

Cyber Influence Operations: An Overview and Comparative Analysis

Zurich, October 2019

Cyber Defense Project (CDP) Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich Author: Sean Cordey

© 2019 Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich

Contact: Center for Security Studies Haldeneggsteig 4 ETH Zurich CH-8092 Zurich Tel.: +41-44-632 40 25 [email protected] www.css.ethz.ch

Analysis prepared by: Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich

ETH-CSS project management: Tim Prior, Head of the Risk and Resilience Research Group; Myriam Dunn Cavelty, Deputy Head for Research and Teaching; Andreas Wenger, Director of the CSS

Disclaimer: The opinions presented in this study exclusively reflect the authors’ views. Please cite as: Cordey, Sean. (2019). Cyber Influence Operations: An Overview and Comparative Analysis, Cyberdefense Trend Analysis, Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich. Table of Contents

Executive Summary 4

1 Introduction 5

2 Summary of the Debate Around Influence Activities 6 2.1 Influence and Some Historical Examples 6 2.2 The Definition Conundrum of Influence Activities and Techniques 7

3 Cyber & Influence Operations 11 3.1 Definition and Scope of Cyber Influence Operations 11 3.2 Influence Operations and Cyber Influence Operations: Similarities and Differences 11 3.3 Potential & Strategic Implications 19

4 Comparative analysis: American and Russian Cyber Influence Operations 21 4.1 21 4.2 Presentation of Results and Discussion 21 4.3 Additional Remarks 26

5 Conclusion 28

6 Glossary 30

7 List of Abbreviations 31

8 Bibliography 32 Cyber Influence Operations: An Overview and Comparative Analysis

Executive Summary conflict, CIOs are increasingly also used in of or in the of mere rivalry. The second finding is that the targets, end-objec- tives and strategies of CIOs are the same as with tradi- Objective & Method tional influence operations. However, they differ in that they involve new digital tools (e.g. , bots or Influence and influence operations are new un- ), which have greatly enhanced psychologi- der the sun. They have been exercised since times imme- cal warfare techniques and strategies. In this regard, a morial by all kinds of actors, whether individuals, groups, distinction can be made between two types of CIOs: cy- or states, and in all kind of forms. States in particular ber-enabled technical influence operations (CeTIOs) and have been using them to further their strategic interests cyber-enabled operations (CeSIOs), with in various contexts, whether during , peace or the the former relying on a repertoire of cyber capabilities large spectrum in between. Today, however, the dawn of with varying degrees of sophistication to influence tar- the age has seen these influence activities gets and the latter focusing on utilizing cyberspace to migrate toward cyberspace, making use of the opportu- shape public opinion and decision-making processes nities that new ICT, most notably social media, has to through the use of social bots, dark ads, and the offer. spread of . The overall aim of this trend analysis is to investi- The third key finding is that cyberspace has acted gate and explore the of influence operations and as an equalizer and enabler for influence operations. No- the emerging term of cyber influence operations (CIOs) in tably, the relatively low cost of entry, widespread avail- order to help foster a clearer understanding of the issue, ability of tools and possibility to circumvent traditional in particular to enhance policy debate. This analysis looks controls of information have allowed anyone to engage first at the academic pertaining to influence. in CIOs. Meanwhile, the ease, speed and virality of infor- Second, it explores the existing definitions of cyber influ- mation dissemination as well as the increasing reach, ence and highlights its core features, techniques, and pri- scale, penetration, precision and personalization of infor- mary targets. Third, it provides a comparative analysis of mation targeting have greatly enabled their use. These public CIO campaigns by the US and to map out elements, and the that CIOs present an asymmetric the and use of CIOs as well as discuss how na- option and tool for counterbalancing conventional power tion states are leveraging them as tools for pursuing stra- at little cost yet with great flexibility, with low risks of de- tegic interests. tection and escalation but high potential results, has made them particularly attractive for state and non-state actors alike. However, due to the complexity of observing Results and measuring intent and effect, the medium to long- term strategic implications and impacts of these types of There are four main conclusions to this report. The first operations are still uncertain. that, despite the great deal of academic and policy Finally, the comparative analysis shows that the attention dedicated to cyber influence operations since toolboxes used by individual states are highly dependent the 2016 US presidential election, the conceptual frame- on the context and specific objectives they are intended work pertaining to them and their related terminology to achieve. Furthermore, autocratic regimes do not re- (e.g. “cyber-”, “information cyber operations” strain their use of CIOs to the same norms as liberal de- or “cyber-) remains unclear, confused and to mocracies do, particularly when it comes to using them some extent incoherent, rendering any rational political against their own populations and in times of peace. This, or legal debate of the issue complex if not impossible. however, does not mean that liberal regimes do not exer- This report therefore contextualizes and disentangles the cise cyber influence, but such influence tends to be driven definition conundrum surrounding influence operations, by market forces rather than being driven by market and defines cyber influence operations as “activities that forces. are run in cyberspace, leverage this space’s distributed vulnerabilities, and rely on cyber-related tools and tech- niques to affect an audience’s choices, , opinions, Disclaimer or , and interfere with its decision- making processes” (Bonfanti, 2019). Influence operations The data for this Trend Analysis was drawn from open- thus encompass not only activities referred to as informa- source material, which is of great but also problem- tion operations but also non- and coercive activi- atic. Indeed, as influence operations and their cyber ties (e.g. propaganda). While typically used in times of equivalents are usually covert, details are rarely published and often remain highly classified, with reports only

4 Cyber Influence Operations: An Overview and Comparative Analysis becoming available when an operation is uncovered and 1 Introduction studied in depth. However, there is no to re- port such cases to the public. Furthermore, relevant re- Since the 2016/2017 elections in the and ports come mostly from Western sources, which can , the term “Cyber Influence” (CI) has become a present some inherent . As a result, comparing a buzzword for many politicians, academics and across the complete dataset on CIOs is challenging. The cases dis- general population. Lawmakers have come to realize that cussed here are already in the public domain and - the threats in and through cyberspace do not limit them- ably well documented in the cybersecurity and defense selves to a nation’s critical infrastructure but can also be literature. As a result, the associated dataset is compre- leveraged to pro-actively shape the social and psychologi- hensive enough to draw the conclusions presented in this cal fabric of . Accordingly, more and more reports Trend Analysis. and articles theorizing and studying the have been published. Until recently, many reports and policies limited their focus on information security and systems (i.e. integrity, confidentiality, availability). However, the current focus has shifted toward content security, mean- ing how to secure, monitor and manage the effects of large-scale information sharing across a multitude of so- cial media platforms. While the issue appears to be novel for many, it goes back to influence operations, which are really noth- ing new under the sun. All kinds of actors have been prac- ticing influence activities since the dawn of , from powerful individuals to secret groups and modern com- panies. States, in particular, have been prone to deploying a variety of techniques to further their strategic interests both domestically and abroad as well as in times of peace and . Indeed, one only has to look back to the two World Wars or the to find some preeminent examples. As such, cyber influence is only the latest adapta- tion of these time-honed techniques to the modern para- digm and tools that have evolved with recent technologi- cal change. It makes use of the novel opportunities afforded by information and communication technology (ICT), networked systems and cyberspace to change or in- fluence an audience’s choices, ideas, opinions, emotions, and motivations. With that in , the goal of this trend analysis is to shed light on the concept of influence operations and the emerging term of cyber influence operations (CIOs). It attempts to answer a number of questions including: What is influence? How has the concept been used and is used today by states? How does cyber influence come into this? How distinguishable is it from traditional influ- ence? What are the core features, techniques, targets and actors of CIOs? What implications do CIOs have for inter- national relations? And finally, how are different states, notably the US and Russia, exercising influence in cyber- space? Are there any discernible patterns and differences between autocratic and liberal regimes? To answer these questions, this TA is divided into the following four sections: Section 1 explores in depth the concept of influence operations and its affiliated terms, such as , and . By examining the definitions,

5 Cyber Influence Operations: An Overview and Comparative Analysis categories, examples and historical context around these 2 Summary of the terms and operations, this section aims to disentangle the definition conundrum surrounding the entire field of Debate Around influence-related terminology. It moreover identifies a number of core attributes which cut across all of the vari- Influence ous terms in order to provide a conceptual understanding of influence operations and arrive at a specific and at the Activities same time synthetic definition. Section 2 examines in depth the “cyber” aspects of influence operations. It defines and frames the con- cept of cyber influence operations before exploring their similarities to and differences from traditional influence operations notably mentioned in this section. Specifically, 2.1 Influence and Some it looks at the question of targets, objectives, tools, tech- niques and strategies as well as types of CIOs, two of Historical Examples which are identified, namelycyber-enabled technical in- fluence operations (CeTIOs) and cyber-enabled social influ- Influence is a commonly used form, mechanism, and in- ence operations (CeSIOs). Accordingly, this section there- strument of power that is, according to Robert Dhal fore examines how digital, information and (1957), the ability for “A to have B doing, to the extent communication technology has shaped influence opera- that he can get B to do, something that B would not oth- tions before discussing the implications of CIOs in terms erwise do”. Brangetto & Veenendaal (2016), expanded on of attractiveness, legal and international implications. this definition by noting that the objective of influence is Section 3 investigates the concrete application of thus to exert power by shaping the behavior and opin- cyber influence today and over the last two decades by ions of a target audience through the dissemination of means of a comparative analysis of various instances of information and conveying of messages. CIOs deployed by Russia and the United States. It aims to Throughout , national and identify patterns (techniques, goals, actors, and targets) sub-national entities have resorted to using information of operations and at the same time to place them into and influence operations to advance their national and context, notably in terms of war, political tension and international interests, whether they were of a security, election meddling. Lastly, it discusses the general impli- economic or political order (Matteo Bonfanti, 2019). One cations and differences that can be observed in terms of can find a plethora of examples of such activities, wheth- the use of CIOs between liberal and autocratic regimes. er in peacetime, within the context of rivalry, political or This technical analysis concludes with the main economic tensions or during open conflict or warfare. takeaways of this research as well as a broader comment Although influence operations are often regard- on the necessity to take action. ed as modern inventions, examples can be found throughout human history. In the 12th century AD, Geng- his Khan and his tribesmen orchestrated one of the first large-scale disinformation campaigns by widely dissemi- nating rumors about the horde’s strength and cruelty to weaken an enemy’s resistance (Bentzen, 2018). Similarly, during I, allied airplanes dropped leaflets behind the German lines of defense to erode troop and call upon them to . Sim- ilar influence operations were also conducted during World War II, the Cold War, the two wars in , and more recently in Libya, and Syria (Bonfanti, 2019). During the Cold War, propaganda in all its vari- ous forms was the primary tool for pushing ideological into foreign spheres of influence. Such at- tempts to undermine or change information narratives have continued over the past years, notably in 2016 and 2017, with allegations of Russian interference in Latvian and the Indonesian accusing “terrorists” of releasing fake anti-government news reports.

6 Cyber Influence Operations: An Overview and Comparative Analysis

Table 1: US Military Information Operations Definitions (Joint Chiefs of , 2010) 2.2 The Definition IO Description Conundrum of PSYOP Planned operations to convey selected informa- Influence Activities tion and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective and Techniques reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of foreign governments, , groups, While literature on the subject of information operations and individuals. The purpose of psychological has grown exponentially in recent years, there is a funda- operations is to induce or reinforce foreign mental “lack of consensus when it comes to defining all attitudes and behavior favorable to the the elements that make up the strategic application of originator’s objectives. power in the information domain” (Brangetto & MILDEC Actions executed to deliberately mislead Veenendaal, 2016). adversary military decision makers as to Specifically, a number of similar terms have friendly military capabilities, intentions and emerged throughout contemporary history that are still operations, thereby causing the adversary to extensively used in the literature to describe influence ac- take specific actions (or inactions) that will tivities. Examples range from propaganda, political war- contribute to the accomplishment of the fare, psychological warfare, and information warfare to friendly mission. psychological operations, information operations, neo- cortical warfare (Conway, 2003; Szafranski, 1997), per- OPSEC A process of identifying critical information and ception management, and netwar (Arquilla & Ronfeldt, subsequently analyzing friendly actions 1997).1 These various terms are supported by specific attendant to military operations and other context-dependent case studies conducted over time. It activities to: a. those actions that can therefore seems relevant to review some of the most im- be observed by adversary systems; portant terms in chronological order, starting with b. determine indicators that adversary intelli- propaganda. gence systems might obtain that could be interpreted or pieced together to derive critical information in time to be useful to adversaries; Propaganda and c. select and execute measures that eliminate or reduce to an acceptable level the The origins of the term “propaganda” can be traced back vulnerabilities of friendly actions to adversary to the Congregatio de Propaganda Fide, a 17th-century exploitation. Catholic committee that fought the Reformation (Wal- EW Military action involving the use of electromag- ton, 1997). It promoted and advocated for the church’s netic and directed energy to control the and viewpoints though various means, includ- electromagnetic spectrum or to attack the ing printed , seminars and . More enemy. consists of three recently, the widespread use of the term by Allied Forces divisions: electronic attack, electronic protec- during the two World Wars and the Cold War to refer tion, and electronic warfare support specifically to hostile opinion-forming activities has CNO Comprised of computer network attack, strongly entrenched its present negative connotation in computer network defense, and related popular (Marlin, 1989). Indeed, today it is com- computer network exploitation enabling monly used in both times of peace and war to attack a operations. rival’s on the basis that they are unsound, in- tentionally deceptive, unethical, illogical and aimed at manipulating a mass audience. Within the US military literature, the term “propaganda” has been used to de- note lies and distortions normally associated with an en- emy and has been differentiated from

1 This list is non-exhaustive.

7 Cyber Influence Operations: An Overview and Comparative Analysis

management. 2More specifically, according to Douglas Psychological warfare and operations Walton (1997), propaganda is defined by the systematic use and selection of a multitude of means, whether they The concept of psychological warfare (aka. PSYWAR) was are arguments, or displays of (historical, officially developed by the US forces when they joined religious, cultural, etc.). These uses are designed and pur- World War II (Garnett 2002; in Schleifer, 2014) but actors sued with strategic intent to appeal to the people, pitch have engaged in it since ancient times.3 Specifically, the their emotions over rational thinking, and engender po- term “denotes any action which is practiced mainly by litical commitments and enthusiasm for change. The psychological methods with the aim of evoking a planned goal of propaganda activities is primarily to further an psychological reaction in other people” (Szunyogh, 1955). agenda by getting the target to fake or take a particular Similar to political warfare, it makes use of various tech- course of action as well as to change its beliefs. In terms niques to influence a target audience’s values, beliefs, of techniques and forms, the literature (Becker, 1949; emotions, motives, rationales, or behaviors to reinforce Gray & Martin, 2007; Jowett & O’Donnell, 2006)” com- behaviors favorable to the user’s objectives. For example, monly identifies three different types of propaganda, it can be used to strengthen the resolve of allies or resis- namely white, black and gray. The first refers to official or tance fighters as well as to undermine and erode the mo- overt propaganda, where sponsorship can be traced back rale and psychological state of enemy troops. Psychologi- to a recognized actor. The second refers to untruthful cal warfare includes techniques such as manipulation and covert activities whose origin is faked or hidden. and of prisoners of war (Doob, 1949). There Lastly, the third is situated in between white and black are a number of historical examples of specialized units propaganda, with no clear indication of its origin (or an trained for this kind of warfare, notably during World War origin attributed to an ally), and uncertain veracity of II by the German and Allied Forces but also by the US information. Armed Forces during the Korean and Vietnam wars. Accordingly, PSYWAR closely relates to the use of psychological operations4 (PSYOPs), a term that rose to Political warfare preeminence after the end of the and is still in use today as part of the US understanding of informa- The term and concept of political warfare has been in use tion warfare capabilities (Paddock 2010; in Schleifer, since and was originally coined by the UK 2014). PSYOPs are all about using information dissemina- (Schleifer, 2014). Its application, however, dates back sev- tion to cripple the target’s morale and will to resist. Clas- eral decades, if not centuries. According to Blank (2017), sical PSYOP techniques include the air-dropping of propa- political warfare can be regarded as the logical applica- ganda leaflets and use of airborne loudspeakers to tion of Clausewitz’s doctrine in times of peace. Specifi- broadcast demands for surrender (Nichiporuk, 1999.) The cally, he defines it as “the of all the means at underlying rationale thus lies in persuasion through the a nation’s command, short of war, to achieve its national use of different (i.e. , desire or ) to pro- objectives, both in an overt and covert fashion.” Relevant mote specific emotions, attitudes and behaviors. As such, activities range from peaceful to aggressive means as PSYOPs can be used in times of peace or open war and are well as from overt actions (e.g. political alliances, eco- considered a force multiplier using nonviolent means in nomic measures, or white propaganda) to covert opera- often violent environments. Furthermore, PSYOPs are tions (e.g. support of foreign resistance cells or black pro- sometimes divided into three levels (i.e. strategic, opera- paganda) (Blank, 2017). Violent means notably include tional and tactical) by practitioners to reflect the areas in tactics such as , activity, sabo- and the times at which they are expected to be deployed. tage, coup d’état, infiltration, , guerrilla war- Each level has its own goal (e.g. to promote a positive im- fare, and support of opponents (Blackstock, age, to deter, encourage, recruit, or lower morale), con- 1964). Accordingly, influence operations and propaganda text, and means of delivery. In the past, the primary form only part of the subversive arsenal. means of delivery were , paper leaflets, and the airwaves ( and television). Today, soldiers have access via cellular phones to television, e-mails, and so- cial media, as well as old and new media (Schleifer, 2014).

2 Defined by the US DoD as “Actions to convey and/or deny selected infor- mation and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all levels to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator’s 3 For instance, Cyrus the Great used it against Babylon, Xerxes against the objectives. In various ways, combines Greeks, and Philip II of Macedon against Athens. projection, operations security, cover and , and psychological 4 Aka. Military Information Support Operations (MISO) for the US military operations.” (Dearth, 2002, in Conway, 2003) since 2010.

8 Cyber Influence Operations: An Overview and Comparative Analysis

Information warfare “actions taken in times of crisis or conflict to affect adver- sary information and information systems while defend- Another preeminent, but contentious, concept in use ing one’s own information and information systems” since the 80s – mostly in the US military and the intelli- (, 2014). Accordingly, IOs traditionally gence community – is that of information warfare (IW), comprise five core capabilities (defined in table 1.1).5 In which is motivated by opportunities and vulnerabilities addition, these core capabilities are accompanied by re- that arise from the dependence of individuals and societ- lated and supporting activities, which are public diplo- ies on vulnerable ICT and systems. macy (PD), public affairs (PA), civil military operations, in- The term has, according to Derian (2003), be- formation assurance, physical security, physical attack, come an umbrella term for conceptually understanding and counter intelligence. cyberwar, hackerwar, netwar, virtual war, and other net- As a note, the term computer network opera- work-centric conflicts (Huhtinen, 2007). It refers to the tions (CNOs) has been replaced in the more recent litera- use of “a range of measures or actions (including infor- ture by cyberspace operations (COs), which the US DoD mation & ICT) intended to protect, exploit, corrupt, deny, (Joint Chiefs of Staff, 2018) broadly defines as “the em- or destroy information or information resources in order ployment of cyberspace capabilities where the primary to achieve a significant advantage, objective, or victory purpose is to achieve objectives in or through cyber- over an adversary” (Alger, 1996; in Cronin & Crawford, space”. As such, CO missions can be (OCO), de- 1999; Nichiporuk, 1999). fensive (DCO) and DODIN operations (relating to the min- Specifically, IW may include a wide variety of ac- istries’ internal networks). In terms of actions, these tivities, which are closely linked to psychological warfare encompass cyberspace security, cyberspace defense, cy- and include (Kiyuna & Conyers, 2015): collecting tactical berspace exploitation, and cyberspace attacks. The latter information; ensuring that one’s own information is val- three replace the (still widely used) terms of computer id; spreading propaganda or disinformation to demoral- network attack (CNA), computer network defense (CND) ize or manipulate the enemy and the public; undermin- and computer network exploitation (CNE)6. In terms of ing the of opposing forces’ information; and techniques, these involve the use of computer technolo- denying information-collection opportunities to oppos- gy and to shut down, degrade, corrupt, or ing forces. destroy various information systems (Dewar, 2017). Several IR scholars have extensively written and This understanding and classification of IW and theorized about IW, notably Schwartau and Libicki, who IOs are, however, neither universal nor do they represent a have both developed different classifications and forms uniform Western vision. Indeed, many other states, from of IW. According to Schwartau, IW can be broken down France to the , have developed their own into three sub-groups, namely personal, corporate and understandings and . Another particular case is global information warfare (Schwartau, 1994), with the none other than Russia, which has a long of stra- scale and risks increasing between one category and the tegic thinking about the role of information in projecting next. Meanwhile, according to Libicki, IW occurs in seven national power, the best-known examples of which in- different forms (Damjanović, 2017; Libicki, 1995): com- clude the the country took during the mand and control warfare; intelligence warfare; elec- Cold War. In contrast to the US view, Russia’s understand- tronic warfare; psychological warfare; hacker warfare; ing of IW7, or information confrontation (informatsionoye economic-information warfare; and cyber warfare. Over protivoborstvo [IP]), does not distinguish between war the years, other scholars have, however, divided IW into and peace activities. According to Pernik (2018), “borders two main strands, both of which are based on earlier con- between internal and external, tactical, operational and cepts, namely “soft IW”, which includes psychological strategic levels of operations, and forms of warfare (of- warfare, media warfare and perception management; fense and defense) and of coercion are heavily blurred”. and “hard IW”, which includes net/electronic warfare This mostly goes back to the country’s (Huhtinen, 2007). In any event, IW transcends the tradi- policy, which is built upon the perception that Russia is tional domains of warfare and finds itself at the intersec- under constant by foreign influence and thus finds tion of the information, physical and cognitive/social do- itself in a constant struggle for its survival (Blank, 2017). mains. Its scope goes beyond the military and touches on Furthermore, the Russian approach to IW is much more the political, diplomatic and economic spheres of holistic and whole-of-government. It mobilizes the entire information. Furthermore, the action of information warfare 5 For more examples please refer to JP 3 – 13 and Wilson, 2006. is defined as information operations (IOs) in the US mili- 6 For a detailed classification please refer to the new JP 3 – 12 on cyber- tary literature, a term that has been widely adopted by space operations. other actors (Wilson, 2006). As such, IOs are formally (and 7 In recent years, many Western actors have referred to the Gerasimov Doctrine as the Russian theory of asymmetric and information warfare. quite broadly) defined by the US DoD in JP 3-13 as It has, however, been debunked by its author Mark Galleoti since.

9 Cyber Influence Operations: An Overview and Comparative Analysis

Russian state (and para-state) apparatus for a wide variety nized application of national diplomatic, in- of activities, which include “intelligence, counterintelli- formational, military, economic, and other ca- gence, deceit, disinformation, electronic warfare, debilita- pabilities in peacetime, crisis, conflict, and tion of communications, degradation of navigation sup- post-conflict aimed at influencing decisions, port, psychological pressure, degradation of information and behavior of political leaders, systems, and propaganda” (Brangetto & Veenendaal, the population or particular target groups 2016). As such, most of the Russian information warfare (such as experts, or the activities are fundamentally non-military (or at least less media) with the objective of achieving the military than their US counterparts). state actor’s security policy objectives” (Schmidt-Felzmann, 2017).

Influence operations According to Pamment et al. (2018), influence operations are underpinned by a number of core elements. On the Among the IO capabilities described above, four main ob- one hand, with the exception of , they jectives can be identified, which are: to influence/inform; are – at least in the context of peace – regarded as illegiti- to deceive; to deny/protect; and to exploit/attack. Follow- mate attempts to influence opinion-formation and the ing these lines, IOs can be divided into two broad strands: behavior of targets (domestically or abroad). This is be- cause they are inherently deceptive with the intention to 1. The first istechnical influence operations (TIOs), which do harm and disrupt. As such, they constitute interfer- target the logical layers of the information space and ence with normal behavior and opinion formation, but include information delivery systems, data servers and also domestic (democratic) processes and the sovereignty network nodes. This strand thus includes operations of states. Adding to that, influence operations exploit dif- such as EW, OPSEC, OCO, or DCO. ferent sets of existing societal and individual vulnerabili- ties in opinion formation and the epistemic chain linked 2. The second is social influence operations (SIOs) (aka. in- to our media system as well as our public opinion and formation influence activities or cognitive influence cognitive processes8. Furthermore, influence operations activities), which are focused on the social and psycho- are conducted with the intention to benefit and advance logical aspects of information operations and aim to the strategic interests of their sponsor, whether this is a affect the will, behavior and morale of adversaries. state, a non-state or a proxy group. They are conducted in This strand includes elements out of the military - a wide spectrum of settings, which includes the contexts book such as PSYOPS and MILDEC but also public af- of peace and war but also ambiguous contexts such as fairs and military-civilian relations. hybrid and asymmetric conflicts.

SIOs can in turn be considered as a subset of influence operations but are limited to military operations in times of armed conflict (at least for the US). Influence opera- tions are, however, not limited to the military context, but form part of a larger effort by nations to exert power over adversaries in multiple spheres (i.e. military, diplo- matic, economic). These efforts can, for example, involve targeted corruption; funding and setting up Potemkin vil- lages (e.g. political parties, think thanks or academic in- stitutions); putting in place coercive economic means; or exploiting ethnic, linguistic, regional, religious, and social tensions in society (Pamment et al., 2018). Influence operations are therefore an umbrella term covering all operations in the information domain, including all soft power activities (e.g. public diplomacy) intended to galvanize a target audience (e.g. individuals, specific groups, or a broad audience) to accept approach- es and to adopt decisions that mesh with the interests of the instigators of the operation (Cohen & Bar’el, 2017). Specifically, they can be defined as:

“the coordinated, integrated, and synchro- 8 Please refer to (Pamment & al., 2018) for more information.

10 Cyber Influence Operations: An Overview and Comparative Analysis

3 Cyber & Influence they also tend to not distinguish between influence cam- paigns that may be executed fully or partially in and Operations through cyberspace on the one hand, and cyberattacks that apply cyber capabilities with the purpose of causing This section takes an academic and typological approach certain effects in cyberspace on the other (Pernik, 2018). toward influence operations in cyberspace. It defines the This technical analysis consistently uses the term cyber influence operations and explores the similari- term cyber influence operations (CIOs) to refer to illegiti- ties and differences between traditional, non-digital in- mate (sometimes illegal) activities that are run in cyber- fluence operations and those conducted within cyber- space, leverage the distributed vulnerabilities of cyber- space. It additionally describes, categorizes and lays out space, and rely on cyber-related tools and techniques to the techniques and strategies of two types of cyber influ- affect an audience’s choices, ideas, opinions, emotions or ence operations before highlighting their potential legal motivations, and interfere with its decision-making pro- and international implications. cesses (Bonfanti, 2019).

3.1 Definition and Scope 3.2 Influence Operations of Cyber Influence and Cyber Influence Operations Operations: Similari-

The advent of the information age, with its innovative ties and Differences technologies (including the ) and socio-econom- ic-cultural changes, has progressively transformed the in- The targets, objectives and to some extent strategies/ formation environment both in its constituent elements stratagems of CIOs are similar to those of influence op- and its inherent dynamics, which contributed to the for- erations conducted throughout the last century. Howev- mation of the additional dimension that is cyberspace: a er, the tools, actors, scope, scale and availability, are all space within which a wide range of actors have access to different. and the ability to use information for a myriad of activi- ties, including influence-related ones. This is especially true nowadays, as one conse- Targets quence of this transformation has been that the control and release of information is no longer monopolized by CIOs primarily target three levels of order (Pamment et only a few actors (i.e. the state and accredited media). In- al., 2018): deed, today, any or individual can create and disseminate information to a mass audience using inter- 1. General societal targeting aimed at mass audiences by net-connected devices and social media (Bonfanti, 2019). aligning messages with symbols and narratives which An additional consequence has been the financial recon- are widely shared by a society’s population. In addi- figuration of large parts of the media system (i.e. social tion, the general society is also targeted where attacks media, online media), which has prioritized commercial are directed against critical societal infrastructures imperatives over the reliability and integrity of informa- and (e.g. the government, voting systems tion. One common example is the use of misleading in- or energy supplies). formation or disinformation for clickbait and revenue. 2. Socio-demographic targeting aimed at various social Accordingly, many traditional influence activities groups and networks, whether a region’s civilian popu- (e.g. propaganda) have increasingly shifted to cyberspace. lation or military personnel when used in an ongoing In the literature, this has notably led to the of conflict. Messages can be adapted in keeping with a plethora of related terms to denote this particular vec- general socio-demographic factors, such as age, eth- tor. These include “cyber-propaganda”, “cyber-enhanced nicity, profession, income, , or . disinformation campaigns”, “cyber-abetted inference”, “cyber-persuasion activities”, “influence cyber operations”, 3. Psychographic targeting entailing activities aimed at “cyber hybrid operations” and “cyber-enabled information individuals selected on the basis of their psychograph- operations”, among others. However, these terms are of- ic profiles, be they key decision/policy-makers or ordi- ten given and used without a clear definition. In addition, nary citizens.

11 Cyber Influence Operations: An Overview and Comparative Analysis

Influence activities can thus be differentiated between various means of information dissemination. At the those that are increasingly “message-oriented” and tai- group level, this can entail the recruitment and lored to specific individuals, narratives or issues, and promotion of adherent groups (e.g. students) to an those that are more “environmentally oriented” towards ideology, while at the individual level it can take the the general public and the information environment at shape of highly individualized, targeted political large. propaganda based on interest and preferences. Furthermore, it must be borne in mind that, while cyberattacks are directly (technically) aimed at tar- 2. Disruptive IOs aim to be disruptive or destructive get systems belonging to various actors (e.g. businesses, toward an emerging or existing . As such, government institutions, media institutions, or political relevant operations are often conducted via highly parties), such attacks invariably also have indirect cogni- divisive and contested issues, such as crime and tive effects to various degrees and at different levels. immigration. At a general level, this can mean, for At the same time, it should be noted that CIOs instance, a general polarization of societal actors to are not only used against foreign targets but can also be foment distrust, while at the group level, it may used by governments against their own populations. In- involve the spreading of disinformation amongst key deed, during the , the Assad government policy-makers in order to disrupt their decision-mak- targeted its domestic population with social media- ing and opinion-forming processes. At the individual based propaganda in an attempt to boost Assad’s stand- level, this can take the form of harassing and discour- ing as the legitimate ruler of Syria while trying to dis- aging specific individuals from taking part in public suade the population from promoting or supporting any debate or taking specific actions. of the rebel groups. 3. Lastly, distractive IOs aim to draw attention to a specific minor issue or action in order to distract the Objectives audience from a key issue. Such activities tend to focus on the information environment, seeking to With regard to the objectives of CIOs, these remain the dilute, flood or poison it with alternative messages. same as with other influence operations, namely to mod- They can, for example, be performed by hijacking ify attitudes and shape the target audience’s psychologi- public debate through false allegations or highly cal processes, motivations and ideas (Palmertz, 2017). sensitive topics. However, specific objectives are varied and depend on both context and target. They include, among others, tar- geting the civilian population in a particular region with Cyber: an equalizer and enabler dis/ and cyberattacks to foment distrust toward an opponent’s military and government, thus un- The difference between traditional influence operations dermining the credibility of authorities and instilling a and CIOs lies in the tools used and some of the actors in- sense of insecurity. Moreover, in a conflict situation, com- volved. This is due to the new features afforded by cyber- batants (and civilians) can be targeted by online counter- space as an operational space. Indeed, modern CIOs are propaganda and cyberattacks in order to reduce their able to exploit not only how information is generated, willingness to fight, or even to induce them to change distributed and consumed on new platforms and services sides. This can also be done with a purely disruptive pur- (e.g. social media platforms and services), but also how pose to undermine people’s psychological resilience. Con- users and communities interact and establish relation- versely, CIOs can also create a positive effect by raising ships among themselves (Bonfanti, 2019). Specifically, morale and boosting troop recruitment. the use of cyberspace has acted as a great equalizer and One of the main objectives of such operations is, enabler for influence operations. however, to promote, control or disrupt a given narrative. On the one hand, the widespread availability and In this regard, and according to Pamment and his co-au- low cost of entry of cyber technologies and tools has al- thors (2018), the aims of influence operations can be di- lowed anyone and everyone to engage in influence oper- vided into three main categories, namely constructive, ations, whether at a small or large scale. In terms of avail- disruptive, and distractive. ability, the choice of platforms, vectors, tools, and software is huge, and most of these are easily (and cheap- 1. Constructive IOs aim to (re)establish a coherent ly) available on the internet or the Dark Web. There is, for narrative (e.g. an ideology such as or instance, an extensive market for bots and botnets of all ) amongst its targets/audience. For sorts. Meanwhile, there exists a range of forums, threads instance, at the general level, this can take the form and chats (e.g. on discord, 4chan, Reddit, etc.) in which of mass audience ideological propaganda through communities exchange information and support each

12 Cyber Influence Operations: An Overview and Comparative Analysis

other in using these different tools and new techniques these outlets. Meanwhile, governments may censor or di- (Baezner, 2018)9. rect official/conventional media outlets in order to en- The material cost of entry to engage in such ac- sure they convey the preferred message and align with tivities at the very basic level is also low. Hardware and the national interests. But in contrast to these, social me- processing power are increasingly low-cost, and one dia and other ICT enable people to bypass these channels needs only an internet connection, an internet-enabled and circumvent , as was notably seen during device and access to free account-based applications to the Arab Spring. Conversely, this delayering and disinter- start to write and spread propaganda. The only resource mediation (i.e. the loss of intervening controls, such as that can be considered costly is the time needed to up editors, fact checkers, reputable publishers, social filters, and engage in these activities, but this can be reduced verifying agencies, peer reviewers, and quality control- through optimization and the use of more sophisticated lers) has greatly helped to foster a climate prone to disin- tools and techniques, such as automated bots and possi- formation and propaganda in which the lines between bly artificial intelligence. provider and consumer are often indistinct (Cronin & In addition, the needed to engage in Crawford, 1999; Lin & Kerr, 2019). basic CIOs is quite minimal. Indeed, only an elementary un- Overall, these transformations have allowed a derstanding and knowledge of how to use Photoshop and plethora of new actors to engage in influence activities social media is necessary to create and spread any photo- within the information and cyber spaces. This develop- montage. This includes, for instance, widely accessible ment has been notably reinforced by the relatively high (e.g. Imgflip) or fake tweet generators (e.g. simita- level of anonymity granted to actors, allowing them to tor). Accordingly, more sophisticated tools are also becom- operate free of inhibitions (Lin & Kerr, 2019). Among ing increasingly democratized and user-friendly (Chesney them are traditional actors such as states and state-relat- & Citron, 2018). FakeApp, for example, allows extremely re- ed groups as well as unconventional ones, such as hack- alistic faceswapping videos to be created using AI10. tivists, cyberterrorists, cybercriminals and lone hackers. It must, however, be mentioned that engaging in All of them present new threats and are driven by under- influence operations and actually achieving their goals lying motives which can overlap due to the multidimen- are two very different things. While the former only ne- sionality and composition of such groups. For instance, cessitates limited skills, the latter requires not only (a cer- states aim to pursue political goals through IW and en- tain level of) precise technical knowledge and adequate gage in a wide array of state-sponsored influence activi- infrastructure but above all a finely honed understanding ties in order to do so. Cybercriminals, on the other hand, of the human psyche, the context in which it operates are primarily interested in financial profit but, as such, and the function of the information and cyberspheres. can also work alongside with or against governments to This therefore constitutes a critical element for differenti- pursue their economic and political agendas. Cyberter- ating between actors with advanced capacities, prepara- rorists generally aim to exploit cyberspace to cause loss tion and intent, and bored or lonely individuals. of life, major economic or political disruption, or to create Cyberspace also acts as a liberator from tradi- a climate of fear. However, they also use this space to dis- tional controls (and intermediaries) of information, which seminate their propaganda; collect intelligence and implies that today anyone can become a propagandist. funds; radicalize and recruit; and to incite acts of terror- Indeed, as Cohen (2017) puts it, “the internet has shifted ism. Finally, lone hackers also engage in such activities for the traditional model of information dissemination via various , from wanting to demonstrate their tech- the media and government entities to the dispersal of in- nical exploits, to seeking economic benefit or just for the formation by individuals and small groups, who (at times) thrill of challenges. operate without a clear hierarchical model, and are most- On the other hand, cyber-related technologies ly lacking rules, regulation or government enforcement”. have been an enabler for influence activities in several as- Traditional media and the state have lost the monopoly pects. The first being that the instantaneous (or on information dissemination. In comparison to most so- low latency) of interconnected ICT and cyberspace has – in cial media, established news media have editorial guide- comparison to traditional state or private media, such as lines which oversee the type and veracity of information printed press – drastically reduced, if not nullified, the published. Such in-house editorialization is, however, far time needed to broadcast and disseminate information from openly accessible. Only those with certain creden- (Lin, & Kerr, 2019). There is no need to wait for things to be tials – journalists or invited commentators – can access printed, delivered or parachuted. They can simply be pub- lished online on a wide variety of platforms, whether it is

9 This was the case during the 2017 presidential election in France, for ex- social media, , Reddit threads or newsletters. In addi- ample, where different national and international groups used various tion, information and messages can take a variety of forums to exchange not only tools and techniques but also content (e.g. leaked documents, rumours, text, videos, etc.) for CIOs. forms and combinations, from text and photos to video 10 This has mostly been developed and used for pornographic purposes. and audio clips, all of which are easily distributed by a

13 Cyber Influence Operations: An Overview and Comparative Analysis

wide range of content providers (e.g. individuals, bots or which tend to diffuse further, faster, deeper and more states) and prone to manipulation and misappropriation. broadly than (Vosoughi et al., 2018). Indeed, this par- At the same time, new cyber-related means of ticularly concerns information relating to politics, terror- information dissemination have greatly expanded the ism, science and natural disasters, as it not only tends to be possible reach and scale of influence activities at very lit- presented in a novel fashion (and is shared more), but is tle cost for perpetrators, with information now able to able to target, trigger and encourage emotional responses reach a wide and geographically distributed audience and polarized debate (Vosoughi et al., 2018). and transcend traditional national barriers. Anyone or This consequently makes online disinformation anybody having an internet connection is theoretically and propaganda campaigns increasingly effective (Paul & able to publish something capable of being read all over Matthews, 2016), and leads to a vicious circle in which the world. This has, however, some limits, with some information with little veracity and verifiability is widely countries having put in place a number of measures to shared and then accepted both within and outside and restrict this flow of international information groups, exploiting what some experts call the “illusory and content for political and social control reasons, with truth effect”, in which repetition leads to familiarity and ’s “” being one of the most preemi- thus acceptance. Specifically, the information overload nent examples. Meanwhile, the penetration of social me- that is concomitant with online information and the in- dia varies greatly across geographical regions and seg- ternet causes a certain cognitive laziness among users, ments of the population, rendering information meaning that they employ various different heuristics dissemination activities highly context-dependent. and shortcuts to determine whether new information is As mentioned before, this ease and speed of dis- trustworthy (Paul & Matthews, 2016). Moreover, the de- semination means that the control and release of infor- velopment of computer technologies and bots has helped mation is no longer the purview of state organizations or create a sense of legitimacy, allowing to ap- established private media companies. This makes control pear legitimate and real, as fake stories are pushed, circu- over information – e.g. for social control or political cen- lated and engaged with and thus accrue a false sense of sorship – complex and resource-intensive, especially as social capital (Pamment et al., 2018). responsibilities for relevant actions are not clearly de- CIOs of this type are also increasingly effective fined. This concerns social media platforms in particular, and optimized as the use of targeted online advertise- whose responsibilities regarding the content they convey ments has allowed for an increasing penetration, preci- are still subject to intense discussion. While there is some sion, and personalization of information targeting. As legal basis for monitoring the veracity of information mentioned earlier, ongoing technological advances, nota- (e.g. in terms of services), relevant documents are mainly bly in AI technologies, the architecture of the internet prepared in order to protect social media companies, ISPs and the widespread use of social media platforms (and and content hosts against criminal liability. The main is- other apps) have greatly facilitated the collection, analy- sues are thus the speed and stringency with which they sis (again by AI) and exploitation of psychographic data are enforced as well as the repercussions if they are not. by states as well as private companies. These technical Furthermore, one could also argue that, in addi- affordances have enabled the creation and distribution of tion to the technical (cyber-related) component which sup- information (ads or messages) using highly personalized ports the current virality of information, there is also a soci- models of contemporary information influence activities etal if not psychological aspect to be taken into account. at an unprecedented level. Specifically, the hyperconnectivity of modern and One striking example is none other than the the multiplicity of information platforms and media have Cambridge Analytica scandal, in which personal data of reinforced a natural human tendency to create, exchange 87 million Facebook users was improperly shared with and consume information and news. Indeed, being social the company. The data was then used by a wide variety of and political animals, humans have always had a thirst for actors (political and economic, foreign and domestic) to more information, news and gossip at all levels of life (e.g. carry out in-depth electorate analyses and possibly also friends, , politics). In turn, new ICT, above all social to target elections in a number of countries, including In- media with their sharing functionalities (e.g. re-tweeting or dia, , Malta, , the United Kingdom (i.e. the Facebook page sharing), has enabled people to indulge in Brexit vote) and the United States (i.e. the 2014 midterms this need even further. This, alongside the commercial re- and 2016 presidential election). These targeted activities configuration of modern media towards the attention- relied on a number of existing algorithmic recommenda- based business models that are and sensa- tions tools (e.g. on Facebook and YouTube) to feed infor- tionalist news, has greatly boosted the propagation and mation confirming or reinforcing existing cognitive - speed of dissemination of information, whether true or es11, thus creating an increasingly fragmented false, across wide swathes of society. This is especially true for false information or “fake news” and disinformation, 11 For a detailed please refer to Lin & Kerr, 2019.

14 Cyber Influence Operations: An Overview and Comparative Analysis

information sphere which could then be exploited by ac- techniques (IP spoofing, fake lines of code in a specific tors benefiting from the promotion of wedge issues. language) results in misattribution. On a more general side note, it seems important At their lowest end, CeTIOs are aimed at sowing to recognize the dual use and implications of the above- confusion, disseminating propaganda, undermining mentioned technological and societal developments. In- credibility and , or disrupting activities. They are deed, whilst most of these have acted as great equalizers used across the spectrum of peacetime and war (includ- and enablers of influence operations, thus reinforcing the ing in low-intensity conflict). Among the most common offensive-oriented side of cyberspace, they can also be CeTIO activities are14 Denial of Service (DoS) and Distrib- used for counter-influence efforts. This is increasingly the uted Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, deface- case with AI, which is now used for the (early) detection ment, social media hacks, and (organizational or of influence campaigns and in-depth analysis of (social) individual). Examples include the 2007 DDoS campaign networks. against Estonia, the 2013 hack of Associated Press’s Twit- ter account and the Sony Corporation hack and leaking of sensitive information. Types, tools, and techniques At the middle end of the spectrum, one can find most unauthorized access to information systems (i.e. As mentioned earlier, what has changed between Influ- hacks) by means of cyber capabilities, such as ence operations then and cyber influence operations now (e.g. Trojans, viruses, worms, or rootkits) with the aim to are the tools and techniques used. In order to further ex- modify data for various purposes, be it to discredit tar- amine these, one must first make an additional distinction gets or alter perceptions of . Examples of such at- between two categories of CIOs, namely (1) cyber-enabled tacks include the hacks of some information systems, technical influence operations (CeTIOs); and (2) cyber-en- which can dramatically undermine trust in national au- abled social influence operations (CeSIOs). This distinction thorities. This was the case in 2015, for instance, when is also important in terms of counter and protection mea- the US Office of Personnel Management was breached sures. For instance, better social media content filters and and 21.5 million records were stolen. This alleged Chinese regulations, greater media literacy, or improved educa- stunt became a major embarrassment for the tional programs could counter the impact and spread of US government and gave the impression that the US au- disinformation. In contrast, cyberattacks and their detec- thorities were not able to protect sensitive information tion require the development of highly specialized techni- on their population. cal and contextual (e.g. , language) expertise as Finally, at the very high end of the spectrum, one well as certain investments (Pernik, 2018). In addition, the finds cyberattacks that include highly sophisticated hacks choice of response to such cyber influence activities will against, for instance, industrial control systems of critical also depend on the legality or illegality of relevant acts, an infrastructure. Corresponding cyber capabilities and vec- element which differs between the two. tors include highly customized malware, logic bombs or zero-day exploits. The only example of activities at this 1. Cyber-enabled technical influence operations level remains the hack of the Ukrainian electrical grid and (CeTIOs) Triton. Meanwhile, the case of Stuxnet remains debat- CeTIOs are a subset of cyber influence operations that are able, as it seems that the attack was meant to remain often referred to as cyberattacks in support of influence hidden, whereas the two previous cases had a clear psy- operations or influence cyber operations (ICOs). Specifi- chological impact. cally, they affect the logical layer of cyberspace through Overall, cyberattacks can have effects on one or intrusive means to gain unauthorized access to networks more layers of cyberspace (Libicki, 2007; in Pernik, 2018): and systems in order to destroy, change, steal or inject the physical layer (hardware and physical infrastructure information with the intention of influencing attitudes, such as cables, routers and servers); the syntactic or logi- behaviors, or decisions of target audiences (Brangetto & cal layer (software instructions and rules); or the seman- Veenendaal, 2016). ICOs are thus illegal and criminal ac- tic layer (information in cyberspace). Examples of such ef- tivities12 undertaken in and through cyberspace and fects include rendering laptops dysfunctional (physical), therefore qualify as cyberattacks13. disrupting information stored on a computer (syntactic) The spectrum of CeTIOs ranges from low to high- or altering such information (semantic). end attacks (Pernik, 2018). As a note, their attribution can In addition, cyberattacks can have particularly po- be affected by false- attacks, where the use of specific tent cognitive effects, although these are difficult to -mea sure, above all due to the ambiguity inherent in cyberat- tacks. Indeed, CeTIOs are not only capable of instilling a 12 Intrusion into a computer system for the purpose of espionage is illegal under both domestic and the Budapest on . 13 Please refer to the glossary for definitions. 14 Please refer to the glossary for definitions.

15 Cyber Influence Operations: An Overview and Comparative Analysis

sense of insecurity, but they also (attempt to) disrupt the commercial services by social media platforms such as information environment, which, in turn, impacts on the Facebook (Pamment et al., 2018). Specifically, psycho- target population’s access, behavior and decision-making graphic data can be used to design interventions based processes as information distributed through these sys- on individual sentiments. One example are dark ads, tems is controlled (Cohen and Bar’el, 2017). The 2015 cy- i.e. ads only visible to the user and designed to influ- berattacks against the Ukrainian power distribution grid, ence (e.g. politically) on the basis of their psychograph- which caused 225,000 consumers to lose power for sev- ic data. However, the identities of those targeted, and eral hours (Baezner & Robin, 2018), and the 2007 cyberat- the messages they are targeted with, remain clandes- tacks against Estonia are two examples which entailed tine, rendering such influence operations highly po- major cognitive repercussions. Indeed, both attacks had tent and discreet. Psychographic ads were, for in- significant effects on decision-makers and the population stance, used on Facebook and paid for by the Internet at large (e.g. uncertainty, raised awareness, etc.). Research Agency (IRA), an organization with alleged links to the Kremlin, during the 2016 US presidential 2. Cyber-enabled social influence operations election. Most of its (over 3000 types of) ads focused (CeSIOs) on controversial topics (e.g. race, gay , gun con- Cyber-enabled social influence operations (CeSIOs) differ trol and immigration) to further polarize the political from the previous category in that they do not involve the debate and public (DiResta et al., 2018). deployment of cyber capabilities to affect either the physical or logical layer of cyberspace. Instead, they tar- • Social hacking aims to exploit vulnerabilities arising get and attack the semantic layer of cyberspace (i.e. infor- from sociocognitive features of the human mind, no- mation content) through a wide variety of tools and tech- tably our tribal nature and drive for in-group confor- niques in order to support and amplify various political, mity. This is particularly prevalent on social media, diplomatic, economic, and military pressures. As such, where humans are vulnerable to the exploitation of they constitute non-coercive or “soft” influence opera- various . Social hacking can be catego- tions. Most of these techniques (e.g. big data exploitation rized into three main groups: harnessing , or the purchase of political ads) are not illegal per se but the , and selective exposure. The often fall into a gray area of legality, frequently due to the first involves the exploitation of people’s tendency to absence of relevant domestic or international legal believe something not based on sound arguments but frameworks and diverging national understandings. because a lot of others seem to believe it (Pamment et With regard to such activities, Pamment et al. al., 2018). In this regard, likes and recommendation al- (2018) have devised the following list of techniques and gorithms in social media are primed to push disinfor- tools most commonly used for the purposes of CeSIOs. mation and propaganda more readily than other types Most of these tools and techniques are derived from tradi- of information. The second effect relates to the known tional ones, but have been enhanced through cyberspace: phenomenon of ideas self-amplifying and becoming more widely accepted to an ever greater degree the • Sociocognitive (communities) and psychographic (in- more “popular” they become. While present in many dividual) hacking aims to get inside the of a domains (e.g. fashion), this phenomenon is especially person or group by exploiting cognitive vulnerabilities, preeminent in politics, where the deceptive technique psychosocial trigger points and emotions (e.g. fear, an- of , i.e. “suggesting that there are a lot of ger, hate, anxiety, honor, etc.) to influence their behav- people who support a political agenda, while in fact ior. Contrary to campaigns, cognitive hack- there is no such support” (Pamment et al., 2018), is ing is conducted with the intent to covertly influence widely used. Lastly, algorithms on social media plat- an audience and does not need to offer any coherent forms can enable forms of selective exposure by con- narrative or even be based on fact in the middle to tributing to the creation of filter bubbles or echo long term. This is powerfully illustrated by the practice chambers, with the former referring to a state of intel- of “swiftboating”, in which politicians are subjected to lectual isolation resulting from algorithmic personal- timely smear attacks just before elections without giv- ization and the latter describing “organically created ing them a possibility to respond. One example of so- internet sub-groups, often along ideological lines, ciocognitive hacking was the 2013 social unrest and where people only engage with others with which violence that ensued in after social media, spe- they are already in agreement” (Bright, 2016). These cifically WhatsApp, helped spread rumors (through an can lead to polarization, a fragmentation of online unrepresentative video) which led to severe interfaith opinion and political division, particularly given that violence (Magnier, 2013). Psychographic hacks, in con- social media are increasingly used as media sources trast, target individuals by isolating them and mostly and platforms for information, as well as for the rein- rely on the collection of big data and the provision of forcement (radicalization) of existing .

16 Cyber Influence Operations: An Overview and Comparative Analysis

• Para-social hacking refers to the exploitation of para- al., 2018). A well-known example is the large-scale social (i.e. illusionary) relationships, which occur when Russian-linked “tainted leaks” campaign against gov- individuals experience one-sided relationships as be- ernment agents, academics (e.g. David Satter), activ- ing two-sided (i.e. symmetrical and reciprocal). Social ists (e.g. the Open Society Foundation) and journalists media, such as Instagram, Twitter or Snapchat, and (Hulcoop et al., 2017). These leaks have illustrated that the celebrity culture have allowed everybody to build the internet and social media provide a convenient immediate and intimate para-social relationships with platform for spreading and amplifying and strangers, celebrities and decision-makers, enabling leaks. In addition, by blurring the line between truth them to share information and messages directly, by- and falsehood, this technique tends to distract deci- passing the scrutiny of classic gatekeepers such as sion-makers and victims by shifting the burden of journalists. In this context, there are three possible proof, contributing not only to policy paralysis but also forms of exploits: influencers providing information to a certain extent to and fatigue towards key directly to their followers (fake friends); friendship institutions. networks (e.g. Facebook) being exploited to share con- tent uncritically, thus contributing to the spread of • Potemkin villages of refer to the attempt to propaganda or disinformation (faked friendly); and set up intricate institutional networks that are con- propagandists posing as ordinary people, making their trolled and used by actors as a fact-producing appara- messages less threatening, seemingly more authentic tus for the promotion and amplification of specific and more easily shareable. narratives. Potemkin villages can, for instance, consist of an array of illegitimate or fake research, (online) • Disinformation is an ancient technique based on the journals, NGOs or thinktanks that produce studies, distribution of false or partial information intended to working papers, conferences, etc. to present the re- mislead and deceive. The term remains highly contest- spective narrative as a product of careful scholarly ed and elusive in both relevant literature and the pub- consideration. As such, they tend to exploit the Woozle lic debate, and the popularization of new terms such effect, which refers to seeing what one is expected to as “fake news” has not helped the discussion. For the see rather than what is actually there, and assuming purposes of this analysis, disinformation strictly refers that well-referenced sources are necessarily true (Pam- to “news articles that are intentionally and verifiably ment et al., 2018). Persistent examples in Western lit- false and could mislead readers” (Allcott & Gentzkow, erature are the Russian-sponsored online journals RT- 2017). As mentioned earlier, digitalization has had a news and Sputnik. However, it should be noted that powerful impact on the ease, speed and effectiveness these are not the only ones, and some Western online with which disinformation is created and disseminat- news could also be considered to fall within this cate- ed. Without going into excessive detail, one can differ- gory. entiate several types of disinformation, ranging from slightly illegitimate activity regarding selective facts to • Deceptive identities refer to the exploitation and the disruptive creation of fake news outlets. More spe- transfer of legitimacy from a legitimate actor or plat- cifically, disinformation activities includeadvertising, form to an illegitimate one by shilling, impersonating satire, propaganda, misappropriation, manipulation or hijacking (Pamment et al., 2018). Shilling involves a and fabrication (Pamment et al., 2018), with the de- person engaging with a particular subject (e.g. through gree of illegitimacy escalating as follows: selective marketing or a review) jointly with the actor con- facts < out-of-context information < lying < creation of cerned, for example someone writing a glowing cus- false facts < denial of attempts to correct < creation of tomer review or answering their own questions under fake platforms or media. different identities to simulate a debate. Imperson- ators, as suggested by the term, pretend to be some- • Forging & leaking refers to the illegitimate dissemina- one else (whether online or offline) to better spread tion of falsified evidence (e.g. on social media or the disinformation, while hijacking refers to , Dark Web) with the aim of propagating falsehoods, fu- hashtags, memes, events or social movements being eling misleading narratives, and discrediting associat- taken over by a hostile or other party for a different ed parties, as well as “cultivating distrust among citi- purpose, whether to disrupt or to disseminate disin- zens and inducing them to question the integrity, formation. Deceptive identities can be generally reliability and trustworthiness of the media” and pub- grouped into first-hand (i.e. actors assuming the role lic institutions and figures (Pamment et al., 2018). Rel- of someone else) or second-hand identities (i.e. actors evant activities can include the use of fake letterheads, assigned an identity by someone else, e.g. being cited official stamps and signatures, sometimes combined as an expert in matters outside their sphere of knowl- with the leaking of secret communiqués (Pamment et edge) (Pamment et al., 2018).

17 Cyber Influence Operations: An Overview and Comparative Analysis

• Bots & Botnets: Short for robots, bots refer to “a piece tion (NATO, 2016) with a clear instrumental purpose of automated computer software that performs highly often connected to communicating a particular ideol- repetitive tasks along a set of algorithms” (Michael, ogy to a particular target audience in a systematic 2017; in Pamment et al. 2018). There are myriads of manner. They include both the highly organized trolls bots, many of which can be and are used for legitimate working in “troll factories” and individual trolls operat- and useful purposes (e.g. crawler, monitoring, aggre- ing in a less organized manner under the influence of gator, or chat software), but a number of bots are used someone else. As such, trolling and flaming are partic- for nefarious reasons, such as spreading disinforma- ularly potent in polarizing debates, silencing opinion, tion and illegitimate content, price scraping, spam- distracting online debate and generally disrupting the ming forums, web analytics, DDoS, distributing mal- formation of public opinion (Pamment et al., 2018). ware, and other scams (Pamment et al., 2018). As such, bots are powerful tools used to support information • Humor & memes refer to the use of humor as a “com- influence activities, as they can easily mimic organic munication tool that entertains, attracts attention behavior in order to mislead, confuse and influence [and] serves as light relief” (NATO, 2017), but which, at publics beyond their own social networks. In terms of the same time, also serves to covertly manipulate and influence operations, there are four main social bots in influence “hearts and minds” to advance goals and use: hackers, spammers, impersonators and sockpup- agendas not recognized by the audience. Indeed, hu- pets. Hackers are employed in ICOs to attack websites mor is particularly powerful, as it causes people to be or networks or help establish botnets used for DDoS less guarded and more open to sensitive issues. It can attacks. Spammers are created to post content in fo- influence ideas, which then shape beliefs, and subse- rums or commentary sections (including malicious quently generate and influence political positions and links for ) in order to help spread disinforma- opinions. On the internet, a commonly used and po- tion and other illegitimate content, or simply to crowd tent vector for humor and influence are “memes”, out legitimate content. Impersonators focus on repli- which are more than just funny pictures with jokes cating natural behavior in order to best engage with written on them. Indeed, they are expressions of political content on social media platforms or to scam shared cultural ideas, making them immediately ap- people (Pamment et al., 2018), while sockpuppets are pealing and thus hard to avoid. Furthermore, their in- semi-automated lookalike or imposter accounts con- terpersonal, ambiguous and ready-to-be shared sim- trolled and coordinated by individuals to conduct plistic design gives them not only a high viral potential false-flag operations or to disseminate disinformation. but also a high acceptance potential (as they come Overall, social bots and botnets can act as very effi- from within people’s own social networks, cf. availabil- cient amplifiers for other influence techniques at a ity bias). As such, they are ideal tools for legitimizing very low cost. They are able to exploit social and cogni- fringe or controversial ideas, opinions and narratives, tive (cf. bandwagoning) as well as technical vulnerabil- and for ridiculing, humoring and joking to “weaken ities of social media platforms (e.g. trending algo- monopolies of narratives and empower challenges to rithms, friend lists, recommendations or hashtags) to centralized authority” (Pamment et al., 2018). Other reinforce the virality and penetration of specific mes- related examples include humoristic GIFs, caricatures, sages and narratives. and videos.

• Trolling & flaming refers to users of (or social bots on) Overall, CeSIOs and relevant campaigns use a variety of online social platforms deliberately trying to aggra- strategies, most of which were deployed by traditional in- vate, annoy, disrupt, attack, offend, or cause trouble by fluence operations in the past but now find themselves posting provocative and unconstructive content enhanced by cybertools. The following is a non-exhaus- (Moreau, 2017). Trolling generally targets particularly tive but synthetic list of such strategies (Pamment et al., naïve or vulnerable users, while flaming aims to incite 2018): readers in general (Herring, 2002). A distinction is gen- erally made between classic and hybrid trolls, with the • and the creation and dissemination former being ordinary people engaged in trolling for of fake evidence through social media to spark social the sake of some personal or attention- outrage. seeking. While often not fundamentally politically en- gaged they can, however, be recruited by actors within • Point and shriek takes advantage of the extreme sen- the context of information influence campaigns to un- sitivity of certain groups in contemporary society, in wittingly contribute to the spread of disinformation. particular groups that are often also highly active on The latter operate under the direction of someone social media and well aware of the viral dynamics of else, most often an organization, state or state institu- the hybrid media space.

18 Cyber Influence Operations: An Overview and Comparative Analysis

• Flooding is a strategy in which the information space ubiquitous and uniquely secretive, allowing states to op- is overloaded with conflicting information to hamper erate in the gray area between peace and war. They are the assessment of information credibility. also incredibly flexible in their use and can in certain cas- es even substitute conventional and unconventional ca- • Cheerleading operates in the same manner as flood- pabilities. As such, they can be used for standalone or ing but with a limited number of more or less spuri- support operations. Potential applications include, ously substantiated narratives, pushed via multiple among others, preparation for kinetic (e.g. during channels and amplified bybotnets, in order to overload the 2008 Russo-Georgian war) or “intelligence, recon- the target system’s capacity to differentiate credible naissance, and psychological operations, as from non-credible information. well as for signaling deterrence, for discreet and for widespread disruption” (Blank, 2017). Besides, • Raiding is a coordinated attack on an information are- the same tools and exploits can be used for multiple pur- na to crowd out and silence opinions and exhaust oth- poses and be further improved over time (e.g. the Black- ers through disruption. This can be achieved via a vari- Energy series of Trojan software). In addition, cybertools ety of tools, such as spammer bots, trolls or DDoS present other advantages in that they can be turned on attacks. and off according to need (and context) and are mostly non-lethal (cf. international law implications), tempo- • Polarization has been observed during the US election. rary and reversible, which further reduces the risk of This strategy aims at supporting two extremes of a escalation. specific issue to force mainstream opinions into one of In turn, these factors and the rapid growth of the two. To achieve this, a wide array of tools can be communication technologies underpinned by social me- used, from social and parasocial hacking to trolling, dia have provided a great number of (new) actors (small disinformation and memes. non-state as well as state) with a way to (counter)bal- ance conventional capabilities of conventionally power- ful states and further their political and strategic inter- ests without the use of force. This is especially true for small non-state actors which, given their size and inter- 3.3 Potential & Strategic nal processes, have relatively high operational agility compared to established bureaucracies when it comes to Implications accessing and utilizing new technologies (Marcellino et al., 2017). As shown by the increasing use and research, cyber influ- At the same time, cyber influence operations ence activities, whether cyber-enabled influence activi- present a limited risk of escalation for state actors be- ties or cyberattacks in support of influence activities, cause they do not constitute a “use of force” under exist- have gained considerable traction in recent years, as both ing international law, which would trigger retaliation and large and small actors have come to recognize their po- self-defense. The only exception would be, according to tential. This trend will surely continue in the . More the non-binding Tallinn Manual, high-end cyberattacks specifically, CIOs are particularly attractive as they repre- causing physical harm and destruction. As such, most CIO sent (1) a good counterbalance to conventional power (at activities are conducted in the gray area between war little cost yet large flexibility) with (2) low risks of detec- and peace, and they are usually not prohibited under in- tion and escalation but high potential results. ternational law, which considers them as hybrid threats Indeed, as mentioned previously, the cost of en- alongside other types of non-military threats such as dis- try and resources of CIOs, whether in terms of hardware, information and diplomatic, economic or military pres- software or knowledge, is very low in comparison to tra- sure. Similarly, many of the cyber-enabled influence ac- ditional influence operations. Cyber Influence tools are tivities used to exert political influence in democratic easily available and affordable. In addition, a wide variety countries are legal (e.g. big data, dark ads, social bots). of them exist, many of which are inter-operable, allowing This is particularly true as under customary in- for great operational flexibility and fluidity. An actor is ternational law a state can only be trialed for breaching thus not only able to easily vary and adapt the frequency, its international , for instance violating anoth- scalability and intensity of their operations, but also to er state’s sovereignty or the of non-intervention, precisely tailor them to the required context and targets if its responsibility as an actor can be confirmed. In other (Cronin & Crawford, 1999). words, it is necessary to determine whether that state ex- Cyber influence capabilities in particular present ercises “effective control” over the group or organization a number of interesting features for nation states’ influ- conducting the influence operations in question (Pernik, ence operations. Indeed, they are inherently versatile, 2018). Cyberspace, however, makes it complex to do so.

19 Cyber Influence Operations: An Overview and Comparative Analysis

The problem is thus threefold, namely one of detection, promote the dissemination of information without any scrutiny and attribution. regard for the review or traceability of sources. Memes, Indeed, detecting middle to high-end cyberat- photos and videos are particularly good vectors, as they tacks in support of influence operations can be difficult. offer only fragmented information without ascertainable Attackers can often operate undetected over long periods factual content or identifiable source but are widely of time, with the average time to detection of cyberat- shared by friends or promoted by social media algo- tacks being 200 days (Pernik, 2018). Low-end cyberat- rithms. Furthermore, the fast-moving nature of social tacks, such as DDoS or social media hacks, are, however, media and information technologies requires states (or by their nature much more visible. With regard to CeSIOs, interested parties) to assemble a wide array of (evolving) such as social media and dark ads, their detection can be techniques and technologies to quickly identify, monitor, somewhat difficult, at least for the targeted audience. and counter adversaries’ influence operations. This is even more true as actors engaging in influence op- Meanwhile, the attribution of specific cyberat- erations on social media can count on the – more or less tacks or influence operations often remains difficult, -giv subconscious – support of “useful idiots”, i.e. users, who en the prevailing anonymous targeting in cyberspace, uncritically process and disseminate information further, thus allowing for a certain degree of thus amplifying the magnitude of the respective opera- even where the source of an attack has been more or less tion while blurring the traceability of such CIOs (Bonfanti, established (Brangetto & Veenendaal, 2016). This is nota- 2019; Lin & Kerr, 2019). One must however note that the bly the case with online propagandists, who are able to new social media transparency guidelines enacted and hide behind and automated botnets, as well enforced after the 2016 US elections have somewhat im- their freedom of opinion, when pilloried. proved traceability, at least with regard to money trails. There are, however, a number of caveats to be On a strategic level, it is, however, problematic to taken into account when considering the potential of cy- determine the efficiency and direct/indirect cognitive -ef ber influence operations: First, that TeCIOs can easily spi- fects these cyber influence operations have on popula- ral out of their operators’ control. The use of sophisticat- tions and politics with any degree of certainty. As a result, ed malware can, for example, be a wild card, as once such analyzing their effects and their perpetrators’ possible in- malware is in the open, it is uncertain whether it will tentions (or plans), and understanding their intended achieve the desired effect, and there is always the possi- messages is highly subjective and difficult to prove based bility that an operation may backfire. Adversaries may on sound evidence, mostly because of secrecy (Pernik, replicate, reverse-engineer or proliferate malware, for ex- 2018). Indeed, as Allcott & Gentzkow’s study (2017) has ample, in order to use it against the original owner. shown, it is possible, though potentially difficult, to mea- Second, the striking power of CIOs cannot be sure changes in opinion or behavior or shifts in govern- compared to that of nuclear , for example. In- ment policy resulting from CSIOs from a methodological deed, the power these operations wield is primarily psy- perspective. Nonetheless, given the ambiguities sur- chological in nature, and part of the target population rounding cyberattacks, a negligible cause-and-effect rela- may therefore be immune to their effects. This is particu- tionship between specific cyberattacks and shifts in pub- larly the case where the rule of law is underpinned by lic opinion can certainly be assumed (Pernik, 2018). strong institutions and (Lin & Kerr, 2019). This lack of observable and tangible effects limits Third, the effects of cyber operations are difficult the available response options in turn. To date, there have to foresee and limit to specific targets, with the exception only been out-of-domain responses to foreign CIOs in of highly sophisticated cases (e.g. Stuxnet). The level of times of peace, and their effectiveness still needs to be downstream escalation (e.g. political or diplomatic) is al- proven. Such responses include, for instance, the diplo- ways uncertain. Once an attack is launched, it can result matic and economic sanctions enacted against Russia by in unintended consequences, go viral, cause unexpected the Obama administration after Russian interference in damage or even have the opposite effect in the long term, the 2016 elections. Moreover, when it comes to Western for example by raising awareness of the issue concerned. countries, the legality of and capabilities (e.g. resources, Finally, the real medium to long-term strategic language and cultural knowledge) for possible in-domain impact of CIOs is difficult to assess. Indeed, as mentioned responses remain highly debatable. In times of war or earlier, their intent, effect and objectives are not only dif- conflict, in contrast, greater escalation and stronger re- ficult to observe but also to measure. Furthermore, the sponses have been observed, with the US online counter- chaotic/inconsistent and operational forces that seem to propaganda efforts against ISIS constituting a notable drive these operations raise the questions of (1) the ne- example. cessity for strategic thinking in this regard, and, most im- For its part, information scrutiny and monitoring portantly, (2) the associated costs. is made increasingly difficult by the widespread use of so- cial media and their inherent designs, which tend to

20 Cyber Influence Operations: An Overview and Comparative Analysis

4 Comparative With that in mind, the analysis thus compares six cases of Russian CIOs and four by the USA (including analysis: its involvement in NATO operations), all of which are situ- ated at different points on the scale ranging from peace American and to war. At the highest end of the scale, there are six wars, namely the 2008 Georgian war; the Ukrainian conflict Russian Cyber since 2014; the NATO and US operations during the wars in (1998), Afghanistan (2001–present), and Iraq Influence (2003 – 2011); and the military intervention against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) (around 2015). The Operations analysis additionally includes two cases of geopolitical tensions in the 2007 Estonian cyber operations and the The race for influence in cyberspace is attracting ever 2015/2016 Russo-Turkish crisis following the Sukhoi Su- greater attention. This section therefore adopts a more 24 shootdown and the assassination of the Russian am- empirical and qualitative approach towards CIOs. Based bassador. Lastly, it also includes two cases of election on the framework described in the previous chapter, it meddling, namely in the US and French presidential elec- thus compares the use, scope and objectives of various tions of 2016 and 2017 respectively. Many more cases instances of CIOs conducted by two key actors in this could have been selected, particularly in the last two cat- field, namely the United States of America (USA) and the egories, but this would have gone beyond the scope of Russian Federation (RUS). This analysis first outlines and this report. The analysis concludes with general remarks summarizes the main results before discussing the trends concerning the norms of using CIOs in liberal and auto- that can be taken from them. cratic regimes.

4.1 Methodology 4.2 Presentation of

From a methodological standpoint, the USA and RUS Results and were chosen because relevant literature identifies them Discussion as the two states with the most highly developed and mature information warfare and influence operation Table 1.2 presents the results of the comparative analysis. strategies and tactics. While the People’s Republic of Chi- The sources used for this table are listed in the annex. na and the United Kingdom have also developed similar Relevant are presented in three parts based capabilities, they are not examined here due mainly to a on the context of each CIO, namely conflicts and political lack of open sources and the limited scope of this study. tensions during and outside of election periods. Meanwhile, there is an extensive body of literature (mainly from Western sources) on Russian and American information and influence warfare, which has focused in- Conflicts creasingly on cyber influence operations since the 2016 US presidential election and the various elections in Eu- Open conflicts are prone to the deployment of CIOs. rope the following year. As a result, there are a number of Among the conflicts examined, the Ukrainian conflict open-source documents in the form of and and the military intervention against ISIS stand out as reports by various institutions, on which this analysis and those in which the broadest range of operations were comparison is based. This method, however, entails a conducted, including tools and techniques pertaining to number of caveats, notably concerning the veracity and both types of CIOs. However, these did not take place in accuracy of these sources, which can never be fully guar- isolation from the remaining approach taken by security anteed. Moreover, a certain bias regarding Russian opera- forces in either of these conflicts, which entailed a mili- tions must be kept in mind, as most of the literature tary and tactical operative dynamic on the ground as well comes from the West, whereas Western influence opera- as in cyberspace. tions are only openly described and studied in a limited The Ukrainian conflict involved the most exten- fashion and only in what is considered a legitimate con- sive operations with a combination of a text, namely war. A final but important caveat is that the wide array of tools, ranging from massive propaganda ef- comparison is based on political attribution, which is not forts (notably on social media) to highly sophisticated always confirmed (including technically). hacks (i.e. the 2015 attack against the Ukrainian power

21 Cyber Influence Operations: An Overview and Comparative Analysis

grid) and the use of troll farms. Most of Russia’s cyber op- widely debated. As in the Ukrainian conflict, CIOs target- erations (e.g. operation Armageddon) were highly coordi- ed a broad range of actors at multiple levels, from ISIS nated and systematic and largely coincided with Russian combatants and propagandists to groups at risk of falling military strategic interests in the region. The various CIOs for ISIS propaganda. in this conflict targeted a highly diverse group of actors, On a more general note, CIOs conducted by Rus- from enemy military personnel and the general popula- sia and the USA differ in terms of the actors performing tion to media outlets and state institutions alongside in- them. Indeed, Russia seems to (or at least used to) col- ternational institutions such as NATO. Accordingly, they laborate with external actors for low-end cyberattacks. served a great variety of objectives, both nationally and This was notably the case first in Estonia in 2007, and internationally, depending on the targets. This notably in- then in Georgia a year later. In both cases, links could be cluded demoralizing enemy troops; encouraging allied established to the criminal/mafioso organization the forces; instilling distrust and skepticism toward the Russian Business Network (aka. R.B.N.) (Blank, 2017). In Ukrainian government; controlling a given narrative; and the Georgian conflict, relevant activities where closely co- discrediting political and military figures. In addition, this ordinated with Russian military operations, with times, conflict is the only known case in which a highly sophisti- tools and targets being listed on hacker forums. CIOs cated was conducted (against the Ukrainian served as first strikes to degrade the Georgian govern- electricity grid). Furthermore, it is also the only case in ment’s ability to counter the Russian by disrupt- which doxing was reported (e.g. Catherine Ashton’s tele- ing communications between it and the Georgian peo- phone recording or the American ambassador’s corre- ple, stopping a large number of financial transactions, spondence, to cite just a few), as well as one where narra- and causing widespread confusion (Blank, 2017). The in- tives were manipulated to deny specific actions, such as volvement of Russian patriotic hackers called the Nashi the presence of Russian troops in Donbass or the down- Youth Movement has also been reported (Baezner & Rob- ing of flight MH17 in 2014. in, 2018). While this group was officially disbanded in The military intervention against ISIS, in con- 2012, it is suspected that former members have contin- trast, was a changer for the USA as far as CIOs are ued to perpetrate cyber-activities against what they per- concerned. There is wide agreement that ISIS’s omnipres- ceive to be enemies of Moscow, notably in Ukraine (Den- ence on and capacity to act via social media (e.g. for pro- ning, 2011). paganda, recruiting, raising funds, etc.) was a wake-up Georgia was therefore Russia’s first attempt to call for the USA to reclaim the information space. As a re- combine kinetic and cyberattacks against command- sult, the USA developed various responses, including and-control and weapons systems on the one hand, and CIOs15, notably CeSIOs focusing on social media messag- information psychological attacks against media, com- ing, such as the “think again, turn away” campaign. The munications, and perceptions on the other (Blank, 2017). USA further runs activities in various agencies across the In Ukraine, it is suspected that the Internet Research state, including the US Department of Defense’s (DoD) Agency (IRA), an organization with alleged links to the WebOps (part of CENTCOM), which focus on disrupting Kremlin, took up the RBN’s activities alongside social me- and countering ISIS propaganda; exposing ISIS hypocrisy dia-related CeIOs (e.g. trolling, bots, misinformation, and crimes, notably through the use of defectors to pre- etc.). Sophisticated hacks have, however, been attributed vent recruitment; and mobilizing ISIS opponents (Parrish, to pro-Russian hacker groups (CyberBerkut), who have 2016). Alongside these, the Department of State dissemi- not been proven to have direct links to the Russian state nates its messages and narratives through its network of but are suspected to be the Russian cyberespionage unidentified actors and individuals (e.g. foreign govern- group APT28 (Bartholomew & Guerrero-Saade, 2016). ments or leaders of Muslim communities) to reach a wid- The implication of military units is not disclosed, but er audience (Tucker, 2016). In contrast to the Ukrainian highly likely. conflict, CeTIOs such as DDoS, defacement and doxing In contrast, the US tends to rely mostly on its dip- were used relatively less frequently, or at least have not lomatic, military and domestic personnel to perform been openly reported. There were cases of hacks, includ- CIOs. As mentioned earlier, these include the DoD’s US cy- ing the 2016 Operation Glowing Symphony, which served ber command and CENTCOM, the DHS’s Countering Vio- a range of purposes from destroying propaganda mate- lent task force and the DoD’s Center for Stra- rial to instilling a sense of insecurity, and deceiving and tegic Counterterrorism Communications (from 2011 to forcing individuals to expose their positions (before being 2016). The US has also been known to outsource some of targeted by drones) (Cohen & Bar’el, 2017). The long-term its activities to contractors. This is for example the case effectiveness of these operations has, however, been with Operation Earnest Voice, an astroturfing campaign operated by CENTCOM but developed by the web security company Ntrepid. The campaign is aimed at using sock- 15 Many other actors, e.g. France, Israel and the EU, have set up similar semantic analysis and programs. puppets to spread pro-American propaganda on social

22 Cyber Influence Operations: An Overview and Comparative Analysis

Table 2: Comparison of US and Russian CIOs (author’s design)

Legend: x reported o probable/uncertain (1999) Kosovo Iraq (2001 – 2011) Afghanistan 2003) (since (2007) Estonia (2008) Georgia (since Ukraine 2013) (2015/16) ISIS (since 2015) US elections (2016) FR elections (2017)


CeTIO Technical sophistication med. med. med. med. med. high low med. med. med. DDos/DoS x x x o o Defacement o x x x o o Doxing x x x Hacks o x x x o x x x x Highly sophisticated hacks x

CeSIO Cognitive hacking x o x o Social hacking x x x x x x x Parasocial hacking o o x x x x Disinformation o x x x x x x x x Forging & leaking x x o Potemkin x o x x x x Deceptive ID x x x x x x o Bots/botnets/sockpuppets x x x x x x x x x Trolling & flaming x x x x x x Humor & memes x x x

Targeting Population x x x x x x x x x Military personnel o x x o x x Policy-makers/personalities x o x x x x x x x Other communities/groups x x x x x Individuals x x x o x x o

Objectives Disrupt activities – sense of o x x x x x x x x x insecurity Control/reinforce/redirect x x x x x x x x narrative Undermine trust in institutions/ x x x x x o x x media/ allies Demoralize/encourage x x x Sow division/polarize x x x x Nudge policy x x x Discredit/support individuals x x x x x

23 Cyber Influence Operations: An Overview and Comparative Analysis

networking sites based outside of the US, notably in Paki- both states have been exercising some in the stan, Afghanistan and Iraq (Fielding & Cobain, 2011). use of highly sophisticated cyberattacks against critical A comparison of targets and objectives of CIOs infrastructure. The only known cases (in the context of shows that military personnel is most commonly target- war, which excludes Stuxnet) remain the 2015 and 2016 ed during conflicts, whether by cyber-enabled tools or cy- cyberattacks against the Ukrainian power grid allegedly berattacks, with operations serving a range of purposes, conducted by the Kremlin-linked group CyberBerkut. On including , the creation of uncertainty, de- the US side, the use of high-end cyber capabilities to dis- ception, and motivation. One example is the dissemina- rupt critical infrastructures or military systems has long tion on social media of videos shaming captured Ukrai- been a contentious issue. During the Libyan civil war, nian soldiers. Furthermore, in all of the studied cases, the such an attack was considered against the Gaddafi gov- population at large is also commonly targeted by propa- ernment’s air defense system but was never approved ganda and various disinformation campaigns, whether in due to concerns about setting a precedent (Schmitt & order to push, repress or counter various narratives. Spe- Schanker, 2011). A similar was put forward by cific individuals (e.g. politicians, leaders, propagandists, NATO during the Kosovo mission to support their official etc.) of strategic interest are frequently targeted by cyber- policy of not responding militarily in cyberspace despite attacks for disruption, intelligence or pressure purposes, having own infrastructure crippled by cyberattacks and as are various institutions (e.g. financial, government, propaganda campaigns. media), which are prime targets for DDoS attacks that A final to be made is that the US cause operational and communicational paralysis and seems to have been relatively slow to adopt internet- undermine the population’s trust in these institutions, as based influence operations or PSYOPS compared to Rus- was the case in Georgia. Lastly, lone hackers and groups sia’s use of CIOs, at least in the first decade of this centu- have also been targeted (i.e. In hacker wars). While the ry. Indeed, Russia understood quite quickly after the aims of such attacks tend to be tactical and strategic in and the Georgian war that control nature, they still have some cognitive effects (e.g. disrup- over information in cyberspace was critical for the effec- tion or demoralization), as has been observed in Georgia, tive execution of its military operations (Giles, 2016). This Ukraine, and against ISIS. led to an experimentation with various tools and tech- In terms of tools and techniques, the comparison niques, notably during the Snow Revolution in 2011, shows that disinformation and propaganda are widely which were then later used in Ukraine. Meanwhile, ac- used by all actors to disrupt and control their narratives. cording to a RAND report (Munoz, 2012), internet-based While some channels vary, the US and Russia mostly use PSYOPS were not really considered in Afghanistan or were the same ones but at a different scale. These include, at least deemed too ineffective against the Taliban. This among others, online news outlets (i.e. Potemkin news), must, however, be seen in the context of the Iraq and Af- social media and sockpuppets amplified by bots. While ghanistan wars, in which the use of cybertools was evi- Russia’s use of propagandist online news platforms (e.g. dently unsuitable, given both countries’low internet pen- Sputnik or RTnews) is well documented, it has also been etration of only around 5% each in 2011 (World Bank & reported (Cary, 2015) that the US Departments of De- International Telecommunication Union, 2019). However, fense and State have published, supported and in some a transition of certain PSYOPS to the online sphere could cases (i.e. in Afghanistan) co-opted a number of media to still be observed, for example via the radio in a box (RIAB) support their narratives. Online, both states use social program or newspapers going online. While this transi- media and bots to amplify their messages, but while the tion might have not materialized in these cases, DoD US officially/publicly only operates several hundred state- strategists have been talking of seizing the opportunities related accounts on various platforms, it can be reason- afforded by the internet and information technologies to ably expected that Russia, through its troll farms and the improve the range and efficiency of PSYOPS and propa- IRA, operates more. The extent to which sockpuppets are ganda since at least 2003, when they published the Infor- used by both sides remains unclear, but it has been mation Operations Roadmap – aka. Rumsfeld’s Roadmap shown that both use them relatively extensively (e.g. as to Propaganda (US DoD, 2003). That document specifi- part of Operation Earnest Voice and in Ukraine). Mean- cally aimed to provide the DoD with a plan for advancing while, memes and humor appear to be CeSIO tools used information operations as a core military competency by by Russia alone for propaganda purposes, as the US does expanding and coordinating both military PSYOPs and not seem to have seized as yet. With re- public diplomacy operations (US DoD, 2003). It under- gard to the use of cyber capabilities by the US, low-end lined the need for rapid, wide-spread information opera- cyberattacks, such as DDoS and defacement, have so far tions to combat, deter and influence adversaries. not yet been used (or reported). This contrasts with the Russian modus operandi, which involved the wide use of these tools in both Georgia and Ukraine. Meanwhile,

24 Cyber Influence Operations: An Overview and Comparative Analysis

Political tensions: election periods Ukraine in 2014, where CyberBerkut hacked its way into the Ukrainian Central Election Commission and changed A second type of context in which CIOs are employed are the election results to portray the ultra-right candidate during periods of tension between states, i.e. in the gray Dmytro Yarosh as the winner. While the operations were area between war and peace. In these, cyber influence averted in both cases, in extremis in the Ukrainian case, campaigns form part of the broader political and diplo- the operations were effective even without altering vot- matic dynamic and are often intertwined with some ing outcomes. In fact, efforts to delete voter registration more offensive components. With regard to the examples information or slow down election counts were made in studied, this was notably the case with Russia’s influence order to undermine confidence in election processes and campaigns during the US and French presidential elec- institutions. tions in 2016 and 2017 respectively. However, these are With regard to CeSIOs, the use of the full spec- not the only cases, with relevant literature citing a large trum of tools and techniques has been identified in both number of others, for example in the recent British, Finn- cases, from mass disinformation on social media ampli- ish, German, Austrian and Dutch elections to name only a fied by bots, to sockpuppets and Kremlin-affiliated news few (Baezner, 2017). On the US side, in contrast, there ap- alongside trolling and flaming. The two cases also pres- pear to be few or even no open sources identifying similar ent similar objectives and targets, tailored to each con- cyber-enabled campaigns during foreign elections, de- text, which include polarization, disruption, undermining spite a long list of historical precedents of foreign elec- trust, controlling narratives, supporting specific candi- tion intervention, with the US having intervened in 81 dates, among others. The short timespan of only a few elections around the world between 1946 and 2000 months that separated these elections was most likely (Levin, 2016). However, if one had to make an educated the reason why no new techniques were deployed. How- guess, it could be safely assumed that such activities ever, there was a notable difference in the scale, reach would not have stopped suddenly at the turn of the mil- and efforts – but not impacts – of these two operations. lennium once the digital age had arrived. Indeed, according to a report on the Internet Research With regard to the two cases examined, a num- Agency (DiResta et al., 2018), the scale of their operations ber of observations can be made. First, the level of techni- in America was unprecedented, reaching over 126 million cal sophistication of the cyberattacks against the Demo- people on Facebook, 20 million users on Instagram, and cratic National Convention (DNC) and the Clinton and 1.4 million on Twitter, while uploading over 1000 videos Macron campaigns is consistently at the medium end. on YouTube. The same report estimates the cost of this While it is known that APT28 has used some moderately campaign to have been at least US$25 million. No defini- sophisticated malware (i.e. X-agent) to infiltrate, remain tive estimate has been made of the costs of interfering in hidden, and exfiltrate data, there is no evidence that the the French elections, but it is suspected to be less. It is attack resulting in the Macron leaks unfolded in the same worth mentioning that the EU and France took a number way. As such, these hacks, and the subsequent doxing, of measures to mitigate foreign influence operations in are the only recorded (and attributed) types of CeTIOs in the wake of the US elections. These included the follow- terms of election meddling. Indeed, while some DDoS at- ing, among others: awareness-raising workshops for can- tacks (using the Mirai botnet) and website defacements didates; a ban on Russian TV outlets; pressure on Face- were mentioned in the news, notably against Trump’s book to close automated accounts; the planting of fake and Clinton’s campaign websites, these have not been documents to confuse hackers; and the abandonment of traced back to any Russian operations. This absence of electronic voting for citizens living abroad (Baezner, DDoS could be due to the inherently covert nature of cy- 2017). Another difference can be seen in the reliance on ber influence campaigns, which is in conflict with the domestic actors for trolling and disinformation. In the high visibility of DDoS attacks and defacements and French case, a number of far-right groups not only reused shines a spotlight on the victim’s vulnerabilities. More Russian propaganda and contents but also exchanged importantly, though, these types of attacks would have know-how and materials with similar groups abroad ( diverted public attention and media resources from other Baezner, 2017). divisive issues that were being pushed via social media influence operations for example. In addition to these attacks, there have been re- Political tensions: non-election periods ports of sophisticated hacks of electoral materials in the US, where specifically the voting systems of 39 states CIOs have been used in non-election periods, for example were hit. In some cases the attackers gained access to in Estonia in 2007 and in Turkey between 2015 and 2016. voter data, which they tried to alter and delete. In other Similar to election meddling, these cyber influence cam- cases they accessed campaign finance databases (Riley & paigns again form part of broader political and diplomat- Robertson, 2017). A second case was also observed in ic efforts. In Estonia, the campaign was linked to Russia’s

25 Cyber Influence Operations: An Overview and Comparative Analysis

energy diplomacy and agenda in northern Europe, while has traditionally16 been frowned upon and deemed unac- in Turkey it was associated with Russia’s involvement and ceptable by the general public. The rules of engagement interests in the Syrian civil war. A comparison identifies are thus highly codified and controlled by domestic , clear differences between the two cases in terms of tar- such as the US Smith-Mundt Act, which prohibits any gets, tools and objectives, which arise due to the very dif- form of influence operations by the Pentagon against US ferent contexts in which the campaigns were conducted. citizens and news outlets. Democratic governments are The operations in Turkey, for instance, involved generally committed to adhering to the rule of law, laws mostly CeSIOs amplified via social media, ranging from of governmental responsibility and the principle of free- disinformation (e.g. anti-American theories or dom of speech. They thus remain accountable to their false authorship) to narrative laundering by so-called ex- population and sensitive to popular outrage, which can perts in addition to trolling and flaming. As such, they have repercussions in later elections. were focused on reinforcing narratives, undermining Nonetheless, this does not mean that CIOs are NATO, and fomenting distrust and uncertainty against in- not taking place in one form or another. However, they stitutions and allies (Costello, 2018). The level of sophisti- are conducted in a more transparent fashion and not la- cation was low, and operations were mostly operated by belled as such, with white propaganda, for example, hav- proxies. ing been adapted to modern information technologies. In the Estonian case, in contrast, which hap- Today, all governments not only release most of their of- pened before the widespread use of social media, CIOs ficial statements online but also engage with and oper- were largely technical in nature. They included mostly ate actively on social media to diffuse their own narra- unsophisticated tools (i.e. DDoS and defacement) de- tive. This is not only done on behalf of entities such as the ployed by a criminal network with links to the Kremlin to US Department of State but also by and through top-lev- disrupt day-to-day life in Estonia (i.e. government, fi- el bureaucrats such as the President or Secretary of State, nance, media), instill a sense of insecurity, and under- among others, and a network of individuals who amplify mine trust in Estonian institutions. In addition, these at- official messages (e.g. through retweets). Public diploma- tacks aimed at influencing politicians to consider Russian cy as well as public and civilian affairs are other domains views and therefore resembled earlier (Soviet-era) desta- which use cyberspace to “win the population’s hearts bilization and deterrence tactics towards governments and minds”17. Both aim at achieving popular support, deemed insufficiently friendly or compliant. whether abroad during military deployments or at home to foster support and understanding for current engagements. Meanwhile, CIOs against enemies are both al- lowed and tolerated in liberal regimes but only at certain 4.3 Additional Remarks times (i.e. during conflicts or war) and within a limited geographical scope (i.e. within the ). More- From a more general perspective, it is interesting to dis- over, their use is restricted to furthering strategic and tac- cuss the broader use, scope and types of cyber influence tical objectives rather than pursuing economic interests. operations used by two different types of regimes, i.e. a These operations thus remain highly controlled within liberal democracy (such as the US) and an autocratic state their doctrinal framework. Both the scope and use of in- (such as Russia). It must, however, be noted that the ex- formation operations are codified and limited to the mili- tent to which relevant observations can be generalized to tary and its agents with the support of the intelligence apply to other democratic and autocratic regimes is agencies, while foreign services conduct public diploma- limited. cy. As seen in section 2.2, the approach to IOs is highly compartmentalized. Furthermore, in the current age of interconnect- Democratic regime edness, even authorized cyber influence campaigns against hostile populations during times of war pose an In liberal democratic regimes, CIOs are highly normalized issue for a democratic regime’s domestic population. As but constrained within a relatively narrow operational became evident in 2002 in the context of Rumsfeld’s con- scope at all times, whether during peace, war or political troversial Office for Strategic Influence activities, there is tensions. They are strictly prohibited – or extensively lim- nothing to stop US individuals or media from picking up, ited – in times of peace, though. In addition, the use of further disseminating or being affected by online propaganda by the government or state agencies against their own population or that of a friendly foreign state 16 The Trump administration seems, however, to have become an excep- tion. 17 Which is in itself a term used to describe psychological warfare.

26 Cyber Influence Operations: An Overview and Comparative Analysis

propaganda, whether gray or black, or disinformation aided by the relative homogeneity and stability of their aimed at foreign populations (Carver, 2002). This has reg- leaderships, which greatly assists the dissemination of a ularly led the public and regulators to demand more singular message and narrative while allowing sufficient transparency, particularly in the wake of Snowden’s reve- operational flexibility (Cohen & Bar’el, 2017). lations about mass internet surveillance by the US. Furthermore, such internal/domestic influence The contentious case of Rumsfeld’s office and can be seen to spill over into external influence. Indeed, the political backlash that led to its dissolution highlight most of the CIO techniques – particularly those pertain- another feature of democratic regimes, namely the exis- ing to social media – were first refined and tested domes- tence of checks and balances and corrective mechanisms tically before being used for propaganda or disruption to any (perceived) of the normative framework purposes abroad. This applies particularly to various Rus- pertaining to the use of CIOs. sian-speaking communities outside Russia, for example Overall, while state-led CIOs are highly normal- in eastern Ukraine, which were specifically targeted by ized, there tends to be greater tolerance for non-state- pro-Russian propaganda through Russian media and so- driven cyber influence, especially in the fields of politics cial media (such as VKontakt) in the wake of the Ukraini- and business. Indeed, there are now a plethora of compa- an conflict. nies promoting and selling their marketing, advertising, Moreover, unlike democratic nations, autocratic management, and services to poli- states are not organized around the distinction between ticians, celebrities and other companies. These services war and peace in their laws, regulations and societal in- provided include a number that verge on a legal gray stitutions. This is particularly true for those who uphold a area, such as buying likes or subscribers or exploiting le- narrative of continuous struggle with another entity. gal psychographic data (i.e. Cambridge Analytica) for po- Such a stance allows authoritarian states to develop in- litical targeting. Influence has become a commonly trad- stitutions and competencies that are much more closely ed good, with many actors trying to get a slice of the pie integrated at the operational level and navigate between and exploiting one technique or another. A perfect exam- different levels of tension with relative authority and ple of this type of commercialized online influence are so- ease, particularly around the level of low-intensity war- cial media influencers, i.e. individuals who, through their fare just below the threshold of war (Lin & Kerr, 2019). As online presence on various social media such as Twitter, a result, while CIOs are also based on and regulated by Facebook, or Instagram, have a critical mass of followers doctrine, this doctrine is very different from the liberal replicating the fashions, locations or attitudes (e.g. cloth- democratic one. For example, Russia’s very broad and ho- ing, makeup, restaurants) promoted by these online per- listic understanding of IW allows a much broader use and sonalities and their sponsors. scope of relevant capabilities. The range of CIOs used is extensive and even includes highly sophisticated cyberat- tacks against voting systems and critical infrastructures, Autocratic regime both of which are strictly off-limits for democracies. Lastly, autocratic regimes are, again due to their In contrast to democratic regimes, CIOs in autocratic re- organizations and institutions, both less vulnerable to gimes are not bound by the same norms and restrictions. CIOs and better equipped to respond to them than de- Influence operations against domestic targets are consid- mocracies. Indeed, as mentioned earlier, they are more ered not only acceptable by such regimes but also neces- flexible operationally, less restricted normatively, and sary to maintain the desired degree of social control over have a greater scope of use but, above all, their exposure the population. In Russia, this was particularly notable to potential attacks is smaller than in democracies. In- during the anti-government and election in deed, democratic states’ respect of the rule of law and 2011–2012 (the Snow Revolution). During that time, Rus- freedom of speech, as well as the open and public nature sia refined its CeSIOs to dominate, monitor and suppress of democratic societies (e.g. in terms of media etc.) and online debate as well as divert the use of social media for their election processes make them particularly vulnera- facilitating organization (Giles, 2016). It developed in- ble targets for CIOs. creasingly sophisticated social media techniques, includ- ing sophisticated trolling and DDoS attacks on news web- sites, fake hashtag and Twitter campaigns (using bots), and social media operations closely coordinated with campaigns conducted in other media (Helmus et al., 2018). However, Russia is by no means the only autocratic state to use such techniques against its own population, with other examples including China and North Korea. All of these actors manipulate media without restraint,

27 Cyber Influence Operations: An Overview and Comparative Analysis

5 Conclusion Similarities to and differences from traditional influence operations The goals of this series of Trend Analyses is to provide practitioners and researchers in the field of cyberdefense The second main conclusion pertains directly to cyber in- with ways to understand important issues in cybersecu- fluence operations, defined as “activities that are run in rity and cyberdefense, and to enable the development of the cyberspace, leverage this space’s distributed vulnera- mechanisms to address those issues. In this edition, the bilities (both technical and systemic), and rely on cyber- main focus has been on cyber influence and its related related tools and techniques to affect an audience’s activities. choices, ideas, opinions, emotions or motivations, and in- In this regard, the US 2016 presidential election terfere with its decision making processes” (Bonfanti, was a wake-up call for many practitioners and policy- 2019). It suggests that, despite the revolutionary varnish makers. Since then, the study of CIOs has received a great given to cyber influence operations, their targets, end ob- deal of attention, both in the literature and in the media. jectives and strategies are mostly the same as in tradi- Accordingly, a plethora of terms and concepts have tional influence operations: they still target the popula- emerged (e.g. cyber-propaganda and cyber-persuasion), tion at large as well as specific groups (e.g. policy-makers often without clear definition or frame of reference. This or military personnel) and individuals; and the end objec- study therefore attempts to disentangle the conundrum tive is still the exertion of power in one form or another around the many interrelated conceptual frameworks until the target does something that it would not other- which influence in general, and cyber influence in partic- wise do, whether this is achieved through demoralizing, ular, are attached to and based on. It further contextual- undermining trust, or subverting narratives and decision- izes and defines the underlying concepts of political war- making processes. As before, influence strategies still in- fare, psychological warfare and information warfare. The clude the use of black propaganda, cheerleading and following paragraphs summarize the various conclusions polarization. of this study. Meanwhile, what differs is the addition of new tools for exerting influence and means to gather and treat information (e.g. AI) in preparation for applying A conceptual and definitional these tools. These developments have greatly enhanced conundrum the scope and range of previously existing techniques and strategies. The study identifies two types of CIOs in The first main conclusion of this study is that the concep- this regard, namely cyber-enabled technical influence op- tual framework around influence-related activities, and erations (CeTIOs) and cyber-enabled social influence oper- particularly around related terms in cyberspace (e.g. “cy- ations (CeSIOs). The former rely on a repertoire of cyber ber-propaganda”, “information cyber operations” or “cy- capabilities of various degrees of sophistication (e.g. ber-persuasion”), remains unclear and to some extent DDoS, hacks, or doxing) to influence targets, while the even incoherent with a certain amount of overlap. In- latter focus on exploiting targets’ opinion-formation and deed, while the use and application of influence in times decision-making processes through various techniques of war and peace by states, private entities or individuals (e.g. dark ads, trolling, social bots, and memes). goes back to immemorial times, the concepts, names and This distinction is particularly important as the classifications of these activities have constantly evolved effects of CIOs must first be properly recognized before over time and particularly over the last century, which they can be addressed, countered or mitigated. As such, saw the theorization of political, psychological and infor- there can be no single solution, only solutions tailored to mation warfare in various forms. The resulting conun- individual circumstances, which require not only a con- drum renders any rational political and legislative/nor- stantly evolving understanding of the possible uses of cy- mative debate on the issue complex if not impossible. ber technologies, but also a broader discussion and rele- This is further complicated by the wide range of actors vant efforts at the societal level. found in this domain and their different understandings of and doctrines on the issue. Many concepts and ele- ments of cybersecurity therefore urgently require proper Complex strategic implications clarification through discussion and the agreement of definitions between all parties involved. A third conclusion is that the operational space in which CIOs are performed, namely cyberspace, allows such op- erations to exploit the volume of information that is cur- rently generated, distributed and consumed via new plat- forms and services. In this regard, cyberspace and its associated new technologies have acted as an equalizer,

28 Cyber Influence Operations: An Overview and Comparative Analysis

liberator and enabler, as the relatively low cost of entry, influence. New forms and techniques of (counter) influ- the widespread availability of tools and possibility to cir- ence may very well be invented in the future, especially cumvent traditional controls of information have allowed given the possibilities afforded by artificial intelligence anyone to engage in CIOs. Cyberspace also acts as a pow- and emotional hacking. erful enabler due to the ease, speed and virality of infor- Furthermore, election meddling is far from new, mation dissemination as well as the increasing reach, with both the US and Russia having comprehensively en- scale, penetration, precision and personalization of infor- gaged in this practice throughout the last century. Cyber- mation targeting. enabled election meddling, which exploits the latest Accordingly, these elements, and the fact that tools and vulnerabilities of hyperconnected societies, is CIOs present an effective counterbalance to conventional only the latest form this activity has morphed into. At this power (at little cost and great flexibility) with low risks of stage, CIOs during elections certainly seem to constitute detection and escalation but high potential results, have the new normal, with all of the implications this entails. made CIOs particularly attractive for a wide range of ac- Lastly, autocratic and democratic states do not tors and will most probably continue to do so. However, use CIOs in the same manner, or at least portray their use availability and cost-effectiveness alone do not guaran- of such operations differently. Namely, autocratic regimes tee success, particularly as people are increasingly be- have a greater operational scope and margin than de- coming aware of and literate in the issue. mocracies, as they do not subject themselves to the same Nonetheless, the medium and long-term strate- norms as liberal democracies do, particularly when it gic impacts and implications of such cyber influence op- comes to using CIOs against their own populations or al- erations remain difficult to assess due to the complexi- lies or outside times of war. This, however, does not mean ties of observing and measuring their intent, effect and that democratic regimes do not conduct cyber influence efficiency. Furthermore, the at times chaotic and incon- operations. However, this is most likely done through of- sistent operational forces that seem to drive such opera- ficial state channels in the forms of white propaganda, tions raise questions regarding (1) the need for strategic public diplomacy and civilian affairs, or through numer- thinking in this regard and, most importantly, (2) of costs. ous non-state economic actors. Further research on these questions will therefore be needed.

Democratic vs. authoritarian use of CIOs

Finally, when one looks at and compares various con- firmed cases of CIOs, notably those conducted by an au- thoritarian state such as Russia and a democracy such as the US, several observations can be made. The first is that the toolbox used by each state is highly dependent on the specific context and objectives to be achieved. DDoS at- tacks, for example, are good for disruption (e.g. in Esto- nia) but are overt and inadequate for the covert dissemi- nation of disinformation (e.g. during the 2016 US election). Meanwhile, CIOs used in times of war, in times of political tensions and for interference in elections are at a different level of sophistication, with some instances of highly sophisticated cyberattacks having been de- ployed in the Ukrainian civil war, for example. Specifically, Ukraine can be seen as a testbed for any types and forms of CIOs targeting all types of actors. Accordingly, CIOs have also evolved year after year, conflict after conflict, crisis after crisis in keeping with technological and societal advances. Indeed, both the US and Russia have learned continuously throughout their engagement with cyber operations, whether for- eign or domestic, and are still learning and inventing new ways to exert and protect themselves from cyber

29 Cyber Influence Operations: An Overview and Comparative Analysis

6 Glossary Gerasimov doctrine: Also called “non-linear warfare” or “hybrid warfare”: a concept of war where all the Advanced Persistent Threat (APT): A threat that targets actors are fighting each other, making alliances critical objectives to gain access to a computer but also breaking them during battle. The actors system. Once inside a network, it tries to remain only follow their own objectives and will use hidden and is usually difficult to remove when cyber, economic, military and psychological discovered (Command Five Pty Ltd, 2011; DellSe- operations to achieve them (Miller, 2016; The cureWorks, 2014). Economist, 2014b).

Attribution problem: Difficulty to determine with : Use of hacking techniques for political or certainty the perpetrator of a cyberattack. social (Ghernaouti-Hélie, 2013, p. 433). Attackers are more difficult to identify because of their ability to cover tracks, perform spoof Hack: Act of entering a system without authorization cyberattacks, or falsely flag other actors as (Ghernaouti-Hélie, 2013, p. 433). perpetrators (Hay Newman, 2016). Integrity of data: Protecting data from modification or Botnet or bot: Network of infected computers which can deletion by unauthorized parties, and ensuring be accessed remotely and controlled centrally in that, when authorized persons make changes order to launch coordinated attacks (Ghernaouti- that should not have been made, the damage can Hélie, 2013, p. 427). be undone. Part of the CIA Triad of Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of data (Perrin, 2008). Cyberattacks: Deliberate activities in cyberspace that cause harm by compromising communications, Malware: Malicious software that can take the form of a information or other electronic systems, or the virus, a worm or a Trojan horse (Collins & McCom- information that is stored, processed or transmit- bie, 2012, p. 81). ted in these systems (Brangetto and Veenendaal, 2016). Phishing: Technique used to trick a message recipient into providing confidential information like login Cyber capabilities: Devices, computer programs or credentials by making them believe that the techniques designed to create degradation, message came from a legitimate organization disruption or destruction effects and manipula- (Ghernaouti-Hélie, 2013, p. 437). tion of information, information systems and/or networks in or through cyberspace (Brangetto Propaganda: the deliberate and systematic attempt to and Veenendaal, 2016) shape perceptions, manipulate cognitions, and direct behavior to achieve a response that Doxing: Release of stolen data on the Internet with the furthers the desired intent of the propagandist. intent of harming the target (The Economist, (Jowett & O’Donnell, 2006) 2014a). Social Engineering: A non-technical strategy cyberat- Disinformation: false information spread deliberately to tackers use that relies heavily on human interac- deceive (Schultz & Gordon, 1984). tion and often involves tricking people into breaking standard security practices (Lord, 2015). Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS): The act of over- whelming a system with a large number of Social bots: Bot is a shorter term for robot. It is an packets through the simultaneous use of infected automated program that runs routine tasks on computers (Ghernaouti-Hélie, 2013, p. 431). social media but can also define fake social media accounts that are used to repost messages or Fake News: Politically motivated, fabricated story news and/or to spam (Chu et al., 2012; Hegelich, presented as news (Teffer, 2017). 2016).

Troll: A person submitting provocative statements or articles to an internet discussion in order to create discord and drag more people into it (Williams, 2012).

30 Cyber Influence Operations: An Overview and Comparative Analysis

Troll farm or factory: A site running around the clock to 7 List of Abbreviations produce trolling messages and posts (Volchek & Sindelar, 2015). AI Artificial Intelligence CeTIO Cyber-enabled technical influence operation Virus: Malicious program with the capacity to multiply CeSIO Cyber-enabled social influence operation itself and to impair the infected system. Its CI Cyber influence purpose is also to spread to other networks CIO Cyber influence operation (Ghernaouti-Hélie, 2013, p. 442). CNA Computer network attack CND Computer network defense Weaponized software: Programs and pieces of software CNE Computer network exploitation that have been specifically designed to cause CNO Computer network operation damage to their intended targets (Dewar, 2017). CO Cyberspace operation DCO Defensive cyber operation Worm: Standalone, self-replicating program infecting DDoS Distributed Denial of Service and spreading to other computers through DoS Denial of Service networks (Collins and McCombie, 2012, p. 81). ICT Information & Communications Technology IO Information operation Website defacement: Cyberattack replacing website IP Informatsionoye protivoborstvo (information pages or elements by other pages or elements confrontation) (Ghernaouti-Hélie, 2013, p. 442). IRA ISIS Islamic State of Iraq and Syria IW Information warfare OCO Offensive cyber operation PA Public affairs PD Public diplomacy PSYOP Psychological operation PSYWAR Psychological warfare SIO Social influence operation TIO Technical influence operation

31 Cyber Influence Operations: An Overview and Comparative Analysis

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