John Lennon Reality,’ He Sang in a Still, Small Voice on Been the Enemy of Pretence
ICON OF THE MONTH or some, afterlife begins at 40. In knows what else, did not lessen his cannabis, acid and heroin flexed and Fthe final years before he died, John desire to be real. He believed in a twisted into a dozen contradictory Lennon was a fading star: eccentric, hundred and one different things, but shapes – to all of which his songwriting reclusive, his talent and his passion he was always a believer in truth. gave a voice. apparently burnt out as he devoted Not that the truth of him was ever Perhaps this is one reason for his himself to making bread in the easy to get at. The other dead gods of enduring popularity: there is a Lennon luxurious home he shared with his popular culture – Marilyn, Jimi, Elvis, for every taste. When Liam Gallagher dominant wife and cute little son. He prostrated himself on stage before a no longer seemed even vaguely hip. vast back-projection of him a few years His murder (some called it an ago, the question that springs to mind assassination) changed all that. His is not so much ‘Why?’ as ‘Which?’ death at the hands of a disillusioned Was it the man who wrote ‘Girl’ or fan transmuted even the base metal of the one who wrote ‘God’? The poet, Double Fantasy , his final collaboration the peacenik or the wit, the cynic or the with Yoko Ono, into platinum. sentimentalist, the idealist, the realist, Instant karma finally got him. the surrealist, the lover of the Goons or Weeping crowds kept vigil in Central the lover of Yoko, the drunk or the Park, burning candles in devotion to a health freak, the innocent or the bully, man who had always rejected such the Liverpudlian, the New Yorker or adulation.
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