'' .·$l.oo . ·ret ,,. 1Rewe. IAnnum I' J ~-.Journal D~>voted to th.e, interests of Lihcoln County. ·- -:~~~··-~-~,::l!:::z .' ,' . ' . " .• ·, . . . ~ · CA.~Rxzozo. LlN"CO:kN coUNTY, lill:W M-mxrco. Ji'EBl~ttA}{Y :ac, •. ats.. ,...... ' . . . ' • . . .. : ' . 'i '' . . ' '. : 4£ • .J ~. ' ...... •, ·' About ·the Pt.esent ·State· Legislature

03y SpedpJ C',Qrre~:~pondi:mt to t)u~ Ne1v~~ ·- SUtltn Ft>,Febt'Unry !H~l · ·A··- · ·.·... FTER six weeks of turmoll, backing and fit- - ling and 9f .innumerable 11busted _. de<1ls'' the 1_.....,.._1 the rf,!publican majo_pty tlnally agreed upon a J.~r. ~-~-a ·county $Ulary bill .Monday and. passed·it by a ~it,4. · two-thirds majority in each l1ottse, the ~emo- . ~'$" . . cra,ts voting no to n. man •.. The billl1as gon~ · . .___ ...· to t~e goyernor, whose action upon it has not been indicated; hut whether the govesnor vetoes the . bj},l or not, it is in aU likelilwod the bill which will be­ come law,· since the two thirds majority will stand .pat according to all indications.~ · , This sa1azy bill represents a gro1>s outlay· to the ~ 2.60 county officers now provided for by law, o£ $3,'!' · 337,000 in tb~ period of seven :fears covered by· the . .operation of'the bill. . . ThiSllmoun.t is exactly $935,000 greater than the . ,.,. auiount propos~d in the democratic cau~us bill which the republicans refused Cv.f:ll . to have Jead in the house. ln a word the republican majQJity .is ii:eliber.. ·a~ely giving away nearly a mil~ion dolla:r:,s of the money of the taxpayers to men who will not be .able .. ; i

-:c· ____ f_f-GS· _ _ GRAVEOIGGER TO tb.a:n~~~::t~~w;r:~'::-::e~'Tt'~:·:*:!:~~~~~~b~~-~·d~ IIOJ't cr llt!t.tement t.hnt b,ll.ll a ~ore IJ~t • lJillU~~ dOllar• tor .. gra.ve- " " ·ft·..... Q " __-- __ 0.- "" .._-_ .. • ·IFor. w'a's Five Years direct ap~al than PUlll!lted o.-.t:qey, dlg~er! · · . \ -A :.CH_ ILO'S-.__ •B_ OW_E·ts·.- D-_.IN- . &·.- TrQubled . MAN OF MILLIONS ln=~~=~:t~~.go out. On tlln ":i~~ day :~: the ~:~~::::'1: ~r~at strike !)mer,«~~)'!'t~:~ :!!~!~~~:.::t:;~~:·~!~~t · · . · - . _ . _ __ -- . . . _·B..·O.•J-L. _ _ ~- ith a 11tnrted, .moro men remqJned on Uoili-'J' Pm't enoq~b tpr f!Oine men. I W · · · Jn U1.11 mill over· wJHcli. Dlllon hJHl llhJ mo.~)" Wall IIQmetb.lp,c :~e a liur- t iS oryeJ to . fQrC~ ni!U$eating, . Ch.tOniC Extraordinary Ris6 in l.ife of Pat· charge tban hl -IIJ!Y .otMr Jli;Jrt ()t· tho deJl W· l)Jilon. 'llo ll~d!ld: WQt~ H13 ' ' • harsb physic. fntq a. ' " . " ""'Y'""..... ,...~ ...... ,.,.,.,.,.,;...,..., ...., ...... ,...v ...... ,. ~...... _.....,.,.,..~ ~ . .. . rick H. Dllhm of Pittsburgh •. · m1unti10tll. u!imcllt!.lac:J pJat~t. Mver ltad bt~en Jdle, Jao 1dle.ne~a w11a $iC:k -ehild, . . · GUARD AGAINST ROAD ABUSE Disease. 'l'hC> llh'll!e wall pne ot tho ll~:rc~t In Ji!lrd tor llllil to be•t· .)fr, . ' .. ~ ...... _punl•'"me·n• s. i.ould·. Be. Meted FUlll.a. ·. ~ tbe l!lutory at .Atn(lri;n. 'l'lie c:ompara- came to ·hla;rellf;lf. · fle ~as J..ooit back !lt 'Ytlur t.llHhUioocl :4.an. .,,. ..,.,.. ,. " •. " . Pe_· · . th•cly tnw men wll.o temal.ned !'t wprk tlial ~fat4 iJ)t9restllln N~;~w Y~~k 9-ltr. Uemell!ber tile "dose" it!Qtllet !nstlit~d . Qll~ 'to 'T'hl!""' Who Dell~er•l!!l)' (M · 'Cured nte ·HIS ·.START: 1~ .. A CEM,ETERY wer~ 11ho~. at, 11toncd and beaten. lle clocs. II' •ot at l;lu04ft!g, lltt wht !lA - !:lll!tc;lr 'Y II.IIyll!,bg.'abQnt bllllftlM,:O llnlil pl\yslc llltUJ!lt don't realize wllat ~lleY' c!l~Jntr•. 'r,lrllt 111, 11'ou )laid rour Pl1rt St.. UUI<~ lto9k, Ark., wrUea; ''l w» · _RfWa.i'ded, · . As he counseled Plllou, .h .... ~U!liSelcd Dtllon,. . dQ, 'l'll~ chlldre,n:•a l'!lVOitJs ~~IHoU_I!,d.• ln bJJildlllg'. the blgllWilY· I! you are a trouble!! tor t\Ve 'fears with "ehl'!ll1•e. them. ''l'o l;lurrcmler to.torce" WAll '""lr"' en 1earn,' f .,n."~ I" ..plr. J> hi. Jlpa. ' 'Y(lq· ed; · Tllelr. t!lnder· .UUle "lilflhll!ll'! !l.te. Pr(Jper t Y. owner .tou pa"l" •h .II t par t of,llleeJiae.- bu~ 1!!thins trl!!d evep:IJJhtg~ld roe !UlY ~ he&fltCO«XX• By RICHARD SPILLANE, m!lnlyi bo ilcclarcd, · lct~,rn~:d. tQ J"eacl M4 write wb!)ll !t waL\1 1nJure·d by them, · directly In !IQ manY dollani 'lln!l c~11t~ SQme ao Ol'!l 'liald. mY . tr!l.ubl~ ~ .a, CCopyriKilt; Mowela and sweet- ot next winter, when the ruts Jlto llulr use, and It hll.ll cured me sound .uti! PencQCk, nnd hln rlnu hull buen more or' a fighting at~ck ·and sev~ral ttmeu ono or tho great c:ontractors or New en tho stomach, and that a teaspoonful deep. U you permit heavy rn~ns to well. 1 can rec:omme!ld Pervna 11> r~•rnarkablo. Ho probllbly 111 t.bu only when h"•nnd hiP ·rnen,.wcro attacked Y:ork---one ot tlle Stari'Otts-nnd ex· given today S!lVes a 11lck child tomor• scour out th(l rouudatlons or a wooden ·any one, 111\d It any one wants t~ rnllllllnJdro In Arm•rlca lodny wbQ roi!O ho hnd to batt1o for bla urn. He gave plnlncd ~he llltuatlon W him. · . row, culvert and that culvert finally falls know what Pe.runa dla tor me It they rrorn Kfll v•·dlggllr all good all ho received. Once be nar· "Help me out," ho sniiJ, "I h<:nr Ask 11t the storo ror a GO·cent bottle In or ls washed out, you, as on(! ot the wUJ write to me 1 will IU18Wer rowly cnl'nped death and wnn- :nnd Syrup obf bFtgs,"bw·dblch thnt road, will be dill• .!':"•. .... !'!!'. It wa11 '' a c~>~notory near Plttnburtll re~~cucd ~~~~.J.Ill~!~v a:~~ ~ s~~coh~~!ndq obt11 ",ca 1 t~rnela.tl cd n~>:n:daee;:, ot ~~~ro~~m~~~ti~Y~·~~· ~----~--.,· -~--~-!'!!'-!"". =.. '!!!-!'!!'.~~~-- lu whic-h l'nddy IJIIIon lnb11r••d. Ho !rom u mob unconncloup. . . 8 .... . • B. u 1 1 " 1 r c ons .1 or a 1eo, c 11 ren 0 Gay Old Doga. • probnbly would b11ve otuck to grove­ After mnrtlal law was Invoked the 'Wirr1at Ia back nnchored? What11 the or all uses and for grown·upa plainly ~fo11t of our roads nre dirt hh;hways, ''You cnn't tcncb on old dog new danger WM lensonod, but the struc· : 1 ;:~nco? I want to do me job on each bottle. Adv. • writes Sulllvnn or .!lflssourl In tricks." . digging tor th., r••ol of bhs da.yo but 1 u. s. ror ll!m llonry f'hiJIPD JJlllon bud to gle.wao long drown out and tho vic· g • . -.; Furm Progr(lss. Only n. amnii, a V(lry ''Ob, I don't knQw, They nil wnnt to look nft,., tho 11rnve of ono of hllr li>ry or tho Cnrneglo company was Mr. Stnrrott took hlm around to Vn• Not What He Meant, amnii, pcrc(lntngo of the highways ot try tho tango 11.11d tho ma:ilxe.'' drnrly won for tt lett feuds and bit- rlous jobs, explained tho dlltliiJn . ot ''I'll bet I CIUI tell wbnt )'OU are tbls 'ountry arq "bnrd roads." One frllmdn and lw "odd•!d tho mound 110 temenn thai. Ina ted for ycnrn. · this worlc and that work, and wltbln laughing ut." hundred yeai'a from now we may have woll and won no kindly nnd wllllng "I'll · n week or two Dillon waa watching bot. you can't. Perhaps your tho beautiful "metlll" highways 11uch to do anythtn~r nho dunlrod that oho -' Rewarded by tho Companny. everything around tho Pblppll strueo noo11 dQoan't IOolk as tunny lltt )OU hu· aa are round In tho older European becorno lnuorNitl!d In tho bumble work· In nil thnt 11trlke no mnn did more turon wlth tho utmost care. . uglno It doeo." countries, but tblll IB a big land ot nr. l:lhe uakud hl111 onu dny how ruurh for tho ('urnoglo company thun Patrick "I got mo eyes on ye,'' lie would ----- oul'JI. lt Is a country ot tllllgnltlc(lnt BILIOUS, HEADACHY, ho Wnll IJ!IId 'fho amount wun uma.ll. libo thought be might earn moro In Dillon. Tlw fuct that bo kept his mill nny to a toremnn or n nu!H:ontractor OLD SOLDIER WISHES TO distances, and the rock ilnd concreto going hnd 11 powerful oftcct. JJnd tho after he woulcl poillt out 8Qmc piece HELP SUFFERERS FROM KID· road!t aro going to bo built \'(lry 1b" C'llrn<•ICh• mllln ut llom••oh!lld and ntrlkcrn ~tuccocdod In cloning down o! work that waon't done. properly nlowly. "'"' npok" to twr hunbond. It WAll not SICK "CASCARETS'~ long botore Ulllon h•rt tho gro Vt•ynrd llwl aolllllry mill, norno of tho leaden or nccordlag to his ldelll!. Nineteen NEY, LIVER AND BLADDER It IB the dirt hlgbwny tha~ Butrcra think to thhl day, they would hav11 Um••u out of twenty ho Willi right In from carcleonneau. Two or throe men cleanse ani nnd \H•Ill to h11ullnK oru to lbu mill. TROUBLES. Gently your fiver wrum'L trlumpbnd. hlu crltlclum, and .ft long bf.l- __ In 11 neighborhood can upoll moro mlleu 1 sluggish bowels while llnullng art> wno 11 dlDtlnct ndvaneo When tho 11trlko en4cd, Dillon wn11 a foro ho wnu n good auporvloor and an r om.. frequently troubled with kidne:v of highway th11.11 tho remainder of the In lbo aoclal ISl'UI" for ()JIIon ODd bo wruclt. Ilia bml7 wnn cover11d with l.'lt!!('llent rnnn for Mr. Pblppa ti> havo and blndder trouble, c•P«141lr in tbe communltr can build. They aro abun· you sleep. Wllll dooply ~rrnl<•tul,to Uto woman und 11c11 tu from tho woundo ho had received looking nttor hlu building all'l1111l. Spring nnd Fall. Being 11n oM Vell'l'l\n eru or whnt other m(ln build. 'fhoy tho man who ho•l bt,on rl!opomllblo for In tho bntt111a-wlth tho 11trlkorn una bin Dillon and Hie Archlttct. of tho Civil War n littJo or Q(lt a 10-cent box. *-· ·ttv-mmrmt . " 1 bat he m•rru•d J•rolnollt:fn. Ono day to whlell ho had bo"n oubJt!cted. 1\lny· Jon In tbln work. Mr. l'bJppu waa 1 nm 14ld up kidney or bladdrr J)OIIIIIblo to pull and they never uoo oes11, c:oatcd tongue, foul tillite 11.11d foul tho wldo-tlr(ld voblcleo that might help h•• WM m11d" rormnun or thn oro haul­ bo Um C'arru~IIIIJ pt>oplo thought hln not nt nil Jllroucd with. tho way l!L'ugn lrol!hle. Dr. Kilmer'• SwAmp-Root wot breoth-alwnyo truce thom to torpid .,,. I lin n••w Job mnharrtuuu:d btm Ute would btl nono too 11nf1J until aomo wero colng In u. country bouou thnt recommended to mo 11 number at )"e:tn tho wagon trnck utand up under the liver: dclnyed, fermenting food In the ogo, and I took 11 numbn of bottl111 of It big loudu. BOfiii•\Yhul Jl WOD CIU)' NIOUitb to tho Jlrutlllon tho 11trlko hnd engcn· ho waa building and be bnd an lden bQWillll or sour, gl!.llsy stomach. ot llod \Vll.l more thlln plelllltd u·ilh the ro­ tha.t tho architect wnu at rnult. He Oood or bnd Wt!lltber In nll tho oumo Poleonoua matter clogged In tho ln· aulte. I eon.tlder !hnml>·ltOndy. U'o not flnlabed GEORGE W. AT<'IJLF.Y, Thoro ought to bo 110mo punlnbment bllo trom tho liver and ClUTJ' oat an yet. Tho wor lt'11 rolng, It won't btl 1780 Wnlkcr St. Dew Motnet, Iowa. provldlld for tho m11.11 who wlll dellb­ tho conaUpnted waeto matter .-:Ad flnlahod In n llfeUmo. or eouno thr f.ltGIO gf IO'II'A i eratllly cmt up tho ro11dwny buUt by tho polnone tn tho bowola. fellow h1111 a contract. but ~ow do I Poke County fa. C:OmmunJly for tho UIIO of tho Wbolo A Cue4rot to-night wUJ •trftb' CPmmullit:V 11nd paid tor with tht) pnb­ atraJgbten you out by morntng. TheJ ro about Orlnlit him? 1 want to do 1t A. R. Jlanacrn, A rct11il druggitL of thlt work whllo rou sleep--a 10-collt box ln tho rlgbL wny, \'\'lthout mnldng troll· dty, bt!in1 llrllt duly II'IYDI'Il dl'Jlo&tt and llo money. Somo stilton bavo Jnwa blo or moro t!xponoo tor Mr. Ph'P.P&" a:ar•, tho~ bo b well ctef3UIIlnud with providing punlnbmont for tho ma.n who from your druntat me:ana JOur hw "Loo)t hero," 1111td Fllr. l:ltatTOtt, "ron Ooorao W. Atehlcy, who ~Yo the oboYo OV«>rloa.da, who uaoa "aklddlng logo," clear, atomacb tweet and your Uver don't wnnt to flro thlu architect at tcttlmonlaJ: tbu c:~ld At~hley made ctnd w~ fills mudbolea full or old rolla, and bowels rogu,lar tor tDODthll. Adv. 1 huppi'n to ltnow 110mothlng 11bout tbla aJgned aaJa tettbnonilll In my pl'fttnct eb~;nka lind polea, a.nlf who will plio n puttculnr Cn.De. Mr. Pblppa II.IId Mra. end thAt I MYCt 10ld uld Atcblty a pu1 •hQolbnrrow run or roCkll In n rut. Truth That Botea. at tbo 811'amp-ttoot rt'frrnlf to in oho'l'e "Po. wbnt Ill a trutam ,.. o- PbJpp1 MTO bad II gtc>llt deal Of lntor• to bl!como 11 tnll1lllco to nll veblcleo n.a te.t1monlal. AIDont fartbu 1:3)"11 thAt "A truism, my GOD, Ia ll truth whJ,eb-. Cit In thlo llounro. They llllvo tlllked Ooorzo W. Atebley Ia 11 well known l'ltJ. 11oon n.a tho rond drJea orr. Dut these lnwa a.ro ooldom l'nforced. Ill 110 trufJ that Jt m11kce ucrzbody' OYer tho plana innumornblo tlmC!ll with l!l'TI ol lhb elty 11nd 11.n honorable man, tlrcd." Uio a.n:blt~t. Tbor'vo mndo nret ono and that It =• Mr. Atrhley'o detire to N'ot trom IUIY ln.elc of offcnderu or from cbnnao 11.11d tbon nnothor. Tboy'vo sive aald tatlmonbl. tho lock or knowledge 1111 to Junt who mndo moro cbangl'IJ tlllln thor bllvo A. n. HAN!lEN. Ulo offenders aro. Oood people nro any ldllll of. If you dlnmiB• tbla mnn Subxribed to in my pr~nt't', ond afraid to complain llgD.IIUit IIUCh men, sworn to before IM, thia 23rd of March, They aro found ln ovC!ry nelsbborhood und put In anothor a.n:hlteet, thoro'll 1000. bo an nwtul Jambln. A now ono cnn· II.IId thor go along for renro In a"dom. not como In and meet tho varying no­ Jnoorln~. overbenrtng mannPr, working tlonu of Mr. nnd Mru l'hlppD without all tnlltlner Of lnJUIItlceo bCCDUDO they turntns; out ll monatronlt)' lmtcll4 of huvo their "bluft ln'' on tho commu· n bum11n · hllbltn.Uon.'' nlly. They 11ro tho gentry \'\'hone Cl1f.. I>lllon thoa~thl over thla for n mln­ llo aro roguea, whOllo fencea o.rt1 aJ. ut<> or -1\\"o nnd thrn ota.rtoo up town. waya bad. wh0110 dop aro "ahoop kill· "Mr. MllpPfl," ho 11nld, wblln ho met thnt l!t>lttle>mnn, "'you cnn't fire that. nl't!blwet. lt"n dnngoroua. You'ro

a mon11tros1ty lnntl'l1d of n bumun hnbl· tntloo • :Ur. l'hlppu lnugbed nnd ro­ Ther Tried to Tell the Oarman Offlc:let. In the Station All About lt. tnlncd U1o nrt'bltcf'l Tbo hlllt n mllllon dQilnru ttmt Dillon ~~-~~ Ute> mrn bo•J. but It wna moro J dcrr.() tmd aubllldoo At anr roto, bo got from thn t 'nrnegJo company hlll1 Developing. dlffi<'ttlt for blm to t'hlllk 111• tho l'tle> j wn11 enllnd Into 01e offit'tl nnd glvl'tl been \'\'4111 lo1'cstcd undPr tho direction lreno-Don't )·ou think thnl travel orda or what oro th~>J' ba.uled. Tho ll,OOO with ordent to go to !l:uropo nnd ot llr. PbJJ)J,ta. Ao pemonlll l'tlJli'CIIOD• bring-a out nil tbnt Ia ln one? thnm n·a wert'l t bnd BO rnut'h mnn'11 rf'<:~l c.stnto matters, tho old ltla llni!N''II Wt'ro IDJilrlod nnd twltst«rd by IUODf7 Ill ono tlmo bt>forc In biD lllo ttl'llYt'dlggcr gctll n 11:1lnry thnt Ill tat. lcbnr and a pc!nctl or o piece of chlllk nnd hJa wtro took chnr~:•• of It for him. Tho hnlf mUIIon long ngo became n «u- hardar to ·manlpulato-tbtltt a lllclr, · -Tb\'11' w.. nt tu lnlnmt nn~"fw "l!l!tlirli'l.i~if-1 mUflon n11fon fit . Jusr tilf mucti""of i'i FALUNG- HAIR MEANS· n llbovol or n b:urow. and then to tho C'ollttoonl. !tlru. Dll· eburnct«>r todAy n.a ho Willi tho dny It Ill \nrd tor a grown mnn to aet lon. ln (l'flttlng ott tbo ttnlrf. {n Ocr- Mm. l'btpp:~ llllW hLm ln tho grn.vc)'IU'd about to oducato blmiK'It, but Dillon llllUl:V ono night lett tho Vllll•o In wbteb In l'lttaburah That'll no n Jlroltr'CIII and whnt ho -Englluh tntnted with nn lrJnb broguo. ly burned-though wo remember that hair L1 mute O>'ldenco cf a negteetec1 eroJI' 11.11cl who 11ro known ill tho neigh· lco.rt~cd ho novct rorarot. LuckilY for hUAbnnd nnd wlfo, thoy Froudo'o "Nemllll!ll of Faith" \'\'all "tq. Stood by Hla lenefactors. lll1il onOl!t;h enah to p:~y their wny to 1c11lp; or da.ndrqrt-tlint awful ccurt. borbood ns "bad men. to h11ve trouble torll111y tnclnemted" In tho fil'\1plat!(l ot Thero ta notblnc 10 dC!lltructlvo to with." · Dorlln. In thtl.t city DUJon told hll an Oxtprd college. Wo do not nowa­ Ito "''""' nlonr hnppy llnd. contented troubloo to Otitmnn roprcaontntlvca ot tho hair aa dandrllrt. It robs U!o hair Mont of our dirt roada IU'I) llo abused anW tho Jlomcatood etrlko. Thon tao tbo CnrMglo (:otnp:my 11.11d ill a tow dun Jrt Enttllrnd lltlllo thought b)' of Ita "tust~l"i tts fltnmKth ana ttl very In wtntl'!r tliat lhey llllve lo bo #ro. Ql' burn dow-n an A1oundrJan ll· bAd to de>t'Jdo whotbcr ho would Join days tho vnlteo -net ltn eontont1 1roro Ute; oventually »reducing a feverish· Ually rebuilt In tho aptfng. Thla bnnda with tho rtum or atte'k by. blo tf.\tUmod to lbo trilteloti. · 1brney to nruotro out lUI ldirn. 1\tllton, omploycn. llo luul' boon tnAdo a coli . , )'ou moy romoml>er, flaid 'ometblng da tH.>.a.a and ltcihlne ()f tho aeatp, whlcb up tho road till: and tha dara or ot •uporlnh,ndt'nt In ono ot tho mUla "Do liOttr," Bald Dillon. • I'll traYol to tho l'(!laUvo valuo of & good book 1t not f(jmoolod cnttlltil tho hair roCiu o.york tha.t mlgtt_t bo expected to make · tho roads ot thii rear bett~Jtthan tho11o bJ thla Utno. It dlil not tBko lona tor wllb bllla tur tnbf(). I wnnt tomo ot and a liu~n q.i! tl subJect ot kUling, t() thrlntc. loosen and dlo-then thG ~t Jut. Late t.tl, ,Winter and wb' blm to l"Gath a dn(telon. Jto Wt10' to lbO!IO j)APOI1l . thnt ptOplo Cl\11 got n. L. .Stevenson lit(l.nds 1n tho Sli!At .halr ralls oat t1111t. A llttlo D:l spring t\l'o tho aeaaons when tho .roads tho eltlrtmnnn at wh~o thurtb ho lnOil(l.f tot WhtU tbet .li\lod It" .. iU«csslon or th:o "moll . ot tonfgbt...;now-any Um&-w •lould be &uittletl &gallll!t abttl!o. Wh~ worthtJ)('d. · 'l"ilo C-limcGia rnprctontattv. cot bOOb;" nnd Snmoa. hu· wn~onJboirllil tavo :your half.""· .not try a; Pd to u:oMQIIt~ict U!o. .. Foot.noto t(t lll$toey-.'' the ilnt'· appUcallon. JO~lt" .ltalt -wfll Ia Painted• Jt t tbo.u1d JU~l _11t.ud bt lllm lil tb._ wll)r 1XIli1Uo4 wu ~otnt~ lll Stimoa. whltli W~~• then ta)to on tliat Ufe,lult.er atullux~rlance . t>t1.he. bunola , emcfloner l waulil bo Uhamtd \O th!ln he hM biltoto ••e.nt under .(lortnl\n control. took btm m tho ft\e4l tq,ato.. lt.lli tho tar aottto >*MI:li· Ho. -.rcitJt apPt;tull fn -tM 't'lucbttl~t '\fhlc:h Ia il1 b_eaO.lltul.. It 'Wilt become that. Jadlt:!t llliW.LlUL;;SN:.W~·VC)Sit ftl'lt. opportunltt t. blvo had to Jilt •bout 11tool ~&kt~ and de1rtiloned uoa. wu .tit en et!.ltt~" .\iie, ;.hWA fclll. -wut ..Set)' w· ® a.n U.t blt fi(!Wt~ :tl)r hltt · ·. . ·· . -.. ·"""' · .. ''lton't 10\t ~Ia . 10\t. batl -~ lt ae. ~ to~ or tine.. iont · "bMota4:\at. lfht iltbit tit bla . . R•tll'tcf _ •: .· ftle ·.~.·_,.· il :.w.otk :•. •.. · :ta.•t lhl• rM~t Ue -.,., Qioa; ~tm bl ... JM1et •toek. w ~Ul•·~ ·Jtta~f lftQ.iMt· _.. •*r U."...... n.m# ~ u tJaet talk th!!~ Wtlul4. -~ tnore •• 1COf4 th~ )WlilJ' ali4 .U.lltr •t. ow• ~ •• ll•l•tl\~ ~t ..- 'l'W .... · ft\ •t JQ"bl.-flttablitkk. , ......

. . (-' . ' .. ·~ • 'fhe t~robl~m 4t Uta un~ID1J.llP¥1Pd OUQ. thl\t \II!UaliY. CO~i(l'On.t~ ~;ou~:~try dllrlpj . The tlto~al\1\!l!l demnud,lll& !Mt11n tlie lilt~e · oltlos ot . woMld llf.lt)Jn tq dlstroi!B tunon~: ·. . . • . 4 Ohloi\go offh::lai jrQ.v-9 a• tile -cbtct lor till) Jar$() ullrniY ot UMm• . In lhM olty Uio retu~id o( !h~ . to occ,o_pt: worlt ·"wbtm Wn.t~s ''obPerv!lUon mtno11r aud, botng eon· employcoa, bettor clerku, bettor book· croancd tho rculatlna power or tho ~to4 by Jtlro wUb tbo Jboro, aro act olf by tbo ltoopera, bettor otonogro.pboro, better body and filled tho blootl with now .ll~Dd!I!U of ~if Cltcctrla np;~.rk nl a moment wbcn a oorvleo ov(lrywborc. With n rained building rt\11-torlnl. now <'ourngo, now f!.Qattlo- VCSQ-111 mar bappou tQ bo Within rango of ntnndnrd or aorvlcorrcct to tho llnlnh.'' for IUs n lire rule not to dceldo Important \1blth aro• protcctl!tl' bJ. .nptcNlro cuno on altoro. ndoptlon enrly In ltro mny ntenn nil tlllng11 nt night wllt•n Urad bud din· At t1lgbt Ufo? (lro nnlfar tonJtant wateb, llll \TOll tho dllfercoco between nucceoo nml cournt:l'd. Wo nro npt to do thlnn11 AUJ b¥ day, bolnt: nwept. by hugo ru:arohlJ&hlo. rulluro. lht•n Wblt'b wo wiU fl'grot Ill fll(t:b rntnM oro llbJiino In tllat lnnnungo. "AI.)' j}o;~t(t or lm~:~&lnttb' equatU,. 'l'b.ln cbeelwboard ., hU.s them. a circuit ta automnllcally-eJosod and lbe roa.T ·eo uno or U!orr rnlluro genctany tm~dnt'IJDllDl'.~ hn oneo rctnlcd,"wrolo to • .,~~d.on a emall atlllo on a tablo In an un· water Sa qnkkly otrown wlth her romnlll!l. Vorl· Ueo In thomuclvco. They do not 1111 tho tllplomnlloltl In (]orman, IUld ,.det&rollnd ·tuoml\tp on .Jhare, which 14 p:ut of a OWl tnsonloua mc:~llll hnvo been dovltod tor briDK· throw their wbolo aoulll lntn their tboy ropllod ench In bill own lnnglll1RO JOdi .Sup¢!'& a btrtflo .vCI.Iel to appr()ach 'l'wo fn& about thla cloalng or tho ctroult•. ono ot thom worlt. Thor only touch their emptor· -RuuniiUl; BPIUlhJb, .Swndbla and wh;.t tQTUier woo rotumod, and tufno1let4l lhtt 'telsg Jdunttt tr. A blltw:r l::larlc· 1q85. Tbo bCJJetcl'll, baing nblo to lilako lllUo or abnped In lmltnUon or tho porpotso, IUld fired from Tho tvorld unntn rour boat, Md you t1t lout Ito como to oak tho re.aacm ror d. wltb tho nttrnbu ot that. •qaaro ts touCh~.,. ud no bcadwa,. m their attacb upon Ute stout 'iJO.IID tube& by ebargea of compresae¢ ntr. should rciiOIYo cmrly In lifo noYor to my &lleneo. 'Thoro In n groat plio ot t~:tbt-iibo If btqwn -."tr.ftf&h. Of Uio cftft I'CIOftOd to a UO'fol altd UDhe:Udo<)f Tho typlal up-t · ~-. ' ' ' ~t~~r~ ._ 8•~!!M;JIIU ..Vattj)r Mt tb(l J'11!.t Olllir• ~~~ 04rrl~~o; .N. )f., June ~ 1!106 .... ~n:gc,., •.,_,,;,u; .. "-1:',.. ,.,_,...... ;, ..:,.a,.,., ,.. .,:e ,,...;,. . .~.: ,,t:;t;. 4::;:::;!::t:t;ln·· --··----··"'~~- ...... =, .. ..,..e::J

• ' • 1 -~bnfJplhiiJ nataf, 3:l.Ol) ,.r t••r. •ill' Jlll))'ltba, il,~ ) ~:;:;:;:;~.1)1<;;;:::;;;:;::..,.,,_~ e .. ,_J .... Jt..,. .. c ... < ,,, ·"*0:' .· tt.~.,_a" ...... ;::;::;;:::; __ .... .,. . ..,.)-- J-~~------~=--~ . lPQt f HALEY &. J)INGV(ALl4 . . ; ~ · ·.. · . • , Publiihe.r. A~>~r. ~ ~~f~ ...... , ;;: . tJ($... ;;;::;;:.-.m, ;;;:;:.ti;•. .,;t,.);;;s;_:;j .... ~ ~-L~ .. ,.. ·.: .... ~.,_ -...... : .... <"' ~-e::J:'... ~,.~llege•Bank: P:robel ti,w.rn. Qrcter 1o .make a .. , m 1: · ('~n.vas~ »e~~. 1 1 .~ :i·.~!:: 1 ~:::;. ·• ...... ,.....,. ·Jol"l>ona.Ana~otut.ty;tllatllewas.. . ~~ ""-¥O,llliJ() 6.J>~~t.

..· .·We bATe from laJ• c:fectecl, Wlnt to Stfllt,a }l'e and '" 1 titrnl~e4 Jn~l.l~~ ··.··~·nwoullvtt. ,..-. . .I .\ ' itt'" anv,tllhirr. u.b(Jitt' tbe .StRtr.·Js•t t_hroughout the CQJ1\'.t:Jltion; .. · . Gtmern~ C'.onuty J9J.O . . . .. • . l , • Bllnk'ttt!p?in~ccl as J~~~~!.. mlwi~tlll '~~~~ · ·_.tically all of oul.\.~eavy good$ in .carl~a~: , ' tory comhiloit Jllcc:d. 'rhal m· i spcwil >H:~:ola·u taut m thH! w vcs· cu!lllt)' 1~10 . 11.:4«' \'t•~tl~nliQu, 'bovrcv~r. 11houlll ht! j tiguthm ou(l i'oJlll Jocru~, the ~2~!~~~r~~ru~· l!~:u 'iiH& · , lat$~ direct from the manufactur~rs. •' tt fair iltHl ju11t <:1111! 1 fr~c from ,~lUll<' JQcrus who wius travellug · ~- 1~'1i ' . JltUtisa!~~hlJ1, a nil a verd!~:t tCIJ· puH~itor and htlllk ~'iam.in(lr wb<:u War.l!lnt•;plll!l ~HEX~ 'This ~n~blea ~s to' make advantc\geo~ 1krcd 111" n~cordancc w:~.tlt th''' Un: 'l'ucumcan bank f•u!ed, lc.u.v.... '.rli!t~.lll~'w~t . . ' · COI!IliJ' 1~13 iiU!I f;,cts; Jet the blntue tl!St where i ti lug t!S many d{•positor<>, pcrba ps, '.l'lnd<~ ,1mJ~o t1uul 4P1t, 1~.3! ' price& ·vto QUr' 'customers. .Mail .. order$ may~ . . . . . jto· hold. the s;n:l( as arc•. to be . G!'inir111 Conncy,"JUl~ 'l'battUJ(lJ Wi1J IJc(lJ,c rcsuJtofJ_tOlltld ill ~the. [~a9 ~rltl:cli _batlk .f,!U{4, ll~lllfltclutlllll!«l' J!~J -given prolnpt ,tttenuon., ~d inqubi~~~~. th~ .inVI;!ll'tig:ltioll iu 1icry llllH.:h hi 1' f atlurc;• thu t this fHlllH1 J ocrns :fUill.r~r.uc~n-. !i!t!l.ttiW . ·t,e-feurrd. , So IJHtt.:h virtuou~ ill· ;wa!l indm;t'd to te~ign his vosi- 'ff•l· fr(lll) otll•r "for goods iq quantitie$ are. ·solicited; diglllltion1HI!\ Ul't'll {'XjlTC!lllltflt byftion a• ~uditor afh·r· 1\t>me· 1 little· fund-. f~!!.,.' St•IHilor llolt aml tftl' h•n'JN Ml• tittHi aftf!r .. the hHHt~uratfotr of w~rmnta l"tltl 'I~ZJ ,, ~·m h.'ll; so titilllj' bitter exjlfl!t>'\iOU!l IOoverttor Mc1)ouald, 'fhis is 'l'frl, tOlllbtr (Utul~ .MJ~ # 18!101 e; ., j• tN:d hy U11t11loly clltti'i nf !ltntcs- .· unl.r ;uwUtcr straw tUntrt!!ltl • ~ .. CAPITAN, NEW M'f3XICO pt.tctt.ularl~ .Ou\!t'rnor Md)IJIHJ)d.; uot llavintr t(rltidtd iu tliU tettl• ' • l1lllR!IC!I(!Jf bun

, . . Quality Groceries FANCV AND "STAPLE '(]OODS I The Only Exclf.llif)e Grocery In Cr.trrb:Cf!:o


{;\· .. • I witt ftttl\tllntcu to t.'lke itn1 piece ot irott or sttiug. or tools 1>1,tl of any wttl or no l'l)'< l "'ill (Ofitr«\\t to driU a well tromlOO to 1000 feet tnttl ruuautt':l\ • strni~tht lt()lf. lf lntcr~at!!tl tAU Ol'J, -ot wdlt! me .... -d Q'.ARtuzozo. N. u. · Ju Mfll, .l:l•lu~l'!&lif&W YQl:J WILL f:IND flY .-P~lCES RJOHT .,..... krr.n~~

,< JQt Sf(K((MfftS SJA1f BAftlt (~flnit lfeW Mtifro · · Cmon•. thtC1:tib t~<~untr• .Ntw M('tft'tt, .


•• 1 tcm~h:.r~d. 1!1.tt\ th.,t i:t ·ICE CQLD ,D~lN.KS AT SODA FOUNTAlN Patty & AdAm$. w.,r.,.tt·~ld B~r.aot •• ~liD!\ . Schoo~ District No.l.S..: . . ·-.PtJ~B. D~UGS ...,;.;;,.,.,._,;.:-""_I lfl!>ll· Jil9H, llula11o• oJtl!&Ad 'rut~~ and· ail. the art~cles usually found in_ an ,(ppo:>tlloa~~~~~ Phone .46 ~~Y cut of Fresh up·t~rdate. ~Ueve J't~ll t~·. med. Also gtQC~de$ auc:t lMch drug. shop. We. in the. goods: ·· . · ,· · GtxxlService Id'ett and will give you the best ~e know: how. Call, · · · · · 'I: . ·RO:LLAND. BROS. . . . ~ .. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.~~~~ · C~rl-.lf~w M~lo<>. ~illlaf ¥t!!!tlon: · f

Jo~ R. Adar;n~, Prqp ...... ,.· ... , Choice Whiskies. Beer,· Wines, . ~ a.nd Clgars.. Pool Room. ·

W•I'JI!.lll•~!d •• h ' "''~-- ..... ~. .JI!!tiii!!IIIOIIhlllld .. . LANDS , z; "'*'' < = ·~r---•• '"" .t' ~. ol- ,,...._...,, sc'lroofDt$trlct .No. 'H'Ilra••frlld•, l'h>Mtf, t!tAW. t.11tl~. C'.olltl'•h, · ,Willi' rill Lllndellrut Wafer \Ut•~<~· -~. tf;a, t, !PI(.' llaln.ott 011 balld 1 'I'he Be:~t. Brl!.ttds p! . • 'l'a;ltllf ·Information Choorfully F~mlthocl · A}lpor$1!/Dilt·!l~ Oscuno ('pltou~) !l~W MJt-!Cxco TH~ ·BOtll~ Aftb. BARRfl. ·WHISKifS. l'QII p,r; . . STAG SEIPP'S & Bl)DWIS 86ER. A'l'TORNUV A't r.AW School District No. 2-1. · . . W•r~u paid. ' -%liS 11 Will practice in ,li'e.derAl fl.lld ALOON : aJtliARDS AftD ·POOL. 1 1, m•. lMat.ao ~>n l.a•d -&lallo•U'D b~111l -, 'tn:YI'I• Stn.te Couttff • ~ . Scllooll>l,.tnct: Na. o. ron i!!Z ·, •• , NEW M~XICO ORAY BROS. . Apportlollllltll$ •atat-llld

W•na•JJJ !>fllcl • ~15 l,lall!llo.llln hau .. • .. New c~81i l.CVl' ScllOO.I Dil!lrlct No. 28. l, l~lf, J!tl&llCOI.III l.lli( FRANK J: SAIC: ll•WI~ 011 bluaJ 1'11Jtf Not.at)" P&,~bUc l'oll ••• 0~ j: ~.ldlll~-· u..k. ;;...,...... ,. Atii>Ortloliintat · Draya~e Busine·;ss Ll'l't\lll'lletllfll

Wu.ranl• J11llt PROMPT ~· SERVICE 'fld',h.tlt, D,tj J.AW\'IUt .. llaflllb!lil~Ul~llld. Wlnllll L4walJI!ftl.aht .. ·School Dlturlet No. 3:t lhJtJ:tol'llndll)j,'l\QI1i&)'J :.. d 8611lttlati %It ll WJII• Jobu Y. tltwllt, Wll~tB QAKS. tf, ll~ I .ivery Barns Best Cot:rals w~~ ~-:..

Scttooll>ietttet No. ·u, • A'r'tO!iNltY,.A'l'-LAW l. uf•. tJ&Iuena lwill CAt>l1'A!t...... Nnw ll.r'"""''{'o" · AU Bonded Whiskey $1.7.5 pet Quart. 1'UM AI!Porit.-nw. Practice itt -aU Courts :rrtd Port Wine • •..• S() .pet {)~art. l'olltax · C.ounty High Schm-,t llra.ttdf : L•t~d QCfiec ·-tJfliektJerry .so per !Juart. Saa. i, ttl4 tiAlue. oa t.u&

D.laat!Oi cu bait lt1321 i"otlcu to:. .CqJ18fltutlottal Expense Fund A~'aUl.l.~.lti_:lll r,nu. U.t.neeqhutf 'Wattallif paid ~~~114:;;:..._,._.. S'l\A.D'rMAl'f& BYRON Wu-tu141~d <:'ottlily C'i~tk'« ll'ce!lltun«l ·• .Baillituo. baid -ne..t..- t•- l'lul~~Mrue. Ita! £-tan* Int. ...t t.-1._. ~Sch(k)l Dlstrlct lifo. i£1. . s..tr.s.u. CO-ULD .SCARCELY~ . . . i,lttJ, IMJ..rie •IWid O$>PI)tll•ll6tJ~ c..rtk~rN.R, 1'uee

l'~>U tu -'~···' ~ . . ~ Ltq1141'.11i>iiiiea -WAlK·...., __ ....,. __ ...... ABOUT WatraiiV Pali'

Wanu141»W ~~-.Jill~~<~: &nooll»~tttJct No. 15. . R_.,L. Ransom Ja.-,.f,.JiU, tl~faao.oau.ct l'a.t~t Plasterer & Contractor Apptidfoil~f ~W. .t'l4i1Jl.W 911 aU Jclat.lr C,\RBIY..oth · ifflW kltXJCO Wuraav~ ' :Schuo1Df~ifiet 'Na.tG. ~- • t.tJit. l.laae.-.J;ai t.t•u. !kial)it~t)tattJo• Bo. u .. ~ nn~ . .Tdtl' 4 ·~ Y•lUu Uli· 11$1 Jtr1. J. G. !kftgfn~'t ...,,.,.,.r ·~---\1't I. }'


' <.


' ~·-

rmN lWtHI ll bOt und clianc& or all un· ~vollhtl!lo 'Jiredlcnmlint mnde It ncQ· .. 'lllilmrr tor tao I~ wulk JIIIIIL u grAvu­ yrml llft!lt dU~II /)( llQ ,c)VCJihlg, l llllllllir llj!l I llllJlrDIIChed I'll ; !!ttl JOY. IIJIII WC}Q : .. " wnlkQd .a milo ·out of lrtY 1n1y ill SCL Willi Around lt. Jl!Jj, .{!Votl WJth nll ttl)' 'Wilffltii111C > In •~ llotll!h nllompt w prort a rcc:ro• nut co!lrllKe, m)' len" nllvtJrthlll'll" JJ~~~~~ wQr.}' preU)' wal.tllly and m)' k~llc 11ctln11 Willi Mt ot tM llhOW•fiDf1 · ciiiH•. ~I)' lwarl, too, unf:tlli(•IIUY huddled uP 111 11 corrt~.tr 111111 11cnt on lllrlkt), HO thnt. thutl! wnMn't murh blll(Jtl 111 <'b'ci!IAtfQil to ~e!lp mli wttrm. untl t[ulteBa .a. n111tt6r tJt !.\llJlrllc I got "cold r11N." ~ lu tho norvoull tonallm tllf ·Jcnlv contrn~ted ao. 111111 JUf bnlr t••lt 1111 lf Jl wn11 llo mtW)' prlcldn~e uw!lh:il, KOOIIO Jlr.11h wrllhrnl Ill creepy llnc11 !'Vor n1y limlr. V.·hll<' 111m notblnrr . ·by tor, mind .'f()ll, f!Vorr •uu.• ot UIJ.i81t •llmlhnrwtl ~mvro!ea19r atbOi! oil the hotel veraJJda. the- center t'lf ._ &h»IIP Jt Ia .a llhtlplo pit AMi! t11o. ttllt\ldJo~t b1us ot .that Pf )'OliliC ~t)lo, ·Wbetl tho otl1cet door '- ttl do with tho t-liuntlnl ol IJUntan MUlto: tlut 6J)tned and the' bualne1111 mall trotD lnt'lliAl Jlf()Ct>Jiil ot lhfl llill•il, il8, dlllcloed !J)' the llolton. down: hlfliVIdUitt &II ~tl tUJit, ' • buirled the. atop• for 111ual mornlll~r· 'f@lk. WhY tlf It tl••t tbl! 1111111 tWit!) ftlllllceil whb lear goo4 mornlp~;J'' • boametJ Uie •.I: at tlut appfoaeh. ot lUI llupcmdlna bl!ttlo qtflte flrtlfi!iiaor~ vatorloua mornJlll' tor .• C~tten. •• Ulo 11lcotda I• the ont1 who sOb• nr• · r. K01'8lP,.l.IICII·· · ~()~...JOI~f-(larllln'lr."-l'ert JllClf. )8/5-. 'the o1!1et, a'baenU:r. llnJrlllllhli•S hhrt flffi(l)iC 1111 th11 eornnidl!il man •toJI'llh.I.C ~dtlbtJlt/ ·~ jt' ll'tilat· unartllld ur •• .flelns: "ernr wttb •be .h.l!llt''~t ed by th!t. COD'IpillUn('W&mttb ot .the tl11Uit11 • ·t n4tutall1 oblt:liaod wl~b cblld1ah !$Ill' ot &boati and araverartl pbanto~na etMted .Jn tbnlr Jortlle rrtet14. 'he· Of.lled b\Jtf' ..011. )ll thil · Uetwl'l¥!lr• bero"' btl att&ln.• «- thl1 d11sroa or 'WI.ft profetsor, 'here'• my Tt&nsctJpt-' "'OII'II(.t !lfld ClOIUN M'ctrilllall)' (O bil lttlckim WlUi f~~tartnaUon. · llo1t ml!n ·outcrow auch baaelou tears; •nil aQilii!, J ~lUi not undertake lo· sat What thoukbt )'Oli ml$bt Uke to look ,at it, battln taur he mu•~ ha'fe be•n•1flrtlrced trom til• ·:mcr«l·. Ne~er mlncl.returnlilt R ii()nlllt of t11111' by~Qru" l!rott•ll or auoclallou !laldt:~ »or cont. h!lYo btllatural development, "'Ill powet ffl!m itlil oottllclou• conttot. Ft1ar and tl!o .wn• or llllt-tontrot out1rown the aensli Pt .teAr to Jucb when YtiU'ie throuJb, tor l'Ye tnlahetJ an extent that n doca not rpanlte•t Jtntr whtn fa cllailifplllie 1lt. 011, ~tt.'a ~ ~ht. You-re ~1te ttttti .ovhll'ltu:ll ot \lranrr art! ·~tdom It enr COM• 'Y/elcome l~ avre:. Say. re.d tllat blnod In •ny hiuardoua Ulldlirt!lklnl(, anti ""* t~e taco of ilail&er. • . ' . 1 elally In ·the ClPO w11nro. the Jndlddual taeu But thoro litt of Uil In whom te.r qulcklt edltot!al Ott th• tarl1Zt U'• &Ot. tbe antt re~,. wl!c!'t pur Ute. wbo\e attuatloJl tn a nutshelL WeU. 1110 litlotriT In billtlit or othu morW. dlllile.t-Uti• lf1• • nice clay, Jau't aliJilmrtc!Cl and llOn!l. b And 1uch m~n are And that brhtp u• Itt no WPtld " 1 .01110 that amuse-

¥ •.

'WOUI!l be U!ldiH' t.oloQ . )I'; uwn tor th~J dote~•• ot hit coilntrr.. . . Cer#lntr a~t c;verwbelmtng Ma.loTltt of u11 • whether Clr oot WI\ are IIUftidenUt candtil to admtt ·u. experleu~t tbe ilen•a ot teat" in a IJ'eater ilr

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<"<' . . certain·-teed Unole Sam .Now Is. P~b,lisber. of.-Daily Newspaper ...... ,, ' . "• ASJJlNGTON,..,.!J'o lJrol;llQto th~ toreiJll. ®Jillllerce ..o( *h~ l111ltO'd StatQs, Wtbe government .has ~one Into .t4e. 'ijewapap!lr 'bu,ln!'~a, and tbe Do.Uy Commercial RePOrt fl! !lOW being l~lllie!l rec11ltrly by the departmen~ of com· ' merco. l,n.tt ~e. carrtell all . . . commercial cnblegrams rooelyed troll\ the attache~ M tho varll>us exnb!IB• •lee abrQIId and from consuls through• OUt the. WOtld, lt 111110 contalllf!.bfle( ·•bllti!I.O~ of t}lo tlndln&a ot 1nVIlllt!ga. tpr11 of thQ !l~;~J)artm!.1nt h~ IMIIY lln!:l! ot Atnert~l\ll l!nto~Ptf~Je. llllcl presents · · Khaki .for Navy.. ll;n't everY Jlllln who can. k.eell to tha !>usiPe!la world o11.ch day tho Navel medical :authorltlf!'oafter ex.-•. .,,m up whep. he Cllll. sqe .llls tln1!!1l: · , ~;lilt or t.b~ l!us!.ileB.a of: tM department perlcnce gaJned in paval operat1on11 at 'for th(l pr~eedtng day, ...... P~~S£~-. 'fb~;~ pllln tor a ltv(), up-.tp.thl!-!lout Vef!l. Cruz, ~re .of the o{ilnton that -Smile on wae)l da)', That'a when )'Oil use wlllte clotblng, particularly· white Red CrosY ll~g·Dlu~,~. Clo~b~ whiter thall · C!lllll;ll«m:lal (}ally Willi work~ll out by batl,l; llre too eaally PllMtl'l\ted "by the ll!Qw, .~11, 11roce,.., A:dv. Dr. 1!1, lll• ~ratt, chief oc tlio bllrcllu ot foreign and doJrieiiUC c:ommorce. The. 'Jloor rolatlona arg nlmollt all ClUj)' IIUn'll ray11 and nre therefore unsult· new pUbllcat!«:m W.kes the,jllacQ of' the daJly c;op!ular. report wblc;Q. )laQ been ;to nccumulnt.a as Qmpty tomato clUIII. able for use in tM tropics. It is rec­ The Opportunl•t. !BI,Il,!Od for 110me tJme, apd befea!ter tho long mall re,~Jo'rta"trom Allleflcall · Uc-l .loYe tbe' true, tbe gQ,od, tile con11uls rovte'WJng business c:ondiUons .and opportunltle11 Jn thcllr r!lapectlve ommllndo!,l that o~Iy khaki or toreatcy beautlttll, tbe-. · WRONG VIEWS OF MARRIAGE p.Qu\r-.1 clothing bb auppUed to. the sectJons w!U ~e J,lll blfshed. as aupplementa to the Dally· ConunorclaJ RePOrt:. . . . Shtt-Ob, Oeorgp, this ls 110 audd.cn! n!lvy· tor Jnndlng .partl~a •..-The Path· Brooldyn Lawyer Tell a of Some. Popu· WOMAN .IN finder, ,;. . • . lar lmp~nlona That /l.re Entlr~·. TENDER SENSITIVE SKINS .·wondertuf C~llections of .. the Dead. letter Mail ly Erron.coua •. . 8omo .P<>rnona bcllevo, ll&fll Mr, BAD CONDITION ll\IKO lllriJh ot tho llrookl;yn bur, In Restored To Health b;y Lydill ·· Saya Druiie Exolfo l

• · :H:110P )'our lddne)'a clea'n ~ou keep until Willi worn .out. .For thu rour J»wela clean, bY 1!Uablnr them ·eako convenience, tho omc:lala ot Ioree, tfureai!,J c:Mrcloll, \I Hop tor tlto PUfJIOiill oC bflnglng n!Jout mntrlago · · iwlth. a inlld, llannlc~s .aalta which .reo P11n·/l.merlcan Union~ tbe dead Jetter otnce hvo lumped cer­ ta,ln articles together Jn large _pac:lc· be\weetr Junn nnd womlln, 110 not at• movei. the body's 'U~lnoUJI ·waato an!l Tho l'an•Amcrlcan tJnlo!l Ja. an om· Teet tbtl les•tttr·or th11 rollltlonalttp, ll'!lbOUteted me, atlmulates them to their norJilal actlv· cll\l organf%atlon made up of th~ t..wen• agew. Thus one :Jl'llflcia .. a v•c:ka&o or paln my aldo and 1ty, 'rllo' tunctton the kldneya fa to handkcrcllleta an«l runa· fnto a brlaht t.oung uaortmont or b.rua c:aaU11r;a, bUt ln. tbbl tll11Y aro mlatnkon, becauso a badlJ«!adacbc m011t. or t)'I'()JlO republic• of tbe AnicrJcin con• avery lltnte and territorY )IIIII l\ la.W 111ter.,;the blood. ln 24 ~ours they OJ:. 'urntnr.!rom a :Particularly mela!lcbolt collection ot booka, llo runtl amack IT!~.Us.'ll'liliiltn tho Umc. Lydl• tlnent. Itt! onlca Ia .In Wasblngton JIJ'O\'Idhtg lor tl[ Into collectl!ln come out. or Santa tllo arinul11umt f}. Ve~ atratn from 1t 600 rralna ot achl and and lta el: tight ot tho bag rJagea eaulll!tl by !mud, torco, t'te, ·, PinKham'• wute, 10 'Wo can readily underatand relt, w.lth tho tftlo ot director gcn• Claus. 'rbero lB a alnglo packago that. contains Ul women'• aprons, wJth Cit tablo COmpound hu all&ortC!d sarmenta wb.lcll tho gay young ftappora ot thosu parloua Ua1cs Somu JtHm bellova thnt wJve• •re ~....J..w.....J...... _.~...~,.J..IcJOna mu.loJMQt gQOc.l the vJtal .lmporQI.nco ot keeping tho Cf!ll ot tl1c Pan·Amertc:an upton, The chattleli und 111ay tm bcu1en Into aut,. lddne)'a activo. • .governing 'bpard which contJ:Ois Us ac­ C!llllllder obsolcto. Then there aro l'IG vai18 of boao bundled ~osether. J.Dd I floW frill l\M. am regular, my . ·lllYen the moat peaalmlfiUc autrero.r troJII hay tever cheer• ·up when he minion, ThhJ·la ~ gru.rtt error, tllr ln •tomach I• butWr an•l my pain• buve aU Drtilk lota of water--)'ou can't clrlnlt UvJUea Ia comPOIIccl ot ~bo dlt,lomaUc JIIIUIY OC thO lltllt(l1J IIUCh Cllli4Ut:L Ill . too much; also got from any pbanna• rcprcsentaUVes llt Washington of each roes by the llandkercblet department of tho'dcad letter omc:o. Tltero 11 a lot~ me. Yw can ~o. my no.moit you cauao ror an •btsol\lte dlvore!t>, and Jn .like, I .am proud ot rudblu for tlle JlfCI!imt government• clnoeouldnQtUvoarid grow ln Jl!lpularlly bOon \t.IJed lor &ene~ona to ~lean and «ave .a quarter mlllfon. dollara.-Lea. bt many fllhermen. It bu rec(!lieil1,842 tlahhooka and GOG vtecos.. or ftahlng at ban OJI Vodku., tho d~ondlzlnc tor nearly forty }'oant, and to-day hokJ aUruulate cloned lddnoya; alld to Ue'a Weekly. · ta~e. ':the (lllty thine the dead lclte.r omco haan't 10t ja the-ftll~'tl allbt. l\.11.,i!hm llrJu'V, t• A. Jle)UIJ&~t. bt t.lrth lot tholieandaupqn thQU.~Iindll ~eutn!bo 'the actdi Jli urine 10 l't no A tow other 1ltUo lllda Until! In tho dUd IaUer omee art &Yilt, blcycle Urt•• autd orfglnally a ltOt!IIO .tudntor. Thein , aa hu Lydia&. Pin\• · loqer .11 a Jourco ot 1rri\Atlon, thua "In the. ,Seglnnlng.'' . abotsun•, :horae bl&nkela and l!lcfura potlal card• to the number ot about: Jto bec:amo lnayor ot tb4 c:rty ot Sa• Vescctllblc con~potlnd, wlU100t ending bladder wealm.;aa. "Say, Adam." remarked Ero at. lho 70.000. • . " • mara, anQ J11 now ll tnllllomtlro. l'hYll• ;w Jad.Salta 11 tnexpenalY~H cannQ~ Jn• brcaktnt table, .. l need a 111!\V gown, . - lc.JJy hft ta a ahmt, 11tandlnK over al~ .~ jure: make. t. dcllchltul oftcrveacent. What ldnd shalU r;ett" : teet tour Jnt>hea.hi ld" •toc)dl'l& tcot ' - .lJthJa.:water-L.drln~ whlch &Vl!n'onlt·r· -!.'Obr. dw't both6r"me:' r;iowJed ·Old Was.bingto.IL_Cafe~.landmark Forced to !lllll!t, ~ .~-.,l ..cUJ~~:lable-lbY-ov«!ry. ,tlJlJ1khllt ,;.M'hl(~ F ~ should take ~ow and then who -waa trying to v~ruso tho XC ,-ou'tuwa tlto allghtMtctog'bt thelzo lddne)'ll clean lind acUve. 'rr.f "l don't. earo a fig fll Mineralogy. ~ UOOM.AKER'S haa moved.. Tho qualnt ot«t reataurant landmark, which baa that t..rclla E.l•lnkh~m'JJ ,~e~~fAi.. .thta, alao keep up the water drtQldrlr;, wha~ l'OU let. nut aa 1t't!l tM 1'ro(i!1!110r-~.Xamu Uan Jargt>at known S el.oOd Jn New!lpaper ltow alnce \Vublnrton Wlill a vJlhigo IJld llMIIIIJhaJJta bla Compouml wiU bcfp )'Olft\vrJ to and 'no. doubt you will wonC!er whAt Jtrat ot tho )'eat, perhaps It a<:k to .town' and aet up u .hero meelil tho ')lel'()lne!' Sboomalu'!r's. ·'rho · blrtenllcra a luhloJUibto d~ntfat.'• wor41 .SiJJ:Oila; lb!!Y wcra. atmply ''That's no change. o( occupation. :nel!s m®. dad In cotJyentlonal l(e'a atnt ~urUvaUn~ a<:bef!J." · auJbt, w1thout (Wen tho cufta

Matchleta Conceit. ~ Strangei'-tlil.ve you a mJlteb, slrf London crtat., Vafn tndltlduat..:..No, 1 don't think •'\V-.ttert Vtenn&. stuk,pleuer• so.-Doaton Evening TtallkrJpt. • "''U.ah, air, we calla •em l'~trograd . . . :Patttea now, atrl" Tho more a man icts the· mom h Mothers Know That wanta-unlesa a POllee judge Ia deallqs- tt Ottt. . Genuine Castoria .

ltinitaUy nee~ (Ot hllf essary· ther~· Shoo maker's the fore1 that you . . 'i'tadtUon aayg that naUorutt blstory bu 'been made In ba<:k room. ot take good care Shoomaket's. The stockroom crowded In Close agatn'lt th\i biti', .. Jn the JllfdcUCY Of the bar stocktoom Wall an Old·lashltmed coal Jfove 1Vllh tbe' IIAW• ot . your akin. duat box l>eneaUt lt. In Ute cold winter da111 tba ol!l atove would blutb flrou:nd ita b11ae, antt 6ves:, fn thii eorners, behind tht'! .Ue~ ot w1ne CAlleS, :meal bel'S ot eon;;tesa would gather oYe~ their "l'lllll'and·Jerrte• and their egt• ZONA POMADE JlOgll¥ to discuss the state ot the nation or tell Ylrn•. In Us.~.·· For Over Thirty tears J~CASTORIA~ bC-iHI~__,,...,.,.....,.... ., I' TA' ..N~o.·· . . ..· ...

. .... ' . \ .. HA1'· you are a .lllan who .thinks fie. T·· really fan't get~fit in r~ady.clothe~- ·~Q~seq:uentl. y.. you pay. m.. ore fo.. r a ·· .$U.it ·:than thesame·would·cost ready made.·. If it istrue.tha~ fQi:J. f~ei that ·.way, ~we· · ,, .want ~o ·~ell you· that we1can ma~e all .. c'othes to measure for you. While ~ur · ~-:~ncip~ idea isto· sell ready. clothing, .- . there 1s no t~ason why we can't giv~ you· what: you want. . · . · . The nexttirg~ _yqu .:wa~t a . . . ·. ; sliow yotl some sampl.es~, take your mea; suite and have l;lctrt,'Schaffnet & Marx make the suit sp~ciel:t . . · ,.. · . You'll saye $10.00. or $20.00 and get unusual quality; try it·. . · ·

Carrizozo's ·we Live up.to Economy ,Our Aq.. , Center. . ZIE·GLER. BROS. vertisements

lllll ttln a r prlt Bi'u·, • tlrt•_l' wtll lw plt·.t'>~·d lwldN, Mul fur tbe 'buy'> Jittl¢ TJ:tl 'JIIIIII''\'Utl th••lt 11flft''l, ' iUHI,Wl1th• hilt~:bf.'t5, ..

- 1\.{.() .. N~·U-l\'t-J~ .. N ..'l'-H - ,,.... _.

Prices on all \Vintea~ riterchan:.. ·a-fstrwtUoe-cut:~eep'during ... -"

Clettned for our large sprf~1g and summer lines .. fXIRA ~ YALUfS · IN fYfR Y tiNf ·· Early Spring Arr{o~ls Walk· Oo.er Sh~es and Pump$ Newest lasts· and feathers ih· 'button· and tace boots for , , *·. . ~· r , ~· : . * '- \VOJ1leO~~:the \StyJe.s we show .ate·. abs~luteJy correct' arid ·.. exc;lusi.ve with us: - W·alk Overs ··EJ.t · $4.'oo ·to .$s:oo· .. ~ .Otlier Brands ~t $2~5~ to ·$4.00. c ' :" ~ ' • ' ' • • ~ . : TM carrizozo Ifadilf~ company · Quati'ty Plrst "'Wuk Over Shbe•" ~rlien Prlc:e,

. r :f \. ~ •· •• ~ " ......