Bibliographyof Space Books Andarticlesfrom Non 2020-03-11T18:02:45+00:00Zi_sB--rM-._lO&-{/£ 3 1176 00167 6031 HHR-51 NASA-TM-81068 ]9800016707 BibliographyOf Space Books And ArticlesFrom Non-AerospaceJournals 1957-1977 _'C>_.Ft_iEFERENC_ I0_,'-i p,,.,,gvi ,:,.2, , t ,£}J L,_:,._._ •..... , , .2 ,IFER History Office ...;_.o.v,. ._,.,- NASA Headquarters Washington, DC 20546 1979 i HHR-51 BIBLIOGRAPHYOF SPACEBOOKS AND ARTICLES FROM NON-AEROSPACE JOURNALS 1957-1977 John J. Looney History Office NASA Headquarters Washlngton 9 DC 20546 . 1979 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Stock Number 033-000-0078t-1 Kc6o<2_o00 CONTENTS Introduction.................................................... v I. Space Activity A. General ..................................................... i B. Peaceful Uses ............................................... 9 C. Military Uses ............................................... Ii 2. Spaceflight: Earliest Times to Creation of NASA ................ 19 3. Organlzation_ Admlnlstration 9 and Management of NASA ............ 30 4. Aeronautics..................................................... 36 5. BoostersandRockets............................................ 38 6. Technology of Spaceflight....................................... 45 7. Manned Spaceflight.............................................. 77 8. Space Science A. Disciplines Other than Space Medicine ....................... 96 B. Space Medicine ..............................................119 C.
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