-July 1944 0713 May 2-9,1944.11pp. Annex—Sea War. Annex—International Labor Organization. 0724 May 9-16,1944.12pp. Annex—Air War. Annex—Sea War. 0736 May 16-23,1944.12pp. Annex—Air War. Special Guidance—Propaganda to and about Yugoslavia. 0748 May 23-30,1944.11pp. Annex—Sea War. 0759 May 30-June 6,1944.11pp. Annex—Air War. Annex—Sea War. 0770 June 6-13,1944.7pp. Annex—Air War. Annex—Sea War. 0777 June 13-20,1944.10pp. Annex—Air War. 0787 June 20-27,1944.13pp. Annex—Sea War. Annex—Air War. 0800 June 27-July 4,1944.12pp. Annex—Air War. Annex—International Monetary Conference. July-September 1944 0812 July 4-11,1944.16pp. Annex—Air War. Annex—Treatment of India to the Far East Annex—Treatment of Relief Plans to the Far East 0828 July 11-18,1944.17pp. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds. Annex—Air War Annex. Annex—Treatment of India to the Far East. 0845 July 18-25,1944.13pp. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds [page 4 missing]. Annex—Air War. Annex—Sea War. 0857 July 25-August 1,1944.10pp. 0867 August 1-8, 1944.14pp. Annex—Batdefront Backgrounds. Annex—Air War. Annex—Sea War. 0881 August 8-15, 1944.16pp. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds. Annex—Air War. Annex—Sea War. Special Guidance—Hungarian Cabinet Change. 0897 August 15-22,1944.20pp. Annex—Air War. Annex—Sea War. Addition—"War at Sea," Annex—Security Conference. 0917 August 22-29,1944.23pp. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds. Annex—Air War. Annex—Sea War. Special Guidance—Civil Administration Agreement with France. Special Guidance—Extraordinary Session of the Bulgarian National Assembly. Special Guidance—F.F.I. [French Forces of the Interior]. Annex—Program to Encourage Idealogical Cleavage within Japan. 0940 August 29-September 5,1944.16pp. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds. Annex—Air War. Annex—Sea War. Special Guidance—FCNL [French Committee of National Liberation].

Reel 2 Record Central Directives cont Central Directives, OWI Overseas Branch cont September-November 1944 0001 September 5-12,1944.18pp. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds. Annex—Air War. Annex—Sea War. 0019 September 12-19,1944.22pp. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds. Annex—Sea War. Annex—Air War. Annex—UNKRA. 0041 September 19-26,1944.16pp. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds. Annex—Sea War. Annex—Air War. Annex—Poland. 0057 September 26-October 3,1944.18pp. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds. Annex—Sea War. Annex—Air War. Annex—Marshal Tito. 0075 October 3-10,1944. 14pp. Annex—BattlefrontBackgrounds. Annex—Sea War. Annex—Air War. 0089 October 10-17,1944.16pp. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds. Annex—Air War. Annex—Sea War. 0105 October 10-17,1944.16pp. Annex—BattlefrontBackgrounds. Annex—Air War. Annex—Sea War. 0110 October 17-24,1944.20pp. Special Guidance—Hungary's Break with Germany. Annex—BattlefrontBackgrounds. Special Guidance—Anniversary of Armistice Day. Annex—Sea War. Annex—Air War. Annex—Palestine. 0117 October 24-31,1944.20pp. Annex—BattlefrontBackgrounds. Annex—Air War. Annex—Sea War. Special Guidance—Announcement of the Provisional Government of the French Republic. 0125 October 31-November 7,1944.14pp. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds. Annex—Nomenclature for Resistance Movements in Europe. November 1944-January 1945 0139 November 7-14,1944.17pp. Annex—BattlefrontBackgrounds. Special Guidance—Hitler Proclamation. Annex—Air War. Annex—International Business Conference. 0156 November 14-21,1944.13pp. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds. Annex—Air War. ' 0169 November 21-28,1944.19pp. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds. Annex—Air War. Annex—Sea War. Memorandum—"Specially Approved Stories." 0188 November 28-December 5,1944.19pp. Annex—BattlefrontBackgrounds. Annex—Air War. Annex—Sea War. Annex—Treatment of Japanese Emperor. 0207 December 5-12,1944.23pp. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds. Annex—Air War. Annex—Sea War. Special Guidance—State Department Declaration concerning Italy. Special Statement—United States Policy toward Internal Affairs of Liberated Countries. 0230 December 12-19,1944.24pp. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds. Contingency Guidance—When Budapest Falls. Annex—Sea War. Annex—Air War. Annex—Japanese Atrocities. Special Guidance—France-Soviet Alliance (December 11,1944). 0254 December 19-27,1944.19pp. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds. Annex—Sea War. Annex—UNRRA. Annex—Air War. 0273 December 27,1944-January 3,1945.15pp. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds. Interim Guidance—German Counter-Offensive. Annex—Sea Wan Summary of 1944. January-March 1945 0288 January 3-10,1945.14pp. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds. 0302 January 10-17,1945.14pp. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds. Annex—Air War Background. 0316 January 17-24,1945.15pp. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds. Annex—Sea War. Annex—Ledo Road. 0331 January 24-31,1945.18pp. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds. Annex—Sea War. 0349 January 31-February 7,1945'. 16pp. Annex—European Battlefront Backgrounds. Annex—Sea War. Annex—Far Eastern Battlefront Backgrounds. 0365 February 7-14,1945.16pp. Annex—Sea War. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds. 0381 February 14-21,1945.16pp. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds. Annex—Sea War. 0397 February 21-28,1945.16pp. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds. Annex—Sea War. 0413 February 28-March 7,1945.15pp. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds. March-May 1945 0428 March 7-14,1945.18pp. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds. Annex—Sea War. 0446 March 14-21,1945.16pp. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds. Annex—Sea War. 0462 March 21-28,1945. 16pp. Annex—B attlefront B ackgrounds. Annex—Sea War. 0478 . March 28-April 4,1945.18pp. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds. Annex—Sea War. Annex—Internal Situation in Japan. Annex—Treatment of the Far East and Pacific to Europe. 0496 April 4-11,1945.15pp. Annex—Sea War. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds. 0511 April 11-18,1945.17pp. Annex—Sea War. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds. 0528 April 18-25,1945. 17pp. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds. Annex—Sea War. 0547 April 25-May 2,1945.19pp. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds. Annex—Sea War. May-July 1945 0566 May 2-9,1945.14pp. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds. Annex—Sea War. 0580 May 9-16,1945.14pp. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds. Annex—Japan's Position in China. 0594 May 16-23,1945.15pp. Annex—BattlefrontBackgrounds. Annex—Sea War. 0609 May 23-30,1945.18pp. Annex—BattlefrontBackgrounds. Annex—Sea War. Annex—Japan's Position in China: II. 0627 May 30-June 6,1945.19pp. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds. Annex—Sea War. Annex—Japan's Position in China: ffl. 0647 June 6-13,1945.16pp. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds. Annex—Sea War. 0663 June 13-20,1945.16pp. Annex—Sea War. Annex—Japanese Home Front Morale. Annex—BattlefrontBackgrounds. 0679 June 20-27,1945.15pp. Annex—Battlefront Backgrounds. Annex—Price Control. 0695 June 27-July 4,1945.13pp. Annex—BattlefrontBackgrounds. July 1945 cont 0708 July 4-11,1945.14pp. Annex—BattlefrontBackgrounds. •Annex—Sea War. 0722 July 11-18,1945.12pp. Annex—Sea War. Basic Central Directive Interim International Information Service The Basic Central Directive deals with subjects such as the U.S. role in the United Nations, atomic energy, U.S. economic policy (including labor disputes andforeign trade), and U.S. foreign policy in Europe, theMiddle East, and the Far East (including a get-tough denazification policy).

0734 November 21,1945.153pp. U.S. Domestic and Foreign Policies (updated from November 21,1945-January 30,1946). Reel 3 Record Regional Directives OWI Overseas Branch The Record Regional Directives were written from August 1942 to December 1945, first by the OWI Overseas Branch, then later by the Interim International Information Service. These documents concern military, political, and economic aspects of various countries in Europe, the Middle East, the Far East, and North Africa. Annexes and appendices were sometimes included with the directives.

1942 0001 Augusts, 1942.3pp. General Directive—India (page 3 missing). 0004 August 11, 1942.4pp. Germany XXV. 0008 September 29-October 28,1942.23pp. Weekly Appreciation—Situation in the Moslem World and India: Military, Political, and Economic. Annex I—General Background Directive for News to Middle East Weekly Directive—Middle East Appreciation—Near East and Africa: Military, Political, and Economic. Weekly Appreciation—India, Middle East, and North Africa. 0031 October 3,1942.6pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Middle East Weekly Propaganda Directive—Iran. 0037 October 10,1942.2pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Iraq and Saudi Arabia. 0039 October 15,1942.3pp. Directive—Middle East 0042 October 19,1942.4pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Middle East Weekly Propaganda Directive—Egypt 0046 October 31,1942.2pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Syria and Lebanon. 0048 November 12,1942. Ip. Weekly Directive—Middle East 0049 November 14,1942.3pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Syria and Lebanon. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Palestine. 0052 November 21,1942.5pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Turkey. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Saudi Arabia. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Egypt 0057 October 19, 1942.2pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Egypt 0059 November 28,1942.2pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Iraq. January 1943 0061 December 26,1942-January 2,1943.3pp. Regional Directive—Germany. Regional Directive—Italy. 0064 January 2,1943.19pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Sweden, Denmark, Norway, France, Germany, Italy, Rumania, Hungary, Bulgaria. 0083 January 8,1943.7pp. Pacific Bureau Regional Directives—China, Japan, Philippines, Burma. 0090 January 9,1943.4pp. PAC Bureau Regional Directive—Indo-China and French Possessions of Pacific. PAC Bureau Regional Directive—Indonesia. 0094 January9,1943.10pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, , France, Italy, Poland, Spain. 0104 January 16,1943.12pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Portugal. 0116 January 16,1943.6pp. Pacific Bureau Regional Directives—China, Japan, Burma, Philippines, Indo-China, Indonesia. 0122 January 23,1943.15pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Portugal, Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria. 0137 January 30,1943.18pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, France, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary (page 14 missing), Finland, Sweden, Spain and Portugal. 0155 January 30,1943.4pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. February 1943 0159 February 6,1943.10pp. Regional Directives—Germany, Finland, France, Italy, Spain and Portugal 0169 February 6,1943.4pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0173 February 13,1943.18pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Sweden, Finland, France, Italy, Spain and Portugal, Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria. 0191 February 20,1943.15pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Norway, Finland, France, Italy, Spain and Portugal, Poland. 0206 February 20,1943.3pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0210 February 27,1943.15pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Finland, Italy, Spain and Portugal, Czechoslovakia, Greece. 0226 February 27,1943.3pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific.

10 March 1943 0229 March 6,1943.16pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, France, Italy, Persia and Arabia, Rumania, Bulgaria. 0245 March 6,1943.4pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0250 March 13,1943. 14pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Spain and Portugal, Hungary, Bulgaria. 0264 March 13,1943.3pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0267. March 14,1943.3pp. Regional Directive—Persian and Arabic. 0270 March 20,1943.7pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, France, Italy. 0277 March 20,1943.2pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0279 March 27,1943.25pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Denmark, Sweden, France, Italy, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria. 0304 March 27,1943.2pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. April 1943 0307 April 3,1943. 8pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Spain, Italy, France, Denmark. 0315 April 3, 1943. 3pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0318 April 10,1943.10pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, France. 0328 April 10,1943.4pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0332 April 17, 1943.7pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, France, Spain, Italy. 0339 April 17, 1943.4pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0343 April 24,1943. llpp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Portugal, Italy, France, Spain. Regional Directive—Italy: Intelligence Annex. 0354 April 24,1943.3pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0357 May 1,1943.19pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Hungary, Greece, Rumania. May 1943 0376 May 1,1943.3pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0379 May 8,1943.23pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, France [page 6 missing], Holland, Italy, Spain and Portugal, Bulgaria, Turkey. Annex—France: Central Directives and Regional Directives. Addendum—Reintemment of Dutch Soldiers. Special Annex—Italy. Annex—Italy: Background. 0402 May 8,1943. 6pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific.

11 0408 May 9,1943.7pp. Basic Directive—Albania. 0415 May 15,1943.32pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany and Austria, France, Holland, Italy, Spain and Portugal, Thailand, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Greece, Rumania, Bulgaria, Finland. Addendum—Greece: Regional Directive. 0448 May 17,1943.4pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0452 May 22,1943.15pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Greece, Finland, Norway. 0467 May 24,1943.4pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0471 May 29,1943.29pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, France, Netherlands, Italy, Hungary, Greece, Rumania, Bulgaria, Denmark, Sweden. Annex—Germany: Sea War—Military. 0500 May 31,1943.4pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. June 1943 0504 June 5,1943.18pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Spain, Poland, Yugoslavia, Norway. 0522 JuneS, 1943.4pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0526 June 12,1943.21pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, Rumania, Finland. 0548 June 14,1943.4pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0552 June 19,1943.31pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Austria, France, Holland, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Albania, Sweden. Annex—Germany: Submarine Warfare. Special Regional Directive—Slovakia. 0583 June 21,1943.4pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0587 June 26,1943.17pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, France, Italy, Bulgaria, Greece, Rumania, Norway. 0604 June 28,1943.4pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. July 1943 0608 July 1,1943.2pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0610 July 3,1943.12pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Portugal, Denmark. 0623 July 10,1943. 31pp. Weakly Propaganda Directives—Germany, France, Netherlands, Italy, Poland, Hungary, Greece, Yugoslavia, Rumania, Bulgaria, Finland, Sweden. 0654 July 10,1943.3pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0658 July 17, 1943.16pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Austria, France, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Denmark, Norway.

12 0674 July 17,1943.2pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0676 July 24,1943.30pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, France, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Rumania, Bulgaria, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden. 0706 July 24,1943.3pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0709 July 31,1943.26pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Austria, France, Netherlands, Italy, Spain and Portugal, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden. 0735 July 31,1943.4pp. « Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. August 1943 0739 August 1,1943.2pp. Regional Directive—Spain and Portugal. 0741 August 6,1943.3pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0744 August 7,1944.22pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, France, Spain, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Rumania, Bulgaria, Finland (August 4,1943), Denmark, Norway, Sweden. 0766 August 14,1943.17pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Austria, France, Netherlands, Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria, Norway, Sweden. 0783 August 14,1943.2pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0785 August 21,1943.23pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, France, Netherlands, Spain, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Rumania, Bulgaria, Finland, Norway. Annex—Norwegian Directive. 0808 August 21,1943.2pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0810 August 28,1943.23pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Austria, France, Netherlands, Spain, Hungary, Bulgaria, Finland, Denmark, Norway. 0833 August 28,1943.3pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0836 August 30,1943.5pp. The Crisis in Denmark. September 1943 0841 September 4,1943.29pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, France, Netherlands, Near East, Albania, Yugoslavia, Greece, Rumania, Bulgaria, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden. 0871 September 4,1943.2pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0873 September 5,1943.3pp. Regional Directive—Poland. 0876 September 11, 1943. 36pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Austria, France, Holland, Italy, Hungary, Albania, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Greece, Rumania, Bulgaria, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden. 0912 September 11,1943.4pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. Annex—Pacific.

13 0916 September 12,1943. Ip. Regional Directive—Italy. 0917 September 18,1943.28pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, France, Netherlands, Italy, Turkey, Poland, Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria, Norway, Sweden. 0945 September 18,1943.3pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0948 September 25,1943.39pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, France, Netherlands, Italy, Hungary, Albania, Yugoslavia, Greece, Rumania, Bulgaria, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden. 0987 September 25,1943.3pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. Reel 4 Record Regional Directives cont. OWI Overseas Branch cont October 1943 0001 October 1,1943.3pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0004 October 2,1943.36pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, France, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Greece, Rumania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Finland (page 26 missing), Denmark, Norway, Sweden. 0041 October 9,1943.32pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, France, Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Rumania, Turkey, Belgium, Finland, Denmark (page 27 missing), Norway, Sweden. 0074 October 9,1943.3pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0077 October 16,1943.38pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, France, Netherlands, Italy, Poland, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Greece [page 24 missing], Rumania, Bulgaria, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden. 0115 October 16,1943.3pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0118 October 23,1943.40pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Albania, Greece, Rumania, Bulgaria, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden. Annex—Norway. 0158 October 23,1943.3pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0161 October 30,1943.30pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, France, Netherlands, Italy, Poland, Hungary, Greece, Rumania, Bulgaria, Norway, Sweden. 0191 October 30,1943.4pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. November 1943 0195 November 6,1943.46pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, France, Bulgaria, Greece, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Albania, Hungary, Poland, Italy, Belgium, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden. 0242 November 6,1943. 3pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific.

14 0245 November 13,1943.43pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, France, Bulgaria, Greece, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Italy, Netherlands, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden. 0288 November 13,1943.4pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0292 November 19,1943.4pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0296 November 20,1943.37pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany [page 5 missing], Bulgaria, Greece, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Italy, France, Belgium, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden. 0334 November 25,1943.3pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0337 November 27,1943.44pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Bulgaria, Greece, Rumania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Spain, Middle East, Italy, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, France, Sweden. December 1943 0381 December 2,1943.4pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. Annex—Pearl Harbor. Special Guidance—Cairo Communique'. 0385 December 4,1943.42pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Belgium, France, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Middle East, Spain and Portugal, Hungary, Austria, Albania, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Rumania, Greece, Bulgaria. 0428 December 10,1943.4pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0432 December 11,1943.39pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Netherlands, Middle East, Italy, Bulgaria, Greece, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, France, Denmark, Norway, Sweden. Special Directive—Propaganda to and about Yugoslavia. 0471 December 18,1943.40pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Portugal, Belgium, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Rumania, Bulgaria, Greece, Middle East. 0511 December 19,1943. Ip. Regional Directive—Spain and Portugal. 0512 December 24,1943.38pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, France, Netherlands, Poland, Middle East, Czechoslovakia, Greece. 0550 December 24,1943.3pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific [pages missing following 3]. 0553 December 31,1943.4pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. January 1944 0557 January 1,1944. 39pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, France, Belgium, Greece, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Spain and Portugal, Middle East. 0596 January 7,1944. 3pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific.

15 0599 January 8,1944. 35pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, France, Netherlands, Switzerland, Poland, Middle East 0634 January 15,1944.40pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, France, Albania, Greece, Poland, Switzerland, Middle East 0674 January 14,1944.3pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0677 January 22,1944.41pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, France, Netherlands, Greece, Poland, Switzerland, Middle East 0718 January 21,1944.4pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0722 January 28,1944.2pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0724 January 29,1944.41pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, France, Greece, Poland, Spain and Portugal, Switzerland, Middle East February 1944 0765 February 5,1944.34pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Bulgaria, Rumania, Hungary, Finland, Norway, Sweden, France, Netherlands, Greece, Poland, Spain and Portugal, Switzerland (February 4, 1944), Middle East 0799 February 5,1944.3pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0802 February 12,1944.47pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, France, Albania, Greece, Poland, Middle East 0849 February 12,1944.3pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0852 February 19,1944.41pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia [page 15 missing], Finland, Sweden, Norway, France, Netherlands, Spain and Portugal, Poland, Greece, Middle East 0894 February 19,1944.2pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0896 February 26,1944.47pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Denmark, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, France, Greece, Poland; Middle East 0943 February 26,1944. 3pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific.

16 ReelS Record Regional Directives cont. OWI Overseas Branch cont March 1944 0001 March 4,1944.43pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, France, Netherlands, Albania, Middle East 0044 March 4,1944.3pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0047 March 9,1944. 35pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, France, Poland, Greece, Middle East. 0082 March 11,1944.2pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0084 March 16,1944.41pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, France, Netherlands, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Poland, Middle East 0125 March 18,1944.2pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0127 March 23,1944.42pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, France, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Poland, Middle East 0169 March 25,1944.3pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0172 March 30,1944.52pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, France, Albania, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Poland, Middle East April 1944 0224 April 6,1944.45pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, France, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Poland, Middle East Appendix—Underground Papers in Norway [pages following 23 missing]. 0270 April 1,1944. 3pp. Weekly Propaganda Directive—Pacific. 0273 April 13,1944.50pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary (page 11 missing), Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, France, Netherlands, Albania, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Greece, Middle East 0325 April 20,1944.54pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Rumania, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, France, Albania, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Turkey, Poland, Spain and Portugal, Middle East 0379 April 27, 1944.54pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, France, Greece, Poland, Turkey, Middle East

17 May 1944 0433 May 4, 1944.46pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, France, Greece, Poland, Turkey, Spain and Portugal, Middle East 0480 May 11,1944.55pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, France, Netherlands, Greece, Poland, Turkey, Spain and Portugal, Middle East 0535 May 18,1944.64pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, France, Greece, Poland, Turkey, Spain and Portugal, Middle East Interim Guidance—Netherlands. Annexe—Danish Attitudes on Post-War Problems. 0599 May 25,1944.48pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, France, Netherlands, Greece, Poland, Turkey, Spain and Portugal, Middle East June 1944 0647 June 1,1944.53pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Rumania [page 14 missing], Hungary, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, France, Greece, Turkey, Poland, Middle East 0701 June 8,1944.38pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Italy, France, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Albania, Greece, Poland, Turkey, Middle East 0739 June 16,1944.52pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Netherlands and Belgium-Luxembourg, France, Greece, Poland, Turkey, Spain and Portugal, Middle East Messages—Representative American Medical Leaders to Arab Medical Congress in Lebanon. 0791 June 23,1944.50pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, France, Netherlands and Belgium- Luxembourg, Greece, Poland, Turkey, Spain and Portugal, Middle East 0841 June 30,1944.58pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Netherlands and Belgium-Luxembourg, France, Albania, Greece, Poland, Spain and Portugal, Middle East July 1944 0899 July 7,1944.52pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Rumania, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, France, Netherlands and Belgium-Luxembourg, Greece, Poland, Turkey, Middle East 0952 July 14,1944.54pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Middle East Spain and Portugal, Turkey, Poland, Greece, Netherlands and Belgium-Luxembourg, France, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Yugoslavia, Rumania, Hungary.

18 1009 July 21,1944.52pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, France, Netherlands, Greece, Poland, Turkey, Middle East 1061 July 28,1944.46pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, France, Netherlands and Belgium- Luxembourg, Albania, Greece, Poland, Turkey, Middle East Reel 6 Record Regional Directives cont. OWI Overseas Branch cont August 1944 0001 August 4,1944.43pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Finland, Norway, Sweden, France, Netherlands and Belgium-Luxembourg, Greece, Poland, Turkey, Middle East 0044 August 11,1944.45pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Finland, Norway, Sweden, France, Netherlands and Belgium-Luxembourg, Greece, Poland, Turkey, Middle East 0089 August 17, 1944.55pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, France, Netherlands and Belgium- Luxembourg, Greece, Poland, Turkey, Spain and Portugal, Middle East Intelligence Notes—Middle East 0144 August 24,1944.56pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, France, Netherlands and Belgium-Luxembourg, Greece, Poland, Turkey, Spain and Portugal, Middle East Appendix—State of Morale in Norway during 1943-1944. 0200 August 31,1944.59pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, France, Netherlands, Belgium-Luxembourg, Greece, Poland, Turkey, Middle East (page 54 missing), Sweden. Appendix—The Communists in Norwegian Resistance. September 1944 0260 September 7,1944.54pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, France, Netherlands, Belgium- Luxembourg, Greece, Poland, Turkey, Middle East, Spain and Portugal. 0314 September 14,1944.61pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria (page 7 missing), Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, France, Netherlands, Albania, Greece, Poland, Turkey, Middle East 0376 September 21,1944.43pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark (page 25 missing), Finland, Norway, France, Netherlands, Greece (page 37 missing), Poland, Turkey, Middle East. 0421 September 28, 1944.49pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, France, Poland, Middle East

19 October 1944 f 0471 October 5,1944. 52pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Finland, Norway, Sweden, France, Netherlands, Greece, Poland, Turkey, Middle East 0523 October 12,1944.61pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, France, Netherlands, Albania, Greece, Poland, Turkey, Middle East 0584 October 19,1944.47pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, France, Netherlands, Greece, Poland, Middle East 0631 October 26,1944.61pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, France, Italy, Netherlands, Greece, Poland, Turkey, Middle East November 1944 0692 November 2,1944.71pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, France, Netherlands, Greece, Poland, Turkey, Middle East 0763 November 10,1944.55pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, Italy, Netherlands, France, Albania, Greece, Poland, Turkey, Middle East 0818 November 16,1944.58pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, Italy, Netherlands, France, Greece, Poland, Middle East. Annex—Increased French Participation in European Fighting and French Zone of Occupation in Germany. 0874 November 23,1944.60pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Italy, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Greece, Poland, Spain and Portugal, Middle East 0935 November 30,1944.58pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Italy, France, Netherlands, Greece, Poland, Spain and Portugal, Middle East Reel 7 Record Regional Directives cont. OWI Overseas Branch cont December 1944 0001 December 7,1944.67pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Italy, France, Netherlands, Greece, Poland, Turkey, Spain and Portugal, Middle East 0068 December 14,1944.62pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, France, Italy, Netherlands, Albania, Greece, Poland, Spain and Portugal, Middle East

20 0130 December 21,1944.58pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium and Luxembourg, France, Italy, Netherlands, Greece, Poland, Spain and Portugal, Middle East. 0189 December 29,1944.58pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Finland, Norway, Sweden [page 32 missing], Belgium, France, Italy, Netherlands, Greece, Poland, Turkey, Spain and Portugal, Middle East January 1945 0247 January 5,1945.54pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Belgium-Luxembourg, France, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Turkey, Spain and Portugal, Middle East 0301 January 12,1945.70pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Belgium, France, Italy, Netherlands, Albania, Greece, Poland, Turkey, Spain and Portugal, Middle East. Appendix—A Review of the Political and Economic Situation in the Middle East 0372 January 19,1945.67pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Italy, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Greece, Poland, Turkey, Spain and Portugal, Middle East. 0439 January 26,1945.69pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, Spain and Portugal, Italy, France, Netherlands, Greece, Poland, Turkey, Middle East 0507 January 31-Febraary 7,1945.3pp. Regional Directive—Japan. February 1945 0510 February 2,1945.63pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, France, Spain and Portugal, Italy, Netherlands, Greece, Poland, Turkey, Middle East Appendix—Middle East Intelligence Note. 0573 February 7-14,1945.7pp. Regional Directives—Japan, China. 0580 February 9,1945.60pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, France, Italy, Netherlands, Greece, Poland, Turkey, Spain and Portugal, Middle East 0642 February 14-31,1945.3pp. Regional Directive—Japan. 0645 February 14-21,1945.3pp. Regional Directive—China. 0648 February 16,1945.63pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, France, Spain and Portugal, Italy, Netherlands, Albania, Greece, Poland, Middle East Intelligence Note—Middle East: Washington Overview. 0711 February 21-28,1945.13pp. Regional Directives—Japan, China, Burma, French and Annamese, Thailand. 0724 February 23,1945.5pp. Regional Directives—Korea, Indonesia, Philippines.

21 0729 February 23, 1945.48pp, Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Middle East, Poland, Greece, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, France, Spain and Portugal, Italy, Netherlands, Albania. March 1945 0778 February 28-March 7,1945.6pp. Regional Directives—Japan, China, Korea. 0784. March 3,1945.4pp. Regional Directives—Philippines, Indonesia. 0788 March 2,1945.6pp. Regional Directives—Thailand, Burma, French and Annamese. 0794 March 2,1945.57pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Albania, Greece, Poland, Middle East. 0851 March 8-15,1945.6pp. Regional Directives—Japan, China. 0857 March 7-14,1945.3pp. Regional Directive—Korea. 0860 March 9,1945.3pp. Regional Directive—Burma. 0863 March 9,1945.48pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark [page 22 missing], Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, France, Italy, Netherlands, Albania, Greece, Poland, Middle East 0912 March 16,1945.16pp. Regional Directives—China, Japan, Philippines, Korea, Indonesia, Burma, Thailand. 0928 March 16,1945.50pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, France, Italy, Spain and Portugal, Netherlands, Greece, Poland, Middle East 0978 March 23,1945.8pp. Regional Directives—China, Japan. 0986 March 16,1945.2pp. Regional Directive—French and Annamese. 0988 March 23,1945.46pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, France, Spain and Portugal, Greece, Poland, Middle East 1035 March 30,1945.58pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, France, Spain and Portugal, Italy, Netherlands, Albania, Greece, Poland, Middle East 1093 March 30,1945.15pp. Regional Directives—China, Japan, Thai, French and Annamese, Burma, Philippines, Korea, Indonesia.

22 ReelS Record Regional Directives cont. OWI Overseas Branch cont April 1945 0001 April 6,1945.53pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, France, Spain and Portugal, Italy, Netherlands, Albania, Greece, Poland, Middle East Appendix—Delegates from the Middle East to the U.S. 0054 April 5-6, 1945. 17pp. Regional Directives—China, Japan, Philippines, Thailand, Korea, Indonesia, French and Annamese, Burma. 0071 April 13,1945.51pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Spain and Portugal, Belgium, France, Netherlands, Italy, Greece, Poland, Albania, Middle East. 0122 April 13,1945.19pp. Regional Directives—Japan, China, Indonesia, Korea, French and Annamese, Burma, Thailand, Philippines. 0141 April 20,1945.58pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain and Portugal, Albania, Poland, Greece, Middle East 0200 April 20,1945.20pp. Regional Directives—China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Philippines, French and Annamese, Indonesia, Burma. 0220 April 27,1945.53pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, France, Spain and Portugal, Netherlands, Italy, Albania, Poland, Greece, Middle East 0273 April 27, 1945.17pp. Regional Directives—Japan, China, Philippines, Indonesia, Korea, French and Annamese, Thai, Burma. May 1945 0290 May 4,1945.52pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Spain and Portugal, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Albania, Poland, Greece, Middle East 0342 May 4,1945.18pp. Regional Directives—Japan, China, Indonesia, Philippines, French and Annamese, Korea, Thailand, Burma. 0360 May 11,1945.50pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Rumania, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, France, Netherlands, Italy, Spain and Portugal, Albania, Poland, Greece, Middle East 0411 May 11,1945.18pp. Regional Directives—Japan, China, Korea, Burma, Thailand, French and Annamese, Indonesia, Philippines.

23 0429 May 18,1945.65pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, France, Italy, Spain and Portugal, Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, Greece, Albania, Middle East Intelligence Notes—The Question of Trusteeships at the United Nations Security Conference at San Francisco. 0494 May 18,1945.13pp. Regional Directives—Japan, China, Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, French and Annamese, Burma. 0507 . May 25,1945.49pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, NAVway, Sweden, France, Spain and Portugal, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Albania, Greece, Poland, Middle East 0556 May 25,1945.17pp. Regional Directives—China, Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, Burma, Korea, Thailand, French and Annamese. June 1945 0573 June 1,1945.56pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, France, Spain and Portugal, Italy, Netherlands, Albania, Greece, Poland, Middle East. 0629 June 1,1945.14pp. Regional Directives—Japan, China, Indonesia, Burma, Thailand, French and Annamese, Philippines, Korea. 0643 June 8,1945.52pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Belgium, France, Spain and Portugal, Italy, Netherlands, Albania, Greece, Poland, Middle East 0695 June 7-8,1945.18pp. Regional Directives—Japan, China, Burma, Thailand, Philippines, Korea, Indonesia, French and Annamese. 0713 June 15,1945.55pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, France, Spain and Portugal, Italy, Netherlands, Albania, Greece. 0768 June 14-15,1945.19pp. Regional Directives—Japan, China, Philippines, Korea, Thailand, Burma, Indonesia, French and Annamese. 0787 June 22,1945.51pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, France, Spain and Portugal, Italy, Netherlands, Albania, Greece, Poland, Middle East 0840 June 22,1945.17pp. Regional Directives—Japan, China, Burma, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Korea, French and Annamese. 0857 June 29,1945.65pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark [page 25 missing], Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, France, Spain and Portugal, Italy, Netherlands, Albania, Greece, Poland, Middle East 0923 June 29,1945.14pp. Regional Directives—China, Japan, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Burma, French and Annamese, Korea.

24 Reel 9 Record Regional Directives cont. OWI Overseas Branch cont July 1945 0001 July 6,1945.54pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, France, Spain and Portugal, Italy, Netherlands, Albania, Greece, Poland, Middle East 0055 July 6,1945.17pp. Regional Directives—Japan, China, Burma, French and Annamese, Thailand, Korea, Indonesia, Philippines. 0072 July 13,1945.48pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, France, Spain and Portugal, Italy, Netherlands, Albania, Greece, Poland, Middle East 0120 July 13,1945.14pp. Regional Directives—China, Japan, Indonesia, French and Annamese, Thailand, Korea, Burma, Philippines. 0134 July 20,1945.55pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, France, Spain and Portugal, Italy, Netherlands, Albania, Greece, Poland, Middle East 0189 July 20,1945.17pp. Regional Directives—Japan, China, Philippines, Indonesia, French and Annamese, Thailand, Burma, Korea. 0206 July 27,1945.50pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, France, Spain and Portugal, Italy, Netherlands, Albania, Greece, Poland, Middle East 0257 July 27,1945.14pp. Regional Directives—China, Thailand, Philippines, Korea, Burma, Indonesia, French and Annamese. August 1945 0271 August 3,1945.55pp. Weekly Propaganda Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, Albania, Greece, Poland, Middle East Intelligence Note—The Sterling Area and American Trade in the Middle East 0326 August3,1945.13pp. Regional Directives—China, Philippines, Burma, Thailand, Korea, Indonesia, French and Annamese. 0339 August 10,1945. 39pp. Weekly Regional Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Italy, Spain and Portugal, Greece, Poland, Middle East 0378 August 10,1945.13pp. Regional Directives—China, Philippines, Korea, French and Annamese, Thailand, Burma, Indonesia.

25 0391 August 17,1945.48pp. Weekly Regional Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, France, Italy, Spain and Portugal, Albania, Greece, Poland, Middle East BackgroundNote—Netherlands. 0439 August 17,1945.11pp. Regional Directives—China, Philippines, French and Annamese, Burma, Korea, Thailand, Indonesia. 0450 August 24,1945.53pp. Weekly Regional Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Albania, Greece, Poland, Middle East Background Notes—France, Belgium, Netherlands. 0503 August 24,1945.10pp. Regional Directives—China, Korea, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Burma, French and Annamese. 0513 August 31,1945.48pp. Weekly Regional Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Italy, Spain and Portugal, Albania, Greece, Poland, Middle East. Background Notes—France, Netherlands. 0561 August 31,1945.9pp. Regional Directives—China, Korea, Burma, Thailand, Indochina, Indonesia, Philippines. September 1945 0570 September 7,1945.39pp. Weekly Regional Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, France, Spain and Portugal, Italy, Albania, Greece, Poland, Middle East BackgroundNote—Belgium. 0609 September?, 1945.9pp. Regional Directives—China, Burma, French and Annamese, Indonesia, Korea, Philippines, Thailand. 0618 September 14,1945.41pp. Weekly Regional Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Poland, Greece, Middle East. Appendix—Middle East 0659 September 13-14,1945.8pp. Regional Directives—China, Philippines, Burma, Siam, Korea, Indonesia, French and Annamese. 0667 September 21,1945.30pp. Weekly Regional Directives—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Greece, Poland, Middle East Appendix—Middle East 0697 September 20-21,1945.11pp. Regional Directives—China, Korea, Philippines, Burma, Thai, Indonesia, French and Annamese.

Interim International Information Service September 1945 cont 0708 September 28,1945.26pp. Weekly Regional Guidances—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Rumania, Hungary, Greece, Poland, Yugoslavia, Middle East 0734 September 28,1945.7pp. Regional Directives—Philippines, Korea, Siam, Burma, Indonesia, French and Annamese.

26 October 1945 0741 October 5,1945.32pp. Weekly Regional Guidances—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Rumania, Hungary, Greece, Poland, Yugoslavia, Middle East Appendix—Middle Ease Press and Public Opinion. 0774 October 5,1945.13pp. Regional Directives—Burma, China, French and Annamese, Indonesia, Korea, Philippines, Thailand. 0787 October 12,1945.27pp. Weekly Regional Guidances—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Greece, Poland, Middle East Appendix I—No. 5 Astra: International Affairs, Mideast Affairs, Egyptian Affairs. 0814 October 12,1945. llpp. Regional Directives—Burma, China, Indonesia, Indochina, Korea, Philippines, Thailand. 0825 October 19,1945.32pp. Weekly Regional Guidances—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Greece, Poland, Middle East Appendix—No. 6 Astra: International Affairs, Egyptian Affairs [page 32 missing]. 0859 October 19,1945.11pp. Regional Directives—China, Burma, Thailand, Korea, Philippines, Indonesia, French and Annamese. 0870 October 26,1945.29pp. Weekly Regional Guidances—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Rumania, Hungary, Greece, Poland, Yugoslavia, Middle East Appendix—Astra No. 7: International Affairs, Middle East Affairs. 0899 October 24-26,1945.12pp. Regional Directives—China [page 2 missing], Philippines, Indonesia, Korea, Burma, Thailand, French and Annamese. November 1945 0912 November 2,1945.23pp. Weekly Regional Guidances—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Greece, Poland, Middle East 0935 November 2,1945.9pp. Regional Directives—China, Korea, Thailand, Philippines, French and Annamese. 0944 November 9,1945.25pp. Weekly Regional Guidances—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Greece, Poland. 0969 November 9,1945.9pp. Regional Directives—China, Philippines, Korea, Thailand. 0978 November 16,1945.28pp. Weekly Regional Guidances—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Greece, Poland. 1006 November 16,1945.5pp. Regional Directives—Korea, Thailand, Philippines. 1011 November 23,1945.17pp. Weekly Regional Guidances—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Greece, Poland. 1028 November 23,1945.5pp. Regional Directives—Philippines, Thailand, Korea. 1033 November 30,1945.24pp. Weekly Regional Guidances—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Greece, Poland. 1058 November 30, 1945.5pp. Regional Directives—Thailand, Korea, Philippines.

27 Reel 10 Record Regional Directives cont. Interim International Information Service cont. December 1945 0001 December 7,1945.23pp. Weekly Regional Guidances—Austria, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Rumania, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Greece, Poland. 0024 Decembers-?, 1945.8pp. Regional Directives—China, Thailand, Philippines. Interim International Information [Asia, United Nations Organization, war criminals, American affairs]. 0032 December 14,1945.20pp. Weekly Regional Guidances—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Greece, Poland. 0052 December 14,1945.8pp. Regional Directives—China, Korea, Thailand, Philippines. 0060 December 21,1945.13pp. Weekly Regional Guidances—Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Greece, Poland. 0073 December 19-21,1945.7pp. Regional Directives—China, Philippines, Korea, Thailand. 0080 December 26-28,1945.6pp. Regional Directives—China, Philippines, Korea, Thailand. Long Range and Basic Regional Directives (Occupation Duties, 1944-1945) OWI Overseas Operations Branch The Long Range Directives, written from October 1944 to November 1945, provide background informa- tion for various countries in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East This information covers politics, economics, sociology, the media, the language or languages of a country, health, and education. The directives evaluate the attitude of the country toward the U.S. and the other Allies. These documents provide plans for the occupation and the postwar reconstruction of the countries. German and Italian directives indicate plans for eliminating fascism and punishing the guilty. Appendices and annexes follow the directives. These documents are arranged alphabetically by country.

[1944-1945] 0086 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. October 14,1944.6pp. Long Range Directive—Albania. 0092 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. October 26,1944.8pp. Long Range Policy Guidance—Albania. 0100 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. April 12,1945.31pp.. Long Range Policy Directive—Austria. 0131 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. December 7,1944.21pp. Long Range Policy Guidance—Belg: im and Luxembourg. 0152 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. July 31,1945.22pp. Basic Regional Directive—Belgium and Luxembourg. 0175 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. October 26,1944.10pp. Long Range Policy Guidance—Bulgaria.

28 0185 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. May 29,1945.33pp. Directive on Basic Themes for Output to Germany. Theme #1: German War Guilt. Theme #2: German Legend: Versailles. Theme #3: Nazi Exploitation of Europe. Theme #4: Food. Theme #5: Foreign Workers. Theme #6: Nazi Myth: Europe. 0218 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. May 11,1945.22pp. Long Range Policy Directive—Bulgaria. 0241 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 13,1945.22pp. B asic Regional Directive—Bulgaria. 0263 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. January 15,1945.13pp. Long Range Policy Directive—China. 0276 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. October 28,1944.14pp. Long Range Policy Guidance—Czechoslovakia. 0290 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. June 5,1945.15pp. Long Range Policy Directive—Czechoslovakia. 0305 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. November 18,1944.11pp. Long Range Policy Guidance—Denmark. 0316 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. July 2,1945.12pp. Long Range Policy Directive—Denmark. 0328 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. April 18,1945.7pp. Long Range Directive—France. 0335 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. April 30,1945. Ip. Long Range Policy Directive—France. 0336 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. November 17,1944.3pp. Basic Directive for Propaganda to Germany. 0339 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. December 5,1944.21pp. Directive of Long Range Media for Germany. Appendix—Statistics on German Media of Communication. 0360 OWI. April 26, 1945.8pp. Basic Policy Directive for Information in Germany. 0368 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. November 3,1944.7pp. Long Range Policy Guidance—Greece. 0375 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. July 5,1945.21pp. Long Range Directive—Greece. 0396 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. October 30,1944.17pp. Long Range Policy Guidance—Hungary. 0414 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 27,1945.27pp. Basic Regional Directive—Hungary. 0441 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. July 20,1945:6pp. Directive for OWI Informational Operations in India. 0447 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. November 23,1944.15pp. Long Range Policy Guidance—Italy. 0462 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. December 6,1944.16pp. Long Range Policy Guidance—Italy. 0478 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. July 3,1945.11pp. Long Range Policy Directive—Italy. 0489 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. March 2,1945.7pp. Long Range Policy Directive—Japan. 0496 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. November 20, 1945.20pp. Long Range Policy Guidance—Netherlands.

29 0516 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 2,1945.10pp. Basic Regional Policy Directive—Netherlands. 0526 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 8,1945. Ip. Basic Regional Policy Directive—Netherlands. 0527 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. November 25,1944.15pp. Long Range Policy Guidance—Norway. 0542 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. December 21,1944.15pp. Long Range Policy Directive—Philippines. Annex—Long Range Policy Directive for Philippines. 0557 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. February 23,1945.8pp. Long Range Policy Guidance—Poland [page 4 missing]. 0566 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. May 4,1945.12pp. Long Range Policy Directive—Portugal. 0578 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. November 1,1944.11pp. Long Range Policy Guidance—Rumania. 0589 Interim International Information Service. October 1,1945.29pp. Basic Regional Directive—Rumania. 0618 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. November 4,1944.4pp. Basic Directive—South Africa. 0622 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. May 4,1945.16pp. Long Range Policy Directive—Spain. 0638 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. May 31,1945.13pp. Long Range Policy Directive—Sweden. 0651 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. December 6,1945.12pp. Long Range Policy Directive—Switzerland. 0663 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. April 17,1945.9pp. Long Range Directive—Switzerland. 0672 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. December 1,1944.13pp. Long Range Directive—Syria and Lebanon. 0685 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. January 30,1$45.8pp. Long Range Policy Directive—Thailand. 0693 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. April 6,1945.22pp. Long Range Policy Directive—Yugoslavia. Record Special Guidances The Record Special Guidances, written from April 1942 to November 1945, directed responses to events which needed immediate attention. These documents were written primarily by the OWI Overseas Operations Branch with the exception of a few written by the Interim International Information Service. Annexes are included.

OWI Coordinator of Information, F.LS., JA. Morrison and Dr. William L. Langer

September [April] 1942-December 1943 [July 1942] 0716 F.LS. [Freedom Information Service]. April 2,1942. Ip. Directive—Japan and Germany. 0717 April 2,1942.2pp. General Guidance—India. 0719 April 15,1942.3pp. Special Guidance—France. 0722 Coordinator of Information. May 8,1942. Ip. Guidance for Finnish Broadcasts. 0723 Coordinator of Information. May 23,1942. Ip. Guidance—Finland.

30 0724 Coordinator of Information. May 29,1942. Ip. Guidance—Finland. 0725 J.A. Morrison and Dr. William L. Langer. June 3,1942.2pp. Finland. 0727 Coordinator of Information. June 12,1942.2pp. Guidance—Polish, Finnish, Swedish, Czechoslovakia Broadcasts. 0729 OWL July 23,1942.2pp. Special Guidance—German Program. Guidance Notes—Balkan. 0731 OWL July 24,1942. Ip. Guidance Note—Middle East 0732 OWL July 28,1942.4pp. Guidance Note—Eastern Europe. Guidance Note—Germany. 0736 Coordinator of Information. July 29,1942. Ip. Guidance—Finland.

OWI Overseas Operations Branch, James P. Larburg

September 1942-December 1943 cont 0737 OWI. September 16,1942. Ip. General Directive on Possible German Peace Offensive. 0738 OWI. October 12,1942.2pp. Special Guidance—Attorney General's Speech: The Status of Italian Aliens in the United States. 0740 OWI Overseas Branch. October 19,1942. Ip. Special Guidance—Range of the Nerve War. 0741 OWI Overseas Branch. November 9,1942.17pp. Special Guidance—Spain. Background Material for Use with Special Guidance—German Penetration of French North Africa. Special Guidance—Scandinavia. Special Guidance—Germany. Special Guidance—Portugal. Special Guidance—Italy. Special Guidance—France. Central Guidance to Govern All Languages. 0758 OWI Overseas Branch. January 8,1943.2pp. Special Guidance—Atrocity and Terror Stories. 0760 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. June 5,1943. Ip. Special Guidance—Insurrection in Argentina. 0761 OWI. July 16-23,1943. Ip. Addendum to Central Directive—Special Guidance on Roosevelt-Churchill Proclamation. 0762 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 1,1943. Ip. Special Guidance on Italy Effective Immediately. 0763 OWI. August 26,1943. Ip. Special Guidance—The French Committee of National Liberation. 0764 James P. Larburg. August 30,1943. Ip. Special Guidance—Boris of Bulgaria. 0765 OWI. August 30,1943. 5pp. The Crisis in Denmark. 0770 OWI. September 3,1943.2pp. Special Directive—Bulgaria. Special Guidance for the British Commonwealth. 0772 OWI Overseas Branch. September 5, 1943.2pp. Special Guidance for the British Commonwealth. 31 0774 OW1 Overseas Branch. November 19,1943.6pp. Special Guidance—Presenting News from the Far East and Pacific War Front to the Near East. 0780 OWI Overseas Branch. October 3,1943.5pp. Special Guidance—Presenting News from Russia to the Near East 0785 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. October 14,1943. Ip. Special Guidance in Connection with Italy Becoming a Co-Belligerent 0786 OWI Overseas Branch. October 20,1943.2pp. Some Basic Principles Underlying OWI Operations in the Middle East 0788 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. December 11,1943. Ip. Special Guidance—Propaganda to and about Yugoslavia.

January-May 1944 0789 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. January 6,1944.2pp. Annex—Poland. 0791 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. January 22,1944.4pp. Special Guidance—New Landings in Italy. Special Guidance—Handling of Stories of Japanese Atrocities. 0795 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. January 29,1944. Ip. Interim Guidance for Spanish Output 0796 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. February 5,1944. Ip. Interim Guidance—Russian Military Situation. 0797 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. February 7,1944. Ip. Interim Guidance—The Projected Pipe Line in the Middle East 0798 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. February 13,1944. Ip. Special Interim Guidance—Treatment of Presidential Candidates. 0799 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. February 24,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Handling of Algiers Purge Trials. 0800 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. February 23,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Italy. 0801 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. March 14,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—New Hampshire Primary Election. 0803 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. March 17,1944. Ip. Special Directive—Finnish Situation. 0804 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. March 21,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—Hungary. 0806 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. March 23,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—Rumania and Bulgaria. 0808 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. March 28,1944.5pp. Special Directive—The Daylight Air Assault on Germany. 0813 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. April 1,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—Soviet-Japanese Agreement on Sakhalin and Fisheries Convention. 0815 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. April 1,1944.2pp. Special Directive—The Use of Campaign Speeches. 0817 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. April 6,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—The Wilkie . 0818 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. April 7,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Turkey. 0819 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. April 7,1944.3pp. Special Guidance—Hungary, Bulgaria, and Rumania. Special Guidance—War Refugees Entering the Middle East 0822 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. April 10,1944.3pp. Special Guidance—Secretary Hull's Speech. 0825 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. April 2,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Italian Political Situation.

32 0826 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. April 17,1944. Ip. Special Guidance for China on America's Position in Asia. 0827 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. April 19,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—Horthy. 0829 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. April 21,1944. Ip. Guidance—Turkey's Cessation of Chrome Shipments to Germany. 0830 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. April 22,1944.15pp. Special Guidance—Report of Admiral King to the Secretary of the Navy, April 23,1944. Annex A—Frequency of Naval Bombardments of Enemy Shore Positions. Annex B—War Record of the USS Enterprise. Annex C—Propaganda Exploitation. Annex D—Admiral King Report Index of United States Combatant Ships Mentioned [There]In. 0846 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. April 25,1944. Ip. Special Annex—May First Commemoration. 0847 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. May 1,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Agreement with Spain. 0848 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. May 2,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Military Exercises from United Kingdom. 0849 OWI Overseas Branch. May 2-9,1944. Ip. Annex—ILO. 0850 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. May 5,1944. Ip. Supplement—Special Guidance on Agreement with Spain. 0851 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. May 6,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Gandhi. 0852 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. May 12,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Handling of the Allied Offensive in Italy. 0853 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. May 15,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Propaganda to and about Yugoslavia. 0854 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. May 18,1944.3pp. Special Guidance—Polomia Congress. 0857 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. May 23,1944. Ip. Special Guidance for Treatment of Icelandic Referendum on Establishment of Republic. 0858 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. May 27,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Turkey. June-September 1944 0859 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. June 3,1944.2pp. Special Directive—Propaganda Treatment of Emperor. 0861 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. June 3,1944.2pp. Special Guidance for Use When Rome Is Entered. 0863 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. June 3,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—Yugoslavia. 0865 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. June 3,1944. Ip. Special Guidance Regarding American Government's Note to the Government of Iran about Campaign against American Advisers in Iran. 0866 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. June 3,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Treatment of USAAF [United States Army Air Forces] Operations from Russian Bases. 0867 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. June 5,1944. Ip. Special Guidance for Use When Rome Is Entered. 0869 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. June 6-13,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—Anglo-American Position in China.

33 0871 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. June 6,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—Treatment of Allied Expeditionary Force Landings. 0873 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. June 7,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—Reassembly of Icelandic Parliament. Nomination of President and Proclamation of Icelandic Republic. 0875 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. June 9,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Treatment of AEF [Allied Expeditionary Force] Operations. 0876 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. June 14,1944.2pp. Special Guidance on Macedonia and Thrace for Bulgarian Broadcasts. 0878 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. June 14,1944.5pp. Special Guidance on Long Range Media for Europe. 0883 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. June 16,1944. Ip. Special Guidance for Middle East Desks on the President's World Security Plan. 0884 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. June 22,1944. Ip. Special Guidance for Use When Cherbourg Is Taken. 0885 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. June 23,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—Republican National Convention. 0887 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. June 26,1944.2pp. Interim Guidance—Finland. 0889 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. July 1,1944.5pp. Principal Objectives of Propaganda to Germany (for Immediate Application to Short-Range Media). 0894 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. July 5,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—General De Gaulle's Visit 0896 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. July 8,1944. Ip. . Special Guidance—New Yugoslav Government 0897 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. July 8,1944.2pp. Guidance—Bombing of Japan. 0899 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. July 8,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Russian Advance. 0900 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. July 15,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—Democratic National Convention. 0902 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. July 19,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Cable-Wireless Handling of the Sumner Welles' Book. 0903 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. July 21,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Germany. 0904 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. July 21,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Hitler's Speech. 0905 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. July 22,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—Belgium. 0907 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. July 23,1944. Ip. Special Guidance for Guderian Speech. 0908 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. July 25,1944.2pp. Special Guidance-—Germany. 0910 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. July 26,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—Goebbels' Speech. 0912 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. July 27,1944.4pp. Principal Objectives of Propaganda to European Neutral Countries. 0916 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. July 29,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Mikolajczyk's Trip. 0917 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. July 29,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Resignation of Thai Cabinet 0918 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. July 29,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Coming Liberation of Warsaw.

34 0919 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 1,1944.2pp. Special Guidance on Ryti-Mannerheim. 0921 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 1-8,1944. Ip. Annex—Treatment of American Victories in the Pacific. 0922 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 1,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Death of President Quezon. 0923 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 2,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—New Thai Cabinet 0926 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 4,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—German Court of Honor to Purge the Army. 0927 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 7,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Hungarian Cabinet Change. 0928 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 8, 1944. 4pp. Special Guidance—Anglo-American Oil Agreement 0932 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 8,1944. Ip. Guidance—Philippine Puppets. 0933 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 9,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—German Trial. 0935 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 10,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Fifth Anniversary of the War, September 1,1944. 0936 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 11,1944.7pp. Guidance—Long Range Media for Germany. 0944 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 12,1944.3pp. Principal Objectives of Short-Range Propaganda to Czechoslovakia. 0947 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 14,1944.2pp. principal Objectives of Short-Range Propaganda to Poland. 0949 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 15,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—Landings in Southern France. 0951 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 16,1944.3pp. Principal Objectives of Short-Range Propaganda to Yugoslavia. 0954 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 16,1944. Ip. Principal Objectives of Short-Range Propaganda to Greece. 0958 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 17,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—Foreign Workers. 0960 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 18,1944. Ip. Special Guidance for Neutrals on the Liberation of Paris. 0961 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 18,1944.3pp. Special Guidance—Liberation of Paris. 0964 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 19,1944.2pp. Annex—Security Conference. 0966 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 22,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Extraordinary Session of the Bulgarian National Assembly. 0967 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 22,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—F.F.I. [French Forces of the Interior], 0968 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 22-29,1944.3pp. Annex—Program to Encourage Ideological Cleavage within Japan. 0971 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 22,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Civil Administration Agreement with France. 0972 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 23,1944. 3pp. Special Guidance—Rumania. 0975 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 26,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—Bulgaria's Steps to Get Out of the War. 0977 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 1944.5pp. Principal Objectives of Short-Range Propaganda to Austria.

35 0982 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 30,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Hungarian Government 0983 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 31,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—FCNL [French Committee of National Liberation]. 0984 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. September 3,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Cabinet Crisis in Bulgaria. 0985 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. September 1944.3pp. Special Guidance-—Campaign. 0988 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. September 1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Finland. 0989 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. September 2,1944. Ip. • Special Guidance—FCNL [French Committee of National Liberation]. 0990 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. September 4,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—Finland. 0992 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. September 7,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Bulgaria. 0993 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. September 1944. Ip. Special Directive—Yugoslavia. 0994 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. September 1944. Ip. Special Directive—Bulgaria. 0995 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. September 9,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Manchurian Anniversary of September 18,1931. 0996 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. n.d. Ip. 0997 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. September 15,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—French Participation in the Pacific War. 0998 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. September 16,1944.3pp. Meeting on Short-Range Media. 1001 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. September 19,1944.4pp. Special Guidance—Extension of Full and Unconditional Recognition of the Independence of Syria and the Lebanon by the United States Government 1005 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. September 18,1944.2pp. Guidance—Military and Political Situation in China. 1007 OWI. September 29,1944. Ip. OWI Basic Plan for Handling News concerning Civil Affairs Operations—Section VI. Reel 11 Record Special Guidances cont OWI Overseas Operations Branch cont. October-December 1944 0001 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. October 2,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Poland. 0002 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. October 5,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Goebbels' Speech regarding German Popular Resistance. 0003 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. October 5,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Invasion of Greece. 0004 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. October 6,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Baltics. 0005 OWI Overseas Branch. October 9,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—United Nations Organization [UNO] for Postwar Peace and Security. 0007 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. October 9,1944. 6pp. Special Directive—Treatment of Negro and Other Minority Problems.

36 0013 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. October 13,1944. Ip. Interim Guidance—Lebrun's Resignation. 0014 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. October 16,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—Hungary's Break with Germany. 0016 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. October 18,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Hitler Decree and Himmler Speech of October 18. 0017 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. October 20,1944.3pp. Special Guidance—Landing Operations in the Philippines. 0020 OWI Overseas Branch. October 21,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Anniversary of Armistice Day. 0021 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. October 23,1944.3pp. Special Guidance—Treatment of American Opinion on China. 0024 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. October 23,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Announcement of the Recognition of the Provisional Government of the French Republic. 0025 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. October 25,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—Use of Tokyo as a Source of Immediate News. 0027 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. October 26,1944.17pp. Guidance—Pictures and Features for the Far East Supplement to Guidance. 0044 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. October 26,1944.6pp. Special Guidance—International Civil Aviation Conference. 0050 OWI Overseas Branch. October 27,1944.11pp. Directive—Radio Informational Activities to China. 0061 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. October 27,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—Spanish Output 0063 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. October 28,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Treatment of Japanese Atrocities. 0064 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. October 28,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Treatment of Filipino Guerrillas. 0065 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. October 30,1944.4pp. Special Guidance—United States Election. 0069 OWI Overseas Branch. October 30,1944. Ip. Interim Guidance—Soviet Withdrawal from Aviation Conference. 0070 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. October 30,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Bulgarian Armistice Terms. 0071 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. October 31,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—Treatment of American News and Comment concerning the Recall of General Stilwell and the Military Situation in China. 0073 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. October 31-November 7,1944. Ip. Annex—Nomenclature for Resistance Movements in Europe. 0074 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. November 1,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—The Use of the "Free Yugoslavia" Radio Station. 0075 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. November 3,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—Treatment of the Chinese Communists. 0077 OWI. November 8,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—Treatment of Election News and Commentaries When the Result Is Decisive. 0079 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. November 9,1944.4pp. Annex to Special Guidance—Hitler's Failure to Speak on November 8,1944. Special Guidance—Hitler's Failure to Speak on November 8, 1944. 0083 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. November 10,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Treatment of Yamashita.

37 0084 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. November 12,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Hitler Proclamation. 0085 German Committee. November 15,1944.23pp. Guidance—Long Range Media for Germany. Appendix—Statistics on German Media of Communications. 0108 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. November 20,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—New German Soldiers' Vow of Loyalty. 0110 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. November 21,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—Chinese Cabinet 0112 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. November 29,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—House Foreign Affairs Committee Resolution on Palestine. 0113 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. November 29,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Belgium. 0114 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. November 29,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Sforza Incident 0115 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. December 1,1944.2pp. Contingency Guidance on Hitler's Death. 0117 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. December 2,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—The De Gaulle Visit to Moscow. 0118 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. December 2,1944. Ip. Special Statement of United States Policy toward Internal Affairs of Liberated Countries. 0119 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. December 1944. Ip. Special Guidance—State Department Declaration concerning Italy. 0120 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. December 5,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—Current Developments in World Petroleum Agreements. 0122 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. December 5,1944.21pp. Directive—Long Range Media for Germany. Statistics on German Media of Communications. 0143 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. December 7,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Greece. 0144 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. December 11,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—France-Soviet Alliance. 0145 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. December 14,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—Poland. 0147 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. December 15,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Churchill's Speech. 0148 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. December 16,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—Landing at Mindoro. 0150 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. December 16,1944.3pp. Contingency Guidance When Budapest Falls. 0153 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. December 18,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Mr. Stettinius' Statement 0154 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. December 18,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Lifting of Ban on Japanese on West Coast 0155 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. December 22,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Treatment of German War Crimes. 0156 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. December 22,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—German Counter-Offensive. 0157 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. December 26,1944. Ip. Interim Guidance—German Counter-Offensive. 0158 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. December 27,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Use of Materials from Yenan Radio. 0159 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. December 28,1944. Ip. Second Interim Guidance—German Counter-Offensive.

38 0160 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. December 29,1944. Ip. Third Interim Guidance—Gennan Counter-Offensive. 0161 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. December 30,1944. Ip. Fourth Interim Guidance—Gennan Offensive. 0162 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. December 31,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Hider's Speech.

January-April 1945 0163 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. January 26,1945.2pp. Special Guidance—German Situation. 0165 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. January 30,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Hider's Speech. 0166 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. January 1,1945. Ip. Addendum to Fourth Interim Guidance—Gennan Offensive of December 30,1944. 0167 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. January 3,1945.2pp. Revised Special Guidance—Use of Materials from Yenan Radio. 0169 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. January 3,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Turkey's Breaking of Relations with Japan. 0170 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. January 4,1945.3pp. Special Guidance—Medium-Wave Broadcasting to Japan. 0173 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. January 4,1945. Ip. Fifth Interim Guidance—Gennan Offensive. 0174 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. January 5,1945. Ip. Sixth Interim Guidance—Gennan Offensive. 0175 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. January 5,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Military Government. 0176 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. January 5,1945.2pp. Special Guidance—Switzerland. 0178 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. January 6,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Polish Situation. 0179 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. January 9,1945.2pp. Seventh Interim Guidance—Gennan Offensive. 0181 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. January 11,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Senator Vandenberg's Proposals. 0182 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. January 10,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Use of Materials from Institute of Pacific Relations Conference. 0183 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. January 9,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Landing on Luzzon. 0184 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. January 25,1945. Ip. Special (Supplementary) Guidance—Treatment of the Japanese Emperor. 0185 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. January 31,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Recognition of die Lublin Committee by Czechoslovakia. 0186 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. February 1,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Breaking of Relations between the Czechoslovakia and Polish Governments. 0187 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. February 3,1945.2pp. Special Guidance—The City of Manila. 0189 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. February 5,1945.2pp. Special Guidance—World Trade Union Conference. 0191 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. February 5,1945.2pp. Special Guidance—Syrian Political Situation. 0193 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. February 7,1945.2pp. Special Guidance—Balkan News Blackout

39 0195 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. February 12,1945.2pp. Special Guidance—Crimea Conference. 0197 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. February 13,1945. Ip. Special Guidance on Material Dealing with Japanese Atrocities and Mistreatment of Civilian and Military Personnel. 0198 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. February 15,1945. Ip. Supplementary Guidance—Japanese Atrocities. 0199 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. February 17,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Treatment of the Japanese Navy. 0200 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. February 17,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—Mexico City Conference. 0202 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. February 21,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—The Problem of Future Trade between the United S tates and the Philippines. 0203 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. February 23,1945. Ip. Addendum to Special Guidances—Turkey and Egypt's Declaration of War Paraphrase. 0204 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. February 23,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Egyptian Declaration of War against Germany and Japan. 0205 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. February 23,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Turkey's Declaration of War. 0206 OWI Overseas Branch. February 23,1945.3pp. Plan for OWI Information Program in Thailand. 0209 OWI Overseas Branch. February 23,1945.2pp. Plan for OWI Information Program in Burma. 0211 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. February 26,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Resumption of Functions of the Philippine Commonwealth Government 0212 Overseas Operations Branch. February 26,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Iceland's Declaration of War. 0213 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. February 26,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Syrian Declaration of War (to be used also for Lebanese declaration if and when announced). 0214 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. February 28,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Goebbels' Speech of February 28. 0215 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. March 1,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Generalissimo's [Chiang Kai-shek] Statement of March 1st 0216 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. March 1,1945.3pp. Special Guidance for Japanese Language Output on President's Report on Crimea Conference. 0219 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. March 1,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Saudi Arabia's Declaration of War. 0220 OWI. March 2,1945.3pp. Long Range Program for the Far East Progress Report No. 3. 0223 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. March 2,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Surrender of Germans on the Western Front 0224 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. March 7,1945.2p. Special Guidance—Burma. 0226 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. March 9,1945. Ip. Interim Guidance—Western Front 0227 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. March 10,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Mandalay, [Burma]. 0228 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. March 10,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—French Indochina. 0229 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. March 16,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Rumania.

40 0230 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. March 17,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Western Front 0231 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. March 24,1945.2pp. Special Guidance Western Front 0233 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. March 26,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Use of Materials from Chinese Press (other than Yenan). 0234 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. March 26,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Fleet Admiral King's Second Report 0235 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. March 27,1945.2pp. Contingency Guidance—Hitler's Resignation. 0237 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. March 29,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Use of Tactical Warnings and Instructions to Germany. 0238 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. March 30,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Russia's Three-Vote Proposal. 0239 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. March 30,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Trusteeships for Dependent Areas. 0240 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. March 30,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Unconditional Surrender of Japan. 0241 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. April 1,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Landings in the Loochoo (Ryukyu) Islands. 0242 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. April 2,1945. Ip. Special Guidance-—San Francisco Conference Difficulties. 0243 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. April 5,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Eisenhower Letter to Roosevelt 0244 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. April 6,1945.2pp. Special Guidance—Soviet Decision Not to Renew Soviet-Japanese Pact of 1941. 0246 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. April 7,1945.2pp. Special Guidance—Japanese Cabinet and Command Changes. 0248 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. April 7,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Planting of Crops in Southeast Asia. 0249 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. April 9,1945.2pp. Special Guidance—Pictures of China. 0251 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. April 9,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Greek Governmental Changes. 0252 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. April 9,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—New World Court 0255 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. April 11,1945. Ip.. Special Guidance—Question of Philippine Independence. 0257 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. April 12,1945.2pp. Special Guidance—Death of President Roosevelt 0259 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. April 18,1945.2pp. Operational Guidance—Information by Radio to Germany until V-E Day. 0261 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. April 20,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Treatment of Atrocities to the Far East 0262 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. April 21,1945.2pp. Contingency Special Guidance—V-E Day and Immediately Thereafter. 0264 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. April 25,1945.3pp. Special Guidance—Reporting Far Eastern Developments to the Middle East. 0267 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. April 27,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Unofficial News from San Francisco Conference. 0268 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. April 30,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Battle for Rangoon. 0269 OWI. April, 1945.7pp. Basic OWI Plan for Handling News and Information concerning CAD [Civil Affairs Division].

41 May-November 1945 0276 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. May 1-2,1945.4pp. Special Guidance—Hitler's Death. AmmendedSpecial Guidance—Hitler's Death. 0280 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. May 2,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—VeneziaGiuila. 0281 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. May 2,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Unconditional Surrender of German Forces in Italy. 0282 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. May 4,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Treatment of Okinawans. 0283 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. May 4,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Fall of Rangoon. 0284 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. May 9,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Venezia Giuila: n. 0285 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. May 9,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—President Truman's Statement to the Japanese People. 0286 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. May 10,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Radio Output from New York to Liberated Allied Nationals Who Have Not Yet Been Repatriated. 0287 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. May 10,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—News from Countries Where Americans and Other Correspondents Do Not Really Operate. 0289 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. May 11,1945.2pp. Special Guidance—German Military Exit Propaganda. 0291 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. May 12,1945.2pp. Soliloquy of Reformation: The Ideal German 194?. 0293 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. May 14,1945.3pp. Memorandum of Post- VE Propaganda. 0296 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. May 14,1945. Ip. Revised Special Guidance—News from Countries Where Americans and Other , Correspondents Do Not Operate Fully. 0297 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. May 16,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Germany. 0298 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. May 23,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Harry Hopkin's Mission. 0299 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. May 23,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—British Election. 0300 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. May 29,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—State Department Answer to Japanese Protest on Awa Mara Sinking. 0301 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. May 29,1945.33pp. Directive—Basic Themes for Output to Germany. Theme #1: German War Guilt Theme #2: German Legend: Versailles. Theme #3: Nazi Exploitation of Europe. Theme #4: Food. Theme #5: Foreign Workers. Theme #6: Nazi Myth: Europe. -~ 0334 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. June 1,1945.2pp. Special Guidance—G.M. Dimitroy. 0336 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. June 7-8,1945.2pp. Special Guidance—Justice Jackson's Report 0338 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. June 9,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Tito's Acceptance of Anglo-American Proposal.

42 0339 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. June 9,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Extraordinary Session of Diet and Suzuki Speech. 0340 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. June 12,1945. Ip. Special Guidance-—Calling of Representatives of Polish Groups to Meet in Moscow. 0341 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. June 20,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Teschen Dispute. 0342 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. June 28,1945.2pp. Special Guidance—Soviet-Turkish Relations. 0344 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. June 30,1945.2pp. Plan for OWI Information Program in Burma. 0346 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. June 30,1945.2pp. Plan for OWI Information Program in Thailand. 0348 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. July 3,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Poland. 0349 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. July 5,1945.2pp. Special Guidance—Poland. 0351 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. July 9,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Stettinius' Appearance before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. 0352 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. July 14,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Change of Non-Fraternization Policy. 0353 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. July 26,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—British General Election. 0354 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. July 27,1945.2pp. Special Guidance—Ultimatum to Japan. 0356 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. July 20,1945.6pp. Directive-^OWI Informational Operations in India. 0362 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 1,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Special Air Forces Operations of August 1,1945. 0363 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 3,1945.7pp. Special Guidance—Berlin Report 0370 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 25,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Postponement of the Bulgarian Elections. 0371 OWI Overseas Operations Branch. August 29,1945. Ip. Special Guidance—Announcement of the Names of Dependents Indicted as Major War Criminals.

Interim International Information Service

May-November 1945 conL 0372 Interim International Information Service. September 25,1945.2pp. Special Guidance—Anglo-American Oil Agreement 0374 Interim International Information Service. October 1,1945.2pp. Special Guidance—General Marshall's Biennial Report 0376 Interim International Information Service. November 9,1945.2pp. Special Regional Guidance—Spain.

43 OWI Office of Strategic Services Relations The records of the OWI Office of Strategic Services Relations contain two groups of documents. The first group (Frames 0380-0603) is material prepared by American journalists interned at Bad Nauheim, Germany, for several months following Germany's declaration of war against the United S tates in December 1941. This material concerns the need to disseminate Allied propaganda in Germany in order to undermine German propaganda and affect German moral. The other group of documents (Frames 0604-0624) illustrates the dis- agreement between the OWI and the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) over delineation of duties.

[March 1942-June 1944] 0380 W.D. Holenthal. March 6,1942.23pp. Report: Propaganda in Germany and Occupied Areas (pages 1 and 2 missing). Bad Nauheim, Germany. 0405 W.D. Holenthal. March 6,1942.141pp. Annex No. 1: Propaganda in Germany. Sub-Annexes Nos. 1-14. 0548 W.D. Holenthal. March 6,1942.25pp. Annex No. 2: Propaganda in France. Sub-Annexes Nos. 15-17. 0578 W.D. Holenthal. March 6,1942.11pp. Annex No. 3: Propaganda in the Balkan Area. Sub-Annex No. 18. 0589 Mary Ann Kulmer. March 6,1942.15pp. Annex No. 4: Propaganda for German Women. 0604 September 29, 1943-January 3,1944.10pp. Memoranda concerning bickering in London as to whether the OSS or the OWI would control black and white propaganda. 0615 Edward Barrett April 17,1944.4pp. Proposed Definition of Dividing Line between OWI and OSS. 0619 K.D. Mann. May 24,1944.4pp. Radio as a Medium for Subversive Morale Operations. 0623 Barrett Fairbank. June 10,1944.2pp. Letter concerning an interpretation of OSS's and OWI's respective duties. SACSEA Directives The SACSEA (Supreme Allied Commander Southeast Asia) Directives are memoranda written by John King Fairbank from 1944 to 1945 concerning the Far East

[May 1944-July 1945] 0625 May 3-30,1944.24pp. Reports from SACSEA to Burma Front 0651 June 1-27,1944.18pp. Reports from SACSEA to Burma Front 0669 July 1-18,1944.9pp. Reports from SACSEA to Burma Front 0678 August 1-22,1944.7pp. Reports from SACSEA to Burma Front. 0685 September 5-19, 1944.7pp. Reports from SACSEA to Burma Front 0692 October 27,1944.4pp. Report from SACSEA to Burma Front. 0696 November 18-28,1944.8pp. Reports from SACSEA to Burma Front. 0704 December 12-27,1944.17pp. Reports from SACSEA to Burma Front 44 0721 January 3-30,1945.18pp. Reports front SACSEA to Burma Front. 0739 February 9-28,1945.19pp. Reports from SACSEA to Burma Front 0758 March 7-28,1945.15pp. Reports from SACSEA to Burma Front. 0773 April 3-18,1945. llpp. Reports from SACSEA to Burma Front 0784 June 13-17,1945.7pp. Reports from SACSEA to Burma Front 0790 July 4-15,1945.10pp. Reports from SACSEA to Burma Front CBI Theater—Psychological Warfare This directive was written by John Davies in 1944 concerning psychological warfare operations in the CBI (China-Burma-India) Theater. The directive also mentions differences in British and U.S. attitudes toward the people of Southeast Asia.

[1944] 0800 John Davies. April 17,1944.4pp. American Psychological Warfare in the CBI Theater. Moscow [Cables] The Moscow Cables are directed between the OWI and Moscow and between the OWI and London con- cerning OWI activities in the Soviet Union from 1943 to 1945.

[October 1943-September 1945] 0804 October 6-16,1943.3pp. Cables from OWI to London, from London to OWI, and from OWI to Moscow. 0807 November 10-16,1943.4pp. Cables from Moscow to OWI. 0812 December 29,1943.2pp. Cable from Moscow to OWI. 0814 November 23,1943. Ip. Cable from OWI to London. 0815 December 31,1944 [1943?]. 2pp. Cable from Moscow to OWI. 0817 January 24-29,1944.3pp. Cables from Moscow to OWI and from OWI to Moscow. 0820 February 4-26,1944.8pp. Cables from OWI to Moscow and from Moscow to OWI. 0828 March 1-28,1944.9pp. Cables from OWI to Moscow and from Moscow to OWI. 0837 April 3-16,1944.4pp. Cables from London to OWI and from Moscow to OWI. 0841 June 16,1944.3pp. Cable from Moscow to OWI. 0844 July 19-27,1944. 6pp. Cables from Moscow to OWI. 0850 August 12-19, 1944. 3pp. Cables from OWI to Moscow and from Moscow to OWI. 0853 September 5-25,1944. 6pp. Cables from Moscow to OWI.

45 0859 October 7-23,1944.3pp. Cablesfro m Moscow to OWI andfro m OWI to Moscow. ' 0862 November 2-24,1944.9pp. Cables from Moscow to OWI. 0871 December 12-13,1944.4pp. Cables from OWI to Moscow and from Moscow to OWI. 0875 January 9-31,1945.10pp. Cables from Moscow to OWI and from OWI to Moscow. 0885 February 1-28,1945.6pp. Cables from Moscow to OWI and from OWI to Moscow. 0891 March 5,1945.2pp. Cable from Moscow to OWI. 0893 April 4-9,1945.3pp. Cables from OWI to Moscow. 0896 March 31,1945.2pp. Cable from OWI to Moscow. 0898 April 9-25,1945.2pp. Cables from Moscow to OWI. 0900 May 12-29,1945.6pp. Cables from Moscow to OWI and from London to OWI. 0906 June 2-15,1945.4pp. Cables from Moscow to OWI and from OWI to Moscow. 0910 July 13-28,1945. 6pp. Cables from Moscow to OWI and from OWI to Moscow. 0916 August 11,1944. Ip. Cable from Moscow to OWI. 0917 September 20,1945. Ip. Cable from Moscow to OWI. Reel 12 Brief 9:30 Morning Guidances The Morning Guidances are memoranda from Washington, D.C., and San Francisco concerning how to cover daily stories.

[August 1943-June 1944] 0001 August 2-31,1943.65pp. 0068 September 1-30,1943.49pp. 0117 October 4-27,1943.27pp. 0145 November 1-30,1943.50pp. 0195 December 1-31,1943.52pp. 0248 January 1-31,1944.28pp. 0276 February 1-29,1944.24pp. 0300 March 1-31,1944.49pp. 0350 April 1-29,1944.52pp. 0402 May 1-31,1944.55pp. 0457 June 1-28,1944.54pp.

46 Married Directives (London) The Married Directives, written jointly by OWI and PWE from June 1943 to May 1945, are regional dkectives stressing Axis defeats and mistakes. Plans are directed to undermine Axis control and prepare for the postwar years.

[June 1943-May 1945] 0512 June 26,1943.4pp. Joint OWI-PWE Italian Regional Directive. Joint OWI-PWE French Regional Directive. Joint OWI-PWE German Regional Directive. 0516 June 25-July 3,1943.4pp. Joint OWI-PWE Directive. 0520 August 13-27,1943.9pp. Joint OWI and Political Warfare Central Directives for Algiers. PWE-OWI Joint Directive for North Africa. 0529 September 9-25,1943.8pp. PWE-OWI Central Directives for Algiers. Joint OWI-PWE Directives for Algiers. 0537 October 2-23,1943.8pp. Joint OWI-PWE Directives for Algiers. 0545 November 2-27,1943.14pp. Joint OWI-PWE Directives for Algiers. 0559 December 3-27,1943.9pp. Joint OWI-PWE Directives for Algiers. 0568 January 1-28,1944.13pp. Joint OWI-PWE Directives for Algiers. 0581 February 5-28,1944.14pp. Joint OWI-PWE Directive for North Africa. Joint OWI-PWE Directive for Algiers. 0595 March 3-31,1944.19pp. Married Directives for Algiers. Joint Directive for Algiers. 0614 April 6-28,1944.26pp. PWE-OWI Married Directive. Joint OWI-PWE Directives. 0640 May 15-31,1944.21pp. Joint OWI-PWE Directives. 0660 June 2-29,1944.12pp. Joint PWE-OWI Directives. Married PWE-OWI Regional Special Directive. PWE Central Directive. Married PWE-OWI Central Directive. 0672 July 1-27,1944.12pp. Joint Regional Directives. PWE-OWI Central Directives. PWE-OWI Directives. 0684 August 9-31,1944.10pp. PWE-OWI Joint Directive for Algiers. Married Directive for Algiers. Joint Algiers Directive. OWI-PWE Joint Directives. Married PWE-OWI Directive.

47 0694 September 6-28,1944.7pp. Joint PWE-OWI Directives. Married PWE-OWI Directives. Married Directive for Algiers. 0701 October 4-25,1944.8pp. Joint OWI-PWE Directives. Married PWE-OWI Directives. 0709 November 1-29,1944.9pp. PWE-OWI Directive. Joint OWI-PWE Directives. Married OWI-PWE Directive. Married PWE-OWI Directives. 0718 December 1-20,1944.8pp. Married PWE-OWI Directive. Married Directives. German Austrian Joint OWI-PWE Directive. 0726 January 4-25,1945.3pp. Married Directives. 0729 February 1-22,1945.3pp. Married Directives. 0732 March 9-29,1945.4pp. Married Directives. 0735 April 5-20,1945.2pp. Married Directives. 0737 May 3-25,1945.4pp. Married Directives. Psychological Warfare Division Directives The Psychological Warfare Division (PWD) Directives were written to coordinate propaganda and morale. Anti-German themes and antifascism are stressed.

[June 1943-December 1944] 0741 June-December 1943.20pp. Cables from Algiers. Propaganda Directive (Algiers). 0761 January-March 1944.26pp. Cables from Algiers. Algiers Directive. 0787 April-June 1944.56pp. Cables from Algiers-PWB Directives. Central Directive. PWE Central Directives. FED [Political Intelligence Department] Guidance for Output 0843 July-August 1944.62pp. PWB Directives. PWB Italy Directive Annexes. Central Directive. PWD Directives.

48 0906 September 1944.39pp. PWB Italy Directive Annex. SHAEF PWD Directives. Special Guidance. Central Directives. PWB Directives. PWD Directives. SHAEF Directive. 0945 November-December 1944.19pp. Central Directives. PWE Central Directives.

Ministry of Information Guidances Ministry of Information, London The Ministry of Information (MOI) Guidances contain propaganda concerning military situations. The documents compare Axis defeats and Allied successes.

[January 1944-May 1945] 0964 January 5-27,1944.7pp. MOI Weekly Directives. 0971 February 9-24,1944.6pp. MOI Weekly Directives. 0977 March 1-29,1944.5pp. MOI Directives. 0982 April 5-26,1944.7pp. MOI Weekly Directives. 0989 May 3,1944. Ip. MOI Weekly Directives. 0990 June 19-27,1944.6pp. MOI Guidances. 0996 July 6-25,1944.17pp. MOI Guidances. 1013 August 1-29,1944.17pp. MOI Guidances. 1030 September 5-25,1944.15pp. MOI Guidances. 1045 October 4-24,1944.8pp. MOI Guidances. 1053 February 6-27,1945.13pp. MOI Guidances. 1066 March 7-26,1945.16pp. MOI Guidances. 1082 April 3-24,1945.15pp. MOI Guidances. 1097 May 2-9,1944.5pp. MOI Guidances.

49 Reel 13 London Policy—Relations with British London Policy is a group of cables from the London branch of O WI that add informational points to regional and central directives and discuss various subjects. These cables include: suggestions for exploiting the attack on Hitler's life, the proper methodforreporting theimpactofV-1 attacks in London (German retaliation weapon 1, robot bomb, vergeltungswaffe eins), the V-2 (long-range liquid fuel rocket used by Germans as ballistic missile, retaliation weapon two, vergeltungswaffe zwei), the Trojan Horse campaign, the end-the-war move- ment, radio broadcasts, "Surrender or Chaos" and unconditional surrender, military matters, regional events, absence of Hitler, and friction among Germans.

[July 1944-February 19451 0001 July 12-29,1944.18pp. Cables from London to OWI and from OWI to London. 0020 August 12-31,1944.12pp. Cablets] to Middle East from OWI, from London to OWI, and from OWI to London. 0032 September 3-18,1944.11pp. Cables from London to OWI and from OWI to London. 0043 October 13-31,1944.18pp. Cables from London to OWI and from OWI to London. 0061 November 1-23,1944.19pp. Cables from London to OWI and from OWI to London. 0080 December 1-20,1944.6pp. Cables from London to OWI and from OWI to London. Joint OWI and PWE Guidance. 0086 February 5-13,1945.2pp. Cables from London to OWI. Political Warfare Executive Central Directives (United Kingdom) The PWE Central Directives, written from September 1942 to November 1945, comprise the following: political warfare offensive; German defensive operations; political events; war aims; battlefronts; campaigns such as transport, food and agriculture, and manpower, and the U-boat and Trojan Horse campaigns; regional events; and anniversaries of important events. Annexes frequently follow the directives.

. September-December 1942 0088 PWD/CD/42/1. September 3,1942.7pp. Central Directive. Annexe I—Guidance Notes. Annexe n—Through German Eyes. Guidance Note—War Aims. 0095 PWD/CD/42/2. September 10,1942.15pp. Central Directive. Annexe I—Guidance Notes. Annexe n—Through German Eyes. Annexe m—Bread Grain in German Europe in Fourth Year of Wa.. Guidance Notes. Summary of the Political Warfare Executive Central Directive No. 2. 0110 PWD/CD/42/3. September 17,1942.15pp. Central Directive. Annexe I—Guidance Notes. Annexe n—Dissension in the German High Command. Annexe HI—Through German Eyes. Annexe IV—Luxembourg.

50 0125 PWD/CD/42/4. September 24,1942.13pp. Central Directive. Annexe I—Guidance Notes. Annexe n—Through German Eyes. 0138 PWD/CD/42/5. October 1,1942.11pp. Central Directive. Annexe I—Guidance Notes. Annexe n—Through German Eyes. 0149 PWD/CD/42/6. October 8,1942.10pp. Central Directive. Annexe I—Guidance Notes. Annexe n—Food. 0159 PWD/CD/42/7. October 15,1942.9pp. Central Directive. Annexe I—Guidance Notes. 0168 PWD/CD/42/8. October 22,1942.17pp. Central Directive. Annexe I—Guidance Notes. 0185 PWD/CD/42/9. October 29,1942.14pp. Central Directive. Annexe I—German Executions. Annexe n—The King of Denmark. Annexe in—Notes on R.A.F. Raids on Italy. Annexe IV—Notes on German Claims of Russian Aircraft Losses. Annexe V—Candidates for a Norwegian Black List. Annexe VI—Typhus. Annexe VTJ—America's Manpower Reserves and Germany's Shortage. 0199 PWD/CD/42/10. November 5,1942.11pp. Central Directive. Annexe I—Resurgent France. Annexe n—Italy in Crisis. Annexe IE—Hitler and His Generals. Annexe IV—Battlefronts. Annexe V—Campaigns. 0210 PWD/42/CD/11. November 13,1942.13pp. Background Appreciation. Central Directive. Annexe I—Some Consequences to the Axis of the Loss of French North Africa. Annexe n—Points from Churchill's Speech. Annexe EH—Axis Propaganda in Defeat Annexe IV—Battlefronts. 0223 PWD/42/CD/12. November 20,1942.11pp. Background Appreciation. Central Directive. Annexe I—Battlefronts. Annexe n—Rommel Africanus. Annexe HI—Axis Propaganda Embarrassments. German Reactions. 0234 PWD/CD/42/13. November 26,1942.20pp. Background Appreciation. General Directive. Note to Special Directive on the Beveridge Report Cables from London.

51 0254 PWD/CD/42/14. December 3,1942.20pp. Central Directive. Annexe I—Satellite Attitudes to the War. Annexe n—Evacuation of Italian Cities. Annexe HI—Foreign Workers in Germany. Annexe IV—Resistance in Denmark. Annexe V—Battlefronts. Annexe VI—Churchill on 29th November, 1942 and Guidance for the Future. 0274 PWD/CD/42/15. December 10,1942.22pp. General Directive. Annexe I—The Trojan Horse. Annexe n—Increased Compulsion in Recruiting Foreign Labor for Germany. Annexe HI—Winning the Peace. Some Allied Pronouncements on War Aims. Annexe IV—Beveridge Report Implications of the Beveridge Report for the European Listener. Annexe V—Battlefronts. Annexe VI—Food for the Few. Annexe vn—Bottlenecks in German Transport System. 0296 PWD/CD/42/16. December 17,1942.21pp. Background Appreciation. General Directive. Annexe I—Foreign Workers and the Leistungslohn. Annexe n—Facts the Foreign Worker Should Know about German Manpower Crisis. Annexe EQ—Manpower and Food in South-Eastem Europe in December 1942. Annexe IV—Winter Health in Europe. Annexe V—Battlefronts. Annexe VI—Hitler in Supreme Command of the Army. Annexe Vn—Italy in Crisis. 0317 PWD/CD/42/17. December 24,1942.24pp. General Directive. Background Appreciation. Annexe n—German Propaganda to Foreign Workers in Germany. Annexe ffi—Foreign Workers and the Leistungslohn. Annexe IV—Battlefronts. Annexe V—1942—The Year of Decision. A Strategic Survey. Annexe VI—Morale in South-Eastem Europe in December, 1942. Annexe vn—Satellite Doubts in German Victory. Annexe VHJ—British and Foreign Authors of Talks. 0341 PWD/CD/42/18. December 31,1942.24pp. Background Appreciation. General Directive. Annexe I—Dutch Workers in Germany. Failure of German Propaganda. Annexe n—What the Foreign Worker Needs to Know about the S.S. Annexe m—Distribution of German Working Population. Annexe IV—Campaign to Counter U-Boat Propaganda. Annexe V—Battlefronts. Annexe VI—German Commanders at the Front and in Occupied Territory. Annexe Vn—The Master Race.

52 January-February 1943 0365 PWD/CD/43/1/1. January 7,1943.18pp. Central Directive. Guidance on Treaty of the Relinquishment of Extra-Territorial Rights in China, and the Regulation of Related Matters. Central Directive Guidance Note. Annexe m—The German Terror in Poland. An Illustration of the Growth of Persecution. Annexe IV—Anglo-Russian Accord. Annexe V—Supplies by Air. Stalingrad. Annexe vn—The Month That Changed the War. Some German Reactions. Annexe VI—Transylvania. A Study in Satellite Friction. 0383 PWD/CD/43/1/2. January 14,1943.24pp. Central Directive. Background Appreciation. Annexe I—Signs of the Times. Annexe U—Dittmar on the Manpower Crisis. The German Army and the Russian Front Annexe in—The Manpower Problem. Administration in Occupied Countries. Annexe IV—Housing the Foreign Worker. Annexe V—Propaganda to Foreign Workers. Annexe VI—Life under German Occupation (by a Belgian Recently Escaped). 0407 PWD/CD/43/1/3. January 21,1943.25pp. Central Directive. Special Directive—The Balkan Satellites. Annexe I—A.B.C. of Satellite Politics (South Eastern Europe). Annexe n—Signs of the Times (Satellite Doubts Borne Out by Neutral Opinion). Annexe HI—Ten Years of National Socialism. Annexe IV—Inflationary Tendencies in German Europe. Annexe V—Destruction of Italian Army in the Don Bend. Annexe VI—The Netherlands East Company. 0432 PWD/CD/43/1/4. January 28,1943.19pp. Central Directive. Background Appreciation. Annexe I—How Germany Controls the Satellite Governments. Annexe n—The Netherlands East Company. Annexe HI—The Free Press in Poland. 0451 PWD/CD/43/1/5. February 4,1943.18pp. Central Directive. Background Appreciation. Annexe I—Through German Eyes. Appreciation. Annexe n—Religious Opposition in the Third Reich. Annexe IV—Analysis of Goering's and Goebbels' Speeches and Hider's Proclamation— January 30,1943. Annexe V—Turkey. 0469 PWD/CD/43/1/6. February 11,1943.13pp. Central Directive. Annexe I—The Method in the Madness of the Propaganda Ministry. Annexe U—Poland's "Friendship and Loyal Cooperation" with Russia. Annexe in—Dissension in Quisling's Party in Norway. Annexe IV—The Belgian Volunteer Corps.

53 0482 PWD/CD/43/1/7. February 18,1943.2lpp. Central Directive. Annexe I—The Anti-Bolshevik Campaign—Parts I and II. Annexe n—Collaboration Does Not Pay Today. Annexe m—The Deportation of Children from Poland. Annexe IV—Guidance on Recent Speeches by the Prime Minister, the President of the U.S.A., and the Home Secretary. 0503 PWD/CD/43/1/8. February 25,1943.22pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes. Annexe I—Administrative Resistance and Sabotage in Occupied Countries. Annexe II—Foreign Workers and German Transport Annexe HI—Oil Seeds. Annexe IV—Political Time Bombs. Annexe V—British Measures in Tripoli.

March-April 1943 0525 PWD/CD/43/1/9. March 4,1943.30pp. Central Directive: Guidance Notes. Annexe I—Civil Mobilisation Decrees. Annexe n—The Common Front against Germany. Annexe HI—German and Russian Business Morality. Defaulter Turned Guarantor. Annexe IV—Administrative Resistance in the Balkan Satellites. Special Annexe—Collaborationist Organisations in France (March 9). 0555 PWD/CD/43/1/10. March 11,1943.19pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes. Special Annexe—The House of Lords Debate on Germany. Annexe I—Speech by Mr. Henry Wallace, Vice-President of the United States, on 8th March 1943. Annexe n—The Anti-Bolshevist Campaign-The Bogy of Today as the Angel of 1939. Annexe En—Reconstruction of the U.S.SJL Annexe IV—Finland. 0574 PWD/CD/43/1/11. March 18,1943.24pp. General Directive. Guidance Notes. Special Guidance on Haute-Savoie. Annexe I—Britain Serves Europe the Spoken Word. Annexe n—European Legions Fighting in Russia. Annexe HI—Conscription and Employment of Youth in Enemy, Enemy-Occupied, and Satellite Countries. 0598 PWD/CD/43/1/12. March 25,1943.19pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes. Special Guidance on the Prime Minister's Broadcast Speech of 21st March, 1943. Annexe I—British Measures at Tripoli. Annexe n—A Year of Sauckel. Annexe HI—Through German Eyes: Report on the Morale of German Forces in the West. Annexe IV—1940-1943. Annexe V—The Recruitment of Terror Forces in the Low Countries.

54 0617 PWD/CD/43/1/13. April 1,1943.21pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes. Annexe I—Britain Serves Europe: The Written Word. Annexe n—Training of Nazified Cadres in Occupied Europe. Annexe HI—Transport of Oil in German Europe. Annexe IV—Points from the Foreign Secretary's Speech to the Maryland Legislature at Annapolis, U.S.A. 26th March, 1943. 0638 PWD/CD/43/1/14. April 8,1943.18pp. Central Directive. Special Directive. Guidance Notes. Annexe n—Renault and the German Vehicle Position. Annexe m—Life under German Occupation. Belgium. Annexe IV—Through British Eyes. 0656 PWD/CD/43/1/15. April 15,1943.42pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes. Special Guidance on the International Clearing Union. "Keynes Plan." Annexe I—The Underbelly of the Axis. Annexe n—The International Clearing Union. Annexe HI—Winning the Peace. Annexe IV—Labour Organisation in Central Europe. Special Annexe—Note on the History of French North Africa. Annexe I—Algeria between the Two Armistices. Annexe n—Tunis: "The Committee of Public Safety." Annexe HI—Morocco from the Outbreak of War to the Allied Landings. 0698 PWD/CD/43/1/16. April 22,1943.26pp. Central Directive. Background Appreciation. The German Political Counter-Offensive. Guidance Notes. Annexe I—The Underground Press in Europe. Annexe n—Strikes in Occupied Europe. Annexe in—Winning the Peace. Annexe IV—Labour Organisation in German Europe: France. Annexe V—The African Campaign: Part I. 0724 . PWD/CD/43/1/17. April 29,1943.64pp. Background Appreciation. Guidance Notes. Annexe I—The Underground Press in Europe. Annexe n—The Peasant Audience in Central, Western, and Northern Europe. Annexe m—The African Campaigns: Part n. Special Annexe—Guide to the European Press.

55 May-June 1943 0788 PWD/CD/43/1/18. May 6,1943.26pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes. Background Appreciation. Second Thoughts on Katyn. Special Annexe—Evidence in Support of Thesis That the Germans Are Planning to Introduce Military Conscription in Holland Annexe I—The United Nations. Stalin's Order of the Day, 1st May, 1943. Annexe n—Hitler at Home to Satellites, April, 1943. Annexe m—Military Conscription in Europe. Annexe IV—Soldier or Slave. The Dutch Nation Faced with a Choice. Annexe VI—Through German Eyes. The Anti-Bolshevik Propaganda Offensive. 0814 PWD/CD/43/1/19. May 13,1943.20pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes. Annexe I—The Afrika Korps. Annexe n—Africa and the Mediterranean-Key Theatre of the War. German and Italian Statements. Annexe ffl—Student Resistance in Germany. Annexe IV—Allied Attacks on Enemy Transport. March 1943. Annexe V—The Underground Press of Europe. Recent Trends in Belgium. Annexe VI—Greece: The Present Position. 0834 PWD/CD/43/1/20. May 20,1943.17pp. Central Directive. Annexe I—Confiscation of Wireless Sets. Annexe n—The Importance of the Ruhr in the German War Economy. Annexe m—The Italian Transport System. Annexe IV—The Underground Press in Europe. Recent Trends in Denmark. 0851 PWD/CD/43/1/21. May 27,1943.19pp. General Directive. Guidance Notes. The Prime Minister's Press Conference of 25th May, 1943. Special Guidance. Annexe I—Confiscation of Radios. Annexe n—The Afrika Korps Did Not Fight to the Last Man. Annexe m—Is Germany Maginot-Minded? The Atlantic Wall in German Propaganda. Annexe IV—Everyday Life in Norway. Special Interim Guidance on U-Boat Counter-Propaganda. 0870 PWD/CD/43/1/22. June 3,1943.23pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes. Annexe I—Special Guidance on the Speech by Mr. James P. Byrnes, Director of the U.S. Office of War Mobilisation, 31st May, 1943. Annexe n—Protests by German Students. Annexe in—German Opinion. Annexe IV—The New Italian Treasury Bonds. Standing Directive on Campaign against U-Boat Crews. Current Guidance Notes for Standing Directive on Campaign against U-Boat Crews. Annexe to Standing Directive on Campaign against U-Boat Crews.

56 0893 PWD/CD/43/1/23. June 10,1943.28pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes. Annexe I—President Roosevelt's Speech on the Food Conference. Annexe II—Registration and Rationing in Great Britain. Annexe in—Goebbels Discloses His Directive on the German Weak Spots. Analysis of His Speech at the Party Rally on June 5th, 1943. Annexe IV—Recent Trends in the European Press: Italy. Annexe V—Bombing Guilt Special Annexe—The French in Arms. 0921 PWD/CD/43/1/24. June 17,1943.20pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes. Annexe I—Beduschi's Article in "Gerarchia." Annexe II—Bombing Guilt Annexe HI—German Security Measures in Belgium and Holland. Annexe IV—Recent Trends in the European Press. Germany and Occupied and Satellite Countries. 0941 PWD/CD/43/1/25. June 24,1943.23pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes. Background Appreciation—Italy. Annexe I—Statements of Allied Policy on Italy. Annexe n—Relief for Europe. Annexe HI—Belgian Workers in Germany.

July-September 1943 0964 PWD/CD/43/1/26. July 1,1943.20pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes. Annexe I—Distribution and Strength of German Forces. Annexe n—Opposition in Italy. Annexe HI—Resistance to Civil Mobilisation in Greece, 1943. Annexe IV—Social Progress in Great Britain Since 1939. 0984 PWD/CD/43/1/27. July 8,1943.15pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes. Annexe I—Strikes in Italy. Annexe n—The Indivisibility of the Transport System in German Europe. Annexe in—Economic of Germany. Annexe IV—Through German Eyes. 0999 PWD/CD/43/1/28. July 15,1943.15pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes. Annexe I—The Beginning of the End (in July 1918). Annexe n—The Failure of the Corporative System. Annexe m—Do's and Don't's for Resistance Groups in Occupied Europe. 1014 PWD/CD/43/1/29. July 22,1943.23pp. Central Directive. Annexe I—Enemy Propaganda and the Invasion of Sicily, July 4th-July 19th, 1943. Annexe n—The German Counter-Blockade of Great Britain. Annexe HJ—British Social Insurance. Annexe IV—The British Commonwealth and Empire. The Dominions.

57 1037 PWD/CD/43/1/30. July 29,1943.12pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes. Annexe I—Enemy Statements on the Importance of Sicily. Annexe II—The German-Italian Alliance. Annexe ffl—Round Up of the Pacific War. 1049 PWD/CD/43/1/31. August 5,1943.26pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes. Annexe I—Satellite Reactions to the Fall of Mussolini. Annexe n—Nazi Disintegration in Occupied Countries. Annexe m—New Papers and Journalists in Italy. Annexe IV—Prominent Members of the Italian Royal Family. Annexe V—The Decline and Fall of Mussolini. 1075 PWD/CD/43/1/32. August 12,1943.18pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes. Annexe I—1918. Annexe n—Message to the Belgian People, 10th August 1943. Annexe m—Industrial Cooperation in Great Britain. Annexe IV—Effect on Transport of Italian Surrender. Special Annexe—Italian Finance Minister's Report of 5th August 1943. 1093 PWD/CD/43/1/33. August 19,1943.18pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes. Annexe I—The Dissolution of the "Frankfurter Zeitung." Annexe n—Transport Sabotage in Occupied Europe. Annexe ffl—The British Commonwealth and Empire. India (Burma excluded). Annexe IV—The Norwegian Crisis. 1111 PWD/CD/43/1/34. August 26,1943.17pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes. Annexe n—Scandinavian Round-Up. Annexe HI—Invasion Committees. The Meaning of the Changes in the German Government Announced on 24th August 1943. 1128 PWD/CD/43/1/35. September 2,1943.23pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes. Index to Central Directive Annexes. Annexe I—Ferdinand and Boris. Annexe n—The Germans Take Over in Denmark. Annexe ffl—German-Italian Imports and Exports. Annexe IV—The Waffen S.S. 1151 PWD/CD/43/1/36. September 9,1943.9pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes. Annexe ffl—The Jugoslav Resistance Movement. 1160 PWD/CD/43/1/37. September 16,1943.24pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes. Annexe I—The Bombing Offensive against Germany. Annexe II—The Pot and the Kettle. The Germans Accuse the Italians of Treachery. Annexe ffl—The British Commonwealth and Empire: The Colonial Empire. Guidance Lines from President Roosevelt's Congressional Message.

58 1184 PWD/CD/43/1/38. September 23,1943.18pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes. Annexe I—The Effect of the Surrender of the Italian Fleet on the War Situation. Annexe n—Jugoslavia and the Collapse of Italy. Annexe HI—The German Army and Politics. Annexe IV—Mediterranean Radio. 1202 PWD/CD/43/1/39. September 30,1943.19pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes. Annexe I—Why We Demand Unconditional Surrender. Annexe n—The New National Synthesis in the Soviet Union. Annexe in—Japan and the Axis. Annexe IV—The Premises to German Victory. Reel 14 Political Warfare Executive Central Directives (United Kingdom) cont. October-December 1943 0001 PWD/CD/43/1/40. October 7,1943.20pp. Central Directive. Annexe I—Foreign Workers in Germany. Annexe n—German Rise and Fall in Russia. Annexe m—The National Synthesis in Russia. Annexe IV—The Black Market in Belgium. 0021 PWD/CD/43/1/41. October 14,1943.18pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes. Annexe I—The New National Synthesis in the Soviet Union. Annexe U—The Bolshevik Bogy at Versailles. Annexe IH—German Imports from Sweden. 0039 PWD/CD/43/1/42. October 21,1943.17pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes. Annexe I—German Rail Communications in the Balkans. Annexe n—German Disarmament 1919-1927. 0056 PWD/CD/43/1/43. October 28,1943.15pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes. Annexe I—The Industrial Importance of Krivoi Rog and Nikopol. Annexe n—The Disposition of the German Army. Annexe HI—Organizing Italian Antifascists 0071 PWD/CD/43/1/44. November 4,1943.22pp. Background Appreciation—The Effects of the Moscow Conference. Central Directive. Guidance Notes. Special Guidance—The Possibilities of Evacuating the Crimea. Annexe I—German Attempts to Stabilize the Balkans. Annexe n—Atrocities without End. Annexe IJJ—Germany's Finale, 1918. Annexe IV—Albania.

59 0093 PWD/CD/43/1/45. November 11,1943.20pp. Central Directive. General Directive—Special Guidance on Joint U-Boat Statement Guidance Notes. Annexe I—Hitler's Speech of November 8th. German Strength and Weaknesses. Annexe n—German Propaganda on Relief for Russia. Annexe HI—Austria 1918-1938. Annexe IV—Health in Great Britain, November 1943. 0113 PWD/CD/43/1/46. November 18,1943.23pp. General Directive. Guidance Notes. Annexe I—Notes on the German Internal Situation. Annexe n—Italian Resistance to the German Occupation. Annexe m—Situation in the Lebanon. Annexe IV—Soviet Commitments on Foreign Policy. Annexe V—Germany's Locomotive Production and Wastage. 0136 PWD/CD/43/1/47. November 25,1943.23pp. General Directive. Guidance Notes. Annexe I—The Underground Press in Northern Italy. Annexe n—Foreign Workers in Germany. Annexe m—Apologia of a Quisling. Annexe n—National Sovereignty and International Cooperation. 0159 PWD/CD/43/1/48. December 2,1943.19pp. General Directive. Guidance Notes. Annexe I—Night Bombing Offensive. Annexe n—Enemy Propaganda on the Sea War in the Pacific. Annexe in—Satellite Signs of the Times. 0178 PWD/CD/43/1/49. December 9,1943.25pp. General Directive. Guidance Notes. Annexe I—Transport in German Europe, December 1943. Annexe n—Propaganda to German Women. Annexe ffl—Demoralisation among Women, Quislings, and Collaborationists. Annexe—America at War. 0203 PWD/CD/43/1/50. December 16,1943.16pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes. Annexe I—The Tehran Conference and Small Nations. International Cooperation and National Independence. Annexe n—The Free Fighting Forces of Czechoslovakia. Annexe HI—Bulgarian Jitters. Annexe IV—Italian Resistance in German-Occupied Italy. 0219 PWD/CD/43/1/51. December23,1943.15pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes. Guidance Note—The Military Position of the Partisans in Jugoslavia. Annexe—Five War Christmases. A Retrospect through German Eyes.

60 January-Decem berf 1944 0234 PWD/CD/44/1/1. January 6,1944.17pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes. Annexe I—Decline of the Luftwaffe. Annexe n—The U.NJULA. White Paper. Annexe HI—Displaced Populations. 0251 PWD/CD/44/1/2. January 13,1944.17pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes. Annexe I—No Peace for Collaborators. Annexe n—Italian Resistance in German-Occupied Italy. Annexe m—Curzon Line. 0268 PWD/CD/44/1/3. January 20,1944.17pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes. Annexe I—Effects of the Latest Allied Raids on Sofia. Annexe n—Germany and Bulgaria. Annexe UJ—Separatist Feeling in Germany. 0285 PWD/CD/44/1/4. January 27,1944.20pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes. Annexe I—Further Effects of the Sofia Raids. Annexe n—The Economic Importance of Bulgaria and Roumania. Annexe UJ—Administrative Sabotage in France and the Low Countries. 0305 PWD/CD/44/1/5. February 3,1944.15pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes. Annexe I—Further Effects of Sofia Raids. Annexe n—American Manpower. Annexe UJ—German Armies in the East 0320 PWD/CD/44/1/6. February 10,1944. 15pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes. Annexe I—Decline of the Vassal Annies. Annexe U—M. Delfasse's Speech on the Punishment of Quislings and Collaborators. 0334 PWD/CD/44/1/7. February 17,1.944.18pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes—Political. Guidance Notes—Battlefronts. Annexe I—Tension in Finland. Reactions to Cordell Hull's Statement Annexe U—Propaganda Raids. Annexe m—Decline of the Vassal Armies: The Annies in the Balkans. Annexe IV—Soviet Public Pronouncements on Post-War World Organisation. 0352 PWD/CD/44/1/8. February 24,1944.20pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes—Political. Guidance Notes—Battlefronts. Annexe I—Requirements for Political Warfare to Bulgaria. Annexe U—Conditions in Liberated Italy. Annexe IU—Everyday Life in Poland. Annexe IV—The Economic Situation in Japan.

61 0372 PWD/CD/44/l/9.March2,1944.17pp. • » Central Directive. Guidance Notes—Political. Guidance Notes—Battlefronts. Annexe I—Finland Faces a Decision. Annexe II—The Polish Armed Forces. Annexe m—Strikes in Occupied Europe II. 0389 PWD/CD/44/1/10. March 9,1944.27pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes—Political. Guidance Notes—Battlefronts. Annexe I—Partisan Organisation and Administration in Jugoslavia. Annexe n—The Strike Movement in German-Occupied Italy. Annexe HI—Germany and the Belgian Quislings. Annexe IV—German Food Position. 0416 PWD/CD/44/1/11. March 16,1944.21pp. Central Directive. Guidance Notes—Political. Guidance Notes—Battlefronts. Annexe I—The Lull in Finland. Annexe n—Propaganda Points on the War at Sea. Annexe HI—Germany's Trade with Neutrals. Annexe IV—Denmark Prepares for Liberation. 0437 PWD/CD/44/1/12. March 23,1944.30pp. Central Directive. Guidance for Output Censorship Summary. Annexe I—The Political Pictures in Hungary. Annexe n—The Week in . Political Cross Currents. Annexe ffl—Doenitz Offensive—1943. Annexe IV—The Greek Guerillas. Annexe V—The Quislings and the Opposition in Norway. Annexe VI—Everyday Life in Poland. Mass Arrests and Street Executions. 0468 PWD/CD/44/1/13. March 30,1944.19pp. Central Directive. Guidance for Output Annexe I—Everyday Life in Poland. The Black Market Annexe n—The Origins of "Unconditional Surrender." Annexe EH—Agricultural Problems in Europe. 0487 PWD/CD/44/1/14. April 6,1944.26pp. Central Directive. Guidance for Output Annexe I—Increasing Opportunities for Foreign Workers. Annexe n—Renewed Tension in Helsinki. Annexe m—German Communications Problems in the Balkans. Annexe IV—Turkey's Trade with Axis Europe and the Routes by Which It Goes. Annexe V—Danish Workers in Germany.

62 0513 PWD/CD/44/1/15. April 13,1944. 30pp. Central Directive. Guidance for Output. Annexe I—The Entry into Czechoslovakia. Annexe n—Attacks on Enemy Shipping in . Annexe in—The Liquidation of Jews in Poland. Annexe IV—The-Economic Importance of Esthonia and Poland to Germany. Special Annexe—Finnish and Swedish Press Reactions to the Russian Armistice Terms. 0543 PWD/CD/44/1/16. April 20,1944.26pp. Central Directive. Guidance for Output Annexe I—Chaos in Roumania. A Satellite on the Verge of Disintegration. Annexe n—The Allied Attitude since the Armistice towards the Broadening of the Basis of the Italian Government Annexe in—Netherland Government Preparations for the Return to Holland. Annexe IV—The War in the Pacific. 0569 PWD/CD/44/1/17. April 27,1944.22pp. Central Directive. Guidance for Output Annexe I—"For the Freedom and Independence of France." Annexe n—The Flooding of Holland. Annexe m—Communications in Northern France and Belgium. Annexe IV—The Finnish Decision. 0591 PWE/CD/44/1/18. May 4,1944.25pp. Central Directive. Guidance for Output Annexe I—The Merchant of Horror. Annexe n—Nerve War in Denmark. The Offensive against the Resistance Movement Annexe HI—F.C.N.L. [French Committee of National Liberation] Preparations for the Return to France. Annexe IV—Economic Conditions in Liberated Italy. 0616 PWE/CD/44/1/19. May 11,1944.23pp. Central Directive. Guidance for Output Annexe I—Belgian Reaction to the Bombing of Railway Targets. Annexe n—Metals Used in German Steel Alloys. Annexe m—The Importance of Ball Bearings in the German War Effort 0639 PWD/CD/44/1/20. May 18,1944.20pp. Central Directive. Guidance for Output Annexe I—The Japanese Balance Sheet Annexe n—The Growth of Resistance in Western Europe due to the Weakening of German Control Annexe m—La Marche

63 0685 PWE/CD/44/1/22. June 1,1944.18pp. Central Directive. Guidance for Output. Annexe I—Marshalling Yards. Annexe n—The Background to the Present Bulgarian Crisis. Annexe HI—The White Paper on Employment Policy. 0703 PWE/CD/44/1/23. June 15,1944.17pp. Central Directive. Guidance for Output Annexe I—Attacks on Rail Communications. Military Effects of the Destruction of Rolling- Stock. Annexe*n—Labour Mobilisation in Norway. Annexe HI—Peasants in Occupied Europe. 0720 PWE/CD/44/1/24. June 22,1944.22pp. Central Directive. Annexe I—German Propaganda on Invasion—Before and After. Annexe UI—Conditions of Rome since the Allied Occupation. Annexe IV—The Occupied Countries of Europe at the International Labour Conference. 0742 PWE/CD/44/1/25. June 29,1944.23pp. Central Directive. Guidance for Output Annexe I—Partisan Activity in German-Occupied Italy. Annexe n—Quarter to Twelve or Five Minutes Past? (A Contrast in German Views on When to Stop Fighting). Annexe in—Britain and Post-War Europe: Some Unofficial Statements. 0765 PWE/CD/44/1/26. July 6,1944.26pp. Central Directive. Guidance for Output Annexe I—Neutral Opinion on the Flying Bomb. Annexe n—Growing Distrust of the Currency in Germany. Annexe UJ.—Fighting France: The Growth of a Movement 0791 PWE/CD/44/1/27. July 13,1944.27pp. Central Directive. Guidance for Output Annexe I—Enemy Supply Shortages. Annexe n—Recent Developments in Albania. Annexe n—Trade Unions in German-Occupied Europe. Annexe IV—Unification of Political and Fighting Forces in Jugoslavia. 0817 PWE/CD/44/1/28. July 20,1944.30pp. Central Directive. Guidance for Output Annexe I—Some Notes on East Prussia. Annexe n—Reactions of the Enemy Press and Radio to the Flying Bomb. Annexe HI—The German Decline 1917-1918: And the Position in 1944. Annexe IV—Unconditional Surrender Allied Statements. 0847 PWE/CD/44/1/29. July 27,1944.24pp. Central Directive. Guidance for Output Annexe I—Collaboration and Treason: The Legal Position in the Countries of the Western Seaboard of Europe. Annexe n—The Revolt of the Generals. Annexe HI—Germany's Economic Losses since 1942.

64 0871 CD/44/1/30. August 3,1944.20pp. Guidance for Output Annexe I—Foreign Workers in Germany. Part One: Recruitment, Distribution, Type of Work. Annexe n—Collaboration and Treason: Quisling Manoeuvres and Patriots' Demands. Annexe HI—Manpower—The German Dilemma. 0891 CD/44/1/31. August 10,1944.26pp. Guidance for Output Annexe I—Foreign Workers in Germany. Part Two: Living and Working Conditions. Annexe n—Aftermath of the Putsch of July 20th. Annexe m—French Resistance since D-Day. Annexe IV—the Italian Patriots. Annexe V—Civilian Shortage in Germany. 0917 PWE/CD/44/1/32. August 17,1944.28pp. Central Directive. Guidance for Output Annexe I—Germany's Economic War Effort in 1944 (Supplied by MEW). Annexe n—Political Trends in Bulgaria. Annexe HI—A Manifesto from the Dutch Underground Front Annexe IV—The Position of Japan: As Seen through Neutral Eyes. 0945 PWE/CD/44/1/33. August 24,1944.25pp. Central Directive. Guidance for Output Annexe I—Allied Statements on International Security. Annexe n—The Allied Attack on German Oil Supplies. Annexe HI—Foreign Workers in Germany. Part Three: Administrative and Social Questions. 0970 PWE/CD/44/1/34. August 31,1944.26pp. Central Directive. Guidance for Output Annexe I—Political Forces in Roumania. Annexe n—Civil Affairs in Liberated France. Annexe UJ—A Danish Anniversary. The Present State of Resistance in Denmark. Annexe IV—U-Boats in the Atlantic. The Campaign from France Ends. 0996 PWE/CD/1/44/35. September 7,1944.25pp. Central Directive. Background Notes. Annexe I—Political and Administrative Re-Organisation in France. Annexe n—Economic and Financial Agreements among the United Nations. Annexe HI—A Background to the Situation in Slovakia. Annexe IV—Finland's Break with Germany. 1022 PWE/CD/44/1/36. September 14,1944.21pp. Central Directive. Background Notes. Annexe I—Alsace and Lorraine. Annexe n—German Troops' Attitude toward Surrender. 1043 PWE/CD/44/1/37. September 21,1944.27pp. Central Directive. Background Notes. Annexe I—New German Coup in Denmark. Annexe n—Anti-Nazi Elements in Satellite Countries. The Opposition before the Break with Germany. Annexe UJ—The Volksdeutsche. Part One: Hungary, Roumania, Italy.

65 1070 PWE/CD/44/1/38. September 28,1944.21pp. Central Directive. Background Notes. Annexe I—The Volksdeutsche. Part Two: Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia. Annexe n—The Free Belgian Press. Annexe in—Belgian Territories Annexed by Germany. 1091 PWE/CD/44/1/39. October 5,1944.20pp. Central Directive. Background Notes. Annexe I—Loot and Other Assets Concealed Abroad by Germany. British Counter-Measures. Annexe n—Germany's Food Situation in 1944/1945. » 1111 PWE/CD/44/1/40. October 12,1944.13pp. Central Directive. Background Notes. 1124 PWE/CD/44/1/41. October 19,1944.22pp. Central Directive. Background Notes. Annexe I—The Value of Money in Britain. Annexe n—Recent Administrative Difficulties in Germany. Annexe HI—The Blockade of Germany after the Armistice, November 1918. 1146 PWE/CD/44/1/42. October 26,1944.22pp. Central Directive. Background Notes. Annexe n—"Lloyd's." Annexe HI—"Social and Economic Reconstruction in France and Belgium." 1168 PWE/CD/44/1/43. November 2,1944.21pp. Central Directive. Background Notes. Annexe n—German Peace-Making in 1918: The Contrast with Versailles. Annexe ffl—German Guerilla Projects: Swedish and Swiss Press Comments. 1189 PWE/CD/44/1/44. November 9,1944.12pp. Central Directive. Background Notes. 1201 PWE/CD/44/1/45. November 16,1944.6pp. Annexe n—Post-War Security. Press Opinion from Liberated Countries, Sweden and Switzerland. 1207 PWE/CD/44/1/46. November 23,1944.21pp. Central Directive. Background Notes. Annexe I—The Conditions in Liberated Italy. The Reconstruction Works of the Allied Commission. Annexe n—"Second Thoughts" in German Propaganda. 1228 CD/44/1/47. November 30,1944.5pp. Annexe I—Some Points on German Rearmament after the Last War. 1233 PWE/CD/44/1/49. December 14,1944.17pp. Central Directive. Annexe I—The Present Political Position of the Philippines. 1250 PWE/CD/44/1/50. December 21,1944.9pp. Central Directive. Background Notes.

66 Reel 15 Political Warfare Executive Central Directives (United Kingdom) cont.

January-November 1945 0001 LOWAA 04868. January 4,1945.4pp. PWE Central Directive. 0005 LOWAA 10989-10990. January 11,1945.5pp. PWE Central Directive. 0010 January 15,1945.2pp. PWB Directive. 0012 LOWAA 17116-17118. January 17,1945.6pp. PWE Central Directive. 0018 LOWAA 24246-24247. January 24, 1945.5pp. Central Directive. 0023 LOWAA 31365-31366. January 31,1945.6pp. Central Directive. 0029 LOWAB 07502-07053. February 8,1945.6pp. PWE Central Directive. 0035 LOWAB 14622-14624 and 16669. February 15-16,1945.10pp. Central Directive. 0045 LOWAB 21761-21764. February 21,1945.10pp. PWE Cendirective. 0055 LOWAB 28866-28868. February 28,1945.6pp. Central Directive. 0061 LOWAC 07961-07964. March 7,1945.10pp. Cendirective. 0071 LOWAC 14101-14103. March 14,1945.10pp. Central Directive. 0081 LOWAC 21281-21283. March 22,1945.11pp. Cendirective. 0092 LOWAC 28416-28417. March 28,1945. 8pp. PWE Central Directive. 0100 LOWAC 04535-LOWAD 04536-045337. April 4,1945.11pp. Cendirective. 0111 LOW AD 11661-11662. April 11,1945. 6pp. Central Directive. 0117 LOW AD 18744-18746 and LOWAD 18749. April 19,1945. 16pp. Central Directive. Annex—Special Guidance on World Organization. 0133 LOWAD 25859-25861. April 25,1945. 8pp. Political Warfare Directive (European Theatre). 0141 LOWAE 02967-02968. May 2,1945.7pp. Political Warfare Directive (European Theatre). 0148 LOWAE 12107-12108. May 12,1945.7pp. Central Directive. 0155 LOWAE 18175-18176. May 18,1945.5pp. Cendirective. 0160 LOWAE 25286. May 25,1945.4pp. PID Cendirective. 0164 LOWAF 01375. June 1,1945. 4pp. Central Directive.

67 0167 LOWAF 08432-08433. June 8,1945. 6pp. PID Cendirective. 0173 LOWAF 15511. June 15,1945.2pp. Central Directive. 0175 LOWAF 29616-29617. June 29,1945.5pp. Central Directive. 0180 LOWAG 07660. July 7,1945. 3pp. Central Directive. 0183 LOWAG 14717. July 14,1945.3pp. Central Directive. 0186 LOWAG 20749. July 21,1945.4pp. PID Cendirective. ! 0190 LOWAG 27795. July 27,1945.4pp. PID Cendirective. 0194 LOW AH 03846. August 1,1945.2pp. Central Directive. 0196 WALOH [LOWAH] 17899. August 17,1945.2pp. PID Central Directive. 0198 LOW AH 25927. August 25,1945.3pp. Central Directive: Confidential Information and Publicity to Germany and Austria. 0201 LOWAH 31952. August 31,1945.3pp. PID Cendirective. 0204 LOWAJ 07968. September 7,1945.3pp. Central Directive—Information and Publicity to Germany and Austria. 0207 LOWAJ 21995. September 21,1945.3pp. Central Directive. 0210 LOWAJ 27005. September 27,1945.4pp. Regional Directive (BBC Italian Service Weekly). 0214 LOWAK 04015. October 4,1945.4pp. PWE Weekly Directive for BBC Italian Service. 0218 LOWAK 11025. October 11,1945.2pp. Political Warfare Executive Weekly Directive for BBC Italian Service. 0220 LOWAK 12027. October 12,1945.2pp. PID Central Directive. 0222 LOWAK 26044. October 26,1945.4pp. PID Cendirective. 0226 LOWAL 02057. November 2,1945.4pp. PID Weekly Directive for BBC Italian Service. 0230 LOWAL 09067. November 9,1945.5pp. PWE Weekly Directive for BBC Italian Service. 0235 LOWAL 16074. November 16,1945.5pp. Pro Central Directive. 0240 LOWAL 23077. November 23,1945.4pp. PWE Weekly Directive for BBC Italian Service.

68 Political Warfare Executive Central Directives—Special Directives The Special Directives in the Political Warfare Executive (PWE) Central Directives series were written from September 1942 to September 1944, in response to events which needed immediate attention.

1942-1943 0244 PWD/AH/42/3. September 15,1942. Ip. Interim Guidance—Partial Restoration of the German Ration Cuts of April 6,1942. 0245 PWD/AH/42/6. October 25,1942. Ip. Special Directive—Egypt 0246 PWD/AH/42/8. November28,1942. Ip. Special Directive—"Resurgent France." 0247 PWD/AH/42/9.1942. Ip. Directive—Death of Admiral Darlan. 0248 PWD/CD/43/1/3. January 21,1943. Ip. Special Directive—The Balkan Satellites. 0249 PWD/AH/43/2/2. January 30,1943.2pp. Special Directive—Nazi Speech of January 30th 1943. 0251 PWE/AH/43/1/5. February 6,1943. Ip. Directive—The Italian Crisis. 0252 PWD/AH/43/2/4. March 6,1943.3pp. Special Guidance—German Naval Changes. 0255 PWD/AH/43/2/5. March 17,1943. Ip. Special Guidance—Haute-Savoie. 0256 PWD/AH/43/2/7. April 16,1943. Ip. Special Directive—Polish Government Communique' on German Account of Shot Polish Officers. 0257 PWD/AH/43/2/8. April 24,1943. Ip. Special Directive—Rommel. 0258 PWD/AH/43/2/9. May 1,1943.4pp. Special Directive—German Military Conscription in Holland. Special Annexe—Evidence in Support of the Fact That the Germans Are Planning to Introduce Military Conscription in Holland. 0262 PWD/AH/43/2/10. May 23,1943. Ip. Special Interim Guidance—U-Boat Counter-Propaganda. 0263 PWD/ AH/43/2/11. May 26,1943.2pp. Special Guidance—The Prime Minister's Press Conference of 25th May, 1943. 0265 PWD/AH/43/2/12. June 2,1943.7pp. Standing Directive—Campaign against U-Boat Crews. Current Guidance Notes—Campaign against U-Boat Crews. Annexe—Campaign against U-Boat Crews. 0272 PWD/AH/43/2/13. June 5,1943. Ip. Special Guidance—The Argentine Revolution. 0273 June 9,1943.2pp. Special Directive—Anniversary of Italy's Entry into the War—June 10,1943. Special Directive—Services on Anniversary of Italy's Entry into the War, June 10,1943. 0275 PWD/AH/43/2/14. June 10,1943. Ip. Special Guidance—The Draft Agreement for the Establishment of United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration [UNRRA]. 0276 PWD/AH/43/2/15. June 11,1943. Ip. Special Directive—The Fall of Pantellaria. 0277 PWD/AH/43/2/16. June 13,1943.2pp. Special Directive—Roosevelt's Press Conference.

69 0279 PWD/AH/43/2/17. June 15,1943. Ip. Special Directive—Scorza's Message to Mussolini. 0280 PWD/AH/43/2/18. June 23,1943. Ip. Special Directive—The Situation in Algiers. 0281 PWD/CD/43/1/25. June 24,1943. Ip. Background Appreciation—Italy. 0282 PWD/AH/43/2/19. July 5,1943. Ip. Special Directive—The Raids on Crete. 0283 PWD/AH/43/2/20. July 10,1943.2pp. Special Directive—Assault on Italy. 0285 PWD/AH/43/2/21. July 10,1943. Ip. Guidance Notes—Special Directive on Assault on Sicily. 0286 PWD/AH/43/2/22. July 19,1943.3pp. Special Directive—The Bombing of Rome. Additional Guidance Points—The Bombing of Rome. 0289 PWD/AH/43/2/24. July 19,1943.2pp. Special Directive—Italy. 0291 PWD/AH/43/2/25. July 19,1943. Ip. Special Directive—The Italian Navy. 0292 PWD/AH/43/2/26. July 19,1943.2pp. Special Directive—Scorza's Speech. 0294 PWD/AH/43/2/27. July 22,1943. Ip. Special Directive—A.M.G. [Allied Military Government]. 0295 PWD/AH/43/2/28. July 26,1943.3pp. Special Directive—Resignation of Mussolini. 0298 August 14,1943.2pp. Goebbels' Article in VoeUdscher Beobachter of 6,8,43. 0300 PWD/AH/43/2/29. August 13-14,1943.2pp. Special Guidance—Italy. 0302 PWD/AH/43/2/30. August 15,1943.2pp. Special Guidance—Monthly Statement on Anti-U-Boat Warfare. Special Guidance—Comment on Six Points of the Churchill-Roosevelt Statement on the Anti-U-BoatWar. 0304 PWD/AH/43/2/31. August 15,1943. Ip. Special Guidance—Rome: The Open City. 0305 PWD/AH/43/2/32. August 17,1943.2pp. Special Directive—The Fall of Sicily. 0307 PWD/AH/43/2/33. August 21,1943. Ip. Special Directive—The Position on Italy. 0308 PWD/AH/43/2/34. August 26,1943. Ip. Special Guidance—The Recognition of the French Committee of National Liberation [FCNL]. 0309 PWD/AH/43/2/35. August 27,1943. Ip. Special Directive—Italy. 0310 PWD/AH/43/2/36. August 27,1943. Ip. Special Guidance—King Boris' Death. 0311 PWD/AH/43/2/R/1. September 1943. Ip. Special Directive—Landing on the Mainland of Italy. 0312 PWD/AH/43/2/38. September 2,1943.5pp. Special Guidance—Russian Front—Summer 1943. 0317 PWD/AH/43/2/R/2. September 8,1943.2pp. Special Directive—The Surrender of Italy. 0319 PWD/AH/43/2/39. September 9, 1943.2pp. Special Directive—Further Landings in Italy.

70 0321 PWD/AH/43/2/40. September 10,1943. 3pp. Appreciation—Speech by Hitler. Special Guidance—Hitler's Speech. 10th September, 1943. 0324 October 10,1943. Ip. Special Directive—Summary of the PWE Special Directive. 0325 September 14,1943. Ip. Special Guidance—Italian Region. 0326 PWD/AH/43/2/41. September 17,1943. Ip. Special Guidance—The Battle of Salerno and the Position in Italy. 0327 PWD/AH/43/2/42. September 17,1943.4pp. Special Directive—Guidance Lines from President Roosevelt's Congressional Message. 0331 PWD/AH/43/2/44. October 11,1943.2pp. Special Guidance—The October U-Boat Statement. 0333 PWD/AH/43/2/45. October 11,1943.4pp. Special Guidance—Midget Submarine Attack on the Tirpitz. 0337 PWD/AH/43/2/46. October 12,1943.4pp. Special Directive—The Azores. Special Guidance—The Azores. Special Directive—Grant of Facilities in Azores. 0341 October 12,1943. Ip. Special Guidance—Portugal. 0342 PWD/AH/43/2/48. October 13,1943. 3pp. Special Directive—Italy. Declaration of War on Germany. 0345 PWD/AH/43/2/R.4. October 29,1943. Ip. Special Directive—Secret Weapons. 0346 PWD/AH/43/2/49. November 1,1943. Ip. Interim Guidance—The Moscow Conference. 0347 Novembers, 1943. Ip. Special Guidance—The Possibilities of Evacuating the Crimea. 0349 PWD/AH/43/2/51*. November 11,1943.4pp. Special Directive—Guidance on White Paper "Report on Mutual Aid," Issued November llth. 0353 PWD/AH/43/2/50. November 9-13,1943.6pp. Special Directive—Relief for Europe. Annexe—Food Relief. 0359 PWD/AH/43/2/RJ. November 13,1943. Ip. Special Directive—The Political Situation in Italy. 0360 PWD/AH/43/2/53. November 13-14,1943.3pp. Special Directive—The Situation in the Lebanon. 0363 PWD/AH/43/2/R.3. November 15,1943.2pp. Special Directive—Exploitation of Bombing Raids on Bulgaria. 0365 PWD/AH/43/2/R.6. November 19,1943. Ip. Special Directive—The Situation in the Lebanon. 0366 PWD/CD/AH/2/55. November 25,1943.3pp. Special Guidance—General Smuts' Talk of November 25th 1943. 0369 PWD/AH/43/2/54. December 1,1943. Ip. Special Directive—The Churchill-Roosevelt-Chiang Kai-Shek Conference. 0370 PWD/AH/43/2/56. December 6,1943.2pp. Special Directive—Three-Power Meeting in Tehran. 0372 PWD/AH/43/2/57. December 6, 1943. Ip. Special Guidance—The Second Anniversary of America's Entry into the Wnr. December 8th.

71 0373 > PWD/AH/43/2/57. December 10,1943. Ip. Special Guidance—Joint Statement on U-Boat Campaign for November 1943. 0374 December 13,1943. Ip. Summary of Special Directive—Czecho-Slovak Soviet Treaty. 0375 December 11,1943. Ip. Special Directive—Propaganda to and about Yugoslavia. 0376 PWD/AH/43/2/58. December 13,1943. Ip. Special Directive—The Czechoslovak-Soviet Treaty. 0377 PWD/AH/43/2/59. December 25,1943. Ip. Special Directive—The Kharkov Trials and the Threats of German Reprisals. 0378 PWD/AH/43/2/60.1943. Ip. Background—Sinking of the Scharnhorst. 0379 PWD/AH/43/2/61. December 29,1943. Ip. Background Notes—The Action in the Bay of Biscay, 28th December 1943. 1944 0380 PWD/AH/44/2/1. January 1,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—Hitler's New Year Proclamation. Points for Further Comments on Hitler's New Year Proclamation. 0382 PWD/AH/44/2/2. January 3,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—The Polish Frontier. 0383 January 3,1943.3pp. Special Directive—Russo-Polish Relations. 0386 PWD/AH/44/2/4. January 5 and 14, 1944.4pp. Interim Guidance—The Polish Government's Statement Special Directive—The Polish Government Statement. Addendum—The Polish Statement 0390 PWD/AH/44/2/5. January 15-16,1944.6pp. Special Directive—Bulgaria. Annexe—Bulgaria. • 0396 PWD/AH/44/2/6. January 28,1944. Ip. Special Directive—Japanese Atrocities. 0397 January 31,1944.2pp. Special Annexe—The Year of Doenitz. 0399 PWD/AH/44/2/8. February 8,1944.4pp. Special Guidance—The Anglo-French Financial and Mutual Aid Agreements. Annexe—The Anglo-French Financial and Mutual Aid Agreements. 0403 PWD/AH/44/2/9. February 11,1944.2pp. Special Directive—The Declaration regarding the Transfer of Liberated Italian Territory to the Italian Government 0405 February 14,1944. Ip. Special Interim Guidance—The Treatment of Presidential Candidates. 0406 PWD/AH/44/2/10. February 17,1944.9pp. Special Guidance—The National Health Service White Paper. Annexe I—The National Health Service White Paper. Annexe n—Britain's Health in Wartime. 0415 PWD/AH/44/2/11. February 18,1944.2pp. Special Directive—The Apostolic Delegate's Statement Annexe—The Apostolic Delegate's Statement 0417 PWD/AH/44/2/12. February 26,1944.2pp. Special Directive—The Position in Finland.

72 0419- PWD/AH/44/2/13. March 2-3, 1944.2pp. Special Guidance—German Plan to Resurrect the Lost Legions of Korzun. 6421 PWD/AH/44/2/14. March 3, 1944.2pp. Special Directive—Finland. 0423 PWD/AH/44/2/17. March 16,1943. Ip. Interim Special Guidance—Finland. 0424 March 16,1944.3pp. Special Annexe—A New Drive for Foreign Labor. 0427 March 16,1944. Ip. Interim Special Guidance—Finland. 0428 PWD/AH/44/2/18. March 21,1944.2pp. Special Directive—The Position in Finland. 0430 PWD/AH/44/2/20. March 24,1944.2pp. Special Directive—The German Occupation of Hungary. 0432 PWD/AH/44/2/19. March 24,1944.7pp. Special Directive—The President's Statement on Persecutions. Special Annexe—The Persecution of the Jews. 0439 n.i Ip. Directive—Barbu Stirbey. 0440 April 1,1944. Ip. Special Directive—Soviet-Japanese Agreement—Fisheries and Coal and Oil Rights. 0441 PWD/AH/44/2/22. April 3,1944.2pp. Special Directive—M. Molotov's Statement on Rumania. 0443 PWD/AH/44/2/21. April 1,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Soviet-Japanese Agreement regarding Oil and Coal Concessions and Fishing Rights. 0444 PWD/AH/44/2/23. April 4,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Sir Noel Charles' Appointment 0445 PWD/AH/44/2/24. April 5,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Significance of Badoglio's Speech. 0446 AprilS, 1944.2pp. Special Guidance—Sir N. Charles' Appointment as British Representative on the Advisory Council for Italy. 0448 PWD/AH/44/2/25. April 6,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—The Attack on "Tirpitz." 0449 PWD/44/17/7A. April 7,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Italian Region. 0450 PWD/AH/44/2/26. April 8,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—Collaboration between the Polish Underground Army and Soviet Forces. 0452 April 9, 1944. Ip. Directive for B.B.C. Italian Services, Special Guidance—Italy. 0453 PWD/AH/44/2/27. April 12,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—The Appointment by King Victor Emmanuel of Crown Prince Umberto as Lieutenant of the Realm. 0455 PWD/AH/44/2/28. April 20,1944.2pp. Special Directive—The Intensified Bombing of Railway Targets in France and Belgium. 0457 N6/DQ/1/29. April 22,1944. Ip. The Reconstruction of the Italian Government 0458 PWD/44/17/9A. April 22,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Italian Region: The New All Party Cabinet List. 0459 PWD/AH/44/2/29. April 23,1944.2pp. Special Directive—Finnish Rejection of Russian Armistice Terms. 0461 PWD/44/17/9A. April 24,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Italian Region: The New All Party Cabinet List.

73 0462 April 28,1944. Ip. Summary of Special Directive—Action by Polish Underground Army. 0463 April 28,1944. Ip. Summary of Special Guidance—New Italian Government Programme. 0464 PWD/AH/44/2/R. May 1,1944. Ip. Special Directive—E.L.A.S. [Hellenic People's Army of Liberation] andE.A.M. [National Liberation Front of Greece]. 0465 PWD/AH/44/2/32. May 5,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—For Use in the Event of an Announcement of the Release of Gandhi. 0466 PWE/AH/44/24. May 6,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—Keeping a Balanced View on Russia. 0468 PWD/AH/44/2/33. May 6,1944.4pp. Special Directive—Preparations by the General Population of Occupied Countries for Our Reentry in the West Annexe I—Preparations by the General Population of Occupied Countries for Our Reentry in the West. 0472 PWE/AH/44/2/35. May 12,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—Announcement of the Arrangements for Civil Administration in Europe. 0474 PWD/AH/44/2/34. May 12,1944.2pp. Special Directive—The Offensive in Italy. 0476 May 22,1944.2pp. Summary of P.W.E.'s Line on Cardinal van Roey's Appeal to the British and U.S. Governments. 0478 June 2,1944.2pp. Summary of Directive—Representatives of French Committee of National Liberation [FCNL]. 0480 June 2,1944. Ip. Summary of Special Directive—U.S.A.A.F. Landing on Russian Aerodromes (of Which No Disclosure Must Be Made Before Russia Releases News). 0481 PWD/AH/44/2/58. June 4,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—General Von Falkenhausen's Order of 23rd May Imposing Penalties on the Belgians and French for Leaving Their Places of Work, Etc. 0483 PWE/AH/44/2/39. June 4,1944.3pp. Special Directive—Allied Entry into Rome. 0486 June 6,1944. Ip. Addenda to Special Directive—European Landings. 0487 n.d. Ip. Draft Directive on Propaganda—Treatment of Japanese Emperor. 0488 June 6-7,1944.7pp. Special Directive—Operations against Western Europe. Annexe—Operations against Western Europe. Composition of Naval and Air Forces. 0495 PWE/AH/44/2/40. June 7,1944. Ip. Special Directive—Portuguese Embargo on Export of Wolfram. 0496 PWE/OWI /44/4. June 9,1944. Ip. Special Directive—Operations against Western Europe. 0497 June 9,1944. Ip. Summary of Joint P.W.E. and O.WJ. Special Directive—European Landings. 0498 June 13,1944.2pp. Special Directive—The Removal of King Leopold to Germany. 0500 PWE/AH/44/2/42. June 16,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Pilotless Aircraft 0501 PWE/OWI /44/7. June 14-16,1944.4pp. Special Directive—Instructions to Be Given to Railway Workers in France and Belgium. 0505 PWE/AH/44/2/42. June 16, 1944. Ip. Special Guidance—Pilotless Aircraft

74 0506 PWE/OWI/44/8. June 18,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—Instructions for Sabotage by Special Categories of Railway Workers in the Action Zone of France and Belgium. 0508 PWE/ AH/44/2/43. June 19, 1944.2pp. Special Directive—Jugoslav Political Situation. 0510 CD/44/1/24. June 22,1944. Ip. Supplementary Guidance—The Fall of Cherbourg. 0511 PWE/OWI /44/9. June 29,1944. Ip. Special Directive—Regular Newspaper for France. 0512 PWE/AH/44/2/45. July 5,1944. Ip. Special Directive—Shooting of German Prisoners by French Resistance. 0513 PWE/AH/44/2/44. July 5,1944. Ip. Special Directive—Definition of Italian Resistance. 0514 July 6,1944. Ip. Summary of Special Directive—Shooting of German Prisoners by French Resistance. 0515 PWE/AH/44/2/46. July 12,1944. Ip. Special Directive—Foreign Workers. 0516 n.d.2pp. Summary of Special Directive—Mediterranean Operations. 0518 PWE/AH/44/2/46. July 21,1944. Ip. Special Directive—The Revolt of the Generals. 0519 July 26,1944. Ip. Summary of Special Directive—Normandy. 0520 CD/44/1/29. July 28,1944. Ip. Annexe I to Guidance for Output—Collaboration and Treason: The Legal Position in the Countries of the Western Seaboard of Europe. 0521 July 29,1944. Ip. Special Directive—B.B.C. Polish Services. Fall of Warsaw. 0522 PWE/OWI /44/10. August 17,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—Foreign and German Workers in Germany. 0524 August 18,1944. Ip. Summary of Political Warfare Executive—Paris. 0525 PWE/OWI /44/1/11. August 24,1944. Ip. Special Guidance—The Liberation of Paris. 0526 PWE/AH/44/2/48. August 25,1944.2pp. Special Guidance—Southeastern Europe. 0528 PWE/AH/44/2/52. September 17,1944. Ip. Special Directive—Airborne Conditions in Holland. 0529 PWE/AH/44/2/53. September 20,1944. Ip. Special Directive—Finnish Armistice Terms. 0530 PWE/AH/44/2/57. September 27,1944. Ip. Special Directive—The Prime Minister and President's Joint Statement on Italy. German Directives The Political Warfare Executive (PWE) German Directives, written from April 1943 to April 1945, concern military and economic situations in Germany and the occupied countries.

1943-1945 0531 April 23,1943.2pp. German Directive. 0533 April 30,1943.2pp. German Directive. 0535 May 7,1943. 3pp. German Directive.

75 0538 May 14,1943.2pp. German Directive. 0540 May 21,1943.3pp. German Directive. 0543 May 28,1943.2pp. German Directive. 0545 June 3,1943.2pp. German Directive. 0547 June 4,1943.2pp. German Directive. 0549 June 11, 1943.4pp. German Directives. 0551 June 13,1943.2pp. German Directive. 0555 June 16,1943.2pp. German Directive. 0557 June 18,1943.3pp. German Directive. 0560 June 26,1943.2pp. German Directive. 0562 July 16,1943.3pp. German Directive. 0565 July 23,1943.3pp. German Directive. 0568 August 6,1943. Ip. German Directive. 0569 PWD/43/12/32. August 8-14,1944.3pp. Weekly German Regional Directive for B.B.C. 0572 August 13,1943.2pp. German Directive. 0574 August 20,1943.2pp. German Directive. 0576 PWD/43/12/36. September 5-11,1943.4pp. Weekly German Regional Directive for B.B.C. 0580 September 1943.2pp. German Directive. 0582 September 24,1943.5pp. German Directive. German Regional Directive. 0587 October 1,1943.3pp. German Directive. 0590 Octobers, 1943.2pp. German Directive. 0592 October 18,1943.3pp. German Directive. 0595 October 22,1944.2pp. German Directive. 0597 PWD/43/12/45. November 14-20,1943.3pp. Weekly German Regional Directive for B.B.C. 0600 December 3,1943.3pp. German Directive. 0603 December 10,1943.2pp. German Directive.

76 0605 December 17,1943.3pp. German Directive. 0608 PWD/43/2/50. December 19-25,1943.4pp. Weekly German Regional Directive for B.B.C. 0612 December 21-23,1943.3pp. German Directive. 0615 December 30,1943.2pp. German Directive. 0617 December 31,1943.2pp. German Directive. 0619 January 7, 1944.2pp. German Directive. 0621 January 19,1944. Ip. Air Intelligence. 0622 January 14, 1944.2pp. German Directive. 0624 January 21,1944.2pp. German Directive. 0626 January 25,1944. Ip. Air Intelligence. 0627 January 28,1944.2pp. German Directive. 0629 January 30, 1944. Ip. Hitler's Speech. 0630 February 18,1944.2pp. German Directive. 0632 February 26,1944.3pp. German Directive. 0635 March 3,1944.2pp. Special German Directive. 0637 March 4, 1944.6pp. German Directive. Interim Guidance—1944 European Campaigns. 0643 March 9,1944.3pp. Food and Livestock. 0646 March 22,1944.8pp. Guidance for Output PID [Political Intelligence Department]. 0654 March 23,1944.2pp. The Week in Helsinki. 0656 March 24,1944.3pp. Regional Directive—Germany. 0659 March 31,1944.3pp. German Directive. 0662 April?, 1944.2pp. German Regional Directive. 0664 April 15,1944.4pp. German Directive. 0668 April 21,1944.3pp. Regional Directive—Germany. 0672 April 27,1944.5pp. German Summary and Propaganda. 0677 April 28,1944. 3pp. Regional German Directive.

77 0680 May 5,1944.2pp. German Directive. 0682 May 20,1944.4pp. Regional Directive—Germany. 0686 May 26,1944.4pp. Regional German Directive. 0690 n.d. 4pp. German Directive. 0694 June 17,1944.5pp. Regional Directive—Germany. 0699 July 9,1944.4pp. Regional Directive—Germany. 0703 July 16,1944.4pp. German Directive. 0707 July 28,1944.4pp. German and Austrian Directives. 0711 August 11,1944.4pp. German and Austrian Directives. 0715 August 18,1944.4pp. German and Austrian Directives. 0719 August 25,1944.5pp. German and Austrian Directive. 0724 September 2,1944.5ppj? German Directive. 0729 September 6,1944. Ip. PWE Meeting. 0730 September 8,1944.4pp. German and Austrian Directives. 0734 September 9,1944.2pp. German and Austrian Directive. 0736 September 16,1944.5pp. German and Austrian Directives. 0741 PWD/44/12/39. September 24-30,1944.2pp. Weekly German Regional Directive for B.B.C. 0743 September 22,1944.5pp. German and Austrian Directive. 0748 September 29,1944.4pp. German and Austrian Directives. 0752 October6,1944.5pp. German and Austrian Directives. 0757 PWD/44/12/43. October 22-28,1944.2pp. Weekly German Regional Directive for B.B.C. 0759 October 20,1944.6pp. German and Austrian Directives. 0765 November 3,1944.2pp. German and Austrian Directives. 0767 November 10,1944 4pp. German and Austrian Directives. 0771 November 17,1944.4pp. German and Austrian Directives. 0775 November 24,1944.4pp. German and Austrian Directives. 0779 December 3-9, 1944. 3pp. Weekly German Regional Directive for B.B.C.

78 0782 December 2,1944.4pp. German and Austrian Directives. 0786 December 4,1944. Ip. Atrocity Stories. 0787 December 8,1944.3pp. German and Austrian Directives. 0790 December 15,1944.3pp. German Directive. German and Austrian Directives. 0793 December 20,1944.3pp. Joint OWI and PWE Guidance—Hitler. 0796 December 22,1944.3pp. German and Austrian Directive. 0799 PWD/44/12/52. December 24-30,1944.2pp. Weekly German Regional Directive for B.B.C. 0801 PWD/45/12/1. December 31,1944-January 6,1945.3pp. Weekly German Regional Directive for B.B.C. 0804 December 29,1944.3pp. German and Austrian Directives. 0807 January 12,1945.2pp. German and Austrian Directives. 0809 PWD/45/12/3. January 14-20,1945. 3pp. Weekly German Regional Directive for B.B.C. 0812 PWD/45/12/4. January 21-27,1945.4pp. Weekly German Regional Directive for B.B.C. 0816 January 19,1945.5pp. PWE and Austrian Directives. 0821 January 26,1945.2pp. German and Austrian Directives. 0823 PWD/45/12/5. January 28-February 3,1945.2pp. Weekly German Regional Directive for B.B.C. 0825 PWD/45/12/6. February 4-10,1945. 3pp. Weekly German Regional Directive for B.B.C. 0828 PWD/45/12/7. February 11-17,1944.3pp. Weekly German Regional Directive for B.B.C. 0831 PWD/45/12/8. February 18-24,1945.3pp. Weekly German Regional Directive for B.B.C. 0834 PWD/45/12/9. February 25-March 3,1945.4pp. Weekly German Regional Directive for B.B.C. 0838 PWD/45/12/10. March 4-10,1945.3pp. Weekly German Regional Directive for B.B.C. 0841 March 2,1945. Ip. Summary of Joint OWI/PWE German-Austrian Directive. 0842 PWD/45/12/11. March 11-17,1945.3pp. Weekly German Regional Directive for B.B.C. 0845 March 9,1945.2pp. Summary of the Joint PWE/OWI German-Austrian Directive. 0847 March 21,1945.3pp. German and Austrian Directives. 0850 March 23, 1945.5pp. Joint OWI-PWE German and Austrian Directive. German and Austrian Directives. 0855 March 24,1945. Ip. Summary of the Special Directive—Crossing of the Rhine.

79 0856 March 30,1945.2pp. German and Austrian Directive. 0858 April 1,1945. Ip. Summary of Special Guidance—SHAEF Announcements. 0859 April 6,1945. 3pp. German and Austrian Directives. Summary of Joint PWE/OWI German and Austrian Directive. 0862 April 13,1945. Ip. Summary of the Joint OWLTWE German and Austrian Directive. 0863 April 20,1945. Ip. Summary of Joint OWI/PWE German and Austrian Directive. ABSIE Guidances The ABSIE (American Broadcast System in Europe) Guidances written in 1944 give suggestions concern- ing the content of radio broadcasts.

April-September 1944 0864 April 25,1944.3pp. ABSIE. 0867 May 4,1944.5pp. Daily ABSIE Guidance. Daily Guidance on ABSIE. 0872 May 5,1944.2pp. ABSIE Guidance. 0874 May 6,1944.3pp. ABSIE Daily Guidance. 0877 May8,1944.4pp. ABSIE Guidance. 0881 May 7,1944.3pp. Daily Guidance for ABSIE. 0884 May 9,1944.3pp. Daily ABSIE Guidance. 0887 May 10,1944.4pp. Daily ABSIE Guidance. 0891 May 11,1944.3pp. Daily ABSIE Guidance. 0894 May 12,1944.2pp. Daily Guidance for ABSIE. 0896 May 13,1944.3pp. Daily Guidance ABSIE. 0899 May 16,1944.7pp. ABSIE. ABSIE Noon Line. ABSIE Guidance. Daily ABSIE Guidance. 0906 May 17,1944. 3pp. Daily ABSIE Guidance. 0909 May 18,1944.3pp. ABSIE Guidance. 0912 May 19,1944.2pp. ABSIE Daily Guidance. 0914 May 21,1944. 6pp. ABSIE Guidance. Daily ABSIE Guidance.

80 0920 May 22,1944. 3pp. ABSIE Guidance. 0923 May 24,1944.2pp. Daily ABSIE Guidance. 0925 May 25,1944.2pp. Daily ABSIE Guidance. 0927 May 26,1944.4pp. ABSIE NooncasL ABSIE Guidance. 0931 May 27,1944.7pp. ABSIE. ABSIE Guidance. ABSIE Schedule. 0938 May 28,1944.3pp. ABSIE Daily Guidance. 0941 May 29,1944.2pp. Daily ABSIE Guidance. 0943 May 30,1944.2pp. Guidance Notes for ABSIE. 0945 May 31,1944.2pp. ABSIE NooncasL ABSIE—Plan for U.S. Propaganda. 0947 June 1,1944.2pp. ABSIE Daily Guidance. 0949 June 2,1944.2pp. ABSIE NooncasL ABSIE and the Luftwaffe Line of New York. 0951 June 3,1944.3pp. Additions to ABSIE Guidance. ABSIE Guidance Negatives. 0954 June 5,1944. Ip. Negative ABSIE Guidance. 0955 June 6,1944.5pp. Special Joint Directive. ABSIE Guidance. ABSffi Schedule. 0960 June 7,1944.5pp. ABSIE Daily Guidance. ABSIE Midday Line. 0965 June 8,1944. Ip. ABSIE Noon Line. 0966 June 9,1944. Ip. ABSIE Guidance. 0967 June 10,1944.2pp. Noon NYcasL ABSIE Noon Line. 0969 June 11,1944.3pp. ABSIE Noon Line. ABSIE Guidance Negatives. ABSIE Negative. 0972 June 12,1944. Ip. ABSIE Noon Line.

81 0973 June 13,1944.3pp. ABSIE Noon Line. ABSIE Guidance. 0976 June 14,1944. Ip. ABSIE Noon Line. 0977 June 15,1944. Ip. ABSIE Noon Line. 0978 June 16,1944.2pp. ABSIE Guidance Negatives. ABSIE Noon Line. 0980 June 17,1944. Ip. ABSIE Noon Line. 0981 June 18,1944.2pp. ABSIE Noon Lines. 0983 June 19,1944. Ip. ABSIE Noon Line. 0984 June 20,1944. Ip. ABSIE Noon Line. 0985 June 21,1944. Ip. ABSIE Noon Line. 0986 June 22,1944.3pp. ABSIE Negatives. ABSIE Noon Line. ABSIE Guidance Negatives. 0989 June 23,1944.2pp. ABSIE Noon Line. ABSIE Negative. 0991 June 24,1944.3pp. ABSIE Negatives. ABSIE Noon Line. 0994 June 26,1944. Ip. ABSIE Noonline. 0995 July 1,1944.3pp. ABSIE Guidance. 0998 July 3,1944. Ip. ABSIE Negative. 0999 July 6,1944. Ip. Addition to the Daily Guidance. 1000 July 20,1944. Ip. ABSIE Negative. 1001 July 30,1944.3pp. ABSIE Guidance. 1004 July 31,1944.3pp. ABSIE Guidance. 1007 Augusts, 1944.2pp. ABSIE Guidance. 1009 August 7,1944.2pp. ABSIE Guidance. 1011 August 9,1944.4pp. ABSIE Guidance. 1015 August 15,1944. 3pp. ABSIE Guidance. 1018 August 17,1944.4pp. ABSEE Guidance.

82 1022 August 18,1944.3pp. ABSIE Guidance. 1025 August 23,1944. 3pp. ABSffi Guidance. 1028 August 29,1944. 3pp. ABSIE Guidance. 1031 September 4,1944.3pp. ABSIE Guidance. 1034 September 7,1944.3pp. ABSIE Guidance. 1037 September 11,1944.2pp. ABSIE Guidance. 1039 September 12,1944.3pp. ABSIE Guidance.



The following index is a guide to the major subjects of this collection. The first Arabic number refers to the reel, and the Arabic number after the colon refers to the frame number at which a particular subject begins. Thus 1:0057 directs the researcher to Frame 0057 of Reel 1. By referring to the Reel Index, the researcher can identify the title and contents of the particular document.

ABSIE Algeria 15:0864-1039 Algiers 15:0280 Africa Algiers—purge trials 10:0799 campaigns 13:0698-0724 history between two armistices 13: 0656 Mediterranean 13:0814 Aliens see also French North Africa; North Africa; in United States 10: 0738 South Africa Allied Expeditionary Force Afrika Korps 10:0875 13:0814,0851 Allied Military Government (AMG) Agriculture 15:0294 central, western, and northern Europe 13: 0724 Allied Military Government of Occupied southeast Asia 11:0248 Territory (AMGOT) see also Food 15:0294 Air war Allies aerodromes of Soviet Union 15:0480 attacks by, on Axis transport 13: 0814 aircraft, pilotless 15: 0500,0505 expeditionary force landings of 10: 0871 air forces—operations of 11: 0362 international security 14:0945 air operations against Western Europe 15:0488, landings of, in Morocco 13:0656 0496 Ministry of Information Guidances 12: 0964- daylight air assault on Germany 10:0805 1097 general 1:0466,0486,0507-0567,0598-0699, occupation of Rome 14: 0720; 15: 0483 0724-0736,0759-0845,0867-0940; offensive in Italy 10:0852 2: 0001-0117,0139-0254,0302; 15: 0621, policy of, on Italy 13: 0941 0626 postwar statements 14:0665 Soviet union—aircraft losses 13:0185 statements concerning unconditional surrender Albania 14:0791 in 1943 3:0408,0552,0841,0876,0948; Annam 4: 0118,0195,0385; 14: 0071 France and, wartime 1945 7: 0711,0788, 0986, in 1944 4: 0634,0802; 5: 0001,0172,0273, 1093; 8: 0054,0122,0200,0273,0342, 0325,0701,0841,1061; 6:0314,0523, 0411,0494,0556,0629, 0695,0768,0840, 0763; 7: 0068; 10:0086-0092; 14: 0791 0923; 9: 0055,0120,0189, 0257,0326, in 1945 7:0301,0648,0729,0794,0863, 0378,0439,0503 1035; 8: 0001,0071,0141,0220, postwar 1945 9:0609, 0659, 0697, 0734, 0774, 0290,0342,0429,0507,0573,0643, 0859,0899,0935 0713,0787,0857; 9:0001,0072,0134, Anti-Semitism 0206,0271,0391,0450,0513,0570 see Jews

85 Arabia Badoglio, Pietro see Saudi Arabia speech 15:0445 Arab Medical Congress Balkans U.S. medical leaders' messages 5:0739 administrative resistance in the 13:0525 Argentina decline of armies in 14:0334 revolution 10:0760; 15:0272 general 1: 0316; 10: 0729; 13:0407; 15:0248 Atrocities German communication in the 14: 0487 in Far East 11:0261 German rail communications in the 14:0039 general 10:0758; 14:0071; 15:0786 Germans in the 14:0071 by Japanese 2:0230; 10:0791; 11:0063, news blackout in the 11:0193 0197-0198;15:0396 propaganda in the 11:0578 see also War crimes see also Albania; Bulgaria; Greece; Rumania; Austria Turkey; Yugoslavia Germany and 3:0415; 15:0707-0719, Ball bearings 0730-0736,0743-0752,0759-0775, importance of, in German war effort 14:0616 0782,0787-0790,0796,0804-0807, Baltics 0816-0821,0841-0850,0856, 11:0004 0859-0863 Battlefronts history 1918-1938 14:0093 in Europe 2:0349 in 1943 3: 0452,0504,0552,0610,0658, in Far East 2:0349 0709,0766,0810,0876; 4:0004,0077, general 1:0828-0845,0867-0881,0917; 0161,0195,0296,0385,0471 2:0001-0331,0365-0708; 13:0199-0223, in 1944 4: 0677,0724,0802, 0896; 5: 0047, 0254-0341;14:0334-0416 0127,0224,0379,0480,0599,0701,0791, Battles 0899,1009; 6:0001,0089,0200-0935; Bismarck Sea 1:0583 7:0001-0189 BBC in 1945 7:0247-0439,0510,0580,0648,0729, German directives for 15:0569,0576,0597, 0794,0863,0928,0988-1035; 8:0001, 0608,0741,0757,0779,0809,0812,0823- 0071,0141,0220,0290,0342,0429,0507, 0842 0573,0643,0713, 0787,0857; 9: 0001, service for Italy 15:0210-0218, 0226-0230, . 0072,0134,0206,0271,0339,0391,0450, 0240 0513,0570,0618,0667,0708,0741,0787, Beduschi, Paolo 0825,0870,0912,0944,0978,1011,1033; article by 13:0921 10:0001,0032,0060,0100; 15:0198,0204 Belgium propaganda to 10:0977 black market 14:0001 Authors bombing of railway targets in 14: 0616 British and foreign 13:0317 European underground press in 13:0814 Axis powers France and—bombing of railway in 15:0455 bombings by 13:0893,0921 France and—communications in 14:0569 disintegration of 1:0228 France and—railway workers in 15:0501,0506 Europe and Turkey-itrade 14:0487 France and—social and economic reconstruction general 13:0656 in 14:1146 Japan and 13:1202 France and—work penalties on 15:0481 married directives 12:0512-0559 German security measures in the Netherlands Ministry of Information Guidances 12:0964- and 13:0921 1097 Korzun 15:0419 propaganda 13:0210,0223,1014 life in—under German occupation 13:0383, propaganda on Pacific seawar 14:0159 0638 shipping—attacks on 14:0513 Luxembourg and 6:0200-0260; 7:0130, 0247; supply shortages of 14: 0791 10:0131-0152 transportation—Allied attacks on 13:0814 message to citizens of 13:1075 Azores in 1943 4: 0041,0195,0296,0385, 0471 15: 0337

86 in 1944 4: 0557, 0634,0724,0802, 0896; Bulgaria 5:0047,0127,0224,0325,0433,0535, Allied raids on Sofia 14: 0268-0305 0647; 6:0692-0874; 7:0068,0188; armistice terms 11:0070 10:0905; 11:0113 attempt to get out of war 10: 0975 in 1945 7:0301-0439,0510,0580,0648, 0729, bombing raids 15:0363 0794,0863,0928,1035; 8:0001,0071, crisis in 14:0685 0141,0220,0290-0342,0429,0507,0573, economic importance of Rumania and 14:0285 0643,0713,0787,0857; 9:0001,0072, election postponement 11:0370 0134,0206,0450,0570 Germany and 14:0268 press in 14:1070 Hungary, Rumania, and 10: 0819 territories annexed by Germans 14:1070 National Assembly 1:0917; 10: 0966 volunteer corps 13:0469 in 1943 3: 0064,0122-0137,0173,0229, 0250, Berlin Report 0279,0318,0379,0415, 0471,0526,0587, 11:0363 0623,0658,0676,0709,0744-0766,0785, Beveridge Report 0810,0841,0876,0917, 0948; 4: 0004, 13:0234,0274 0077,0118,0161,0195,0245,0296,0337, Black market 0385,0432-0471,0512; 10: 0770; 14: 0203 in Belgium 14: 0001 in 1944 4:0557,0599-0634,0677,0724-0765, in Poland 14:0468 0802,0852,0896; 5:0001,0047,0084, Bolshevism 0127,0172-0224,0273-1061; 6:0001- German propaganda against 13:0788 0935; 7:0001-0189; 10:0175,0992,0994; opposition to 13: 0482,0555 15:0390 at Versailles 14:0021 in 1945 7: 0247-0439,0580,0648,0729, 0794, Bombings 0863,0928,0988,1035; 8:0001,0071, Belgium railway targets 14:0616; 15:0455 0141,0220,0290-0342,0429,0507,0573, in Bulgaria 15:0363 0643,0713,0787,0857; 9:0001,0072, civilian—by Axis powers 13:0893,0921 0206,0271,0339,0391,0450,0513, 0570, flying bomb 14:0765,0817 0618,0667,0708,0741,0787,0825,0870, France railway targets 15:0455 0912,0944,0978,1011,1033; 10: 0032, night 14:0159 0060 railroads 14:0685-0703 political trends 14:0917 Boris, King of Bulgaria political warfare 14:0352 death of 15: 0310 Rumania and 10:0806,0819 general 10:0764; 13:1128 see also Boris, King of Bulgaria; Broadcasts Ferdinand, King of Bulgaria African 1:0057 Burma British 13:0574 China, India, and—American psychological Bulgarian 10:0876 warfare in 11:0800 to China 11:0050 Mandalayl 1:0227 Czechoslovakian 10:0727 in 1943 3: 0083,0116 European 1:0057 in 1944 11:0625-0704 Far East 1:0057 in 1945 7:0711,0788,0860,0912, 1093; Finnish 10:0722,0727 8:0054,0122,0200,0273,0342,0411, general 10: 0741; 13:0020,0043 0494,0556,0629,0695,0768, 0840,0923; Henriot, Philippe 14:0591 9:0055,0120,0189,0257,0326,0378, to Japan 11:0170 0439,0503,0561,0609,0659,0697,0734, New York to liberated countries 11:0286 0774,0814,0859,0899; 11:0224, Polish 10:0727 0721-0790 Swedish 10:0727 OWI information program 11:0209,0344 Rangoon—battle for 11:0268 Rangoon—fall of 11:0283

87 Byrnes, James P. Civil Affairs Division speech 13:0870 11:0269 Campaign, U.S. presidential Committee of Public Safety candidates 10:0798; 15: 0405 in Tunis 13: 0656 Democratic National Convention 10:0900 Communism election 11:0065 in China 11:0075 election news and commentaries 11:0077 in Norwegian Resistance 6:0200 New Hampshire primary election 10:0801 Conferences Republican National Convention 10:0885 Churchill-Roosevelt-Chiang Kai-shek Wilkie withdrawal 10:0817 15:0369 Charles, Sir Noel civil aviation 11:0044 appointment of 15:0444,0446 civil aviation—Soviet withdrawal from Chiang Kai-shek 11:0069 . conference with FDR and Winston Churchill Crimea 11:0195 15:0369 Crimea—U.S. president's report 11:0216 statement 11:0215 food—FDR's speech 13:0893 Children Institute of Pacific Relations 11:0182 Polish—deportation of 13:0482 international business 2:0139 see also Youth international labor—European occupied China countries 14:0720 American opinion on 11: 0021 international monetary 1:0800 Anglo-American position 10:0869 Mexico City 11:0200 Burma, India, and—U.S. psychological Moscow 14: 0071; 15: 0346 warfare in 11:0800 San Francisco 11: 0242,0267 cabinet of 11:0110 San Francisco—trusteeships 11:0239 communism 11:0075 security 1:0897; 10: 0964 Japan's position 2:0580,0609,0627 Tehran—and small nations 14:0203 Manchurian anniversary 10:0995 Tehran—meeting between FDR and Joseph military and political situation 10:1005; Stalin 15:0370 11:0071 UNRRA 15:0353 in 1943 1:0198; 3: 0083,0116 World Trade Union 11:0189 in 1945 7: 0573,0642,0711,0778, 0851, Czechoslovakia 0912,0978,1093; 8:0054,0122,0200, broadcasts 10:0727 0273,0342,0411,0494,0556,0629,0695, entry into 14:0513 0768,0840,0923; 9:0055,0120,0189, forces of 14:0203 0257,0326,0378,0439,0503,0561,0609, Lablin Committee—recognition of 11:0185 0659,0697,0774,0814,0859,0899,0935, in 1943 3: 0210,0876; 4: 0118,0195, 0245, 0969; 10:0024,0052,0073-0080,0263; 0296,0337,0385,0432-0471,0512 11:0249 in 1944 4: 0557; 5: 0084,0127, 0172-0224, press in 11: 0233 0273-0535,0647-0841,0952-1061; radio to 11:0050 6:0001-0376,0471-0692,0874-0935; U.S. position in Asia and 10:0826 7:0001-0189; 10:0276 Yenan radio in 11:0158,0167 in 1945 7:0247-0439,0510,0580,0648, Chrome 0729,0794,0863,0928,0988-1035; shipments of, to Germany from Turkey 8:0001,0071,0141,0220,0290-0342, 10:0829 0429,0507,0573,0643,0713, 0787,0857; Churchill, Sir Winston 9:0001,0072,0134,0206,0271,0339, comments on anti-U-Boat war 15:0302 0391,0450,0513,0570,0618,0667,0708, conference with FDR and Chiang Kai-shek 0741,0787,0825,0870,0912,0944,0978, 15:0369 1011, 1033; 10: 0001, 0032,0060, 0290 joint proclamation with FDR 10:0761 Poland and—breaking of relations 11:0186 joint statement with FDR concerning Italy propaganda to 10:0944 15: 0530 Slovakia 3:0552; 14: 0996 press conference 13:0263,0851 Volksdeutsche in—Poland, Yugoslavia, and speech 11: 0147; 13: 0210, 0254,0482,0598 14: 1070

88 Darlan, Jean Louis general 3:0042,0052-0057; 9:0825; death of 15:0247 15: 0245 Defasse, M. Antione Middle East and 9: 0787 message to Belgian people 13:1075 E.L.A.S. Defense, international see Hellenic People's Army of Liberation see International security Emmanuel, King Victor de Gaulle, Charles announcement of, concerning Prince Umberto general 10:0894 15:0453 visit to Moscow 11:0117 Esthonia Delfasse, M. Poland and—economic importance to Germany speech 14: 0320 14:0513 Denmark Europe crisis in 3: 0836; 10: 0765 agriculture—central, western, and northern European underground press in 13:0834 13: 0724; 14: 0468 German coup in 13: 1128; 14: 1043 American Broadcast System in 15: 0864-1039 king of 13: 0185 battlefronts 2:0349 liberation of 14:0416 campaigns 15:0637 nerve war in 14: 0591 civil administration 15:0472 in 1943 3: 0064,0279,0307,0471,0610,0658, displaced populations 14:0234 0676,0709,0744,0810,0841,0876,0948; eastern 10: 0732 4: 0004-0041,0077,0118,0195,0245, Far East and 2: 0478 0296,0337,0385,0432-0471,0512 general 13:0032-0043; 15:0133-0141 in 1944 4: 0557, 0599-0634,0677,0724, German—inflation 13:0407 0802,0896; 5: 0001,0047,0084,0172- German—oil transport 13:0617 0224,0273-1061; 6:0089-0421,0523- labor organization—central 13:0656 0874; 7:0001-0130; 10:0305 landings in 15:0486-0497 in 1945 7: 0247-0439,0510,0580,0648, media for 10:0878 0729,0794,0863,0928,0988-1035; military conscription 13:0788 8:0001,0071,0141,0220,0290-0342, Nazi cadres—training of 13:0617 0429,0507,0573,0713,0787,0857; Nazi control 10:0185 9: 0001,0072, 0134,0206,0271,0339, Nazi exploitation 11:0301 0391,0450,0513,0570,0618; 10: 0316 Nazi propaganda 10: 0185 postwar problems in 5:0535 neutral countries in—propaganda to 10:0912 resistance in 13:0254; 14:0591,0970 peasant audiences of central, western, and workers from, in Germany 14:0487 northern 13:0724 Dimitroy, GJV1. postwar—Allied statements on 14:0665 11:0334 postwar plans 13:0941 Dittmar, Kurt press in Germany, and occupied and satellite 13:0383 countries 13:0724,0921 Doenitz, Karl resistance 11:0073 general 5:0397 southeastern 1:0277 pronouncement of 14:0437 southeastern—food 13:0296 EA.M. southeastern—morale 13:0317 see National Liberation Front of Greece southeastern—politics 13:0407 Eden, Sir Anthony strikes in occupied 13:0698 speech 13:0617 underground press 13:0698,0724 Eisenhower, Dwight D. underground press in Belgium 13:0814 letter to FDR 11: 0243 underground press in Denmark 13:0814 Egypt western—naval and air operations against Cairo 4: 0381 15: 0488,0496 declaration of war against, by Germany and western—resistance 14:0639 Japan 11:0204 western seaboard—collaboration and treason declaration of war by Turkey and 11:0203 14: 0847; 15: 0520 winter—health 13:0296

89 Far East rationing in Great Britain 13:0893 atrocities 11:0261 southeastern Europe 13:0296 battlefronts 2:0349 see also Agriculture Europe and 2:0478 France general 1: 0179,0475; 11:0027 Alsace and Lorraine 14:1022 long-range program for 11:0220 army 13:0893 Pacific war front and 10:0774 Belgium and—railway workers 15:0501, relief plans 1: 0812 0506 reports from—to Middle East 11:0264 Belgium and—social and economic Soviet Union and—alliance 2:0230 reconstruction 14:1146 Fascism Belgium and northern—communication in antifascism— in Italy 14:0056 14:0569 economics of 13:0999 anti-Semitism in 14:0639 Ferdinand, King of Bulgaria Cherbourg 10:0884 13:1128 Cherbourg—fall of 15:0510 Finland civil administration agreement with 1:0917; armistice terms 15: OS29 10:0971 break with Germany 14:0996 civil affairs 14:0970 broadcasts in 10:0722,0727 collaborationist organizations 13:0525 Helsinki 15:0654 Committee of National Liberation 10:0763; Helsinki politics 14:0437,0487 14:0591; 15:0308,0478 Hull, Cordell—statement concerning 14:0334 Great Britain and—financial and mutual aid in 1942 10:0723-0724,0736 agreements 15:0399 in 1943 3:0094,0137,0159,0173-0191,0210, Haute Savoie 13:0574; 15: 0255 0415,0452,0526,0623,0676,0709,0744, increased participation in fighting 6:0818 0785,0810,0841,0876,0948; 4:0004- independence of 14:0569 0041,0077,0118,0195,0245,0296,0337, Indochina and 11:0228 0471,0512; 13:0555 labor order by von Falkenhausen 15:0481 in 1944 4:0557,0599-0634,0677,0724-0765, labor organization in 13:0698 0802,0852,0896; 5:0001,0084,0127, Low Countries and—administrative sabotage 0172-0224,0273-0379,0480-0535, 14:0285 0647-1061;6:0001-0044,0144-0935; newspapers for 15:0511 7:0001-0189; 10:0803,0887,0988,0990; in 1942 10:0719,0741; 13:0199; 15:0246 14:0416,15:0417,0421-0423,0427-0428 in 1943 3:0064,0094-0104,0122-0137, in 1945 7:0247-0439,0510,0580,0648,0729, 0159,0173-0191,0229,0250,0270, 0279, 0794,0863,0928,0988-1035; 8:0001, 0307,0318,0332,0343,0357,0379,0415, 0071,0141,0220,0290-0342,0429,0507, 0452,0471,0504,0526,0552,0587,0610- 0573,0643,0713,0787,0857; 9:0001, 0623,0658,0676,0709,0744-0766,0785, 0072,0134,0206,0271,0339,0391,0450, 0810,0841,0876,0917,0948; 4:0004- 0513,0570,0618 0041,0077,0118,0161,0195,0245,0296, press reactions of Sweden and, to Russian 0337,0385,0432-0471,0512; 12:0512 armistice terms 14:0513 in 1944 4:0557,0599-0634,0677,0724-0765, rejection of Russian armistice terms 15:0459 0802,0852,0896; 5:0001,0047,0084, Soviet Union and—armistice terms 14:0513 0127,0172-0224,0273-1061;6: 0001- Soviet Union and—peace terms 14:0372, 0935;7:0001-0189 0569 in 1945 7:0247,0301,0372,0439,0510,0580, Food 0648,0729,0794,0863,0928,0988-1035; bread grain in German Europe 13:0095 8:0001,0071,0141,0220,0290-0342, conference—speech by FDR 13:0893 0429,0507,0573,0643,0713, 0787,0857; general 13: 0149,0274; 15:0353 9:0001,0072,0134,0206,0391,0450, in Germany 10: 0185; 11:0301; 14:0389, 0570;10:0328-0335 1091 Normandy 15:0519 livestock and 15:0643 in North Africa 10: 0741; 13: 0210,0656 oil seeds 13:0503 Pacific possessions of 3: 0090

90 Paris 15: 0524 blockade of—after 1918 armistice 14: 1124 Paris—liberation of 10:0960-0961; 15:0525 bombing offensive against 13:1160 political and administrative reorganization Bulgaria and 14: 0268 14:0996 Christmases in 14: 0219 propaganda 11:0548 chrome shipments from Turkey to 10:0829 provisional government 2:0117; 11:0024 citizens of 13:0870 resistance 14:0765 civilian shortage 14:0891 resistance after D day 14:0891 claims of—concerning Russian aircraft losses resistance groups—shooting of German 13:0185 prisoners by 15:0512,0514 commanders—at front and occupied territory southern—landings 10:0949 ' 13:0341 Soviet Union and—alliance with 11:0144 control of satellite governments by 13:0432 Vietnam (Annam) and counter-blockade of Great Britain by 13:1014 in 1945, wartime 7:0711,0788,0986, counter-offensive of 11:0156,0157,0159,0160 1093; 8: 0054,0122,0200,0273,0342, crossing of Rhine 15: 0855 0411,0494,0556,0629,0695,0768, currency—distrust in 14:0765 0840,0923; 9:0055,0120,0189,0257, Danish workers in 14: 0487 0326,0378,0439,0503 daylight air assault on 10:0808 in 1945, postwar 9:0609,0659,0697,0734, decline of—in 1917-1918 14:0071,0817 0774,0859,0899,0935 decline of—in 1944 14:0817 see also de Gaulle, Charles; Lebrun, Albert Denmark and 13:1128; 14:1043 French Committee of National Liberation disarmament of—in 1919-1927 14:0039 1:0940; 10:0983,0989 economic blockade of 13:0984 French Forces of the Interior economic losses of 14:0847 1:0917; 10:0967 . economy—the Ruhr in 13:0834 French North Africa Egypt's declaration of war against Japan and Germans in 10: 0741 11:0204 history of 13:0656 executions in 13:0185 loss of, to Axis powers 13:0210 Finland and—breaking of relations 14:0996 Gandhi, Mohandas food 10:0185; 11:0301; 14:0389,1091 10:0851:15:0465 forces—distribution and strength 13:0964 Germany foreign labor in 10:0185,0958; 11: 0301; administrative control—loosening of 14:0665 13:0254-0274; 14: 0001,0136 administrative problems 14:1124 "Frankfurter Zeitung" 13:1093 army—friction within 13:0110 French North Africa and 10:0741 army—general 13:1184; 14:0056 French zone of occupation in 6: 0818 army—in the East 14:0305 .friction within 13:0080-0086 army—morale of, in the West 13:0598 generals in revolt 14:0847; 15:0518 army—on the Russian front 13:0383 German Europe—inflation in 13:0407 army—purging of, in court of honor 10: 0926 German Europe—oil transport in 13:0617 army—surrender 14:1022 government changes in 13:1111 army—vow of loyalty 11:0108 guerillas in—Swedish and Swiss press reporting assets—concealed abroad 14:1091 of 14:1168 Austria and health of citizens 1:0001 in 1943 3:0415 House of Lords debate on 13:0555 in 1944 15:0707-0719,0730-0736,0743- housing damage 1:0001 0752,0759-0775,0782,0787-0790, Hungary and—breaking of relations 2:0110; 0796,0804 11:0014 in 1945 15: 0807,0816-0821,0845-0850, ideal citizen 11:0291 0856,0859-0863 industry—importance of Krivoi Rog and Balkans and—communications 14:0487 Nikopol 14: 0056 Balkans and—rail communications 14:0039 internal situation 14:0113 Belgian territory annexed by 14: 1070 Italy and—alliance 13: 1037 Belgian workers in 13:0941 Italy and—bombing 13: 0921

91 Germany (cont) propaganda in occupied areas and 11: 0380 Italy and—imports and exports 11:0128 propaganda of 1: 0037,0187; 11: 0405; Italy, Japan, and—bombing 13:0893 13: 0984; 15:0672 Italy's surrender and 13:1160 propaganda to 10:0889 Japan and 10:0716 propaganda to foreign workers in 13:0317 labor—distribution 13:0341; 15:0522 propaganda to women in 11:0589; 14: 0178 leaders' views about end of war 14:0742 Putsch in 14:0891 life in 13:0451 radio information to (until V-E Day) locomotive production 14:0113 11:0259 Luftwaffe—decline 14:0234 rationing 15:0244 manpower shortage 13:0185 reaction of citizens to "month that changed media—statistics on 10:0339; 11: 0085 war" 13:0365 media for 10:0339,0936; 11:0085,0122 rearmament after World War 114: 1228 military government 11:0175 resistance against 13:0525 mobilization of 13:0525 satellite countries and doubts 13:0317,0383- navy of 15:0252 0407; 14:0159 in 1942 10:0729,0732,0741; 13: 0088-0138 sea war 3:0471 in 1943 3:0061-0064,0094-0104,0122-0137, security measures in Belgium and Netherlands 0159,0173-0191,0210,0229,0250,0270, by 13:0921 0279,0307,0318,0332,0343,0357,0379, separatist feeling 14:0268 0452,0471,0504,0526,0552,0587,0610- Soviet Union and 14:0001 0623,0658,0676,0709,0744-0766,0785, Soviet Union and—business 13:0525 0810,0841,0876,0917,0948; 4:0004- students' protests in 13:0814,0870 0041,0077,0118,0161,0195,0245,0296, submarines 3:0552 0337,0385,0432-0471,0512; 12:0512; surrender on western front of 11:0223 15:0531-0617 tactical warnings and instructions 11:0237 in 1944 4:0557,0599-0634,0677,0724-0765, trade with neutrals 14:0416 0802,0852,0896; 5:0001,0047,0084, trial in 10:0933 0127,0172-0224,0273-1061; 6:0001- unconditional surrender in Italy 11:0281 0935; 7:0001-0189; 10:0903,0908; Versailles Treaty and 11:0301 15:0619-0703,0724,0741,0757,0779, war crimes 11:0155 0799 war effort—1944 14:0917 in 1945 7:0247-0439,0510,0580,0648, war guilt 10:0185; 11:0301 0729,0794,0863,0928,0988-1035; see also Hitler, Adolph 8:0001,0071,0141,0220,0290,0342, Goebbels, Joseph 0429,0507,0573,0643,0713,0787,0857; article by 15:0298 9:0001,0072,0134,0206,0271,0339, speech concerning German popular resistance 0391,0450,0513,0570,0618,0667,0708, 11:0002 0741,0787,0825,0870,0912,0944,0978, speeches 10:0910; 11:0214; 13:0451,0893 1011,1033; 10:0001,0032,0060,0360; Goering, Hermann Wilhelm 11:0163,0297; 15:0198,0204,0801 speech 13:0451 occupation of Belgium 13:0383,0638 Great Britain occupation of Hungary by 15:0430 Anglo-American oil agreement 11:0372 occupied and satellite countries and—in Anglo-American proposal with Tito 11:0338 European press 13:0921 attitudes 13:0638 occupied countries and—politics in 14: 0334- broadcasts to Europe 13:0574 0416 Charles, Sir Noel 15:0444,0446 offensive of 11:0161,0166,0173-0174,0179 colonial empire 13:1160 peace offensive 10:0737 Commonwealth and 10:0772; 13:1014 political counter-offensive of 13:0698 counterblockade by Germany 13:1014 propaganda—anti-Bolshevik 13:0788 election 11:0299,0353 propaganda—Axis mistakes in 13:0223 employment policy 14: 0685 propaganda—military 11: 0289 health of citizens 14:0093; 15:0406 propaganda—ministry of 13:0469 House of Lords debate on Germany 13: 0555

92 industrial cooperation 13:1075 death 11:0115,0276 measures concerning German assets 14: 1091 decree 11:0016 money value 14: 1124 general 1: 0238; 15:0793 National Health Service 15:0406 generals and 13:0199 postwar Europe and 14:0742 proclamation of 2:0139; 11:0084; 13: 0451; rationing 13:0893 15:0380 social insurance 13:1014 resignation 11:0235 social progress 13:0964 satellite countries and 13:0788 Soviet Union and—agreement 13:0365 speeches 10:0904; 11:0162,0165; 13: 1202; van Roey appeal to 15:0476 14:0093; 15:0321,0629 written word to Europe 13:0617 Holland Greece see Netherlands Crete—raids on 15:0282 Hopkins, Harry government changes 11:0251 11:0298 guerillas 14:0437 Horthy, Regent Admiral Nicholas invasion of 11:0003 in Hungary 10:0827 in 1943 3:0104, 0210,0357,0415,0452,0471, House Foreign Affairs Committee, U.S. 0587,0623,0841,0876,0948; 4:0004, resolution on Palestine 11:0112 0077,0118,0161,0195,0245,0296,0337, Housing 0385,0432-0471,0512; 13:0814 of foreign labor 13:0383 in 1944 4: 0557,0634,0677,0724, 0765, German—damage of 1:0001 0802,0852,0896; 5: 0047,0084,0127, Hull, Cordell 0172,0224,0273-1061; 6: 0001-0376, speech 10:0822 0471-0935; 7:0001-0188; 10:0368; statement of 14:0334 11:0143 Hungary in 1945 7:0301-0439,0510,0580,0648, Budapest—fall of 2:0230; 11:0150 0729,0794,0863,0928,0988-1035; Bulgaria, Rumania, and 10:0819 8: 0001,0071,0141,0220,0290-0342, Cabinet change 1:0881; 10: 0927 0429,0507,0573,0643,0713, 0787,0857; German occupation 15:0430 9:0001,0072, 0134,0206,0271,0339, Germany and—breaking of relations 2:0110; 0391,0450, 0513,0570,0618,0667,0708, 11:0014 0741,0787,0825,0870,0912,0944,0978, government 10:0982 1011,1033; 10:0001,0032,0060,0375 in 1943 3:0064,0122-0137,0173,0250,0279, propaganda to 10:0954 0357,0415,0471,0552,0623,0676,0709, resistance to civil mobilization 13:0964 0744-0766,0785,0810,0876,0917,0948; Guderian, Heinz 4:0004-0041,0077, 0118,0161,0195, speech 10:0907 0245,0296,0337,0385,0432-0471,0512 Health in 1944 4:0557,0599-0634,0677,0724-0765, British National Health Service 15:0460 0802,0852,0896; 5: 0001,0047, 0084, in German army 1:0001 0127,0172-0224,0273-1061; 6: 0001- in Great Britain 14:0093; 15:0406 0523,0631-0935; 7:0001-0189; 10:0396- typhus 13:0185 0414,0804 winter—in Europe 13:0296 in 1945 7:0247-0439,0510,0580,0648, Hellenic People's Army of Liberation 0729,0794,0863,0928,0988-1035; 15:0464 8:0001,0071, 0141,0220,0290,0342, Henriot, Philippe 0429,0507,0573,0643,0713, 0787,0857; broadcast of 14:0591 9:0001,0072,0134,0206,0271,0339, Himmler, Heinrich 0391,0450,0513,0570,0618,0667,0708, speech 11:0016 0741,0787,0825,0870,0912,0944,0978, Hitler, Adolph 1011,1033; 10: 0001,0032,.0060 absence of 11: 0079; 13:0080 politics 14:0437 accession to power—anniversary 1:0123 the Volkesdeutsche—Italy, Rumania, and assassination attempt on 13:0001 14: 1043

93 Iceland Battle of Salerno 15:0326 declaration of war 11:0212 BBC service for 15: 0210-0218,0226-0230, Parliament 10:0873 0240 president 10:0873 cabinet of 15:0458,0461 republic 10:0857 Charles, Sir Noel—appointment to, as British India representative 15:0444,0446 Burma, China, and—American psychological co-belligerent 10:0785; 15: 0342 warfare 11:0800 conditions in, after liberation 14:0352 general 3: 0001,0008; 10:0441,0717; crisis in 13:0199,0296; 15:0251 13:1093 destruction of army in Don Bend 13:0407 OWI informational operations in 11:0356 economic conditions 14:0591 in U.S. propaganda 1: 0812,0828 entry into the war 15: 0273 Indochina evacuation of cities 13:0254 general 3:0090,0116; 9: 0378,0561,0814 finance minister's report 13: 1075 French 11:0228 Germany, Japan, and—bombing by 13:0893 Indonesia Germany and—alliance of 13:1037 in 1943 3:0090,0116 Germany and—bombing by 13:0921 in 1944 10:0899 government 15:0463 in 1945 7: 0724,0784,0912,1093; 8:0054, government—Allied attitude toward 14:0543 0122,0200,0273,0342,0411,0494,0556, government—reconstruction of 15:0457 0629,0695,0768,0840,0923; 9:0055, landings in 10: 0791; 15:0311,0319 0120,0189,0257,0326,0439,0503,0561, navy 15:0291 0609,0659,0697,0734,0774, 0814,0859 navy, surrender of 13: 1184 Inflation newspapers and journalists 13:1049 in German Europe 13:0407 in 1942 3: 0061; 10: 0741 International affairs in 1943 1:0316,0365, 0403; 3:0061-0064, 9:0870; 10:0024 0094-0104; 0122-0137,0159,0173-0191, International Clearing Union 0210,0229,0250,0270,0279,0307,0318, 13:0656 0332,0343,0357,0379,0415,0452,0471, International Labor Organization (ILO) 0504,0526,0552,0587,0610-0623,0658, general 1:0686,0713; 10:0849 0676,0709,0876,0916-0917,0948; May First Commemoration Conference 4:0004-0041,0077,0118,0161,0195, 1:0699; 10:0846 0245,0296,0337,0385,0432-0471,0512; International security 10:0762; 12:0512; 13:0941; 15:0281, Allied statements on 14:0945 0289,0300,0307,0390,0325 postwar—press from liberated countries, in 1944 4:0057,0599-0634,0677,0724, 0802, Sweden, and Switzerland 14:1201 0852,0896; 5: 0001,0047,0084,0127, Invasion Committee 0172-0224,0273-0739,0841-1061; 13:1111 6:0001-0523,0631,0763-0935; Iran (Persia) 7:0001-0189; 10:0447-0462,0800; general 3:0031 12:0843; 15:0449,0452 Saudi Arabia and 3:0229,0267 in 1945 7:0247-0439,0510,0580,0648,0729, U.S. advisers—campaign against 10:0865 0863,0928; 8:0001,0071,0141,0220, Iraq 0290,0342,0429,0507,0573,0643,0713, general 3:0059 0787,0857; 9:0001,0072,0134,0206, Saudi Arabia and 3:0037 0339,0391,0450,0513,0570; 10:0478 Italy offensive in 15:0474 aliens in U.S. 10:0738 opposition in 13:0964 Allied offensive 10:0852 partisan activity 14:0742 Allied policy 13:0941 patriots 14:0891 antifascism 14:0056 political situation in 10:0825; 15: 0359 Army—destruction of 13: 0407 reconstruction by Allied Commission of assault on 15:0283 14: 1207 attitude toward 14:0543 resistance 15: 0513

94 resistance to German occupation 14: 0113, friction within 10:0968 0203,0251 Germany, Italy, and—bombing 13:0893 Rome 10:0861,0867; 15:0304 Germany and 10:0716 Rome—Allied entry 15:0483 Germany and—Egypt" s declaration of war Rome—bombing 15:0286 against 11: 0204 Rome—conditions during Allied occupation home front morale 2:0663 14: 0720 internal situation 2: 0478 Roosevelt and Churchill statement concerning Japanese in U.S.—ban lifted 11:0154 15:0530 navy 11:0199 Royal Air Force raids on 13:0185 neutral opinion concerning 14:0917 royal family 13:1049 in 1943 3: 0083,0116 Sicily 13: 1037 in 1944 14:0639 Sicily—assault on 15: 0285 in 1945 7: 0507, 0573,0642,0711,0778,0851, Sicily—fall of 15: 0305 0912,0978,1093; 8:0054,0122,0200, strikes 13:0984 0223,0342,0411,0494,0556, 0629,0695, strikes—in German-occupied territory 0768,0840,0923; 9: 0055,0120,0189; 14:0389 10:0489 surrender of 15:0317 position of China in 2: 0580,0609,0627 surrender of—effect on transportation Roosevelt statement concerning Nazi war 13:1075 crimes and crimes of 15: 0432 surrender of—German reactions 13:1160 Soviet-Japanese Pact of 1941—end of 11:0244 surrender of German forces in 11:0281 Soviet Union and—agreement on Sakhalin transportation 13:0834 and fisheries convention 10:0831 treasury bonds 13:0870 Soviet Union and—agreement over fisheries, underground press in 14:0136 coal and oil rights 15:0440,0443 U.S. state department declaration 2:0207; surrender of 11:0240 11:0119 Suzuki speech 11:0339 Venezia Giuila 11:0280,0284 Tokyo 1:0198; 11:0025 Volksdeutsche—Hungary, Rumania, and Truman's statement to 11:0285 14:1043 Turkey and—breaking of relations 11:0169 Yugoslavia and 13:1184 ultimatum to 11:0354 see also Mussolini, Benito Jews Jackson, Robert H. anti-Semitism in France 14:0639 report of 11:0336 liquidation of—in Poland 14:0513 Japan persecution of 15:0432 atrocities of 2:0230; 10:0791; 11: 0063, Jugoslavia 0197-0198; 15:0396 see Yugoslavia Awa Maru sinking—response to protest to U.S. Kharkov trials State Department 11:0300 15:0377 Axis and 13:1202 King, Ernest bombing of 10:0897 report of 10:0830; 11:0234 broadcasts to 11:0170 Korea cabinet and command changes in 11: 0246 in 1945, wartime 7: 0724,0778,0857, 0912, in China 2:0580,0609,0627 1093; 8:0054,0122,0200,0273,0342, civilian and military personnel—mistreatment 0411,0556,0629,0695,0768, 0840,0923; of 11:0197 9:0055,0120,0189,0257,0326,0378, Crimea report by U.S. president to 11: 0216 0439,0503,0561 Diet session in 11: 0339 in 1945, postwar 9: 0609, 0659,0697,0734, economic situation in 14:0352 0774,0814,0859,0899,0935,0969, 1006, Emperor of 2: 0188; 11: 0184; 15:0487 1028,1058; 10: 0052,0073-0080 Emperor of—in propaganda 10: 0859

95 Labor Lloyds of London employment policy in Great Britain 14:0685 14:1146 foreign workers Low Countries employment policy in Great Britain administrative sabotage of, by France 14:0685 14:0285 general 15:0424,0522 recruitment of terror forces 13: 0598 German transport 13:0503 Luftwaffe housing 13:0383 15:0949 the Leistungslohn 13:0296,0317 Luxembourg, Belgium manpower crisis 13:0296 Belgium and 6:0200-0260; 7:0130,0247; opportunities 14:0487 10:0131-0152 propaganda 13:0383 general 13:0110 SS facts 13: 0341 Mandalay, Burma Trojan Horse campaign 15:0515 11:0227 foreign workers in Germany Mannerheim, Carl Gustav administrative and social questions 14:0945 10:0919 Belgians 13:0941 Manpower Dutch 13:0341 American 14:0305 general 10: 0185,0958; 11:0301; 13:0254- American reserves of 13:0185 0274; 14:0001,0136 crisis 13:0383 living and working conditions 14:0891 food and 13:0296 propaganda 13:0317 general 13:0199 recruitment, distribution, type of German problems 14:0871 14:0871 Germany—shortage 13:0185 German labor—distribution of 13:0341 problems of, in occupied countries 13:0383 mobilization in Norway 14:0703 see also Labor organization in central Europe 13:0656 Married directives organization in France 13:0698 12:0512-0559 propaganda—failure 13:0341 Marshall, George railway workers in France and Belgium report of 11:0374 15:0501,0506 Media strikes in Italy 13: 0984; 14: 0389 American Broadcast System in Europe strikes in occupied Europe 13:0698; 14:0372 15:0864-1039 von Falkenhausen's work order to Belgium Balkan news blackout 11: 0193 and French workers 15:0981 BBC—German directives 15:0569,0576, Lebanon 0597,0608,0741,0757,0779,0809-0812, general 14:0113; 15:0360,0365 0823-0838,0842 Syria and 3:0046,0049; 10:0672 concerning civil affairs 10:1007 Syria and—declaration of war 11:0213 concerning recall of General Stilwell and the Syria and—recognition of independence by military situation in China 11:0071 U.S. government 10:1001 confiscation of radios 13:0834-0851 Lebrun, Albert Europe 10:0878 resignation of 11:0013 "Frankfurter Zeitung" in Germany 13:1093 Ledo Road "Free Yugoslavia" radio station 11:0074 2:0316 French newspapers 15:0511 Leopold, King of Belgium German 10:0339,0936; 11:0085,0122 -- removal of, to Germany 15:0498 Mediterranean radio 11:1184 Liberated countries morning guidances 12:0001-0457 general 11:0286 news from countries where Americans and Sweden, Switzerland, and—press on other correspondents do not operate postwar international security 14:1201 11:0287,0296 U.S. policy concerning internal affairs of peasant audience in central, western, and 2:0207;11:0118 northern Europe 13:0724 Poland free press 13:0432

96 radio and subversive morale operations Mussolini, Benito 11:0619 fall of 13:1049 radio information to Germany until V-E Day resignation 15: 0295 11:0259 see also Fascism; Italy radio to China 11:0050 National Liberation Front of Greece short range 10:0998 15:0464 "specially approved" stories 2:0169 National sovereignty written word to Europe from Great Britain 14:0136,0203 13:0617 Nazi movement Yenan radio in China 11:0158,0167 cadres—training of 13:0617 see also Broadcasts disintegration of—in occupied countries Mediterranean 13:1049 key theatre 13:0814 Europe—control by 10:0185 operations 15:0516 Europe—exploitation by 11:0301 Middle East master race 13:0341 American trade with the 9:0271 persecution by 15:0432 delegates of, in the U.S. 8:0001 propaganda in Europe 10: 0185 Egypt and 9: 0787 speeches 15:0249 guidance concerning World Security Plan Near East 10:0883 general 3:0841 military intelligence 7:0510,0648 news from Far East and Pacific war front to in 1942 3:0008-0031,0039-0042,0048; 10:0774 10:0731 news from Soviet Union to 10: 0780 in 1943 4: 0337,0385,0432-0471,0512 Nerve War in 1944 4:0557,0599-0634,0677,0724-0765, in Denmark 14:0591 0802,0852,0896; 5: 0001,0047,0084, general 10:0740 0127,0172,0224,0273-1061; 6:0001- Netherlands 0935; 7:0001-0189 airborne conditions in 15:0528 in 1945 7:0247-0439,0510,0580,0648, Belgium and—German security measures in 0729,0794,0863,0928,0988-1035; 13:0921 8:0001,0071,0141,0220,0290-0342, Belgium, Luxembourg, and 5:0739-0952, 0429,0507, 0573,0643,0787,0857; 1061; 6:0001-0144 9:0001,0072,0134,0206,0271,0339, flooding of 14:0569 0391,0450,0513,0570,0618,0667,0708, government of the, returning to Holland 0741,0787,0825,0870,0912 14:0543 political and economic situation 7:0301 military conscription in 13:0788; 15: 0258 press and public opinion 9:0741 in 1943 3:0379, 0415,0471,0552,0623,0658, principles of OWI operations 10:0786 0676,0709,0766,0785,0810,0841,0876, projected pipeline 10:0797 0917,0948; 4:0004-0041,0077,0161, reporting Far Eastern developments to 11:0264 0245,0337,0432,0512 war refugees entering 10:0819 in 1944 4:0599,0677,0765,0852; 5:0001, MQcolajczyk, Stanislaw 0084,0172,0273,0379,0480-0599,1009; trip of 10:0916 6:0200-0376,0471-0935; 7:0001-0189 Ministry of Information in 1945 7:0247-0439,0510,0580,0648,0729, guidances 12:0964-1097 0794,0863,0928,1035; 8:0001,0071, Minorities 0141,0220,0290,0342,0429,0507,0573, Negro and other minority problems 11:0007 0643,0713,0787,0857; 9: 0001,0072, Molatov, M. 0134,0206,0391,0450; 10: 0496-0526 statement by—concerning Rumania 15:0441 soldier or slave 13:0788 Morocco soldiers—reinternment of 3:0379 events in—from war outbreak to Allied underground front in 14:0917 landings 13: 0656 workers of the, in Germany 13:0341 Morrison, Herbert Stanley Netherlands East Company speech 13: 0482 13:0407,0432

97 North Africa » transport in German Europe 13:0617 3: 0008; 12: 0520, 0581 world petroleum agreements 11:0120 see also French North Africa Pacific Norway American victories 10:0921 blacklist in 13:0185 French possessions 3:0090 Communists in resistance 6:0200 in 1943 3: 0155, 0169,0206,0226,0245,0264, crisis in 13:1093 0277,0304,0315,0328,0339,0354,0376, everyday life in 13:0851 0402,0448,0467,0500,0522,0548,0583, labor mobilization 14:0703 0604,0608,0654,0674,0706,0735,0741, morale in (1943-1944) 6:0144 0783,0808,0833,0871,0912, 0945,0987; in 1943 3: 0064,0191,0452,0504,0587, 4: 0001,0074, 0115,0158,0191,0242, 0658,0676,0709,0744-0766,0785, 0288-0292,0334,0381,0428,0550-0553 0810,0841,0876,0917,0948; 4:0004- in 1944 4:0596,0674,0718-0722,0799,0849, 0041,0077,0118,0161,0195,0245,0296, 0894,0943; 5: 0044,0082,0125,0169, 0385,0432-0471,0512 0270 in 1944 4:0557,0599-0634,0677,0724,0765, Pacific war 0802,0852,0896; 5:0001,0047,0084, French participation in 10:0997 0127,0172-0224,0273-1061; 6:0001- general 10:0774; 13:1037; 14:0543 0935; 7:0001-0188; 10:0527 news from war front 10:0774 in 1945 7:0247-0439,0510,0580,0648,0729, Palestine 0794,0863,0928,0988-1035; 8:0001, general 2:0110; 3:0049 0071,0141,0220,0290-0342,0429,0507, House Foreign Affairs Committee (U.S.) 0573,0643,0713,0787,0857; 9:0001, resolution on 11:0112 0072,0134,0206,0271,0339,0391,0450, Pantellaria 0513,0570,0618 fall of 15:0276 opposition in 14:0437 Peace Quisling party—dissension in 13:0469 13:0656-0698 underground in 5:0224 Pearl Harbor Occupied Europe 4:0381 administration in 13:0383 Persia conscription and employment of youth in see Iran (Persia) 13:0574 Philippines everyday life 13:0383 commonwealth government—resumption of Germany and, politics in 14:0334-0416 11:0211 International Labor Conference 14:0720 guerrillas 11:0064 mobilization of 13:0525 independence 11:0255 Nazi disintegration 13:1049 landing operations 11:0017 peasants 14:0703 Luzzon-landings 11:0183 press 13:0921 Manila 11:0187 reentry in the West 15: 0468 Mindoro—landing 11:0148 resistance and sabotage 13:0503 in 1943 3:0083,0116 resistance groups 13:0999 in 1944 10:0542 strikes 13:0698; 14:0372 in 1945 7:0724,0784,0912,1093; 8:0054, trade unions 14:0791 0122,0200,0273,0342,0411,0494,0556, transportation sabotage 13:1093 0629,0695,0768,0840,0923; 9:0055, Office of Strategic Services (OSS) 0120,0189,0257,0326,0378,0439,0503, control of propaganda 11: 0604 0561,0609,0659,0697,0774,0814,0859, definition of 11:0615 0899,0935,0969,1006,1028,1058; interpretation of duties 11:0623 10:0024,0052,0073,0080 Oil political position 14: 1250 Anglo-American oil agreement 10:0928; puppets of 10:0932 11:0372 U.S. and—problem of future trade 11: 0202 German supplies—Allied attacks on 14:0945 see also Quezon, Manuel

98 Poland in 1945 7: 0247-0439,0510,0580,0648, armed forces 14:0372 0729,0928,0988,1035; 8: 0001, 0071, arrests and executions 14: 0437 0141,0220, 0290-0342, 0429,0507, 0573, black market 14:0468 0643,0713,0787, 0857; 9: 0001,0072, broadcasts 10:0727 0134,0206,0339,0391,0513, 0570 children—deportation of 13:0482 Spain and, in 1943 3: 0122-0137,0159, citizens in Moscow meeting 11: 0340 0173-0191,0210,0250,0379,0415, Czechoslovakia and—breaking of relations 0610,0709,0739; 4:0385,0471-0511 11:0186 tungsten export embargo 15:0495 Esthonia and—economic importance to Press Germany 14:0513 Belgian 14:1070 everyday life 14:0352 Chinese 11:0233 free press 13:0432 concerning postwar international security frontier 15:0382 14:1201 German persecution 13:0365 European government 15:0386 general 13:0724 Jews, liquidation of, in 14: 0513 guide to 13: 0724 in 1943 3: 0094,0191,0250,0357,0504, in satellite countries 13:0921 0623,0873,0917; 4:0077,0118,0161, European underground 0195,0245,0296,0337,0432,0512 Belgium 13:0814 in 1944 1: 0497; 2: 0041; 4: 0557,0599-0634, Denmark 13:0814 0677,0724-0765,0802,0852,0896; general 13:0698,0724 5:0047,0084,0127,0172-0224,0273- Italy 14:0136 1061; 6:0001-0935; 7:0001-0189; in Germany, occupied and satellite countries 10:0789;11:0001,0145 13:0921 in 1945 7:0247-0439,0510,0580,0648, in Poland 13:0432 0729,0794,0863,0928,0988-0135; public opinion in the Middle East 9:0741 8:0001,0071,0141,0220,0290-0342, Swedish and Swiss, concerning postwar 0429,0507,0573,0643,0787,0857; international security 14:1201 9:0001,0072,0134,0206,0271,0339, Swedish and Swiss, reports concerning 0391,0450,0513,0570,0618,0667,0708, guerrillas in Germany 14:1168 0741,0787,0825,0870,0912,0944,0978, Price control 1011,1033; 10: 0001,0032,0060,0557; 2:0679 11:0178,0348-0349 Propaganda officers 15:0256 to Austria 10:0977 people of—statement by Stettinius 11:0153 Axis—in Pacific 14:0159 propaganda to 10:0947 Axis—mistakes in 13:0223 Soviet Union and 13:0469 in Balkans 11:0578 Soviet Union and—relations 15:0383 black and white 11:0604 underground army 15:0462 to Czechoslovakia 10:0944 underground army—collaboration with Soviets to Dutch workers in Germany 13:0341 15:0450 to foreign workers 13:0383 Volksdeutsche—Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, to foreign workers in Germany 13:0317 and 14:1070 in France 11:0548 Warsaw—fall of 15:0521 German 14:1207 Warsaw—liberation of 10:0918 German—antibolshevism 13:0788 Political warfare German—Atlantic Wall in 13:0851 13:0088-1202; 14: 0001-1250; 15:0001-0863 German—concerning German raids 14:0334 Polomia Congress German—concerning relief for Russia 10: 0854 14:0093 Portugal German—military 11:0289 in 1944 4: 0557,0724-0765, 0852; 5: 0325, German—on invasion 14:0720 0433-0599,0739-0841,0952; 6: 0089- German—political time bombs 13: 0503 0144,0260,0874-0935; 7:0001-0189 German—to foreign workers in Germany 13: 0317 99 Propaganda(cont) Rommel, Erwin for German women 11:0589; 14:0178 in Africa 13: 0223 in Germany 11:0405 general 15:0257 in Germany and occupied areas 11: 0380 Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (FDR) India in U.S. propaganda 1: 0812,0828 comments on anti-U-Boat war 15:0302 ministry of—in Germany 13:0469 conference with Winston Churchill and Nazi, in Europe 10:0185 Chiang Kai-shek 15: 0369 to neutral countries in Europe 10:0912 congressional message 13:1160; 15:0327 to Poland 10:0947 death 11:0257 post-V-EDayll:0293 joint proclamation with Winston Churchill sea war 14: 0416 10:0761 treatment of Japanese Emperor in 10:0859 joint statement with Winston Churchill U-Boat campaigns 13:0341,0851 concerning Italy 15:0530 to and about Yugoslavia 1:0736; 4:0432; meeting in Tehran with Joseph Stalin 15:0370 10:0788,0853; 15:0375 press conference 15:0277 to Yugoslavia 10:0951 speeches 13:0482,0893 see also Media statement concerning Nazi and Japanese war Prussia crimes 15:0432 14: 0817 Royal Air Force (RAF) Psychological warfare raids on Italy 13:0185 American—in China, Burma, and India Rumania 11:0800 Bulgaria, Hungary, and 10:0819 division of 12:0741-0945 Bulgaria and 10:0806 Quezon, Manuel Bulgaria and—economic importance 14:0285 death of 10:0922 disintegration of 14:0543 Quisling, Vidkun in 1943 3:0064,0122,0173,0229,0279,0357, dissension in party of 13:0469 0415,0471,0526,0587,0623,0676,0744- Quislings 0766,0785,0841,0876,0917,0948; Belgian, and Germany 14:0389 4:0004-0041,0077,0118,0161,0195, collaborationists, women, and—demoralization 0245,0296,0337,0385,0432-0471,0512 among 14:0178 in 1944 4:0557,0599-0634,0677,0724-0765, collaborators and—punishment 14:0320,0871 0802,0852,0896; 5: 0001,0047,0084, general 13:0482; 14:0136,0251 0127,0172-0224,0273,0325-1061; in Norway 14:0437 6:0001-0089,0200-0376,0471-0631, Rationing 0763,0874-0935; 7:0001-0189; 10: 0578, food and other consumer products—Great 0972 Britain 13:0893 in 1945 7:0247-0439,0580,0648,0794,0863, in Germany 15:0244 0928,0988-1035; 8:0001,0071,0141, Refugees 0220,0290-0342,0429,0507,0573,0643, entering the Middle East 10:0819 0713,0787,0857; 9:0001,0072,0134, Resistance movements 0206,0271,0339,0391,0450,0513,0570, against Germany 13:0525 0618,0667,0708,0741,0787,0825,0870, anti-Nazism in satellite countries 14:1043 0912,0944,0978,1011,1033; 10:0001, in Denmark 13:0254; 14:0591,0970 0032,0060,0589; 11:0229 in Europe 13:0999 political forces in 14:0970 in Europe—nomenclature for 11:0073 statement by M. Molotov concerning 15:0441 in France 14: 0765,0891; 15: 0512,0514 Volkesdeutsche—Hungary, Italy, and 14:1043 in Italy 14:0113,0203,0251; 15:0513 Ryti,Risto Norwegian, Communists in 6:0200 replacement of 10:0919 in occupied countries 13:0503 Ryukyu Islands underground, in Netherlands 14:0917 landings in 11:0241 underground, in Norway 5:0224 Okinawa 11:0282 in Western Europe 14:0639 in Yugoslavia 13:1128

100 Satellite countries South Africa anti-Nazism in 14: 1043 10:0618 armies —declin e of 14: 0320 see also French North Africa; North Africa attitudes toward the war 13: 0254 Southeast Asia Balkans 13: 0407 agriculture 11:0248 control of, by Germany 13: 0432 Soviet Union doubts in Germany 13: 0317, 0383-0407; aircraft losses—German claims of 13:0185 14: 0159 aerodromes of—USAAF landing 15:0480 European press 13: 0921 army, advance of 10:0899 Hitler, Adolph, and 13: 0788 Civil Aviation Conference—withdrawal from Nazis in 13: 0482 11:0069 politics in southeastern Europe 13: 0407 Crimea—evacuation of 14: 0071; 15: 0347 reacton of, to fall of Mussolini 13: 1049 Czechoslovakia and—treaty 15: 0374,0376 Transylvania —frictio n in 13: 0365 de Gaulle, Charles—visit to 11: 0117 Sauckel, Fritz European legions in 13:0574 13: 0598 Far East and—alliance 2:0230 Saudi Arabia Finland and 14:0372,0513,0569; 15: 0459 declaration of war 11: 0219 foreign policy of 14:0113 Iran and 3: 0229, 0267 front 15:0312 Iraq and 3: 0037 France and—alliance 2: 0230; 11:0144 Scandinavia general 15:0466 German army 13:0383 Scharnhorst Germany and—business 13: 0525 sinking of 15: 0378 Great Britain and—agreement 13:0365 Scorza, Carlo Japan and—agreement over fisheries, coal, message to Mussolini 15: 0279 and oil rights 15:0440,0443 speech 15: 0292 Japan and—agreement on Sakhalin and Sea war fisheries convention 10:0831 Bay of Biscay 15: 0379 military situation 10:0796 German 3: 0471 national synthesis 13: 1202; 14:0001,0021 in 1942 1: 0057 news from, to Near East 10:0780 in 1943 1: 0198-0221, 0245, 0259, 0299, 0328, OWI operations in 11:0804-0917 0486 Poland and 13:0469 in 1944 1: 0486, 0538-0554, 0636-0648, Poland and—relations 15:0383 0672, 0699-0724, 0748-0770, 0787, 0845, postwar organization—plans for 14:0334 0867-0940; 2: 0001-01 17, 0169-0273 reconstruction 13:0555 in 1945 2: 0316-0397, 0428-0566, 0594-0663, Soviet-Japanese pact of 1941 11:0244 0708-0722 Three-Vote Proposal to the United Nations Pacific, axis propaganda on 14: 0159 11:0238 propaganda and 14: 0416 Turkey and—relations 11:0342 Security Spain see International security in 1942 10:0741 Sforza incident in 1943 3:0094, 0307,0318,0332,0343,0504, 11:0114 0526,0552,0658,0676,0744, 0785,0810; SHAEF 4:0004-0041,0337 "Voices of 15: 0858 in 1944 10:0795; 11:0061 Siam in 1945 9: 0450; 10: 0622; li: 0376 9: 0659, 0734 Portugal and Smuts, Jan in 1943 3:0122-0137,0159, 0173-0191, talk by 15: 0366 0210,0250,0379,0415,0610,0709, Socialism 0739:4:0385,0471-0511 in Germany 13: 0407

101 Spain (cont.) Switzerland, liberated countries, and— in 1944 4: 0557,0724-0765, 0852; 5:0325, postwar international security 14: 1201 0433-0599,0739-0841,0952; 6: 0089- Switzerland 0144,0260,0874-0935;7:0001-0189 general 4: 0471,0599-0634,0677,0724-0765; in 1945 7:0247-0439,0510,0580,0648,0729, 10:0651-0663:11:0176 0928,0988-1035; 8:0001,0071,0141, press comments from Sweden and, on German 0220,0290-0342,0429,0507,0573,0643, guerrilla projects 14:1168 0713,0787,0857; 9:0001,0072,0134, press opinion from liberated countries, Sweden, 0206,0339,0391,0513,0570 and 14:1201 Schutzstaffel (SS) Syria general 13:0341 Lebanon and 3:0046, 0049; 10:0672 Waffenl3:1128 Lebanon and—declaration of war 11:0213 Stalin, Joseph Lebanon and—recognition of independence by meeting in Tehran with FDR 15:0370 U.S. government 10:1001 Order of the Day to the United Nations 13:0788 political situation 11:0191 Steel Teschen dispute 14:0616 11:0341 Stettinius, Edward Thailand appearance before Senate Foreign Relations cabinet 10:0923 Committee 11:0351 cabinet—resignation of 10:0917 statement of 11:0153 in 1943 3:0415 Stilweil, General Joseph in 1945, wartime 7:0711,0788,0912,1093; 11:0071 8: 0054,0122,0200,0273,0342,0411, Stirbey, Barbu 0494,0556,0629,0695,0768, 0840,0923; 15:0439 9:0055,0120,0189,0257,0326,0378, Sun Yat Sen 0439,0503,0561; 10:0685 1:0161 in 1945, postwar 9:0609,0697,0774,0814, Supplies 0859,0899,0935,0969,1006,1028,1058; by air 13:0365 10:0024,0052,0073-0080 Axis—shortages of 14:0791 OWI information program 11:0206,0346 general 15:0349 Third Reich Surrender, unconditional religious opposition 13: 0451 Allied statements on 14:0817 see also Germany; Nazi movement; Resistance general 13:1202; 14:0468 movements of German forces in Italy 11:0281 Tirpitz Sweden attack on 15:0448 broadcasts in 10:0727 submarine attack on 15:0333 German imports from 14:0021 Tito, (Josip Broz) in 1943 3:0064,0137,0173,0279,0471,0552, acceptance of Anglo-American proposal by 0623,0676,0709,0744-0766,0841,0876, 11:0338 0917,0948; 4:0004-0041,0077,0118, general 2:0057 0161,0195,0245,0296,0337,0385, Toochoo Islands 0432-0471,0512 see Ryukyu Islands in 1944 4:0557,0599-0634,0677,0724-0765, Trade 0802,0852,0896; 5:0001,0047,0084, Axis Europe and Turkey 9:0271 0127,0172,0224,0273,0325-0647, German and Italian imports and exports 0739-106!; 6:0001-0314,0421-0523, 11:0128 0631-0935;7:0001-0189 German and Swedish 14: 0021 in 1945 7:0247-0439,0510,0580,0648, German trade with neutrals 14:0416 0729,0794,0863,0928,0988-1035; Portuguese export embargo 15:0495 8: 0001,0071,0141,0220,0290-0342, unions in Europe 14: 0791 0429,0507,0573,0643,0713, 0787,0857; U.S. and Philippines—future problems 9: 0001,0072, 0134,0206,0271,0339, 11:0202 0391,0450,0513,0570,0618; 10:0638 U.S. trade in the Middle East 9: 0271

102 Transportation Stalin's Order of the Day 13: 0788 Allied attacks on Axis 13:0814 trusteeships 8:0429 attacks on Axis shipping 14: 0513 United Nations Organization (UNO) bombing of railroads 14:0685-0703 10:0024; 11:0005 foreign labor and German 13: 0503 United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) German 13:0274 policy on potential targets 1: 0567 in German Europe 13: 0984; 14:0178 treatment of, from Russian bases 10:0866 Germany, locomotive production in 14:0113 U.S. Italian surrender and effect on 13: 1075 ABSffi 15:0864-1039 in Italy 13:0834 Americana in newscasts 10:0024 Renault and German vehicles 13:0638 Anglo-American Oil Agreement 11: 0372 sabotage of—in occupied Europe 13:1093 Anglo-American position in China 10:0869 in western Europe 14:0513 Anglo-American proposal with Tito 11: 0338 Transylvania anniversary of entry into the war 15: 0372 friction in 13: 0365 China—U.S. opinion of 11:0021 Tripoli domestic policies 2:0734 British measures in 13:0503,0598 election 11:0065 Trojan Horse Campaign foreign policies 2:0734 13: 0001,0274 House Foreign Affairs Committee—on Truman, Harry S Palestine 11:0112 statement to Japanese citizens 11:0285 Italian alien status in the 10: 0738 Tunisia tungsten labor disputes in 10:0024 Committee of Public Safety 13:0656 Lebanon and Syria—recognition of export embargo 15: 0495 independence by the 10: 1001 Turkey manpower of the 14:0305 chrome shipments—to Germany 10:0829 manpower reserves of the 13:0185 declaration of war 11:0205 Navy—bombardment of enemy shores 10:0830 Egypt and—declaration of war 11:0203 Navy—index of combatant ships 10:0830 Japan and—breaking of relations 11:0169 Navy—propaganda 10:0830 in 1942 3:0052 nonfratemization policy 11:0352 in 1943 3:0379, 0917; 4:0004-0041; 13:0451 Pacific victories 10:0921 in 1944 5:0325-0791,0899-1061; 6: 0001- Philippines and—problem of future trade 0376,0471-0523,0631-0763; 7:0001, 11:0202 0189; 10:0818,0858 policy toward internal affairs of liberated in 1945 7:0247-0439,0510,0580 countries 11:0118 Soviet Union and—relations 11:0342 position in Asia 10:0826 trade with Axis Europe 14: 0487 presidential candidates 10:0798; 15:0405 U-Boats propaganda of 15:0945 in Atlantic 14:0970 psychological warfare in China, Burma, and Churchill comments on anti-U-boat warfare India 11:0800 15:0302 state department's declaration concerning crews 13:0870; 15: 0265 Italy 11:0119 general 13: 0341; 14: 0093; 15: 0331,0373 state department and Japanese protest of propaganda 15:0262 AwaMaru sinking 11:0300 warfare of 15: 0302 troops in England 1:0001 Umberto, King of Italy van Roey, Cardinal J.E.—appeal to 15:0476 appointment to Lieutenant of Realm 15:0453 wartime 14:0178 United Kingdom World Security Plan by president 10: 0883 military exercises from 10:0848 see also Campaign, U.S. presidential United Nations USS Enterprise economic and financial agreements 14:0996 10:0830 organization for postwar peace and security Vandenberg, Arthur 11:0005 proposals of 11:0181 Relief and Rehabilitation Administration of the 2: 0019,0254; 14: 0234; 15: 0275 103 van Roey, Cardinal J.E. Curzon line 14: 0251 appeal by—to U.S. and British governments declaration of war—anniversary 1: 0187 15: 0476 general 13:0999,1075 Vatican Versailles Peace Treaty and bolshevism Apostolic delegate statement 15:0415 14: 0021 V-E Day Versailles Peace Treaty and Germany 11:0262 10:0185:11:0301 Versailles Peace Treaty World WarH bolshevism 14:0021 fifth anniversary 10:0935 Germany and 10:0185; 11:0301 Yamashita, Tomoyuki Vietnam 11:0083 see Annam Youth von Falkenhausen, Ludwig conscription and employment of, in occupied order to Belgian and French workers 15:0481 countries 13:'0574 Wallace, Henry see also Children speech 13:0555 Yugoslavia War aims government 10:0896 13:0088,0274 Italy's collapse and 13:1184 War crimes in 1943 3: 0279,0415,0504,0623, 0658, collaboration and treason—legal position of 0676,0709,0744,0785,0841,0876,0948; Western Europe 14:0847; 15:0520 4:0004-0041,0077,0118,0195,0245, dependents named as war criminals 11:0371 0296,0385,0432-0471,0512 Germany—executions in 13:0185 in 1944 4: 0557,0599-0634,0677,0724, Germany—treatment of 11:0155 0802,0852,0896; 5:0001,0047,0084, Poland—arrests and executions 14:0437 0127,0172-0224,0273,0379-0841, Poland—German persecution in 13:0365 0952-1061; 6:0044-0089,02(XW)935; Roosevelt statement on persecution 15:0432 7:0001-0130; 10:0863,0993 war criminals, trials of 10:0024 in 1945 7:0247-0439,0510,0580,0648,0729, see also Atrocities; Jews 0794,0863,0928,0988-1035; 8:0001, Weapons 0071,0141,0220,0290-0342,0429,0507, secret 15: 0345 0573,0713,0787,0857; 9:0001,0072, V-l 13:0001 0134,0206,0271,0339,0391,0450,0513, V-2 13:0061 0570,0618,0667,0708,0741,0787,0825, Welles, Sumner 0870,0944,0978,1011,0133; 10:0001, book—cable-wireless handling of 10:0092 0693 Western front partisans—military position 14:0219 11:0226,0230-0231. partisans—organization and administration Wolfram 14:0389 see Tunisia tungsten political and fighting forces 14:0791 Woods, Katyn politics 15:0508 13:0788 propaganda to and about 1:0736; 4:0432; World Court 10:0788,0853,0951; 15:0375 11:0252 radio station 11:0074 World Security Plan resistance movement 13:1128 by U.S. president 10:0883 Volksdeutsche—Czechoslovakia, Poland, World War I and 14: 1070 Armistice Day—anniversary 2:0110; 11:0020

104 RESEARCH COLLECTIONS IN THE SOCIAL HISTORY OF COMMUNICATION Information Control and Propaganda: Records of the Office of War Information Part I: The Director's Central Files, 1942-1945 Part II: Office of Policy Coordination Series A: Propaganda and Policy Directives for Overseas Programs, 1942-1945 Leni RiefenstahPs Triumph of the Will