The Siege of Savannah in December, 1864, and the Confederate
THE SIEGE OF SAVANNAH IN DECEMBER, 1864, AND THE CONFEDERATE OPERATIONS IN GEORGIA THE THIRD MILITARY DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA DURING GENERAL SHERMAN S MARCH FROM ATLANTA TO THE SEA. BY CHARLES C JONES, JR. LATE LIEUT. COL. ARTILLERY, C. S. A., AND CHIEF OF ARTILLERY DURING THE SIEGE. THE SIEGE OF SAVANNAH IK DECEMBER, 1864, AND THE CONFEDERATE OPERATIONS IN GEORGIA AND THE THIRD MILITARY DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA DURING GENERAL SHERMAN S MARCH FROM ATLANTA TO THE SEA. BY CHARLES C. JONES, JK., LATE LIEUT. COL. ARTILLERY, C. S. A., AND CHIEF OF ARTILLERY DURING THE SIEGE. PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR. ALBANY, N. Y. : JOEL M UN SELL. 1874. 6? Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1875, by CHARLES C. JONES, Jr., in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. C. TO THE CITY OF SAVANNAH, IS DEDICATED THIS NARRATIVE OF HER SUFFERINGS AND HER FALL. M213967 PREFACE. To perpetuate the Confederate memories con nected with the march of General Sherman from Atlanta to Savannah is the design of the following pages. To be guided in all that he relates by the genuine circumstances of the action has been the author s care. This sad chapter in the history of Georgia has been written only by those who made light of her afflictions, laughed at her calamities, gloated over her losses, and lauded her spoilers. A predatory expedition, inaugurated with full knowledge of her weakness, conceived in a spirit of wanton destruction, conducted in violation of the rules of civilized warfare, and compassed in the face of feeble resistance, has been mag nified into a grand military achievement wor thy of all admiration.
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