1Rewe. Iannum I' J ~-.Journal D~>Voted to Th.E, Interests of Lihcoln County

1Rewe. Iannum I' J ~-.Journal D~>Voted to Th.E, Interests of Lihcoln County

'' .·$l.oo . ·ret ,,. 1Rewe. IAnnum I' J ~-.Journal D~>voted to th.e, interests of Lihcoln County. ·- -:~~~··-~-~,::l!:::z .' ,' . ' . " .• ·, . ~ · CA.~Rxzozo. LlN"CO:kN coUNTY, lill:W M-mxrco. Ji'EBl~ttA}{Y :ac, •. ats.. ,. .... .. ' . ' • . .. : ' . 'i '' . ' '. : 4£ • .J ~. ' . •, ·' About ·the Pt.esent ·State· Legislature 03y SpedpJ C',Qrre~:~pondi:mt to t)u~ Ne1v~~ ·- SUtltn Ft>,Febt'Unry !H~l · ·A··- · ·.·... FTER six weeks of turmoll, backing and fit- - ling and 9f .innumerable 11busted _. de<1ls'' the 1_.....,.._1 the rf,!publican majo_pty tlnally agreed upon a J.~r. ~-~-a ·county $Ulary bill .Monday and. passed·it by a ~it,4. · two-thirds majority in each l1ottse, the ~emo- . ~'$" . cra,ts voting no to n. man •.. The billl1as gon~ · . .___ ...· to t~e goyernor, whose action upon it has not been indicated; hut whether the govesnor vetoes the . bj},l or not, it is in aU likelilwod the bill which will be­ come law,· since the two thirds majority will stand .pat according to all indications.~ · , This sa1azy bill represents a gro1>s outlay· to the ~ 2.60 county officers now provided for by law, o£ $3,'!' · 337,000 in tb~ period of seven :fears covered by· the . .operation of'the bill. ThiSllmoun.t is exactly $935,000 greater than the . ,.,. auiount propos~d in the democratic cau~us bill which the republicans refused Cv.f:ll . to have Jead in the house. ln a word the republican majQJity .is ii:eliber.. ·a~ely giving away nearly a mil~ion dolla:r:,s of the money of the taxpayers to men who will not be .able .. ; i -:c· ____ f_f-GS· _ _ GRAVEOIGGER TO tb.a:n~~~::t~~w;r:~'::-::e~'Tt'~:·:*:!:~~~~~~b~~-~·d~ IIOJ't cr llt!t.tement t.hnt b,ll.ll a ~ore IJ~t • lJillU~~ dOllar• tor .. gra.ve- " " ·ft·..... Q " __-- __ 0.- "" .._-_ .. • ·IFor. w'a's Five Years direct ap~al than PUlll!lted o.-.t:qey, dlg~er! · · . \ -A :.CH_ ILO'S-.__ •B_ OW_E·ts·.- D-_.IN- . &·.- TrQubled . MAN OF MILLIONS ln=~~=~:t~~.go out. On tlln ":i~~ day :~: the ~:~~::::'1: ~r~at strike !)mer,«~~)'!'t~:~ :!!~!~~~:.::t:;~~:·~!~~t · · . · - . _ . _ __ -- . _·B..·O.•J-L. _ _ ~- ith a 11tnrted, .moro men remqJned on Uoili-'J' Pm't enoq~b tpr f!Oine men. I W · · · Jn U1.11 mill over· wJHcli. Dlllon hJHl llhJ mo.~)" Wall IIQmetb.lp,c :~e a liur- t iS oryeJ to . fQrC~ ni!U$eating, . Ch.tOniC Extraordinary Ris6 in l.ife of Pat· charge tban hl -IIJ!Y .otMr Jli;Jrt ()t· tho deJl W· l)Jilon. 'llo ll~d!ld: WQt~ H13 ' ' • harsb physic. fntq a. ' " . " ""'Y'""..... ,...~ ............. .,.,.,.,.,.,;...,..., ...., ..... .,...v ......,. ~..... .._.....,.,.,..~ ~ . .. rick H. Dllhm of Pittsburgh •. · m1unti10tll. u!imcllt!.lac:J pJat~t. Mver ltad bt~en Jdle, Jao 1dle.ne~a w11a $iC:k -ehild, . · GUARD AGAINST ROAD ABUSE Disease. 'l'hC> llh'll!e wall pne ot tho ll~:rc~t In Ji!lrd tor llllil to be•t· .)fr, . ' .. ~ ........ _punl•'"me·n• s. i.ould·. Be. Meted FUlll.a. ·. ~ tbe l!lutory at .Atn(lri;n. 'l'lie c:ompara- came to ·hla;rellf;lf. · fle ~as J..ooit back !lt 'Ytlur t.llHhUioocl :4.an. .,,. ..,.,.. ,. " •. " . Pe_· · . th•cly tnw men wll.o temal.ned !'t wprk tlial ~fat4 iJ)t9restllln N~;~w Y~~k 9-ltr. Uemell!ber tile "dose" it!Qtllet !nstlit~d . Qll~ 'to 'T'hl!""' Who Dell~er•l!!l)' (M · 'Cured nte ·HIS ·.START: 1~ .. A CEM,ETERY wer~ 11ho~. at, 11toncd and beaten. lle clocs. II' •ot at l;lu04ft!g, lltt wht !lA - !:lll!tc;lr <iU, -<:alomf;ll, cathl!rtic!l. · · . Up Hlfi1hW•.Y~·.J3uflt f11r Pu.llllc. · ·· · ··· ·. · Tbcro wa11 ,murder nnd fiqt dny 11ftfl~ Dillon: be w~nt~d lllm '4ti b4 11111 )l!lr• H!!W you hl!-t!!d ttl(un, how )'o.~ tall~Jht · · · · .....- : · SoUnd· · .. day. At VnOQI,IIl tlmea flOm() Qt tbc;l llOJlnl l'epresen~Uve J~ •U biB bll.lld· ,llgalnst, taklirg them.. You. bougllt a~d p~\1 rO"r- t4~ ~oad d. ur n· ,I'Ote$!e.ofMre. Plllppa, Given Work In ID!lll who hall been Jn1lue.nccd by- Dll- 1n!' n11all'll, • • WltiJ. OI,IJ' Cflildren It'll different. tAAt twill b)' fOQJ:' i!O.\)fWilY aud i)l.e an . n e • .. Home~tead M111•1 Wa,". Fal~hfuJ In JO'n W\lY(!rf.'if. No. ll!l!l al~ mQt, "Jluf, Mr. P.hlppll, man AUV(l,.·X. d~n·t MQthllr• wbj) cling" t:q tbe ()Jd .fQrm or Other l'!ladl!- m. your 4\lWll!llll.:l' ap!l ~ ~us: .~ani~ Durl!ln, . VJctQrr Blr;~ Strike~ and VI"' .RI.ohi,Y · t11e clcrgymafl .to bold Ul(ltn In JJne. k1le>'Y II.IIyll!,bg.'abQnt bllllftlM,:O llnlil pl\yslc llltUJ!lt don't realize wllat ~lleY' c!l~Jntr•. 'r,lrllt 111, 11'ou )laid rour Pl1rt St.. UUI<~ lto9k, Ark., wrUea; ''l w» · _RfWa.i'ded, · . As he counseled Plllou, .h .... ~U!liSelcd Dtllon,. dQ, 'l'll~ chlldre,n:•a l'!lVOitJs ~~IHoU_I!,d.• ln bJJildlllg'. the blgllWilY· I! you are a trouble!! tor t\Ve 'fears with "ehl'!ll1•e. them. ''l'o l;lurrcmler to.torce" WAll '""lr"' en 1earn,' f .,n."~ I" ..plr. J> hi. Jlpa. ' 'Y(lq· ed; · Tllelr. t!lnder· .UUle "lilflhll!ll'! !l.te. Pr(Jper t Y. owner .tou pa"l" •h .II t part of,llleeJiae.- bu~ 1!!thins trl!!d evep:IJJhtg~ld roe !UlY ~ he&fltCO«XX• By RICHARD SPILLANE, m!lnlyi bo ilcclarcd, · lct~,rn~:d. tQ J"eacl M4 write wb!)ll !t waL\1 1nJure·d by them, · directly In !IQ manY dollani 'lln!l c~11t~ SQme ao Ol'!l 'liald. mY . tr!l.ubl~ ~ .a, CCopyriKilt; M<Ciur• Nll!op~ptr !lyodlr.mJ,c.) ot all thu Jiomeat(la\1 J!Cce,l!nnr. "i'Qll lca~(l!l. the steel It .yo11r chlld'l! atom!lcb, Uver an!l ot J'P~d. Jincl brl!lso tal.~. Jt Yolt are calnrrll. <It e b(nve)il, .utd •ome llald .ln the l'llrlOUfl J1nta or l"Ht~bUrgh thu only mill that }{ept tmln~; b11""!nes11 when It was· n~OCJII!ney, bowelll qeell clann!llng, .~lvo only !leU• Tenter You are not el!capln~r. Yo !I, are c11nsumptl11n o.. Ule , bowels. · one: mllllonnlreo ll!l ·one ever han lnchHied o!lt tho utrlke WUII that l!maU Oil<! ovcl;' !lOll t Bf.lQ why you ~Itt learn. ~,he clo11111 "CillltQrllla ~Yr!lp ot FJga.'' It!! varlP.g tn rent. and Jndlr~:cUy. · doctor l!lllld he uld. cure me;. J tOQk tbo ·nnme ot Pntrlck n Dlllon, yat It wbtch Dillon had ch!lr~;e. The fQrco building bu!ll~es11 1t It II necessBrf, action Is Jlosltlve1 bllt !fell tie, Millions 'l'he roa!l 1s your road. Jt lt ls cut. JJI11 medicine ~wo month,s, but It dl.cl beiQngo there. No Jlot would bu com• wu11 lnade,1uato, but It kept the fires • Dlllon ltlldn t beon l!andUng men tor ot mothers keep this harmJesa "truU up by the hnullng qt h~vy lands on me no g11ol!. A trlena ~ mine ad· pleto without lt. Uo'o one of tho going alllllt kflpt tUrnlnl; Ollt m.aterJnJ, yearn WftbOU~ knowJng somotblpg. lJo ~!IXatlva'' halldy; lP,ey ~!.lOW chiJdrell UattOW•tlred wagons you wll1 have to A~~~~ r:a~Q t~:~~~~~: l::...:r princes mndo by steel juot all 11urely Dillon worlted nlgbt and day, rcaUng bad the ~ood ·aenee neve1 W dl!lCIOI;lEI love to take !t: thttt It never falls to ataild. tor the troubl(l 11.11d discomforts It was helplnJ<mr, , eontlnuecllt& 11 0 1 1111 l. Cunwglo or lilchwnb or CQry or only when bu wn exhausted Jte cam~t lilts lgnorunco to th(lm, Ho weqt to clean the ·liver and l>owela and sweet- ot next winter, when the ruts Jlto llulr use, and It hll.ll cured me sound .uti! PencQCk, nnd hln rlnu hull buen more or' a fighting at~ck ·and sev~ral ttmeu ono or tho great c:ontractors or New en tho stomach, and that a teaspoonful deep. U you permit heavy rn~ns to well. 1 can rec:omme!ld Pervna 11> r~•rnarkablo. Ho probllbly 111 t.bu only when h"•nnd hiP ·rnen,.wcro attacked Y:ork---one ot tlle Stari'Otts-nnd ex· given today S!lVes a 11lck child tomor• scour out th(l rouudatlons or a wooden ·any one, 111\d It any one wants t~ rnllllllnJdro In Arm•rlca lodny wbQ roi!O ho hnd to batt1o for bla urn. He gave plnlncd ~he llltuatlon W him. · . row, culvert and that culvert finally falls know what Pe.runa dla tor me It they rrorn Kfll v•·dlggllr all good all ho received. Once be nar· "Help me out," ho sniiJ, "I h<:nr Ask 11t the storo ror a GO·cent bottle In or ls washed out, you, as on(! ot the wUJ write to me 1 will IU18Wer rowly cnl'nped death and wnn- :nnd Syrup obf bFtgs,"bw·dblch thnt road, will be dill• .!':"•. .... !'!!'. It wa11 '' a c~>~notory near Plttnburtll re~~cucd ~~~~.J.Ill~!~v a:~~ ~ s~~coh~~!ndq obt11 ",ca 1 t~rnela.tl cd n~>:n:daee;:, ot ~~~ro~~m~~~ti~Y~·~~· ~----~--.,· -~--~-!'!!'-!"". =.. '!!!-!'!!'.~~~-- lu whic-h l'nddy IJIIIon lnb11r••d. Ho !rom u mob unconncloup. 8 .... • B. u 1 1 " 1 r c ons .1 or a 1eo, c 11 ren 0 Gay Old Doga.

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