PAGE 2 THE SALEM QUAKER FRI., NOV. 12, 19<71 After long, toilsome mo;nths, some Pil­ Smith Wins Election With grims gathered together with some In­ dians for a feast, dedicated to their har­ vest. It was the first Thanksgiving. Change For Change' s Sake Many people, 'all different individuals Tuesday, November 2, the peo­ sake" platform, and there was a its outcome. Mr. Smith cam­ ple of Salem decided that it was noticeable lack of any other spec­ paigned fo.r change, and Mr. with contrasting beliefs and appearances indeed time for a change. On elec­ ific campaign promises, other Cranmer based his campaign tion day 1971, they voted in, with than that of better coorperntion be­ on what he believed we!I'e and personalities, spared precious moments almost a two to one plurality, T. tween the Mayor and City Coun­ the merits of his administration Emerson Smith as the next ·mayor ail. Cranmer's campaign, or lack and the stability which it had to give thanks. The freshly harvested food of Salem. This ,action ended the of it, was characterized from the brought to Salem. The ultimate sixteen year stay of Dean B. Cran­ start by a lack of enthusiasm. Not decision, as always, was with the was their salvation, derived from days of mer at City Hall, and ushered in much was heard from Cr,anmer people, ancl they chose Mr. Smith hard work. Together, they related their what will hopefully be an effoctive until the last days of the campaign and change. It is hoped' that T. and efficient city government, re­ when a few notices appeared in Emerson Smith will change Sa­ blessings upon it. sponsive to the desires and needs the paper and a few leaf1ets were lem for the betteir, and that under of the people of Salem. distributed. The incumbent evi­ his leadership Salem will grow The two candidates for mayor, dently did not care a great deal and ;prospe1· as a community, and Smith and Cvanmer, us,ed various .about the outcome of the election, that many of Salem's problems campaign techniques in their bids or, on the other hand. thought will be solved. If this. is not the for election and re-election. One of that he had the election "wrapped c'ase, then Mr. Smith will have to the major points of Smith's cam­ up," and t.hat the identity of our answer to the citizens. of Salem paign for office was the claim next may oT had already been de­ who voted him into office. It can that after sixteen years under the cided. If the latter was the case, only be hoped that their decisions guidance of one man, SaLem was long overdue fo.r a change in it was 'a great misoalcul.ation. on election day and in the future leadersh~p. Smith relied heavily The election is now over, and no were, and will be, wise and cor­ on this "change fo.r change's amount of retroispect will chang1e rect. Turkeystock -A Ti me of Peace Thanksgiving Day will soon occur. Once again families and friends-such a Will Resurrection be Possible? mixture of hum.an qualities- will gather Turkeystock - a word which Geho, who came up with the high­ not materialize. The committee :for the tradUional ·Thanksg'i.ving ,d.inner. noJds no meanrng to some, but ly improbab1e idea of having an was disappointed with this. They which to many holds unforgettable intimate Thanksgiving party were making an honest effort for Upon this gathering, many will pause to moments never again to be re­ somewhere close to nature with the betterment of the community lived. November 26, 1970 wasn't everyone helping in the preiPava­ and felt as if they were being ponder the original purpose for this feast. the usual run-of-the-mill Thanksc tioins. While plans for food and stabbed in the back foT it." giving with the Macy's parade on cooking were started it was de­ Preparations began m any weeks Thanksgiving is a feast to celebrate TV and all the relatives at Grand­ cided the dinner would be opened before Thanksgiving with much in­ ma's for dinner. It was an idea to the public with a special invi­ tricate planning and details to be brotherhood. Man must work, hand in which materializ:ed into a great tation to adults and families. settled. A benefit dance was held feast. similar to the earliest "Complications arose when a two weeks before the date featur­ hand, with his fellow man in order to live, rhanksgiving, clme to nature and citizen of Salem called the police ing "The Benjamin Coal Co." All open to everyme. Willow Grove questioning the validity of Turkey­ proceeds from the dance were to love, to laugh, to hope, to change, and Grange wa--; the setting fo.r this stock. This person also sugge1sted used towards the purchase of food "OTiginal Thank1sgiving Dinner.'' that we (the committee) be charg­ and the renting of a location. to give blessing. T'urkeystock originated with Ray ed with fr:rnd if Turkeystock did Many local youth, families, and some stragglers enjo,yed the well­ prepared meal which was begun a few days before. Some te.,, odd turkeys and doze-.s of pies were home-cooked and remarkabJy Imagine John Lennon ... enough, no 1tbing wa~ burnt. The entiretv of the feast was an ut­ most ~ uccess. And the rE'tsult of much hard work was al"\ excellent time had by everyone. and a Complete Self-Analysis Thanksgiving worth remembering. With Thanksgiving again ap­ John Lennon, p!I'oving P:aul Mc ­ down." Side one ends with I don't pro:aching, some feel it is an ap­ Cartney wasn't the only one of wanna be a soldier, mama, I don't propriate time to remember and the Beatles responsible for their wanna die. consider the possihility of another more beautiful songs, has incorp­ Side two does not quite measure such great feast. But the revival orated himself into what must u,p to side one, so here's a list of of another Turkeystock would be, surely be the most complete self­ the songs: Gimme some Truth, in many eyes, a tragic and un­ analysis in th.e form of a record Oh My Love, How do. you Sleep? worthwhile imitation of something album brought out this year. The How? and Oh Yoko! The best far too great to be imitated in any songs provide a deep look into song on this side is How do you wav. The uniqueness of 'a far­ Lennon's thinking and conscious­ Sle1ep?, Lennon's question of Paul fetched idea born. into reality, ness. McCartney. Musically, it's vexy created .a day of peace for all who Opening side one is Imagine, good, but the lyrics are a com­ were there to witne1ss it. and it is truly one of the most plete put-down of McCartney. It's beautifully inspiring songs heard a shame that Lennon must use his BOE Club 7:00; Young Democrats' giving recess. since Let It Be and Bridge over songs to put down someone else, but McCartney was deserving November 26-Salem basketball Troubled Water. However, where What's Up Meeting 7: 30 at the Memo'!'ial something after all the baby-faced Building. Let It Be and Bridge were so san­ vs Youngstown Chaney (home). itary and uncompromisingly per­ crying he has been doing. Aro11nd SHS November 19 - Schools. Closed! HAVE A MEMORABLE fect, Imagine takes you right The album 1succeeds, at least In-Service Meetings; Salem KSU THANKSGIVING! down to where it's at, because it lyrioally, if not always. musically. November 12 - Salem football vs OU Portsmouth at Canton, 7:00 sounds like just John Lennon However, the musical pl!'oblem can vs Campbell (away). p.m.; KSU Salem presents "A praying his thoughts aloud for a be traced to Phil Spector's produc­ November 13 - Salem KSU bas­ Thurber Carnivar· at Salem Cam­ better world, and not like Mc­ tion. Except for Jealous Guy, the ketball vs KSU Wadsworth 8:00 pus, 8:30 p.m ., adults - $1.00, Picnics Outlawed Cartney m Simon and Garfunkel over-production is better s:aved for p.m. (away); Silent Movies be­ students $.50. (Also the 20th). backed by some one hundred something like the Jackson Five. ginning at 7:00 at the Memorial November 20 - Salem KSU vs At Salem High piece orchestra. Song number two Otherwise, the album is enjoyable, Building. OU Chillicothe at Canton, 7: 00 is a thing called Crippled Inside. and it is a recommended buy. November 15 - Pep Club 3:00 p.m.; Silent Movies at 7: 00 at the De.a r Edi't•or, It's a loose, country-styled shuffle at SHS; ICC from 6:00-7:00 at the Memorial Building. I fail to understand why stu­ which says that if you're not November 22 -- Depart.mental YWCA; Junior & Senior R -Te1ens dents are not permitted to eat out­ truthful with yourself, you're not Published bi-weekly during the school from 7:00-8:00 at the YWCA; Co­ Meetings 3:00 at SHS; Vocational side the cafe1:.eda in the semicircle ready to be a part of mankind. Teache11s 3:00 at SHS; Pep Club year by the students of ed Volleyball 7:00-8:30 at the by the gym lobb\Y entrance when Next is one of the most beauti­ SALEM HIGH SCHOOL, SALEM, O. 3:00 at SHS; Co-ed Volleyball 7:00 Memorial Building; Interact 7:04 the weather permits.
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